import os.path |
from importlib import reload |
from pprint import pprint |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
import modules.ui |
import modules |
from modules import paths, scripts, shared, extra_networks |
from modules.processing import Processed |
from modules.script_callbacks import (on_ui_settings, |
CFGDenoisedParams, CFGDenoiserParams, on_cfg_denoised, on_cfg_denoiser) |
import scripts.attention |
import scripts.latent |
import scripts.regions |
reload(scripts.regions) |
reload(scripts.attention) |
reload(scripts.latent) |
import json |
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError |
from scripts.attention import (TOKENS, hook_forwards, reset_pmasks, savepmasks) |
from scripts.latent import (denoised_callback_s, denoiser_callback_s, lora_namer, |
restoremodel, setloradevice, setuploras, unloadlorafowards) |
create_canvas, draw_region, |
draw_image, save_mask, load_mask, |
floatdef, inpaintmaskdealer, makeimgtmp, matrixdealer) |
FLJSON = "regional_prompter_presets.json" |
PTPRESET = modules.scripts.basedir() |
PTPRESETALT = os.path.join(paths.script_path, "scripts") |
def lange(l): |
return range(len(l)) |
orig_batch_cond_uncond = shared.batch_cond_uncond |
["Vertical-3", "Vertical",'1,1,1',"",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"], |
["Horizontal-3", "Horizontal",'1,1,1',"",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"], |
["Horizontal-7", "Horizontal",'1,1,1,1,1,1,1',"0.2",True,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"], |
["Twod-2-1", "Horizontal",'1,2,3;1,1',"0.2",False,False,False,"Attention",False,"0","0"], |
] |
fhurl = lambda url, label: r"""<a href="{}">{}</a>""".format(url, label) |
GUIDEURL = r"https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter" |
MATRIXURL = GUIDEURL + r"#2d-region-assignment" |
MASKURL = GUIDEURL + r"#mask-regions-aka-inpaint-experimental-function" |
PROMPTURL = GUIDEURL + r"/blob/main/prompt_en.md" |
PROMPTURL2 = GUIDEURL + r"/blob/main/prompt_ja.md" |
def ui_tab(mode, submode): |
"""Structures components for mode tab. |
Semi harcoded but it's clearer this way. |
""" |
vret = None |
if mode == "Matrix": |
with gr.Row(): |
mguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(MATRIXURL, "Matrix mode guide")) |
with gr.Row(): |
mmode = gr.Radio(label="Split mode", choices=submode, value="Horizontal", type="value", interactive=True) |
ratios = gr.Textbox(label="Divide Ratio",lines=1,value="1,1",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_divide_ratio",visible=True) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
maketemp = gr.Button(value="visualize and make template") |
template = gr.Textbox(label="template",interactive=True,visible=True) |
with gr.Column(): |
areasimg = gr.Image(type="pil", show_label = False).style(height=256,width=256) |
vret = [mmode, ratios, maketemp, template, areasimg] |
elif mode == "Mask": |
with gr.Row(): |
xguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(MASKURL, "Inpaint+ mode guide")) |
with gr.Row(): |
xmode = gr.Radio(label="Mask mode", choices=submode, value="Mask", type="value", interactive=True) |
with gr.Row(): |
polymask = gr.Image(label = "Do not upload here until bugfix",elem_id="polymask", |
source = "upload", mirror_webcam = False, type = "numpy", tool = "sketch") |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
num = gr.Slider(label="Region", minimum=-1, maximum=MAXCOLREG, step=1, value=1) |
canvas_width = gr.Slider(label="Inpaint+ Width", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=8) |
canvas_height = gr.Slider(label="Inpaint+ Height", minimum=64, maximum=2048, value=512, step=8) |
btn = gr.Button(value = "Draw region + show mask") |
cbtn = gr.Button(value="Create mask area") |
