Reece: Hi, Kylie, what's up? Kylie: watching some old music videos of Madonna on youtube. Reece: Cool, she used to be amazing. Kylie: I think she still is. Reece: I'm not sure, I think she's finished. Kylie: That's super cruel to say and exactly what she meant when she accused media of ageism. They don't want to play her because she's over 50. Reece: But she should also accept she can't be 70 and still show her boobs around. Kylie: Why not? Should she just stay home now and knit scarfs? C'mon! It's time to end this kind of talk! We all will be 70. Reece: But we won't run around like sluts (any more) :P Kylie: I am not sure. We may still want to have sex, talk about our needs etc. And I don't want anybody to tell me how I'm supposed to behave. Neither when I'm 30, nor 70. Reece: maybe you're right a bit. Kylie: Sure, I am right. Her fight is my fight! "Bitch, I'm Madonna" Reece: You made me want to watch her! Kylie: Yeah! Who's the queen?! Reece: HAHAHA
Kylie is watching Madonna's videos, he still likes her. Reece thinks she's finished, while Kylie is defending her. Finally Reece and Kylie agree that they defy ageism, and don't want anyone to dictate them how to behave.
Clarisse: hey seth how are you? Seth: doing fine, thanks Clarisse: same, it's a beautiful day outside Seth: i know!!! just a but warmer than I like, almost perfect day lol Clarisse: i agree Clarisse: anyway , i wanted to ask you something Clarisse: you're a big fan of movies and tv and that stuff right Seth: yes! I love tv specially Clarisse: awesome, cause that's what i wanted to ask you about Clarisse: i don't have cable service but i've been thinking about it Clarisse: i've been looking around at plans but it's soooooo expensive Clarisse: it's cable tv worth it? Seth: it depends on what you want Seth: if you want to watch live tv and premium movies then cable is a great option Seth: but as you say it's really expensive Seth: but if you don't care about it, then you're better off with a streaming service Clarisse: what's the difference? Seth: with the streaming service you get almost the same content after it comes out on tv Seth: sometimes you have to wait a day or two Seth: sometimes you have to wait for months Seth: but streaming services are waaaaaaaaay cheaper Clarisse: thanks so much for your advice! Clarisse: it's been really helpful Seth: what do you think? Clarisse: i think I'll go with the streaming service Seth: that's a great option :-D
Clarisse does not have a cable service. Seth is a big fan of movies, especially of tv. Seth enumerates advantages and disadvantages of a cable tv and a streaming service. Clarisse chooses to buy the streaming service, because this is the cheaper option.
Spencer: Speaking of which, I really wanna play now but I’m still not done with work because of how we’ve been at home preparing things for Christmas but also just hanging out together Spencer: I wanna be done with work… I’m tired Spencer: Whenever I take time off work, it feels like I can’t just do what I’d like to do Spencer: I know it’s Christmas and I want it to look pretty and stuff but it always feels to me like just having a good time is more important than idk cleaning all weekend and still planning to clean more tomorrow Zara: AaAAA Same ive been cleaning all week :( Zara: and drawing abit but mostly trying to relax im like dead from this semester Zara: but what did you want to play Spencer: Blood and Wine!
Spencer and Zara need time to relax. They have been busy with work and preparing Christmas.
Frank: Hi Peter has brought me to Sports Direct store at the top of Rosie: Ok thanks will look out for you there Frank: We are on the ground floor Rosie: ok Frank: Outside Morrisons Rosie: On my way Frank: We might be upstairs later so look there too Rosie: ok I will - see you soon xxx
Rosie is on her way to meet Frank and will have to find him at Sports Direct.
Angela: Oh sweetie!! Well, I hope you get better soon!! 🙂 Bet you're glad to see your family again, huh? I'm doing okay-ish. Right now, I'm trying to sort things out in my life, so we'll see how that goes :P How about you? I know you're resting from the surgery, but have you had a chance to meet up with old friends? 🙂 Laura: I do! Polly and Ruthie and we’ve just moved house so I get to meet new friends too Angela: Awww say hello to the girls from me. And - you moved house? (Just you, or your family?) Laura: Dad got a new job so it’s the family really - just into Yorkshire🙂 of course I’ll say hi to them! Angela: Oh cool! I mean, assuming you're happy to go... Where in Yorkshire?🙂 Laura: Ripon- it’s very near Harrogate - or about an hour from York Angela: I'm asking because my friend from Italy recently moved to York (Erasmus program) and I know it's a weird request, but I was wondering if eventually you could meet. I know it's kinda a huge favour that I'm asking - I just thought that it might be nice for her to have someone to talk to, even if you're not exactly in the same place...) Laura: I would love to! But I know no Italian ... is she at Uni? Angela: She speaks English (trust me, I know evry little Italian too) Laura: Haha! Angela: She's apparently going to the University of York Laura: Is she there now? Angela: I think so - she wrote about two weeks ago that she was moving. One sec - I'll check Angela: Oh - she's moving tomorrow :P So, what do you say? If I let her know and you just happen to be in York some time doing business, you could meet? Laura: I would adore that! Is she nice? Angela: She's very nice :D (She's my friend! Of course she's nice!) Laura: Hahah! Of course! Silly question really... I’m 100% up to meet her Angela: Okay, I'll let her know :D And thank you - it would mean the world to me to know that she has someone who has her back Laura: Is she nervous? Angela: Yeah - she's worried about her written English. I told her to read as much as she can 🙂 Laura: If she would like to practice with me I’d be happy to help! Angela: Awww Laura - you're amazing! Her name is Caterina and she's pretty cool Laura: Thank you! Angela: We were roommates for a week (a running joke between us was how her half of the room would spill onto my side :P) Laura: You’re wonderfully *Wonderful Angela: I try ;) I also tried to teach her some english phrases like: thing-majig Laura: Beautiful English! Angela: I know! Comes in handy during conversations like: "Where's my thingmajig?" "Oh, it's under the couch next to the thingy" :D I also taught her "weird" and "bizarre" (they're great words :P) Laura: They are fabulous words. I like flannel Angela: Flannel's a good word
Laura just moved and Angela wants her to meet with her Italian friend in York.
Ethan: man, that song is dope af! Henry: what are you talking about? Ethan: <file_other> Ethan: did you forgot about their comeback? Henry: shit! Henry: I was sure it is tomorrow Ethan: you fucked it up! Henry: happens to the best of us Ethan: sure Ethan: whatever you say :P Ethan: just watch it Henry: doing it Ethan: and? Henry: well, your first statement was quite correct :P Henry: honestly they keep surprising me with every comeback Ethan: can't argue with that Henry: did you check the rest of the album? Ethan: listened to every song at least once Henry: and? Ethan: you'll enjoy it Ethan: especially track number 3 Henry: can't wait Ethan: I'll leave you to it Ethan: we can talk more after you listen to everything Henry: I will Henry: I'll catch you later Ethan: cya
Henry and Ethan will catch up later to discuss the new album of the band they both like.
Isiah: Do you like Declan? Shyann: He's good looking Shyann: but yeah why Isiah: you think hes good looking? Shyann: Yeah not my type of guy tho Isiah: I see haha idk I don't know him well Isiah: Just met him down the hall today Shyann: You guys can hang out more his a good pal and friend Isiah: Good to hear that 😄
Isiah met Declan down the hall today. Shynann is just good friends with Declan and says that Isiah can hang out with him.
