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import math
class Hit_ray:
def __init__(self, world, rotation, starting_position):
self.world = world
# get the ray unit vector based on rotation angles
# sqrt(ux ^ 2 + uy ^ 2 + uz ^ 2) must always equal 1
self.vector = (
math.cos(rotation[0]) * math.cos(rotation[1]),
math.sin(rotation[0]) * math.cos(rotation[1]))
# point position
self.position = list(starting_position)
# block position in which point currently is
self.block = tuple(map(lambda x: int(round(x)), self.position))
# current distance the point has travelled
self.distance = 0
# 'check' and 'step' both return 'True' if something is hit, and 'False' if not
def check(self, hit_callback, distance, current_block, next_block):
if self.world.get_block_number(next_block):
hit_callback(current_block, next_block)
return True
self.position = list(map(lambda x: self.position[x] + self.vector[x] * distance, range(3)))
self.block = next_block
self.distance += distance
return False
def step(self, hit_callback):
bx, by, bz = self.block
# point position relative to block centre
local_position = list(map(lambda x: self.position[x] - self.block[x], range(3)))
# we don't want to deal with negatives, so remove the sign
# this is also cool because it means we don't need to take into account the sign of our ray vector
# we do need to remember which components were negative for later on, however
sign = [1, 1, 1] # '1' for positive, '-1' for negative
absolute_vector = list(self.vector)
for component in range(3):
if self.vector[component] < 0:
sign[component] = -1
absolute_vector[component] = -absolute_vector[component]
local_position[component] = -local_position[component]
lx, ly, lz = local_position
vx, vy, vz = absolute_vector
# calculate intersections
# I only detail the math for the first component (X) because the rest is pretty self-explanatory
# ray line (passing through the point) r ≡ (x - lx) / vx = (y - ly) / lz = (z - lz) / vz (parametric equation)
# +x face fx ≡ x = 0.5 (y & z can be any real number)
# r ∩ fx ≡ (0.5 - lx) / vx = (y - ly) / vy = (z - lz) / vz
# x: x = 0.5
# y: (y - ly) / vy = (0.5 - lx) / vx IFF y = (0.5 - lx) / vx * vy + ly
# z: (z - lz) / vz = (0.5 - lx) / vx IFF z = (0.5 - lx) / vx * vz + lz
if vx:
x = 0.5
y = (0.5 - lx) / vx * vy + ly
z = (0.5 - lx) / vx * vz + lz
if y >= -0.5 and y <= 0.5 and z >= -0.5 and z <= 0.5:
distance = math.sqrt((x - lx) ** 2 + (y - ly) ** 2 + (z - lz) ** 2)
# we can return straight away here
# if we intersect with one face, we know for a fact we're not intersecting with any of the others
return self.check(hit_callback, distance, (bx, by, bz), (bx + sign[0], by, bz))
if vy:
x = (0.5 - ly) / vy * vx + lx
y = 0.5
z = (0.5 - ly) / vy * vz + lz
if x >= -0.5 and x <= 0.5 and z >= -0.5 and z <= 0.5:
distance = math.sqrt((x - lx) ** 2 + (y - ly) ** 2 + (z - lz) ** 2)
return self.check(hit_callback, distance, (bx, by, bz), (bx, by + sign[1], bz))
if vz:
x = (0.5 - lz) / vz * vx + lx
y = (0.5 - lz) / vz * vy + ly
z = 0.5
if x >= -0.5 and x <= 0.5 and y >= -0.5 and y <= 0.5:
distance = math.sqrt((x - lx) ** 2 + (y - ly) ** 2 + (z - lz) ** 2)
return self.check(hit_callback, distance, (bx, by, bz), (bx, by, bz + sign[2]))