9 values
1 value
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""Testing the ColReorder stage.""" import pytest import pandas as pd from pdpipe import Schematize from pdpipe.exceptions import FailedPreconditionError def _df(): return pd.DataFrame([[2, 4, 8], [3, 6, 9]], [1, 2], ['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_schematize(): df = _df() stage = Schematize(['a', 'c']) res = stage(df) assert list(res.columns) == ['a', 'c'] assert res.iloc[0, 0] == 2 assert res.iloc[1, 0] == 3 assert res.iloc[0, 1] == 8 assert res.iloc[1, 1] == 9 stage = Schematize(['c', 'b']) res = stage(df) assert list(res.columns) == ['c', 'b'] assert res.iloc[0, 0] == 8 assert res.iloc[1, 0] == 9 assert res.iloc[0, 1] == 4 assert res.iloc[1, 1] == 6 stage = Schematize(['a', 'g']) with pytest.raises(FailedPreconditionError): stage(df)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# This file is a part of Arjuna # Copyright 2015-2020 Rahul Verma # Website: www.RahulVerma.net # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from arjuna.tpi.data.record import DataRecord class DummyDataRecord(DataRecord): def __init__(self): super().__init__(process=False)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import unittest import yaml import json import os import itertools import numpy as np from conduit.utils.parameterization import parameterize from conduit.tests.testing_utils import load_test_data class TestParameterization(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._test_data = load_test_data('test_parameterization.yml') def test_parameterize_single(self): data = self._test_data['metaparam1'] data = {"metaparam1" : data} p = parameterize(data) expected_dict_format = { "step1" : { "param1" : "{a}" }, "step2" : { "param1" : "{a}" }, "step3" : { "param1" : "{a}" } } for i,step in enumerate(p): self.assertDictLike(expected_dict_format, step, a=0.1*i) def test_parameterize_multiple(self): data = { "metaparam1" : self._test_data['metaparam1'], "metaparam2" : self._test_data['metaparam2'], } p = parameterize(data) expected_dict_format = { "step1" : { "param1" : "{a}", "param2" : "{b}" }, "step2" : { "param1" : "{a}", }, "step3" : { "param1" : "{a}", } } vals = list(itertools.product(np.arange(0.0, 1, 0.1),np.arange(0.0, 0.2, 0.1))) self.assertEqual(len(p), len(vals)) for step,(a,b) in zip(p,vals): self.assertDictLike(expected_dict_format,step, a=a, b=b) def assertDictLike(self, d1, d2, *args, **kwargs): yaml.Dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda *args : True d1str = yaml.dump(d1, default_flow_style=False) d2str = yaml.dump(d2, default_flow_style=False) d1str = d1str.format(*args, **kwargs) # print(d1str, d2str) d1l = yaml.load(d1str) d2l = yaml.load(d2str) self.assertEqual(d1l,d2l) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" File: equal_pitch_policy.py Purpose: Defines a two note policy where the second note's pitch must equal first note's pitch. """ from melody.constraints.abstract_constraint import AbstractConstraint from structure.note import Note from tonalmodel.pitch_scale import PitchScale class EqualPitchConstraint(AbstractConstraint): """ Multi-note constraints that claims that both notes have the same pitch value. """ def __init__(self, equal_notes): """ Constructor :param equal_notes: list of all v_notes that map to notes, mapped notes all same pitch. """ AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, equal_notes) if len(equal_notes) <= 1: raise Exception('EqualNotePolicy must have two or v-more notes.') def clone(self, new_actors=None): return EqualPitchConstraint(new_actors if new_actors is not None else self.actors) def verify(self, p_map): """ Ensure the two mapped actors have identical pitches. :param p_map: :return: """ equal_notes = self.actors for v_note in equal_notes: if v_note not in p_map: raise Exception('Improper parameter map in equal note constraints.') if p_map[v_note].note is None: return False # We compare diatonic distances, as the notes may be enharmonic due to differing tonalities. for i in range(0, len(equal_notes) - 1): if p_map[equal_notes[i]].note.diatonic_pitch.diatonic_distance != \ p_map[equal_notes[i + 1]].note.diatonic_pitch.diatonic_distance: return False return True def values(self, p_map, v_note): assigned = p_map.assigned_actors(self) unassigned = p_map.unassigned_actors(self) if len(assigned) == 0: pitches = p_map.all_tonal_pitches(v_note) return {Note(p, v_note.base_duration, v_note.num_dots) for p in pitches} if v_note in assigned: return {p_map[v_note].note} if v_note not in unassigned: raise Exception('{0} is not in actor list of equal pitch constraints.'.format(v_note.note)) return EqualPitchConstraint.compute_note(p_map, assigned[0], v_note) @staticmethod def compute_note(p_map, assigned_note, unassigned_note): """ For an assigned note and an unassigned note, return for unassigned, a note the same as assigned, but with pitch enharmonic to its tonality. :param p_map: :param assigned_note: :param unassigned_note: :return: """ # select a pitch representation closest to the tonality, if it exists. policy_context = p_map[unassigned_note].policy_context pitch = p_map[assigned_note].note.diatonic_pitch for p in pitch.enharmonics(): for t in PitchScale(policy_context.harmonic_context.tonality, policy_context.pitch_range).tone_scale: if p.diatonic_tone == t: pitch = p break actual_note = Note(pitch, unassigned_note.base_duration, unassigned_note.num_dots) return {actual_note} def __str__(self): note_str = ','.join([str(x) for x in self.actors]) return 'e.p.p{0}'.format(note_str)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ All spiders should yield data shaped according to the Open Civic Data specification (http://docs.opencivicdata.org/en/latest/data/event.html). """ import re import requests import json import datetime from city_scrapers.spider import Spider class Chi_librarySpider(Spider): name = 'chi_library' long_name = 'Chicago Public Library' allowed_domains = ['https://www.chipublib.org/'] start_urls = ['https://www.chipublib.org/board-of-directors/board-meeting-schedule/'] def __init__(self, session=requests.Session()): """ Initialize a spider with a session object to use in the _get_lib_info function. """ self.session = session def parse(self, response): """ `parse` should always `yield` a dict that follows the `Open Civic Data event standard <http://docs.opencivicdata.org/en/latest/data/event.html>`_. Change the `_parse_id`, `_parse_name`, etc methods to fit your scraping needs. """ # the following code turns the HTML glob into an array of lists of strings, one list # per event. The first line is *always* the date, the last line is *always* the address. # IF the event has 3 lines, then line 2 and 3 should be concatenated to be the location. #Otherwise, the event has 3 lines and the middle line is the location. events = response.css('div.entry-content p').extract() year = response.css('div.entry-content h2').extract() def cleanhtml(raw_html): cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>') cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html) return cleantext all_clean_events = [] for val in events: clean_event = cleanhtml(val) final_event = clean_event.splitlines() all_clean_events.append(final_event) # grab general information for event description description_str = ' '.join(all_clean_events[0] + all_clean_events[1]) # remove first two informational lines from events array events_only = all_clean_events[2:] # get library info from City of Chicago API lib_info = self._get_lib_info() for item in events_only: yr = cleanhtml(year[0]) start_time = self._parse_start(item, yr) data = { '_type': 'event', 'name': 'Chicago Public Library Board Meeting', 'description': description_str, 'classification': 'Board meeting', 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': None, # no end time listed 'all_day': False, # default is false 'timezone': 'America/Chicago', 'status': self._parse_status(item), # default is tentative, but there is no status info on site 'location': self._parse_location(item, lib_info), 'sources': self._parse_sources(response) } data['id'] = self._generate_id(data) yield data def _get_lib_info(self): """ Returns a list of dictionaries of information about each library from the City of Chicago's API. """ r = self.session.get("https://data.cityofchicago.org/resource/psqp-6rmg.json") return json.loads(r.text) def _parse_classification(self, item): """ Parse or generate classification (e.g. town hall). """ return 'Not classified' def _parse_status(self, item): """ Parse or generate status of meeting. Can be one of: * cancelled * tentative * confirmed * passed @TODO determine correct status """ return 'tentative' def find_name(self, li): if len(li) == 4: return ', '.join(li[1:3]) else: return li[1] def _parse_location(self, item, lib_info): """ Parse or generate location. Url, latitutde and longitude are all optional and may be more trouble than they're worth to collect. """ return { 'url': None, 'name': self.find_name(item), 'coordinates': { 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, }, 'address': self._parse_address(item, lib_info) } def _parse_address(self, item, lib_info): """ compare item's address line to library API addresses until you find the match, then concatenate address line with city/state/zip to return address and maybe url? """ if len(item) == 4: addr = 3 else: addr = 2 for i in range(len(lib_info)): if item[addr] == lib_info[i]['address']: match = lib_info[i] return match['address'] + ', ' + match['city'] + ' ' + match['state'] + ' ' + match['zip'] def _parse_start(self, item, year): """ Parse start date and time. """ # TODO: turn every event array's first string into correct date format date = item[0] date = date.replace(',', '') date = date.replace('.', '') date = date + ' ' + year datetime_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%A %B %d %I %p %Y') return self._naive_datetime_to_tz(datetime_object) def _parse_sources(self, response): """ Parse sources. """ return [{'url': response.url, 'note': ''}]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import numpy as np from sympy import symbols from . import example_smooth_reservoir_models as ESRM from .smooth_model_run import SmoothModelRun def critics(): symbs = symbols("t k_01 k_10 k_0o k_1o") t, k_01, k_10, k_0o, k_1o = symbs srm = ESRM.critics(symbs) pardict = {k_0o: 0.01, k_1o: 0.08, k_01: 0.09, k_10: 1} start_values = np.array([0.001, 0.001]) times = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000) pwc_mr = SmoothModelRun(srm, pardict, start_values, times) return pwc_mr def nonlinear_two_pool(): symbs = symbols("t k_01 k_10 k_0o k_1o") t, k_01, k_10, k_0o, k_1o = symbs srm = ESRM.nonlinear_two_pool(symbs) # now create the modelrun pardict = { k_01: 1/100, k_10: 1/100, k_0o: 1/2, k_1o: 1/2 } times = np.linspace(0, 20, 1600) # time grid forward start_values = np.array([1, 2]) pwc_mr = SmoothModelRun(srm, pardict, start_values, times) return pwc_mr def emanuel_1(): symbs = symbols( """ I_1 I_3 x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 t F_1 F_2 F_3 F_4 F_5 F_21 F_41 F_42 F_52 F_43 F_53 F_54 """ ) (I_1, I_3, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5, t, F_1, F_2, F_3, F_4, F_5, F_21, F_41, F_42, F_52, F_43, F_53, F_54) = symbs srm = ESRM.emanuel(symbs) # now create the modelrun pardict = { I_1: 77, I_3: 36, F_1: 2.081, F_2: 0.0686, F_3: 0.5217, F_4: 0.5926, F_5: 9.813e-3, F_21: 0.8378, F_41: 0.5676, F_42: 0.0322, F_52: 4.425e-3, F_43: 0.1739, F_53: 0.0870, F_54: 0.0370 } start_values = np.array( [37.00144, 451.89224, 69.00518, 80.2446, 1118.12122] ) times = np.arange(0, (10+(1/365)), 1/365) # time grid forward pwc_mr = SmoothModelRun(srm, pardict, start_values, times) return pwc_mr
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. """ This module provides classes to interface with the Materials Project REST API v2 to enable the creation of data structures and pymatgen objects using Materials Project data. To make use of the Materials API, you need to be a registered user of the Materials Project, and obtain an API key by going to your dashboard at https://www.materialsproject.org/dashboard. """ import itertools import json import logging import platform import re import sys import warnings from typing import List from enum import Enum, unique from time import sleep import requests from monty.json import MontyDecoder, MontyEncoder from monty.serialization import dumpfn from pymatgen.core import SETTINGS, SETTINGS_FILE, yaml from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure from pymatgen.core.surface import get_symmetrically_equivalent_miller_indices from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry, ComputedStructureEntry from pymatgen.entries.exp_entries import ExpEntry from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from pymatgen.util.sequence import PBar, get_chunks from pymatgen.core import __version__ as PMG_VERSION logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @unique class TaskType(Enum): """task types available in MP""" GGA_OPT = "GGA Structure Optimization" GGAU_OPT = "GGA+U Structure Optimization" SCAN_OPT = "SCAN Structure Optimization" GGA_LINE = "GGA NSCF Line" GGAU_LINE = "GGA+U NSCF Line" GGA_UNIFORM = "GGA NSCF Uniform" GGAU_UNIFORM = "GGA+U NSCF Uniform" GGA_STATIC = "GGA Static" GGAU_STATIC = "GGA+U Static" GGA_STATIC_DIEL = "GGA Static Dielectric" GGAU_STATIC_DIEL = "GGA+U Static Dielectric" GGA_DEF = "GGA Deformation" GGAU_DEF = "GGA+U Deformation" LDA_STATIC_DIEL = "LDA Static Dielectric" class MPRester: """ A class to conveniently interface with the Materials Project REST interface. The recommended way to use MPRester is with the "with" context manager to ensure that sessions are properly closed after usage:: with MPRester("API_KEY") as m: do_something MPRester uses the "requests" package, which provides for HTTP connection pooling. All connections are made via https for security. For more advanced uses of the Materials API, please consult the API documentation at https://github.com/materialsproject/mapidoc. """ supported_properties = ( "energy", "energy_per_atom", "volume", "formation_energy_per_atom", "nsites", "unit_cell_formula", "pretty_formula", "is_hubbard", "elements", "nelements", "e_above_hull", "hubbards", "is_compatible", "spacegroup", "task_ids", "band_gap", "density", "icsd_id", "icsd_ids", "cif", "total_magnetization", "material_id", "oxide_type", "tags", "elasticity", ) supported_task_properties = ( "energy", "energy_per_atom", "volume", "formation_energy_per_atom", "nsites", "unit_cell_formula", "pretty_formula", "is_hubbard", "elements", "nelements", "e_above_hull", "hubbards", "is_compatible", "spacegroup", "band_gap", "density", "icsd_id", "cif", ) def __init__( self, api_key=None, endpoint=None, notify_db_version=True, include_user_agent=True, ): """ Args: api_key (str): A String API key for accessing the MaterialsProject REST interface. Please obtain your API key at https://www.materialsproject.org/dashboard. If this is None, the code will check if there is a "PMG_MAPI_KEY" setting. If so, it will use that environment variable. This makes easier for heavy users to simply add this environment variable to their setups and MPRester can then be called without any arguments. endpoint (str): Url of endpoint to access the MaterialsProject REST interface. Defaults to the standard Materials Project REST address at "https://materialsproject.org/rest/v2", but can be changed to other urls implementing a similar interface. notify_db_version (bool): If True, the current MP database version will be retrieved and logged locally in the ~/.pmgrc.yaml. If the database version changes, you will be notified. The current database version is also printed on instantiation. These local logs are not sent to materialsproject.org and are not associated with your API key, so be aware that a notification may not be presented if you run MPRester from multiple computing environments. include_user_agent (bool): If True, will include a user agent with the HTTP request including information on pymatgen and system version making the API request. This helps MP support pymatgen users, and is similar to what most web browsers send with each page request. Set to False to disable the user agent. """ if api_key is not None: self.api_key = api_key else: self.api_key = SETTINGS.get("PMG_MAPI_KEY", "") if endpoint is not None: self.preamble = endpoint else: self.preamble = SETTINGS.get("PMG_MAPI_ENDPOINT", "https://materialsproject.org/rest/v2") if self.preamble != "https://materialsproject.org/rest/v2": warnings.warn("Non-default endpoint used: {}".format(self.preamble)) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers = {"x-api-key": self.api_key} if include_user_agent: pymatgen_info = "pymatgen/" + PMG_VERSION python_info = "Python/{}.{}.{}".format( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro ) platform_info = "{}/{}".format(platform.system(), platform.release()) self.session.headers["user-agent"] = "{} ({} {})".format(pymatgen_info, python_info, platform_info) if notify_db_version: db_version = self.get_database_version() logger.debug(f"Connection established to Materials Project database, version {db_version}.") try: with open(SETTINGS_FILE, "rt") as f: d = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError: d = {} d = d if d else {} if "MAPI_DB_VERSION" not in d: d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"] = {"LOG": {}, "LAST_ACCESSED": None} # store a log of what database versions are being connected to if db_version not in d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"]["LOG"]: d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"]["LOG"][db_version] = 1 else: d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"]["LOG"][db_version] += 1 # alert user if db version changed last_accessed = d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"]["LAST_ACCESSED"] if last_accessed and last_accessed != db_version: print( f"This database version has changed from the database last accessed ({last_accessed}).\n" f"Please see release notes on materialsproject.org for information about what has changed." ) d["MAPI_DB_VERSION"]["LAST_ACCESSED"] = db_version # write out new database log if possible # bare except is not ideal (perhaps a PermissionError, etc.) but this is not critical # and should be allowed to fail regardless of reason try: dumpfn(d, SETTINGS_FILE) except Exception: pass def __enter__(self): """ Support for "with" context. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Support for "with" context. """ self.session.close() def _make_request(self, sub_url, payload=None, method="GET", mp_decode=True): response = None url = self.preamble + sub_url try: if method == "POST": response = self.session.post(url, data=payload, verify=True) else: response = self.session.get(url, params=payload, verify=True) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: if mp_decode: data = json.loads(response.text, cls=MontyDecoder) else: data = json.loads(response.text) if data["valid_response"]: if data.get("warning"): warnings.warn(data["warning"]) return data["response"] raise MPRestError(data["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST query returned with error status code {}".format(response.status_code)) except Exception as ex: msg = "{}. Content: {}".format(str(ex), response.content) if hasattr(response, "content") else str(ex) raise MPRestError(msg) def get_database_version(self): """ The Materials Project database is periodically updated and has a database version associated with it. When the database is updated, consolidated data (information about "a material") may and does change, while calculation data about a specific calculation task remains unchanged and available for querying via its task_id. The database version is set as a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, where "-DD" may be optional. An additional numerical suffix might be added if multiple releases happen on the same day. Returns: database version as a string """ d = self._make_request("/api_check") return d["version"]["db"] def get_materials_id_from_task_id(self, task_id): """ Returns a new MP materials id from a task id (which can be equivalent to an old materials id) Args: task_id (str): A task id. Returns: materials_id (str) """ return self._make_request("/materials/mid_from_tid/%s" % task_id) def get_materials_id_references(self, material_id): """ Returns all references for a materials id. Args: material_id (str): A material id. Returns: BibTeX (str) """ return self._make_request("/materials/%s/refs" % material_id) def get_data(self, chemsys_formula_id, data_type="vasp", prop=""): """ Flexible method to get any data using the Materials Project REST interface. Generally used by other methods for more specific queries. Format of REST return is *always* a list of dict (regardless of the number of pieces of data returned. The general format is as follows: [{"material_id": material_id, "property_name" : value}, ...] This is generally a call to https://www.materialsproject.org/rest/v2/materials/vasp/<prop>. See https://github.com/materialsproject/mapidoc for details. Args: chemsys_formula_id (str): A chemical system (e.g., Li-Fe-O), or formula (e.g., Fe2O3) or materials_id (e.g., mp-1234). data_type (str): Type of data to return. Currently can either be "vasp" or "exp". prop (str): Property to be obtained. Should be one of the MPRester.supported_task_properties. Leave as empty string for a general list of useful properties. """ sub_url = "/materials/%s/%s" % (chemsys_formula_id, data_type) if prop: sub_url += "/" + prop return self._make_request(sub_url) def get_materials_ids(self, chemsys_formula): """ Get all materials ids for a formula or chemsys. Args: chemsys_formula (str): A chemical system (e.g., Li-Fe-O), or formula (e.g., Fe2O3). Returns: ([str]) List of all materials ids. """ return self._make_request("/materials/%s/mids" % chemsys_formula, mp_decode=False) def get_doc(self, materials_id): """ Get the entire data document for one materials id. Use this judiciously. REST Endpoint: https://www.materialsproject.org/materials/<mp-id>/doc. Args: materials_id (str): E.g., mp-1143 for Al2O3 Returns: Dict of json document of all data that is displayed on a materials details page. """ return self._make_request("/materials/%s/doc" % materials_id, mp_decode=False) def get_xas_data(self, material_id, absorbing_element): """ Get X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for absorbing element in the structure corresponding to a material_id. Only X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) for K-edge is supported. REST Endpoint: https://www.materialsproject.org/materials/<mp-id>/xas/<absorbing_element>. Args: material_id (str): E.g., mp-1143 for Al2O3 absorbing_element (str): The absorbing element in the corresponding structure. E.g., Al in Al2O3 """ element_list = self.get_data(material_id, prop="elements")[0]["elements"] if absorbing_element not in element_list: raise ValueError( "{} element not contained in corresponding structure with " "mp_id: {}".format(absorbing_element, material_id) ) data = self._make_request( "/materials/{}/xas/{}".format(material_id, absorbing_element), mp_decode=False, ) return data[0] def get_task_data(self, chemsys_formula_id, prop=""): """ Flexible method to get any data using the Materials Project REST interface. Generally used by other methods for more specific queries. Unlike the :func:`get_data`_, this method queries the task collection for specific run information. Format of REST return is *always* a list of dict (regardless of the number of pieces of data returned. The general format is as follows: [{"material_id": material_id, "property_name" : value}, ...] Args: chemsys_formula_id (str): A chemical system (e.g., Li-Fe-O), or formula (e.g., Fe2O3) or materials_id (e.g., mp-1234). prop (str): Property to be obtained. Should be one of the MPRester.supported_properties. Leave as empty string for a general list of useful properties. """ sub_url = "/tasks/%s" % chemsys_formula_id if prop: sub_url += "/" + prop return self._make_request(sub_url) def get_structures(self, chemsys_formula_id, final=True): """ Get a list of Structures corresponding to a chemical system, formula, or materials_id. Args: chemsys_formula_id (str): A chemical system (e.g., Li-Fe-O), or formula (e.g., Fe2O3) or materials_id (e.g., mp-1234). final (bool): Whether to get the final structure, or the initial (pre-relaxation) structure. Defaults to True. Returns: List of Structure objects. """ prop = "final_structure" if final else "initial_structure" data = self.get_data(chemsys_formula_id, prop=prop) return [d[prop] for d in data] def find_structure(self, filename_or_structure): """ Finds matching structures on the Materials Project site. Args: filename_or_structure: filename or Structure object Returns: A list of matching materials project ids for structure. Raises: MPRestError """ try: if isinstance(filename_or_structure, str): s = Structure.from_file(filename_or_structure) elif isinstance(filename_or_structure, Structure): s = filename_or_structure else: raise MPRestError("Provide filename or Structure object.") payload = {"structure": json.dumps(s.as_dict(), cls=MontyEncoder)} response = self.session.post("{}/find_structure".format(self.preamble), data=payload) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: resp = json.loads(response.text, cls=MontyDecoder) if resp["valid_response"]: return resp["response"] raise MPRestError(resp["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST error with status code {} and error {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) except Exception as ex: raise MPRestError(str(ex)) def get_entries( self, chemsys_formula_id_criteria, compatible_only=True, inc_structure=None, property_data=None, conventional_unit_cell=False, sort_by_e_above_hull=False, ): """ Get a list of ComputedEntries or ComputedStructureEntries corresponding to a chemical system, formula, or materials_id or full criteria. Args: chemsys_formula_id_criteria (str/dict): A chemical system (e.g., Li-Fe-O), or formula (e.g., Fe2O3) or materials_id (e.g., mp-1234) or full Mongo-style dict criteria. compatible_only (bool): Whether to return only "compatible" entries. Compatible entries are entries that have been processed using the MaterialsProject2020Compatibility class, which performs adjustments to allow mixing of GGA and GGA+U calculations for more accurate phase diagrams and reaction energies. inc_structure (str): If None, entries returned are ComputedEntries. If inc_structure="initial", ComputedStructureEntries with initial structures are returned. Otherwise, ComputedStructureEntries with final structures are returned. property_data (list): Specify additional properties to include in entry.data. If None, no data. Should be a subset of supported_properties. conventional_unit_cell (bool): Whether to get the standard conventional unit cell sort_by_e_above_hull (bool): Whether to sort the list of entries by e_above_hull (will query e_above_hull as a property_data if True). Returns: List of ComputedEntry or ComputedStructureEntry objects. """ # TODO: This is a very hackish way of doing this. It should be fixed # on the REST end. params = [ "run_type", "is_hubbard", "pseudo_potential", "hubbards", "potcar_symbols", "oxide_type", ] props = ["energy", "unit_cell_formula", "task_id"] + params if sort_by_e_above_hull: if property_data and "e_above_hull" not in property_data: property_data.append("e_above_hull") elif not property_data: property_data = ["e_above_hull"] if property_data: props += property_data if inc_structure: if inc_structure == "initial": props.append("initial_structure") else: props.append("structure") if not isinstance(chemsys_formula_id_criteria, dict): criteria = MPRester.parse_criteria(chemsys_formula_id_criteria) else: criteria = chemsys_formula_id_criteria data = self.query(criteria, props) entries = [] for d in data: d["potcar_symbols"] = [ "%s %s" % (d["pseudo_potential"]["functional"], l) for l in d["pseudo_potential"]["labels"] ] data = {"oxide_type": d["oxide_type"]} if property_data: data.update({k: d[k] for k in property_data}) if not inc_structure: e = ComputedEntry( d["unit_cell_formula"], d["energy"], parameters={k: d[k] for k in params}, data=data, entry_id=d["task_id"], ) else: prim = d["initial_structure"] if inc_structure == "initial" else d["structure"] if conventional_unit_cell: s = SpacegroupAnalyzer(prim).get_conventional_standard_structure() energy = d["energy"] * (len(s) / len(prim)) else: s = prim.copy() energy = d["energy"] e = ComputedStructureEntry( s, energy, parameters={k: d[k] for k in params}, data=data, entry_id=d["task_id"], ) entries.append(e) if compatible_only: from pymatgen.entries.compatibility import MaterialsProject2020Compatibility # suppress the warning about missing oxidation states with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Failed to guess oxidation states.*") entries = MaterialsProject2020Compatibility().process_entries(entries, clean=True) if sort_by_e_above_hull: entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda entry: entry.data["e_above_hull"]) return entries def get_pourbaix_entries(self, chemsys, solid_compat="MaterialsProject2020Compatibility"): """ A helper function to get all entries necessary to generate a pourbaix diagram from the rest interface. Args: chemsys (str or [str]): Chemical system string comprising element symbols separated by dashes, e.g., "Li-Fe-O" or List of element symbols, e.g., ["Li", "Fe", "O"]. solid_compat: Compatiblity scheme used to pre-process solid DFT energies prior to applying aqueous energy adjustments. May be passed as a class (e.g. MaterialsProject2020Compatibility) or an instance (e.g., MaterialsProject2020Compatibility()). If None, solid DFT energies are used as-is. Default: MaterialsProject2020Compatibility """ # imports are not top-level due to expense from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PhaseDiagram from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix_diagram import IonEntry, PourbaixEntry from pymatgen.core.ion import Ion from pymatgen.entries.compatibility import ( Compatibility, MaterialsProjectAqueousCompatibility, MaterialsProject2020Compatibility, MaterialsProjectCompatibility, ) if solid_compat == "MaterialsProjectCompatibility": self.solid_compat = MaterialsProjectCompatibility() elif solid_compat == "MaterialsProject2020Compatibility": self.solid_compat = MaterialsProject2020Compatibility() elif isinstance(solid_compat, Compatibility): self.solid_compat = solid_compat else: raise ValueError( "Solid compatibility can only be 'MaterialsProjectCompatibility', " "'MaterialsProject2020Compatibility', or an instance of a Compatability class" ) pbx_entries = [] if isinstance(chemsys, str): chemsys = chemsys.split("-") # Get ion entries first, because certain ions have reference # solids that aren't necessarily in the chemsys (Na2SO4) url = "/pourbaix_diagram/reference_data/" + "-".join(chemsys) ion_data = self._make_request(url) ion_ref_comps = [Composition(d["Reference Solid"]) for d in ion_data] ion_ref_elts = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(i.elements for i in ion_ref_comps)) ion_ref_entries = self.get_entries_in_chemsys( list(set([str(e) for e in ion_ref_elts] + ["O", "H"])), property_data=["e_above_hull"], compatible_only=False, ) # suppress the warning about supplying the required energies; they will be calculated from the # entries we get from MPRester with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="You did not provide the required O2 and H2O energies.", ) compat = MaterialsProjectAqueousCompatibility(solid_compat=self.solid_compat) # suppress the warning about missing oxidation states with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Failed to guess oxidation states.