#pragma once |
#include <c10/core/ScalarType.h> |
#include <c10/util/irange.h> |
#include <c10/util/Exception.h> |
#include <c10/util/strides.h> |
#include <ATen/core/Tensor.h> |
#include <ATen/ExpandUtils.h> |
#include <ATen/TensorUtils.h> |
#include <ATen/native/TensorIterator.h> |
#include <ATen/native/TransposeType.h> |
#include <limits> |
#include <type_traits> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <cstring> |
#include <cctype> |
#include <ATen/Functions.h> |
#else |
#include <ATen/ops/arange.h> |
#include <ATen/ops/empty.h> |
#include <ATen/ops/empty_like.h> |
#include <ATen/ops/empty_strided.h> |
#include <ATen/ops/zeros.h> |
#endif |
namespace at { namespace native { |
static inline c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor> expect_resolved_conj(const Tensor& tensor) { |
if (tensor.is_conj()) { |
return c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor>::owned(tensor.resolve_conj()); |
} else { |
return c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor>::borrowed(tensor); |
} |
} |
static inline DimVector batched_matrix_contiguous_strides( |
const IntArrayRef sizes, |
const bool f_contig = false) { |
auto strides = c10::contiguous_strides(sizes); |
auto dim = strides.size(); |
if (f_contig && dim >= 2) { |
strides[dim - 1] = std::max(sizes[dim - 2], static_cast<int64_t>(1)); |
strides[dim - 2] = 1; |
} |
return strides; |
} |
static inline Tensor cloneBatchedColumnMajor(const Tensor& src) { |
auto result = src.mT().clone(at::MemoryFormat::Contiguous); |
result.transpose_(-2, -1); |
return result; |
} |
static inline c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor> borrow_else_clone(const bool cond, const Tensor& borrow, const Tensor& clone, const bool contig) { |
return cond ? c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor>::borrowed(borrow) |
: c10::MaybeOwned<Tensor>::owned(contig ? clone.clone(MemoryFormat::Contiguous) |
: cloneBatchedColumnMajor(clone)); |
} |
static inline Tensor copyBatchedColumnMajor(const Tensor& src, int64_t nrows = -1, |
at::OptionalIntArrayRef desired_batch_sizes = c10::nullopt) { |
nrows = (nrows == -1) ? src.size(-2) : nrows; |
auto copy_sizes = desired_batch_sizes.has_value() |
? desired_batch_sizes.value().vec() |
: IntArrayRef(src.sizes().data(), src.dim() - 2).vec(); |
copy_sizes.insert(copy_sizes.end(), {nrows, src.size(-1)}); |
const auto copy_strides = batched_matrix_contiguous_strides(copy_sizes, true); |
auto copy = at::empty_strided(copy_sizes, copy_strides, src.options()); |
copy.narrow(-2, 0, src.size(-2)).copy_(src); |
return copy; |
} |
static inline int64_t batchCount(const Tensor& batched_matrices) { |
int64_t result = 1; |
for (int64_t i = 0; i < batched_matrices.ndimension() - 2; i++) { |
result *= batched_matrices.size(i); |
} |
return result; |
} |
static inline int64_t matrixStride(const Tensor& batched_matrices) { |
return batched_matrices.size(-1) * batched_matrices.size(-2); |
} |
static inline void checkIsMatrix(const Tensor& A, const char* const f_name, const char* const arg_name = "A") { |
TORCH_CHECK(A.dim() >= 2, f_name, ": The input tensor ", arg_name, " must have at least 2 dimensions."); |
} |
static inline void squareCheckInputs(const Tensor& self, const char* const f_name, const char* const arg_name = "A") { |
checkIsMatrix(self, f_name, arg_name); |
TORCH_CHECK(self.size(-1) == self.size(-2), |
f_name, |
": ", arg_name, " must be batches of square matrices, " |
"but they are ", self.size(-2), " by ", self.size(-1), " matrices"); |
} |
static inline void checkInputsSolver(const Tensor& A, |
const Tensor& B, |
const bool left, |
