runtime error

[nltk_data] Downloading package cmudict to /app/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/ There was a problem when trying to write in your cache folder (/temp/huggingface/hub). You should set the environment variable TRANSFORMERS_CACHE to a writable directory. [nltk_data] Downloading package averaged_perceptron_tagger to [nltk_data] /app/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Unzipping taggers/ | matplotlib | WARNING | Matplotlib created a temporary cache directory at /tmp/matplotlib-ow49cwar because the default path (/temp/matplotlib) is not a writable directory; it is highly recommended to set the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable to a writable directory, in particular to speed up the import of Matplotlib and to better support multiprocessing. /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/utils/ UserWarning: torch.nn.utils.weight_norm is deprecated in favor of torch.nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm. warnings.warn("torch.nn.utils.weight_norm is deprecated in favor of torch.nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm.") Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/", line 391, in <module> net_g = get_net_g( File "/app/", line 98, in get_net_g _ = utils.load_checkpoint(model_path, net_g, None, skip_optimizer=True) File "/app/", line 66, in load_checkpoint assert os.path.isfile(checkpoint_path) AssertionError

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