Alex: Are you in the office? Noah: Not yet. Noah: Why? Alex: I need a few things from Mike's computer and I do not have a password. Noah: Check in the blue notebook, in the second desk drawer. Alex: Ok, thanks. Noah: U found it? Alex: Yes. It's working! Noah: Bring u some coffee? Alex, Yes, plz :) Noah: With milk or black? Alex: White plz.
Alex needs some stuff from Mike's computer, he doesn't have a password though. The password is in the blue notebook, as Noah says. Noah is coming to the office and he'll get Alex some coffee.
Peter: Guys, I've changed my mind about the journey! Paul: what? again? fuck! Manuel: why? Peter: we're doing a huuuuuge mistake I think Manuel: why? what bullshit have you read again? Peter: it's just we should go to Reunion instead of Mauritius Peter: Mauritius is a regular, boring holiday island with beaches and almost no forest Peter: and Reunion seems quite the opposite Paul: I know, and you're very much right. But we found the cheap tickets from Europe and Manuel wanted some beach as well Paul: so the plan is that we'll stay for a week in Mauritius and then fly from Mauritius to Reunion and back, it's still cheaper than Paris-Reunion-Paris Peter: ok, I've just seen this amazing volcano and tropical forests in Reunion Peter: And I read that Mauritius is twice as densely populated as Reunion, and almost deforested Paul: I know, and full of hotels and even some marinas for billionaires Manuel: yes, but we will have a chance to see both, luckily. And do some active tourism on Reunion with wandering etc. Peter: good then
Peter thinks they should go to Reunion instead of Mauritius. Paul and Manuel convince Peter they got a great deal for Mauritius, and they should visit both places.
Aaron: Hey guys, I’ve just missed the bus and fuck knows when the next one is so I’ll be super late. Sorry!! Earl: Hmmm it’s ok, We’ll be waiting inside Marcos: Yep, seems like we’ve got no choice 🤪 Aaron: Sorry, I’ll be serious in the future 🤡😞⚰️ Earl: Please don’t Marcos: 🖤🖤🖤
Earl and Marcos will wait inside for Aaron who missed his bus.
Mats: I haven't seen you around, so you must be new here. Bobby: As a matter of fact, I am. Mats: It's nice meeting you. Bobby: Nice to meet you too. Mats: When did you move out here? Bobby: I moved here about a month ago. Mats: What do you think of it so far? Bobby: It's great. Mats: Don't you think that it's beautiful here? Bobby: It really is gorgeous. Mats: Welcome to the neighborhood. Bobby: Thank you for making me feel welcome. Mats: its okay, youll get that from everyone here Bobby: ill appreciate that really Mats: youll find it amazing Bobby: im sure i will, it already feels like it Mats: that's the spirit Bobby: thanks again Mats: its nothing really. Bobby: okay
Bobby's new to the neighbourhood, Mats welcomes him.
Linda: how's it going? Ian: Good! Nice crowd! Linda: did you get there on time? Ian: with 15 minutes to spare, which was nice. I took it easy too, the road was pretty rough - lots of bends Linda: good well that's why I wanted you to leave early Linda: so when do you think you'll be done? Ian: no telling yet. They'll probably want me to stay after the party to help with clean up Linda: when's it finish? Officially I mean Ian: At 11. So I'll probably get home midnight, maybe 1 Linda: 😮 Linda: just so long as they're paying you for the extra time Ian: yep we've worked all of that out Linda: 🙂 Ian: 🙂 Linda: see you when you get home x Ian: Don't wait up x
Ian got there a quarter before the planned time. The party finishes at 12 or 1 o'clock at night but Ian will probably have to stay longer and help with cleaning up for extra money.
Lync: Lincold Burrows in Prison Break reminds me of you Brock: But your name resembles his Lync: I never thought about that :/ Brock: :/ Lync: Should we watch upcoming episode together? Brock: Why not Lync: Be at my home , you know the time
Lync and Brock will watch the upcoming episode of Prison Break together ar Lync's.
Yvonne: Hi! Can you tell my father that he should come at 5 not at 4 pm. Iona: He's in town now but I can send him a message. Iona: Actually why don't you text him? Yvonne: I did and asked him to call me back but he hasn't read my message. Iona: That's strange. He is always so fast in replying. Wait a sec! Iona: Just found his mobile! He's forgotten to take it along. Yvonne: Oh sugar! Can you leave him a message at home to read when he's back? Iona: Sure I can but I don't think he'll be coming home before visiting you. He was saying something about driving on to Bretton. Yvonne: That's too bad. Nobody will be here at 4. Iona: Hasn't he got a spare key to your place? Yvonne: He does but quite unlikely he's got it on him. Could you please check if it is on its key hook? Iona: I'm already on the train to B'ham. Yvonne: Oh blast!!! I guess I have to leave the key with the neighbours and put a note for him on the door. I'd hate him standing in the cold and dark here and not knowing what's going on. Iona: Sounds a sensible solution.
Yvonne is trying to reach her dad to let him know to come at 5 instead of 4 as no one will be in. As she nor Iona can reach him, she will leave a key with the neighbours and a note on the door.
Will: Where are you? Bill: Downstairs, in the foyer, you? Will: in the toilette :P Wojtek: I'm in the horrendous queue to the gentlemen's room
Bill is in the foyer, Will is in the toilet and Wojtek waits in a huge queue to the gentelmen's room.
Linda: Thank you for coming yesterday! Hilary: Thank you for inviting us! Megan: It was lovely <3
Linda invited Hilary and Megan yesterday. Hilary and Megan are grateful.
Daniel: Do you know anyone in HR? Karen: I kind of do, why? Daniel: I just saw a new job opening, it was posted in the intranet yesterday and I'd like to apply Karen: So do it, what's stopping you? :) Daniel: It's a completely different department. Karen: So? I don't think it changes anything. Daniel: In order to apply for an internal transfer, I need to have my manager's permission and my manager... well, he's kind of a dick. Karen: Are you under Tom Smith? Daniel: Yup, one and only Karen: Hm, he can be difficult true, but do you really think he won't let you transfer? Daniel: I'm more than sure he won't. I'm kind of stuck because of him. That's why I wanted to talk with someone from HR, you know, directly, someone who won't spread the rumour Karen: I get it. I knew a girl, Patricia, from HR and I think she'll be happy to help. Daniel: That's great! This is quite a delicate issue. I'd love to change the department, try something different Karen: Understandable. Let me talk to her first, send me the link to the job you're interested in Daniel: <file_other> Karen: Ok, she'll call you :) Daniel: Thank you!
Daniel wants to apply for a new job. He is sure he won't get his manager's permission. Karen knows Patricia from HR. She talked to her. Patricia will call Daniel.
Mindy: How to make that lovely sauce you always prepare for your steaks? Mia: It's so easy just take an onion Mindy: Big one or small one? Mia: Medium Mindy: Okay Mia: some garlic and butter, fry it a little bit with some salt Mindy: and then? Mia: ass a glass of white wine Mindy: that's where the lovely souery taste comes from! Mia: Yes, exactly. And then after 2-3 minutes add some cream Mindy: Okay, thanks, wish me good luck :) Mia: :)) Mindy: <file_gif> Mia: <file_gif>
Mindy is going to prepare the sauce for steaks according to Mia's recipe.
