There was a slightly larger lake where I arrived, guided by the sound of water. The lake's surface is full of flowers I have never seen before. I don't know the name, but there are large leaves on the water, little stalks are growing out of the water between the leaves, and a large white or pink flower is swaying behind them. For a moment, I was fascinated by the flowers. When I noticed, I hurriedly took my surroundings to check if there was something unusual. It is not good to let your guard down in a forest.
Find a river that flows into the lake and refill the bamboo tubes with water. I would like to secure more bamboo tubes, but most people don't use them, and the one thrown away needs to be fixed. If I find bamboo somewhere, I'll make it myself.
To return to the village road, I searched for a mark I had placed in the forest. The mark is a thin green string. I return to the village road while collecting the strings.
"…..What's this"
A mysterious creature is in a place a little before the village road. At first glance, I thought it was slime, but it's different. The body is like slime stretched to the side. The color is translucent blue, a monster, and a little charming.
...I think it was cute, even though it's a monster. With this, I can't ridicule the previous me. But somehow, this crumbling body of slime was cute. The crumbling slime is looking this way. …crumbling slime? crumbling…..I remember seeing it in the slime section of the list of monsters.
"I remember….. crumbling slime?"
There was an unnamed rare slime in the book. It's called the weakest slime or the "crumbling slime" because of its appearance. Rare is said to be strong is the only thing I can imagine, but it's among the weaker rare monsters. 
"If I'm not wrong, even strong wind will make it disappear, right?"
It's the weakest, just like me, but I don't want to say it's the weakest, so I'll call it crumbling slime! I feel a little affinity for it. As I watched, the wind blew so hard it shook my hair, and the crumbled slime in front of me rolled around in the wind.
"...It really is weak."
The slime that rolled in the wind stopped and lay upside down. I waited for a while, but I couldn't see it getting back up.1 ...Don't tell me it can't get its body up?
I don't know what to do, so I wait a while longer, but its body never gets back up even though I've waited so long. It's just that its body bouncing and shaking looks sorrowful...
I felt sorry, but I thought it was cute too.
However, there's nothing it can do to pull its body up, so I raise my hand. But I remember one sentence in a book about slime and stopping my hand.
"The weakest slime's rare is so weak that it disappears when poked. "
When I read it, I thought it was a fragile monster. In front of me is the crumbling slime lying upside down, showing no sign of standing up.
...That may be true.
What do I do? Will it disappear when I touch it? But it's not like I'm going to poke it. I gently wrap my hand around it and return to its body.
I was so nervous.
When I looked at it, for some reason, it started shaking…..Eeh! Could it be disappearing? Is it going to disappear? Seeing this, my heart throbbed hard but stopped after a while.
"Ahaha, what are you doing, me."
The crumbling slime is staring at me. Honestly, it's hard to leave it now.
Can I tame it?
The slime is said to be the weakest, like the lowest, but no star me. We might suit each other.
I read the same method in the book. However, I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tame it, so I didn't read it thoroughly. The crumbling slime in front of me will disappear when I fail.
I take the book out of the magic bag and find a way to tame the monster. The book says light will appear when I give the beast some magic power. In that state, I have to give out my name and then name the monster. Then, I have to vehemently declare for the beast to yield.
The latter is the recommended taming method for three or more star monsters, which has nothing to do with me.  It says that if both are successful, the mark will appear. Give it a little magic power... is it alright if it is only a little?
Just a little.
Look at the crumbling slime.
It is staring at me.
"Just a little."
I checked the surrounding presence. I didn't feel any presence approaching, so I told myself it was okay and kneeled before the crumbling slime. I gave a little magic power to the tip of my right index finger, and my fingertip was brought closer to the crumbling slime.
My heart is throbbing loudly. If it refuses, it will be the end. The crumbling slime shook as it rubbed its body against my approaching finger. I suddenly felt magical power moving from my fingertips. Pull my hand back and see the crumbling slime.
*purururur*, *purururu*
It received the magical power because it was slightly covered in light. Next is to tell my name and finally to name the slime…..
My name.
It is not a name given by my parents. It is the name I have considered since I left the village. I attached "Ivy" to myself to survive strongly even if stepped on. It's a name pulled from my previous memory. It is the name of a plant that can survive even when stepped on.
And the name of the crumbling slime…Etto, because the body is blue, is it blue? Bulu3? While thinking about it, I look up and see the beautiful blue sky. Ah...Sora, let's go with Sora!
"I'm Ivy, and you are Sora!"
The plump body moves a little violently. As I watched, restless that the slime would disappear, a small pattern appeared on the crumbling slime's forehead. This pattern is a mark that the slime has been tamed.
