import copy |
import multiprocessing |
import traceback |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from core import mplib |
from core.joblib import SubprocessGenerator, ThisThreadGenerator |
from facelib import LandmarksProcessor |
from samplelib import (SampleGeneratorBase, SampleLoader, SampleProcessor, |
SampleType) |
class Index2DHost(): |
""" |
Provides random shuffled 2D indexes for multiprocesses |
""" |
def __init__(self, indexes2D): |
self.sq = multiprocessing.Queue() |
self.cqs = [] |
self.clis = [] |
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.host_thread, args=(indexes2D,) ) |
self.thread.daemon = True |
self.thread.start() |
def host_thread(self, indexes2D): |
indexes_counts_len = len(indexes2D) |
idxs = [*range(indexes_counts_len)] |
idxs_2D = [None]*indexes_counts_len |
shuffle_idxs = [] |
shuffle_idxs_2D = [None]*indexes_counts_len |
for i in range(indexes_counts_len): |
idxs_2D[i] = indexes2D[i] |
shuffle_idxs_2D[i] = [] |
sq = self.sq |
while True: |
while not sq.empty(): |
obj = sq.get() |
cq_id, cmd = obj[0], obj[1] |
if cmd == 0: |
count = obj[2] |
result = [] |
for i in range(count): |
if len(shuffle_idxs) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs = idxs.copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs) |
result.append(shuffle_idxs.pop()) |
self.cqs[cq_id].put (result) |
elif cmd == 1: |
targ_idxs,count = obj[2], obj[3] |
result = [] |
for targ_idx in targ_idxs: |
sub_idxs = [] |
for i in range(count): |
ar = shuffle_idxs_2D[targ_idx] |
if len(ar) == 0: |
ar = shuffle_idxs_2D[targ_idx] = idxs_2D[targ_idx].copy() |
np.random.shuffle(ar) |
sub_idxs.append(ar.pop()) |
result.append (sub_idxs) |
self.cqs[cq_id].put (result) |
time.sleep(0.001) |
def create_cli(self): |
cq = multiprocessing.Queue() |
self.cqs.append ( cq ) |
cq_id = len(self.cqs)-1 |
return Index2DHost.Cli(self.sq, cq, cq_id) |
def __getstate__(self): |
return dict() |
def __setstate__(self, d): |
self.__dict__.update(d) |
class Cli(): |
def __init__(self, sq, cq, cq_id): |
self.sq = sq |
self.cq = cq |
self.cq_id = cq_id |
def get_1D(self, count): |
self.sq.put ( (self.cq_id,0, count) ) |
while True: |
if not self.cq.empty(): |
return self.cq.get() |
time.sleep(0.001) |
def get_2D(self, idxs, count): |
self.sq.put ( (self.cq_id,1,idxs,count) ) |
while True: |
if not self.cq.empty(): |
return self.cq.get() |
time.sleep(0.001) |
''' |
arg |
output_sample_types = [ |
[SampleProcessor.TypeFlags, size, (optional) {} opts ] , |
... |
] |
''' |
class SampleGeneratorFacePerson(SampleGeneratorBase): |
def __init__ (self, samples_path, debug=False, batch_size=1, |
sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(), |
output_sample_types=[], |
person_id_mode=1, |
**kwargs): |
super().__init__(debug, batch_size) |
self.sample_process_options = sample_process_options |
self.output_sample_types = output_sample_types |
self.person_id_mode = person_id_mode |
raise NotImplementedError("Currently SampleGeneratorFacePerson is not implemented.") |
samples_host = SampleLoader.mp_host (SampleType.FACE, samples_path) |
samples = samples_host.get_list() |
self.samples_len = len(samples) |
if self.samples_len == 0: |
raise ValueError('No training data provided.') |
unique_person_names = { sample.person_name for sample in samples } |
persons_name_idxs = { person_name : [] for person_name in unique_person_names } |
for i,sample in enumerate(samples): |
persons_name_idxs[sample.person_name].append (i) |
indexes2D = [ persons_name_idxs[person_name] for person_name in unique_person_names ] |
index2d_host = Index2DHost(indexes2D) |
if self.debug: |
self.generators_count = 1 |
self.generators = [iter_utils.ThisThreadGenerator ( self.batch_func, (samples_host.create_cli(), index2d_host.create_cli(),) )] |
else: |
self.generators_count = np.clip(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 2, 4) |
self.generators = [iter_utils.SubprocessGenerator ( self.batch_func, (samples_host.create_cli(), index2d_host.create_cli(),) ) for i in range(self.generators_count) ] |
self.generator_counter = -1 |
def __iter__(self): |
return self |
def __next__(self): |
self.generator_counter += 1 |
generator = self.generators[self.generator_counter % len(self.generators) ] |
return next(generator) |
def batch_func(self, param ): |
samples, index2d_host, = param |
bs = self.batch_size |
while True: |
person_idxs = index2d_host.get_1D(bs) |
samples_idxs = index2d_host.get_2D(person_idxs, 1) |
batches = None |
for n_batch in range(bs): |
person_id = person_idxs[n_batch] |
sample_idx = samples_idxs[n_batch][0] |
sample = samples[ sample_idx ] |
try: |
x, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
if batches is None: |
batches = [ [] for _ in range(len(x)) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id = len(batches)-1 |
for i in range(len(x)): |
batches[i].append ( x[i] ) |
batches[i_person_id].append ( np.array([person_id]) ) |
yield [ np.array(batch) for batch in batches] |
@staticmethod |
def get_person_id_max_count(samples_path): |