Tom: hi boss :) Tom: I'm working from home right now Tom: but I'll come to the office by noon Jake: all right, no worries! Jake: thanks for letting me know Jake: I'll see you there ;-) Tom: that's right :)
Tom is working from home at the moment and will be at the office by 12 pm.
Alexander: Does anyone of you know a good product designer?.. I mean physical products.. Ken: if i can think of one I'll let you know Cindy: Actually, my friend is one, check out his website <file_link>
Alexander is looking for a good product designer. Cindy's friend is a product designer. Cindy sends Alexander a link to his website.
Gina: I lost Agnes :((( Fred: How come?! Mike: Oh no!!! How?! When?! Gina: We went on a walk, she always runs freely in the park and she just ran off Fred: Where are you now? Gina: Home Fred: Go back to the park immediately. When did it happen? Mike: Fred's right, she won't find you at home Gina: I don't know what to do Fred: Go look for her where you last saw her, call out, look, ask around, ask people, every single person and wait Mike: Yes, you need to go back to the place where you were when she ran off, she may be back Gina: Ok, I'm going, I'm worried sick, I hope she's all right ;( Mike: Fingers crossed Fred: Let us know if you need any help
Gina lost Agnes in the park during the walk. Fred and Mike tell her to come back there, call out, look aroud and ask people about Agnes.
Rachel: Kindy update me with your progress.. Jacob: Well till now, I haev completed literature review of my poject.. Rachel: And what about the classification techniques for the ECG signal?? Jacob: Yes ma'am, i am working on it.. Rachel: What did you find on the classification of ECG signals?? Jacob: I have found various research papers and various techniques to extract features of ECG signal Rachel: Kindly send me those research papers and techniques Jacob: Sure ma'am. <file:research_papers>
Jacob has completed the literature review of his project. He has found some material on the ECG signal. He sent Rachel the research papers and techniques.
Matthew: I'm downstairs Paul: already? Raul: we're still drinking Paul: come and join us Matthew: I can't drink tonight, I'm driving Paul: not even one beer Matthew: I don't want problems, come down Paul: ok, we're finishing
Matthew won't drink alcohol because he's driving. He is waiting for Paul to come down.
Tiffany: I have an enormous dilemma... Brooks: what is it? Tiffany: I don't know what to do.. Or to come back poland a bit earlier and have more time to do some stuff according to school there. Or to stay here longer and sightsee more in italy... xd Brooks: the second option!
Tiffany can't decide if she could come back to Poland earlier from Italy.
Jacqueline: Spring is coming 🙂🙂🙂 Jacqueline: i plan to buy some plants to liven this place up Alexander: let's make it very clear now Alexander: you can buy as many as you like Alexander: but it's your responsibility Alexander: so don't engage me in watering them blah blah Jacqueline: I see the sun didn't get to you yet hahaah Jacqueline: sure, I will take care of them, you don't have to worry Alexander: I suggest succulents Jacqueline: why? Alexander: they don't die fast hahah Alexander: but for real, check out spathiphyllum and agave Jacqueline: great choices, I will also get aloe vera Alexander: cool Jacqueline: going shopping Alexander: tc
Jacqueline is considering a springtime shopping for plants to liven up their place. Alexander agrees but warns her that he will not be coaxed into taking any care of them. He suggests though that she checks out spathiphyllum and agave. She approves of these and will get aloe vera as well.
Nancy: Hey guys! Which social media platform do u use most often? Vic: Facebook. Phil: Twitter. Nancy: Phil, y do u use twitter? Phil: Well, I'm interested in many things and I can get my news almost asap :)
Phil uses Twitter most often to keep up with the news and Vic uses Facebook.
Aubrey: I just had the best pizza I've ever had Chris: told ya Corina: ok tell me! Aubrey: it's that place near the national museum Aubrey: oh my is it good Chris: best pizza in town hehe Corina: we must go there then! next week! Aubrey: I'm all for it :D Chris: me too :)
Aubrey has just had some delicious pizza in the place near the national museum. She will go there with Corina and Chris next week.
Noah: Hi dad! Are u at home? Mike: No, I am still at work. Do u need sth? Noah: I need ur car :) Mike: I'll be at home about 8 p.m.
Noah needs his dad's car. Mike will be at home at 8 pm.
Thom: hey you need my help with the dog? Madison: oh hi, sorry I forgot to tell you Madison: I won't bother you today Madison: I have 2 meetings in the afternoon and the last one is in my neighborhood Madison: so I won't go back to the office and I'll walk him Thom: ok Thom: let me know next time you need Madison: thank you!
Madison no longer needs Thom's help with the dog today. Her last meeting takes place in her area so she can take care of the dog herself.
Frank: Hi, how's the family? Mike: great! Sam's moved out, finally! We thought he'd never leave.... I'm turning his room into a home gym, got to start getting fit again! You all ok? Frank: yes, Freda is still in the office, me still slogging away at the college. Mike: you two on speaking terms yet? Frank: Not so you'd notice. Few words now and again, y'know! Mike: bloody Brexit! Frank: yeah, you'd never have thought a few years ago that this would have happened. 30 years, never a cross word, then that bastard referendum happened! Mike: what was she thinking? Frank: No idea, perhaps she was in love with Nigel Bloody Farage! Or Boris! She certainly believed all the crap they were spouting! I don't know why she didn't use her head. Mike: yes, I mean, the EU has done so much around her. Doesn't Freda swim at the new sports centre? Frank: exactly, areas like ours have benefited so much from EU money! It's a crying shame whats happened. I've tried getting through to her, but she's adamant she's right. Mike: women, eh! That said, I believed all the crap the leave campaign came up with and Bobbi persuaded me to vote to stay. Frank: Not that it matters now, of course, especially with the No Deal thing looming! Mike: shall I try and talk to Freda when I come on Friday? Anything to help a mate. Frank: yes, I'd appreciate that Mike. You and Freda always got on. Particularly after that amazing holiday in 87, remember Cyprus! We'd not long been married. Mike: Oh, vague memories, Frank, so long ago now. Anyway, Bobbi's just got In from work and I'm making dinner tonight, Spaghetti and meatballs, my speciality! Frank: see you Friday, remember to pop in now!
Mike is happy, because Sam's moved out. Mike and Frank grumble about Brexit. Frank is in dispute with Freda, because she voted for Brexit. Mike will talk to Freda in order to help Frank.
Ben: Hi, Adam. Got a minute? Adam: Yep. What've you got, Ben? Ben: I've got this new prospective client. Adam: All right. Who is it? Ben: A medium sized manufacturing firm. Adam: Sounds interesting. Adam: What can we do for them? Ben: They plan to invest in a new production line. Adam: Even more interesting. What do they do exactly. Ben: They manufacture seat belts for moto industry. Adam: We want this client, Ben. Ben: I know. I thought I could arrange a meeting. Adam: Very good idea, Ben. When? Ben: I thought you should be at the meeting, Adam. Adam: Sure, Ben. No problem. Ben: So, would you be available this week? Adam: Let me check. Adam: I am free all Wednesday and Friday. Ben: Fine. I'll arrange the meeting and will get back to you. Adam: You do that. Good work, Ben.
Ben will set up a meeting for Adam and a new client from moto industry.
Peter: I want to buy a pink shirt Jacob: Which shade of pink? Sam: You would look great in a washed off shade Sam: It would go well with your complexion Peter: I was thinking about dusty rose Peter: <photo_file> Peter: Something like that Jacob: Nice Sam: Good choice
Peter wants to buy a pink shirt. Jacob and Sam help him to choose one.
