import os |
print(os.getcwd()) |
os.environ["PATH"]="/usr/local/cuda-11.7/bin:"+os.getenv("PATH") |
os.system('pip uninstall -y torch') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y einops') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y transformers') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y sentence_transformers') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y datasets') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y sagemaker') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y smart_open') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y pynvml') |
os.system('pip install -r lodestone-reqs.txt') |
os.system('pip install -e ./sentence-transformers') |
os.system('pip uninstall -y triton') |
os.system('pip install --no-deps triton==2.0.0.dev20221202') |
from pynvml import * |
import math |
from sentence_transformers import models, losses |
from sentence_transformers import LoggingHandler, SentenceTransformer, util, InputExample |
import logging |
import os |
import json |
import torch |
import boto3 |
from smart_open import open |
import random |
import time |
import gc |
os.environ["PATH"]="/usr/local/cuda-11.7/bin:"+os.getenv("PATH") |
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" |
def print_gpu_utilization(): |
"This helper function outputs the current GPU memory usage." |
nvmlInit() |
handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0) |
info = nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle) |
return f"GPU memory occupied: {info.used/1024**3} GB." |
class MultiDatasetDataLoader: |
""" |
This custom dataloader class consumes a list of datasets and a batch size and produces batches randomly sampled |
from the datasets provided where each batch consists of records from a single dataset and datasets are chosen |
for batches in proportion to their total number of records. |
""" |
def __init__(self, datasets, batch_size_pairs, batch_size_triplets=None, dataset_size_temp=-1, allow_swap=True): |
self.allow_swap = allow_swap |
self.batch_size_pairs = batch_size_pairs |
self.batch_size_triplets = batch_size_pairs if batch_size_triplets is None else batch_size_triplets |
self.dataset_lengths = list(map(len, datasets)) |
self.dataset_lengths_sum = sum(self.dataset_lengths) |
weights = [] |
for dataset in datasets: |
weights.append(len(dataset)) |
self.dataset_idx = [] |
self.dataset_idx_pointer = 0 |
for idx, weight in enumerate(weights): |
self.dataset_idx.extend([idx] * weight) |
random.shuffle(self.dataset_idx) |
self.datasets = [] |
for dataset in datasets: |
random.shuffle(dataset) |
self.datasets.append({ |
'elements': dataset, |
'pointer': 0, |
}) |
def __iter__(self): |
for _ in range(int(self.__len__())): |
if self.dataset_idx_pointer >= len(self.dataset_idx): |
self.dataset_idx_pointer = 0 |
random.shuffle(self.dataset_idx) |
dataset_idx = self.dataset_idx[self.dataset_idx_pointer] |
self.dataset_idx_pointer += 1 |
dataset = self.datasets[dataset_idx] |
batch_size = self.batch_size_pairs if len(dataset['elements'][0].texts) == 2 else self.batch_size_triplets |
batch = [] |
texts_in_batch = set() |
guid_in_batch = set() |
while len(batch) < batch_size: |
example = dataset['elements'][dataset['pointer']] |
valid_example = True |
for text in example.texts: |
text_norm = text.strip().lower() |
if text_norm in texts_in_batch: |
valid_example = False |
texts_in_batch.add(text_norm) |
if example.guid is not None: |
valid_example = valid_example and example.guid not in guid_in_batch |
guid_in_batch.add(example.guid) |
if valid_example: |
if self.allow_swap and random.random() > 0.5: |
example.texts[0], example.texts[1] = example.texts[1], example.texts[0] |
batch.append(example) |
dataset['pointer'] += 1 |
if dataset['pointer'] >= len(dataset['elements']): |
dataset['pointer'] = 0 |
random.shuffle(dataset['elements']) |
yield self.collate_fn(batch) if self.collate_fn is not None else batch |
def __len__(self): |
return int(self.dataset_lengths_sum / self.batch_size_pairs) |
class RedditTitleBodyDataset: |
def __init__(self, source_uri, max_seq_length): |
self.source_uri = source_uri |
self.s3_client = boto3.client("s3") |
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length |
def __iter__(self): |
while True: |
for json_line in open(self.source_uri, transport_params={"client": self.s3_client}): |
data_line = json.loads(json_line.strip()) |
if "title" in data_line and "body" in data_line: |
data = {'guid': None, 'texts': [" ".join(data_line['title'].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length]), " ".join(data_line['body'].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length])]} |
record = InputExample(guid=data.get('guid', None), texts=data['texts']) |
