It is reasonable, seeing it will earn them money.
As the square has a kitchen, I decided to make dinner immediately.
I want to use something other than magic in cooking because I have little power.
The kitchen in this square is convenient because a magic stone can make fire.
Cut the dismantled wild rats into appropriate sizes and grill them.
Wrap one grilled meat with banana leaves.
The other one is for today's dinner.
Enjoy an extravagant dinner while checking the map I picked up at the dump.
For now, let's check the name of the place where I am now.
The place where I was born is Ratomi Village.
I checked it on the map; it was far from the town.
I didn't enter the village, but next to it was Ratov, and the next one was Ratne.
Probably this village.
Then the next village is Ratto.
It seems closer according to the map than before...…
As long as I don't know who had thrown the map, I shouldn't trust it too much,
I remembered the Fortune Teller after seeing the letters for a long time.
I could read a simple letter, but not all of them.
The fortune teller who knew that taught me how to read, write, and do simple calculations when necessary.
For one more time, I want to see that gentle face again.
Since I take my time slowly before moving, I could spend the morning leisurely.
I could sleep vigilantly, feeling very light after a long time.
It may be better for my body to use the place if it is open.
Losing my focus because of fatigue on my journey is the scariest thing.
From the square, I go to the center of the village to check the situation.
The large-scale hunt seems to have been successful.
The villagers already smelled like alcohol in the morning.
A merry voice can be heard from the store where adventurers gather.
How many were hunted is unclear, but moving through the forest may be safer.
Of course, vigilance is still a must.
Get out of the village a little before noon.
Since it was so far away from Ratomi, where I was born, I could not find it even if I walked on the village road.
There will be little merit in staying in this village anymore.
Besides, there is a possibility that the fang boars are still lurking in the forest.
The village road is the best option if it's safe.
When I left the village, I passed in front of a building that was supposed to be the meeting place, but the subdued fang boars lay down.
Although I got the information from the book I read, it was bigger than I expected.
It's terrifying to think of bumping into something like that.
Even on the village roads, if you're unlucky, you will encounter them, so I leave the village while being nervous.
This village's road is more solid than the road from the previous town.
That's how often people come in and out.
It was a bustling village.
Speaking of that, the butcher's owner must have noticed that I had a reason.
A child who looks younger than ten seldom goes out to sell meat themselves.
But he didn't ask anything about it and probably bought the meat at the same price as the other adventurer.
I should have thanked him properly.
The third day after leaving Ratne.
Listening to the sound of water, I head there to procure drinking water.
In the meantime, I check the trees in the forest to find some edible fruits.
I noticed a lot of edible fruits on my way to the river.
By the time I got to the river, I was able to secure some fruits.
Fill the bamboo tube with water from the river and put it in the magic bag.
A slime appeared from the grass when I tried to return the way I came.
A general slime with a green, rounded triangle body.
Slime that has not been tamed is a monster.
Honestly, I'm scared.
This world of slime has no cuteness.
This is my previous opinion.
Something must be wrong with my head, asking the monster to be cute.
More than that, I have to think about how to run away...
They say slime is weak, but it shoots mucus bullets at the body.
I can't use attack magic or defensive magic.
I have a sword, but the sword is less effective against slime.
The safest option is to run away.
Avoid the bush where the slime comes and run back to the village road.
I checked its presence around the village road, but it didn't follow me.
It's good that slime move speed is slow.
I heard that if you have a lot of magic power, you can kill the slime with fire livelihood magic.
But the amount of my magic power is small.
In this world, we use some magic in our daily life.
These are called "livelihood magic"; they can create fires, pour water, and remove dirt.
These three are said to be magic that anyone can use.
Of course, I can use it, but it's impossible for me.
The cause is the amount of my magic power.
I can't use it because my amount of magic is too small.
The number of times livelihood magic can be used differs for each person.
The difference is determined by the amount of magic you have.
Everyone starts training their livelihood magic at the age of five to increase their magic power so that they will not be troubled by everyday life.
But in my case, no matter how much I used livelihood magic, my magic power didn't increase.
It may have increased a little, but it is so tiny that I don't realize it.
My magical power is almost zero after using fire livelihood magic once.
If the magic power becomes 0 in the forest, I won't be able to feel any presence.
You don't use magic to feel the presence, but your physical ability decreases when the magic reaches zero.
It's a fatal mistake in a forest.
I might have needed magic to fight.
At that time, I wouldn't have any chance.
Therefore, I can't fight it, no matter how weak they are.
I could only run.
I encountered many more from the first slime on the way to Ratto. There is a lot of slime near the village road towards Ratto. I didn't hear that when collecting information, but I don't think that much information about weak slime circulates. Even so, I'm tired of running away. It's about time I arrived at the next village.
This is bad; the water has run out. I have to refill the water somewhere. I still need to find out where the village is. It is necessary to refill if only that time I had considered this before coming this far.1 If I listen carefully, I can hear the sound of water. It seems a little far away, but it can't be helped. Go into the forest and walk in the direction where the sound of water is heard.
"Wah~….. amazing"