*") ion_ref_entries = compat.process_entries(ion_ref_entries) ion_ref_pd = PhaseDiagram(ion_ref_entries) # position the ion energies relative to most stable reference state for n, i_d in enumerate(ion_data): ion = Ion.from_formula(i_d["Name"]) refs = [e for e in ion_ref_entries if e.composition.reduced_formula == i_d["Reference Solid"]] if not refs: raise ValueError("Reference solid not contained in entry list") stable_ref = sorted(refs, key=lambda x: x.data["e_above_hull"])[0] rf = stable_ref.composition.get_reduced_composition_and_factor()[1] solid_diff = ion_ref_pd.get_form_energy(stable_ref) - i_d["Reference solid energy"] * rf elt = i_d["Major_Elements"][0] correction_factor = ion.composition[elt] / stable_ref.composition[elt] energy = i_d["Energy"] + solid_diff * correction_factor ion_entry = IonEntry(ion, energy) pbx_entries.append(PourbaixEntry(ion_entry, "ion-{}".format(n))) # Construct the solid pourbaix entries from filtered ion_ref entries extra_elts = set(ion_ref_elts) - {Element(s) for s in chemsys} - {Element("H"), Element("O")} for entry in ion_ref_entries: entry_elts = set(entry.composition.elements) # Ensure no OH chemsys or extraneous elements from ion references if not (entry_elts <= {Element("H"), Element("O")} or extra_elts.intersection(entry_elts)): # Create new computed entry form_e = ion_ref_pd.get_form_energy(entry) new_entry = ComputedEntry(entry.composition, form_e, entry_id=entry.entry_id) pbx_entry = PourbaixEntry(new_entry) pbx_entries.append(pbx_entry) return pbx_entries def get_structure_by_material_id(self, material_id, final=True, conventional_unit_cell=False): """ Get a Structure corresponding to a material_id. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id (a string, e.g., mp-1234). final (bool): Whether to get the final structure, or the initial (pre-relaxation) structure. Defaults to True. conventional_unit_cell (bool): Whether to get the standard conventional unit cell Returns: Structure object. """ prop = "final_structure" if final else "initial_structure" data = self.get_data(material_id, prop=prop) if not data: try: new_material_id = self.get_materials_id_from_task_id(material_id) if new_material_id: warnings.warn( "The calculation task {} is mapped to canonical mp-id {}, " "so structure for {} returned. " "This is not an error, see documentation. " "If original task data for {} is required, " "use get_task_data(). To find the canonical mp-id from a task id " "use get_materials_id_from_task_id().".format( material_id, new_material_id, new_material_id, material_id ) ) return self.get_structure_by_material_id(new_material_id) except MPRestError: raise MPRestError( "material_id {} unknown, if this seems like " "an error please let us know at " "matsci.org/materials-project".format(material_id) ) if conventional_unit_cell: data[0][prop] = SpacegroupAnalyzer(data[0][prop]).get_conventional_standard_structure() return data[0][prop] def get_entry_by_material_id( self, material_id, compatible_only=True, inc_structure=None, property_data=None, conventional_unit_cell=False, ): """ Get a ComputedEntry corresponding to a material_id. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id (a string, e.g., mp-1234). compatible_only (bool): Whether to return only "compatible" entries. Compatible entries are entries that have been processed using the MaterialsProject2020Compatibility class, which performs adjustments to allow mixing of GGA and GGA+U calculations for more accurate phase diagrams and reaction energies. inc_structure (str): If None, entries returned are ComputedEntries. If inc_structure="final", ComputedStructureEntries with final structures are returned. Otherwise, ComputedStructureEntries with initial structures are returned. property_data (list): Specify additional properties to include in entry.data. If None, no data. Should be a subset of supported_properties. conventional_unit_cell (bool): Whether to get the standard conventional unit cell Returns: ComputedEntry or ComputedStructureEntry object. """ data = self.get_entries( material_id, compatible_only=compatible_only, inc_structure=inc_structure, property_data=property_data, conventional_unit_cell=conventional_unit_cell, ) return data[0] def get_dos_by_material_id(self, material_id): """ Get a Dos corresponding to a material_id. REST Endpoint: https://www.materialsproject.org/rest/v2/materials/<mp-id>/vasp/dos Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id (a string, e.g., mp-1234). Returns: A Dos object. """ data = self.get_data(material_id, prop="dos") return data[0]["dos"] def get_bandstructure_by_material_id(self, material_id, line_mode=True): """ Get a BandStructure corresponding to a material_id. REST Endpoint: https://www.materialsproject.org/rest/v2/materials/<mp-id>/vasp/bandstructure or https://www.materialsproject.org/rest/v2/materials/<mp-id>/vasp/bandstructure_uniform Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id. line_mode (bool): If True, fetch a BandStructureSymmLine object (default). If False, return the uniform band structure. Returns: A BandStructure object. """ prop = "bandstructure" if line_mode else "bandstructure_uniform" data = self.get_data(material_id, prop=prop) return data[0][prop] def get_phonon_dos_by_material_id(self, material_id): """ Get phonon density of states data corresponding to a material_id. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id. Returns: CompletePhononDos: A phonon DOS object. """ return self._make_request("/materials/{}/phonondos".format(material_id)) def get_phonon_bandstructure_by_material_id(self, material_id): """ Get phonon dispersion data corresponding to a material_id. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id. Returns: PhononBandStructureSymmLine: A phonon band structure. """ return self._make_request("/materials/{}/phononbs".format(material_id)) def get_phonon_ddb_by_material_id(self, material_id): """ Get ABINIT Derivative Data Base (DDB) output for phonon calculations. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id. Returns: str: ABINIT DDB file as a string. """ return self._make_request("/materials/{}/abinit_ddb".format(material_id)) def get_entries_in_chemsys( self, elements, compatible_only=True, inc_structure=None, property_data=None, conventional_unit_cell=False, ): """ Helper method to get a list of ComputedEntries in a chemical system. For example, elements = ["Li", "Fe", "O"] will return a list of all entries in the Li-Fe-O chemical system, i.e., all LixOy, FexOy, LixFey, LixFeyOz, Li, Fe and O phases. Extremely useful for creating phase diagrams of entire chemical systems. Args: elements (str or [str]): Chemical system string comprising element symbols separated by dashes, e.g., "Li-Fe-O" or List of element symbols, e.g., ["Li", "Fe", "O"]. compatible_only (bool): Whether to return only "compatible" entries. Compatible entries are entries that have been processed using the MaterialsProject2020Compatibility class, which performs adjustments to allow mixing of GGA and GGA+U calculations for more accurate phase diagrams and reaction energies. inc_structure (str): If None, entries returned are ComputedEntries. If inc_structure="final", ComputedStructureEntries with final structures are returned. Otherwise, ComputedStructureEntries with initial structures are returned. property_data (list): Specify additional properties to include in entry.data. If None, no data. Should be a subset of supported_properties. conventional_unit_cell (bool): Whether to get the standard conventional unit cell Returns: List of ComputedEntries. """ if isinstance(elements, str): elements = elements.split("-") all_chemsyses = [] for i in range(len(elements)): for els in itertools.combinations(elements, i + 1): all_chemsyses.append("-".join(sorted(els))) entries = self.get_entries( {"chemsys": {"$in": all_chemsyses}}, compatible_only=compatible_only, inc_structure=inc_structure, property_data=property_data, conventional_unit_cell=conventional_unit_cell, ) return entries def get_exp_thermo_data(self, formula): """ Get a list of ThermoData objects associated with a formula using the Materials Project REST interface. Args: formula (str): A formula to search for. Returns: List of ThermoData objects. """ return self.get_data(formula, data_type="exp") def get_exp_entry(self, formula): """ Returns an ExpEntry object, which is the experimental equivalent of a ComputedEntry and can be used for analyses using experimental data. Args: formula (str): A formula to search for. Returns: An ExpEntry object. """ return ExpEntry(Composition(formula), self.get_exp_thermo_data(formula)) def query( self, criteria, properties, chunk_size=500, max_tries_per_chunk=5, mp_decode=True, ): r""" Performs an advanced query using MongoDB-like syntax for directly querying the Materials Project database. This allows one to perform queries which are otherwise too cumbersome to perform using the standard convenience methods. Please consult the Materials API documentation at https://github.com/materialsproject/mapidoc, which provides a comprehensive explanation of the document schema used in the Materials Project (supported criteria and properties) and guidance on how best to query for the relevant information you need. For queries that request data on more than CHUNK_SIZE materials at once, this method will chunk a query by first retrieving a list of material IDs that satisfy CRITERIA, and then merging the criteria with a restriction to one chunk of materials at a time of size CHUNK_SIZE. You can opt out of this behavior by setting CHUNK_SIZE=0. To guard against intermittent server errors in the case of many chunks per query, possibly-transient server errors will result in re-trying a give chunk up to MAX_TRIES_PER_CHUNK times. Args: criteria (str/dict): Criteria of the query as a string or mongo-style dict. If string, it supports a powerful but simple string criteria. E.g., "Fe2O3" means search for materials with reduced_formula Fe2O3. Wild cards are also supported. E.g., "\\*2O" means get all materials whose formula can be formed as \\*2O, e.g., Li2O, K2O, etc. Other syntax examples: mp-1234: Interpreted as a Materials ID. Fe2O3 or *2O3: Interpreted as reduced formulas. Li-Fe-O or *-Fe-O: Interpreted as chemical systems. You can mix and match with spaces, which are interpreted as "OR". E.g. "mp-1234 FeO" means query for all compounds with reduced formula FeO or with materials_id mp-1234. Using a full dict syntax, even more powerful queries can be constructed. For example, {"elements":{"$in":["Li", "Na", "K"], "$all": ["O"]}, "nelements":2} selects all Li, Na and K oxides. {"band_gap": {"$gt": 1}} selects all materials with band gaps greater than 1 eV. properties (list): Properties to request for as a list. For example, ["formula", "formation_energy_per_atom"] returns the formula and formation energy per atom. chunk_size (int): Number of materials for which to fetch data at a time. More data-intensive properties may require smaller chunk sizes. Use chunk_size=0 to force no chunking -- this is useful when fetching only properties such as 'material_id'. max_tries_per_chunk (int): How many times to re-try fetching a given chunk when the server gives a 5xx error (e.g. a timeout error). mp_decode (bool): Whether to do a decoding to a Pymatgen object where possible. In some cases, it might be useful to just get the raw python dict, i.e., set to False. Returns: List of results. E.g., [{u'formula': {u'O': 1, u'Li': 2.0}}, {u'formula': {u'Na': 2.0, u'O': 2.0}}, {u'formula': {u'K': 1, u'O': 3.0}}, ...] """ if not isinstance(criteria, dict): criteria = self.parse_criteria(criteria) payload = { "criteria": json.dumps(criteria), "properties": json.dumps(properties), } if chunk_size == 0: return self._make_request("/query", payload=payload, method="POST", mp_decode=mp_decode) count_payload = payload.copy() count_payload["options"] = json.dumps({"count_only": True}) num_results = self._make_request("/query", payload=count_payload, method="POST") if num_results <= chunk_size: return self._make_request("/query", payload=payload, method="POST", mp_decode=mp_decode) data = [] mids = [d["material_id"] for d in self.query(criteria, ["material_id"], chunk_size=0)] chunks = get_chunks(mids, size=chunk_size) progress_bar = PBar(total=len(mids)) for chunk in chunks: chunk_criteria = criteria.copy() chunk_criteria.update({"material_id": {"$in": chunk}}) num_tries = 0 while num_tries < max_tries_per_chunk: try: data.extend( self.query( chunk_criteria, properties, chunk_size=0, mp_decode=mp_decode, ) ) break except MPRestError as e: # pylint: disable=E1101 match = re.search(r"error status code (\d+)", str(e)) if match: if not match.group(1).startswith("5"): raise e num_tries += 1 print( "Unknown server error. Trying again in five " "seconds (will try at most {} times)...".format(max_tries_per_chunk) ) sleep(5) progress_bar.update(len(chunk)) return data def submit_structures( self, structures, authors, projects=None, references="", remarks=None, data=None, histories=None, created_at=None, ): """ Submits a list of structures to the Materials Project as SNL files. The argument list mirrors the arguments for the StructureNL object, except that a list of structures with the same metadata is used as an input. .. note:: As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for the future. Args: structures: A list of Structure objects authors (list): List of {"name":'', "email":''} dicts, *list* of Strings as 'John Doe <johndoe@gmail.com>', or a single String with commas separating authors projects ([str]): List of Strings ['Project A', 'Project B']. This applies to all structures. references (str): A String in BibTeX format. Again, this applies to all structures. remarks ([str]): List of Strings ['Remark A', 'Remark B'] data ([dict]): A list of free form dict. Namespaced at the root level with an underscore, e.g. {"_materialsproject":<custom data>}. The length of data should be the same as the list of structures if not None. histories: List of list of dicts - [[{'name':'', 'url':'', 'description':{}}], ...] The length of histories should be the same as the list of structures if not None. created_at (datetime): A datetime object Returns: A list of inserted submission ids. """ from pymatgen.util.provenance import StructureNL snl_list = StructureNL.from_structures( structures, authors, projects, references, remarks, data, histories, created_at, ) self.submit_snl(snl_list) def submit_snl(self, snl): """ Submits a list of StructureNL to the Materials Project site. .. note:: As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for the future. Args: snl (StructureNL/[StructureNL]): A single StructureNL, or a list of StructureNL objects Returns: A list of inserted submission ids. Raises: MPRestError """ try: snl = snl if isinstance(snl, list) else [snl] jsondata = [s.as_dict() for s in snl] payload = {"snl": json.dumps(jsondata, cls=MontyEncoder)} response = self.session.post("{}/snl/submit".format(self.preamble), data=payload) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: resp = json.loads(response.text, cls=MontyDecoder) if resp["valid_response"]: if resp.get("warning"): warnings.warn(resp["warning"]) return resp["inserted_ids"] raise MPRestError(resp["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST error with status code {} and error {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) except Exception as ex: raise MPRestError(str(ex)) def delete_snl(self, snl_ids): """ Delete earlier submitted SNLs. .. note:: As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for the future. Args: snl_ids: List of SNL ids. Raises: MPRestError """ try: payload = {"ids": json.dumps(snl_ids)} response = self.session.post("{}/snl/delete".format(self.preamble), data=payload) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: resp = json.loads(response.text, cls=MontyDecoder) if resp["valid_response"]: if resp.get("warning"): warnings.warn(resp["warning"]) return resp raise MPRestError(resp["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST error with status code {} and error {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) except Exception as ex: raise MPRestError(str(ex)) def query_snl(self, criteria): """ Query for submitted SNLs. .. note:: As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for the future. Args: criteria (dict): Query criteria. Returns: A dict, with a list of submitted SNLs in the "response" key. Raises: MPRestError """ try: payload = {"criteria": json.dumps(criteria)} response = self.session.post("{}/snl/query".format(self.preamble), data=payload) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: resp = json.loads(response.text) if resp["valid_response"]: if resp.get("warning"): warnings.warn(resp["warning"]) return resp["response"] raise MPRestError(resp["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST error with status code {} and error {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) except Exception as ex: raise MPRestError(str(ex)) def submit_vasp_directory( self, rootdir, authors, projects=None, references="", remarks=None, master_data=None, master_history=None, created_at=None, ncpus=None, ): """ Assimilates all vasp run directories beneath a particular directory using BorgQueen to obtain structures, and then submits thhem to the Materials Project as SNL files. VASP related meta data like initial structure and final energies are automatically incorporated. .. note:: As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for the future. Args: rootdir (str): Rootdir to start assimilating VASP runs from. authors: *List* of {"name":'', "email":''} dicts, *list* of Strings as 'John Doe <johndoe@gmail.com>', or a single String with commas separating authors. The same list of authors should apply to all runs. projects ([str]): List of Strings ['Project A', 'Project B']. This applies to all structures. references (str): A String in BibTeX format. Again, this applies to all structures. remarks ([str]): List of Strings ['Remark A', 'Remark B'] master_data (dict): A free form dict. Namespaced at the root level with an underscore, e.g. {"_materialsproject":<custom data>}. This data is added to all structures detected in the directory, in addition to other vasp data on a per structure basis. master_history: A master history to be added to all entries. created_at (datetime): A datetime object ncpus (int): Number of cpus to use in using BorgQueen to assimilate. Defaults to None, which means serial. """ from pymatgen.apps.borg.hive import VaspToComputedEntryDrone from pymatgen.apps.borg.queen import BorgQueen drone = VaspToComputedEntryDrone(inc_structure=True, data=["filename", "initial_structure"]) queen = BorgQueen(drone, number_of_drones=ncpus) queen.parallel_assimilate(rootdir) structures = [] metadata = [] histories = [] for e in queen.get_data(): structures.append(e.structure) m = { "_vasp": { "parameters": e.parameters, "final_energy": e.energy, "final_energy_per_atom": e.energy_per_atom, "initial_structure": e.data["initial_structure"].as_dict(), } } if "history" in e.parameters: histories.append(e.parameters["history"]) if master_data is not None: m.update(master_data) metadata.append(m) if master_history is not None: histories = master_history * len(structures) return self.submit_structures( structures, authors, projects=projects, references=references, remarks=remarks, data=metadata, histories=histories, created_at=created_at, ) def get_stability(self, entries): """ Returns the stability of all entries. """ try: payload = {"entries": json.dumps(entries, cls=MontyEncoder)} response = self.session.post( "{}/phase_diagram/calculate_stability".format(self.preamble), data=payload, ) if response.status_code in [200, 400]: resp = json.loads(response.text, cls=MontyDecoder) if resp["valid_response"]: if resp.get("warning"): warnings.warn(resp["warning"]) return resp["response"] raise MPRestError(resp["error"]) raise MPRestError("REST error with status code {} and error {}".format(response.status_code, response.text)) except Exception as ex: raise MPRestError(str(ex)) def get_cohesive_energy(self, material_id, per_atom=False): """ Gets the cohesive for a material (eV per formula unit). Cohesive energy is defined as the difference between the bulk energy and the sum of total DFT energy of isolated atoms for atom elements in the bulk. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id, e.g. 'mp-123'. per_atom (bool): Whether or not to return cohesive energy per atom Returns: Cohesive energy (eV). """ entry = self.get_entry_by_material_id(material_id) ebulk = entry.energy / entry.composition.get_integer_formula_and_factor()[1] comp_dict = entry.composition.reduced_composition.as_dict() isolated_atom_e_sum, n = 0, 0 for el in comp_dict.keys(): e = self._make_request("/element/%s/tasks/isolated_atom" % (el), mp_decode=False)[0] isolated_atom_e_sum += e["output"]["final_energy_per_atom"] * comp_dict[el] n += comp_dict[el] ecoh_per_formula = isolated_atom_e_sum - ebulk return ecoh_per_formula / n if per_atom else ecoh_per_formula def get_reaction(self, reactants, products): """ Gets a reaction from the Materials Project. Args: reactants ([str]): List of formulas products ([str]): List of formulas Returns: rxn """ return self._make_request( "/reaction", payload={"reactants[]": reactants, "products[]": products}, mp_decode=False, ) def get_substrates(self, material_id, number=50, orient=None): """ Get a substrate list for a material id. The list is in order of increasing elastic energy if a elastic tensor is available for the material_id. Otherwise the list is in order of increasing matching area. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id, e.g. 'mp-123'. orient (list) : substrate orientation to look for number (int) : number of substrates to return n=0 returns all available matches Returns: list of dicts with substrate matches """ req = "/materials/{}/substrates?n={}".format(material_id, number) if orient: req += "&orient={}".format(" ".join(map(str, orient))) return self._make_request(req) def get_all_substrates(self): """ Gets the list of all possible substrates considered in the Materials Project substrate database Returns: list of material_ids corresponding to possible substrates """ return self._make_request("/materials/all_substrate_ids") def get_surface_data(self, material_id, miller_index=None, inc_structures=False): """ Gets surface data for a material. Useful for Wulff shapes. Reference for surface data: Tran, R., Xu, Z., Radhakrishnan, B., Winston, D., Sun, W., Persson, K. A., & Ong, S. P. (2016). Data Descripter: Surface energies of elemental crystals. Scientific Data, 3(160080), 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.80 Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id, e.g. 'mp-123'. miller_index (list of integer): The miller index of the surface. e.g., [3, 2, 1]. If miller_index is provided, only one dictionary of this specific plane will be returned. inc_structures (bool): Include final surface slab structures. These are unnecessary for Wulff shape construction. Returns: Surface data for material. Energies are given in SI units (J/m^2). """ req = "/materials/{}/surfaces".format(material_id) if inc_structures: req += "?include_structures=true" if miller_index: surf_data_dict = self._make_request(req) surf_list = surf_data_dict["surfaces"] ucell = self.get_structure_by_material_id(material_id, conventional_unit_cell=True) eq_indices = get_symmetrically_equivalent_miller_indices(ucell, miller_index) for one_surf in surf_list: if tuple(one_surf["miller_index"]) in eq_indices: return one_surf raise ValueError("Bad miller index.") return self._make_request(req) def get_wulff_shape(self, material_id): """ Constructs a Wulff shape for a material. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id, e.g. 'mp-123'. Returns: pymatgen.analysis.wulff.WulffShape """ from pymatgen.analysis.wulff import WulffShape from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer structure = self.get_structure_by_material_id(material_id) surfaces = self.get_surface_data(material_id)["surfaces"] lattice = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure).get_conventional_standard_structure().lattice miller_energy_map = {} for surf in surfaces: miller = tuple(surf["miller_index"]) # Prefer reconstructed surfaces, which have lower surface energies. if (miller not in miller_energy_map) or surf["is_reconstructed"]: miller_energy_map[miller] = surf["surface_energy"] millers, energies = zip(*miller_energy_map.items()) return WulffShape(lattice, millers, energies) def get_gb_data( self, material_id=None, pretty_formula=None, chemsys=None, sigma=None, gb_plane=None, rotation_axis=None, include_work_of_separation=False, ): """ Gets grain boundary data for a material. Args: material_id (str): Materials Project material_id, e.g., 'mp-129'. pretty_formula (str): The formula of metals. e.g., 'Fe' sigma(int): The sigma value of a certain type of grain boundary gb_plane(list of integer): The Miller index of grain boundary plane. e.g., [1, 1, 1] rotation_axis(list of integer): The Miller index of rotation axis. e.g., [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], and [1, 1, 1] Sigma value is determined by the combination of rotation axis and rotation angle. The five degrees of freedom (DOF) of one grain boundary include: rotation axis (2 DOFs), rotation angle (1 DOF), and grain boundary plane (2 DOFs). include_work_of_separation (bool): whether to include the work of separation (in unit of (J/m^2)). If you want to query the work of separation, please specify the material_id. Returns: A list of grain boundaries that satisfy the query conditions (sigma, gb_plane). Energies are given in SI units (J/m^2). """ if gb_plane: gb_plane = ",".join([str(i) for i in gb_plane]) if rotation_axis: rotation_axis = ",".join([str(i) for i in rotation_axis]) payload = { "material_id": material_id, "pretty_formula": pretty_formula, "chemsys": chemsys, "sigma": sigma, "gb_plane": gb_plane, "rotation_axis": rotation_axis, } if include_work_of_separation and material_id: list_of_gbs = self._make_request("/grain_boundaries", payload=payload) for i, gb_dict in enumerate(list_of_gbs): gb_energy = gb_dict["gb_energy"] gb_plane_int = gb_dict["gb_plane"] surface_energy = self.get_surface_data(material_id=material_id, miller_index=gb_plane_int)[ "surface_energy" ] wsep = 2 * surface_energy - gb_energy # calculate the work of separation gb_dict["work_of_separation"] = wsep return list_of_gbs return self._make_request("/grain_boundaries", payload=payload) def get_interface_reactions( self, reactant1, reactant2, open_el=None, relative_mu=None, use_hull_energy=False, ): """ Gets critical reactions between two reactants. Get critical reactions ("kinks" in the mixing ratio where reaction products change) between two reactants. See the `pymatgen.analysis.interface_reactions` module for more info. Args: reactant1 (str): Chemical formula for reactant reactant2 (str): Chemical formula for reactant open_el (str): Element in reservoir available to system relative_mu (float): Relative chemical potential of element in reservoir with respect to pure substance. Must be non-positive. use_hull_energy (bool): Whether to use the convex hull energy for a given composition for the reaction energy calculation. If false, the energy of the ground state structure will be preferred; if a ground state can not be found for a composition, the convex hull energy will be used with a warning message. Returns: list: list of dicts of form {ratio,energy,rxn} where `ratio` is the reactant mixing ratio, `energy` is the reaction energy in eV/atom, and `rxn` is a `pymatgen.analysis.reaction_calculator.Reaction`. """ payload = { "reactants": " ".join([reactant1, reactant2]), "open_el": open_el, "relative_mu": relative_mu, "use_hull_energy": use_hull_energy, } return self._make_request("/interface_reactions", payload=payload, method="POST") def get_download_info(self, material_ids, task_types=None, file_patterns=None): """ get a list of URLs to retrieve raw VASP output files from the NoMaD repository Args: material_ids (list): list of material identifiers (mp-id's) task_types (list): list of task types to include in download (see TaskType Enum class) file_patterns (list): list of wildcard file names to include for each task Returns: a tuple of 1) a dictionary mapping material_ids to task_ids and task_types, and 2) a list of URLs to download zip archives from NoMaD repository. Each zip archive will contain a manifest.json with metadata info, e.g. the task/external_ids that belong to a directory """ # task_id's correspond to NoMaD external_id's task_types = [t.value for t in task_types if isinstance(t, TaskType)] if task_types else [] meta = {} for doc in self.query({"task_id": {"$in": material_ids}}, ["task_id", "blessed_tasks"]): for task_type, task_id in doc["blessed_tasks"].items(): if task_types and task_type not in task_types: continue mp_id = doc["task_id"] if meta.get(mp_id) is None: meta[mp_id] = [{"task_id": task_id, "task_type": task_type}] else: meta[mp_id].append({"task_id": task_id, "task_type": task_type}) if not meta: raise ValueError(f"No tasks found for material id {material_ids}.") # return a list of URLs for NoMaD Downloads containing the list of files # for every external_id in `task_ids` # For reference, please visit https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/api/ # check if these task ids exist on NOMAD prefix = "https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/api/repo/?" if file_patterns is not None: for file_pattern in file_patterns: prefix += f"file_pattern={file_pattern}&" prefix += "external_id=" task_ids = [t["task_id"] for tl in meta.values() for t in tl] nomad_exist_task_ids = self._check_get_download_info_url_by_task_id(prefix=prefix, task_ids=task_ids) if len(nomad_exist_task_ids) != len(task_ids): self._print_help_message(nomad_exist_task_ids, task_ids, file_patterns, task_types) # generate download links for those that exist prefix = "https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/rae/api/raw/query?" if file_patterns is not None: for file_pattern in file_patterns: prefix += f"file_pattern={file_pattern}&" prefix += "external_id=" urls = [prefix + tids for tids in nomad_exist_task_ids] return meta, urls @staticmethod def _print_help_message(nomad_exist_task_ids, task_ids, file_patterns, task_types): non_exist_ids = set(task_ids) - set(nomad_exist_task_ids) warnings.warn( f"For file patterns [{file_patterns}] and task_types [{task_types}], \n" f"the following ids are not found on NOMAD [{list(non_exist_ids)}]. \n" f"If you need to upload them, please contact Patrick Huck at phuck@lbl.gov" ) def _check_get_download_info_url_by_task_id(self, prefix, task_ids) -> List[str]: nomad_exist_task_ids: List[str] = [] prefix = prefix.replace("/raw/query", "/repo/") for task_id in task_ids: url = prefix + task_id if self._check_nomad_exist(url): nomad_exist_task_ids.append(task_id) return nomad_exist_task_ids @staticmethod def _check_nomad_exist(url) -> bool: response = requests.get(url=url) if response.status_code != 200: return False content = json.loads(response.text) if content["pagination"]["total"] == 0: return False return True @staticmethod def parse_criteria(criteria_string): """ Parses a powerful and simple string criteria and generates a proper mongo syntax criteria. Args: criteria_string (str): A string representing a search criteria. Also supports wild cards. E.g., something like "*2O" gets converted to {'pretty_formula': {'$in': [u'B2O', u'Xe2O', u"Li2O", ...]}} Other syntax examples: mp-1234: Interpreted as a Materials ID. Fe2O3 or *2O3: Interpreted as reduced formulas. Li-Fe-O or *-Fe-O: Interpreted as chemical systems. You can mix and match with spaces, which are interpreted as "OR". E.g., "mp-1234 FeO" means query for all compounds with reduced formula FeO or with materials_id mp-1234. Returns: A mongo query dict. """ toks = criteria_string.split() def parse_sym(sym): if sym == "*": return [el.symbol for el in Element] m = re.match(r"\{(.*)\}", sym) if m: return [s.strip() for s in m.group(1).split(",")] return [sym] def parse_tok(t): if re.match(r"\w+-\d+", t): return {"task_id": t} if "-" in t: elements = [parse_sym(sym) for sym in t.split("-")] chemsyss = [] for cs in itertools.product(*elements): if len(set(cs)) == len(cs): # Check for valid symbols cs = [Element(s).symbol for s in cs] chemsyss.append("-".join(sorted(cs))) return {"chemsys": {"$in": chemsyss}} all_formulas = set() explicit_els = [] wild_card_els = [] for sym in re.findall(r"(\*[\.\d]*|\{.*\}[\.\d]*|[A-Z][a-z]*)[\.\d]*", t): if ("*" in sym) or ("{" in sym): wild_card_els.append(sym) else: m = re.match(r"([A-Z][a-z]*)[\.\d]*", sym) explicit_els.append(m.group(1)) nelements = len(wild_card_els) + len(set(explicit_els)) parts = re.split(r"(\*|\{.*\})", t) parts = [parse_sym(s) for s in parts if s != ""] for f in itertools.product(*parts): c = Composition("".join(f)) if len(c) == nelements: # Check for valid Elements in keys. for e in c.keys(): Element(e.symbol) all_formulas.add(c.reduced_formula) return {"pretty_formula": {"$in": list(all_formulas)}} if len(toks) == 1: return parse_tok(toks[0]) return {"$or": list(map(parse_tok, toks))} class MPRestError(Exception): """ Exception class for MPRestAdaptor. Raised when the query has problems, e.g., bad query format. """ pass
