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import numpy as np
import os
from omegaconf import DictConfig
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as nn
from rfdiffusion.diffusion import get_beta_schedule
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as scipy_R
from rfdiffusion.util import rigid_from_3_points
from rfdiffusion.util_module import ComputeAllAtomCoords
from rfdiffusion import util
import random
import logging
from rfdiffusion.inference import model_runners
import glob
#### Functions which can be called outside of Denoiser ####
def get_next_frames(xt, px0, t, diffuser, so3_type, diffusion_mask, noise_scale=1.0):
get_next_frames gets updated frames using IGSO(3) + score_based reverse diffusion.
based on self.so3_type use score based update.
Generate frames at t-1
Rather than generating random rotations (as occurs during forward process), calculate rotation between xt and px0
xt: noised coordinates of shape [L, 14, 3]
px0: prediction of coordinates at t=0, of shape [L, 14, 3]
t: integer time step
diffuser: Diffuser object for reverse igSO3 sampling
so3_type: The type of SO3 noising being used ('igso3')
diffusion_mask: of shape [L] of type bool, True means not to be
updated (e.g. mask is true for motif residues)
noise_scale: scale factor for the noise added (IGSO3 only)
backbone coordinates for step x_t-1 of shape [L, 3, 3]
N_0 = px0[None, :, 0, :]
Ca_0 = px0[None, :, 1, :]
C_0 = px0[None, :, 2, :]
R_0, Ca_0 = rigid_from_3_points(N_0, Ca_0, C_0)
N_t = xt[None, :, 0, :]
Ca_t = xt[None, :, 1, :]
C_t = xt[None, :, 2, :]
R_t, Ca_t = rigid_from_3_points(N_t, Ca_t, C_t)
# this must be to normalize them or something
R_0 = scipy_R.from_matrix(R_0.squeeze().numpy()).as_matrix()
R_t = scipy_R.from_matrix(R_t.squeeze().numpy()).as_matrix()
L = R_t.shape[0]
all_rot_transitions = np.broadcast_to(np.identity(3), (L, 3, 3)).copy()
# Sample next frame for each residue
if so3_type == "igso3":
# don't do calculations on masked positions since they end up as identity matrix
] = diffuser.so3_diffuser.reverse_sample_vectorized(
assert False, "so3 diffusion type %s not implemented" % so3_type
all_rot_transitions = all_rot_transitions[:, None, :, :]
# Apply the interpolated rotation matrices to the coordinates
next_crds = (
xt[:, :3, :] - Ca_t.squeeze()[:, None, ...].numpy(),
+ Ca_t.squeeze()[:, None, None, ...].numpy()
# (L,3,3) set of backbone coordinates with slight rotation
return next_crds.squeeze(1)
def get_mu_xt_x0(xt, px0, t, beta_schedule, alphabar_schedule, eps=1e-6):
Given xt, predicted x0 and the timestep t, give mu of x(t-1)
Assumes t is 0 indexed
# sigma is predefined from beta. Often referred to as beta tilde t
t_idx = t - 1
sigma = (
(1 - alphabar_schedule[t_idx - 1]) / (1 - alphabar_schedule[t_idx])
) * beta_schedule[t_idx]
xt_ca = xt[:, 1, :]
px0_ca = px0[:, 1, :]
a = (
(torch.sqrt(alphabar_schedule[t_idx - 1] + eps) * beta_schedule[t_idx])
/ (1 - alphabar_schedule[t_idx])
) * px0_ca
b = (
torch.sqrt(1 - beta_schedule[t_idx] + eps)
* (1 - alphabar_schedule[t_idx - 1])
/ (1 - alphabar_schedule[t_idx])
) * xt_ca
mu = a + b
return mu, sigma
def get_next_ca(
Given full atom x0 prediction (xyz coordinates), diffuse to x(t-1)
xt (L, 14/27, 3) set of coordinates
px0 (L, 14/27, 3) set of coordinates
