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Title: Countdown Regression: Sharp and Calibrated Survival Predictions. Abstract: Personalized probabilistic forecasts of time to event (such as mortality) can be crucial in decision making, especially in the clinical setting. Inspired by ideas from the meteorology literature, we approach this problem through the paradigm of maximizing sharpness of prediction distributions, subject to calibration. In regression problems, it has been shown that optimizing the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) instead of maximum likelihood leads to sharper prediction distributions while maintaining calibration. We introduce the Survival-CRPS, a generalization of the CRPS to the time to event setting, and present right-censored and interval-censored variants. To holistically evaluate the quality of predicted distributions over time to event, we present the scale agnostic Survival-AUPRC evaluation metric, an analog to area under the precision-recall curve. We apply these ideas by building a recurrent neural network for mortality prediction, using an Electronic Health Record dataset covering millions of patients. We demonstrate significant benefits in models trained by the Survival-CRPS objective instead of maximum likelihood. | reject |
Title: Data Sharing without Rewards in Multi-Task Offline Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) bears the promise to learn effective control policies from static datasets but is thus far unable to learn from large databases of heterogeneous experience. The multi-task version of offline RL enables the possibility of learning a single policy that can tackle multiple tasks and allows the algorithm to share offline data across tasks. Recent works indicate that sharing data between tasks can be highly beneficial in multi-task learning. However, these benefits come at a cost -- for data to be shared between tasks, each transition must be annotated with reward labels corresponding to other tasks. This is particularly expensive and unscalable, since the manual effort in annotating reward grows quadratically with the number of tasks. Can we retain the benefits of data sharing without requiring reward relabeling for every task pair? In this paper, we show that, perhaps surprisingly, under a binary-reward assumption, simply utilizing data from other tasks with constant reward labels can not only provide a substantial improvement over only using the single-task data and previously proposed success classifiers, but it can also reach comparable performance to baselines that take advantage of the oracle multi-task reward information. We also show that this performance can be further improved by selectively deciding which transitions to share, again without introducing any additional models or classifiers. We discuss how these approaches relate to each other and baseline strategies under various assumptions on the dataset. Our empirical results show that it leads to improved performance across a range of different multi-task offline RL scenarios, including robotic manipulation from visual inputs and ant-maze navigation. | reject |
Title: DeepSphere: a graph-based spherical CNN. Abstract: Designing a convolution for a spherical neural network requires a delicate tradeoff between efficiency and rotation equivariance. DeepSphere, a method based on a graph representation of the discretized sphere, strikes a controllable balance between these two desiderata. This contribution is twofold. First, we study both theoretically and empirically how equivariance is affected by the underlying graph with respect to the number of pixels and neighbors. Second, we evaluate DeepSphere on relevant problems. Experiments show state-of-the-art performance and demonstrates the efficiency and flexibility of this formulation. Perhaps surprisingly, comparison with previous work suggests that anisotropic filters might be an unnecessary price to pay. Our code is available at | accept |
Title: Emergent Symbols through Binding in External Memory. Abstract: A key aspect of human intelligence is the ability to infer abstract rules directly from high-dimensional sensory data, and to do so given only a limited amount of training experience. Deep neural network algorithms have proven to be a powerful tool for learning directly from high-dimensional data, but currently lack this capacity for data-efficient induction of abstract rules, leading some to argue that symbol-processing mechanisms will be necessary to account for this capacity. In this work, we take a step toward bridging this gap by introducing the Emergent Symbol Binding Network (ESBN), a recurrent network augmented with an external memory that enables a form of variable-binding and indirection. This binding mechanism allows symbol-like representations to emerge through the learning process without the need to explicitly incorporate symbol-processing machinery, enabling the ESBN to learn rules in a manner that is abstracted away from the particular entities to which those rules apply. Across a series of tasks, we show that this architecture displays nearly perfect generalization of learned rules to novel entities given only a limited number of training examples, and outperforms a number of other competitive neural network architectures. | accept |
Title: Classify and Generate Reciprocally: Simultaneous Positive-Unlabelled Learning and Conditional Generation with Extra Data. Abstract: The scarcity of class-labeled data is a ubiquitous bottleneck in a wide range of machine learning problems. While abundant unlabeled data normally exist and provide a potential solution, it is extremely challenging to exploit them. In this paper, we address this problem by leveraging Positive-Unlabeled~(PU) classification and the conditional generation with extra unlabeled data \emph{simultaneously}, both of which aim to make full use of agnostic unlabeled data to improve classification and generation performance. In particular, we present a novel training framework to jointly target both PU classification and conditional generation when exposing to extra data, especially out-of-distribution unlabeled data, by exploring the interplay between them: 1) enhancing the performance of PU classifiers with the assistance of a novel Conditional Generative Adversarial Network~(CGAN) that is robust to noisy labels, 2) leveraging extra data with predicted labels from a PU classifier to help the generation. Our key contribution is a Classifier-Noise-Invariant Conditional GAN~(CNI-CGAN) that can learn the clean data distribution from noisy labels predicted by a PU classifier. Theoretically, we proved the optimal condition of CNI-CGAN and experimentally, we conducted extensive evaluations on diverse datasets, verifying the simultaneous improvements on both classification and generation. | reject |
Title: Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations. Abstract: Creating noise from data is easy; creating data from noise is generative modeling. We present a stochastic differential equation (SDE) that smoothly transforms a complex data distribution to a known prior distribution by slowly injecting noise, and a corresponding reverse-time SDE that transforms the prior distribution back into the data distribution by slowly removing the noise.
Crucially, the reverse-time SDE depends only on the time-dependent gradient field (a.k.a., score) of the perturbed data distribution. By leveraging advances in score-based generative modeling, we can accurately estimate these scores with neural networks, and use numerical SDE solvers to generate samples. We show that this framework encapsulates previous approaches in score-based generative modeling and diffusion probabilistic modeling, allowing for new sampling procedures and new modeling capabilities. In particular, we introduce a predictor-corrector framework to correct errors in the evolution of the discretized reverse-time SDE. We also derive an equivalent neural ODE that samples from the same distribution as the SDE, but additionally enables exact likelihood computation, and improved sampling efficiency. In addition, we provide a new way to solve inverse problems with score-based models, as demonstrated with experiments on class-conditional generation, image inpainting, and colorization. Combined with multiple architectural improvements, we achieve record-breaking performance for unconditional image generation on CIFAR-10 with an Inception score of 9.89 and FID of 2.20, a competitive likelihood of 2.99 bits/dim, and demonstrate high fidelity generation of $1024\times 1024$ images for the first time from a score-based generative model. | accept |
Title: Model Compression via Symmetries of the Parameter Space. Abstract: We provide a theoretical framework for neural networks in terms of the representation theory of quivers, thus revealing symmetries of the parameter space of neural networks. An exploitation of these symmetries leads to a model compression algorithm for radial neural networks based on an analogue of the QR decomposition. The algorithm is lossless; the compressed model has the same feedforward function as the original model. If applied before training, optimization of the compressed model by gradient descent is equivalent to a projected version of gradient descent on the original model. | reject |
Title: Unsupervised Learning of Graph Hierarchical Abstractions with Differentiable Coarsening and Optimal Transport. Abstract: Hierarchical abstractions are a methodology for solving large-scale graph problems in various disciplines. Coarsening is one such approach: it generates a pyramid of graphs whereby the one in the next level is a structural summary of the prior one. With a long history in scientific computing, many coarsening strategies were developed based on mathematically driven heuristics. Recently, resurgent interests exist in deep learning to design hierarchical methods learnable through differentiable parameterization. These approaches are paired with downstream tasks for supervised learning. In this work, we propose an unsupervised approach, coined \textsc{OTCoarsening}, with the use of optimal transport. Both the coarsening matrix and the transport cost matrix are parameterized, so that an optimal coarsening strategy can be learned and tailored for a given set of graphs. We demonstrate that the proposed approach produces meaningful coarse graphs and yields competitive performance compared with supervised methods for graph classification. | reject |
Title: Inductive Bias of Gradient Descent for Exponentially Weight Normalized Smooth Homogeneous Neural Nets. Abstract: We analyze the inductive bias of gradient descent for weight normalized smooth homogeneous neural nets, when trained on exponential or cross-entropy loss. Our analysis focuses on exponential weight normalization (EWN), which encourages weight updates along the radial direction. This paper shows that the gradient flow path with EWN is equivalent to gradient flow on standard networks with an adaptive learning rate, and hence causes the weights to be updated in a way that prefers asymptotic relative sparsity. These results can be extended to hold for gradient descent via an appropriate adaptive learning rate. The asymptotic convergence rate of the loss in this setting is given by $\Theta(\frac{1}{t(\log t)^2})$, and is independent of the depth of the network. We contrast these results with the inductive bias of standard weight normalization (SWN) and unnormalized architectures, and demonstrate their implications on synthetic data sets.Experimental results on simple data sets and architectures support our claim on sparse EWN solutions, even with SGD. This demonstrates its potential applications in learning prunable neural networks. | reject |
Title: Learning Representations for Faster Similarity Search. Abstract: In high dimensions, the performance of nearest neighbor algorithms depends crucially on structure in the data.
While traditional nearest neighbor datasets consisted mostly of hand-crafted feature vectors, an increasing number of datasets comes from representations learned with neural networks.
We study the interaction between nearest neighbor algorithms and neural networks in more detail.
We find that the network architecture can significantly influence the efficacy of nearest neighbor algorithms even when the classification accuracy is unchanged.
Based on our experiments, we propose a number of training modifications that lead to significantly better datasets for nearest neighbor algorithms.
