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A Brief History of Big Data Just because cavemen didn’t have computers doesn’t mean the data wasn’t there THE HISTORY OF “Big Data” as a term may be short, but many of the foundations it is built on were laid long ago. Many decades before computers as we know them today were commonplace, the idea that we were creating an ever-expanding body of knowledge ripe for analysis was popular in academia. Our increasing ability to store and analyze information has been a gradual evolution—although things certainly sped up at the end of the last century, with the invention of digital storage and the Internet. Here, then, is a brief(-ish) look at the long history of thought and innovation that have led us to the dawn of the data age. Ancient History of Data C 18,000 BCE The earliest examples we have of humans storing and analyzing data are the tally sticks. The Ishango Bone was discovered in 1960 in what is now Uganda and is thought to be one of the earliest pieces of evidence of prehistoric data storage. Paleolithic tribespeople would mark notches into sticks or bones to keep track of trading activity or supplies. They would compare sticks and notches to carry out rudimentary calculations, enabling them to make predictions such as how long their food supplies would last. C 2400 BCE The abacus—the first dedicated device constructed specifically for performing calculations—comes into use in Babylon. The first libraries also appear around this time, representing our first attempts at mass data storage. 300 BC – 48 AD The Library of Alexandria is perhaps the largest collection of data in the ancient world, housing up to perhaps half a million scrolls and covering everything we have learned so far, about pretty much everything. Unfortunately, in 48AD it is thought to be destroyed by the invading Romans, perhaps accidentally. Contrary to common myth, not everything was lost—significant parts of the library’s collections were moved to other buildings in the city, or stolen and dispersed throughout the ancient world. C 100 – 200 AD The Antikythera Mechanism, the earliest discovered mechanical computer, is produced, presumably by Greek scientists. Its “CPU” consists of 30 interlocking bronze gears and it is thought to have been designed for astrological purposes and tracking the cycle of Olympic Games. Its design suggests it is probably an evolution of earlier devices—but these so far remain undiscovered. The Emergence of Statistics In London, John Graunt carries out the first recorded experiment in statistical data analysis. By recording information about mortality, he theorizes that he can design an early warning system for the bubonic plague ravaging Europe. The term “business intelligence” is used by Richard Miller Devens in his Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes, describing how the banker Henry Furnese achieved an advantage over competitors by collecting and analyzing information relevant to his business activities in a structured manner. This is thought to be the first study of a business putting data analysis to use for commercial purposes. The US Census Bureau has a problem—it estimates that it will take it eight years to crunch all the data collected in the 1880 census, and it is predicted that the data generated by the 1890 census will take over 10 years, meaning it will not even be ready to look at until it is outdated by the 1900 census. In 1881 a young engineer employed by the bureau—Herman Hollerith—produces what will become known as the Hollerith Tabulating Machine. Using punch cards, he reduces 10 years’ work to three months and achieves his place in history as the father of modern automated computation. The company he founds will go on to become known as IBM. The Early Days of Modern Data Storage Interviewed by Colliers magazine, inventor Nikola Tesla states that when wireless technology is “perfectly applied the whole Earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole … and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared to our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.” Fritz Pfleumer, a German-Austrian engineer, invents a method of storing information magnetically on tape. The principles he develops are still in use today, with the vast majority of digital data being stored magnetically on computer hard disks. Fremont Rider, librarian at Wesleyan University, Connecticut, publishes a paper titled The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library. In one of the earliest attempts to quantify the amount of information being produced, he observes that in order to store all the academic and popular works of value being produced, American libraries would have to double their capacity every 16 years. This leads him to speculate that by 2040 the Yale Library will contain 200 million books spread over 6,000 miles of shelves. The Beginnings of Business Intelligence IBM researcher Hans Peter Luhn defines Business Intelligence as “the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide action toward a desired goal.” The first steps are taken toward speech recognition, when IBM engineer William C. Dersch presents the Shoebox Machine at the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair. It can interpret numbers and 16 words spoken in the English language into digital information. An article in the New Statesman refers to the difficulty in managing the increasing amount of information becoming available. The Start of Large Data Centers The US Government plans the world’s first data center to store 742 million tax returns and 175 million sets of fingerprints on magnetic tape. IBM mathematician Edgar F. Codd presents his framework for a “relational database.” The model provides the framework that many modern data services use today, to store information in a hierarchical format, which can be accessed by anyone who knows what they are looking for. Prior to this, accessing data from a computer’s memory banks usually required an expert. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) systems are becoming more commonly used across the business world, representing one of the first mainstream commercial uses of computers to speed up everyday processes and make efficiencies. Until now, most people have probably only seen them in research and development or academic settings. Possibly the first use of the term Big Data (without capitalization) in the way it is used today. International best-selling author Erik Larson pens an article for Harpers Magazine speculating on the origin of the junk mail he receives. He writes: “The keepers of big data say they are doing it for the consumer’s benefit. But data have a way of being used for purposes other than originally intended.” Additionally “business intelligence”—already a popular concept since the late ‘50s—sees a surge in popularity with newly emerging software and systems for analyzing commercial and operational performance. The Emergence of the Internet Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee announces the birth of what would become the Internet as we know it today. In a post in the Usenet group alt.hypertext he sets out the specifications for a worldwide, interconnected web of data, accessible to anyone from anywhere. According to R. J. T. Morris and B. J. Truskowski in their 2003 book The Evolution of Storage Systems, this is the point where digital storage became more cost effective than paper. Michael Lesk publishes his paper How Much Information is There in the World?, theorizing that the existence of 12,000 petabytes is “perhaps not an unreasonable guess.” He also points out that even at this early point in its development, the web is increasing in size 10-fold each year. Much of this data, he points out, will never be seen by anyone and therefore yield no insight. Google Search also debuts this year, and its name becomes shorthand for searching the Internet for data. Early Ideas of Big Data A couple of years later and the term Big Data appears in Visually Exploring Gigabyte Datasets in Real Time, published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Again the propensity for storing large amounts of data with no way of adequately analyzing it is lamented. The paper goes on to quote computing pioneer Richard W. Hamming as saying: “The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.” This year also brings possibly the first use of the term “Internet of Things” to describe the growing number of devices online and the potential for them to communicate with one another, often without a human “middle man.” The term is used as the title of a presentation given to Procter and Gamble by RFID pioneer Kevin Ashton. In How Much Information? Peter Lyman and Hal Varian (now chief economist at Google) attempt to quantify the amount of digital information in the world, and its rate of growth, for the first time. They conclude: “The world’s total yearly production of print, film, optical, and magnetic content would require roughly 1.5 billion gigabytes of storage. This is the equivalent of 250 megabytes per person for each man, woman, and child on Earth.” In his paper 3D Data Management: Controlling Data Volume, Velocity, and Variety, Doug Laney, analyst at Gartner, defines three of what will come to be the commonly-accepted characteristics of Big Data. This year also sees the first use of the term “software as a service”—a concept fundamental to many of the cloud-based applications that are industry-standard today—in the article “Strategic Backgrounder: Software as a Service” by the Software and Information Industry Association. Web 2.0 Increases Data Volumes Commentators announce that we are witnessing the birth of “Web 2.0”—the user-generated web where the majority of content will be provided by users of services, rather than the service providers themselves. This is achieved through integration of traditional HTML-style web pages with vast back-end databases built on SQL. Some 5.5 million people are already using Facebook, launched a year earlier, to upload and share their own data with friends. This year also sees the creation of Hadoop—the open source framework created specifically for storage and analysis of Big Data sets. Its flexibility makes it particularly useful for managing the unstructured data (voice, video, raw text, etc.) that we are increasingly generating and collecting. Today’s Use of the Term “Big Data” Emerges Wired brings the concept of Big Data to the masses with their article “The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Model Obsolete.” The world’s servers process 9.57 zettabytes (9.57 trillion gigabytes) of information—equivalent to 12 gigabytes of information per person, per day), according to the How Much Information? 2010 report. In International Production and Dissemination of Information, it is estimated that 14.7 exabytes of new information are produced this year. The average US company with over 1,000 employees is storing more than 200 terabytes of data according to the report Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity by McKinsey Global Institute. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, tells a conference that as much data is now being created every two days as was created from the beginning of human civilization to the year 2003. The McKinsey report states that by 2018 the US will face a shortfall of between 140,000 and 190,000 professional data scientists, and states that issues including privacy, security, and intellectual property will have to be resolved before the full value of Big Data will be realized. This year marks the rise of the mobile machines, as for the first time more people are using mobile devices to access digital data than office or home computers. Eighty-eight percent of business executives surveyed by GE working with Accenture report that big data analytics is a top priority for their business. What this teaches us is that Big Data is not a new or isolated phenomenon, but one that is part of a long evolution of capturing and using data. Like other key developments in data storage, data processing, and the Internet, Big Data is just a further step that will bring change to the way we run business and society. At the same time, it will lay the foundations on which many evolutions will be built. Bernard Marr is one of the world’s most highly respected experts when it comes to business performance, digital transformation, and the intelligent use of data in business. View his website at http://www.bernardmarr.com/.
I was not going to many of the courses I was supposed to in my freshman and sophomore year. I was going to a lot of interesting courses the seniors were taking, getting a good education on a graduating level, and of course, being marked absent and failing my required courses. They didn’t like that. And, they gave me a choice: go to the courses I was supposed to, or leave. So I left. I was the one being educated; I thought I should have some say as to the nature of my education. Foolish notion.
Public Administration/Policy Brief Choose a policy topic related to your chosen MPA Certificate. You will be required to develop a policy brief related to the topic. Assume as if you are a government administrator in charge of an agency. You should write the policy brief to an elected policymaker in state or local government in Florida with regard to the initiation of a NEW, but politically and policy realistic course of action for the government agency. For example, a hot topic in public finance and human resources is the future of the traditional defined benefit pension system. Assume you are Florida’s Senior Defined Contribution Programs Officer (Links to an external site.) (yes, this is a real position). You could then write a piece titled “What form of pensions should public agencies adopt?” You could define the problems facing public pensions and give the pros and cons of adopting the form of pension that is typically given. Another example is from the emergency management realm. A major question for an emergency manager/ resiliency officer/ chief planner in a coastal city in Florida could be: “What should the city do to combat sea level rise?” You might outline the pros and cons of various methods and speculate on how we could do it better. Ideally, you should use some form of weighing between the alternatives (e.g. cost-benefit analysis, SWOT analysis) to arrive at your recommendation. (Yes, you might do well to revisit the materials from the Policy Analysis course.) Your policy brief should: lay out the nature of the problem provide extensive background analysis drawing from real data and actual policy information from relevant agencies present policy alternatives (more than one) to address the problem being discussed (including those individuals or groups likely to support or oppose each of the policy options) evaluate the alternatives on certain independent criteria advocate what appears to you to be the best possible solution to the problem. The analysis should include the political implications of the course of action that you propose. This paper will have a one or two page executive summary at the beginning. The major focus of this assignment is a complete and comprehensive review of the nature of the problem and evaluation of the policy alternatives. The paper should be 15-20 pages long (not including bibliography). You MUST support your arguments with peer reviewed readings and additional library sources (When doing library research, you should use legitimate sources of information: scholarly books and academic journals only.). Please edit your memo. Your final memo should be done at least 5 days before deadline. In the 5 days leading up to the deadline, you should edit your memo repeatedly. There are absolutely no excuses for submitting poorly edited papers. No excuse whatsoever for typos, grammar, no flow, etc. These are mistakes that you can catch yourself; alternatively, I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing (Links to an external site.) to go over the memo with them. You could have a brilliant paper and still receive a bad grade for not editing it well. By the same token, you could have a perfectly edited memo and get a bad grade for poor substance. You must have good arguments, based on good quality peer reviewed materials. All materials that you access through the FIU library website (library.fiu.edu) are good. They are typically refereed articles, technical reports, Government Accountability Office (GAO) studies. You need to demonstrate: a) your understanding of the subject you are writing about; b) good writing skills; and c) ability to craft good arguments. ******MY TOPIC IS*******: “Community Policing Units and Neighborhood Resource Officers work collaboratively to proactively engage with the community, local business owners, faith-based organizations, and at risk youths. Evidence suggests that these units help reduce crime and restore the community’s faith in the police, while improving the relationship between law enforcement officers and the citizens they serve. This proposed policy will continue promoting this mission while ensuring that entities are required to have a minimum number of personnel staffing these units to ensure these functions are occurring regularly.” The professor wants this policy brief focused on how other police agencies organize/structure/utilize their Community Policing/Neighborhood Resource Units/Programs, then suggest a policy to the government as to the best ways to organize this and utilize these officers. Top-quality papers guaranteed 100% original papers We sell only unique pieces of writing completed according to your demands. We use security encryption to keep your personal data protected. We can give your money back if something goes wrong with your order. Enjoy the free features we offer to everyone Get a free title page formatted according to the specifics of your particular style. Request us to use APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, or any other style for your essay. Don’t pay extra for a list of references that perfectly fits your academic needs. 24/7 support assistance Ask us a question anytime you need to—we don’t charge extra for supporting you! Calculate how much your essay costs What we are popular for - English 101 - Business Studies
Arthritis is no laughing matter. The symptoms are often debilitating and can show up in anyone of any age. It causes joint problems that can inhibit daily activity. Combination hot/cold packs can be used to alleviate joint pain. For maximum effectiveness, alternate between hot and cold applications. Before using the heat/cold method, get advice from your doctor about exactly what to do. Lay down the clipper on your thigh, then press down using the heal on your hand. This will save your sensitive fingers from pain, and make the clipping task easier for you to do. Cigarettes worsen arthritis and decrease flexibility, so avoid smoking at all costs. You might find quitting tobacco is hard, but if you know that it can hurt your arthritis, you may be more likely to do just that. If you suffer with arthritis, you might want to utilize fish oil. The Omega 3 acids in the oil are medically proven to lower the inflammation or pain that joints often suffer from. Supplements containing fish oil are sometimes found in supermarkets, in addition to vitamin and nutrition centers. Plan your day to accommodate possible interruptions. Arthritis symptoms could occur anywhere at anytime so make sure you have a plan of how to deal with the situation if it arises. It helps to plan a job so that you accomplish it one step at a time with a rest period in between. If the work is overly stressful to your body, you should stop right away. Pay close attention to your body. Each individual with arthritis is unique, so only you understand what and how you are feeling. Be mindful of anything your body is trying to tell you, and listen carefully. If you ever get worn out, cease your activity and get some rest. Make sure that you confide in friends and family about your arthritis. The more they know about how it affects your life, the more supportive and helpful they can be. If you recognize your pain and feel stiff, your family should understand. Make a habit of walking every day; utilize the time you have after eating your evening meal to do so. A short walk gets your body warm and working and will reduce the aches and pains you feel later. When you walk with someone before or after dinner you can also build bonds and relations with whomever you take those walks with, this can help you be healthy and build good lasting bonds at the same time. It can be very helpful to use a journal or diary. If you have a daily diary of events and pain, you can actually look for trends that will tell you what your triggers are. Keep a record of everything you do during the day, from what you eat to where you are, along with the pain that you are suffering. This will help you to make the connection. Stay on track and applying these tips can let you be in the best physical shape possible. Do not let it get you down physically or emotionally. You can give a variety of things a try and get control of the pain. Maintain a positive attitude and you will see improvement in your condition.
Member Engagement Committee meeting Start: 2022-06-22 18:00:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00) End: 2022-06-22 19:00:00 UTC Pacific Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-08:00) This is a virtual event The Member Engagement Committee works on a variety of projects that have the shared aim of moving new members of Seattle DSA into engagement in the work of our organization. Come find out what we're doing, share your ideas, and get involved in this work! When you RSVP here, you will get a link to the Zoom meeting on the next page -- make sure to save it on your calendar!
Three-time Olympic medalist Silken Laumann is a Canadian national treasure renowned for her prowess as a rower. Author of Unsinkable: My Untold Story, she experienced one of the greatest comebacks in Canadian history. Today she is a motivational speaker, coach, and mother. Get inspired by Silken and help us welcome her to the #AfLfamily. Q&A with Silken Laumann AfL: What is your biggest fear? Silken Laumann: Not using my life well. AfL: What is your proudest moment? Silken Laumann: Winning the World Championship in 1991. It was a tough race, a huge head wind and the lead changed several times during the race. I had come through so much to just get to the starting line, and the race was an epic fight; winning a gold medal was hard won. AfL: What is your favourite way to spend time with family? Silken Laumann: Definitely playing. When my kids were little we used to run down a huge hill near our home and try to outpace our family golden retriever. My kids could run up and down that hill six times in a row, laughing the whole way. We climbed out the upstairs window and lay on the roof at night watching the stars. Today we hike, ski, jump off the dock together. The best time is when we are playing outside in some way. AfL: What is your favourite season and why? Silken Laumann: I love autumn. The leaves changing colour is spectacular, but it is more the nostalgia of autumn I like — the looking back at summer with gratitude, the enjoying of each beautiful day knowing winter will soon be here. AfL: What is your favourite physical activity? Silken Laumann: Cross country skiing. Even though I was a far more talented rower, I love being out in the quiet and beauty of winter in the forest. AfL: Some other little-known fact about you that you’d like to share? Silken Laumann: I love reading. I read a book or two a week and when I don’t have a book somewhere close by, I can actually feel anxious that I will have nothing to read. AfL: Please tell us in a few words why you’re excited to be an AfL Role Model? Silken Laumann: I have been passionate about the importance of physical activity and play ever since my two children were born. I understand how important play and movement is to developing fully as humans. We literally need to move, to use our imagination, and to play with others. Play and sport help strengthen our bodies, but just as importantly, it is a joyful activity that builds connection between people — when we play a game of road hockey together, for example, we get to know our neighbours and neighbourhood.
If you're in the process of buying a home, it's important to understand the basics of mortgages and the terms that are commonly used. Here is a brief overview of some of the key concepts you should be familiar with: Mortgage: A loan that is used to purchase a property, which is secured by the property itself. Term: The length of time for which a mortgage is taken out, typically between 15 and 30 years. Down payment: The initial payment made by the buyer to go to the purchase price of the property, typically a percentage of the total price. Equity: This is the difference between the value of the property compared with the outstanding balance on the mortgage. Principal: The principal is the amount of money that you borrow from a lender when you take out a mortgage. This is the amount that you will be required to pay back, plus interest. Interest: Interest is the fee that a lender charges for borrowing money. It is generally presented as a percentage of the principal, and it is typically paid on a monthly basis. Fixed-rate mortgage: This is a type of loan where the interest rate stays the same over the entire lifespan of the loan. This means that your monthly mortgage payments will be consistent, which can make budgeting easier. Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM): An adjustable-rate mortgage is a type of loan where the interest rate changes over time. This means that your monthly mortgage payments may fluctuate, which can make budgeting more difficult. Amortization: Amortization is the process of paying off a mortgage over time. As you make monthly mortgage payments, a portion of each payment goes towards paying off the principal and a portion goes towards paying the interest. If you're feeling overwhelmed or confused by the process of buying a home and financing it with a mortgage, don't worry! Real estate agent Brian Petruzzelli is here to help. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the real estate industry, Brian can guide you through the complex world of mortgages and help you make informed decisions about financing your home. Contact Brian today to learn more about mortgages and how he can help you achieve your dream of homeownership.
Investing in bonds can be a great way to earn steady income and diversify your portfolio. However, understanding the different types of bond yield and how to calculate them can be challenging for many investors. Bond yield represents the return an investor can expect to earn from a bond, and it depends on several factors such as the bond’s face value, coupon rate, years to maturity, and price. The Bond Yield Calculator app is a free and easy-to-use tool that can help you calculate two common types of bond yield: current yield and yield to maturity. By entering accurate and current data into the app, you can get reliable estimates of your potential return from a bond investment. Overview of the app The Bond Yield Calculator app has a simple and intuitive user interface. The app has four input fields, each with a label and a description: - Face value: The face value of a bond, which is the amount the issuer promises to pay the bondholder at maturity. - Coupon rate: The coupon rate of a bond, which is the annual interest rate the issuer pays to the bondholder as a percentage of the face value. - Years to maturity: The number of years until the bond reaches maturity, or the date when the issuer repays the face value to the bondholder. - Price: The current market price of the bond, which may be different from the face value depending on market conditions and investor demand. To use the app, simply enter the values for each input field and click on the “Calculate” button. The app will then display the calculated current yield and yield to maturity based on the input data. It’s important to note that the accuracy and reliability of the results depend on the quality and timeliness of the input data. Therefore, it’s recommended to use the app with current and accurate information to get the best estimates. How the app works The app calculates two types of bond yield: current yield and yield to maturity. Here’s a brief explanation of each type and the math behind it: - Current yield: This represents the annual return an investor can expect to earn from a bond based on its current market price and coupon rate. The formula for current yield is:Current yield = (Annual coupon payment / Market price) x 100% For example, if a bond has a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 5%, and a market price of $950, the annual coupon payment would be $50 (i.e., 5% x $1,000), and the current yield would be 5.26% ((50 / 950) x 100%). - Yield to maturity: This represents the total return an investor can expect to earn from a bond if held until maturity, taking into account the current market price and any capital gains or losses. The formula for yield to maturity is more complex and involves solving a present value equation:Bond price = (Annual coupon payment / (1 + YTM)^1) + (Annual coupon payment / (1 + YTM)^2) + … + (Annual coupon payment + Face value / (1 + YTM)^n) Where YTM is the yield to maturity, n is the number of years to maturity, and ^n represents the power of n. Similarly, the current yield formula is: (Current Yield) = (Annual Coupon Payment) / (Bond Price) This formula calculates the return on investment for a bond based on the annual coupon payment and the current market price of the bond. Unlike YTM, current yield does not take into account the time value of money or the total return on investment over the bond’s lifetime. Now that we understand the two types of bond yield and their formulas, let’s explore how the Bond Yield Calculator app applies these formulas to the input data. The input data is first checked for validity, such as ensuring that all fields are filled and that the values are within reasonable ranges. Then, the app applies the formulas as follows: For YTM: The app uses a built-in function called “Newton-Raphson method” to solve the YTM formula iteratively, given the other three input values. This method is a numerical analysis technique that finds the root of a function (in this case, the YTM formula) by repeatedly approximating it with better and better estimates. The app sets a tolerance level for the solution to ensure accuracy and avoid infinite loops. For current yield: The app simply applies the current yield formula to the input values and displays the result. The app displays the results in real-time, without requiring the user to refresh the page or submit the form. The results are shown in the output fields, with clear labels indicating which type of bond yield they represent. Limitations and caveats It’s important to note that the Bond Yield Calculator app provides estimates, not guarantees, of bond yield. The results are based on the input data provided by the user and assumptions made by the app, such as constant coupon payments and no taxes or fees. The actual yield may differ from the calculated yield due to various factors, such as changes in interest rates, credit risk, and inflation. Therefore, it’s essential to use the app wisely and interpret the results carefully. Here are some tips to keep in mind: - Make sure to enter accurate and current data for the bond you want to calculate yield for. Use reliable sources such as official bond issuers or financial institutions. - Understand the assumptions and limitations of the app, such as the constant coupon payments and the lack of tax and fee considerations. - Remember that bond yield is only one aspect of bond investing, and other factors such as risk, liquidity, and diversification should also be considered. - Consult a financial advisor or do further research before making investment decisions based on bond yield calculations. Conclusion and further resources The Bond Yield Calculator app is a powerful tool for investors who want to calculate the yield of their bonds quickly and accurately. By understanding the formulas behind current yield and YTM, and how the app applies them to the input data, users can obtain reliable estimates of their bond’s return on investment. However, it’s important to remember that bond yield is not the only factor to consider when investing in bonds, and that the app has some limitations and assumptions. Therefore, it’s advisable to use the app responsibly and seek professional advice if needed. For further resources on bond yield and bond investing, here are some links to check out: - Investopedia: Bond Yield - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Bond Investing - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority: Bond Yield Calculator
Are you planning a move from the bustling city of Fort Lauderdale to the serene shores of Dania Beach? If so, you’re in for a treat! But, as with any relocation, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind. Whether it’s the logistics of the move, understanding the differences between the two cities, or simply finding the best moving company to assist you, there’s a lot to think about. That’s where we come in. At Adam Moving, we’ve helped countless individuals and businesses make this exact transition smoothly and efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share our insider tips, tricks, and insights to ensure your move is as stress-free as possible. So, whether you’re a seasoned mover or this is your first big relocation, read on to find out everything you need to know about moving from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach. Understanding the Basics of Your Move Before you start packing your bags, it’s essential to understand the basics of your move. This section will cover the reasons for moving, the distance and duration of the move, the best time to move, a pre-move checklist, and the costs associated with the move. 1. Why Move From Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach? There are many reasons why you might consider moving from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach. Perhaps you’re looking for a change of scenery, a quieter neighborhood, or a place with a slower pace of life. Dania Beach offers a serene environment with beautiful beaches and a laid-back lifestyle. Another reason for moving could be the cost of living and the opportunity to work with professional moving companies in the South Florida area. Dania Beach is generally more affordable than Fort Lauderdale, making it an attractive option for those looking to save money. Additionally, Dania Beach is close to Fort Lauderdale, so you can still enjoy the amenities and attractions of the city without the hustle and bustle. 2. Distance and Duration: What to Expect The distance between Fort Lauderdale and Dania Beach is approximately 5 miles, making it a relatively short move. However, the duration of the move can vary depending on several factors, including traffic conditions, the size of your household, and the efficiency of your moving company. It’s essential to plan your move well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush, especially if you’re considering a long-distance move. Make sure to schedule your move on a day when traffic is likely to be lighter, such as a weekday or early in the morning. This will help reduce the duration of your move and make the process more manageable. 3. Best Time of Year to Make the Move The best time of year to move from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach depends on your preferences and circumstances. If you prefer warm weather, consider moving during the spring or fall when temperatures are more moderate. However, if you’re looking to save money, consider moving during the off-peak season, which is typically during the winter months. Keep in mind that moving during the rainy season can be challenging, as it can cause delays and make the process more cumbersome. It’s essential to check the weather forecast and plan your move accordingly. Additionally, consider any personal factors, such as work or school schedules, that may impact the timing of your move. 4. Pre-move Checklist: Things to Consider Before you start packing, it’s essential to create a pre-move checklist to ensure you don’t forget anything important. This checklist should include tasks such as notifying your current and future utility providers, updating your address with the post office, and scheduling a moving company. Your pre-move checklist should also include tasks such as decluttering your home, packing your belongings with the help of professional movers, and creating an inventory of your items. This will help you stay organized and ensure that nothing gets left behind. Additionally, consider any special requirements or needs you may have, such as moving pets or fragile items, and plan accordingly. 5. Costs Associated With the Move The costs associated with moving from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your household, the distance of the move, and the services you require. It’s essential to create a budget for your move and consider all the expenses involved. Some of the costs to consider include hiring a moving company in the Fort Lauderdale area, purchasing packing materials, and any additional services you may require, such as storage solutions or unpacking. Additionally, consider any unexpected expenses that may arise, such as repairs or replacements for damaged items. It’s essential to plan for these costs and have some extra funds set aside for emergencies. Packing and Preparing: Tips and Tricks Packing and preparing for your move can be a daunting task. In this section, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks to make the process more manageable. We’ll cover categorizing and organizing your belongings, essential packing materials, packing fragile items, decluttering, and labeling and inventory. 1. Categorizing and Organizing Your Belongings Before you start packing, it’s essential to categorize and organize your belongings. This will make the packing process more efficient and help you keep track of your items. Start by sorting your belongings by room or function, depending on your preference. Once you’ve categorized your items, create a packing plan. Decide which items you’ll pack first and which ones you’ll pack last. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you have everything you need on hand during the move. 2. Essential Packing Materials and Where to Find Them Having the right packing materials is crucial for a successful move. You’ll need boxes, tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and other supplies to protect your belongings during transit. Make sure to choose high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of moving. You can find packing materials at local moving supply stores, online retailers, or even at your moving company, especially if you’re looking for tailored services in the South Florida area. Adam Moving offers a wide range of packing materials to meet your specific needs. We can provide you with everything you need to ensure your belongings are packed safely and securely. 3. Fragile Items: How to Pack Them Safely Packing fragile items can be challenging, as they are more susceptible to damage during transit, especially during a long-distance move. It’s essential to take extra care when packing these items to ensure they arrive at your new location in one piece. Start by wrapping each item in bubble wrap or packing paper to provide cushioning. Once your fragile items are wrapped, place them in a sturdy box with plenty of padding. Make sure to label the box as “fragile” and indicate which side should face up. This will help your movers handle the box with care and ensure your fragile items are protected during the move. 4. Decluttering Before the Move Decluttering before your move can help reduce the amount of stuff you need to pack and transport. Start by going through your belongings and deciding what you want to keep, donate, or discard. This will help you lighten your load and make the packing process more manageable. Consider holding a garage sale or donating items to a local charity. This will help you get rid of unwanted items and make some extra money for your move. By decluttering, you’ll have less to pack and move, making the process more efficient and less stressful. 5. Labeling and Inventory: Keeping Track of Your Items Labeling your boxes and creating an inventory of your items is crucial for a successful move. This will help you keep track of your belongings and ensure that everything arrives at your new location. Start by labeling each box with the room it belongs to and a brief description of its contents. Once you’ve labeled your boxes, create an inventory of your items. This will serve as a checklist when you unpack and ensure that each item arrives safely. Make sure to keep a copy of your inventory with you during the move, as it will be a valuable reference when you’re setting up your new home. On the Day of the Move: What to Expect When Moving From Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach FL The day of the move can be hectic and overwhelming. In this section, we’ll provide you with information on what to expect on the day of the move, handling unexpected challenges, keeping your belongings safe in transit, communicating with your movers, and unloading and setting up in Dania Beach. 1. Timeline: From Start to Finish On the day of the move, it’s essential to have a clear timeline of events. This will help you stay organized and ensure that everything goes smoothly. Start by confirming the arrival time of your movers and making sure you’re ready when they arrive. Once your local movers arrive, they’ll begin loading your belongings onto the truck. This process can take several hours, depending on the size of your household. After everything is loaded, you’ll head to your new location in Dania Beach, where your movers will unload and set up your belongings. 2. Handling Unexpected Challenges Moving can be unpredictable, and unexpected challenges may arise. It’s essential to be prepared for any issues that may occur during the move. Whether it’s bad weather, traffic delays, or last-minute changes, it’s crucial to stay calm and handle the situation with a positive attitude. If you encounter any unexpected challenges, communicate with your movers and work together to find a solution. Remember that your movers are there to help you and will do their best to ensure your move goes smoothly. By staying calm and flexible, you’ll be able to handle any challenges that come your way. 3. Keeping Your Belongings Safe in Transit Keeping your belongings safe in transit is a top priority, especially if you’re working with a family-owned business. At Adam Moving, we take every precaution to ensure your items are protected during the move. Our team of professional movers is trained to handle your belongings with care and ensure they arrive at your new location in perfect condition. We use state-of-the-art equipment and packing materials to protect your belongings during transit. Additionally, we offer insurance coverage for your items, providing you with peace of mind in case of any unforeseen events. With Adam Moving, you can rest assured that your possessions are in good hands. 4. Communication With Your Movers Communication is key during the moving process, especially if you’re working with Dania Beach movers. It’s essential to stay in touch with your movers and keep them informed of any changes or special requirements. This will help ensure a smooth and efficient move. At Adam Moving, we prioritize open and transparent communication with our customers. Our team will keep in touch with you throughout the move, providing updates and answering any questions you may have. By maintaining clear communication, you’ll be able to stay informed and have peace of mind during the move. 5. Unloading and Setting Up in Dania Beach Once you arrive at your new location in Dania Beach, it’s time to unload and set up your belongings. Our team of professional movers will carefully unload your items and help you set up your new home. We’ll assist with reassembling furniture, placing items where they belong, and ensuring everything is in order. Setting up in your new home can be a time-consuming process, but with the help of Adam Moving, an operated company in the South Florida area, you’ll be able to settle in quickly and comfortably. We’ll take care of the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on adjusting to your new surroundings and enjoying your new home. Settling Into Dania Beach: A New Beginning Moving to a new city can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. In this section, we’ll provide you with information on understanding the local culture and lifestyle, exploring Dania Beach, local amenities and facilities, making new connections, and adjusting to your new home. 1. Understanding the Local Culture and Lifestyle Dania Beach is known for its laid-back lifestyle and beautiful beaches. The city offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural attractions, making it a great place to live. As you settle into your new home, take the time to explore the local culture and lifestyle. Whether you’re interested in water sports, outdoor activities, or simply relaxing on the beach, Dania Beach has something for everyone. The city is also home to a vibrant arts and culture scene, with numerous galleries, theaters, and festivals to enjoy. By immersing yourself in the local culture, you’ll be able to fully appreciate the unique charm of Dania Beach. 2. Best Places to Explore in Dania Beach Dania Beach is home to a wide range of attractions and activities. Whether you’re a nature lover, history buff, or foodie, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city. Start by exploring the beautiful beaches, where you can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. If you’re interested in history and culture, visit the Dania Beach Historical Society and Museum, where you can learn about the city’s rich history. For foodies, Dania Beach offers a wide range of dining options, from seafood to international cuisine. By exploring the city, you’ll be able to discover the best places to eat, shop, and relax. 3. Local Amenities and Facilities Dania Beach offers a wide range of amenities and facilities to meet your needs. The city is home to numerous parks, recreational facilities, and shopping centers, making it easy to find everything you need. Whether you’re looking for a gym, a grocery store, or a library, you’ll find it in Dania Beach. The city also offers excellent healthcare facilities, schools, and public transportation options. If you have specific needs or requirements, take the time to research the local amenities and facilities. This will help you settle into your new home and ensure you have everything you need at your fingertips. 4. Making New Connections and Building Community Moving to a new city can be a bit lonely, but it’s essential to make new connections and build a sense of community. Start by introducing yourself to your neighbors and getting involved in local events and activities. This will help you meet new people and make friends in your new city. Dania Beach is home to a vibrant community of residents who are welcoming and friendly. By getting involved in local organizations, clubs, or volunteer opportunities, you’ll be able to build strong connections and feel a sense of belonging in your new home. 5. Tips for Adjusting to Your New Home Adjusting to a new home can take time, but there are several things you can do to make the process easier. Start by unpacking and setting up your home as soon as possible. This will help you feel more comfortable and settled in your new space. Take the time to explore your new neighborhood and get to know your surroundings. Familiarize yourself with the local amenities, transportation options, and community resources. By taking the time to adjust and settle into your new home, you’ll be able to fully enjoy your new life in Dania Beach. Why Choose Adam Moving When Moving From Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach? When it comes to moving from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach, Adam Moving is your trusted partner. We offer a wide range of services to make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible. Our team of professional movers is dedicated to providing top-notch service and ensuring your belongings are handled with care. Comprehensive Moving Services At Adam Moving, we offer a comprehensive range of moving services to meet your unique needs. Whether you need help with packing, loading, unloading, or transporting your goods, we have you covered. Our services are tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free move. - Professional Packing: Our packing specialists will carefully pack your belongings, ensuring they are protected during transit. - Efficient Loading and Unloading: Our team will efficiently load and unload your items, taking care to handle them with care. - Safe Transportation: We use state-of-the-art moving trucks to transport your belongings safely to your new location. - Temporary Storage: We offer secure, climate-controlled storage facilities for items you don’t want to move immediately. - Unpacking and Setup: Our team can assist with unpacking and setting up your belongings in your new home. Experienced and Professional Movers Our team of professional movers is experienced and trained to handle your belongings with care. We take pride in our attention to detail, efficiency, and commitment to customer satisfaction. When you choose Adam Moving, you can rest assured that your belongings are in safe hands. - Trained and Skilled Movers: Our movers are trained to handle your items with care and ensure they arrive in perfect condition. - Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations. - Transparent Communication: We keep you informed throughout the move, providing updates and answering any questions you may have. - Licensed and Insured: We are a fully licensed and insured moving company, providing you with complete peace of mind. Moving from Fort Lauderdale to Dania Beach can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. With the right planning and preparation, you can make your move as smooth as possible. At Adam Moving, we are dedicated to making your move stress-free and efficient. Our team of professional movers is here to help you every step of the way, from packing and loading to transportation and setup. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can make your move a success. Dania Beach is approximately 5 miles south of Fort Lauderdale. The distance is relatively short, making it a quick and easy move. The best time of year to move depends on your preferences and circumstances. If you prefer warm weather, consider moving during the spring or fall. If you’re looking to save money, consider moving during the off-peak season, which is typically during the winter months. When looking for a moving company, it’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable and reliable company. Adam Moving is a trusted and experienced moving company that offers a wide range of services to meet your needs. To keep your belongings safe during the move, it’s essential to pack them properly and use high-quality packing materials. At Adam Moving, we offer professional packing services and use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your items are protected during transit. Yes, Adam Moving offers temporary storage services for customers who have items they don’t want to move immediately. Our facilities are safe, secure, and climate-controlled, ensuring your belongings remain in pristine condition until you’re ready to retrieve them.
