The biggest dragon boat races in many years were held in Taipei and Tainan on June 1-2. A total of 1,700 persons in 59 teams took part in the Taipei race. They included 43 male teams and 16 female teams.
In Tainan more than 100,000 people along the canal where the race was held watched the 43 teams in the final competition The Taipei race was characterized by excitement among participants and audience. In Tainan the audience also enjoyed a variety show by TV stars.
The Shangri-La, with its European-style architecture, stirred up a whole fashion for guesthouses in the Chingching area. What's more, Jen-ai Township in Nantou County has a sister-city relationship with Engelberg in Switzerland, so that Chingching has acquired the name Little Switzerland.
The Third Asian Pacific Social Development Seminar opened at the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in Taipei on June 16. More than 80 delegates from 11 countries in the Asian Pacific region participated in the six-day seminar with the theme: "The most effective strategy to promote rural development."
In Taiwan, he taught successively at National Taiwan Normal University and National Chengchi University. Then in 1974, he accepted a post at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He remained there for 11 years, and Hong Kong became the city he had lived longest in apart from Taipei.
在台灣,他先後任教於台師大、政大,1974 年應聘至香港中文大學,此去 11 年,香港成了繼台北的 20 年之後,居住最久的城市。
In this short period the foreign market has gradually opened up. There are now more than 30 yacht-building factories in Taiwan. They export 500-600 yachts each year.
More than 20,000 workers are engaged directly or indirectly in the yacht-building industry. Most building materials are produced locally in Taiwan, except for the engines, the sails and a few parts which are imported.
A special award was given a 41-meter yacht from the Republic of China in the Paris International Boat Show in August of 1974.
Four yachts from Taiwan were exhibited in the 20th Southern California Boat Show in early 1976, and orders for 30 yachts were received during the show.
Meanwhile, it is generally agreed, as indicated by Taiwan Transportation Equipment Show held in mid-May, 1976 in Taipei, that the prospects of greater yacht exports for the Republic of China are excellent indeed.
It encourages the young people to work in teams while competing.
When the soldiers retreated, the house was in ruins. In desperate straits, the family could not but take refuge with Huang's eldest sister, who by then was married.
Yehliu is peculiar not only in its beautiful rocks, but also in its tropical fish, corals and shells.
The guesthouses along the ocean in Ilan's Wai-ao Beach area are in an area with beautiful coastal scenery. Ocean views are their selling point.
Among the guesthouses near the shore are Sincere Home, Sights at Beach, and the guesthouse at the Hsiho Fishing Village Experience Fish Farm. A row of homestays face the azure sea. In the morning you get a view of the sun rising from behind Turtle Island.
In 700 A.D., the reputation of the Tang, dynasty was at its height. Cosmopolitanism had brought great changes in color and style to Tang costumes.
In Shihtiping, part of Hualien's Fengpin Township, sits a seemingly half-finished building. It is, in fact, the well-known guesthouse Desert Castle.
In recent years many developing nations have sent representatives to visit the EPZ's. Teams from the Republic of China have been invited to help establish similar zones in other countries, including Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Jordan.
There were 292 export enterprises in the three Export Processing Zones, as of June 1976. The total investments in the three zones exceed US $ 186,557,000, more than three times the original goal.
In addition to inducing capital investment and expanding foreign trade, the export processing zones also have created job opportunities and raised technological standards in the Republic of China.
In the age of the Internet, many of the larger guesthouses can form strategic alliances or create their own websites. By offering information publicly on the Internet, they allow potential guests to do their own research and book rooms online. By so doing, they can reduce customers 'fears of the unknown and can market their guesthouses more effectively.
Taiwan's yachts generally use fiber glass for hulls. The quality is good, the style beautiful and the price low. Handicraft is a special feature in styling. All has helped make Taiwan yachts popular among overseas buyers.
Taiwan also has a sales network in Europe, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
The quality of Taiwan's yachts has won praise in various international boat shows.
The beauty of Yehliu lies in its steep rocks; wide smooth lava bed; and long narrow ditches, all eroded by the sea. The area has a total of over 10 man-made bridges. Standing on the bridges, tourists can have a clear look at this fantasy of rocks.
If you're near the ocean, you stress the ocean views. If you're in the mountains, you stress the mountain vistas.
Rising Sun Mountain Villa, which is up in Yuli, Hualien County, has the Coastal Range on one side and the Central Range on the other. It's on a hill surrounded by mountains.