Our modifications lead to learned representations that can accelerate nearest neighbor queries by 5x. | reject |
Title: Cold Brew: Distilling Graph Node Representations with Incomplete or Missing Neighborhoods. Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in node classification, regression, and recommendation tasks. GNNs work well when rich and high-quality connections are available. However, their effectiveness is often jeopardized in many real-world graphs in which node degrees have power-law distributions. The extreme case of this situation, where a node may have no neighbors, is called Strict Cold Start (SCS). SCS forces the prediction to rely completely on the node's own features. We propose Cold Brew, a teacher-student distillation approach to address the SCS and noisy-neighbor challenges for GNNs. We also introduce feature contribution ratio (FCR), a metric to quantify the behavior of inductive GNNs to solve SCS. We experimentally show that FCR disentangles the contributions of different graph data components and helps select the best architecture for SCS generalization. We further demonstrate the superior performance of Cold Brew on several public benchmark and proprietary e-commerce datasets, where many nodes have either very few or noisy connections. Our source code is available at | accept |
Title: Using Document Similarity Methods to create Parallel Datasets for Code Translation. Abstract: Translating source code from one programming language to another is a critical, time-consuming task in modernizing legacy applications and codebases. Recent work in this space has drawn inspiration from the software naturalness hypothesis by applying natural language processing techniques towards automating the code translation task. However, due to the paucity of parallel data in this domain, supervised techniques have only been applied to a limited set of popular programming languages. To bypass this limitation, unsupervised neural machine translation techniques have been proposed to learn code translation using only monolingual corpora. In this work, we propose to use document similarity methods to create noisy parallel datasets of code, thus enabling supervised techniques to be applied for automated code translation without having to rely on the availability or expensive curation of parallel code datasets. We explore the noise tolerance of models trained on such automatically-created datasets and show that these models perform comparably to models trained on ground truth for reasonable levels of noise. Finally, we exhibit the practical utility of the proposed method by creating parallel datasets for languages beyond the ones explored in prior work, thus expanding the set of programming languages for automated code translation. | reject |
Title: Lyapunov-based Safe Policy Optimization. Abstract: In many reinforcement learning applications, it is crucial that the agent interacts with the environment only through safe policies, i.e.,~policies that do not take the agent to certain undesirable situations. These problems are often formulated as a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) in which the agent's goal is to optimize its main objective while not violating a number of safety constraints. In this paper, we propose safe policy optimization algorithms that are based on the Lyapunov approach to CMDPs, an approach that has well-established theoretical guarantees in control engineering. We first show how to generate a set of state-dependent Lyapunov constraints from the original CMDP safety constraints. We then propose safe policy gradient algorithms that train a neural network policy using DDPG or PPO, while guaranteeing near-constraint satisfaction at every policy update by projecting either the policy parameter or the action onto the set of feasible solutions induced by the linearized Lyapunov constraints. Unlike the existing (safe) constrained PG algorithms, ours are more data efficient as they are able to utilize both on-policy and off-policy data. Furthermore, the action-projection version of our algorithms often leads to less conservative policy updates and allows for natural integration into an end-to-end PG training pipeline. We evaluate our algorithms and compare them with CPO and the Lagrangian method on several high-dimensional continuous state and action simulated robot locomotion tasks, in which the agent must satisfy certain safety constraints while minimizing its expected cumulative cost. | reject |
Title: Attention on Abstract Visual Reasoning. Abstract: Attention mechanisms have been boosting the performance of deep learning models on a wide range of applications, ranging from speech understanding to program induction. However, despite experiments from psychology which suggest that attention plays an essential role in visual reasoning, the full potential of attention mechanisms has so far not been explored to solve abstract cognitive tasks on image data. In this work, we propose a hybrid network architecture, grounded on self-attention and relational reasoning. We call this new model Attention Relation Network (ARNe). ARNe combines features from the recently introduced Transformer and the Wild Relation Network (WReN). We test ARNe on the Procedurally Generated Matrices (PGMs) datasets for abstract visual reasoning. ARNe excels the WReN model on this task by 11.28 ppt. Relational concepts between objects are efficiently learned demanding only 35% of the training samples to surpass reported accuracy of the base line model. Our proposed hybrid model, represents an alternative on learning abstract relations using self-attention and demonstrates that the Transformer network is also well suited for abstract visual reasoning. | reject |
Title: Improving Relational Regularized Autoencoders with Spherical Sliced Fused Gromov Wasserstein. Abstract: Relational regularized autoencoder (RAE) is a framework to learn the distribution of data by minimizing a reconstruction loss together with a relational regularization on the prior of latent space. A recent attempt to reduce the inner discrepancy between the prior and aggregated posterior distributions is to incorporate sliced fused Gromov-Wasserstein (SFG) between these distributions. That approach has a weakness since it treats every slicing direction similarly, meanwhile several directions are not useful for the discriminative task. To improve the discrepancy and consequently the relational regularization, we propose a new relational discrepancy, named spherical sliced fused Gromov Wasserstein (SSFG), that can find an important area of projections characterized by a von Mises-Fisher distribution. Then, we introduce two variants of SSFG to improve its performance. The first variant, named mixture spherical sliced fused Gromov Wasserstein (MSSFG), replaces the vMF distribution by a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions to capture multiple important areas of directions that are far from each other. The second variant, named power spherical sliced fused Gromov Wasserstein (PSSFG), replaces the vMF distribution by a power spherical distribution to improve the sampling time of the vMF distribution in high dimension settings. We then apply the new discrepancies to the RAE framework to achieve its new variants. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to show that the new autoencoders have favorable performance in learning latent manifold structure, image generation, and reconstruction. | accept |
Title: Class Imbalance in Few-Shot Learning. Abstract: Few-shot learning aims to train models on a limited number of labeled samples from a support set in order to generalize to unseen samples from a query set. In the standard setup, the support set contains an equal amount of data points for each class. This assumption overlooks many practical considerations arising from the dynamic nature of the real world, such as class imbalance. In this paper, we present a detailed study of few-shot class imbalance along three axes: dataset vs. support set imbalance, effect of different imbalance distributions (linear, step, random), and effect of rebalancing techniques. We extensively compare over 10 state-of-the-art few-shot learning methods using backbones of different depths on multiple datasets. Our analysis reveals that 1) compared to the balanced task, the performances of their class-imbalance counterparts always drop, by up to $18.0\%$ for optimization-based methods, although feature-transfer and metric-based methods generally suffer less, 2) strategies used to mitigate imbalance in supervised learning can be adapted to the few-shot case resulting in better performances, 3) the effects of imbalance at the dataset level are less significant than the effects at the support set level. The code to reproduce the experiments is released under an open-source license. | reject |
Title: Smoothness and Stability in GANs. Abstract: Generative adversarial networks, or GANs, commonly display unstable behavior during training. In this work, we develop a principled theoretical framework for understanding the stability of various types of GANs. In particular, we derive conditions that guarantee eventual stationarity of the generator when it is trained with gradient descent, conditions that must be satisfied by the divergence that is minimized by the GAN and the generator's architecture. We find that existing GAN variants satisfy some, but not all, of these conditions. Using tools from convex analysis, optimal transport, and reproducing kernels, we construct a GAN that fulfills these conditions simultaneously. In the process, we explain and clarify the need for various existing GAN stabilization techniques, including Lipschitz constraints, gradient penalties, and smooth activation functions. | accept |
Title: Refining the variational posterior through iterative optimization. Abstract: Variational inference (VI) is a popular approach for approximate Bayesian inference that is particularly promising for highly parameterized models such as deep neural networks. A key challenge of variational inference is to approximate the posterior over model parameters with a distribution that is simpler and tractable yet sufficiently expressive. In this work, we propose a method for training highly flexible variational distributions by starting with a coarse approximation and iteratively refining it. Each refinement step makes cheap, local adjustments and only requires optimization of simple variational families. We demonstrate theoretically that our method always improves a bound on the approximation (the Evidence Lower BOund) and observe this empirically across a variety of benchmark tasks. In experiments, our method consistently outperforms recent variational inference methods for deep learning in terms of log-likelihood and the ELBO. We see that the gains are further amplified on larger scale models, significantly outperforming standard VI and deep ensembles on residual networks on CIFAR10. | reject |
Title: Learning Monotonic Alignments with Source-Aware GMM Attention. Abstract: Transformers with soft attention have been widely adopted in various sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) tasks. Whereas soft attention is effective for learning semantic similarities between queries and keys based on their contents, it does not explicitly model the order of elements in sequences which is crucial for monotonic Seq2Seq tasks. Learning monotonic alignments between input and output sequences may be beneficial for long-form and online inference applications that are still challenging for the conventional soft attention algorithm. Herein, we focus on monotonic Seq2Seq tasks and propose a source-aware Gaussian mixture model attention in which the attention scores are monotonically calculated considering both the content and order of the source sequence. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed attention mechanism improved the performance on the online and long-form speech recognition problems without performance degradation in offline in-distribution speech recognition. | reject |
Title: MDFL: A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK WITH META-DROPOUT FOR FEW-SHOT LEARNING. Abstract: Conventional training of deep neural networks usually requires a substantial amount of data with expensive human annotations. In this paper, we utilize the idea of meta-learning to integrate two very different streams of few-shot learning, i.e., the episodic meta-learning-based and pre-train finetune-based few-shot learning, and form a unified meta-learning framework. In order to improve the generalization power of our framework, we propose a simple yet effective strategy named meta-dropout, which is applied to the transferable knowledge generalized from base categories to novel categories. The proposed strategy can effectively prevent neural units from co-adapting excessively in the meta-training stage. Extensive experiments on the few-shot object detection and few-shot image classification datasets, i.e., Pascal VOC, MS COCO, CUB, and mini-ImageNet, validate the effectiveness of our method.
| reject |
Title: Diversity and Depth in Per-Example Routing Models. Abstract: Routing models, a form of conditional computation where examples are routed through a subset of components in a larger network, have shown promising results in recent works. Surprisingly, routing models to date have lacked important properties, such as architectural diversity and large numbers of routing decisions. Both architectural diversity and routing depth can increase the representational power of a routing network. In this work, we address both of these deficiencies. We discuss the significance of architectural diversity in routing models, and explain the tradeoffs between capacity and optimization when increasing routing depth. In our experiments, we find that adding architectural diversity to routing models significantly improves performance, cutting the error rates of a strong baseline by 35% on an Omniglot setup. However, when scaling up routing depth, we find that modern routing techniques struggle with optimization. We conclude by discussing both the positive and negative results, and suggest directions for future research. | accept |
Title: Towards Understanding Data Values: Empirical Results on Synthetic Data. Abstract: Understanding the influence of data on machine learning models is an emerging research field. Inspired by recent work in data valuation, we perform several experiments to get an intuition for this influence on a multi-layer perceptron. We generate a synthetic two-dimensional data set to visualize how different valuation methods value data points on a mesh grid spanning the relevant feature space. In this setting, individual data values can be derived directly from the impact of the respective data points on the decision boundary. Our results show that the most important data points are the miss-classified ones. Furthermore, despite performance differences on real world data sets, all investigated methods except one qualitatively agree on the data values derived from our experiments. Finally, we place our results into the recent literature and discuss data values and their relationship to other methods. | reject |
Title: Exploring the Limits of Large Scale Pre-training. Abstract: Recent developments in large-scale machine learning suggest that by scaling up data, model size and training time properly, one might observe that improvements in pre-training would transfer favorably to most downstream tasks. In this work we systematically study this phenomena and establish that, as we increase the upstream accuracy, performance of downstream tasks \emph{saturates}. In particular, we investigate more than 4800 experiments on Vision Transformers, MLP-Mixers and ResNets with number of parameters ranging from ten million to ten billion, trained on the largest scale of available image data (JFT, ImageNet21K) and evaluated on more than 20 downstream image recognition tasks. We propose a model for downstream performance that reflects the saturation phenomena and captures the nonlinear relationship in performance of upstream and downstream tasks. Delving deeper to understand the reasons that give rise to these phenomena, we show that the observed saturation behavior is closely related to the way that representations evolve through the layers of the models. We showcase an even more extreme scenario where performance on upstream and downstream are at odds with each other. That is, in order to have a better downstream performance, we need to hurt upstream accuracy. | accept |
Title: Two Regimes of Generalization for Non-Linear Metric Learning. Abstract: A common approach to metric learning is to seek an embedding of the input data that behaves well with respect to the labels. While generalization bounds for linear embeddings are known, the non-linear case is not well understood. In this work we fill this gap by
providing uniform generalization guarantees for the case where the metric is induced by a neural network type embedding of the data. Specifically, we discover and analyze two regimes of behavior of the networks, which are roughly related to the sparsity of the last layer. The bounds corresponding to the first regime are based on the spectral and $(2,1)$-norms of the weight matrices, while the second regime bounds use the $(2,\infty)$-norm at the last layer, and are significantly stronger when the last layer is dense. In addition, we empirically evaluate the behavior of the bounds for networks trained with SGD on the MNIST and 20newsgroups datasets. In particular, we demonstrate that both regimes occur naturally on realistic data. | reject |
Title: Out-of-Distribution Generalization via Risk Extrapolation (REx). Abstract: Distributional shift is one of the major obstacles when transferring machine learning prediction systems from the lab to the real world. To tackle this problem, we assume that variation across training domains is representative of the variation we might encounter at test time, but also that shifts at test time may be more extreme in magnitude. In particular, we show that reducing differences in risk across training domains can reduce a model’s sensitivity to a wide range of extreme distributional shifts, including the challenging setting where the input contains both causal and anti-causal elements. We motivate this approach, Risk Extrapolation (REx), as a form of robust optimization over a perturbation set of extrapolated domains (MM-REx), and propose a penalty on the variance of training risks (V-REx) as a simpler variant. We prove that variants of REx can recover the causal mechanisms of the targets, while also providing some robustness to changes in the input distribution (``covariate shift''). By appropriately trading-off robustness to causally induced distributional shifts and covariate shift, REx is able to outperform alternative methods such as Invariant Risk Minimization in situations where these types of shift co-occur. | reject |
