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import pydicom
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import pickle, scipy
class RTplan:
def __init__(self):
self.SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.SOPInstanceUID = ""
self.PatientInfo = {}
self.StudyInfo = {}
self.DcmFile = ""
self.Modality = ""
self.RadiationType = ""
self.ScanMode = ""
self.TreatmentMachineName = ""
self.NumberOfFractionsPlanned = 1
self.NumberOfSpots = 0
self.Beams = []
self.TotalMeterset = 0.0
self.PlanName = ""
self.isLoaded = 0
self.beamlets = []
self.OriginalDicomDataset = []
def print_plan_info(self, prefix=""):
print(prefix + "Plan: " + self.SeriesInstanceUID)
print(prefix + " " + self.DcmFile)
def import_Dicom_plan(self):
if(self.isLoaded == 1):
print("Warning: RTplan " + self.SeriesInstanceUID + " is already loaded")
dcm = pydicom.dcmread(self.DcmFile)
self.OriginalDicomDataset = dcm
# Photon plan
if dcm.SOPClassUID == "1.2.840.10008.":
print("ERROR: Conventional radiotherapy (photon) plans are not supported")
self.Modality = "Radiotherapy"
# Ion plan
elif dcm.SOPClassUID == "1.2.840.10008.":
self.Modality = "Ion therapy"
if dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].RadiationType == "PROTON":
self.RadiationType = "Proton"
print("ERROR: Radiation type " + dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].RadiationType + " not supported")
self.RadiationType = dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].RadiationType
if dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].ScanMode == "MODULATED":
self.ScanMode = "MODULATED" # PBS
print("ERROR: Scan mode " + dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].ScanMode + " not supported")
self.ScanMode = dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].ScanMode
# Other
print("ERROR: Unknown SOPClassUID " + dcm.SOPClassUID + " for file " + self.DcmFile)
self.Modality = "Unknown"
# Start parsing PBS plan
self.SOPInstanceUID = dcm.SOPInstanceUID
self.NumberOfFractionsPlanned = int(dcm.FractionGroupSequence[0].NumberOfFractionsPlanned)
self.NumberOfSpots = 0
self.TotalMeterset = 0
if(hasattr(dcm.IonBeamSequence[0], 'TreatmentMachineName')):
self.TreatmentMachineName = dcm.IonBeamSequence[0].TreatmentMachineName
self.TreatmentMachineName = ""
for dcm_beam in dcm.IonBeamSequence:
if dcm_beam.TreatmentDeliveryType != "TREATMENT":
first_layer = dcm_beam.IonControlPointSequence[0]
beam = Plan_IonBeam()
beam.SeriesInstanceUID = self.SeriesInstanceUID
beam.BeamName = dcm_beam.BeamName
beam.IsocenterPosition = [float(first_layer.IsocenterPosition[0]), float(first_layer.IsocenterPosition[1]), float(first_layer.IsocenterPosition[2])]
beam.GantryAngle = float(first_layer.GantryAngle)
beam.PatientSupportAngle = float(first_layer.PatientSupportAngle)
beam.FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight = float(dcm_beam.FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight)
# find corresponding beam in FractionGroupSequence (beam order may be different from IonBeamSequence)
ReferencedBeam_id = next((x for x, val in enumerate(dcm.FractionGroupSequence[0].ReferencedBeamSequence) if val.ReferencedBeamNumber == dcm_beam.BeamNumber), -1)
if ReferencedBeam_id == -1:
print("ERROR: Beam number " + dcm_beam.BeamNumber + " not found in FractionGroupSequence.")
print("This beam is therefore discarded.")
