import streamlit as st |
from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu |
from app_utils import switch_page |
from PIL import Image |
im = Image.open("icon.png") |
st.set_page_config(page_title = "AI Podcast Interviewer", layout = "centered",page_icon=im) |
lan = st.selectbox("#### Language", ["English", "Comming Soon!"]) |
if lan == "English": |
home_title = "AI Podcast Interviewer" |
home_introduction = "Welcome to intelligent Podcast Interviewer, empowering your Podcaste with generative AI." |
with st.sidebar: |
st.markdown('AI Podcaste Interviewer - V0.1.2') |
st.markdown(""" |
#### Let's contact: |
[Kautilya Utkarsh](https://www.linkedin.com/in/kautilya-utkarsh-mishra-187818265/) |
[At C# Corner ](https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/members/kautilya-utkarsh) |
#### Product of |
[CSharp Corner](https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/) |
#### Powered by |
[OpenAI](https://openai.com/) |
[Langchain](https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain) |
""") |
st.markdown( |
"<style>#MainMenu{visibility:hidden;}</style>", |
unsafe_allow_html=True |
) |
st.image(im, width=100) |
st.markdown(f"""# {home_title} <span style=color:#2E9BF5><font size=5>Beta</font></span>""",unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown("Welcome to AI Podcast Interviewer! 👏 AI Podcast Interviewer is your personal podcaste interviewer powered by generative AI that conducts Podcaste." |
"You can upload your resume and enter job descriptions, and AI Podcaste Interviewer will ask you customized questions. Additionally, you can configure your own Podcast Interviewer!") |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
with st.expander("Updates"): |
st.write(""" |
07/10/2024 |
- Fix the error that was occuring on the home page """) |
with st.expander("What's coming next?"): |
st.write(""" |
Improved voice interaction for a seamless experience. """) |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown("#### Get started!") |
st.markdown("Select one of the following screens to start your interview!") |
selected = option_menu( |
menu_title= None, |
options=["Professional", "Resume", "Behavioral","Customize!"], |
icons = ["cast", "cloud-upload", "cast"], |
default_index=0, |
orientation="horizontal", |
) |
if selected == 'Professional': |
st.info(""" |
📚In this session, the AI Podcaste Interviewer will assess your technical skills as they relate to the proived description. |
Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! |
- Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. |
- To start a new session, just refresh the page. |
- Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) |
- Start introduce yourself and enjoy! """) |
if st.button("Start Interview!"): |
switch_page("Professional Screen") |
if selected == 'Resume': |
st.info(""" |
📚In this session, the AI Podcaste Interviewer will review your resume and discuss your past experiences. |
Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! |
- Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. |
- To start a new session, just refresh the page. |
- Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) |
- Start introduce yourself and enjoy! """ |
) |
if st.button("Start Interview!"): |
switch_page("Resume Screen") |
if selected == 'Behavioral': |
st.info(""" |
📚In this session, the AI Podcaste Interviewer will assess your soft skills as they relate to the job description. |
Note: The maximum length of your answer is 4097 tokens! |
- Each Interview will take 10 to 15 mins. |
- To start a new session, just refresh the page. |
- Choose your favorite interaction style (chat/voice) |
- Start introduce yourself and enjoy! |
""") |
if st.button("Start Interview!"): |
switch_page("Behavioral Screen") |
if selected == 'Customize!': |
st.info(""" |
📚In this session, you can customize your own AI Podcaste Interviewer and practice with it! |
- Configure AI Interviewer in different specialties. |
- Configure AI Interviewer in different personalities. |
- Different tones of voice. |
Coming at the end of July""") |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown("#### Kautilya Utkarsh") |
if lan == '中文': |
home_title = "AI面试官" |
home_introduction = "欢迎使用 AI 面试官,它能够通过生成式AI帮助您准备面试。" |
with st.sidebar: |
st.markdown('AI面试管 - V0.1.2') |
st.markdown(""" |
#### 领英: |
[贾皓翔](https://www.linkedin.com/in/haoxiang-jia/) |
[王梓丞](https://www.linkedin.com/in/todd-wang-5001aa264/) |
#### 请填写表格,我们非常希望听到您的反馈: |
[Feedback Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13f4q03bk4lD7sKR7qZ8UM1lQDo6NhRaAKv7uIeXHEaQ/edit) |
#### 使用的技术: |
[OpenAI](https://openai.com/) |
[FAISS](https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss) |
[Langchain](https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain) |
""") |
st.markdown( |
"<style>#MainMenu{visibility:hidden;}</style>", |
unsafe_allow_html=True |
) |
st.image(im, width=100) |
st.markdown(f"""# {home_title} <span style=color:#2E9BF5><font size=5>Beta</font></span>""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown( |
"欢迎使用AI面试官!👏AI面试官是一款由生成式人工智能驱动的个人面试官,可以进行模拟面试。您可以上传您的简历或者复制粘贴工作描述,AI面试官会根据您的情况提出定制化的问题。" |
) |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
with st.expander("更新日志"): |
st.write(""" |
08/13/2023 |
- 修复了当用户输入失败时的报错问题 """) |
with st.expander("未来计划"): |
st.write(""" |
- 提供更加稳定和快速的语音交互 |
- 支持全中文的模拟面试 """) |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown("#### 让我们开始吧!") |
st.markdown("请选择以下其中一个开始您的面试!") |
selected = option_menu( |
menu_title=None, |
options=["专业评估", "简历评估", "行为评估"], |
icons=["cast", "cloud-upload", "cast"], |
default_index=0, |
orientation="horizontal", |
) |
if selected == '专业评估': |
st.info(""" |
📚在本次面试中,AI面试官将会根据职位描述评估您的技术能力。 |
注意: 您回答的最大长度为4097个tokens! |
- 每次面试将会持续10到15分钟。 |
- 您可以通过刷新页面来开始新的面试。 |
- 您可以选择您喜欢的交互方式(文字/语音) |
- 开始介绍您自己吧! """) |
if st.button("开始面试!"): |
switch_page("Professional Screen") |
if selected == '简历评估': |
st.info(""" |
📚在本次面试中,AI面试官将会根据您的简历评估您的过往经历。 |
注意: 您回答的最大长度为4097个tokens! |
- 每次面试将会持续10到15分钟。 |
- 您可以通过刷新页面来开始新的面试。 |
- 您可以选择您喜欢的交互方式(文字/语音) |
- 开始介绍您自己吧! """) |
if st.button("开始面试!"): |
switch_page("Resume Screen") |
if selected == '行为评估': |
st.info(""" |
📚在本次面试中,AI面试官将会根据您的简历评估您的技术能力。 |
注意: 您回答的最大长度为4097个tokens! |
- 每次面试将会持续10到15分钟。 |
- 您可以通过刷新页面来开始新的面试。 |
- 您可以选择您喜欢的交互方式(文字/语音) |
- 开始介绍您自己吧! """) |
if st.button("开始面试!"): |
switch_page("Behavioral Screen") |
st.markdown("""\n""") |
st.markdown("#### 维基") |
st.write( |
'[点击查看常见问题,更新和计划!](https://jiatastic.notion.site/wiki-8d962051e57a48ccb304e920afa0c6a8?pvs=4)') |