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from import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
from typing import (
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from numpy._typing import (
from ._polytypes import (
__all__: Final[Sequence[str]] = [
_AnyLineF: TypeAlias = Callable[
[_CoefLike_co, _CoefLike_co],
_AnyMulF: TypeAlias = Callable[
[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike],
_AnyVanderF: TypeAlias = Callable[
[npt.ArrayLike, SupportsIndex],
def as_series(
alist: npt.NDArray[np.integer[Any]] | _FloatArray,
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_FloatSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: _ComplexArray,
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ComplexSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: _ObjectArray,
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ObjectSeries]: ...
def as_series( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
alist: Iterable[_FloatArray | npt.NDArray[np.integer[Any]]],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_FloatSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: Iterable[_ComplexArray],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ComplexSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: Iterable[_ObjectArray],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ObjectSeries]: ...
def as_series( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
alist: Iterable[_SeriesLikeFloat_co | float],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_FloatSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: Iterable[_SeriesLikeComplex_co | complex],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ComplexSeries]: ...
def as_series(
alist: Iterable[_SeriesLikeCoef_co | object],
trim: bool = ...,
) -> list[_ObjectSeries]: ...
_T_seq = TypeVar("_T_seq", bound=_CoefArray | Sequence[_CoefLike_co])
def trimseq(seq: _T_seq) -> _T_seq: ...
def trimcoef( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
c: npt.NDArray[np.integer[Any]] | _FloatArray,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def trimcoef(
c: _ComplexArray,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def trimcoef(
c: _ObjectArray,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def trimcoef( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
c: _SeriesLikeFloat_co | float,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def trimcoef(
c: _SeriesLikeComplex_co | complex,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def trimcoef(
c: _SeriesLikeCoef_co | object,
tol: _FloatLike_co = ...,
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def getdomain( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
x: _FloatArray | npt.NDArray[np.integer[Any]],
) -> _Array2[np.float64]: ...
def getdomain(
x: _ComplexArray,
) -> _Array2[np.complex128]: ...
def getdomain(
x: _ObjectArray,
) -> _Array2[np.object_]: ...
def getdomain( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
x: _SeriesLikeFloat_co | float,
) -> _Array2[np.float64]: ...
def getdomain(
x: _SeriesLikeComplex_co | complex,
) -> _Array2[np.complex128]: ...
def getdomain(
x: _SeriesLikeCoef_co | object,
) -> _Array2[np.object_]: ...
def mapparms( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
old: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any]],
) -> _Tuple2[np.floating[Any]]: ...
def mapparms(
old: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
) -> _Tuple2[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def mapparms(
old: npt.NDArray[np.object_ | np.number[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.object_ | np.number[Any]],
) -> _Tuple2[object]: ...
def mapparms( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
old: Sequence[float],
new: Sequence[float],
) -> _Tuple2[float]: ...
def mapparms(
old: Sequence[complex],
new: Sequence[complex],
) -> _Tuple2[complex]: ...
def mapparms(
old: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
new: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
) -> _Tuple2[np.floating[Any]]: ...
def mapparms(
old: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
new: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
) -> _Tuple2[np.complexfloating[Any, Any]]: ...
def mapparms(
old: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
new: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _Tuple2[object]: ...
def mapdomain( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
x: _FloatLike_co,
old: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
new: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
) -> np.floating[Any]: ...
def mapdomain(
x: _NumberLike_co,
old: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
new: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
) -> np.complexfloating[Any, Any]: ...
def mapdomain( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
x: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any]],
old: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any]],
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def mapdomain(
x: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
old: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.number[Any]],
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def mapdomain(
x: npt.NDArray[np.object_ | np.number[Any]],
old: npt.NDArray[np.object_ | np.number[Any]],
new: npt.NDArray[np.object_ | np.number[Any]],
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def mapdomain( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
x: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
old: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
new: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def mapdomain(
x: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
old: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
new: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def mapdomain(
x: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
new: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def mapdomain(
x: _CoefLike_co,
old: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
new: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> object: ...
def _nth_slice(
i: SupportsIndex,
ndim: SupportsIndex,
) -> tuple[None | slice, ...]: ...