Isabelle: Baaaad news my dear Neomi: Whaaaaaat Isabelle: It’s too late Neomi: Too late for what Isabelle: Ryan, he’s kind of…seeing someone o.o Neomi: Please tell me it’s not that bitch Isabelle: Sorry xD Neomi: Looool why her, she’s uglier than me, annoying, it’s unfair Isabelle: Well she’s good at drawing attention to herself Neomi: So what Isabelle: She has a chance to be noticed! You have a problem with that Neomi: What do you mean? Isabelle: He barely knows about your existence, you’re too shy Neomi: It’s not that easy to change it -_- Isabelle: I know but don’t be surprised that guys end up with other girls Neomi: Ahhhhh this is so terrible!! Months of preparation and now he’s gone :[ Isabelle: Don’t worry, maybe it’s nothing, he’ll spend two months in London, maybe sth will happen Neomi: I don’t know, I guess we need a plan ;>
Ryan is seeing a girl. Neomi isn't fond of her. Ryan will spend two months in London.
Andre: Guys! So the window shades have arrived! Andre: They have to be picked up on 8th Street! Andre: Can anyone get them? Hanna: When? Andre: The furniture shop is open until 6pm Andre: Anyone picking them up today before 6? Andre: Im always at work sorry! ☹️☹️☹️ Hanna: I am working until 7! Matt: I think I can pick them up at 4ish. Im done work at 3 Andre: K great! Andre: The package is under my name Matt: Okay Matt: Are they paid? Andre: Yep! No worries about that, I paid Hanna: How much did they cost? Andre: Like 5 bucks each? For each window Matt: That's not that bad Matt: Where did you get them like online Andre: On Best Buy Andre: They have great deals online, I got them on Cyber Monday Matt: Gotcha 😎😎
Matt will pick the window shades from the furniture store at around 4 pm. Andre got these shades on Cyber Monday on Best Buy for 5 bucks each.
Lucy: Dinner is ready! Pamela: I'm coming Omer: Great. I'm starving!
Pamela and Omer are coming to dinner now.
Paige: How do you like my new kettle? :D Paige: <file_photo> Heidi: hahah it's nice :D Lydia: wow, what an amazing kettle :O Lydia: hahahah Paige: XD
Paige has a new, interesting kettle.
Adrien: CATHY!!!!! I JUST HAVE HAD A BRILLIANT IDEA FOR OUR SHOW!!!! Adrien: ......................................................................random dots for tension........................................................................................................................mwahahaha....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ladidadida........................................................................ Adrien: anyhoo, I thought that i could have an imaginary beard and stroki it (as ya do) at random points during the show, AND THEN AT THE END (or near the end) OF THE SHOW I COULD BE LIKE: "My Beard!! It's missing - I think I left it at the bus stop!!!!" Adrien: What do your think?? Adrien: P.S. Sorry abotut all the random dots, I just felt like annoying you :P Cathy: OMG HAHAHAHAHA THATLL BE HILARIOUS LETS DO IT Adrien: P.P.S. I've lost the Game!!! ;) Cathy: lost the game. -.- Cathy: grrr Adrien: Just remember, if you kill me you won't have a partner for our show!! ;)
Adrien shares with Cathy an idea for their show. He has also lost the game.
James: Are you still stressed out? Sarah: Yes ☹ Lots of stress at home, at work and just everywhere James: Listen up, do you know that if you continue to be stressed out you’re gonna have memory loss before you turn 50? Sarah: Really? James: There’s been a study which revealed that the brain could be gradually damaged in a relatively young age long before any symptoms could be seen Sarah: Easier said than done. It’s impossible to live without stress! James: You can try. I’ll help you
Sarah is stressed out all the time. James warned her of the dangers of long-term stress. James wants to help Sarah.
Rob: I've told him! Ann: Really that was brave lol Rob: yes I bet he goes sick in the morning now to piss me off lol Ann: dont say that you are temping fate lol Rob: but I will be pissed!
Rob has told him. Rob will be pissed, if he gets sick in the morning.
Francine: hey hon Francine: how are you today? Francine: I hope our talk yesterday helped a bit Jessie: hiya Jessie: i'm still pretty overwhelmed Jessie: but I was able to calm down a little after we spoke Jessie: thank you for checking up on me <3 Jessie: a lot of people just don't know what to say, so they don't call... Francine: I'm always here if you need me Francine: that's what friends are for <3 Francine: seriously, whenever you need, just call me Jessie: 😭😭😭 Jessie: thank you <3 Francine: anytime <3
Francine and Jessie talked yesterday. The talk has been helpful for Jessie. Francine says she's always there for Jessie. Jessie is very thankful.
Clarissa: <photo_file> Jessica: What a view! Olympia: I envy you !!!
Jessica and Olympia like Clarissa's photo.
Archie: are you at the faculty right now? Leo: haha yeah, why? Archie: i think i've just seen you Leo: that's possible :d where exactly? Archie: you were just entering Leo: yeah that was me! :D
Archie has just seen Leo entering the faculty.
Sam: r u ready 4 tomorrow exam? Cal: not realy, no. U? Sam: More or less, we'll see Cal: Hope it won't be too difficult like last year... Sam: yeah, that was massacre
Sam is more prepared for the exam than Cal. They hope that the exam will not be as difficult as last year.
Ginger: They don't call me kitchen queen for nothing I'm telling you Patricia: What did you magically create this time? Ginger: Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower Patricia: I'm drooling Ginger: Come by, I have plenty Patricia: Srsly? Ginger: Sure! Patricia: I'm getting and uber right now :D
Ginger invited Patricia for Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower. Patricia is getting an Uber.
Henry: I lost my oyster card :( Derek: Shit! where r u? Henry: Stuck at Tufnell, getting a new one Henry: Terrible queue though, will be late
Henry has lost his Oyster card. He's stuck in a queue in at Tufnell, getting a new one. He will be late.
Allie: You know what I love about "Before the storm"? Sheila: apart from everything? :P Shelley: the music? Allie: The music Shelley: wow :P Allie: I'm listening to the soundtrack to this day Shelley: just like me - maybe not the whole ost, but some of the song became my favorites. Sheila: you know it's like 80% Daughter Allie: yeah, I knew a couple of her song before and didn't love them, but this soundtrack is just perfection Shelley: I can't wait for part 2 Allie: me too Sheila: the first episode is just around the corner, but I think I'm going to wait until it's all out so I can just binge it :P Allie: if I had the patience, I'd do that too. Sheila: I'd rather wait now than play the 1st episode and then not know what happens in the second Shelley: That's one way to look at it
Allie is listening to the soundtrack of "Before the storm" today. The first episode of the second season is available to watch.
Luke: Hi I've just sent you 3 more texts, can you please take a look? Ingrid: OK, in 2 hours Luke: Oh... I'm afraid we have to close the issue earlier... Ingrid: When do you need it? Luke: Like... now? :) ??? Luke: I mean asap Ingrid: But I'm out of office now... Luke: Ok I get it... Please take a look asap ok? Ingrid: Maybe in 1-1,5h. Please send it earlier next time. Luke: Sure, sorry, we've just got it from the authors :( Ingrid: I know but I really can't make it in 3 minutes every time, it's the same story every month. I know it's not your fault but please understand me too. Luke: I'll talk to the team again. Thank you for your effort Ingrid. Ingrid: Maybe Agnes could do it this time? Luke: Ok I'm going to ask her now, youre right. Honestly I prefer you to do that because you're just better but maybe she can give us a hand :) Ingrid: GLad to read that :) Luke: I'll ask her and let you know but you're always my first choice anyway! Ingrid: Let me know later.
