import tensorflow as tf |
tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution() |
tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity(tf.compat.v1.logging.ERROR) |
import logging |
import os |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None |
import json |
import h5py |
import obspy |
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d |
from tqdm import tqdm |
def py_func_decorator(output_types=None, output_shapes=None, name=None): |
def decorator(func): |
def call(*args, **kwargs): |
nonlocal output_shapes |
flat_output_types = tf.nest.flatten(output_types) |
flat_values = tf.numpy_function(func, inp=args, Tout=flat_output_types, name=name) |
if output_shapes is not None: |
for v, s in zip(flat_values, output_shapes): |
v.set_shape(s) |
return tf.nest.pack_sequence_as(output_types, flat_values) |
return call |
return decorator |
def dataset_map(iterator, output_types, output_shapes=None, num_parallel_calls=None, name=None, shuffle=False): |
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(len(iterator)) |
if shuffle: |
dataset = dataset.shuffle(len(iterator), reshuffle_each_iteration=True) |
@py_func_decorator(output_types, output_shapes, name=name) |
def index_to_entry(idx): |
return iterator[idx] |
return dataset.map(index_to_entry, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) |
def normalize(data, axis=(0,)): |
"""data shape: (nt, nsta, nch)""" |
data -= np.mean(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True) |
std_data = np.std(data, axis=axis, keepdims=True) |
std_data[std_data == 0] = 1 |
data /= std_data |
return data |
def normalize_long(data, axis=(0,), window=3000): |
""" |
data: nt, nch |
""" |
nt, nar, nch = data.shape |
if window is None: |
window = nt |
shift = window // 2 |
data_pad = np.pad(data, ((window // 2, window // 2), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode="reflect") |
t = np.arange(0, nt, shift, dtype="int") |
std = np.zeros([len(t) + 1, nar, nch]) |
mean = np.zeros([len(t) + 1, nar, nch]) |
for i in range(1, len(std)): |
std[i, :] = np.std(data_pad[i * shift : i * shift + window, :, :], axis=axis) |
mean[i, :] = np.mean(data_pad[i * shift : i * shift + window, :, :], axis=axis) |
t = np.append(t, nt) |
std[-1, ...], mean[-1, ...] = std[-2, ...], mean[-2, ...] |
std[0, ...], mean[0, ...] = std[1, ...], mean[1, ...] |
t_interp = np.arange(nt, dtype="int") |
std_interp = interp1d(t, std, axis=0, kind="slinear")(t_interp) |
mean_interp = interp1d(t, mean, axis=0, kind="slinear")(t_interp) |
tmp = np.sum(std_interp, axis=(0, 1)) |
std_interp[std_interp == 0] = 1.0 |
data = (data - mean_interp) / std_interp |
nonzero = np.count_nonzero(tmp) |
if (nonzero < 3) and (nonzero > 0): |
data *= 3.0 / nonzero |
return data |
def normalize_batch(data, window=3000): |
""" |
data: nsta, nt, nch |
""" |
nsta, nt, nar, nch = data.shape |
if window is None: |
window = nt |
shift = window // 2 |
data_pad = np.pad(data, ((0, 0), (window // 2, window // 2), (0, 0), (0, 0)), mode="reflect") |
t = np.arange(0, nt, shift, dtype="int") |
std = np.zeros([nsta, len(t) + 1, nar, nch]) |
mean = np.zeros([nsta, len(t) + 1, nar, nch]) |
for i in range(1, len(t)): |
std[:, i, :, :] = np.std(data_pad[:, i * shift : i * shift + window, :, :], axis=1) |
mean[:, i, :, :] = np.mean(data_pad[:, i * shift : i * shift + window, :, :], axis=1) |
t = np.append(t, nt) |
std[:, -1, :, :], mean[:, -1, :, :] = std[:, -2, :, :], mean[:, -2, :, :] |
std[:, 0, :, :], mean[:, 0, :, :] = std[:, 1, :, :], mean[:, 1, :, :] |
t_interp = np.arange(nt, dtype="int") |
std_interp = interp1d(t, std, axis=1, kind="slinear")(t_interp) |
mean_interp = interp1d(t, mean, axis=1, kind="slinear")(t_interp) |
