Tests / main.py
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Project Title: Auto Synced Translated Dubs (https://github.com/ThioJoe/Auto-Synced-Translated-Dubs)
# Author / Project Owner: "ThioJoe" (https://github.com/ThioJoe)
# License: GPLv3
# NOTE: By contributing to this project, you agree to the terms of the GPLv3 license, and agree to grant the project owner the right to also provide or sell this software, including your contribution, to anyone under any other license, with no compensation to you.
version = '0.15.0'
print(f"------- 'Auto Synced Translated Dubs' script by ThioJoe - Release version {version} -------")
# winsound.py
# Import other files
from Scripts.shared_imports import *
import Scripts.TTS as TTS
import Scripts.audio_builder as audio_builder
import Scripts.auth as auth
import Scripts.translate as translate
from Scripts.utils import parseBool
# Import built in modules
import re
import copy
import winsound
# Import other modules
import ffprobe
# rubberband binaries: https://breakfastquay.com/rubberband/ - Put rubberband.exe and sndfile.dll in the same folder as this script
# ffmpeg installed: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html
#---------------------------------------- Batch File Processing ----------------------------------------
# Get list of languages to process
languageNums = batchConfig['SETTINGS']['enabled_languages'].replace(' ','').split(',')
srtFile = os.path.abspath(batchConfig['SETTINGS']['srt_file_path'].strip("\""))
# Get original video file path, also allow you to debug using a subtitle file without having the original video file
videoFilePath = batchConfig['SETTINGS']['original_video_file_path']
# Validate the number of sections
for num in languageNums:
# Check if section exists
if not batchConfig.has_section(f'LANGUAGE-{num}'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid language number in batch.ini: {num} - Make sure the section [LANGUAGE-{num}] exists')
# Validate the settings in each section
for num in languageNums:
if not batchConfig.has_option(f'LANGUAGE-{num}', 'synth_language_code'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration in batch.ini: {num} - Make sure the option "synth_language_code" exists under [LANGUAGE-{num}]')
if not batchConfig.has_option(f'LANGUAGE-{num}', 'synth_voice_name'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration in batch.ini: {num} - Make sure the option "synth_voice_name" exists under [LANGUAGE-{num}]')
if not batchConfig.has_option(f'LANGUAGE-{num}', 'translation_target_language'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration in batch.ini: {num} - Make sure the option "translation_target_language" exists under [LANGUAGE-{num}]')
if not batchConfig.has_option(f'LANGUAGE-{num}', 'synth_voice_gender'):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid configuration in batch.ini: {num} - Make sure the option "synth_voice_gender" exists under [LANGUAGE-{num}]')
# Create a dictionary of the settings from each section
batchSettings = {}
for num in languageNums:
batchSettings[num] = {
'synth_language_code': batchConfig[f'LANGUAGE-{num}']['synth_language_code'],
'synth_voice_name': batchConfig[f'LANGUAGE-{num}']['synth_voice_name'],
'translation_target_language': batchConfig[f'LANGUAGE-{num}']['translation_target_language'],
'synth_voice_gender': batchConfig[f'LANGUAGE-{num}']['synth_voice_gender']
#======================================== Parse SRT File ================================================
def parse_srt_file(srtFileLines, preTranslated=False):
# Matches the following example with regex: 00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:23,419
subtitleTimeLineRegex = re.compile(r'\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d --> \d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d')
# Create a dictionary
subsDict = {}
# Will add this many milliseconds of extra silence before and after each audio clip / spoken subtitle line
addBufferMilliseconds = int(config['add_line_buffer_milliseconds'])
# Enumerate lines, and if a line in lines contains only an integer, put that number in the key, and a dictionary in the value
# The dictionary contains the start, ending, and duration of the subtitles as well as the text
# The next line uses the syntax HH:MM:SS,MMM --> HH:MM:SS,MMM . Get the difference between the two times and put that in the dictionary
# For the line after that, put the text in the dictionary
for lineNum, line in enumerate(srtFileLines):
line = line.strip()
if line.isdigit() and subtitleTimeLineRegex.match(srtFileLines[lineNum + 1]):
lineWithTimestamps = srtFileLines[lineNum + 1].strip()
