Whisper-Keras / Whisper.py
NoteDance's picture
Update Whisper.py
36504b4 verified
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense,Conv1d,ZeroPadding1D,LayerNormalization
from tensorflow.keras import Model
import base64
import gzip
import numpy as np
from typing import Union
class ModelDimensions:
n_mels: int
n_audio_ctx: int
n_audio_state: int
n_audio_head: int
n_audio_layer: int
n_vocab: int
n_text_ctx: int
n_text_state: int
n_text_head: int
n_text_layer: int
def sinusoids(length, channels, max_timescale=10000):
"""Returns sinusoids for positional embedding"""
assert channels % 2 == 0
log_timescale_increment = np.log(max_timescale) / (channels // 2 - 1)
inv_timescales = tf.math.exp(-log_timescale_increment * np.arange(channels // 2))
scaled_time = np.arange(length)[:, np.newaxis] * inv_timescales[np.newaxis, :]
return tf.concat([tf.math.sin(scaled_time), tf.math.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1)
class LayerNorm:
def __init__(self, n_state):
self.layer_norm = LayerNormalization
def __call__(self, x):
return tf.cast(self.layer_norm(tf.cast(x, 'float32')), x.dtype)
class MultiHeadAttention:
def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int):
self.n_head = n_head
self.query = Dense(n_state)
self.key = Dense(n_state, use_bias=False)
self.value = Dense(n_state)
self.out = Dense(n_state)
def __call__(
q = self.query(x)
if xa is None:
k = self.key(x)
v = self.value(x)
if kv_cache is not None:
k = tf.concat([kv_cache[0], k], axis=1)
v = tf.concat([kv_cache[1], v], axis=1)
elif kv_cache is None:
k = self.key(xa)
v = self.value(xa)
k, v = kv_cache
wv, qk = self.qkv_attention(q, k, v, mask)
return self.out(wv), (k, v), qk
def qkv_attention(self, q, k, v, mask=None):
n_batch, n_ctx, n_state = q.shape
scale = (n_state // self.n_head) ** -0.25
q = q.reshape(*q.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) * scale
k = k.reshape(*k.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) * scale
v = v.reshape(*v.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
qk = tf.matmul(q, k)
if mask is not None:
qk = qk + mask[:n_ctx, :n_ctx]
qk = tf.cast(qk, tf.float32)
w = tf.cast(tf.nn.softmax(qk, axis=-1), q.dtype)
out = tf.transpose(tf.matmul(w, v), (0, 2, 1, 3))
out = tf.reshape(out, (n_batch, n_ctx, n_state))
return out, qk
class ResidualAttentionBlock:
def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int, cross_attention: bool = False):
self.attn = MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head)
self.attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
self.cross_attn = (
MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head) if cross_attention else None
self.cross_attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state) if cross_attention else None
n_mlp = n_state * 4
self.mlp1 = Dense(n_mlp)
self.mlp2 = Dense(n_state)
self.mlp_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
def __call__(self, x, xa=None, mask=None, kv_cache=None):
kv, cross_kv = kv_cache if kv_cache else (None, None)
y, kv, _ = self.attn(self.attn_ln(x), mask=mask, kv_cache=kv)
x += y
cross_qk = None
if self.cross_attn:
y, cross_kv, cross_qk = self.cross_attn(
self.cross_attn_ln(x), xa, kv_cache=cross_kv
x += y
x = x + tf.cast(self.mlp2(tf.nn.gelu(self.mlp1(self.mlp_ln(x))), x.dtype))
return x, (kv, cross_kv), cross_qk
class AudioEncoder:
def __init__(
n_mels: int,
n_ctx: int,
n_state: int,
n_head: int,
n_layer: int,
dtype = tf.float16,
self.zeropadding1d1 = ZeroPadding1D(padding=1)
self.conv1 = Conv1d(filters=n_state, kernel_size=3)
self.zeropadding1d2 = ZeroPadding1D(padding=1)
self.conv2 = Conv1d(filters=n_state, kernel_size=3, strides=2)
self._positional_embedding = tf.cast(sinusoids(n_ctx, n_state), dtype)