Title: Show Your Work: Scratchpads for Intermediate Computation with Language Models. Abstract: Large pre-trained language models perform remarkably well on tasks that can be done "in one pass", such as generating realistic text or synthesizing computer programs. However, they struggle with tasks that require unbounded multi-step computation, such as adding integers or executing programs. Surprisingly, we find that these same models are able to perform complex multi-step computations --- even in the few-shot regime --- when asked to perform the operation "step by step", showing the results of intermediate computations. In particular, we train transformers to perform multi-step computations by asking them to emit intermediate computation steps into a "scratchpad". On a series of increasingly complex tasks ranging from long addition to the execution of arbitrary programs, we show that scratchpads dramatically improve the ability of language models to perform multi-step computations. | reject |
Title: Don't encrypt the data; just approximate the model \ Towards Secure Transaction and Fair Pricing of Training Data. Abstract: As machine learning becomes ubiquitous, deployed systems need to be as accu- rate as they can. As a result, machine learning service providers have a surging need for useful, additional training data that benefits training, without giving up all the details about the trained program. At the same time, data owners would like to trade their data for its value, without having to first give away the data itself be- fore receiving compensation. It is difficult for data providers and model providers to agree on a fair price without first revealing the data or the trained model to the other side. Escrow systems only complicate this further, adding an additional layer of trust required of both parties. Currently, data owners and model owners don’t have a fair pricing system that eliminates the need to trust a third party and training the model on the data, which 1) takes a long time to complete, 2) does not guarantee that useful data is paid valuably and that useless data isn’t, without trusting in the third party with both the model and the data. Existing improve- ments to secure the transaction focus heavily on encrypting or approximating the data, such as training on encrypted data, and variants of federated learning. As powerful as the methods appear to be, we show them to be impractical in our use case with real world assumptions for preserving privacy for the data owners when facing black-box models. Thus, a fair pricing scheme that does not rely on secure data encryption and obfuscation is needed before the exchange of data. This pa- per proposes a novel method for fair pricing using data-model efficacy techniques such as influence functions, model extraction, and model compression methods, thus enabling secure data transactions. We successfully show that without running the data through the model, one can approximate the value of the data; that is, if the data turns out redundant, the pricing is minimal, and if the data leads to proper improvement, its value is properly assessed, without placing strong assumptions on the nature of the model. Future work will be focused on establishing a system with stronger transactional security against adversarial attacks that will reveal details about the model or the data to the other party. | reject |
Title: Stochastic Conditional Generative Networks with Basis Decomposition. Abstract: While generative adversarial networks (GANs) have revolutionized machine learning, a number of open questions remain to fully understand them and exploit their power. One of these questions is how to efficiently achieve proper diversity and sampling of the multi-mode data space. To address this, we introduce BasisGAN, a stochastic conditional multi-mode image generator. By exploiting the observation that a convolutional filter can be well approximated as a linear combination of a small set of basis elements, we learn a plug-and-played basis generator to stochastically generate basis elements, with just a few hundred of parameters, to fully embed stochasticity into convolutional filters. By sampling basis elements instead of filters, we dramatically reduce the cost of modeling the parameter space with no sacrifice on either image diversity or fidelity. To illustrate this proposed plug-and-play framework, we construct variants of BasisGAN based on state-of-the-art conditional image generation networks, and train the networks by simply plugging in a basis generator, without additional auxiliary components, hyperparameters, or training objectives. The experimental success is complemented with theoretical results indicating how the perturbations introduced by the proposed sampling of basis elements can propagate to the appearance of generated images. | accept |
Title: POLICY DRIVEN GENERATIVE ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS FOR ACCENTED SPEECH GENERATION. Abstract: In this paper, we propose the generation of accented speech using generative adversarial
networks. Through this work we make two main contributions a) The
ability to condition latent representations while generating realistic speech samples
b) The ability to efficiently generate long speech samples by using a novel
latent variable transformation module that is trained using policy gradients. Previous
methods are limited in being able to generate only relatively short samples
or are not very efficient at generating long samples. The generated speech samples
are validated through a number of various evaluation measures viz, a WGAN
critic loss and through subjective scores on user evaluations against competitive
speech synthesis baselines and detailed ablation analysis of the proposed model.
The evaluations demonstrate that the model generates realistic long speech samples
conditioned on accent efficiently. | reject |
Title: When does preconditioning help or hurt generalization?. Abstract: While second order optimizers such as natural gradient descent (NGD) often speed up optimization, their effect on generalization has been called into question. This work presents a more nuanced view on how the \textit{implicit bias} of optimizers affects the comparison of generalization properties.
We provide an exact asymptotic bias-variance decomposition of the generalization error of preconditioned ridgeless regression in the overparameterized regime, and consider the inverse population Fisher information matrix (used in NGD) as a particular example. We determine the optimal preconditioner $\boldsymbol{P}$ for both the bias and variance, and find that the relative generalization performance of different optimizers depends on label noise and ``shape'' of the signal (true parameters): when the labels are noisy, the model is misspecified, or the signal is misaligned with the features, NGD can achieve lower risk; conversely, GD generalizes better under clean labels, a well-specified model, or aligned signal.
Based on this analysis, we discuss several approaches to manage the bias-variance tradeoff, and the potential benefit of interpolating between first- and second-order updates. We then extend our analysis to regression in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space and demonstrate that preconditioning can lead to more efficient decrease in the population risk. Lastly, we empirically compare the generalization error of first- and second-order optimizers in neural network experiments, and observe robust trends matching our theoretical analysis. | accept |
Title: GSmooth: Certified Robustness against Semantic Transformations via Generalized Randomized Smoothing. Abstract: The vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial examples and semantic transformations has limited the applications in risk-sensitive areas. The recent development of certified defense approaches like randomized smoothing provides a promising direction towards building reliable machine learning systems. However, current certified defenses cannot handle complex semantic transformations like rotational blur and defocus blur which are common in practical applications. In this paper, we propose a generalized randomized smoothing framework (GSmooth) for certified robustness against semantic transformations. We provide both a unified and rigorous theoretical framework and scalable algorithms for certified robustness on complex semantic transformations. Specifically, our key idea is to use a surrogate image-to-image neural network to approximate a transformation which provides a powerful tool for studying the properties of semantic transformations and certify the transformation based on this neural network. Experiments on multiple types of semantic perturbations and corruptions using multiple datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. | reject |
Title: ALFWorld: Aligning Text and Embodied Environments for Interactive Learning. Abstract: Given a simple request like Put a washed apple in the kitchen fridge, humans can reason in purely abstract terms by imagining action sequences and scoring their likelihood of success, prototypicality, and efficiency, all without moving a muscle. Once we see the kitchen in question, we can update our abstract plans to fit the scene. Embodied agents require the same abilities, but existing work does not yet provide the infrastructure necessary for both reasoning abstractly and executing concretely. We address this limitation by introducing ALFWorld, a simulator that enables agents to learn abstract, text-based policies in TextWorld (Côté et al., 2018) and then execute goals from the ALFRED benchmark (Shridhar et al., 2020) in a rich visual environment. ALFWorld enables the creation of a new BUTLER agent whose abstract knowledge, learned in TextWorld, corresponds directly to concrete, visually grounded actions. In turn, as we demonstrate empirically, this fosters better agent generalization than training only in the visually grounded environment. BUTLER’s simple, modular design factors the problem to allow researchers to focus on models for improving every piece of the pipeline (language understanding, planning, navigation, and visual scene understanding). | accept |
Title: ReNeg and Backseat Driver: Learning from demonstration with continuous human feedback. Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful framework for solving problems by exploring and learning from mistakes. However, in the context of autonomous vehicle (AV) control, requiring an agent to make mistakes, or even allowing mistakes, can be quite dangerous and costly in the real world. For this reason, AV RL is generally only viable in simulation. Because these simulations have imperfect representations, particularly with respect to graphics, physics, and human interaction, we find motivation for a framework similar to RL, suitable to the real world. To this end, we formulate a learning framework that learns from restricted exploration by having a human demonstrator do the exploration. Existing work on learning from demonstration typically either assumes the collected data is performed by an optimal expert, or requires potentially dangerous exploration to find the optimal policy. We propose an alternative framework that learns continuous control from only safe behavior. One of our key insights is that the problem becomes tractable if the feedback score that rates the demonstration applies to the atomic action, as opposed to the entire sequence of actions. We use human experts to collect driving data as well as to label the driving data through a framework we call ``Backseat Driver'', giving us state-action pairs matched with scalar values representing the score for the action. We call the more general learning framework ReNeg, since it learns a regression from states to actions given negative as well as positive examples. We empirically validate several models in the ReNeg framework, testing on lane-following with limited data. We find that the best solution in this context outperforms behavioral cloning has strong connections to stochastic policy gradient approaches. | reject |
Title: Systematic Generalization: What Is Required and Can It Be Learned?. Abstract: Numerous models for grounded language understanding have been recently proposed, including (i) generic models that can be easily adapted to any given task and (ii) intuitively appealing modular models that require background knowledge to be instantiated. We compare both types of models in how much they lend themselves to a particular form of systematic generalization. Using a synthetic VQA test, we evaluate which models are capable of reasoning about all possible object pairs after training on only a small subset of them. Our findings show that the generalization of modular models is much more systematic and that it is highly sensitive to the module layout, i.e. to how exactly the modules are connected. We furthermore investigate if modular models that generalize well could be made more end-to-end by learning their layout and parametrization. We find that end-to-end methods from prior work often learn inappropriate layouts or parametrizations that do not facilitate systematic generalization. Our results suggest that, in addition to modularity, systematic generalization in language understanding may require explicit regularizers or priors.
| accept |
Title: Generative Learning With Euler Particle Transport. Abstract: We propose an Euler particle transport (EPT) approach for generative learning. The proposed approach is motivated by the problem of finding the optimal transport map from a reference distribution to a target distribution characterized by the Monge-Ampere equation. Interpreting the infinitesimal linearization of the Monge-Ampere equation from the perspective of gradient flows in measure spaces leads to a stochastic McKean-Vlasov equation. We use the forward Euler method to solve this equation. The resulting forward Euler map pushes forward a reference distribution to the target. This map is the composition of a sequence of simple residual maps, which are computationally stable and easy to train. The key task in training is the estimation of the density ratios or differences that determine the residual maps. We estimate the density ratios (differences) based on the Bregman divergence with a gradient penalty using deep density-ratio (difference) fitting. We show that the proposed density-ratio (difference) estimators do not suffer from the ``curse of dimensionality" if data is supported on a lower-dimensional manifold. Numerical experiments with multi-mode synthetic datasets and comparisons with the existing methods on real benchmark datasets support our theoretical results and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. | reject |
Title: Evaluating Lossy Compression Rates of Deep Generative Models. Abstract: Deep generative models have achieved remarkable progress in recent years. Despite this progress, quantitative evaluation and comparison of generative models remains as one of the important challenges. One of the most popular metrics for evaluating generative models is the log-likelihood. While the direct computation of log-likelihood can be intractable, it has been recently shown that the log-likelihood of some of the most interesting generative models such as variational autoencoders (VAE) or generative adversarial networks (GAN) can be efficiently estimated using annealed importance sampling (AIS). In this work, we argue that the log-likelihood metric by itself cannot represent all the different performance characteristics of generative models, and propose to use rate distortion curves to evaluate and compare deep generative models. We show that we can approximate the entire rate distortion curve using one single run of AIS for roughly the same computational cost as a single log-likelihood estimate. We evaluate lossy compression rates of different deep generative models such as VAEs, GANs (and its variants) and adversarial autoencoders (AAE) on MNIST and CIFAR10, and arrive at a number of insights not obtainable from log-likelihoods alone. | reject |
Title: Feature-Robust Optimal Transport for High-Dimensional Data. Abstract: Optimal transport is a machine learning problem with applications including distribution comparison, feature selection, and generative adversarial networks. In this paper, we propose feature-robust optimal transport (FROT) for high-dimensional data, which solves high-dimensional OT problems using feature selection to avoid the curse of dimensionality. Specifically, we find a transport plan with discriminative features. To this end, we formulate the FROT problem as a min--max optimization problem. We then propose a convex formulation of the FROT problem and solve it using a Frank--Wolfe-based optimization algorithm, whereby the subproblem can be efficiently solved using the Sinkhorn algorithm. Since FROT finds the transport plan from selected features, it is robust to noise features. To show the effectiveness of FROT, we propose using the FROT algorithm for the layer selection problem in deep neural networks for semantic correspondence. By conducting synthetic and benchmark experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method can find a strong correspondence by determining important layers. We show that the FROT algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance in real-world semantic correspondence datasets. | reject |
Title: Learnability of Learned Neural Networks. Abstract: This paper explores the simplicity of learned neural networks under various settings: learned on real vs random data, varying size/architecture and using large minibatch size vs small minibatch size. The notion of simplicity used here is that of learnability i.e., how accurately can the prediction function of a neural network be learned from labeled samples from it. While learnability is different from (in fact often higher than) test accuracy, the results herein suggest that there is a strong correlation between small generalization errors and high learnability.