lineWithSubtitleText = srtFileLines[lineNum + 2].strip()
# If there are more lines after the subtitle text, add them to the text
count = 3
while True:
# Check if the next line is blank or not
if (lineNum+count) < len(srtFileLines) and srtFileLines[lineNum + count].strip():
lineWithSubtitleText += ' ' + srtFileLines[lineNum + count].strip()
count += 1
# Create empty dictionary with keys for start and end times and subtitle text
subsDict[line] = {'start_ms': '', 'end_ms': '', 'duration_ms': '', 'text': '', 'break_until_next': '', 'srt_timestamps_line': lineWithTimestamps}
time = lineWithTimestamps.split(' --> ')
time1 = time[0].split(':')
time2 = time[1].split(':')
# Converts the time to milliseconds
processedTime1 = int(time1[0]) * 3600000 + int(time1[1]) * 60000 + int(time1[2].split(',')[0]) * 1000 + int(time1[2].split(',')[1]) #/ 1000 #Uncomment to turn into seconds
processedTime2 = int(time2[0]) * 3600000 + int(time2[1]) * 60000 + int(time2[2].split(',')[0]) * 1000 + int(time2[2].split(',')[1]) #/ 1000 #Uncomment to turn into seconds
timeDifferenceMs = str(processedTime2 - processedTime1)
# Adjust times with buffer
if addBufferMilliseconds > 0 and not preTranslated:
subsDict[line]['start_ms_buffered'] = str(processedTime1 + addBufferMilliseconds)
subsDict[line]['end_ms_buffered'] = str(processedTime2 - addBufferMilliseconds)
subsDict[line]['duration_ms_buffered'] = str((processedTime2 - addBufferMilliseconds) - (processedTime1 + addBufferMilliseconds))
subsDict[line]['start_ms_buffered'] = str(processedTime1)
subsDict[line]['end_ms_buffered'] = str(processedTime2)
subsDict[line]['duration_ms_buffered'] = str(processedTime2 - processedTime1)
# Set the keys in the dictionary to the values
subsDict[line]['start_ms'] = str(processedTime1)
subsDict[line]['end_ms'] = str(processedTime2)
subsDict[line]['duration_ms'] = timeDifferenceMs
subsDict[line]['text'] = lineWithSubtitleText
if lineNum > 0:
# Goes back to previous line's dictionary and writes difference in time to current line
subsDict[str(int(line)-1)]['break_until_next'] = processedTime1 - int(subsDict[str(int(line) - 1)]['end_ms'])
subsDict[line]['break_until_next'] = 0
# Apply the buffer to the start and end times by setting copying over the buffer values to main values
if addBufferMilliseconds > 0 and not preTranslated:
for key, value in subsDict.items():
subsDict[key]['start_ms'] = value['start_ms_buffered']
subsDict[key]['end_ms'] = value['end_ms_buffered']
subsDict[key]['duration_ms'] = value['duration_ms_buffered']
return subsDict
# ----------------------------------------
# Open an srt file and read the lines into a list
with open(srtFile, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
originalSubLines = f.readlines()
originalLanguageSubsDict = parse_srt_file(originalSubLines)
#======================================== Get Total Duration ================================================
# Final audio file Should equal the length of the video in milliseconds
def get_duration(filename):
import subprocess, json
result = subprocess.check_output(
f'ffprobe -v quiet -show_streams -select_streams v:0 -of json "{filename}"', shell=True).decode()
fields = json.loads(result)['streams'][0]
duration = fields['tags']['DURATION']
except KeyError:
duration = fields['duration']
durationMS = round(float(duration)*1000) # Convert to milliseconds
return durationMS
# Get the duration of the original video file
if config['debug_mode'] and ORIGINAL_VIDEO_PATH.lower() == "debug.test":
# Copy the duration based on the last timestamp of the subtitles
totalAudioLength = int(originalLanguageSubsDict[str(len(originalLanguageSubsDict))]['end_ms'])
totalAudioLength = get_duration(ORIGINAL_VIDEO_PATH)
#============================================= Directory Validation =====================================================
# Check if the output folder exists, if not, create it
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY):
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER):
# Check if the working folder exists, if not, create it
if not os.path.exists('workingFolder'):
#======================================== Translation and Text-To-Speech ================================================
def manually_prepare_dictionary(dictionaryToPrep):
### Do additional Processing to match the format produced by translation function
# Create new key 'translated_text' and set it to the value of 'text'
for key, value in dictionaryToPrep.items():
dictionaryToPrep[key]['translated_text'] = value['text']
# Convert the keys to integers and return the dictionary
return {int(k): v for k, v in dictionaryToPrep.items()}
def get_pretranslated_subs_dict(langData):
