test / files_cells /python /en /main_dl_file_en.py
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Upload main_dl_file_en.py
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import os
from IPython.utils import capture
def check_colab_subscription():
return (os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') / (1024. ** 3) <= 20)
free_plan = check_colab_subscription()
def detect_environment():
environments = {
'COLAB_GPU': ('Google Colab', "/root" if free_plan else "/content"),
'KAGGLE_URL_BASE': ('Kaggle', "/kaggle/working/content"),
'SAGEMAKER_INTERNAL_IMAGE_URI': ('SageMaker Studio Lab', "/home/studio-lab-user/content")
for env_var, (environment, path) in environments.items():
if env_var in os.environ:
return environment, path
print("\033[31mError: an unsupported runtime environment was detected.\n\033[34mSupported environments:\033[0m Google Colab, Kaggle, Sagemaker Studio Lab")
return None, None
env, root_path = detect_environment()
if env and root_path:
webui_path = f"{root_path}/sdw"
print(f"Runtime environment: \033[33m{env}\033[0m")
# Colab Plan
if env == "Google Colab":
print(f"Colab Pro subscription: \033[34m{not free_plan}\033[0m")
print(f"File location: \033[32m{root_path}\033[0m")
print("Please wait for the files to download.... ๐Ÿ‘€", end='')
with capture.capture_output() as cap:
files = [f'widgets_{lang}.py', f'downloading_{lang}.py', f'launch_{lang}.py', f'auto-cleaner_{lang}.py']
folder_path = f'{root_path}/file_cell'
if os.path.exists(folder_path):
get_ipython().system('rm -rf {folder_path}')
get_ipython().system('mkdir -p {folder_path}')
for file in files:
get_ipython().system('wget -q https://huggingface.co/NagisaNao/fast_repo/resolve/main/files_cells/python/{lang}/{file} -O {folder_path}/{file}')
del cap
print("\rDone! Now you can run the cells below. โ˜„๏ธ" + " "*30)