nlproject / src /position.h
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Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1
Copyright (C) 2004-2022 The Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file)
Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <cassert>
#include <deque>
#include <memory> // For std::unique_ptr
#include <string>
#include "bitboard.h"
#include "evaluate.h"
#include "psqt.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "nnue/nnue_accumulator.h"
namespace Stockfish {
/// StateInfo struct stores information needed to restore a Position object to
/// its previous state when we retract a move. Whenever a move is made on the
/// board (by calling Position::do_move), a StateInfo object must be passed.
struct StateInfo {
// Copied when making a move
Key pawnKey;
Key materialKey;
Value nonPawnMaterial[COLOR_NB];
int castlingRights;
int rule50;
int pliesFromNull;
Square epSquare;
// Not copied when making a move (will be recomputed anyhow)
Key key;
Bitboard checkersBB;
StateInfo* previous;
Bitboard blockersForKing[COLOR_NB];
Bitboard pinners[COLOR_NB];
Bitboard checkSquares[PIECE_TYPE_NB];
Piece capturedPiece;
int repetition;
// Used by NNUE
Eval::NNUE::Accumulator accumulator;
DirtyPiece dirtyPiece;
/// A list to keep track of the position states along the setup moves (from the
/// start position to the position just before the search starts). Needed by
/// 'draw by repetition' detection. Use a std::deque because pointers to
/// elements are not invalidated upon list resizing.
typedef std::unique_ptr<std::deque<StateInfo>> StateListPtr;
/// Position class stores information regarding the board representation as
/// pieces, side to move, hash keys, castling info, etc. Important methods are
/// do_move() and undo_move(), used by the search to update node info when
/// traversing the search tree.
class Thread;
class Position {
static void init();
Position() = default;
Position(const Position&) = delete;
Position& operator=(const Position&) = delete;
// FEN string input/output
Position& set(const std::string& fenStr, bool isChess960, StateInfo* si, Thread* th);
Position& set(const std::string& code, Color c, StateInfo* si);
std::string fen() const;
// Position representation
Bitboard pieces(PieceType pt) const;
Bitboard pieces(PieceType pt1, PieceType pt2) const;
Bitboard pieces(Color c) const;
Bitboard pieces(Color c, PieceType pt) const;
Bitboard pieces(Color c, PieceType pt1, PieceType pt2) const;
Piece piece_on(Square s) const;
Square ep_square() const;
bool empty(Square s) const;
template<PieceType Pt> int count(Color c) const;
template<PieceType Pt> int count() const;
template<PieceType Pt> Square square(Color c) const;
bool is_on_semiopen_file(Color c, Square s) const;
// Castling
CastlingRights castling_rights(Color c) const;
bool can_castle(CastlingRights cr) const;
bool castling_impeded(CastlingRights cr) const;
Square castling_rook_square(CastlingRights cr) const;
// Checking
Bitboard checkers() const;
Bitboard blockers_for_king(Color c) const;
Bitboard check_squares(PieceType pt) const;
Bitboard pinners(Color c) const;
// Attacks to/from a given square
Bitboard attackers_to(Square s) const;
Bitboard attackers_to(Square s, Bitboard occupied) const;
Bitboard slider_blockers(Bitboard sliders, Square s, Bitboard& pinners) const;
template<PieceType Pt> Bitboard attacks_by(Color c) const;
// Properties of moves
bool legal(Move m) const;
bool pseudo_legal(const Move m) const;
bool capture(Move m) const;
bool gives_check(Move m) const;
Piece moved_piece(Move m) const;
Piece captured_piece() const;
// Piece specific
bool pawn_passed(Color c, Square s) const;