const char* const f_name) { |
squareCheckInputs(A, f_name, "A"); |
checkIsMatrix(B, f_name, "B"); |
TORCH_CHECK(left ? A.size(-2) == B.size(-2) : A.size(-1) == B.size(-1), |
f_name, ": Incompatible shapes of A and B for the equation ", |
left ? "AX = B" : "XA = B", |
" (", A.size(-2), "x", A.size(-1), " and ", B.size(-2), "x", B.size(-1), ")"); |
} |
static inline bool is_row_or_column_contiguous(const Tensor& t) { |
return t.is_contiguous() || t.transpose(-2, -1).is_contiguous(); |
} |
static inline TransposeType to_transpose_type(const bool contig, const bool conj) { |
if (conj) { |
if (contig) { TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(false, "Invalid transpose type"); } |
else { return TransposeType::ConjTranspose; } |
} else { |
if (contig) { return TransposeType::NoTranspose; } |
else { return TransposeType::Transpose; } |
} |
} |
template<typename scalar_t, typename func_t> |
void batch_iterator_with_broadcasting(const Tensor& a, const Tensor& b, const func_t& f) { |
IntArrayRef a_batch_sizes(a.sizes().data(), a.dim() - 2); |
IntArrayRef b_batch_sizes(b.sizes().data(), b.dim() - 2); |
auto a_linear_batch_idx = at::arange(batchCount(a)).view(a_batch_sizes); |
auto b_linear_batch_idx = at::arange(batchCount(b)).view(b_batch_sizes); |
TensorIterator iter = TensorIteratorConfig() |
.set_check_mem_overlap(false) |
.check_all_same_dtype(false) |
.resize_outputs(false) |
.add_output(b_linear_batch_idx) |
.add_input(a_linear_batch_idx) |
.build(); |
auto m = a.size(-2); |
auto n = a.size(-1); |
auto a_3d = a.view({batchCount(a), m, n}); |
auto b_3d = b.view({batchCount(b), b.size(-2), b.size(-1)}); |
auto a_broadcasts_over_b = (a_batch_sizes != b_batch_sizes); |
Tensor a_buffer, a_was_accessed, a_buffer_3d; |
std::function<void(int64_t)> check_if_copy_needed_for_a |
= [](int64_t ){}; |
if (a_broadcasts_over_b) { |
a_buffer = at::empty_strided(a.sizes(), a.strides(), a.options()) |
.copy_(a); |
a_was_accessed = at::zeros(batchCount(a), at::kBool); |
a_buffer_3d = a_buffer.view({batchCount(a), m, n}); |
check_if_copy_needed_for_a = [&](int64_t a_curr_linear_batch_idx) { |
auto* a_was_accessed_flag = a_was_accessed |
.select(0, a_curr_linear_batch_idx) |
.data_ptr<bool>(); |
if (!(*a_was_accessed_flag)) { |
*a_was_accessed_flag = true; |
} |
else { |
a_3d.select(0, a_curr_linear_batch_idx) |
.copy_(a_buffer_3d.select(0, a_curr_linear_batch_idx)); |
} |
}; |
} |
auto loop = [&](char** data, const int64_t* strides, int64_t nelems) { |
auto* b_batch_idx_ptr = data[0]; |
auto* a_batch_idx_ptr = data[1]; |
for (const auto elem C10_UNUSED : c10::irange(nelems)) { |
auto b_curr_linear_batch_idx = *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(b_batch_idx_ptr); |
auto a_curr_linear_batch_idx = *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(a_batch_idx_ptr); |
check_if_copy_needed_for_a(a_curr_linear_batch_idx); |
auto* a_working_ptr = a_3d.select(0, a_curr_linear_batch_idx) |
.data_ptr<scalar_t>(); |
auto* b_working_ptr = b_3d.select(0, b_curr_linear_batch_idx) |
.data_ptr<scalar_t>(); |
f(a_working_ptr, b_working_ptr, a_curr_linear_batch_idx); |
b_batch_idx_ptr += strides[0]; |
a_batch_idx_ptr += strides[1]; |
} |
}; |
iter.serial_for_each(loop, {0, batchCount(b)}); |
} |
static inline double _get_epsilon(const ScalarType& sc_type) { |
switch (sc_type) { |
case at::ScalarType::Float: |
return static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()); |
case at::ScalarType::Double: |
return std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); |
default: |
AT_ERROR("This function doesn't handle types other than float and double"); |
} |
} |
