Interest in folk dancing in the Republic of China has expanded rapidly in recent years as a result of government promotion and private efforts.
With work, rest and play, one will be able to keep the body and mind in balance and in true health.
For innovation, she has collected materials on ways of expressing the national spirit of the Chinese people in local dances, including those in the border regions of China. Thus, a new form of folk dance emerges.
In 1996 the Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers was established. Homecare nurses told Cheng that she could apply for a short-stay service, where a nurse could come in twice a week, two hours a visit, to give her a chance to get away for a while.
民國 85 年照顧者關懷協會成立,居家護士告訴鄭素惠可以申請「喘息服務」,一個星期 2 次,一次 2 小時,服務員會到家裡來替代她,讓她出去走走。
The production and sale of furniture in the Republic of China formerly was confined to the domestic market. During recent years the export volume has grown rapidly as a result of the increasing demand in foreign markets.
The research work is being undertaken by the Tjing-ling Industrial Research Institute in cooperation with the Tjing-ling Industrial Development Foundation and National Taiwan University.
Dr. Ching-piao Hu is in charge of the research project.
HNDT's high sensitivity and accuracy are particularly useful in the inspection of material microcracks and mal-glued connections of tires, composite materials and honeycomb structures.
Moving toward a community-based care industry seems feasible, but why is it so slow in coming?
Workers, too, often invite friends to join them in spending a day at a nearby scenic spot.
In addition to economic and physical help, having an emotional outlet is also extremely important for caregivers.
There are ten branches in Taiwan of the TAFC. Each month they organize an afternoon tea and provide four hours of hospice service so caregivers can get free to have tea, chat with one another and "vent."
在全國有 10 個分會的「照顧者關懷總會」,在每個月中舉辦下午茶聚會,提供 4 小時的喘息服務,讓能抽身前來的照顧者聚在一起喝茶聊天、吐苦水。
Because of our economic construction in recent years, the average family income has increased sharply. The general living standard has risen and the gap between the rich and the poor has narrowed.
There are more public and private buses and coaches in operation. The number of motorcycles and private cars has increased. Travel on the roads is easy and convenient and weekends out of town have become more common.
The government of the Republic of China is building a model province in Taiwan under the Three Principles of the People proclaimed by the founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. It is building a society which reflects the Principle of People's Livelihood.
In this society everybody enjoys freedom and security, and obtains the fullest measure of leisure and happiness possible. The material aspects of life, such as clothing, food, housing and transportation, are dealt with, and the psychological dimension of education and happiness as well.
The Dance--Something New in an Old Art
When she returned home, she found that in the past two weeks her husband hadn't had his teeth brushed or been washed, which broke her heart.
Communications workers cancelled their holidays voluntarily to provide better service in the hope that everyone might have a happy time.
When she was taking him from the hospital to the home, he burst into tears in the lift and asked, "A-huei, how can you be so cold-hearted and send me to a home?"
Huang has suffered ill health throughout his life and is never without his medicine. Many in his family never expected him to live long into adulthood, and they certainly could not have expected him to grow stronger with each passing year.
In a turn of events that seemed like fate was mocking her, Cheng then had to turn her attention to her mother-in-law, who began suffering increasingly severe Alzheimer's.
Taiwan's North Link Railway, due for completion in 1979, is currently undergoing speedy construction. Officials hope to make up for lost time and complete the line on schedule.
In this role, between 7: 30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Cheng visits three elderly people who are living alone, helps them wash, and chats with them.
從早上 7 點半忙到下午 3 點,幫 3 個老人家洗澡、陪他們聊天。
The construction work on the rail link started on December 25, 1973 both at Suao and Hualien. The government has ordered the sparing of no effort to carry out the project to promote progress and prosperity in Eastern Taiwan.
She doesn't dare expect that they'll take care of her in her twilight years. "I've even bought my own gravesite." Half laughing, half crying, Cheng says that she was "very unwilling" to spend so much of her life taking care of people, but she didn't dare voice such unfilial, irresponsible thoughts.
When Lee Ting's father Lee Yueh-yu succumbed to motor neuron disease, neither his mother--so weak and frail she couldn't even cook--nor his brother, who was working way out in Hsinchu at the science park, were able to take care of him. Thus the responsibility of being primary caregiver fell to the only remaining family member, the 36-year-old, single, freewheeling Lee Ting.
李鼎的爸爸李樂玉罹患的是運動神經元疾病,也就是俗稱的「漸凍人」。由於一家 4 口中,媽媽一向嬌弱,連做菜都不會,弟弟又遠在竹科工作,因此 36 歲、未婚、工作型態較為自由的李鼎,自然而然成了父親的主要照顧者。
Huang has consulted many renowned diviners and palm readers in his lifetime, and all were convinced he would only live to age 59. He took their word and, feeling he did not have much time left, worked with even more drive and fervor.
