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+ prompt,seed,width,height,sampler,cfgs,steps,filename,negative_prompt
+ "beautiful huge waterfalls, surrounded by msssive cherryblossom, a post impressionism painting",3261478676,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04378-3261478676-beautiful huge waterfalls, surrounded by msssive cherryblossom, a post impressionism painting.png","photo,"
+ "a european woman standing, modern european clothing, futuristic tokyo skyscrapers background, ukiyo-e, full body, profile",3196709402,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04383-3196709402-a european woman standing, modern european clothing, futuristic tokyo skyscrapers background, ukiyo-e, full body, profile.png","photo,"
+ "a painting of ancient japanese kyoto huge temple, kiyomizu temple, an impressionism painting, fine art.",3590906787,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04388-3590906787-a painting of ancient japanese kyoto huge temple, kiyomizu temple, an impressionism painting, fine art.png","photo, (ukiyo-e:0.2)"
+ "european woman portrait, a renaissance painting, fine art, beautiful, blonde hair, japanese traditional outfit, kimono, upper body",3590906787,512,768,DDIM,7.5,40,"04393-3590906787-european woman portrait, a renaissance painting, fine art, beautiful, blonde hair, japanese traditional outfit, kimono, upper bo.png",photo
+ "a vacant classroom with chair and desk, sunset, artistic, vignette, godrays, cinematic lighting",3590906787,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04398-3590906787-a vacant classroom with chair and desk, sunset, artistic, vignette, godrays, cinematic lighting.png",
+ "anime girl portrait, an impressionism painting",2351054398,512,768,DDIM,7.5,40,"04403-2351054398-anime girl portrait, an impressionism painting.png",
+ "beautiful girl portrait, anime, flat shading, (vroid:0.2), watercolor painting",3295506779,512,768,DDIM,7.5,40,"04413-3295506779-beautiful girl portrait, anime, flat shading, (vroid_0.2), watercolor painting.png",
+ "old man portrait, an impressionism painting, fine art, white hair, glasses",2418268795,512,768,DDIM,7.5,40,"04428-2418268795-old man portrait, an impressionism painting, fine art, white hair, glasses.png","photo, ukiyo-e"
+ "fine art painting of the university, courtyard, clock tower, many students, winter, scenery, daylight, sunshine, painting",3554823914,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04433-3554823914-fine art painting of the university, courtyard, clock tower, many students, winter, scenery, daylight, sunshine, painting.png",photo
+ "green color train at railway station, neon, illumination, lighitng, night, vignette in film, black backgroud, futuristic, cinematic lighting",3554823914,768,512,DDIM,7.5,40,"04438-3554823914-green color train at railway station, neon, illumination, lighitng, night, vignette in film, black backgroud, futuristic, cinema.png",