#include <algorithm> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <limits> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <stdexcept> |
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h> |
#include <pybind11/numpy.h> |
#include <random> |
namespace py = pybind11; |
using namespace std; |
const int32_t LONG_SENTENCE_LEN = 512; |
void build_blending_indices(py::array_t<uint8_t>& dataset_index, |
py::array_t<int64_t>& dataset_sample_index, |
const py::array_t<double>& weights, |
const int32_t num_datasets, |
const int64_t size, const bool verbose) { |
if (verbose) { |
std::cout << "> building indices for blendable datasets ..." << std::endl; |
} |
auto dataset_index_ptr = dataset_index.mutable_unchecked<1>(); |
auto dataset_sample_index_ptr = dataset_sample_index.mutable_unchecked<1>(); |
auto weights_ptr = weights.unchecked<1>(); |
int64_t current_samples[num_datasets]; |
for(int64_t i = 0; i < num_datasets; ++i) { |
current_samples[i] = 0; |
} |
for(int64_t sample_idx = 0; sample_idx < size; ++sample_idx) { |
auto sample_idx_double = std::max(static_cast<double>(sample_idx), 1.0); |
int64_t max_error_index = 0; |
double max_error = weights_ptr[0] * sample_idx_double - |
static_cast<double>(current_samples[0]); |
for (int64_t dataset_idx = 1; dataset_idx < num_datasets; ++dataset_idx) { |
double error = weights_ptr[dataset_idx] * sample_idx_double - |
static_cast<double>(current_samples[dataset_idx]); |
if (error > max_error) { |
max_error = error; |
max_error_index = dataset_idx; |
} |
} |
dataset_index_ptr[sample_idx] = static_cast<uint8_t>(max_error_index); |
dataset_sample_index_ptr[sample_idx] = current_samples[max_error_index]; |
current_samples[max_error_index] += 1; |
} |
if (verbose) { |
std::cout << " > sample ratios:" << std::endl; |
for (int64_t dataset_idx = 0; dataset_idx < num_datasets; ++dataset_idx) { |
auto ratio = static_cast<double>(current_samples[dataset_idx]) / |
static_cast<double>(size); |
std::cout << " dataset " << dataset_idx << ", input: " << |
weights_ptr[dataset_idx] << ", achieved: " << ratio << std::endl; |
} |
} |
} |
py::array build_sample_idx(const py::array_t<int32_t>& sizes_, |
const py::array_t<int32_t>& doc_idx_, |
const int32_t seq_length, |
const int32_t num_epochs, |
const int64_t tokens_per_epoch) { |
assert(seq_length > 1); |
assert(num_epochs > 0); |
assert(tokens_per_epoch > 1); |
auto sizes = sizes_.unchecked<1>(); |
auto doc_idx = doc_idx_.unchecked<1>(); |
int64_t num_samples = (num_epochs * tokens_per_epoch - 1) / seq_length; |
int32_t* sample_idx = new int32_t[2*(num_samples+1)]; |
cout << " using:" << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents: " << |
doc_idx_.shape(0) / num_epochs << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of epochs: " << num_epochs << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " sequence length: " << seq_length << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " total number of samples: " << num_samples << |
endl << std::flush; |
int64_t sample_index = 0; |
int64_t doc_idx_index = 0; |
int32_t doc_offset = 0; |
sample_idx[2 * sample_index] = doc_idx_index; |
sample_idx[2 * sample_index + 1] = doc_offset; |
++sample_index; |
while (sample_index <= num_samples) { |
int32_t remaining_seq_length = seq_length + 1; |
while (remaining_seq_length != 0) { |
auto doc_id = doc_idx[doc_idx_index]; |
auto doc_length = sizes[doc_id] - doc_offset; |
remaining_seq_length -= doc_length; |
if (remaining_seq_length <= 0) { |
doc_offset += (remaining_seq_length + doc_length - 1); |
remaining_seq_length = 0; |
} else { |
++doc_idx_index; |
doc_offset = 0; |
} |
} |
sample_idx[2 * sample_index] = doc_idx_index; |
sample_idx[2 * sample_index + 1] = doc_offset; |
++sample_index; |
} |
py::capsule free_when_done(sample_idx, [](void *mem_) { |
int32_t *mem = reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(mem_); |
delete[] mem; |
}); |
const auto byte_size = sizeof(int32_t); |
return py::array(std::vector<int64_t>{num_samples+1, 2}, |
{2*byte_size, byte_size}, |
sample_idx, |
free_when_done); |
} |
inline int32_t get_target_sample_len(const int32_t short_seq_ratio, |
const int32_t max_length, |
std::mt19937& rand32_gen) { |
if (short_seq_ratio == 0) { |
return max_length; |