else: beam.BeamMeterset = float(dcm.FractionGroupSequence[0].ReferencedBeamSequence[ReferencedBeam_id].BeamMeterset)
self.TotalMeterset += beam.BeamMeterset
if dcm_beam.NumberOfRangeShifters == 0:
beam.RangeShifterID = ""
beam.RangeShifterType = "none"
elif dcm_beam.NumberOfRangeShifters == 1:
beam.RangeShifterID = dcm_beam.RangeShifterSequence[0].RangeShifterID
if dcm_beam.RangeShifterSequence[0].RangeShifterType == "BINARY":
beam.RangeShifterType = "binary"
elif dcm_beam.RangeShifterSequence[0].RangeShifterType == "ANALOG":
beam.RangeShifterType = "analog"
print("ERROR: Unknown range shifter type for beam " + dcm_beam.BeamName)
beam.RangeShifterType = "none"
print("ERROR: More than one range shifter defined for beam " + dcm_beam.BeamName)
beam.RangeShifterID = ""
beam.RangeShifterType = "none"
SnoutPosition = 0
if hasattr(first_layer, 'SnoutPosition'):
SnoutPosition = float(first_layer.SnoutPosition)
IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = SnoutPosition
RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = ""
RangeShifterSetting = "OUT"
ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = 0
if hasattr(first_layer, 'RangeShifterSettingsSequence'):
if hasattr(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance'):
IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = float(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance)
if hasattr(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness'):
RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = float(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness)
if hasattr(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'RangeShifterSetting'):
RangeShifterSetting = first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].RangeShifterSetting
if hasattr(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'ReferencedRangeShifterNumber'):
ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = int(first_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].ReferencedRangeShifterNumber)
CumulativeMeterset = 0
for dcm_layer in dcm_beam.IonControlPointSequence:
if dcm_layer.NumberOfScanSpotPositions == 1: sum_weights = dcm_layer.ScanSpotMetersetWeights
else: sum_weights = sum(dcm_layer.ScanSpotMetersetWeights)
if sum_weights == 0.0:
layer = Plan_IonLayer()
layer.SeriesInstanceUID = self.SeriesInstanceUID
if hasattr(dcm_layer, 'SnoutPosition'):
SnoutPosition = float(dcm_layer.SnoutPosition)
if hasattr(dcm_layer, 'NumberOfPaintings'): layer.NumberOfPaintings = int(dcm_layer.NumberOfPaintings)
else: layer.NumberOfPaintings = 1
layer.NominalBeamEnergy = float(dcm_layer.NominalBeamEnergy)
layer.ScanSpotPositionMap_x = dcm_layer.ScanSpotPositionMap[0::2]
layer.ScanSpotPositionMap_y = dcm_layer.ScanSpotPositionMap[1::2]
layer.ScanSpotMetersetWeights = dcm_layer.ScanSpotMetersetWeights
layer.SpotMU = np.array(dcm_layer.ScanSpotMetersetWeights) * beam.BeamMeterset / beam.FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight # spot weights are converted to MU
if layer.SpotMU.size == 1: layer.SpotMU = [layer.SpotMU]
else: layer.SpotMU = layer.SpotMU.tolist()
self.NumberOfSpots += len(layer.SpotMU)
CumulativeMeterset += sum(layer.SpotMU)
layer.CumulativeMeterset = CumulativeMeterset
if beam.RangeShifterType != "none":
if hasattr(dcm_layer, 'RangeShifterSettingsSequence'):
RangeShifterSetting = dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].RangeShifterSetting
ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].ReferencedRangeShifterNumber
if hasattr(dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance'):
IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance
if hasattr(dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0], 'RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness'):
RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = dcm_layer.RangeShifterSettingsSequence[0].RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness
layer.RangeShifterSetting = RangeShifterSetting
layer.IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance
layer.RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness
layer.ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = ReferencedRangeShifterNumber
self.isLoaded = 1
def export_Dicom_with_new_UID(self, OutputFile):
# generate new uid
initial_uid = self.OriginalDicomDataset.SOPInstanceUID
new_uid = pydicom.uid.generate_uid()
self.OriginalDicomDataset.SOPInstanceUID = new_uid
# save dicom file
print("Export dicom RTPLAN: " + OutputFile)
# restore initial uid
self.OriginalDicomDataset.SOPInstanceUID = initial_uid