Burn More Calories Did you know that certain foods can actually boost your metabolism? It is called the high Thermic Effect. Protein-rich foods actually take more energy to digest than carbs or fats. Thus increasing our body’s metabolic rate by increasing our energy expenditure. Boosting Your Metabolic Rate You May Be Able To Lose More Excess Weight It has been proven that people who consume a minimum of 29% of their total daily calories from protein, had a higher metabolic rate than those who consumed fewer protein-based foods. The thermic effect of food (TFE) refers to the number of calories your body needs to digest, absorb, and process the nutrients in your foods. Diets high in protein have also been shown to reduce the drop in metabolisms often seen during weight loss by helping your body hold on to its muscle mass. What Are Some Of The Best High Thermic Effect Foods? - Chili Peppers - Apple Cider Vinegar - Brazil Nuts - Greek Yogurt - Wild Salmon - Dark, Leafy Green Vegetables - Cayenne Pepper - Green Tea - Coconut Oil You Are What You Eat! If you want to have a high functioning metabolism, if you want to lose those unwanted pounds then, these are the foods that you want to eat! Adding high thermic effect foods to your diet will help boost your metabolism, making it easier for your body to burn off unnecessary calories. Boost Your Metabolism With These High Thermic Effect Foods And Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey! Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), is the increase in your metabolism after ingestion of food. There are certain foods that allow you metabolism to work harder, thus burning more calories. Typically high protein foods have a high thermic effect Thermic Effect of Physical Activity (TEPA) is the amount of energy burned during all activity throughout the day. This includes simply moving around your home or at work, as well as exercise.
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Canadian Flicks for Canada’s 150th Played with Le Chantier du CHUM Join us for a selection of short documentaries about Canadian architects and projects, including: Building History: The Story of Benjamin Brown - Directed by Martin Edralin This is a portrait of Benjamin Brown, Toronto’s first practicing Jewish architect. Working at a time of anti-Semitism in the city, Brown’s buildings stand as a testament to Toronto’s cultural and industrial heritage. Presented with permission of the Ontario Jewish Archives. Sponsored by Forth.
Trademark Infringement in Cannabis Cannabis and Hemp CBD companies should be increasingly vigilant regarding the risks of potential trademark infringements of non-cannabis and hemp-related marks. There has been a long history of cannabis products in the unlicensed markets with similar or near-identical names, logos, or identifying artwork to well-known brands, products, companies, and in some instances, well-known persons. These include names of strains of cannabis as well as edible and other infused and manufactured products. Many of these names and product designs were developed whimsically and/or humorously and did not have any intentional commercial intent to infringe. However, as cannabis continues its transition in most states to a licensed, regulated market and especially as the industry moves inexorably to a likely future of at least some level of federal de-scheduling if not outright legalization such potential infringements will become far riskier and should be strongly avoided. Recently, the candy maker Mars Wrigley has sued cannabis companies for marketing products with names and logos similar to Mars Wrigley’s Starburst and Skittles brands. In addition, there have been infringement suits filed over marks as diverse as those for hot sauce, a bank, and a professional hockey team. It is likely that lawsuits grow increasingly common as cannabis and hemp CBD become more prominent and established in the mainstream commercial marketplace and more robust legalization and regulations efforts continue on the local, state, and eventually federal levels. Trademarks are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) which reviews and approves applications for trademarks. A trademark can be defined broadly and may be a word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, or artwork that represents a product, brand, and in some cases, even an individual person. Trademarks are regulated by both federal and state law, and some states offer trademark registrations as well. For example, California allows cannabis trademarks to be registered since these cannot be registered federally due to the existing federal prohibition (though many cannabis companies and products are able to register marks for alternate classes of goods and services. Trademarks may be registered for goods and services that already exist in the marketplace or for intent to use the marks commercially going forward. Use of potentially infringing marks creates multiple levels of risk for cannabis and hemp companies. Such marks will be ineligible for their own trademark protection if they are deemed to be infringing upon an already existing mark. For example, even if and when the federal government allows cannabis trademarks to be registered, a mark for a candy similarly named and/or branded to an existing mark such as Skittles would be rejected. The policy grounds for trademarks are both to protect the commercial interests of the holder of the trademark and to avoid consumer confusion. A mark similar to another mark in a related market of product clearly violates both of these. As such, any cannabis or hemp company will only be able to avail itself of trademark protections by avoiding obvious or likely infringing marks. In addition, as shown in the above instances in the article, existing trademark holders have legal recourses against potential infringers including infringement suits which could result both in injunctions to cease use of the mark immediately and significant monetary damages and penalties for violations. Such lawsuits and legal actions will only likely become more common as the cannabis and hemp markets grow and develop and the costs and risks of damages from such suits will also increase. Finally, use of marks connected to consumers with non-cannabis products may violate state laws regarding the advertisement, marketing, packaging, and branding of cannabis products. Many states prohibit cannabis products whose name, design, packaging, or product type are likely to appeal to minors or create consumer confusion. Products similar in name, design, branding, and packaging to candies are specifically prohibited in California, for example. As such, producing and marketing such products carries the risk of regulatory violations, including fines, and penalties, and license and permit suspensions and forfeitures. Given the risks of potential infringement of existing marks, and the likelihood that such risks will continue to increase going forward, it is best practice to error on the side of caution in developing brands, product names, logos, and designs that are potentially infringing. In addition, it is prudent to consult with an attorney familiar with cannabis regulations on the local, and state federal level in your jurisdiction, as well as advertising and trademark law, prior to developing a product or brand that carries the financial, legal, and regulatory risks of a potential infringement against an existing non-cannabis mark.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32 I suppose what happened between my stepmom and I was inevitable, but looking back I wonder why it had taken so long. My parents had me very young, when my father was just starting school. They were a mismatched couple, my dad being an academic and my mom being a party girl. I never got to know her, from what I was told she got into nude modeling and was well known in the music video and adult magazine world and was in very high demand. When they split she had no interest in or means of supporting me so I stayed with my dad. Over the years, though he advanced and climbed the corporate ladder, his taste in women never improved. He had a parade of bedroom playthings that he would sneak into the house late or try to pass off as friends or coworkers, but it became obvious to me once I’d grown up that he was enjoying as much cheap pussy that all the money he earned could afford him. By the time I was in college he finally settled down. He never got past chasing women many years younger than him, like he was stuck thinking he was still in his twenties, so my step mom was only three years older than me but, surprisingly, a pretty straight-laced girl. This was quite a departure from the barflies, strippers, and callgirls he had been taking to bed. I knew about her because she was a senior at my high school when I was a freshman. She wasn’t ragingly popular, but i remember her attracting more than her fair share of dates. She was willowy thin in high school but later she had put on a pleasant amount of weight, so instead of looking like a starving Paris runway model she looked like a pin-up girl. She wore her brown hair in a modern, modest shoulder length style. She had big eyes and a slender nose that made her amusingly cute or sultry, depending on how she did her makeup. She dressed like a working woman now, but she still enjoyed pop music and would dance around the house when she was relaxing. We got along well, though being older and now my stepmother she tried to establish a parental order from the start. One night while my father was away for a conference in Atlanta I had gone into his wardrobe to find a watch to use for the weekend. His wardrobe was actually as large as most people’s bedrooms, with a triple dressing mirror and several dressers and clothes racks. As I was ***********ing one i heard movement out in the hallway and footsteps coming into the master bedroom. I recognized the pace as my stepmother’s casual stride and heard her putting her purse and keys down on her mirrored vanity on the far side of the room. I hadn’t been expecting her back but apparently she had just gone out to eat and wanted to relax this evening. Not wanting her to find me rooting around in my father’s jewelry, I decided to hang back and wait until she left the room to sneak back out to mine. I stepped to the edge of the doorway so that I could watch for my chance. I should have seen it coming, but she was in no rush to go about her plans for the night. She draped her thin jacket over her chair and put away her earrings and necklace. I was jolted by the sight when she pulled her blouse off and was down to a prim, lacy bra. My cock twitched involuntarily at the sight of warm female skin and I felt a bit of guilt for it. I quickly tamped that down. Why should I feel guilty? She wasn’t my blood, and I was old enough to date her if circumstances were different. Still, it added an edge to the feeling. I had peeped on girls before but this felt like a whole new level. I figured that she was about to change or take a shower so I should just wait for my chance to make a break for it. She had unzipped and stepped out of her skirt so I thought that was the case. I made sure I was in deep shadow but still had a good view of the bedroom. She was unlikely to come into the wardrobe but if she did I could duck behind the heavy armoire. I felt my face flush with excitement as she took off her stockings and reached back to unhook her bra. Oh boy, was this a treat! I was going to have to play it cool because I’d never look at her the same from now on. Her breasts were a delectable B-cup with very large areolas and berry sized nipples. I had thought she wore padded bras to make her boobs look bigger but it looked like she did that to keep from being embarrassed by high beams if her top was too thin. She pulled her panties down too and I was delighted to see an impeccably trimmed landing strip framing her tucked in labia. I got a view of her smooth, muscular ass as she walked back the vanity and undid her hair, letting it tumble down loose to cool off. She sat on the edge of the bed with an undecided look on her face, wiggling her toes as she sighed heavily. I guess loafing for a while won on her priorities since she flopped down and stretched slowly. I got to see that she had a flawless, all over tan, thanks to my dad’s private garden off the master suite’s sliding glass door where she probably tanned nude on the lounge chairs. She didn’t have any blemishes or tattoos, just a toe ring on her dainty feet that I remember the popular girls getting as a symbol that they were with the in-crowd. She ran her fingers through her hair idly, twisting a lock in her fingers as she pondered something. She squirmed around until she had her head on the pillows, which then made her laying down with her legs toward me. I almost gasped as she brought her knees up and let her legs fall to the side, so now I could see her pussy and pucker fully open. She rubbed her thighs to loosen up the muscles, her self-massage making her vaginal lips whisper open to show warm pink with the tiny bud of her clitoris starting to peek out. She made a little humming noise as she trailed a finger up and rubbed her slit slowly, sighing as she settled into a rhythm that soothed her horniness. I forgot all about trying to leave for my room. I had only been planning on going out to a topless club that night, and there I was getting a show that was brightly lit and way hotter! I stared and marveled at how beautiful and alluring she was on the bed, fully naked with her legs spread, one hand cupping a breast and the other starting to push two fingers inside her box. I squirmed a bit myself to get my cock away from the seam of my underwear. I reached down my pants and made room for it as I got harder from watching her enjoy her own body. Just the feel of gripping my shaft to take the pressure off the fabric of my pants made me start to throb. The surprises were just getting started. She got up and went to the bed stand, opening a drawer and taking out a slim, silver vibrator. I gaped as she smoothly got on her back, holding the nine-inch sex toy like a lover was about to take her in the missionary position. She let her breath out loudly and ended with a moan as she got half of it into her moist channel. She rubbed her nipples with her eyes squeezed shut as she imagined a guy starting to work her over. She seemed to like it on the rough side since she pulled her nipples hard enough to distend the skin of her breasts and grabbed her ass hard enough to make white knuckles. She turned to the side and pursed her lips as she got a finger into her anus and she sawed the vibrator in and out of her cunt faster. She ran her tongue over her teeth as she enjoyed the sensations of getting both her holes stuffed at the same time. Maybe my old man hadn’t changed so much after all, since beneath her polite and proper exterior she was a pretty hot piece of ass. She flopped on her stomach and got the metal toy back inside her, grunting rhythmically as she worked it in and out. That made me need to rub my cock through my pants to ease the frustration. After a while of this I realized that she was taking her time working herself up to good cum, so I gave in to a sudden temptation. I tiptoed across to the bathroom, grabbed what I wanted, and darted back to the wardrobe. My heart was racing not just with lust but also with an illicit rush over what I was doing. With as much stealth as I could muster, I eased the door shut a bit so that I could hide behind it and still see through the crack at the bed where my stepmom was starting to fuck herself faster. My fingers trembled as I got the jar of her skin cream open and shoved my pants down. I sniffed it and let the sensation bring what I was watching in sharp relief as I could imagine how her skin smelled as she was masturbating. I vicariously joined her as I put a generous dollop of the slippery skin cream on the head of my cock and worked it up and down my shaft. My timing was uncanny as she started to plunge her vibrator deeper inside herself and moaned in time to the long, slow strokes. I slid my hand in time with her and found myself imagining being on my knees behind her, the two of us discovering how good we could make each other feel with a doggy-style screwing. She sped up and I grinned lecherously as I felt my own orgasm approaching. I hadn’t hooked up with a chick in almost a week so I knew I had a huge nut saved up. This wasn’t going to be the same as a girl making me bust but this was more intense than anything I’d felt before. I saw her back arch and she buried her face in a pillow to muffle the scream as she shoved the toy in as far as she could get it and twisted it around. I heard it buzzing at its fastest setting as she gulped another lungful of air before she screamed again, riding the mechanical stimulation that didn’t let up. I bit my own lip and stroked all the way down to the base of my cock as I fantasized about being balls deep inside her vagina as my cock spit streams of thick spunk across to splatter on the wall. I suddenly remembered where I was and what I was doing so I shoved my lust aside and grabbed one of my dad’s shirts, trying to squeeze out the last of my cum that was still dribbling out of my softening dick. My heart was racing again in the urge for self-preservation as I wiped off my cock and the walls. I looked up just in time as I was sponging up the puddles of jism from the floor to see her getting up from the bed. I threw the shirt in the laundry and ducked to the back of the wardrobe, fighting to catch my stifled breath. I caught a glimpse of her as she walked to the bathroom, a ridiculously satisfied look on her face as she fanned herself. Pressing my luck, I moved to watch her walk by. Her wonderful ass swayed deliciously and small trickle of pussy juice had run down the inside of her thigh. I wished that I could lick that clean and she seemed to have the same sort of thing in mind. She sniffed her toy before she started washing it off in the sink, humming a provocative pop tune as she dried it off and went to the shower. When she got it running warm and closed her eyes under the spray, I beat a hasty retreat to my bedroom, closing the door firmly and trying to calm down. The next morning, I did my best to play it smooth as she joined me. I had needed to sneak her skin cream back into Silivri Escort place as she went out for her morning stretch and swim routine, but she hadn’t seemed to notice anything suspicious. “Good morning, Esther.” I didn’t want to call her my mom and she wouldn’t allow me to use her nickname from girlhood, so we had compromised. “Hello, Alex. I didn’t see you come in last night. Did you just get back?” “No, just had a late night. Do you want some juice?” She was in a fluffy white robe that kept her body covered to her knees, but she had a pair of slippers on that told me she was on her way to work on her tan this morning. I arranged a throw pillow on the sofa to block my hardening cock from her view. “How’d class go this week?” I asked her. She had gone back to school and was working on a degree. She had a lighter load this semester with some upper division electives. “I’m in kind of a jam. Well, so is everybody in my dance class. We had no male interest in the class so there’s a shortage of partners. We even advertised around the university but no takers. Would you be my dance partner? You don’t have to enroll yourself, just be available for the final project.” “I don’t know how to do any ballroom dances.” “Well, I didn’t either, but that’s why I’m in a class. I’m sure a sporty guy like you can pick it up, you’ve got good physical coordination.” I shrugged. She really liked to dance and this PE class was a chance to show what she could do, so I knew that she was really into it. “Yeah. I think I’d like to.” “We get to choose our own music. Do you have any ideas?” “How about an old 80’s pop song? I remember how the video has a couple dancing a tango in the background.” “Let me see it.” I found the music video for “Broken Wings” by Mr. Mister. I pointed out the first clip which showed a couple dancing from their waists down. He was in a tuxedo and she was in a flowing dress cut for free movement. Their legs swung out wide in sweeping motions like birds in flight. They twirled and dipped, finishing with the woman bringing a leg up on top of his sensuously. I felt a surge of lust as I recalled how her naked ass and legs had looked the night before. I covered up with a bashful gesture to the screen, “We can switch that with another move if that’s too suggestive.” She shook her head, “No, I like that one.” We finished watching and she warmed to the idea. There were only a few clips of them dancing but she thought the music would be good for he steps she had in mind. We spent the afternoon starting to put it together and she coached me through each move. She was a damned good teacher. By the end of the week we had the act for the first half of the song worked out. When my dad came home we were practicing and he watched with interest for a minute then never did again. It didn’t matter, this was something I wanted to do to help her out. In another three weeks we were ready and went to pick out our costumes. She didn’t like the one from the video, so she ordered an evening dress and some low heels which were made for dancing. Oddly, she wouldn’t let me see her in it until the big day. “I thought that was a superstition for weddings,” I protested. “It’s not that, part of the effect is how you react when you see me in it for the first time before we dance.” I never heard of such a thing but I humored her. When the time came, I met her on campus in the music building, my tux in its rental bag over my shoulder. I found the room slated for the class and there were a couple dozen women from ages seventeen to forty assembled to watch Esther’s turn on the floor. Sure enough, I was the only guy so it was easy for anyone to figure out who I was. “I just saw Esther on my way down the hall,” a blonde classmate told me with an approving smile, “she’s looking gorgeous. You two will be a pleasure to watch.” I went to change and when I got back the instructor had set up the music so I waited for Esther to show up. The blonde was right, she was absolutely stunning. I could imagine her walking to the classroom through a hallway full of students who were dressed in their jeans and sweatshirts, like a songbird among sparrows. The evening dress was a sequined blue affair which was tight in the body and had slits in the skirt almost to her hips. Every step revealed her tanned and toned legs. She had on shimmering makeup complemented by white gold jewelry that made her stage presence enchanting. “What do you think?” she asked me to break her silence. “I think we’ll give them a show to remember.” We started with my arms around her in a ready pose. When the music cued up we stepped slowly away with arms outstretched, until only our fingertips were touching as we circled. We came together again and I held her waist as we turned. I slid an arm around her back and she extended her opposite arm, turning to face to the side as I ran my hand up her body and out until we were holding hands. There were impressed murmurs and a couple of whistles as my hand came so close to her breasts during the move. When we came to the part with the first dip she not only slid her leg up mine but curled it behind mine. That drew even more cheers and excited chatter. There were several moves and poses that we wanted to hit but part of her lesson was to improvise along the way. We were supposed to be dancing in a classical sense, changing lead and following, moving in harmony and flowing from one movement to another. The song seemed to be over so soon for all the work we had put into it. We got enthusiastic applause and then the other students had her ringed in for conversation. I figured she’d be busy now so I’d just head home and catch up to her later. I went to the men’s room to change back to my street clothes and headed to the elevator. I heard her call out to me and turned to see her as she had waited for me. She had her evening dress in its bag too and came over to talk. “Alex, thanks so much for helping me out. It means a lot to me.” “It was fun,” I smiled. “Well, you gave up a lot of your free time over the past month to make this happen. I really appreciate that.” I felt kind of funny since before she’d only made polite acknowledgements for ordinary things to me. This was the first time she really seemed to connect with me for something. It felt good, though the feeling was a contrast to the remorse I felt for invading her privacy at such an intimate time. Working on the dance project had kept my mind off it but now that it was over I felt my fascination returning even stronger. The energy must have been visible because I could notice women from the class watching us. Esther did too and she seemed to enjoy the attention and supposed speculation. I admit it was kind of a thrill standing there knowing how people had watched her dressed in something quite revealing and me getting so physical with her but now she was fully clothed again and talking to me with some kind of warm but platonic affection. It was like sharing a secret. “So, how about dinner after we get these back?” “I was supposed to meet your father, but he called to say he had to run out of town for a couple of nights.” The irritation and disappointment was plain on her face. I didn’t want her good mood ruined so I suggested that the two of us could go to a restaurant which I knew she loved. She smiled and we walked off together. We didn’t look odd at all, if anything like just a young couple who had agreed to their first date. I realized that’s exactly how I felt, though I had known Esther for almost a year. We arrived at the restaurant for a late dinner and chatted long after dessert and coffee, wanting to make it last, until the wait staff began clearing the tables off. When we got home we were still talking, but the conversation had turned serious in the privacy of our car. It continued as we walked into our living room. I motioned for a drink and she had me pour one for her. The liquor calmed her a little and she felt more relaxed, more open as she continued to disclose that she and my father had been growing less intimate physically in the past year. “I cant seem to get his attention. I make myself ready for him almost every night when I can get him to stay home, but he’s been putting me off. “Well, if you want my advice, and don’t mind me being quite frank, chasing him for this is the wrong way to go about it. I don’ think his physical appetite has faded, but maybe he’s taking you for granted. If you let it go for a while he might figure out what he’s been missing.” “It’s not that he’s always unwilling,” she backpedaled, “or that we have any problems when we get together, but I wonder if he’s starting to lose interest. I worry that I’m not as well built as his past girlfriends.” “I don’t think it’s that,” I told her with genuine skepticism. “You’re a lot different but he’s never treated anyone as well as he does you, even if you’re not connecting lately.” “He doesn’t seem to respond as eagerly as he used to,” she expanded after she had downed the rest of her drink to brace herself for the vulnerability she was placing herself in with me, “I even bought a couple of pieces of lingerie, hoping he might like to see me in them, but he’s never asked or left them out for me to wear. I ‘ve tried surprising him when he got home but he always called that he’d be out late. That’s something that’s made me angry.” “Lingerie is supposed to be an invitation,” I agreed, “it’s not practical like underwear, but it serves a purpose. Seeing a woman in her underwear might make a guy want to have her but that doesn’t mean she’s interested. Even a naked woman can have other things in mind, but when a woman puts a revealing, pretty outfit that she wouldn’t wear under her everyday clothes and maybe took some extra effort to put on, then she wants a man to notice her sexually.” “That’s what I thought, but maybe it’s just not enticing enough for him to see it for what it is. Would you look and tell me what you think?” I nodded and she darted off to their bedroom. She was gone for a long time and I figured she had gotten cold feet and was ashamed to come out. I was about to get up, unsure if I should just leave her alone or see if she was okay, when she walked back into the living room. Instead of carrying her items out for my inspection, she had dressed up in one and put on some darker, wetter makeup. She came out with measured, steps, like a finishing school girl trying to demonstrate what she’d learned. “What do you think?” It was a red baby-doll with lacy trim and sheer panels. There was a matching silky bottom that was cut deeply so that a guy could tell she had trimmed or shaved her pubic hair, though it wasn’t thin enough to reveal her pudendum. She turned to the Escort Bayan side and to the back, as if she was presenting a new dress for fitting, then turned back to me. “That’s amazing,” I said, though my amazement was that I had only expected her to show me the intimate articles, not to model them. I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, though, and I wasn’t a fool either, so I asked her, “Try on this one.” She hurried back and took another several minutes to change again for my request. She came back out wearing an explicit bikini set that was slit at the nipples and crotch to allow her charms to peek through. She had also put on a strappy set of high-heeled sandals to make her leg musculature flex and her shapely ass primed for ogling. This outfit definitely didn’t leave much to doubt. She had pulled her hair back and put on a diamond bracelet and necklace to polish the look. But again she looked more like she was getting ready for a pageant than for intercourse. Though this look was far more revealing, she acted like I wouldn’t notice what it was designed to call attention to. “It’s not that you don’t look good, far from that,” I said. “It’s about how you present yourself wearing these things. You can’t look like you don’t want to wear it or that you’re just going through motions. You want to be inviting, maybe even a little aggressive.” She surprised me as she stepped closer to where I sat, nudging my thigh open with her knee, rubbing slightly so that I could feel her bare, smooth skin press against me. She looked down with a challenging smirk since she saw that she had gotten the drop on me. “Like this?” “Come closer,” I answered smoothly, evenly, picking up on her dare. She came even closer, and to my surprise again, turned so that she could wave her ass in my face, the thong bottom fitting like it had been tailored just for her backside. She was teasing me as if this was a tame table dance from an exotic dancer who was trying to get me to the VIP room. She was catching on fast. I decided not to be outdone and that it was her turn to try not getting freaked out. I spread my legs open and gripped the tent in my slacks so that she could see the outline of my erection clearly. She was flustered, probably not with my arousal but by how I flaunted back at her. “It’s just a natural reaction,” I dismissed any concern with a shrug. “I’m a healthy young guy, you’re a beautiful woman who is presenting her body to me. Whether it’s appropriate or not doesn’t matter, you’re showing me something provocative and I’m physically responding to you. That’s how it should be. You want to act in a way that will make him want you, no matter what else is going on in his head.” She didn’t say anything but bit her lip a little as she looked away. Instead of taking offense, she seemed to cross an inner threshold. When she looked back at me she smiled slightly, but with a little doubt. “You think I’m beautiful?” “I always did.” She smiled, but then realizing what that implied snapped her back to reality and her eyes widened in alarm. I could see her dismay but I also saw a glimpse that there was a spark of desire there. I was close to losing her but had time for another move, if she would take up on it. I let her back away from me but i got off the couch and on my knees in front of her. “I don’t think we should be doing this,” she said quietly. “Relax,” I told her in a gentle tone. “I just want you to remember this moment when you’re trying to let your sexy side show through.” She looked at me like I was naïve about her own nature. “Well, since we’re being frank about normal feelings, I’ll let you know I was starting to feel a good tingle at the idea of getting you turned on.” “I’m glad,” I said, “You’re not the only one who can feel insecure. I’m supposed to be at my sexual prime and don’t like the thought of not being attractive to a woman who I want. She was smart enough to catch on that meant I was interested in her. But would she be game? She looked me up and down, an obvious sign itself, so I leaned back a bit with my arms to the side, a silent question if she liked what she saw. She finally smiled and her eyes softened into a look of intimate proposal. “I’m supposed to be close to my prime too, though from what I’m learning that’s all been debunked now. But I think our feelings are clear enough. Maybe we can help each other a bit,” she said softly as her hands guided me to lay on the floor. “Tell me if you like this.” She undid the fly of my pants and peeled them open. She freed my cock from my underwear and tugged my clothes away so that it was bare for her touch. Her hands made small, delicate movements around my crotch. Not fearful or unsure, just as if she was seeking permission. I showed my own intentions by seizing my manhood and stroking it for her, pointing it so that she could see the head flare and veins pulse as my cock was at its hardest. She wouldn’t look me in the face. She seemed to deal with it by keeping her eyes fixed on my cock. I had shaved except for a patch above the root of my dick, for better skin on skin sensation as much as looks. I had fantasized about burying my boner inside her landing strip and wanted to get the most out of it. Once her hand closed over my shaft any hesitance on her part disappeared. She stroked it firmly and looked up at me, licking her lips before she opened her mouth and took me as far as she could inside. Her tongue curled and slid over it like a sensuous snake. She had lighthearted look on her face as she licked and sucked on me, worshipping my hardness with enthusiasm. She gulped and slurped loudly but not obnoxiously. She looked at me for approval and I pulled her up for an embrace and deep kiss. “My turn,” I told her. A look of fulfillment and reassurance brightened her face as I got her on her back and pushed her legs up and open, holding them so that her snatch was fully exposed for my viewing excitement before I put my mouth on her. She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling now and then to encourage me when I did something that she liked. I lost my sense of time as I got lost in the caresses and titillating sounds she made to reward me for my oral attention. Her vulva felt firm and slippery under my lips. They were going to feel so good to fuck. Her soft cries as I ate her to a few orgasms made me anticipate the music we would make when we got into different positions. I kissed around her hot and swollen folds and back up her body, nuzzling her neck before I kissed her mouth again. She started to get up and I grabbed her hand. “Where are you going? Don’t you want to finish what we started?” She looked involuntarily at my stiff cock and shyly covered her pussy with her hand. “I meant that we could make each other feel better, I didn’t mean I would cheat on your father.” “We’re both ready for this and it was going so well.” “You did make me feel really good, and you gave me some reassurance as a woman. Thank you. But I wasn’t trying to lead you on.” “You’re not a child and neither am I,” I pressed. “We can let this drop but we’ll both end up more frustrated than we were before.” “You can’t be serious.” I sighed like she was purposely being dense. Maybe she was, but I doubted it. She was covering her nipples with an arm now too, but she hadn’t made a move to leave and one look at her made it obvious that here was a chick who was hungry for some fresh meat. It was like being in a bad porno. “We both knew where this was going once you knelt between my legs and sucked my cock. You need this as much as I do. Let’s have it.” “What’s your problem?” Her eyes flashed in indignation and she made an angry gesture, but it seemed more in denial of what she was feeling than a rejection of me, so I decided to move in for the kill. “Who has a problem?” I called her out. “You are dressed in something that screams come-and-get-me, your nipples are poking out and you’re skin is flushed. You can’t tell me you’re not ready to get laid.” “You can’t talk to me that way.” “Why not? It’s the truth.” “You’re about one word away from me shutting that big mouth for you. Just try me.” “That’s what I’m doing”, I said dryly, “so are you going to play coy some more? Her face showed something barely recognizable — a snarl of disgust, raised eyebrows of challenge, and a suppressed sense of satisfaction. “All right, if that’s what you really want, then let’s do it. We’re gonna fuck.” She pulled me by the waistband of my pants towards the bedroom. “Let’s get your vulgar urges over with.” “We’ll see who’s more of a freak,” I said arrogantly, pulling my shirt off. She pulled off my belt and yanked my pants down. When I had them off she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to the bed on top of her. Her arms and legs wrapped around me assertively, rubbing my neck, hips, ass, and back of my legs as she opened her mouth for mine, giving herself to me as if she hadn’t had a man between her legs in months. My cock was like an invading animal that was trying to burrow into her snatch, rubbing between her thighs and jabbing when it felt soft hair and moisture. She