} |
const auto random_number = rand32_gen(); |
if ((random_number % short_seq_ratio) == 0) { |
return 2 + random_number % (max_length - 1); |
} |
return max_length; |
} |
template<typename DocIdx> |
py::array build_mapping_impl(const py::array_t<int64_t>& docs_, |
const py::array_t<int32_t>& sizes_, |
const int32_t num_epochs, |
const uint64_t max_num_samples, |
const int32_t max_seq_length, |
const double short_seq_prob, |
const int32_t seed, |
const bool verbose, |
const int32_t min_num_sent) { |
assert(num_epochs > 0); |
assert(max_seq_length > 1); |
assert(short_seq_prob >= 0.0); |
assert(short_seq_prob <= 1.0); |
assert(seed > 0); |
auto docs = docs_.unchecked<1>(); |
auto sizes = sizes_.unchecked<1>(); |
int32_t short_seq_ratio = 0; |
if (short_seq_prob > 0) { |
short_seq_ratio = static_cast<int32_t>(round(1.0 / short_seq_prob)); |
} |
if (verbose) { |
const auto sent_start_index = docs[0]; |
const auto sent_end_index = docs[docs_.shape(0) - 1]; |
const auto num_sentences = sent_end_index - sent_start_index; |
cout << " using:" << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents: " << docs_.shape(0) - 1 << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " sentences range: [" << sent_start_index << |
", " << sent_end_index << ")" << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " total number of sentences: " << num_sentences << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of epochs: " << num_epochs << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " maximum number of samples: " << max_num_samples << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " maximum sequence length: " << max_seq_length << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " short sequence probability: " << short_seq_prob << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " short sequence ration (1/prob): " << short_seq_ratio << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " seed: " << seed << endl << |
std::flush; |
} |
int64_t num_samples = -1; |
DocIdx* maps = NULL; |
bool second = false; |
for (int32_t iteration=0; iteration<2; ++iteration) { |
std::mt19937 rand32_gen(seed); |
second = (iteration == 1); |
uint64_t empty_docs = 0; |
uint64_t one_sent_docs = 0; |
uint64_t long_sent_docs = 0; |
uint64_t map_index = 0; |
for (int32_t epoch=0; epoch<num_epochs; ++epoch) { |
if (map_index >= max_num_samples) { |
if (verbose && (!second)) { |
cout << " reached " << max_num_samples << " samples after " |
<< epoch << " epochs ..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
break; |
} |
for (int32_t doc=0; doc<(docs.shape(0) - 1); ++doc) { |
const auto sent_index_first = docs[doc]; |
const auto sent_index_last = docs[doc + 1]; |
auto prev_start_index = sent_index_first; |
auto num_remain_sent = sent_index_last - sent_index_first; |
if ((epoch == 0) && (!second)) { |
if (num_remain_sent == 0) { |
++empty_docs; |
} |
if (num_remain_sent == 1) { |
++one_sent_docs; |
} |
} |
bool contains_long_sentence = false; |
if (num_remain_sent > 1) { |
for (auto sent_index=sent_index_first; |
sent_index < sent_index_last; ++sent_index) { |
if (sizes[sent_index] > LONG_SENTENCE_LEN){ |
if ((epoch == 0) && (!second)) { |
++long_sent_docs; |
} |
contains_long_sentence = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if ((num_remain_sent >= min_num_sent) && (!contains_long_sentence)) { |
auto seq_len = int32_t{0}; |
auto num_sent = int32_t{0}; |
auto target_seq_len = get_target_sample_len(short_seq_ratio, |
max_seq_length, |
rand32_gen); |
for (auto sent_index=sent_index_first; |
sent_index < sent_index_last; ++sent_index) { |
seq_len += sizes[sent_index]; |
++num_sent; |
--num_remain_sent; |
if (((seq_len >= target_seq_len) && |
(num_remain_sent > 1) && |
(num_sent >= min_num_sent) ) || (num_remain_sent == 0)) { |
if ((3 * map_index + 2) > |
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) { |
cout << "number of samples exceeded maximum " |
<< "allowed by type int64: " |
<< std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() |
<< endl; |
throw std::overflow_error("Number of samples"); |
} |
if (second) { |
const auto map_index_0 = 3 * map_index; |
maps[map_index_0] = static_cast<DocIdx>(prev_start_index); |
maps[map_index_0 + 1] = static_cast<DocIdx>(sent_index + 1); |