tmp = np.sum(std_interp, axis=(1, 2)) |
std_interp[std_interp == 0] = 1.0 |
data = (data - mean_interp) / std_interp |
nonzero = np.count_nonzero(tmp, axis=-1) |
data[nonzero > 0, ...] *= 3.0 / nonzero[nonzero > 0][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] |
return data |
class DataConfig: |
seed = 123 |
use_seed = True |
n_channel = 3 |
n_class = 3 |
sampling_rate = 100 |
dt = 1.0 / sampling_rate |
X_shape = [3000, 1, n_channel] |
Y_shape = [3000, 1, n_class] |
min_event_gap = 3 * sampling_rate |
label_shape = "gaussian" |
label_width = 30 |
dtype = "float32" |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): |
for k, v in kwargs.items(): |
setattr(self, k, v) |
class DataReader: |
def __init__(self, format="numpy", config=DataConfig(), **kwargs): |
self.buffer = {} |
self.n_channel = config.n_channel |
self.n_class = config.n_class |
self.X_shape = config.X_shape |
self.Y_shape = config.Y_shape |
self.dt = config.dt |
self.dtype = config.dtype |
self.label_shape = config.label_shape |
self.label_width = config.label_width |
self.config = config |
self.format = format |
if "highpass_filter" in kwargs: |
self.highpass_filter = kwargs["highpass_filter"] |
if format in ["numpy", "mseed", "sac"]: |
self.data_dir = kwargs["data_dir"] |
try: |
csv = pd.read_csv(kwargs["data_list"], header=0, sep="[,|\s+]", engine="python") |
except: |
csv = pd.read_csv(kwargs["data_list"], header=0, sep="\t") |
self.data_list = csv["fname"] |
self.num_data = len(self.data_list) |
elif format == "hdf5": |
self.h5 = h5py.File(kwargs["hdf5_file"], "r", libver="latest", swmr=True) |
self.h5_data = self.h5[kwargs["hdf5_group"]] |
self.data_list = list(self.h5_data.keys()) |
self.num_data = len(self.data_list) |
elif format == "s3": |
self.s3fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem( |
anon=kwargs["anon"], |
key=kwargs["key"], |
secret=kwargs["secret"], |
client_kwargs={"endpoint_url": kwargs["s3_url"]}, |
use_ssl=kwargs["use_ssl"], |
) |
self.num_data = 0 |
else: |
raise (f"{format} not support!") |
def __len__(self): |
return self.num_data |
def read_numpy(self, fname): |
if fname not in self.buffer: |
npz = np.load(fname) |
meta = {} |
if len(npz["data"].shape) == 2: |
meta["data"] = npz["data"][:, np.newaxis, :] |
else: |
meta["data"] = npz["data"] |
if "p_idx" in npz.files: |
if len(npz["p_idx"].shape) == 0: |
meta["itp"] = [[npz["p_idx"]]] |
else: |
meta["itp"] = npz["p_idx"] |
if "s_idx" in npz.files: |
if len(npz["s_idx"].shape) == 0: |
meta["its"] = [[npz["s_idx"]]] |
else: |
meta["its"] = npz["s_idx"] |
if "itp" in npz.files: |
if len(npz["itp"].shape) == 0: |
meta["itp"] = [[npz["itp"]]] |
else: |
meta["itp"] = npz["itp"] |
if "its" in npz.files: |
if len(npz["its"].shape) == 0: |
meta["its"] = [[npz["its"]]] |
else: |
meta["its"] = npz["its"] |
if "station_id" in npz.files: |
meta["station_id"] = npz["station_id"] |
if "sta_id" in npz.files: |
meta["station_id"] = npz["sta_id"] |
if "t0" in npz.files: |
meta["t0"] = npz["t0"] |
self.buffer[fname] = meta |
else: |
meta = self.buffer[fname] |
return meta |
def read_hdf5(self, fname): |
data = self.h5_data[fname][()] |
attrs = self.h5_data[fname].attrs |
meta = {} |
if len(data.shape) == 2: |
meta["data"] = data[:, np.newaxis, :] |
else: |
meta["data"] = data |
if "p_idx" in attrs: |
if len(attrs["p_idx"].shape) == 0: |
meta["itp"] = [[attrs["p_idx"]]] |
else: |
meta["itp"] = attrs["p_idx"] |
if "s_idx" in attrs: |
if len(attrs["s_idx"].shape) == 0: |
meta["its"] = [[attrs["s_idx"]]] |
else: |
meta["its"] = attrs["s_idx"] |
if "itp" in attrs: |
if len(attrs["itp"].shape) == 0: |
meta["itp"] = [[attrs["itp"]]] |
else: |
meta["itp"] = attrs["itp"] |
if "its" in attrs: |
if len(attrs["its"].shape) == 0: |