Darrell: Hey, are you back yet? Heidi: Hi, yes, I actually came back!!! Darrell: Cool. How was it? Heidi: It felt like I woke up from a coma. Darrell: hehe Heidi: Yeah, really weird. Have you moved to lublanska yet? Darrell: Yeah, we moved. It sucks now, it's so far. Heidi: Yeah, but now we work so close to each other. Darrell: That's about the only positive. You know it takes me an 1h 20m to get here. That's over 2.5 h for commuting. Heidi: Maybe you should consider taking your car. Darrell: Maybe, but it burns so much. Heidi: Get a new car! The newer cars burn like 5 nowadays. Darrell: Yeah, I'd love to, but no moollah! Heidi: I know what you mean. Everything keeps going up except our salaries. Darrell: Tell me about it. All my fav. restaurants jacked up their prices. Heidi: Speaking of which, let's have lunch? :) Darrell: Ok. See you at 12:30
Darrell has moved to Lublanska. He spends over 2.5 h commuting, so he should get a new car. Now he and Heidi work close to each other. They'll have a lunch together at 12:30.
Greg: did u wish dustin a happy bday? Dan: no Greg: why? Dan: we had a falling out Greg: what happened?!?!?! Dan: he's a bad friend Dan: he only goes out with his girlfriend now Dan: he has no time for friends Greg: that's normal dude Greg: he hasn’t had a girlfriend in ages Greg: he's very excited Dan: i understand that and that's cool Dan: but he stood me up last tuesday!!! Dan: we were meeting for drinks and he just didn't show up Greg: oh man, you're right, that's crappy Greg: i would still try to hash things out with him Greg: you've been friends forever Dan: i know you're right, but I I just need some time for myself right now Dan: i know things will be alright again soon
Dan didn't wish Dustin a happy birthday because he stood him up last Tuesday. Dan is angry because Dustin has a new girlfriend and doesn't have time for friends.
Ed: Mike, where the hell are you? Mike: I am still at school. Ed: Shouldn't you be home already? Ed: I don't have the key. Mike: I've got a chess club on Tuesdays. Mike: For the past three years. Ed: Could you skip it just once? Mike: Not when I am winning. You want the key, you come down here. Ed: All right chess master. Be there in an hour.
Ed couldn't get in because he didn't have the key, and Mike was at his chess club meeting. Ed had to go get the key from Mike.
Carmen: there is a discount week coming up at Victoria's Secret Mallory: you've got my interest... Carmen: they say they will have discounts up to -50% Mallory: that is HUGE Carmen: i know, we should go do some shopping Mallory: without a question! Carmen: the sooner we go the better probably so there will still be something left for us haha Mallory: good concern, all the girls will go crazy when they find out lol Carmen: yeah, so we should be the first crazy girls out there :D Mallory: of course sister!
Carmen and Mallory will go to Victoria's Secret as soon as possible to take advantage of the upcoming discount week.
Steph: i need to go to Cracow this fruday, i'm looking for 2 free seats in a car Steph: hello btw :D Tim: morning Tim: I'm going to Cracow this friday but I have only one seat... Steph: damn... Laura: actually two free seats in my car! Steph: great, could you book them for me? at what time are u planning to leave Warsaw? Laura: booked Laura: 5ish pm? Steph: cool
Steph booked two seats in Laura's car going from Warsaw to Cracow on Friday around 5 pm.
Sam: Hey do you still work at the bank? Ben: yes I do :) Sam: do you have someone to recommend to help me out with a line of credit for my new business? Sam: Sorry to bother you but I've been rejected twice and I don't know what I'm doing wrong Ben: I see. Well that happens, I'll be happy to help you. Do you want to meet up for a beer and talk? Sam: That would be so great! beer on me :) Ben: haha okay let me just check my calendar
Sam and Ben, who works at a bank, will meet over a beer as Sam needs help with getting a line of credit for his new business and he was already rejected twice.
Robin: How about u? Did u do any online dating? Jude: Ofc! Tried it, but didn't meet anyone I fancied. Robin: So u think I'm worse than u? Jude: No. I just didn't have enough patience. Besides, there is plenty of fish in the sea. Robin: Sry. Bit touchy 2day. Jude: Don't worry about it. Robin: So how do I start? Jude: First, go to this website <file_other> Robin: Fine. There is a bunch of websites here. Which one do I choose? Jude: The one u like the most. Read their descriptions and decide 4 yourself. :) Robin: I think I'll try this one <file_other>. Jude: Good choice. A lot of active members and it's a general dating website. Robin: What do u mean by general? Jude: It's not themed in any way. For example, there are Christian websites, Muslim ones, Jewish ones and so on. Robin: Oh, I don't want that. Not that I'm not religious. It's just that's not that important to me. Jude: No need to justify yourself be4 me ;) Robin: What do I do now? Jude: Register and set up a profile :) Robin: Done. Jude: Did u fill in the test yet? Robin: What test? Jude: Personality test. There should've been one in the first step of the registration. Robin: There it is! 150 questions?! Who has time to fill it in?! Jude: Believe me, the more honest ur, the better matches u get ;) Robin: Fine. I'll fill it in. This might take some time. Jude: Sure. :) I'll be waiting :) Robin: TTYL? Jude: Absolutely! Have fun ;)
Jude has tried online dating but didn't find anyone he would like. He showed Robin one dating website. Robin made a profile on this website. She will answer the personality test questions.
Ollie: babe what do you want for your bday? because we have been wondering but we don't wanna fuck up Megan: oh geez but it will ruin the surprise then Helen: Megan please give us some advice Megan: i guess a plant would be nice Megan: or some kawaii pens or stationery Ollie: and how about books? Megan: ebooks if anything tbh I'm decluttering Helen: ok Ollie: okay
Megan would like to get a plant, some kawaii pens or stationery, or ebooks for her birthday.
Danielle: Hi! :) How are you doing? Danielle: How do you find yourself in Japan? Do you like your new job? Danielle: I haven't heard from you for ages! Emma: Hey! :) I'm doing fine, thanks. Emma: My job is just ok, but, you kow, nothing overly exciting. I'm sightseeing a lot and generally enjoying myself. :) Emma: The only thing that sucks is that I feel an outcast. Danielle: Why? Danielle: You speak Japanese fluently, you're very knowledgeable about Japanese culture, you've been in Japan several times, so what's the problem...? Emma: My appearance. Danielle: ??? Emma: I live in a very rural region of Japan, I'm the first gaijin that some of these people have ever seen, so I cause a sensation everywhere I go. Emma: People take photos of me (often without my permission), follow me or just stare. I even had two marriage proposals!! Emma: It makes me feel like an animal in the zoo... I knew that this region isn't as diverse as Tokyo, so I was somehow prepared for it, but, still, it's just upsetting. Danielle: :( I hope that you'll find your place on this island and get to know some more open-minded people. :/ Danielle: I miss you a lot. :( Are coming home for Christmas? Emma: I miss you too. :( I don't know yet, but I'll ty to.
Emma is having a good time in Japan, her job is fine and she's sightseeing, but she feels out of place. Emma misses Danielle but doesn't know if she will return home for Christmas.