bool opposite_bishops() const;
int pawns_on_same_color_squares(Color c, Square s) const;
// Doing and undoing moves
void do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt);
void do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, bool givesCheck);
void undo_move(Move m);
void do_null_move(StateInfo& newSt);
void undo_null_move();
// Static Exchange Evaluation
bool see_ge(Move m, Value threshold = VALUE_ZERO) const;
// Accessing hash keys
Key key() const;
Key key_after(Move m) const;
Key material_key() const;
Key pawn_key() const;
// Other properties of the position
Color side_to_move() const;
int game_ply() const;
bool is_chess960() const;
Thread* this_thread() const;
bool is_draw(int ply) const;
bool has_game_cycle(int ply) const;
bool has_repeated() const;
int rule50_count() const;
Score psq_score() const;
Value psq_eg_stm() const;
Value non_pawn_material(Color c) const;
Value non_pawn_material() const;
// Position consistency check, for debugging
bool pos_is_ok() const;
void flip();
// Used by NNUE
StateInfo* state() const;
void put_piece(Piece pc, Square s);
void remove_piece(Square s);
// Initialization helpers (used while setting up a position)
void set_castling_right(Color c, Square rfrom);
void set_state(StateInfo* si) const;
void set_check_info(StateInfo* si) const;
// Other helpers
void move_piece(Square from, Square to);
template<bool Do>
void do_castling(Color us, Square from, Square& to, Square& rfrom, Square& rto);
template<bool AfterMove>
Key adjust_key50(Key k) const;
// Data members
Piece board[SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard byTypeBB[PIECE_TYPE_NB];
Bitboard byColorBB[COLOR_NB];
int pieceCount[PIECE_NB];
int castlingRightsMask[SQUARE_NB];
Square castlingRookSquare[CASTLING_RIGHT_NB];
Bitboard castlingPath[CASTLING_RIGHT_NB];
Thread* thisThread;
StateInfo* st;
int gamePly;
Color sideToMove;
Score psq;
bool chess960;
extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Position& pos);
inline Color Position::side_to_move() const {
return sideToMove;
inline Piece Position::piece_on(Square s) const {
return board[s];
inline bool Position::empty(Square s) const {
return piece_on(s) == NO_PIECE;
inline Piece Position::moved_piece(Move m) const {
return piece_on(from_sq(m));
inline Bitboard Position::pieces(PieceType pt = ALL_PIECES) const {
return byTypeBB[pt];
inline Bitboard Position::pieces(PieceType pt1, PieceType pt2) const {
return pieces(pt1) | pieces(pt2);
inline Bitboard Position::pieces(Color c) const {
return byColorBB[c];
inline Bitboard Position::pieces(Color c, PieceType pt) const {
return pieces(c) & pieces(pt);
inline Bitboard Position::pieces(Color c, PieceType pt1, PieceType pt2) const {
return pieces(c) & (pieces(pt1) | pieces(pt2));
template<PieceType Pt> inline int Position::count(Color c) const {
return pieceCount[make_piece(c, Pt)];
template<PieceType Pt> inline int Position::count() const {
return count<Pt>(WHITE) + count<Pt>(BLACK);
template<PieceType Pt> inline Square Position::square(Color c) const {
assert(count<Pt>(c) == 1);
return lsb(pieces(c, Pt));
inline Square Position::ep_square() const {
return st->epSquare;
inline bool Position::is_on_semiopen_file(Color c, Square s) const {
return !(pieces(c, PAWN) & file_bb(s));
inline bool Position::can_castle(CastlingRights cr) const {
return st->castlingRights & cr;
inline CastlingRights Position::castling_rights(Color c) const {
return c & CastlingRights(st->castlingRights);
inline bool Position::castling_impeded(CastlingRights cr) const {
assert(cr == WHITE_OO || cr == WHITE_OOO || cr == BLACK_OO || cr == BLACK_OOO);
return pieces() & castlingPath[cr];
inline Square Position::castling_rook_square(CastlingRights cr) const {