Luke has sent Ingrid 3 texts to take a look at. Ingrid dislikes that Luke gives her short deadlines each month. Ingrid suggests Agnes do the job this time. Luke will call Agnes and let Ingrid know if she has agreed.
Xander: check this out Xander: <file_other> Nicholas: hahaha Nicholas: that's so painful to watch :D Nicholas: i love James Corden, but he should choose his guests wiser Nicholas: she's barely singing! Xander: right?! Xander: what's the point of KARAOKE if you don't sing? Xander: i mean... Carey is such a diva (in bad sense of that word) Nicholas: yeah Nicholas: she's a great singer tho Nicholas: i'd love to see her performing live one day Xander: me too!! and hear her famous whistle notes Nicholas: a man can dream, huh? :)
Nicholas and Xander would like to see Carey performing live.
Philip: someone borrowed my Proust, could u guys check? Lollie: for sure it's not me I hate this guy Minnie: i will check my library Xavier: i'm pretty sure I didn't borrow it but gonna check anyway Philip: thx lemme know when you'll find it
Minnie and Xavier will check if they have Philip's book by Proust.
Lily: what time should we meet tomorrow morning? Tom: about 8? Ieva: 9 please! Tom: 9 shall it be;)
Lily, Tom and Ieva are meeting tomorrow morning at 9.
Noah: I met Mike with a new girlfriend today ! Lisa: Really?! Lisa: And what is she like? Noah: Just like Sharon :) Noah: Maybe a little higher, but very nice. Noah: We are going to Cinema next friday. Lisa: Really? Lisa: Can i go with u? Noah: Sure :)
Noah met Mike with a new girlfriend today. Noah goes to the cinema with them next Friday. Lisa also wanted to go with them and Noah agreed.
Eliza: Hey Sammy: hi Eliza: Could I borrow your copy of great gatsby? Sammy: Sure I just need it back next semester cause I'm taking a class about the author Eliza: Sure, I just need it for two weeks :) Thanks Sammy! Sammy: I'll give it to you tomorrow during British lit is that okay? Eliza: perfect Sammy: :)
Eliza will borrow Sammy's copy of "Great Gatsby". She needs it back next semester as she's taking a class about its author, but Eliza needs it just for two weeks.
Nina: Hi Carmen! I’m Nina, Rick’s sister. Carmen: Hi, how are you? Nina: Fine thx! And what about u? Carmen: I’m fine too. What can I help u? Nina: I have some problems with math and Rick told me that u know someone that would help me. Carmen: My bro is great in math. I’m sure he will help you. Nina: Thx, could you give me his mobile no? Carmen: Sure, it’s 555 154 124, but he is at gym now so try a little bit later. Nina: Thank u very much. I hope he will have some free time. Carmen: You must ask him, I don’t know. Nina: Of course, I’ll try to call him later. Carmen: He should be at home about 8 pm. Nina: And what about your exam? Carmen: Quite good but I have a lot of tasks to do. It’s sometimes hard not to forget some dates. Nina: I have great book about the II WW. I’ll give it to Rick for you. Carmen: Thx, It will be helpful cause history is not my best side  Nina: Like math for me  Carmen:  Nina: Thank u for help, Have a nice evening with my bro! Carmen: Thx!
Nina needs help with maths. Her brother Rick recommended contacting Carmen. Carmen's brother is good at maths and she gives Nina his phone number. Nina should call him in the evening, after his gym activity. Carmen's exam was good, but she forgets dates. Nina offers her a book about WW II.
Lola: @Kev I dont think I know how to open it Kev: On my way! Lola: Can you just write which entrance is it? cant figure :( Diane: upper lock, anticlockwise Lola: Studio2, but we are already there
Diane informs Lola that if she wants to enter she must use the upper lock anticlockwise.
Kirk: Hi, it's Kirk. Sandra: I can see that, Kirk. Sandra: You are in my contacts. Kirk: You are so smart, Sandra. Sandra: Am I? Kirk: Of course, you are. Kirk: That's what I like most about you! Sandra: So, that's what it is? Kirk: Sure thing. Sandra: How about my looks then? Sandra: I thought you liked the way I look! Kirk: Of course, I do! You look smashing!!! Sandra: Now, that we've established that, what do you want Kirk? Kirk: Ask you out? Sandra: Not in this millennium, Kirk. Sorry:(
Kirk is really into Sandra. He asked her out but she refused.
Camille: A friend is looking for a job Camille: She has just arrived to the UK Olivia: Does she speak good English? Camille: She manages Camille: Her English is not perfect though Camille: She can take care of babies, old people Bernadette: My friend is looking for a cleaner Bernadette: Twice a week Camille: I will let her know Camille: I think at this stage she would take any kind of job Olivia: Is she from Romania? Camille: Yes. Why? Olivia: I thought maybe she could teach languages Olivia: But I don't know if there is demand for Romanian Camille: I don't see her as a teacher Olivia: She should go to a local job centre Olivia: There should be some offers Camille: She's looking for jobs online Camille: But I'm also asking friends Bernadette: I will have my eyes open Camille: Thanks
Camille's friend from Romania just arrived in UK and is looking for a job. She can speak English, take care of old people and babies. Bernadette's friend is looking for a cleaner twice a week.
Karen: Hello everyone, thanks a lot for your payments Karen: We are still missing 3 transfers, please let me know if you can make it this week Joan: Karen is this also for the Xmas gifts? Lenny: we need to put extra money for Xmas right? Karen: No no, you don't have to pay anything more this year Karen: This is basically for Xmas and I think we could get some gift for the teacher? Karen: If you don't mind? Lenny: no, of course not Helen: hi! sure, let's buy her something :) Karen: Great :) Waiting for your ideas then :) Joan: what did she get last year? Lenny: that set of espresso cups?? Joan: I think that was 2yrs ago... Lenny: ok what's the budget for that? Karen: Let's decide what to buy for the kids first, ok? Karen: And then we'll see how we're doing Joan: Ok Lenny: good idea Helen: Are we buying the same thing for everyone? I mean girls&boys Lenny: how about a small lego set? Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: <file_photo> Lenny: these are just examples obviously Joan: I love legos hahaha Lenny: me too :) Helen: lego is always a good idea haha
Karen is still missing 3 transfers from people for Xmas gifts for children and the teacher. They're thinking about getting the kids a small Lego set each.
Arabella: Are you planning to go to Misty's Magazine in the next few days? Arabella: I need some stockings. Aretha: Hi, Yes, I might go there. Aretha: Which one do you need? Arabella: Same as usual, balck, size M. Arabella: Two pairs. Aretha: Okey, no problem :) Arabella: Thx!
Aretha will get Arabella two pairs of black stockings, size M from Misty's magazine when she's there in the next few days.
Barbara: Hey mum what time are you coming back? Mary: In one hour, why? Barbara: I need to go out and I cannot leave little Jerry alone.
Mary will come in an hour. Barbara needs to go out can can't leave Jerry alone.
Arthur: hey is that beat coming from your room?? Leon: yeah :D Arthur: cool, turn up the volume XD Leon: sure man ..
Leon is listening to some music in his room. Arthut likes it and wants Leon to turn up the volume.