A Partial cabinet shakeup took place in the Republic of China on June 9. The new ministers are: Chang Feng-shu, Interior; Walter Fei, Finance; Wang Tao-yuan, Justice; Lin Chin-sheng, Communications; Philip C.C. Chang, Secretary General of the Executive Yuan.
Presidnet C. K. Yen pointed out on June 29 that the government reshuffle brought in new blood and younger talents for greater achievements.
Participants also made field trips and were impressed by the progress of rural construction in the Republic of China.
Acupuncture was used to anesthetize in chest surgery for the first time at Taipei Veterans General Hospital on June 23.
Surrounded by flowers in all the seasons of the year, the place has a different spirit from season to season.
Dr.Wang is hopeful that in the future acupuncture will completely replace anesthetics and painkillers during operations.
For instance, in 2005 there were five typhoons, so to prevent the plants from being damaged they had to move them--in or out--ten times all told.
像去年來了 5 個颱風,夫妻兩人為了怕折損庭園中的花草,搬進、搬出共 10 趟。
"I'm a homebody. After work, I stay in and grow flowers or decorate." Tsao looks around her at the crystal lights, tables and chairs she has collected, and the garden full of plants and flowers, and says with feeling: "All this comes from what my guests have invested; I ought to share it with them!"
The appearance of the lady's robe in the Warring States Period characterizes China's traditional costume.
In the Sung and Ming dynasties, the costumes became simple and plain.
Since the completion of the Northern Expedition in 1928, long gowns and chipaos have become the typical costume of our country.
For the Fairy Tales Village Farm, which is located in the Plum Blossom Lake Recreation Area of Ilan's Tungshan Township, the route they take is experiencing farming village life, and do-it-yourself.
位於宜蘭冬山鄉梅花湖休閒農業區的「童話村農場」,走的則是農村體驗、DIY 路線。
Petrochemicals--New in the 20th Century
The school became his home, and Huang continued to move forward in his education, from primary school, to middle school, to a college preparatory course, to university. He supported himself through a variety of jobs and through teaching elementary school.
To bring about an integrated development of the petrochemical industry, the government has made large investment in "upstream" and "down stream" projects, which will establish a complete production line, from the supply of raw materials to the processing of products.
With rooms that go for NT $ 5000-6000 per night, it has not only introduced high rates but also led to a spate of guesthouses opening in the neighborhood.
The Chinese Petroleum Corporation set up the first naphtha cracker at the Kaohsiung Refinery in 1968 to provide the basic raw materials for the "upstream" projects of the petrochemical industry. It produces 54,000 metric tons of ethylene annually.
Later, to meet the need of the growing industry, the second naphtha cracker was completed in 1975. It produces ethylene, propylene and butadiene as raw materials.
However, these products were still not sufficient for the domestic market. CPC began construction of the third naphtha cracker at the Lin Yuan petrochemical complex in April of 1974. The first stage is near completion. Part of it will start operation early next year.
Since then, two more zones were set up in Taiwan.
There's no television, air-conditioning, or Internet. The light fittings jut out from the walls and ceilings, and steel bars lie open to the air. Everything is natural and simple, but it does have a few "luxuries" --there are huge scenic windows in the guest hall, and each room offers a magnificent view of the ocean.
沒有電視、沒有冷氣、不能上網,光禿禿的燈泡、裸露的鋼筋… …,一切崇尚自然、簡樸,但同時卻又有著對都市人來說最「奢華」的享受──客廳有大片玻璃落地窗、每個房間都面對湛藍的大海。
Banks, customs, taxation, post office and telecommunications departments all have branch offices in the EPZ to serve investors.
During the past three decades Taiwan has witnessed rapid economic development. The annual investment in major construction projects has totaled more than NT $ 10,000 million.
Their home, built some 20 years ago, is located in the middle of the village. They began adding cabins and operating their bed and breakfast back in 2004. Kao Yu-chen, who previously worked in the loan department of a bank in Taipei, was asked by her mother to return to Hualien to help out a year ago.
高家位於部落中的老房子已經建造二十多年,2004 年開始在周圍加蓋小木屋經營民宿,原本在台北金融業從事放款工作的女兒高毓真,一年前也被母親徵召回花蓮幫忙。
He explains that tattooed faces in Hsiulin are disappearing rapidly. In 1993, records at the Hsiulin Township Office indicated that there were still 82 elderly people with tattoos. In 2003, only nine were left.
