runtime error

font library does not exist, creating... SimSun.ttf font file download complete! has been saved to: /home/user/app/fonts/SimSun.ttf TimesNewRoman.ttf font file download complete! has been saved to: /home/user/app/fonts/TimesNewRoman.ttf malgun.ttf font file download complete! has been saved to: /home/user/app/fonts/malgun.ttf /home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/ UserWarning: You are about to download and run code from an untrusted repository. In a future release, this won't be allowed. To add the repository to your trusted list, change the command to {calling_fn}(..., trust_repo=False) and a command prompt will appear asking for an explicit confirmation of trust, or load(..., trust_repo=True), which will assume that the prompt is to be answered with 'yes'. You can also use load(..., trust_repo='check') which will only prompt for confirmation if the repo is not already trusted. This will eventually be the default behaviour warnings.warn( Downloading: "" to /home/user/.cache/torch/hub/ No module named 'ultralytics' Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 684, in <module> main(args) File "", line 496, in main model = model_loading(model_name, device) File "", line 153, in model_loading return model UnboundLocalError: local variable 'model' referenced before assignment

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