meta["its"] = [[attrs["its"]]] |
else: |
meta["its"] = attrs["its"] |
if "t0" in attrs: |
meta["t0"] = attrs["t0"] |
return meta |
def read_s3(self, format, fname, bucket, key, secret, s3_url, use_ssl): |
with self.s3fs.open(bucket + "/" + fname, "rb") as fp: |
if format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(fp) |
elif format == "mseed": |
meta = self.read_mseed(fp) |
else: |
raise (f"Format {format} not supported") |
return meta |
def read_mseed(self, fname): |
mseed = obspy.read(fname) |
mseed = mseed.detrend("spline", order=2, dspline=5 * mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate) |
mseed = mseed.merge(fill_value=0) |
if self.highpass_filter > 0: |
mseed = mseed.filter("highpass", freq=self.highpass_filter) |
starttime = min([st.stats.starttime for st in mseed]) |
endtime = max([st.stats.endtime for st in mseed]) |
mseed = mseed.trim(starttime, endtime, pad=True, fill_value=0) |
if abs(mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate - self.config.sampling_rate) > 1: |
logging.warning( |
f"Sampling rate mismatch in {fname.split('/')[-1]}: {mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate}Hz != {self.config.sampling_rate}Hz " |
) |
order = ["3", "2", "1", "E", "N", "Z"] |
order = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(order)} |
comp2idx = {"3": 0, "2": 1, "1": 2, "E": 0, "N": 1, "Z": 2} |
t0 = starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] |
nt = len(mseed[0].data) |
data = np.zeros([nt, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
ids = [x.get_id() for x in mseed] |
for j, id in enumerate(sorted(ids, key=lambda x: order[x[-1]])): |
if len(ids) != 3: |
if len(ids) > 3: |
logging.warning(f"More than 3 channels {ids}!") |
j = comp2idx[id[-1]] |
data[:, j] = mseed.select(id=id)[0].data.astype(self.dtype) |
data = data[:, np.newaxis, :] |
meta = {"data": data, "t0": t0} |
return meta |
def read_sac(self, fname): |
mseed = obspy.read(fname) |
mseed = mseed.detrend("spline", order=2, dspline=5 * mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate) |
mseed = mseed.merge(fill_value=0) |
if self.highpass_filter > 0: |
mseed = mseed.filter("highpass", freq=self.highpass_filter) |
starttime = min([st.stats.starttime for st in mseed]) |
endtime = max([st.stats.endtime for st in mseed]) |
mseed = mseed.trim(starttime, endtime, pad=True, fill_value=0) |
if abs(mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate - self.config.sampling_rate) > 1: |
logging.warning( |
f"Sampling rate mismatch in {fname.split('/')[-1]}: {mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate}Hz != {self.config.sampling_rate}Hz " |
) |
order = ["3", "2", "1", "E", "N", "Z"] |
order = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(order)} |
comp2idx = {"3": 0, "2": 1, "1": 2, "E": 0, "N": 1, "Z": 2} |
t0 = starttime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] |
nt = len(mseed[0].data) |
data = np.zeros([nt, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
ids = [x.get_id() for x in mseed] |
for j, id in enumerate(sorted(ids, key=lambda x: order[x[-1]])): |
if len(ids) != 3: |
if len(ids) > 3: |
logging.warning(f"More than 3 channels {ids}!") |
j = comp2idx[id[-1]] |
data[:, j] = mseed.select(id=id)[0].data.astype(self.dtype) |
data = data[:, np.newaxis, :] |
meta = {"data": data, "t0": t0} |
return meta |
def read_mseed_array(self, fname, stations, amplitude=False, remove_resp=True): |
data = [] |
station_id = [] |
t0 = [] |
raw_amp = [] |
try: |
mseed = obspy.read(fname) |
read_success = True |
except Exception as e: |
read_success = False |
print(e) |
if read_success: |
try: |
mseed = mseed.merge(fill_value=0) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