Stan: Did you bring me my books? Monica: fuck, i forgot :c sorry! Stan: I need them on Friday so make sure to bring them tomorrow Monica: ok
Monica forgot Stan's books. Stan needs them on Friday. Monica has to bring them tomorrow.
Rose: Why don't you answer when I'm calling you? Oscar: Sorry hun... I've been feeling terrible since morning Oscar: Can't focus on anything Oscar: I think I'm getting sick Rose: Oh, my poor Oscar... I'm sorry... but you could've let me know that something's wrong Rose: I had no idea what was going on with you Oscar: Something's definitely not right... Oscar: I guess it's enough to be excused :) Rose: You'll be excused if you go and see a doctor Oscar: Actually I must do that because I haven't got any medicines at home Rose: That should motivate you just well :) Oscar: But I may not see you for a while... :( Rose: It's okay Rose: Health's the most important thing, take it seriously Oscar: I'm so happy to have you <3 Rose: I can't wait to see you back on your feet, Baby Bear <3
Oscar got sick and wasn't answering Rose's calls. He has to see a doctor, as he has no meds at home.
Ross: my mum said im grounded Brian: what why Ross: because I broke my leg Brian: hah its stupid xP Ross: it is, it hurts and she wont let me visit you, my dad could give me a lift Brian: sick bitch Ross: she thinks its your fault and we always do sth stupid Brian: I helped you, you told her that? Ross: sure I did, didnt work Brian: she makes me sick Ross: me too, ill fuckin run away from here Brian: with a broken leg xP Ross: yes I will wander in the woods maybe then she will realize what shes doin to me Brian: bad idea bro, bad idea xd Ross: what am I supposed to do Brian: try talkin to your dad, he’s more reasonable then her Ross: hmmm ok i will
Ross is not allowed to visit Brian. His mum blames Brian for Ross breaking his leg. Ross and Brian are unhappy with Ross' mum and Ross will try and reason with his dad.
Olivia: Hey, I'm at subway, I'll be home in 30 minutes, do you want me to get you anything? Anthony: 😍 Anthony: you're the best! Anthony: but I just ordered pizza, so I'm good. Thanks though. Olivia: lol ok, I'll see you soon
Olivia is at the subway. Anthony has just ordered pizza, so he doesn't want Olivia to get him anything.
Ron: I too have plans for the weekend. Thanks for asking, btw. Taylor: I was going to! So what are ur plans? Harry: Oh, did the princess get offended? :P Ron: Harry, not as much as yo mama! Ron: Taylor, I'm going to an art exhibition :) Harry: You bastard! That's it? Art exhibition? Taylor: Yeah, what's the fun in that? Ron: Thanks 4 ur support. Actually, my pictures are going to be there too. I'm one of the authors. Taylor: Ur first exhibition?! Congratulations! I'm so happy 4 u. Harry: Y didn't u say! I would've cancelled or put off my plans! Ron: Nah, that's fine. Thanks, guys.
At the weekend Ron is going to an art exhibition where his pictures are going to be displayed.
Ursula: new cocktail bar next to our place Ursula: <file_other> Jennifer: Ooo, looks nice!! Maya: Ruby's Vintage? Maya: Hmmmm Maya: Rings a bell....... Ursula: they have cocktails, wines & bites Jennifer: Hot Honey Shrimp with Curried Mango *.* Maya: Ahhhhhhh shrimps love of my life Maya: + Mango, my fav fruit Ursula: so when are you free? ;-) Maya: Fri? Ursula: fine with me Jennifer: But after 4pm Jennifer: Cause I'll be busy till 3pm + getting there Ursula: Ok ;-) Maya: I'm free all day Maya: So for me doesnt really matter Maya: Can be 4pm, can be a bit later
Ursula informs Jennifer and Maya that there's a new cocktail bar serving cocktails, wines and bites next to the place she lives. They all agree to meet at the bar on Friday after 4 pm.
Kim: heeeeey Kourtney!!! What's up? I miss you all guys so much!!! Kourtney: Kim, at last! We miss you too. I'm fine, just busy as always. How's your university? Your work? Everything? Kim: Good to hear that :) Well...I'm just getting used to the new place and the people, but as for now, it's really good. Kourtney: Last time we've seen each other you told me something about work at the hotel, right? Did it work out? Kim: Yes! Listen, it's such a nice job, people are so friendly there. The only thing I could complain about is that sometimes I have to take the night shifts, even three times a week. It's really tiring... Kourtney: gosh...really? how do you manage to accomodate the job with university? Kim: Well, I can choose whether or not I want to take a particular shift and that's a big plus. But to be honest, I think I have exagerrated a little bit cause I don't even have enough time to sleep :/ Kourtney: How many hours do you sleep? Kim: Well, it depends but usually it's about 6hrs and sometimes less, I also sleep during a day... Kourtney: I don't think it's good for your health, maybe you should work less? Kim: Yeah, that's for sure...but I'd like to see you all so much... Kourtney: and you will, are you coming back for the weekend? Kim: Yes, but I'm not sure if for this one or maybe the next one...I still have a lot of things to do here... Kourtney: I get it. So...just inform me Kim: Of course! I hope you're doing well? Kourtney: yes, I'm a little bit tired too, but it's not that bad.
Kim has a nice new job at a hotel. However, she sometimes needs to take night shifts, up to 3 times a week. She's busy accommodating her job with the university and doesn't get much sleep. Kim is coming back for this or next weekend - she will inform Kourtney.
Bridger: How would you describe yourself self in these kind of stuff Bridger: Are you a romantic girl? Geraldine: I am Geraldine: But everything depends on my mood ;) Bridger: I like to think I can read those moods when I see it and actually influence it Geraldine: 😏 Bridger: Oh my days ... 🤒 Geraldine: Huh? Bridger: I got a lil temperature Geraldine: Lol Bridger: From watching the girl's leg back there Bridger: But you look cute 😉 Geraldine: Yeah that was my aim taking that photo Geraldine: Lol Bridger: Haha you just happened to be there Geraldine: Yep
Geraldine took a selfie with a girl's leg in the background to show it to Bridger.
Reid: has pollard lost his job? Lennon: I dont know mate has he? Reid: thats what I heard what will he do? Lennon: prob sit on his arse😂😂😂 Reid: well yes and that Lennon: where you hear that anyway? Reid: my mate works at his place Lennon: oh is it Reid: yh, says its closing down at the end of the month Lennon: he will be ok anyways hes always getting job offers Reid: yh I spose he is pretty good on the job front Lennon: that bloke from the garage spoke to him last week abut starting with them he might do that Reid: that would be good he could get our cars done cheap Lennon: good shout mate
Pollard lost his job. His work place is closing at the end of the month.
Suzanne: I'm rewatching friends Rosanne: haha for the 10th time? Suzanne: 12th Rosanne: :D Suzanne: and I just noticed that phoebe's brother Rosanne: yeah? Suzanne: that he is in one of the early episodes as some guy who gives her a condom instead of a coin when she's singing in the street Rosanne: I know!! and Joey's agent? Suzanne: what about her? Rosanne: she was a nurse when Carol was giving birth! Suzanne: Wow Rosanne: Yeah they do that a lot Suzanne: in gilmore girls, too? Rosanne: sure Suzanne: where? Rosanne: Drella? and that lady who dresses Emily? same person Suzanne: shut up Rosanne: and a waiter at the restaurant where Sookie and Jackson have their first date and later sookie's old friend she meets again at the inn managing course Suzanne: woah Rosanne: yeah :D
Suzanne and Rosanne noticed they use the same actors for different roles on Friends and Gilmore Girls.
