UwU-OwO / scripts /rp.py
Orion1227's picture
Upload 10 files
import os.path
from importlib import reload
from pprint import pprint
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import modules.ui
import modules # SBM Apparently, basedir only works when accessed directly.
from modules import paths, scripts, shared, extra_networks
from modules.processing import Processed
from modules.script_callbacks import (on_ui_settings,
CFGDenoisedParams, CFGDenoiserParams, on_cfg_denoised, on_cfg_denoiser)
import scripts.attention
import scripts.latent
import scripts.regions
reload(scripts.regions) # update without restarting web-ui.bat
import json # Presets.
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from scripts.attention import (TOKENS, hook_forwards, reset_pmasks, savepmasks)
from scripts.latent import (denoised_callback_s, denoiser_callback_s, lora_namer,
restoremodel, setloradevice, setuploras, unloadlorafowards)
create_canvas, draw_region, #detect_mask, detect_polygons,
draw_image, save_mask, load_mask,
floatdef, inpaintmaskdealer, makeimgtmp, matrixdealer)
FLJSON = "regional_prompter_presets.json"
# Modules.basedir points to extension's dir. script_path or scripts.basedir points to root.
PTPRESET = modules.scripts.basedir()
PTPRESETALT = os.path.join(paths.script_path, "scripts")
def lange(l):
return range(len(l))
orig_batch_cond_uncond = shared.batch_cond_uncond
["Vertical-3", "Vertical",'1,1,1',"",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"],
["Horizontal-3", "Horizontal",'1,1,1',"",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"],
["Horizontal-7", "Horizontal",'1,1,1,1,1,1,1',"0.2",True,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"],
["Twod-2-1", "Horizontal",'1,2,3;1,1',"0.2",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"],
ATTNSCALE = 8 # Initial image compression in attention layers.
fhurl = lambda url, label: r"""<a href="{}">{}</a>""".format(url, label)
GUIDEURL = r"https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter"
MATRIXURL = GUIDEURL + r"#2d-region-assignment"
MASKURL = GUIDEURL + r"#mask-regions-aka-inpaint-experimental-function"
PROMPTURL = GUIDEURL + r"/blob/main/prompt_en.md"
PROMPTURL2 = GUIDEURL + r"/blob/main/prompt_ja.md"
def ui_tab(mode, submode):
"""Structures components for mode tab.
Semi harcoded but it's clearer this way.
vret = None
if mode == "Matrix":
with gr.Row():
mguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(MATRIXURL, "Matrix mode guide"))
with gr.Row():
mmode = gr.Radio(label="Split mode", choices=submode, value="Horizontal", type="value", interactive=True)
ratios = gr.Textbox(label="Divide Ratio",lines=1,value="1,1",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_divide_ratio",visible=True)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
maketemp = gr.Button(value="visualize and make template")
template = gr.Textbox(label="template",interactive=True,visible=True)
with gr.Column():
areasimg = gr.Image(type="pil", show_label = False).style(height=256,width=256)
# Need to add maketemp function based on base / common checks.
vret = [mmode, ratios, maketemp, template, areasimg]
elif mode == "Mask":
with gr.Row():
xguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(MASKURL, "Inpaint+ mode guide"))
with gr.Row(): # Creep: Placeholder, should probably make this invisible.
xmode = gr.Radio(label="Mask mode", choices=submode, value="Mask", type="value", interactive=True)
with gr.Row(): # CREEP: Css magic to make the canvas bigger? I think it's in style.css: #img2maskimg -> height.
polymask = gr.Image(label = "Do not upload here until bugfix",elem_id="polymask",
source = "upload", mirror_webcam = False, type = "numpy", tool = "sketch")#.style(height=480)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
num = gr.Slider(label="Region", minimum=-1, maximum=MAXCOLREG, step=1, value=1)
canvas_width = gr.Slider(label="Inpaint+ Width", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=8)
canvas_height = gr.Slider(label="Inpaint+ Height", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=8)
btn = gr.Button(value = "Draw region + show mask")