static inline void linearSolveCheckInputs(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& A, const char* name) { |
TORCH_CHECK(self.device() == A.device(), |
"Expected b and A to be on the same device, but found b on ", |
self.device(), " and A on ", A.device(), " instead."); |
TORCH_CHECK(self.scalar_type() == A.scalar_type(), |
"Expected b and A to have the same dtype, but found b of type ", |
self.scalar_type(), " and A of type ", A.scalar_type(), " instead."); |
TORCH_CHECK(A.size(-1) == A.size(-2), |
"A must be batches of square matrices, " |
"but they are ", A.size(-2), " by ", A.size(-1), " matrices"); |
TORCH_CHECK(A.size(-1) == self.size(-2), |
"Incompatible matrix sizes for ", name, ": each A " |
"matrix is ", A.size(-1), " by ", A.size(-1), |
" but each b matrix is ", self.size(-2), " by ", self.size(-1)); |
} |
static inline void checkFloatingOrComplex(const Tensor& t, const char* const f_name, const bool allow_low_precision_dtypes=true) { |
auto dtype = t.scalar_type(); |
TORCH_CHECK((at::isFloatingType(dtype) || at::isComplexType(dtype)), |
f_name, ": Expected a floating point or complex tensor as input. Got ", dtype); |
if (!allow_low_precision_dtypes) { |
TORCH_CHECK(dtype == kFloat || dtype == kDouble || dtype == kComplexFloat || dtype == kComplexDouble, |
f_name, ": Low precision dtypes not supported. Got ", dtype); |
} |
} |
static inline void checkAllSameDim(TensorList tensors, int64_t dim) { |
for (auto &t : tensors) { |
TORCH_CHECK(t.dim() == dim, "Tensor dimension is ", t.dim(), ", expected ", dim, " instead."); |
} |
} |
static inline std::tuple<std::vector<int64_t>, std::vector<int64_t>> _linalg_broadcast_batch_dims(const Tensor& arg1, const Tensor& arg2) { |
IntArrayRef arg1_batch_sizes(arg1.sizes().data(), arg1.ndimension() - 2); |
IntArrayRef arg2_batch_sizes(arg2.sizes().data(), arg2.ndimension() - 2); |
std::vector<int64_t> expand_batch_portion = infer_size(arg1_batch_sizes, arg2_batch_sizes); |
std::vector<int64_t> arg1_expand_size({expand_batch_portion}); |
arg1_expand_size.insert(arg1_expand_size.end(), { arg1.size(-2), arg1.size(-1) }); |
std::vector<int64_t> arg2_expand_size({expand_batch_portion}); |
arg2_expand_size.insert(arg2_expand_size.end(), { arg2.size(-2), arg2.size(-1) }); |
return std::make_tuple(std::move(arg1_expand_size), std::move(arg2_expand_size)); |
} |
static inline std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor> _linalg_broadcast_batch_dims(const Tensor& arg1, const Tensor& arg2, const char* name) { |
if (name != nullptr) { |
linearSolveCheckInputs(arg1, arg2, name); |
} |
std::vector<int64_t> arg1_expand_size, arg2_expand_size; |
std::tie(arg1_expand_size, arg2_expand_size) = at::native::_linalg_broadcast_batch_dims(arg1, arg2); |
auto arg1_broadcasted = arg1_expand_size == arg1.sizes() ? arg1 : arg1.expand(arg1_expand_size); |
auto arg2_broadcasted = arg2_expand_size == arg2.sizes() ? arg2 : arg2.expand(arg2_expand_size); |
return std::make_tuple(arg1_broadcasted, arg2_broadcasted); |
} |
static inline std::vector<int64_t> broadcast_batch_size(const Tensor& t1, const Tensor& t2, int64_t n_batch_dims) { |
IntArrayRef t1_batch_sizes(t1.sizes().data(), n_batch_dims); |
IntArrayRef t2_batch_sizes(t2.sizes().data(), n_batch_dims); |
auto broadcasted_batch_sizes = infer_size(t1_batch_sizes, t2_batch_sizes); |
return broadcasted_batch_sizes; |
} |
static inline Tensor _move_to_end(const Tensor& self, IntArrayRef axes) { |
const std::vector<int64_t> a = axes.vec(); |
const int64_t ndim = self.ndimension(); |
std::vector<int64_t> perm; |
for (const auto i : c10::irange(ndim)) { |
auto it = std::find(a.begin(), a.end(), i); |