t: time step. Note this is zero-index current time step, so are generating t-1
logits_aa (L x 20 ) amino acid probabilities at each position
seq_schedule (L): Tensor of bools, True is unmasked, False is masked. For this specific t
diffusion_mask (torch.tensor, required): Tensor of bools, True means NOT diffused at this residue, False means diffused
noise_scale: scale factor for the noise being added
get_allatom = ComputeAllAtomCoords().to(device=xt.device)
L = len(xt)
# bring to origin after global alignment (when don't have a motif) or replace input motif and bring to origin, and then scale
px0 = px0 * crd_scale
xt = xt * crd_scale
# get mu(xt, x0)
mu, sigma = get_mu_xt_x0(
xt, px0, t, beta_schedule=beta_schedule, alphabar_schedule=alphabar_schedule
sampled_crds = torch.normal(mu, torch.sqrt(sigma * noise_scale))
delta = sampled_crds - xt[:, 1, :] # check sign of this is correct
if not diffusion_mask is None:
# Don't move motif
delta[diffusion_mask, ...] = 0
out_crds = xt + delta[:, None, :]
return out_crds / crd_scale, delta / crd_scale
def get_noise_schedule(T, noiseT, noise1, schedule_type):
Function to create a schedule that varies the scale of noise given to the model over time
T: The total number of timesteps in the denoising trajectory
noiseT: The inital (t=T) noise scale
noise1: The final (t=1) noise scale
schedule_type: The type of function to use to interpolate between noiseT and noise1
noise_schedule: A function which maps timestep to noise scale
noise_schedules = {
"constant": lambda t: noiseT,
"linear": lambda t: ((t - 1) / (T - 1)) * (noiseT - noise1) + noise1,
assert (
schedule_type in noise_schedules
), f"noise_schedule must be one of {noise_schedules.keys()}. Received noise_schedule={schedule_type}. Exiting."
return noise_schedules[schedule_type]
class Denoise:
Class for getting x(t-1) from predicted x0 and x(t)
Ca coordinates: Rediffuse to x(t-1) from predicted x0
Frames: Approximate update from rotation score
Torsions: 1/t of the way to the x0 prediction
def __init__(
crd_scale=1 / 15,
noise_level: scaling on the noise added (set to 0 to use no noise,
to 1 to have full noise)
self.T = T
self.L = L
self.diffuser = diffuser
self.b_0 = b_0
self.b_T = b_T
self.noise_level = noise_level
self.schedule_type = schedule_type
self.so3_type = so3_type
self.crd_scale = crd_scale
self.noise_scale_ca = noise_scale_ca
self.final_noise_scale_ca = final_noise_scale_ca
self.ca_noise_schedule_type = ca_noise_schedule_type
self.noise_scale_frame = noise_scale_frame
self.final_noise_scale_frame = final_noise_scale_frame
self.frame_noise_schedule_type = frame_noise_schedule_type
self.potential_manager = potential_manager
self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.schedule, self.alpha_schedule, self.alphabar_schedule = get_beta_schedule(
self.T, self.b_0, self.b_T, self.schedule_type, inference=True
self.noise_schedule_ca = get_noise_schedule(
self.noise_schedule_frame = get_noise_schedule(
def idx2steps(self):
return self.decode_scheduler.idx2steps.numpy()
def align_to_xt_motif(self, px0, xT, diffusion_mask, eps=1e-6):
Need to align px0 to motif in xT. This is to permit the swapping of residue positions in the px0 motif for the true coordinates.
First, get rotation matrix from px0 to xT for the motif residues.