for i in range(len(mseed)): |
if mseed[i].stats.sampling_rate != self.config.sampling_rate: |
logging.warning( |
f"Resampling {mseed[i].id} from {mseed[i].stats.sampling_rate} to {self.config.sampling_rate} Hz" |
) |
try: |
mseed[i] = mseed[i].interpolate(self.config.sampling_rate, method="linear") |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
mseed[i].data = mseed[i].data.astype(float) * 0.0 |
if self.highpass_filter == 0: |
try: |
mseed = mseed.detrend("spline", order=2, dspline=5 * mseed[0].stats.sampling_rate) |
except: |
logging.error(f"Error: spline detrend failed at file {fname}") |
mseed = mseed.detrend("demean") |
else: |
mseed = mseed.filter("highpass", freq=self.highpass_filter) |
starttime = min([st.stats.starttime for st in mseed]) |
endtime = max([st.stats.endtime for st in mseed]) |
mseed = mseed.trim(starttime, endtime, pad=True, fill_value=0) |
order = ["3", "2", "1", "E", "N", "Z"] |
order = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(order)} |
comp2idx = {"3": 0, "2": 1, "1": 2, "E": 0, "N": 1, "Z": 2} |
nsta = len(stations) |
nt = len(mseed[0].data) |
for sta in stations: |
trace_data = np.zeros([nt, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
if amplitude: |
trace_amp = np.zeros([nt, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
empty_station = True |
comp = stations[sta]["component"] |
if amplitude: |
resp = stations[sta]["response"] |
for j, c in enumerate(sorted(comp, key=lambda x: order[x[-1]])): |
resp_j = resp[j] |
if len(comp) != 3: |
j = comp2idx[c] |
if len(mseed.select(id=sta + c)) == 0: |
print(f"Empty trace: {sta+c} {starttime}") |
continue |
else: |
empty_station = False |
tmp = mseed.select(id=sta + c)[0].data.astype(self.dtype) |
trace_data[: len(tmp), j] = tmp[:nt] |
if amplitude: |
if stations[sta]["unit"] == "m/s**2": |
tmp = mseed.select(id=sta + c)[0] |
tmp = tmp.integrate() |
tmp = tmp.filter("highpass", freq=1.0) |
tmp = tmp.data.astype(self.dtype) |
trace_amp[: len(tmp), j] = tmp[:nt] |
elif stations[sta]["unit"] == "m/s": |
tmp = mseed.select(id=sta + c)[0].data.astype(self.dtype) |
trace_amp[: len(tmp), j] = tmp[:nt] |
else: |
print( |
f"Error in {stations.iloc[i]['station']}\n{stations.iloc[i]['unit']} should be m/s**2 or m/s!" |
) |
if amplitude and remove_resp: |
trace_amp[:, j] /= float(resp_j) |
if not empty_station: |
data.append(trace_data) |
if amplitude: |
raw_amp.append(trace_amp) |
station_id.append(sta) |
t0.append(starttime.datetime.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds")) |
if len(data) > 0: |
data = np.stack(data) |
if len(data.shape) == 3: |
data = data[:, :, np.newaxis, :] |
if amplitude: |
raw_amp = np.stack(raw_amp) |
if len(raw_amp.shape) == 3: |
raw_amp = raw_amp[:, :, np.newaxis, :] |
else: |
nt = 60 * 60 * self.config.sampling_rate |
data = np.zeros([1, nt, 1, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
if amplitude: |
raw_amp = np.zeros([1, nt, 1, self.config.n_channel], dtype=self.dtype) |
t0 = ["1970-01-01T00:00:00.000"] |
station_id = ["None"] |
if amplitude: |
meta = {"data": data, "t0": t0, "station_id": station_id, "fname": fname.split("/")[-1], "raw_amp": raw_amp} |
else: |
meta = {"data": data, "t0": t0, "station_id": station_id, "fname": fname.split("/")[-1]} |
return meta |
def generate_label(self, data, phase_list, mask=None): |
target = np.zeros_like(data) |
if self.label_shape == "gaussian": |
label_window = np.exp( |
-((np.arange(-self.label_width // 2, self.label_width // 2 + 1)) ** 2) |
/ (2 * (self.label_width / 5) ** 2) |
) |
elif self.label_shape == "triangle": |
label_window = 1 - np.abs( |
2 / self.label_width * (np.arange(-self.label_width // 2, self.label_width // 2 + 1)) |
) |
else: |