with gr.Column(): |
showmask = gr.Image(label = "Mask", shape=(IDIM, IDIM)) |
uploadmask = gr.Image(label="Upload mask here cus gradio",source = "upload", type = "numpy") |
btn.click(draw_region, inputs = [polymask, num], outputs = [polymask, num, showmask]) |
cbtn.click(fn=create_canvas, inputs=[canvas_height, canvas_width], outputs=[polymask]) |
uploadmask.upload(fn = draw_image, inputs = [uploadmask], outputs = [polymask, uploadmask, showmask]) |
vret = [xmode, polymask, num, canvas_width, canvas_height, btn, cbtn, showmask, uploadmask] |
elif mode == "Prompt": |
with gr.Row(): |
pguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(PROMPTURL, "Prompt mode guide")) |
pguide2 = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(PROMPTURL2, "Extended prompt guide (jp)")) |
with gr.Row(): |
pmode = gr.Radio(label="Prompt mode", choices=submode, value="Prompt", type="value", interactive=True) |
threshold = gr.Textbox(label = "threshold", value = 0.4, interactive=True) |
vret = [pmode, threshold] |
return vret |
("Matrix", ("Horizontal","Vertical")), |
("Mask", ("Mask",)), |
("Prompt", ("Prompt", "Prompt-Ex")), |
] |
fgrprop = lambda x: {"label": x, "id": "t" + x, "elem_id": "RP_" + x} |
def mode2tabs(mode): |
"""Converts mode (in preset) to gradio tab + submodes. |
I dunno if it's possible to nest components or make them optional (probably not), |
so this is the best we can do. |
""" |
vret = ["Nope"] + [None] * len(RPMODES) |
for (i,(k,v)) in enumerate(RPMODES): |
if mode in v: |
vret[0] = k |
vret[i + 1] = mode |
return vret |
def tabs2mode(tab, *submode): |
"""Converts ui tab + submode list to a single value mode. |
Picks current submode based on tab, nothing clever. Submodes must be unique. |
""" |
for (i,(k,_)) in enumerate(RPMODES): |
if tab == k: |
return submode[i] |
return "Nope" |
def expand_components(l): |
"""Converts json preset to component format. |
Assumes mode is the first value in list. |
""" |
l = list(l) |
tabs = mode2tabs(l[0]) |
return tabs + l[1:] |
def compress_components(l): |
"""Converts component values to preset format. |
Assumes tab + submodes are the first values in list. |
""" |
l = list(l) |
mode = tabs2mode(*l[:len(RPMODES) + 1]) |
return [mode] + l[len(RPMODES) + 1:] |
class Script(modules.scripts.Script): |
def __init__(self,active = False,mode = "Matrix",calc = "Attention",h = 0, w =0, debug = False, usebase = False, usecom = False, usencom = False, batch = 1): |
self.active = active |
self.mode = mode |
self.calc = calc |
self.h = h |
self.w = w |
self.debug = debug |
self.usebase = usebase |
self.usecom = usecom |
self.usencom = usencom |
self.batch_size = batch |
self.aratios = [] |
self.bratios = [] |
self.divide = 0 |
self.count = 0 |
self.pn = True |
self.hr = False |
self.hr_scale = 0 |
self.hr_w = 0 |
self.hr_h = 0 |
self.in_hr = False |
self.xsize = 0 |
self.imgcount = 0 |
self.filters = [] |
self.lora_applied = False |
self.regmasks = None |
self.regbase = None |
self.pe = [] |
self.step = 0 |
def title(self): |
return "Regional Prompter" |
def show(self, is_img2img): |
return modules.scripts.AlwaysVisible |
infotext_fields = None |
paste_field_names = [] |
def ui(self, is_img2img): |
filepath = os.path.join(PTPRESET, FLJSON) |
presets = [] |
presets = loadpresets(filepath) |
presets = LPRESET.update(presets) |
with gr.Accordion("Regional Prompter", open=False, elem_id="RP_main"): |
with gr.Row(): |
active = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Active",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_active") |
urlguide = gr.HTML(value = fhurl(GUIDEURL, "Usage guide")) |
with gr.Row(): |
calcmode = gr.Radio(label="Generation mode", choices=["Attention", "Latent"], value="Attention", type="value", interactive=True) |