# btn2 = gr.Button(value = "Display mask") # Not needed.
cbtn = gr.Button(value="Create mask area")
with gr.Column():
showmask = gr.Image(label = "Mask", shape=(IDIM, IDIM))
# CONT: Awaiting fix for https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/issues/4088.
uploadmask = gr.Image(label="Upload mask here cus gradio",source = "upload", type = "numpy")
# btn.click(detect_polygons, inputs = [polymask,num], outputs = [polymask,num])
btn.click(draw_region, inputs = [polymask, num], outputs = [polymask, num, showmask])
# btn2.click(detect_mask, inputs = [polymask,num], outputs = [showmask])
cbtn.click(fn=create_canvas, inputs=[canvas_height, canvas_width], outputs=[polymask])
uploadmask.upload(fn = draw_image, inputs = [uploadmask], outputs = [polymask, uploadmask, showmask])
vret = [xmode, polymask, num, canvas_width, canvas_height, btn, cbtn, showmask, uploadmask]
elif mode == "Prompt":
with gr.Row():
pguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(PROMPTURL, "Prompt mode guide"))
pguide2 = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(PROMPTURL2, "Extended prompt guide (jp)"))
with gr.Row():
pmode = gr.Radio(label="Prompt mode", choices=submode, value="Prompt", type="value", interactive=True)
threshold = gr.Textbox(label = "threshold", value = 0.4, interactive=True)
vret = [pmode, threshold]
return vret
# modes, submodes. Order must be maintained so dict is inadequate. Must have submode for component consistency.
("Matrix", ("Horizontal","Vertical")),
("Mask", ("Mask",)),
("Prompt", ("Prompt", "Prompt-Ex")),
fgrprop = lambda x: {"label": x, "id": "t" + x, "elem_id": "RP_" + x}
def mode2tabs(mode):
"""Converts mode (in preset) to gradio tab + submodes.
I dunno if it's possible to nest components or make them optional (probably not),
so this is the best we can do.
vret = ["Nope"] + [None] * len(RPMODES)
for (i,(k,v)) in enumerate(RPMODES):
if mode in v:
vret[0] = k
vret[i + 1] = mode
return vret
def tabs2mode(tab, *submode):
"""Converts ui tab + submode list to a single value mode.
Picks current submode based on tab, nothing clever. Submodes must be unique.
for (i,(k,_)) in enumerate(RPMODES):
if tab == k:
return submode[i]
return "Nope"
def expand_components(l):
"""Converts json preset to component format.
Assumes mode is the first value in list.
l = list(l) # Tuples cannot be altered.
tabs = mode2tabs(l[0])
return tabs + l[1:]
def compress_components(l):
"""Converts component values to preset format.
Assumes tab + submodes are the first values in list.
l = list(l)
mode = tabs2mode(*l[:len(RPMODES) + 1])
return [mode] + l[len(RPMODES) + 1:]
class Script(modules.scripts.Script):
def __init__(self,active = False,mode = "Matrix",calc = "Attention",h = 0, w =0, debug = False, usebase = False, usecom = False, usencom = False, batch = 1):
self.active = active
self.mode = mode
self.calc = calc
self.h = h
self.w = w
self.debug = debug
self.usebase = usebase
self.usecom = usecom
self.usencom = usencom
self.batch_size = batch
self.aratios = []
self.bratios = []
self.divide = 0
self.count = 0
self.pn = True
self.hr = False
self.hr_scale = 0
self.hr_w = 0
self.hr_h = 0
self.in_hr = False
self.xsize = 0
self.imgcount = 0
# for latent mode
self.filters = []
self.lora_applied = False
# for inpaintmask
self.regmasks = None
self.regbase = None
#for prompt region
self.pe = []
self.step = 0
def title(self):
return "Regional Prompter"
def show(self, is_img2img):
return modules.scripts.AlwaysVisible
infotext_fields = None
paste_field_names = []
def ui(self, is_img2img):
filepath = os.path.join(PTPRESET, FLJSON)
presets = []
presets = loadpresets(filepath)
presets = LPRESET.update(presets)
with gr.Accordion("Regional Prompter", open=False, elem_id="RP_main"):
with gr.Row():
active = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Active",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_active")
urlguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(GUIDEURL, "Usage guide"))
with gr.Row():
# mode = gr.Radio(label="Divide mode", choices=["Horizontal", "Vertical","Mask","Prompt","Prompt-Ex"], value="Horizontal", type="value", interactive=True)
calcmode = gr.Radio(label="Generation mode", choices=["Attention", "Latent"], value="Attention", type="value", interactive=True)
with gr.Row(visible=True):
# ratios = gr.Textbox(label="Divide Ratio",lines=1,value="1,1",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_divide_ratio",visible=True)
baseratios = gr.Textbox(label="Base Ratio", lines=1,value="0.2",interactive=True, elem_id="RP_base_ratio", visible=True)
with gr.Row():
usebase = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use base prompt",interactive=True, elem_id="RP_usebase")
usecom = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use common prompt",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_usecommon")
usencom = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use common negative prompt",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_usecommon")