黃友棣一生碰到不少著名的命理學、掌紋學專家,他們都鐵口直斷,說他最多活到 59 歲。
A year or so after his father started to succumb to the disease, Lee was planning to build a home for him--he even had a name picked out: "Yueh Mansions" --but the dream was not to be, as his father slipped away in his sleep one night.
In memory of his father, Lee had old photos of his father made into Easycards--mass transit smartcards--so that the family could have him with them and have him accompany them wherever they travel.
In 1975, the export of furniture totaled more than US $ 200 million.
Wrinkled grandparents clad in leather assemble a rock band.
Then, a moving slogan appears: "Don't wait until you're 70 to fulfill your dreams." This ad nags at the spirits of working folk trapped by a reality in which they sacrifice themselves to their work.
動人畫面上浮現「別等到 70 歲才圓夢」的廣告文案,隱隱然刺痛著困於現實、鎮日獻身於工作的上班族的靈魂。
During recent years, with fast economic growth and social prosperity, the house construction has made amazing development in the Republic of China. This stimulated the rapid progress of interior decorators and furniture manufacturers.
Besides the large requirements of quantity in furniture, the quality is a major factor.
And so you rush--you continually rush--to the next management conference, compromising your principles for scant reward .... Yet increasing numbers of the middle-aged are--outside of their jobs or as a second act in life--traveling the road of their dreams and seeking self-fulfillment.
When he reached age 60, it seemed that Heaven was in no hurry to summon him back. Huang felt that Heaven must have known he had come to music late, and that having lived through the war he still had much to do, and had given him a few extra years.
到了 60 歲,老天似乎無意徵召他,他想,老天一定是認為他學音樂起步較遲,再加上兵荒馬亂,還有太多工作尚未做完,才讓他多活幾年。
Wu has gained expertise in diving and is now a deep-sea diving instructor at the National College of Physical Education and Sports.
After years of continuous efforts made by the manufacturers for improvement, the furniture of the Republic of China has acquired its own characteristics, which make it very competitive in the international market.
Before the industrial revolution, the classical Chinese literati strived to become accomplished in the "six arts" (rites, music, archery, chariot driving, literary skills and mathematics). And was not Leonardo da Vinci both a gifted painter and a gifted scientist?
Hence, apart from work, following one's dreams provides a door to one's wishes, giving people in the age of professional specialization a chance at self-transformation. It's not only an outlet for their passions and ideals, but it also provides important stress relief.
Besides the slope lands in the mountain regions and the lands by the riverside, the coastal sandy lands also have been developed to become an important resource.
In 2002, after stepping down from heading Greater China operations for the Schmidt Group, a German technology company, Chieh discovered that his life was free from care, so he picked up a brush to fulfill his youthful dream of becoming an artist.
2002 年,卸下德國科技儀器公司 Schmidt Group 中國區總裁職位後,生活無虞的解崙,積極重拾畫筆,一圓年少的藝術夢想。
Under the project of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, the farming of coastal sandy land is operated in a chain process--developing agriculture, raising livestock and developing fishery at the same time. It begins with raising livestock, from which wastes produce fertilizers for paddy fields and pasture and food for fish.
At present, the crops planted in the farming areas include rice, barley and forage. The preliminary result of growing cotton and sugarcane appears to be satisfactory.
In a decade or so, he published eight books.
前後歷經十餘年的時間,完成了 8 本著作。
Hogs, cattle and sheep are raised in livestock production. The conditions of their propagation are excellent.
At age 17, Sung became taken with Kun Opera, and it is through Kun Opera that she met her husband, a bamboo flute player who is now a university professor. The husband and wife have worked hard to pass down the legacy of Kun Opera in Taiwan.
17 歲就被崑曲「迷」了去的宋泮萍,也因為崑曲結識現任大學教授、吹曲笛的先生,夫妻倆致力於台灣崑曲藝術的傳承。
Yet after her two daughters were born, Sung, as a professional woman, was caught between her work and her children, and for nearly ten years she cast aside all opportunities to perform. But she still made the effort to take in an occasional show and to teach opera. "No matter what, I wouldn't leave it entirely," she says.
It wasn't until her children were older that Sung accepted a position as director of the opera company in the year 2000. Apart from her administrative duties, two or three nights a week she teaches opera and rehearses. And on holidays and weekends, when they actually perform, her husband or younger sister takes care of her children.
The Republic of China toy industry, both in domestic sale and in export, has witnessed rapid growth in recent years. The toys are no longer simple, basic products as before. Most of them are manufactured through a special process. They are well-colored, carefully-chromed, and are warmly welcomed in domestic as well as foreign markets.