wrenched me over and grabbed my stiff rod, looking me straight in my eyes as she ran her tongue up and down its length. She cradled my balls softly as she clamped her wet lips around the head and started jacking me off. After teasing me with that for a while she kept her lips against her hand and pressed her tongue against the underside of my dick to give the best friction as her head bobbed up and down on me. I could feel an orgasm building but when she tasted some precum leaking into her mouth she stopped and squeezed the base of my cock firmly to keep me from busting. “You like that?” she asked with mock severity as she pumped my dick, then sucked on it some more before she took it out to ask, ” Do you like me sucking you off on your father’s bed? I got a hold of her waist and turned us over again. I grabbed her legs by the ankles so that I could pull them wide open. My cock bounced with the motion and slapped her crotch, putting a nasty smile on her face as she got on her elbows, wanting to watch me penetrating her. “I’m going to give it to you better than he ever did,” I said confidently. Her eyes glittered diabolically as she smiled up at me, “I hope so.” I moved to let my cock rest against her snatch, rubbing up and down to tease us both. “Fuck me good,” she growled as she tilted her pelvis up at me in shameless invitation. Instead, I pinned her legs back as my mouth plastered over her snatch. She moaned loudly as I painted her pussy lips with my saliva, flicking her clitoris rapidly with my tongue as she squealed with approval. After I felt her grind istanbul Escort against my face and shudder in a fast orgasm, I got on my knees and pulled her close, steering my aching tool to her wet hole. I gripped the middle of my shaft and rubbed her clit with the head of my cock. Her eyes rolled with the intense stimulation and I shoved it easily into her hot tunnel of love. “You feel so good,” she sighed as I thrust into her fast and deep. Her moans bounced off he walls and the wet smacking of our flesh made my blood run hot. “Oh yeah!” she grated wantonly, “Harder! Mmmmmh!” Her sounds changed from high, feminine sighs and moans to low, guttural gasps and groans as I pounded my cock in and out. Rather than try to loosen her pussy to meet my thrusts she bore down and made the feeling of stretching her slit very intense. I had her legs folded over in front of me like a sexy pretzel so that I could drive really rough. She licked her lips in anticipation and made a little shriek when I tried a thrust that had my legs and back into it. She swallowed and pulled the cheeks of her ass wide, encouraging me to give her even more. All traces of her being a reserved young professional woman had vanished and I had a green-eyed earthquake on my hands. “Damn, you’re hittin’ it. Ohhh, oh yeaaahh!” I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to keep in that position but the way she grabbed my arms and bit her lip told me that she didn’t care about the strain. Her head whipped back and forth on the pillow as she lost control and shouted her ecstasy. I kept it up for about four minutes and she came twice, the second time a lot more powerful than the first. When she stopped meeting my pummeling and let her head lay back, I could tell that she’d had enough. I rolled off her and she lay panting beside me. She reached over to fondle my cock and started stroking it happily when she found that it was still rock hard. “Omigod, I came so good that time,” she smiled with her eyes glazed and chest heaving. “More! Please, give me more like that.” I turned her over and pulled her hips up so that she was poised for me to push the length of my cock up and into her, letting her weight add to it. I was glad that I had kept doing my athletic stretches as I got on one knee with my legs wide apart so that I could drive into her deep from this position. I looked over in a mirror and saw how exposed and vulnerable her pussy looked as i rubbed the head of my cock between her vaginal lips. She moaned in relief as I sunk my whole length into her. I started with long, smooth strokes to make sure her juices where running freely so that she’d be comfortable when I sped up. I grabbed a handful of her hair behind her ear and pulled on it, not hard enough to be painful but bending her face to me for my tongue. She flicked hers out to meet mine and kissed me hard before I pushed her to face forward again. “Yeah, pull my hair,” she hissed as she pushed her hips back to meet mine. I was going so hard that my balls were swinging to bump into her clit. She laughed throatily at the pleasure this gave her as I moved my hands to squeezer her tits. I wanted to see just how much she could take so I grabbed her shoulders for more leverage. Her eyes shut and her mouth made a wide O as I gave her the most intense dicking I had ever tried with a girl. I kept it up as long as I could and her legs were trembling when I finally pulled out of her. I rocked back and sat heavily as I fought for air. She crawled around to face me, a predatory look like a hungry jungle cat glowed on her features as she pushed me onto my back. “Honey, we should have been doing this a long time ago,” she shook her head as she panted lightly. All I could do was nod in reply. She ran a hand up my leg and grabbed the root of my cock, working her fingers around and waggling her eyebrows with admiration that I was still as stiff as when we started. “That’s enough play. Now I’m going to fuck your brains out.” She got on top of me, letting me look at her pretty breasts and wet pussy as she stroked my cock, savoring the hardness of it before she guided it back into her. She balanced on the balls of her feet as she spread her knees apart. She then started riding up and down my shaft with strong, undulating bobs, like an erotic ballerina. Her faced turned angelic as she looked down at me. She peered lower to watch as she rose up and my shaft came out of her pussy. When just the head of my member was inside of her she lowered herself again smoothly, tightening herself so much that I felt like she was trying to push my penis into my groin. The heavenly feeling of slippery resistance was so intense that my hands and feet, then my arms and legs started to go numb. She placed a palm on my chest, toying with my chest hair a bit before she leaned on it for balance as she moved a little faster. I shut my eyes as she stroked my face tenderly. “Look at me,” she told me quietly. I opened my eyes again and she had a serene look on her face as she settled against the base of my cock. She closed her eyes to concentrate as her insides began a milking sensation, like her pussy was trying to swallow my dick. A railroad spike of pleasure shot through my groin as her vaginal lips slid wetly around the bottom of my shaft and then she began squeezing up, like she was drawing my semen up for an orgasm, then ending that exquisite grip at the head, then started over. “Oh damn, this is so good,” I gasped with a lewd grin, “don’t stop.” She smiled like a movie villain who had gotten the hero into a helpless position. Soon she could tell that I couldn’t take any more edging and went back to fucking me. She put her hands on my chest so that she had better control of her hips, reinforcing that by taking my hands from her ass and guiding them to her breasts so that she was fully in charge of what her pussy was doing to me again. “Do you want to look?” she asked me, and cradled my head so that I could watch her pussy sliding up and down my cock. She saw that I liked it so she pulled a pillow under my head. I could also look in a mirror for a side view of us and how her cute breasts hung appealingly like ripe fruit for my grabby hands. I could really see her hips work now. She made all kinds of twists and twirls, as if our pelvises were partners in a dance this time and she led me to a mind-shattering climax. I was roaring as I finally ejaculated inside her and she threw her head back, gasping and shuddering. She nuzzled her face against me fondly as she caught her breath and raised her body up gently, letting my cock slip free and a sticky, frothy mess of vaginal fluid and semen flowed out of her and pooled on my spent organ. “Holy shit, baby, what a great fuck,” she said weakly as she collapsed on top of me. I woke up late the next morning since I had gotten so tired. As I swam up from sleep my first thought was disbelief, that last night had just been an incredibly vivid wet dream. Opening my eyes to the unfamiliar bed and feeling slender arms and legs tangled with mine dispelled the notion. I shut them again and savored the feeling of Esther’s hair across my neck and her face on my chest. I felt her stir and light fingers trailing up my legs, her palm rubbing my scrotum and squeezing her new toy gently. She started stroking firmly as my erection filled her hand and she rubbed a leg up and down mine invitingly. She smiled at how quickly I got throbbing hard with her touch and I shut my eyes with a heartfelt sigh at being so lucky to be in bed with a woman who knew what to do about it. “Good morning, Alex,” she murmured, the erotic sight of her tousled hair disappearing under the sheets was followed by warm, moist suction around my reinvigorated manhood. She pulled the sheet up so that it was tented over us as she mounted me. She held my face and kissed, slipping her tongue around mine as she started riding up and down, giving a hard grind when her pussy lips kissed the base of my cock so that her clit was nicely stimulated. I let my hands wander to let her know how sexy I thought her body was and she used my hard-on to start her morning off happily. She invited me to shower together and we ended up needing it twice since she got the kinky inspiration to fuck while the warm water cascaded around us. I made something to eat as she got dressed and she was all smiles and affectionate petting when I beckoned her over to the table. We were silent for a while, just looking at each other and grinning contentedly, like we had happened on some kind of great fortune that had been right in front of us all along. She started to look pensive and finally sighed and shook her head. “What’s wrong, Esther?” “I can’t stand the thought of him coming home and me trying to pretend I’m happy with his lackluster performance in bed. Its bad enough when he stands me up for a date night or fails to notice me when I try to interest him. I know it’s him and not me, but it still makes me feel like I can’ t even satisfy him as a woman.” I didn’t say anything about that. After the night we’d just had, I never would have thought she was anything less than completely confident in her own prowess. I also didn’t mention how I had earlier found access to a social media account that he held where he had posted pics of him with a couple of famous porn stars in a back room at some strip club. All it would serve was to sadden and insult her, but I sympathized. Maybe she was being this way because she still needed something more. “Well, I’m usually gone on Friday night and all of Saturday, sometimes on Sunday too, with my friends,” I told her. “He stopped paying attention to that a long time ago. You’re in school Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and away on the weekend when you’ve got a group project or exam coming up. What do you say we use that time on weekends to get together? I can come get you after class or you can meet me somewhere.” “I don’t think he’ll miss me much either. I’m already starting not to miss him.” She came over to sit next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder for support. ” Sounds bad of me, I know. But at least we got each other now, for a while maybe.” “Do you think you’d be happy enough with just our getaways?” “I have a confession to make,” she told me, “I’ve been wanting you ever since we worked on on my dance class project. The way we moved together, feeling your hands on me, I would keep wondering what it would be like. I picked that outfit to impress you. I wanted you to remember seeing me in it and what it was like to dance with me when I made a move later. I guess I had to try to back off last night for the sake of my own conscience, but I’d been hoping you’d want me too.” “I always thought you were too out of my league. First as an upper classman then later as my dad’s wife.” She smiled at the notion of me having a crush on her and ran a hand through my hair, watching my face. I kissed her sweetly. “So, is this my big chance with you?” I asked. She reached down and started kneading my scrotum softly in response. Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin? Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Why it’s important to publish your work For research to be truly valuable it must be shared. In doing so, it becomes part of a wider conversation that has been taking place since we first began to record our findings. Scientific breakthroughs happen step-by-step, building on existing theories and shared prior knowledge. Publishing your work is about enriching the current pool of literature and making your discoveries available to the scientific community, which benefits everyone. Communicating your work The research article is important because it is the primary method for communicating ideas between researchers. By submitting to journals your work is vetted by peers and published, making it available to others in the community. Through this process your ideas are added to a permanent and searchable record of human knowledge. Download your free eBook copy Publishing your work is about making your discoveries available to the scientific community. This eBook walks you through how-to prepare your manuscript section-by-section.
The Friday evening service was a special welcome to the Sabbath at the 2023 Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. ASi members, advocates and their families filled the main hall of the convention center for moments of congregational singing, reflection, and study of God’s Word. The keynote speaker was Dwain Esmond, associate director of the White Estate at the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For years, ASi has partnered with the White Estate, which is in charge of keeping, compiling, translating, and distributing the writings of Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. White. Based on the message of Isaiah 57:15, where the prophet shares God’s plan to heal and restore the backsliders, Esmond called convention attendees to reflect on God’s grace on our behalf. “Grace is the single best thing that has been given to us,” he said. “And this is not ordinary grace.… It’s grace for the mixed up, grace for the messed up, and grace for the mashed up,” Esmond emphasized. “God’s grace is so good that it heals our broken spirits and reforms our habits and fills us with power. It’s so good that God put it in human flesh — Jesus, the Chief Grace Officer of the universe.” Songs and Inspiration The service began with a half hour of congregational singing. In a traditional family-room setup, three generations of Adventist members led hundreds of people in singing hymns on the Sabbath, faith, and salvation. A special presentation featured Justin Kim, Adventist Review and Adventist World editor. Kim reminded his audience of the historical role of Present Truth and later Advent Review & Sabbath Herald, as Adventist Review was called in earlier years. After 174 years of publication, that same longing to encourage, nurture, and inspire Adventist members around the world keeps driving the mission of the Review, as it is commonly known, to help prepare a people for Jesus’ second coming, Kim said. The ASi convention included a robust youth program from children and young people. Experienced coordinators led activities for groups from Nursery to Youth. As part of the August 4 evening program, every group shared with the audience in the hall what they had been working on during the week. Children and teens sang and shared Bible verses learned and relearned during the week. “Always remember that ‘Gospel begins with GO!’ ” Christian Martin said. Martin and his wife, Heidi, coordinated the Juniors group during the convention. From crafts to team-based challenges, Juniors discovered the power of the gospel and how to share it, according to Martin, a pastor in Virginia, United States. “Students learned how to give a gospel presentation and share good news with others, as they also learned inspiring lessons from guest speakers and real-life missionaries.” Loving People Like Jesus At the close of his Friday evening message, Esmond reminded his audience that as followers of God we have a “toolbox” with tools we can use to reach others in the end time of this world. “We have love, and we have joy,” he said, adding the rest of the characteristics that make up what is known as the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22). “God has given us mighty tools to use in the end of time to bring men and women to him,” Esmond said. “And we need to have more than one tool in our toolbox.” To explain his point, Esmond emphasized that while we must tell people where they are wrong, it is key that we love people as Jesus did. “Tonight, God is telling us, ‘I’m with this church, but if I’m going to be with this church, this church has to love the lost,” he said. “This church must be My hands and My feet, and the love of Jesus must encircle the lost. This church must get messy with people’s lives and love them back to Jesus.”
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We boast a combined 200 years of industry knowledge and experience, making us a leader in safety and environmental compliance. We intend to keep this reputation as our skilled employees continue to stay up to date on ever-changing certifications across industries. In fact, we owe our reputation to our loyal workers and customers, some of whom have been with us for over 25 years. When you work with AG Aegis, you work with more than a small business; you work with family. For more information about how we can help your business, we encourage you to contact us today. What AG Aegis Can Do for You Perhaps where AG Aegis excels most is getting to know our customers individually before deciding on a program to meet their needs. Typically, our line of work isn’t a “one size fits all” situation, and that’s okay. Whether you require environmental reporting, safety training, or a collection of services, we will work to develop a cost effective program that best fits your needs. AG Aegis is a turnkey environmental and safety consulting firm. Though we are located in northwestern Pennsylvania, we serve customers nationwide and have done so since 1988. AG Aegis was founded to offer management and technical support to clients seeking to improve their environmental and safety procedures while maintaining compliance with regulatory agencies, regardless of their industry. To this day, we work with clients who choose to outsource all environmental and safety management services to us, as well as those who pick and choose our programs on an as-needed basis. We regularly work side-by-side with manufacturing facilities, commercial businesses, schools, hospitals, and other businesses to ensure our services remain timely and affordable. View our Services and contact us today to learn more about just how much AG Aegis can do for you. We continually ensure that our personnel are qualified and up to date with the latest certifications and registrations. At AG Aegis, part of our work is ensuring that our skilled team is consistently qualified and remaining up-to-date with applicable certifications and registrations. If you have questions about a specific certification or registration that you don’t see listed, we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss what you’re looking for. Certified Underground Storage Tank Removal Company An underground storage tank (UST) is defined as a tank or combination of tanks, along with any piping, containment structures, or ancillary equipment located below surface soil level (but not completely open for tank inspection). In the event of tank replacement or general removal, AG Aegis is certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to remove USTs. Certified Asbestos Inspector, Management Planner, & Project Designer Asbestos removal is a complicated process involving many moving parts, from the development of a plan to inspection and testing, physical removal, and final clearance testing. AG Aegis is certified by the Pennsylvania DEP to do all of these things as an Asbestos Inspector, Management Planner, and Project Designer. Certified Hazardous Waste Site Workers and Supervisors In our line of work, it is common for AG Aegis employees to come into contact with a variety of hazardous substances, including wastes. As Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-Certified Hazardous Waste Site Workers and Supervisors, AG Aegis is certified to handle numerous elements of hazardous waste work, including clean-up operations (meeting local, state, or federal regulations), corrective action, treatment, storage, disposal, and emergency response operations. Qualified in SARA Title III Management Sara Title III defines requirements for federal, state, and local governments (alongside other entities) in regards to emergency planning and Community Right-to-Know reporting on toxic releases and hazardous chemicals. This information is used to inform the public and help them protect public health and the environment while improving chemical safety. AG Aegis is qualified in SARA Title III management and offers reporting services for toxic release inventory (R Form) and hazardous chemical inventory (Tier II Report). Registered Environmental Manager As a Registered Environmental Manager (as named by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals), AG Aegis is prepared to organize and oversee large environmental health and safety projects, including environmental auditing and the transportation of hazardous materials. This designation is recognized by several state and federal organizations, including the U.S. Postal Service, Air Force, Department of Energy, and beyond. Registered Professional Engineer Authorized User of Chemical-Terrorism Vulnerability Information Having completed the Department of Homeland Security Chemical-Terrorism Vulnerability Information training, AG Aegis is considered a trustworthy authorized user with access to this information on a need to know basis. First Aid, CPR, & AED Instructor As an instructor of First Aid, CPR, and AED use, AG Aegis is capable of training employees with limited (or zero) medical background in proper CPR techniques as well as safe and effective use of an automated external defibrillator. Graduate Safety Practitioner AG Aegis has been deemed a Graduate Safety Practitioner by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, highlighting our skills in identifying occupational safety hazards, implementing preventative measures, and investigating workplace accidents. The AG Aegis Team Request a Quote "*" indicates required fields
Buencamino is a fellow of Action for Economic Reforms. This piece was first published in Interaksyon.com on November 23, 2011. Even if GMA is knocked down, they (justices) will put her back up and they will give her the decision. – rewording Juan Manuel Marquez’ reaction to losing to the Pacman Behind the eight ball is a phrase from the game of pool. It describes a position where the ball you want to pocket is blocked by the eight ball. For example: the Aquino administration is behind the eight ball because eight Supreme Court justices are obstructing justice by misinterpreting the Constitution and creating new rights for the Arroyos. The rule of law has been redesigned by a cabal of eight lawyers in black gowns and their spokesman, Midas Marquez. Marquez introduced a new dimension to due process: that an announcement on TV or a text message to media about a Supreme Court decision is as good as handing a physical copy of the decision to the parties concerned. Not only that, Marquez also elevated himself to the rank of Associate Justice when he took it upon himself to interpret the Court’s judicial issuance and announced on TV that the TRO on Gloria Arroyo’s Watchlist Order was “in full force and effect” when in fact the Court voted 7-6 “finding that there was no compliance with the second condition of the TRO (temporary restraining order).” As Justice Lourdes Sereno noted in her dissenting opinion, “it was the understanding of a majority that the TRO is “suspended pending compliance” with our earlier Resolution. The operational ineffectivity of the TRO is implied—for it is a basic principle that the failure of petitioners to comply with one of the conditions in the Resolution dated 15 November 2011 is a jurisdictional defect that suspends, at the least, the effectivity of the TRO. Therefore, the TRO, until faithful compliance with the terms thereof, is legally ineffective.” Unfortunately that’s not the way the rule of law is observed under the Coronarroyo Court. The rule of law is the second highest principle in popular democracies. Majority rule is number one; it trumps the rule of law. Trump is a term from the game of bridge. It refers to “a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others.” The winning card in bridge is called the trump card, using it ends a “trick” or single round of play. Thus a loyal majority in the Supreme Court is the trump card that can win the trick for the Arroyos. Trump can also refer to Donald the self-proclaimed billionaire or the tower in Manhattan where Gen. Carlos Garcia bought a condominium unit with funds that he never declared in his statement of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN). All government employees must file a SALN and make it available for public scrutiny but the justices of the Supreme Court exempted themselves from making their SALNs public because they can. The Court also excused itself from giving a public accounting of the Judiciary Development Fund (JDF), the mega piggy bank where the Supreme Court keeps all the fees charged for all transactions with all the courts in the land. Again because it can. The Court can practice exceptionalism because it is supreme on all matters concerning the Constitution and the law. It is right even when it is patently wrong; it can sabotage the Constitution through willful misinterpretation, and it has the power to cite for contempt anybody who dares cross it. Ours is a government of laws interpreted by 15 lawyers dressed in black frocks. That makes the Supreme Court infallible like the Pope. The only difference is the Pope’s infallibility comes from heaven while the Court’s comes from below. As far as the Court is concerned, numbers determine what is right and what is wrong and some numbers weigh more than others. Eight can outweigh any number, including 90 million Filipinos, if the eight are Supreme Court justices loyal to the Arroyos. The Supreme Court will remain as the eight ball for President Aquino and the trump card for the Arroyos unless those justices who invoke the rule of law to undermine the rule of law are impeached. Unfortunately, impeachment is a political numbers game where the side with more money to spread around wins. That is the kind of politics we have in this country, a country where morality is routinely sacrificed on the altar of legality, where substance gives way to form, and where money trumps both majority rule and the rule of law.
Ancientnarratives.com: Exploring the Depths of Ancient Greek Literature and Mythology If you have ever been captivated by the timeless tales of ancient Greece, then Ancientnarratives.com is the website for you. This comprehensive platform is dedicated to exploring and delving into the rich world of ancient Greek literature and mythology. From tragedies to comedies, odes to myths, this website covers it all, offering a captivating journey into the depths of one of the most influential literary traditions in history. The primary purpose of Ancientnarratives.com is to uncover the significance and enduring legacy of ancient Greek literature and mythology. Through in-depth analysis and thought-provoking discussions, the website aims to shed light on the depths and themes of these timeless works, allowing readers to appreciate their historical and cultural importance. One of the key features of Ancientnarratives.com is its exploration of the works of renowned Greek authors such as Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, and Aristophanes. These playwrights have left an indelible mark on literature and theatre, and the website examines their works in detail, analyzing the characters, plots, and underlying messages behind their masterpieces. Tragedies, a prominent genre in ancient Greek literature, hold a special place on Ancientnarratives.com. The website delves into the works of tragedians, including Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles, discussing their themes of fate, morality, and the human condition. Through thorough analysis, Ancientnarratives.com explores the depths of these tragedies, unraveling their complexities and exploring the enduring relevance of these ancient stories. In contrast to the tragic genre, Ancientnarratives.com also explores Greek comedies. Aristophanes, the renowned comic playwright, is a focal point on the website. His works, filled with satirical humor, political commentary, and social criticism, are dissected and examined in great detail. Through the lens of comedy, site Ancientnarratives.com explores the lighter side of ancient Greek literature, showing how even in laughter, ancient Greeks were able to reflect on societal issues and satirize the world around them. But the exploration doesn’t stop at plays and comedies. The website also dedicates ample space to Greek odes, lyrical poems that showcase the beauty of language and emotion. It delves into the works of famous lyric poets, exploring the themes of love, nature, and the divine in these beautiful and melodic compositions. Ancientnarratives.com aims to make these ancient odes accessible and appreciated by a modern audience, showcasing the timeless nature of these poetic expressions. Of course, no exploration of ancient Greek literature would be complete without delving into the world of myths and legendary characters. Ancientnarratives.com does just that, offering an extensive collection of mythical tales and iconic characters. From the captivating stories of the Olympian gods to the heroic exploits of figures like Heracles and Odysseus, the website provides a comprehensive overview of the Greek mythological tradition. It explores the cultural significance of these myths, their moral lessons, and their impact on ancient Greek society. Through its in-depth analysis and engaging discussions, Ancientnarratives.com ensures that its readers gain a deeper understanding of ancient Greek literature and mythology. The website goes beyond surface-level summaries, providing a comprehensive exploration of the depths, themes, and timeless significance of these literary works. It allows readers to appreciate the masterpieces of Greek authors, understand the cultural context in which they were created, and recognize their enduring impact on literature and mythology. In conclusion, Ancientnarratives.com is a treasure trove for anyone interested in ancient Greek literature and mythology. Its main topics include Greek tragedies, comedies, odes, and myths, with a specific focus on the works of Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, and Aristophanes. Through detailed analysis and thoughtful discussions, the website explores the depths, themes, and enduring legacy of these literary works, showcasing their timeless significance. Whether you are a literature enthusiast, mythology buff, or simply curious about ancient Greece, Ancientnarratives.com offers a comprehensive and engaging journey through the ancient Greek literary tradition.
Ethiopia is going through an unprecedented democratic transformation and an unusual man is leading it. The man is Ethiopia's new prime minister Lieutenant Colonel Abiy Ahmed Ali who was selected, in April 2018, to lead by the ruling party, Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). After he was elected, Abiy Ahmed immediately enacted major and deep democratic reforms and opened the political space in Ethiopia, putting an end on decades or dictatorial and repressive regimes. He engaged in successful peace negotiations with the former enemy Eritrea, put an end to an almost four-month-long state of emergency and, most importantly, freed the country's thousands of political prisoners. With such bold moves, he freed political prisoners, sat and welcomed rebel leaders and allowed the Ethiopian people to finally frely to express their opinions, have a free press and a freedom of movement, and to leverage their potentials. Reach out to the political opposition inside and outside of Ethiopia. Among the people welcomed by Abiy Ahmed is a former Bucknell University professor, Berhanu Nega. In 2015, Berhanu Nega left his tenured professor position at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, the United States, his children and his wife, a medical doctor, put his house on a sale, and decided to lead an armed rebellion against one of the most repressive regimes in Africa. His armed group was known as Patriot Ginbot 7, for which he had served as the group’s intellectual leader and principal fund-raiser, collecting money from members of the Ethiopian diaspora in Europe and the United States. 3 years later, Abiy Ahmed, who was, a few months ago, on the side of the oppressive ruling party decided that it was time to have a peaceful and democratic Ethiopia; that included peace negotiations with political opponents, such as Berhanu Nega, the armed rebellion leader. An unusual career profile. Abiy Ahmed, 42, a former army intelligence officer, was born on August 15, 1976 into the largest Ethiopian ethnic group, the Oromo. He has been serving as Prime Minister since April 2, 2018. Besides being the leader of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), he also is the head of the Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), one of the four coalition parties of the EPRDF. He started his military career as an armed rebel, when in 1991, as a teenager and following the death of his oldest brother, he joined the armed struggle against the dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam. As the Secretary General of ODP, Abiy overcame religious and ethnic divides ravaging Ethiopia to facilitate the formation of an alliance between the two largest ethnic groups, the Oromo and the Amhara, that represent around 70% of the Ethiopian population Following three years of protests and unrests against dictatorship, repression, and massive human rights abuse, February 15, 2018 the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, announced his resignation as Prime Minister and the EPRDF Chairman. Bold Democratic Commitments. On April 2, 2018, Abiy Ahmed was confirmed and sworn in by the Ethiopian parliament as Prime Minister of Ethiopia. Immediately he made the following commitments: - enact political reforms; - promote the unity of Ethiopia and the unity among the peoples of Ethiopia; - reach out to the Eritrean government to resolve the ongoing Eritrean–Ethiopian border conflict after the Eritrean–Ethiopian War - reach out to the political opposition inside and outside of Ethiopia. His commitments were welcomed both in Ethiopia and around the world, especially by the opposition, including the armed rebellions. Since then, he has been implementing the commitments which has won him internal and worldwide support and approval. Will his dictator friends learn from him. However, he has faced critics who point to his closeness to some of the most brutal dictators in Africa, esepcially the Rwandan President General Paul Kagame. The critics wonder whether he will able to convince these African dictators to follow his path and enact political and democratic reforms in their countries, similar to the one Abiy Ahmed is successfuly implementing in Ethiopia.
Shalanda Armstrong is a managing partner who wants to push for firms to be more intentional about investing early on in companies led by diverse founders rather than waiting for them to embark on an IPO. During her time as an undergrad in computer science, the Hampton University alumna leaned into her longtime curiosity about learning who funds startups. Then, she went on to shift her inquisitiveness into action. “Coming out of business school, my goal was to get into venture capital — not really realizing at the time that it was such a small industry and it was very hard to get in, so to speak,” Armstrong told AFROTECH. Oct 25, 2023
AGNEE gear units are supplied without oil. Before operating it is essential to ensure that they are filled to correct oil levels, as indicated by markings on dipsticks, with lubricants recommended by AGNEE. Overfilling can cause overheating and leakage. Correct lubricant is most important and it should be noted that EP oils are recommended in all instances. Lubricants listed are suitable for normal ambient temperatures and operating duties. All gear units in this range are designed to operate under full load at a maximum temperatures of 110 degree C. Higher temperatures up to a maximum of 120 degree C are acceptable on the basis of peak periods of short duration only. In certain applications these maximum temperatures may be exceeded by the use of special lubricants. Such cases, or others where extreme conditions are to be met, e.g. low temperature operation or unusual loading conditions, should be referred, with full details, to AGNEE for recommendations. Recommended lubricants are based on information provided by oil supplied and responsibility cannot be accepted for the quality or suitability of oil supplied, nor to any mechanical defect resulting from unsatisfactory lubrication due to the use of sub-standard oil.