# Tabbed modes.
with gr.Tabs(elem_id="RP_mode") as tabs:
rp_selected_tab = gr.State("Matrix") # State component to document current tab for gen.
# ltabs = []
ltabp = []
for (i, (md,smd)) in enumerate(RPMODES):
with gr.TabItem(**fgrprop(md)) as tab: # Tabs with a formatted id.
# ltabs.append(tab)
ltabp.append(ui_tab(md, smd))
# Tab switch tags state component.
tab.select(fn = lambda tabnum = i: RPMODES[tabnum][0], inputs=[], outputs=[rp_selected_tab])
# Hardcode expansion back to components for any specific events.
(mmode, ratios, maketemp, template, areasimg) = ltabp[0]
(xmode, polymask, num, canvas_width, canvas_height, btn, cbtn, showmask, uploadmask) = ltabp[1]
(pmode, threshold) = ltabp[2]
with gr.Accordion("Presets",open = False):
with gr.Row():
availablepresets = gr.Dropdown(label="Presets", choices=presets, type="index")
applypresets = gr.Button(value="Apply Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="RP_applysetting")
with gr.Row():
presetname = gr.Textbox(label="Preset Name",lines=1,value="",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_preset_name",visible=True)
savesets = gr.Button(value="Save to Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="RP_savesetting")
with gr.Row():
nchangeand = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="disable convert 'AND' to 'BREAK'", interactive=True, elem_id="RP_ncand")
debug = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="debug", interactive=True, elem_id="RP_debug")
lnter = gr.Textbox(label="LoRA in negative textencoder",value="0",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_ne_tenc_ratio",visible=True)
lnur = gr.Textbox(label="LoRA in negative U-net",value="0",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_ne_unet_ratio",visible=True)
mode = gr.Textbox(value = "Matrix",visible = False)
def changetabs(mode):
modes = ["Matrix", "Mask", "Prompt"]
if mode not in modes: mode = "Maxtix"
return gr.Tabs.update(selected="t"+mode)
mode.change(fn = changetabs,inputs=[mode],outputs=[tabs])
settings = [rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, ratios, baseratios, usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask]
self.infotext_fields = [
(active, "RP Active"),
# (mode, "RP Divide mode"),
(mode, "RP Divide mode"),
(mmode, "RP Matrix submode"),
(xmode, "RP Mask submode"),
(pmode, "RP Prompt submode"),
(calcmode, "RP Calc Mode"),
(ratios, "RP Ratios"),
(baseratios, "RP Base Ratios"),
(usebase, "RP Use Base"),
(usecom, "RP Use Common"),
(usencom, "RP Use Ncommon"),
(nchangeand,"RP Change AND"),
(lnter,"RP LoRA Neg Te Ratios"),
(lnur,"RP LoRA Neg U Ratios"),
(threshold,"RP threshold"),
for _,name in self.infotext_fields:
def setpreset(select, *settings):
"""Load preset from list.
SBM: The only way I know how to get the old values in gradio,
is to pass them all as input.
Tab mode converts ui to single value.
