runtime error

[SYS] 2024/06/10 - 12:33:08 | One API v0.6.6-alpha.7 started [SYS] 2024/06/10 - 12:33:08 | using PostgreSQL as database [SYS] 2024/06/10 - 12:33:08 | database migration started 2024/06/10 12:33:08 /build/model/main.go:113 failed to connect to ` user=avnadmin database=defaultdb`: hostname resolving error (lookup on no such host) [7.794ms] [rows:-] SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA() AND table_name = 'channels' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' 2024/06/10 12:33:08 /build/model/main.go:113 failed to connect to ` user=avnadmin database=defaultdb`: hostname resolving error (lookup on no such host) [1.548ms] [rows:0] CREATE TABLE "channels" ("id" bigserial,"type" bigint DEFAULT 0,"key" text,"status" bigint DEFAULT 1,"name" text,"weight" bigint DEFAULT 0,"created_time" bigint,"test_time" bigint,"response_time" bigint,"base_url" text DEFAULT '',"other" text,"balance" decimal,"balance_updated_time" bigint,"models" text,"group" varchar(32) DEFAULT 'default',"used_quota" bigint DEFAULT 0,"model_mapping" varchar(1024) DEFAULT '',"priority" bigint DEFAULT 0,"config" text,PRIMARY KEY ("id")) [FATAL] 2024/06/10 - 12:33:08 | [failed to initialize database: failed to connect to ` user=avnadmin database=defaultdb`: hostname resolving error (lookup on no such host)]

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