[MALE] wanted a tattoo so badly
i used to collect comic art
[MALE] was a picky eater
[MALE] was on a picnic with his family
[FEMALE] was listening to music
[MALE] thought he was a very talented poet
[MALE] was building a bed
the ducks played their championship basketball game today
christmas day was upon us , and everyone in the family was happy
we went to a community yard sale last week
[NEUTRAL] wanted to buy her first car
[FEMALE] had cooked two eggs for breakfast
[FEMALE] wanted a new lamp
[MALE] was very hungry after work
when i was young we had an in the ground swimming pool
i was cleaning my kitchen last night
[MALE] had a big football game to play in one day
[FEMALE] was yawning
i was making breakfast for my family
[MALE] noticed graffiti in his school 's bathroom
[FEMALE] sat by the fire
[FEMALE] loved the rain
[FEMALE] 's car was sliding in the snow
i was xmas shopping the other day
[MALE] had an old stove
[FEMALE] went to new york on vacation
[FEMALE] was a small girl with few friends
[MALE] submitted his application for the graduate program
[FEMALE] received a bright yellow winter coat for her birthday
the [MALE] family had a fire in their home one day
[MALE] 's family was growing
[MALE] bought new headphones
[FEMALE] loved being organized
while taking the trash out [MALE] noticed a rat
[FEMALE] 's college was looking for judges for a writing competition
[FEMALE] was part of the cheerleading squad
[MALE] had been in foster care since he was a baby
two men were talking in a bar
[MALE] was at his father 's funeral
a new park opened in the neighborhood
[FEMALE] threw a frisbee to her dog
when he was 16 , [MALE] 's family had to move to louisiana
jerod put on some old music he listened to as a teenager
[FEMALE] dog likes to chase my cat
[MALE] and [MALE] were best friendsone day [MALE] was having a bad day[MALE] notices this and wanted to do somethinghe took [MALE] out to his favorite restaurantjakes mood improved and he was very appreciative
[MALE] was taking his first flight
[FEMALE] 's teacher wrote a word on the blackboard
[FEMALE] is in a biology class
today i ordered a new silver coin
[MALE] laid in bed while his wife worked on her crowdsourcing website
[MALE] was the cutest dog anyone had ever seen
the weitz family decided everyone would make their own christmas card
[FEMALE] studied hard for her test
[MALE] [MALE] was a legendary basketball player
[FEMALE] loved [MALE] and helping people
[NEUTRAL] was playing football
this fourth of [FEMALE] , our family went up state to a cabin on a lake
i woke up early to watch cartoons yesterday
[FEMALE] nephew 's wife is obese
[FEMALE] extended family was planning a visit to see me
[FEMALE] went swimming in the beach
[FEMALE] had been practicing for weeks for the dance
[FEMALE] had to go to the doctors
[FEMALE] was about to go inside of the grocery store
the bowling alley was in a state of chaos
[MALE] was playing outside
[FEMALE] mother bought me a crock pot
[NEUTRAL] was feeling sad because her husband was sick
[FEMALE] was five when her mom announced she was getting sisters
[FEMALE] was jubilant when she came out of her boss ' office
[FEMALE] girlfriend drug me to the opera with her
ron was a fast food worker at wendy 's
[MALE] was a [MALE]
[MALE] had a vision of a product to save lives
[NEUTRAL] laughed so hard her ribs hurt
[MALE] was traveling in [FEMALE]
[FEMALE] decided to start a diary
it was christmas morning
[MALE] was shoveling the snow in his driveway
[MALE] was having a birthday party at his house this weekend
i was excited for fall
[MALE] wanted ice cream but he was sick
in the restaurant kitchen , one of the cooks was making sauce
[MALE] saved his money from his job for years
[FEMALE] was supposed to take her sat exams in a few hours
[MALE] was eating at a restaurant
[NEUTRAL] made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
[FEMALE] had never been on an airplane before
[MALE] needed a new car
[FEMALE] brought home a wheel of cheesecake
a new family moved in next door to [NEUTRAL]
[FEMALE] had been with [MALE] for a few months
the smiths had just gotten married
[MALE] loves to play in the snow
[FEMALE] was very old
the man tried to start the tractor
[NEUTRAL] loved the change of seasons
[MALE] wanted to go on a road trip
[MALE] decided to become a bodybuilder
[MALE] needed groceries but his car was at the mechanic 's