assert(cr == WHITE_OO || cr == WHITE_OOO || cr == BLACK_OO || cr == BLACK_OOO);
return castlingRookSquare[cr];
inline Bitboard Position::attackers_to(Square s) const {
return attackers_to(s, pieces());
template<PieceType Pt>
inline Bitboard Position::attacks_by(Color c) const {
if constexpr (Pt == PAWN)
return c == WHITE ? pawn_attacks_bb<WHITE>(pieces(WHITE, PAWN))
: pawn_attacks_bb<BLACK>(pieces(BLACK, PAWN));
Bitboard threats = 0;
Bitboard attackers = pieces(c, Pt);
while (attackers)
threats |= attacks_bb<Pt>(pop_lsb(attackers), pieces());
return threats;
inline Bitboard Position::checkers() const {
return st->checkersBB;
inline Bitboard Position::blockers_for_king(Color c) const {
return st->blockersForKing[c];
inline Bitboard Position::pinners(Color c) const {
return st->pinners[c];
inline Bitboard Position::check_squares(PieceType pt) const {
return st->checkSquares[pt];
inline bool Position::pawn_passed(Color c, Square s) const {
return !(pieces(~c, PAWN) & passed_pawn_span(c, s));
inline int Position::pawns_on_same_color_squares(Color c, Square s) const {
return popcount(pieces(c, PAWN) & ((DarkSquares & s) ? DarkSquares : ~DarkSquares));
inline Key Position::key() const {
return adjust_key50<false>(st->key);
template<bool AfterMove>
inline Key Position::adjust_key50(Key k) const
return st->rule50 < 14 - AfterMove
? k : k ^ make_key((st->rule50 - (14 - AfterMove)) / 8);
inline Key Position::pawn_key() const {
return st->pawnKey;
inline Key Position::material_key() const {
return st->materialKey;
inline Score Position::psq_score() const {
return psq;
inline Value Position::psq_eg_stm() const {
return (sideToMove == WHITE ? 1 : -1) * eg_value(psq);
inline Value Position::non_pawn_material(Color c) const {
return st->nonPawnMaterial[c];
inline Value Position::non_pawn_material() const {
return non_pawn_material(WHITE) + non_pawn_material(BLACK);
inline int Position::game_ply() const {
return gamePly;
inline int Position::rule50_count() const {
return st->rule50;
inline bool Position::opposite_bishops() const {
return count<BISHOP>(WHITE) == 1
&& count<BISHOP>(BLACK) == 1
&& opposite_colors(square<BISHOP>(WHITE), square<BISHOP>(BLACK));
inline bool Position::is_chess960() const {
return chess960;
inline bool Position::capture(Move m) const {
// Castling is encoded as "king captures rook"
return (!empty(to_sq(m)) && type_of(m) != CASTLING) || type_of(m) == EN_PASSANT;
inline Piece Position::captured_piece() const {
return st->capturedPiece;
inline Thread* Position::this_thread() const {
return thisThread;
inline void Position::put_piece(Piece pc, Square s) {
board[s] = pc;
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] |= byTypeBB[type_of(pc)] |= s;
byColorBB[color_of(pc)] |= s;
pieceCount[make_piece(color_of(pc), ALL_PIECES)]++;
psq += PSQT::psq[pc][s];
inline void Position::remove_piece(Square s) {
Piece pc = board[s];
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= s;
byTypeBB[type_of(pc)] ^= s;
byColorBB[color_of(pc)] ^= s;
board[s] = NO_PIECE;
pieceCount[make_piece(color_of(pc), ALL_PIECES)]--;
psq -= PSQT::psq[pc][s];
inline void Position::move_piece(Square from, Square to) {
Piece pc = board[from];
Bitboard fromTo = from | to;
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= fromTo;
byTypeBB[type_of(pc)] ^= fromTo;
byColorBB[color_of(pc)] ^= fromTo;
board[from] = NO_PIECE;
board[to] = pc;
psq += PSQT::psq[pc][to] - PSQT::psq[pc][from];
inline void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt) {
do_move(m, newSt, gives_check(m));
inline StateInfo* Position::state() const {
return st;
} // namespace Stockfish
#endif // #ifndef POSITION_H_INCLUDED