self.blocks = [ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head) for _ in range(n_layer)]
self.ln_post = LayerNorm(n_state)
def __call__(self, x):
x = self.zeropadding1d1(x)
x = tf.cast(tf.nn.gelu(self.conv1(x)), x.dtype)
x = self.zeropadding1d2(x)
x = tf.cast(tf.nn.gelu(self.conv2(x)), x.dtype)
assert x.shape[1:] == self._positional_embedding.shape, "incorrect audio shape"
x = x + self._positional_embedding
for block in self.blocks:
x, _, _ = block(x)
x = self.ln_post(x)
return x
class TextDecoder(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(
n_vocab: int,
n_ctx: int,
n_state: int,
n_head: int,
n_layer: int,
dtype = tf.float16,
self.token_embedding = self.add_weight(
shape=[self.n_vocab, self.n_state],
initializer=tf.keras.initializers.RandomNormal(stddev=0.02), # 设定标准差 stddev
self.positional_embedding = self.add_weight(
shape=[self.n_ctx, self.n_state],
initializer=tf.keras.initializers.Zeros(), # 初始化为全零
self.blocks = [
ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head, cross_attention=True)
for _ in range(n_layer)
self.ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
self._mask = tf.fill((n_ctx, n_ctx), float("-inf"))
self._mask = tf.linalg.band_part(self._mask, 0, -1)
self._mask = tf.linalg.set_diag(self._mask, tf.zeros(n_ctx))
self._mask = tf.cast(self._mask, dtype)
def __call__(self, x, xa, kv_cache=None):
x : shape = (batch_size, <= n_ctx)
the text tokens
xa : shape = (batch_size, n_audio_ctx, n_audio_state)
the encoded audio features to be attended on
offset = kv_cache[0][0][0].shape[1] if kv_cache else 0
x = (
tf.gather(self.token_embedding, x)
+ self.positional_embedding[offset : offset + x.shape[-1]]
if kv_cache is None:
kv_cache = [None] * len(self.blocks)
cross_qk = [None] * len(self.blocks)
for e, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
x, kv_cache[e], cross_qk[e] = block(
x, xa, mask=self._mask, kv_cache=kv_cache[e]
x = self.ln(x)
return tf.matmul(x, tf.transpose(self.token_embedding)), kv_cache, cross_qk
class Whisper(Model):
def __init__(self, dims: ModelDimensions, dtype = tf.float16):
super(Whisper, self).__init__()
self.dims = dims
self.encoder = AudioEncoder(
self.decoder = TextDecoder(
# use the last half among the decoder layers for time alignment by default;
# to use a specific set of heads, see `set_alignment_heads()` below.
all_heads = np.zeros(
(self.dims.n_text_layer, self.dims.n_text_head), dtype=bool
all_heads[self.dims.n_text_layer // 2 :] = True
self.alignment_heads = tf.transpose(tf.cast(tf.where(all_heads != 0), dtype=tf.int32))
def set_alignment_heads(self, dump: Union[bytes, np.ndarray]):
if isinstance(dump, np.ndarray):
self.alignment_heads = tf.convert_to_tensor(dump)
elif isinstance(dump, bytes):
array = np.frombuffer(
gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode(dump)), dtype=bool
mask = array.reshape(self.dims.n_text_layer, self.dims.n_text_head)
self.alignment_heads = tf.transpose(tf.cast(tf.where(mask != 0), dtype=tf.int32))
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid type for `dump`: {type(dump)}. Expected a np.ndarray or base85-encoded bytes containing"
" alignment_head information"
def embed_audio(self, mel):
return self.encoder(mel)
def logits(self, tokens, audio_features):
return self.decoder(tokens, audio_features)[0]
def forward_with_cross_qk(self, mel, tokens):
logits, _, cross_qk = self.decoder(tokens, self.encoder(mel))
return logits, cross_qk
def __call__(self, mel, tokens):
return self.decoder(tokens, self.encoder(mel))[0]
def is_multilingual(self):
return self.dims.n_vocab >= 51865
def num_languages(self):
return self.dims.n_vocab - 51765 - int(self.is_multilingual)