runtime error

ted list of font locations. [Xtigervnc options...] For details, see Xtigervnc(1). [-- <session>] specifies the X11 session to start with either a command or a session name. To list all active VNC servers of the user use vncserver -list if provided, all active VNC servers of the user are listed. [:<number>] specifies the X11 display to be used. [-display <value>] is an alias for :<number>. [-rfbport <number>] provides the TCP port to be used for the RFB protocol. [-rfbunixpath <value>] specifies the path of the Unix domain socket to be used for the RFB protocol. [-cleanstale] if provided, clean up pid and lockfiles of stale VNC server instances of the user. To kill a VNC server use vncserver -kill if provided, kill the specified VNC server of the user. [:<number>] specifies the X11 display to be used. [-display <value>] is an alias for :<number>. [-rfbport <number>] provides the TCP port to be used for the RFB protocol. [-rfbunixpath <value>] specifies the path of the Unix domain socket to be used for the RFB protocol. [-dry-run] if enabled, no real action is taken only a simulation of what would be done is performed. [-verbose] if specified, debugging output is enabled. [-clean] if specified, the log files of the terminated VNC session will also be removed. To dump version information use vncserver [-version] dumps version information of underlying Xtigervnc VNC server. For further help, consult the vncserver(1) and Xtigervnc(1) manual pages.

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