This work also shows that there exist significant qualitative differences in shallow networks as compared to popular deep networks. More broadly, this paper extends in a new direction, previous work on understanding the properties of learned neural networks. Our hope is that such an empirical study of understanding learned neural networks might shed light on the right assumptions that can be made for a theoretical study of deep learning. | reject |
Title: FLAGNet : Feature Label based Automatic Generation Network for symbolic music. Abstract: The technology for automatic music generation has been very actively studied in recent years. However, almost in these studies, handling domain knowledge of music was omitted or considered a difficult task. In particular, research that analyzes and utilizes the characteristics of each bar of music is very rare, even though it is essential in the human composition. We propose a model that generate music with musical characteristics of bars by conditional generative adversarial network, and analyze the good combination of the sequence of which characterized bars for symbolic-domain music generation by Recurrent Neural Network with Long short term memory layer. Also, by analyzing symbolic music data as image-like based on relational pitch approach, it increases the utilization of the data set with arbitrary chord scales and enables the use of generational results extensively. The resulting model FLAGNet generates music with the understanding of musical domain knowledge while handling inputs like minimum unit of note, length of music, chart scales, and chord condition. | reject |
Title: Contrastive Syn-to-Real Generalization. Abstract: Training on synthetic data can be beneficial for label or data-scarce scenarios. However, synthetically trained models often suffer from poor generalization in real domains due to domain gaps. In this work, we make a key observation that the diversity of the learned feature embeddings plays an important role in the generalization performance. To this end, we propose contrastive synthetic-to-real generalization (CSG), a novel framework that leverage the pre-trained ImageNet knowledge to prevent overfitting to the synthetic domain, while promoting the diversity of feature embeddings as an inductive bias to improve generalization. In addition, we enhance the proposed CSG framework with attentional pooling (A-pool) to let the model focus on semantically important regions and further improve its generalization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CSG on various synthetic training tasks, exhibiting state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot domain generalization. | accept |
Title: PACE: A Parallelizable Computation Encoder for Directed Acyclic Graphs. Abstract: Optimization of directed acyclic graph (DAG) structures has many applications, such as neural architecture search (NAS) and probabilistic graphical model learning. Encoding DAGs into real vectors is a dominant component in most neural-network-based DAG optimization frameworks. Currently, most popular DAG encoders use an asynchronous message passing scheme which sequentially processes nodes according to the dependency between nodes in a DAG. That is, a node must not be processed until all its predecessors are processed. As a result, they are inherently not parallelizable. In this work, we propose a Parallelizable Attention-based Computation structure Encoder (PACE) that processes nodes simultaneously and encodes DAGs in parallel. We demonstrate the superiority of PACE through encoder-dependent optimization subroutines that search the optimal DAG structure based on the learned DAG embeddings. Experiments show that PACE not only improves the effectiveness over previous sequential DAG encoders with a significantly boosted training and inference speed, but also generates smooth latent (DAG encoding) spaces that are beneficial to downstream optimization subroutines. | reject |
Title: Adaptivity of deep ReLU network for learning in Besov and mixed smooth Besov spaces: optimal rate and curse of dimensionality. Abstract: Deep learning has shown high performances in various types of tasks from visual recognition to natural language processing,
which indicates superior flexibility and adaptivity of deep learning.
To understand this phenomenon theoretically, we develop a new approximation and estimation error analysis of
deep learning with the ReLU activation for functions in a Besov space and its variant with mixed smoothness.
The Besov space is a considerably general function space including the Holder space and Sobolev space, and especially can capture spatial inhomogeneity of smoothness. Through the analysis in the Besov space, it is shown that deep learning can achieve the minimax optimal rate and outperform any non-adaptive (linear) estimator such as kernel ridge regression,
which shows that deep learning has higher adaptivity to the spatial inhomogeneity of the target function than other estimators such as linear ones. In addition to this, it is shown that deep learning can avoid the curse of dimensionality if the target function is in a mixed smooth Besov space. We also show that the dependency of the convergence rate on the dimensionality is tight due to its minimax optimality. These results support high adaptivity of deep learning and its superior ability as a feature extractor.
| accept |
Title: Model-augmented Prioritized Experience Replay. Abstract: Experience replay is an essential component in off-policy model-free reinforcement learning (MfRL). Due to its effectiveness, various methods for calculating priority scores on experiences have been proposed for sampling. Since critic networks are crucial to policy learning, TD-error, directly correlated to $Q$-values, is one of the most frequently used features to compute the scores. However, critic networks often under- or overestimate $Q$-values, so it is often ineffective to learn to predict $Q$-values by sampled experiences based heavily on TD-error. Accordingly, it is valuable to find auxiliary features, which positively support TD-error in calculating the scores for efficient sampling. Motivated by this, we propose a novel experience replay method, which we call model-augmented prioritized experience replay (MaPER), that employs new learnable features driven from components in model-based RL (MbRL) to calculate the scores on experiences. The proposed MaPER brings the effect of curriculum learning for predicting $Q$-values better by the critic network with negligible memory and computational overhead compared to the vanilla PER. Indeed, our experimental results on various tasks demonstrate that MaPER can significantly improve the performance of the state-of-the-art off-policy MfRL and MbRL which includes off-policy MfRL algorithms in its policy optimization procedure. | accept |
Title: Composing Complex Skills by Learning Transition Policies. Abstract: Humans acquire complex skills by exploiting previously learned skills and making transitions between them. To empower machines with this ability, we propose a method that can learn transition policies which effectively connect primitive skills to perform sequential tasks without handcrafted rewards. To efficiently train our transition policies, we introduce proximity predictors which induce rewards gauging proximity to suitable initial states for the next skill. The proposed method is evaluated on a set of complex continuous control tasks in bipedal locomotion and robotic arm manipulation which traditional policy gradient methods struggle at. We demonstrate that transition policies enable us to effectively compose complex skills with existing primitive skills. The proposed induced rewards computed using the proximity predictor further improve training efficiency by providing more dense information than the sparse rewards from the environments. We make our environments, primitive skills, and code public for further research at . | accept |
Title: Policy path programming. Abstract: We develop a normative theory of hierarchical model-based policy optimization for Markov decision processes resulting in a full-depth, full-width policy iteration algorithm. This method performs policy updates which integrate reward information over all states at all horizons simultaneously thus sequentially maximizing the expected reward obtained per algorithmic iteration. Effectively, policy path programming ascends the expected cumulative reward gradient in the space of policies defined over all state-space paths. An exact formula is derived which finitely parametrizes these path gradients in terms of action preferences. Policy path gradients can be directly computed using an internal model thus obviating the need to sample paths in order to optimize in depth. They are quadratic in successor representation entries and afford natural generalizations to higher-order gradient techniques. In simulations, it is shown that intuitive hierarchical reasoning is emergent within the associated policy optimization dynamics. | reject |
Title: Detecting Noisy Training Data with Loss Curves. Abstract: This paper introduces a new method to discover mislabeled training samples and to mitigate their impact on the training process of deep networks. At the heart of our algorithm lies the Area Under the Loss (AUL) statistic, which can be easily computed for each sample in the training set. We show that the AUL can use training dynamics to differentiate between (clean) samples that benefit from generalization and (mislabeled) samples that need to be “memorized”. We demonstrate that the estimated AUL score conditioned on clean vs. noisy is approximately Gaussian distributed and can be well estimated with a simple Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). The resulting GMM provides us with mixing coefficients that reveal the percentage of mislabeled samples in a data set as well as probability estimates that each individual training sample is mislabeled. We show that these probability estimates can be used to down-weight suspicious training samples and successfully alleviate the damaging impact of label noise. We demonstrate on the CIFAR10/100 datasets that our proposed approach is significantly more accurate and consistent across model architectures than all prior work. | reject |
Title: Lifelong Learning of Compositional Structures. Abstract: A hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to construct self-contained chunks of knowledge and adequately reuse them in novel combinations for solving different yet structurally related problems. Learning such compositional structures has been a significant challenge for artificial systems, due to the combinatorial nature of the underlying search problem. To date, research into compositional learning has largely proceeded separately from work on lifelong or continual learning. We integrate these two lines of work to present a general-purpose framework for lifelong learning of compositional structures that can be used for solving a stream of related tasks. Our framework separates the learning process into two broad stages: learning how to best combine existing components in order to assimilate a novel problem, and learning how to adapt the set of existing components to accommodate the new problem. This separation explicitly handles the trade-off between the stability required to remember how to solve earlier tasks and the flexibility required to solve new tasks, as we show empirically in an extensive evaluation. | accept |
Title: Long Term Memory Network for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Abstract: This paper introduces a framework for solving combinatorial optimization problems by learning from input-output examples of optimization problems. We introduce a new memory augmented neural model in which the memory is not resettable (i.e the information stored in the memory after processing an input example is kept for the next seen examples). We used deep reinforcement learning to train a memory controller agent to store useful memories. Our model was able to outperform hand-crafted solver on Binary Linear Programming (Binary LP). The proposed model is tested on different Binary LP instances with large number of variables (up to 1000 variables) and constrains (up to 700 constrains). | reject |
Title: Deep Graph Matching Consensus. Abstract: This work presents a two-stage neural architecture for learning and refining structural correspondences between graphs. First, we use localized node embeddings computed by a graph neural network to obtain an initial ranking of soft correspondences between nodes. Secondly, we employ synchronous message passing networks to iteratively re-rank the soft correspondences to reach a matching consensus in local neighborhoods between graphs. We show, theoretically and empirically, that our message passing scheme computes a well-founded measure of consensus for corresponding neighborhoods, which is then used to guide the iterative re-ranking process. Our purely local and sparsity-aware architecture scales well to large, real-world inputs while still being able to recover global correspondences consistently. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our method on real-world tasks from the fields of computer vision and entity alignment between knowledge graphs, on which we improve upon the current state-of-the-art. | accept |
Title: Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Multimodal Task Distributions. Abstract: Gradient-based meta-learners such as MAML (Finn et al., 2017) are able to learn a meta-prior from similar tasks to adapt to novel tasks from the same distribution with few gradient updates. One important limitation of such frameworks is that they seek a common initialization shared across the entire task distribution, substantially limiting the diversity of the task distributions that they are able to learn from. In this paper, we augment MAML with the capability to identify tasks sampled from a multimodal task distribution and adapt quickly through gradient updates. Specifically, we propose a multimodal MAML algorithm that is able to modulate its meta-learned prior according to the identified task, allowing faster adaptation. We evaluate the proposed model on a diverse set of problems including regression, few-shot image classification, and reinforcement learning. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in modulating the meta-learned prior in response to the characteristics of tasks sampled from a multimodal distribution. | reject |
Title: A Compressed Sensing View of Unsupervised Text Embeddings, Bag-of-n-Grams, and LSTMs. Abstract: Low-dimensional vector embeddings, computed using LSTMs or simpler techniques, are a popular approach for capturing the “meaning” of text and a form of unsupervised learning useful for downstream tasks. However, their power is not theoretically understood. The current paper derives formal understanding by looking at the subcase of linear embedding schemes. Using the theory of compressed sensing we show that representations combining the constituent word vectors are essentially information-preserving linear measurements of Bag-of-n-Grams (BonG) representations of text. This leads to a new theoretical result about LSTMs: low-dimensional embeddings derived from a low-memory LSTM are provably at least as powerful on classification tasks, up to small error, as a linear classifier over BonG vectors, a result that extensive empirical work has thus far been unable to show. Our experiments support these theoretical findings and establish strong, simple, and unsupervised baselines on standard benchmarks that in some cases are state of the art among word-level methods. We also show a surprising new property of embeddings such as GloVe and word2vec: they form a good sensing matrix for text that is more efficient than random matrices, the standard sparse recovery tool, which may explain why they lead to better representations in practice. | accept |
Title: Bidirectionally Self-Normalizing Neural Networks. Abstract: The problem of exploding and vanishing gradients has been a long-standing obstacle that hinders the effective training of neural networks. Despite various tricks and techniques that have been employed to alleviate the problem in practice, there still lacks satisfactory theories or provable solutions. In this paper, we address the problem from the perspective of high-dimensional probability theory. We provide a rigorous result that shows, under mild conditions, how the exploding/vanishing gradient problem disappears with high probability if the neural networks have sufficient width. Our main idea is to constrain both forward and backward signal propagation in a nonlinear neural network through a new class of activation functions, namely Gaussian-Poincaré normalized functions, and orthogonal weight matrices. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data validate our theory and confirm its effectiveness on very deep neural networks when applied in practice. | reject |