return new_uid
def save(self, file_path):
beamlets = self.beamlets
self.beamlets = []
with open(file_path, 'wb') as fid:
pickle.dump(self.__dict__, fid)
self.beamlets = beamlets
def load(self, file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as fid:
tmp = pickle.load(fid)
def compute_cartesian_coordinates(self, CT, Scanner, beams, RangeShifters=[]):
time_start = time.time()
SPR = SPRimage()
SPR.convert_CT_to_SPR(CT, Scanner)
CTborders_x = [SPR.ImagePositionPatient[0], SPR.ImagePositionPatient[0] + SPR.GridSize[0] * SPR.PixelSpacing[0]]
CTborders_y = [SPR.ImagePositionPatient[1], SPR.ImagePositionPatient[1] + SPR.GridSize[1] * SPR.PixelSpacing[1]]
CTborders_z = [SPR.ImagePositionPatient[2], SPR.ImagePositionPatient[2] + SPR.GridSize[2] * SPR.PixelSpacing[2]]
spot_positions = []
spot_directions = []
spot_ranges = []
# initialize spot info for raytracing
for beam in self.Beams:
#beam = self.Beams[b]
RangeShifter = -1
if beam.RangeShifterType == "binary":
RangeShifter = next((RS for RS in RangeShifters if RS.ID == beam.RangeShifterID), -1)
for layer in beam.Layers:
range_in_water = SPR.energyToRange(layer.NominalBeamEnergy)*10
if(layer.RangeShifterSetting == 'IN'):
if(layer.RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness != ""): RangeShifter_WET = layer.RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness
elif(RangeShifter != -1): RangeShifter_WET = RangeShifter.WET
else: RangeShifter_WET = 0.0
if(RangeShifter_WET > 0.0): range_in_water -= RangeShifter_WET
for s in range(len(layer.ScanSpotPositionMap_x)):
# BEV coordinates to 3D coordinates: position (x,y,z) and direction (u,v,w)
x,y,z = layer.ScanSpotPositionMap_x[s], 0, layer.ScanSpotPositionMap_y[s]
u,v,w = 1e-10, 1.0, 1e-10
# rotation for gantry angle (around Z axis)
angle = math.radians(beam.GantryAngle)
[x,y,z] = self.Rotate_vector([x,y,z], angle, 'z')
[u,v,w] = self.Rotate_vector([u,v,w], angle, 'z')
# rotation for couch angle (around Y axis)
angle = math.radians(beam.PatientSupportAngle)
[x,y,z] = self.Rotate_vector([x,y,z], angle, 'y')
[u,v,w] = self.Rotate_vector([u,v,w], angle, 'y')
# Dicom CT coordinates
x = x + beam.IsocenterPosition[0]
y = y + beam.IsocenterPosition[1]
z = z + beam.IsocenterPosition[2]
# translate initial position at the CT image border
Translation = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
Translation[0] = (x - CTborders_x[int(u<0)]) / u
Translation[1] = (y - CTborders_y[int(v<0)]) / v
Translation[2] = (z - CTborders_z[int(w<0)]) / w
Translation = Translation[np.argmin(np.absolute(Translation))]
x = x - Translation * u
y = y - Translation * v
z = z - Translation * w
# append data to the list of spots to process
CartesianSpotPositions = compute_position_from_range(SPR, spot_positions, spot_directions, spot_ranges)
print("Spot RayTracing: " + str(time.time()-time_start) + " sec")
return CartesianSpotPositions
def compute_spot_maps(self, CT, plan, Struct, RangeShifters):
# Find BODY
for ROI in Struct.Contours:
if ROI.ROIName == 'BODY':
# Initialize Spot Maps
SpotMapBinary = np.full((CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1], CT.GridSize[2], len(plan.Beams)), False)
SpotMapWeights = np.zeros((CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1], CT.GridSize[2], len(plan.Beams)))
#Compute cartesian coordinates
CartesianCoordinates = plan.compute_cartesian_coordinates(CT, 'UCL_Toshiba', plan.Beams, RangeShifters)
# Initialize SpotID
SpotsID = np.zeros((plan.NumberOfSpots, 4),dtype=int)
SpotNumber = 0
SpotsOutsideBody = 0
# Repeat = []
# SpotsID_repeat = []
# Compute SpotsID
counter = 0
for beamNumber, beam in enumerate(plan.Beams):
print('nb of layers',len(beam.Layers))
for layer in beam.Layers:
for weight in layer.SpotMU:
# x = int((CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][0] - CT.ImagePositionPatient[0])/CT.PixelSpacing[0])-1
# y = int((CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][1] - CT.ImagePositionPatient[1])/CT.PixelSpacing[1])-1
# z = int((CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][2] - CT.ImagePositionPatient[2])/CT.PixelSpacing[2])-1
x = int(CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][0]/CT.PixelSpacing[0])
y = int(CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][1]/CT.PixelSpacing[1])
z = int(CartesianCoordinates[SpotNumber][2]/CT.PixelSpacing[2])
SpotsID[SpotNumber,:] = [x,y,z,beamNumber]
#print('Spots ID',SpotsID[SpotNumber,:])
SpotNumber += 1
if BODY.Mask[x,y,z]==False: # avoid spots outside BODY
SpotsOutsideBody += 1
print('This spot is outside the body',[x,y,z])