他指出,秀林鄉紋面老人凋零的速度極快,民國 82 年,秀林鄉公所調查鄉內還有 82 位紋面老人,到 92 年僅剩 9 位。
The first stage of the construction work was started July 1,1974 and will be completed in June of 1979. The second stage will be started in July 1979, and completed in June 1982.
However, being located on the earthquake belt in western Pacific, Taiwan is subject to frequent tremors. The National Science Council recognized the importance of seismic research in preventing and reducing earthquake damages.
In 1969 the Council invited Dr. Ta-liang Teng, a Chinese seismologist in the United States, to draw up a long-term earthquake research program for Taiwan.
The Center is now under the Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica. At present, an islandwide telemetered seismograph system is in operation.
In addition, portable seismographs also are employed to form temporary local networks for detailed mapping of active faults by microearthquakes. Premier Chiang Ching-kuo received the Chinese Olympic athletes at Kaohsiung on July 22. He praised the athletes for their efforts in upholding the national dignity.
In having things that strike deep in your soul; these things are the greatest harvest from travel, "says Kao. Desert Castle, eschewing superficial visual and auditory stimuli, often does touch the soul of people. Has it touched yours?
Persuaded by an enthusiastic Kao Yu-chen, the Taiwanese Aborigines Tattoo Culture Association, directed by local photographer Kimi Sambal (Chinese name Tien Kuei-shih), the Tulan Workshop, which produces Aboriginal art, the Yeh Cheng-jen Stone Carving Workshop, and the Tachili Tribal Restaurant, which specializes in Aboriginal delicacies, mobilized and came together to present a complete picture of Aboriginal culture for visitors to view in Hsiulin Township.
The Tachili Tribal Restaurant, located in a traditional Ayatal grass hut, offers such mouthwatering dishes as wild boar, fresh fish, and free-range chicken garnished with wild delicacies, like mountain bitter gourd, black nightshade, wild ragleaf, and pumpkin flowers, served with rice steamed in bamboo or with sticky rice.
Kao takes it upon herself to update former Laulai visitors with the latest information. She also contacts, offers advice, and provides pickup and drop-off services to individuals interested in visiting. In the future, she will be working with others to promote tourism by offering travel packages and organizing activities.
Tranquil Garden in Ilan County's Luo- tung Township rivals Sun Moon Lake's five-star Lalu Hotel, and with a top rate of NT $ 12,000 a night, it's making waves in the domestic travel industry.
宜蘭羅東鎮的「靜園」,號稱是媲美日月潭涵碧樓的五星級優質民宿,並破天荒地開出一天 12000 元的住房價,在國內旅遊界聲名大噪。
In the Provence room, works by van Gogh hang on the walls and sunflowers are set in a vase. The sea of warm yellow gives the room a romantic, Southern European feel.
Armed forces are building the military harbor. The commercial harbor is divided into: areas for timber, for coastal transportation, for bulk cargoes and for ocean-going vessels. The construction work is being performed in two stages and will be completed in eight years.
The furnishings in the room best any you'd find in a five-star hotel. Wedding hotspot
The Free China Relief Association in the Republic of China on Taiwan has taken emergency measures since July 28 to accept contributions from fellow Chinese in the free world for the purchase of badly needed grain, clothes and medical supplies.
Taiwan Gets More Telephones The Republic of China's telecommunications service has witnessed a noteworthy growth in the past two years despite the world-wide economic crisis.
The Directorate General of telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, held a three-day conference in late August to review the nation's telecommunications service in 1976.
In 1972 the Chinese Earthquake Research Center was established to carry out a ten-year program.
He learned how to play the violin from books about the technique of famous performers. Lacking a piano on which to practice sight reading or analyze chord structures, he laid out a large sheet of paper on a chest and on it drew a complete keyboard with which he painstakingly practiced sight reading, playing notes and composing in his imagination.
Some people stay for ten days to a fortnight, doing nothing but staring out at the sea, sleeping, and losing themselves in thought, while others come to listen to music, read, or write with no-one around to bother them.
Newsmakers A fleet of Republic of China naval vessels arrived at Pushan, Korea on July 22 on a two-day goodwill mission. It received warm welcome from Korean friends and overseas Chinese in Korea.
The school band of Chinese Navy Officers and Chinese Navy honor guards gave a performance in the streets the next day.
The 1976 national reconstruction seminar opened at the Armed Forces Officers 'Club in Taipei on August 1, with Education Minister Y. S. Tsiang presiding. A total of 130 Chinese scholars and experts from home and abroad attended the 17-day meeting.