Second, rotate px0 (whole structure) by that rotation matrix
Third, centre at origin
def rmsd(V, W, eps=0):
# First sum down atoms, then sum down xyz
N = V.shape[-2]
return np.sqrt(np.sum((V - W) * (V - W), axis=(-2, -1)) / N + eps)
assert (
xT.shape[1] == px0.shape[1]
), f"xT has shape {xT.shape} and px0 has shape {px0.shape}"
L, n_atom, _ = xT.shape # A is number of atoms
atom_mask = ~torch.isnan(px0)
# convert to numpy arrays
px0 = px0.cpu().detach().numpy()
xT = xT.cpu().detach().numpy()
diffusion_mask = diffusion_mask.cpu().detach().numpy()
# 1 centre motifs at origin and get rotation matrix
px0_motif = px0[diffusion_mask, :3].reshape(-1, 3)
xT_motif = xT[diffusion_mask, :3].reshape(-1, 3)
px0_motif_mean = np.copy(px0_motif.mean(0)) # need later
xT_motif_mean = np.copy(xT_motif.mean(0))
# center at origin
px0_motif = px0_motif - px0_motif_mean
xT_motif = xT_motif - xT_motif_mean
# A = px0_motif
# B = xT_motif
A = xT_motif
B = px0_motif
C = np.matmul(A.T, B)
# compute optimal rotation matrix using SVD
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(C)
# ensure right handed coordinate system
d = np.eye(3)
d[-1, -1] = np.sign(np.linalg.det(Vt.T @ U.T))
# construct rotation matrix
R = Vt.T @ d @ U.T
# get rotated coords
rB = B @ R
# calculate rmsd
rms = rmsd(A, rB)"Sampled motif RMSD: {rms:.2f}")
# 2 rotate whole px0 by rotation matrix
atom_mask = atom_mask.cpu()
px0[~atom_mask] = 0 # convert nans to 0
px0 = px0.reshape(-1, 3) - px0_motif_mean
px0_ = px0 @ R
# 3 put in same global position as xT
px0_ = px0_ + xT_motif_mean
px0_ = px0_.reshape([L, n_atom, 3])
px0_[~atom_mask] = float("nan")
return torch.Tensor(px0_)
def get_potential_gradients(self, xyz, diffusion_mask):
This could be moved into potential manager if desired - NRB
Function to take a structure (x) and get per-atom gradients used to guide diffusion update
xyz (torch.tensor, required): [L,27,3] Coordinates at which the gradient will be computed
Ca_grads (torch.tensor): [L,3] The gradient at each Ca atom
if self.potential_manager == None or self.potential_manager.is_empty():
return torch.zeros(xyz.shape[0], 3)
use_Cb = False
# seq.requires_grad = True
xyz.requires_grad = True
if not xyz.grad is None:
current_potential = self.potential_manager.compute_all_potentials(xyz)
# Since we are not moving frames, Cb grads are same as Ca grads
# Need access to calculated Cb coordinates to be able to get Cb grads though
Ca_grads = xyz.grad[:, 1, :]
if not diffusion_mask == None:
Ca_grads[diffusion_mask, :] = 0
# check for NaN's
if torch.isnan(Ca_grads).any():
print("WARNING: NaN in potential gradients, replacing with zero grad.")
Ca_grads[:] = 0
return Ca_grads
def get_next_pose(
Wrapper function to take px0, xt and t, and to produce xt-1
First, aligns px0 to xt
Then gets coordinates, frames and torsion angles
xt (torch.tensor, required): Current coordinates at timestep t
px0 (torch.tensor, required): Prediction of x0
t (int, required): timestep t
diffusion_mask (torch.tensor, required): Mask for structure diffusion
fix_motif (bool): Fix the motif structure
align_motif (bool): Align the model's prediction of the motif to the input motif
include_motif_sidechains (bool): Provide sidechains of the fixed motif to the model
get_allatom = ComputeAllAtomCoords().to(device=xt.device)
L, n_atom = xt.shape[:2]
assert (xt.shape[1] == 14) or (xt.shape[1] == 27)
assert (px0.shape[1] == 14) or (px0.shape[1] == 27)
### Align pX0 onto Xt motif ###
if align_motif and diffusion_mask.any():
px0 = self.align_to_xt_motif(px0, xt, diffusion_mask)
# xT_motif_aligned = self.align_to_xt_motif(px0, xt, diffusion_mask)
px0 =
# Now done with diffusion mask. if fix motif is False, just set diffusion mask to be all True, and all coordinates can diffuse
if not fix_motif:
diffusion_mask[:] = False