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import bsddb from DB import DB # HashTable (subclass of DB) class HashTable(DB): def __init__(self, db_address): # Database="Hash_table.db" # self.address=db.address #contains address to db file's location self.db = bsddb.hashopen(db_address, 'c') DB.__init__(self, self.db, db_address) return # Traverses entire database and checks if key # is within constraints. def retrieve_range( self, low_key, high_key ): ret = [] current = self.db.first() while ( True ): if ( low_key <= current[0] and high_key >= current[0] ): ret.append( current ) try: current = self.db.next() except KeyError: break return ret
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import pytest from raiden.storage.serialization.fields import ( BytesField, OptionalIntegerToStringField, QueueIdentifierField, ) from raiden.tests.utils import factories from raiden.transfer.identifiers import QueueIdentifier def assert_roundtrip(field, value): serialized = field._serialize(value, None, None) assert field._deserialize(serialized, None, None) == value @pytest.fixture() def queue_identifier(): return QueueIdentifier( recipient=factories.make_address(), canonical_identifier=factories.make_canonical_identifier(), ) def test_queue_identifier_field_roundtrip(queue_identifier): assert_roundtrip(QueueIdentifierField(), queue_identifier) def test_queue_identifier_field_invalid_inputs(queue_identifier): serialized = QueueIdentifierField()._serialize(queue_identifier, None, None) wrong_delimiter = serialized.replace("|", ":") # TODO check for address and chain/channel id validity in QueueIdentifier too, add tests here for string in (wrong_delimiter,): with pytest.raises(ValueError): QueueIdentifierField()._deserialize(string, None, None) def test_optional_integer_to_string_field_roundtrip(): field = OptionalIntegerToStringField() assert_roundtrip(field, 42) assert_roundtrip(field, None) def test_bytes_field_roundtrip(): field = BytesField() assert_roundtrip(field, b"foo") assert_roundtrip(field, b"") assert_roundtrip(field, None)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Import modules import numpy as np, sys, os, time, gzip, cPickle as pickle, scipy sys.path.append('/tera_raid/gudni/gitCodes/simpeg') sys.path.append('/tera_raid/gudni') from pymatsolver import MumpsSolver import SimPEG as simpeg from SimPEG import NSEM from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rFunc # Function to get data and data info def getDataInfo(MTdata): dL, freqL, rxTL = [], [], [] for src in MTdata.survey.srcList: for rx in src.rxList: dL.append(MTdata[src,rx]) freqL.append(np.ones(rx.nD)*src.freq) rxTL.extend( ((rx.rxType+' ')*rx.nD).split()) return np.concatenate(dL), np.concatenate(freqL), np.array(rxTL) # Script to read MT data and run an inversion. # Load the data drecAll = np.load('../../MTdataStArr_nsmesh_HKPK1.npy') # Select larger frequency band for the MT data indMTFreq = np.sum( [drecAll['freq'] == val for val in np.unique(drecAll['freq'])[5::]] ,axis=0,dtype=bool) mtRecArr = drecAll[indMTFreq][['freq','x','y','z','tzx','tzy']] dUse = NSEM.Data.fromRecArray(mtRecArr) # Extract to survey survey = dUse.survey # # Add noise to the data dobs, freqArr, rxT = getDataInfo(dUse) # Set the data survey.dobs = dobs # Assign std based on- and off-diagonal parts of the impedance tensor std = np.ones_like(dobs)*.025 # 5% on all off-diagonals # std[np.array([ ('xx' in l or 'yy' in l) for l in rxT])] = 0.15 # 15% on the on-diagonal survey.std = np.abs(survey.dobs*std) #+ 0.01*np.linalg.norm(survey.dobs) #survey.dobs*0 + std # Estimate a floor for the data. # Use the 10% of the mean of the off-diagonals for each frequency floor = np.zeros_like(dobs) offind = np.array([('zxy' in l or 'zyx' in l) for l in rxT],bool) onind = np.array([('zxx' in l or 'zyy' in l) for l in rxT],bool) tipind = np.array([('tzx' in l or 'tzy' in l) for l in rxT],bool) for f in np.unique(freqArr): freqInd = freqArr == f floorFreq = floor[freqInd] offD = np.sort(np.abs(dobs[freqInd*offind])) floor[freqInd] = 0.0001*np.mean(offD) onD = np.sort(np.abs(dobs[freqInd*onind])) floor[freqInd*onind] = 0.1*np.mean(onD) # Constant floor for the tipper. floor[freqInd*tipind] = 0.001 # Assign the data weight Wd = 1./(survey.std + floor) # Make the mesh mesh, modDict = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh.readVTK('../../nsmesh_HPVK1_inv.vtr') sigma = modDict['S/m'] # Make the mapping active = sigma > 9.999e-7 actMap = simpeg.Maps.ActiveCells(mesh, active, np.log(1e-8), nC=mesh.nC) mappingExpAct = simpeg.Maps.ExpMap(mesh) * actMap # sigma1d = 1e-8 * mesh.vectorCCz # sigma1d[mesh.vectorCCz < 750] = 1e-2 sigmaBG = np.ones_like(sigma)*1e-8 sigmaBG[active] = 1e-4 sigma1d = mesh.r(sigmaBG,'CC','CC','M')[0,0,:] # Make teh starting model m_0 = np.log(sigmaBG[active]) ## Setup the problem object problem = NSEM.Problem3D_ePrimSec(mesh,mapping=mappingExpAct,sigmaPrimary = sigma1d) problem.verbose = True # Change the solver problem.Solver = MumpsSolver problem.pair(survey) ## Setup the inversion proceedure C = simpeg.Utils.Counter() # Set the optimization # opt = simpeg.Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter = 50) # opt.lower = np.log(1e-5) # Set bounds to # opt.upper = np.log(10) opt = simpeg.Optimization.InexactGaussNewton(maxIter = 36) opt.counter = C opt.LSshorten = 0.5 opt.remember('xc') # Need to add to the number of iter per beta. # Data misfit dmis = simpeg.DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey) dmis.Wd = Wd # Regularization # regMap = simpeg.Maps.InjectActiveCellsTopo(mesh,active) # valInactive= reg = simpeg.Regularization.Tikhonov(mesh,indActive=active) reg.mref = m_0 reg.alpha_s = 1e-7 reg.alpha_x = 1. reg.alpha_y = 1. reg.alpha_z = 1. reg.alpha_xx = 0. reg.alpha_yy = 0. reg.alpha_zz = 0. # Inversion problem invProb = simpeg.InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt) invProb.counter = C # Beta cooling beta = simpeg.Directives.BetaSchedule() beta.coolingRate = 3 # Number of beta iterations beta.coolingFactor = 8. betaest = simpeg.Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=1000.) # invProb.beta = 1e6. targmis = simpeg.Directives.TargetMisfit() targmis.target = 0.5 * survey.nD # saveModel = simpeg.Directives.SaveModelEveryIteration() saveDict = simpeg.Directives.SaveOutputDictEveryIteration() # Create an inversion object inv = simpeg.Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[beta,targmis,saveDict]) # Print print 'Target Misfit is: {:.1f}'.format(targmis.target) # Run the inversion mopt = inv.run(m_0)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import yaml def load_config(file_string): with open(file_string) as f: dataMap = yaml.safe_load(f) return dataMap def set_config(data): with open('config.yml', 'w') as outfile: yaml.safe_dump(data, outfile, default_flow_style=False)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: annotations.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf.internal import enum_type_wrapper from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 as google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2 DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='annotations.proto', package='milo', syntax='proto3', serialized_pb=_b('\n\x11\x61nnotations.proto\x12\x04milo\x1a\x1fgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto\"\xd8\x01\n\x0e\x46\x61ilureDetails\x12\'\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.milo.FailureDetails.Type\x12\x0c\n\x04text\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12*\n\x14\x66\x61iled_dm_dependency\x18\x03 \x03(\x0b\x32\x0c.milo.DMLink\"c\n\x04Type\x12\x0b\n\x07GENERAL\x10\x00\x12\r\n\tEXCEPTION\x10\x01\x12\t\n\x05INFRA\x10\x02\x12\x18\n\x14\x44M_DEPENDENCY_FAILED\x10\x03\x12\r\n\tCANCELLED\x10\x04\x12\x0b\n\x07\x45XPIRED\x10\x05\"\xbb\x06\n\x04Step\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12#\n\x07\x63ommand\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.Step.Command\x12\x1c\n\x06status\x18\x03 \x01(\x0e\x32\x0c.milo.Status\x12-\n\x0f\x66\x61ilure_details\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x14.milo.FailureDetails\x12#\n\x07substep\x18\x05 \x03(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.Step.Substep\x12)\n\rstdout_stream\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.LogdogStream\x12)\n\rstderr_stream\x18\x07 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.LogdogStream\x12+\n\x07started\x18\x08 \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.google.protobuf.Timestamp\x12)\n\x05\x65nded\x18\t \x01(\x0b\x32\x1a.google.protobuf.Timestamp\x12\x0c\n\x04text\x18\x14 \x03(\t\x12%\n\x08progress\x18\x15 \x01(\x0b\x32\x13.milo.Step.Progress\x12\x18\n\x04link\x18\x16 \x01(\x0b\x32\n.milo.Link\x12\x1f\n\x0bother_links\x18\x17 \x03(\x0b\x32\n.milo.Link\x12%\n\x08property\x18\x18 \x03(\x0b\x32\x13.milo.Step.Property\x1a\x8e\x01\n\x07\x43ommand\x12\x14\n\x0c\x63ommand_line\x18\x01 \x03(\t\x12\x0b\n\x03\x63wd\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x30\n\x07\x65nviron\x18\x03 \x03(\x0b\x32\x1f.milo.Step.Command.EnvironEntry\x1a.\n\x0c\x45nvironEntry\x12\x0b\n\x03key\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\t:\x02\x38\x01\x1a\x61\n\x07Substep\x12\x1a\n\x04step\x18\x01 \x01(\x0b\x32\n.milo.StepH\x00\x12/\n\x11\x61nnotation_stream\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.LogdogStreamH\x00\x42\t\n\x07substep\x1a,\n\x08Progress\x12\r\n\x05total\x18\x01 \x01(\x05\x12\x11\n\tcompleted\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x1a\'\n\x08Property\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\r\n\x05value\x18\x02 \x01(\t\"\xbf\x01\n\x04Link\x12\r\n\x05label\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0b\x61lias_label\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\r\n\x03url\x18\x03 \x01(\tH\x00\x12+\n\rlogdog_stream\x18\x04 \x01(\x0b\x32\x12.milo.LogdogStreamH\x00\x12-\n\x0eisolate_object\x18\x05 \x01(\x0b\x32\x13.milo.IsolateObjectH\x00\x12\x1f\n\x07\x64m_link\x18\x06 \x01(\x0b\x32\x0c.milo.DMLinkH\x00\x42\x07\n\x05value\"<\n\x0cLogdogStream\x12\x0e\n\x06server\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06prefix\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x03 \x01(\t\"-\n\rIsolateObject\x12\x0e\n\x06server\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0c\n\x04hash\x18\x02 \x01(\t\"K\n\x06\x44MLink\x12\x0e\n\x06server\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\r\n\x05quest\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x0f\n\x07\x61ttempt\x18\x03 \x01(\x03\x12\x11\n\texecution\x18\x04 \x01(\x03*<\n\x06Status\x12\x0b\n\x07RUNNING\x10\x00\x12\x0b\n\x07SUCCESS\x10\x01\x12\x0b\n\x07\x46\x41ILURE\x10\x02\x12\x0b\n\x07PENDING\x10\x03\x62\x06proto3') , dependencies=[google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2.DESCRIPTOR,]) _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) _STATUS = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Status', full_name='milo.Status', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='RUNNING', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='SUCCESS', index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='FAILURE', index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='PENDING', index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, serialized_start=1489, serialized_end=1549, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_STATUS) Status = enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper(_STATUS) RUNNING = 0 SUCCESS = 1 FAILURE = 2 PENDING = 3 _FAILUREDETAILS_TYPE = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='Type', full_name='milo.FailureDetails.Type', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='GENERAL', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='EXCEPTION', index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='INFRA', index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='DM_DEPENDENCY_FAILED', index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='CANCELLED', index=4, number=4, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='EXPIRED', index=5, number=5, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, serialized_start=178, serialized_end=277, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_FAILUREDETAILS_TYPE) _FAILUREDETAILS = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='FailureDetails', full_name='milo.FailureDetails', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='type', full_name='milo.FailureDetails.type', index=0, number=1, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='text', full_name='milo.FailureDetails.text', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='failed_dm_dependency', full_name='milo.FailureDetails.failed_dm_dependency', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ _FAILUREDETAILS_TYPE, ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=61, serialized_end=277, ) _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='EnvironEntry', full_name='milo.Step.Command.EnvironEntry', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='key', full_name='milo.Step.Command.EnvironEntry.key', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='milo.Step.Command.EnvironEntry.value', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=_descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.MessageOptions(), _b('8\001')), is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=875, serialized_end=921, ) _STEP_COMMAND = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Command', full_name='milo.Step.Command', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='command_line', full_name='milo.Step.Command.command_line', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='cwd', full_name='milo.Step.Command.cwd', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='environ', full_name='milo.Step.Command.environ', index=2, number=3, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[_STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY, ], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=779, serialized_end=921, ) _STEP_SUBSTEP = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Substep', full_name='milo.Step.Substep', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='step', full_name='milo.Step.Substep.step', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='annotation_stream', full_name='milo.Step.Substep.annotation_stream', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ _descriptor.OneofDescriptor( name='substep', full_name='milo.Step.Substep.substep', index=0, containing_type=None, fields=[]), ], serialized_start=923, serialized_end=1020, ) _STEP_PROGRESS = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Progress', full_name='milo.Step.Progress', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='total', full_name='milo.Step.Progress.total', index=0, number=1, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='completed', full_name='milo.Step.Progress.completed', index=1, number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=1022, serialized_end=1066, ) _STEP_PROPERTY = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Property', full_name='milo.Step.Property', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='milo.Step.Property.name', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='value', full_name='milo.Step.Property.value', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=1068, serialized_end=1107, ) _STEP = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Step', full_name='milo.Step', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='milo.Step.name', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='command', full_name='milo.Step.command', index=1, number=2, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='status', full_name='milo.Step.status', index=2, number=3, type=14, cpp_type=8, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='failure_details', full_name='milo.Step.failure_details', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='substep', full_name='milo.Step.substep', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='stdout_stream', full_name='milo.Step.stdout_stream', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='stderr_stream', full_name='milo.Step.stderr_stream', index=6, number=7, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='started', full_name='milo.Step.started', index=7, number=8, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='ended', full_name='milo.Step.ended', index=8, number=9, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='text', full_name='milo.Step.text', index=9, number=20, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='progress', full_name='milo.Step.progress', index=10, number=21, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='link', full_name='milo.Step.link', index=11, number=22, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='other_links', full_name='milo.Step.other_links', index=12, number=23, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='property', full_name='milo.Step.property', index=13, number=24, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[_STEP_COMMAND, _STEP_SUBSTEP, _STEP_PROGRESS, _STEP_PROPERTY, ], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=280, serialized_end=1107, ) _LINK = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='Link', full_name='milo.Link', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='label', full_name='milo.Link.label', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='alias_label', full_name='milo.Link.alias_label', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='url', full_name='milo.Link.url', index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='logdog_stream', full_name='milo.Link.logdog_stream', index=3, number=4, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='isolate_object', full_name='milo.Link.isolate_object', index=4, number=5, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='dm_link', full_name='milo.Link.dm_link', index=5, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=None, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ _descriptor.OneofDescriptor( name='value', full_name='milo.Link.value', index=0, containing_type=None, fields=[]), ], serialized_start=1110, serialized_end=1301, ) _LOGDOGSTREAM = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='LogdogStream', full_name='milo.LogdogStream', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='server', full_name='milo.LogdogStream.server', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='prefix', full_name='milo.LogdogStream.prefix', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='milo.LogdogStream.name', index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=1303, serialized_end=1363, ) _ISOLATEOBJECT = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='IsolateObject', full_name='milo.IsolateObject', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='server', full_name='milo.IsolateObject.server', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='hash', full_name='milo.IsolateObject.hash', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=1365, serialized_end=1410, ) _DMLINK = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='DMLink', full_name='milo.DMLink', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='server', full_name='milo.DMLink.server', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='quest', full_name='milo.DMLink.quest', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='attempt', full_name='milo.DMLink.attempt', index=2, number=3, type=3, cpp_type=2, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='execution', full_name='milo.DMLink.execution', index=3, number=4, type=3, cpp_type=2, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto3', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=1412, serialized_end=1487, ) _FAILUREDETAILS.fields_by_name['type'].enum_type = _FAILUREDETAILS_TYPE _FAILUREDETAILS.fields_by_name['failed_dm_dependency'].message_type = _DMLINK _FAILUREDETAILS_TYPE.containing_type = _FAILUREDETAILS _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY.containing_type = _STEP_COMMAND _STEP_COMMAND.fields_by_name['environ'].message_type = _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY _STEP_COMMAND.containing_type = _STEP _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['step'].message_type = _STEP _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['annotation_stream'].message_type = _LOGDOGSTREAM _STEP_SUBSTEP.containing_type = _STEP _STEP_SUBSTEP.oneofs_by_name['substep'].fields.append( _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['step']) _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['step'].containing_oneof = _STEP_SUBSTEP.oneofs_by_name['substep'] _STEP_SUBSTEP.oneofs_by_name['substep'].fields.append( _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['annotation_stream']) _STEP_SUBSTEP.fields_by_name['annotation_stream'].containing_oneof = _STEP_SUBSTEP.oneofs_by_name['substep'] _STEP_PROGRESS.containing_type = _STEP _STEP_PROPERTY.containing_type = _STEP _STEP.fields_by_name['command'].message_type = _STEP_COMMAND _STEP.fields_by_name['status'].enum_type = _STATUS _STEP.fields_by_name['failure_details'].message_type = _FAILUREDETAILS _STEP.fields_by_name['substep'].message_type = _STEP_SUBSTEP _STEP.fields_by_name['stdout_stream'].message_type = _LOGDOGSTREAM _STEP.fields_by_name['stderr_stream'].message_type = _LOGDOGSTREAM _STEP.fields_by_name['started'].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _STEP.fields_by_name['ended'].message_type = google_dot_protobuf_dot_timestamp__pb2._TIMESTAMP _STEP.fields_by_name['progress'].message_type = _STEP_PROGRESS _STEP.fields_by_name['link'].message_type = _LINK _STEP.fields_by_name['other_links'].message_type = _LINK _STEP.fields_by_name['property'].message_type = _STEP_PROPERTY _LINK.fields_by_name['logdog_stream'].message_type = _LOGDOGSTREAM _LINK.fields_by_name['isolate_object'].message_type = _ISOLATEOBJECT _LINK.fields_by_name['dm_link'].message_type = _DMLINK _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'].fields.append( _LINK.fields_by_name['url']) _LINK.fields_by_name['url'].containing_oneof = _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'] _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'].fields.append( _LINK.fields_by_name['logdog_stream']) _LINK.fields_by_name['logdog_stream'].containing_oneof = _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'] _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'].fields.append( _LINK.fields_by_name['isolate_object']) _LINK.fields_by_name['isolate_object'].containing_oneof = _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'] _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'].fields.append( _LINK.fields_by_name['dm_link']) _LINK.fields_by_name['dm_link'].containing_oneof = _LINK.oneofs_by_name['value'] DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['FailureDetails'] = _FAILUREDETAILS DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Step'] = _STEP DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Link'] = _LINK DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['LogdogStream'] = _LOGDOGSTREAM DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['IsolateObject'] = _ISOLATEOBJECT DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['DMLink'] = _DMLINK DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name['Status'] = _STATUS FailureDetails = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('FailureDetails', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _FAILUREDETAILS, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.FailureDetails) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(FailureDetails) Step = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Step', (_message.Message,), dict( Command = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Command', (_message.Message,), dict( EnvironEntry = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('EnvironEntry', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step.Command.EnvironEntry) )) , DESCRIPTOR = _STEP_COMMAND, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step.Command) )) , Substep = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Substep', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _STEP_SUBSTEP, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step.Substep) )) , Progress = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Progress', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _STEP_PROGRESS, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step.Progress) )) , Property = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Property', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _STEP_PROPERTY, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step.Property) )) , DESCRIPTOR = _STEP, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Step) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step.Command) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step.Command.EnvironEntry) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step.Substep) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step.Progress) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Step.Property) Link = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Link', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _LINK, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.Link) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Link) LogdogStream = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('LogdogStream', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _LOGDOGSTREAM, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.LogdogStream) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(LogdogStream) IsolateObject = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('IsolateObject', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _ISOLATEOBJECT, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.IsolateObject) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(IsolateObject) DMLink = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('DMLink', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _DMLINK, __module__ = 'annotations_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:milo.DMLink) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(DMLink) _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY.has_options = True _STEP_COMMAND_ENVIRONENTRY._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.MessageOptions(), _b('8\001')) # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import os import copy import pandas as pd import cv2 as cv import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from torchvision import transforms, utils, models from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Erase classes except one class def eraseWithROI(image, start_point, end_point): color = (int(image[start_point[1], start_point[0],0]),int(image[start_point[1], start_point[0],1]),int(image[start_point[1], start_point[0],2])) image = cv.rectangle(image, start_point, end_point, color , -1) return image # multiplying instance def multiply(image, instance, knowledge_base, times): for t in range(times): while 1: for k in knowledge_base: exit_loop = False position = (np.random.randint(image.shape[0]), np.random.randint(image.shape[1])) if (len(list(set(range(position[0],instance.shape[0] + position[0])) & set(range(k[0],k[1])))) != 0 \ and (len(list(set(range(position[1],instance.shape[1] + position[1])) & set(range(k[2],k[3])))) != 0)) \ or (instance.shape[0] + position[0]) > image.shape[0] \ or (instance.shape[1] + position[1]) > image.shape[1]: break exit_loop = True if exit_loop: break knowledge_base.append((position[0], instance.shape[0] + position[0], position[1], instance.shape[1] + position[1])) image[position[0]:instance.shape[0] + position[0],position[1]:instance.shape[1] + position[1]] = instance return image # Multiplying instance def multiplyAndWrite(image, instance, knowledge_base, times, class_of_interest, count): for t in range(times): while 1: for k in knowledge_base: exit_loop = False position = (np.random.randint(image.shape[0]), np.random.randint(image.shape[1])) if (len(list(set(range(position[0],instance.shape[0] + position[0])) & set(range(k[0],k[1])))) != 0 \ and (len(list(set(range(position[1],instance.shape[1] + position[1])) & set(range(k[2],k[3])))) != 0)) \ or (instance.shape[0] + position[0]) > image.shape[0] \ or (instance.shape[1] + position[1]) > image.shape[1]: break exit_loop = True if exit_loop: break knowledge_base.append((position[0], instance.shape[0] + position[0], position[1], instance.shape[1] + position[1])) image[position[0]:instance.shape[0] + position[0],position[1]:instance.shape[1] + position[1]] = instance cv.imwrite(f'./augmented_img/{class_of_interest}_{str(count)}.bmp', image) count += 1 for k in knowledge_base: # Flip horizontally start_point = (k[0],k[2]) end_point = (k[1], k[3]) image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) instance1 = cv.flip(image_copy[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]], 1) image_copy[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]] = instance1 cv.imwrite(f'./augmented_img/{class_of_interest}_{str(count)}.bmp', image_copy) count += 1 # Flip vertically image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) instance1 = cv.flip(image_copy[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]], 0) image_copy[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]] = instance1 cv.imwrite(f'./augmented_img/{class_of_interest}_{str(count)}.bmp', image_copy) count += 1 return image, knowledge_base, count def find_bounding_boxes_per_class(CAM_explainer, img_path, class_names, class_labels, class_colors, plot=False): strToLabel = {n:l for n,l in zip(class_names, class_labels)} strToColor = {n:c for n,c in zip(class_names, class_colors)} if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,70)) ax = fig.gca() class_boxes = {} class_scores = {} for class_oi in list(strToLabel.keys()): class_boxes[class_oi] = [] class_scores[class_oi] = [] for class_oi in list(strToLabel.keys()): img = cv.imread(img_path) data_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToPILImage(), transforms.Resize((224,224)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) img_norm = data_transform(img) ex, out = CAM_explainer(torch.tensor(img_norm.reshape(1,3,224,224),dtype=torch.float),False,strToLabel[class_oi]) cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') ex = Image.fromarray(ex) img = Image.fromarray(img) overlay = ex.resize(img.size, resample=Image.BILINEAR) overlay = np.asarray(overlay) overlay1 = overlay>0.6 X = [] for i in range(overlay1.shape[1]): for j in range(overlay1.shape[0]): if overlay1.T[i,j] == 1: X.append([i,j]) X = np.array(X) if len(X.shape) > 1: clustering = DBSCAN(eps=3, min_samples=2).fit(X) xmins = [min(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,0]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] xmaxs = [max(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,0]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] ymins = [min(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,1]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] ymaxs = [max(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,1]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] else: if len(X) == 1: clustering = DBSCAN(eps=3, min_samples=2).fit(X.reshape(1, -1)) xmins = [min(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,0]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] xmaxs = [max(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,0]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] ymins = [min(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,1]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] ymaxs = [max(np.array(X)[clustering.labels_ == l,1]) for l in np.unique(clustering.labels_) if l != -1] else: xmins, ymins, xmaxs, ymaxs = [0], [0], [0], [0] [class_boxes[class_oi].append([xmins[i], ymins[i], xmaxs[i], ymaxs[i]]) for i in range(len(xmins))] [class_scores[class_oi].append(np.mean(overlay[class_boxes[class_oi][i][0]:class_boxes[class_oi][i][2],class_boxes[class_oi][i][1]:class_boxes[class_oi][i][3]])) for i in range(len(xmins))] if plot: overlay = overlay * (overlay > 0.5).astype(np.uint8) overlay = (255 * cmap(overlay ** 2)[:, :, :3]).astype(np.uint8) try: overlayed_img = Image.fromarray((0.95 * np.asarray(overlayed_img) + (1 - 0.95) * overlay).astype(np.uint8)) except: overlayed_img = Image.fromarray((0.7 * np.asarray(img) + (1 - 0.7) * overlay).astype(np.uint8)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlayed_img) [draw.rectangle(((xmins[i], ymins[i]), (xmaxs[i], ymaxs[i])),outline=strToColor[class_oi]) for i in range(len(xmins))] if np.all(np.array(ymins)-10 > 10): [draw.text(((xmins[i], ymins[i]-10)),class_oi, fill=strToColor[class_oi]) for i in range(len(xmins))] else: [draw.text(((xmins[i], ymaxs[i]+10)),class_oi, fill=strToColor[class_oi]) for i in range(len(xmins))] ax.imshow(np.array(overlayed_img)) if plot: plt.show() return class_boxes, class_scores