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From the 1920s, inspired by the work of Ivan Pavlov, many American psychiatrists, physiologists, and psychologists turned to the animal laboratory. Focusing on the work of W. Horsley Gantt, this essay will explore the use of the conditional reflex method in the study of “experimental neurosis.” Concentrating on the interaction between thought and material operations in Gantt’s Pavlovian Laboratory, the essay will show how idiosyncratic emotional reactions and behaviors among experimental animals were used to address the issue of individuality in science, medicine, and society. It was through working with the dog that individuality was identified as an incessant problem that could be utilized in laboratory practice, as a necessary focus of psychiatric medicine, and as a means of defending science from excessive determinism and stereotyped thinking. The new issue of Medical History (guest edited by Nicholas Whitfield and Thomas Schlich at the Social Studies of Medicine program at McGill) is focused on the theme of skill in the history of medicine and science. The editorial is historiographically interesting as a survey of skill as an historical category (among many relevant to both the histories of medicine and psychology, including the history of observation, objectivity, emotion, and the senses). Additionally, articles of interest include those about: Adolf Meyer’s influence on 20th century psychiatric clinical skills; the “discourse of skills” used to establish post-War British neuropathology; the norms of conduct within the first generation of neurosurgeons 1900-1930; and the debates between animal behaviorists and molecular biologists on best practices in the experimental manipulation of mouse DNA (and the interpretation thereof). There are also a number of pertinent reviews on books about: insanity and colonialism in post-emancipation Caribbean; gender and class in turn of the 20th century British asylums; and the analysis of Nazi psychology at Nuremberg. Arranged and photographed by Lester F. Beck, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon. Beck also wrote the script for Human Growth, the first sex education film shown in Oregon schools in 1948. Filmed in part at Crater Lake, OR. Shows golden-mantled ground squirrels (which resemble, but are not, chipmunks) first at play in the wild, and then learning increasingly complicated tasks in a lab (coerced by nuts). Silent short full of unintentional humor and pathos. Was the basis for the popular educational film Squeak the Squirrel (1952).
27 Jul Implied consent laws in New York When drivers in New York and most other states get their licenses, they implicitly agree to submit to testing if they are ever pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence. Known as implied consent, this law requires drivers to take part in chemical testing to determine if they are, in fact, intoxicated or otherwise under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These chemical tests range from breath tests to the testing of blood, saliva or urine. However, what happens when a driver refuses to submit to these tests? If one is stopped for suspicion of drunk driving, the officers have probable cause that the driver is acting unlawfully. In many cases, officers will require the driver to submit to a breath test at the time of the traffic stop. Although a driver can refuse to submit to this breath test, doing so will still result in severe consequences. First-time offenders will face a $500 fine and lose their licenses for one year, and the penalties increase to $750 and an 18-month suspension for those who have refused testing two or more times or those who have had previous DWI convictions. Although it will be harder for the prosecution to obtain a conviction without a driver’s test results, the prosecution can still use the fact that the driver refused testing against the accused driver in court. Furthermore, in cases where the intoxicated driver caused an accident in which someone was injured or killed, the court could impose an order to allow authorities to obtain samples of that driver’s bodily fluids in order to determine his or her blood alcohol level. No matter the circumstances, being stopped and arrested for driving under the influence is a serious matter. Whether or not a driver adheres to the implied consent law, the consequences of the charges and possible conviction can adversely affect the rest of a person’s life. With so much at stake, anyone in such a situation would need to retain the services of an experienced DUI attorney who can protect a client’s rights and ensure a fair hearing.
Leeudoringstad, 6 October 2020: The 78 MW Bokamoso Solar Park situated near Leeudoringstad in the North West Province, has reached full grid code compliance, commenced commercial operations, and has been handed over to the operations & maintenance team, reports Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor juwi Renewable Energies (“juwi”). Supplying 67.9MW AC (78 MW DC) off 236,580 solar panels, Bokamoso Solar Park is generating 177,660MWh electricity into the ESKOM grid, sufficient to fulfil the electricity requirements of approximately 30,000 households. The project sponsors and equity investors are African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM) through its IDEAS Fund, Phakwe Group, Reatile Group and AREP. Bokamoso is the second of the three projects totalling 250 MW, that juwi was awarded in 2018, to reach completion. AIIM’s 86 MW Droogfontein 2 Solar Park was the first project to reach full operation in February 2020, while their 86 MW Waterloo Solar Park situated near Vryburg in the North West Province is currently nearing completion. “We are delighted to have achieved this major project milestone, and to complete the second project in the portfolio of three Round 4 projects juwi is constructing for AIIM. Congratulations to the project team, who together with our various partners, the sponsors and shareholders have done a truly excellent job. We are also looking ahead and excited about the next steps in the upcoming procurement rounds of renewables for the South African market, both under the Risk Mitigation and the RE IPP procurement programmes,” says Greg Austin, MD of juwi. Bokamoso was constructed on a 150-hectare project site outside Leeudoringstad and has had a positive impact on the local community with over 450 people from the local beneficiary communities being directly employed on the project during construction. In addition, further employment was created through the contracting out of various services. Local community involvement was key to the success of the project. Tinus Ramogopotse, Community industrial relations manager for juwi, comments: “We have worked very closely with community stakeholders via both existing and new structures to ensure that local community interests were addressed. We also worked extremely hard, through proactive and appropriate mechanisms, to understand and minimise issues relating to community labour discontent.” Nomzamo Landingwe, Chief Community Operations Officer for Renewable Energy Companies, says that over the 20-year operational period, the project will benefit a large number of communities, spread within a 50km radius of the project site, through various economic development programmes. “Bokamoso Solar’s socio-economic development projects will be focused on education, youth development, health, food security and welfare. The programmes have been chosen following research and engagement to ensure that the they are well informed and will strengthen the beneficiary communities,” says Landingwe. “Additionally, a percentage of the revenue generated each year will be committed to implementing enterprise development initiatives, to build resilience and accelerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial businesses, ultimately stimulating the local economic growth and creating opportunities for the economic participation of previously disadvantaged groups. “The focus is on small and micro enterprises, designed to enhance growth. To deliver on this objective, the establishment of a local resource centre, for use by local SMMEs and communities at large, will support this drive to support development, whilst the provision of accredited skills training will be provided to start-up businesses.” Global players, local impact Stephan Hansen, the Chief Operating Officer of the juwi Group, says that the completion of the second AIIM project is an important milestone for juwi in South Africa: “This is one of our core markets in our global strategy and one of the few markets where we are strategically positioned in both PV and on-shore wind. We are very proud of our team and the success they have achieved.” “This portfolio is a very important bridge, we’ve been very successful early on in the South African market, and we’ve been awarded projects in nearly every round of the REIPP Programme. We’re one of the largest players in the South African market doing EPC and very importantly, we are now offering our own-developed PV projects into the market. “Once all three projects are concluded in the coming months, juwi will have a 20% South African market share in both the EPC and O&M business areas. “With the systemic shortage of energy supply combined with the political targets towards renewable energies and their proven cost advantages we see a positive and sustainable environment for us to be successful in the market. The last years were very challenging due to the delays in the REIPP programs. We are now expecting a tangible political commitment to enable the valuable contribution to the future energy mix of South Africa and to the local communities that we are serving with our projects.”
The ownership and management is actively involved in daily operations so that decisions can be made immediately, without requiring consultation with several layers of management. Our hands-on approach also eliminates the costs of multi-level management, keeping our rates competitive. We meet transportation challenges head-on, with service and flexibility. Our advanced technology and many years of experience, improves the efficiency of your transportation activities. We are a member of NationaLease, the first truck leasing system in the country. Our affiliate network provides seamless service to our customers at over 560 locations throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In addition, the network provides over 50,000 authorized service locations and vendors.
IPOR Labs ($IPOR) Airdrop The IPOR Community Activation Program is Live! Help the IPOR Protocol grow and get recognition within the IPOR community. About IPOR Labs IPOR Labs specializes in developing blockchain-based derivatives software, is the heartbeat of DeFi and consists of three parts: the IPOR Index, Interest Rate Derivative(s), and the Liquidity Pool and Automated Market Maker (AMM). IPOR, the Inter Protocol Over-Block Rate, refers to a set of protocols, smart contracts, and software that forms a set of Decentralized Applications (ÐApps) for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) focused on interest rate derivatives. IPOR is complementary to existing spot lending platforms as it gives users the ability to fix their loans at a lower rate than current fixed-rate products. Fixed-term lending markets can reference the IPOR rates to forecast future yield conditions which will in turn feedback into the creation of a DeFi yield curve.How to join the IPOR Labs Airdrop? Requirements to earn free crypto coins Step-by-Step Guide ''IPOR Community Activation Program'' - Head to the IPOR Labs Questboard, powered by CREW³. - Connect your Metamask wallet. - Join IPOR on Discord & Verify. - Start completing Quests to gain community experience points. - Submit your Public ETH Wallet or ENS. ▪️ You will be rewarded with experience points (XP) and special Discord badges. Please note that XP are not tokens and cannot be exchanged for tokens. XP are meant to be a measure of engagement within the community to help you become familiar with the protocol, participate in relevant discussions, and gain recognition for your input and support. For a role guide, see #role-guide. Please also note that no announcements have been made about Airdrops. Good Luck! * The $IPOR token has not officially launched yet. Beware of scammers! Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be financial advice. Investors should take the time to research any given product before they invest their funds (DYOR).
MY DEAR AKWAIBOMITES, Yesterday, you went out to the polls and again reaffirmed the supremacy of God in the affairs of our lives. While others put their trust in the weapons of violence and destruction they had fashioned against our people, and had openly boasted of the invincibility of their Federal might, we put our trust and faith in the ONLY God we know and worship. The ONLY GOD who never disappoints. And He did not disappoint! To Him alone, we give thanks, glory and adorations! Let me on behalf of my wife, Her Excellency, Mrs. Martha Udom Emmanuel, thank you my dear people from the bottom of my heart for reaffirming your faith in my capacity to continue to superintend over the affairs of this God’s own piece of Royal Real Estate. I want to commend you for the peaceful manner you went about exercising your civic responsibility; you refused to be shaken or cowed by those who thought they could bend your will; you refused to be intimidated by those who promised Armageddon and war on our people. You proved that the army of God can never be defeated by the army of man no matter the size. You deserve our eternal gratitude. The election was hard-fought but God gave us the victory and I hereby dedicate this victory to Him ALONE and of course, you my dear Akwaibomites. To those who ran against me, I urge them to join hands with me to build the Akwa Ibom State of our dream: an industrialized State where education, healthcare delivery, food sufficiency, peace and security, infrastructural renaissance, foreign investments shall remain abiding articles of faith. If we were able to achieve so much in the last almost four years which have been the years of lean resources, my prayer is that in the next four years which we hope would be the years of plenty, we will continue to judiciously appropriate the resources to impact lives, change our story and move Akwa Ibom to such enviable height of prosperity and growth that would be the envy of the nation and indeed the world. If California, a State on the West Coast of the United States could be the 6th largest economy in the world, I think with the fresh mandate you have given me, we will work harder to make Akwa Ibom State a major economic power in Africa. Your fresh mandate has fired me up; the passion to do the most for our people remains right and uplifting. We will not fail you. We have all we need to be great, the mind-set of our people have been changed, thanks to our Dakkada philosophy, we have great talents and a propelling desire to be successful. Our youths are embracing an ownership culture and the need to use the works of their hands and their creative instincts to create wealth for themselves. As we get ready to start our second term, I urge you to continue to maintain the peace we have so far enjoyed, show love to your neighbours, and let our minds be conditioned by the immortal words of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln who in his famous Second Anniversary speech after a bitter Civil War had promised to run a government “with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.” I promise you I will run a government with “malice toward none, with charity for all.” God bless Akwa Abasi Ibom State, God bless our nation, and it is well with us all! ONLY GOD!
For over 210 years Alan McIlvain Company has been producing and distributing the finest quality Hardwood Lumber & Custom Mouldings. Our experienced employees and modern equipment are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest level of quality and service. With over 7 million board feet of the best grade domestic and imported hardwood and softwood lumber in stock and our fleet of trucks we pride ourselves on quick and reliable deliveries. All domestic and imported lumber is carefully kiln dried, inspected, graded and stored in our climate controlled warehouse. From our large and diversified lumber inventory, we can promptly produce your custom lumber and moulding orders. For simply the best quality, service and value in lumber and mouldings, phone, fax, or e-mail Alan Mcllvain Company today! Our two primary environmental principles: Forests, forest functions and products, including woods, contribute to human well being worldwide. Every country, including the USA must value its forests and strive for equity in access to the benefits which forests provide. The ultimate responsibility for forest policy lies with the sovereign Government and people of individual forested countries. They have the task of balancing environmental, economic, social and political needs. Nevertheless, The Alan McIlvain Company believes that the U.S. timber industry has a responsibility to its customers, suppliers and staff to base its commercial activities on properly managed forests.
Access control trailers are a sort of security system that is used to monitor and regulate access to a facility. These trailers are mobile and can be moved from one location to another. They are most common in Australia, although you can also find them in other countries. Their popularity is highest in Australia. Because they monitor and regulate who can enter a facility and who can leave it, access control trailers are an essential component of the safety infrastructure of any organisation. They know that if they try to steal anything from the institution, they will be caught right away, which serves as an additional deterrent for potential intruders or criminals who might be considering breaking into the facility. This article’s primary objective is to provide readers with a better understanding of what an access control trailer is, how it operates, and the benefits of utilising one. What Is An Access Control Trailer, And Why Would You Need One? A trailer that has been outfitted with a locking mechanism and a door that can be locked is referred to as an access control trailer. The provision of safe storage for various pieces of equipment and supplies is the primary function of an access control trailer. Construction firms, mining companies, and any other type of business that requires the storage of materials in a secure area are all good candidates for using this type of storage. Trailers are frequently modified in order to cater to the specific requirements of the business that owns them. Some may, for instance, feature a ramp that facilitates the loading of heavy equipment, while others may be constructed specifically for use in a given region or climate. Basic Description Of The Security Procedure For Trailers The first stage in the process of protecting your trailer is to go through the trailer security process. This is accomplished by installing locks on the doors and a lockbox in which to keep track of the keys. During this operation, a lockbox is utilised for the purpose of storing keys. The lockbox will be secured to the floor of the trailer using bolts, and it will have not one but two locks—one for the door and one for the box itself. This ensures that the only individuals who have access to the key are those who have a requirement for its use. 1) On your trailer, install a lockbox to keep your keys and any other valuables. 2) Install locks on the doors of the trailer, and ensure that your lockbox contains a key for each lock you install. 3) Wrap a piece of duct tape around the handle of one of the doors in your home so you can see if somebody is trying to break in. 4) If you have the ability to do so, place security cameras on your trailer. 5) Protect your home and family by installing an alarm system. Access Control Trailers Of Various Types For Various Security Needs It is possible to regulate access to a variety of different locations using trailers. Some examples of these venues include warehouses, parking lots, and construction sites. They are able to be modified to fulfil any requirements you may have. You have the option of utilising one of these three distinct sorts of trailers: 1) Standard Trailer: This style of trailer is the most typical and, in most cases, the least expensive alternative. They can be any length or width that you prefer. You are able to adjust the height of the trailer to meet your requirements; nevertheless, it is often a few feet taller than what is necessary to accommodate a ramp (for loading). 2) Single Door Trailer: This kind of trailer just has one door, and it’s frequently put to use as a temporary barrier. 3) Double Door Trailer: This kind of trailer has two doors and is frequently utilised as a kind of permanent barrier. How To Make the Best Access Control Trailer Decision Based On Your Needs It is possible that selecting the most suitable access control trailer for your requirements will be a challenging undertaking. There are a lot of different aspects to think about, such as the kind of trailer, its dimensions, capacity, and price. The very first thing you have to do is determine the purpose(s) for which you will be utilising the trailer. Determine the required number of entrances and exits, as well as the total amount of space that must be included within the trailer. You should also consider the frequency with which you will need to access the contents of your trailer, as well as whether or not it will be used in locations with a lot of foot traffic In the end, you need to settle on a spending plan that is reasonable given your circumstances. Access control trailers are designed to be a security system that only people who have access can open. They can be used to install anywhere as long as it supports the system.
This club was begun in 1949 – its members formerly belonged to the Triangle Shrine Club for Carroll, Benton and Henry counties. Noble 0. B. Enochs was the first president of the Carroll County Club; he had also served in this capacity for the Triangle Club in 1945 and 1946. Dr. Akins served in 1947, and C. E. Bolen was the last President of the Triangle Club in 1948. Since there was enough to form a club at Paris for Henry County, it brought an end to the need for the Triangle Club. Under the leadership of Noble Enochs and H. K. Smith, this club operated as such until about 1953. It languished for awhile, and was reorganized as Lakeview Shrine Club in about 1972. Noble John H. Hogan was the President, and the club was active until about 1976. In 1976, it was changed to Twin-County for Benton and Carroll counties. In 1977, the members decided to go back to the present name of Carroll County Shrine Club, again under the leadership of Noble John H. Hogan. Harold B. Brummitt became President for 1978. Most of the time this club has been in Huntingdon, but at times it has served Camden, Bruceton, and other communities in Benton County. Al Chymia Temple appreciates the many good things done by this club through the years, and particularly thanks the leaders for providing inspiration to the members along the way. Bill Lemons – President Tommy Foster – VP JD Crockett – Secretary/Treasurer Meet 5th Tuesday @ Mallards Restaurant 2020 – Darryl Douglass
Size: 5.50 x 8.25 in Romance, betrayal, and an epic yacht race make Carrie Talick's debut novel perfect for fans of Elin Hilderbrand and Susan Mallery. Hermosa Beach housewife Nancy Hadley is no pushover. So when her philandering husband, Roger, is caught in flagrante with an opportunistic widow on their racing sailboat, Nancy sticks it to him. She tells him she wants a divorce--with the sailboat, Bucephalus, part of the deal, too. Roger would rather make Nancy's life a living hell than give up his boat. But Nancy has other plans. After moving out of their opulent home, she and her posse of girlfriends invest in a racing boat of their own to live on, and she teaches them the fine points of sailing. Meanwhile, and unbeknownst to Nancy, a big real estate development is under way that would destroy her beloved harbor and new home. When scheming Roger returns to ask Nancy to help capture the last committee vote--held by Nancy's old college friend--Nancy prepares for battle. Nancy is not skittish about taking a few risks, so in a bold gambit, she makes a bet with Roger: a showdown in the thrilling Border Dash Race from Newport Harbor down to Ensenada, Mexico. The winner of the race will get everything they want. The stage is set for the race of a lifetime--and the tantalizing possibility of new romance for Nancy--in a novel as heartwarming as it is breathlessly exciting.
We've broken down what you can expect with Alert – and what questions to ask as you shop around You’re ready to purchase a new rental software package – congratulations! You clearly understand that an investment in technology will increase your bottom line. But what exactly is that investment? And how often do you have to make it? And, perhaps most importantly, what will it cost you? While all rental software vendors try to be as upfront as possible with their clients, we all may neglect to mention the true cost of ownership of your system at one time or another. Now that you’ve embarked on a journey to upgrade your technology, you should know what you’re getting into not only this year, but also in the years to come. Speaking only for ourselves, we want to be candid about our cost of ownership and advise you what to ask as you continue to shop. First things first? Alert offers two options: Alert and Alert SaaS (Software as a Service). Alert is a model wherein the rental business purchases the software licenses one time and owns the licenses forever. The Alert SaaS model is a pay-as-you-go platform with monthly charges. Because of the straightforward nature of monthly SaaS costs, we’ll focus below on the first option – Alert as a one-time license purchase. Alert Rental Software Cost of Ownership Year 1 – Congratulations on purchasing Alert Rental Software! Your expenses this year will be your biggest since you’ve purchased your Alert Rental Software licenses and any add-on modules. The good news? You’ll only once have to buy these licenses ONCE. Other charges this year may include a small fee for LogMeIn if you haven’t provided Alert with access to your server through another channel. You may have also elected for Alert to host your server with Alert on the Cloud, in which case you’ll be charged monthly for this service. You may have to purchase hardware such as a server, credit card terminals, GPS units, or ID Scanners through your vendors or Alert partners. Year 2 – This year will be the year you select your ongoing Alert Support plan. We offer three tiers of support: Base Camp, Ascent, and Summit. You may choose to be billed monthly, quarterly, or annually for this support plan. Support includes access to our Help Desk and Knowledgebase, user-driven and voted-in annual upgrades and enhancements, informative newsletters, and a seat at the cool-kids table. Year 3 and beyond – Other charges in Year 2 and beyond are optional annual charges such as your Support Plan, Alert EasyVault, Rover, AlertSign, and LogMeIn. These are optional charges – you can always simply buy your licenses and vanish, but we’d love to support you and help you grow! Optional monthly charges can also include Alert on the Cloud, Alert’s hosting service. One-time purchases – When we say one time, we mean ONE TIME purchases. There are no ongoing charges from us at Alert. Our partners may charge you as noted, but Alert does not. - Credit card terminals: Purchased through your credit card provider and no ongoing charges from us. - Driver License Scanners: Purchased through our partner with no ongoing charges from Alert. You may have to purchase support through them for their software upgrades and warranties. - GPS units are all handled through either your vendor or one of our partners. Alert does not charge anything except the one-time fee for the add-on module. - Add-on Modules from Alert: Unless we tell you upfront, most of our add-on modules have NO ongoing fees. Examples include Excel PlugIn, Web Services, Job Costing, Commissions, Dispatch with GPS, etc. Add-on Modules with a fee include Alert on the Cloud, Alert EasyVault, Rover, LogMeIn, Alert Web Assistant, Alert Virtual Accountant, and AlertSign. This list is not inclusive as we’re always innovating new technologies for you! Alert’s Users Group Conference is held annually and we hope you’ll attend! You’ll have to pay registration fees to Alert and cover your own travel expenses. Training and other services are always sent to you ahead of time to approve before you purchase. No surprises! Avoid the Hidden Cost of Rental Software Now that you’re educated on the true cost of ownership, we here at Alert wish you well on your technology investment journey. You know which important questions to ask your potential partners. And remember that this is a business partnership, so ask good questions and pay attention to what people tell you – or don’t tell you. The term DE&I (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is more than just a trending topic. Having a DE&I strategy in place has been proven to improve businesses. Yes, even rental businesses!
Who is the rapper Mr Big? Donald Maurice Pears Born Donald Maurice Pears, he was in his early 40s and reportedly died in his sleep sometime Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. Seen as possibly the most influential rapper to come out of Mobile, Bigg developed a passionate independent following starting in the 1990s. When did the last Mr Bigg die? April 29, 2015 The Last Mr. Bigg/Date of death Is Mr Bigg still alive? The Last Mr. Bigg/Living or Deceased How did the last Mr Big die? The Last Mr. Bigg/Cause of death Who shot Mr Bigg? A second burst struck Bigg. One bullet stuck in his throat. The other in his eye. Both men survived the shooting, and police arrested the gunman, 17-year-old Michael Nichols. Who is Ellis Williams aka Mr Bigg? Ellis Williams, aka Mr Biggs is one of the founders of The Soul Sonic Force and consequently, of Hip Hop itself. Planet Rock was the record that made Hip Hop a global and multi-cultural phenomenon. How old is Mr Big? |The Notorious B.I.G. |Christopher George Latore WallaceMay 21, 1972 New York City, U.S. |March 9, 1997 (aged 24) Los Angeles, California, U.S. |Cause of death |Drive-by homicide (gunshot wounds) |Cremated, ashes given to family members Who shot Mr Biggs? Both men survived the shooting, and police arrested the gunman, 17-year-old Michael Nichols. Nichols pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted murder and was sentenced to five years in prison. Months later, Bigg was back in the studio, diamonds in his eye. Did Mr Biggs go to jail? He was imprisoned for three years. While in jail, he switched his focus from DJing to rapping. Unable to copyright his music, he sent lyrics home and told his family not to open the envelopes he sent, hoping he could prove he wrote his material while behind bars. What is Mr Big’s real name? Chris NothSex and the City Mr. Big/Played by John James “Mr. Big” Preston is a recurring character in the HBO series Sex and the City, the follow-up film of the same name and its sequel, and epilogue series And Just Like That…, portrayed by Chris Noth. How old is Mr Bigg? Bigg, was from Mobile, Alabama. He was in his 40s at the time of his death. In 2004, the rapper was shot in the head at point-blank range. He spent eight days in a coma. Who is the last Mr Bigg? A Southern rapper and self-proclaimed gangsta/pimp, The Last Mr. Bigg is all about the streets, spitting rhymes exclusively about big balling in the Dirty South, being a hustla, and keeping his hoes in check. DJ Herb provides the synthesized accompaniment to his crime-laden bravado. Brolin Winning Who is Don Bigg? He wanted to be the captain of the ship and he was our Christopher Columbus.” Bigg, whose real name was Donald Maurice Pears, II, spent most of his formative years growing up in California’s San Francisco Bay Area with his mother. Who is the most influential rapper of all time? The Notorious B.I.G. is widely recognized as one of the world’s most influential rappers and has sold more than 17 million albums in the U.S. alone. Before his murder in 1997, Christopher Wallace recorded two classic albums as The Notorious B.I.G. Where did The Notorious Biggie grow up? Born and raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, The Notorious B.I.G. signed to Sean “Puffy” Combs label Bad Boy Records in 1993 and gained exposure with features on several singles the same year.
Visit one or all of the links below. Determine a way you might be able to start a group related to these topics or bring this topic into a group you already belong to. - Watch this video of a recent climate justice workshop by the Climate Collaborative. - Read the Climate Collaborative’s Climate Justice Playbook. - Visit the NAACP website for Just Energy Policies and Practice. - Learn about the Breathe Act. - Read about climate equity provisions in the Illinois Clean Energy Jobs Act. - Get the Solar Energy Industry Association’s Diversity Best Practices for the Solar Industry Guide.
Voxal Voice Changer Crack is a tool that allows you to adjust your voice in games, music, or any other platform, allowing you to set the tone and volume of your voice. The only thing you will need to be able to use this app is a microphone connected to your computer. Once you open the program and set the desired tone, all sounds played from your computer will have the same modification. The different values that can be adjusted through the equalizer are size, tone, bass, frequency, mono or stereo output. Voxal Voice Changer Crack can make a lot of laughter if you want to play a joke on your VoIP contacts. It may also be useful if you want to create a tutorial or post any video on the internet while keeping your identity confidential. Voxal Voice Changer 6.07 Keygen can make you laugh a lot if you want to joke around your VoIP contacts. This can also be useful if you want to create a tutorial or post any video on the internet while keeping your name confidential. Apply effects in real-time. Save and load the effects chain; Work with existing games and applications; Listen to the effects of the stream directly from the speaker; Intuitive and simple interface. Using a low processor to help maximize performance; Small download size Use it to hide your voice on the internet. Voxal Voice Changer Crack Updated: Voxal Voice Changer Registration Code gives you the ability to create a new sound by specifying the name and applying various special effects, such as low pass, high pass, vibration, vibration, echo, edge, distortion, amplification, volume change, chorus, echo, and others. Moreover, you can edit each newly created sound or preset, adjust the volume, listen to the selected sound, mute the microphone, skip the current audio, as well as process audio files (for example, MP3, OGG, WMA, AAC, FLAC, AIFF, AU) and export to MP3 file format. It is completely friendly to system resources, but if you choose to process audio files, the tool consumes CPU and memory to perform the operation. Voxal Voice Changer Crack Mac is a tool that allows you to adjust the sound in another game, music, or platform, allowing you to adjust the tone and volume of your voice. All you need to use this app is a microphone connected to your computer. After opening the program and setting the desired tone, all the sounds played on your computer will have the same modifications. In addition to changing the sound in real-time, the program can also apply effects to existing audio files. Voxal Voice Changer requires very little CPU power and does not slow down other apps while it is running. Use Voxal Voice Changer Serial Key 2021 [Latest] Anytime. Voxal Voice Changer Full Crack allows you to apply multiple effects at the same time and save a series of effects for later use. In addition to changing the sound in real-time, the program can also apply effects to existing audio files. It requires very little CPU power and does not slow down other apps while it is running. The different values that can be adjusted through the equalizer are size, tone, bass, frequency, and mono or stereo output. This allows you to apply multiple effects at the same time and save a series of effects for later use. During our tests, we noticed that this does a job quickly and provides very good audio results. All in all, Voxal Voice Changer License Key proves to be a reliable app that comes with a handy set of tools to help you change the sounds. This allows you to adjust the sound in a game, music, or any other platform, allowing you to adjust the tone and volume of your voice. All you need to use this app is a microphone connected to your computer. After opening the program and setting the desired tone, all the sounds played on your computer will have the same modifications. The different values that can be adjusted through the equalizer are size, tone, bass, frequency, and mono or stereo output. Voxal Voice Changer Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10 With Voxal Voice Changer you can easily modify, change and disguise your voice in any application or game that uses a microphone to add another dimension of creativity. From ‘Girl’ to ‘Alien’, the voice-changing options are limitless. Create voices for online video games, avatars, and podcasts. Voice disguiser for anonymity over the radio or internet. Change voices for voiceovers and other audio projects! Voxal seamlessly works with other applications, so you don’t need to change any configurations or settings in other programs. Simply install and start creating voice distortions in minutes. Voxal Voice Changer is available for non-commercial, home use. If you will be using Voxal at home you can download the free version from crack there Main Characteristics of the Latest Version - The result can be applied to exists files. - Works with all available programs and games. - Load and save channel effects for audio conversion. - In addition, audio effects can also be applied to present voice files. - Use real-time effects with a microphone or other audio input feature. - Reduction in processor load does not activate with other applications. - When you play, no effect on PC performance makes it beneficial for you - Unexpected and incredible alterations in a voice that nobody can know you - Change the sound of the speaker being switched to hear the effect immediately. - Use custom voices for fun purposes to make someone silly like robots, aliens, etc. - Simply, the microphone and headphones can work with any type of audio input - While playing online games, this app allows you to change voice in male or female characters - Another equally important, easily compatible with all your favorite programs and switchable between running applications. Voice Changing Features - Effects can be applied to existing files - Apply effects in real-time using a microphone or other audio input device - Load and save effect chains for voice modification - The vocal effect library includes the robot, girl, boy, alien, atmospheric, echo, and many more - Create unlimited, custom voice effects - Works with all existing applications and games - Create voices for characters in audiobooks - Output the changed audio to speakers to hear the effects live - Low CPU usage will not interfere with other running applications - Simple and intuitive interface - Use a female or male voice in online games Use with Gaming and Chat - Compatible with all your favorite programs - Change your voice live as you play or chat - Easy to integrate and fun to use - Use custom voices when playing online with friends - No performance hit to FPS when gaming - Headset or microphone; Voxal works with any audio input Voxal is Compatible with these Programs - Rainbow Six Siege - Steam games - and more What’s New In? - Draw pictures for the characters in the audiobook. - Create unlimited and personal audio programs - Voxal Voice Changer 6.07 Crack Easy and intuitive interface. - Simple and fast navigation with an incredible interface. - Fix some minor bugs with some feature enhancements - Now Compatible with Skype, CSGO, TeamSpeak, Rainbow Six Siege, and many more - Meanwhile, the low CPU level does not affect any other software running on the operating system - 1.2 GHz Intel / AMD processor or compatible - 1 GB minimum RAM needs for Windows 7, 8, and 10 - And 512MB RAM for Windows XP / Vista, - 250 MB of hard disk space is required for installation - Contains 1 GB of space for ongoing operations. - Graphics display resolution must be at least 1024 x 768 (32-bit color) Voxal Voice Changer License Key: Voxal Voice Changer Serial Key: Voxal Voice Changer Registration Code: - First, download Voxal Voice Changer Crack from the Settings button below. - Extract the download folder and run the executable file. - Now complete the installation process. - Copy and paste the crack file from the downloaded folder into the program files folder. - You are ready to work. - Enjoy use it freely. How To Crack Voxal Voice Changer? #1: Download Voxal Voice Changer + Crack” Provided by Link. #2: After Install, Launch, and Use. #3: That’s it. Done!!..