The participants were divided into eight panel groups to discuss specific topics in their specialized field, education and culture, business and industry, financial and monetary affairs communications reconstruction, agricultural reconstruction, social welfare, public health and urban development.
The foreign trade of the Republic of China has improved in 1976.
The establishment's owners hope to encourage guests to linger in the area to experience firsthand the Truku people's customs and culture.
Composed of five wooden cabins surrounding a wooden pavilion, Laulai is situated amidst the tribal village in Hsiulin Township, only five minutes from Taroko National Park.
距離太魯閣國家公園只有 5 分鐘車程的荖萊居民宿,位於秀林鄉的部落之中,以木造涼亭為中心,5 間小木屋圍繞在四周。
And his silver hair and bony frame will forever be visible in the silver medallion of the moon's reflection on sea.
Bountiful Harvest Filling Rice Bowls Reports on the first crop of rice indicate a good harvest this year. When the first crop is harvested in August, according to Taiwan Provincial Food Bureau, the estimated rice production will be more than 1,350,000 metric tons, the highest record for the first crop.
Thus the farmers became much more interested in growing rice, and the acreage of rice production increased markedly.
It's becoming increasingly difficult, however, to actually see anybody with facial tattoos in Hsiulin.
The first principle is particularly important in inducing a good harvest.
To maintain a reasonable price for rice, the government first, sets a guaranteed price, then appropriates funds to purchase rice without limit. As the farmers now are able to obtain reasonable profit, their interest in growing rice has increased sharply. And the acreage of rice paddies and rice production also has increased steadily.
Beside the Kaochi Highway in Tashu Hsiang of Kaohsiung County, Fo Kuang Mountain stands as the torch of Buddha. Facing the Kaoping River, it is higher than all the other points nearby.
Hu, who started learning to weave at age 16, explains that the workshop was established in 2000 to develop new techniques, while learning traditional techniques from the tribe's elders. The Natulan Workshop's many creations, from handbags and backpacks to mobile phone cases and shawls, are very popular with both tribe members and visitors.
胡秀蘭指出,自己從 16 歲開始學織布,民國 89 年成立工作室後,一方面創新技法,一方面向部落裡的長輩們學習正統的古老技法,以期能在不喪失傳統文化特色下有所突破,舉凡手提袋、背包、手機袋、披肩等等,都廣受部落和到訪遊客的歡迎。
Kao hopes her BBB will encourage customers to visitors to linger and take in the whole tribal village as a complete showcase which is dedicated to continuing and passing on the indigenous culture.
Problem is, Hualien simply has too many scenic spots. Very few people are willing to linger long enough to really soak in Hsiulin's indigenous culture as they dash from place to place.
The Buddhist Murals in the Tunhuang caves of Kansu Province are art treasures that date back to the period of the 4th to 7th centuries.
They have internationally known since 1900, when Buddhist scriptures were reportedly found in these caves.
During the period of anti-Japanese War, famed artist Chang Dai-ch'ien went to Tunhuang, where he copied the murals in Mokao Cave, Yulin Cave and other caverns for three years. This made the Tunhuang murals even more famous.
In Chang's opinion, the Tunhuang paintings are outstanding artistic works of the Chinese medieval age. They reveal Chinese art development from North Wei to the Yuan dynasty.
With tough competition in the market, how is Tranquil Garden overturning the notion of the "economical" guesthouse?
Situated on Luotung Township farm property, Tranquil Garden doesn't have impressive mountain or ocean views, but it is peaceful and open in all directions and it's also close to Luotung Park. It's a good place for a relaxing vacation.
Suao-Good Port in Tough Location
Huang, who had always done well in life, took a bold strategy opening the guesthouse, deciding to go after an upscale market.
Four major earthquakes hit the Tangshan, Szechwan and Kansu areas of the Chinese mainland in July and August, causing heavy casualties.
Huang says with a laugh that unmarried couples are willing to splurge for the romantic atmosphere, but he's never had a married couple in the Ubud Palace--it seems that after marriage, couples get more "practical."
The relief items are being sent by balloons from the offshore islands of Quemoy and Matsu to the earthquake-stricken areas of the mainland. According to intelligence reports, Chinese Communist MIG fighters in Antung, Hopeh, Honan, Kwangtung and Fukien have tried to intercept and shoot down balloons carrying the humanitarian aid from the Republic of China.
Modernization of management methods to increase efficiency. With rapid economic development and the rising standard of living, people in Taiwan have greater needs for telephone service.