_vander_nd: _FuncVanderND[Literal["_vander_nd"]]
_vander_nd_flat: _FuncVanderND[Literal["_vander_nd_flat"]]
# keep in sync with `._polytypes._FuncFromRoots`
def _fromroots( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
line_f: _AnyLineF,
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
roots: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def _fromroots(
line_f: _AnyLineF,
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
roots: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def _fromroots(
line_f: _AnyLineF,
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
roots: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def _fromroots(
line_f: _AnyLineF,
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
roots: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _CoefSeries: ...
_valnd: _FuncValND[Literal["_valnd"]]
_gridnd: _FuncValND[Literal["_gridnd"]]
# keep in sync with `_polytypes._FuncBinOp`
def _div( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c1: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
c2: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
) -> _Tuple2[_FloatSeries]: ...
def _div(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c1: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
c2: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
) -> _Tuple2[_ComplexSeries]: ...
def _div(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c1: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
c2: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _Tuple2[_ObjectSeries]: ...
def _div(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c1: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
c2: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
) -> _Tuple2[_CoefSeries]: ...
_add: Final[_FuncBinOp]
_sub: Final[_FuncBinOp]
# keep in sync with `_polytypes._FuncPow`
def _pow( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
pow: _AnyInt,
maxpower: None | _AnyInt = ...,
) -> _FloatSeries: ...
def _pow(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
pow: _AnyInt,
maxpower: None | _AnyInt = ...,
) -> _ComplexSeries: ...
def _pow(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
pow: _AnyInt,
maxpower: None | _AnyInt = ...,
) -> _ObjectSeries: ...
def _pow(
mul_f: _AnyMulF,
c: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
pow: _AnyInt,
maxpower: None | _AnyInt = ...,
) -> _CoefSeries: ...
# keep in sync with `_polytypes._FuncFit`
def _fit( # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
vander_f: _AnyVanderF,
x: _SeriesLikeFloat_co,
y: _ArrayLikeFloat_co,
deg: _SeriesLikeInt_co,
domain: None | _SeriesLikeFloat_co = ...,
rcond: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
full: Literal[False] = ...,
w: None | _SeriesLikeFloat_co = ...,
) -> _FloatArray: ...
def _fit(
vander_f: _AnyVanderF,
x: _SeriesLikeComplex_co,
y: _ArrayLikeComplex_co,
deg: _SeriesLikeInt_co,
domain: None | _SeriesLikeComplex_co = ...,
rcond: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
full: Literal[False] = ...,
w: None | _SeriesLikeComplex_co = ...,
) -> _ComplexArray: ...
def _fit(
vander_f: _AnyVanderF,
x: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
y: _ArrayLikeCoef_co,
deg: _SeriesLikeInt_co,
domain: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co = ...,
rcond: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
full: Literal[False] = ...,
w: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co = ...,
) -> _CoefArray: ...
def _fit(
vander_f: _AnyVanderF,
x: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
y: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
deg: _SeriesLikeInt_co,
domain: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
rcond: None | _FloatLike_co ,
full: Literal[True],
w: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co = ...,
) -> tuple[_CoefSeries, Sequence[np.inexact[Any] | np.int32]]: ...
def _fit(
vander_f: _AnyVanderF,
x: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
y: _SeriesLikeCoef_co,
deg: _SeriesLikeInt_co,
domain: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co = ...,
rcond: None | _FloatLike_co = ...,
full: Literal[True],
w: None | _SeriesLikeCoef_co = ...,
) -> tuple[_CoefSeries, Sequence[np.inexact[Any] | np.int32]]: ...
def _as_int(x: SupportsIndex, desc: str) -> int: ...
def format_float(x: _FloatLike_co, parens: bool = ...) -> str: ...