maps[map_index_0 + 2] = static_cast<DocIdx>(target_seq_len); |
} |
++map_index; |
prev_start_index = sent_index + 1; |
target_seq_len = get_target_sample_len(short_seq_ratio, |
max_seq_length, |
rand32_gen); |
seq_len = 0; |
num_sent = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!second) { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " number of empty documents: " << empty_docs << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents with one sentence: " << |
one_sent_docs << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents with long sentences: " << |
long_sent_docs << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " will create mapping for " << map_index << |
" samples" << endl << std::flush; |
} |
assert(maps == NULL); |
assert(num_samples < 0); |
maps = new DocIdx[3*map_index]; |
num_samples = static_cast<int64_t>(map_index); |
} |
} |
std::mt19937_64 rand64_gen(seed + 1); |
for (auto i=(num_samples - 1); i > 0; --i) { |
const auto j = static_cast<int64_t>(rand64_gen() % (i + 1)); |
const auto i0 = 3 * i; |
const auto j0 = 3 * j; |
swap(maps[i0], maps[j0]); |
swap(maps[i0 + 1], maps[j0 + 1]); |
swap(maps[i0 + 2], maps[j0 + 2]); |
} |
py::capsule free_when_done(maps, [](void *mem_) { |
DocIdx *mem = reinterpret_cast<DocIdx*>(mem_); |
delete[] mem; |
}); |
const auto byte_size = sizeof(DocIdx); |
return py::array(std::vector<int64_t>{num_samples, 3}, |
{3*byte_size, byte_size}, |
maps, |
free_when_done); |
} |
py::array build_mapping(const py::array_t<int64_t>& docs_, |
const py::array_t<int>& sizes_, |
const int num_epochs, |
const uint64_t max_num_samples, |
const int max_seq_length, |
const double short_seq_prob, |
const int seed, |
const bool verbose, |
const int32_t min_num_sent) { |
if (sizes_.size() > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " using uint64 for data mapping..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
return build_mapping_impl<uint64_t>(docs_, sizes_, num_epochs, |
max_num_samples, max_seq_length, |
short_seq_prob, seed, verbose, |
min_num_sent); |
} else { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " using uint32 for data mapping..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
return build_mapping_impl<uint32_t>(docs_, sizes_, num_epochs, |
max_num_samples, max_seq_length, |
short_seq_prob, seed, verbose, |
min_num_sent); |
} |
} |
template<typename DocIdx> |
py::array build_blocks_mapping_impl(const py::array_t<int64_t>& docs_, |
const py::array_t<int32_t>& sizes_, |
const py::array_t<int32_t>& titles_sizes_, |
const int32_t num_epochs, |
const uint64_t max_num_samples, |
const int32_t max_seq_length, |
const int32_t seed, |
const bool verbose, |
const bool use_one_sent_blocks) { |
assert(num_epochs > 0); |
assert(max_seq_length > 1); |
assert(seed > 0); |
auto docs = docs_.unchecked<1>(); |
auto sizes = sizes_.unchecked<1>(); |
auto titles_sizes = titles_sizes_.unchecked<1>(); |
if (verbose) { |
const auto sent_start_index = docs[0]; |
const auto sent_end_index = docs[docs_.shape(0) - 1]; |
const auto num_sentences = sent_end_index - sent_start_index; |
cout << " using:" << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents: " << docs_.shape(0) - 1 << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " sentences range: [" << sent_start_index << |
", " << sent_end_index << ")" << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " total number of sentences: " << num_sentences << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of epochs: " << num_epochs << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " maximum number of samples: " << max_num_samples << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " maximum sequence length: " << max_seq_length << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " seed: " << seed << endl << |
std::flush; |
} |
int64_t num_samples = -1; |
DocIdx* maps = NULL; |
int min_num_sent = 2; |
if (use_one_sent_blocks) { |
min_num_sent = 1; |
} |
bool second = false; |
for (int32_t iteration=0; iteration<2; ++iteration) { |
second = (iteration == 1); |
uint64_t map_index = 0; |
uint64_t empty_docs = 0; |
uint64_t one_sent_docs = 0; |
uint64_t long_sent_docs = 0; |
for (int32_t epoch=0; epoch<num_epochs; ++epoch) { |
