zipnerf / internal /
Cr4yfish's picture
copy files from SuLvXiangXin
import os.path
from internal import stepfun
from internal import math
from internal import utils
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def lift_gaussian(d, t_mean, t_var, r_var, diag):
"""Lift a Gaussian defined along a ray to 3D coordinates."""
mean = d[..., None, :] * t_mean[..., None]
eps = torch.finfo(d.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
d_mag_sq = torch.sum(d ** 2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).clamp_min(eps)
if diag:
d_outer_diag = d ** 2
null_outer_diag = 1 - d_outer_diag / d_mag_sq
t_cov_diag = t_var[..., None] * d_outer_diag[..., None, :]
xy_cov_diag = r_var[..., None] * null_outer_diag[..., None, :]
cov_diag = t_cov_diag + xy_cov_diag
return mean, cov_diag
d_outer = d[..., :, None] * d[..., None, :]
eye = torch.eye(d.shape[-1], device=d.device)
null_outer = eye - d[..., :, None] * (d / d_mag_sq)[..., None, :]
t_cov = t_var[..., None, None] * d_outer[..., None, :, :]
xy_cov = r_var[..., None, None] * null_outer[..., None, :, :]
cov = t_cov + xy_cov
return mean, cov
def conical_frustum_to_gaussian(d, t0, t1, base_radius, diag, stable=True):
"""Approximate a conical frustum as a Gaussian distribution (mean+cov).
Assumes the ray is originating from the origin, and base_radius is the
radius at dist=1. Doesn't assume `d` is normalized.
d: the axis of the cone
t0: the starting distance of the frustum.
t1: the ending distance of the frustum.
base_radius: the scale of the radius as a function of distance.
diag: whether or the Gaussian will be diagonal or full-covariance.
stable: whether or not to use the stable computation described in
the paper (setting this to False will cause catastrophic failure).
a Gaussian (mean and covariance).
if stable:
# Equation 7 in the paper (
mu = (t0 + t1) / 2 # The average of the two `t` values.
hw = (t1 - t0) / 2 # The half-width of the two `t` values.
eps = torch.finfo(d.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
t_mean = mu + (2 * mu * hw ** 2) / (3 * mu ** 2 + hw ** 2).clamp_min(eps)
denom = (3 * mu ** 2 + hw ** 2).clamp_min(eps)
t_var = (hw ** 2) / 3 - (4 / 15) * hw ** 4 * (12 * mu ** 2 - hw ** 2) / denom ** 2
r_var = (mu ** 2) / 4 + (5 / 12) * hw ** 2 - (4 / 15) * (hw ** 4) / denom
# Equations 37-39 in the paper.
t_mean = (3 * (t1 ** 4 - t0 ** 4)) / (4 * (t1 ** 3 - t0 ** 3))
r_var = 3 / 20 * (t1 ** 5 - t0 ** 5) / (t1 ** 3 - t0 ** 3)
t_mosq = 3 / 5 * (t1 ** 5 - t0 ** 5) / (t1 ** 3 - t0 ** 3)
t_var = t_mosq - t_mean ** 2
r_var *= base_radius ** 2
return lift_gaussian(d, t_mean, t_var, r_var, diag)
def cylinder_to_gaussian(d, t0, t1, radius, diag):
"""Approximate a cylinder as a Gaussian distribution (mean+cov).
Assumes the ray is originating from the origin, and radius is the
radius. Does not renormalize `d`.
d: the axis of the cylinder
t0: the starting distance of the cylinder.
t1: the ending distance of the cylinder.
radius: the radius of the cylinder
diag: whether or the Gaussian will be diagonal or full-covariance.
a Gaussian (mean and covariance).
t_mean = (t0 + t1) / 2
r_var = radius ** 2 / 4
t_var = (t1 - t0) ** 2 / 12
return lift_gaussian(d, t_mean, t_var, r_var, diag)
def cast_rays(tdist, origins, directions, cam_dirs, radii, rand=True, n=7, m=3, std_scale=0.5, **kwargs):
"""Cast rays (cone- or cylinder-shaped) and featurize sections of it.
tdist: float array, the "fencepost" distances along the ray.
origins: float array, the ray origin coordinates.
directions: float array, the ray direction vectors.
radii: float array, the radii (base radii for cones) of the rays.
ray_shape: string, the shape of the ray, must be 'cone' or 'cylinder'.
diag: boolean, whether or not the covariance matrices should be diagonal.
a tuple of arrays of means and covariances.