# Need to swap all masked images to the source,
# getting "valueerror: cannot process this value as image".
# Gradio bug in components.postprocess, most likely.
settings = [s["image"] if (isinstance(s,dict) and "image" in s) else s for s in settings]
presets = loadpresets(filepath)
preset = presets[select]
preset = loadblob(preset)
preset = [fmt(preset.get(k, vdef)) for (k,fmt,vdef) in PRESET_KEYS]
preset = preset[1:] # Remove name.
preset = expand_components(preset)
# Change nulls to original value.
preset = [settings[i] if p is None else p for (i,p) in enumerate(preset)]
# return [gr.update(value = pr) for pr in preset] # SBM Why update? Shouldn't regular return do the job?
return preset
maketemp.click(fn=makeimgtmp, inputs =[ratios,mmode,usecom,usebase],outputs = [areasimg,template])
applypresets.click(fn=setpreset, inputs = [availablepresets, *settings], outputs=settings)
savesets.click(fn=savepresets, inputs = [presetname,*settings],outputs=availablepresets)
return [active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, ratios, baseratios,
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask]
def process(self, p, active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios,
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask):
if type(polymask) == str and not polymask:
polymask,_,_ = draw_image(np.array(Image.open(polymask)))
if debug: pprint([active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios,
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask])
tprompt = p.prompt[0] if type(p.prompt) == list else p.prompt
if not any(key in tprompt for key in ALLALLKEYS) or not active:
return unloader(self,p)
"RP Active":active,
"RP Divide mode": rp_selected_tab,
"RP Matrix submode": mmode,
"RP Mask submode": xmode,
"RP Prompt submode": pmode,
"RP Calc Mode":calcmode,
"RP Ratios": aratios,
"RP Base Ratios": bratios,
"RP Use Base":usebase,
"RP Use Common":usecom,
"RP Use Ncommon": usencom,
"RP Change AND" : nchangeand,
"RP LoRA Neg Te Ratios": lnter,
"RP LoRA Neg U Ratios": lnur,
"RP threshold": threshold,
savepresets("lastrun",rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios,bratios,
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask)
self.__init__(active, tabs2mode(rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode) ,calcmode ,p.height, p.width, debug, usebase, usecom, usencom, p.batch_size)
self.all_prompts = p.all_prompts.copy()
self.all_negative_prompts = p.all_negative_prompts.copy()
# SBM ddim / plms detection.
self.isvanilla = p.sampler_name in ["DDIM", "PLMS", "UniPC"]
if self.h % ATTNSCALE != 0 or self.w % ATTNSCALE != 0:
# Testing shows a round down occurs in model.
print("Warning: Nonstandard height / width.")
self.h = self.h - self.h % ATTNSCALE
self.w = self.w - self.w % ATTNSCALE
if hasattr(p,"enable_hr"): # Img2img doesn't have it.
self.hr = p.enable_hr
self.hr_w = (p.hr_resize_x if p.hr_resize_x > p.width else p.width * p.hr_scale)
self.hr_h = (p.hr_resize_y if p.hr_resize_y > p.height else p.height * p.hr_scale)
if self.hr_h % ATTNSCALE != 0 or self.hr_w % ATTNSCALE != 0:
# Testing shows a round down occurs in model.
print("Warning: Nonstandard height / width for ulscaled size")
self.hr_h = self.hr_h - self.hr_h % ATTNSCALE
self.hr_w = self.hr_w - self.hr_w % ATTNSCALE
andtobreak(p, nchangeand) #Change AND to BREAK
if "Ver" in self.mode or "Hor" in self.mode:
keyconverter(aratios, self.mode, usecom, usebase, p) #convert BREAKs to ADDROMM/ADDCOL/ADDROW
bckeydealer(self, p) #detect COMM/BASE keys
keycounter(self, p) #count keys and set to self.divide
if "Pro" not in self.mode: # skip region assign in prompt mode
##### region mode
if "Mask" in self.mode:
keyreplacer(p) #change all keys to BREAK
inpaintmaskdealer(self, p, bratios, usebase, polymask)
elif "Ver" in self.mode or "Hor" in self.mode:
matrixdealer(self, p, aratios, bratios, self.mode)
##### calcmode
if "Att" in calcmode:
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model)
shared.batch_cond_uncond = orig_batch_cond_uncond
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model,remove = True)
