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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This code is from AllenAI's Longformer:
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .diagonaled_mm_tvm import mask_invalid_locations
def _skew(x, direction, padding_value):
'''Convert diagonals into columns (or columns into diagonals depending on `direction`'''
x_padded = F.pad(x, direction, value=padding_value)
x_padded = x_padded.view(*x_padded.size()[:-2], x_padded.size(-1), x_padded.size(-2))
return x_padded
def _skew2(x, padding_value):
'''shift every row 1 step to right converting columns into diagonals'''
# X = B x C x M x L
B, C, M, L = x.size()
x = F.pad(x, (0, M + 1), value=padding_value) # B x C x M x (L+M+1)
x = x.view(B, C, -1) # B x C x ML+MM+M
x = x[:, :, :-M] # B x C x ML+MM
x = x.view(B, C, M, M + L) # B x C, M x L+M
x = x[:, :, :, :-1]
return x
def _chunk(x, w):
'''convert into overlapping chunkings. Chunk size = 2w, overlap size = w'''
# non-overlapping chunks of size = 2w
x = x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1) // (w * 2), w * 2, x.size(2))
# use `as_strided` to make the chunks overlap with an overlap size = w
chunk_size = list(x.size())
chunk_size[1] = chunk_size[1] * 2 - 1
chunk_stride = list(x.stride())
chunk_stride[1] = chunk_stride[1] // 2
return x.as_strided(size=chunk_size, stride=chunk_stride)
def sliding_chunks_matmul_qk(q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, w: int, padding_value: float):
'''Matrix multiplicatio of query x key tensors using with a sliding window attention pattern.
This implementation splits the input into overlapping chunks of size 2w (e.g. 512 for pretrained Longformer)
with an overlap of size w'''
bsz, seqlen, num_heads, head_dim = q.size()
assert seqlen % (w * 2) == 0
assert q.size() == k.size()
chunks_count = seqlen // w - 1
# group bsz and num_heads dimensions into one, then chunk seqlen into chunks of size w * 2
q = q.transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz * num_heads, seqlen, head_dim)
k = k.transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz * num_heads, seqlen, head_dim)
chunk_q = _chunk(q, w)
chunk_k = _chunk(k, w)
# matrix multipication
# bcxd: bsz*num_heads x chunks x 2w x head_dim
# bcyd: bsz*num_heads x chunks x 2w x head_dim
# bcxy: bsz*num_heads x chunks x 2w x 2w
chunk_attn = torch.einsum('bcxd,bcyd->bcxy', (chunk_q, chunk_k)) # multiply
# convert diagonals into columns
diagonal_chunk_attn = _skew(chunk_attn, direction=(0, 0, 0, 1), padding_value=padding_value)
# allocate space for the overall attention matrix where the chunks are compined. The last dimension
# has (w * 2 + 1) columns. The first (w) columns are the w lower triangles (attention from a word to
# w previous words). The following column is attention score from each word to itself, then
# followed by w columns for the upper triangle.
diagonal_attn = diagonal_chunk_attn.new_empty((bsz * num_heads, chunks_count + 1, w, w * 2 + 1))
# copy parts from diagonal_chunk_attn into the compined matrix of attentions
# - copying the main diagonal and the upper triangle
diagonal_attn[:, :-1, :, w:] = diagonal_chunk_attn[:, :, :w, :w + 1]
diagonal_attn[:, -1, :, w:] = diagonal_chunk_attn[:, -1, w:, :w + 1]
# - copying the lower triangle
diagonal_attn[:, 1:, :, :w] = diagonal_chunk_attn[:, :, - (w + 1):-1, w + 1:]
diagonal_attn[:, 0, 1:w, 1:w] = diagonal_chunk_attn[:, 0, :w - 1, 1 - w:]
# separate bsz and num_heads dimensions again
diagonal_attn = diagonal_attn.view(bsz, num_heads, seqlen, 2 * w + 1).transpose(2, 1)
mask_invalid_locations(diagonal_attn, w, 1, False)
return diagonal_attn
def sliding_chunks_matmul_pv(prob: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, w: int):
'''Same as sliding_chunks_matmul_qk but for prob and value tensors. It is expecting the same output
format from sliding_chunks_matmul_qk'''
bsz, seqlen, num_heads, head_dim = v.size()
assert seqlen % (w * 2) == 0
assert prob.size()[:3] == v.size()[:3]
assert prob.size(3) == 2 * w + 1
chunks_count = seqlen // w - 1