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import base64 import netaddr import testtools from tempest.api.compute import base from tempest.common.utils import data_utils from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client from tempest import config from tempest import test CONF = config.CONF class ServersTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest): disk_config = 'AUTO' @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): cls.prepare_instance_network() super(ServersTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() cls.meta = {'hello': 'world'} cls.accessIPv4 = '' cls.accessIPv6 = '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:babe:' cls.name = data_utils.rand_name('server') file_contents = 'This is a test file.' personality = [{'path': '/test.txt', 'contents': base64.b64encode(file_contents)}] cls.client = cls.servers_client cls.network_client = cls.os.network_client disk_config = cls.disk_config cls.server_initial = cls.create_test_server(name=cls.name, meta=cls.meta, accessIPv4=cls.accessIPv4, accessIPv6=cls.accessIPv6, personality=personality, disk_config=disk_config) cls.password = cls.server_initial['adminPass'] cls.client.wait_for_server_status(cls.server_initial['id'], 'ACTIVE') cls.server = cls.client.get_server(cls.server_initial['id']) @test.attr(type='smoke') def test_verify_server_details(self): # Verify the specified server attributes are set correctly self.assertEqual(self.accessIPv4, self.server['accessIPv4']) # NOTE(maurosr): See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952 (section 4) # Here we compare directly with the canonicalized format. self.assertEqual(self.server['accessIPv6'], str(netaddr.IPAddress(self.accessIPv6))) self.assertEqual(self.name, self.server['name']) self.assertEqual(self.image_ref, self.server['image']['id']) self.assertEqual(self.flavor_ref, self.server['flavor']['id']) self.assertEqual(self.meta, self.server['metadata']) @test.attr(type='smoke') def test_list_servers(self): # The created server should be in the list of all servers resp, body = self.client.list_servers() servers = body['servers'] found = any([i for i in servers if i['id'] == self.server['id']]) self.assertTrue(found) @test.attr(type='smoke') def test_list_servers_with_detail(self): # The created server should be in the detailed list of all servers resp, body = self.client.list_servers_with_detail() servers = body['servers'] found = any([i for i in servers if i['id'] == self.server['id']]) self.assertTrue(found) @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute.run_ssh, 'Instance validation tests are disabled.') @test.attr(type='gate') def test_verify_created_server_vcpus(self): # Verify that the number of vcpus reported by the instance matches # the amount stated by the flavor flavor = self.flavors_client.get_flavor_details(self.flavor_ref) linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(self.server, self.ssh_user, self.password) self.assertEqual(flavor['vcpus'], linux_client.get_number_of_vcpus()) @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute.run_ssh, 'Instance validation tests are disabled.') @test.attr(type='gate') def test_host_name_is_same_as_server_name(self): # Verify the instance host name is the same as the server name linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(self.server, self.ssh_user, self.password) self.assertTrue(linux_client.hostname_equals_servername(self.name)) @test.attr(type='gate') def test_create_server_with_scheduler_hint_group(self): # Create a server with the scheduler hint "group". name = data_utils.rand_name('server_group') policies = ['affinity'] resp, body = self.client.create_server_group(name=name, policies=policies) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) group_id = body['id'] self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_server_group, group_id) hints = {'group': group_id} server = self.create_test_server(sched_hints=hints, wait_until='ACTIVE') # Check a server is in the group resp, server_group = self.client.get_server_group(group_id) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status) self.assertIn(server['id'], server_group['members']) @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.service_available.neutron, 'Neutron service must be available.') def test_verify_multiple_nics_order(self): # Verify that the networks order given at the server creation is # preserved within the server. name_net1 = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__) net1 = self.network_client.create_network(name=name_net1) self.addCleanup(self.network_client.delete_network, net1['network']['id']) name_net2 = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__) net2 = self.network_client.create_network(name=name_net2) self.addCleanup(self.network_client.delete_network, net2['network']['id']) subnet1 = self.network_client.create_subnet( network_id=net1['network']['id'], cidr='', ip_version=4) self.addCleanup(self.network_client.delete_subnet, subnet1['subnet']['id']) subnet2 = self.network_client.create_subnet( network_id=net2['network']['id'], cidr='', ip_version=4) self.addCleanup(self.network_client.delete_subnet, subnet2['subnet']['id']) networks = [{'uuid': net1['network']['id']}, {'uuid': net2['network']['id']}] server_multi_nics = self.create_test_server( networks=networks, wait_until='ACTIVE') # Cleanup server; this is needed in the test case because with the LIFO # nature of the cleanups, if we don't delete the server first, the port # will still be part of the subnet and we'll get a 409 from Neutron # when trying to delete the subnet. The tear down in the base class # will try to delete the server and get a 404 but it's ignored so # we're OK. def cleanup_server(): self.client.delete_server(server_multi_nics['id']) self.client.wait_for_server_termination(server_multi_nics['id']) self.addCleanup(cleanup_server) _, addresses = self.client.list_addresses(server_multi_nics['id']) # We can't predict the ip addresses assigned to the server on networks. # Sometimes the assigned addresses are ['', ''], at # other times ['', '']. So we check if the first # address is in first network, similarly second address is in second # network. addr = [addresses[name_net1][0]['addr'], addresses[name_net2][0]['addr']] networks = [netaddr.IPNetwork(''), netaddr.IPNetwork('')] for address, network in zip(addr, networks): self.assertIn(address, network) class ServersWithSpecificFlavorTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest): disk_config = 'AUTO' @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): cls.prepare_instance_network() super(ServersWithSpecificFlavorTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() cls.flavor_client = cls.os_adm.flavors_client cls.client = cls.servers_client @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute.run_ssh, 'Instance validation tests are disabled.') @test.attr(type='gate') def test_verify_created_server_ephemeral_disk(self): # Verify that the ephemeral disk is created when creating server def create_flavor_with_extra_specs(): flavor_with_eph_disk_name = data_utils.rand_name('eph_flavor') flavor_with_eph_disk_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000) ram = 64 vcpus = 1 disk = 0 # Create a flavor with extra specs flavor = (self.flavor_client. create_flavor(flavor_with_eph_disk_name, ram, vcpus, disk, flavor_with_eph_disk_id, ephemeral=1)) self.addCleanup(flavor_clean_up, flavor['id']) return flavor['id'] def create_flavor_without_extra_specs(): flavor_no_eph_disk_name = data_utils.rand_name('no_eph_flavor') flavor_no_eph_disk_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000) ram = 64 vcpus = 1 disk = 0 # Create a flavor without extra specs flavor = (self.flavor_client. create_flavor(flavor_no_eph_disk_name, ram, vcpus, disk, flavor_no_eph_disk_id)) self.addCleanup(flavor_clean_up, flavor['id']) return flavor['id'] def flavor_clean_up(flavor_id): self.flavor_client.delete_flavor(flavor_id) self.flavor_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(flavor_id) flavor_with_eph_disk_id = create_flavor_with_extra_specs() flavor_no_eph_disk_id = create_flavor_without_extra_specs() admin_pass = self.image_ssh_password server_no_eph_disk = (self.create_test_server( wait_until='ACTIVE', adminPass=admin_pass, flavor=flavor_no_eph_disk_id)) server_with_eph_disk = (self.create_test_server( wait_until='ACTIVE', adminPass=admin_pass, flavor=flavor_with_eph_disk_id)) # Get partition number of server without extra specs. server_no_eph_disk = self.client.get_server( server_no_eph_disk['id']) linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(server_no_eph_disk, self.ssh_user, admin_pass) partition_num = len(linux_client.get_partitions().split('\n')) server_with_eph_disk = self.client.get_server( server_with_eph_disk['id']) linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(server_with_eph_disk, self.ssh_user, admin_pass) partition_num_emph = len(linux_client.get_partitions().split('\n')) self.assertEqual(partition_num + 1, partition_num_emph) class ServersTestManualDisk(ServersTestJSON): disk_config = 'MANUAL' @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.disk_config: msg = "DiskConfig extension not enabled." raise cls.skipException(msg) super(ServersTestManualDisk, cls).resource_setup()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env pyhton3 # Copyright 2018 Michael Casadevall <michael@casadevall.pro> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. '''Dumps all the nameservers seen in a given zone with their quantity''' import argparse import operator from gtld_data import gtld_db import gtld_data def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('zonefile', help='Zonefile to load') parser.add_argument('--origin', help="Origin of the zone file") args = parser.parse_args() print("Creating database ...") gtld_data.gtld_db.create_database() gtld_db.database_connection.begin() cursor = gtld_db.database_connection.cursor() print("Loading zone data, this may take a moment") zone_data = gtld_data.ZoneData.load_from_file(cursor, args.zonefile, origin=args.origin) print("Unique domains: " + str(len(zone_data.domains))) zone_processor = gtld_data.ZoneProcessor(zone_data) zone_processor.get_reverse_zone_information(cursor, zone_data.domains) zone_data.to_db(cursor) gtld_db.database_connection.commit() cursor.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, PropertyMock import pytest from praw.models.reddit.subreddit import SubredditWiki from prawcore.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound, PrawcoreException from slow_start_rewatch.exceptions import ( InvalidWikiLink, MissingPost, MissingSchedule, RedditError, ) from slow_start_rewatch.schedule.schedule_wiki_storage import ( ScheduleWikiStorage, ) from tests.conftest import TEST_ROOT_DIR, MockConfig from tests.test_schedule_storage import POST_BODY, SCHEDULE_DATA wiki = SubredditWiki TEST_SCHEDULE_PATH = Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR).joinpath("test_schedule") SCHEDULE_FILENAME = "schedule.yml" POST_BODY_FILENAME = "episode_01.md" def test_load_schedule_data(schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Schedule data from the wiki.""" schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage( schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki, ) schedule_data = schedule_wiki_storage.load_schedule_data() assert schedule_data == SCHEDULE_DATA def test_load_schedule_data_not_found(reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Schedule data from the nonexistent wiki.""" config = MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/not-found", }) schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) with pytest.raises(MissingSchedule) as missing_schedule_error: schedule_wiki_storage.load_schedule_data() # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(missing_schedule_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert "wiki page not found" in error_message assert "/r/anime/wiki/not-found" in error_message def test_load_schedule_data_forbidden(reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Schedule data from the inaccessible wiki.""" config = MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/forbidden", }) schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) with pytest.raises(MissingSchedule) as missing_schedule_error: schedule_wiki_storage.load_schedule_data() # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(missing_schedule_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert "permissions to access" in error_message assert "/r/anime/wiki/forbidden" in error_message def test_load_post_body(schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Post body from the wiki.""" schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage( schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki, ) post_body = schedule_wiki_storage.load_post_body("episode_01") assert post_body == POST_BODY def test_load_post_body_not_found(reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Post body from the nonexistent wiki.""" config = MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/not-found", }) schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) with pytest.raises(MissingPost) as missing_post_error: schedule_wiki_storage.load_post_body("episode_01") # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(missing_post_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert "wiki page not found" in error_message assert "/r/anime/wiki/not-found/episode_01" in error_message def test_load_post_body_forbidden(reddit_with_wiki): """Test loading of the Post body from the inaccessible wiki.""" config = MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/forbidden", }) schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) with pytest.raises(MissingPost) as missing_post_error: schedule_wiki_storage.load_post_body("episode_01") # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(missing_post_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert "permissions to access" in error_message assert "/r/anime/wiki/forbidden/episode_01" in error_message def test_save_schedule_data(schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki): """ Test saving of the Schedule data to the wiki. Check that the content is indented by 4 spaces. """ schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage( schedule_wiki_storage_config, reddit_with_wiki, ) schedule_wiki_storage.save_schedule_data(SCHEDULE_DATA) wiki_edit = reddit_with_wiki.subreddit().wiki["slow-start-rewatch"].edit assert "anime\n posts:" in wiki_edit.call_args[1]["content"] assert wiki_edit.call_args[1]["reason"] == "Rewatch Update" def test_save_schedule_data_error(reddit_with_wiki): """Test saving of the Schedule data to the wiki with en error.""" config = MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/not-found", }) schedule_wiki_storage = ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) with pytest.raises(RedditError) as reddit_error: schedule_wiki_storage.save_schedule_data(SCHEDULE_DATA) # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(reddit_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert "Failed to update" in error_message assert "/r/anime/wiki/not-found" in error_message def test_invalid_config(reddit_with_wiki): """Test initializing `ScheduleWikiStorage` with invalid config.""" config = MockConfig({"schedule_wiki_url": None}) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) invalid_wiki_url = "/r/anime/slow-start-rewatch" config["schedule_wiki_url"] = invalid_wiki_url with pytest.raises(InvalidWikiLink) as invalid_wiki_link_error: ScheduleWikiStorage(config, reddit_with_wiki) # Comply with PT012: https://pypi.org/project/flake8-pytest-style/ error_message = str(invalid_wiki_link_error.value) # noqa: WPS441 assert invalid_wiki_url in error_message @pytest.fixture() def schedule_wiki_storage_config(tmpdir): """Return mock Config contaning a wiki URL.""" return MockConfig({ "schedule_wiki_url": "/r/anime/wiki/slow-start-rewatch", }) @pytest.fixture() def reddit_with_wiki(): """Return mock `Reddit` class with a mock wiki page.""" reddit = Mock() wiki_page_schedule = Mock() wiki_page_schedule.content_md = SCHEDULE_DATA wiki_page_post_body = Mock() wiki_page_post_body.content_md = POST_BODY wiki_page_not_found = Mock() type(wiki_page_not_found).content_md = PropertyMock( side_effect=NotFound(response=MagicMock()), ) type(wiki_page_not_found).edit = PropertyMock( side_effect=PrawcoreException, ) wiki_page_forbidden = Mock() type(wiki_page_forbidden).content_md = PropertyMock( side_effect=Forbidden(response=MagicMock()), ) reddit.subreddit().wiki = { "slow-start-rewatch": wiki_page_schedule, "slow-start-rewatch/episode_01": wiki_page_post_body, "not-found": wiki_page_not_found, "not-found/episode_01": wiki_page_not_found, "forbidden": wiki_page_forbidden, "forbidden/episode_01": wiki_page_forbidden, } return reddit
[ "MIT" ]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=R0201, R0903, C0116, C0103 """Base Model unit tests.""" import pytest from loglan_db.model_db.base_definition import BaseDefinition as Definition from loglan_db.model_db.base_event import BaseEvent as Event from loglan_db.model_db.base_key import BaseKey as Key from loglan_db.model_db.base_word import BaseWord from loglan_db.model_db.addons.addon_word_getter import AddonWordGetter from tests.data import changed_words, all_events, doubled_words from tests.data import connect_keys from tests.data import keys, definitions, words, events from tests.functions import db_connect_keys, db_add_objects class Word(BaseWord, AddonWordGetter): """BaseWord class with Getter addon""" @pytest.mark.usefixtures("db") class TestWord: """Word tests.""" def test_by_event(self): db_add_objects(Word, changed_words + words) db_add_objects(Event, all_events) result = Word.get_all() assert len(result) == 13 result = Word.by_event(1).all() assert len(result) == 10 result = Word.by_event(5).all() assert len(result) == 9 result = Word.by_event().all() assert len(result) == 9 def test_by_name(self): db_add_objects(Word, doubled_words) db_add_objects(Event, events) result = Word.by_name("duo").count() assert result == 2 result = Word.by_name("duo").all() assert isinstance(result, list) assert isinstance(result[0], Word) result = sorted([w.type_id for w in result]) assert result == [2, 17] result = Word.by_name("duo").first() assert isinstance(result, Word) def test_by_key(self): db_add_objects(Word, words) db_add_objects(Definition, definitions) db_add_objects(Key, keys) db_add_objects(Event, all_events) db_connect_keys(connect_keys) result = Word.by_key("test").count() assert result == 5 result = Word.by_key("Test").count() assert result == 5 result = [w.name for w in Word.by_key("test").all()] assert result == ['pru', 'pruci', 'prukao'] result = Word.by_key("test", language="es").count() assert result == 0 result = Word.by_key("test", language="en").count() assert result == 5
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import time from mpipe import OrderedStage, FilterStage, Pipeline def passthru(value): time.sleep(0.013) return value s1 = FilterStage( (OrderedStage(passthru),), max_tasks=1, ) p1 = Pipeline(s1) def pull(task): for task, result in p1.results(): if result: print('{0} {1}'.format(task, result[0])) p2 = Pipeline(OrderedStage(pull)) p2.put(True) for number in range(10): p1.put(number) time.sleep(0.010) p1.put(None) p2.put(None)
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from .core import Agent, RandomAgent, complete_agent_cfg, load_agent from .trajectory_opt import ( CEMOptimizer, ICEMOptimizer, MPPIOptimizer, TrajectoryOptimizer, TrajectoryOptimizerAgent, create_trajectory_optim_agent_for_model, ) from .marks_optimizer import *
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Implementation of VPCT (Li et al. 2021) """ # Author: Wenjie Li <li3549@purdue.edu> # License: MIT import numpy as np from PyXAB.algos.Algo import Algorithm from PyXAB.algos.VHCT import VHCT from PyXAB.algos.GPO import GPO class VPCT(Algorithm): def __init__(self, numax=1, rhomax=0.9, rounds=1000, domain=None, partition=None): super(VPCT, self).__init__() self.algorithm = GPO(numax=numax, rhomax=rhomax, rounds=rounds, domain=domain, partition=partition, algo=VHCT) if domain is None: raise ValueError("Parameter space is not given.") if partition is None: raise ValueError("Partition of the parameter space is not given.") def pull(self, time): return self.algorithm.pull(time) def receive_reward(self, time, reward): return self.algorithm.receive_reward(time, reward)
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# coding=utf-8 # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import glob import json import logging import os import random import sys from typing import Dict, Union import apex.parallel import hydra import numpy as np import torch from apex import amp from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf from torch import distributed as dist from torch.utils.data import (DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler, TensorDataset, Dataset) from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler from tqdm import tqdm, trange from transformers import (AdamW, get_linear_schedule_with_warmup, AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer) from general_util.logger import setting_logger from general_util.training_utils import set_seed, batch_to_device, unwrap_model try: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter except ImportError: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter """ Requirements: torch==1.8.1 """ logger: logging.Logger def save_model(model: torch.nn.Module, cfg: DictConfig, output_dir: str, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer = None): # Save model checkpoint. if cfg.local_rank != -1: state_dict = model.state_dict() if cfg.local_rank == 0: unwrap_model(model).save_pretrained(output_dir, state_dict=state_dict) else: model.save_pretrained(output_dir) # Save tokenizer and training args. if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: if tokenizer is not None: tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir) OmegaConf.save(cfg, os.path.join(output_dir, "training_config.yaml")) logger.info("Saving model checkpoint to %s", output_dir) def forward_step(model, optimizer, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], cfg, delay_unscale: bool): outputs = model(**inputs) loss = outputs["loss"] # model outputs are always tuple in transformers (see doc) if cfg.n_gpu > 1: loss = loss.mean() # mean() to average on multi-gpu parallel (not distributed) training if cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps > 1: loss = loss / cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps if cfg.fp16: with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer, delay_unscale=delay_unscale) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() return loss.item() def train(cfg, model, tokenizer, continue_from_global_step=0): """ Train the model """ if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: _dir_splits = cfg.output_dir.split('/') _log_dir = '/'.join([_dir_splits[0], 'runs'] + _dir_splits[1:]) tb_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=_log_dir) else: tb_writer = None cfg.train_batch_size = cfg.per_gpu_train_batch_size * max(1, cfg.n_gpu) num_examples = 0 if os.path.exists(cfg.train_file): train_files = [cfg.train_file] else: train_files = list(glob.glob(cfg.train_file)) logger.info("Pre-loading dataset(s) to count the total steps.") for _train_file in train_files: _sub_train_dataset, _ = load_and_cache_examples(cfg, tokenizer, _split="train", _file=_train_file) num_examples += len(_sub_train_dataset) del _sub_train_dataset if "do_preprocess" in cfg and cfg.do_preprocess: exit(0) if cfg.local_rank != -1: cum_steps = int(num_examples * 1.0 / cfg.train_batch_size / dist.get_world_size()) else: cum_steps = int(num_examples * 1.0 / cfg.train_batch_size) if "extended_vocab" in cfg and cfg.extended_vocab: model.resize_token_embeddings(model.config.vocab_size + hydra.utils.call(cfg.extended_vocab)) if cfg.max_steps > 0: t_total = cfg.max_steps cfg.num_train_epochs = cfg.max_steps // (cum_steps // cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps) + 1 else: t_total = cum_steps // cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps * cfg.num_train_epochs num_warmup_steps = int(t_total * cfg.warmup_proportion) if cfg.warmup_proportion else cfg.warmup_steps # Prepare optimizer and schedule (linear warmup and decay) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.weight', 'layer_norm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ {'params': [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': cfg.weight_decay}, {'params': [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0} ] if "optimizer" in cfg and cfg.optimizer == 'lamb': # if cfg.local_rank == -1: from apex.optimizers.fused_lamb import FusedLAMB # else: # from apex.contrib.optimizers.distributed_fused_lamb import DistributedFusedLAMB as FusedLAMB optimizer = FusedLAMB(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=cfg.learning_rate, betas=eval(cfg.adam_betas), eps=cfg.adam_epsilon, use_nvlamb=(cfg.use_nvlamb if "use_nvlamb" in cfg else False), max_grad_norm=cfg.max_grad_norm) else: optimizer = AdamW(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=cfg.learning_rate, eps=cfg.adam_epsilon, betas=eval(cfg.adam_betas)) scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, num_warmup_steps=num_warmup_steps, num_training_steps=t_total) if cfg.fp16: model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level=cfg.fp16_opt_level) # multi-gpu training (should be after apex fp16 initialization) model_single_gpu = model if cfg.n_gpu > 1: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model_single_gpu) # Distributed training (should be after apex fp16 initialization) if cfg.local_rank != -1: # if cfg.fp16_opt_level == 'O2': # model = apex.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, delay_allreduce=True) # else: model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, find_unused_parameters=True, device_ids=[cfg.local_rank], output_device=cfg.local_rank) logger.info(optimizer) # Train! logger.info("***** Running training *****") logger.info(" Num examples = %d", num_examples) logger.info(" Num Epochs = %d", cfg.num_train_epochs) logger.info(" Instantaneous batch size per GPU = %d", cfg.per_gpu_train_batch_size) logger.info(" Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = %d", cfg.train_batch_size * cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps * (dist.get_world_size() if cfg.local_rank != -1 else 1)) logger.info(" Gradient Accumulation steps = %d", cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps) logger.info(" Total optimization steps = %d", t_total) logger.info(" Warmup steps = %d", num_warmup_steps) if continue_from_global_step > 0: logger.info("Fast forwarding to global step %d to resume training from latest checkpoint...", continue_from_global_step) global_step = 0 tr_loss, logging_loss = 0.0, 0.0 model.zero_grad() train_iterator = trange(int(cfg.num_train_epochs), desc="Epoch", disable=cfg.local_rank not in [-1, 0]) set_seed(cfg) # Added here for reproducibility (even between python 2 and 3) train_collator = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.collator) if "collator" in cfg and cfg.collator else None for epoch in train_iterator: random.shuffle(train_files) for _file_index, _train_file in enumerate(train_files): logger.info(f"Loading tensors from {_train_file}") _sub_train_dataset, _ = load_and_cache_examples(cfg, tokenizer, _split="train", _file=_train_file) _sub_train_sampler = RandomSampler(_sub_train_dataset) if cfg.local_rank == -1 else DistributedSampler(_sub_train_dataset) train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=_sub_train_dataset, sampler=_sub_train_sampler, batch_size=cfg.train_batch_size, collate_fn=train_collator, num_workers=cfg.num_workers, pin_memory=True, prefetch_factor=cfg.prefetch_factor) epoch_iterator = tqdm(train_dataloader, desc="Iteration", disable=cfg.local_rank not in [-1, 0], dynamic_ncols=True) if cfg.local_rank != -1: train_dataloader.sampler.set_epoch(epoch * len(train_files) + _file_index) for step, batch in enumerate(epoch_iterator): # If training is continued from a checkpoint, fast forward # to the state of that checkpoint. if global_step < continue_from_global_step: if (step + 1) % cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: scheduler.step() # Update learning rate schedule global_step += 1 continue model.train() batch = batch_to_device(batch, cfg.device) if (step + 1) % cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps != 0 and cfg.local_rank != -1: # Avoid unnecessary DDP synchronization since there will be no backward pass on this example. # if cfg.fp16_opt_level != 'O2': with model.no_sync(): loss = forward_step(model, optimizer, batch, cfg, delay_unscale=True) # else: # loss = forward_step(model, optimizer, batch, cfg, delay_unscale=True) else: loss = forward_step(model, optimizer, batch, cfg, delay_unscale=False) tr_loss += loss if (step + 1) % cfg.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: if cfg.max_grad_norm and not ("optimizer" in cfg and cfg.optimizer == "lamb"): if hasattr(optimizer, "clip_grad_norm"): optimizer.clip_grad_norm(cfg.max_grad_norm) elif hasattr(model, "clip_grad_norm_"): model.clip_grad_norm_(cfg.max_grad_norm) else: if cfg.fp16: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(amp.master_params(optimizer), cfg.max_grad_norm) else: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), cfg.max_grad_norm) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() # Update learning rate schedule model.zero_grad() global_step += 1 # Log metrics if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0] and cfg.logging_steps > 0 and global_step % cfg.logging_steps == 0: tb_writer.add_scalar('lr', scheduler.get_lr()[0], global_step) tb_writer.add_scalar('loss', (tr_loss - logging_loss) / cfg.logging_steps, global_step) logging_loss = tr_loss # Save model checkpoint if cfg.save_steps > 0 and global_step % cfg.save_steps == 0: output_dir = os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, 'checkpoint-{}'.format(global_step)) if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0] and not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) save_model(model, cfg, output_dir, tokenizer) # Evaluation if cfg.evaluate_during_training and cfg.eval_steps > 0 and global_step % cfg.eval_steps == 0: if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: results = evaluate(cfg, model, tokenizer, prefix=str(global_step), _split="dev") for key, value in results.items(): tb_writer.add_scalar(f"eval/{key}", value, global_step) if 0 < cfg.max_steps < global_step: epoch_iterator.close() break del _sub_train_dataset del _sub_train_sampler del train_dataloader if 0 < cfg.max_steps < global_step: train_iterator.close() break if 0 < cfg.max_steps < global_step: train_iterator.close() break if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: tb_writer.close() return global_step, tr_loss / global_step def evaluate(cfg, model, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, prefix="", _split="dev"): dataset, features = load_and_cache_examples(cfg, tokenizer, _split=_split) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, prefix)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, prefix)) cfg.eval_batch_size = cfg.per_gpu_eval_batch_size eval_sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset) # Note that DistributedSampler samples randomly eval_collator = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.collator) if "collator" in cfg and cfg.collator else None eval_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=eval_sampler, batch_size=cfg.eval_batch_size, collate_fn=eval_collator) single_model_gpu = unwrap_model(model) single_model_gpu.get_eval_log(reset=True) # Eval! logger.info("***** Running evaluation {}.