# SBM It is vital to use local activation because callback registration is permanent,
# and there are multiple script instances (txt2img / img2img).
elif "Pro" in self.mode: #Prompt mode use both calcmode
self.ex = "Ex" in self.mode
if not usebase : bratios = "0"
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model)
neighbor(self,p) #detect other extention
keyreplacer(p) #replace all keys to BREAK
commondealer(p, usecom, usencom) #add commom prompt to all region
anddealer(self, p , calcmode) #replace BREAK to AND in Latent mode
if tokendealer(self, p): return unloader(self,p) #count tokens and calcrate target tokens
thresholddealer(self, p, threshold) #set threshold
bratioprompt(self, bratios)
print(f"pos tokens : {self.ppt}, neg tokens : {self.pnt}")
if debug : debugall(self)
def before_process_batch(self, p, *args, **kwargs):
self.current_prompts = kwargs["prompts"].copy()
p.disable_extra_networks = False
def process_batch(self, p, active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios,
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode,nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask,**kwargs):
# print(kwargs["prompts"])
if self.active:
# SBM Before_process_batch was added in feb-mar, adding fallback.
if not hasattr(self,"current_prompts"):
self.current_prompts = kwargs["prompts"].copy()
p.all_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] = self.all_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size]
p.all_negative_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] = self.all_negative_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size]
if "Pro" in self.mode:
if "La" in self.calc:
setloradevice(self) #change lora device cup to gup and restore model in new web-ui lora method
lora_namer(self, p, lnter, lnur)
if self.lora_applied: # SBM Don't override orig twice on batch calls.
self.lora_applied = True
#escape reload loras in hires-fix
p.disable_extra_networks = True
def postprocess(self, p, processed, *args):
if self.active :
with open(os.path.join(paths.data_path, "params.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
processedx = Processed(p, [], p.seed, "")
file.write(processedx.infotext(p, 0))
if "Pro" in self.mode and not fseti("hidepmask"):
savepmasks(self, processed)
if self.debug : debugall(self)
unloader(self, p)
def denoiser_callback(self, params: CFGDenoiserParams):
denoiser_callback_s(self, params)
def denoised_callback(self, params: CFGDenoisedParams):
denoised_callback_s(self, params)
def unloader(self,p):
if hasattr(self,"handle"):
hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model, remove=True)
del self.handle
shared.batch_cond_uncond = orig_batch_cond_uncond
def denoiserdealer(self):
if self.calc =="Latent": # prompt mode use only denoiser callbacks
if not hasattr(self,"dd_callbacks"):
self.dd_callbacks = on_cfg_denoised(self.denoised_callback)
shared.batch_cond_uncond = False
if not hasattr(self,"dr_callbacks"):
self.dr_callbacks = on_cfg_denoiser(self.denoiser_callback)
##### prompts, tokens
def commondealer(p, usecom, usencom):
all_prompts = []
all_negative_prompts = []
def comadder(prompt):
ppl = prompt.split(KEYBRK)
for i in range(len(ppl)):
if i == 0:
ppl[i] = ppl[0] + ", " + ppl[i]
ppl = ppl[1:]
prompt = f"{KEYBRK} ".join(ppl)
return prompt
if usecom:
p.prompt = comadder(p.prompt)
for pr in p.all_prompts:
p.all_prompts = all_prompts
if usencom:
p.negative_prompt = comadder(p.negative_prompt)
for pr in p.all_negative_prompts:
p.all_negative_prompts = all_negative_prompts
def hrdealer(p):
p.hr_prompt = p.prompt
p.hr_negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt
p.all_hr_prompts = p.all_prompts
p.all_hr_negative_prompts = p.all_negative_prompts
def anddealer(self, p, calcmode):
if calcmode != "Latent" : return
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK, "AND")
for i in lange(p.all_prompts):
p.all_prompts[i] = p.all_prompts[i].replace(KEYBRK, "AND")
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace(KEYBRK, "AND")
for i in lange(p.all_negative_prompts):
p.all_negative_prompts[i] = p.all_negative_prompts[i].replace(KEYBRK, "AND")
def tokendealer(self, p):
seps = "AND" if "La" in self.calc else KEYBRK
text, _ = extra_networks.parse_prompt(p.all_prompts[0]) # SBM From update_token_counter.
