import json |
import numpy as np |
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import subfiles |
import os |
from collections import OrderedDict |
folder = "/home/fabian/drives/E132-Projekte/Projects/2018_MedicalDecathlon/Leaderboard" |
task_descriptors = ['2D final 2', |
'2D final, less pool, dc and topK, fold0', |
'2D final pseudo3d 7, fold0', |
'2D final, less pool, dc and ce, fold0', |
'3D stage0 final 2, fold0', |
'3D fullres final 2, fold0'] |
task_ids_with_no_stage0 = ["Task001_BrainTumour", "Task004_Hippocampus", "Task005_Prostate"] |
mean_scores = OrderedDict() |
for t in task_descriptors: |
mean_scores[t] = OrderedDict() |
json_files = subfiles(folder, True, None, ".json", True) |
json_files = [i for i in json_files if not i.split("/")[-1].startswith(".")] |
for j in json_files: |
with open(j, 'r') as f: |
res = json.load(f) |
task = res['task'] |
if task != "Task999_ALL": |
name = res['name'] |
if name in task_descriptors: |
if task not in list(mean_scores[name].keys()): |
mean_scores[name][task] = res['results']['mean']['mean'] |
else: |
raise RuntimeError("duplicate task %s for description %s" % (task, name)) |
for t in task_ids_with_no_stage0: |
mean_scores["3D stage0 final 2, fold0"][t] = mean_scores["3D fullres final 2, fold0"][t] |
a = set() |
for i in mean_scores.keys(): |
a = a.union(list(mean_scores[i].keys())) |
for i in mean_scores.keys(): |
try: |
for t in list(a): |
assert t in mean_scores[i].keys(), "did not find task %s for experiment %s" % (t, i) |
new_res = OrderedDict() |
new_res['name'] = i |
new_res['author'] = "Fabian" |
new_res['task'] = "Task999_ALL" |
new_res['results'] = OrderedDict() |
new_res['results']['mean'] = OrderedDict() |
new_res['results']['mean']['mean'] = OrderedDict() |
tasks = list(mean_scores[i].keys()) |
metrics = mean_scores[i][tasks[0]].keys() |
for m in metrics: |
foreground_values = [mean_scores[i][n][m] for n in tasks] |
new_res['results']['mean']["mean"][m] = np.nanmean(foreground_values) |
output_fname = i.replace(" ", "_") + "_globalMean.json" |
with open(os.path.join(folder, output_fname), 'w') as f: |
json.dump(new_res, f) |
except AssertionError: |
print("could not process experiment %s" % i) |
print("did not find task %s for experiment %s" % (t, i)) |