{} *****".format(_split, prefix)) logger.info(" Num examples = %d", len(dataset)) logger.info(" Batch size = %d", cfg.eval_batch_size) # Seems FSDP does not need to unwrap the model for evaluating. model.eval() pred_list = [] prob_list = [] for batch in tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Evaluating"): batch = batch_to_device(batch, cfg.device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**batch) # logits = outputs["logits"].detach().cpu() probs = outputs["logits"].softmax(dim=-1).detach().cpu().float() prob, pred = probs.max(dim=-1) pred_list.extend(pred.tolist()) prob_list.extend(prob.tolist()) metric_log, results = single_model_gpu.get_eval_log(reset=True) logger.info("****** Evaluation Results ******") logger.info(f"Global Steps: {prefix}") logger.info(metric_log) prediction_file = os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, prefix, "eval_predictions.npy") np.save(prediction_file, pred_list) json.dump(prob_list, open(os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, prefix, "eval_probs.json"), "w")) return results def load_and_cache_examples(cfg, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, _split="train", _file=None): if cfg.local_rank not in [-1, 0] and _split == "train": dist.barrier() # Make sure only the first process in distributed training process the dataset, and the others will use the cache if _file is not None: input_file = _file elif _split == "train": input_file = cfg.train_file elif _split == "dev": input_file = cfg.dev_file elif _split == "test": input_file = cfg.test_file else: raise RuntimeError(_split) examples, features, res = hydra.utils.call(cfg.read_tensor, file_path=input_file, tokenizer=tokenizer) if cfg.local_rank == 0 and _split == "train": dist.barrier() # Make sure only the first process in distributed training process the dataset, and the others will use the cache if isinstance(res, Dataset): return res, features dataset = TensorDataset(*res) return dataset, features @hydra.main(config_path="conf", config_name="config") def main(cfg: DictConfig): if cfg.local_rank == -1 or cfg.no_cuda: device = str(torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and not cfg.no_cuda else "cpu")) cfg.n_gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() else: # Initializes the distributed backend which will take care of synchronizing nodes/GPUs torch.cuda.set_device(cfg.local_rank) device = str(torch.device("cuda", cfg.local_rank)) dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl') cfg.n_gpu = 1 cfg.device = device global logger logger = setting_logger(cfg.output_dir, local_rank=cfg.local_rank) logger.warning("Process rank: %s, device: %s, n_gpu: %s, distributed training: %s, 16-bits training: %s", cfg.local_rank, device, cfg.n_gpu, bool(cfg.local_rank != -1), cfg.fp16) # Set seed set_seed(cfg) # Load pre-trained model and tokenizer if cfg.local_rank not in [-1, 0]: dist.barrier() # Make sure only the first process in distributed training will download model & vocab if cfg.pretrain: pretrain_state_dict = torch.load(cfg.pretrain, map_location='cpu') else: pretrain_state_dict = None tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg.model_name_or_path) model = hydra.utils.call(cfg.model, cfg.model_name_or_path, state_dict=pretrain_state_dict) if cfg.local_rank == 0: dist.barrier() # Make sure only the first process in distributed training will download model & vocab # if cfg.local_rank == -1: # For FullyShardedDDP, place the model on cpu first. model.to(cfg.device) # logger.info("Training/evaluation parameters %s", OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) if cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: if not os.path.exists(cfg.output_dir): os.makedirs(cfg.output_dir) OmegaConf.save(cfg, os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, "training_config.yaml")) # Training if cfg.do_train: # TODO: Add option for continuously training from checkpoint. # The operation should be introduced in ``train`` method since both the state dict # of schedule and optimizer (and scaler, if any) should be loaded. # If output files already exists, assume to continue training from latest checkpoint (unless overwrite_output_dir is set) continue_from_global_step = 0 # If set to 0, start training from the beginning # if os.path.exists(args.output_dir) and os.listdir(args.output_dir) and args.do_train and not args.overwrite_output_dir: # checkpoints = list(os.path.dirname(c) for c in sorted(glob.glob(args.output_dir + '/*/' + WEIGHTS_NAME, recursive=True))) # if len(checkpoints) > 0: # checkpoint = checkpoints[-1] # logger.info("Resuming training from the latest checkpoint: %s", checkpoint) # continue_from_global_step = int(checkpoint.split('-')[-1]) # model = model_class.from_pretrained(checkpoint) # model.to(args.device) # train_dataset, features = load_and_cache_examples(cfg, tokenizer, _split="train") global_step, tr_loss = train(cfg, model, tokenizer, continue_from_global_step) logger.info(" global_step = %s, average loss = %s", global_step, tr_loss) # Save the trained model and the tokenizer if cfg.do_train: # Create output directory if needed if not os.path.exists(cfg.output_dir) and cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: os.makedirs(cfg.output_dir) logger.info("Saving model checkpoint to %s", cfg.output_dir) # Save a trained model, configuration and tokenizer using `save_pretrained()`. # They can then be reloaded using `from_pretrained()` # model_to_save = model.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else model # Take care of distributed/parallel training # model_to_save.save_pretrained(cfg.output_dir) save_model(model, cfg, cfg.output_dir) if cfg.local_rank == -1 or dist.get_rank() == 0: tokenizer.save_pretrained(cfg.output_dir) # Good practice: save your training arguments together with the trained model # torch.save(cfg, os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, 'training_args.bin')) OmegaConf.save(cfg, os.path.join(cfg.output_dir, "training_args.yaml")) # Test results = {} if cfg.do_eval and cfg.local_rank in [-1, 0]: checkpoints = [cfg.output_dir] if cfg.eval_sub_path: checkpoints = list( os.path.dirname(c) for c in sorted(glob.glob(cfg.output_dir + f"/{cfg.eval_sub_path}/" + "pytorch_model.bin", recursive=True)) ) logging.getLogger("transformers.modeling_utils").setLevel(logging.WARN) # Reduce logging logger.info(" the following checkpoints: %s", checkpoints) for checkpoint in checkpoints: global_step = checkpoint.split("-")[-1] if len(checkpoints) > 1 else "" prefix = checkpoint.split("/")[-1] if checkpoint.find("checkpoint") != -1 else "" split = "dev" model = hydra.utils.call(cfg.model, checkpoint) model.to(device) if cfg.test_file: prefix = 'test-' + prefix split = "test" result = evaluate(cfg, model, tokenizer, prefix=prefix, _split=split) result = dict((k + "_{}".format(global_step), v) for k, v in result.items()) results.update(result) return results if __name__ == "__main__": hydra_formatted_args = [] # convert the cli params added by torch.distributed.launch into Hydra format for arg in sys.argv: if arg.startswith("--"): hydra_formatted_args.append(arg[len("--"):]) else: hydra_formatted_args.append(arg) sys.argv = hydra_formatted_args main()
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version = '0.1.1' version_details = (0, 1, 1)
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import pytest import torch from mmgen.models.gans import BasicConditionalGAN class TestSNGAN_PROJ: @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.generator_cfg = dict( type='SNGANGenerator', output_scale=32, base_channels=256, num_classes=10) cls.discriminator_cfg = dict( type='ProjDiscriminator', input_scale=32, base_channels=128, num_classes=10) cls.disc_auxiliary_loss = None cls.gan_loss = dict(type='GANLoss', gan_type='hinge') cls.train_cfg = None def test_sngan_proj_cpu(self): # test default config snganproj = BasicConditionalGAN( self.generator_cfg, self.discriminator_cfg, self.gan_loss, disc_auxiliary_loss=None, train_cfg=self.train_cfg) # test sample from noise outputs = snganproj.sample_from_noise(None, num_batches=2) assert outputs.shape == (2, 3, 32, 32) outputs = snganproj.sample_from_noise( None, num_batches=2, return_noise=True, sample_model='orig') assert outputs['fake_img'].shape == (2, 3, 32, 32) # test train step img = torch.randn((2, 3, 32, 32)) lab = torch.randint(0, 10, (2, )) data_input = dict(img=img, gt_label=lab) optimizer_g = torch.optim.SGD( snganproj.generator.parameters(), lr=0.01) optimizer_d = torch.optim.SGD( snganproj.discriminator.parameters(), lr=0.01) optim_dict = dict(generator=optimizer_g, discriminator=optimizer_d) model_outputs = snganproj.train_step(data_input, optim_dict) assert 'results' in model_outputs assert 'log_vars' in model_outputs assert model_outputs['num_samples'] == 2 @pytest.mark.skipif(not torch.cuda.is_available(), reason='requires cuda') def test_sngan_proj_cuda(self): # test default config snganproj = BasicConditionalGAN( self.generator_cfg, self.discriminator_cfg, self.gan_loss, disc_auxiliary_loss=self.disc_auxiliary_loss, train_cfg=self.train_cfg).cuda() # test sample from noise outputs = snganproj.sample_from_noise(None, num_batches=2) assert outputs.shape == (2, 3, 32, 32) outputs = snganproj.sample_from_noise( None, num_batches=2, return_noise=True, sample_model='orig') assert outputs['fake_img'].shape == (2, 3, 32, 32) # test train step img = torch.randn((2, 3, 32, 32)).cuda() lab = torch.randint(0, 10, (2, )).cuda() data_input = dict(img=img, gt_label=lab) optimizer_g = torch.optim.SGD( snganproj.generator.parameters(), lr=0.01) optimizer_d = torch.optim.SGD( snganproj.discriminator.parameters(), lr=0.01) optim_dict = dict(generator=optimizer_g, discriminator=optimizer_d) model_outputs = snganproj.train_step(data_input, optim_dict) assert 'results' in model_outputs assert 'log_vars' in model_outputs assert model_outputs['num_samples'] == 2
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: config.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='config.proto', package='gce_backend', syntax='proto2', serialized_pb=_b('\n\x0c\x63onfig.proto\x12\x0bgce_backend\"\xb3\x04\n\x16InstanceTemplateConfig\x12G\n\ttemplates\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\x34.gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate\x1a\xcf\x03\n\x10InstanceTemplate\x12\x11\n\tbase_name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0f\n\x07project\x18\x02 \x01(\t\x12\x12\n\ndimensions\x18\x03 \x03(\t\x12\x12\n\nimage_name\x18\x04 \x01(\t\x12\x15\n\rimage_project\x18\n \x01(\t\x12\x11\n\tdisk_type\x18\x0f \x01(\t\x12\x14\n\x0c\x64isk_size_gb\x18\x05 \x01(\x05\x12]\n\x10service_accounts\x18\x06 \x03(\x0b\x32\x43.gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount\x12\x0c\n\x04tags\x18\x07 \x03(\t\x12\x10\n\x08metadata\x18\x08 \x03(\t\x12\x1a\n\x12metadata_from_file\x18\x0e \x03(\t\x12\x14\n\x0cmachine_type\x18\t \x01(\t\x12\x13\n\x0bnetwork_url\x18\x0b \x01(\t\x12\x1f\n\x17\x61uto_assign_external_ip\x18\x0c \x01(\x08\x12\x18\n\x10min_cpu_platform\x18\r \x01(\t\x1a.\n\x0eServiceAccount\x12\x0c\n\x04name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x0e\n\x06scopes\x18\x02 \x03(\t\"\xda\x01\n\x1aInstanceGroupManagerConfig\x12N\n\x08managers\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32<.gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager\x1al\n\x14InstanceGroupManager\x12\x1a\n\x12template_base_name\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12\x14\n\x0cminimum_size\x18\x02 \x01(\x05\x12\x14\n\x0cmaximum_size\x18\x03 \x01(\x05\x12\x0c\n\x04zone\x18\x04 \x01(\t\">\n\x0bSettingsCfg\x12\x1c\n\x14\x65nable_ts_monitoring\x18\x01 \x01(\x08\x12\x11\n\tmp_server\x18\x02 \x01(\t') ) _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE_SERVICEACCOUNT = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='ServiceAccount', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='name', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount.name', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='scopes', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount.scopes', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=547, serialized_end=593, ) _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='InstanceTemplate', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='base_name', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.base_name', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='project', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.project', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='dimensions', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.dimensions', index=2, number=3, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='image_name', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.image_name', index=3, number=4, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='image_project', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.image_project', index=4, number=10, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='disk_type', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.disk_type', index=5, number=15, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='disk_size_gb', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.disk_size_gb', index=6, number=5, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='service_accounts', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.service_accounts', index=7, number=6, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='tags', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.tags', index=8, number=7, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='metadata', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.metadata', index=9, number=8, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='metadata_from_file', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.metadata_from_file', index=10, number=14, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='machine_type', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.machine_type', index=11, number=9, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='network_url', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.network_url', index=12, number=11, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='auto_assign_external_ip', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.auto_assign_external_ip', index=13, number=12, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='min_cpu_platform', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.min_cpu_platform', index=14, number=13, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[_INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE_SERVICEACCOUNT, ], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=130, serialized_end=593, ) _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='InstanceTemplateConfig', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='templates', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.templates', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[_INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE, ], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=30, serialized_end=593, ) _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGER = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='InstanceGroupManager', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='template_base_name', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager.template_base_name', index=0, number=1, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='minimum_size', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager.minimum_size', index=1, number=2, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='maximum_size', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager.maximum_size', index=2, number=3, type=5, cpp_type=1, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=0, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='zone', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager.zone', index=3, number=4, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=706, serialized_end=814, ) _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='InstanceGroupManagerConfig', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='managers', full_name='gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.managers', index=0, number=1, type=11, cpp_type=10, label=3, has_default_value=False, default_value=[], message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGER, ], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=596, serialized_end=814, ) _SETTINGSCFG = _descriptor.Descriptor( name='SettingsCfg', full_name='gce_backend.SettingsCfg', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, containing_type=None, fields=[ _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='enable_ts_monitoring', full_name='gce_backend.SettingsCfg.enable_ts_monitoring', index=0, number=1, type=8, cpp_type=7, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=False, message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), _descriptor.FieldDescriptor( name='mp_server', full_name='gce_backend.SettingsCfg.mp_server', index=1, number=2, type=9, cpp_type=9, label=1, has_default_value=False, default_value=_b("").decode('utf-8'), message_type=None, enum_type=None, containing_type=None, is_extension=False, extension_scope=None, options=None), ], extensions=[ ], nested_types=[], enum_types=[ ], options=None, is_extendable=False, syntax='proto2', extension_ranges=[], oneofs=[ ], serialized_start=816, serialized_end=878, ) _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE_SERVICEACCOUNT.containing_type = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE.fields_by_name['service_accounts'].message_type = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE_SERVICEACCOUNT _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE.containing_type = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG.fields_by_name['templates'].message_type = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGER.containing_type = _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG.fields_by_name['managers'].message_type = _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGER DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['InstanceTemplateConfig'] = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['InstanceGroupManagerConfig'] = _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['SettingsCfg'] = _SETTINGSCFG InstanceTemplateConfig = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('InstanceTemplateConfig', (_message.Message,), dict( InstanceTemplate = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('InstanceTemplate', (_message.Message,), dict( ServiceAccount = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('ServiceAccount', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE_SERVICEACCOUNT, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount) )) , DESCRIPTOR = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG_INSTANCETEMPLATE, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate) )) , DESCRIPTOR = _INSTANCETEMPLATECONFIG, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.InstanceTemplateConfig) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(InstanceTemplateConfig) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(InstanceTemplateConfig.InstanceTemplate.ServiceAccount) InstanceGroupManagerConfig = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('InstanceGroupManagerConfig', (_message.Message,), dict( InstanceGroupManager = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('InstanceGroupManager', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG_INSTANCEGROUPMANAGER, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager) )) , DESCRIPTOR = _INSTANCEGROUPMANAGERCONFIG, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.InstanceGroupManagerConfig) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(InstanceGroupManagerConfig) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(InstanceGroupManagerConfig.InstanceGroupManager) SettingsCfg = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('SettingsCfg', (_message.Message,), dict( DESCRIPTOR = _SETTINGSCFG, __module__ = 'config_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:gce_backend.SettingsCfg) )) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(SettingsCfg) # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import platform import subprocess if platform.system() == "Linux": task_os = "linux" elif platform.system() == "Darwin": task_os = "osx" elif platform.system() == "Windows": task_os = "windows" # Build tests subprocess.run([ "./gradlew installFrcUserProgramTest" + task_os.capitalize() + "x86-64DebugGoogleTestExe" ], shell=True, check=True) # Go to directory for tests debug build os.chdir(f"build/install/frcUserProgramTest/{task_os}x86-64/debug") # Write non-interactive gdb commands to a file with open("gdb-cmds.txt", "w") as output: output.write("run\nbt\nquit\n") # Make wrapper script run gdb with open("frcUserProgramTest") as input: content = input.read() with open("frcUserProgramTest", "w") as output: output.write(content.replace("exec ", "gdb -batch -x gdb-cmds.txt ")) subprocess.run(["./frcUserProgramTest"], shell=True, check=True)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import requests import json from pyjstat import pyjstat from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd import ast from dataverk.abc.base import DataverkBase class JSONStatConnector(DataverkBase): """JSONStat based connections """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def get_pandas_df(self, url, params=None, table_format='json'): """ Get Pandas dataframe """ self.log(str(url)) if params == None: params = json.dumps(self._full_json(url)) response=requests.post(url,params).content response=response.decode('utf-8') df = pyjstat.from_json_stat(json.loads(response))[0] return df def _get_table(self, url, table_format = 'json'): if table_format == 'json': response = requests.get(url) df = pyjstat.from_json_stat(response.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))[0] elif table_format == 'csv': df = pd.read_csv(url) else: print("""table_format param must be either 'json' or 'csv'""") df = None return df def _full_json(self,url): variables = self._get_variables(url) nvars = len(variables) var_list = list(range(nvars)) query_element = {} for x in var_list: query_element[x] ='{{"code": "{code}", "selection": {{"filter": "item", "values": {values} }}}}'.format( code = variables[x]['code'], values = variables[x]['values']) query_element[x] = query_element[x].replace("\'", '"') all_elements = str(list(query_element.values())) all_elements = all_elements.replace("\'", "") query = '{{"query": {all_elements} , "response": {{"format": "json-stat" }}}}'.format(all_elements = all_elements) query = ast.literal_eval(query) return query def _get_variables(self,url): df = pd.read_json(url) variables = [values for values in df.iloc[:,1]] return variables
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from . import one # Relative import
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from django.test import SimpleTestCase class SimpleTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_home_page_status_code(self): response = self.client.get('/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_about_page_status_code(self): response = self.client.get('/about/') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from systemtools.basics import * from systemtools.logger import * from systemtools.location import * from datastructuretools.processing import * from datatools.jsonutils import * import random from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Pipe, Queue, JoinableQueue import queue from machinelearning.iterator import * def useIt(seed, containers): random.seed(seed) def itemGenerator(container, **kwargs): for a in NDJson(container): yield a def subProcessParseFunct(item, key=None, **kwargs): return str(item)[:40] + " " + key def mainProcessParseFunct(item, key=None, **kwargs): return item + " " + key cg = ConsistentIterator(containers, itemGenerator, subProcessParseFunct=subProcessParseFunct, mainProcessParseFunct=mainProcessParseFunct, subProcessParseFunctKwargs={"key": "aaa"}, mainProcessParseFunctKwargs={"key": "bbb"}) allElements = [] for a in cg: allElements.append(a) print(len(allElements)) print(allElements[0]) print(allElements[1000]) if len(allElements) >= 59000: print(allElements[60000]) print(allElements[-2]) print(allElements[-1]) return allElements def test1(): tt = TicToc() tt.tic(display=False) containers = sortedGlob("/home/hayj/tmp/Asa/asaminbis/asamin-train-2019.05.22-19.46/*.bz2") # containers = sortedGlob("/home/hayj/tmp/Asa/asaminbis/aaa/*.bz2") printLTS(containers) tt.tic(display=False) allElements1 = useIt(0, containers) tt.tic() allElements2 = useIt(1, containers) tt.tic() assert len(allElements1) == len(allElements2) print("ok1") for i in range(len(allElements1)): assert allElements1[i] == allElements2[i] print("ok2") tt.tic(display=False) count = 0 for file in containers: for row in NDJson(file): count += 1 tt.tic() print(count) assert count == len(allElements1) print("ok3") def test2(): containers = sortedGlob("/home/hayj/tmp/Asa/asaminbis/asamin-train-2019.05.22-19.46/*.bz2") def itemGenerator(container, *args, **kwargs): for a in NDJson(container): yield str(a)[:30] # gen = ConsistentIterator(containers, itemGenerator) gen = AgainAndAgain(ConsistentIterator, containers, itemGenerator) for i in range(3): count = 0 for current in gen: count += 1 print(count) if __name__ == '__main__': test1() # test2()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import signal import flicklib import time def message(value): print value @flicklib.move() def move(x, y, z): global xyztxt xyztxt = '{:5.3f} {:5.3f} {:5.3f}'.format(x,y,z) @flicklib.flick() def flick(start,finish): global flicktxt flicktxt = 'FLICK-' + start[0].upper() + finish[0].upper() message(flicktxt) def main(): global xyztxt global flicktxt xyztxt = '' flicktxt = '' flickcount = 0 while True: xyztxt = '' if len(flicktxt) > 0 and flickcount < 5: flickcount += 1 else: flicktxt = '' flickcount = 0 main()
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
#====================== BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ====================== # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # #======================= END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ======================== from math import pi import bpy from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get from mathutils import Vector from ...utils import angle_on_plane, align_bone_roll, align_bone_z_axis from ...utils import new_bone, copy_bone, put_bone, make_nonscaling_child from ...utils import strip_org, make_mechanism_name, make_deformer_name, insert_before_lr from ...utils import create_widget, create_limb_widget, create_line_widget, create_sphere_widget class FKLimb: def __init__(self, obj, bone1, bone2, bone3, primary_rotation_axis, layers): self.obj = obj self.org_bones = [bone1, bone2, bone3] # Get (optional) parent if self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent is None: self.org_parent = None else: self.org_parent = self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent.name # Get the rig parameters self.layers = layers self.primary_rotation_axis = primary_rotation_axis def generate(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Create non-scaling parent bone if self.org_parent is not None: loc = Vector(self.obj.data.edit_bones[self.org_bones[0]].head) parent = make_nonscaling_child(self.obj, self.org_parent, loc, "_fk") else: parent = None # Create the control bones ulimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".fk"))) flimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".fk"))) elimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[2], ".fk"))) # Create the end-limb mechanism bone elimb_mch = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[2]))) # Create the anti-stretch bones # These sit between a parent and its child, and counteract the # stretching of the parent so that the child is unaffected fantistr = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], "_antistr.fk")))) eantistr = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], "_antistr.fk")))) # Create the hinge bones if parent is not None: socket1 = copy_bone(self.obj, ulimb, make_mechanism_name(ulimb + ".socket1")) socket2 = copy_bone(self.obj, ulimb, make_mechanism_name(ulimb + ".socket2")) # Get edit bones eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones ulimb_e = eb[ulimb] flimb_e = eb[flimb] elimb_e = eb[elimb] fantistr_e = eb[fantistr] eantistr_e = eb[eantistr] elimb_mch_e = eb[elimb_mch] if parent is not None: socket1_e = eb[socket1] socket2_e = eb[socket2] # Parenting elimb_mch_e.use_connect = False elimb_mch_e.parent = elimb_e elimb_e.use_connect = False elimb_e.parent = eantistr_e eantistr_e.use_connect = False eantistr_e.parent = flimb_e flimb_e.use_connect = False flimb_e.parent = fantistr_e fantistr_e.use_connect = False fantistr_e.parent = ulimb_e if parent is not None: socket1_e.use_connect = False socket1_e.parent = eb[parent] socket2_e.use_connect = False socket2_e.parent = None ulimb_e.use_connect = False ulimb_e.parent = socket2_e # Positioning fantistr_e.length /= 8 put_bone(self.obj, fantistr, Vector(ulimb_e.tail)) eantistr_e.length /= 8 put_bone(self.obj, eantistr, Vector(flimb_e.tail)) if parent is not None: socket1_e.length /= 4 socket2_e.length /= 3 # Object mode, get pose bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones ulimb_p = pb[ulimb] flimb_p = pb[flimb] elimb_p = pb[elimb] fantistr_p = pb[fantistr] eantistr_p = pb[eantistr] if parent is not None: socket2_p = pb[socket2] # Lock axes ulimb_p.lock_location = (True, True, True) flimb_p.lock_location = (True, True, True) elimb_p.lock_location = (True, True, True) # Set the elbow to only bend on the x-axis. flimb_p.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' if 'X' in self.primary_rotation_axis: flimb_p.lock_rotation = (False, True, True) elif 'Y' in self.primary_rotation_axis: flimb_p.lock_rotation = (True, False, True) else: flimb_p.lock_rotation = (True, True, False) # Set up custom properties if parent is not None: prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(ulimb_p, "isolate", create=True) ulimb_p["isolate"] = 0.0 prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0 prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(ulimb_p, "stretch_length", create=True) ulimb_p["stretch_length"] = 1.0 prop["min"] = 0.05 prop["max"] = 20.0 prop["soft_min"] = 0.25 prop["soft_max"] = 4.0 # Stretch drivers def add_stretch_drivers(pose_bone): driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 1).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "stretch_length" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 0).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "1/sqrt(stretch_length)" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 2).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "1/sqrt(stretch_length)" def add_antistretch_drivers(pose_bone): driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 1).