Title: Playing Nondeterministic Games through Planning with a Learned Model. Abstract: The MuZero algorithm is known for achieving high-level performance on traditional zero-sum two-player games of perfect information such as chess, Go, and shogi, as well as visual, non-zero sum, single-player environments such as the Atari suite. Despite lacking a perfect simulator and employing a learned model of environmental dynamics, MuZero produces game-playing agents comparable to its predecessor AlphaZero. However, the current implementation of MuZero is restricted only to deterministic environments. This paper presents Nondeterministic MuZero (NDMZ), an extension of MuZero for nondeterministic, two-player, zero-sum games of perfect information. Borrowing from Nondeterministic Monte Carlo Tree Search and the theory of extensive-form games, NDMZ formalizes chance as a player in the game and incorporates it into the MuZero network architecture and tree search. Experiments show that NDMZ is capable of learning effective strategies and an accurate model of the game. | reject |
Title: A Self-Organizing Memory Network. Abstract: Working memory requires information about external stimuli to be represented in the brain even after those stimuli go away. This information is encoded in the activities of neurons, and neural activities change over timescales of tens of milliseconds. Information in working memory, however, is retained for tens of seconds, suggesting the question of how time-varying neural activities maintain stable representations. Prior work shows that, if the neural dynamics are in the ` null space' of the representation - so that changes to neural activity do not affect the downstream read-out of stimulus information - then information can be retained for periods much longer than the time-scale of individual-neuronal activities. The prior work, however, requires precisely constructed synaptic connectivity matrices, without explaining how this would arise in a biological neural network. To identify mechanisms through which biological networks can self-organize to learn memory function, we derived biologically plausible synaptic plasticity rules that dynamically modify the connectivity matrix to enable information storing. Networks implementing this plasticity rule can successfully learn to form memory representations even if only 10% of the synapses are plastic, they are robust to synaptic noise, and they can represent information about multiple stimuli. | reject |
Title: Evading Adversarial Example Detection Defenses with Orthogonal Projected Gradient Descent. Abstract: Evading adversarial example detection defenses requires finding adversarial examples that must simultaneously (a) be misclassified by the model and (b) be detected as non-adversarial. We find that existing attacks that attempt to satisfy multiple simultaneous constraints often over-optimize against one constraint at the cost of satisfying another. We introduce Selective Projected Gradient Descent and Orthogonal Projected Gradient Descent, improved attack techniques to generate adversarial examples that avoid this problem by orthogonalizing the gradients when running standard gradient-based attacks. We use our technique to evade four state-of-the-art detection defenses, reducing their accuracy to 0% while maintaining a 0% detection rate. | accept |
Title: From Variational to Deterministic Autoencoders. Abstract: Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) provide a theoretically-backed and popular framework for deep generative models. However, learning a VAE from data poses still unanswered theoretical questions and considerable practical challenges. In this work, we propose an alternative framework for generative modeling that is simpler, easier to train, and deterministic, yet has many of the advantages of the VAE. We observe that sampling a stochastic encoder in a Gaussian VAE can be interpreted as simply injecting noise into the input of a deterministic decoder. We investigate how substituting this kind of stochasticity, with other explicit and implicit regularization schemes, can lead to an equally smooth and meaningful latent space without having to force it to conform to an arbitrarily chosen prior. To retrieve a generative mechanism to sample new data points, we introduce an ex-post density estimation step that can be readily applied to the proposed framework as well as existing VAEs, improving their sample quality. We show, in a rigorous empirical study, that the proposed regularized deterministic autoencoders are able to generate samples that are comparable to, or better than, those of VAEs and more powerful alternatives when applied to images as well as to structured data such as molecules. | accept |
Title: Generative Discovery of Relational Medical Entity Pairs. Abstract: Online healthcare services can provide the general public with ubiquitous access to medical knowledge and reduce the information access cost for both individuals and societies. To promote these benefits, it is desired to effectively expand the scale of high-quality yet novel relational medical entity pairs that embody rich medical knowledge in a structured form. To fulfill this goal, we introduce a generative model called Conditional Relationship Variational Autoencoder (CRVAE), which can discover meaningful and novel relational medical entity pairs without the requirement of additional external knowledge. Rather than discriminatively identifying the relationship between two given medical entities in a free-text corpus, we directly model and understand medical relationships from diversely expressed medical entity pairs. The proposed model introduces the generative modeling capacity of variational autoencoder to entity pairs, and has the ability to discover new relational medical entity pairs solely based on the existing entity pairs. Beside entity pairs, relationship-enhanced entity representations are obtained as another appealing benefit of the proposed method. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations on real-world medical datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in generating relational medical entity pairs that are meaningful and novel. | reject |
Title: Adversarial training with perturbation generator networks. Abstract: Despite the remarkable development of recent deep learning techniques, neural networks are still vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., methods that fool the neural networks with perturbations that are too small for human eyes to perceive. Many adversarial training methods were introduced as to solve this problem, using adversarial examples as a training data. However, these adversarial attack methods used in these techniques are fixed, making the model stronger only to attacks used in training, which is widely known as an overfitting problem. In this paper, we suggest a novel adversarial training approach. In addition to the classifier, our method adds another neural network that generates the most effective adversarial perturbation by finding the weakness of the classifier. This perturbation generator network is trained to produce perturbations that maximize the loss function of the classifier, and these adversarial examples train the classifier with a true label. In short, the two networks compete with each other, performing a minimax game. In this scenario, attack patterns created by the generator network are adaptively altered to the classifier, mitigating the overfitting problem mentioned above. We theoretically proved that our minimax optimization problem is equivalent to minimizing the adversarial loss after all. Beyond this, we proposed an evaluation method that could accurately compare a wide-range of adversarial algorithms. Experiments with various datasets show that our method outperforms conventional adversarial algorithms. | reject |
Title: Q-learning for real time control of heterogeneous microagent collectives. Abstract: The effective control of microscopic collectives has many promising applications, from environmental remediation to targeted drug delivery. A key challenge is understanding how to control these agents given their limited programmability, and in many cases heterogeneous dynamics. The ability to learn control strategies in real time could allow for the application of robotics solutions to drive collective behaviours towards desired outcomes. Here, we demonstrate Q-learning on the closed-loop Dynamic Optical Micro-Environment (DOME) platform to control the motion of light-responsive Volvox agents. The results show that Q-learning is efficient in autonomously learning how to reduce the speed of agents on an individual basis. | reject |
Title: Laconic Image Classification: Human vs. Machine Performance. Abstract: We propose laconic classification as a novel way to understand and compare the performance of diverse image classifiers. The goal in this setting is to minimise the amount of information (aka. entropy) required in individual test images to maintain correct classification. Given a classifier and a test image, we compute an approximate minimal-entropy positive image for which the classifier provides a correct classification, becoming incorrect upon any further reduction. The notion of entropy offers a unifying metric that allows to combine and compare the effects of various types of reductions (e.g., crop, colour reduction, resolution reduction) on classification performance, in turn generalising similar methods explored in previous works. Proposing two complementary frameworks for computing the minimal-entropy positive images of both human and machine classifiers, in experiments over the ILSVRC test-set, we find that machine classifiers are more sensitive entropy-wise to reduced resolution (versus cropping or reduced colour for machines, as well as reduced resolution for humans), supporting recent results suggesting a texture bias in the ILSVRC-trained models used. We also find, in the evaluated setting, that humans classify the minimal-entropy positive images of machine models with higher precision than machines classify those of humans. | reject |
Title: Improving Sequence Generative Adversarial Networks with Feature Statistics Alignment. Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are facing great challenges in synthesizing sequences of discrete elements, such as mode dropping and unstable training. The binary classifier in the discriminator may limit the capacity of learning signals and thus hinder the advance of adversarial training. To address such issues, apart from the binary classification feedback, we harness a Feature Statistics Alignment (FSA) paradigm to deliver fine-grained signals in the latent high-dimensional representation space. Specifically, FSA forces the mean statistics of the fake data distribution to approach that of real data as close as possible in a finite-dimensional feature space. Experiments on synthetic and real benchmark datasets show the superior performance in quantitative evaluation and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to discrete sequence generation. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed architecture is the first that employs feature alignment regularization in the Gumbel-Softmax based GAN framework for sequence generation. | reject |
Title: Towards Understanding Label Smoothing. Abstract: Label smoothing regularization (LSR) has a great success in training deep neural networks by stochastic algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent and its variants. However, the theoretical understanding of its power from the view of optimization is still rare. This study opens the door to a deep understanding of LSR by initiating the analysis. In this paper, we analyze the convergence behaviors of stochastic gradient descent with label smoothing regularization for solving non-convex problems and show that an appropriate LSR can help to speed up the convergence by reducing the variance. More interestingly, we proposed a simple yet effective strategy, namely Two-Stage LAbel smoothing algorithm (TSLA), that uses LSR in the early training epochs and drops it off in the later training epochs. We observe from the improved convergence result of TSLA that it benefits from LSR in the first stage and essentially converges faster in the second stage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work for understanding the power of LSR via establishing convergence complexity of stochastic methods with LSR in non-convex optimization. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with baselines on training ResNet models over benchmark data sets. | reject |
Title: An Information Fusion Approach to Learning with Instance-Dependent Label Noise. Abstract: Instance-dependent label noise (IDN) widely exists in real-world datasets and usually misleads the training of deep neural networks. Noise transition matrix (NTM) (i.e., the probability that clean labels flip into noisy labels) is used to characterize the label noise and can be adopted to bridge the gap between clean and noisy underlying data distributions. However, most instances are long-tail, i.e., the number of occurrences of each instance is usually limited, which leads to the gap between the underlying distribution and the empirical distribution. Therefore, the genuine problem caused by IDN is \emph{empirical}, instead of underlying, \emph{data distribution mismatch} during training. To directly tackle the empirical distribution mismatch problem, we propose \emph{posterior transition matrix} (PTM) to posteriorly model label noise given limited observed noisy labels, which achieves \emph{statistically consistent classifiers}. Note that even if an instance is corrupted by the same NTM, the intrinsic randomness incurs different noisy labels, and thus requires different correction methods. Motivated by this observation, we propose an \textbf{I}nformation \textbf{F}usion (IF) approach to fine-tune the NTM based on the estimated PTM. Specifically, we adopt the noisy labels and model predicted probabilities to estimate the PTM and then correct the NTM in \emph{forward propagation}. Empirical evaluations on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art approaches, and achieves more stable training for instance-dependent label noise. | accept |
Title: Exploring Non-Contrastive Representation Learning for Deep Clustering. Abstract: Existing deep clustering methods rely on contrastive learning for representation learning, which require negative examples to form an embedding space where all instances are well-separated. However, the negative examples inevitably give rise to the class collision issue, compromising the representation learning for clustering. In this paper, we explore the non-contrastive representation learning for deep clustering, termed NCC, which is based on BYOL, a representative method without negative examples. First, we propose a positive sampling strategy to align one augmented view of instance with the neighbors of another view so that we can avoid the class collision issue caused by the negative examples and hence improve the within-cluster compactness. Second, we propose a novel prototypical contrastive loss, ProtoCL, which can encourage prototypical alignment between two augmented views and prototypical uniformity, hence maximizing the inter-cluster distance. Moreover, we formulate NCC in an Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework, in which E-step utilizes spherical k-means to estimate the pseudo-labels of instances and distribution of prototypes from the target network and M-step leverages the proposed losses to optimize the online network. As a result, NCC is able to form an embedding space where all clusters are well-separated and within-cluster examples are compact. Experimental results on several clustering benchmark datasets as well as ImageNet-1K demonstrate that the proposed NCC outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin. | reject |
Title: Bridging Recommendation and Marketing via Recurrent Intensity Modeling. Abstract: This paper studies some under-explored connections between personalized recommendation and marketing systems. Obviously, these two systems are different, in two main ways. Firstly, personalized item-recommendation (ItemRec) is user-centric, whereas marketing recommends the best user-state segments (UserRec) on behalf of its item providers. (We treat different temporal states of the same user as separate marketing opportunities.) To overcome this difference, we realize a novel connection to Marked-Temporal Point Processes (MTPPs), where we view both problems as different projections from a unified temporal intensity model for all user-item pairs. Correspondingly, we derive Recurrent Intensity Models (RIMs) to extend from recurrent ItemRec models with minimal changes. The second difference between recommendation and marketing is in the temporal domains where they operate. While recommendation demands immediate responses in real-time, marketing campaigns are often long-term, setting goals to cover a given percentage of all opportunities for a given item in a given period of time. We formulate both considerations into a constrained optimization problem we call online match (OnlnMtch) and derive a solution we call Dual algorithm. Simply put, Dual modifies the real-time ItemRec scores such that the marketing constraints can be met with least compromises in user-centric utilities. Finally, our connections between recommendation and marketing may lead to novel applications. We run experiments where we use marketing as an alternative to cold-start item exploration, by setting a minimal-exposure constraint for every item in the audience base. Our experiments are available at \url{} | accept |