with gr.Row(visible=True): |
baseratios = gr.Textbox(label="Base Ratio", lines=1,value="0.2",interactive=True, elem_id="RP_base_ratio", visible=True) |
with gr.Row(): |
usebase = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use base prompt",interactive=True, elem_id="RP_usebase") |
usecom = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use common prompt",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_usecommon") |
usencom = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Use common negative prompt",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_usecommon") |
with gr.Tabs(elem_id="RP_mode") as tabs: |
rp_selected_tab = gr.State("Matrix") |
ltabp = [] |
for (i, (md,smd)) in enumerate(RPMODES): |
with gr.TabItem(**fgrprop(md)) as tab: |
ltabp.append(ui_tab(md, smd)) |
tab.select(fn = lambda tabnum = i: RPMODES[tabnum][0], inputs=[], outputs=[rp_selected_tab]) |
(mmode, ratios, maketemp, template, areasimg) = ltabp[0] |
(xmode, polymask, num, canvas_width, canvas_height, btn, cbtn, showmask, uploadmask) = ltabp[1] |
(pmode, threshold) = ltabp[2] |
with gr.Accordion("Presets",open = False): |
with gr.Row(): |
availablepresets = gr.Dropdown(label="Presets", choices=presets, type="index") |
applypresets = gr.Button(value="Apply Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="RP_applysetting") |
with gr.Row(): |
presetname = gr.Textbox(label="Preset Name",lines=1,value="",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_preset_name",visible=True) |
savesets = gr.Button(value="Save to Presets",variant='primary',elem_id="RP_savesetting") |
with gr.Row(): |
nchangeand = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="disable convert 'AND' to 'BREAK'", interactive=True, elem_id="RP_ncand") |
debug = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="debug", interactive=True, elem_id="RP_debug") |
lnter = gr.Textbox(label="LoRA in negative textencoder",value="0",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_ne_tenc_ratio",visible=True) |
lnur = gr.Textbox(label="LoRA in negative U-net",value="0",interactive=True,elem_id="RP_ne_unet_ratio",visible=True) |
mode = gr.Textbox(value = "Matrix",visible = False) |
def changetabs(mode): |
modes = ["Matrix", "Mask", "Prompt"] |
if mode not in modes: mode = "Maxtix" |
return gr.Tabs.update(selected="t"+mode) |
mode.change(fn = changetabs,inputs=[mode],outputs=[tabs]) |
settings = [rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, ratios, baseratios, usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask] |
self.infotext_fields = [ |
(active, "RP Active"), |
(mode, "RP Divide mode"), |
(mmode, "RP Matrix submode"), |
(xmode, "RP Mask submode"), |
(pmode, "RP Prompt submode"), |
(calcmode, "RP Calc Mode"), |
(ratios, "RP Ratios"), |
(baseratios, "RP Base Ratios"), |
(usebase, "RP Use Base"), |
(usecom, "RP Use Common"), |
(usencom, "RP Use Ncommon"), |
(nchangeand,"RP Change AND"), |
(lnter,"RP LoRA Neg Te Ratios"), |
(lnur,"RP LoRA Neg U Ratios"), |
(threshold,"RP threshold"), |
] |
for _,name in self.infotext_fields: |
self.paste_field_names.append(name) |
def setpreset(select, *settings): |
"""Load preset from list. |
SBM: The only way I know how to get the old values in gradio, |
is to pass them all as input. |
Tab mode converts ui to single value. |
""" |
settings = [s["image"] if (isinstance(s,dict) and "image" in s) else s for s in settings] |
presets = loadpresets(filepath) |
preset = presets[select] |
preset = loadblob(preset) |
preset = [fmt(preset.get(k, vdef)) for (k,fmt,vdef) in PRESET_KEYS] |
preset = preset[1:] |
preset = expand_components(preset) |
preset = [settings[i] if p is None else p for (i,p) in enumerate(preset)] |