Paul Donaghy: Hi Veronica... Did you send me a friend request on Facebook? Veronica: Yes Paul Donaghy: Ok... Just checking because I've had multiple requests lately from hacked accounts Veronica: It was me from second account which I use mostly recently for work
Veronica has sent Paul Donaghy a friend requests on Facebook. Paul Donaghy wanted to verify if she really did, as he had received several request from hacked accounts.
Fai: Tomorrow i'm going to the skatepark. Larry: What time? Maybe we can make some videos for the clip, the day will be sunny. Fai: Around 10:00 AM. Gonna stay there until lunch time. Larry: Nice, I will meet you there. Don't forget to use the sponsor's clothes. Fai: Yeah I know ;) thanks, see you tomorrow!.
Fai and Larry will meet tomorrow before noon at the skatepark. They will make videos for the clip.
Jamie: Are U going to play footie after school? Miles: Yes, can't wait for the match. We'll smash them! Jamie: Not good last time, tho! Miles: Yeah, my own goal. Such a cringe! Jamie: Mine too and I'm the goalie! Good luck, man! Miles: You too! Hope our lot manage a goal this week!
Miles is going to play football after school. The last time Jamie and Miles played football together they made mistakes during the game.
John: Damn it. We lost. Audrey: u serious? Im so sorry honey... John: dont worry, its our fault. We played like a bunch of girls. John: No offence meant lol. Audrey: no problem. I know u stupid but I love ya anyway. John: Thats exactly what I needed to cheer me up. Love u too.
John's team lost the game. Audrey comforts him.
Mom: When are you home?? Jason: I am still at Dylans Mom: What are you doing there? Jason: Were finishing a round of Black Ops Mom: Come home after that Mom: I cooked you some dinner Jason: I ll be home in an hour Jason: ok? Mom: Dad is kinda angry Mom: So asap Jason: okay Jason: I will try finish this round as soon as possible Mom: K dad is saying that you have to come home now Jason: Omg mom Jason: Okay Im heading off right now Mom: Good Jason: What did you cook? Mom: Pasta and spinach Jason: Urgh okay well Jason: Be right there
Jason will get home asap as his dad is angry. Mom cooked pasta with spinach.
Jonas: Do you fancy going out tonight? Rose: sure, any place in mind? Jonas: not yet, give me a minute. Rose: okay
Jonas and Rose will go out tonight.
Sash: will u do me an advert for my van Lea: what kind of advert? Sash: uno to move stuff Lea: like gumtree? Sash: yh Lea: well I need to know what your rates are Sash: i dnt no u do all that stuff u cn find out how much i need to charge Lea: dont be silly.. I can say you will work all day for a tenner, you have to tell me how much a trip is or how much per hour or if you need to give a quote Sash: yh quote yh Lea: you need to wash and clean the van and take pics Sash: y Lea: if I'm going to make an advert people need to see what they are buying it needs to look professional Sash: ok yeah i get it Lea: we can go over it when do you want to start it Sash: as soon as really Lea: it wont take long I'm sure we can get something up and running Sash: are u in ltr Lea: no im going out tonight Sash: whre u goin Lea: none of your business lol Sash: touchy Lea: just for a meal with Trev Sash: see u tom then Lea: ok cool
Lea will make an advert for Sash's van business. Sash and Lea will meet tomorrow.
Paul: what's the apartment number? Michael: 12, 3rd floor Paul: I'm almost there
Paul is going to the apartment 12 on the 3rd floor.
Logan: sup? Caleb: Hi! Do you know anyone, who's looking for a flatmate? Caleb: You won't believe this, this dude, who's been living in Mike's room for two weeks now, is just as dirty as Mike. Logan: no way, another stinky flatmate? Logan: man, you have rly bad luck with people you live with Caleb: I know!!! This guy hasn't taken a shower yet. IN TWO WEEKS!!! He doesn't do the dishes and he brings home some really (I mean REALLY) weird people Logan: some more shtunks? :D Caleb: It's not funny! I can't stand it!!! I'm just desperate to move out. Logan: ok, ok, sorry Logan: actually i know a girl who's looking for a flatmate. and definately she's not a scruff Logan: do you want me to call her? Caleb: YES PLEASE Logan: she's a decent human being, she's had some similar experiences with flatmates with so you should get along with her Caleb: I hope so! Caleb: I'm so fed up with stinky flatmates, constant mess and weirdos walking around my flat. Caleb: naked Logan: naked?! Caleb: yes... Logan: how do you find all these wackos? Caleb: Craigslist. I know, my bad. Logan: i mean... man, you asked for it. craigslist is a weird place one the internet Logan: have you heard about the craigslist killer? Caleb: Who's this? Logan: <file_other> Caleb: Ok, I'm not using Craigslist anymore.
Caleb needs to find an apartment. His recent flatmate is negligent of hygiene. Logan knows a girl who is looking for a flatmate. Caleb used to find his flatmates on Craigslist.
Maggie: Hey, any news? Agatha: Well... I'm officially unemployed Maggie: Nooo... Agatha: Yesss... Maggie: But at least you've told them everything, right? Agatha: Everything and more. I got quite upset. This job was such a waste of time... Maggie: You're too good for them! Agatha: I know right?! :) Maggie: You will call my recruiter tomorrow first thing in the morning! Agatha: I dont know, to be honest i'm a bit depressed Maggie: I know and it's okay, you've just lost your job. Sooo... it's an opportunity. Agatha: What are you, my life coach?? :) :) Maggie: I am :) Agatha: Let's get some wine and discuss it, coach! Maggie: That's the attitude! ;) Agatha: My place, 8pm.. Maggie: Your place, your wine, 8pm Agatha: Hey! I'm unemployed! My place, your wine :)
Agatha is unemployed, she thinks this job was a waste of time. Maggie offers her to call Maggie's recruiter. Agatha and Maggie are going to meet up at Agatha's place at 8pm.
Harry: Honey ? Sally: Yes darling Harry: Did you know you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen ? Sally: Thanks darling, it's so cute xxx Harry: Do you remember when we were in Venice last summer ? Sally: How could I forget it ? Harry: It was such a great moment Sally: Only you and me in the City of Love <B Harry: Honey you're so romantic ! Sally: Do you remember this gondola ride on the Grand Canal ? Harry: And this Italian policeman who was certain we were drunk because we were laughing so loud ? Sally: Yes, he almost arrested us ! Harry: And these ice creams in tnis little street ? Sally: Yes, the best ones I've ever eaten Harry: Not as sweet as your kisses ! Sally: Thanks, darling. Why are you reminding our trip in Venice ? Harry: Because I wanted to ask you something Sally: What ? Harry: Honey, will you marry me ? Sally: Oh Darling ! xxxxx
Harry tells Sally she has the prettiest eyes he has ever seen. They recollect their journey to Venice, a gondola ride on the Grand Canal, a policeman and ice cream in a little street. Harry asks Sally to merry him.
Chris: <file_photo> Chris: Just for you mistress. Jane: Nice. They do show your butt off quite well. Jane: Now take them off and send me a photo. Chris: Yes mistress! Chris: <file_photo> Jane: That's better. I want you to walk around like that all day. Chris: Yes mistress!
Chris will walk around naked for the whole day on Jane's request.