Australian Dark Web Markets Meanwhile, in Australia, a journalist from The Guardian reported that a vendor on a dark Web marketplace was selling Medicare identification. While Televend is down, ASAP Marketis a reliablealternative for vendors looking for their own The only roids provider in all of Australia. We investigated how the Dark Web market has changed since our previously reported Dark Web Price Australia hacked credit card details with CVV, 30. DarkFox Market 3. Vice City Market 4. Invictus Market 5. Cartel Market 6. World Market 7. Dark0de Reborn 8. ASAP. Apr 27, 2024 Dark net market. An excellent gateway to some of the best research-oriented invisible web resources available. Located in Australia, alphabay market darknet. Query australian dark web markets seconds Darknet Markets Top Darknet Markets Links 2024 Darknet Markets Thrive Amid Mail Disruption Concerns Bitcoin Revenues on. The researchers collected data over 352 weekdays, from 2 January to 20 December 2024, looking at eight high street darknet markets that sell. By M Mirea 2024 Cited by 59 The growth of the Darknet markets is enabled by various technological Inside the Darknet: Where Australians Buy and Sell Illegal Goods. Darknet markets have turned illegal goods and services into commodities using many of the same approaches as their legitimate internet counterparts. Markets. DarkNet Market links help you to find the deep web markets without australian dark web markets can just click on the link or copy and paste the hyperlink. Recently, one of the world's largest illegal marketplaces on the Dark Web, called DarkMarket, was taken offline due to an international. Meanwhile, in Australia, a journalist from The Guardian reported that a vendor on a dark Web marketplace was selling Medicare identification. Best Australian Darknet australian dark web markets Market DarkMarket, reportedly the world's largest dark web marketplace, German law enforcement arrested the Australian. Trade on several of the dark web's illegal markets has boomed since two major players were shut by the authorities last month, according to. The report highlights how we have more online drug vendors per capita than any other nation except for the Netherlands. Australian crypto market. Buy & sell cryptocurrencies in AUD with BTC Markets, Australia's Largest & most trusted cryptocurrency exchange. 100 Australian-owned & operated. Diplomat Risk Intelligence offers you dedicated access to an exclusive network of subject matter experts on geopolitical, security, economic, and political. Special markets also operate within the dark web called, Dec 17, 2024 Best Darknet Market 2024 Reddit by Alan Australia markets open in 2. Ausline A market focusing on Australian and New Zealand audiences and established by a prominent darknet vendor who allegedly has direct. Welcome to Back Market,. the refurbished (super) market. Safety net. 30 days to change your mind and a 1-year warranty. Curated tech. Choose the best deals. The convergence of anonymous online illicit darknet markets (or cryptomarkets) and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin has created an efficient retail platform. Darknet marketplaces (DNMs) source all types of goods, some legal, others less so Best darknet market australia Spurdomarket Darknet Market 2024-02-11. License Footage CNN Newsource Sitemap. 2024 Cable News australian dark web markets Warner Media australian dark web markets Rights australian dark web markets Sans & 2024 Cable News Network. By J Van Buskirk 2024 Cited by 59 This study is designed to monitor self-reported changes in illicit drug market use and preference across Australia (for full methodology see Sindicich and Burns. The Australian National University's Cybercrime Observatory has developed tools that can be used to collect and analyse data obtained from. It is generally accessed using dedicated software, australian dark web markets the best best australian darknet market known is called Tor (The Onion Router). Around best. Asap australian dark web markets Australian Darknet australian dark web markets Darknet Market 2024 australian dark web markets Darknet Market australian dark web markets Darknet Market Australia. The markets, which sell a variety of contraband including illicit drugs, included Apollon, Empire, Dream, Nightmare, Tochka (aka Point). Dark net markets, also known as crypto markets, provide a largely anonymous platform for trading in illicit goods and services. Small Business. We put the power of our 5G network behind a range of solutions that are specially designed to help small businesses thrive. Enterprise & medium. Our independent research, ratings, and tools are helping people across the investing ecosystem write their own financial futures. The dark net, sometimes called 'the deep web', is home to many shadowy and illegal trading sites. It's the world's marketplace of choice for many drugs now. To sway or rock from side to side in Beyond the brook, waist - deep in meadow Masse, native Australian : by some thought to be a senting Icel. With proper policing by the dark web community and an influx of new law-abiding users The Use of the Internet by Terrorists, Journal of the Australian. 1. White house. Best darknet market australia darknet market guide best darknet market reddit. Auspride is a top Australian darknet vendor shop that mostly sells. We investigated how the Dark Web market has changed since our previously reported Dark Web Price Australia hacked credit card details with CVV, 30. By G Davies 2024 Cited by 14 Successful arrest or seizure of a dark web marketplace can generate Bleakley, an Australian academic, states that 'the collaborative. A pair of alleged dark web drug dealers, who police allege made more than 7 million in online sales, have been hit with a huge slate of. The dark net, sometimes called 'the deep web', is home to many shadowy and illegal trading sites. It's the world's marketplace of choice for many drugs now. Gain a first-to-market advantage with channel emulation solutions that validate industry-focused technology research, and deep measurement expertise. A screenshot of Dream Market, below, shows drugs on offer, including crystal meth, cocaine, hash and MDMA. (CBC). Get all the latest darknet markets news, reviews, tips and much more from Gizmodo Australia, where our team of experts is committed to bringing you the News. A cryptomarket or darknet market. (DNM) is an online forum where goods and services are exchanged between darknet market guide reddit parties who use digital. Empire Market freshly launched Darknet market took off in late 2024. For a list of arrests between 2024 and 2024, Gwern has dark markets. Welcome to Back Market,. the refurbished (super) market. Safety net. 30 days to change your mind and a 1-year warranty. Curated tech. Choose the best deals. Considered to be in the genre of Afrofuturism, her pieces are unique leading the viewer to ponder about race and gender. Icarus Market is a centralized wallet based dark web Market. Deep Web Pastebin (Onion Links 2021) On the deep web, these. Much as with crackdowns on traditional drug markets, shutting online marketplaces and arresting their operators have resulted in other marketplaces replacing them. Alternating between australian dark web markets fascination and frustration, she relearns and re-experiences many of the things we take for granted. We used to refer to it (in this review) as French Deep Web Market only, based on the name shown along with the logo. Attempt to demonize a "distinct" minority to become the hate-objects and scapegoats for a transitory majority, keeping them together through shared, stoked hatred just long enough to get through 2024. Key Marketing Points: Solacers australian dark web markets tells the touching story of a boy search for family life and safety following the divorce of his parents in Iran during the 1960s. Blog Schmog: The Truth About What Blogs Can (and Can't) Do for Your Business Robert W. When plans went awry, he was arrested in Italy where his victim claimed that he boasted of earning more than $17 million selling kidnapped women on the dark web. Try using any dark net Market may use a tape which is non-transparent to cover block. Over 1,000 unique deposit addresses and transactions upwards of $7 million, thought to be linked to Hydra, have been recorded. While companies like DarkOwl or Intelliagg are selling similar services online [ 34, 35], we illustrated how Dark Web investigations darknet market google can be performed more effectively. DarkSky features several evasion mechanisms, a malware downloader and a variety of network- and application-layer DDoS australian dark web markets attack vectors. However, the exact definition of what AUM constitutes is ambiguous because not all institutions classify different types of assets in the same manner. Operating on Tor since 2013, Silkkitie, also known as the Valhalla Marketplace, was seized earlier this year in a collaboration by Finnish Customs, French National Police, Europol and Bitdefender.
Although Illustrator is a fantastic tool for generating graphics and images, it may be challenging to change the text after it has been written. In other cases, you could be attempting to add text after creating your graphic and simply be unsure of how to do it. The simplest way to edit the text in Adobe Illustrator is to use the Type tool. Simply choose the Type tool from the Tools menu. The text may then be freely edited by adding a line or a paragraph, formatting it, positioning it along a path, or changing its shape. Even if you’re a newbie, the step-by-step instructions in the guide below will enable you to change the text at will in Adobe Illustrator in no time. Go on reading! How to Edit Text in Illustrator As simple as it may appear, a text-based design can occasionally cause you more problems than a vector graphic. When text dominates a design, a lot of work is required for it to appear appealing. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change or add a line of text or a paragraph, format the text, place text on a path, and reshape it. The steps listed below are simple and easy to understand, even for a beginner. Learn more about how to edit the text in Illustrator using the tips in the video below: Add a Line of Text These few steps are all you need to follow to add a single line of text to your design. - Click to insert fresh placeholder text into the document while the Type tool is active in the Tools panel. Point type refers to this generic text— type to change the text that is currently selected as the placeholder. - From the Tools panel, choose the Selection tool. The text will have a box surrounding it. It is referred to as a text object. - To alter the text’s size, drag one of the text object’s corners. - Reposition the text by dragging. Add Paragraphs of Text If you have more text to add than just a line, then you may use this option to add paragraphs of text to your design. - Drag fresh generic text into the document while using the Type tool in the Document window. Area type is the name of this generic text. - Type to change the text that is currently selected as the placeholder. Text documents (RTF, Word, TXT, and other formats) can be placed in a text object (File > Place). - To resize the text object or enclose the text inside, only drag an edge. Overset text is defined as text that doesn’t fill within the text object and is denoted by a red plus sign in the lower-right corner of the box. - Using the selection tool, move the text item. Text that is already there may need to be formatted, especially if it is important to the way your design looks. The simple and quick procedures outlined below show you how to format text in a project. - Put the cursor into the text after choosing the Type tool. To pick the text, drag over it. - Change text formatting options like font family and font size in the Properties window to the right of the document. - To view a list of Adobe typefaces, click “Find More” after choosing a font from the Font Family menu. - To synchronize an Adobe font with your PC, select a font from the collection and click Activate. - Click “Show Activated Fonts” to display the synchronized fonts. - By choosing the text, going to the Properties panel to the right of the document, selecting the fill color option, and picking a color, you may alter the color of the text. Place Text On or Inside a Path Photoshop also allows you to place text on or inside a path using the steps listed below. - Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click the border of a path with said Type tool selected to add text. - To pick the text, drag over it. Adjust text formatting choices like fill color, font, and font size in the Properties panel on the document’s right side. - Choose the Selection tool, place the pointer outside of a text object’s edge, then drag it to move. Last but not least, you can re-shape your text into a design by following these simple steps below. - To choose a text object, choose the Selection tool and click. - To transform the text into customizable paths, select Type > Create Outlines. - To rearrange the letters separately, click the Ungroup option in the Properties window. - Drag every letter individually while using the selection tool. - To choose anchor points, choose the Direct Selection tool and drag over a segment of a letter. There are many things you can do with text in graphic design, including simple character styling and typeface creation. We’ve offered several tips and techniques for text editing; we hope that you will put them to great use and come up with something original.
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Universal Drop Leg (Right Handed) Holster fits most Full Size and Compact Semi-Auto Pistols. This Universal Holster features an adjustable Thumb Snap to secure your pistol in the holster, a single Magazine Pouch on the front edge of the holster, two adjustable slip resistant Thigh Straps with Quick Release Buckle, adjustable for height Drop Leg Strap with Quick Connect Buckle, and dual Belt Loops with thumb snaps. The Holster is a composite design with tough PVC outer fabric with a stiff plastic insert between the fabric layers to hold the holsters shape and has a quilted sewing design to make this a very durable and stiff holster design. Magazine Pouch has an adjustable magazine flap and an elastic band to keep the magazine secure. Thigh Straps has a dual rubber band material to keep the straps in place on your thigh. Plastic Quick Connect Buckles for attaching the holster to your thighs as a quick and easy process. Strap Slider for adjustability and to secure the loose end of the strap. Holster Belt attachment has two nylon loops with thumb snaps for ease and quick attachment to your belt. The two Belt Loop design helps with securing to a belt and work around belt loops on your pants. Has a large plastic Quick Connect Buckle for quick attachment and removal of the Drop leg Holster from the shooter’s belt. Thigh Strap is adjustable for height via hook and loop fasteners. Large plastic Quick Connect Buckle for attaching to Belt Loop. Elastic Bands sewn with Quick Connect Buckles to expand and contract with the shooter’s thigh muscle. Holster Height: 7.5" (not including straps) Holster Width: 4.0" Thigh Strap Maximum Length of adjustment: 25" Holster will not fit a pistol with a flashlight or laser attached to the accessory rail.
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The story behind Altimetry Research "Altimetry" is the study of height or measuring altitude. Said differently, it's the study of things that go up. And in the investment world, who doesn't like things that go up? Altimetry Research is a boutique financial research and publishing firm providing individual investors with unique, unbiased investment recommendations and analytics. Primarily, we're guided by the knowledge that U.S. accounting guidelines – which American public companies are forced to follow – obscure the true results of a company's profitability, misleading investors. And we're not alone with these concerns... Warren Buffett: "The net earnings figure... is not representative of the business at all." Forbes: "Why GAAP Accounting Rules May Be Damaging to Investors." Billionaire hedge-fund manager Seth Klarman: "Analysis of reported earnings can mislead investors as to the real profitability of a business." Instead of using traditional Wall Street analyses, we deconstruct them and reassemble them using our own Uniform Adjusted Financial Reporting Standards (UAFRS) – or Uniform Accounting, for short. This process shows us the true picture of a company's potential. Then we combine Uniform Accounting with additional deep forensic analysis to consistently find mispriced companies poised for massive growth, which we detail for our subscribers.
If you’re looking for things to do in Chicago with your family, there are about a bazillion. The city is clean, pretty, and bustling with fun attractions for all ages. But, if you’re here in the summer, it’s well worth the 45 minute commute to Yorkville to spend a day at the largest waterpark in Illinois. Raging Waves Waterpark is a place where you’ll make lasting memories, laugh like a kid (whether you are a kid or not), and enjoy attractions for all ages. I received free entry into the park for my family in order to facilitate this post. All thoughts and opinions shared here are entirely my own. Raging Waves Waterpark We had such a great day at Raging Waves Waterpark. I couldn’t get over how clean this place is. As we wandered all over the park, we saw employees sweeping sand off the walkways to make sure it stays in its designated areas. There was no sign of garbage or even unkempt plants. Everything was exquisitely cared for. I love that they have raft conveyers for larger slides. I don’t mind having to carry my own inner tube every once in a while but some of these rides have huge rafts. No worries, they are brought back up by large conveyors so you don’t have to carry them. My kids are a bit older now, (10 and almost 14) so we spent the majority of the day on the big slides. I think the Boomerang was our favorite. The Lazy River, wasn’t as lazy as I had hoped–but that’s because my kids are part evil. While floating along relaxing, I was doused by being led under a waterfall. Rotten. My kids are totally rotten. We had great food at the Shark Bite cafe. It was your typical ‘park’ food, but it was surprisingly good and very reasonable. You can get an entire meal for around $7. The Wave Pool was another favorite. I love that they allow tubes in there. You have to rent them for a couple bucks, but you get to have them for the whole day. We didn’t get any, but still had a blast jumping in the waves. Don’t forget to bring your towels and sunscreen! Everything else can be thrown in a locker. These are so neat… everyone in your party can have a wrist band that opens the locker. So if you split up, it’s no big deal if someone needs to get into the locker. Super convenient. Raging Waves also offers some really nice cabanas for rent. They allow you a little extra privacy and a guaranteed spot to lay. These are perfect for parties or just to feel extra swanky. This was our first trip to Raging Waves and it certainly won’t be our last. We had an excellent time and the kids are still talking about all the slides!
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1. Executive Summary TransGrid is committed to providing value to the community through investment in a safe, secure network enabling a stable market at the lowest cost to our customers. Our success criteria is demonstrating that the Asset Management Planning processes deliver this commitment; essentially that they are optimising cost risk and performance. To enable this TransGrid has completed an end to end review of the Asset Management Planning process to better define the inputs, required outputs and gaps in the existing process. This has resulted in significant improvements in process definition and awareness, alignment, asset information and supporting systems. 2. Description of Project This project is one of the core capability initiatives that has been delivered through an Asset Management Excellence program to support managing the fundamentals of asset management – Cost / Risk / Performance. 2.1 Key Challenges The Asset Management Planning process incorporates all asset facing activities and expenditure related to new assets, replacement assets, routine and corrective maintenance. It derives the most significant capital and operating expenditures of the business, contributing around $200M capital and $60M operating expenses each year. The resulting plan of work has a direct influence on all of the objectives of the business. The stakeholder analysis in TransGrid’s Strategic Asset Management Plan identifies the core stakeholder needs that must be balanced: - Consumers (our electricity end users) focus is on affordability and reliability. - Security holders of the business have expectations around the delivery of the Business plan (Safe/Reliable, Efficient and Growth). - Our economic regulator wants to ensure that all expenditure demonstrably provides benefit to consumers. - Our network safety regulator wants the confidence that all network safety hazards are being managed As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). - Direct connected customers (generators, other networks and large loads) want timely and cost effective connections that meet their reliability obligations. - The National Electricity Market participants want an open and reliable network that minimises constraints on energy flow. Figure 1: TransGrid’s Stakeholders 2.2 Gap Analysis The following elements of best practise asset management were used to review the AM Planning Process for potential gaps. 2.2.1 Stakeholder Feedback Australian Energy Regulator (AER) The AER issued its five year determination of TransGrid’s revenue in early 2018. Feedback throughout this process indicated the key challenge for the acceptance of the proposed capital program was a clear articulation of the benefits, both economic and safety. This is particularly the case where any increase in expenditure out of line with long term trends was proposed. NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) IPART’s independent audit program as the NSW Safety Regulator highlighted their critical interest in the Asset Management Planning process through its audits in late 2017 and 2018. A consistent theme was that the capital and maintenance investments are a key control for Network Safety. The level of investment must be tested for adequacy via additional expenditure compared with the incremental decrease in risk (i.e. the ALARP principle). This is required to meet with societal expectations and regulatory expectations. 2.2.2 Applying the principles of the Asset Management Information Strategy Enhancements to the Asset Management Information Strategy have been focussed around improved identification of the information required to make the decisions that support the asset management objectives. As the asset management programs of work are the most influential activity with respect to delivery of value for the business, the need to improve the linkages and quality of key asset data to support investment decision making was clearly identified. 2.2.3 Alignment of Asset Management Objectives, Stakeholder needs and Decision Criteria Work enhancing the Strategic Asset Management Plan was completed with the aim of more fully identifying the stakeholder needs, their link to AM objectives and defining the decision criteria to be applied. This has resulted in better application of AM principles of Value and Alignment. Figure 2: TransGrid’s Asset Management Strategy The application of these inputs and techniques identified key gaps in the following elements of the AM planning process: - Clarity of decision making criteria. - A need to improve critical information and provide an integration of information from various sources for analysis. - The desirability of an increased awareness of how the elements of the end to end planning process fit together. - A reinforcement of the need to clearly align the stakeholders needs with objectives through to the programs of work to clearly articulate the economic and safety benefits. 2.3 Key Activities In order to address these gaps the following activities were undertaken 2.3.1 Improved definition of the decision making criteria As part of the review of the Strategic Asset Management Plan further stakeholder consultation was undertaken. This, coupled with key information on the current performance of the network, Asset Management System and future developments allowed the clarification of the investment criteria as either: - Investing where it is of benefit to consumer. - Investing to meet the required level of safety set by safety regulators on behalf of consumers and the general public. 2.3.2 Representing the end to end process To improve understanding and to show the role of the various systems a clear representation of the end to end process for Asset Management Planning was considered essential. It has been developed as shown below. Figure 3: Integrated Asset Management Planning Process This diagram enables the full range of inputs, sources of information, systems and output requirements of the end to end planning process to be fully communicated. Using this insight we have taken the process further to suit the maturing environment at TransGrid. 2.3.3 Development of the Asset Analytics Tool (AAIT) There was a need for a single system to integrate a number of disparate sources of information and provide an engine to provide a single view of commercial and risk factors when performing options analysis. A further requirement was the need to do the NPV and disproportionality analysis for each option, then be able to roll up the total portfolio for reporting and visualisation. An Asset Analytics and Insights tool was scoped and delivered. The tool was built using a proprietary platform developed by PowerPlan. The breadth and role of the tool is shown in the blue box in the diagram above and its implementation has provided material benefits to the business as described in section 2.4. The project to develop the tool was commenced in late 2017 with the final production version roll out in July 2018. 2.3.4 Data cleansing and improvement In line with the objectives of the Asset Management Information Strategy, the data needed to make the core investment decisions was identified and reviewed. The initial cleansing relied on data extracts created by the linkage with TransGrid’s ERP (Ellipse) with AAIT and matching these with other relevant sources of information. These sources included the initial risk calculations, asset condition information and location based asset criticality, which previously were all kept in separate spreadsheets. For each asset class further specific data cleansing was applied so that there was consistency of asset information across all assets. For transmission lines, separate structure sub-components such as the foundation, conductor and earth wire were created as assets, so that the transmission line risk model could be transferred into the AAIT. This meant that an additional 200,000 assets were created in the system. Also, asset information and failure curves for these components, that are stored in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and reliability databases, were mapped over to these new assets. For substation assets, specific data cleansing activities involved mapping the asset criticalities and likelihood of consequences to the locality of the equipment. Failure curves based on asset sub-types (e.g. air core reactors vs. oil filled reactors, Magnetic Voltage Transformers vs. Capacitor Voltage Transformers) were also implemented. For digital infrastructure assets, the bulk of the data cleansing involved matching of the primary and secondary protection relays so that the probability of failure for protection pairs were linked. Other data cleansing activities included assigning likelihood of consequences for relay type and for faults occurring at a particular site. 2.3.5 Awareness, communication and change activities. The control of the changes and awareness of these to staff at all levels across the organisation was managed through the executive level Asset Management Committee, managerial level capital and operating review committees and working group forums. Familiarisation and training and awareness activities associated with AAIT was undertaken with all asset managers and strategists during the project roll out. Presentations were given to a wider business unit audience and also through the relevant Asset Management committees. Control of data enhancements followed TransGrid’s standard Asset Management Change procedures. 2.3.6 Program and Project Management The delivery of the AAIT was a major IT project and subject to the organisational governance and project management processes, including a Project Manager, monthly reporting to the project sponsor and executive, change management and relationship management with the vendor. The project was delivered within the approved budget. The development of the revised Strategic Asset Management Plan, including stakeholder requirements, decision criteria and refined objectives was integrated into the business and usual business planning process. Oversight of the key changes to core elements of the Asset Management System is via the Asset Management Committee. This is chaired by an Executive Manager with oversight of the overall Asset Management functions and includes the entire TransGrid executive leadership team. 2.4 Implementation and Benefits TransGrid is now using the Asset Analytic and Insight Tool (AAIT) to perform capital investment prioritisation within budget constraints, in order to demonstrate the highest benefit to the consumer and managing network wide risk to an acceptable level. The AAIT has allowed TransGrid to perform optimisation based on quantitative analysis on the investment portfolio and provide swift decision making based on the insights provided. Being able to see the impact of deferring or accelerating a project against the investment portfolio has been a great benefit, as multi-year investment analysis can now be conducted on all projects in the portfolio in a single view. This has been deployed successfully in the creation of the budget for FY20 and 21 and forward. The output of the tool is able to present a view of the economic benefit to consumers for each investment, and conversely the level of risk to the community should the investment not proceed. From a safety regulators perspective it is also possible to show the expenditure that is being deployed to meet each of the key network safety objectives – worker safety, public safety, bushfire and reliability. The tool can also handle the need to apply varying disproportionality factors to demonstrate the level of investment is sufficient to meet network safety regulation, consumer and public requirements. The methodology and tool has created additional linkage between the capital and operating programs of work, and also allows for the operating costs of each project option to be factored into the overall NPV analysis. This strengthens the ability of TransGrid to consider capital and operating expenditure trade-offs across the lifecycle of an asset and the asset portfolio. A recent independent audit initiated by IPART of TransGrid’s Asset Management System against the Network Safety Regulations was completed in early 2019. The visualisation of the end to end process was an important part of demonstrating how the process meets the need of controlling Network Safety to ALARP. The delivery of this initiative involved wide consultation across the business involving the life-cycle, with the predominant resources for delivery coming from the Asset Management team. The main teams involved were: Asset Management – Asset Analytics and Insights - AAIT requirements definition - User testing and configuration - Data cleansing - Reporting development Corporate Services – IT Portfolio and Delivery - Project Management - Corporate system configuration and architecture management Asset Management – Asset Systems and Compliance - Development of Network Asset Strategy - Stakeholder engagement - Change management of core Asset Management System changes. 4. General Comments Figure 4: TransGrid’s Asset Management Excellence Program and Award Overview Figure 5: AAIT Screenshot
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Joe Biden has a long history of stealing other politician’s and academics thoughts, words, even expressions and personal stories. Although he’s running his campaign on “authenticity” it’s clear, Biden is anything but. Here’s a look at his long and troubling record of lies, deceit and clear misrepresentation. - Biden plagiarized a paper he submitted while a first-year law student in 1965. According to the Washington Post: The record showed that in a meeting on Dec. 1, 1965, the law school faculty found that Biden had, “without quotation or citation,” lifted five pages from a published law review article and used them in his 15-page paper for a legal-methods course. The faculty recommended that he receive an “F” for the course and be allowed to repeat it the following year. (Biden did repeat, receiving an 80). Law School Dean Ralph Kharas said in the memo that if Biden’s record was clear from that point on, he would state that the incident should not stand in his way to his being admitted to the bar. - During a presidential debate at the Iowa Fair in 1987, Biden lifted passages and even gestures from a speech by Neil Kinnock without giving credit to the leader of the British Labour Party. As Slate reports: Biden lifted Kinnock’s precise turns of phrase and his sequences of ideas—a degree of plagiarism that would qualify any student for failure, if not expulsion from school. But the even greater sin was to borrow biographical facts from Kinnock that, although true about Kinnock, didn’t apply to Biden. Unlike Kinnock, Biden wasn’t the first person in his family history to attend college, as he asserted; nor were his ancestors coal miners, as he claimed when he used Kinnock’s words. Once exposed, Biden’s campaign team managed to come up with a great-grandfather who had been a mining engineer, but he hardly fit the candidate’s description of one who “would come up [from the mines] after 12 hours and play football.” At any rate, Biden had delivered his offending remarks with an introduction that clearly implied he had come up with them himself and that they pertained to his own life. - While on the campaign trail in 1987, Biden pulled word-for-word what other politicians had previously said on the stump. According to the New York Times: In a speech to the California State Democratic Convention on Feb. 3, Mr. Biden said that ”each generation of Americans has been summoned” to a test of devotion to democracy; the same phrase was used about national loyalty by John F. Kennedy in his Presidential inaugural address in 1961. Other times Mr. Biden uses longer passages nearly verbatim. When Senator Kennedy was running for President in 1968, he talked in Des Moines and again at the University of Kansas about the measure of a nation. ”The gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play,” Senator Kennedy said. ”It does not include the beauty of our poetry, or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. ”It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our devotion to our country. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile, and it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.” In the California convention speech, Senator Biden talked about ”the ultimate moral test of what this country is,” and denounced what he saw as society’s new materialism. ”We cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of their education, the joy of their play,” he said, after opening his speech by declaring that he wanted to tell the audience ”what is on my mind.” ”It doesn’t measure the beauty of our poetry, the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, the integrity of our public officials. ”It counts neither our wit nor our wisdom, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country,” Mr. Biden continued, to applause. ”That bottom line can tell us everything about our lives except that which makes life worthwhile, and it can tell us everything about America except that which makes us proud to be Americans.” - During a campaign stop in 1987, Biden also said he finished in the top half of his law school class, whereas records showed he had graduated 76th in a law class school of 85. He went onto say he went to law school on a full scholarship, but school records again showed that was not true. The Associated Press reported at the time: Sen. Joe Biden claimed during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire last spring that he finished in the top half of his law school class, although records indicate he finished near the bottom. In a videotape aired by the public service cable network C-SPAN several months ago, the Delaware Democrat was asked at a campaign stop in Claremont, N.H., on April 3 about what law school he attended and how well he did. On the videotape, a clearly angered Biden told the questioner: ″I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do.” - Last summer, the Biden campaign admitted it had plagiarized its climate policy plan, pulling from non-profits and other groups, verbatim. As the Washington Post reported at the time: “Biden’s campaign on Tuesday acknowledged that it had lifted phrases, without attribution, from various nonprofit publications in its climate and education plans. In one instance, a sentence on carbon capture from Biden’s climate plan is nearly identical to wording used by a group called the Carbon Capture Coalition. “Staff working on drafts of the policy paper inadvertently left some citations out of the final document, and Vice President Biden was unaware of it,” Biden campaign spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said in a statement. “As soon as staff were made aware of the error, they fixed it.” - Last week, the Biden campaign released its “Unity Platform” where it lifted word for word statements from Bernie Sanders’ campaign proposals. Biden’s criminal justice unity task force, workplace democracy plan, disability rights agenda, and social security agenda were all pulled verbatim from Sanders’ 2020 campaign. - Biden’s “Buy American” focus of his campaign, which was unveiled last week, clearly pulls from President Trump’s “America First” economic proposals. As Politico reports: White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed Biden’s “Buy American” focus was copied from Trump’s 2016 campaign. “And now yesterday, for all to see, [Biden] was plagiarizing Donald Trump, ‘Buy American,’” Conway told reporters outside the White House. “He recognizes that ‘Buy American’ is very popular. I hope they didn’t spend a dollar on focus-grouping that since we already know it’s how this president got elected.”
Bismarck, ND – In celebration of NDFB Week, March 10-16, 2024, NDFB is excited to announce an art contest open to 4th and 5th-grade students. The contest encourages young minds to visualize themselves as future farmers, fostering creativity and highlighting the importance of agriculture in our communities. Participants are invited to create portraits of themselves as future farmers, depicting their vision of farming attire, surrounded by the crops or animals they aspire to cultivate in the future. The art contest will be judged in two categories: - Creativity and Originality of the Theme - Quality of Artistic Composition and Overall Design A winner will be selected in each grade and receive a $50 prize. The winning artworks will also be featured in NDFB’s member newsletter, Focus. The deadline for submissions is March 8, 2024. The theme for NDFB Week is “Cultivate Your Future: Nurturing Growth, Sowing Innovation,” inspired by NDFB’s recently introduced Student Membership category. This theme underscores the significance of cultivating a sustainable and innovative future in agriculture. NDFB Week is a tribute to the agricultural contributions of county Farm Bureaus across the state. Various events, ranging from ag trivia to “Free Meat Monday, ” will be hosted by county Farm Bureaus to celebrate the week. For more information on NDFB Week and the art contest, please visit www.ndfb.org/fbweek. NDFB is the most effective general farm and ranch organization in the state of North Dakota, with more than 28,000 member families and 50 organized county Farm Bureaus.
Do you like off-roading and want a classic from the 70s that doesn’t shy away from this pastime? This 1977 Chevrolet K-20 is made for off-roading! More info: Click here to see original eBay auction and get more information (Affiliate link) Seller's other items: para1977 Location: Georgetown, Tennessee, United States
We have heard of totalitarians being called goose-steppers, but now Oregon appears to be raising up some … duck-steppers! The elected labor commissioner of that state has been busy making an example of the Christians who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. He fined the owners of the now-closed bakery one hundred thirty-five thousand dollars ($ 135,000.00) and ordered them to stop talking to the media about their struggle with the state of Oregon. The Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal has the details: Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service. And then … he ordered them not to express any opinion in public against the Oregon “anti-discrimination” regime because, as the plaintiffs argued: in making this statement, the Kleins violated an Oregon law banning people from acting on behalf of a place of public accommodation (in this case, the place would be the Kleins’ former bakery) to communicate anything to the effect that the place of public accommodation would discriminate. Seeing as how the bakery is closed, it by definition can no longer “discriminate” against customers because there are no customers. So what justification can the labor commissioner have for trying to silence the Kleins at this point? Sure sounds like there are some eager duck-steppers in the webfoot state.