James: hiya do you know whats wring with our washing machine? Sue: how would I know that james??? James: lol.. yes well its stopped and the doors jammed but theres still water in the drum??? Sue: hmmm.. that sounds like the fuse has gone or something.. are your lights working? James: lights??? dunno what you mean? Sue: OMG james, the lights in the flat, you know switches on the wall.. stupid! James: oh right lol... no James: no they not Sue: what about the tv, are the lights on it, any power? James: no nothing Sue: ok do yu see the fuse box on the wall by the top of the front door? go to that and there is a big switch that say off and on do you see it? James: yes Sue: is it off James: yes Sue: switch it on James: wow.. that nearly worked, it went on and straight off again Sue: oh that sounds like a dodgy fuse somewhere.. have any bulbs blown lately? James: dunno i just go up and saw washing machine was stopped i was gonna hang the clothes out Sue: ok, i'm gonna call John the electician to come over, are you in for the day or do I have to come over and wait for him? This is a pain in the ass, i'm busy today James: no its ok I can be here Sue: I'll call him now and get back to you Sue: right he says he can be there for 12 is that ok? James: yh thats good thanks Sue xx
James had problems with washing machine. Sue instructed him to turn on the switch in the fuse box, but it didn't solve the problem so she called the electritian.
Violet: You wanted to see dome pics from the ball Violet: *some pics Oliver: Cmon 😀 Violet: <file_photo> Violet: <file_photo> Oliver: Woow, looking classy Violet: We had so much fun 😊 Oliver: I can see that Oliver: 😊
Violet sends Oliver some photos from the ball.
Sasha: How about getting your father a new wallet, it's his birthday George, comeon! George: sounds like a great How much is that wallet? Sasha: which type? George: The black one. like the one you sold to drake.. Sasha: Oh. It's only for 200 box George: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one? Sasha: Hmm. How about a brown leather one? George: Umm.... I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put ID card. How much is it anyway? Sasha: It's for 150 dollars only George: Hmm. I don't have much money. Sasha: Okay. How much do you have to spend? George: I'm not sure. Probably about 100 or 120 . Sasha: Okay then, bring 120 George: cool, ill send it to you then you'll come with it in the evening Sasha: sure thing.
George will bring Sasha 120 dollars to pay for a wallet of his choice.
Ellen: Should I get a tattoo? Kelly: uhm... no Ellen: why not? Kelly: I don't know Kelly: just seems like something you'll regret! Ellen: But I kinda want want Kelly: see... kinda Ellen: ? Kelly: if you get one just make sure you want one Ellen: I really want one Kelly: then why are you asking Ellen: ugh you're like no help at all Kelly: whatever just get something nice Kelly: and in a sutle place Ellen: well duh
Ellen wants to get a tatoo, Kelly is sceptical and not very helpful in making this decision.
Sebastian: Did Santa come to you this year? Clarice: Nope :P Clarice: I don’t think I’ve been a good girl … Clarice: How about you? Clarice: Did you get anything? Sebastian: Chocolate Sebastian: My favourite Clarice: Santa really knows you well ☺ Sebastian: I guess so ☺ Sebastian: Bad, bad girl :P Sebastian: Do I see you in the evening? Clarice: Only if it’s after 8 Sebastian: Excellent Sebastian: Do you want to have dinner with me? Clarice: I’d love to Clarice: I’ll be starving Sebastian: How about some roasted chicken and red wine? Sebastian: Let’s put ourselves in a festive mood! Clarice: Sounds great! Clarice: See you later
Clarice didn't get anything for Christmas. Sebastian got chocolate. Sebastian and Clarice will have dinner together tonight after 8. They will have roasted chicken and red wine.
Pandora: When was the math test? Olivia: What??? Iris: Yesterday Olivia: Are you serious? Olivia: There was a math test?? Pandora: I heard from Susan Iris: It was yesterday Iris: It wasn't that difficult Olivia: I didn't know!!! Olivia: What should I do now? Pandora: Talk to the teacher Olivia: I was sick Olivia: When did she announce it? Iris: On Monday
There was a math test yesterday. Olivia didn't know because she was sick. The teacher announced it on Monday.
Tom: Dusan, can you come in for 1 lesson tomorrow at 4-5:30? Dusan: Ok, it should be fine Dusan: Can you tell me about the class, no of students, level? Tom: 4 students, upper intermediate. The course book will be at the reception. Dusan: Ok, thank you. Can you tell me which book do they use? Tom: English File Dusan: Ok Tom: Thank you, have a good day. Dusan: Thank you, you too
Tom will come for one lesson of English at the upper-intermediate level. The group has 4 students. The text book they use is English File.
Jean: hey want to play some pool? Rebecca: yeah! Jean: there's also darts and table football Mark: table football for the win Jean: I guess that's a yes, Mark :D Mark: yup! Jean: great! there's a new pub right next to my home Jean: I'll send you the details
Jean, Rebecca and Mark will meet in the pub next to Jean's home to play some pool and table football.
Isabelle: ey, was there any homework for tomorrow? Giselle: yep, to translate the first column from this article we read last time Isabelle: shiet, I thought there was no homework and bought myself a bottle of wine Isabelle: what now Sophie: we had to translate it but in our notebooks only, not on a piece of paper, so she won't be collecting that Isabelle: yeeeah xD I'll fuck it then Sophie: Cheers :D
Isabelle, Giselle and Sophie have to translate the first column from the article they read last time as homework for tomorrow. Isabelle forgot about it and bought herself a bottle of wine.
Betty: Are you free today? Nicky: Not really :( But I'm free tomorrow. Betty: Good. Tomorrow at Zach's? Nicky: Same time, same place :-) Betty: What are you doing today? Nicky: I'm seeing Jack. Betty: :-) Is everything ok between you two? Nicky: I think so. Nicky: Yes, it's fine. Finally. Betty: Love is in the air? Betty: <file_video> Nicky: I love this song :-) Yeah... love is in the air :-) Betty: Like in a fairy tale. Nicky: Well... sometimes it feels more like a psychological drama. But for now it's a fairy tale. Betty: It can't be perfect all the time. Nicky: I know. How about you? Betty: I thought we would meet tonight and now it turns out I'm free. So, basically ... well ... I have no idea what to do in the evening but I will think of something :-) Nicky: Don't do anything stupid :-p Betty: Me? I'm a good girl. Betty: <file_gif> Nicky: I've known you for too long to believe that! Betty: Have fun and see you tomorrow :-) Nicky: Thanks. See you :-*
Nicky and Betty are meeting tomorrow at Zach's the same time as before. Nicky will see Jack today. Betty has no plans for tonight just yet.
Tom: Icant believe its already December Igor: I know Igor: My bday is next month Igor: Getting older Tom: I still remember you last bday party just like it was yesterday Eric: Ye holy shit Eric: I still don't know what I wanna do with my life Tom: Same here xd Tom: Do we have plans for new year eve yet? Igor: I don't feel like talking about it Igor: It just happened 12 months ago haha 🤪 Eric: True Tom: True
Tom, Igor and Eric feel time is flying by.
Mike: hey have you played RDR2 already? Jack: of course Jack: I think I'm halfway through Mike: ooooh Mike: and whaddya think? Mike: coz I've just started Jack: what can I say, it's freaking great Jack: the storytelling, the acting, the graphics, immersiveness (is that a word? hehe) Jack: you know, when I was a kid, I used to play with cowboy-themed lego sets Jack: so it's like a dream coming true for me :D Mike: haha Mike: totally
Jack likes RDR2 mainly for the narration, acting and the graphics. Jack used to play with cowboy-themed lego sets when he was a child.
Danso: Have you experienced something like this? Danso: You wanna fart but you are not sure if it is reall fart or poop Aslan: Yes i have you moron. Why you talk about dirty stuff?!(;一_一) Aslan: I was about to have lunch you bastard︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ Danso: If you are not sure just go to bathroom. NEVER TRUST YOURSELF ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ Danso: JUST GO TO THE BATHROOM. you got it?
