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Update README.md

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  1. README.md +21 -0
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
  license: gpl-3.0
  license: gpl-3.0
+ language:
+ - en
+ pipeline_tag: text2text-generation
+ tags:
+ - hearthstone
+ This version of the model is trained on OpenHearthstone v0.1 dataset under the scheme of SAS (state, action as input and next state as output) which is considered to be a annotation-free scheme.
+ This model used the pretrained version from [long-t5-tglobal-base](https://huggingface.co/google/long-t5-tglobal-base) and finetuned for 10 epochs to overfit on the dataset.
+ The data serializer for this version encoded game tags into readable words and attached the value for the tag subsequently. The separation character used between entities is `|`.
+ An example input action + input state, predicted next state and groundtruth next state is demonstrated below:
+ ```
+ Input state:
+ type 3 sub_option -1 position 0 entity 102 target 66 | whenever you cast a spell, gain armor equal to its_cost. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 5 cardtype 4 cost 1 atk 1 health 3 cardrace 18 zone_position 10 tag_ready 1 spell damage +1 battlecry: draw a card. | zone 1 controller 1 entity_id 7 cardtype 4 cost 5 atk 4 health 5 cardrace 24 zone_position 4 tag_ready 1 tradeable deal *4* damage to all minions. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 10 cardtype 5 cost 4 zone_position 5 tag_ready 1 battlecry: add a random mage spell to your hand. | zone 1 controller 1 entity_id 12 cardtype 4 cost 1 atk 1 health 2 zone_position 3 tag_ready 1 battlecry: draw spells until your hand is full. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 13 cardtype 4 cost 9 atk 4 health 12 cardrace 24 zone_position 9 tag_ready 1 secret: after your opponent plays a minion, deal *7* damage to it and any excess to their hero. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 14 cardtype 5 cost 3 class 4 secret 1 zone_position 1 tag_ready 1 battlecry: draw a secret. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 19 cardtype 4 cost 2 atk 2 health 3 zone_position 8 tag_ready 1 secret: after your opponent plays a minion, deal *7* damage to it and any excess to their hero. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 20 cardtype 5 cost 3 class 4 secret 1 zone_position 2 tag_ready 1 whenever you cast a spell, gain armor equal to its_cost. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 25 cardtype 4 cost 1 atk 1 health 3 cardrace 18 zone_position 6 tag_ready 1 deal *7* damage. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 27 cardtype 5 cost 4 zone_position 7 tag_ready 1 tradeable deal *4* damage to all minions. | zone 3 controller 1 entity_id 29 cardtype 5 cost 4 zone_position 4 tag_ready 1 your other minions have +1 attack. | zone 1 controller 2 entity_id 44 zone_position 2 cardtype 4 cost 3 atk 2 health 3 tag_ready 1 hero power deal 1 damage. | controller 1 cardtype 10 cost 2 zone 1 entity_id 65 tag_ready 1 hero power deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. | controller 2 cardtype 10 cost 2 zone 1 entity_id 67 tag_ready 1 discover a copy of another spell you ve cast this game. | controller 1 cardtype 5 cost 2 zone 3 entity_id 80 zone_position 3 tag_ready 1 x battlecry: deal 3 damage. honorable kill: gain +3/+3. | controller 1 cardtype 4 cost 5 atk 6 health 6 zone 1 entity_id 91 zone_position 2 tag_ready 1 spellburst: if the spell destroys any minions, summon them. | controller 1 cardtype 4 cost 5 atk 4 health 6 zone 1 entity_id 102 zone_position 1 tag_ready 1 +3/+3 | zone 1 controller 1 entity_id 107 cardtype 6 raid leader is granting this minion +1 attack. | zone 1 controller 2 entity_id 114 cardtype 6
+ Predicted state:
+ none 102 exhausted 1 card_target 66 attacking 0 num_attacks_this_turn 1 entity_id 102 |
+ Real next state:
+ exhausted 1 num_attacks_this_turn 1 entity_id 102 |
+ ```