One-day virtual conference from leading, national full-service Medicare agent and IMO digital marketing agency showcasing all new “one-stop” growth services for Wealth and Health advisors CLEARWATER, Fla. – April 24, 2023 – yourDigitalLab (YDL) – a nationally recognized digital marketing agency specifically servicing wealth advisors, insurance agents and independent marketing organizations (IMOs) – announced today the agenda for its highly anticipated Digital Growth Summit. Its focus: charting the course to navigate the complex digital marketing ecosystem. The summit is taking place virtually on Wednesday, July 26, and will feature a special guest appearance by noted economist, author and retirement expert Tom Hegna, who will also help introduce YDL’s newest digital marketing offerings for wealth advisors, all with one goal in mind: helping attendees drive real growth. “YDL is excited to host our first virtual summit showcasing how the various digital channels can be used by agents and advisors to strengthen their current sales strategies and introduce new tactics to grow their book of business” said JoAnna Barker, head of strategy and business development for yourDigitalLab. “This summit is for every agent and advisor in the life, health, annuities and financial services space who is interested in dominating their results from the previous year.” “I’m really excited about what yourDigitalLab is doing with its digital offerings, especially to help agents sell a broader suite of products such as annuities,” added Hegna. “One of the biggest reasons they often don’t is a lack of confidence and understanding of the products. Together with yourDigitalLab, I look forward to helping them fix that. We’ll show them the ‘math and science’ behind the selling and how adding these products – supported by the right digital marketing strategies – can increase their clients’ success in retirement.” Over the course of the day, attendees will have access to a variety of educational and thought-provoking sessions that will leave them with practical knowledge and a greater understand of the digital landscape that they must navigate today. Sessions will include: - Tom Hegna on “10 Ways to Stand Out in 2023” - Building Your Personal Brand - Bringing Your Brand to Life – Website, Podcast and Radio, and More - All About Email Marketing - Driving Leads with Social and Video Launched in January 2023, yourDigitalLab has been at the forefront of digital marketing for the modern health and wealth agent and advisor, offering bespoke and pre-packaged services designed to drive more qualified leads and elevate its clients’ online brand presence. A full-service agency – created in partnership with AmeriLife for its national distribution network of more than 70 companies and their agents and advisors – YDL is a one-of-kind solution that combines deep expertise in modern marketing practices with extensive knowledge of the Medicare and wealth business, recruitment and regulatory landscape. “The Digital Growth Summit is an incredible opportunity to bring together Tom’s expertise and prestige in the retirement space with the proven capabilities of a premier agency such as yourDigitalLab,” said Ovi Vitas, Chief Marketing Officer for AmeriLife. “This event will undoubtedly be a gamechanger for attendees and help further cement AmeriLife and its family of companies as the partner of choice for agents and advisors nationwide.” To register for the Digital Growth Summit, click here.
We all know the feeling…you’re sitting down for lunch, scrolling through the menu and laughing with your friends. To the outside world, it’s the picture of perfection, but inside you’re facing an internal battle: to salad or to sandwich? It’s simple really, you want the sandwich but there’s that nagging voice inside your head telling you to choose the lettuce. It’s the same voice that pops up when you want to buy $2,000 leather pants or eat ice cream in the afternoon. She’s a killjoy but she’s hard to ignore. I face this conundrum every day. Not eating out (although that would be nice), but packing my lunch for work. No matter how cute the mason jar, some days I just don’t want a salad. And after years of the daily struggle, I think I’ve finally found the answer: wraps. Wraps are the perfect in-between and in my eyes, they’re seriously underrated. They provide that childhood satisfaction of eating with your hands, they target your carbohydrate cravings and they can be a wholesome option. In fact, they can be just as good as a salad! When it comes to packet wraps, the salt levels vary widely. Some have higher levels of salt than others and contain artificial preservatives so it pays to read the label. A recent study has shown that it’s best to look for wraps that contain less than 600mg of sodium per 100g and outlines which brands have artificial preservatives and which don’t. When making my lunches, I like to use Helga’s Mixed Grain and Traditional White Wraps because they meet this criterion. The study, conducted by the University of Newcastle, compared the 22 most popular wrap products in Australia and found Helga’s to be one of only three brands that contained no artificial preservatives. Helga’s Traditional White and Mixed Grain Wraps ranked in the lower range for sodium levels with both products having 40% less sodium than the market leading wrap. So for those days where you just can’t face a salad, have a wrap with me. Here’s what I’ll be eating. Bianca’s Nutritious Low Salt Chicken & Hommus Wraps “This lunchtime recipe is tasty and nutritious. I get protein from the chicken and black beans, healthy fats from the avocado and hommus and the apple and pomegranate give a hint of sweetness which helps prolong my afternoon cravings.” 1 x Helga’s Traditional White Wrap ¼ roasted chicken breast 2 tablespoons pomegranate seeds 2 tablespoons corn 2 tablespoons black beans Few sprigs of fresh coriander/cilantro Hommus – to your heart’s content 1. Take the Helga’s Traditional White Wrap and lay it on a flat surface 2. Smear it with a dollop of hommus 3. Place chicken, avocado and apple along the centre but be sure to leave a small gap either side for wrapping 4. Sprinkle with corn, black beans, pomegranate seeds and coriander/cilantro 5. Wrap it like a parcel and enjoy fresh or toasted
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I recently took my Samsung Galaxy 2 to a place that sells phones and services and also repairs them. I took it there because my charge port was not charging anymore so he said he could replace it. However, now it will not even connect to the computer at all. Any computer, doesn't matter. I have tried everything. Since it doesn't respond to my computer or any computer, can I still root my phone? And also, is it even possible for the port he put on to not do data transfer, only charge?
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Divorce cases can be very profitable. They are drawn-out, complicated affairs. It’s estimated that in the United States, 2.3 per 1,000 population get divorced each year. Perhaps the only thing more complicated than a divorce is navigating the legal system. It’s costly and time-consuming, so family lawyers often shy away from them. But not all lawyers think alike. Some are fascinated by big-money cases that drag on for years. If you aspire to be a family lawyer. Read on to find some tips to get more divorce cases and start making the big bucks. Get the Word Out About Your Services: Advertising and Networking Advertising, networking, and marketing for family lawyer can play a large role in bringing in business. Start by creating business cards, a website, and any other resources. These will help potential clients learn more about you and your services. Marketing for family lawyers includes getting involved with your local bar association, chambers of commerce, or community-based groups. This is to increase your reach and build relationships with like-minded professionals. Use social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, to post news, tips, resources, and links related to family law issues. Specialty legal directories can also be a great resource. Especially for individuals searching for specific types of lawyers. Establish a Reputation as an Experienced Family Lawyer A family law firm can establish a reputation as an experienced family lawyer. Take the time to learn the ins and outs of divorce law and stay up-to-date on recent changes in the field. Volunteer to provide free advice at legal aid clinics, workshops, conferences, and other public events. Developing a website and advertising your services on social media. Joining local and state bar associations can help create valuable contacts in the field. It can establish your position at the forefront of divorce practices. Cultivate Existing Relationships With Other Professionals One of the best strategies for family lawyers looking to attract more divorce cases is to cultivate relationships with other professionals. Examples include speaking with other lawyers, paralegals, and accountants. By establishing contacts and establishing strong relationships with these professionals, family lawyers can increase the likelihood of referrals for their firms. Relationships with other professionals can help to keep family lawyers up to date on the newest trends, requirements/regulations, and even cases that could indicate potential client acquisition. Leverage Technology for Efficient Case Management By using technology, family lawyers can more easily track their cases, organize files and documents, and communicate with clients. Lawyers can also make use of CRM software to help find new potential clients and capture leads. Also, it’s important to keep up with the latest legal technology trends. This is a great way to improve workflow and efficiency. As well as extend services to potential clients. It’s also beneficial to invest in modern applications. This may include document management and e-filing software. This streamlines the legal process and allows for more effective communication with clients. Stand Out in the Family Lawyer Market and Divorce Cases Having a good understanding of how to get more divorce cases is essential for any family lawyer. Utilizing the best marketing strategies, such as social media and PPC ads, as well as having a sound understanding of the needs of potential clients, is key. By following these tips, family lawyers are sure to gain more legal cases. Reach out to us to learn more! If you want more inspiring insights, check out the rest of our blog. Start building your knowledge base with our posts today.
A sportsbook is a gambling establishment that accepts wagers on sporting events and pays winning bettors. It is legal in some states, but it is important to know the rules and regulations before placing a bet. Winning bets are paid once the event has finished or, if the game is not yet complete, when it becomes official. The sportsbook’s terms and conditions are also important to understand. In addition to offering betting odds and spreads, a sportsbook can also provide analysis and expert picks on which bets are worth making. The goal is to create content that engages punters and keeps them coming back. To do this, you must put yourself in the punter’s shoes and understand their needs. A good way to do this is by asking questions and providing answers. The best sportsbook software can help you manage your bookie business and increase profits. It can also help you reduce the risk of fraud and security issues by automating processes and implementing controls. It will allow you to track player activity and performance, as well as generate reports that will let you analyze your profits. It will also make it easier to find and place bets on the games you want to bet on. Sportsbooks must pay out winning bets in a timely manner to maintain customer satisfaction. They are also required to comply with state and federal laws. These laws are different for every jurisdiction, so it is important to consult with a lawyer before opening your sportsbook. In addition, you should get a license from the appropriate regulatory body. Another issue is that many sportsbook providers offer a flat fee for service, which can be a problem during peak seasons. This means that you will have to pay out more than you are bringing in during some months, and this can eat into your profit margins. A better option is to choose a PPH sportsbook provider that offers a per-head payment system. This will save you money during off-seasons, while still allowing you to bring in enough revenue during peak season. When choosing a sportsbook software solution, you must make sure it will be scalable to your users’ numbers and that it can handle high volumes. A custom solution will be a good choice, as it will allow you to add new features quickly and easily. In addition, a custom sportsbook software solution will integrate with data providers, odds providers, payment gateways, KYC verification suppliers, and other essential services. The sportsbook industry is extremely competitive, and you need to have the best possible technology to attract bettors. A reputable company will be able to help you select the right software for your sportsbook, and they will have the experience and knowledge needed to ensure that you are using the best technology available. They will also be able to help you set up your business with a high risk merchant account, which is necessary for most sportsbook operators.
Pit bulls are a breed of dog that are no stranger to controversy. They are banned in the UK, and parts of Canada. The Grennan Family is here to dispel the stigma against Pit Bulls. Owners of a dog training business called Dark Dynasty K9s, Marlon and Lisa Grennan are owners of a 175-pound Pit Bull named Hulk. He’s very intimidating in appearance; however, he is anything but in nature. He loves kids, playing in the snow, and a good petting. Marlon and Lisa’s three-year-old son, Jordan, loves Hulk like a brother (as he should!). The couple completely trusts their dog with their son. He’s been closely trained by the couple, and they believe he would never attack without a reason (as the myth with Pit Bulls demonstrates). “I don’t think it is irresponsible at all for people to have pit bulls around their children, they’re dogs like any other dog,” Lisa says. “No matter what the breed, it’s all completely on how you raise them.” The most shocking thing about this whole thing, is that Hulk is only 17 months (not even two yet!). He is expected to grow for another two years. Imagine owning a 250-pound Pit Bull? That is one dog (no matter the breed) that we would not want to mess with. Animal Fair Media is about breed equality, and we’re happy to see that this family is working to give back this breed’s good name. Watch BTV’s video of the Grennan’s with Hulk! Adopt a loving Pit Bull HERE! For more information on Pit Bulls, click HERE! For more information about the family’s dog training business Dark Dynasty K9s, click HERE!
Annette Fisher is a psychotherapist who has worked in the area of mental health, community health and has been a psychotherapist and consultant in private practice for twenty five years. She has been teaching and supervising student and trainees in the ACT, Sydney and Adelaide for forty years and conducts sessions at conferences both in Australia and overseas. She applies her art training in her work as a psychotherapist and is a practising artist. She has been actively involved and a foundation member in the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA), Counselling and Psychotherapy Association of Canberra and Regions (CAPACAR) and the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association (AAANZPA). She is currently the assistant executive director of Psychodrama Australia a non profit making organisation that provides training programs for professional people and a trainer in the Canberra/Sydney Campus and the Adelaide Campus
Nickel Home Ambiance Gift Set: Casablanca Gift wrap available at checkout. The Fragrance: The Casablanca Lily fragrance, long considered the most beautiful of the lily species, brings with it a warm intoxicating fragrance appreciated by men and women alike. The spicy Casablanca lily captures the exotic floral ylang ylang with subtle notes of clove resulting in this sophisticated and mysterious fragrance. The Product: Antica allows you to make your gift giving thoughtful, personalized and luxurious. This exquisite gift set includes a 250ml Reed Diffuser, a 9oz Hexagonal Candle and our Nickel-plated Diffuser Tray in a decorative two-piece croc-embossed gift box, perfectly packaged and ready for gift giving.
Facts about the IEP Report every apartment buyer should know An IEP report and an earthquake rating are basically the same thing. Something that’s very prominent regarding character buildings and because of what happened down in Christchurch. An IEP rating which is an Initial Evaluation Procedure and is what comes out as a figure or gives you a percentage of what is called a New Building Standard. An IEP rating comes out with a percentage which is compared against what the standard of a new building that is built today. For example, if it comes out at 75%, that means it is as strong as a new building that was built today. At the moment, the law is at 33% which is the cut off for being a safe building that will be covered by insurance. If you come in at 33% or lower, you are going to have to strengthen your apartment within 15 years. If it is a character apartment you have 25 years. That means you have to be 34% or higher to pass. From very good sources within the council that it is not going to be changing in Auckland. We can’t promise that, but every single percent it goes up costs the country at least 700 million dollars. What is an IEP report, and what is an earthquake rating? Basically, they are the same thing. Good day, it is Andrew Murray here from Apartment Specialists, talking about earthquake ratings. Something that's very prominent at the moment regarding character buildings, and because of what happened down in Christchurch. An IEP rating, which is called as you can see here, I've got one in front of us, which is an Initial Evaluation Procedure. Hence IEP, which is what comes out as a figure, gives you a percentage of what iscalled a New Building Standard. An IEP rating comes out with a percentage, which is compared against what the standard of a new building that is built today, in regards to earthquakes. For example, if it comes out at 75%, let us say in a building that was built 50 years ago, there is 75%, but it's 75% as strong as a new building that was built today. I said I would show you one. This one was done by Fraser Thomas Engineers. It was done for a heritage building built in 1917 - The Regency. Obviously done here, which is the Initial Evaluation Procedure, IEP, and they go through and they actually come in and look at how the building was built. The first IEPs or earthquake ratings are just done off the plans, which are done by the council, which is my brush stroke approach. If you feel that your building has got a higher structural rating than what a council thinks, you can get an external IEP rating by an engineer. That is when they look in more closely, and then often what happens is, that'll often increase - it could decrease, depending what has been done to the building. In this case increase, so they look at the buildings and they give you a history of the building. What it was built out of, when it was done, for what. In this case, because it was built in 1917, it had various things done to it. It went from a warehouse office space, then an extension on the top, then it was turned into apartments in 1994. When it comes to an IEP rating, Initial Evaluation Procedure that comes out with an earthquake rating, it is really talking about two things: What they call longitude, which is what happens with the movement up and down, and what they call traverse, which is the movement side to side. What is the rating? What will happen in an earthquake, if the earthquake movement was up and down, what is that rating? Against if the building was built today. What is the rating if the earthquake's moving from side to side? Then each one will have a percentage, and then what happens is, they'll take the lower of the two. And that will be the IEP rating, which is Initial Evaluation Procedure, or what we call the earthquake rating. If you look down here, so it goes through a lot of stuff, that really you have got to be an engineer to really get into. I can explain some of it, but a lot of it is sort of probably beyond my expertise. Then it comes down to, we have actually come down to the IEP rating. What they have done here, is I think it might be a bit of a typo, but you can see here, you have got the longitude. Which is the up and down, coming at 54, and then the traverse, which is the side to side strength, is 72%. Now take the lower of the two, and it is 55 - I think it is supposed to be 54 there, because generally that's what they take there. But anyway, you get my drift. That is what they come and look at. They look at the IEP, and they got the lower of the two of movements - this way and that way, and that gives you your IEP rating or earthquake procedure rating. At the moment, the law is at 33% is the cut off. If you come in at 33 or lower, you are going to have to strengthen your apartment within 15 years. If it is a character apartment, you can have 25. That means you have to be 34% or higher to pass. In different parts of the country, that is higher - Wellington and Christchurch, etc. I have got, from very good sources within the council, that it is not going to be changing in Auckland. I cannot promise that 100%, but to give you an idea, every single percent that goes up - that's 33%. If it goes to 34%, on average, they estimate it to be about $700 million dollars that it's going to cost the country. I've spoken to structural engineers, and they are basically telling me they are 100% sure it is not going to change. Obviously, I cannot say that, because I'm not a structural engineer. But that's what I've heard from the industry, which is great news because I actually own character apartments myself. Anyway, I hope this helps you understand a little bit more about IEP and earthquake ratings. Obviously flick me an email, [email protected], or off the website, and I'll talk to you soon.
operator method Null safety - Object? key Returns the value for the given key or null if key is not in the map. Some maps allow keys to have null as a value. For those maps, a lookup using this operator cannot distinguish between a key not being in the map and the key having a Methods like containsKey or putIfAbsent can be used if the distinction V? operator (Object? key);
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Overview of LooksMax AI LooksMax AI APK's latest version brings a fresh perspective to beauty and wellness applications. With regular updates, the app keeps up with the newest trends and research, ensuring that users have access to the most current advice and information. It's more than just a beauty app; it's a comprehensive wellness guide that adapts to individual user preferences and needs. The app's approach to wellness is holistic, encompassing dietary suggestions, exercise routines, and mental health tips. This integration transforms LooksMax AI from a mere beauty tool into a complete wellness companion. The AI-driven analysis system, which assesses a user's physical features and lifestyle choices, forms the core of its functionality. Features of LooksMax AI APK For Android LooksMax AI APK for Android is packed with features that make it a standout in the beauty app market: - Personalized Beauty Recommendations: Get tailored skincare and makeup advice based on individual skin types and preferences. - Holistic Wellness Plans: Customized dietary and exercise suggestions to promote overall health. - Mental Health Support: Tips and activities focused on improving mental well-being. - Community Interaction: Connect, share, and learn from other users on the platform. - AI-Driven Analysis: Sophisticated algorithms analyze personal data for tailored advice. - Regular Updates: Stay current with the latest trends and research in beauty and wellness. - User-Friendly Interface: Easy navigation and intuitive design for all user levels. - Data Privacy and Security: Strong measures to protect user information. Best Tips While Using LooksMax AI Mobile To maximize your experience with LooksMax AI, follow these practical tips: - High-Quality Selfies: Ensure your photos are clear for accurate analysis. - Consistent Use: Regular use helps track changes and adapt recommendations. - Open-mindedness: Embrace new grooming and health habits suggested by the app. - Research and Consultation: Complement app advice with professional opinions. - Actionable Goals: Implement the app’s tips into your daily routine. Pros and Cons of LooksMax AI APK Latest Version - Customized Advice: Tailored recommendations for a unique experience. - Comprehensive Analysis: Advanced AI for detailed beauty and wellness insights. - Community Support: Engage with a supportive user base for motivation. - User-Friendly: Accessible to users of all tech levels. - AI Limitations: The technology may not fully capture the nuances of human beauty. - Overemphasis on Appearance: Focus on physical looks might not appeal to all. - Privacy Concerns: Uploading personal photos could raise data security issues. When it comes to navigating the realms of beauty and wellness apps, the user experience can make or break an application. LooksMax AI APK, with its latest version, not only meets but exceeds user expectations, crafting a journey that is both intuitive and rewarding. - Engaging Interface: One of the most lauded aspects of LooksMax AI is its interface. Designed with the user in mind, it sports a clean, modern look with easy-to-navigate menus. This approachability makes it a hit among users across different age groups and tech-savviness levels. Whether you're a beauty guru or new to the wellness game, the app ensures that your journey is hassle-free and enjoyable. - Personalized Journey: The hallmark of LooksMax AI lies in its personalized approach. Users have expressed immense appreciation for how the app tailors recommendations to individual needs. By analyzing your photos, the app provides insights into your unique facial features, skin type, and overall wellness. This bespoke advice is not just about enhancing appearance but also about promoting a holistic sense of well-being. - Community Engagement: A standout feature is the app's community aspect. Users can connect with others who are on similar beauty and wellness journeys. This platform not only fosters a sense of belonging but also allows users to exchange tips, share experiences, and offer support. It's a digital space where encouragement and advice flow freely, adding an extra layer of value to the app experience. - Impactful Results: Users have reported noticeable improvements in their beauty routines and overall wellness. The AI-driven advice often leads to small yet significant changes, from better skincare habits to more informed lifestyle choices. It’s these tangible benefits that keep users returning to the app, eager to see their continued progress. - Data Privacy and Security: In today's digital age, privacy is paramount. LooksMax AI understands this, employing robust security measures to protect user data. Users feel secure knowing their personal information, including photos and lifestyle details, are handled with the utmost care. In a nutshell, LooksMax AI APK is more than just another beauty app. It's a holistic wellness companion, intelligently designed to cater to your unique needs. The app combines the best of technology and personalized care, making the journey towards improved beauty and wellness not just achievable but also enjoyable. From its user-friendly interface and personalized advice to its vibrant community and commitment to privacy, LooksMax AI sets a new benchmark in the digital beauty and wellness space. Whether you're seeking to enhance your appearance, adopt healthier habits, or simply find a supportive community, LooksMax AI is the perfect partner in your wellness journey. So, why wait? Download LooksMax AI APK today and embark on a transformative journey that promises not just to change how you look but also how you feel about yourself. Your personalized path to beauty and wellness starts here!
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|The meeting was held to offer a platform for urban rooftop farmers to share experience and practices, hence aimed to strengthen the community connection and tackle common challenges. Why a Urban Rooftop Farming Network? The rooftop farms in HK are mostly spontaneous and unconnected. Many people have had the same bright idea and have gone out and built themselves a farm on their roof. There is very strong interest within urban communities in rooftop farming, as a social, recreational and healthy lifestyle choice. All the farms have common goals and face similar challenges. We think that some form of broad network amongst rooftop farms, would allow us to share experience and practices, to promote rooftop farming within the community and to tackle some of the challenges together. What would a Network look like? Formal / Informal Structure – Supportive What would a Network do? 2. Meeting Agenda 3. Feedback on Questions Discussed at the Meeting Q1. How do you think a network of rooftop farms could be useful to you and your members? The majority agreed that a network would be useful in sharing experience. Nearly 50% of the group looked for mutual support such as knowledge exchange, materials and resources sharing. A third of the group wanted to meet others with the same goal and beliefs, as this could drive momentum needed to gain government’s support. However, the network may need to widen its spectrum to an urban level. Q2. What form could the network take? The majority wished to start the networking informally such as website and simple sharing sessions, while short lectures could be an option. Then it might progressively develop into a formal group. Suggest to run the network at different farm sites. Many would welcome a formal association, but some have concerns about how the network would operate, its goal and membership format etc. Q3. What sort of information about rooftop farming in Hong Kong would you be interested in, i.e. what can we put in the proposed URFN website? There is a wide range of information the participants are looking for. Some are looking forward to farm lists and their details, practical farming skills and tips, as well as network meeting reports. Others suggest to put lists of materials suppliers, farming regulations and research findings (eg. availability of rooftop spaces in HK) onto the website. Some recommend setting up a forum for instant chat, case study reports and regular network events. One party is interested in Chinese medicinal plants and organic farming. Q4. What technical information would you like more of? Participants mostly expressed their interest in specialist farming skills and building related issues, including safety information, rules and regulations. One mentioned new technologies and techniques like aquaponics. Any information they are not familiar with. Q5. What major challenges are you facing? Respondents mentioned a range of challenges they were encountering. Funding or rental fee is a major issue to most of the farms, and manpower shortage is a close second. Some are not able to source affordable materials and suppliers. Pests are also a big problem to some farms. Q6. What priority issues do you think we should try and tackle together, through collective action/ advocacy? Government is key in promoting rooftop farming. It should set an example on its own (Government) buildings. Farms need to gain recognition from the Government as a green building measure. Half of the participants suggested that we urban farming should be promoted to the public. Two are looking for funds from the government. Q7. What could we collaborate on? The majority were eager to share information and tips on various aspects. They have also suggested more farm visits and social activities so that they can learn from others’ experience. Over half of the group has a need to share bulky materials as storage could be a problem. Further action on education, promotion and agenda for collective actions, are also needed.
*Names in bold indicate Presenter This paper is the first to utilize national pension policy change as a natural experiment to identify the impact of private pensions on household voluntary savings. Specifically, I evaluate the household saving response to mandatory employer-provided pension reform in Taiwan, which mandates that all private sector employers contribute at least 6% of the wage to employees' individual pension accounts monthly since 2005. I use the workers in the unaffected sector as a comparison group and employ a difference-in-differences method to estimate the impact of the reform on household saving rate. My results suggest that making private pensions mandatory significantly reduces prime-age (20--50) household saving rate by 2.06% to 2.45% and imply the degree of substitutability between private pension and saving is about -0.51 to -0.61. Since private pensions only partially offset household saving, the mandatory private pension policy could effectively raise employees' retirement wealth. - Proposal_pension_saving_v66.pdf (1198.0KB)
Apple on Wednesday updated its Supplier Responsibility webpage to reflect a change in how manufacturers deal with the company's 60-hour workweek limit, noting that a 99 percent rate of compliance was achieved in January. According to Apple's Supplier Work-Hour Compliance study, which as of January 2013 tracks over one million employees, the 99 percent compliance rate factors into a 92 percent average of suppliers that adhered to the company's Code of Conduct over all work weeks. Over the same period, the average time an employee worked per week was under 50 hours. As noted by UK tech site V3, Apple limits normal working time to 60 hours a week except in "unusual circumstances," like seasonal high demand or ramp up for new products. Worker protection laws in China, where a bulk of Apple's suppliers are located, mandate that employers pay overtime wages to employees working over 40 hours per week. In addition to the Chinese rules, Apple requires that all overtime hours must be voluntary. The latest monthly update comes on the heels of a report that said Apple manufacturing partner Foxconn initiated a hiring freeze until the end of March. At the time, it was speculated that the move was related to slow iPhone 5 sales, but those rumors were dispelled and the freeze was blamed on the unusually high number of employees who returned to work after the Chinese New Year. Apple's report is part of ongoing efforts to improve workplace conditions in its suppliers' factories. In January, the company released its yearly Supplier Responsibility Report, which showed improvements in health and safety, labor, and environmental concerns.
Title: KitchenAid Dishwasher KDFE104DSS0 Won’t Start Have you ever experienced the frustration of a dishwasher that refuses to start? It can be a real headache, especially when you have a pile of dirty dishes waiting to be cleaned. One common dishwasher model that users often encounter this issue with is the KitchenAid KDFE104DSS0. In this article, we’ll explore the possible reasons why your KitchenAid dishwasher won’t start and provide you with some practical solutions to get it up and running again. So, let’s dive in and solve this problem together! Is the Power Supply Connected? Picture this: you’re ready to start your dishwasher, but nothing happens. Before diving into complex troubleshooting steps, let’s start with the basics. Check if your KitchenAid dishwasher is properly connected to a power supply. Ensure that the power cord is securely plugged into a functioning outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection can cause the dishwasher to appear unresponsive. Is the Control Lock Enabled? If your dishwasher’s control panel seems unresponsive, it’s worth checking if the control lock feature is enabled. The control lock is designed to prevent accidental button presses that could disrupt the dishwasher’s cycle. To check if the control lock is activated, locate the control lock button on your dishwasher’s control panel. Press and hold this button for a few seconds until the control lock indicator light turns off. Now, try starting your dishwasher again. Are the Door Latches Properly Engaged? The door latches play a crucial role in ensuring that your dishwasher starts. If the door isn’t closed properly or the latches are not engaged, the dishwasher won’t start. Inspect the door and make sure it is closed securely. Listen for a clicking sound when you close the door, indicating that the latches are properly engaged. If the latches are loose or damaged, you may need to replace them to resolve the issue. Is the Delay Start Option Enabled? Sometimes, you might unknowingly activate the delay start option on your KitchenAid dishwasher. This feature allows you to set a specific time for the dishwasher to start its cycle. If the delay start option is enabled, your dishwasher won’t start immediately. To check if the delay start option is activated, look for a “Delay Start” button on the control panel. Press this button to disable the feature and start the dishwasher immediately. Is the Control Board Malfunctioning? If you’ve checked all the previous possibilities and your dishwasher still won’t start, there might be an issue with the control board. The control board is the brain of your dishwasher, responsible for managing all its functions. A malfunctioning control board can prevent the dishwasher from starting. In such cases, it’s advisable to seek professional help to diagnose and repair the control board. Are the Door Switches Working Correctly? The door switches of your KitchenAid dishwasher are responsible for detecting whether the door is open or closed. If the door switches are faulty, your dishwasher may not start. To test the door switches, you’ll need to access them by removing the dishwasher’s front panel. Use a multimeter to check for continuity in the switches. If any of the door switches fail the continuity test, they need to be replaced. Is the Thermal Fuse Blown? The thermal fuse is a safety device that protects your dishwasher from overheating. If the thermal fuse blows, it can disrupt the dishwasher’s operation, causing it not to start. To check if the thermal fuse is blown, you’ll need to locate it (often found on the control board) and use a multimeter to test for continuity. If the thermal fuse has blown, it will need to be replaced to get your dishwasher working again. Is the Motor Pump Assembly Faulty? The motor pump assembly is responsible for circulating water and powering the dishwasher’s spray arms. If this assembly is faulty, your dishwasher may not start or complete its cycle. Inspect the motor pump assembly for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice any issues, such as a burned-out motor or broken impeller, it’s best to contact a professional technician to replace the faulty parts. Are the Control Panel Buttons Functioning Correctly? Sometimes, the control panel buttons on your KitchenAid dishwasher can become unresponsive due to wear and tear or electronic glitches. If you suspect this might be the case, try a simple reset by turning off the dishwasher’s power at the circuit breaker for a few minutes. Then, turn the power back on and try starting the dishwasher again. If the buttons still don’t respond, you may need to replace the control panel. Is There a Problem with the Wiring? Faulty wiring can also prevent your KitchenAid dishwasher from starting. Inspect the wiring connections inside the dishwasher for any loose or damaged wires. If you’re comfortable working with electrical components, you can try reseating the wires or repairing them if necessary. However, if you’re unsure or inexperienced, it’s best to leave this task to a qualified technician to avoid any safety hazards. Are There Any Error Codes Displayed? Modern dishwashers often come equipped with error code systems that help identify specific issues. If your KitchenAid dishwasher has an LED display, check if any error codes are being displayed. Refer to the dishwasher’s user manual or search online for the meaning of the error code. Understanding the error code can provide valuable insights into the problem, helping you troubleshoot more effectively. Have You Tried a Hard Reset? If none of the previous solutions have worked, a hard reset might do the trick. To perform a hard reset, turn off the dishwasher’s power at the circuit breaker and unplug it from the power source. Leave it unplugged for about 10-15 minutes to allow any residual electrical charge to dissipate. Then, plug it back in, turn on the power, and try starting the dishwasher again. Sometimes, a hard reset can resolve minor glitches and get your dishwasher back on track. When All Else Fails, Seek Professional Help If you’ve exhausted all the troubleshooting steps and your KitchenAid dishwasher still won’t start, it’s time to call in the professionals. A certified technician will have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix the problem accurately. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer’s customer support or a trusted appliance repair service to get your dishwasher up and running again. A KitchenAid dishwasher that won’t start can be a frustrating problem, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often identify and resolve the issue. From checking the power supply and control lock to inspecting the door latches and various components, there are several potential causes to consider. Remember to follow safety precautions and consult professionals when needed. By applying these solutions, you’ll soon have your KitchenAid dishwasher, model KDFE104DSS0, back to its efficient cleaning performance, making your life easier in the kitchen.
