Source code for transformers.pipelines.text2text_generation

import enum

from ..file_utils import add_end_docstrings, is_tf_available, is_torch_available
from ..tokenization_utils import TruncationStrategy
from ..utils import logging
from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline

if is_tf_available():
    import tensorflow as tf


if is_torch_available():

logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)

class ReturnType(enum.Enum):
    TENSORS = 0
    TEXT = 1

[docs]@add_end_docstrings(PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS) class Text2TextGenerationPipeline(Pipeline): """ Pipeline for text to text generation using seq2seq models. This Text2TextGenerationPipeline pipeline can currently be loaded from :func:`~transformers.pipeline` using the following task identifier: :obj:`"text2text-generation"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on ` <>`__. Usage:: text2text_generator = pipeline("text2text-generation") text2text_generator("question: What is 42 ? context: 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything") """ # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "generated" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.check_model_type( TF_MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING if self.framework == "tf" else MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING ) def _sanitize_parameters( self, return_tensors=None, return_text=None, return_type=None, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=None, truncation=None, **generate_kwargs ): preprocess_params = {} if truncation is not None: preprocess_params["truncation"] = truncation forward_params = generate_kwargs postprocess_params = {} if return_tensors is not None and return_type is None: return_type = ReturnType.TENSORS if return_tensors else ReturnType.TEXT if return_type is not None: postprocess_params["return_type"] = return_type if clean_up_tokenization_spaces is not None: postprocess_params["clean_up_tokenization_spaces"] = clean_up_tokenization_spaces return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params
[docs] def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int): """ Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model. """ return True
def _parse_and_tokenize(self, *args, truncation): prefix = self.model.config.prefix if self.model.config.prefix is not None else "" if isinstance(args[0], list): if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None: raise ValueError("Please make sure that the tokenizer has a pad_token_id when using a batch input") args = ([prefix + arg for arg in args[0]],) padding = True elif isinstance(args[0], str): args = (prefix + args[0],) padding = False else: raise ValueError( f" `args[0]`: {args[0]} have the wrong format. The should be either of type `str` or type `list`" ) inputs = self.tokenizer(*args, padding=padding, truncation=truncation, return_tensors=self.framework) # This is produced by tokenizers but is an invalid generate kwargs if "token_type_ids" in inputs: del inputs["token_type_ids"] return inputs
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Generate the output text(s) using text(s) given as inputs. Args: args (:obj:`str` or :obj:`List[str]`): Input text for the encoder. return_tensors (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. return_text (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. truncation (:obj:`TruncationStrategy`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE`): The truncation strategy for the tokenization within the pipeline. :obj:`TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE` (default) will never truncate, but it is sometimes desirable to truncate the input to fit the model's max_length instead of throwing an error down the line. generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework `here <./model.html#generative-models>`__). Return: A list or a list of list of :obj:`dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **generated_text** (:obj:`str`, present when ``return_text=True``) -- The generated text. - **generated_token_ids** (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`tf.Tensor`, present when ``return_tensors=True``) -- The token ids of the generated text. """ result = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, dict): return [result] return result
[docs] def preprocess(self, inputs, truncation=TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE, **kwargs): inputs = self._parse_and_tokenize(inputs, truncation=truncation, **kwargs) return inputs
def _forward(self, model_inputs, **generate_kwargs): if self.framework == "pt": input_length = model_inputs["input_ids"].shape[-1] elif self.framework == "tf": input_length = tf.shape(model_inputs["input_ids"])[-1].numpy() generate_kwargs["min_length"] = generate_kwargs.get("min_length", self.model.config.min_length) generate_kwargs["max_length"] = generate_kwargs.get("max_length", self.model.config.max_length) self.check_inputs(input_length, generate_kwargs["min_length"], generate_kwargs["max_length"]) output_ids = self.model.generate(**model_inputs, **generate_kwargs) return {"output_ids": output_ids}
[docs] def postprocess(self, model_outputs, return_type=ReturnType.TEXT, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False): record = {} if return_type == ReturnType.TENSORS: record = {f"{self.return_name}_token_ids": model_outputs} elif return_type == ReturnType.TEXT: record = { f"{self.return_name}_text": self.tokenizer.decode( model_outputs["output_ids"][0], skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=clean_up_tokenization_spaces, ) } return record