yield record |
class RedditYearDataset: |
def __init__(self, source_uri, max_seq_length): |
self.source_uri = source_uri |
self.s3_client = boto3.client("s3") |
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length |
def __iter__(self): |
while True: |
for json_line in open(self.source_uri, transport_params={"client": self.s3_client}): |
data_line = json.loads(json_line.strip()) |
if "response" in data_line and "context" in data_line: |
data = {'guid': None, 'texts': [" ".join(data_line['response'].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length]), " ".join(data_line['context'].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length])]} |
record = InputExample(guid=data.get('guid', None), texts=data['texts']) |
yield record |
class HuggingFaceQueryPosDataset: |
def __init__(self, source_uri, max_seq_length): |
self.source_uri = source_uri |
self.s3_client = boto3.client("s3") |
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length |
def __iter__(self): |
while True: |
for json_line in open(self.source_uri, transport_params={"client": self.s3_client}): |
data_line = json.loads(json_line.strip()) |
if "query" in data_line and "pos" in data_line: |
for i in range(len(data_line['pos'])): |
data = {'guid': None, 'texts': [" ".join(data_line['query'].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length]), " ".join(data_line['pos'][i].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length])]} |
record = InputExample(guid=data.get('guid', None), texts=data['texts']) |
yield record |
class Dataset: |
def __init__(self, source_uri, max_seq_length): |
self.source_uri = source_uri |
self.s3_client = boto3.client("s3") |
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length |
def __iter__(self): |
while True: |
for json_line in open(self.source_uri, transport_params={"client": self.s3_client}): |
data_line = json.loads(json_line.strip()) |
if not isinstance(data_line, dict): |
data = {'guid': None, 'texts': data_line} |
for text_idx in range(len(data['texts'])): |
data['texts'][text_idx] = " ".join(data['texts'][text_idx].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length]) |
record = InputExample(guid=data.get('guid', None), texts=data['texts']) |
else: |
for text_idx in range(len(data_line['texts'])): |
data_line['texts'][text_idx] = " ".join(data_line['texts'][text_idx].split(" ")[:self.max_seq_length]) |
record = InputExample(guid=data_line.get('guid', None), texts=data_line['texts']) |
yield record |
def build_generators(data_records, max_seq_length=512, testing=False): |
""" |
This function consumes the data_records dictionary and creates a new dictionary of data generators where each entry is |
of the form {filename: data generator object}. |
""" |
if testing: |
filepaths = [file for file in list(data_records.keys())][:3] |
else: |
filepaths = list(data_records.keys()) |
generators = {} |
for filepath in filepaths: |
filepath = filepath.strip() |
source_uri = 's3://lodestone-rnd/data/'+filepath |
if filepath in ['S2ORC_citations_abstracts.json.gz', 'amazon-qa.json.gz'] or 'reddit' in filepath: |
if "title" in filepath: |
generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'] = iter(RedditTitleBodyDataset(source_uri, max_seq_length)) |
elif "reddit" in filepath: |
generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'] = iter(RedditYearDataset(source_uri, max_seq_length)) |
else: |
generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'] = iter(HuggingFaceQueryPosDataset(source_uri, max_seq_length)) |
else: |
generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'] = iter(Dataset(source_uri, max_seq_length)) |
return generators |
def produce_data(data_records, num_chunks, generators, batch_size, failed_on=None, first_iter=False, testing=False, temp=-1): |
""" |
This function consumes the data_records dictionary, the number of chunks to break the datasets into, the dictionary of |
data generators, and a batch size and returns a MultiDatasetDataloader which can be fed into the .fit method of a |
SentenceTransformer model. |
""" |
if testing: |
filepaths = [file for file in list(data_records.keys())][:3] |
else: |
filepaths = list(data_records.keys()) |
datasets = [] |
for file_idx, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): |
filepath = filepath.strip() |
dataset = [] |
if failed_on is not None and failed_on != 1 and first_iter: |
for k in range((failed_on-1)*max(1, data_records[filepath]//num_chunks)): |
next(generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}']) |
for m in range(max(1, data_records[filepath]//num_chunks)): |
dataset.append(next(generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'])) |