print(f"Label shape {self.label_shape} should be guassian or triangle") |
raise |
for i, phases in enumerate(phase_list): |
for j, idx_list in enumerate(phases): |
for idx in idx_list: |
if np.isnan(idx): |
continue |
idx = int(idx) |
if (idx - self.label_width // 2 >= 0) and (idx + self.label_width // 2 + 1 <= target.shape[0]): |
target[idx - self.label_width // 2 : idx + self.label_width // 2 + 1, j, i + 1] = label_window |
target[..., 0] = 1 - np.sum(target[..., 1:], axis=-1) |
if mask is not None: |
target[:, mask == 0, :] = 0 |
return target |
def random_shift(self, sample, itp, its, itp_old=None, its_old=None, shift_range=None): |
flattern = lambda x: np.array([i for trace in x for i in trace], dtype=float) |
shift_pick = lambda x, shift: [[i - shift for i in trace] for trace in x] |
itp_flat = flattern(itp) |
its_flat = flattern(its) |
if (itp_old is None) and (its_old is None): |
hi = np.round(np.median(itp_flat[~np.isnan(itp_flat)])).astype(int) |
lo = -(sample.shape[0] - np.round(np.median(its_flat[~np.isnan(its_flat)])).astype(int)) |
if shift_range is None: |
shift = np.random.randint(low=lo, high=hi + 1) |
else: |
shift = np.random.randint(low=max(lo, shift_range[0]), high=min(hi + 1, shift_range[1])) |
else: |
itp_old_flat = flattern(itp_old) |
its_old_flat = flattern(its_old) |
itp_ref = np.round(np.min(itp_flat[~np.isnan(itp_flat)])).astype(int) |
its_ref = np.round(np.max(its_flat[~np.isnan(its_flat)])).astype(int) |
itp_old_ref = np.round(np.min(itp_old_flat[~np.isnan(itp_old_flat)])).astype(int) |
its_old_ref = np.round(np.max(its_old_flat[~np.isnan(its_old_flat)])).astype(int) |
if shift_range is None: |
hi = list(range(max(its_ref - itp_old_ref + self.min_event_gap, 0), itp_ref)) |
lo = list(range(-(sample.shape[0] - its_ref), -(max(its_old_ref - itp_ref + self.min_event_gap, 0)))) |
else: |
lo_ = max(-(sample.shape[0] - its_ref), shift_range[0]) |
hi_ = min(itp_ref, shift_range[1]) |
hi = list(range(max(its_ref - itp_old_ref + self.min_event_gap, 0), hi_)) |
lo = list(range(lo_, -(max(its_old_ref - itp_ref + self.min_event_gap, 0)))) |
if len(hi + lo) > 0: |
shift = np.random.choice(hi + lo) |
else: |
shift = 0 |
shifted_sample = np.zeros_like(sample) |
if shift > 0: |
shifted_sample[:-shift, ...] = sample[shift:, ...] |
elif shift < 0: |
shifted_sample[-shift:, ...] = sample[:shift, ...] |
else: |
shifted_sample[...] = sample[...] |
return shifted_sample, shift_pick(itp, shift), shift_pick(its, shift), shift |
def stack_events(self, sample_old, itp_old, its_old, shift_range=None, mask_old=None): |
i = np.random.randint(self.num_data) |
base_name = self.data_list[i] |
if self.format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "hdf5": |
meta = self.read_hdf5(base_name) |
if meta == -1: |
return sample_old, itp_old, its_old |
sample = np.copy(meta["data"]) |
itp = meta["itp"] |
its = meta["its"] |
if mask_old is not None: |
mask = np.copy(meta["mask"]) |
sample = normalize(sample) |
sample, itp, its, shift = self.random_shift(sample, itp, its, itp_old, its_old, shift_range) |
if shift != 0: |
sample_old += sample |
itp_old = [i + j for i, j in zip(itp_old, itp)] |
its_old = [i + j for i, j in zip(its_old, its)] |
if mask_old is not None: |
mask_old = mask_old * mask |
return sample_old, itp_old, its_old, mask_old |
def cut_window(self, sample, target, itp, its, select_range): |
shift_pick = lambda x, shift: [[i - shift for i in trace] for trace in x] |
sample = sample[select_range[0] : select_range[1]] |
target = target[select_range[0] : select_range[1]] |
return (sample, target, shift_pick(itp, select_range[0]), shift_pick(its, select_range[0])) |
class DataReader_train(DataReader): |
def __init__(self, format="numpy", config=DataConfig(), **kwargs): |