if (it == a.end()) { |
perm.push_back(i); |
} |
} |
for (auto i : a) { |
perm.push_back(i); |
} |
TORCH_CHECK((int64_t)perm.size() == ndim, |
"duplicate or invalid axis in 'dim' argument for tensor with ndim==", ndim); |
return self.permute(perm); |
} |
static inline std::tuple<bool, bool> _parse_qr_mode(c10::string_view mode) { |
bool compute_q; |
bool reduced; |
if (mode == "reduced") { |
compute_q = true; |
reduced = true; |
} else if (mode == "complete") { |
compute_q = true; |
reduced = false; |
} else if (mode == "r") { |
compute_q = false; |
reduced = true; |
} else { |
TORCH_CHECK(false, "qr received unrecognized mode '", mode, |
"' but expected one of 'reduced' (default), 'r', or 'complete'"); |
} |
return std::make_tuple(compute_q, reduced); |
} |
static inline std::tuple<DimVector, DimVector, int64_t> _compute_geometry_for_Q( |
const Tensor& input, |
bool reduced) { |
int64_t m = input.size(-2), n = input.size(-1); |
int64_t n_columns_q; |
DimVector q_sizes(input.sizes()); |
if (!reduced && m > n) { |
q_sizes[input.dim() - 1] = m; |
n_columns_q = m; |
} else { |
q_sizes[input.dim() - 1] = n; |
n_columns_q = std::min(m, n); |
} |
auto q_strides = batched_matrix_contiguous_strides(q_sizes, true); |
return std::make_tuple(q_sizes, q_strides, n_columns_q); |
} |
static inline bool svd_uses_cusolver(const Tensor& A) { |
return A.is_cuda() |
&& at::globalContext().hasCuSOLVER() |
&& at::globalContext().linalgPreferredBackend() != at::LinalgBackend::Magma; |
} |
static inline Tensor same_stride_to(const Tensor& original_tensor, const at::TensorOptions& options) { |
auto strided_to = at::empty_strided(original_tensor.sizes(), |
original_tensor.strides(), |
options); |
strided_to.copy_(original_tensor); |
return strided_to; |
} |
static inline std::vector<int64_t> create_dim_backshift_permutation(int64_t dim0, int64_t dim1, int64_t ndim) { |
(dim0 != dim1) && (dim0 < ndim) && (dim0 >= 0) && (dim1 < ndim) && (dim1 >= 0), |
"duplicate or invalid dimensions"); |
std::vector<int64_t> permutation(ndim); |
int64_t cur_permuted_dim = 0; |
for (const auto dim_ind : c10::irange(ndim)) { |
if ((dim_ind != dim0) && (dim_ind != dim1)) { |
permutation[cur_permuted_dim++] = dim_ind; |
} |
} |
permutation[cur_permuted_dim++] = dim0; |
permutation[cur_permuted_dim] = dim1; |
return permutation; |
} |
static inline std::vector<int64_t> create_reverse_permutation(std::vector<int64_t> permutation) { |
int64_t ndim = permutation.size(); |
std::vector<int64_t> reverse_permutation(ndim); |
for (const auto dim_ind : c10::irange(ndim)) { |
reverse_permutation[permutation[dim_ind]] = dim_ind; |
} |
return reverse_permutation; |
} |
static inline int64_t computeLRWorkDim(const char jobz, int64_t m, int64_t n) { |
auto mn = std::min(m, n); |
auto mx = std::max(m, n); |
if (jobz == 'N') { |
#ifdef __APPLE__ |
return 7 * mn; |
#else |
return 5 * mn; |
#endif |
} |
if (mx > 10 * mn) { |
return 5 * mn * mn + 5 * mn; |
} |
return std::max(5 * mn * mn + 5 * mn, 2 * mx * mn + 2 * mn * mn + mn); |
} |
static inline void checkUplo(const c10::string_view uplo) { |
char uplo_uppercase = static_cast<char>(std::toupper(static_cast<unsigned char>(uplo[0]))); |
TORCH_CHECK(uplo.size() == 1 && (uplo_uppercase == 'U' || uplo_uppercase == 'L'), |
"Expected UPLO argument to be 'L' or 'U', but got ", uplo); |
} |
static inline void checkSameDevice(const std::string& fn_name, Tensor result, Tensor input, const std::string& result_name = "result") { |
result.device() == input.device(), |
fn_name, |
": Expected ", result_name, " and input tensors to be on the same device, but got ", |
result_name, " on ", result.device(), " and input on ", input.device()); |
