mafqoud / detectors /
Dev-mohamed's picture
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from typing import Any, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from deepface.modules import detection
from deepface.models.Detector import Detector, DetectedFace, FacialAreaRegion
from deepface.detectors import (
from deepface.commons import logger as log
logger = log.get_singletonish_logger()
def build_model(detector_backend: str) -> Any:
Build a face detector model
detector_backend (str): backend detector name
built detector (Any)
global face_detector_obj # singleton design pattern
backends = {
"opencv": OpenCv.OpenCvClient,
"mtcnn": MtCnn.MtCnnClient,
"ssd": Ssd.SsdClient,
"dlib": Dlib.DlibClient,
"retinaface": RetinaFace.RetinaFaceClient,
"mediapipe": MediaPipe.MediaPipeClient,
"yolov8": Yolo.YoloClient,
"yunet": YuNet.YuNetClient,
"fastmtcnn": FastMtCnn.FastMtCnnClient,
"centerface": CenterFace.CenterFaceClient,
if not "face_detector_obj" in globals():
face_detector_obj = {}
built_models = list(face_detector_obj.keys())
if detector_backend not in built_models:
face_detector = backends.get(detector_backend)
if face_detector:
face_detector = face_detector()
face_detector_obj[detector_backend] = face_detector
raise ValueError("invalid detector_backend passed - " + detector_backend)
return face_detector_obj[detector_backend]
def detect_faces(
detector_backend: str, img: np.ndarray, align: bool = True, expand_percentage: int = 0
) -> List[DetectedFace]:
Detect face(s) from a given image
detector_backend (str): detector name
img (np.ndarray): pre-loaded image
align (bool): enable or disable alignment after detection
expand_percentage (int): expand detected facial area with a percentage (default is 0).
results (List[DetectedFace]): A list of DetectedFace objects
where each object contains:
- img (np.ndarray): The detected face as a NumPy array.
- facial_area (FacialAreaRegion): The facial area region represented as x, y, w, h,
left_eye and right eye. left eye and right eye are eyes on the left and right
with respect to the person instead of observer.
- confidence (float): The confidence score associated with the detected face.
face_detector: Detector = build_model(detector_backend)
# validate expand percentage score
if expand_percentage < 0:
f"Expand percentage cannot be negative but you set it to {expand_percentage}."
"Overwritten it to 0."
expand_percentage = 0
# find facial areas of given image
facial_areas = face_detector.detect_faces(img)
results = []
for facial_area in facial_areas:
x = facial_area.x
y = facial_area.y
w = facial_area.w
h = facial_area.h
left_eye = facial_area.left_eye
right_eye = facial_area.right_eye
confidence = facial_area.confidence
if expand_percentage > 0:
# Expand the facial region height and width by the provided percentage
# ensuring that the expanded region stays within img.shape limits
expanded_w = w + int(w * expand_percentage / 100)
expanded_h = h + int(h * expand_percentage / 100)
x = max(0, x - int((expanded_w - w) / 2))
y = max(0, y - int((expanded_h - h) / 2))
w = min(img.shape[1] - x, expanded_w)
h = min(img.shape[0] - y, expanded_h)
# extract detected face unaligned
detected_face = img[int(y) : int(y + h), int(x) : int(x + w)]
# align original image, then find projection of detected face area after alignment
if align is True: # and left_eye is not None and right_eye is not None:
aligned_img, angle = detection.align_face(
img=img, left_eye=left_eye, right_eye=right_eye
rotated_x1, rotated_y1, rotated_x2, rotated_y2 = rotate_facial_area(
facial_area=(x, y, x + w, y + h), angle=angle, size=(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
detected_face = aligned_img[
int(rotated_y1) : int(rotated_y2), int(rotated_x1) : int(rotated_x2)
result = DetectedFace(
x=x, y=y, h=h, w=w, confidence=confidence, left_eye=left_eye, right_eye=right_eye
return results
def rotate_facial_area(
facial_area: Tuple[int, int, int, int], angle: float, size: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
Rotate the facial area around its center.
Inspried from the work of @UmutDeniz26 -
facial_area (tuple of int): Representing the (x1, y1, x2, y2) of the facial area.
x2 is equal to x1 + w1, and y2 is equal to y1 + h1
angle (float): Angle of rotation in degrees. Its sign determines the direction of rotation.
Note that angles > 360 degrees are normalized to the range [0, 360).
size (tuple of int): Tuple representing the size of the image (width, height).
rotated_coordinates (tuple of int): Representing the new coordinates
(x1, y1, x2, y2) or (x1, y1, x1+w1, y1+h1) of the rotated facial area.
# Normalize the witdh of the angle so we don't have to
# worry about rotations greater than 360 degrees.
# We workaround the quirky behavior of the modulo operator
# for negative angle values.
direction = 1 if angle >= 0 else -1
angle = abs(angle) % 360
if angle == 0:
return facial_area
# Angle in radians
angle = angle * np.pi / 180
height, weight = size
# Translate the facial area to the center of the image
x = (facial_area[0] + facial_area[2]) / 2 - weight / 2
y = (facial_area[1] + facial_area[3]) / 2 - height / 2
# Rotate the facial area
x_new = x * np.cos(angle) + y * direction * np.sin(angle)
y_new = -x * direction * np.sin(angle) + y * np.cos(angle)
# Translate the facial area back to the original position
x_new = x_new + weight / 2
y_new = y_new + height / 2
# Calculate projected coordinates after alignment
x1 = x_new - (facial_area[2] - facial_area[0]) / 2
y1 = y_new - (facial_area[3] - facial_area[1]) / 2
x2 = x_new + (facial_area[2] - facial_area[0]) / 2
y2 = y_new + (facial_area[3] - facial_area[1]) / 2
# validate projected coordinates are in image's boundaries
x1 = max(int(x1), 0)
y1 = max(int(y1), 0)
x2 = min(int(x2), weight)
y2 = min(int(y2), height)
return (x1, y1, x2, y2)