return preset |
maketemp.click(fn=makeimgtmp, inputs =[ratios,mmode,usecom,usebase],outputs = [areasimg,template]) |
applypresets.click(fn=setpreset, inputs = [availablepresets, *settings], outputs=settings) |
savesets.click(fn=savepresets, inputs = [presetname,*settings],outputs=availablepresets) |
return [active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, ratios, baseratios, |
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask] |
def process(self, p, active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios, |
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask): |
if type(polymask) == str and not polymask: |
try: |
polymask,_,_ = draw_image(np.array(Image.open(polymask))) |
except: |
pass |
if debug: pprint([active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios, |
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask]) |
tprompt = p.prompt[0] if type(p.prompt) == list else p.prompt |
if not any(key in tprompt for key in ALLALLKEYS) or not active: |
return unloader(self,p) |
p.extra_generation_params.update({ |
"RP Active":active, |
"RP Divide mode": rp_selected_tab, |
"RP Matrix submode": mmode, |
"RP Mask submode": xmode, |
"RP Prompt submode": pmode, |
"RP Calc Mode":calcmode, |
"RP Ratios": aratios, |
"RP Base Ratios": bratios, |
"RP Use Base":usebase, |
"RP Use Common":usecom, |
"RP Use Ncommon": usencom, |
"RP Change AND" : nchangeand, |
"RP LoRA Neg Te Ratios": lnter, |
"RP LoRA Neg U Ratios": lnur, |
"RP threshold": threshold, |
}) |
savepresets("lastrun",rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios,bratios, |
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode, nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask) |
self.__init__(active, tabs2mode(rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode) ,calcmode ,p.height, p.width, debug, usebase, usecom, usencom, p.batch_size) |
self.all_prompts = p.all_prompts.copy() |
self.all_negative_prompts = p.all_negative_prompts.copy() |
self.isvanilla = p.sampler_name in ["DDIM", "PLMS", "UniPC"] |
if self.h % ATTNSCALE != 0 or self.w % ATTNSCALE != 0: |
print("Warning: Nonstandard height / width.") |
self.h = self.h - self.h % ATTNSCALE |
self.w = self.w - self.w % ATTNSCALE |
if hasattr(p,"enable_hr"): |
self.hr = p.enable_hr |
self.hr_w = (p.hr_resize_x if p.hr_resize_x > p.width else p.width * p.hr_scale) |
self.hr_h = (p.hr_resize_y if p.hr_resize_y > p.height else p.height * p.hr_scale) |
if self.hr_h % ATTNSCALE != 0 or self.hr_w % ATTNSCALE != 0: |
print("Warning: Nonstandard height / width for ulscaled size") |
self.hr_h = self.hr_h - self.hr_h % ATTNSCALE |
self.hr_w = self.hr_w - self.hr_w % ATTNSCALE |
andtobreak(p, nchangeand) |
if "Ver" in self.mode or "Hor" in self.mode: |
keyconverter(aratios, self.mode, usecom, usebase, p) |
bckeydealer(self, p) |
keycounter(self, p) |
if "Pro" not in self.mode: |
if "Mask" in self.mode: |
keyreplacer(p) |
inpaintmaskdealer(self, p, bratios, usebase, polymask) |
elif "Ver" in self.mode or "Hor" in self.mode: |
matrixdealer(self, p, aratios, bratios, self.mode) |
if "Att" in calcmode: |
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model) |
shared.batch_cond_uncond = orig_batch_cond_uncond |
else: |
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model,remove = True) |
setuploras(self) |
elif "Pro" in self.mode: |
self.ex = "Ex" in self.mode |
if not usebase : bratios = "0" |
self.handle = hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model) |
denoiserdealer(self) |
neighbor(self,p) |
keyreplacer(p) |
commondealer(p, usecom, usencom) |
anddealer(self, p , calcmode) |
if tokendealer(self, p): return unloader(self,p) |
thresholddealer(self, p, threshold) |