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "1/stretch_length" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 0).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "sqrt(stretch_length)" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 2).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "sqrt(stretch_length)" add_stretch_drivers(ulimb_p) add_stretch_drivers(flimb_p) add_antistretch_drivers(fantistr_p) add_antistretch_drivers(eantistr_p) # Hinge constraints / drivers if parent is not None: con = socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "copy_location" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = socket1 con = socket2_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "isolate_off" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = socket1 # Driver fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'AVERAGE' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = ulimb_p.path_from_id() + '["isolate"]' mod = fcurve.modifiers[0] mod.poly_order = 1 mod.coefficients[0] = 1.0 mod.coefficients[1] = -1.0 # Constrain org bones to controls con = pb[self.org_bones[0]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "fk" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = ulimb con = pb[self.org_bones[1]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "fk" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb con = pb[self.org_bones[2]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "fk" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb_mch # Set layers if specified if self.layers: ulimb_p.bone.layers = self.layers flimb_p.bone.layers = self.layers elimb_p.bone.layers = self.layers # Create control widgets create_limb_widget(self.obj, ulimb) create_limb_widget(self.obj, flimb) ob = create_widget(self.obj, elimb) if ob is not None: verts = [(0.7, 1.5, 0.0), (0.7, -0.25, 0.0), (-0.7, -0.25, 0.0), (-0.7, 1.5, 0.0), (0.7, 0.723, 0.0), (-0.7, 0.723, 0.0), (0.7, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.7, 0.0, 0.0)] edges = [(1, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6), (1, 6), (5, 7), (2, 7)] mesh = ob.data mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, []) mesh.update() mod = ob.modifiers.new("subsurf", 'SUBSURF') mod.levels = 2 return [ulimb, flimb, elimb, elimb_mch] class IKLimb: """ An IK limb rig, with an optional ik/fk switch. """ def __init__(self, obj, bone1, bone2, bone3, pole_parent, pole_target_base_name, primary_rotation_axis, bend_hint, layers, ikfk_switch=False): self.obj = obj self.switch = ikfk_switch # Get the chain of 3 connected bones self.org_bones = [bone1, bone2, bone3] # Get (optional) parent if self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent is None: self.org_parent = None else: self.org_parent = self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent.name self.pole_parent = pole_parent # Get the rig parameters self.pole_target_base_name = pole_target_base_name self.layers = layers self.bend_hint = bend_hint self.primary_rotation_axis = primary_rotation_axis def generate(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Create non-scaling parent bone if self.org_parent is not None: loc = Vector(self.obj.data.edit_bones[self.org_bones[0]].head) parent = make_nonscaling_child(self.obj, self.org_parent, loc, "_ik") if self.pole_parent is None: self.pole_parent = parent else: parent = None # Create the bones ulimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".ik")))) flimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".ik")))) elimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[2], ".ik"))) elimb_mch = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[2]))) ulimb_nostr = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".nostr.ik")))) flimb_nostr = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".nostr.ik")))) ulimb_str = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".stretch.ik")))) flimb_str = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".stretch.ik")))) pole_target_name = self.pole_target_base_name + "." + insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".ik").split(".", 1)[1] pole = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], pole_target_name) if self.pole_parent == self.org_bones[2]: self.pole_parent = elimb_mch if self.pole_parent is not None: pole_par = copy_bone(self.obj, self.pole_parent, make_mechanism_name(insert_before_lr(pole_target_name, "_parent"))) viselimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], "VIS-" + strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[2], ".ik"))) vispole = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], "VIS-" + strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], "_pole.ik"))) # Get edit bones eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones if parent is not None: parent_e = eb[parent] ulimb_e = eb[ulimb] flimb_e = eb[flimb] elimb_e = eb[elimb] elimb_mch_e = eb[elimb_mch] ulimb_nostr_e = eb[ulimb_nostr] flimb_nostr_e = eb[flimb_nostr] ulimb_str_e = eb[ulimb_str] flimb_str_e = eb[flimb_str] pole_e = eb[pole] if self.pole_parent is not None: pole_par_e = eb[pole_par] viselimb_e = eb[viselimb] vispole_e = eb[vispole] # Parenting ulimb_e.use_connect = False ulimb_nostr_e.use_connect = False if parent is not None: ulimb_e.parent = parent_e ulimb_nostr_e.parent = parent_e flimb_e.parent = ulimb_e flimb_nostr_e.parent = ulimb_nostr_e elimb_e.use_connect = False elimb_e.parent = None elimb_mch_e.use_connect = False elimb_mch_e.parent = elimb_e ulimb_str_e.use_connect = False ulimb_str_e.parent = ulimb_e.parent flimb_str_e.use_connect = False flimb_str_e.parent = ulimb_e.parent pole_e.use_connect = False if self.pole_parent is not None: pole_par_e.parent = None pole_e.parent = pole_par_e viselimb_e.use_connect = False viselimb_e.parent = None vispole_e.use_connect = False vispole_e.parent = None # Misc elimb_e.use_local_location = False viselimb_e.hide_select = True vispole_e.hide_select = True # Positioning v1 = flimb_e.tail - ulimb_e.head if 'X' in self.primary_rotation_axis or 'Y' in self.primary_rotation_axis: v2 = v1.cross(flimb_e.x_axis) if (v2 * flimb_e.z_axis) > 0.0: v2 *= -1.0 else: v2 = v1.cross(flimb_e.z_axis) if (v2 * flimb_e.x_axis) < 0.0: v2 *= -1.0 v2.normalize() v2 *= v1.length if '-' in self.primary_rotation_axis: v2 *= -1 pole_e.head = flimb_e.head + v2 pole_e.tail = pole_e.head + (Vector((0, 1, 0)) * (v1.length / 8)) pole_e.roll = 0.0 if parent is not None: pole_par_e.length *= 0.75 viselimb_e.tail = viselimb_e.head + Vector((0, 0, v1.length / 32)) vispole_e.tail = vispole_e.head + Vector((0, 0, v1.length / 32)) # Determine the pole offset value plane = (flimb_e.tail - ulimb_e.head).normalized() vec1 = ulimb_e.x_axis.normalized() vec2 = (pole_e.head - ulimb_e.head).normalized() pole_offset = angle_on_plane(plane, vec1, vec2) # Object mode, get pose bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones ulimb_p = pb[ulimb] flimb_p = pb[flimb] elimb_p = pb[elimb] ulimb_nostr_p = pb[ulimb_nostr] flimb_nostr_p = pb[flimb_nostr] ulimb_str_p = pb[ulimb_str] flimb_str_p = pb[flimb_str] pole_p = pb[pole] if self.pole_parent is not None: pole_par_p = pb[pole_par] viselimb_p = pb[viselimb] vispole_p = pb[vispole] # Set the elbow to only bend on the primary axis if 'X' in self.primary_rotation_axis: flimb_p.lock_ik_y = True flimb_p.lock_ik_z = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_y = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_z = True elif 'Y' in self.primary_rotation_axis: flimb_p.lock_ik_x = True flimb_p.lock_ik_z = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_x = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_z = True else: flimb_p.lock_ik_x = True flimb_p.lock_ik_y = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_x = True flimb_nostr_p.lock_ik_y = True # Limb stretches ulimb_nostr_p.ik_stretch = 0.0 flimb_nostr_p.ik_stretch = 0.0 # This next bit is weird. The values calculated cause # ulimb and flimb to preserve their relative lengths # while stretching. l1 = ulimb_p.length l2 = flimb_p.length if l1 < l2: ulimb_p.ik_stretch = (l1 ** (1 / 3)) / (l2 ** (1 / 3)) flimb_p.ik_stretch = 1.0 else: ulimb_p.ik_stretch = 1.0 flimb_p.ik_stretch = (l2 ** (1 / 3)) / (l1 ** (1 / 3)) # Pole target only translates pole_p.lock_location = False, False, False pole_p.lock_rotation = True, True, True pole_p.lock_rotation_w = True pole_p.lock_scale = True, True, True # Set up custom properties if self.switch is True: prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(elimb_p, "ikfk_switch", create=True) elimb_p["ikfk_switch"] = 0.0 prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0 if self.pole_parent is not None: prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pole_p, "follow", create=True) pole_p["follow"] = 1.0 prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0 prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(elimb_p, "stretch_length", create=True) elimb_p["stretch_length"] = 1.0 prop["min"] = 0.05 prop["max"] = 20.0 prop["soft_min"] = 0.25 prop["soft_max"] = 4.0 prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(elimb_p, "auto_stretch", create=True) elimb_p["auto_stretch"] = 1.0 prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0 # Stretch parameter drivers def add_stretch_drivers(pose_bone): driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 1).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "stretch_length" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 0).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "stretch_length" driver = pose_bone.driver_add("scale", 2).driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "stretch_length" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["stretch_length"]' driver.type = 'SCRIPTED' driver.expression = "stretch_length" add_stretch_drivers(ulimb_nostr_p) # Bend direction hint def add_bend_hint(pose_bone, axis): con = pose_bone.constraints.new('LIMIT_ROTATION') con.name = "bend_hint" con.owner_space = 'LOCAL' if axis == 'X': con.use_limit_x = True con.min_x = pi / 10 con.max_x = pi / 10 elif axis == '-X': con.use_limit_x = True con.min_x = -pi / 10 con.max_x = -pi / 10 elif axis == 'Y': con.use_limit_y = True con.min_y = pi / 10 con.max_y = pi / 10 elif axis == '-Y': con.use_limit_y = True con.min_y = -pi / 10 con.max_y = -pi / 10 elif axis == 'Z': con.use_limit_z = True con.min_z = pi / 10 con.max_z = pi / 10 elif axis == '-Z': con.use_limit_z = True con.min_z = -pi / 10 con.max_z = -pi / 10 if self.bend_hint: add_bend_hint(flimb_p, self.primary_rotation_axis) add_bend_hint(flimb_nostr_p, self.primary_rotation_axis) # Constrain normal IK chain to no-stretch IK chain con = ulimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "pre_stretch" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = ulimb_nostr con = flimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "pre_stretch" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb_nostr # IK Constraints con = flimb_nostr_p.constraints.new('IK') con.name = "ik" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb_mch con.pole_target = self.obj con.pole_subtarget = pole con.pole_angle = pole_offset con.chain_count = 2 con = flimb_p.constraints.new('IK') con.name = "ik" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb_mch con.chain_count = 2 # Driver to enable/disable auto stretching IK chain fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'AVERAGE' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["auto_stretch"]' # Stretch bone constraints con = ulimb_str_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = ulimb con = ulimb_str_p.constraints.new('MAINTAIN_VOLUME') con.name = "stretch" con.owner_space = 'LOCAL' con = flimb_str_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb con = flimb_str_p.constraints.new('MAINTAIN_VOLUME') con.name = "stretch" con.owner_space = 'LOCAL' # Pole target parent if self.pole_parent is not None: con = pole_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "parent" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.pole_parent driver = con.driver_add("influence").driver var = driver.variables.new() var.name = "follow" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = pole_p.path_from_id() + '["follow"]' driver.type = 'SUM' # Constrain org bones con = pb[self.org_bones[0]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "ik" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = ulimb_str if self.switch is True: # IK/FK switch driver fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'AVERAGE' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["ikfk_switch"]' con = pb[self.org_bones[1]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "ik" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb_str if self.switch is True: # IK/FK switch driver fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'AVERAGE' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["ikfk_switch"]' con = pb[self.org_bones[2]].constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "ik" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb_mch if self.switch is True: # IK/FK switch driver fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'AVERAGE' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = elimb_p.path_from_id() + '["ikfk_switch"]' # VIS limb-end constraints con = viselimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "copy_loc" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[2] con = viselimb_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "stretch_to" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con.rest_length = viselimb_p.length # VIS pole constraints con = vispole_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "copy_loc" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[1] con = vispole_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "stretch_to" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = pole con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con.rest_length = vispole_p.length # Set layers if specified if self.layers: elimb_p.bone.layers = self.layers pole_p.bone.layers = self.layers viselimb_p.bone.layers = self.layers vispole_p.bone.layers = self.layers # Create widgets create_line_widget(self.obj, vispole) create_line_widget(self.obj, viselimb) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, pole) ob = create_widget(self.obj, elimb) if ob is not None: verts = [(0.7, 1.5, 0.0), (0.7, -0.25, 0.0), (-0.7, -0.25, 0.0), (-0.7, 1.5, 0.0), (0.7, 0.723, 0.0), (-0.7, 0.723, 0.0), (0.7, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.7, 0.0, 0.0)] edges = [(1, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6), (1, 6), (5, 7), (2, 7)] mesh = ob.data mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, []) mesh.update() mod = ob.modifiers.new("subsurf", 'SUBSURF') mod.levels = 2 return [ulimb, flimb, elimb, elimb_mch, pole, vispole, viselimb] class RubberHoseLimb: def __init__(self, obj, bone1, bone2, bone3, use_complex_limb, junc_base_name, primary_rotation_axis, layers): self.obj = obj # Get the chain of 3 connected bones self.org_bones = [bone1, bone2, bone3] # Get (optional) parent if self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent is None: self.org_parent = None else: self.org_parent = self.obj.data.bones[bone1].parent.name # Get rig parameters self.layers = layers self.primary_rotation_axis = primary_rotation_axis self.use_complex_limb = use_complex_limb self.junc_base_name = junc_base_name def generate(self): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Create non-scaling parent bone if self.org_parent is not None: loc = Vector(self.obj.data.edit_bones[self.org_bones[0]].head) parent = make_nonscaling_child(self.obj, self.org_parent, loc, "_rh") else: parent = None if not self.use_complex_limb: # Simple rig # Create bones ulimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_deformer_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[0]))) flimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_deformer_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[1]))) elimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], make_deformer_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[2]))) # Get edit bones eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones ulimb_e = eb[ulimb] flimb_e = eb[flimb] elimb_e = eb[elimb] # Parenting elimb_e.parent = flimb_e elimb_e.use_connect = True flimb_e.parent = ulimb_e flimb_e.use_connect = True if parent is not None: elimb_e.use_connect = False ulimb_e.parent = eb[parent] # Object mode, get pose bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones ulimb_p = pb[ulimb] flimb_p = pb[flimb] elimb_p = pb[elimb] # Constrain def bones to org bones con = ulimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "def" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[0] con = flimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "def" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[1] con = elimb_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "def" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[2] return [] else: # Complex rig # Get the .R or .L off the end of the upper limb name if it exists lr = self.org_bones[0].split(".", 1) if len(lr) == 1: lr = "" else: lr = lr[1] # Create bones # Deformation bones ulimb1 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_deformer_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".01")))) ulimb2 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_deformer_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], ".02")))) flimb1 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_deformer_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".01")))) flimb2 = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_deformer_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".02")))) elimb = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[2], make_deformer_name(strip_org(self.org_bones[2]))) # Bones for switchable smooth bbone transition at elbow/knee ulimb2_smoother = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], "_smth.02")))) flimb1_smoother = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], "_smth.01")))) flimb1_pos = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".01")))) # Elbow/knee junction bone junc = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], ".junc")))) # Hose controls uhoseend = new_bone(self.obj, strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], "_hose_end"))) uhose = new_bone(self.obj, strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[0], "_hose"))) jhose = new_bone(self.obj, self.junc_base_name + "_hose." + lr) fhose = new_bone(self.obj, strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], "_hose"))) fhoseend = new_bone(self.obj, strip_org(insert_before_lr(self.org_bones[1], "_hose_end"))) # Hose control parents uhoseend_par = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(uhoseend, "_p")))) uhose_par = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[0], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(uhose, "_p")))) jhose_par = copy_bone(self.obj, junc, make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(jhose, "_p")))) fhose_par = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(fhose, "_p")))) fhoseend_par = copy_bone(self.obj, self.org_bones[1], make_mechanism_name(strip_org(insert_before_lr(fhoseend, "_p")))) # Get edit bones eb = self.obj.data.edit_bones if parent is not None: parent_e = eb[parent] else: parent_e = None ulimb1_e = eb[ulimb1] ulimb2_e = eb[ulimb2] flimb1_e = eb[flimb1] flimb2_e = eb[flimb2] elimb_e = eb[elimb] ulimb2_smoother_e = eb[ulimb2_smoother] flimb1_smoother_e = eb[flimb1_smoother] flimb1_pos_e = eb[flimb1_pos] junc_e = eb[junc] uhoseend_e = eb[uhoseend] uhose_e = eb[uhose] jhose_e = eb[jhose] fhose_e = eb[fhose] fhoseend_e = eb[fhoseend] uhoseend_par_e = eb[uhoseend_par] uhose_par_e = eb[uhose_par] jhose_par_e = eb[jhose_par] fhose_par_e = eb[fhose_par] fhoseend_par_e = eb[fhoseend_par] # Parenting if parent is not None: ulimb1_e.use_connect = False ulimb1_e.parent = parent_e ulimb2_e.use_connect = False ulimb2_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[0]] ulimb2_smoother_e.use_connect = True ulimb2_smoother_e.parent = ulimb2_e flimb1_e.use_connect = True flimb1_e.parent = flimb1_smoother_e flimb1_smoother_e.use_connect = False flimb1_smoother_e.parent = flimb1_pos_e flimb1_pos_e.use_connect = False flimb1_pos_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[1]] flimb2_e.use_connect = False flimb2_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[1]] elimb_e.use_connect = False elimb_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[2]] junc_e.use_connect = False junc_e.parent = eb[self.org_bones[0]] uhoseend_e.use_connect = False uhoseend_e.parent = uhoseend_par_e uhose_e.use_connect = False uhose_e.parent = uhose_par_e jhose_e.use_connect = False jhose_e.parent = jhose_par_e fhose_e.use_connect = False fhose_e.parent = fhose_par_e fhoseend_e.use_connect = False fhoseend_e.parent = fhoseend_par_e uhoseend_par_e.use_connect = False uhoseend_par_e.parent = parent_e uhose_par_e.use_connect = False uhose_par_e.parent = parent_e jhose_par_e.use_connect = False jhose_par_e.parent = parent_e fhose_par_e.use_connect = False fhose_par_e.parent = parent_e fhoseend_par_e.use_connect = False fhoseend_par_e.parent = parent_e # Positioning ulimb1_e.length *= 0.5 ulimb2_e.head = Vector(ulimb1_e.tail) flimb1_e.length *= 0.5 flimb2_e.head = Vector(flimb1_e.tail) align_bone_roll(self.obj, flimb2, elimb) ulimb2_smoother_e.tail = Vector(flimb1_e.tail) ulimb2_smoother_e.roll = flimb1_e.roll flimb1_smoother_e.head = Vector(ulimb1_e.tail) flimb1_pos_e.length *= 0.5 junc_e.length *= 0.2 uhoseend_par_e.length *= 0.25 uhose_par_e.length *= 0.25 jhose_par_e.length *= 0.15 fhose_par_e.length *= 0.25 fhoseend_par_e.length *= 0.25 put_bone(self.obj, uhoseend_par, Vector(ulimb1_e.head)) put_bone(self.obj, uhose_par, Vector(ulimb1_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, jhose_par, Vector(ulimb2_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, fhose_par, Vector(flimb1_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, fhoseend_par, Vector(flimb2_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, uhoseend, Vector(ulimb1_e.head)) put_bone(self.obj, uhose, Vector(ulimb1_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, jhose, Vector(ulimb2_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, fhose, Vector(flimb1_e.tail)) put_bone(self.obj, fhoseend, Vector(flimb2_e.tail)) if 'X' in self.primary_rotation_axis: upoint = Vector(ulimb1_e.z_axis) fpoint = Vector(flimb1_e.z_axis) elif 'Z' in self.primary_rotation_axis: upoint = Vector(ulimb1_e.x_axis) fpoint = Vector(flimb1_e.x_axis) else: # Y upoint = Vector(ulimb1_e.z_axis) fpoint = Vector(flimb1_e.z_axis) if '-' not in self.primary_rotation_axis: upoint *= -1 fpoint *= -1 if 'Y' in self.primary_rotation_axis: uside = Vector(ulimb1_e.x_axis) fside = Vector(flimb1_e.x_axis) else: uside = Vector(ulimb1_e.y_axis) * -1 fside = Vector(flimb1_e.y_axis) * -1 uhoseend_e.tail = uhoseend_e.head + upoint uhose_e.tail = uhose_e.head + upoint jhose_e.tail = fhose_e.head + upoint + fpoint fhose_e.tail = fhose_e.head + fpoint fhoseend_e.tail = fhoseend_e.head + fpoint align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, uhoseend, uside) align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, uhose, uside) align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, jhose, uside + fside) align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, fhose, fside) align_bone_z_axis(self.obj, fhoseend, fside) l = 0.125 * (ulimb1_e.length + ulimb2_e.length + flimb1_e.length + flimb2_e.length) uhoseend_e.length = l uhose_e.length = l jhose_e.length = l fhose_e.length = l fhoseend_e.length = l # Object mode, get pose bones bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') pb = self.obj.pose.bones ulimb1_p = pb[ulimb1] ulimb2_p = pb[ulimb2] flimb1_p = pb[flimb1] flimb2_p = pb[flimb2] elimb_p = pb[elimb] ulimb2_smoother_p = pb[ulimb2_smoother] flimb1_smoother_p = pb[flimb1_smoother] flimb1_pos_p = pb[flimb1_pos] junc_p = pb[junc] uhoseend_p = pb[uhoseend] uhose_p = pb[uhose] jhose_p = pb[jhose] fhose_p = pb[fhose] fhoseend_p = pb[fhoseend] #uhoseend_par_p = pb[uhoseend_par] uhose_par_p = pb[uhose_par] jhose_par_p = pb[jhose_par] fhose_par_p = pb[fhose_par] fhoseend_par_p = pb[fhoseend_par] # Lock axes uhose_p.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) uhose_p.lock_rotation_w = True uhose_p.lock_scale = (True, True, True) jhose_p.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) jhose_p.lock_rotation_w = True jhose_p.lock_scale = (True, True, True) fhose_p.lock_rotation = (True, True, True) fhose_p.lock_rotation_w = True fhose_p.lock_scale = (True, True, True) # B-bone settings ulimb2_p.bone.bbone_segments = 16 ulimb2_p.bone.bbone_easein = 0.0 ulimb2_p.bone.bbone_easeout = 1.0 ulimb2_smoother_p.bone.bbone_segments = 16 ulimb2_smoother_p.bone.bbone_easein = 1.0 ulimb2_smoother_p.bone.bbone_easeout = 0.0 flimb1_p.bone.bbone_segments = 16 flimb1_p.bone.bbone_easein = 1.0 flimb1_p.bone.bbone_easeout = 0.0 flimb1_smoother_p.bone.bbone_segments = 16 flimb1_smoother_p.bone.bbone_easein = 0.0 flimb1_smoother_p.bone.bbone_easeout = 1.0 # Custom properties prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(jhose_p, "smooth_bend", create=True) jhose_p["smooth_bend"] = 0.0 prop["soft_min"] = prop["min"] = 0.0 prop["soft_max"] = prop["max"] = 1.0 # Constraints con = ulimb1_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = uhoseend con = ulimb1_p.constraints.new('COPY_SCALE') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[0] con = ulimb1_p.constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = uhose con = ulimb1_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = uhose con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con = ulimb2_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = uhose con = ulimb2_p.constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con = ulimb2_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con = ulimb2_smoother_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "smoother" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb1_pos fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'SUM' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = jhose_p.path_from_id() + '["smooth_bend"]' con = flimb1_pos_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con = flimb1_pos_p.constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = fhose con = flimb1_pos_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = fhose con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con = flimb1_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "position" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = flimb1_pos con = flimb1_smoother_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "smoother" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = ulimb2 fcurve = con.driver_add("influence") driver = fcurve.driver var = driver.variables.new() driver.type = 'SUM' var.name = "var" var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT' var.targets[0].id = self.obj var.targets[0].data_path = jhose_p.path_from_id() + '["smooth_bend"]' con = flimb1_smoother_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con = flimb2_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = fhose con = flimb2_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.name = "twist" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = elimb con = flimb2_p.constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = fhoseend con = flimb2_p.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO') con.name = "track" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = fhoseend con.volume = 'NO_VOLUME' con = junc_p.constraints.new('COPY_TRANSFORMS') con.name = "bend" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[1] con.influence = 0.5 con = uhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.name = "follow" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[0] con.influence = 1.0 con = uhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[0] con.influence = 1.0 con = uhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con.influence = 0.5 con = jhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.name = "follow" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = junc con.influence = 1.0 con = jhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = junc con.influence = 1.0 con = fhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.name = "follow" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[1] con.influence = 1.0 con = fhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = jhose con.influence = 1.0 con = fhose_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[2] con.influence = 0.5 con = fhoseend_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION') con.name = "follow" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[1] con.influence = 1.0 con = fhoseend_par_p.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION') con.name = "anchor" con.target = self.obj con.subtarget = self.org_bones[2] con.influence = 1.0 # Layers if self.layers: uhoseend_p.bone.layers = self.layers uhose_p.bone.layers = self.layers jhose_p.bone.layers = self.layers fhose_p.bone.layers = self.layers fhoseend_p.bone.layers = self.layers else: layers = list(pb[self.org_bones[0]].bone.layers) uhoseend_p.bone.layers = layers uhose_p.bone.layers = layers jhose_p.bone.layers = layers fhose_p.bone.layers = layers fhoseend_p.bone.layers = layers # Create widgets create_sphere_widget(self.obj, uhoseend) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, uhose) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, jhose) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, fhose) create_sphere_widget(self.obj, fhoseend) return [uhoseend, uhose, jhose, fhose, fhoseend]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This code is part of Qiskit. # # (C) Copyright IBM 2020. # # This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may # obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this # copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating # that they have been altered from the originals. """Defines an abstract class for multi start optimizers. A multi start optimizer is an optimizer that may run minimization algorithm for the several time with different initial guesses to achieve better results. This implementation is suitable for local optimizers.""" import logging import time from abc import ABC from typing import Optional, Callable import numpy as np from scipy.stats import uniform from qiskit.optimization import QuadraticProgram, INFINITY from qiskit.optimization.algorithms.optimization_algorithm import (OptimizationAlgorithm, OptimizationResult) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # we disable a warning: "Method 'a method' is abstract in class 'OptimizationAlgorithm' but # is not overridden (abstract-method) since this class is not intended for instantiation # pylint: disable=W0223 class MultiStartOptimizer(OptimizationAlgorithm, ABC): """ An abstract class that implements multi start optimization and should be sub-classed by other optimizers. """ def __init__(self, trials: int = 1, clip: float = 100.) -> None: """ Constructs an instance of this optimizer. Args: trials: The number of trials for multi-start method. The first trial is solved with the initial guess of zero. If more than one trial is specified then initial guesses are uniformly drawn from ``[lowerbound, upperbound]`` with potential clipping. clip: Clipping parameter for the initial guesses in the multi-start method. If a variable is unbounded then the lower bound and/or upper bound are replaced with the ``-clip`` or ``clip`` values correspondingly for the initial guesses. """ super().__init__() self._trials = trials self._clip = clip def multi_start_solve(self, minimize: Callable[[np.array], np.array], problem: QuadraticProgram) -> OptimizationResult: """Applies a multi start method given a local optimizer. Args: minimize: A callable object that minimizes the problem specified problem: A problem to solve Returns: The result of the multi start algorithm applied to the problem. """ fval_sol = INFINITY x_sol = None # type: Optional[np.array] # Implementation of multi-start optimizer for trial in range(self._trials): x_0 = np.zeros(problem.get_num_vars()) if trial > 0: for i, var in enumerate(problem.variables): lowerbound = var.lowerbound if var.lowerbound > -INFINITY else -self._clip upperbound = var.upperbound if var.upperbound < INFINITY else self._clip x_0[i] = uniform.rvs(lowerbound, (upperbound - lowerbound)) # run optimization t_0 = time.time() x = minimize(x_0) logger.debug("minimize done in: %s seconds", str(time.time() - t_0)) # we minimize, to get actual objective value we must multiply by the sense value fval = problem.objective.evaluate(x) * problem.objective.sense.value # we minimize the objective if fval < fval_sol: # here we get back to the original sense of the problem fval_sol = fval * problem.objective.sense.value x_sol = x return OptimizationResult(x=x_sol, fval=fval_sol, variables=problem.variables, raw_results=x_sol) @property def trials(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of trials for this optimizer. Returns: The number of trials. """ return self._trials @trials.setter def trials(self, trials: int) -> None: """Sets the number of trials. Args: trials: The number of trials to set. """ self._trials = trials @property def clip(self) -> float: """ Returns the clip value for this optimizer. Returns: The clip value. """ return self._clip @clip.setter def clip(self, clip: float) -> None: """Sets the clip value. Args: clip: The clip value to set. """ self._clip = clip