super().__init__(format=format, config=config, **kwargs) |
self.min_event_gap = config.min_event_gap |
self.buffer_channels = {} |
self.shift_range = [-2000 + self.label_width * 2, 1000 - self.label_width * 2] |
self.select_range = [5000, 8000] |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
base_name = self.data_list[i] |
if self.format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "hdf5": |
meta = self.read_hdf5(base_name) |
if meta == None: |
return (np.zeros(self.X_shape, dtype=self.dtype), np.zeros(self.Y_shape, dtype=self.dtype), base_name) |
sample = np.copy(meta["data"]) |
itp_list = meta["itp"] |
its_list = meta["its"] |
sample = normalize(sample) |
if np.random.random() < 0.95: |
sample, itp_list, its_list, _ = self.random_shift(sample, itp_list, its_list, shift_range=self.shift_range) |
sample, itp_list, its_list, _ = self.stack_events(sample, itp_list, its_list, shift_range=self.shift_range) |
target = self.generate_label(sample, [itp_list, its_list]) |
sample, target, itp_list, its_list = self.cut_window(sample, target, itp_list, its_list, self.select_range) |
else: |
assert self.X_shape[0] <= min(min(itp_list)) |
sample = sample[: self.X_shape[0], ...] |
target = np.zeros(self.Y_shape).astype(self.dtype) |
itp_list = [[]] |
its_list = [[]] |
sample = normalize(sample) |
return (sample.astype(self.dtype), target.astype(self.dtype), base_name) |
def dataset(self, batch_size, num_parallel_calls=2, shuffle=True, drop_remainder=True): |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, self.dtype, "string"), |
output_shapes=(self.X_shape, self.Y_shape, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
) |
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder).prefetch(batch_size * 2) |
return dataset |
class DataReader_test(DataReader): |
def __init__(self, format="numpy", config=DataConfig(), **kwargs): |
super().__init__(format=format, config=config, **kwargs) |
self.select_range = [5000, 8000] |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
base_name = self.data_list[i] |
if self.format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "hdf5": |
meta = self.read_hdf5(base_name) |
if meta == -1: |
return (np.zeros(self.Y_shape, dtype=self.dtype), np.zeros(self.X_shape, dtype=self.dtype), base_name) |
sample = np.copy(meta["data"]) |
itp_list = meta["itp"] |
its_list = meta["its"] |
target = self.generate_label(sample, [itp_list, its_list]) |
sample, target, itp_list, its_list = self.cut_window(sample, target, itp_list, its_list, self.select_range) |
sample = normalize(sample) |
return (sample, target, base_name, itp_list, its_list) |
def dataset(self, batch_size, num_parallel_calls=2, shuffle=False, drop_remainder=False): |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, self.dtype, "string", "int64", "int64"), |
output_shapes=(self.X_shape, self.Y_shape, None, None, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
) |
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder).prefetch(batch_size * 2) |
return dataset |
class DataReader_pred(DataReader): |
def __init__(self, format="numpy", amplitude=True, config=DataConfig(), **kwargs): |
super().__init__(format=format, config=config, **kwargs) |
self.amplitude = amplitude |
self.X_shape = self.get_data_shape() |
def get_data_shape(self): |
base_name = self.data_list[0] |
if self.format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "mseed": |
meta = self.read_mseed(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "sac": |
meta = self.read_sac(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "hdf5": |
meta = self.read_hdf5(base_name) |
return meta["data"].shape |
def adjust_missingchannels(self, data): |