int32_t block_id = 0; |
if (map_index >= max_num_samples) { |
if (verbose && (!second)) { |
cout << " reached " << max_num_samples << " samples after " |
<< epoch << " epochs ..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
break; |
} |
for (int32_t doc=0; doc<(docs.shape(0) - 1); ++doc) { |
const auto sent_index_first = docs[doc]; |
const auto sent_index_last = docs[doc + 1]; |
const auto target_seq_len = max_seq_length - titles_sizes[doc]; |
auto prev_start_index = sent_index_first; |
auto num_remain_sent = sent_index_last - sent_index_first; |
if ((epoch == 0) && (!second)) { |
if (num_remain_sent == 0) { |
++empty_docs; |
} |
if (num_remain_sent == 1) { |
++one_sent_docs; |
} |
} |
bool contains_long_sentence = false; |
if (num_remain_sent >= min_num_sent) { |
for (auto sent_index=sent_index_first; |
sent_index < sent_index_last; ++sent_index) { |
if (sizes[sent_index] > LONG_SENTENCE_LEN){ |
if ((epoch == 0) && (!second)) { |
++long_sent_docs; |
} |
contains_long_sentence = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if ((num_remain_sent >= min_num_sent) && (!contains_long_sentence)) { |
auto seq_len = int32_t{0}; |
auto num_sent = int32_t{0}; |
for (auto sent_index=sent_index_first; |
sent_index < sent_index_last; ++sent_index) { |
seq_len += sizes[sent_index]; |
++num_sent; |
--num_remain_sent; |
if (((seq_len >= target_seq_len) && |
(num_remain_sent >= min_num_sent) && |
(num_sent >= min_num_sent) ) || (num_remain_sent == 0)) { |
if (second) { |
const auto map_index_0 = 4 * map_index; |
maps[map_index_0] = static_cast<DocIdx>(prev_start_index); |
maps[map_index_0 + 1] = static_cast<DocIdx>(sent_index + 1); |
maps[map_index_0 + 2] = static_cast<DocIdx>(doc); |
maps[map_index_0 + 3] = static_cast<DocIdx>(block_id); |
} |
++map_index; |
++block_id; |
prev_start_index = sent_index + 1; |
seq_len = 0; |
num_sent = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!second) { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " number of empty documents: " << empty_docs << |
endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents with one sentence: " << |
one_sent_docs << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " number of documents with long sentences: " << |
long_sent_docs << endl << std::flush; |
cout << " will create mapping for " << map_index << |
" samples" << endl << std::flush; |
} |
assert(maps == NULL); |
assert(num_samples < 0); |
maps = new DocIdx[4*map_index]; |
num_samples = static_cast<int64_t>(map_index); |
} |
} |
std::mt19937_64 rand64_gen(seed + 1); |
for (auto i=(num_samples - 1); i > 0; --i) { |
const auto j = static_cast<int64_t>(rand64_gen() % (i + 1)); |
const auto i0 = 4 * i; |
const auto j0 = 4 * j; |
swap(maps[i0], maps[j0]); |
swap(maps[i0 + 1], maps[j0 + 1]); |
swap(maps[i0 + 2], maps[j0 + 2]); |
swap(maps[i0 + 3], maps[j0 + 3]); |
} |
py::capsule free_when_done(maps, [](void *mem_) { |
DocIdx *mem = reinterpret_cast<DocIdx*>(mem_); |
delete[] mem; |
}); |
const auto byte_size = sizeof(DocIdx); |
return py::array(std::vector<int64_t>{num_samples, 4}, |
{4*byte_size, byte_size}, |
maps, |
free_when_done); |
} |
py::array build_blocks_mapping(const py::array_t<int64_t>& docs_, |
const py::array_t<int>& sizes_, |
const py::array_t<int>& titles_sizes_, |
const int num_epochs, |
const uint64_t max_num_samples, |
const int max_seq_length, |
const int seed, |
const bool verbose, |
const bool use_one_sent_blocks) { |
if (sizes_.size() > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " using uint64 for data mapping..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
return build_blocks_mapping_impl<uint64_t>(docs_, sizes_, titles_sizes_, |
num_epochs, max_num_samples, max_seq_length, seed, verbose, use_one_sent_blocks); |
} else { |
if (verbose) { |
cout << " using uint32 for data mapping..." << endl << std::flush; |
} |
return build_blocks_mapping_impl<uint32_t>(docs_, sizes_, titles_sizes_, |
num_epochs, max_num_samples, max_seq_length, seed, verbose, use_one_sent_blocks); |
} |
} |
PYBIND11_MODULE(helpers, m) { |
m.def("build_mapping", &build_mapping); |
m.def("build_blocks_mapping", &build_blocks_mapping); |
m.def("build_sample_idx", &build_sample_idx); |
m.def("build_blending_indices", &build_blending_indices); |
} |