return SampleLoader.get_person_id_max_count(samples_path) |
""" |
if self.person_id_mode==1: |
samples_len = len(samples) |
samples_idxs = [*range(samples_len)] |
shuffle_idxs = [] |
elif self.person_id_mode==2: |
persons_count = len(samples) |
person_idxs = [] |
for j in range(persons_count): |
for i in range(j+1,persons_count): |
person_idxs += [ [i,j] ] |
shuffle_person_idxs = [] |
samples_idxs = [None]*persons_count |
shuffle_idxs = [None]*persons_count |
for i in range(persons_count): |
samples_idxs[i] = [*range(len(samples[i]))] |
shuffle_idxs[i] = [] |
elif self.person_id_mode==3: |
persons_count = len(samples) |
person_idxs = [ *range(persons_count) ] |
shuffle_person_idxs = [] |
samples_idxs = [None]*persons_count |
shuffle_idxs = [None]*persons_count |
for i in range(persons_count): |
samples_idxs[i] = [*range(len(samples[i]))] |
shuffle_idxs[i] = [] |
if self.person_id_mode==2: |
if len(shuffle_person_idxs) == 0: |
shuffle_person_idxs = person_idxs.copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_person_idxs) |
person_ids = shuffle_person_idxs.pop() |
batches = None |
for n_batch in range(self.batch_size): |
if self.person_id_mode==1: |
if len(shuffle_idxs) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs = samples_idxs.copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs) ### |
idx = shuffle_idxs.pop() |
sample = samples[ idx ] |
try: |
x, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
if type(x) != tuple and type(x) != list: |
raise Exception('SampleProcessor.process returns NOT tuple/list') |
if batches is None: |
batches = [ [] for _ in range(len(x)) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id = len(batches)-1 |
for i in range(len(x)): |
batches[i].append ( x[i] ) |
batches[i_person_id].append ( np.array([sample.person_id]) ) |
elif self.person_id_mode==2: |
person_id1, person_id2 = person_ids |
if len(shuffle_idxs[person_id1]) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs[person_id1] = samples_idxs[person_id1].copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs[person_id1]) |
idx = shuffle_idxs[person_id1].pop() |
sample1 = samples[person_id1][idx] |
if len(shuffle_idxs[person_id2]) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs[person_id2] = samples_idxs[person_id2].copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs[person_id2]) |
idx = shuffle_idxs[person_id2].pop() |
sample2 = samples[person_id2][idx] |
if sample1 is not None and sample2 is not None: |
try: |
x1, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample1], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample1.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
try: |
x2, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample2], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample2.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
x1_len = len(x1) |
if batches is None: |
batches = [ [] for _ in range(x1_len) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id1 = len(batches)-1 |
batches += [ [] for _ in range(len(x2)) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id2 = len(batches)-1 |
for i in range(x1_len): |
batches[i].append ( x1[i] ) |
for i in range(len(x2)): |
batches[x1_len+1+i].append ( x2[i] ) |
batches[i_person_id1].append ( np.array([sample1.person_id]) ) |
batches[i_person_id2].append ( np.array([sample2.person_id]) ) |
elif self.person_id_mode==3: |
if len(shuffle_person_idxs) == 0: |
shuffle_person_idxs = person_idxs.copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_person_idxs) |
person_id = shuffle_person_idxs.pop() |
if len(shuffle_idxs[person_id]) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs[person_id] = samples_idxs[person_id].copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs[person_id]) |
idx = shuffle_idxs[person_id].pop() |
sample1 = samples[person_id][idx] |
if len(shuffle_idxs[person_id]) == 0: |
shuffle_idxs[person_id] = samples_idxs[person_id].copy() |
np.random.shuffle(shuffle_idxs[person_id]) |
idx = shuffle_idxs[person_id].pop() |
sample2 = samples[person_id][idx] |
if sample1 is not None and sample2 is not None: |
try: |
x1, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample1], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample1.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
try: |
x2, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample2], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug) |
except: |
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample2.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) ) |
x1_len = len(x1) |
if batches is None: |
batches = [ [] for _ in range(x1_len) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id1 = len(batches)-1 |
batches += [ [] for _ in range(len(x2)) ] |
batches += [ [] ] |
i_person_id2 = len(batches)-1 |
for i in range(x1_len): |
batches[i].append ( x1[i] ) |
for i in range(len(x2)): |
batches[x1_len+1+i].append ( x2[i] ) |
batches[i_person_id1].append ( np.array([sample1.person_id]) ) |
batches[i_person_id2].append ( np.array([sample2.person_id]) ) |
""" |