# get the next set of CA coordinates
noise_scale_ca = self.noise_schedule_ca(t)
_, ca_deltas = get_next_ca(
# get the next set of backbone frames (coordinates)
noise_scale_frame = self.noise_schedule_frame(t)
frames_next = get_next_frames(
# Apply gradient step from guiding potentials
# This can be moved to below where the full atom representation is calculated to allow for potentials involving sidechains
grad_ca = self.get_potential_gradients(
xt.clone(), diffusion_mask=diffusion_mask
ca_deltas += self.potential_manager.get_guide_scale(t) * grad_ca
# add the delta to the new frames
frames_next = torch.from_numpy(frames_next) + ca_deltas[:, None, :] # translate
fullatom_next = torch.full_like(xt, float("nan")).unsqueeze(0)
fullatom_next[:, :, :3] = frames_next[None]
# This is never used so just make it a fudged tensor - NRB
torsions_next = torch.zeros(1, 1)
if include_motif_sidechains:
fullatom_next[:, diffusion_mask, :14] = xt[None, diffusion_mask]
return fullatom_next.squeeze()[:, :14, :], px0
def sampler_selector(conf: DictConfig):
if conf.scaffoldguided.scaffoldguided:
sampler = model_runners.ScaffoldedSampler(conf)
if conf.inference.model_runner == "default":
sampler = model_runners.Sampler(conf)
elif conf.inference.model_runner == "SelfConditioning":
sampler = model_runners.SelfConditioning(conf)
elif conf.inference.model_runner == "ScaffoldedSampler":
sampler = model_runners.ScaffoldedSampler(conf)
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized sampler {conf.model_runner}")
return sampler
def parse_pdb(filename, **kwargs):
"""extract xyz coords for all heavy atoms"""
with open(filename,"r") as f:
return parse_pdb_lines(lines, **kwargs)
def parse_pdb_lines(lines, parse_hetatom=False, ignore_het_h=True):
# indices of residues observed in the structure
res, pdb_idx = [],[]
for l in lines:
if l[:4] == "ATOM" and l[12:16].strip() == "CA":
res.append((l[22:26], l[17:20]))
# chain letter, res num
pdb_idx.append((l[21:22].strip(), int(l[22:26].strip())))
seq = [util.aa2num[r[1]] if r[1] in util.aa2num.keys() else 20 for r in res]
pdb_idx = [
(l[21:22].strip(), int(l[22:26].strip()))
for l in lines
if l[:4] == "ATOM" and l[12:16].strip() == "CA"
] # chain letter, res num
# 4 BB + up to 10 SC atoms
xyz = np.full((len(res), 14, 3), np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for l in lines:
if l[:4] != "ATOM":
chain, resNo, atom, aa = (
" " + l[12:16].strip().ljust(3),
if (chain,resNo) in pdb_idx:
idx = pdb_idx.index((chain, resNo))
# for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(util.aa2long[util.aa2num[aa]]):
for i_atm, tgtatm in enumerate(
if (
tgtatm is not None and tgtatm.strip() == atom.strip()
): # ignore whitespace
xyz[idx, i_atm, :] = [float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])]
# save atom mask
mask = np.logical_not(np.isnan(xyz[..., 0]))
xyz[np.isnan(xyz[..., 0])] = 0.0
# remove duplicated (chain, resi)
new_idx = []
i_unique = []
for i, idx in enumerate(pdb_idx):
if idx not in new_idx:
pdb_idx = new_idx
xyz = xyz[i_unique]
mask = mask[i_unique]
seq = np.array(seq)[i_unique]
out = {
"xyz": xyz, # cartesian coordinates, [Lx14]
"mask": mask, # mask showing which atoms are present in the PDB file, [Lx14]
"idx": np.array(
[i[1] for i in pdb_idx]
), # residue numbers in the PDB file, [L]
"seq": np.array(seq), # amino acid sequence, [L]
"pdb_idx": pdb_idx, # list of (chain letter, residue number) in the pdb file, [L]
# heteroatoms (ligands, etc)
if parse_hetatom:
xyz_het, info_het = [], []
for l in lines:
if l[:6] == "HETATM" and not (ignore_het_h and l[77] == "H"):
xyz_het.append([float(l[30:38]), float(l[38:46]), float(l[46:54])])
out["xyz_het"] = np.array(xyz_het)
out["info_het"] = info_het
return out
def process_target(pdb_path, parse_hetatom=False, center=True):