Danso recommends that Aslan goes to the bathroom.
Miranda: u done? Danny: almost finished Danny: guess 10 mins tops Miranda: ok I'll be waiting downstairs Danny: ok
Miranda will be ready in no more than 10 minutes.
Johnson: Sorry I couldn't pick up, I was driving. Did you need something? Rick: Just wanted to ask if you were home, got nothing to do.. Johnson: Ahahha Just came to the supermarket to get some stuff and will be home in about 30 minutes. Rick: Can I stop by? Johnson: Sure bro! Show up in about 40 minutes ok? Rick: Cool, cya in a bit!
Rick will drop by at Johnson's in 40 minutes.
Marta: hey Oscar! Oscar: what's up? Marta: You know what is the program of the today's conference? Oscar: Yes, wait Marta: what? Oscar: I will send you the link with the program. Marta: ah, ok Oscar: <file_other>, here you go Marta: Thank you very much! Oscar: see you there!
Oscar sent Marta a link with the program of todays conference.
Charles: is the boss in Alex: no Alex: she's coming in at 11 Charles: great cover for me? Alex: no prob
Charles and Alex's boss will be there at 11.
Sarah: I've just been offered a position in Cork Tim: Isn't it in Ireland? Clara: Yes, it is Tim :D Clara: What kind of job? Anything interesting? Sarah: It sounds pretty great, but... it's in Cork Tim: Hahahaha Sarah: That's not funny, why cool jobs in places where I don't want to live Clara: But you've never even been to Cork! Sarah: I googled it and... it's definitely not London Tim: You don't even want to try? Sarah: I'm not sure... I need to think about it
Sarah was offered a job in Cork, Ireland. She has never been there. She lives in London. She will think about it.
Samantha: And? How was it? Samantha: Do you have a video? Clara: <file_video> Clara: Give me a sec. Samantha: I'll watch meanwhile. Clara: I'm back. Clara: It was okey, the organisation was good, the stage was big.
Clara has sent Samantha a video of an event she was at. The organisation of the event was good, the stage was big.
Patricia: Hi, are you coming today? Susan: I'll come, but a bit later :) Susan: ca 15 min I guess Sarah: Probably not Sarah: I'm sick :/ Patricia: Ok, but remember about today's test?? Susan: Yes, but I can't help it Susan: I have to pick up my nephew first Patricia: Ok :))) Patricia: @Sarah hope you'll get better soon!! Sarah: Thanks :) Patricia: And see you next week? Sarah: Probably :)
Patricia, Susan and Sarah have a test today. Susan will be circa 15 minutes late because she has to pick up her nephew. Sarah is sick and she will not come.
Anna: Hi Monika. Can you fit in me today for a facial? Monika: Hi, yes, I think so, I’m available from 6 till 8 p.m. Ok? Anna: That’s perfect. I was afraid you’d be too busy. Monika: I am, but someone dropped out. It’s months since I’ve seen you. Something came up? Anna: Yeah, I’ll be bridesmaid next weekend . Monika: Wow, sounds serious). Any special needs? Anna: My face's been dry and full of blemishes recently. Can you do something with that? Monika: Don’t worry. I’ll try to help you. You’re not allergic to anything, are you? Anna: No, I use regular face creams for oily skin, the ones you recommended me last time. Monika: Good, I’ll have something right for you. Anna: How long will it take? Monika: 50tish minutes, hour max.  Anna: Ok. See you. Monika: See you.
Anna will get a facial from Monika today between 6 and 8 pm.
Marie: Si perfumes by armani 30% off Marie: <file_other> Carol: omg Carol: and free shipping
Marie found a 30% discount on Armani perfumes.
Victoria: Did you see this? <file_other> Monica: Oh noooo. Are they splitting up? Victoria: I’m afraid they are Sally: How come? They were so adorable together ☹ Monica: My thoughts exactly! ☹ Victoria: You know what they say about perfect couples… There were many scratches on this glass, if you ask me. Sally: What do you mean? Victoria: There is this Facebook group about celebrities and girls there say that he cheated on her! Monica: That’s impossible! My Johnny?! He’s my favourite actor ☹ The world ends today!!!!!!!! Sally: Sources? Victoria: Haha, Sally, our little geek Victoria: <file_other> <file_other> Monica: Nooooooooo Sally: Turns out there’s nothing sacred in this world, huh? Monica: :(
Victoria, Monica and Sally are gossiping about celebrities. An actor by the name Johnny is getting separated. Rumour has it that Johnny was cheating on her.
Connie: never give up on your dreams dude Connie: i always wanted to learn how to dive Gil: and what Connie: went scuba diving in barbados Connie: amazeballs Gil: might wanna try it Gil: in the future Connie: couldn't focus because of my stunning instructor Connie: will give you her number Gil: sure y not Connie: later though Connie: and watch out shes mine Connie: ta ta Gil: yur such a weirdo Gil: cheers
Connie went to barbados for scuba diving. Connie liked his scuba diving instructor. Connie is later going to give his instructor's number to Gil.
Lora: I fucking hate him Pola: Wait what happened??? Lora: because he is a asshole thats why Pola: did he do something ?? Lora: yeah he fucked Jessica Pola: nooo....the hell why would he do that?? Lora: Idk but im so down with him, I can't take it anymore Pola: good for you, you can do way better and if he can't see how amazing you are don't waste your time on him Lora: your right, can u meet later? I need to take to someone Pola: YES! ill call when I get off work
Lora is down with her boyfriend as he cheated on her with Jessica. Pola will call Lora after work so they can meet later.
Shirin: Do you know anyone who got the RGS grant? Doron: I think Kasia did Avi: I don't know anyone Shirin: Do you think she would give me her application to see? Doron: You can ask her Avi: I don't know her Shirin: We're not friends, that's the problem Doron: Do you want me to ask her for you? Shirin: That would be great.
Kasia got an RGS grant. Shirin would like to see her application. Doron will ask Kasia for Shirin about it.
Kailey: <file_photo> Kailey: so i guess that's the end of my good day ;/ Cristina: whaaaa Cristina: what a nuisance! Kailey: yeah, right?;/ Kailey: i blocked him on fb, on messenger, whatsapp Kailey: last week i added him to the black list on my phone Cristina: shit Cristina: don't you think sth should be done about it? Kailey: what do you mean? Cristina: idk. have you told Misch? Kailey: not about this one. Kailey: last week i did Kailey: he asked me if i wanted him to call him Cristina: and? Kailey: I don't know.. do you think he should? Kailey: I really don't want to drag him into this Cristina: K, he's your husband! He's been dragged the moment you married him 7 years ago! ;D Kailey: well, maybe you're right Cristina: sure i am! tell him Kailey: and then what? Cristina: i don't know Cristina: he'll probably beat the shit out of him xD Kailey: exactly... i'm not sure if it's the right thing to do Cristina: K, you've told him like a thousand times to fuck off Cristina: and obviously he doesn't get it Cristina: maybe it's the only way Kailey: ouf... ok. i'll tell him tonight. i'll let him decide what to do Cristina: that's the spirit!
Kailey has a stalker. Kailey's husband of 7 years, Misch, will contact the man to get him to stop but Cristina and Kailey worry Misch might beat him up.
