KaliYuga commited on
1 Parent(s): 528d538

Upload pixelartdiffusion4k.pt

Browse files

Unconditional Diffusion model trained on ~4100 hand-curated pixel art images.
You may use *outputs* from this model however you wish without attribution (although attribution is always nice!) , but if you use this model in your own notebook/tool/app, you must give credit to KaliYuga-ai and include a link to my twitter (https://twitter.com/KaliYuga_ai) and Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/kaliyuga_ai) in a non-hidden place. If you do not credit me, you cannot use the model in a commercial product.
Also, if you use the model and make bank, please consider tipping me via Patreon so I can afford to buy my cat the nice cat food :)
Thanks and enjoy!!!

Files changed (1) hide show
  1. pixelartdiffusion4k.pt +3 -0
pixelartdiffusion4k.pt ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+ oid sha256:a1ba4f13f6dabb72b1064f15d8ae504d98d6192ad343572cc416deda7cccac30
+ size 454885741