# Read target pdb and extract features.
target_struct = parse_pdb(pdb_path, parse_hetatom=parse_hetatom)
# Zero-center positions
ca_center = target_struct["xyz"][:, :1, :].mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
if not center:
ca_center = 0
xyz = torch.from_numpy(target_struct["xyz"] - ca_center)
seq_orig = torch.from_numpy(target_struct["seq"])
atom_mask = torch.from_numpy(target_struct["mask"])
seq_len = len(xyz)
# Make 27 atom representation
xyz_27 = torch.full((seq_len, 27, 3), np.nan).float()
xyz_27[:, :14, :] = xyz[:, :14, :]
mask_27 = torch.full((seq_len, 27), False)
mask_27[:, :14] = atom_mask
out = {
"xyz_27": xyz_27,
"mask_27": mask_27,
"seq": seq_orig,
"pdb_idx": target_struct["pdb_idx"],
if parse_hetatom:
out["xyz_het"] = target_struct["xyz_het"]
out["info_het"] = target_struct["info_het"]
return out
def get_idx0_hotspots(mappings, ppi_conf, binderlen):
Take pdb-indexed hotspot resudes and the length of the binder, and makes the 0-indexed tensor of hotspots
hotspot_idx = None
if binderlen > 0:
if ppi_conf.hotspot_res is not None:
assert all(
[i[0].isalpha() for i in ppi_conf.hotspot_res]
), "Hotspot residues need to be provided in pdb-indexed form. E.g. A100,A103"
hotspots = [(i[0], int(i[1:])) for i in ppi_conf.hotspot_res]
hotspot_idx = []
for i, res in enumerate(mappings["receptor_con_ref_pdb_idx"]):
if res in hotspots:
return hotspot_idx
class BlockAdjacency:
Class for handling PPI design inference with ss/block_adj inputs.
Basic idea is to provide a list of scaffolds, and to output ss and adjacency
matrices based off of these, while sampling additional lengths.
- scaffold_list: list of scaffolds (e.g. ['2kl8','1cif']). Can also be a .txt file.
- scaffold dir: directory where scaffold ss and adj are precalculated
- sampled_insertion: how many additional residues do you want to add to each loop segment? Randomly sampled 0-this number (or within given range)
- sampled_N: randomly sample up to this number of additional residues at N-term
- sampled_C: randomly sample up to this number of additional residues at C-term
- ss_mask: how many residues do you want to mask at either end of a ss (H or E) block. Fixed value
- num_designs: how many designs are you wanting to generate? Currently only used for bookkeeping
- systematic: do you want to systematically work through the list of scaffolds, or randomly sample (default)
- num_designs_per_input: Not really implemented yet. Maybe not necessary
- L: new length of chain to be diffused
- ss: all loops and insertions, and ends of ss blocks (up to ss_mask) set to mask token (3). Onehot encoded. (L,4)
- adj: block adjacency with equivalent masking as ss (L,L)
def __init__(self, conf, num_designs):
conf.scaffold_list as conf
conf.inference.num_designs for sanity checking
# either list or path to .txt file with list of scaffolds
if self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_list is not None:
if type(self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_list) == list:
self.scaffold_list = scaffold_list
elif self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_list[-4:] == ".txt":
# txt file with list of ids
list_from_file = []
with open(self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_list, "r") as f:
for line in f:
self.scaffold_list = list_from_file
raise NotImplementedError
self.scaffold_list = [
for i in glob.glob(f"{self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_dir}/*")
# path to directory with scaffolds, ss files and block_adjacency files
self.scaffold_dir = self.conf.scaffoldguided.scaffold_dir
# maximum sampled insertion in each loop segment
if "-" in str(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_insertion):
self.sampled_insertion = [
self.sampled_insertion = [0, int(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_insertion)]