tmp = np.max(np.abs(data), axis=0, keepdims=True) |
assert tmp.shape[-1] == data.shape[-1] |
if np.count_nonzero(tmp) > 0: |
data *= data.shape[-1] / np.count_nonzero(tmp) |
return data |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
base_name = self.data_list[i] |
if self.format == "numpy": |
meta = self.read_numpy(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "mseed": |
meta = self.read_mseed(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "sac": |
meta = self.read_sac(os.path.join(self.data_dir, base_name)) |
elif self.format == "hdf5": |
meta = self.read_hdf5(base_name) |
else: |
raise (f"{self.format} does not support!") |
if meta == -1: |
return (np.zeros(self.X_shape, dtype=self.dtype), base_name) |
raw_amp = np.zeros(self.X_shape, dtype=self.dtype) |
raw_amp[: meta["data"].shape[0], ...] = meta["data"][: self.X_shape[0], ...] |
sample = np.zeros(self.X_shape, dtype=self.dtype) |
sample[: meta["data"].shape[0], ...] = normalize_long(meta["data"])[: self.X_shape[0], ...] |
if abs(meta["data"].shape[0] - self.X_shape[0]) > 1: |
logging.warning(f"Data length mismatch in {base_name}: {meta['data'].shape[0]} != {self.X_shape[0]}") |
if "t0" in meta: |
t0 = meta["t0"] |
else: |
t0 = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000" |
if "station_id" in meta: |
station_id = meta["station_id"].split("/")[-1].rstrip("*") |
else: |
station_id = os.path.basename(base_name).rstrip("*") |
if np.isnan(sample).any() or np.isinf(sample).any(): |
logging.warning(f"Data error: Nan or Inf found in {base_name}") |
sample[np.isnan(sample)] = 0 |
sample[np.isinf(sample)] = 0 |
if self.amplitude: |
return (sample[: self.X_shape[0], ...], raw_amp[: self.X_shape[0], ...], base_name, t0, station_id) |
else: |
return (sample[: self.X_shape[0], ...], base_name, t0, station_id) |
def dataset(self, batch_size, num_parallel_calls=2, shuffle=False, drop_remainder=False): |
if self.amplitude: |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, self.dtype, "string", "string", "string"), |
output_shapes=(self.X_shape, self.X_shape, None, None, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
) |
else: |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, "string", "string", "string"), |
output_shapes=(self.X_shape, None, None, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
shuffle=shuffle, |
) |
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder).prefetch(batch_size * 2) |
return dataset |
class DataReader_mseed_array(DataReader): |
def __init__(self, stations, amplitude=True, remove_resp=True, config=DataConfig(), **kwargs): |
super().__init__(format="mseed", config=config, **kwargs) |
with open(stations, "r") as f: |
self.stations = json.load(f) |
print(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.stations, orient="index").to_string()) |
self.amplitude = amplitude |
self.remove_resp = remove_resp |
self.X_shape = self.get_data_shape() |
def get_data_shape(self): |
fname = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.data_list[0]) |
meta = self.read_mseed_array(fname, self.stations, self.amplitude, self.remove_resp) |
return meta["data"].shape |
def __getitem__(self, i): |
fp = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.data_list[i]) |
meta = self.read_mseed_array(fp, self.stations, self.amplitude, self.remove_resp) |
sample = np.zeros([len(meta["data"]), *self.X_shape[1:]], dtype=self.dtype) |
sample[:, : meta["data"].shape[1], :, :] = normalize_batch(meta["data"])[:, : self.X_shape[1], :, :] |
if np.isnan(sample).any() or np.isinf(sample).any(): |
logging.warning(f"Data error: Nan or Inf found in {fp}") |
sample[np.isnan(sample)] = 0 |
sample[np.isinf(sample)] = 0 |
t0 = meta["t0"] |