Adam: Hey, how are you :) Todd: Good, good - how bout you? Adam: great actually :) I'm moving to a new apartment this weekend :) Todd: Awesome - and it's long overdue :) Adam: Yeah, I know my place is a dump, no need to remind me :) Todd: well, honesty is the foundation of any friendship :D Anyway you know I loved your place but it was no Ritz Carlton for sure :) Adam: Lol :) yeah, good memories but I can finally afford something bigger. Which actually brings me to the point - I need you to be my getaway driver :) Todd: Haha, thought so :) Adam: your dad still has that old van? Todd: yeah, he still does :) No idea why still keeps it around Todd: But surprisingly it is still in one piece :) Adam: Brilliant! You think you could borrow it for the weekend? Todd: sure, you know my dad likes you :) And I assume you want me to help with moving? Adam: well, I didn't want to bother you, but since you mention it it would be a great help and a very nice gesture :) Todd: Lol, smooth talker as always :) When do you want to start? Saturday morning? Adam: I was actually thinking about Friday evening... Todd: Sorry, I'm working late on Friday... But I can be there at 9 am on Saturday Adam: Ok, in that case I will pack everything into boxes and prepare some stuff on Friday. This will save us some time Todd: Great, so it's a date :) Adam: Lol, sure is :)
Adam is moving to a bigger apartment this weekend. He wants Todd to borrow a car and help him move. Todd is working late on Friday. They will meet on Saturday at 9am. Adam will prepare some stuff earlier.
Lars: Sabaton is coming to town in July! Paula: really? Paula: that's great! Lars: I don't need to ask if we're going? right? Paula: ofc :P Paula: when can we buy tickets? Lars: I think from tomorrow morning Lars: but I will check that to be sure Paula: do that Paula: we don't want to miss it Lars: I don't think they'll get sold out in an instant Paula: there's no harm in checking Lars: true, I'll check it later Paula: that put me in a good mood :) Lars: remember that when we meet later on ;) Paula: oh I will! :)
Lars and Paula are going to buy tickets for Sabaton for July.
Harper: can you believe that this jackass tried to convince professor Garcia that he prepared MOST of our presentation?? Harper: can you imagine this level of jackassness?! Theodore: whoa Theodore: but she didn't believe him, right? Harper: well, i explained THOROUGHLY, what exactly everyone had done Harper: and i stressed that he hadn't lift a fucking finger Harper: the rest of the group confirmed what i said, so i it was quite obvious, that he was lying Theodore: and what did professor Garcia do? Theodore: did she fail him? Harper: no, she didn't Harper: she told him to prepare a new presentation on a new subject Harper: but i think that she should have failed him, he doesn't deserve to get a Master's degree Harper: he's too dumb and lazy for it Theodore: this is why i hate group projects Theodore: everyone works their butt off except this one person who will try to put their name on your work after everything is done Harper: right?? Harper: why do we have to go through hell like this??? Harper: it’s so frustrating Theodore: i couldn't agree more!
Harper is upset with him because he tried to take credit for the presentation he didn't prepare. He now has to prepare a new one for professor Garcia. Harper finds him undeserving of a Master's degree. Theodore dislikes group projects.
Alex: Hey, ladies! What do you say for a Xmas party this year? Anna: Oh yeah! Eva: I’m in! Christina: Yayy! Like the old times :) Eva: I’m not that old yet 8) Christina: you are, stop lying haha Anna: I wanna host! I’ll make some yummy food Christina: I can help Eva: I volunteer to the dishes after ;) Alex: It’s gonna be so awesome! Christina: I’ve got an idea, what about a secret santa? Anna: That’s a brilliant idea! Eva: Totally! Alex: Cool! How much of worth should be the gifts? Christina: hmmm like 30 bucks? Eva: I’m good with that Anna: Me too Christina: OK, I’ll prepare the sheets to fill in :) Alex: Soooo excited!!
Anna will make some food and host a Christmas party for Christina, Alex and Eva. Eva will do the dishes after. They are organising secret santa and the budget is 30 bucks.
Alan: I got something for my baby :))))))) Mindy: what is it?? Alan: surprise! ;>
Alan's got a surprise for Mindy.
Dakota: you won't believe me but I've just watched 50 shades of Grey XDDD Doreen: xDDDDDD Stephanie: no way, you watched the movie with yourself in it? ahahahhahaah Dakota: XDDDD oh stop Doreen: how was it? xd Dakota: actually not worse than I thought Dakota: but still, it might've been better Stephanie: geez....I'm never gonna watch it, that's for sure Doreen: good for you :p
Dakota quite liked 50 shades of Grey. Stephanie is never gonna watch it.
Kate: Do you think that Rotten Tomatoes is a good source of information? Ann: I guess so Kate: How about The Star is Born? Have you seen it? Ann: I liked the film very much Kate: How about Roma? Ann: Roma is a masterpiece according to the critics, but the audience doesn't like it that much
Kate asked Ann about her opinion on the films "The Star is Born" and "Roma". She liked the first one very much. The second one is appreciated by the critics but not so much by the public.
Max: Yo. Wanna go out play some pool tonight? Johny: Sure. What time are you free? Max: I can reserve the pool table on 6 p.m Johny: Great! I'll come to your place on 5 then. Max: Sure. See ya.
Tonight Johny will come to Max's place at 5 pm, and they will go play some pool at 6.
Laura: have you got the sandwiches? James: yes Laura: could i have 1? James: move... i'm 5 seats ahead!
James will share his sandwiches with Laura.
Sarah: Hi I'm organizing a biliards competition, do you want to join us? Victor: Biliard? That sounds great! Victor: When is it? Sarah: I think about next Monday because we're having an easy week and don't have much to study Victor: That's okay for me. Will there be anything to win? Sarah: Of course but that's a surprise Victor: Okay I'm in :D Sarah: Great. If you may know anybody whou would play too than let me know Victor: I'll ask Matthiew maybe he'll come
Sarah is organizing a biliards competition next Monday. Victor will join them.
Arnie: I want to get something nice for my wolf Peter: Maybe sth like that Peter: <photo_file> Omer: Yeah Omer: Nice underwear is always a good idea Omer: Or maybe some sex toys? Omer: This is what I bought for my GF Omer: <photo_file> Omer: She's been orgasming a lot with this little toy Arnie: Guys Arnie: I'm laughing my ass off Arnie: <photo_file> Arnie: When I said a wolf I really meant a wolf
Arnie wants to buy something for his wolf. Omer bought a sex toy for his girlfriend.
Peter: Got the tickets. Wendy: When are we leaving? Peter: Tomorrow.
Peter and Wendy are leaving tomorrow.
Patricia: Can we talk in person? Magdalene: Sure. When? Luis: Something happened? Patricia: I have a problem and I need your advice Luis: ok Patricia: But it's a bigger issue, not for WhatsApp Magdalene: Is it urgent? Magdalene: I could meet in the evening Luis: Me too Patricia: Great Patricia: How about we meet at the Garden Pub at 7 p.m.? Luis: Ok Magdalene: Sounds good to me
Patricia has to speak to Magdalene and Luis. They will meet at the Garden Pub at 7 p.m.
Steve: Hello I have an appointment with Dr Williams today. Steve: But unfortunately I have to reschedule. Clinic: OK, when would you like to come? Steve: is Wednesday available? Clinic: We have an open spot for 6 pm. Steve: Perfect, please be so kind as to change my appointment to then. Clinic: No problem. We will see you on Wednesday. Steve: Thank you very much.