ppl = text.split(seps)
npl = p.all_negative_prompts[0].split(seps)
targets =[p.split(",")[-1] for p in ppl[1:]]
pt, nt, ppt, pnt, tt = [], [], [], [], []
padd = 0
for pp in ppl:
tokens, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(pp)
pt.append([padd, tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd])
padd = tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd
if "Pro" in self.mode:
for target in targets:
ptokens, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(ppl[0])
ttokens, _ = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(target)
i = 1
tlist = []
while ttokens[0].tokens[i] != 49407:
for (j, maintok) in enumerate(ptokens): # SBM Long prompt.
if ttokens[0].tokens[i] in maintok.tokens:
tlist.append(maintok.tokens.index(ttokens[0].tokens[i]) + 75 * j)
i += 1
if tlist != [] : tt.append(tlist)
paddp = padd
padd = 0
for np in npl:
_, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(np)
nt.append([padd, tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd])
padd = tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd
self.eq = paddp == padd
self.pt = pt
self.nt = nt
self.pe = tt
self.ppt = ppt
self.pnt = pnt
notarget = "Pro" in self.mode and tt == []
if notarget:
print("No target word is detected in Prompt mode")
return notarget
def thresholddealer(self, p ,threshold):
if "Pro" in self.mode:
threshold = threshold.split(",")
while len(self.pe) >= len(threshold) + 1:
self.th = [floatdef(t, 0.4) for t in threshold] * self.batch_size
if self.debug :print ("threshold", self.th)
def bratioprompt(self, bratios):
if not "Pro" in self.mode: return self
bratios = bratios.split(",")
bratios = [floatdef(b, 0) for b in bratios]
while len(self.pe) >= len(bratios) + 1:
self.bratios = bratios
def neighbor(self,p):
args = p.script_args
multi = ["MultiDiffusion",'Mixture of Diffusers']
if any(x in args for x in multi):
for key in multi:
if key in args:
self.nei_multi = [args[args.index(key)+5],args[args.index(key)+6]]
##### Presets - Save and Load Settings
fimgpt = lambda flnm, fext, *dirparts: os.path.join(*dirparts, flnm + fext)
class PresetList():
"""Preset list must be the same object throughout its lifetime, otherwise updates will err.
See gradio issue #4210 for details.
def __init__(self):
self.lpr = []
def update(self, newpr):
"""Replace all values, return the reference.
Will convert dicts to the names only.
Might be more efficient to add the new names only, but meh.
if len(newpr) > 0 and isinstance(newpr[0],dict):
newpr = [pr["name"] for pr in newpr]
return self.lpr
def get(self):
return self.lpr
class JsonMask():
"""Mask saved as image with some editing work.
blobdir = "regional_masks"
ext = ".png"
def __init__(self, img):
self.img = img
def makepath(self, name):
pt = fimgpt(name, self.ext, PTPRESET, self.blobdir)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pt), exist_ok = True)
return pt
def save(self, name, preset = None):
"""Save image to subdir.
Only saved when in mask mode - Hardcoded, don't have a better idea atm.
if (preset is None) or (preset[1] == "Mask"): # Check mode.
save_mask(self.img, self.makepath(name))
return name
return None
def load(self, name, preset = None):
"""Load image from subdir (no editing, that comes later).
Prefer to use the given key, rather than name. SBM CONT: Load / save in dict mode? Debugging needed.
if name is None or self.img is None:
return None
return load_mask(self.makepath(self.img))
LPRESET = PresetList()
fcountbrk = lambda x: x.count(KEYBRK)
fint = lambda x: int(x)
# Json formatters.
fjstr = lambda x: x.strip()
#fjbool = lambda x: (x.upper() == "TRUE" or x.upper() == "T")
fjbool = lambda x: x # Json can store booleans reliably.
fjmask = lambda x: draw_image(x, inddict = False)[0] # Ignore mask reset value.
# (json_name, value_format, default)
# If default = none then will use current gradio value.
("name",fjstr,"") , # Name is special, preset's key.
("mode", fjstr, None) ,
("ratios", fjstr, None) ,
("baseratios", fjstr, None) ,
("usebase", fjbool, None) ,
("usecom", fjbool, False) ,
("usencom", fjbool, False) ,
("calcmode", fjstr, "Attention") , # Generation mode.