Doctor Ho Ye-tao, who developed an interest in medicine as a little boy and in high school resolved to become a doctor, belongs to the lucky minority who are able to realize their dreams in their work.
The Government of the Republic of China has sent agricultural technical missions to work in various countries. The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction and other organizations concerned are engaged in many international technical cooperation programs. Seven international agricultural research and service institutes have been established in Taiwan.
(In 1997, while studying in Hawaii, he won the Hawaiian Elvis Song Tournament.) Since starting down this path in 1994, Huang has penned over 100 songs and released several CDs independently.
(黃恢弘曾於 1997 年在美國夏威夷進修時,擊敗多國參賽者,獲得當地貓王歌曲演唱大賽首獎。)
He effortlessly switches hats from being a skillful, knife-wielding butcher in a traditional outdoor food market in the morning, to being an accomplished modern artist in the afternoon.
Those who have successfully realized their dreams invite envy, but those in difficult circumstances find it more difficult to persevere in following their dreams.
On returning, they become important forces in the agricultural development of their own countries. The Republic of China also is working closely with international agricultural technical cooperation institutes in other nations, to help increase food production and wipe out hunger.
Minister Tsiang told the foreign students that they are welcomed to study or to do research in any subject. He expressed his hope that the more than 1,000 foreign students in this country would promote friendship between Chinese people and their own.
President Yen responded with a letter in which he said the Republic of China is pleased that the Holy See has provided the world with the badly needed spiritual leadership for peace in the past decade of violence and chaos.
On the afternoon of December 28, the one-millionth tourist of 1976 arrived in Taipei to set a significant record in the history of tourism.
Carp Lake is a well-known scenic spot in Eastern Taiwan.
"Sometimes I feel like a child made to stay behind in school and not allowed to go home. Sometimes I feel like a passenger who has forgotten to get off the train at his station, and that I am the only one left in the carriage.
Even worse, because he refused to betray his principles at work, in 1996 he ended up being threatened and stalked by gangsters. He was also frequently treated unfairly at work.
更糟的是,因為在主管業務上不肯放水,「敬酒不吃吃罰酒」的黃恢弘在 1996 年時,遭到黑道多次跟蹤、恐嚇,也受到官場文化許多不公平的對待。
Apart from that, the increase in the use of the capital of the tourist industry, the increase in employment opportunities for the citizens, more earnings of foreign exchange, and more revenue will represent sizable benefits.
"I realized I have a part to play in how the future of Taiwanese music turns out, and this calling would sing out in my soul," says Huang.
The new airport, due to be open for public use in 1978, is divided into ten operational areas: aircraft operations, passenger terminal complex, control tower and flight operations, cargo terminal complex, aircraft maintenance, flight kitchen, fuel storage, airmail processing and telecommunication centers, airport hotel and administrative services. All will be equipped with the most modern facilities.
Having stuck at it for 24 years, Huang will finally retire from the civil service in 2006. His two sons are grown up, and his debts are mostly paid off; now he can fully immerse himself in the world of music with no distractions.
熬了 24 年,2006 年黃恢弘就將自公務體系退休,眼前除了小女兒,2 個兒子都已經長大成人,而負債也大多還清,他將更可以心無羈絆的投入音樂創作的世界。
To help improve further techniques and designs and to increase the self-manufacture rate, the School of Engineering of National Taiwan University established the Institute of Naval Architecture in 1973. It undertakes ship model testing, research in engineering problems and training of technicians.
In ship model testing, the Institute has conducted various tests, including resistance, propulsion, propellers, wake, stability, launching and ship motion in waves.
With the current level of machinery and electronic technology in the Republic of China, we can expect further developments and advancement in our toy industry.
Printing was one of the three great inventions in ancient China (others being the gunpowder and the compass).
says Sung, who has attained a rich, full life. She really inhabits her roles--tasting the joys and sorrows, separation and reunion in the operas. She finds stepping into new roles addictive and rewarding.
As he approached middle age, Ho began to thirst for more meaning in his life.
In modern industry, the technique of screen printing is easy to operate, and especially suitable for family industry and silk screen graphic art.
Today in Taiwan many people are developing this folk art. They have applied it to mural painting, the designs of screens, greeting cards, neckties and scarves. The simple yet graceful style is very popular.
In this issue, we introduce Mr. Shen Hsin-min's works and the process of production.
In this industrial and commercial age agricultural research and development still are emphasized, for more and better food is needed.
Experts and institutes in this field have cooperated to develop Taiwan's agriculture and to share the results of their endeavor with friendly nations.
