cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) |
function(check_file_hash has_hash hash_is_good) |
if("${has_hash}" STREQUAL "") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "has_hash Can't be empty") |
endif() |
if("${hash_is_good}" STREQUAL "") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "hash_is_good Can't be empty") |
endif() |
if("SHA256" STREQUAL "") |
set("${has_hash}" FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) |
set("${hash_is_good}" FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) |
return() |
endif() |
set("${has_hash}" TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) |
message(STATUS "verifying file... |
file='/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip'") |
file("SHA256" "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip" actual_value) |
if(NOT "${actual_value}" STREQUAL "609fc42c47482c1fc125dccac65e843f640e792540162581c4b7eb6ff81c826a") |
set("${hash_is_good}" FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) |
message(STATUS "SHA256 hash of |
/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip |
does not match expected value |
expected: '609fc42c47482c1fc125dccac65e843f640e792540162581c4b7eb6ff81c826a' |
actual: '${actual_value}'") |
else() |
set("${hash_is_good}" TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) |
endif() |
endfunction() |
function(sleep_before_download attempt) |
if(attempt EQUAL 0) |
return() |
endif() |
if(attempt EQUAL 1) |
message(STATUS "Retrying...") |
return() |
endif() |
set(sleep_seconds 0) |
if(attempt EQUAL 2) |
set(sleep_seconds 5) |
elseif(attempt EQUAL 3) |
set(sleep_seconds 5) |
elseif(attempt EQUAL 4) |
set(sleep_seconds 15) |
elseif(attempt EQUAL 5) |
set(sleep_seconds 60) |
elseif(attempt EQUAL 6) |
set(sleep_seconds 90) |
elseif(attempt EQUAL 7) |
set(sleep_seconds 300) |
else() |
set(sleep_seconds 1200) |
endif() |
message(STATUS "Retry after ${sleep_seconds} seconds (attempt #${attempt}) ...") |
execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E sleep "${sleep_seconds}") |
endfunction() |
if("/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip" STREQUAL "") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "LOCAL can't be empty") |
endif() |
if("https://github.com/pytorch/cpuinfo/archive/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip" STREQUAL "") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "REMOTE can't be empty") |
endif() |
if(EXISTS "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip") |
check_file_hash(has_hash hash_is_good) |
if(has_hash) |
if(hash_is_good) |
message(STATUS "File already exists and hash match (skip download): |
file='/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip' |
SHA256='609fc42c47482c1fc125dccac65e843f640e792540162581c4b7eb6ff81c826a'" |
) |
return() |
else() |
message(STATUS "File already exists but hash mismatch. Removing...") |
file(REMOVE "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip") |
endif() |
else() |
message(STATUS "File already exists but no hash specified (use URL_HASH): |
file='/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip' |
Old file will be removed and new file downloaded from URL." |
) |
file(REMOVE "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip") |
endif() |
endif() |
set(retry_number 5) |
message(STATUS "Downloading... |
dst='/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip' |
timeout='none' |
inactivity timeout='none'" |
) |
set(download_retry_codes 7 6 8 15) |
set(skip_url_list) |
set(status_code) |
foreach(i RANGE ${retry_number}) |
if(status_code IN_LIST download_retry_codes) |
sleep_before_download(${i}) |
endif() |
foreach(url https://github.com/pytorch/cpuinfo/archive/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip) |
if(NOT url IN_LIST skip_url_list) |
message(STATUS "Using src='${url}'") |
file( |
"${url}" "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip" |
STATUS status |
LOG log |
) |
list(GET status 0 status_code) |
list(GET status 1 status_string) |
if(status_code EQUAL 0) |
check_file_hash(has_hash hash_is_good) |
if(has_hash AND NOT hash_is_good) |
message(STATUS "Hash mismatch, removing...") |
file(REMOVE "/content/XNNPACK/build/cpuinfo-download/cpuinfo-prefix/src/87d8234510367db49a65535021af5e1838a65ac2.zip") |
else() |
message(STATUS "Downloading... done") |
return() |
endif() |
else() |
string(APPEND logFailedURLs "error: downloading '${url}' failed |
status_code: ${status_code} |
status_string: ${status_string} |
log: |
--- LOG BEGIN --- |
${log} |
--- LOG END --- |
" |
) |
if(NOT status_code IN_LIST download_retry_codes) |
list(APPEND skip_url_list "${url}") |
break() |
endif() |
endif() |
endif() |
endforeach() |
endforeach() |
message(FATAL_ERROR "Each download failed! |
${logFailedURLs} |
" |
) |