# Get list of files in the output folder
files = os.listdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER)
# Check if youtube-translated directory/files exist
if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_YTSYNCED_FOLDER):
altFiles = os.listdir(OUTPUT_YTSYNCED_FOLDER)
altFiles = None
# If alternative translations found in addition to the main output folder, ask user which to use
if altFiles and files:
print("Found YouTube-synced translations in: " + OUTPUT_YTSYNCED_FOLDER)
userResponse = input("Use YouTube-synced translations instead of those in main output folder? (y/n): ")
if userResponse.lower() == 'y':
files = altFiles
print("Using YouTube-synced translations...\n")
elif altFiles and not files:
print("Found YouTube-synced translations to use in: " + OUTPUT_YTSYNCED_FOLDER)
files = altFiles
# Check if any files ends with the specific language code and srt file extension
for file in files:
if file.replace(' ', '').endswith(f"-{langData['translation_target_language']}.srt"):
# If so, open the file and read the lines into a list
with open(f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{file}", 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
pretranslatedSubLines = f.readlines()
print(f"Pre-translated file found: {file}")
# Parse the srt file using function
preTranslatedDict = parse_srt_file(pretranslatedSubLines, preTranslated=True)
# Convert the keys to integers
preTranslatedDict = manually_prepare_dictionary(preTranslatedDict)
# Return the dictionary
return preTranslatedDict
# If no file is found, return None
return None
# Process a language: Translate, Synthesize, and Build Audio
def process_language(langData, processedCount, totalLanguages):
langDict = {
'targetLanguage': langData['translation_target_language'],
'voiceName': langData['synth_voice_name'],
'languageCode': langData['synth_language_code'],
'voiceGender': langData['synth_voice_gender'],
'translateService': langData['translate_service'],
'formality': langData['formality']
individualLanguageSubsDict = copy.deepcopy(originalLanguageSubsDict)
# Print language being processed
print(f"\n----- Beginning Processing of Language ({processedCount}/{totalLanguages}): {langDict['languageCode']} -----")
# Check for special case where original language is the same as the target language
if langDict['languageCode'].lower() == config['original_language'].lower():
print("Original language is the same as the target language. Skipping translation.")
individualLanguageSubsDict = manually_prepare_dictionary(individualLanguageSubsDict)
elif config['skip_translation'] == False:
# Translate
individualLanguageSubsDict = translate.translate_dictionary(individualLanguageSubsDict, langDict, skipTranslation=config['skip_translation'])
if config['stop_after_translation']:
print("Stopping at translation is enabled. Skipping TTS and building audio.")
elif config['skip_translation'] == True:
print("Skip translation enabled. Checking for pre-translated subtitles...")
# Check if pre-translated subtitles exist
pretranslatedSubsDict = get_pretranslated_subs_dict(langData)
if pretranslatedSubsDict != None:
individualLanguageSubsDict = pretranslatedSubsDict
print(f"\nPre-translated subtitles not found for language '{langDict['languageCode']}' in folder '{OUTPUT_FOLDER}'. Skipping.")
print(f"Note: Ensure the subtitle filename for this language ends with: ' - {langData['translation_target_language']}.srt'\n")
# Synthesize
if cloudConfig['batch_tts_synthesize'] == True and cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure':
individualLanguageSubsDict = TTS.synthesize_dictionary_batch(individualLanguageSubsDict, langDict, skipSynthesize=config['skip_synthesize'])
individualLanguageSubsDict = TTS.synthesize_dictionary(individualLanguageSubsDict, langDict, skipSynthesize=config['skip_synthesize'])
# Build audio
individualLanguageSubsDict = audio_builder.build_audio(individualLanguageSubsDict, langDict, totalAudioLength, config['two_pass_voice_synth'])
#======================================== Main Program ================================================
# Counter for number of languages processed
processedCount = 0
totalLanguages = len(batchSettings)
# Process all languages
print(f"\n----- Beginning Processing of Languages -----")
batchSettings = translate.set_translation_info(batchSettings)
for langNum, langData in batchSettings.items():
processedCount += 1
# Process current fallback language
process_language(langData, processedCount, totalLanguages)
# # Play a system sound to indicate completion
# sound_name = winsound.MB_ICONASTERISK # represents the 'Asterisk' system sound
# winsound.MessageBeep(sound_name) # Play the system sound