Title: Bootstrapped Hindsight Experience replay with Counterintuitive Prioritization. Abstract: Goal-conditioned environments are known as sparse rewards tasks, in which the agent gains a positive reward only when it achieves the goal. Such an setting results in much difficulty for the agent to explore successful trajectories. Hindsight experience replay (HER) replaces the goal in failed experiences with any practically achieved one, so that the agent has a much higher chance to see successful trajectories even if they are fake. Comprehensive results have demonstrated the effectiveness of HER in the literature. However, the importance of the fake trajectories differs in terms of exploration and exploitation, and it is usually inefficient to learn with a fixed proportion of fake and original data as HER did. In this paper, inspired by Bootstrapped DQN, we use multiple heads in DDPG and take advantage of the diversity and uncertainty among multiple heads to improve the data efficiency with relabeled goals. The method is referred to as Bootstrapped HER (BHER). Specifically, in addition to the benefit from the Bootstrapped version, we explicitly leverage the uncertainty measured by the variance of estimated Q-values from multiple heads. A common knowledge is that higher uncertainty will promote exploration and hence maximizing the uncertainty via a bonus term will induce better performance in Q-learning. However, in this paper, we reveal a counterintuitive conclusion that for hindsight experiences, exploiting lower uncertainty data samples will significantly improve the performance. The explanation behind this fact is that hindsight relabeling largely promotes exploration, and then exploiting lower uncertainty data (whose goals are generated by hindsight relabeling) provides a good trade-off between exploration and exploitation, resulting in further improved data efficiency. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our method can achieve state-of-the-art results in many goal-conditioned tasks. | reject |
Title: Cramer-Wold AutoEncoder. Abstract: Assessing distance betweeen the true and the sample distribution is a key component of many state of the art generative models, such as Wasserstein Autoencoder (WAE). Inspired by prior work on Sliced-Wasserstein Autoencoders (SWAE) and
kernel smoothing we construct a new generative model – Cramer-Wold AutoEncoder (CWAE). CWAE cost function, based on introduced Cramer-Wold distance between samples, has a simple closed-form in the case of normal prior. As a consequence, while simplifying the optimization procedure (no need of sampling necessary to evaluate the distance function in the training loop), CWAE performance matches quantitatively and qualitatively that of WAE-MMD (WAE using maximum mean discrepancy based distance function) and often improves upon SWAE. | reject |
Title: Input Dependent Sparse Gaussian Processes . Abstract: Gaussian Processes (GPs) are Bayesian models that provide uncertainty estimates associated to the predictions made. They are also very flexible due to their non-parametric nature. Nevertheless, GPs suffer from poor scalability as the number of training instances $N$ increases. More precisely, they have a cubic cost with respect to $N$. To overcome this problem, sparse GP approximations are often used, where a set of $M \ll N$ inducing points is introduced during training. The location of the inducing points is learned by considering them as parameters of an approximate posterior distribution $q$. Sparse GPs, combined with variational inference for inferring $q$, reduce the training cost of GPs to $\mathcal{O}(M^3)$. Critically, the inducing points determine the flexibility of the model and they are often located in regions of the input space where the latent function changes. A limitation is, however, that for some learning tasks a large number of inducing points may be required to obtain a good prediction performance. To address this limitation, we propose here to amortize the computation of the inducing points locations, as well as the parameters of the variational posterior approximation $q$. For this, we use a neural network that receives the observed data as an input and outputs the inducing points locations and the parameters of $q$. We evaluate our method in several experiments, showing that it performs similar or better than other state-of-the-art sparse variational GP approaches. However, with our method the number of inducing points is reduced drastically due to their dependency on the input data. This makes our method scale to larger datasets and have faster training and prediction times. | reject |
Title: Connecting Data to Mechanisms with Meta Structual Causal Model. Abstract: Recent years have seen impressive progress in theoretical and algorithmic developments of causal inference across various disciplines in science and engineering. However, there is still some unresolved theoretical problems, especially for cyclic causal relationships. In this article, we propose a meta structure causal model (Meta-SCM) framework inspired by understanding causality as information transfer. A key feature of our framework is the introduction of the concept of \emph{active mechanisms} to connect data and the collection of underlying causal mechanisms. We show that the Meta-SCM provides a novel approach to address the theoretical complications for modeling cyclic causal relations. In addition, we propose a \emph{sufficient activated mechanisms} assumption, and explain its relationship with existing assumptions in causal representation learning. Finally, we conclude the main idea of the meta-SCM framework with an emphasis on its theoretical and conceptual novelty. | reject |
Title: End-to-End Hierarchical Text Classification with Label Assignment Policy. Abstract: We present an end-to-end reinforcement learning approach to hierarchical text classification where documents are labeled by placing them at the right positions in a given hierarchy.
While existing “global” methods construct hierarchical losses for model training, they either make “local” decisions at each hierarchy node or ignore the hierarchy structure during inference. To close the gap between training/inference and optimize holistic metrics in an end-to-end manner, we propose to learn a label assignment policy to determine where to place the documents and when to stop. The proposed method, HiLAP, optimizes holistic metrics over the hierarchy, makes inter-dependent decisions during inference, and can be combined with different text encoding models for end-to-end training.
Experiments on three public datasets show that HiLAP yields an average improvement of 33.4% in Macro-F1 and 5.0% in Samples-F1, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. | reject |
Title: Divide and Conquer Networks. Abstract: We consider the learning of algorithmic tasks by mere observation of input-output
pairs. Rather than studying this as a black-box discrete regression problem with
no assumption whatsoever on the input-output mapping, we concentrate on tasks
that are amenable to the principle of divide and conquer, and study what are its
implications in terms of learning.
This principle creates a powerful inductive bias that we leverage with neural
architectures that are defined recursively and dynamically, by learning two scale-
invariant atomic operations: how to split a given input into smaller sets, and how
to merge two partially solved tasks into a larger partial solution. Our model can be
trained in weakly supervised environments, namely by just observing input-output
pairs, and in even weaker environments, using a non-differentiable reward signal.
Moreover, thanks to the dynamic aspect of our architecture, we can incorporate
the computational complexity as a regularization term that can be optimized by
backpropagation. We demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of the Divide-
and-Conquer Network on several combinatorial and geometric tasks: convex hull,
clustering, knapsack and euclidean TSP. Thanks to the dynamic programming
nature of our model, we show significant improvements in terms of generalization
error and computational complexity. | accept |
Title: Maintaining cooperation in complex social dilemmas using deep reinforcement learning. Abstract: Social dilemmas are situations where individuals face a temptation to increase their payoffs at a cost to total welfare. Building artificially intelligent agents that achieve good outcomes in these situations is important because many real world interactions include a tension between selfish interests and the welfare of others. We show how to modify modern reinforcement learning methods to construct agents that act in ways that are simple to understand, nice (begin by cooperating), provokable (try to avoid being exploited), and forgiving (try to return to mutual cooperation). We show both theoretically and experimentally that such agents can maintain cooperation in Markov social dilemmas. Our construction does not require training methods beyond a modification of self-play, thus if an environment is such that good strategies can be constructed in the zero-sum case (eg. Atari) then we can construct agents that solve social dilemmas in this environment. | reject |
Title: Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning. Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a privacy-preserving paradigm where multiple participants jointly solve a machine learning problem without sharing raw data. Unlike traditional distributed learning, a unique characteristic of FL is statistical heterogeneity, namely, data distributions across participants are different from each other. Meanwhile, recent advances in the interpretation of neural networks have seen a wide use of neural tangent kernel (NTK) for convergence and generalization analyses. In this paper, we propose a novel FL paradigm empowered by the NTK framework. The proposed paradigm addresses the challenge of statistical heterogeneity by transmitting update data that are more expressive than those of the traditional FL paradigms. Specifically, sample-wise Jacobian matrices, rather than model weights/gradients, are uploaded by participants. The server then constructs an empirical kernel matrix to update a global model without explicitly performing gradient descent. We further develop a variant with improved communication efficiency and enhanced privacy. Numerical results show that the proposed paradigm can achieve the same accuracy while reducing the number of communication rounds by an order of magnitude compared to federated averaging. | reject |
Title: A Near-Optimal Recipe for Debiasing Trained Machine Learning Models. Abstract: We present an efficient and scalable algorithm for debiasing trained models, including deep neural networks (DNNs), which we prove to be near-optimal by bounding its excess Bayes risk. Unlike previous black-box reduction methods to cost-sensitive classification rules, the proposed algorithm operates on models that have been trained without having to retrain the model. Furthermore, as the algorithm is based on projected stochastic gradient descent (SGD), it is particularly attractive for deep learning applications. We empirically validate the proposed algorithm on standard benchmark datasets across both classical algorithms and modern DNN architectures and demonstrate that it outperforms previous post-processing approaches for unbiased classification. | reject |
Title: Few-Shot Backdoor Attacks on Visual Object Tracking. Abstract: Visual object tracking (VOT) has been widely adopted in mission-critical applications, such as autonomous driving and intelligent surveillance systems. In current practice, third-party resources such as datasets, backbone networks, and training platforms are frequently used to train high-performance VOT models. Whilst these resources bring certain convenience, they also introduce new security threats into VOT models. In this paper, we reveal such a threat where an adversary can easily implant hidden backdoors into VOT models by tempering with the training process. Specifically, we propose a simple yet effective few-shot backdoor attack (FSBA) that optimizes two losses alternately: 1) a \emph{feature loss} defined in the hidden feature space, and 2) the standard \emph{tracking loss}. We show that, once the backdoor is embedded into the target model by our FSBA, it can trick the model to lose track of specific objects even when the \emph{trigger} only appears in one or a few frames. We examine our attack in both digital and physical-world settings and show that it can significantly degrade the performance of state-of-the-art VOT trackers. We also show that our attack is resistant to potential defenses, highlighting the vulnerability of VOT models to potential backdoor attacks. | accept |
Title: Addressing the Stability-Plasticity Dilemma via Knowledge-Aware Continual Learning. Abstract: Continual learning agents should incrementally learn a sequence of tasks while satisfying two main desiderata: accumulating on previous knowledge without forgetting and transferring previous relevant knowledge to help in future learning. Existing research largely focuses on alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem. There, an agent is altered to prevent forgetting based solely on previous tasks. This hinders the balance between preventing forgetting and maximizing the forward transfer. In response to this, we investigate the stability-plasticity dilemma to determine which model components are eligible to be reused, added, fixed, or updated to achieve this balance. We address the class incremental learning scenario where the agent is prone to ambiguities between old and new classes. With our proposed Knowledge-Aware contiNual learner (KAN), we demonstrate that considering the semantic similarity between old and new classes helps in achieving this balance. We show that being aware of existing knowledge helps in: (1) increasing the forward transfer from similar knowledge, (2) reducing the required capacity by leveraging existing knowledge, (3) protecting dissimilar knowledge, and (4) increasing robustness to the class order in the sequence. We evaluated sequences of similar tasks, dissimilar tasks, and a mix of both constructed from the two commonly used benchmarks for class-incremental learning; CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. | reject |
Title: Incremental few-shot learning via vector quantization in deep embedded space. Abstract: The capability of incrementally learning new tasks without forgetting old ones is a challenging problem due to catastrophic forgetting. This challenge becomes greater when novel tasks contain very few labelled training samples. Currently, most methods are dedicated to class-incremental learning and rely on sufficient training data to learn additional weights for newly added classes. Those methods cannot be easily extended to incremental regression tasks and could suffer from severe overfitting when learning few-shot novel tasks. In this study, we propose a nonparametric method in deep embedded space to tackle incremental few-shot learning problems. The knowledge about the learned tasks are compressed into a small number of quantized reference vectors. The proposed method learns new tasks sequentially by adding more reference vectors to the model using few-shot samples in each novel task. For classification problems, we employ the nearest neighbor scheme to make classification on sparsely available data and incorporate intra-class variation, less forgetting regularization and calibration of reference vectors to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. In addition, the proposed learning vector quantization (LVQ) in deep embedded space can be customized as a kernel smoother to handle incremental few-shot regression tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in incremental learning. | accept |
Title: Better Generalization by Efficient Trust Region Method. Abstract: In this paper, we develop a trust region method for training deep neural networks. At each iteration, trust region method computes the search direction by solving a non-convex subproblem. Solving this subproblem is non-trivial---existing methods have only sub-linear convergence rate. In the first part, we show that a simple modification of gradient descent algorithm can converge to a global minimizer of the subproblem with an asymptotic linear convergence rate. Moreover, our method only requires Hessian-vector products, which can be computed efficiently by back-propagation in neural networks. In the second part, we apply our algorithm to train large-scale convolutional neural networks, such as VGG and MobileNets. Although trust region method is about 3 times slower than SGD in terms of running time, we observe it finds a model that has lower generalization (test) error than SGD, and this difference is even more significant in large batch training.