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2020 NREL # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # See https://floris.readthedocs.io for documentation import math import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from ..utilities import cosd, sind, tand from ..logging_manager import LoggerBase from floris.simulation.wake_vortex.VortexCylinder import vc_tang_u, vc_longi_u, vc_root_u, vcs_tang_u, vcs_longi_u, vc_tang_u_doublet from floris.simulation.wake_vortex.VortexDoublet import doublet_line_u from floris.simulation.wake_vortex.SelfSimilar import ss_u from floris.simulation.wake_vortex.VortexCylinderSkewed import svc_tang_u, svc_longi_u, svc_root_u, svcs_tang_u, svcs_longi_u from floris.simulation.wake_vortex.Solver import Ct_const_cutoff, WakeVorticityFromCt, WakeVorticityFromGamma class Turbine(LoggerBase): """ Turbine is a class containing objects pertaining to the individual turbines. Turbine is a model class representing a particular wind turbine. It is largely a container of data and parameters, but also contains methods to probe properties for output. Args: instance_dictionary: A dictionary that is generated from the input_reader; it should have the following key-value pairs: - **description** (*str*): A string containing a description of the turbine. - **properties** (*dict*): A dictionary containing the following key-value pairs: - **rotor_diameter** (*float*): The rotor diameter (m). - **hub_height** (*float*): The hub height (m). - **blade_count** (*int*): The number of blades. - **pP** (*float*): The cosine exponent relating the yaw misalignment angle to power. - **pT** (*float*): The cosine exponent relating the rotor tilt angle to power. - **generator_efficiency** (*float*): The generator efficiency factor used to scale the power production. - **power_thrust_table** (*dict*): A dictionary containing the following key-value pairs: - **power** (*list(float)*): The coefficient of power at different wind speeds. - **thrust** (*list(float)*): The coefficient of thrust at different wind speeds. - **wind_speed** (*list(float)*): The wind speeds for which the power and thrust values are provided (m/s). - **yaw_angle** (*float*): The yaw angle of the turbine relative to the wind direction (deg). A positive value represents a counter-clockwise rotation relative to the wind direction. - **tilt_angle** (*float*): The tilt angle of the turbine (deg). Positive values correspond to a downward rotation of the rotor for an upstream turbine. - **TSR** (*float*): The tip-speed ratio of the turbine. This parameter is used in the "curl" wake model. - **ngrid** (*int*, optional): The square root of the number of points to use on the turbine grid. This number will be squared so that the points can be evenly distributed. Defaults to 5. - **rloc** (*float, optional): A value, from 0 to 1, that determines the width/height of the grid of points on the rotor as a ratio of the rotor radius. Defaults to 0.5. Need to Update _________________________________________ - R: rotor radius - r_hub: position of the turbine hub in global coordinate system - e_shaft_yaw0: unit vector along the shaft (untitled for now), going downwind, when the turbine has zero yaw - e_vert: unit vertical vector, about which positive yawing is done - U0: Free stream velocity in global coordinates (can be changerd with `update_wind`) - Ct: Thrust coefficient (can be changed with `update_loading`) - Ground: Include ground effect in calculations - Model: one of ['VC','VCFF', 'VD', 'SS'] 'VCFF': Vortex cylinder with far-field approximation (fastest) 'VC': Vortex cylinder 'SS': Self similar model of Troldborg et al. (not good close to rotor) 'VD': Self similar model of Troldborg et al. (not good close to rotor) Returns: Turbine: An instantiated Turbine object. """ def __init__(self, instance_dictionary): self.description = instance_dictionary["description"] properties = instance_dictionary["properties"] self.rotor_diameter = properties["rotor_diameter"] self.hub_height = properties["hub_height"] self.blade_count = properties["blade_count"] self.pP = properties["pP"] self.pT = properties["pT"] self.generator_efficiency = properties["generator_efficiency"] self.power_thrust_table = properties["power_thrust_table"] self.yaw_angle = properties["yaw_angle"] self.tilt_angle = properties["tilt_angle"] self.tsr = properties["TSR"] # Vortex turbine (for induction computation) parameters self.R = self.rotor_diameter/2 self.r_hub = [0,0,self.hub_height] self.e_shaft_yaw0 = [1,0,0] self.e_vert = [0,0,1] """ Specifies vectors to define coordinate notations for transformation matrices between vortex turbine cylindrical corrdinates and global coordinates """ # Specify global coordinate system [TODO ??? need to check] self.e_shaft_g0 = np.asarray([1,0,0]).reshape(3,1) self.e_vert_g = np.asarray([0,0,1]).reshape(3,1) self.e_horz_g = np.asarray([1.,0.,0.]).reshape(3,1) # Transformation matrix from cylindrical to wind turbine coordinate system self.T_c2wt = np.asarray([[0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0]]).reshape(3,3) self.set_yaw_angle(self.yaw_angle) self.update_position(self.r_hub) self.U0_g = np.asarray([10,0,0]).ravel().reshape(3,1) #self.update_wind([0,0,10]) self.name='' self.r=None self.gamma_t=None self.gamma_t=None self.Gamma_r=None self.Lambda=np.inf self.Ground=False# Ground effect will be included in calculation of induced velocity self.chi=None self.Model='VC' # initialize to an invalid value until calculated self.air_density = -1 self.use_turbulence_correction = False # Initiate to False unless specifically set # For the following parameters, use default values if not user-specified self.ngrid = int(properties["ngrid"]) if "ngrid" in properties else 5 self.rloc = float(properties["rloc"]) if "rloc" in properties else 0.5 if "use_points_on_perimeter" in properties: self.use_points_on_perimeter = bool(properties["use_points_on_perimeter"]) else: self.use_points_on_perimeter = False self._initialize_turbine() # The indices for this Turbine instance's points from the FlowField # are set in `FlowField._discretize_turbine_domain` and stored # in this variable. self.flow_field_point_indices = None # Private methods def _initialize_turbine(self): # Initialize the turbine given saved parameter settings # Precompute interps wind_speed = self.power_thrust_table["wind_speed"] cp = self.power_thrust_table["power"] self.fCpInterp = interp1d(wind_speed, cp, fill_value="extrapolate") ct = self.power_thrust_table["thrust"] self.fCtInterp = interp1d(wind_speed, ct, fill_value="extrapolate") # constants self.grid_point_count = self.ngrid * self.ngrid if np.sqrt(self.grid_point_count) % 1 != 0.0: raise ValueError("Turbine.grid_point_count must be the square of a number") self.reset_velocities() # initialize derived attributes self.grid = self._create_swept_area_grid() # Compute list of inner powers inner_power = np.array([self._power_inner_function(ws) for ws in wind_speed]) self.powInterp = interp1d(wind_speed, inner_power, fill_value="extrapolate") def _create_swept_area_grid(self): # TODO: add validity check: # rotor points has a minimum in order to always include points inside # the disk ... 2? # # the grid consists of the y,z coordinates of the discrete points which # lie within the rotor area: [(y1,z1), (y2,z2), ... , (yN, zN)] # update: # using all the grid point because that how roald did it. # are the points outside of the rotor disk used later? # determine the dimensions of the square grid num_points = int(np.round(np.sqrt(self.grid_point_count))) pt = self.rloc * self.rotor_radius # syntax: np.linspace(min, max, n points) horizontal = np.linspace(-pt, pt, num_points) vertical = np.linspace(-pt, pt, num_points) # build the grid with all of the points grid = [(h, vertical[i]) for i in range(num_points) for h in horizontal] # keep only the points in the swept area if self.use_points_on_perimeter: grid = [ point for point in grid if np.hypot(point[0], point[1]) <= self.rotor_radius ] else: grid = [ point for point in grid if np.hypot(point[0], point[1]) < self.rotor_radius ] return grid def _power_inner_function(self, yaw_effective_velocity): """ This method calculates the power for an array of yaw effective wind speeds without the air density and turbulence correction parameters. This is used to initialize the power interpolation method used to compute turbine power. """ # Now compute the power cptmp = self._fCp( yaw_effective_velocity ) # Note Cp is also now based on yaw effective velocity return ( 0.5 * (np.pi * self.rotor_radius ** 2) * cptmp * self.generator_efficiency * yaw_effective_velocity ** 3 ) def _fCp(self, at_wind_speed): wind_speed = self.power_thrust_table["wind_speed"] if at_wind_speed < min(wind_speed): return 0.0 else: _cp = self.fCpInterp(at_wind_speed) if _cp.size > 1: _cp = _cp[0] return float(_cp) def _fCt(self, at_wind_speed): wind_speed = self.power_thrust_table["wind_speed"] if at_wind_speed < min(wind_speed): return 0.99 else: _ct = self.fCtInterp(at_wind_speed) if _ct.size > 1: _ct = _ct[0] if _ct > 1.0: _ct = 0.9999 return float(_ct) # Public methods def change_turbine_parameters(self, turbine_change_dict): """ Change a turbine parameter and call the initialize function. Args: turbine_change_dict (dict): A dictionary of parameters to change. """ for param in turbine_change_dict: self.logger.info( "Setting {} to {}".format(param, turbine_change_dict[param]) ) setattr(self, param, turbine_change_dict[param]) self._initialize_turbine() def calculate_swept_area_velocities( self, local_wind_speed, coord, x, y, z, additional_wind_speed=None ): """ This method calculates and returns the wind speeds at each rotor swept area grid point for the turbine, interpolated from the flow field grid. Args: wind_direction (float): The wind farm wind direction (deg). local_wind_speed (np.array): The wind speed at each grid point in the flow field (m/s). coord (:py:obj:`~.utilities.Vec3`): The coordinate of the turbine. x (np.array): The x-coordinates of the flow field grid. y (np.array): The y-coordinates of the flow field grid. z (np.array): The z-coordinates of the flow field grid. Returns: np.array: The wind speed at each rotor grid point for the turbine (m/s). """ u_at_turbine = local_wind_speed # TODO: # # PREVIOUS METHOD======================== # # UNCOMMENT IF ANY ISSUE UNCOVERED WITH NEW MOETHOD # x_grid = x # y_grid = y # z_grid = z # yPts = np.array([point[0] for point in self.grid]) # zPts = np.array([point[1] for point in self.grid]) # # interpolate from the flow field to get the flow field at the grid # # points # dist = [np.sqrt((coord.x1 - x_grid)**2 \ # + (coord.x2 + yPts[i] - y_grid) **2 \ # + (self.hub_height + zPts[i] - z_grid)**2) \ # for i in range(len(yPts))] # idx = [np.where(dist[i] == np.min(dist[i])) for i in range(len(yPts))] # data = [np.mean(u_at_turbine[idx[i]]) for i in range(len(yPts))] # # PREVIOUS METHOD======================== # Use this if no saved points (curl) if self.flow_field_point_indices is None: # # NEW METHOD======================== # Sort by distance flow_grid_points = np.column_stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()]) # Set up a grid array y_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 0] + coord.x2 z_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 1] + self.hub_height x_array = np.ones_like(y_array) * coord.x1 grid_array = np.column_stack([x_array, y_array, z_array]) ii = np.argmin(distance_matrix(flow_grid_points, grid_array), axis=0) else: ii = self.flow_field_point_indices # return np.array(data) if additional_wind_speed is not None: return ( np.array(u_at_turbine.flatten()[ii]), np.array(additional_wind_speed.flatten()[ii]), ) else: return np.array(u_at_turbine.flatten()[ii]) def return_grid_points(self, coord): """ Retrieve the x, y, and z grid points on the rotor. Args: coord (:py:obj:`~.utilities.Vec3`): The coordinate of the turbine. Returns: np.array, np.array, np.array: - x grid points on the rotor. - y grid points on the rotor. - xzgrid points on the rotor. """ y_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 0] + coord.x2 z_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 1] + self.hub_height x_array = np.ones_like(y_array) * coord.x1 return x_array, y_array, z_array def update_velocities( self, u_wake, coord, flow_field, rotated_x, rotated_y, rotated_z ): """ This method updates the velocities at the rotor swept area grid points based on the flow field freestream velocities and wake velocities. Args: u_wake (np.array): The wake deficit velocities at all grid points in the flow field (m/s). coord (:py:obj:`~.utilities.Vec3`): The coordinate of the turbine. flow_field (:py:class:`~.flow_field.FlowField`): The flow field. rotated_x (np.array): The x-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. rotated_y (np.array): The y-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. rotated_z (np.array): The z-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. """ # reset the waked velocities local_wind_speed = flow_field.u_initial - u_wake self.velocities = self.calculate_swept_area_velocities( local_wind_speed, coord, rotated_x, rotated_y, rotated_z ) def reset_velocities(self): """ This method sets the velocities at the turbine's rotor swept area grid points to zero. """ self.velocities = np.array([0.0] * self.grid_point_count) def set_yaw_angle(self, yaw_angle): """ This method sets the turbine's yaw angle. Args: yaw_angle (float): The new yaw angle (deg). Examples: To set a turbine's yaw angle: >>> floris.farm.turbines[0].set_yaw_angle(20.0) """ self._yaw_angle = yaw_angle # Vortex wind turbine # print('>>> turbine.py : set yaw VC_WT') self.yaw_pos = yaw_angle * np.pi/180 # Convert from degrees to radians # print('Yaw Angle',yaw_angle) # print('Yaw_pos',self.yaw_pos) # Transformation matrix for rotating vector around yaw angle c,s=np.cos(self.yaw_pos),np.sin(self.yaw_pos) self.T_wt2g = np.asarray([c,-s,0,s,c,0,0,0,1]).reshape(3,3) # Rotating the shaft vector so that its coordinate follow the new yaw position self.e_shaft_g=np.dot(self.T_wt2g , self.e_shaft_g0) def update_position(self,r_hub): self.r_hub=np.asarray(r_hub).ravel().reshape(3,1) def compute_induction(self, Ind_Opts, rotated_x, rotated_y, rotated_z, CT0=None): """ Computes induction from the turbine as a result of the blockage effect. Applied to velocity field to simulate the induction zone of a turbine. INPUTS: Ind_Opts (dict): Dictionary of inputs to model the resulting turbine induction zone as a result of the blockage effect. rotated_x (np.array): The x-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. rotated_y (np.array): The y-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. rotated_z (np.array): The z-coordinates of the flow field grid rotated so the new x axis is aligned with the wind direction. """ self.Ind_Opts = Ind_Opts if Ind_Opts['induction']: # Can remove (won't be called unless induction) if Ind_Opts['Ct_test']: print('Ct-test') # update vortex cylinder velocity and loading r_bar_cut = 0.11 r_bar_tip = 0.9 if CT0 is None: CT0 = self.Ct print('CT0: ', CT0) self.R = self.rotor_diameter/2*Ind_Opts['Rfact'] nCyl = 1 # For now Lambda = np.inf vr_bar = np.linspace(0,1.0,100) Ct_AD = Ct_const_cutoff(CT0,r_bar_cut,vr_bar,r_bar_tip) # TODO change me to distributed gamma_t_Ct = None self.update_loading(r=vr_bar*self.R, VC_Ct=Ct_AD, Lambda=Lambda, nCyl=nCyl, gamma_t_Ct=gamma_t_Ct) self.gamma_t= self.gamma_t*Ind_Opts['GammaFact'] root = False longi = False tang = True # print('.',end='') ux,uy,uz = self.compute_u(rotated_x,rotated_y,rotated_z,root=root,longi=longi,tang=tang, only_ind=True, no_wake=False, Decay=False, Model = Ind_Opts['Model'], ground=Ind_Opts['Ground'],R_far_field=Ind_Opts['R_far_field']) else: # update vortex cylinder velocity and loading r_bar_cut = 0.01 # r_bar_cut = 0.11 # r_bar_tip = 0.9 # print("------Ct:", self.Ct) if CT0 is None: CT0 = self.Ct # print('CT0: ', CT0) self.R = self.rotor_diameter/2*Ind_Opts['Rfact'] nCyl = 1 # For now Lambda = 30 # if >20 then no swirl # Lambda = np.inf vr_bar = np.linspace(0,1.0,100) Ct_AD = Ct_const_cutoff(CT0,r_bar_cut,vr_bar) # TODO change me to distributed # Ct_AD = Ct_const_cutoff(CT0,r_bar_cut,vr_bar,r_bar_tip) # TODO change me to distributed gamma_t_Ct = None self.update_loading(r=vr_bar*self.R, VC_Ct=Ct_AD, Lambda=Lambda, nCyl=nCyl, gamma_t_Ct=gamma_t_Ct) self.gamma_t= self.gamma_t*Ind_Opts['GammaFact'] # print('gamma_t: ', self.gamma_t) root = False longi = False tang = True # print('.',end='') ux,uy,uz = self.compute_u(rotated_x,rotated_y,rotated_z,root=root,longi=longi,tang=tang, only_ind=True, no_wake=True, Decay=True, Model = Ind_Opts['Model'], ground=Ind_Opts['Ground'],R_far_field=Ind_Opts['R_far_field']) return ux,uy,uz def update_loading(self,r=None,VC_Ct=None,Gamma=None,Lambda=None,nCyl=1,gamma_t_Ct=None): """ VC_Ct differs from Ct in that for a vortex cylinder VC_Ct is constant along the blade and zero at the root and the tip """ """ Computes relevant parameters when the turbine loading is updated, mainly, gamma_t, the intensity of the tangential vorticity sheet. The ditributon will be determined based on the inputs, with one these three approaches: 1. VC_Ct(r) distribution 2. Gamma(r) distribution 3. gamma_t(VC_Ct(r)) function INPUTS: r: radial coordinates at which VC_Ct or Gamma are provided VC_Ct: local thrust coefficient (VC_Ct(r), array), or total thrust coefficient (CT, scalar) Gamma: bound circulation (Gamma(r), array), or total rotor circulation (Gamma_tot, scalar) Lambda: tip speed ratio (assumed infinite if None) nCyl : number of cylindrical model used in the spanwise direction (default is 1) The circulation (gamma_t) will be determined for each of the radial cylinder gamma_t_Ct: function that provides gamma_t as function of VC_Ct (or gamma_t as function of CT) """ # Update vortex cylinder average velocity at turbine self.U0_g = np.asarray([self.average_velocity,0,0]).ravel().reshape(3,1) U0=np.linalg.norm(self.U0_g) # print('Turbineprint('Turbine Avg U:',self.average_velocity) # --- Reinterpolating loading to number of cylinders if needed if nCyl is not None: if nCyl==1: vr0= np.array([0.995*self.R]) if VC_Ct is not None: VC_Ct =np.array([np.mean(VC_Ct)]) if Gamma is not None: Gamma =np.array([np.mean(Gamma)]) else: vr0= np.linspace(0.005,0.995,nCyl)*self.R if VC_Ct is not None: VC_Ct = np.interp(vr0,r,VC_Ct) else: Gamma = np.interp(vr0,r,Gamma) r=vr0 # Updating Lambda if Lambda is None: Lambda=self.Lambda if Lambda is None: raise Exception('Provide `Lambda` for update_loading. (Note: `Lambda=np.Inf` supported) ') Omega = Lambda*U0/self.R #print('U0',U0) #print('VC_Ct',VC_Ct) # Computing and storing gamma distribution and loading if gamma_t_Ct is not None: if VC_Ct is None: raise Exception('Provide `Ct` along `gamma_t_Ct`') self.gamma_t = gamma_t_Ct(VC_Ct) self.gamma_l=None # TODO self.Gamma_r=None # TODO elif VC_Ct is not None: self.gamma_t,self.gamma_l,self.Gamma_r,misc=WakeVorticityFromCt(r,VC_Ct,self.R,U0,Omega) elif Gamma is not None: self.gamma_t,self.gamma_l,self.Gamma_r,misc=WakeVorticityFromGamma(r,Gamma,self.R,U0,Omega) else: raise Exception('Unknown loading spec') #self.gamma_t=self.gamma_t*1.06 #print('gamma_t ',self.gamma_t) #print('gamma_l ',self.gamma_l) #print('Gamma_r ',self.Gamma_r) #print('Gamma_/2piR',-self.Gamma_r/(2*np.pi*self.R)) #print(misc) self.Lambda=Lambda self.r=r self.VC_Ct=VC_Ct def compute_u(self, Xg, Yg, Zg, only_ind=False, longi=False, tang=True, root=False, no_wake=False, ground=None, Decay=False, Model=None, R_far_field=6): """ INPUTS: Xg, Yg, Zg: Control points in global coordinates where the flow is to be computed. only_ind: if true, only induction is returned (without the free stream) longi, tang, root: booleans specifying which component of vorticity is considered. Default is `tang` only no_wake: boolean, if true: the induced velocity in the wake is set to 0. Typically set to true when combining with wake models. Model : string in ['VC','VCFF','SS','VD'] 'VCFF': Vortex cylinder with far-field approximation (fastest) 'VC': Vortex cylinder 'SS': Self similar model of Troldborg et al. (not good close to rotor) 'VD': Self similar model of Troldborg et al. (not good close to rotor) """ # --- Optional argument overriding self if ground is None: ground=self.Ground if Model is None: Model=self.Model # Control points in "Cylinder coordinate system" (rotation only) T_c2g=np.dot(self.T_wt2g,self.T_c2wt) Xc,Yc,Zc = transform_T(T_c2g, Xg,Yg,Zg) # Detecting whether our vertical convention match, and define chi e_vert_c = np.dot(T_c2g.T , self.e_vert_g) # if self.chi is None: # # TODO TODO chi needs induction effect! # self.chi= np.sign(e_vert_c.ravel()[1])* (self.yaw_wind-self.yaw_pos) # TODO TODO chi needs induction effect! # self.chi= np.sign(e_vert_c.ravel()[1])* (self.yaw_wind-self.yaw_pos) # print('Chi: ', self.chi) if self.VC_Ct > 1: self.VC_Ct = 1 self.chi= np.sign(e_vert_c.ravel()[1])* (self.yaw_wind-self.yaw_pos) * (1+0.3*(1-np.sqrt(1-self.VC_Ct[0]))) # print('Chi_: ', self.chi) # self.chi = self.chi*1.5 # print('Chi: ', self.chi) if self.gamma_t is None: raise Exception('Please set loading with `update_loading` before calling `compute_u`') uxc = np.zeros(Xg.shape) uyc = np.zeros(Xg.shape) uzc = np.zeros(Xg.shape) m=np.tan(self.chi) # Cylinder position in "Cylinder coordinate system) (rotation only) Xcyl, Ycyl, Zcyl = transform_T(T_c2g,np.array([self.r_hub[0]]), np.array([self.r_hub[1]]), np.array([self.r_hub[2]])) # Translate control points such that origin is at rotor center. NOTE: not all routines use this Xc0,Yc0,Zc0=Xc-Xcyl[0],Yc-Ycyl[0],Zc-Zcyl[0] if ground: # Mirror control points are two time the hub height above the cylinder Yc0mirror=Yc0+2*Ycyl[0] Ylist=[Yc0,Yc0mirror] #print('>>> Ground effect',Ycyl[0]) else: Ylist=[Yc0] # --- Root vortex influence if root and (self.Gamma_r is not None) and self.Gamma_r!=0: for Y in Ylist: if np.abs(self.chi)>1e-7: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = svc_root_u(Xc0,Y,Zc0,Gamma_r=self.Gamma_r,m=m,polar_out=False) else: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vc_root_u(Xc0,Y,Zc0,Gamma_r=self.Gamma_r,polar_out=False) uxc += uxc0 uyc += uyc0 uzc += uzc0 if len(self.gamma_t)==1: # --- Tangential and longi - ONE Cylinder only for iY,Y in enumerate(Ylist): if tang and (self.gamma_t!=0): if np.abs(self.chi)>1e-7: if Model =='VC': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = svc_tang_u(Xc0,Y,Zc0,gamma_t=self.gamma_t,R=self.R,m=m,polar_out=False) # print('-----------------Vortex Cylinder Skewed Model------------------') else: pass # raise NotImplementedError('Model '+Model + ', with yaw.') else: if Model =='VC': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vc_tang_u (Xc0,Y,Zc0, gamma_t=self.gamma_t, R=self.R, polar_out=False) elif Model =='VCFF': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vc_tang_u_doublet(Xc0,Y,Zc0, gamma_t=self.gamma_t, R=self.R, polar_out=False,r_bar_Cut=R_far_field) elif Model =='VD': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = doublet_line_u(Xc0, Y, Zc0, dmz_dz = self.gamma_t * self.R**2 * np.pi) elif Model =='SS': uzc0 = ss_u (Xc0, Y, Zc0, gamma_t=self.gamma_t, R=self.R) uxc0=uzc0*0 uyc0=uzc0*0 else: raise NotImplementedError('Model'+Model) uxc += uxc0 uyc += uyc0 uzc += uzc0 if longi and (self.gamma_l is not None) and self.gamma_l!=0 : if np.abs(self.chi)>1e-7: if Model =='VC': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = svc_longi_u(Xc0,Y,Zc0,gamma_l=self.gamma_l,R=self.R,m=m,polar_out=False) else: raise NotImplementedError('Model '+Model + ', longi component.') else: if Model =='VC': uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vc_longi_u (Xc0,Y,Zc0,gamma_l=self.gamma_l,R=self.R ,polar_out=False) else: raise NotImplementedError('Model'+Model + ', longi component.') uxc += uxc0 uyc += uyc0 uzc += uzc0 else: # --- Tangential and longi - MULTI Cylinders if Model =='VC': nr = len(self.r) nWT = 1 # Control points are directly translated by routine gamma_t = self.gamma_t.reshape((nWT,nr)) # print('r ',self.r) # print('gamma_t',gamma_t) if self.gamma_l is not None: gamma_l = self.gamma_l.reshape((nWT,nr)) vR = self.r.reshape((nWT,nr)) vm = m* np.ones((nWT,nr)) if tang: if np.abs(self.chi)>1e-7: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = svcs_tang_u(Xc,Yc,Zc,gamma_t=gamma_t,R=vR,m=vm,Xcyl=Xcyl,Ycyl=Ycyl,Zcyl=Zcyl,Ground=ground) else: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vcs_tang_u (Xc,Yc,Zc,gamma_t=gamma_t,R=vR ,Xcyl=Xcyl,Ycyl=Ycyl,Zcyl=Zcyl, Ground=ground) uxc += uxc0 uyc += uyc0 uzc += uzc0 if longi and (self.gamma_l is not None): if np.abs(self.chi)>1e-7: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = svcs_longi_u(Xc,Yc,Zc,gamma_l=gamma_l,R=vR,m=vm,Xcyl=Xcyl,Ycyl=Ycyl,Zcyl=Zcyl, Ground=ground) else: uxc0,uyc0,uzc0 = vcs_longi_u (Xc,Yc,Zc,gamma_l=gamma_l,R=vR ,Xcyl=Xcyl,Ycyl=Ycyl,Zcyl=Zcyl, Ground=ground) uxc += uxc0 uyc += uyc0 uzc += uzc0 else: raise NotImplementedError('Model'+Model, 'with multiple cylinders') # if no_wake: # # uxc[:]=0 # # uyc[:]=0 # # uzc[:]=1 # # Zero wake induction # bDownStream=Zc0>=-0.20*self.R # # bDownStream=Zc0>=0 # Rc = np.sqrt(Xc0**2 + Yc0**2) # bRotorTube = Rc<self.R*1.001 # we give a margin since VD and VC have fields very dissimilar at R+/-eps # bSelZero = np.logical_and(bRotorTube,bDownStream) # uxc[bSelZero]=0 # uyc[bSelZero]=0 # uzc[bSelZero]=0 # Transform back to global uxg = T_c2g[0,0]*uxc+T_c2g[0,1]*uyc+T_c2g[0,2]*uzc uyg = T_c2g[1,0]*uxc+T_c2g[1,1]*uyc+T_c2g[1,2]*uzc uzg = T_c2g[2,0]*uxc+T_c2g[2,1]*uyc+T_c2g[2,2]*uzc # Decay if Decay: bDownStream=Xg>=(Yg-self.r_hub[1])*np.tan(-self.yaw_pos)-0.20*self.R+self.r_hub[0] XDecay = np.ones(uxg.shape) # XDecay[bDownStream] = np.exp(-((Xg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[0])/(self.R*2))**2) # XDecay[bDownStream] = np.exp(-((Xg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[0])/(self.R*2)*self.VC_Ct)**2) # XDecay[bDownStream] = np.exp(-(((Xg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[0])*np.cos(-self.yaw_pos)-(Yg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[1])*np.sin(-self.yaw_pos))/(self.R*2))**2) XDecay[bDownStream] = np.exp(-(((Xg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[0])*np.cos(-self.yaw_pos)-(Yg[bDownStream]-self.r_hub[1])*np.sin(-self.yaw_pos))/(self.R*2)*self.VC_Ct)**2) uxg*=XDecay uyg*=XDecay uzg*=XDecay if no_wake: # Zero wake induction # Remove wake downstream of turbine (include small region in front of turbine to ensure induction does not affect free stream velocity) bDownStream=Xg>=(Yg-self.r_hub[1])*np.tan(-self.yaw_pos)-0.20*self.R+self.r_hub[0] # Only remove wake if within vortex cylinder radius # Rc = np.sqrt((Yg-self.r_hub[1])**2 + (Zg-self.hub_height)**2) vortex_vector = np.sqrt((-(Zg-self.r_hub[2]))**2+((Yg-self.r_hub[1])-(Xg-self.r_hub[0])*np.tan(self.chi+self.yaw_pos))**2) Rc = vortex_vector/np.linalg.norm(np.array([1,np.tan(self.chi+self.yaw_pos),0])) bRotorTube = Rc<self.R*1.001 # we give a margin since VD and VC have fields very dissimilar at R+/-eps # Check if point is both downstream and within vortex cylinder radius bSelZero = np.logical_and(bRotorTube,bDownStream) uxg[bSelZero]=0 uyg[bSelZero]=0 uzg[bSelZero]=0 # # Removes ground effect vortex cylinder wake # # Remove wake downstream of turbine (include small region in front of turbine to ensure induction does not affect free stream velocity) # bDownStream=Xg>=(Yg+self.r_hub[1])*np.tan(-self.yaw_pos)-0.20*self.R+self.r_hub[0] # vortex_vector = np.sqrt((-(Zg+self.r_hub[2]))**2+((Yg+self.r_hub[1])-(Xg-self.r_hub[0])*np.tan(self.chi+self.yaw_pos))**2) # Rc = vortex_vector/np.linalg.norm(np.array([1,np.tan(self.chi+self.yaw_pos),0])) # bRotorTube = Rc<self.R*1.001 # we give a margin since VD and VC have fields very dissimilar at R+/-eps # # Check if point is both downstream and within vortex cylinder radius # bSelZero = np.logical_and(bRotorTube,bDownStream) # uxg[bSelZero]=0 # uyg[bSelZero]=0 # uzg[bSelZero]=0 # Add free stream if requested if not only_ind: uxg += self.U0_g[0] uyg += self.U0_g[1] uzg += self.U0_g[2] return uxg,uyg,uzg def TKE_to_TI(self, turbulence_kinetic_energy): """ Converts a list of turbulence kinetic energy values to turbulence intensity. Args: turbulence_kinetic_energy (list): Values of turbulence kinetic energy in units of meters squared per second squared. wind_speed (list): Measurements of wind speed in meters per second. Returns: list: converted turbulence intensity values expressed as a decimal (e.g. 10%TI -> 0.10). """ total_turbulence_intensity = ( np.sqrt((2 / 3) * turbulence_kinetic_energy) ) / self.average_velocity return total_turbulence_intensity def TI_to_TKE(self): """ Converts TI to TKE. Args: wind_speed (list): Measurements of wind speed in meters per second. Returns: list: converted TKE values """ return ((self.average_velocity * self.current_turbulence_intensity) ** 2) / (2 / 3) def u_prime(self): """ Converts a TKE to horizontal deviation component. Args: wind_speed (list): Measurements of wind speed in meters per second. Returns: list: converted u_prime values in meters per second """ tke = self.TI_to_TKE() return np.sqrt(2 * tke) # Getters & Setters @property def yaw_wind(self): """ NOTE: this is wind angle not wind direction, measured with same convention as yaw: - around the axis e_vert """ u_horz = self.U0_g - np.dot(self.U0_g.T,self.e_vert_g)*self.e_vert_g e_w = u_horz/np.linalg.norm(u_horz) sign = np.sign ( np.dot(np.cross(self.e_horz_g.T, self.U0_g.T),self.e_vert_g) ) if sign==0: yaw_wind = np.arccos(np.dot(e_w.T,self.e_horz_g)) else: yaw_wind = sign * np.arccos(np.dot(e_w.T,self.e_horz_g)) return yaw_wind.ravel()[0] @property def turbulence_parameter(self): """ This property calculates and returns the turbulence correction parameter for the turbine, a value used to account for the change in power output due to the effects of turbulence. Returns: float: The value of the turbulence parameter. """ if not self.use_turbulence_correction: return 1.0 else: # define wind speed, ti, and power curve components ws = np.array(self.power_thrust_table["wind_speed"]) cp = np.array(self.power_thrust_table["power"]) ws = ws[np.where(cp != 0)] ciws = ws[0] # cut in wind speed cows = ws[len(ws) - 1] # cut out wind speed speed = self.average_velocity ti = self.current_turbulence_intensity if ciws >= speed or cows <= speed or ti == 0.0 or math.isnan(speed): return 1.0 else: # define mean and standard deviation to create normalized pdf with sum = 1 mu = speed sigma = ti * mu if mu + sigma >= cows: xp = np.linspace((mu - sigma), cows, 100) else: xp = np.linspace((mu - sigma), (mu + sigma), 100) pdf = norm.pdf(xp, mu, sigma) npdf = np.array(pdf) * (1 / np.sum(pdf)) # calculate turbulence parameter (ratio of corrected power to original power) return np.sum([npdf[k] * self.powInterp(xp[k]) for k in range(100)]) / ( self.powInterp(mu) ) @property