[docs]@add_end_docstrings(PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS) class SummarizationPipeline(Text2TextGenerationPipeline): """ Summarize news articles and other documents. This summarizing pipeline can currently be loaded from :func:`~transformers.pipeline` using the following task identifier: :obj:`"summarization"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a summarization task, which is currently, '`bart-large-cnn`', '`t5-small`', '`t5-base`', '`t5-large`', '`t5-3b`', '`t5-11b`'. See the up-to-date list of available models on ` <>`__. Usage:: # use bart in pytorch summarizer = pipeline("summarization") summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20) # use t5 in tf summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="t5-base", tokenizer="t5-base", framework="tf") summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20) """ # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "summary"
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Summarize the text(s) given as inputs. Args: documents (`str` or :obj:`List[str]`): One or several articles (or one list of articles) to summarize. return_text (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs return_tensors (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework `here <./model.html#generative-models>`__). Return: A list or a list of list of :obj:`dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **summary_text** (:obj:`str`, present when ``return_text=True``) -- The summary of the corresponding input. - **summary_token_ids** (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`tf.Tensor`, present when ``return_tensors=True``) -- The token ids of the summary. """ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int) -> bool: """ Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model. """ if input_length < min_length // 2: logger.warning( f"Your min_length is set to {min_length}, but you input_length is only {input_length}. You might " "consider decreasing min_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', min_length=10)" ) if input_length < max_length: logger.warning( f"Your max_length is set to {max_length}, but you input_length is only {input_length}. You might " "consider decreasing max_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', max_length=50)" )
[docs]@add_end_docstrings(PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS) class TranslationPipeline(Text2TextGenerationPipeline): """ Translates from one language to another. This translation pipeline can currently be loaded from :func:`~transformers.pipeline` using the following task identifier: :obj:`"translation_xx_to_yy"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on ` <>`__. Usage:: en_fr_translator = pipeline("translation_en_to_fr") en_fr_translator("How old are you?") """ # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "translation"
[docs] def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int): if input_length > 0.9 * max_length: logger.warning( f"Your input_length: {input_length} is bigger than 0.9 * max_length: {max_length}. You might consider " "increasing your max_length manually, e.g. translator('...', max_length=400)" ) return True
[docs] def preprocess(self, *args, truncation=TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE, src_lang=None, tgt_lang=None): if getattr(self.tokenizer, "_build_translation_inputs", None): return self.tokenizer._build_translation_inputs( *args, return_tensors=self.framework, truncation=truncation, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang ) else: return super()._parse_and_tokenize(*args, truncation=truncation)
def _sanitize_parameters(self, src_lang=None, tgt_lang=None, **kwargs): preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params = super()._sanitize_parameters(**kwargs) if src_lang is not None: preprocess_params["src_lang"] = src_lang if tgt_lang is not None: preprocess_params["tgt_lang"] = tgt_lang if src_lang is None and tgt_lang is None: # Backward compatibility, direct arguments use is preferred. task = kwargs.get("task", self.task) items = task.split("_") if task and len(items) == 4: # translation, XX, to YY preprocess_params["src_lang"] = items[1] preprocess_params["tgt_lang"] = items[3] return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Translate the text(s) given as inputs. Args: args (:obj:`str` or :obj:`List[str]`): Texts to be translated. return_tensors (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. return_text (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. src_lang (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The language of the input. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models tgt_lang (:obj:`str`, `optional`): The language of the desired output. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework `here <./model.html#generative-models>`__). Return: A list or a list of list of :obj:`dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **translation_text** (:obj:`str`, present when ``return_text=True``) -- The translation. - **translation_token_ids** (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or :obj:`tf.Tensor`, present when ``return_tensors=True``) -- The token ids of the translation. """ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)