t0 = tdist[..., :-1, None]
t1 = tdist[..., 1:, None]
radii = radii[..., None]
t_m = (t0 + t1) / 2
t_d = (t1 - t0) / 2
j = torch.arange(6, device=tdist.device)
t = t0 + t_d / (t_d ** 2 + 3 * t_m ** 2) * (t1 ** 2 + 2 * t_m ** 2 + 3 / 7 ** 0.5 * (2 * j / 5 - 1) * (
(t_d ** 2 - t_m ** 2) ** 2 + 4 * t_m ** 4).sqrt())
deg = torch.pi / 3 * torch.tensor([0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1], device=tdist.device, dtype=torch.float)
deg = torch.broadcast_to(deg, t.shape)
if rand:
# randomly rotate and flip
mask = torch.rand_like(t0[..., 0]) > 0.5
deg = deg + 2 * torch.pi * torch.rand_like(deg[..., 0])[..., None]
deg = torch.where(mask[..., None], deg, torch.pi * 5 / 3 - deg)
# rotate 30 degree and flip every other pattern
mask = torch.arange(t.shape[-2], device=tdist.device) % 2 == 0
mask = torch.broadcast_to(mask, t.shape[:-1])
deg = torch.where(mask[..., None], deg, deg + torch.pi / 6)
deg = torch.where(mask[..., None], deg, torch.pi * 5 / 3 - deg)
means = torch.stack([
radii * t * torch.cos(deg) / 2 ** 0.5,
radii * t * torch.sin(deg) / 2 ** 0.5,
], dim=-1)
stds = std_scale * radii * t / 2 ** 0.5
# two basis in parallel to the image plane
rand_vec = torch.randn_like(cam_dirs)
ortho1 = F.normalize(torch.cross(cam_dirs, rand_vec, dim=-1), dim=-1)
ortho2 = F.normalize(torch.cross(cam_dirs, ortho1, dim=-1), dim=-1)
# just use directions to be the third vector of the orthonormal basis,
# while the cross section of cone is parallel to the image plane
basis_matrix = torch.stack([ortho1, ortho2, directions], dim=-1)
means = math.matmul(means, basis_matrix[..., None, :, :].transpose(-1, -2))
means = means + origins[..., None, None, :]
# import trimesh
# trimesh.Trimesh(means.reshape(-1, 3).detach().cpu().numpy()).export("test.ply", "ply")
return means, stds, t
def compute_alpha_weights(density, tdist, dirs, opaque_background=False):
"""Helper function for computing alpha compositing weights."""
t_delta = tdist[..., 1:] - tdist[..., :-1]
delta = t_delta * torch.norm(dirs[..., None, :], dim=-1)
density_delta = density * delta
if opaque_background:
# Equivalent to making the final t-interval infinitely wide.
density_delta =[
density_delta[..., :-1],
torch.full_like(density_delta[..., -1:], torch.inf)
], dim=-1)
alpha = 1 - torch.exp(-density_delta)
trans = torch.exp([
torch.zeros_like(density_delta[..., :1]),
torch.cumsum(density_delta[..., :-1], dim=-1)
], dim=-1))
weights = alpha * trans
return weights, alpha, trans
def volumetric_rendering(rgbs,
"""Volumetric Rendering Function.
rgbs: color, [batch_size, num_samples, 3]
weights: weights, [batch_size, num_samples].
tdist: [batch_size, num_samples].
bg_rgbs: the color(s) to use for the background.
t_far: [batch_size, 1], the distance of the far plane.
compute_extras: bool, if True, compute extra quantities besides color.
extras: dict, a set of values along rays to render by alpha compositing.
rendering: a dict containing an rgb image of size [batch_size, 3], and other
visualizations if compute_extras=True.
eps = torch.finfo(rgbs.dtype).eps
# eps = 1e-3
rendering = {}
acc = weights.sum(dim=-1)
bg_w = (1 - acc[..., None]).clamp_min(0.) # The weight of the background.
rgb = (weights[..., None] * rgbs).sum(dim=-2) + bg_w * bg_rgbs
t_mids = 0.5 * (tdist[..., :-1] + tdist[..., 1:])
depth = (
torch.nan_to_num((weights * t_mids).sum(dim=-1) / acc.clamp_min(eps), torch.inf),
tdist[..., 0], tdist[..., -1]))
rendering['rgb'] = rgb
rendering['depth'] = depth
rendering['acc'] = acc
if compute_extras:
if extras is not None:
for k, v in extras.items():
if v is not None:
rendering[k] = (weights[..., None] * v).sum(dim=-2)
expectation = lambda x: (weights * x).sum(dim=-1) / acc.clamp_min(eps)
# For numerical stability this expectation is computing using log-distance.
rendering['distance_mean'] = (
torch.nan_to_num(torch.exp(expectation(torch.log(t_mids))), torch.inf),
tdist[..., 0], tdist[..., -1]))
# Add an extra fencepost with the far distance at the end of each ray, with
# whatever weight is needed to make the new weight vector sum to exactly 1
# (`weights` is only guaranteed to sum to <= 1, not == 1).
t_aug =[tdist, t_far], dim=-1)
weights_aug =[weights, bg_w], dim=-1)
ps = [5, 50, 95]
distance_percentiles = stepfun.weighted_percentile(t_aug, weights_aug, ps)
for i, p in enumerate(ps):
s = 'median' if p == 50 else 'percentile_' + str(p)
rendering['distance_' + s] = distance_percentiles[..., i]
return rendering