Nina: How many times do I need to tell you? Finn: WHAT? Nina: i dont like to be kept waiting Finn: Sorry Honey Nina: You always say the same Finn: I was on a phone call Nina: Whom? Finn: Jacob Nina: He was with me all the time Finn: I just called him for 1 minute :/ Nina: Maybe it was when he was outside Finn: :/ Nina: Dont you make faces at me now Finn: Will talk when we would meet Nina: Sure Finn: Please return my Jacket Nina: Will give you soon Finn: Thank you so very much Nina: (Y)
Nina is angry at Finn because he kept her waiting. Finn had a phone call with Jacob. Finn and Nina will talk when they meet. Nina will return Finn's jacket.
Tim: Happy new year! Joe: Happy new year mate! Joe: Hope it is better than 2018 cause it sucked big time. Tim: Yeah I hope so. Tim: Ever noticed that this is what we all say at the end of every year? Joe: LOL. True that. Tim: So retrospectively the bad years were still good years. ;-) Joe: Guess you can look at it that way. :-D
Tim and Joe wish happy new year to each other and hope it will be better than 2018.
Tom: where are you? Linda: at the horrible library Linda: it's so ugly here Linda: really miserable Jeff: haha, I know, very poor and forgotten Linda: I'm not surprise most of young people wants to leave this country Jeff: but it's not because the cities are ugly Jeff: (nature around is very beautiful!) Jeff: but because there are no perspectives, no jobs Linda: I know, I can see Linda: but I must move out, I won't stand it much more Linda: and this horrible corruption, really hopeless Tom: Maybe they should really unite with Albania Linda: I'm not sure Albania is much better
Linda is at the library. She's disappointed both with this place and with the whole country. She's thinking about moving out.
Grayson: What do you think, should I shave my head? Gregory: what? Halbert: you've got a great hair though... Grayson: I'm tired of washing it and then drying...... it takes a lot of time.... Gregory: If you really want, why not Grayson: I will do that, hope you will recognize me ;p
Grayson is going to shave his head.
Sam: can u turn down the music? I'm trying to sleep Fan: ok, ok, don't make a fuss Sam: just do it!
Fan will turn down the music at Sam's request.
Pamela: Are you asleep? Karin: Not yet Karin: Reading :) Pamela: Can you tell Sam to please check her phone 😁 Karin: Hahaha ok
Pamela asks Karin to tell Sam to check her phone.
Robert: <file_other> Ellis: and i'm listening to whitney houston :'-D that's cool, but i prefer the rendition by voces8 ;P Robert: hahaha (Y), you in da city? Ellis: goin Robert: and the cap before or after the new years? Ellis: dunno yet Robert: OK Ellis: why dyou ask? ^^ Robert: just curious. I will be there next week. I got one gig there, moneverdi. Ellis: awesome! Robert: small thing, small role and chorus Ellis: dreamy. Take it, gig is a gig. im going to eat sth cause im starved to death Robert: they pay quite well Ellis: (Y) Robert: So I take this pig in a poke blindfolded :d haha Ellis: (Y) Robert: and will take some classes at the same time Ellis: (Y) Robert: we could arrange sth together, whaddya think? Ellis: (Y) (Y) (Y) Robert: some new ideas or insprations will come to the surface :D :D :D Ellis: If you want to do something you have to do something Robert: haha Ellis Coelho Ellis: :D Robert: <file_photo>
Robert will be there next week. He has a gig in Moneverdi. Ellis and Robert will arrange something together.
Beverly: How's the job hunting going? Dorian: Not bad. Just coming back from an interview. Beverly: Which one this week? Dorian: 4. Beverly: And? Dorian: The interviewer was very nice. Not like the previous one. Beverly: What job is it this time? Dorian: Something in data entry. Beverly: Something? You went there unprepared? Dorian: No, not unprepared, but not the dream job, as you imagine. Beverly: Probably not. So, what do you think? Dorian: IDK. The interviewer was nice but asked a lot of weird questions. Beverly: Like? Dorian: If I gave you 2 balls: a red one and a blue one, which would you take home with you? Beverly: What?! And what did you say? Dorian: The blue one. Beverly: Did he ask y? Dorian: Fortunately not. Beverly: And y then? Dorian: I like the colour blue. No other reason. Beverly: Any company give you a call back already? Dorian: No. Most will contact me next week. How about you? Beverly: What about me? I have a job, remember? ;) Dorian: Yeah, I know, but you were looking for a new one some time ago. Beverly: Oh, that! Not anymore. Dorian: Y? Beverly: I got a raise! Dorian: Congrats! Y didn't you say anything? Beverly: Didn't want to upset you. Dorian: Oh, stop it! I'm really happy for you!
Dorian has just had 4th job interview this week, for a data entry position. The interviewer was nice, but some questions he asked were strange. Dorian should hear back from the interviewers next week. Beverly got a rise, so she's not looking for a new job at the moment.
Ella: Good morning Any. Sorry to trouble you again but I forgot to ask if you had left the fridge door open. Andy: Good morning to you! As instructed! I went over yesterday to check if there're any leakage but none. And thank you for the butter! Ella: I'm glad you could use it. Any serious looking post? Andy: No idea since I just drop it all into the box without looking. Do you want me to look through it now? Ella: Oh now! Just next time you're over there, please have a look. Andy: There are 2 medical bills. If it's necessary I can pay them. Ella: That very kind of you but they can probably wait. What are they? Andy: MRT Center and a dental surgery. Ella: Nothing urgent. The dentist knows I'm away, the MRT is payable within 4 weeks. Andy: There's also a small parcel that feels like a book, posted from Poland. Ella: Yes, it's a book I ordered from PL. Is it all? Andy: Yes, if we ignore junk mail and newspapers. Ella: Chuck them all Andy. Even the ADAC magazine. I never bother about them. Andy: OK. I'll let you know in case something wasn't clear. Ella: Many thanks!
Andy has left the fridge door open at Ella's request. Ella gave Andy butter. In the mail, Ella received 2 medical bills, a parcel with a book inside, junk mail and newspapers. Ella asks Andy to throw the junk mail and newspapers away.
Paula: Hello! Paula: Just a reminder - the classes start again this Wed :) Josh: Oh, thanks Mia: great! I'll be there Josh: The same time? Paula: Yes, it's 4 pm as usual Mia: should I bring anything? Paula: No, I will give you a full list on Wed Mia: That would be great! Mia: And can I bring a friend? Mia: She would like to check it out and join us if that's ok with you, Paula Paula: No problem. See you soon! Mia: Bye! Josh: Bye
Mia will bring her friend for Wednesday classes with Paula at 4 pm.
Sid: Hi Guys! Sid: ready for the exam? Nancy: don't ask.... Lucy: :D Sid: I've been studying all day and Im fed up with all this Nancy: I havent studied much yet Nancy: I have a loooong night ahead Lucy: me too :( Lucy: its so much to learn! Sid: Any ideas what questions may there be? Lucy: Modern history for sure, thats Mrs. Potter's favorite era Sid: Ok, I'll look at this point again Nancy: Same for me Nancy: Ok, gotta to now, guys! Lucy: Bye, Nancy! Talk to you later! Sid: See ya tomorrow!
Sid's been studying for the exam all day while Lucy and Nancy still haven't. Lucy expects questions concerning modern history on the exam.
Jenna: go with me shopping Molly: ok :) Jenna: u r the best :D
Molly's going shopping with Jenna.