bratioprompt(self, bratios) |
hrdealer(p) |
print(f"pos tokens : {self.ppt}, neg tokens : {self.pnt}") |
if debug : debugall(self) |
def before_process_batch(self, p, *args, **kwargs): |
self.current_prompts = kwargs["prompts"].copy() |
p.disable_extra_networks = False |
def process_batch(self, p, active, debug, rp_selected_tab, mmode, xmode, pmode, aratios, bratios, |
usebase, usecom, usencom, calcmode,nchangeand, lnter, lnur, threshold, polymask,**kwargs): |
if self.active: |
resetpcache(p) |
if not hasattr(self,"current_prompts"): |
self.current_prompts = kwargs["prompts"].copy() |
p.all_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] = self.all_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] |
p.all_negative_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] = self.all_negative_prompts[p.iteration * p.batch_size:(p.iteration + 1) * p.batch_size] |
if "Pro" in self.mode: |
reset_pmasks(self) |
if "La" in self.calc: |
setloradevice(self) |
lora_namer(self, p, lnter, lnur) |
if self.lora_applied: |
pass |
else: |
restoremodel(p) |
denoiserdealer(self) |
self.lora_applied = True |
p.disable_extra_networks = True |
def postprocess(self, p, processed, *args): |
if self.active : |
with open(os.path.join(paths.data_path, "params.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8") as file: |
processedx = Processed(p, [], p.seed, "") |
file.write(processedx.infotext(p, 0)) |
if "Pro" in self.mode and not fseti("hidepmask"): |
savepmasks(self, processed) |
if self.debug : debugall(self) |
unloader(self, p) |
def denoiser_callback(self, params: CFGDenoiserParams): |
denoiser_callback_s(self, params) |
def denoised_callback(self, params: CFGDenoisedParams): |
denoised_callback_s(self, params) |
def unloader(self,p): |
if hasattr(self,"handle"): |
print("unloaded") |
hook_forwards(self, p.sd_model.model.diffusion_model, remove=True) |
del self.handle |
self.__init__() |
shared.batch_cond_uncond = orig_batch_cond_uncond |
unloadlorafowards(p) |
def denoiserdealer(self): |
if self.calc =="Latent": |
if not hasattr(self,"dd_callbacks"): |
self.dd_callbacks = on_cfg_denoised(self.denoised_callback) |
shared.batch_cond_uncond = False |
if not hasattr(self,"dr_callbacks"): |
self.dr_callbacks = on_cfg_denoiser(self.denoiser_callback) |
def commondealer(p, usecom, usencom): |
all_prompts = [] |
all_negative_prompts = [] |
def comadder(prompt): |
ppl = prompt.split(KEYBRK) |
for i in range(len(ppl)): |
if i == 0: |
continue |
ppl[i] = ppl[0] + ", " + ppl[i] |
ppl = ppl[1:] |
prompt = f"{KEYBRK} ".join(ppl) |
return prompt |
if usecom: |
p.prompt = comadder(p.prompt) |
for pr in p.all_prompts: |
all_prompts.append(comadder(pr)) |
p.all_prompts = all_prompts |
if usencom: |
p.negative_prompt = comadder(p.negative_prompt) |
for pr in p.all_negative_prompts: |
all_negative_prompts.append(comadder(pr)) |
p.all_negative_prompts = all_negative_prompts |
def hrdealer(p): |
p.hr_prompt = p.prompt |
p.hr_negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt |
p.all_hr_prompts = p.all_prompts |
p.all_hr_negative_prompts = p.all_negative_prompts |
def anddealer(self, p, calcmode): |
if calcmode != "Latent" : return |
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK, "AND") |
for i in lange(p.all_prompts): |
p.all_prompts[i] = p.all_prompts[i].replace(KEYBRK, "AND") |
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace(KEYBRK, "AND") |
for i in lange(p.all_negative_prompts): |
p.all_negative_prompts[i] = p.all_negative_prompts[i].replace(KEYBRK, "AND") |
def tokendealer(self, p): |
seps = "AND" if "La" in self.calc else KEYBRK |
text, _ = extra_networks.parse_prompt(p.all_prompts[0]) |
ppl = text.split(seps) |
npl = p.all_negative_prompts[0].split(seps) |