else: |
for n in range(max(1, data_records[filepath]//num_chunks)): |
dataset.append(next(generators[f'{filepath.split(".")[0]}'])) |
datasets.append(dataset) |
logging.info("{}. {}: {}".format(file_idx+1, filepath, len(dataset))) |
dataset_lengths_sum = sum(list(map(len, datasets))) |
batch_size_pairs = batch_size_triplets = batch_size |
train_dataloader = MultiDatasetDataLoader(datasets=datasets, |
batch_size_pairs=batch_size_pairs, |
batch_size_triplets=batch_size_triplets, |
dataset_size_temp=temp) |
return train_dataloader, dataset_lengths_sum |
def construct_model(model_name, max_seq_length=512): |
""" |
This function constructs a SentenceTransformer model from a HuggingFace transformer model name |
or from a local path to a transformer model repository. |
""" |
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer(model_name_or_path=model_name, |
max_seq_length=max_seq_length, |
tokenizer_name_or_path='bert-base-uncased', |
trust_remote_code=True, |
model_args={'torch_dtype': torch.bfloat16}) |
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension()) |
norm = models.Normalize() |
model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model, norm], device='cuda') |
model[0].tokenizer.model_max_length = max_seq_length |
return model |
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', |
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', |
level=logging.INFO, |
handlers=[LoggingHandler()]) |
model_name = 'mosaic-bert-base-seqlen-2048' |
batch_size = 16 |
batch_size_pairs = batch_size_triplets = batch_size |
max_seq_length = 2048 |
use_amp = False |
num_cycles = 2 |
num_chunks = 50 |
num_epochs = 2 |
steps_per_epoch = 10000 |
warmup_steps = 500 |
testing = False |
temp = -1 |
output_path = 'hum-lodestone-v1' |
logging.info("Output: "+output_path) |
model = construct_model(model_name=model_name, max_seq_length=max_seq_length) |
with open('data_records.json') as fIn: |
data_records = json.load(fIn) |
total_pairs = sum(data_records.values()) |
logging.info("Total Training Pairs: {}".format(total_pairs)) |
generators = build_generators(data_records=data_records, |
max_seq_length=max_seq_length, |
testing=testing) |
logging.info("Data Generators Initialized") |
train_loss = losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss(model, |
scale=20, |
similarity_fct=util.dot_score) |
logging.info(print_gpu_utilization()) |
failed_on = None |
random.seed(42) |
steps = 0 |
first_iter = True |
for cycle_num in range(num_cycles): |
logging.info("Starting Cycle {}".format(cycle_num+1)) |
for chunk_num in range(num_chunks): |
if failed_on is not None and (chunk_num+1) < failed_on and (cycle_num+1) == 1: |
pass |
else: |
logging.info("Chunk {}/{}".format(chunk_num+1, num_chunks)) |
logging.info("Loading {} Datasets".format(len([file for file in list(data_records.keys()) if file.startswith('S2ORC') or file.startswith('reddit_')]) if testing else len(data_records))) |
train_dataloader, dataset_lengths_sum = produce_data(data_records, |
num_chunks, |
generators, |
batch_size, |
failed_on=failed_on, |
first_iter=first_iter, |
testing=testing, |
temp=temp) |
first_iter = False |
logging.info(print_gpu_utilization()) |
for epoch_num in range(num_epochs): |
logging.info("Performing Cycle {}, Chunk {}, Epoch {}".format(cycle_num+1, chunk_num+1, epoch_num+1)) |
try: |
model.fit(train_objectives=[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], |
evaluator=None, |
epochs=1, |
warmup_steps=warmup_steps, |
steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, |
use_amp=use_amp, |
output_path=output_path) |
steps += steps_per_epoch |
logging.info(print_gpu_utilization()) |
logging.info("Succeeded on Cycle {}, Chunk {}, Epoch {}".format(cycle_num+1, chunk_num+1, epoch_num+1)) |
logging.info("{} Steps Completed in Total".format(steps)) |
with open('train_logs.txt', 'a') as log: |
log.write("Succeeded on Cycle {}, Chunk {}, Epoch {}: {} Steps Completed in Total\n".format(cycle_num+1, chunk_num+1, epoch_num+1, steps)) |
except: |
logging.info("Failed on Cycle {}, Chunk {}, Epoch {}".format(cycle_num+1, chunk_num+1, epoch_num+1)) |
with open('train_logs.txt', 'a') as log: |
log.write("Failed on Cycle {}, Chunk {}, Epoch {}: {} Steps Completed in Total\n".format(cycle_num+1, chunk_num+1, epoch_num+1, steps)) |
finally: |
warmup_steps = 0 |
train_dataloader = None |
model = None |
train_loss = None |
gc.collect() |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
model = construct_model(model_name='hum-lodestone-v1', max_seq_length=max_seq_length) |
train_loss = losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss(model, |
scale=20, |
similarity_fct=util.dot_score) |
logging.info(print_gpu_utilization()) |