I want to get the details of all the search details for the account,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join contacts b on a.usernamekey = b.usernamekey |
where b.accountname = ABC"
I want to get the details of all the search details for the user,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join contacts b on a.usernamekey = b.usernamekey |
where b.username = ABC"
I want to know the sector of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Sectorcodes |
where b.username = ABC"
I want to know the Industry group of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.IndustryGroupcode |
where b.username = ABC"
I want to know the Industry of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Industrycode |
where b.username = ABC"
I want to know the Subindustry of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.SubIndustrycode |
where b.username = ABC"
I want to know the sector of the Company details of the searches happened for Client ABC,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Sectorcodes |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC"
I want to know the Industry group of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.IndustryGroupcode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC"
I want to know the Industry of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Industrycode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC"
I want to know the Subindustry of the Company details of the searches happened,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.SubIndustrycode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC"
I want to know the sector of the Company details of the searches happened for Client ABC for last 6 months,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Sectorcodes |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC |
and a.eventdate >= currentday () - 180"
I want to know the Industry group of the Company details of the searches happened for Client ABC for last 6 months,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.IndustryGroupcode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC |
and a.eventdate >= currentday () - 180"
I want to know the Industry of the Company details of the searches happened for Client ABC for last 6 months,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.Industrycode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC |
and a.eventdate >= currentday () - 180"
I want to know the Subindustry of the Company details of the searches happened for Client ABC for last 6 months,"select * from SearchExecutions a |
Inner join CompanySector b on a.searchCodes = b.SubIndustrycode |
inner join contacts c on a.username = c.username |
Inner join Accounts d on c.accountid = d.accountid |
where d.accountname = ABC |
and a.eventdate >= currentday () - 180" |