targets =[p.split(",")[-1] for p in ppl[1:]] |
pt, nt, ppt, pnt, tt = [], [], [], [], [] |
padd = 0 |
for pp in ppl: |
tokens, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(pp) |
pt.append([padd, tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd]) |
ppt.append(tokensnum) |
padd = tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd |
if "Pro" in self.mode: |
for target in targets: |
ptokens, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(ppl[0]) |
ttokens, _ = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(target) |
i = 1 |
tlist = [] |
while ttokens[0].tokens[i] != 49407: |
for (j, maintok) in enumerate(ptokens): |
if ttokens[0].tokens[i] in maintok.tokens: |
tlist.append(maintok.tokens.index(ttokens[0].tokens[i]) + 75 * j) |
i += 1 |
if tlist != [] : tt.append(tlist) |
paddp = padd |
padd = 0 |
for np in npl: |
_, tokensnum = shared.sd_model.cond_stage_model.tokenize_line(np) |
nt.append([padd, tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd]) |
pnt.append(tokensnum) |
padd = tokensnum // TOKENS + 1 + padd |
self.eq = paddp == padd |
self.pt = pt |
self.nt = nt |
self.pe = tt |
self.ppt = ppt |
self.pnt = pnt |
notarget = "Pro" in self.mode and tt == [] |
if notarget: |
print("No target word is detected in Prompt mode") |
return notarget |
def thresholddealer(self, p ,threshold): |
if "Pro" in self.mode: |
threshold = threshold.split(",") |
while len(self.pe) >= len(threshold) + 1: |
threshold.append(threshold[0]) |
self.th = [floatdef(t, 0.4) for t in threshold] * self.batch_size |
if self.debug :print ("threshold", self.th) |
def bratioprompt(self, bratios): |
if not "Pro" in self.mode: return self |
bratios = bratios.split(",") |
bratios = [floatdef(b, 0) for b in bratios] |
while len(self.pe) >= len(bratios) + 1: |
bratios.append(bratios[0]) |
self.bratios = bratios |
def neighbor(self,p): |
try: |
args = p.script_args |
multi = ["MultiDiffusion",'Mixture of Diffusers'] |
if any(x in args for x in multi): |
for key in multi: |
if key in args: |
self.nei_multi = [args[args.index(key)+5],args[args.index(key)+6]] |
except: |
pass |
fimgpt = lambda flnm, fext, *dirparts: os.path.join(*dirparts, flnm + fext) |
class PresetList(): |
"""Preset list must be the same object throughout its lifetime, otherwise updates will err. |
See gradio issue #4210 for details. |
""" |
def __init__(self): |
self.lpr = [] |
def update(self, newpr): |
"""Replace all values, return the reference. |
Will convert dicts to the names only. |
Might be more efficient to add the new names only, but meh. |
""" |
if len(newpr) > 0 and isinstance(newpr[0],dict): |
newpr = [pr["name"] for pr in newpr] |
self.lpr.clear() |
self.lpr.extend(newpr) |
return self.lpr |
def get(self): |
return self.lpr |
class JsonMask(): |
"""Mask saved as image with some editing work. |
""" |
blobdir = "regional_masks" |
ext = ".png" |
def __init__(self, img): |
self.img = img |
def makepath(self, name): |
pt = fimgpt(name, self.ext, PTPRESET, self.blobdir) |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pt), exist_ok = True) |
return pt |
def save(self, name, preset = None): |
"""Save image to subdir. |
Only saved when in mask mode - Hardcoded, don't have a better idea atm. |
""" |
if (preset is None) or (preset[1] == "Mask"): |
save_mask(self.img, self.makepath(name)) |
return name |
return None |
def load(self, name, preset = None): |
"""Load image from subdir (no editing, that comes later). |
Prefer to use the given key, rather than name. SBM CONT: Load / save in dict mode? Debugging needed. |
""" |
if name is None or self.img is None: |
return None |
return load_mask(self.makepath(self.img)) |
LPRESET = PresetList() |
fcountbrk = lambda x: x.count(KEYBRK) |