# group bsz and num_heads dimensions into one, then chunk seqlen into chunks of size 2w
chunk_prob = prob.transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz * num_heads, seqlen // w, w, 2 * w + 1)
# group bsz and num_heads dimensions into one
v = v.transpose(1, 2).reshape(bsz * num_heads, seqlen, head_dim)
# pad seqlen with w at the beginning of the sequence and another w at the end
padded_v = F.pad(v, (0, 0, w, w), value=-1)
# chunk padded_v into chunks of size 3w and an overlap of size w
chunk_v_size = (bsz * num_heads, chunks_count + 1, 3 * w, head_dim)
chunk_v_stride = padded_v.stride()
chunk_v_stride = chunk_v_stride[0], w * chunk_v_stride[1], chunk_v_stride[1], chunk_v_stride[2]
chunk_v = padded_v.as_strided(size=chunk_v_size, stride=chunk_v_stride)
skewed_prob = _skew2(chunk_prob, padding_value=0)
context = torch.einsum('bcwd,bcdh->bcwh', (skewed_prob, chunk_v))
return context.view(bsz, num_heads, seqlen, head_dim).transpose(1, 2)
def pad_to_window_size(input_ids: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor,
one_sided_window_size: int, pad_token_id: int):
'''A helper function to pad tokens and mask to work with the sliding_chunks implementation of Longformer selfattention.
input_ids = torch.Tensor(bsz x seqlen): ids of wordpieces
attention_mask = torch.Tensor(bsz x seqlen): attention mask
one_sided_window_size = int: window size on one side of each token
pad_token_id = int: tokenizer.pad_token_id
(input_ids, attention_mask) padded to length divisible by 2 * one_sided_window_size
w = int(2 * one_sided_window_size)
seqlen = input_ids.size(1)
padding_len = (w - seqlen % w) % w
input_ids = F.pad(input_ids, (0, padding_len), value=pad_token_id)
attention_mask = F.pad(attention_mask, (0, padding_len), value=False) # no attention on the padding tokens
return input_ids, attention_mask
# ========= "sliding_chunks_no_overlap": alternative implemenation of the sliding window attention =========
# This implementation uses non-overlapping chunks (or blocks) of size `w` with number of local attention = 3xw
# To make this implemenation comparable to "sliding_chunks" set w such that
# w_of_sliding_chunks_no_overlap = w_of_sliding_chunks * 2 / 3
# For example,
# w_of_sliding_chunks = 256 (this is one sided. Total attention size = 512)
# w_of_sliding_chunks_no_overlap = 170 (Total attention size = 510)
# Performance:
# - Speed: 30% faster than "sliding_chunks"
# - Memory: 95% of the memory usage of "sliding_chunks"
# The windows are asymmetric where number of attention on each side of a token ranges between w to 2w
# while "sliding_chunks" has a symmetric window around each token.
def sliding_chunks_no_overlap_matmul_qk(q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, w: int, padding_value: float):
bsz, seqlen, num_heads, head_dim = q.size()
assert seqlen % w == 0
assert q.size() == k.size()
# chunk seqlen into non-overlapping chunks of size w
chunk_q = q.view(bsz, seqlen // w, w, num_heads, head_dim)
chunk_k = k.view(bsz, seqlen // w, w, num_heads, head_dim)
chunk_k_expanded = torch.stack((
F.pad(chunk_k[:, :-1], (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), value=0.0),
F.pad(chunk_k[:, 1:], (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), value=0.0),
), dim=-1)
diagonal_attn = torch.einsum('bcxhd,bcyhde->bcxhey', (chunk_q, chunk_k_expanded)) # multiply
return diagonal_attn.reshape(bsz, seqlen, num_heads, 3 * w)
def sliding_chunks_no_overlap_matmul_pv(prob: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, w: int):
bsz, seqlen, num_heads, head_dim = v.size()
chunk_prob = prob.view(bsz, seqlen // w, w, num_heads, 3, w)
chunk_v = v.view(bsz, seqlen // w, w, num_heads, head_dim)
chunk_v_extended = torch.stack((
F.pad(chunk_v[:, :-1], (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), value=0.0),
F.pad(chunk_v[:, 1:], (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), value=0.0),
), dim=-1)
context = torch.einsum('bcwhpd,bcdhep->bcwhe', (chunk_prob, chunk_v_extended))
return context.reshape(bsz, seqlen, num_heads, head_dim)