# if (x,y,z,beamNumber) in SpotsID_repeat:
# Repeat.append((x,y,z,beamNumber))
# SpotsID_repeat.append((x,y,z,beamNumber))
SpotMapBinary[x,y,z,beamNumber] = True
SpotMapWeights[x,y,z,beamNumber] = weight
# We can get SpotMapBinary as boolean SpotMapWeights
# plan.SpotMapBinary = SpotMapBinary
plan.SpotMapWeights = SpotMapWeights
# print('SpotsID beam_' + str(beamNumber) + ' computed...')
# print('nb of iteration',counter)
# save_file_binary = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'SpotMapBinary_beams.npz')
# np.savez_compressed(save_file_binary,SpotMapBinary)
# print('\nSpot Map Binary saved = ' + save_file_binary)
# save_file_weights = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'SpotMapWeights_beams.npz')
# np.savez_compressed(save_file_weights, SpotMapWeights.astype(np.float16))
# print('Spot Map Weights saved = ' + save_file_weights)
# save_file_ID = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'spotsID.npz')
# np.savez_compressed(save_file_ID, SpotsID)
# print('SpotsID saved = ' + save_file_ID)
# print('\nNumber of Spots in plan = ' + str(plan.NumberOfSpots))
# print('Number of Spots in binary mask = ' + str(np.ndarray.flatten(SpotMapBinary).tolist().count(True)))
# print('Spots placed outside the body = ' + (str(SpotsOutsideBody)))
# if len(Repeat)!=0:
# spots_repeated_by_patient.append(['Patient_' + str(PatientNumber) + ' (' + Patient.PatientInfo.PatientName + ')', len(Repeat)])
# print('\nAt this point, there are ' + str(len(spots_repeated_by_patient)) + ' patients with spots repeated')
# for repeat in spots_repeated_by_patient:
# print(repeat[0] + ' has ' + str(repeat[1]) + ' spots repeated')
# print('\n')
def Rotate_vector(self, vec, angle, axis):
if axis == 'x':
x = vec[0]
y = vec[1] * math.cos(angle) - vec[2] * math.sin(angle)
z = vec[1] * math.sin(angle) + vec[2] * math.cos(angle)
elif axis == 'y':
x = vec[0] * math.cos(angle) + vec[2] * math.sin(angle)
y = vec[1]
z = -vec[0] * math.sin(angle) + vec[2] * math.cos(angle)
elif axis == 'z':
x = vec[0] * math.cos(angle) - vec[1] * math.sin(angle)
y = vec[0] * math.sin(angle) + vec[1] * math.cos(angle)
z = vec[2]
return [x,y,z]
class Plan_IonBeam:
def __init__(self):
self.SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.BeamName = ""
self.IsocenterPosition = [0,0,0]
self.GantryAngle = 0.0
self.PatientSupportAngle = 0.0
self.FinalCumulativeMetersetWeight = 0.0
self.BeamMeterset = 0.0
self.RangeShifter = "none"
self.Layers = []
class Plan_IonLayer:
def __init__(self):
self.SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.NumberOfPaintings = 1
self.NominalBeamEnergy = 0.0
self.ScanSpotPositionMap_x = []
self.ScanSpotPositionMap_y = []
self.ScanSpotMetersetWeights = []
self.SpotMU = []
self.CumulativeMeterset = 0.0
self.RangeShifterSetting = 'OUT'
self.IsocenterToRangeShifterDistance = 0.0
self.RangeShifterWaterEquivalentThickness = 0.0
self.ReferencedRangeShifterNumber = 0