Ella: Shit, I missed the bus Sean: what time is the next one? Ella: in half an hour!! Sean: poor baby :(
Ella missed the bus and will have to wait half an hour for the next one.
Joanna: Tell me this: y do u get so excited by football? Conrad: What do you mean? Joanna: I just don't get it. Why are ppl so interested in this sport? Conrad: Two opposing teams trying to score a goal. Isn't that enough? Joanna: What about basketball? Volleyball? Hokey? And all other sports? Conrad: What about them? Joanna: Most of them are more dynamic than football. And scores are higher. Conrad: It's not the score that counts. Joanna: It doesn't? Conrad: Well, ok, it does, but it's the tactics, the finesse that really matters. Joanna: And what's so cunning in football? 20 guys running after 1 ball. Conrad: Yes, but the coach always has a plan and it's up to the team to carry it out. Joanna: So, it's not running round at random? Conrad: Ofc not. All players move according to what they were tasked with. Joanna: Like? Conrad: ICYMI: if Ronaldo plays, there are always at least 2 defenders on him all the time. Joanna: But he can't score a goal then! Conrad: That's the point.
Conrad explains to Joanna why he likes football.
Robert: How's your trip? Beccy: Aweful to be honest Robert: Why? Beccy: I have no seat. So I'm sitting on my suitcase on the train corridor between compartments :( Beccy: My back is aching. Robert: Try to remember a video from my trip to China, when I travelled by train with no seat a 10 hour train trip xD
Beccy had a terrible trip, because she didn't have a seat on the train. Robert had travelled in China 10 hours without a seat.
Deborah: did u read the newest Sparks? Kelsey: not yet Deborah: read it, it's great Kelsey: :)
Deborah recommends the newest "Sparks" to Kelsey.
Leona: Hey Otto Otto: What, Leona: Whatsupp? Otto: Why are you texting mt at this time? Leona: I am just feeling bored Otto: What am i supposed to do then? Leona: What’s the last movie you saw? Otto: Predator Leona: You saw in cinema? Otto: No, on my laptop Leona: Can u send me the link? Otto: Wait Leona: sure Otto: <File_link>
Leona is bored. Otto sends her a link to Predator, the last movie he saw.
Claire: Have you seen the news? Greg: No. What’s happened? Claire: That bitch my neighbor became an MP 🤮 Kevin: Ooo, well done! You must be so jealous 🤣 Claire: Stop it. I hate her so much. She killed my cat 🙈 Greg: Whaaaaat??? Claire: Really. It was 5 years ago. She hit it with a car. Greg: Okay. I understand 😒
Claire is unhappy about her neighbour becoming an MP.
Theresa: are you back at the office? Theresa: connie told me you had a lot of fun at the beach Nina: we did! Nina: it's a shame you couldn't come with us :-( Nina: it was the perfect girls weekend!! Theresa: what did you do? Nina: we tanned on the beach and went on excursions Nina: then at night we'd hit the clubs and meet cute guys Nina: it was a-ma-zing!!! Theresa: connie tells me you're planning on going again in 6 months Nina: yes! and YOU HAVE to come with us Nina: you're going to love it Theresa: trust me, i will be going, i don't want to miss it Nina: yes!!!! :-D
Nina was at a girls' weekend, they tanned on the beach, went on excursions and to the clubs. They are planning on going again in 6 months. Theresa will go with them.
Aisha: What on Earth have you been doing in my bedroom? Megan: What are you talking about? Aisha: Don’t pretend you don’t know Aisha: I can smell your perfume Aisha: You were snooping around Megan: Why would I do that? Aisha: You tell me! Aisha: I will buy and lock and this will end! Aisha: I’m tired of it!!
Aisha suspects Megan of snooping around in her bedroom. She can smell her perfume. Megan doesn't admit to doing that. Aisha considers locking her bedroom.
Rene: need a minute! Rene: be right there! Clark: ok,ok
Rene will be there in a minute.
Brian: It wasn’t my fault. Lukas: What? What happened? Brian: Your car… Lukas: For fuck’s sake, what did you do???? Brian: I had an accident. Absolutely not my fault! Lukas: This is great. Where are you? Brian: Just outside the town, my father will take me home. Lukas: I knew it would be like that… Brian: I’m sorry :(
Brian had an accident. Brian's father will take him home. Lukas is mad about his car.
Jody: I thought about what u said. Terry: Meaning? Jody: Driving to town. Terry: Orly? So u want me to drive, then? Jody: I can drive up to a point, bt would like u to take over when we reach the city. Terry: Sure, no problem. What changed ur mind? Jody: I just thought about it and decided I feel too insecure behind the wheel to drive in the city. Terry: By ur a good driver. Never had an accident, did u? Jody: Not one that I caused. Terry: U see? Maybe let's stick to the original arrangement? Jody: No. Maybe next time. Terry: Sure.
Terry and Jody will go to Orly. Jody will drive only up to a certain point, he is afraid to drive in the city. Terry will take over from him when they reach the city. Terry has never caused a car accident.
Abe: Check out this shit man Abe: <file_video> Abe: And this one Abe: <file_video> Fred: What's that? Fred: I don't know this band Fred: Amorphis Abe: They're Finnish, they play a pretty... amorphous style, it's death metal mixed with folk stuff, progressive shit and a lot of catchy melodies Fred: Ok, they look cool Abe: Just listen to the first song Fred: Ok, let me open the video Fred: Death of a King? Abe: Yes, that one Fred: Ok, it started Fred: Man if they kick ass! Abe: Told ya Fred: The chorus is fantastic Abe: And it's only one of their songs, man!
Abe has shown a song by the band Amorphis to Fred. Fred likes it.
Zan: Can we go over the last scene dialog, please? Today would be great. Thanks. Mary: Of course! But I can't make it today. How about tomorrow am? Zan: First thing, like I'll bring breakfast? Mary: Sure! Zan: You're a lifesaver. Mary: What's the problem? Zan: I just can't seem to remember all of my lines. Mary: You were doing fine in rehearsal. Zan: Since then, I keep screwing them up. Like I remember lines from the first scene and put them in instead. Mary: Oops! Probably just a brain fart. Zan: Probably, but don't know how to fix it. Mary: No problem, we'll work on it tomorrow. Zan: Great. Mary: Can you bring your blocked copy of the script? Zan: Sure. You need help blocking? Mary: No, but if we change yours up a bit it may jog your memory better for your lines in the last scene. Zan: I'm not sure I can handle changes at this point! Mary: We'll see if it helps, okay? Zan: Sure, I'll try anything! Mary: See you tomorrow! Zan: Thx a mil!
Zan and Mary will meet tomorrow morning at Zan's request to go over the last scene dialog. Zan has trouble remembering his lines. Mary suggests that Zan brings his blocked copy of the script as it may help him memorize the lines. Zan agrees.
Timon: Where are you exactly, Sir? I am almost there. Timon: Could you type it here? Nemo: Geomamro 42-1, the navigation says. I am standing in front of Bakseok gas station. Timon: I arrive in 5 minutes, sir. Nemo: Please come quick, my car isn’t moving in the middle of the road and the cars cannot pass through.
Timon is coming for Nemo because his car broke down.
Ann: Are you going to Kate's weeding Lee: sure, I'm the bridesmaid Ann: wow, I didn't know Max: I'm going as well Ann: what about gifts? Lee: money, nothing better than money Max: I completely agree, especially knowing Kate...
Ann, Lee and Max are attending Kate's wedding. They will give her money as a present.