# maximum sampled insertion at N- and C-terminus
if "-" in str(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_N):
self.sampled_N = [
self.sampled_N = [0, int(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_N)]
if "-" in str(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_C):
self.sampled_C = [
self.sampled_C = [0, int(self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_C)]
# number of residues to mask ss identity of in H/E regions (from junction)
# e.g. if ss_mask = 2, L,L,L,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,L,L,E,E,E,E,E,E,L,L,L,L,L,L would become\
# M,M,M,M,M,H,H,H,M,M,M,M,M,M,E,E,M,M,M,M,M,M,M,M where M is mask
self.ss_mask = self.conf.scaffoldguided.ss_mask
# whether or not to work systematically through the list
self.systematic = self.conf.scaffoldguided.systematic
self.num_designs = num_designs
if len(self.scaffold_list) > self.num_designs:
"WARNING: Scaffold set is bigger than num_designs, so not every scaffold type will be sampled"
# for tracking number of designs
self.num_completed = 0
if self.systematic:
self.item_n = 0
# whether to mask loops or not
if not self.conf.scaffoldguided.mask_loops:
assert self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_N == 0, "can't add length if not masking loops"
assert self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_C == 0, "can't add lemgth if not masking loops"
assert self.conf.scaffoldguided.sampled_insertion == 0, "can't add length if not masking loops"
self.mask_loops = False
self.mask_loops = True
def get_ss_adj(self, item):
Given at item, get the ss tensor and block adjacency matrix for that item
ss = torch.load(os.path.join(self.scaffold_dir, f'{item.split(".")[0]}'))
adj = torch.load(
os.path.join(self.scaffold_dir, f'{item.split(".")[0]}')
return ss, adj
def mask_to_segments(self, mask):
Takes a mask of True (loop) and False (non-loop), and outputs list of tuples (loop or not, length of element)
segments = []
begin = -1
end = -1
for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
# Starting edge case
if i == 0:
begin = 0
if not mask[i] == mask[i - 1]:
end = i
if mask[i - 1].item() is True:
segments.append(("loop", end - begin))
segments.append(("ss", end - begin))
begin = i
# Ending edge case: last segment is length one
if not end == mask.shape[0]:
if mask[i].item() is True:
segments.append(("loop", mask.shape[0] - begin))
segments.append(("ss", mask.shape[0] - begin))
return segments
def expand_mask(self, mask, segments):
Function to generate a new mask with dilated loops and N and C terminal additions
N_add = random.randint(self.sampled_N[0], self.sampled_N[1])
C_add = random.randint(self.sampled_C[0], self.sampled_C[1])
output = N_add * [False]
for ss, length in segments:
if ss == "ss":
output.extend(length * [True])
# randomly sample insertion length
ins = random.randint(
self.sampled_insertion[0], self.sampled_insertion[1]
output.extend((length + ins) * [False])
output.extend(C_add * [False])
assert torch.sum(torch.tensor(output)) == torch.sum(~mask)
return torch.tensor(output)
def expand_ss(self, ss, adj, mask, expanded_mask):
Given an expanded mask, populate a new ss and adj based on this
ss_out = torch.ones(expanded_mask.shape[0]) * 3 # set to mask token
adj_out = torch.full((expanded_mask.shape[0], expanded_mask.shape[0]), 0.0)
ss_out[expanded_mask] = ss[~mask]
expanded_mask_2d = torch.full(adj_out.shape, True)
# mask out loops/insertions, which is ~expanded_mask
expanded_mask_2d[~expanded_mask, :] = False
expanded_mask_2d[:, ~expanded_mask] = False
mask_2d = torch.full(adj.shape, True)
# mask out loops. This mask is True=loop
mask_2d[mask, :] = False
mask_2d[:, mask] = False
adj_out[expanded_mask_2d] = adj[mask_2d]
adj_out = adj_out.reshape((expanded_mask.shape[0], expanded_mask.shape[0]))