("nchangeand", fjbool, False) ,
("lnter", fjstr, "0") ,
("lnur", fjstr, "0") ,
("threshold", fjstr, "0") ,
("polymask", fjmask, "") , # Mask has special corrections and logging.
# (json_name,blob_class)
# Handles save + lazy load of blob data outside of presets.
"polymask": JsonMask
def saveblob(preset):
"""Preset variables saved externally (blob).
Returns modified list containing the refernces instead of data.
Currently, this includes polymask, which is saved as an image,
with a filename = preset.
A blob class should contain a save method which returns the reference.
preset = list(preset) # Tuples don't have copy.
for (i,(vkey,vfun,vdef)) in enumerate(PRESET_KEYS):
if vkey in BLOB_KEYS:
# Func should accept raw form and convert it to a class.
x = BLOB_KEYS[vkey](preset[i])
# Class should have a save func given identifier, returning an access key.
x = x.save(preset[0], preset)
# Update the preset.
preset[i] = x
return preset
def loadblob(preset):
"""Load blob presets based on key.
Returns modified list containing the refernces instead of
Currently, this includes polymask, which is saved as an image,
with a filename = preset.
A blob class should contain a load method which retrieves the data based on reference.
for (vkey,vval) in BLOB_KEYS.items():
# Func should accept refrence form and convert it to a class.
x = vval(preset.get(vkey))
# Class should have a load func given identifier, returning data.
x = x.load(preset["name"], preset)
# Update the preset.
preset[vkey] = x
return preset
def savepresets(*settings):
# NAME must come first.
name = settings[0]
settings = [name] + compress_components(settings[1:])
settings = saveblob(settings)
# path_root = modules.scripts.basedir()
# filepath = os.path.join(path_root, "scripts", "regional_prompter_presets.json")
filepath = os.path.join(PTPRESET, FLJSON)
with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
# presets = json.loads(json.load(f))
presets = json.load(f)
pr = {PRESET_KEYS[i][0]:settings[i] for i,_ in enumerate(PRESET_KEYS)}
# SBM Ordereddict might be better than list, quick search.
written = False
# if name == "lastrun": # SBM We should check the preset is unique in any case.
for i, preset in enumerate(presets):
if name == preset["name"]:
# if "lastrun" in preset["name"]:
presets[i] = pr
written = True
if not written:
with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
# json.dump(json.dumps(presets), f, indent = 2)
json.dump(presets, f, indent = 2)
except Exception as e:
presets = loadpresets(filepath)
presets = LPRESET.update(presets)
return gr.update(choices=presets)
def presetfallback():
"""Swaps main json dir to alt if exists, attempts reload.
if PTPRESETALT is not None:
print("Unknown preset error, fallback.")
return loadpresets(PTPRESET)
else: # Already attempted swap.
print("Presets could not be loaded.")
return None
def loadpresets(filepath):
presets = []
with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f:
# presets = json.loads(json.load(f))
presets = json.load(f)
# presets = loadblob(presets) # DO NOT load all blobs - that's the point.
except OSError as e:
print("Init / preset error.")
presets = initpresets(filepath)
except TypeError:
print("Corrupted preset file, resetting.")
presets = initpresets(filepath)
except JSONDecodeError:
print("Preset file could not be decoded.")
presets = initpresets(filepath)
return presets
def initpresets(filepath):
# if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
lprj = []
for pr in lpr:
plen = min(len(PRESET_KEYS), len(pr)) # Future setting additions ignored.
prj = {PRESET_KEYS[i][0]:pr[i] for i in range(plen)}
#json.dump(json.dumps(lprj), f, indent = 2)
json.dump(lprj, f, indent = 2)
return lprj
except Exception as e:
return presetfallback()
##### Global settings
EXTKEY = "regprp"
EXTNAME = "Regional Prompter"
# (id, label, type, extra_parms)
("debug", "(PLACEHOLDER, USE THE ONE IN 2IMG) Enable debug mode", "check", dict()),
("hidepmask", "Hide subprompt masks in prompt mode", "check", dict()),
# Dynamically constructed list of default values, because shared doesn't allocate a value automatically.
# (id: def)
DEXTSETV = dict()
fseti = lambda x: shared.opts.data.get(EXTKEY + "_" + x, DEXTSETV[x])
class Setting_Component():
"""Creates gradio components with some standard req values.
