PhaseNet / phasenet /
zhuwq0's picture
upload phasenet
history blame
No virus
15.2 kB
import json
import logging
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from .detect_peaks import detect_peaks
# def extract_picks(preds, fnames=None, station_ids=None, t0=None, config=None):
# if preds.shape[-1] == 4:
# record = namedtuple("phase", ["fname", "station_id", "t0", "p_idx", "p_prob", "s_idx", "s_prob", "ps_idx", "ps_prob"])
# else:
# record = namedtuple("phase", ["fname", "station_id", "t0", "p_idx", "p_prob", "s_idx", "s_prob"])
# picks = []
# for i, pred in enumerate(preds):
# if config is None:
# mph_p, mph_s, mpd = 0.3, 0.3, 50
# else:
# mph_p, mph_s, mpd = config.min_p_prob, config.min_s_prob, config.mpd
# if (fnames is None):
# fname = f"{i:04d}"
# else:
# if isinstance(fnames[i], str):
# fname = fnames[i]
# else:
# fname = fnames[i].decode()
# if (station_ids is None):
# station_id = f"{i:04d}"
# else:
# if isinstance(station_ids[i], str):
# station_id = station_ids[i]
# else:
# station_id = station_ids[i].decode()
# if (t0 is None):
# start_time = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000"
# else:
# if isinstance(t0[i], str):
# start_time = t0[i]
# else:
# start_time = t0[i].decode()
# p_idx, p_prob, s_idx, s_prob = [], [], [], []
# for j in range(pred.shape[1]):
# p_idx_, p_prob_ = detect_peaks(pred[:,j,1], mph=mph_p, mpd=mpd, show=False)
# s_idx_, s_prob_ = detect_peaks(pred[:,j,2], mph=mph_s, mpd=mpd, show=False)
# p_idx.append(list(p_idx_))
# p_prob.append(list(p_prob_))
# s_idx.append(list(s_idx_))
# s_prob.append(list(s_prob_))
# if pred.shape[-1] == 4:
# ps_idx, ps_prob = detect_peaks(pred[:,0,3], mph=0.3, mpd=mpd, show=False)
# picks.append(record(fname, station_id, start_time, list(p_idx), list(p_prob), list(s_idx), list(s_prob), list(ps_idx), list(ps_prob)))
# else:
# picks.append(record(fname, station_id, start_time, list(p_idx), list(p_prob), list(s_idx), list(s_prob)))
# return picks
def extract_picks(
phases=["P", "S"],
"""Extract picks from prediction results.
preds ([type]): [Nb, Nt, Ns, Nc] "batch, time, station, channel"
file_names ([type], optional): [Nb]. Defaults to None.
station_ids ([type], optional): [Ns]. Defaults to None.
t0 ([type], optional): [Nb]. Defaults to None.
config ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
picks [type]: {file_name, station_id, pick_time, pick_prob, pick_type}
mph = {}
if config is None:
for x in phases:
mph[x] = 0.3
mpd = 50
## upload waveform
pre_idx = int(1 / dt)
post_idx = int(4 / dt)
mph["P"] = config.min_p_prob
mph["S"] = config.min_s_prob
mph["PS"] = 0.3
mpd = config.mpd
pre_idx = int(config.pre_sec / dt)
post_idx = int(config.post_sec / dt)
Nb, Nt, Ns, Nc = preds.shape
if file_names is None:
file_names = [f"{i:04d}" for i in range(Nb)]
elif not (isinstance(file_names, np.ndarray) or isinstance(file_names, list)):
if isinstance(file_names, bytes):
file_names = file_names.decode()
file_names = [file_names] * Nb
file_names = [x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x for x in file_names]
if begin_times is None:
begin_times = ["1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00"] * Nb
begin_times = [x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x for x in begin_times]
picks = []
for i in range(Nb):
file_name = file_names[i]
begin_time = datetime.fromisoformat(begin_times[i])
for j in range(Ns):
if (station_ids is None) or (len(station_ids[i]) == 0):
station_id = f"{j:04d}"