return ss_out, adj_out
def mask_ss_adj(self, ss, adj, expanded_mask):
Given an expanded ss and adj, mask some number of residues at either end of non-loop ss
original_mask = torch.clone(expanded_mask)
if self.ss_mask > 0:
for i in range(1, self.ss_mask + 1):
expanded_mask[i:] *= original_mask[:-i]
expanded_mask[:-i] *= original_mask[i:]
if self.mask_loops:
ss[~expanded_mask] = 3
adj[~expanded_mask, :] = 0
adj[:, ~expanded_mask] = 0
# mask adjacency
adj[~expanded_mask] = 2
adj[:, ~expanded_mask] = 2
return ss, adj
def get_scaffold(self):
Wrapper method for pulling an item from the list, and preparing ss and block adj features
# Handle determinism. Useful for integration tests
if self.conf.inference.deterministic:
if self.systematic:
# reset if num designs > num_scaffolds
if self.item_n >= len(self.scaffold_list):
self.item_n = 0
item = self.scaffold_list[self.item_n]
self.item_n += 1
item = random.choice(self.scaffold_list)
print("Scaffold constrained based on file: ", item)
# load files
ss, adj = self.get_ss_adj(item)
adj_orig = torch.clone(adj)
# separate into segments (loop or not)
mask = torch.where(ss == 2, 1, 0).bool()
segments = self.mask_to_segments(mask)
# insert into loops to generate new mask
expanded_mask = self.expand_mask(mask, segments)
# expand ss and adj
ss, adj = self.expand_ss(ss, adj, mask, expanded_mask)
# finally, mask some proportion of the ss at either end of the non-loop ss blocks
ss, adj = self.mask_ss_adj(ss, adj, expanded_mask)
# and then update num_completed
self.num_completed += 1
return ss.shape[0], torch.nn.functional.one_hot(ss.long(), num_classes=4), adj
class Target:
Class to handle targets (fixed chains).
- path to pdb file
- hotspot residues, in the form B10,B12,B60 etc
- whether or not to crop, and with which method
- Dictionary of xyz coordinates, indices, pdb_indices, pdb mask
def __init__(self, conf: DictConfig, hotspots=None):
self.pdb = parse_pdb(conf.target_path)
if hotspots is not None:
self.hotspots = hotspots
self.hotspots = []
self.pdb["hotspots"] = np.array(
True if f"{i[0]}{i[1]}" in self.hotspots else False
for i in self.pdb["pdb_idx"]
if conf.contig_crop:
def parse_contig(self, contig_crop):
Takes contig input and parses
contig_list = []
for contig in contig_crop[0].split(" "):
subcon = []
for crop in contig.split("/"):
if crop[0].isalpha():
(crop[0], p)
for p in np.arange(
int(crop.split("-")[0][1:]), int(crop.split("-")[1]) + 1
return contig_list
def contig_crop(self, contig_crop, residue_offset=200) -> None:
Method to take a contig string referring to the receptor and output a pdb dictionary with just this crop
NB there are two ways to provide inputs:
- 1) e.g. B1-30,0 B50-60,0. This will add a residue offset between each chunk
- 2) e.g. B1-30,B50-60,B80-100. This will keep the original indexing of the pdb file.
Can handle the target being on multiple chains
# add residue offset between chains if multiple chains in receptor file
for idx, val in enumerate(self.pdb["pdb_idx"]):
if idx != 0 and val != self.pdb["pdb_idx"][idx - 1]:
self.pdb["idx"][idx:] += residue_offset + idx
# convert contig to mask
contig_list = self.parse_contig(contig_crop)
# add residue offset to different parts of contig_list
for contig in contig_list[1:]:
start = int(contig[0][1])
self.pdb["idx"][start:] += residue_offset
# flatten list
contig_list = [i for j in contig_list for i in j]
mask = np.array(
[True if i in contig_list else False for i in self.pdb["pdb_idx"]]
# sanity check
assert np.sum(self.pdb["hotspots"]) == np.sum(
), "Supplied hotspot residues are missing from the target contig!"
# crop pdb
for key, val in self.pdb.items():
self.pdb[key] = val[mask]
self.pdb[key] = [i for idx, i in enumerate(val) if mask[idx]]
self.pdb["crop_mask"] = mask
def get_target(self):
return self.pdb