We conduct several interesting experiments to support our conjecture that the trust region method can avoid sharp local minimas. | reject |
Title: The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks. Abstract: Neural network pruning techniques can reduce the parameter counts of trained networks by over 90%, decreasing storage requirements and improving computational performance of inference without compromising accuracy. However, contemporary experience is that the sparse architectures produced by pruning are difficult to train from the start, which would similarly improve training performance.
We find that a standard pruning technique naturally uncovers subnetworks whose initializations made them capable of training effectively. Based on these results, we articulate the "lottery ticket hypothesis:" dense, randomly-initialized, feed-forward networks contain subnetworks ("winning tickets") that - when trained in isolation - reach test accuracy comparable to the original network in a similar number of iterations. The winning tickets we find have won the initialization lottery: their connections have initial weights that make training particularly effective.
We present an algorithm to identify winning tickets and a series of experiments that support the lottery ticket hypothesis and the importance of these fortuitous initializations. We consistently find winning tickets that are less than 10-20% of the size of several fully-connected and convolutional feed-forward architectures for MNIST and CIFAR10. Above this size, the winning tickets that we find learn faster than the original network and reach higher test accuracy. | accept |
Title: Assessing Generalization in TD methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Current Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) methods can exhibit both data inefficiency and brittleness, which seem to indicate that they generalize poorly. In this work, we experimentally analyze this issue through the lens of memorization, and show that it can be observed directly during training. More precisely, we find that Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) trained with supervised tasks on trajectories capture temporal structure well, but DNNs trained with TD(0) methods struggle to do so, while using TD(lambda) targets leads to better generalization. | reject |
Title: ANOCE: Analysis of Causal Effects with Multiple Mediators via Constrained Structural Learning. Abstract: In the era of causal revolution, identifying the causal effect of an exposure on the outcome of interest is an important problem in many areas, such as epidemics, medicine, genetics, and economics. Under a general causal graph, the exposure may have a direct effect on the outcome and also an indirect effect regulated by a set of mediators. An analysis of causal effects that interprets the causal mechanism contributed through mediators is hence challenging but on demand. To the best of our knowledge, there are no feasible algorithms that give an exact decomposition of the indirect effect on the level of individual mediators, due to common interaction among mediators in the complex graph. In this paper, we establish a new statistical framework to comprehensively characterize causal effects with multiple mediators, namely, ANalysis Of Causal Effects (ANOCE), with a newly introduced definition of the mediator effect, under the linear structure equation model. We further propose a constrained causal structure learning method by incorporating a novel identification constraint that specifies the temporal causal relationship of variables. The proposed algorithm is applied to investigate the causal effects of 2020 Hubei lockdowns on reducing the spread of the coronavirus in Chinese major cities out of Hubei. | accept |
Title: Shuffle to Learn: Self-supervised learning from permutations via differentiable ranking. Abstract: Self-supervised pre-training using so-called "pretext" tasks has recently shown impressive performance across a wide range of tasks. In this work we advance self-supervised learning from permutations, that consists in shuffling parts of input and training a model to reorder them, improving downstream performance in classification. To do so, we overcome the main challenges of integrating permutation inversions (a discontinuous operation) into an end-to-end training scheme, heretofore sidestepped by casting the reordering task as classification, fundamentally reducing the space of permutations that can be exploited. These advances rely on two main, independent contributions. First, we use recent advances in differentiable ranking to integrate the permutation inversion flawlessly into a neural network, enabling us to use the full set of permutations, at no additional computing cost. Our experiments validate that learning from all possible permutations (up to $10^{18}$) improves the quality of the pre-trained representations over using a limited, fixed set. Second, we successfully demonstrate that inverting permutations is a meaningful pretext task in a diverse range of modalities, beyond images, which does not require modality-specific design. In particular, we also improve music understanding by reordering spectrogram patches in the frequency space, as well as video classification by reordering frames along the time axis. We furthermore analyze the influence of the patches that we use (vertical, horizontal, 2-dimensional), as well as the benefit of our approach in different data regimes. | reject |
Title: LOSSY COMPRESSION WITH DISTRIBUTION SHIFT AS ENTROPY CONSTRAINED OPTIMAL TRANSPORT. Abstract: We study an extension of lossy compression where the reconstruction distribution is different from the source distribution in order to account for distributional shift due to processing. We formulate this as a generalization of optimal transport with an entropy bottleneck to account for the rate constraint due to compression. We provide expressions for the tradeoff between compression rate and the achievable distortion with and without shared common randomness between the encoder and decoder. We study the examples of binary, uniform and Gaussian sources (in an asymptotic setting) in detail and demonstrate that shared randomness can strictly improve the tradeoff. For the case without common randomness and squared-Euclidean distortion, we show that the optimal solution partially decouples into the problem of optimal compression and transport and also characterize the penalty associated with fully decoupling them. We provide experimental results by training deep learning end-to-end compression systems for performing denoising on SVHN and super-resolution on MNIST suggesting consistency with our theoretical results. | accept |
Title: Projection-Based Constrained Policy Optimization. Abstract: We consider the problem of learning control policies that optimize a reward function while satisfying constraints due to considerations of safety, fairness, or other costs. We propose a new algorithm - Projection-Based Constrained Policy Optimization (PCPO), an iterative method for optimizing policies in a two-step process - the first step performs an unconstrained update while the second step reconciles the constraint violation by projecting the policy back onto the constraint set. We theoretically analyze PCPO and provide a lower bound on reward improvement, as well as an upper bound on constraint violation for each policy update. We further characterize the convergence of PCPO with projection based on two different metrics - L2 norm and Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our empirical results over several control tasks demonstrate that our algorithm achieves superior performance, averaging more than 3.5 times less constraint violation and around 15% higher reward compared to state-of-the-art methods. | accept |
Title: Theoretical Analysis of Consistency Regularization with Limited Augmented Data. Abstract: Data augmentation is popular in the training of large neural networks; currently, however, there is no clear theoretical comparison between different algorithmic choices on how to use augmented data. In this paper, we take a small step in this direction; we present a simple new statistical framework to analyze data augmentation - specifically, one that captures what it means for one input sample to be an augmentation of another, and also the richness of the augmented set. We use this to interpret consistency regularization as a way to reduce function class complexity, and characterize its generalization performance. Specializing this analysis for linear regression shows that consistency regularization has strictly better sample efficiency as compared to empirical risk minimization on the augmented set. In addition, we also provide generalization bounds under consistency regularization for logistic regression and two-layer neural networks. We perform experiments that make a clean and apples-to-apples comparison (i.e. with no extra modeling or data tweaks) between ERM and consistency regularization using CIFAR-100 and WideResNet; these demonstrate the superior efficacy of consistency regularization. | reject |
Title: ADAPTIVE NETWORK SPARSIFICATION VIA DEPENDENT VARIATIONAL BETA-BERNOULLI DROPOUT. Abstract: While variational dropout approaches have been shown to be effective for network sparsification, they are still suboptimal in the sense that they set the dropout rate for each neuron without consideration of the input data. With such input-independent dropout, each neuron is evolved to be generic across inputs, which makes it difficult to sparsify networks without accuracy loss. To overcome this limitation, we propose adaptive variational dropout whose probabilities are drawn from sparsity-inducing beta-Bernoulli prior. It allows each neuron to be evolved either to be generic or specific for certain inputs, or dropped altogether. Such input-adaptive sparsity-inducing dropout allows the resulting network to tolerate larger degree of sparsity without losing its expressive power by removing redundancies among features. We validate our dependent variational beta-Bernoulli dropout on multiple public datasets, on which it obtains significantly more compact networks than baseline methods, with consistent accuracy improvements over the base networks. | reject |
Title: EigenGame: PCA as a Nash Equilibrium. Abstract: We present a novel view on principal components analysis as a competitive game in which each approximate eigenvector is controlled by a player whose goal is to maximize their own utility function. We analyze the properties of this PCA game and the behavior of its gradient based updates. The resulting algorithm---which combines elements from Oja's rule with a generalized Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization---is naturally decentralized and hence parallelizable through message passing. We demonstrate the scalability of the algorithm with experiments on large image datasets and neural network activations. We discuss how this new view of PCA as a differentiable game can lead to further algorithmic developments and insights. | accept |
Title: Doubly Reparameterized Gradient Estimators for Monte Carlo Objectives. Abstract: Deep latent variable models have become a popular model choice due to the scalable learning algorithms introduced by (Kingma & Welling 2013, Rezende et al. 2014). These approaches maximize a variational lower bound on the intractable log likelihood of the observed data. Burda et al. (2015) introduced a multi-sample variational bound, IWAE, that is at least as tight as the standard variational lower bound and becomes increasingly tight as the number of samples increases. Counterintuitively, the typical inference network gradient estimator for the IWAE bound performs poorly as the number of samples increases (Rainforth et al. 2018, Le et al. 2018). Roeder et a. (2017) propose an improved gradient estimator, however, are unable to show it is unbiased. We show that it is in fact biased and that the bias can be estimated efficiently with a second application of the reparameterization trick. The doubly reparameterized gradient (DReG) estimator does not suffer as the number of samples increases, resolving the previously raised issues. The same idea can be used to improve many recently introduced training techniques for latent variable models. In particular, we show that this estimator reduces the variance of the IWAE gradient, the reweighted wake-sleep update (RWS) (Bornschein & Bengio 2014), and the jackknife variational inference (JVI) gradient (Nowozin 2018). Finally, we show that this computationally efficient, drop-in estimator translates to improved performance for all three objectives on several modeling tasks. | accept |
Title: The Role of Permutation Invariance in Linear Mode Connectivity of Neural Networks. Abstract: In this paper, we conjecture that if the permutation invariance of neural networks is taken into account, SGD solutions will likely have no barrier in the linear interpolation between them. Although it is a bold conjecture, we show how extensive empirical attempts fall short of refuting it. We further provide a preliminary theoretical result to support our conjecture. Our conjecture has implications for the lottery ticket hypothesis, distributed training, and ensemble methods. The source code is available at \url{}. | accept |
Title: Discriminative Variational Autoencoder for Continual Learning with Generative Replay. Abstract: Generative replay (GR) is a method to alleviate catastrophic forgetting in continual learning (CL) by generating previous task data and learning them together with the data from new tasks. In this paper, we propose discriminative variational autoencoder (DiVA) to address the GR-based CL problem. DiVA has class-wise discriminative latent embeddings by maximizing the mutual information between classes and latent variables of VAE. Thus, DiVA is directly applicable to classification and class-conditional generation which are efficient and effective properties in the GR-based CL scenario. Furthermore, we use a novel trick based on domain translation to cover natural images which is challenging to GR-based methods. As a result, DiVA achieved the competitive or higher accuracy compared to state-of-the-art algorithms in Permuted MNIST, Split MNIST, and Split CIFAR10 settings. | reject |
Title: Sample Efficient Adaptive Text-to-Speech. Abstract: We present a meta-learning approach for adaptive text-to-speech (TTS) with few data. During training, we learn a multi-speaker model using a shared conditional WaveNet core and independent learned embeddings for each speaker. The aim of training is not to produce a neural network with fixed weights, which is then deployed as a TTS system. Instead, the aim is to produce a network that requires few data at deployment time to rapidly adapt to new speakers. We introduce and benchmark three strategies:
(i) learning the speaker embedding while keeping the WaveNet core fixed,
(ii) fine-tuning the entire architecture with stochastic gradient descent, and
(iii) predicting the speaker embedding with a trained neural network encoder.