station_id = station_ids[i].decode() if isinstance(station_ids[i], bytes) else station_ids[i]
if (waveforms is not None) and use_amplitude:
amp = np.max(np.abs(waveforms[i, :, j, :]), axis=-1) ## amplitude over three channelspy
for k in range(Nc - 1): # 0-th channel noise
idxs, probs = detect_peaks(preds[i, :, j, k + 1], mph=mph[phases[k]], mpd=mpd, show=False)
for l, (phase_index, phase_prob) in enumerate(zip(idxs, probs)):
pick_time = begin_time + timedelta(seconds=phase_index * dt)
pick = {
"file_name": file_name,
"station_id": station_id,
"begin_time": begin_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"),
"phase_index": int(phase_index),
"phase_time": pick_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"),
"phase_score": round(phase_prob, 3),
"phase_type": phases[k],
"dt": dt,
## process waveform
if waveforms is not None:
tmp = np.zeros((pre_idx + post_idx, 3))
lo = phase_index - pre_idx
hi = phase_index + post_idx
insert_idx = 0
if lo < 0:
lo = 0
insert_idx = -lo
if hi > Nt:
hi = Nt
tmp[insert_idx : insert_idx + hi - lo, :] = waveforms[i, lo:hi, j, :]
if upload_waveform:
pick["waveform"] = tmp.tolist()
pick["_id"] = f"{pick['station_id']}_{pick['timestamp']}_{pick['type']}"
if use_amplitude:
next_pick = idxs[l + 1] if l < len(idxs) - 1 else (phase_index + post_idx * 3)
pick["phase_amp"] = np.max(
amp[phase_index : min(phase_index + post_idx * 3, next_pick)]
).item() ## peak amplitude
return picks
def extract_amplitude(data, picks, window_p=10, window_s=5, config=None):
record = namedtuple("amplitude", ["p_amp", "s_amp"])
dt = 0.01 if config is None else config.dt
window_p = int(window_p / dt)
window_s = int(window_s / dt)
amps = []
for i, (da, pi) in enumerate(zip(data, picks)):
p_amp, s_amp = [], []
for j in range(da.shape[1]):
amp = np.max(np.abs(da[:, j, :]), axis=-1)
# amp = np.median(np.abs(da[:,j,:]), axis=-1)
# amp = np.linalg.norm(da[:,j,:], axis=-1)
tmp = []
for k in range(len(pi.p_idx[j]) - 1):
tmp.append(np.max(amp[pi.p_idx[j][k] : min(pi.p_idx[j][k] + window_p, pi.p_idx[j][k + 1])]))
if len(pi.p_idx[j]) >= 1:
tmp.append(np.max(amp[pi.p_idx[j][-1] : pi.p_idx[j][-1] + window_p]))
tmp = []
for k in range(len(pi.s_idx[j]) - 1):
tmp.append(np.max(amp[pi.s_idx[j][k] : min(pi.s_idx[j][k] + window_s, pi.s_idx[j][k + 1])]))
if len(pi.s_idx[j]) >= 1:
tmp.append(np.max(amp[pi.s_idx[j][-1] : pi.s_idx[j][-1] + window_s]))
amps.append(record(p_amp, s_amp))
return amps
def save_picks(picks, output_dir, amps=None, fname=None):
if fname is None:
fname = "picks.csv"
int2s = lambda x: ",".join(["[" + ",".join(map(str, i)) + "]" for i in x])
flt2s = lambda x: ",".join(["[" + ",".join(map("{:0.3f}".format, i)) + "]" for i in x])
sci2s = lambda x: ",".join(["[" + ",".join(map("{:0.3e}".format, i)) + "]" for i in x])
if amps is None:
if hasattr(picks[0], "ps_idx"):
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, fname), "w") as fp:
for pick in picks:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, fname), "w") as fp:
for pick in picks:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, fname), "w") as fp:
for pick, amp in zip(picks, amps):
return 0
def calc_timestamp(timestamp, sec):
timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") + timedelta(seconds=sec)
return timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]
def save_picks_json(picks, output_dir, dt=0.01, amps=None, fname=None):
if fname is None:
fname = "picks.json"
picks_ = []
if amps is None:
for pick in picks:
for idxs, probs in zip(pick.p_idx, pick.p_prob):
for idx, prob in zip(idxs, probs):
"id": pick.station_id,
"timestamp": calc_timestamp(pick.t0, float(idx) * dt),
"prob": prob.astype(float),
"type": "p",
for idxs, probs in zip(pick.s_idx, pick.s_prob):
for idx, prob in zip(idxs, probs):
"id": pick.station_id,
"timestamp": calc_timestamp(pick.t0, float(idx) * dt),
"prob": prob.astype(float),
"type": "s",
for pick, amplitude in zip(picks, amps):
for idxs, probs, amps in zip(pick.p_idx, pick.p_prob, amplitude.p_amp):
for idx, prob, amp in zip(idxs, probs, amps):
"id": pick.station_id,
"timestamp": calc_timestamp(pick.t0, float(idx) * dt),
"prob": prob.astype(float),
"amp": amp.astype(float),
"type": "p",
for idxs, probs, amps in zip(pick.s_idx, pick.s_prob, amplitude.s_amp):
for idx, prob, amp in zip(idxs, probs, amps):
"id": pick.station_id,
"timestamp": calc_timestamp(pick.t0, float(idx) * dt),
"prob": prob.astype(float),
"amp": amp.astype(float),
"type": "s",
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, fname), "w") as fp:
json.dump(picks_, fp)
return 0
def convert_true_picks(fname, itp, its, itps=None):
true_picks = []
if itps is None:
record = namedtuple("phase", ["fname", "p_idx", "s_idx"])
for i in range(len(fname)):
true_picks.append(record(fname[i].decode(), itp[i], its[i]))
record = namedtuple("phase", ["fname", "p_idx", "s_idx", "ps_idx"])
for i in range(len(fname)):
true_picks.append(record(fname[i].decode(), itp[i], its[i], itps[i]))
return true_picks
def calc_metrics(nTP, nP, nT):
nTP: true positive
nP: number of positive picks
nT: number of true picks
precision = nTP / nP
recall = nTP / nT
f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
return [precision, recall, f1]
def calc_performance(picks, true_picks, tol=3.0, dt=1.0):
assert len(picks) == len(true_picks)"Total records: {}".format(len(picks)))
count = lambda picks: sum([len(x) for x in picks])
metrics = {}
for phase in true_picks[0]._fields:
if phase == "fname":
true_positive, positive, true = 0, 0, 0
residual = []
for i in range(len(true_picks)):
true += count(getattr(true_picks[i], phase))
positive += count(getattr(picks[i], phase))
# print(i, phase, getattr(picks[i], phase), getattr(true_picks[i], phase))
diff = dt * (
np.array(getattr(picks[i], phase))[:, np.newaxis, :]
- np.array(getattr(true_picks[i], phase))[:, :, np.newaxis]
residual.extend(list(diff[np.abs(diff) <= tol]))
true_positive += np.sum(np.abs(diff) <= tol)
metrics[phase] = calc_metrics(true_positive, positive, true)"{phase}-phase:")"True={true}, Positive={positive}, True Positive={true_positive}")"Precision={metrics[phase][0]:.3f}, Recall={metrics[phase][1]:.3f}, F1={metrics[phase][2]:.3f}")"Residual mean={np.mean(residual):.4f}, std={np.std(residual):.4f}")
return metrics
def save_prob_h5(probs, fnames, output_h5):
if fnames is None:
fnames = [f"{i:04d}" for i in range(len(probs))]
elif type(fnames[0]) is bytes:
fnames = [f.decode().rstrip(".npz") for f in fnames]
fnames = [f.rstrip(".npz") for f in fnames]
for prob, fname in zip(probs, fnames):
output_h5.create_dataset(fname, data=prob, dtype="float32")
return 0
def save_prob(probs, fnames, prob_dir):
if fnames is None:
fnames = [f"{i:04d}" for i in range(len(probs))]
elif type(fnames[0]) is bytes:
fnames = [f.decode().rstrip(".npz") for f in fnames]
fnames = [f.rstrip(".npz") for f in fnames]
for prob, fname in zip(probs, fnames):
np.savez(os.path.join(prob_dir, fname + ".npz"), prob=prob)
return 0