improve histogram in terms of value range to not have gaps for ground truth 3e90d48 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on May 25, 2022
replott histograms and merge histograms for models fabe1f3 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on May 25, 2022
fix y_lim of histograms and regenerate all plots f9727b9 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on May 25, 2022
changed plot parametrs so they should look better in latex 81bedc2 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on May 12, 2022
update cnn to hyperparam model and rerun notebooks 306104b Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on May 11, 2022
regenerate all plots and make sure they all contain the proper model names c722be2 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on Apr 29, 2022
update file to use current best model and add speedtest for different model sizes 2216b12 Hannes Kuchelmeister commited on Apr 1, 2022