Yes, it's a success!
Looking at Sora, trembling in front of me relieves me. When I was glad he didn't disappear, I remembered what was written in the book: that crumbling slime life only lasts one day.
Will Sora disappear tomorrow?
When I felt uneasy and looked at Sora, he also looked at me. For some reason, we looked at each other for a few minutes.
What is Sora doing?
Once again, let's check the book about Sora.
[Rare slime, which is said to be the weakest slime, has been confirmed to disappear after a day].
However, it was also written [There are many unknown things about this slime].
In other words, you mean that you don't know?
If that's the case, I'll believe it's okay. Even though we had just become friends, it would be too sad if Sora were to disappear.
It will be okay.
Sora began to tremble while staring at me. I feel like he tried to say something….. I don't know. It was written that you can communicate with the monsters that were tamed.
I'm sorry~, I don't understand.
I gently lift Sora and return to the village road to head for the village. I can't stay here forever. While going to the town, I'm thinking about what to do in the future. When the excitement calmed down, I realized that there was a problem. The book says that crumbling slime is too weak to be tamed. What would they think if they saw him?
For now, don't let them see Sora.
Sora looks different from ordinary slime, so he will likely be found out.
My new friends may be full of problems.
I stopped my legs, which were moving forward. I felt like I could hear people. If I listen carefully, I can hear several people speaking. Apparently, the village is close by. I should have noticed more than usual. I was distracted by other things. I have to be careful.
I looked at Sora in my arms. What should I do? I can't leave him in the forest.
Feeling troubled as I approached the village, I found that people were coming closer. I frantically put Sora in the magic bag. Soon, three adventurers emerged from the forest. They must have been from hunting; one had a slightly giant snake in his hand. They headed to Ratto village in a rush without dismantling it.
I sauntered and waited for them to disappear. A moment of relief.
"Ah, I put Sora in the magic bag!"
I look for Sora in the magic bag. You can't put creatures in either the regular or degraded versions.
It will be thrown back out if you try to put it in.
I have looked around, but I can't see Sora's figure.
...Could it be that he disappeared?
Leaving the village road and in a hurry, I enter the forest. I checked my surroundings to ensure there was no presence around me and put the bag on the fallen tree. I take a deep breath, put my hands in the magic bag, and look for Sora. Soon, a little cold thing gets on my hand.
I'm glad.
When I pull out my hand, Sora trembles. Haaa~, I lose power from my whole body and drop on the spot.
Sora is safe to put in the magic bag. There may have been a function that made it possible in the degraded version, but it's not known.
Ah, that's right!
If I put Sora in the bag, I can stay with him, and other people won't notice. Although I knew it coincidentally, this solved the problem. It is...resolved….. into.
"I'm sorry, Sora. For putting you in the trash bag."
The bag where I put Sora was in the bag for trash. If I recall correctly, the bag only contained a discolored potion and torn clothes.
When I moved through the forest to Ratto village this time, I found the village dump. It was perfect; I could throw away the things I didn't need. When I got there, the temperature was higher, so the color of the potion changed quickly. Especially the color of the healing and pain alleviation potion is often altered.
I Place Sora near the rock seen from the dump and step inside. Then, take out the trash from the magic bag for trash.
I can't find the blue potion in the trash. The muddy white and black discolored potion is still there, but….. I turned the magic bag upside down, but nothing came out. I looked inside the bag and put my hand in it, but it was still not there. The blue potion is meant to heal wounds, but many had discolored when I arrived.
"That's weird."
I check the bottom of the bag to make sure that there is no hole there. There were other garbages, so it's natural...1 I repeatedly turn my magic bag, but it still doesn't come out. In my memory, 13 potions should have turned into trash.
Where did it go?
Because I couldn't find it, I gave up and started looking for potions to replenish my stock. I want more blue potions to heal wounds and green potions to alleviate pain.2 The degraded version is weak to heat, and the two types discolor fast. However, most of it will be used in the forest, so I want to keep as much reserve as possible. Look around the dump and put the potion I found in the magic bag. After I picked it up to some extent, I returned to Sora.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
Sora was trembling while rolling in the wind.
I wish I had looked for a safer place.
I pick him up and head to Ratto village. When the presence of people approached, I put Sora in the magic bag….."Oh no, the potions."
The magic bag has many options. The other bags are in a similar state. The only one that is empty is the trash bag. I look at Sora.
"Sorry, please be patient for a while."
Today, I'm just checking the village and gathering information about its surroundings. After that, I planned to leave immediately. I was very hesitant, but I decided to put Sora in the bag with the potions. Let's prepare a bag for Sora as soon as possible.