base_name = meta["fname"] |
station_id = meta["station_id"] |
if self.amplitude: |
raw_amp = np.zeros([len(meta["raw_amp"]), *self.X_shape[1:]], dtype=self.dtype) |
raw_amp[:, : meta["raw_amp"].shape[1], :, :] = meta["raw_amp"][:, : self.X_shape[1], :, :] |
if np.isnan(raw_amp).any() or np.isinf(raw_amp).any(): |
logging.warning(f"Data error: Nan or Inf found in {fp}") |
raw_amp[np.isnan(raw_amp)] = 0 |
raw_amp[np.isinf(raw_amp)] = 0 |
return (sample, raw_amp, base_name, t0, station_id) |
else: |
return (sample, base_name, t0, station_id) |
def dataset(self, num_parallel_calls=1, shuffle=False): |
if self.amplitude: |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, self.dtype, "string", "string", "string"), |
output_shapes=([None, *self.X_shape[1:]], [None, *self.X_shape[1:]], None, None, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
) |
else: |
dataset = dataset_map( |
self, |
output_types=(self.dtype, "string", "string", "string"), |
output_shapes=([None, *self.X_shape[1:]], None, None, None), |
num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, |
) |
dataset = dataset.prefetch(1) |
return dataset |
def test_DataReader(): |
import os |
import timeit |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
if not os.path.exists("test_figures"): |
os.mkdir("test_figures") |
def plot_sample(sample, fname, label=None): |
plt.clf() |
plt.subplot(211) |
plt.plot(sample[:, 0, -1]) |
if label is not None: |
plt.subplot(212) |
plt.plot(label[:, 0, 0]) |
plt.plot(label[:, 0, 1]) |
plt.plot(label[:, 0, 2]) |
plt.savefig(f"test_figures/{fname.decode()}.png") |
def read(data_reader, batch=1): |
start_time = timeit.default_timer() |
if batch is None: |
dataset = data_reader.dataset(shuffle=False) |
else: |
dataset = data_reader.dataset(1, shuffle=False) |
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() |
print(len(data_reader)) |
print("-------", tf.data.Dataset.cardinality(dataset)) |
num = 0 |
x = tf.compat.v1.data.make_one_shot_iterator(dataset).get_next() |
while True: |
num += 1 |
try: |
out = sess.run(x) |
if len(out) == 2: |
sample, fname = out[0], out[1] |
for i in range(len(sample)): |
plot_sample(sample[i], fname[i]) |
else: |
sample, label, fname = out[0], out[1], out[2] |
for i in range(len(sample)): |
plot_sample(sample[i], fname[i], label[i]) |
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: |
break |
print("End of dataset") |
print("Tensorflow Dataset:\nexecution time = ", timeit.default_timer() - start_time) |
data_reader = DataReader_train(data_list="test_data/selected_phases.csv", data_dir="test_data/data/") |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_train(format="hdf5", hdf5="test_data/data.h5", group="data") |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_test(data_list="test_data/selected_phases.csv", data_dir="test_data/data/") |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_test(format="hdf5", hdf5="test_data/data.h5", group="data") |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_pred(format="numpy", data_list="test_data/selected_phases.csv", data_dir="test_data/data/") |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_pred( |
format="mseed", data_list="test_data/mseed_station.csv", data_dir="test_data/waveforms/" |
) |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_pred( |
format="mseed", amplitude=True, data_list="test_data/mseed_station.csv", data_dir="test_data/waveforms/" |
) |
read(data_reader) |
data_reader = DataReader_mseed_array( |
data_list="test_data/mseed.csv", |
data_dir="test_data/waveforms/", |
stations="test_data/stations.csv", |
remove_resp=False, |
) |
read(data_reader, batch=None) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
test_DataReader() |