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@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Inclusion is important for all people, especially in terms of their access to pu
  **4. Instruction: What are some potential implications of using a single-use plastic bottle versus a reusable bottle on both the environment and human health?**
  Single-Use Plastics vs. Reusables
  The environmental impacts of using a single use plastic bottle as opposed to an eco friendly water bottles can be broken down into four main categories: landfill waste, ocean pollution, energy consumption during production, and potentially harmful chemicals used in their manufacture. By comparison with reusable options like glass or stainless steel bottles which are durable enough to last for years, there is also a financial advantage in terms of cost savings over time that comes from switching away from disposing of thousands of throwaway plastic bottles each year (often made only once before being discarded).
  Landfill Waste: Single-use plastic bottles have become synonymous with littered roadsides, parks, oceans and other areas where they take centuries to decompose and release harmful greenhouse gases throughout decomposition. Disposal of these items contributes to deforestation because paper bags must often be produced when recycling facilities cannot accept them. While certain types of plastic containers may be compostable after reuse or breakdown naturally, many of those available today do not biodegrade readily. The resultant
  **4. Instruction: What are some potential implications of using a single-use plastic bottle versus a reusable bottle on both the environment and human health?**
  Single-Use Plastics vs. Reusables
  The environmental impacts of using a single use plastic bottle as opposed to an eco friendly water bottles can be broken down into four main categories: landfill waste, ocean pollution, energy consumption during production, and potentially harmful chemicals used in their manufacture. By comparison with reusable options like glass or stainless steel bottles which are durable enough to last for years, there is also a financial advantage in terms of cost savings over time that comes from switching away from disposing of thousands of throwaway plastic bottles each year (often made only once before being discarded).
  Landfill Waste: Single-use plastic bottles have become synonymous with littered roadsides, parks, oceans and other areas where they take centuries to decompose and release harmful greenhouse gases throughout decomposition. Disposal of these items contributes to deforestation because paper bags must often be produced when recycling facilities cannot accept them. While certain types of plastic containers may be compostable after reuse or breakdown naturally, many of those available today do not biodegrade readily. The resultant