Steve can't visit Dr. Williams today. Clinic reschedules his appointment to Wednesday at 6 PM.
John: I think I might have got the job! George: Congrats! Which job was it again? John: The teaching in China one. John: Had the interview today and they said I passed with flying colours. George: Sounds grand! Did they tell you want their T&C are? John: No, I still have to get my contract. John: They said they'll send it out next week. George: Do you want me to give it the 'once over' when you receive it? John: Yes. That would be much appreciated. George: No worries. I can do that. John: Will it cost me anything? George: I never charge friends I thought you knew that. :-) John: I'll remember that! ;-) George: LOL
John has probably got a job as a teacher in China, after he passed the interview. George will help John to review his contract next week when China one sends it.
Victor: Hey, i'll stop by later on so that you give me a copy of your notes. Joan: cool, but call me when you arrive at the shopping center so that i can direct you. Victor: Relax Joan, i know the place well. Joan: yeah, you know the hood but not my home area Victor: okay then lady..haha, ill call you then Joan: sure, but dont come too late. Victor: i wont, i promise Joan: okay then.
Victor informs Joan that he'll come and take a copy of her notes later on. Joan suggests Victor to call her when he arrives at the shoping centre and she'll direct Victor to her home area.
Cindy: just got the tickets for the concert! Mandy: finally! Cindy: can't believe that we're going to see them live! Mandy: just don't loose them before we go :P Cindy: don't worry, they're as safe as they can be :P
Cindy has just bought concert tickets for her and Mandy.
Nathan: Hi babes! Kirsty: Hi Nathan, how's it going? Nathan: Working in the Post Office this week, sorting stuff, it's bloody hard work! Kirsty: Well done, I couldn't be arsed with that after all that school work. Nathan: It's a bit more laid back in college, we do have a project for after the hols, though, photography. Kirsty: Oh yeah? What's the topic? Nathan: It's called Home for the Holidays. Kirsty: Bit obvious, isn't it? What you doing on it? Nathan: I'm taking some photos of my gran and Gramps, they have been in a nursing home, but we are having them for 3 days at Christmas. Kirsty: Oh, that's sweet. Nathan: Well yes, but they are both bad tempered old buggers, they are mostly going to be sat scowling in a chair, watching TV. Kirsty: Oh well, perhaps you can vary it a bit and take them out somewhere. Nathan: Good idea, but obviously not to their old house, it's being sold and they don't know it yet. Kirsty: Oh, that's so sad. Nathan: Fancy coming to the shop with me, we could go get a burger? Kirsty: Yeah, loved your idea of "burgers" last time😶 Nathan: Is that a yes? Kirsty: Yes! See you at the shop in 10! Nathan: 😙
Nathan has a sorting job in the post office this week. After Christmas, he will have a project 'Home for the Holidays', which will include taking photos of his grandparents. They are in the nursing home and their house is being sold. Nathan and Kirsty will meet at the shop at 10 to have burgers.
Robert: have you ever had feta cheese? Kelly: yes! i love it! Robert: i just had it for the first time Robert: and i disagree :-/ Robert: and so does my stomach!!! Kelly: lol, hahaha, feta cheese is not for everyone Robert: definitely not for me :-(
Robert is feeling unwell after trying feta cheese for the first time.
Thomas: well i hope you have some success :) Thomas: I bought a car on Wednesday! :) Geoff: you did what? Geoff: like real one? Geoff: for use in Ireland? Geoff: why would you do that? Thomas: just seemed like a good idea at the time Thomas: 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 Thomas: I feel like driving and I need to get my licence and everything and get practice so that if I want a job where I can work on call like in service desk on-call role then I don't have any issues with doing that Geoff: oh well Geoff: why not - on plus side - that car will work in UK as good as it works in Ireland Thomas: haha yeah I can take it to the UK and having driving licence will be helpful in future Thomas: anyway I'm going to bed, work tomorrow. nice to chat, speak soon xoxoxoxoxoxox Geoff: nn sweet prince
Thomas bought a 2004 Ford Focus 1.4 on Wednesday. He needs to get his licence and some practice to be able to work in service desk on-call role. The car works in the UK and in Ireland as well.
Lucas:😂😂😂 you need to stop enjoying sophie Torreira:😂😂💪 shes fun, and my good friend Torreira: but still, today was too much Lucas: haha, relax, i can never hurt her, i like her Torreira: that i know Lucas: haha, but you are crazy Torreira: i know
Lucas likes Sophie who is Torreira's good friend.
Jen: Have you read what pierce Brosnan did for his wife on the 25th anniversary? Lena: Nah, what'd he do? wait, 25 years? that's looong. Jen: he tweeted pictures of them over the years and thanked her for the 25 years of love. Lena: <3 wow, how sweet. Jen: Cheezy, I'd say. and now all the feeds are saying how they're couple goals and how we should all wish for such a hero. Lena: I think it's nice. after all he was once called the sexiest man alive, can you imagine being married to one for 25 years and hearing how he loves you from newspapers... Jen: yeah, compared to that I feel like curling up in bed and forgetting about Pete's smelly farts and all birthdays he forgets... Lena: C'mon, Pete's not that bad. Brought you flowers last month... Jen: true. still, can't help but compare. His wife got fat 'n all. And he still keeps kissing her and showing affection everywhere. Imagine being in such marriage... Lena: everyone shows their love how they can. you shouldn't compare. Jen: maybe you're right...
Jen thinks it's cheesy what Pierce Brosnan did for his wife on the 25th anniversary. He tweeted pictures of them thanking for 25 years of love. Jen compares her relationship with Pete to the marriage of Pierce Brosnan. Lena believes Jen should not compare.
Larry: You home? Jake: I'm baby sitting today Jake: Joanne went out to have her nails done Larry: want some company? the competition is about to start Jake: great come over, Cece is asleep Larry: Beer? Jake: can't - Joanne has this strict baby sitting not drinking rule Larry: crazy lady :D Jake: I know but what can I do Larry: one beer and one moc-beer than Jake: bless you Larry: be there in 10 Jake: see you
Jake is baby sitting today. Larry will come over in 10 minutes.
Eva: I've signed the agreement Tina: You did? omg so happy for ya Eva: Thanks:) I am super excited Barb: Omg babe! awesome! Eva: hahaha thanks! I didn't know it's gonna be so emotional! Barb: Hell yeah! It's kinda binding for 25 years you know, kinda scary Eva: I know, but, Mat and I are getting married so after that we're gonna consolidate or sth and pay it off together faster Barb: You guys are getting married? Eva: Yes we are! you didn't know? Barb: First time hearing this Tina: No worries I just found out myself Barb: Anyway! Congrats love! You guys are awesome! Eva: Thank you so much! It's an exciting time Barb: Well I hope we're all invited for the housewarming party Eva: Of course! I'll be sending emails
Eva signed the agreement. She and Mat are getting married. They will organize the housewarming party in their new flat.
Donna: Keep calm and race for life! Proud of us all! Xxx Amanda: Same time next year? ;) Donna: Can’t wait! ;) Emma: This is fab! Thomas: Well done girls!! John: Amazing! Amanda: Any donations big or small are truly appreciated! :) Donna: and come along and cheer us on next time! Emma: i’ll join u next year! xxx
Donna and Amanda took part in a race. They will do it again next year. Donations are appreciated.