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import re
import ftfy
from legalnlp.mask_functions import *
def clean_bert(text):
Cleans a text based on bad Unicode and other characters
texto: str
A piece of text
Fixed text
txt = ftfy.fix_text(text)
txt = txt.replace("\n", " ")
txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt)
def clean(text, lower=True, return_masked=False):
Cleans a text by removing general patterns, such as url, email, acronyms and other symbols, plural
of words and specific Portuguese-related grammar
texto: str
A piece of text
lower: bool
Whether to lowercase text (Default: True)
return_masked: bool
If return_masked == False, the function outputs a clean text. Otherwise, it returns a dictionary containing the clean text and the information extracted by RegEx (Default: False)
dict or str
dic = {}
# Limpeza geral
dic['txt'], dic['url'] = mask_url(text) # Remove URLs
dic['txt'], dic['email'] = mask_email(dic['txt']) # Remove emails
# Siglas (e.g., C.P.F => CPF)
dic['txt'] = re.sub("([A-Z])\.", r"\1", dic['txt'])
if lower:
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].lower() # Tornando letras minúsculas
dic['txt'] = re.sub("s[\/\.]a", " sa ", dic['txt'],
flags=re.I) # s.a ou s/a => sa
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace(" - - ", " - ")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace(" - ", " - - ")
# Colocando espaço aos lados dos símbolos
dic['txt'] = re.sub("(\W)", r" \1 ", dic['txt'])
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("\n", " ")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("\t", " ")
# Possíveis plurais e gênero
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("( s )", "(s)")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("( a )", "(a)")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("( as )", "(as)")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("( o )", "(o)")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("( os )", "(os)")
# Juntando algumas strings
dic['txt'] = re.sub("(?<=\d) [-\.] (?=\d)", '', dic['txt'])
dic['txt'] = re.sub("(?<=\d) , (?=\d)", ',', dic['txt'])
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("[ email ]", "[email]")
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].replace("[ url ]", "[url]")
# (e.g., arquivem - se => arquivem-se)
dic['txt'] = re.sub("(\w) - (\w)", r"\1-\2", dic['txt'])
dic['txt'] = re.sub(' +', ' ', dic['txt'])
# Mascarando
dic['txt'], dic['oab'] = mask_oab(dic['txt'])
dic['txt'], dic['data'] = mask_data(dic['txt'])
dic['txt'], dic['processo'] = mask_processo(dic['txt'])
# Consideramos que as casas decimais são dadas pela vírgula
dic['txt'], dic['valor'] = mask_valor(dic['txt'])
dic['txt'], dic['numero'] = mask_numero(dic['txt'])
# Extra spaces
dic['txt'] = re.sub(' +', ' ', dic['txt'])
dic['txt'] = dic['txt'].strip()
# Output
if return_masked:
return dic
return dic['txt']