These include: (1) Land Reform Training Institute; (2) Pig Research Institute; (3) ASPAC Food and Fertilizer Technology Center; (4) Asian Agricultural Technical Service Center; (5) Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center; (6) Plant Protection Center; and (7) The Chinese Center for International Training in Family Planning.
Visiting foreign students in the Republic of China were invited to a special New Year's Eve party hosted by Education Minister Y. S. Tsiang. They enjoyed Chinese food and presented a variety show.
A girls 'soccer team of 21 members flew to Bangkok on January 5 for a three-week visit in South east Asia.
This was the first girls 'soccer team to go abroad. They were to visit Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia for eight to ten games with teams in those countries.
The tourist with the lucky number, Professor Wilhelm Emil Muhlmann from West Germany, and his wife, became special guests of the Tourism Bureau. They were warmly welcomed and were treated with a free stay in Taiwan.
Following this, Huang Hui-hung, a Ministry of Education employee with over 20 years 'service, picked up the guitar he'd so loved as a young man, and reinvented himself as a Taiwanese singer-songwriter overnight. Selling virtually everything he owned to finance this dream, he produced and released ten independent CDs and DVDs, hoping to usher in a third wave of Taiwanese-language pop music.
驚醒後,在教育部任職二十多年的黃恢弘,重拾年少癡狂的吉他,在夜裡化身為台語歌曲創作者,散盡家產,獨立製作發表了 10 張的音樂 CD 與 DVD,誓願要帶動台語流行歌曲的第三波革命。
In 2003, Huang Hui-hung's life reached a turning point.
2003 年,對於生命正處於谷底的黃恢弘是一個轉捩點。
In a red shirt, bright suit, and sunglasses, his hair pomaded, Huang performs classic Elvis tracks with his trademark passion and tender voice. Now even the university music professor he once butted heads with has become a close ally.
There was bitterness when they met again, but "literature must return to being an artistic discipline that is concerned with aesthetic judgments." The impurities in their relationship settled over time, and Chen Fang-ming eventually determined to put it to rest. "When people now ask me who my teachers were, I never hesitate.
Not long after he started putting on shows, Huang decided to borrow money to invest in a recording studio, eventually laying down NT $ 10 million for four flats, and another NT $ 50-60,000 for music equipment. This turned out to be the financial last straw, and the bank ended up repossessing his flats.
才展開創作的不久,一方面考量投資,一方面想要有間錄音室,黃恢弘一口氣貸款 1000 萬買了 4 間小套房,加上在音樂創作上投注了五、六百萬元,一時財務周轉不過來。
His path as an artist seemed like a road to nowhere. But confident he could usher in a new wave of popular Taiwanese-language culture, he shuttled his recordings to record label after record label. But they were unwilling to offer a no-name "old man" a contract, although many were happy to buy his tunes.
About 15,000 government officials, representatives from all walks of life and foreign dignitaries attended the 1977 Freedom Day Rally at the China Sports and Cultural Activities Center in Taipei. President Yen Chia-kan personally addressed the participants, calling on all the people of our country to mobilize their full strength to support the anti-Communist uprisings of our compatriots on the mainland and thus hasten the destruction of Chinese Communist tyrannical rule.
The number of the tourists is increasing day by day in the Republic of China due to economic prosperity, social stability and beautiful scenery Taiwan offers. The present Taipei Sungshan International Airport facilities cannot meet the expanding requirements of the future.
To meet the requirements for passengers, cargoes and flight operations, the planning of the airport is almost the equivalent of a long range urban development plan. It will be invested and developed in three phases, to accommodate each successive ten year traffic forecast.
The forecast of passenger and air freight for the first phase development is 5,000,000 persons and 200,000 metric tons, respectively, in 1980.
At that time, the extra-burden on Taipei Sungshan International Airport will be taken care of. Taoyuan International Airport will help develop the tourist industry and reduce the noise and air pollution in the Taipei area.
Last fall, Huang set out on a tour of over 20 concerts in Kaohsiung and Taipei, hoping to hone his stage presence and skills while building up a new legion of fans.
There's no reason to be sad! If I go down to the Nine Springs, I will meet many friends and family, and we will revel in our memories. I only feel that our time together would be too short, so when would I even have the time to be sad? "
The high development of the toy industry is attributed to the prosperity of national economy, the improvement of the people's livelihood and the elevation of the educational standards. In each family the new generation receives more attention and care than the one before.
When the toy industry began in Taiwan, most of its products were cheap, poorly designed, easy to break and colors faded.
By all appearances, from his worn for the wear chopping block, to his pig-adorned apron covered in meat spatter, he looks the part of your ordinary market butcher.
Taiwan--Kingdom of the Butterflies Butterflies are among the most beautiful of insects. Besides carrying pollen and aiding the propagation of plants, butterflies help develop tourism in Taiwan.