Yannick: It cant stop raining Yannick: I am trying to go out with my dog for a walk Jackie: Yeah Jackie: Its warmer but raining Yannick: ... Yannick: I think its raining for the entire week Jackie: Yeah its just warmer winter this year
Yannick wants to walk his dog, but it's raining.
Monica: Ross, do you have an Umbrella?? Ross: Yes women! I have one.. Come to my room and take it.. Monica: You are an angel you know that.. Open the door Ross: Wait
Ross has an umbrella in his room.
Helen: hey Helen: Can you take me to the vet? Rich: When? Helen: 2morrow after work? Rich: what time? Helen: around 6? Rich: sure no prob Rich: Pick you up at work? Helen: that would be great Rich: so 5 at your office Helen: yes thank you Helen: youre a lifesaver
Rich will pick Helen up tomorrow at 5, and he will take her to the vet.
Casey: ill be 1 hour late orientation class with Harry Logan: i'll cover 4 u. as usual. How's d lil bugger? Casey: he likes his new teacher Logan: she fit? Casey: yeah Logan: haha u r so fucked Casey: i know Logan: jacster says u shoul ask her out Casey: not gonna happen Logan: why? she = fit. u *like* her Logan: i don't wanna watch u make moon eyes Casey: a) she's harry's teacher = AWKWARD Logan: b?? Casey: still awkward Logan: ur awkward lol Casey: remember the italian pizza? Logan: i thought we were 2 never mention THAT Casey: u agreed... i didn't 0:) Logan: point taken
Casey is running late for Harry's orientation class and Logan will cover for him. Harry's new teacher is an attractive woman. Logan wants Casey to ask her out.
Elena: could you stop at the coffee shop on your way home and bring me some green tea please? Jim: sure Elena: and a scone Jim: ok, anything else? Elena: that's it, thanks!
Jim will bring some green tea and a scone on Elena's request.
Henry: What's the entrance code? Jessica: To the lab? Bobby: 7898 Henry: This is what I thought but it doesn't work Bobby: That's strange Bobby: It worked yesterday Jessica: They sent us an email yesterday that they would be reseting the system Henry: Oh no! Today?? Jessica: I'm afraid it's today Jessica: But maybe you can talk to the administrators to let you in if it's urgent
Bobby gives Henry the entrance code but it's invalid. This is due to today's reseting the system but Henry can still contact the administration.
Ann: Luch at 13? Eve: as ussual :) Ann: great :)
Ann and Eva are going to have lunch together at 13.
Maia: Hey babe Maia: When you come over can you bring Sophias bag please? Maia: I must have left it on your coach Lala: Morning :) Lala: Sure :) See you soon! Maia: Thanks x x
Maia asked Lala to bring Sophia's bag that she had left.
Pat: Hey, do you know a good dentist? Iris: Dentist?, I haven't been to the dentist in like forever. I can ask my sis though. Pat: I'm in such pain!! :( Iris: What happened? Pat: I think it's my wisdom teeth! I gotta get them pulled. Iris: Oh boy, I hate dentists with a passion! I think it's been like 7 years since I saw one. Pat: Wow, that's a long time Iris: Do you have anything for the pain? Pat: Just some Tylenol, but it's not really working. Iris: Hey, I asked my sis and she says Dr. Kimball is quite good. The number is 416-539-3983. And actually his clinic is open 24 hours. Pat: 24 hours! That's weird. I can't imagine someone sitting on the dentist's chair at 2 am. LOL Iris: Yeah, well what are you supposed to do if you're suffering! Pat: Like me! I'll call them right now. Hey, thank your sis for me. Iris: No problem. I hope it's 2 and not 4 teeth. Pat: I guess I'll find out. I'll keep you informed. Iris: Ok, but just not at 4 am :) Pat: :)
Pat is in pain and needs to go to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth pulled. Iris's sister recommends Dr. Kimball. His number is 416-539-3983 and his clinic is open 24 hours.
Margaret: Have you made up your mind about the holidays this year? Any plans? Jamie: I’m not 100 per cent sure yet, but I’m thinking of Italy Margaret: Great! I’ve been to Italy many times. Where in Italy do you want to go? Jamie: I thought of driving through the north of Italy Jamie: I want to visit Venezia, Padova, Milan, Treviso and many small villages of the north of Italy Margaret: You should visit Cinque Terre. It’s not exactly in the north but it’s worth visiting for sure. It’s on the Unesco list. Jamie: 😊 it’s in my schedule too Margaret: Sounds fantastic! I also recommend you visit Dolomites. Cortina is a perfect place for skiing Margaret: Do you like skiing? Jamie: Honestly, not so much. I’ve tried to learn but I’m not actually very good at it Margaret: The lake Como is also a fantastic place to visit Jamie: Really? How about the lake Garda? Margaret: Oh, it’s also worth going to for sure
Jamie is planning holidays in Italy. He wants to visit Venezia, Padova, Milan, Treviso and small villages in the north. Margaret recommends also visiting Cinque Terre, Dolomites and lake Como. Jamie doesn't ski.
Jessica: Hey everyone, reminder: Thanksgiving at our place starts at 2 :) David: and don't be late! I' am NOT waiting TWO hours again to say grace! Gary: will be there at 1.30. Who's picking up Grandma? Jessica: Gary, that's great :) certainly will make David happy! We were planning on getting Granny in the morning Tiffany: We can pick her up, it's on our way anyway! And we will get her ready for David's grace! Jessica: Haha, you are so funny! Will you check with her what time she wants to be picked up? Tiffany: Of course! It's our pleasure :) I'm gonna bring stuffing as well if that's okay? David: Bring it! Your stuffing is much better than Jessica's! I'm making my famous cobbler Tiffany: I'm sure it is not!!! But it's an old family recipe and we always make it so I thought I would share! Jessica: Thank you, honey! and don't listen to David, my stuffing is fine, he just likes to complain! Gary: Yeah, we all know how dad gets around holidays... David: I don't "get" anything, Gary, and don't think I won't beat you at poker this year too Gary: We will see about that. Your reign of terror is over Dad! Jessica: NO CARDS THIS YEAR! You got completely OUT OF CONTROL last year!!!! I'm not driving anybody to the ER no more!!!!
Jessica wants everyone to be on time at 2 for Thanksgiving. Gary will be there at 1.30. Tiffany will pick Grandma up and will bring the stuffing. David is making cobbler. Jessica wants no cards this year as it got out of control last year.
Tally: Hey do you feel like going for a beer after work? Tally: I need to head down to the bank and arrange a few things Tally: So we could meet afterwards in the park Tally: Maybe at the smaller cafe:) Iggy: Yes why not! Sounds like a good idea :) Iggy: I don't have any plans Tally: Cool, the weather is nice too! Tally: Ok, just send me a message when you leave the office Iggy: I will ;)
Tally is going to meet Iggy at the smaller cafe. Iggy will send Tally a message when she leaves the office.
Kitty: We don’t have morning class on Tuesday yay! Jill: Well that’s nice, any idea when we are making up for it? Kimberly: Email didn’t say, probably gonna schedule next class Jill: That’s chill, Just hope it’s not gonna be weekend Kitty: With him, you never know
Kitty, Jim and Kimberly don't have a morning class on Tuesday, but it will be scheduled next class.
Sebastian: fifa at my place, Friday? Sebastian: but we would need 4 controllers Sebastian: got a friend with two more pads? Louise: so Philip will be there? he will have fifa? Sebastian: oh so you don't have the game? damn Wilfried: guys I can borrow it from a colleague of mine
Sebastian, Louise and Wilfried will play fifa at Sebastian's place on Friday.
