runtime error

s';\n END IF;\n \n SELECT parent, base INTO src_parent,src_base FROM teldrive.split_path(src);\n \n SELECT parent, base INTO dest_parent, dest_base FROM teldrive.split_path(dest);\n \n IF src_parent != dest_parent then\n select id into dest_id from teldrive.create_directories(u_id,dest);\n update teldrive.files set parent_id = dest_id where parent_id = (select id from teldrive.files where path = src) and id != dest_id and user_id = u_id;\n \n IF POSITION(CONCAT(src,'/') IN dest) = 0 then\n delete from teldrive.files where path = src and user_id = u_id;\n END IF;\n \n END IF;\n IF src_base != dest_base and src_parent = dest_parent then\n select id into src_id from teldrive.files where path = src and user_id = u_id;\n perform from teldrive.update_folder(src_id,dest_base);\n END IF;\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION teldrive.account_stats(\n IN u_id BIGINT\n) RETURNS TABLE (total_size BIGINT, total_files BIGINT, channel_id BIGINT, channel_name TEXT ) AS $$\nDECLARE\n total_size BIGINT;\n total_files BIGINT;\n channel_id BIGINT;\n channel_name TEXT;\nBEGIN\n SELECT COUNT(*), coalesce(SUM(size),0) into total_files,total_size FROM teldrive.files WHERE user_id=u_id AND type= 'file' and status='active';\n SELECT c.channel_id ,c.channel_name into channel_id, channel_name FROM teldrive.channels c WHERE selected=TRUE AND user_id=u_id;\n RETURN QUERY SELECT total_size,total_files,channel_id,channel_name;\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;": ERROR: cannot change name of input parameter "tg_id" (SQLSTATE 42P13) goroutine 74 [running]: +0xa5 +0x18 created by in goroutine 1 +0x525

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