Applied Navigation performed an entire flight from takeoff to landing with no GPS. The flight was performed with the Anaconda test-bed using Vigilant Spirit and Quattro Engineering Tool to display information to the user. The airplane was flown in easy steering mode using a game controller to provide guidance during hover, outbound transition, wing-borne flight, inbound transition, and landing. The operator used live video from the aircraft to navigate during the flight. This is considered to be the first step used as a building block for more advanced GPS denied technologies.
|Canada, Ontario, Kitchener |Advanced Diploma, College |CA$17,163 per year The fee is for the 2022–2023 academic year and includes tuition (CA$13,750), health insurance and ancillary charges. The fees displayed are estimates for two semesters and are subject to change. The registration fee includes the non-refundable application fee (CA$100) and the refundable deposit fee (CA$300). Please REVIEW the EdviseCanada`s fee policy. High School / Secondary Education (or higher) To be eligible for admission, you must possess a high school diploma including these required courses (or equivalents): The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English. For direct admission, you must be from an English-speaking country or, you must provide one of the English language proficiency tests below: The Business Administration – Management (BAM) program is designed for students whose goals include business management, human resource management, self-employment, entrepreneurial ventures, or a variety of different careers. This program helps develop skills as a management generalist, offering maximum flexibility in career choices. Students gain an understanding of the theory and skills needed for the practical applications of modern management techniques used in a variety of corporate, government and non-profit sectors, as well as in small business ventures. Students may choose to concentrate on one of two program streams: - Human Resource or The Human Resource Management stream consists of six specific program options in the final year of the program. Students who achieve a minimum average of 70% (with no course below 65%) in these program options as well as in other mandatory courses will have met the educational requirements and be eligible to write the exams to achieve the CHRP (Certified Human Resource Professional) designation. The Entrepreneurship stream is for students who have a strong interest in entrepreneurship ventures. Students will take specific courses focused on entrepreneurship and small business operations. All graduates of the program regardless of the stream will qualify to obtain the C.I.M. (Certified in Management) designation offered by the Canadian Institute of Management/Chartered Managers Canada. Students in the BAM program gain exposure to real-life working environments through a variety of innovative structured activities. These may include: research assignments, guest speakers, consulting projects with local industry, mentoring opportunities, plant tours, competitive analyses, business planning, computer simulations, and reflective exercises and role-playing. Students who graduate from this program with an overall average of 70% are eligible for entry into Year 3 of the four-year International Business Management degree. Applicants holding the McDonald’s Management Development Program designation may apply for credit toward this program. While we do offer the program at both the Doon and Guelph campuses, we kindly remind students that the College may choose to move Year 3 of the program offering in Guelph to the Doon campus if student numbers warrant so. Graduates may find employment in small business management, entry-level management and supervisory positions, account and customer relationship management, and business and office administration. Courses are fully accredited toward professional designations such as Certificate in Management (CIM) and Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP).
Add warmth and style to your home with the Kirribilli Indoor Bench Seat. Crafted with mango wood timber, this beautiful bench seat will bring a touch of class to any room. Its timeless style is perfect for any home. Make this bench seat your new favourite piece, and bring a touch of style to your home today. Features we know you'll adore: Bay Gallery Furniture is a leading provider of quality outdoor furniture, delivering superior products to customers throughout Australia. Established in 2006, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering the best in residential and commercial outdoor dining and living spaces, across the East Coast and beyond. Our staff and fleet of vehicles ensure that orders reach their destinations on time, anywhere in Australia, with a personalised service that always puts the customer first. Our partnerships with leading removal and logistical companies ensure that our delivery times are as prompt as possible. Bay Gallery Furniture provides a range of outdoor furniture, indoor furniture, product installation, daybeds, sun lounges, commercial furniture, and residential furniture. For more than a decade, we have been serving customers with the finest products and craftmanship, and with the highest standard of customer service. Experience the quality of Bay Gallery Furniture today.
Decades ago, the need for speed prompted Canon, Honda, and Fuji Xerox to embrace a product development approach that later became the Scrum framework. While the need for speed hasn’t changed, the greenfield environment that cleared the way for those 1980s Japanese product teams doesn’t exist in today’s large, complicated organizations. Legacy systems and geographically dispersed workforces require a new source of motivation, alignment, and cohesion that enable speed to market. Deceptively simple on the surface, the Kanban Method is proving itself to be that source. Intelligently applied and consistently practiced, Kanban can accelerate delivery within your teams and across your organization. The Top 7 Ways That Kanban Is Built for Speed 1) Uses frustrations to fuel change Rather than impose a new process or legislate change, both of which can awaken resistance and further slow a team or system, Kanban says “Start where you are. Change nothing without first recognizing the need for change.” Inviting contact with sources of dissatisfaction may at first seem counterintuitive, but as the dormant energy of frustration turns — or is channeled into — the fuel of change, long-standing impediments are cleared and access to a new domain of action is realized. When do people change? When they get frustrated enough! 2) Expedites cross-team alignment As work is visualized at multiple levels of an organization, patterns emerge and connections are revealed. Like a family tree that is in-motion and rapidly evolving, programs, initiatives, features, and stories are easily seen for their relationships and interdependencies. This in turn enables teams to see real-time how they are connected and contributing to the greater whole and the larger unit of customer value that is moving across the program board with their support. Teams suddenly feel connected to the greater purpose and may be more engaged and willing to bring their best ideas and work to the collective. Like a timing belt that precisely synchronizes the firing of pistons, Kanban enables systemic sight and coordination that increases performance. 3) Enables real-time performance tuning Cycle time, lead-time, and throughput are the core Kanban metrics that reveal your team’s performance in getting value into the hands of your customers. Considered over the appropriate time-horizon, the distribution histogram and run-charts give you the window that you need to diagnose and fine-tune your teams performance for increased speed and value delivery The popular Scrum metric of velocity is commonly considered a vanity metric; velocity does not measure speed or responsiveness, while Kanban metrics do. 4) Shows you the finish line, and how to get there As market opportunities (in the form of work items) are decomposed, clarified, and begin moving through the delivery pipeline, a view of the finish line — and the steps to get there — gradually comes into focus. Informed by customer value, this view, and the shared visual understanding of the stages of knowledge discovery that are needed to get the work items (card, ticket, feature) moving brings clarity and motivation to the people doing the work. 5) Puts you on the road, not on the roadmap Rather than a linear, time-bound picture of quarterly goals and milestones, Kanban gives a dynamic view into “where things are today.” Kanban focuses at the level and time-horizon where you are operating. Seeing the real-time state of deliverables as they move (or not) through your organization gives you a feel for the road, putting your hands on the wheel. You become a driver rather than a back-seat passenger. Like a great set of tires, Kanban gives you a sense of control and better grip on the road allowing you to accelerate with confidence toward your destination. 6) Lightens the team load, increasing agility A managed commitment point in the Kanban system limits work-in-progress, inviting workers to take on new work only as capacity allows. This “pull” system eases overburdening on workers, increases focus, and streamlines delivery. The added space in the system accommodates variability and allows the team to contend with surges (e.g., true expedite items) to deliver a quality product in a shorter time frame. By limiting WiP, people can focus on what matters and do their best work while better accommodating the unforeseen bumps in the road of unplanned work. 7) Turbo-charges your team’s thinking Engineers, designers, and other creative types of knowledge workers are increasingly driven by purpose and autonomy. Kanban connects the team to customers and stakeholders in the context of value delivery, placing focus on the work and discovering the best way to move it through the creative process to completion. Unlike time-boxed, cadence-driven models like Scrum, Kanban’s flow paradigm and terminology expands thinking and gives the freedom to build, fix, and create that makers appreciate. When Kanban Falls Short Despite its many advantages, the Kanban Method is hardly fool-proof. In a subsequent post, I’ll be exploring the shortcomings of Kanban in practice, including specific challenges around inter-team cooperation.
A business cannot be Agile — nor have much of a chance at success generally — if it doesn’t understand its customers. While this may seem self-evident, conducting customer interviews isn’t easy. In this article we lay out the basics for successful customer research. The Old Way of Doing Things I was recently engaged by a midwestern client who was trying to solve a customer retention problem in their software business. The vast majority of their subscribers didn’t actually use the training that was offered when they signed on. They believed this led to lower utilization and a lower probability of renewal. My client’s team had previously tried to solve this problem using what I call the “Old Way of Doing Things.” That would include: - Get a project together to “increase customer retention” - Brainstorm ideas on how to increase retention - Implement ideas - Disband team - Wait a year to see if it worked In the meantime, retention would still be a problem as the company waited for results. First, You Have to Listen The central mistake made in the example above is that my client assumed their employees knew what the customer wanted. Actual customers were rarely contacted for direct input to identify the cause of issues and pain points. However, there was an answer right in front of them — A New Way of Working. One of the team members worked in a role as a client representative, and as a result had close relationships with external customers. Instead of assuming she knew what customers wanted, she made it her job to get customer feedback on a regular basis. She asked questions such as: - Did you avail yourself of the opportunity for training? - If so, did you use our online training or the one-on-one training? - Was it easy to access the training? - What could we do to make the training more accessible and relevant to you? These questions opened the door to what actual customers were thinking, and led to insights that would never have been possible in the Old Way. Guidelines for Effective Customer Interviews The customer interview methodology we most often recommend draws from the Lean Startup world where the emphasis is on the solving the right problem in order to avoid launching a product or service that no one wants. 1. Define Your Personas To avoid solving the wrong problem, we start by taking a page from design thinking: Define Your Personas. You will not be able to interview every customer, so define your target audience with personas and find customers who represent the personas you create. Interview those customers. 2. Define the Problem Are you solving a customer problem, or fixing a problem with your own software that has been identified by your customer? If you don’t know what problem you are trying to solve, you will waste your time conducting the interviews. As you are preparing for the interviews, you should follow some guidelines to ensure that you are properly prepared and focused on the problem to investigate. When conducting the interviews, consider asking open ended questions such as: - Can you elaborate? - Could you give me an example? - Can you explain that again differently? - Of all the things that went on, why did that stick out in your mind? Allow the customer to speak freely rather than answer yes or no questions, which will give more opportunities to learn how and what they are thinking rather than narrowing the conversation to the perspective of the interviewer. 3. Be Agile Adapt to the flow of the interview to respond to answers from the customer. Be open to new information that might challenge your existing paradigm. This will allow you to refine your solutions in a way you might not have envisioned. As you wrap up the session, consider asking one of the following: - What else do you want to share? - What should I have asked that I didn’t? - If you were sitting down with my CEO, what would you want to say? Once you get your answers, have a consistent approach to reviewing those answers. Invariably, some customer feedback might conflict. Have an approach for how to resolve any conflicts. Was the problem that the questions being asked were ambiguous, or is it possible you might have to come up with more than one solution to meet your customer’s needs? 4. Analyze and Iterate After you have gathered customer feedback, analyze the results and consider taking the feedback summary back to the customer for review to ensure you have understood their needs. Review your interview notes and look for patterns in the responses you recorded. Hearing something only once might be interesting, but when you start to see a pattern in the results it’s time to take action. Download our Customer Interview Framework The Customer’s Opinions Are More Important Than Yours Remember that you are not the customer, so while your opinions are interesting, be sure to validate them with the people who are actually paying money for your product. In the example above, the problem to be solved was customer retention. We had to keep this in the front of our minds when developing multiple solutions. Business Agility is about sensing changes in the business environment and responding quickly. Doing that requires a deep understanding of the needs and desires of your customers. If you would like more assistance in making your business more Agile, contact us today, we can help! Also, be sure to follow us on Linkedin, Twitter and/or Facebook to hear about our new blogs and upcoming webinars. Business Agility – Scaled Agile Framework Business Agility – Agile Alliance Customer interviews; tips, do’s, and don’ts Response Ability: The Language, Structure and Culture of the Agile Enterprise
Catch the Bus Week04 Jul 2016 Did you know that 4th – 10th July is national Catch the Bus Week ? Faresaver will be offering a 25 % discount on all Day and Week Mobile Tickets bought during this period. When buying your ticket, please use discount code FARE25. Look out for offers from other bus operators on our live bus feed. Did you know: - Travelling by bus is good for your health. It’s a third less stressful than commuting by car. - 1 in 10 employees would be forced to look for another job if they could no longer commute by bus. - One fifth of the working population outside of London use the bus at least once a week. - Buses are crucial to maintaining family life. 41% of passengers believe they would spend less time with their family without access to buses. - A fully loaded double decker bus can take 75 cars off the road, helping to cut congestion and reduce pollution. - If everyone switched just one car journey a month to the bus, there would be one billion fewer car journeys on our roads, and a saving of 2 million tonnes of CO2.
A variational neural network for the reconstruction of compressed sensing 4D flow MRI is presented. Nine iterations of an iterative reconstruction are unfolded in a neural network which was trained using eight retrospectively undersampled datasets. A phase-invariant network architecture was designed with two types of filter operations, one with equal real and imaginary component and the other operating on image magnitude only. The method is shown to outperform spatial regularization in the Wavelet domain. A retrospectively undersampled patient scan demonstrates that the network can reconstruct pathologies based on healthy training samples. Reconstruction of prospectively undersampled 4D flow MRI shows good agreement of peak velocities and peak flow.
|The Omnibus Millennial Resettlement Act of 2012 – 2016. Thanks to M for this link, which makes the point that America’s downtown “luxury” apartment building boom may be leaving out a key component — millennials, who can’t afford the high prices. I’ve not idea why this reminded me of New Albany’s forthcoming Break Wind Lofts at Duggins Flats. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Anyone up for a game of Break Wind Luxury Vacancy Rate Bingo? Many downtown luxury apartments sit empty, by Paul Davidson (USA TODAY) Apartment building owners are struggling to rent many of the luxury units that have flooded downtowns across the country in recent years even as a relative shortage of multifamily homes in the suburbs has driven up rents. Since 2012, the nation’s supply of apartments has swelled 16.6% in central business districts and 13.5% in “secondary core” areas surrounding the downtowns, but just 5.5% for mid-priced suburban units, according to real estate research firm CoStar. The downtown building frenzy has been well-publicized as developers cater to Millennials, among other age groups, who have streamed into revitalized cities to be closer to amenities, nightlife and a car-free lifestyle. The CoStar data, however, shows that builders may be putting up too many apartments — most of which are at the high end of the market — in the urban hubs and not enough in outlying areas. Over the past four years, the vacancy rate in downtowns and adjacent districts has climbed from 3.4% to about 5.5%, CoStar figures show … Previous Breakwater coverage at NAC: The Indy rental experience and our Breakwater: “Why the discrepancy between high demand for housing in the city but low growth in occupancy rates?” Big Dig secret revealed as Mayor Jeff Gahan presents … the Break Wind Subway Station. Duggins: Indy developer has “vested interest” in our community, and millennials prefer biking alongside Padgett cranes. Yes, Jeff, we know you’re The Luxury Mayor: “Working so hard, to keep you from the poverty. Coyle sitecapades: In New Albany, Democrats WILL be Republicans … and Jeff Gahan WILL stay on the down low. A stellar subsidized evening of Reaganite corporate welfare, New Albany Trickle-Down Democrat-style.
Washington: A new study has suggested that the parents’ fears about their teenagers’ heavy use of cell phones and social media may be exaggerated. Duke University’s Candice Odgers said that each generation worries about how young people are using their time, adding “we see young people constantly on their phones and assume ill effects, but much of the research to date tells a more positive story.” Teenagers’ online lives closely resemble their experiences, connections and risks in the offline world, and cellphone use alone poses few entirely new dangers, Odgers said. The review weighs commonly expressed fears regarding teenagers’ use of mobile devices against existing research evidence. It calls for more rigorous research to evaluate how these quickly evolving technologies are impacting young people’s lives. But, contrary to the early Internet age, when a small minority of teens was online and heavy Internet use was a sign of offline problems, now, teens’ online worlds mirror their offline lives. The study appears in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Purchasing a home is one of the greatest joys a person can experience. But have you taken the necessary steps to protect your beloved investment from the No. 1 natural disaster — flooding? Whether you think you need it, or live in an area not susceptible to flooding, flood insurance is vital because flooding can damage your home and your financial future. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency in Washington, D.C., a flood is defined as a temporary situation where two or more acres of normally dry land, or two or more properties (one that is yours), are partially or completely covered by water or mud. Floods happen in all 50 states and homeowners insurance covers many hazards, but flooding is not one of them. Hurricanes, winter storms, and snowmelts are common causes of flooding. If you do not have flood insurance and your home is flooded, you may qualify for a low-interest disaster loan. However, to be eligible, the president must first declare a federal disaster. Ed Pasterick, senior adviser of the National Flood Insurance Program, a division of FEMA, estimates that 20,000 communities across the U.S. and its territories participate in the NFIP, with annual rates as low as $400. The NFIP is a federal program that allows property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance as a protection against flood losses in exchange for adopting and enforcing floodplain management regulations to reduce future flood damages. About 4.6 million policies have been issued across the U.S. Last year alone, approximately $20 billion was paid in claims. If you are not located in a floodplain (high-risk) area, which is defined as any land area susceptible to being inundated by floodwaters from any source, you are still at risk. In fact, 33% of flood claims are for properties located outside of mapped high-risk floodplain areas, according to David Passey, FEMA’s public affairs officer for region VI in Denton, Texas. “People make decisions too often based on someone else’s experience and not on scientific evidence,” says Passey. “We always get that historical perspective from people regarding what their grandparents, dad, or aunt experienced, and how they lived in the same area for 20 or 30 years and it never flooded. People need to understand the risk and make informed decisions.” Whatever you do, don’t wait until you need it. “There is a standard 30-day waiting period before your policy becomes effective,” says Baxter Bouchillon, an agent for State Farm Insurance in Covington, Georgia. “Be proactive, contact your agent to review your coverage, and ask questions.” HOW MUCH COVERAGE IS ENOUGH? A standard flood insurance policy covers a single-peril (flood) and pays for direct physical damage to one’s insured property. NFIP offers homeowners coverage for building property up to $250,000 and personal property (contents), up to 100,000. Businesses can insure up to $500,000 on the building, and up to $500,000 on its contents. You have to purchase contents coverage separately for personal belongings such as clothing, furniture and electronic equipment, curtains, books, etc. If you rent, you
By JOHN WRIGHT HAYWOOD COUNTY, Tenn. — A plane that crashed Tuesday night in west Tennessee, resulting in the deaths of two people, was headed for Calloway County. Bobby Futrell, chairman of the Murray-Calloway County Airport Board, confirmed Wednesday afternoon that Kyle-Oakley Field Manager Anthony Young told him that the plane was scheduled to land at the airport sometime on Tuesday night. Kyle-Oakley Field is located about six miles northwest of Murray near the Penny community. Brownsville Radio.com, located in Brownsville, Tennessee, about 40 miles southwest of Jackson, said that the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that investigators found the crash site Wednesday morning west of Brownsville. The radio station said that the sheriff’s office said that a helicopter from the Tennessee Highway Patrol was used to find the crash site in flooded wooded area, which did happen at about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. The sheriff’s office said that the plane was lost at about 9:20 p.m. Tuesday. The radio station said that it is suspected that adverse weather conditions may have contributed to the crash. When the Federal Aviation Administration notified emergency personnel in Haywood County that a plane was missing, which was about 10 p.m. Tuesday, weather conditions included freezing conditions aloft, high winds and some rain. BrownsvilleRadio.com said that the plane was a Piper PA/28, a single-engine aircraft that can seat four passengers. “Those are not good conditions for a small plane,” Futrell said. The radio station said that Haywood County Sheriff Billy Garrett Jr. said that the FAA told him the plane was last seen on radar west of Brownsville. The radio station also reported that the flight originated in Pearland, Texas, which is near Houston. Garrett confirmed that two people were on board, but neither survived. The names of the victims were being withheld, pending notification of family members. BrownsvilleRadio.com also said that investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board were on their way to Brownsville to look into why the plane crashed.
The Current War and WWII Some analogies to consider Many Israel supporters wish to frame the Hamas assault as “Israel’s 9/11.” I do not like that analogy. I think that a better analogy is with Pearl Harbor. An act of terrorism is an act, meaning a single event. This was not such an act. It was an attempt to start a war with the initiative on the side of Hamas. Tactically, it was barbaric and designed to instill fear in the population, but so was Germany’s strafing of fleeing civilians in the early days of the invasion of Poland. Barbarism and terrorizing are common to military campaigns. They are by no means limited to terrorist groups. Why would Hamas start a war? Maybe they thought that they would win, because other anti-Israel forces would join them, and the rest of the world would sit back and allow Israel to lose. For now, that outcome has not materialized, but that does not mean that Hamas’ hopes were baseless. Another thought is that Hamas does not care if it fails in the short run. The view of anti-Zionists is that they have to just keep trying, and eventually they will conquer Israel. So maybe years from now there will be a more powerful anti-Zionist army, inspired by the “heroic sacrifices” of Hamas. The main reason I prefer the Pearl Harbor analogy is that it tells you how to react to those people who try to sound neutral by advocating for an immediate cease-fire, “proportionality,” an end to violence, etc. My response would be to imagine telling that to an American a few days after Pearl Harbor. Imagine on December 10, 1941, someone saying to a typical American, “Of course we condemn Japan’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor three days ago. It was barbaric. But what we need to do now is stop the violence and make sure that the United States’ response isn’t disproportionate.” The average American would tell you where you can take your craziness. It is fair to equate Hamas and other opponents of the Israeli occupation to Nazis. We in America like to think of the occupation as referring only to Israel’s control over territories it won in the 1967 war. But to the anti-Zionists, every inch of Israel’s territory is the occupation. They obfuscate this for Western consumption, but to themselves they say “From the Jordan River to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Rob Henderson, in an unintentionally well-timed post, discussed the problem of evil. Many people view the crimes of Nazi Germany, Maoist China, the Soviet Union, and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia through the eyes of the victims. But to understand evil, it would be wise to view it through the eyes of the perpetrators. Had you or I been an ordinary German, Chinese, Russian, or Cambodian person living under those regimes, we would in all likelihood not have resisted. We would have been supporters, either actively or passively. …In real life, violent groups seldom put evil-sounding words in their name. They might even give themselves a nice-sounding name like “anti-evil.” And evil acts are often performed by people who think they are doing something good. …Most people who hurt others do not regard their actions as evil. They might acknowledge that they have harmed or exploited someone. But they will usually say their action was justified or that the victim deserved to be treated that way. Many academics academics who have analyzed the moral psychology of the Nazis have pointed out that they felt justified in their behavior. They thought that they were cleansing the world of the threat to humanity posed by the Jews. Historians note that Nazi ideology strongly appealed to Arabs who resented the presence of Jews in the decades prior to the declaration of a Jewish state in Palestine. Henderson emphasizes that none of us is immune from the possibility that we might engage in evil that we believe is justified. Those of us with a conservative outlook believe that it is the restraints provided by tradition and social institutions to keep us from turning toward evil impulses. Ideologies that call for the destruction of traditions and institutions are especially prone to engaging in mass murder. Think of Communism and all of its relatives. Anti-Zionism is just such an ideology. I recommend Jeffrey Herf’s essay. No single excerpt can capture his insights. Neville Chamberlain today is regarded as foolish, because the Munich Agreement failed as an attempt to restrain Hitler. But as of today, I think that the precedent of Chamberlain bodes well for how President Biden will respond. After Munich gave Hitler the Sudetenland, Hitler soon humiliated Chamberlain by swiftly overrunning the rest of Czechoslovakia, which Hitler had promised not to do. This turned Chamberlain into the biggest hawk in his government, because he took Hitler’s betrayal personally. Most of England’s elites still wanted to do whatever they could to avoid fighting Germany, but Chamberlain was no longer in that camp. He committed England to join the war if Poland were invaded, and he followed through on that commitment. Moreover, the day that the war started, he brought Winston Churchill into the government, even though that was probably personally repugnant to Chamberlain and certainly not the preference of England’s elites. At that time, Churchill evoked in elites the sort of allergic reaction that Donald Trump gives them in this country today. I am not here to praise Neville Chamberlain or, for that matter, President Biden. But Mr. Biden does have a high regard for his own personal honor, and I suspect that he is seething over the way that this invasion started so soon after he made the deal to release billions of dollars to Iran. My guess is that even if he is surrounded by young aides who are hesitant to fully back Israel, President Biden himself means it. I suspect that he has conveyed some clear red lines to Iran; and unlike the detached and cynical Barack Obama, Biden will stick to his red lines. Look, I don’t claim to be able to read Joe Biden’s mind. And I do not like his administration’s track record of playing footsie with Iran. But precisely because Iran so flagrantly humiliated him, I am willing to trust that he is intensely ticked off at the regime there. Having said that, Israeli columnist Caroline Glick has a much darker view. We need to take out Hamas not only in Gaza but also in Judea and Samaria, which is the Palestinian Authority. What we need to do is we need to take serious action to devastate Hezbollah and its war-fighting capabilities in Lebanon. We need to undermine the stability of the Iranian regime and take out its ability to transform the nuclear capabilities that it now fields into a nuclear arsenal. These are things that Israel needs to do. And I don’t even think that there’s a question that we can get away with less. And my fear from the American embrace is that they’re here to prevent that from happening. I hope that my speculation is closer to reality, but she is a much more experienced observer than I am. There isn’t one. You might have expected Prime Minister Netanyahu to rise to the occasion, but he has not. Even his erstwhile supporters are deeply disappointed, by both the way that the government has conducted itself and by the lack of communication coming from it. Even if Netanyahu himself is too busy managing the war effort to act as Israel’s spokesman, he should have found somebody to serve as the face of the government, both internally and externally. Churchill himself, of course, found time both to meddle in war plans (with quite mixed results) and to give speeches that hit the right notes at home and abroad. Earlier, upon rising to the level of Prime Minister in the midst of the chaos of the first day of Hitler’s assault on France, Churchill immediately formed a coalition government. As of early on the morning of the fifth day of the war, Netanyahu was still dithering and putting off forming a unity government, for which Israel is desperate. Many Israelis, not just long-time opponents of Netanyahu, are livid. More than one pundit has remarked that within a year both Hamas and Netanyahu will have been tossed from the political stage. My next post will take a different tack. I spent a couple weeks in Gaza way back when Israel controlled it, and I will talk about how that experience affected me.
The Case of the Dead Baby on the Balcony This article inspired the poem “The C…. On The Balcony!” A Supreme Court of Canada comment by ARPA’s Legal Counsel, André Schutten On October 10, 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada heard the case of Ivana Levkovic v. Her Majesty the Queen. This case potentially has broad implications for which human lives are protected by law and how they are protected. I had the privilege of attending in person to observe the oral arguments. The case involves questions of how to deal with the body of a baby that has died after or before birth and thus immediately raises other questions and issues. These questions and issues are all the more significant in light of the recent decision by Parliament refusing to investigate our current definition of human being (click here for more on that). So, what was this case all about? Ms. Levkovic was charged after a building superintendent found a badly decomposed human baby in her apartment. Ms. Levkovic later told police that she had fallen, went into labour, and then put the dead body of the baby girl in a plastic bag and left it on the balcony. A pathologist could not determine whether the baby had died before the labour or afterward. Ms. Levkovic was charged under Section 243 of the Criminal Code, which outlaws the concealing of the body of a dead child regardless of whether the “child died before, during or after birth.” But the word “child” is not defined in the Criminal Code, and the original trial judge could not come up with a clear definition for the term in cases where a death occurs before birth. Does the term child then include a human fetus? Or only a late-term, more fully developed fetus? Does it include a human embryo? Does it matter how old the fetus is before birth or how likely it will survive after birth? The trial judge decided that the words “child died … before birth” were “unconstitutionally vague.” In his ruling, he struck the word “before” from section 243 and acquitted Ms. Levkovic because the Crown could not establish the time of death as being during or after birth. However, the Court of Appeal held that s. 243 is not unconstitutionally vague. It allowed the appeal, set aside the acquittal and ordered a new trial. At issue before the Supreme Court is whether the words “child died before . . . birth” are vague and therefore whether s. 243 breaches s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Section 7 is the right to not be deprived of liberty except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice (of which one principle is that a vague law cannot be a just law). At the Supreme Court, the appellants (the lawyers for Ms. Levkovic) opened by stating that indeed Parliament does have the authority to legislate on the preborn. This is true and consistent with the infamous Morgentaler case of 1988 and it was wise for the appellants to admit this right away. However, they quickly focused in on the issue of vagueness, and argued that certain scenarios were conceivable in which this section surely shouldn’t apply, and yet, could apply on a simple reading of the text. For example, a miscarriage in which an embryo is “delivered” could be included here. However, the intention or purpose of the section would preclude these types of deliveries; the privacy interest of the mother trumps the State’s interest in recording or investigating this type of dead body. In reality, many miscarriages result in private burials in backyards or even in being flushed down toilets. So what’s the standard for section 243? The Crown prosecutor at trial argued that the point where this section begins to apply is at 20 weeks gestation. The Court of Appeal suggested the test was not a gestational question but a viability question: whether the child “was likely to have been born alive”. However, that court sometimes referred to an older standard of “might have been born alive” which are two very different tests. Justice Abella at the Supreme Court then suggested that perhaps the section is not about the age of the child but rather about the birth itself: just as section 243 implies that the death of a child after birth would necessarily be immediately after birth (weeks or months later would activate different sections on infanticide or homicide charges), should we not, she argued, read the clause ‘before birth’ as meaning immediately before birth? The appellants rejected this approach as well because, depending on when the birth happens, an accused may face the same issue and problem as a gestational approach. Another argument made against the section (this time by the Criminal Lawyers Association as interveners) was that section 243 does not give fair notice to those women who might fall foul of the law. How will a woman know whether or not she is incurring criminal liability when she unexpectedly gives birth and delivers a dead child? How does she know in that moment whether or not she is “in the zone” of being able to keep the issue private, or whether she must report to a doctor, a hospital or the police? What about women who don’t know they are pregnant. In the shock of the moment, will they know what to do with the body? In response, the government argued that we have to understand section 243’s purpose. Why is it in the Criminal Code? The purpose is investigative. This section exists to send the message that to conceal a dead body is wrong because the State has an interest in investigating other crimes and the dead body in necessary for the investigation of those other crimes (section 237, 238, 223(2), 242 – infanticide, killing unborn child in act of birth, killing child, neglecting to obtain assistance in child-birth). The Crown also argued that this section underlines the importance of the treatment of the dead, a societal value. Thus, “the inherently unnatural response of hiding the body of the child itself puts a woman on notice” and gives her fair warning that what she is doing could incur criminal liability. The Attorney General of Canada (an intervener on the respondent side) argued that the question the person with the dead baby should ask is, “If I dispose of this body, and someone finds it, will they be suspicious of criminal activity?” Although this test too has limitations, I think it is a fair test to use, the so-called objective test of the reasonable person, a test used in many other criminal trials. It was most interesting to see the seven judges of the Court and the lawyers struggle with the issue of what to do with the body of a baby who died before birth when our law and too many in our society don’t give any regard for, and certainly no protection to, the preborn child until the moment of complete birth. In their body language, in their wrestling with phrases and words, it was abundantly obvious that, with few exceptions, they were uncomfortable with our legal vacuum. Why should we respect a dead baby that dies before birth if there is no protection for it when it is living before birth? It would certainly have been much easier for the judges and lawyers alike if there existed a law that protected (at a minimum) the preborn child at 20 weeks gestation and further. Thus, a gestational limit on late term abortions would help bridge a gap here because if there is no protection for a fetus from 20 weeks to 40 weeks gestation anyway, why bother investigating if the fetus dies and is delivered? That seems somewhat contradictory. But we, as a society, recognize that there is something seriously significant about a still-birth: “the complete expulsion or extraction from the mother after at least 20 weeks pregnancy or after attaining a weight of at least 500 grams of a [child where] there is no breathing, beating of the heart…” And a majority of Canadians recognize as immoral the killing of a late-term baby. At any rate, if a gestational law were introduced, it would be beneficial to amend section 243 of the Criminal Code at the same time. Interestingly, Chief Justice McLachlin refused to call the unborn child a ‘child’, instead using the word ‘being’, stating that the use of the term ‘child’ was “contentious”. I’m not sure if the Chief Justice meant that it was contentious in society (whether we prefer to call the unborn child a fetus, a baby, a human, a blob of tissue, etc.) or whether she meant the term was contentious in this particular case, as there was some indication that the term needed to be defined. However, the fact is that the term “child” is used throughout the Criminal Code in reference to the unborn; it’s a legal reality and I think the refusal to use the term demonstrates that political correctness pervades even our highest court. As to the question of the merits of the arguments, I see equally valid arguments on both sides – there is vagueness in this section and yet the State has a legitimate interest in investigating those fetal deaths that occur later in the pregnancy. However, I’m not sure a more precise definition of child would help. Perhaps doctors should be telling pregnant women that if their child unexpectedly is born after 18 weeks (for example) that they ought to report it to a doctor immediately and take the child to a hospital, whether or not it is alive. Of course, for those women who do not see a doctor or do not know they are pregnant, this does little to solve the problem of fair notice. Are there broader ramifications for the pro-life movement? Possibly. This case again highlights the need for respect for all of life and the disconnect between our lack of protection for the preborn child and the other laws in our Criminal Code. Certainly if the Court decides to restrictively define “child”, it could undermine efforts to extend protection beyond the 20 week mark of fetal development. The Supreme Court will most likely avoid the thornier issues of defining the term “child”, or at what stage of development a dead baby should attract criminal liability. Instead, they will focus on the constitutional issue of vagueness only and determine whether or not the section is too vague to be just. Although I felt strongly that the appellants did a much better job of presenting their case, I’m guessing that the section will be left as is. And I’m okay with that. I am firmly of the belief that Parliament should be defining terms in the law, not judges. And just because our Parliament fails to step up to the plate, this is insufficient justification for the judges to have to do that work for them. All of this is all the more interesting as the Supreme Court will hear a case today (October 11) of a young woman accused of unlawfully abandoning her newborn after giving birth in a Walmart bathroom. In May 2007, she was feeling unwell and went to the bathroom in the store. She gave birth to a baby and, claiming she thought it was dead, left the store shortly afterwards leaving the baby in the toilet where a store manager rescued it. This is what happens when there are no laws protecting preborn human beings. We slide towards carelessness for newly born human beings. The issue of protection for all of life does not want to go away – let’s keep the conversation going!