Tom: They haven't called me back. Dean: ?? Tom: adter the job interview that I got so excited about Dean: How long has it been? Tom: 3 days Dean: haha Tom chill out Dean: give them at least two weeks Tom: you think? Dean: sure!
Tom had a job interview. The potential employer hasn't called him yet. Dean calms him down.
Justin: "Oh Corinne, I've got a pain in my heart, I think it's because of you" Corinne: Justin, stop it! You know I hate this song! Justin: But I like it. And I like... YOU! Corinne: Haven't you had enough? Justin: I guess I just can't get enough of you. Corinne: Hahaha! Justin you are too cocky and too flirty for a girl like me. Justin: I'm just goofing around because I wanna make you smile. Corinne: :) Corinne: You've got it! Justin: Your smile is hunting my mind. *.*
Justin is flirting with Corinne.
Tom: Hi! I've seen in the news what's happening down there Tom: are you safe? Andrea: yes, I think it's more or less under control Tom: I've seen some videos Tom: quite spectacular Lorenzo: sure, Etna is spectacular Andrea: and powerful Tom: have you felt the earthquake? Andrea: sure, I think everybody felt it Tom: and no damages Andrea: sure, there are Andrea: some cracks in walls in our house Lorenzo: in mine as well unfortunately Tom: is it safe to stay there? Lorenzo: we hope so, but there are some officials controlling the situation Lorenzo: they closed a few old churches Tom: ok, I hope everything will be fine Tom: and no tsunami :P Lorenzo: I hope not, like in Indonesia Tom: yeah, all volcanos active all of a sudden
There appeared some cracks in walls of both Andrea and Lorenzo's houses due to the earthquake caused by Etna. The officials've closed a few old churches but Lorenzo hopes it's safe to stay there.
Martin: btw Martin: congrats for the finishing 2nd, you tried a lot Ruth: thank you very much martin
Martin congratulates Ruth on her finishing second.
Dane: This is the drawing tutorial I told you guys about last night. It did me a world of good <file_other> Charlie: awesome Lana: thank you! Dane: As I said it's not for free, but the fee is really affordable and there's A LOT of content to choose from. Lana: I was looking for something like that, just to give me some structure while I'm learning. Charlie: and the art is really beautiful Dane: Yes, exactly, the guy who makes this tutorial has some amazing skills. Charlie: Was this where you taught yourself to draw? Dane: I had some previous experience, but this course has really polished me as an artist. Lana: Nice, can't wait to start. Dane: Btw if you guys have any questions, that you won't find the answers to in the tutorial - though I highly doubt it, as it has all the basic stuff you need - just pm me ;) Charlie: great, thanks a lot Lana: That's so nice of you :) Dane: No problem ;)
Dane recommends his friends a drawing tutorial. It's affordable and very helpful.
Cole: hi, is our meeting still on? Hannah: yeah, it is Cole: glad to hear that :D Hannah: <file_gif> Cole: see you in the evening <3
Cole and Hannah are going to meet in the evening.
Freddie: that's why I told you that Ronaldo is better! Charlie: he got lucky Charlie: the second goal totally our GK fault Freddie: you're just pissed that your team lost! Charlie: maybe today but next time we will crush you Freddie: keep dreaming Freddie: with Ronaldo we have noone to fear Charlie: just wait and see Charlie: at the end of the season we will be champions for sure Freddie: no chance Freddie: it will be us!
Freddie and Charlie are discussing a football game, Freddie's team won, largely thanks to Ronaldo.
Abigail: you want to grab a beer? i had a rough week, i need to talk to someone George: yeah, sure George: what happened?? Abigail: i had a fight with my mom and now we're not talking Abigail: it came to the point that she said that i couldn't come for christmas this year George: i'm so sorry George: i don't know why you argued, but i think she overreacted George: forbidding you from coming home for christmas is just a lot Abigail: you know that she doesn't like josh, she thinks he's not good enough for me Abigail: so she was furious when i told her we had got engaged Abigail: i'm not going to dump him just because of her George: of course, you're not George: you poor thing, i think you need a big hug George: do you want me to drop by right now? Abigail: that would be great :) thanks, George George: ;) don't worry, in the worst-case scenario you'll spend christmas with my family
Abigail argued with her mother. She is furious, because Abigail and Josh got engaged. George will drop by and spend time with Abigail.
Doylan: Idk when to go home Doylan: I don't know if I should go out Friday or Saturday Beau: Hmm that is actually Beau: A tough decision to make Doylan: U think going home on Friday and Doylan: Coming back on Saturday for partying would be the best Beau: Idk bro Beau: But it sounds reasonable hahaha Doylan: XD
Doylan is wondering when he should party, and when to go home. He considers going home on Friday and partying on Saturday.
Ann: Do you remember what book we should read for tomorrow? Mona: Yes, "The Petit Prince" Ann: OK thanks! ;*
Ann and Mona should read "The Petit Prince" for tomorrow.
Junior: Hey mate, I'm running late for the game! Richard: It's about to start. You'd better hurry up! Junior: Getting off the bus right now. I'll be there in 10!
Junior is 10 min late for the game.
Kyle: you guys want to check out the new D&D expansion I just finished reading? Stephen: It's the one about the beasts and creatures, isn't it? Carol: I'm up for it Josie: as well Kyle: yes, that's the one Stephen: Kyle, as much as I love you as our DM could you try and not make the situation hopeless for our characters from beginning to end this time? Stephen: I just feel the PCs with you are always in shit and almost never succeed at anything. Kyle: I just try to make it challenging for you :P Do you all feel this way? Carol: a tiny bit Josie: kinda yes Kyle: okay, I'll let you guys succeed this time. Kyle: a tiny bit :P
Josie, Stephen and Carol have accepted Kyle's invitation to try out a new D&D expansion. Stephen asks Kyle to give their player characters a chance to succeed more often when Kyle is the Dungeon Master. Carol and Josie agree with Stephen. Kyle obliges.
John: Maybe some ride? Ian: Always!!! Ian: When and where? John: St.Monica, at 8.00, ok? Ian: ok!
Ian and John will meet at St. Monica at 8.00.
Gera: hey, i was given your number by lucy Hope: hey, yeah she told me of a client who wanted some help. Gera: im glad she told you. Hope: yeah she did. Gera: what time will you be available in your office? Hope: meet me at 2, ill be there Gera: okay then
Gera got Hope's number from Lucy. She is going to meet Hope at 2 in her office.
Jen: Did you do ake the chicken out to defrost? Tim: shit forgot Tim: i'm on it Jen: to late, I'll just get something else at the store Tim: sorry Jen: no prob see ya
Tim forgot to take the chicken out to defrost. Jen will get something else at the store.
Pauline: Matt, what was that name of that liquor store near our office? Matthew: "Alcohol Paradise", that one ? Pauline: Yes!!! Thanks! Matthew: Why do you need it, any party going on... ? :D Pauline: Kind of, yeah Matthew: tell me more! Pauline: I got a lot of stuff going on, planning a baby shower, and my fiancees 30 birthday... Matthew: Is Chris 30 already?! That old bastard hahaha Pauline: Yes, next week, I am planning a surprise party for him Matthew: soon you will need to start looking for a younger one :D
Pauline is throwing a surprise 30th birthday party for Chris, her fiancee. She is also planning a baby shower.