fint = lambda x: int(x) |
fjstr = lambda x: x.strip() |
fjbool = lambda x: x |
fjmask = lambda x: draw_image(x, inddict = False)[0] |
("name",fjstr,"") , |
("mode", fjstr, None) , |
("ratios", fjstr, None) , |
("baseratios", fjstr, None) , |
("usebase", fjbool, None) , |
("usecom", fjbool, False) , |
("usencom", fjbool, False) , |
("calcmode", fjstr, "Attention") , |
("nchangeand", fjbool, False) , |
("lnter", fjstr, "0") , |
("lnur", fjstr, "0") , |
("threshold", fjstr, "0") , |
("polymask", fjmask, "") , |
] |
"polymask": JsonMask |
} |
def saveblob(preset): |
"""Preset variables saved externally (blob). |
Returns modified list containing the refernces instead of data. |
Currently, this includes polymask, which is saved as an image, |
with a filename = preset. |
A blob class should contain a save method which returns the reference. |
""" |
preset = list(preset) |
for (i,(vkey,vfun,vdef)) in enumerate(PRESET_KEYS): |
if vkey in BLOB_KEYS: |
x = BLOB_KEYS[vkey](preset[i]) |
x = x.save(preset[0], preset) |
preset[i] = x |
return preset |
def loadblob(preset): |
"""Load blob presets based on key. |
Returns modified list containing the refernces instead of |
Currently, this includes polymask, which is saved as an image, |
with a filename = preset. |
A blob class should contain a load method which retrieves the data based on reference. |
""" |
for (vkey,vval) in BLOB_KEYS.items(): |
x = vval(preset.get(vkey)) |
x = x.load(preset["name"], preset) |
preset[vkey] = x |
return preset |
def savepresets(*settings): |
name = settings[0] |
settings = [name] + compress_components(settings[1:]) |
settings = saveblob(settings) |
filepath = os.path.join(PTPRESET, FLJSON) |
try: |
with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding="utf-8") as f: |
presets = json.load(f) |
pr = {PRESET_KEYS[i][0]:settings[i] for i,_ in enumerate(PRESET_KEYS)} |
written = False |
for i, preset in enumerate(presets): |
if name == preset["name"]: |
presets[i] = pr |
written = True |
if not written: |
presets.append(pr) |
with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(presets, f, indent = 2) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
presets = loadpresets(filepath) |
presets = LPRESET.update(presets) |
return gr.update(choices=presets) |
def presetfallback(): |
"""Swaps main json dir to alt if exists, attempts reload. |
""" |
global PTPRESET |
if PTPRESETALT is not None: |
print("Unknown preset error, fallback.") |
return loadpresets(PTPRESET) |
else: |
print("Presets could not be loaded.") |
return None |
def loadpresets(filepath): |
presets = [] |
try: |
with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: |
presets = json.load(f) |
except OSError as e: |
print("Init / preset error.") |
presets = initpresets(filepath) |
except TypeError: |
print("Corrupted preset file, resetting.") |
presets = initpresets(filepath) |
except JSONDecodeError: |
print("Preset file could not be decoded.") |
presets = initpresets(filepath) |
return presets |
def initpresets(filepath): |
try: |
with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f: |
lprj = [] |
for pr in lpr: |
plen = min(len(PRESET_KEYS), len(pr)) |
prj = {PRESET_KEYS[i][0]:pr[i] for i in range(plen)} |
lprj.append(prj) |
json.dump(lprj, f, indent = 2) |
return lprj |
except Exception as e: |
return presetfallback() |
EXTKEY = "regprp" |
EXTNAME = "Regional Prompter" |
("debug", "(PLACEHOLDER, USE THE ONE IN 2IMG) Enable debug mode", "check", dict()), |
("hidepmask", "Hide subprompt masks in prompt mode", "check", dict()), |
] |
DEXTSETV = dict() |
fseti = lambda x: shared.opts.data.get(EXTKEY + "_" + x, DEXTSETV[x]) |
class Setting_Component(): |
"""Creates gradio components with some standard req values. |
