[MALE] tried to open the door but a furry dog would n't let him
the neighborhood always has a pool party
[FEMALE] was running for mayor
[MALE] was now ten and could be left without a babysitter
i was eagerly waiting for a package to arrive
i once had a roommate who put a ton of sugar in his coffee
[MALE] had a dog named [FEMALE]
[MALE] had a lot of remotes for his home theater system
i love eating pasta
[FEMALE] wife got her ashes this [FEMALE]
[MALE] bought the new black sabbath albumhe sat in his room and turned off the lightshe lit candles to set a moodhe listened to the album the whole way throughhe loved it
[FEMALE] had a crush on the neighbor
it was christmas morning and [FEMALE] and her family were opening presents
[NEUTRAL] was looking after a friend 's cat for the weekend
[MALE] lost his glasses
[NEUTRAL] realized something was wrong with her washing machine
[MALE] went skating with friends
[FEMALE] was at work
[FEMALE] loved fishing
[MALE] had diabetes
[NEUTRAL] raised one vicious german [MALE]
[FEMALE] friend stayed with me in the hotel
[NEUTRAL] wanted to eat at a restaurant she 's never been to
[MALE] loved to watch olympic curling
the student was doing his homework
[NEUTRAL] 's mom packed her a ham sandwich for lunch again
[NEUTRAL] ordered a pizza
i got a new kitten yesterday
[MALE] was playing basketball with his neighbor
[NEUTRAL] 's preteen daughter was going to her very first sleepover
[MALE] noticed a wild hare in his yard one night
[FEMALE] had a hard time falling asleep at night
[FEMALE] loves pork chops
[MALE] was obsessed with fantasy football for three years
[MALE] enjoyed reading the newspaper every day
[FEMALE] began to feel nauseated after lunch
the kids were walking down the street
all of her life [NEUTRAL] loved being near the water
[MALE] was 20 when her sister died from cancer
[FEMALE] was trying to sneak out of her house
[NEUTRAL] wanted to go to bed , but thought he 'd do just one more task
the floorboard squeaked underfoot
[FEMALE] was excited to go to dinner at [FEMALE] 's
[MALE] was excited to lose his first tooth
[FEMALE] left buckets of water out for her fish tanks
[FEMALE] neighbor used to decorate his house for christmas
[MALE] was at a picnic
the baseball player wanted to hit the ball and reach first base
i decided that i needed a new computer
i was walking down the street one late night
i was sitting my backyard
the family went to the fare
[MALE] made a special cake for the cake walk
[MALE] was walking to the grocery store
[FEMALE] was reading a thriller book when she heard a noise outside
[NEUTRAL] went to see a fortune teller
i had saved up enough money to go on a week long vacation
[FEMALE] was playing outside in her backyard
[NEUTRAL] and [FEMALE] were twins
[FEMALE] loved nature and to hike in the woods
[MALE] had been preparing for baseball tryouts all winter
i hated mechanical turk
[MALE] the peregrine falcon fell out of his nest as a baby
it had snowed the night before
[MALE] had always wanted to write an article for his local paper
[NEUTRAL] hosted a checker party at his house with dress requirements
[MALE] 's work had labor shortages
[FEMALE] was in the hospital giving birth to her first child
melo really liked to play sports
[MALE] was very bored at work
[MALE] 's friend [MALE] played the drums
[FEMALE] reached for a bag of grapes
i have a date with grandpa today
[FEMALE] had a soccer game on friday
[MALE] and kosmo were best friends
[MALE] went speed dating one night
[MALE] [MALE] is known as the [MALE]
[FEMALE] had a big crush on a popular teen heart-throb
[FEMALE] was waiting on her granddaughter [FEMALE] to get dressed
i went to the store with only five dollars
[MALE] walked into the classroom monday morning
[FEMALE] was starting her job as a kindergarten teacher
[MALE] escaped from prison
[FEMALE] had never been on a private jet before
[MALE] had an addiction
[FEMALE] was caught in a snowstorm one day
the family boarded the train
[MALE] was really drunk
i always wanted a game system
[FEMALE] had been out in the sun for a long time
[FEMALE] loves christmas time
[FEMALE] put on her best dress , a red and blue modest shift
[MALE] was poor
[FEMALE] was sleeping on the beach
[MALE] saw it one day while walking downtown with his mom
[MALE] was having dinner with his family
the spider made a web
d'albe albe liked to sing
[FEMALE] was waiting for the elevator with her grandmother
all the kids in the neighborhood came out after dinner