The experiments show that these approaches are successful at adapting the multi-speaker neural network to new speakers, obtaining state-of-the-art results in both sample naturalness and voice similarity with merely a few minutes of audio data from new speakers. | accept |
Title: StructFormer: Joint Unsupervised Induction of Dependency and Constituency Structure from Masked Language Modeling. Abstract: There are two major classes of natural language grammars --- the dependency grammar that models one-to-one correspondences between words and the constituency grammar that models the assembly of one or several corresponded words. While previous unsupervised parsing methods mostly focus on only inducing one class of grammars, we introduce a novel model, StructFormer, that can induce dependency and constituency structure at the same time. To achieve this, we propose a new parsing framework that can jointly generates constituency tree and dependency graph. Then we integrate the induced dependency relations into transformer, in a differentiable manner, through a novel dependency-constrained self-attention mechanism. Experimental results show that our model can achieve strong results on unsupervised constituency parsing, unsupervised dependency parsing and masked language modeling at the same time. | reject |
Title: Solving Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging with Score-Based Generative Models. Abstract: Reconstructing medical images from partial measurements is an important inverse problem in Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Existing solutions based on machine learning typically train a model to directly map measurements to medical images, leveraging a training dataset of paired images and measurements. These measurements are typically synthesized from images using a fixed physical model of the measurement process, which hinders the generalization capability of models to unknown measurement processes. To address this issue, we propose a fully unsupervised technique for inverse problem solving, leveraging the recently introduced score-based generative models. Specifically, we first train a score-based generative model on medical images to capture their prior distribution. Given measurements and a physical model of the measurement process at test time, we introduce a sampling method to reconstruct an image consistent with both the prior and the observed measurements. Our method does not assume a fixed measurement process during training, and can thus be flexibly adapted to different measurement processes at test time. Empirically, we observe comparable or better performance to supervised learning techniques in several medical imaging tasks in CT and MRI, while demonstrating significantly better generalization to unknown measurement processes. | accept |
Title: Semantic-Guided Representation Enhancement for Self-supervised Monocular Trained Depth Estimation. Abstract: Self-supervised depth estimation has shown its great effectiveness in producing high quality depth maps given only image sequences as input. However, its performance usually drops when estimating on border areas or objects with thin structures due to the limited depth representation ability. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a semantic-guided depth representation enhancement method, which promotes both local and global depth feature representations by leveraging rich contextual information. In stead of a single depth network as used in conventional paradigms, we propose an extra semantic segmentation branch to offer extra contextual features for depth estimation. Based on this framework, we enhance the local feature representation by sampling and feeding the point-based features that locate on the semantic edges to an individual Semantic-guided Edge Enhancement module (SEEM), which is specifically designed for promoting depth estimation on the challenging semantic borders. Then, we improve the global feature representation by proposing a semantic-guided multi-level attention mechanism, which enhances the semantic and depth features by exploring pixel-wise correlations in the multi-level depth decoding scheme. Extensive experiments validate the distinct superiority of our method in capturing highly accurate depth on the challenging image areas such as semantic category borders and thin objects. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments on KITTI show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. | reject |
Title: Adaptive Q-learning for Interaction-Limited Reinforcement Learning. Abstract: Conventional reinforcement learning (RL) needs an environment to collect fresh data, which is impractical when an online interaction is costly.
Offline RL provides an alternative solution by directly learning from the logged dataset. However, it usually yields unsatisfactory performance due to a pessimistic update scheme or/and the low quality of logged datasets.
Moreover, how to evaluate the policy under the offline setting is also a challenging problem.
In this paper, we propose a unified framework called Adaptive Q-learning for effectively taking advantage of offline and online learning.
Specifically, we explicitly consider the difference between the online and offline data and apply an adaptive update scheme accordingly, i.e., a pessimistic update strategy for the offline dataset and a greedy or no pessimistic update scheme for the online dataset.
When combining both, we can apply very limited online exploration steps to achieve expert performance even when the offline dataset is poor, e.g., random dataset.
Such a framework provides a unified way to mix the offline and online RL and gain the best of both worlds.
To understand our framework better, we then provide an initialization following our framework's setting.
Extensive experiments are done to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. | reject |
Title: DynaTune: Dynamic Tensor Program Optimization in Deep Neural Network Compilation. Abstract: Recently, the DL compiler, together with Learning to Compile has proven to be a powerful technique for optimizing deep learning models. However, existing methods focus on accelerating the convergence speed of the individual tensor operator rather than the convergence speed of the entire model, which results in long optimization time to obtain a desired latency.
In this paper, we present a new method called DynaTune, which provides significantly faster convergence speed to optimize a DNN model. In particular, we consider a Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) model for the tensor program optimization problem. We use UCB to handle the decision-making of time-slot-based optimization, and we devise a Bayesian belief model that allows predicting the potential performance gain of each operator with uncertainty quantification, which guides the optimization process. We evaluate and compare DynaTune with the state-of-the-art DL compiler. The experiment results show that DynaTune is 1.2--2.4 times faster to achieve the same optimization quality for a range of models across different hardware architectures. | accept |
Title: Cross-Trajectory Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Generalization in RL. Abstract: A highly desirable property of a reinforcement learning (RL) agent -- and a major difficulty for deep RL approaches -- is the ability to generalize policies learned on a few tasks over a high-dimensional observation space to similar tasks not seen during training. Many promising approaches to this challenge consider RL as a process of training two functions simultaneously: a complex nonlinear encoder that maps high-dimensional observations to a latent representation space, and a simple linear policy over this space. We posit that a superior encoder for zero-shot generalization in RL can be trained by using solely an auxiliary SSL objective if the training process encourages the encoder to map behaviorally similar observations to similar representations, as reward-based signal can cause overfitting in the encoder (Raileanu et al., 2021). We propose Cross-Trajectory Representation Learning (CTRL), a method that runs within an RL agent and conditions its encoder to recognize behavioral similarity in observations by applying a novel SSL objective to pairs of trajectories from the agent's policies. CTRL can be viewed as having the same effect as inducing a pseudo-bisimulation metric but, crucially, avoids the use of rewards and associated overfitting risks. Our experiments ablate various components of CTRL and demonstrate that in combination with PPO it achieves better generalization performance on the challenging Procgen benchmark suite (Cobbe et al., 2020). | accept |
Title: Model-Based Robust Deep Learning: Generalizing to Natural, Out-of-Distribution Data. Abstract: While deep learning (DL) has resulted in major breakthroughs in many applications, the frameworks commonly used in DL remain fragile to seemingly innocuous changes in the data. In response, adversarial training has emerged as a principled approach for improving the robustness of DL against norm-bounded perturbations. Despite this progress, DL is also known to be fragile to unbounded shifts in the data distribution due to many forms of natural variation, including changes in weather or lighting in images. However, there are remarkably few techniques that can address robustness to natural, out-of-distribution shifts in the data distribution in a general context. To address this gap, we propose a paradigm shift from perturbation-based adversarial robustness to model-based robust deep learning. Critical to our paradigm is to obtain models of natural variation, which vary data over a range of natural conditions. Then by exploiting these models, we develop three novel model-based robust training algorithms that improve the robustness of DL with respect to natural variation. Our extensive experiments show that across a variety of natural conditions in twelve distinct datasets, classifiers trained with our algorithms significantly outperform classifiers trained via ERM, adversarial training, and domain adaptation techniques. Specifically, when training on ImageNet and testing on various subsets of ImageNet-c, our algorithms improve over baseline methods by up to 30 percentage points in top-1 accuracy. Further, we show that our methods provide robustness (1) against natural, out-of-distribution data, (2) against multiple simultaneous distributional shifts, and (3) to domains entirely unseen during training. | reject |
Title: Accelerated Value Iteration via Anderson Mixing. Abstract: Acceleration for reinforcement learning methods is an important and challenging theme. We introduce the Anderson acceleration technique into the value iteration, developing an accelerated value iteration algorithm that we call Anderson Accelerated Value Iteration (A2VI). We further apply our method to the Deep Q-learning algorithm, resulting in the Deep Anderson Accelerated Q-learning (DA2Q) algorithm. Our approach can be viewed as an approximation of the policy evaluation by interpolating on historical data. A2VI is more efficient than the modified policy iteration, which is a classical approximate method for policy evaluation. We give a theoretical analysis of our algorithm and conduct experiments on both toy problems and Atari games. Both the theoretical and empirical results show the effectiveness of our algorithm. | reject |
Title: Learning Sample Reweighting for Adversarial Robustness. Abstract: There has been great interest in enhancing the robustness of neural network classifiers to defend against adversarial perturbations through adversarial training, while balancing the trade-off between robust accuracy and standard accuracy. We propose a novel adversarial training framework that learns to reweight the loss associated with individual training samples based on a notion of class-conditioned margin, with the goal of improving robust generalization. Inspired by MAML-based approaches, we formulate weighted adversarial training as a bilevel optimization problem where the upper-level task corresponds to learning a robust classifier, and the lower-level task corresponds to learning a parametric function that maps from a sample's \textit{multi-class margin} to an importance weight. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach improves both clean and robust accuracy compared to related techniques and state-of-the-art baselines. | reject |