All must supply an id (used in code), label, component type.
Default value and specific type settings can be overridden.
section = (EXTKEY, EXTNAME)
def __init__(self, cid, clabel, ctyp, vdef = None, **kwargs):
self.cid = EXTKEY + "_" + cid
self.clabel = clabel
self.ctyp = ctyp
method = getattr(self, self.ctyp)
if vdef is not None:
self.vdef = vdef
def get(self):
"""Get formatted setting.
Input for shared.opts.add_option().
if self.ctyp == "textb":
return (self.cid, shared.OptionInfo(self.vdef, self.clabel, section = self.section))
return (self.cid, shared.OptionInfo(self.vdef, self.clabel,
self.ccomp, self.cparms, section = self.section))
def textb(self, **kwargs):
"""Textbox unusually requires no component.
self.ccomp = gr.Textbox
self.vdef = ""
self.cparms = {}
def check(self, **kwargs):
self.ccomp = gr.Checkbox
self.vdef = False
self.cparms = {"interactive": True}
def slider(self, **kwargs):
self.ccomp = gr.Slider
self.vdef = 0
self.cparms = {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 10, "step": 1}
def ext_on_ui_settings():
for (cid, clabel, ctyp, kwargs) in EXTSETS:
comp = Setting_Component(cid, clabel, ctyp, **kwargs)
opt = comp.get()
DEXTSETV[cid] = comp.vdef
def debugall(self):
print(f"mode : {self.mode}\ncalcmode : {self.calc}\nusebase : {self.usebase}")
print(f"base ratios : {self.bratios}\nusecommon : {self.usecom}\nusenegcom : {self.usencom}")
print(f"divide : {self.divide}\neq : {self.eq}")
print(f"tokens : {self.ppt},{self.pnt},{self.pt},{self.nt}")
print(f"ratios : {self.aratios}\n")
print(f"prompt : {self.pe}\n")
def bckeydealer(self, p):
detect COMM/BASE keys and set flags and change to BREAK
if KEYCOMM in p.prompt:
self.usecom = True
if self.usecom and KEYCOMM not in p.prompt:
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYCOMM,1)
if KEYCOMM in p.negative_prompt:
self.usencom = True
if self.usencom and KEYCOMM not in p.negative_prompt:
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYCOMM,1)
if KEYBASE in p.prompt:
self.usebase = True
if self.usebase and KEYBASE not in p.prompt:
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYBASE,1)
if KEYPROMPT in p.prompt.upper():
self.mode = "Prompt"
def keyconverter(aratios,mode,usecom,usebase,p):
keychanger = makeimgtmp(aratios,mode,usecom,usebase,inprocess = True)
keychanger = keychanger[:-1]
for change in keychanger:
if change == KEYCOMM and KEYCOMM in p.prompt: continue
if change == KEYBASE and KEYBASE in p.prompt: continue
p.prompt= p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,change,1)
def keyreplacer(p):
replace all separators to BREAK
p.all_prompt and p.all_negative_prompt
for key in ALLKEYS:
for i in lange(p.all_prompts):
p.all_prompts[i]= p.all_prompts[i].replace(key,KEYBRK)
for i in lange(p.all_negative_prompts):
p.all_negative_prompts[i] = p.all_negative_prompts[i].replace(key,KEYBRK)
def keycounter(self, p):
pc = sum([p.prompt.count(text) for text in ALLALLKEYS])
npc = sum([p.negative_prompt.count(text) for text in ALLALLKEYS])
self.divide = [pc + 1, npc + 1]
def andtobreak(p,nchangeand):
if not nchangeand and "AND" in p.prompt.upper():
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace("AND",KEYBRK)
if not nchangeand and "AND" in p.negative_prompt.upper():
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace("AND",KEYBRK)
def resetpcache(p):
p.cached_c = [None,None]
p.cached_uc = [None,None]
p.cached_hr_c = [None, None]
p.cached_hr_uc = [None, None]