} |
static inline void checkLinalgCompatibleDtype(const std::string& fn_name, Tensor result, Tensor input, const std::string& result_name = "result") { |
bool can_cast = c10::canCast(input.scalar_type(), result.scalar_type()); |
can_cast, |
fn_name, |
": Expected ", result_name, " to be safely castable from ", input.scalar_type(), " dtype, but got ", |
result_name, " with dtype ", result.scalar_type()); |
} |
static inline void checkLinalgCompatibleDtype(const std::string& fn_name, ScalarType out_type, ScalarType result_type, const std::string& out_name = "result") { |
bool can_cast = c10::canCast(result_type, out_type); |
can_cast, |
fn_name, |
": Expected ", out_name, " to be safely castable from ", result_type, " dtype, but got ", |
out_name, " with dtype ", out_type); |
} |
static inline void checkNotComplexTolerance(const Tensor& tol, const c10::string_view f_name, const c10::string_view tol_name) { |
TORCH_CHECK(!at::isComplexType(tol.scalar_type()), |
f_name, ": ", tol_name, " tensor of complex type is not supported. Got ", tol.scalar_type()); |
} |
static inline bool linalg_solve_is_vector_rhs(const Tensor& input, const Tensor& other) { |
auto expected_batched_rhs_shape = IntArrayRef(input.sizes().data(), input.dim() - 1); |
bool vector_case = other.dim() == 1 || (input.dim() - 1 == other.dim() && other.sizes().equals(expected_batched_rhs_shape)); |
return vector_case; |
} |
static inline Tensor get_linear_indices(int64_t numel, IntArrayRef original_shape, IntArrayRef broadcast_shape) { |
TensorOptions options = at::TensorOptions().dtype(at::kLong).device(at::kCPU); |
return at::arange(numel, options).view(original_shape).broadcast_to(broadcast_shape).contiguous(); |
} |
class BroadcastLinearIndices { |
private: |
Tensor linear_indices_; |
bool is_broadcasting_; |
public: |
BroadcastLinearIndices( |
int64_t numel, |
IntArrayRef original_shape, |
IntArrayRef broadcast_shape) { |
is_broadcasting_ = !original_shape.equals(broadcast_shape); |
if (is_broadcasting_) { |
linear_indices_ = |
get_linear_indices(numel, original_shape, broadcast_shape); |
} |
} |
int64_t operator()(int64_t broadcast_linear_index) { |
return is_broadcasting_ |
? linear_indices_.data_ptr<int64_t>()[broadcast_linear_index] |
: broadcast_linear_index; |
} |
}; |
static inline bool is_blas_compatible_column_major_order(const Tensor& input) { |
IntArrayRef input_strides = input.strides(); |
IntArrayRef input_sizes = input.sizes(); |
auto ndim = input.dim(); |
if (ndim > 3) { |
return input.transpose(-2, -1).is_contiguous(); |
} |
auto leading_dimension = input_strides[ndim - 1]; |
auto rows = input_sizes[ndim - 2]; |
bool batch_stride_compatible = true; |
if (ndim == 3) { |
auto cols = input_sizes[ndim - 1]; |
batch_stride_compatible = |
input_strides[ndim - 3] >= leading_dimension * cols; |
} |
return (input_strides[ndim - 2] == 1) && |
(leading_dimension >= std::max<int64_t>(1, rows)) && |
batch_stride_compatible; |
} |
static inline bool is_blas_compatible_row_major_order(const Tensor& input) { |
IntArrayRef input_strides = input.strides(); |
IntArrayRef input_sizes = input.sizes(); |
auto ndim = input.dim(); |
if (ndim > 3) { |
return input.is_contiguous(); |
} |
auto leading_dimension = input_strides[ndim - 2]; |
auto cols = input_sizes[ndim - 1]; |
bool batch_stride_compatible = true; |
if (ndim == 3) { |
auto rows = input_sizes[ndim - 2]; |
batch_stride_compatible = |
input_strides[ndim - 3] >= leading_dimension * rows; |
} |
return (input_strides[ndim - 1] == 1) && |
(leading_dimension >= std::max<int64_t>(1, cols)) && |
batch_stride_compatible; |
} |
}} |