I'm Ashley. I'm engaged to Doug. I have an amazzing little boy, Mark Anthony. He was born on August 1st 2007. He was a premmie but he made it through! I am expecting my second child. I am 5 months along with a little girl. I come from a large family (very large). I have some wonderful friends. I wouldn't trade my life for anything.
The perfect week. Can you believe it. 5 from 5! JB wasn’t happy with how lenient Rabs & Rosie were on the Plastic button, but nonetheless he created history! Follow @triplemrushhour to watch all of Billy’s jokes on Instagram. Catch the best bits of the Rush Hour on the LiSTNR app! Download it here. Get the latest updates direct to your inbox You're now in the loop
Jessica and Sam’s wedding in the north Atrium of Artifact Events was an evening of simple elegance. As guests entered the chic, loft venue, they were treated to glasses of champagne before settling in for the ceremony. The Atrium was decorated with floating florals, chandeliers, and twinkling lights overhead. Jessica and Sam postponed their plans by a year and I think it ended up being completely worth the wait. Earlier in the day, Jessica and Sam shared a private first look at the rooftop of their apartment building. From there, we did a quick stop for photos at Chicago’s iconic Wrigley Building for pictures of the two of them and with their families and wedding party. Upon arriving to Artifact Events, Jessica and Sam were able to relax and spend quality time with their friends and family before the official festivities began. They were all such a fun bunch of people and made photos so easy. Jessica’s brother officiated and had the whole crowd laughing with happy tears. The rest of the night was simple and effortless. The couple opted for less tradition and more quality time spent with the people they love most. It was a perfect day. Congratulations again, Jessica and Sam. From your engagement session to your wedding day to every meeting in between, I loved working with you both so much! The Wedding Vendor Team: Planner: Jenny MacBeard, Blue Moon Events Florist: Flowers for Dreams Venue: Artifact Events Catering: Boka Catering Hair Styling: Dry Bar, River North Makeup: Fearless & Bella Ceremony Music: Rendezvous Reception DJ: Toast & Jam Photo Booth: Big Hugs Photo Booth Photography: Artistrie Co. Reach out to Ashley today and let's start planning the perfect photography experience for your wedding, boudoir or portrait session.
Iris Apfel, a textile expert, interior designer and fashion celebrity known for her eccentric style, has died. She was 102. Actor Rainn Wilson on what he learned traveling the world in search of well-being Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors. William Brangham: There's a new series out this month about traveling the wide world looking for the happiest places on Earth. You might be surprised by the travel guide, though, a man that many know for being stuck in an office. Geoff Bennett caught up with actor Rainn Wilson to discuss his journey. It's part of our arts and culture series, Canvas. Rainn Wilson, Actor: I don't want to be this cold. Geoff Bennett: Wilson travels far and wide, from Iceland. Rainn Wilson: And I'm scared. Woman: Your only goal now is to go in this ocean and surrender. Rainn Wilson: All right. Woman: Do you know what you have just done? Rainn Wilson: I put have my country away. Geoff Bennett: To Ghana. Woman: Very important. Rainn Wilson: Ready to start with a clean mind, an open mind, and new experience. Geoff Bennett: And beyond in a six-part series called "Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss." Wilson is recognizable to many as Dwight Schrute from "The Office," the critically acclaimed mockumentary sitcom series that ran for nine seasons on NBC. Over the years, he has taken on other projects from films such as "Juno"... Rainn Wilson: This is one doodle that can't be undid, home skillet. Geoff Bennett: To more recently "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story." While he continued the comedic work, he also turned inward, asking bigger life questions through a media company he founded called SoulPancake and with a book released this spring, "Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution." And welcome to the "NewsHour." Rainn Wilson joined me from a recording studio to be to explain why he literally took the plunge. With this new series, you wanted to find the key to inner happiness and you went around the world looking for it. What did you discover? Rainn Wilson: Iceland, Ghana, West Africa, Bulgaria and Thailand. And then back to Los Angeles to see if I could take what I found about bliss, joy, happiness, well-being and apply it to my life back at home. And to boil it all down, it's not any great mystery. The thing that I really came away with in my heart about finding bliss is, it's all about connection. It's all about community. It's not a big surprise. The people that were the most vital and lived the most meaningful lives did so in relationship with others. Geoff Bennett: It's interesting. I used the word happiness and you used the word bliss. Do you see a difference between the two things? Rainn Wilson: I do. I have a -- personally, I have a problem with the word happiness, because happiness is a result of certain things being in place. You know what I mean? Like you, you lick an ice cream cone and a butterfly lands on your shoulder and you feel happy. Well, the next day, you can go like an ice cream cone and wait for a butterfly and maybe feel miserable and anxious and worried about the next day. So what are actions that you can take in your life, what are initiatives that you can take, what's an outlook that you can shift, a perspective to tweak in order to achieve what experts in that field really call well-being, you know, that sense of being connected, grounded, joyful, and alive and vibrant on the inside? Geoff Bennett: In this series, you lay bare your personal challenges publicly. How did you feel about that initially? Was there any reservation? Rainn Wilson: You know, maybe I have just been in therapy for too long. I have no problem talking about my struggles and my issues, my traumas, difficulties that I have had. And I talk about my anxiety disorder and depression and other issues. And so, for me, this journey was a personal journey, as well as anything else. I wanted to find out some of these answers that -- we Americans, we can be a little arrogant sometimes. Maybe we have got something to learn from the people of Ghana and the people of Thailand and the people of Iceland. And I was excited to try that out both on myself as kind of a guinea pig and to share my findings. Geoff Bennett: Traveling to find contentment or bliss is not something that most people can do. Based on your travels, how can people find that closer to home or within? Rainn Wilson: What we're trying to do on the show is not that travel is going to make you happy, but what can we learn from other cultures that we can apply at home? And I think that there is of a wealth of evidence out there for all kinds of the things that we're discovering. For instance, in Iceland, I did a cold plunge in the Arctic Ocean with a group of powerful, amazing Viking women that every morning they sing songs and hold hands and they walk into the Arctic Ocean. Well, cold plunge therapy is something that you can do at home. You can do it in your shower. You don't need to have a fancy cold plunge in order to do it. And the Vikings have been doing it for thousands of years. Geoff Bennett: There is a spiritual thread throughout your recent work, Rainn. You also have a book calling for a spiritual revolution. The book is called "Soul Boom." And you write that we as a culture have discounted spirituality, that we have moved away from faith, we have moved away from the sacred, and that we need to return to it. Tell me more about that. Rainn Wilson: Well, the thesis of the book is that we have kind of thrown the spiritual baby out with the religious bathwater. In Western culture, especially in big city America, we have so uniformly rejected religion, for -- a lot of times for very good reasons. You know, we have suffered a lot of trauma at the hands of religion. Some terrible acts of barbarity have been done in the name of an all-loving God. And I understand why people have left. But there are spiritual tools at the foundation of all of the world's great faith traditions that we can draw from that can transform our lives, and, more importantly, that we can use to help transform our society. Geoff Bennett: How does being spiritual, being faithful translate to the work you do in Hollywood? Rainn Wilson: Well, that's a great question. They're often at odds. But I do feel that, in the spirit of the divine creator, the creative force that pulses through every molecule in this physical plane and an infinite other number of planes past this one, that the act of entertaining can be a service. And I think people that have loved and watched "The Office" for decades now feel a great sense of peace and calm and serenity in the watching of the show. And it uplifts their hearts and souls. And I get to be a part of that. So there's a service element. And that essential element of creating something where there's nothing, being an artist, there's a blank page, there's a blank stage, there's a silent room, and you get to be a part of creating something beautiful, rich, and magical. I think that is a divine process. I think there's a sacredness and a sublimity to it. Geoff Bennett: I'd never thought of it in that way, that the work you do as an actor in some ways is a ministry. On the other hand, to lots of people, you will forever be associated with your standout character on the office, Dwight Schrute. As you see it, is that a blessing or a burden? Rainn Wilson: A little bit of both. I mean, I played dozens of roles before I played Dwight, and I have played a good dozen or more since I finished playing Dwight. That's the one that has found a nerve with audiences, and they love me for it. And, listen, I'm so grateful. I wouldn't have been able to write a book. It has opened so many doors for me. Geoff Bennett: Rainn Wilson, a real pleasure to speak with you. Thanks for your time. Rainn Wilson: Thanks for having me. Real pleasure.
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Korea-based Doosan Robotics, a global leading manufacturer of collaborative robots, has recently launched its E-SERIES, the company’s NSF-certified collaborative robot line specifically created for the food and beverage (F&B) industry. Named for its technological edge, the E-SERIES has the flexibility to make virtually any food and beverage while offering extremely competitive pricing and industry-leading safety and hygiene standards. Doosan Robotics’ E-SERIES recently received the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certification for food hygiene safety with features such as sealed gaps between the cobot’s connecting axes. By reducing weight and adopting a slim design, the E-SERIES is easy to install and fits seamlessly into workspaces. Its 5kg payload and nearly 3ft reach provides ample capacity to handle any food task with ease. Doosan Robotics E-SERIES has been tested for a variety of applications including its implementation at Robert Chicken, a Korean fried chicken concept powered exclusively by cobots. The E-SERIES has also been tested and deployed to make coffee and other beverages through Doosan Robotic’s Dr. Presso. Doosan Robotics plans to continue customizing the E-SERIES for other F&B use from baking, barbeque and specialized functions within the food services (QSR) category. With the launch of E-SERIES, Doosan Robotics is revealing 13 new cobots, arguably the biggest lineup in the worldwide cobot market with an extensive range of product options that include the M, A and H-SERIES, customized for process performance and industrial needs for customers. “Our E-SERIES cobots were specifically created to help transform the food and beverage industry, providing immediate solutions to labor shortages and improving work efficiencies. Based on this momentum, we will continue to lead the global cobot industry,” said William (Junghoon) Ryu, CEO of Doosan Robotics. Doosan E-SERIES cobots will start its first shipment in June with exclusive discounts on the first purchase. Doosan Robotics, founded in 2015 by Doosan Group, develops advanced technology and offers cobot solutions in manufacturing and service industries. The Doosan Group generated sales revenue of US$13 billion in 2022.
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The Youngest CEO of Belgium. Jeroen Poels is listed on the Forbes30 under 30 years. CEO and Founder DELTAWORX. The Future of the Labor Market. Academically speaking, the only thing he learned, was that learning (or studying) the conventional way didn’t really spark his interest... At 16, he dropped out but still managed to finish his high school degree (in Belgian terms: ASO / Economics & Languages) through home studying. Eager to kickstart his career in the business world, he promptly started pursuing a college degree called KMO management at Karel de Grote. After 2 years however, he simply had to succumb to the temptation of starting to work for himself. From a professional point of view, he most certainly did not drop out, but he did start all the way at the bottom: he was in fact the ambitious 15-year-old dishwasher at the local banquet hall, trying to work his way up to the position of head waiter. In which he succeeded so well that he pretty much also managed the entire workforce at that point. At the age of 18, finally, he seized the moment and started his own business: DELTAWORX. Reason? Not only in the light of personal development and growth, but also because he saw the opportunity to help students (at the time they were his friends and peers) get jobs and thus gain (relevant) working experience; which is, today, still one of the main goals of the company. One year later, he became the youngest person -ever- to lead an officially certified staffing agency. He also had the honour of being nominated Belgium’s youngest CEO. Dare he ask: “Is the best yet to come?” Jeroen is also a fanatic winter sports lover & scuba diver, and a big fan of the many pleasures and challenges life has to offer. Jeroen Poels is one of the young wolves from the VTM2 TV program of the same name. At the age of eighteen, he launched his own employment agency for students. Deltaworx now has more than 2,000 students and a network of more than 27,000 Young Professionals. Jeroen Poels will talk about his struggle as Belgium's youngest CEO, but also take an interesting look at our changing labor market and how we can prepare for this.
CALM & SOOTHE SENSITIVE SKIN Worry about how to take care of your delicate skin? AsterSpring’s Aroma Soothing Treatment is recommended for customers who have highly sensitive and dehydrated skin, unstable skin, or even as part of post medical care. Key Treatment Benefits - Balancing treatments for sensitive skin - Calms and soothe the skin redness - Stabilized and build the skin defense with instant hydration effect - Nurture a healthy foundation for the skin For optimal results, Aroma Soothing Treatment is recommended for 2 – 3 sessions per month for a minimum of 3 months for the correction phase and 2 sessions per month for the subsequent maintenance phase, with appropriate homecare regimen including Dermologica skincare. Duration: 50 minutes per session.
01 Jul Astral Aerial, Wingcopter announce strategic partnership for last-mile delivery Astral Aerial Solutions has collaborated with Wingcopter for last mile delivery solutions. Geoffrey Nyaga, chief operations officer of Astral Aerial announced it during a webinar organised by the Logistics Update Africa on ‘Drones for improving healthcare supply chains and creating drone corridors for Africa’. “It is important for all of us to develop solutions for the consumers that reduce delivery times. Therefore, Astral is delighted to announce the newly formed partnership with Wingcopter. It combines the local expertise we have with state-of-the-art technology offering the best solutions in Africa and India. Our aim is to develop a strong network and solutions across Africa for the expected Covid-19 vaccine,” he said. Andi Fisanich, chief of staff, Wingcopter was also part of the webinar. Astral stated that they had been looking for companies which not only build drones but also provide solutions to their clients. The last mile delivery of health and humanitarian cargoes to rural areas in Africa is usually affected by barriers such as land isolation, lack of secure storage and warehouse facilities and other infrastructural issues. Other panelists included Tautvydas Juskauskas, drone specialist, UNICEF/ISG UAS; Yaniv Gelnik, global business development lead, Zipline; Patrick Meier, co-founder, WeRobotics; and Lawrence K Amukono, chief, national continuous monitoring coordinator, Kenya Civil Aviation Authority.
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Tyler Perry decided to upload a unique post in celebration of Father’s Day. On Sunday, June 20, he shared a video of the nursery room for his son, Aman Tyler Perry. Panning the room, he showed the animal print wallpaper, the numerous stuffed animals, books and a crib. Although he did not show himself in the video, he can be heard saying in the background “Wow, time flies. Six years old now and I still haven’t been able to pack all this up. Happy Father’s Day everybody.” His caption read, “To every father who realizes that time is flying!!! Happy Father’s Day.” Many fans said it back to him while others were admiring the room. A few people pointed out that Perry has a copy of the new children’s book “The Bench” by Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. One fan wrote, “Yassss to The Bench sitting on your dresser. I love it. Happy Father’s Day Mr. Perry.” Others were happy to see a Bible in the child’s nursery. “I love the Bible being open on the dresser. 🙌 You are such an amazing person inside and out.” Some fans were flat-out confused and taken aback that Perry even had a child. It’s understandable why some would be confused since the only thing fans really know about Perry’s son is his age and his name. But Perry, like a few other celebrities, has chosen to protect his son’s identity by not posting any pictures of him. One of the more interesting comments is from a fan who wrote, “Love the nursery! Maybe it’s time for another baby? 😉 Have a very Happy Father’s Day @tylerperry ❤️🙌.” Perry shares his child with model and activist Gelila Bekele. They dated after meeting at a 2007 Prince concert and welcomed their son in 2014. In December, Perry revealed that he was “single” after also sharing that he was going through “a midlife crisis” at age 51. Bekele never spoke about their breakup and has chosen to opt out of posting their son on social media as well.
No one chooses to have an accident. Whether it’s an auto crash, slip and fall or any number of other calamities that can befall even the most cautious among us, they are called accidents for a reason. However, we do have the option of choosing what to do after such a distressing event. Dr. Eric Homa of Complete Injury Care has witnessed the various results, good, bad and horrific, depending on the choices people make. As an athlete he has experienced his own share of injuries and knows firsthand how deceptive symptoms (or lack thereof) can be. The universally accepted response to any type of accident is to immediately seek medical attention. However, even with all the studies and research available, the majority of individuals still ignore this rule. “This is the hardest thing to make people understand,” says the doctor. “It’s very common, immediately following an injury to not experience significant pain. Unfortunately, the person makes the assumption that they must be ‘fine’ and refuse to seek a professional opinion. Of course, in too many instances several hours, days or sometimes even weeks later, they begin to not only experience symptoms, but at this point are truly suffering. “Our bodies are amazing and automatic responses are part of our built-in survival mechanisms,” he continues. “When we are involved in something traumatic like an accident, particularly a motor-vehicle accident, our adrenalin spikes. We’re oft en in a state of shock and overwhelmed by the frightening event we’ve just survived. Because adrenalin is rushing through our system, we won’t immediately feel any real pain, but that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been damage. Too oft en, it’s significant damage, which when left untreated, can impact the quality of that person’s life forever.” There is of course, aside from medical professionals, one segment of our population who are keenly aware of the importance of immediate attention following an accident. That would be, attorneys. Here too, Dr. Homa is in familiar waters. Prior to opening his clinic in Pottsville, he had operated not one, but two highly successful offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. In fact, it didn’t take long for these to become the largest chiropractic and physical medicine practices in the state. “I became the team doctor for TapOut (MMA), and treated everyone from celebrities to military,” he says. “Although it was very rewarding professionally, my wife and I missed being close to family and friends. So, in 2012, I moved my practice back home to Schulykill County and opened Complete Injury Care. What started as a small office has boomed and become one of the busiest clinics in the area. We have expanded our operations to treat the underserved population in need of medical care for auto accidents, slip and falls and workers’ compensation injuries. “We now sell durable medical equipment through Complete Injury Care Directens and have a staff that can accommodate everything from massage therapy to same day medical emergencies,” he adds. In fact, they have been so successful, that Complete Injury Care was recently included in the Top Ten Chiropractic Offices in the state of Pennsylvania. With a fully staffed office and continuously updated, state-of-the-art medical equipment, Dr. Homa’s clinic is prepared to handle virtually any situation. But what makes this practice particularly unique is their knowledge of the requirements for a patient involved in a recovery lawsuit. “When a patient comes through the door they are entered to a vast referral system of highly qualified MDs, surgeons, imagine facilities, and others that we work with daily to produce the best outcome for the patient,” says Homa. “We also work closely with the patient’s attorney to let them know our medical recommendations, keep track of their client visits, update on patient billing and records and provide any information the attorney may need in order to help their client. We accept Medical Letters of Protection and work on attorney liens. If an attorney has a client that was recently injured, we are your first stop. We will bring the client in usually within 24 hours, do a full examination, and recommend a treatment plan. Records are sent to the attorney immediately, and any recommendations are communicated to the attorney’s office.” Having treated thousands of patients following car accidents, work injury, bicycle mishaps as well as slip and falls, the staff of Complete Injury Care has the expertise to examine and treat these injuries without the ordeal of spending hours waiting in the emergency room or waiting weeks to see the family doctor. In addition, Complete Injury Care maintains a vast referral network of primary care physicians, pain management specialist, neurologists and orthopedic physicians. They can also refer patients for X-ray, MRI and NCV testing when needed. The examining doctor can determine if additional testing or specialty will be necessary. Working closely with the patient’s attorney, they ensure that all proper records and information is available in a timely and orderly fashion. The doctor has proven to be a tremendous asset in other facets of an injury lawsuit too. Having been called upon in countless cases as an expert witness, his testimony, which is professional yet comprehensible to the average jurist, provides a clear and concise account of the injuries sustained and how those injuries can impact the person’s life. “I’ve been doing this type of work for more than 11 years,” says Dr. Homa. “This is what we specialize in, and over that time period, I’ve lost count of the number of times I have testified, given depositions, been called upon as an expert witness and deposed on various aspects of different cases. Working closely with attorneys has become just another aspect of our practice.” Due to the nature of the injuries and patients that they treat, the staff of Complete Injury Care offers services that go beyond the walls of their offices. “We understand that our patients frequently need special considerations,” says Dr. Homa. “For instance, we provide a driving service to and from our offices for local patients. This sometimes means the difference between getting the proper care they need and not. Also, we offer same day appointments. This is highly critical. We’re always emphasizing the importance of immediate care following an accident, so it only makes sense that we have to be prepared to accommodate these patients. “In addition, we offer in-house DME services for at home therapy, expedited medical records and Colossus Compliant Records for autoinjury patients,” he adds. “All these things help make both the treatment process and legal process move along seamlessly and with as little stress on the patient as possible.” The doctor also plans on adding TeleMed Services for out of the area patients, as well as continuing to evolve with the latest medical technology. OUT OF THE OFFICE When not in the office treating his hundreds of patients or testifying in some courtroom, Dr. Homa enjoys running or working out, cheering on the Eagles, boating, volunteering in the community or spending time with his family. He and his wife Amber are making the most of reconnecting with family and friends in the area. “Growing up playing sports, I spent my share of time on the injury list,” says Homa. “While treating my own injuries through chiropractors and physical therapists, my interest in medicine grew. Aft er high school I first attended U.S. Naval Academy, then James Madison University, followed by Southern California University of Health Science for my doctorate degree, all with the goal in mind to help others as they had helped me. It’s been a wonderful experience and helping people who are in pain is very gratifying. It’s particularly great helping people right here where I grew up.”
Australia Awards alumnus Muddassir Riaz Malik is making a significant impact in developing districts in Punjab, Pakistan. He has been instrumental in improving several public service initiatives in districts under his purview. Muddassir received an Australia Awards Scholarship in 2015, through which he graduated with a Master of Public Policy from the Australian National University. Upon returning home, Muddassir was appointed as the Deputy Commissioner in Jhang, a district of Punjab, where he made a difference to uplift the community while contributing towards policy reforms and implementation. In June 2018 he was appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Multan district. During his time in Jhang he dealt with matters of land revenue collection, alongside administering education and the health department in the district. He was also responsible for the coordination among various provincial departments in the district for effective policy implementation along with chairing the district intelligence committee for maintaining law and order. As the Deputy Commissioner of Jhang, Muddassir successfully reformed the District Head Quarter (DHQ) Hospital Jhang through upgrading facilities, improving staff training and implementing better administration policies. His efforts started to show results within four months – leading to an increase from 1,600 consultations per day in the Out-Patient Department (OPD) to 3,800 per day. This is the highest average number of outpatient department consultations ever recorded in any DHQ in Punjab. This was achieved through various interventions, including the introduction of new female registration associates, patient facilitators and pharmacy associates; increasing facilitation counters to manage the load; increasing availability of medicines; and improving doctor attendance. Due to Muddassir’s efforts, DHQ Jhang Hospital became the first DHQ in Punjab that not only achieved ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications but also received minimum service delivery standard accreditation from the Punjab Health Care Commission. Muddassir additionally introduced international-standard sports facilities for both boys and girls in the district of Jhang. These facilities include an International Swimming Federation standard swimming pool, sports centre for fifteen in-door games, separate basketball courts for boys and girls, hockey grounds and cricket pitches. Muddassir believes that sports are an essential part of physical development and character building for both boys and girls and that such facilities will bear fruit in terms of enhancing tomorrow’s communities. Muddassir has been using skills acquired during his time in Australia to fulfil his duties as a public servant. ‘When my children started studying in Australia during my Scholarship, I observed the emphasis put on sports in Australian schools. The love I developed for sports when in Australia, and having realised the positive outcome of sports activities, I introduced state-of-the-art sports facilities in the district,’ he says, ‘I used impact assessment studies – a course at Crawford – to improve service delivery in the health sector in Jhang.’ Muddassir adds that his Australia Awards Scholarship has had an immense impact in his career development: ‘Australia Awards helped my career with knowledge, diverse experience and a skill set that I learnt at the university’. ‘I developed my research skills during my time Australia, which was very useful during my assignment as the Additional Secretary Welfare, especially when I was given the task to procuring a helicopter for the Government of Punjab!’ ‘Australia is now just like my second home and interacting with Australians is always a pleasure’. Australia Awards is a great influence in his personal and professional life. ‘I have not only become more confident and independent in dealing with my personal matters, but I have also learnt how to live with people of different nationalities and views.’ Muddassir appreciates that his time studying through his Scholarship in Australia has helped him develop a better sense of listening to arguments as well as tolerating them. ‘As a person I have become more rational, composed and focused.’ In 2018, Muddassir was transferred from Jhang to Multan as the Deputy Commissioner. Multan is the 7th largest city of Punjab with a population of over 4.7Mn and is considered the largest city in Southern Punjab. Muddassir plans on continuing his work as a civil servant and aims to also specialise in health policy or water resource management through further education. Australia Awards are prestigious international Scholarships, Fellowships and Short Courses funded by the Australian Government. Australia Awards Scholarships aim to contribute to the long-term development needs of Australia’s partner countries in line with bilateral and regional agreements.
What do you want from SEO? If I had to guess, I’d say “more traffic” or “more leads” are at the top of your goals list. The problem is, those things don’t just happen on their own. One way to accomplish these goals is to pursue link building by creating amazing content. Links are one of the most important signals Google uses to rank websites. They act as endorsements and help Google understand how sites are related and which pages offer the best information on any particular topic. Below, I’ll provide a guide to help you better understand link building, learn from the success of other sites, and create content that people want to link to from their sites. Using this strategy, not only will you be creating quality content, but the links earned will translate into more targeted traffic within your industry or niche. Understand Why People Link to Others’ Content Sites don’t link to other sites; people link to other people. When beginning a link building campaign, this is the most important thing to keep in mind. Because if you pick the wrong person to reach out to, you’re only wasting your time. You can’t just expect any and all sites in your niche to link to your content just because they’re a little similar. Each site is unique, with a unique writing/editing staff and their idea of great content might not be the same as yours. Even if your content isn’t a fit for every site, it doesn’t mean that it’s not high quality or that your content is awful. It just means you have to adjust your work and expectations depending on the person you’re targeting. But how do you do that? How do you know which person or site is a fit? Research! You have to get your hands dirty in order to succeed with link building. Blindly contacting site after site may get you some results, but the best results come from taking your time and executing based on the information you acquire. This is accomplished by getting to know the people who manage, edit, or write for a specific site. If it’s an individually-owned blog or site, there’s less research involved in understanding what kind of content they like; you just have to browse the site. But in the case of larger sites that have editors and various writers, knowing who likes what gives you a huge advantage. For example, if you’re trying to get the word out about your new business, you’ll want to target the editor/writer who is directly in charge of content about new business or whose writing history reflects that interest. You can then customize your email to show that you’re contacting them for a specific reason. This is important because people hate being contacted in an impersonal way, especially when a request is involved. It doesn’t matter how amazing your site or content is, unless you’re able to win over the person on the other end of your email message. Ultimately, the reason people link to your content is because they find it interesting, it’s a fit for their site, and you reached out to them as a person instead of a website. Keep this in mind as you begin your next link building campaign and you’ll see better results in less time. Research and Learn from the Success of Others The great thing about link building is that it’s very easy to research and learn from the success of other sites. Using tools like SEMRush and Moz Pro, you can determine where a site’s links came from and which pieces of content achieved the most links. This information will give you an idea of the type of content certain sites like to see, allowing you to create your own link building roadmap. To help you on this journey, here’s a step-by-step guide to analyzing a site’s content and links: - Use Moz Pro (Subscription Required) – To begin, you’ll need a subscription to Moz Pro, a $99/month service. A free 30-day trial is available for new users, so take advantage of that if you’d like to test the service with this exercise. - Open OSE and Enter Your Target Site – OSE (Open Site Explorer) is a Moz Pro tool that allows you to retrieve inbound link data from any site on the web. It even includes information that grades sites (0-100) based on how they’d rank on search engines; this is called Domain Authority. To start, enter your target site in the URL field at the top of the page. - Click “Top Pages” on the Left Side of Page – This will generate a list of your target site’s top pages based on Page Authority, the grade given to an individual page. To go in-depth with this data, you can download a CSV file, but for this example let’s just take one of the top pages (ignoring the homepage). - Enter the Page URL into the URL Field and Click Back to Inbound Links – Instead of analyzing the inbound links of the entire site, you’ll now only get a list of the top pages from the chosen page. Now we can see which sites are linking to it in order to better understand the context. - Analyze the Content and its Inbound Links – Now that you’ve got an example page, open it up and read through it. Once you’ve down that, go back and click through to some of the high-DA sites linking to that page. Why is that site linking to that page? What value does it add? Answer these questions and you can emulate that on your own site in order to create great content that attracts links. Use the Skyscraper Technique to Create the BEST Content Conceptualized by Brian Dean of Backlinko, the Skyscraper Techinique is the idea of taking content that’s proven to attract links and building upon it. That means updating it with current information, digging deeper into the topic, creating a better page design, using more/higher-quality images, and anything else you can think of to one-up the original piece of content. Once you’ve got all of this planned out, the only thing left to do is execute. There’s no secret sauce to creating amazing content; you simply have to understand the process, create a plan, and take action. You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are your own worst enemy.” This is especially true when creating content. Because while you are competing with other sites to create the best content, the only person stopping you from doing it is yourself. Keep this in mind the next time you complain about not being about to create better content than a competitor!