runtime error
NVIDIA Deep Learning Container License. By pulling and using the container, you accept the terms and conditions of this license: A copy of this license is made available in this container at /NGC-DL-CONTAINER-LICENSE for your convenience. WARNING: The NVIDIA Driver was not detected. GPU functionality will not be available. Use the NVIDIA Container Toolkit to start this container with GPU support; see . > INFO Installing latest transformers@main > INFO Successfully installed latest transformers > INFO Installing latest peft@main > INFO Successfully installed latest peft > INFO Installing latest diffusers@main > INFO Successfully installed latest diffusers > INFO Installing latest trl@main > INFO Successfully installed latest trl > INFO Installing latest xformers > INFO Successfully installed latest xformers Downloading (…)_schema%400.3.9.json: 0%| | 0.00/12.7k [00:00<?, ?B/s] Downloading (…)_schema%400.3.9.json: 100%|██████████| 12.7k/12.7k [00:00<00:00, 3.02MB/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/env/bin/autotrain", line 33, in <module> sys.exit(load_entry_point('autotrain-advanced', 'console_scripts', 'autotrain')()) File "/app/src/autotrain/cli/", line 48, in main File "/app/src/autotrain/cli/", line 57, in run from ..apps.main import main File "/app/src/autotrain/apps/", line 10, in <module> llm = llm() File "/app/src/autotrain/apps/", line 52, in main user_token, valid_can_pay, who_is_training = common.user_validation() File "/app/src/autotrain/apps/", line 22, in user_validation raise ValueError("Please login with a write token.") ValueError: Please login with a write token. ERROR conda.cli.main_run:execute(47): `conda run /bin/bash -c autotrain setup && autotrain app --port 7860` failed. (See above for error)
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