All must supply an id (used in code), label, component type. |
Default value and specific type settings can be overridden. |
""" |
section = (EXTKEY, EXTNAME) |
def __init__(self, cid, clabel, ctyp, vdef = None, **kwargs): |
self.cid = EXTKEY + "_" + cid |
self.clabel = clabel |
self.ctyp = ctyp |
method = getattr(self, self.ctyp) |
method(**kwargs) |
if vdef is not None: |
self.vdef = vdef |
def get(self): |
"""Get formatted setting. |
Input for shared.opts.add_option(). |
""" |
if self.ctyp == "textb": |
return (self.cid, shared.OptionInfo(self.vdef, self.clabel, section = self.section)) |
return (self.cid, shared.OptionInfo(self.vdef, self.clabel, |
self.ccomp, self.cparms, section = self.section)) |
def textb(self, **kwargs): |
"""Textbox unusually requires no component. |
""" |
self.ccomp = gr.Textbox |
self.vdef = "" |
self.cparms = {} |
self.cparms.update(kwargs) |
def check(self, **kwargs): |
self.ccomp = gr.Checkbox |
self.vdef = False |
self.cparms = {"interactive": True} |
self.cparms.update(kwargs) |
def slider(self, **kwargs): |
self.ccomp = gr.Slider |
self.vdef = 0 |
self.cparms = {"minimum": 1, "maximum": 10, "step": 1} |
self.cparms.update(kwargs) |
def ext_on_ui_settings(): |
for (cid, clabel, ctyp, kwargs) in EXTSETS: |
comp = Setting_Component(cid, clabel, ctyp, **kwargs) |
opt = comp.get() |
shared.opts.add_option(*opt) |
DEXTSETV[cid] = comp.vdef |
def debugall(self): |
print(f"mode : {self.mode}\ncalcmode : {self.calc}\nusebase : {self.usebase}") |
print(f"base ratios : {self.bratios}\nusecommon : {self.usecom}\nusenegcom : {self.usencom}") |
print(f"divide : {self.divide}\neq : {self.eq}") |
print(f"tokens : {self.ppt},{self.pnt},{self.pt},{self.nt}") |
print(f"ratios : {self.aratios}\n") |
print(f"prompt : {self.pe}\n") |
def bckeydealer(self, p): |
''' |
detect COMM/BASE keys and set flags and change to BREAK |
''' |
if KEYCOMM in p.prompt: |
self.usecom = True |
if self.usecom and KEYCOMM not in p.prompt: |
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYCOMM,1) |
if KEYCOMM in p.negative_prompt: |
self.usencom = True |
if self.usencom and KEYCOMM not in p.negative_prompt: |
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYCOMM,1) |
if KEYBASE in p.prompt: |
self.usebase = True |
if self.usebase and KEYBASE not in p.prompt: |
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,KEYBASE,1) |
if KEYPROMPT in p.prompt.upper(): |
self.mode = "Prompt" |
def keyconverter(aratios,mode,usecom,usebase,p): |
keychanger = makeimgtmp(aratios,mode,usecom,usebase,inprocess = True) |
keychanger = keychanger[:-1] |
for change in keychanger: |
if change == KEYCOMM and KEYCOMM in p.prompt: continue |
if change == KEYBASE and KEYBASE in p.prompt: continue |
p.prompt= p.prompt.replace(KEYBRK,change,1) |
def keyreplacer(p): |
''' |
replace all separators to BREAK |
p.all_prompt and p.all_negative_prompt |
''' |
for key in ALLKEYS: |
for i in lange(p.all_prompts): |
p.all_prompts[i]= p.all_prompts[i].replace(key,KEYBRK) |
for i in lange(p.all_negative_prompts): |
p.all_negative_prompts[i] = p.all_negative_prompts[i].replace(key,KEYBRK) |
def keycounter(self, p): |
pc = sum([p.prompt.count(text) for text in ALLALLKEYS]) |
npc = sum([p.negative_prompt.count(text) for text in ALLALLKEYS]) |
self.divide = [pc + 1, npc + 1] |
def andtobreak(p,nchangeand): |
if not nchangeand and "AND" in p.prompt.upper(): |
p.prompt = p.prompt.replace("AND",KEYBRK) |
if not nchangeand and "AND" in p.negative_prompt.upper(): |
p.negative_prompt = p.negative_prompt.replace("AND",KEYBRK) |
def resetpcache(p): |
p.cached_c = [None,None] |
p.cached_uc = [None,None] |
p.cached_hr_c = [None, None] |
p.cached_hr_uc = [None, None] |
on_ui_settings(ext_on_ui_settings) |