def current_turbulence_intensity(self): """ This method returns the current turbulence intensity at the turbine expressed as a decimal fraction. **Note:** This is a virtual property used to "get" or "set" a value. Args: value (float): Value to set. Returns: float: Value currently set. Examples: To get the turbulence intensity for a turbine: >>> current_turbulence_intensity = floris.farm.turbines[0].turbulence_intensity() """ return self._turbulence_intensity @current_turbulence_intensity.setter def current_turbulence_intensity(self, value): self._turbulence_intensity = value @property def rotor_radius(self): """ This method returns the rotor radius of the turbine (m). **Note:** This is a virtual property used to "get" a value. Returns: float: The rotor radius of the turbine. Examples: To get the rotor radius for a turbine: >>> rotor_radius = floris.farm.turbines[0].rotor_radius() """ return self.rotor_diameter / 2.0 @property def yaw_angle(self): """ This method gets or sets the turbine's yaw angle. **Note:** This is a virtual property used to "get" or "set" a value. Args: value (float): Value to set. Returns: float: Value currently set. Examples: To set the yaw angle for each turbine in the wind farm: >>> yaw_angles = [20.0, 10.0, 0.0] >>> for yaw_angle, turbine in ... zip(yaw_angles, floris.farm.turbines): ... turbine.yaw_angle = yaw_angle To get the current yaw angle for each turbine in the wind farm: >>> yaw_angles = [] >>> for i, turbine in enumerate(floris.farm.turbines): ... yaw_angles.append(turbine.yaw_angle()) """ return self._yaw_angle @yaw_angle.setter def yaw_angle(self, value): self._yaw_angle = value @property def tilt_angle(self): """ This method gets the turbine's tilt angle. **Note:** This is a virtual property used to "get" or "set" a value. Args: value (float): Value to set. Returns: float: Value currently set. Examples: To get the current tilt angle for a turbine: >>> tilt_angle = floris.farm.turbines[0].tilt_angle() """ return self._tilt_angle @tilt_angle.setter def tilt_angle(self, value): self._tilt_angle = value @property def average_velocity(self): """ This property calculates and returns the cube root of the mean cubed velocity in the turbine's rotor swept area (m/s). Returns: float: The average velocity across a rotor. Examples: To get the average velocity for a turbine: >>> avg_vel = floris.farm.turbines[0].average_velocity() """ # remove all invalid numbers from interpolation data = self.velocities[np.where(~np.isnan(self.velocities))] avg_vel = np.cbrt(np.mean(data ** 3)) if np.isnan(avg_vel): avg_vel = 0 elif np.isinf(avg_vel): avg_vel = 0 return avg_vel @property def Cp(self): """ This property returns the power coeffcient of a turbine. This property returns the coefficient of power of the turbine using the rotor swept area average velocity, interpolated from the coefficient of power table. The average velocity is calculated as the cube root of the mean cubed velocity in the rotor area. **Note:** The velocity is scalled to an effective velocity by the yaw. Returns: float: The power coefficient of a turbine at the current operating conditions. Examples: To get the power coefficient value for a turbine: >>> Cp = floris.farm.turbines[0].Cp() """ # Compute the yaw effective velocity pW = self.pP / 3.0 # Convert from pP to pW yaw_effective_velocity = self.average_velocity * cosd(self.yaw_angle) ** pW return self._fCp(yaw_effective_velocity) @property def Ct(self): """ This property returns the thrust coefficient of a turbine. This method returns the coefficient of thrust of the yawed turbine, interpolated from the coefficient of power table, using the rotor swept area average velocity and the turbine's yaw angle. The average velocity is calculated as the cube root of the mean cubed velocity in the rotor area. Returns: float: The thrust coefficient of a turbine at the current operating conditions. Examples: To get the thrust coefficient value for a turbine: >>> Ct = floris.farm.turbines[0].Ct() """ return self._fCt(self.average_velocity) * cosd(self.yaw_angle) # **self.pP @property def power(self): """ This property returns the power produced by turbine (W), adjusted for yaw and tilt. Returns: float: Power of a turbine in watts. Examples: To get the power for a turbine: >>> power = floris.farm.turbines[0].power() """ # Update to power calculation which replaces the fixed pP exponent with # an exponent pW, that changes the effective wind speed input to the power # calculation, rather than scaling the power. This better handles power # loss to yaw in above rated conditions # # based on the paper "Optimising yaw control at wind farm level" by # Ervin Bossanyi # Compute the yaw effective velocity pW = self.pP / 3.0 # Convert from pP to w yaw_effective_velocity = self.average_velocity * cosd(self.yaw_angle) ** pW # Now compute the power return ( self.air_density * self.powInterp(yaw_effective_velocity) * self.turbulence_parameter ) @property def aI(self): """ This property returns the axial induction factor of the yawed turbine calculated from the coefficient of thrust and the yaw angle. Returns: float: Axial induction factor of a turbine. Examples: To get the axial induction factor for a turbine: >>> aI = floris.farm.turbines[0].aI() """ return ( 0.5 / cosd(self.yaw_angle) * (1 - np.sqrt(1 - self.Ct * cosd(self.yaw_angle))) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------} # --- Helper functions for geometry # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ def transform_T(T_a2b,Xb,Yb,Zb): Xa=T_a2b[0,0]*Xb+T_a2b[1,0]*Yb+T_a2b[2,0]*Zb Ya=T_a2b[0,1]*Xb+T_a2b[1,1]*Yb+T_a2b[2,1]*Zb Za=T_a2b[0,2]*Xb+T_a2b[1,2]*Yb+T_a2b[2,2]*Zb return Xa,Ya,Za
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#Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. #This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the #LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import _pickle as cPickle from design_utils.components.hardware import * from design_utils.components.workload import * from design_utils.components.mapping import * from design_utils.components.scheduling import * from design_utils.components.krnel import * from design_utils.common_design_utils import * import collections import datetime from datetime import datetime from error_handling.custom_error import * import gc import statistics as st if config.use_cacti: from misc.cacti_hndlr import cact_handlr if config.simulation_method == "power_knobs": from specs import database_input_powerKnobs as database_input elif config.simulation_method == "performance": from specs import database_input else: raise NameError("Simulation method unavailable") # This class logs the insanity (opposite of sanity (check), so the flaw) with the design class Insanity: def __init__(self, task, block, name): self.name = name self.task = task self.block = block # the problematic task def set_task(self, task_): self.task = task_ # the problematic block def set_block(self, block_): self.block = block_ # name of the insanity def set_name(self, name_): self.name= name_ def gen_msg(self): output = "sanity check failed with: " output += "insanity name:" + self.name if not(self.task== "_"): output += self.task.name if not(self.block == "_"): output += self.block.instance_name return output # This class emulates a design point containing # hardware/software, their mapping and scheduling class ExDesignPoint: def __init__(self, hardware_graph:HardwareGraph): self.hardware_graph = hardware_graph # hardware graph contains the hardware blocks # and their connections self.PA_prop_dict = {} # PA prop is used for PA design generation self.id = str(-1) # this means it hasn't been set self.valid = True self.FARSI_ex_id = str(-1) self.PA_knob_ctr_id = str(-1) self.check_pointed_population_generation_cnt = 0 # only for check pointing purposes, and only work if the design has been checkpointed self.check_pointed_total_iteration_cnt = 0 def set_check_pointed_population_generation_cnt(self, generation_cnt): self.check_pointed_population_generation_cnt = generation_cnt def set_check_pointed_total_iteration_cnt(self, total_iteration): self.check_pointed_total_iteration_cnt = total_iteration def get_check_pointed_population_generation_cnt(self): return self.check_pointed_population_generation_cnt def get_check_pointed_total_iteration_cnt(self): self.check_pointed_total_iteration_cnt def eliminate_system_bus(self): all_drams = [el for el in self.get_hardware_graph().get_blocks() if el.subtype == "dram"] ics_with_dram = [] for dram in all_drams: for neigh in dram.get_neighs(): if neigh.type == "ic": ics_with_dram.append(neigh) # can only have one ic with dram hanging from it return len(ics_with_dram) == 1 def has_system_bus(self): return False # find all the drams and their ics all_drams = [el for el in self.get_hardware_graph().get_blocks() if el.subtype == "dram"] ics_with_dram = [] for dram in all_drams: for neigh in dram.get_neighs(): if neigh.type == "ic": ics_with_dram.append(neigh) # can only have one ic with dram hanging from it return len(ics_with_dram) == 1 def get_system_bus(self): if not self.has_system_bus(): return None else: all_drams = [el for el in self.get_hardware_graph().get_blocks() if el.subtype == "dram"] ics_with_dram = [] for dram in all_drams: for neigh in dram.get_neighs(): if neigh.type == "ic": neigh.set_as_system_bus() return neigh # get hardware blocks of a design def get_blocks(self): return self.hardware_graph.blocks # get hardware blocks within a specific SOC of the design def get_blocks_of_SOC(self,SOC_type, SOC_id): return [block for block in self.hardware_graph.blocks if block.SOC_type == SOC_type and SOC_id == SOC_id] # get tasks (software tasks) of the design def get_tasks(self): return self.hardware_graph.get_all_tasks() def get_tasks_of_SOC(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return [task for task in self.get_tasks() if task.SOC_type == SOC_type and SOC_id == SOC_id] # samples the task distribution within the hardware graph. # used for jitter modeling. def sample_hardware_graph(self, hw_sampling): self.hardware_graph.sample(hw_sampling) # get blocks that a task uses (host the task) def get_blocks_of_task(self, task): blocks = [] for block in self.get_blocks(): if task in block.get_tasks_of_block(): blocks.append(block) return blocks # if set, the design is complete and valid def set_validity(self, validity): self.valid = validity def get_validity(self): return self.valid # delete this later. Used for debugging def check_mem_fronts_sanity(self): fronts_1 = sum([len(block.get_fronts("task_name_dir")) for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == "mem"]) fronts_2 = sum( [len(block.get_fronts("task_dir_work_ratio")) for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == "mem"]) def check_system_ic_exist(self, block): assert (block.type == "ic"), "should be checking this with non ic input" system_ic_exist = False connectd_ics = [block_ for block_ in block.get_neighs() if block_.type == "ic"] # iterate though the connected ics, get their neighbouring ics # and make sure there is a ic with only dram system_ic_list = [] for neigh_ic in connectd_ics: has_dram = len([neigh for neigh in neigh_ic.get_neighs() if neigh.subtype == "dram"]) >= 1 has_pe = len([neigh for neigh in neigh_ic.get_neighs() if neigh.type == "pe"]) >= 1 if has_dram: if has_pe: pass #return False #print(" system ic can not have a pe") #exit(0) else: system_ic_list.append(neigh_ic) if self.block_is_system_ic(block): system_ic_list.append(block) if len(set(system_ic_list)) > 1: print("can only have one system ic") exit(0) return len(system_ic_list) == 1 def block_is_system_ic(self, block): assert (block.type == "ic"), "should be checking this with non ic input" # iterate though the connected ics, get their neighbouring ics # and make sure there is a ic with only dram system_ic_list = [] has_dram = len([neigh for neigh in block.get_neighs() if neigh.subtype == "dram"]) >= 1 has_pe = len([neigh for neigh in block.get_neighs() if neigh.type == "pe"]) >= 1 if has_dram: if has_pe: pass #print(" system ic can not have a pe") #exit(0) else: return True else: return False return False # sanity check the design def sanity_check(self): insanity_list = [] # list of Inanities # fronts check fronts_1 = sum([len(block.get_fronts("task_name_dir")) for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == "mem"]) fronts_2 = sum([len(block.get_fronts("task_dir_work_ratio")) for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type== "mem"]) if not fronts_1 == fronts_2: pre_mvd_fronts_1 = [block.get_fronts("task_name_dir") for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == "mem"] pre_mvd_fronts_2 = [block.get_fronts("task_dir_work_ratio") for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == "mem"] raise UnEqualFrontsError # all the tasks have pe and mem for task in self.get_tasks(): pe_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type(task, "pe") mem_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type(task, "mem") if len(pe_blocks) == 0: print("task:" + task.name + " does not have any pes") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "none") insanity.set_block("_") insanity.set_name("no_pe") insanity_list.append(insanity) pe_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type(task, "pe") print(insanity.gen_msg()) raise NoPEError #break elif (len(mem_blocks) == 0 and not("siink" in task.name)): print("task:" + task.name + " does not have any mems") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "none") insanity.set_block("_") insanity.set_name("no_mem") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) mem_blocks = self.get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type(task, "mem") raise NoMemError #break # every pe or memory needs to be connected to a bus for block in self.get_blocks(): if block.type in ["pe", "mem"]: connectd_ics = [True for block_ in block.get_neighs() if block_.type =="ic" ] if len(connectd_ics) > 1: print("block: " + block.instance_name + " is connected to more than one ic") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "multi_bus") insanity.set_name("multi_bus") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) raise MultiBusBlockError #break elif len(connectd_ics) < 1: print("block: " + block.instance_name + " is not connected any ic") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "none") insanity.set_block(block) insanity.set_name("no_bus") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) raise NoBusError #break # every bus needs to have at least one pe and mem for block in self.get_blocks(): if block.type in ["ic"]: connectd_pes = [True for block_ in block.get_neighs() if block_.type =="pe" ] connectd_mems = [True for block_ in block.get_neighs() if block_.type =="mem" ] connectd_ics = [True for block_ in block.get_neighs() if block_.type =="ic" ] system_ic_exist = self.check_system_ic_exist(block) if len(connectd_mems) == 0 and not system_ic_exist: insanity = Insanity("_",block, "bus_with_no_mem") print(insanity.gen_msg()) if self.hardware_graph.generation_mode == "user_generated": print("deactivated Bus with No memory error, since hardware graph was directly user generated/parsed ") else: raise BusWithNoMemError """ elif len(connectd_pes) > 0 and self.block_is_system_ic(block): insanity = Insanity("_", block, "system_ic_with_pe") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) if self.hardware_graph.generation_mode == "user_generated": print( "deactivated Bus with No Bus error, since hardware graph was directly user generated/parsed ") else: raise SystemICWithPEException """ elif len(connectd_pes) == 0 and not self.block_is_system_ic(block): insanity = Insanity("_", block, "bus_with_no_pes") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) if self.hardware_graph.generation_mode == "user_generated": print("deactivated Bus with No Bus error, since hardware graph was directly user generated/parsed ") else: raise BusWithNoPEError # every design needs to have at least on pe, mem, and bus block_type_count_dict = {} block_type_count_dict["mem"] = 0 block_type_count_dict["pe"] = 0 block_type_count_dict["ic"] = 0 for block in self.get_blocks(): block_type_count_dict[block.type] +=1 for type_, count in block_type_count_dict.items(): if count < 1: print("no block of type " + type_ + " found") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "none") insanity.set_name("not_enough_ip_of_certain_type") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) raise NotEnoughIPOfCertainType #break # every block should host at least one task for block in self.get_blocks(): if block.type == "ic": # since we unload continue if len(block.get_tasks_of_block()) == 0: print( "block: " + block.instance_name + " does not host any tasks") insanity = Insanity("_", "_", "none") insanity.set_block(block) insanity.set_name("no_task") insanity_list.append(insanity) print(insanity.gen_msg()) raise BlockWithNoTaskError # get blocks within the design (filtered by type) def get_blocks_by_type(self, block_type): return [block for block in self.get_blocks() if block.type == block_type] # gets blocks for a task, and filter them based on hardware type (pe, mem, ic) def get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type(self, task, block_type): blocks_of_task = self.get_blocks_of_task(task) blocks_by_type = [] for block in blocks_of_task: if block.type == block_type: blocks_by_type.append(block) return blocks_by_type def get_write_mem_tasks(self, task, mem): # get conncted ic ics = [el for el in mem.get_neighs() if el.type =="ic"] assert(len(ics) <= 1), "Each memory can be only connected to one bus master" # get the pipes pipes = self.get_hardware_graph().get_pipes_between_two_blocks(ics[0], mem, "write") assert(len(pipes) <= 1), "can only have one pipe (in a direction) between a memory and a ic" # traffic traffics = pipes[0].get_traffic() return [trf.child for trf in traffics if trf.parent.name == task.name] # for a specific task, find all the specific blocks of a type and their direction def get_blocks_of_task_by_block_type_and_task_dir(self, task, block_type, task_dir=""): assert ((block_type == "pe") != task_dir) # XORing the expression blocks_of_task = self.get_blocks_of_task(task) blocks_of_task_by_type = [block for block in blocks_of_task if block.type == block_type] blocks_of_task_by_type_and_task_dir = [block for block in blocks_of_task_by_type if block.get_task_dir_by_task_name(task)[0][1] == task_dir] return blocks_of_task_by_type_and_task_dir # get the properties of the design. This is used for the more accurate simulation def filter_props_by_keyword(self, knob_order, knob_values, type_name): prop_value_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for knob_name, knob_value in zip(knob_order, knob_values): if type_name+"_props" in knob_name: knob_name_refined = knob_name.split("__")[-1] prop_value_dict[knob_name_refined] = knob_value return prop_value_dict def filter_auto_tune_props(self, type_name, auto_tune_props): auto_tune_list = [] for knob_name in auto_tune_props: if type_name+"_props" in knob_name: knob_name_refined = knob_name.split("__")[-1] auto_tune_list.append(knob_name_refined) return auto_tune_list # get id associated with a design. Each design has it's unique id. def get_ex_id(self): if self.id == str(-1): print("experiments id is:" + str(self.id) + ". This means id has not been set") exit(0) return self.id def update_ex_id(self, id): self.id = id def get_FARSI_ex_id(self): if self.FARSI_ex_id == str(-1): print("experiments id is:" + str(self.id) + ". This means id has not been set") exit(0) return self.FARSI_ex_id def get_PA_knob_ctr_id(self): if self.PA_knob_ctr_id == str(-1): print("experiments id is:" + str(self.PA_knob_ctr_id) + ". This means id has not been set") exit(0) return self.PA_knob_ctr_id def update_FARSI_ex_id(self, FARSI_ex_id): self.FARSI_ex_id = FARSI_ex_id def update_PA_knob_ctr_id(self, knob_ctr): self.PA_knob_ctr_id = knob_ctr def reset_PA_knobs(self, mode="batch"): if mode == "batch": # parse and set design props self.PA_prop_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # parse and set hw and update the props for keyword in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]: blocks_ = self.get_blocks_by_type(keyword) for block in blocks_: block.reset_PA_props() # parse and set sw props for keyword in ["sw"]: tasks = self.get_tasks() for task_ in tasks: task_.reset_PA_props() else: print("mode:" + mode + " is not defind for apply_PA_knobs") exit(0) def update_PA_knobs(self, knob_values, knob_order, all_auto_tunning_knobs, mode="batch"): if mode == "batch": # parse and set design props prop_value_dict = {} prop_value_dict["ex_id"] = self.get_ex_id() prop_value_dict["FARSI_ex_id"] = self.get_FARSI_ex_id() prop_value_dict["PA_knob_ctr_id"] = self.get_PA_knob_ctr_id() self.PA_prop_dict.update(prop_value_dict) # parse and set hw and update the props for keyword in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]: blocks_ = self.get_blocks_by_type(keyword) prop_value_dict = self.filter_props_by_keyword(knob_order, knob_values, keyword) prop_auto_tuning_list = self.filter_auto_tune_props(keyword, all_auto_tunning_knobs) for block in blocks_: block.update_PA_props(prop_value_dict) block.update_PA_auto_tunning_knob_list(prop_auto_tuning_list) # parse and set sw props for keyword in ["sw"]: tasks = self.get_tasks() prop_value_dict = self.filter_props_by_keyword(knob_order, knob_values, keyword) prop_auto_tuning_list = self.filter_auto_tune_props(keyword, all_auto_tunning_knobs) for task_ in tasks: task_.update_PA_props(prop_value_dict) task_.update_PA_auto_tunning_knob_list(prop_auto_tuning_list) else: print("mode:"+ mode +" is not defined for apply_PA_knobs") exit(0) # write all the props into the design file. # design file is set in the config file (config.verification_result_file) def dump_props(self, result_folder, mode="batch"): # batch means that all the blocks of similar type have similar props file_name = config.verification_result_file file_addr = os.path.join(result_folder, file_name) if mode == "batch": with open(file_addr, "a+") as output: for prop_name, prop_value in self.PA_prop_dict.items(): prop_name_modified = "\"design" + "__" + prop_name +"\"" if not str(prop_value).isdigit(): prop_value = "\"" + prop_value + "\"" output.write(prop_name_modified + ": " + str(prop_value) + ",\n") # writing the hardware props for keyword in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]: block = self.get_blocks_by_type(keyword)[0] # since in batch mode, the first element shares the same prop values # as all for prop_name, prop_value in block.PA_prop_dict.items(): prop_name_modified = "\""+ keyword+"__"+prop_name + "\"" if "ic__/Buffer/enable" in prop_name_modified: # this is just because now parsing throws an error continue if not str(prop_value).isdigit(): prop_value = "\"" + prop_value +"\"" output.write(prop_name_modified+": " + str(prop_value) + ",\n") # writing the software props for keyword in ["sw"]: task_ = self.get_tasks()[0] for prop_name, prop_value in task_.PA_prop_dict.items(): prop_name_modified = "\""+ keyword + "__" + prop_name +"\"" if not str(prop_value).isdigit(): prop_value = "\"" + prop_value +"\"" output.write(prop_name_modified + ": " + str(prop_value) + ",\n") else: print("mode:" + mode + " is not defind for apply_PA_knobs") def get_hardware_graph(self): return self.hardware_graph def get_task_by_name(self, task_name): return [task_ for task_ in self.get_tasks() if task_.name == task_name][0] # collection of the simulated design points. # not that you can query this container with the same functions as the # SimDesignPoint (i.e, same modules are provide). However, this is not t class SimDesignPointContainer: def __init__(self, design_point_list, database, reduction_mode = "avg"): self.design_point_list = design_point_list self.reduction_mode = reduction_mode # how to reduce the results. self.database = database # hw/sw database self.dp_rep = self.design_point_list[0] # design representative self.dp_stats = DPStatsContainer(self, self.dp_rep, self.database, reduction_mode) # design point stats self.dp = self.dp_rep # design point is used to fill up some default values # we use dp_rep, i.e., design point representative for this self.move_applied = None self.dummy_tasks = [krnl.get_task() for krnl in self.dp.get_kernels() if (krnl.get_task()).is_task_dummy()] self.exploration_and_simulation_approximate_time = 0 def get_dummy_tasks(self): return self.dummy_tasks # bootstrap the design from scratch def reset_design(self, workload_to_hardware_map=[], workload_to_hardware_schedule=[]): self.dp_rep.reset_design() def set_move_applied(self, move_applied): self.move_applied = move_applied def get_move_applied(self): return self.move_applied def add_exploration_and_simulation_approximate_time(self, time): # the reason that this is approximte is because we tak # the entire generation time and divide it by the number of iterations per iteration self.exploration_and_simulation_approximate_time += time def get_exploration_and_simulation_approximate_time(self): return self.exploration_and_simulation_approximate_time def get_dp_stats(self): return self.dp_stats # ----------------- # getters # ----------------- def get_task_graph(self): return self.dp_rep.get_hardware_graph().get_task_graph() # Functionality: # get the mapping def get_workload_to_hardware_map(self): return self.dp_rep.get_workload_to_hardware_map() # Functionality # get the scheduling def get_workload_to_hardware_schedule(self): return self.dp_rp.get_workload_to_hardware_schedule() def get_kernels(self): return self.dp_rp.get_kernels() def get_kernel_by_task_name(self, task: Task): return self.dp_rep.get_kernel_by_task_name(task) # get the kernels of the design def get_kernels(self): return self.dp_rep.get_kernels() # get the sw to hw mapping def get_workload_to_hardware_map(self): return self.dp_rep.get_workload_to_hardware_map() # get the SOCs that the design resides in def get_designs_SOCs(self): return self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs() # get all the design points def get_design_point_list(self): return self.design_point_list # get the representative design point. def get_dp_rep(self): return self.dp_rep # Container for all the design point stats. # In order to collect profiling information, we reduce the statistics # according to the desired reduction function. # reduction semantically happens at two different levels depending on the question # that we are asking. # Level 1 Questions: Within/intra design questions to compare components of a # single design. Example: finding the hottest kernel? # To answer, reduce the results across at the task/kernel # level 2 Questions: Across/inter design question to compare different designs? # To answer, reduce the results from the end-to-end perspective, i.e., # reduce(end-to-end latency), reduce(end-to-end energy), ... # PS: at the moment, a design here is defined as a sw/hw tuple with only sw # characteristic changing. class DPStatsContainer(): def __init__(self, sim_dp_container, dp_rep, database, reduction_mode): self.comparison_mode = "latency" # metric to compare different design points self.sim_dp_container = sim_dp_container self.design_point_list = self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list # design point container (containing list of designs) self.dp_rep = dp_rep #self.dp_container[0] # which design to use as representative (for plotting and so on self.__kernels = self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list[0].get_kernels() self.SOC_area_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # area of all blocks within each SOC self.SOC_area_subtype_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # area of all blocks within each SOC self.system_complex_area_dict = defaultdict() self.SOC_metric_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) self.system_complex_metric_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) self.system_complex_area_dram_non_dram = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) self.database = database # hw/sw database self.latency_list =[] # list of latency values associated with each design point self.power_list =[] # list of power values associated with each design point self.energy_list =[] # list of energy values associated with each design point self.reduction_mode = reduction_mode # how to statistically reduce the values # collect the data self.collect_stats() self.dp = self.sim_dp_container # container that has all the designs self.parallel_kernels = dp_rep.parallel_kernels def get_parallel_kernels(self): return self.parallel_kernels # helper function to apply an operator across two dictionaries def operate_on_two_dic_values(self,dict1, dict2, operator): dict_res = {} for key in list(dict2.keys()) + list(dict1.keys()): if key in dict1.keys() and dict2.keys(): dict_res[key] = operator(dict2[key], dict1[key]) else: if key in dict1.keys(): dict_res[key] = dict1[key] elif key in dict2.keys(): dict_res[key] = dict2[key] return dict_res # operate on multiple dictionaries. The operation is determined by the operator input def operate_on_dicionary_values(self, dictionaries, operator): res = {} for SOCs_latency in dictionaries: #res = copy.deepcopy(self.operate_on_two_dic_values(res, SOCs_latency, operator)) #gc.disable() res = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(self.operate_on_two_dic_values(res, SOCs_latency, operator), -1)) #gc.enable() return res # reduce the (list of) values based on a statistical parameter (such as average) def reduce(self, list_): if self.reduction_mode == 'avg': if isinstance(list_[0],dict): dict_added = self.operate_on_dicionary_values(list_, operator.add) for key,val in dict_added.items(): dict_added[key] = val/len(list_) return dict_added else: return sum(list_)/len(list_) elif self.reduction_mode == 'min': return min(list_) elif self.reduction_mode == 'max': #if (len(list_) == 0): # print("What") return max(list_) else: print("reduction mode "+ self.reduction_mode + ' is not defined') exit(0) def get_number_blocks_of_all_sub_types(self): subtype_cnt = [] for block in self.dp_rep.get_blocks(): if block.subtype not in subtype_cnt: subtype_cnt[block.subtype] = 0 subtype_cnt[block.subtype] += 1 return subtype_cnt def get_compute_system_attr(self): ips = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "ip"] gpps = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "gpp"] # get frequency data ips_freqs = [mem.get_block_freq() for mem in ips] gpp_freqs = [mem.get_block_freq() for mem in gpps] if len(ips_freqs) == 0: ips_avg_freq = 0 else: ips_avg_freq= sum(ips_freqs)/max(len(ips_freqs),1) loop_itr_ratio = [] for ip in ips: loop_itr_ratio.append(ip.get_loop_itr_cnt()/ip.get_loop_max_possible_itr_cnt()) if len(ips) == 0: loop_itr_ratio_avg = 0 else: loop_itr_ratio_avg = st.mean(loop_itr_ratio) if len(ips_freqs) in [0,1]: ips_freq_std = 0 ips_freq_coeff_var = 0 loop_itr_ratio_std = 0 loop_itr_ratio_var = 0 else: ips_freq_std = st.stdev(ips_freqs) ips_freq_coeff_var = st.stdev(ips_freqs)/st.mean(ips_freqs) loop_itr_ratio_std = st.stdev(loop_itr_ratio) loop_itr_ratio_var = st.stdev(loop_itr_ratio)/st.mean(loop_itr_ratio) if len(gpp_freqs) == 0: gpps_avg_freq = 0 else: gpps_avg_freq= sum(gpp_freqs)/max(len(gpp_freqs),1) if len(gpp_freqs + ips_freqs) in [0,1]: pes_freq_std = 0 pes_freq_coeff_var = 0 else: pes_freq_std = st.stdev(ips_freqs + gpp_freqs) pes_freq_coeff_var = st.stdev(ips_freqs + gpp_freqs) / st.mean(ips_freqs + gpp_freqs) # get area data ips_area = [mem.get_area() for mem in ips] gpp_area = [mem.get_area() for mem in gpps] if len(ips_area) == 0: ips_total_area = 0 else: ips_total_area = sum(ips_area) if len(ips_area) in [0,1]: ips_area_std = 0 ips_area_coeff_var = 0 else: ips_area_std = st.stdev(ips_area) ips_area_coeff_var = st.stdev(ips_area) / st.mean(ips_area) if len(gpp_area) == 0: gpps_total_area = 0 else: gpps_total_area = sum(gpp_area) if len(ips_area + gpp_area) in [0,1]: pes_area_std = 0 pes_area_coeff_var = 0 else: pes_area_std = st.stdev(ips_area+gpp_area) pes_area_coeff_var = st.stdev(ips_area+gpp_area)/st.mean(ips_area+gpp_area) phase_accelerator_parallelism = {} for phase, krnls in self.dp_rep.phase_krnl_present.items(): accelerators_in_parallel = [] for krnl in krnls: accelerators_in_parallel.extend([blk for blk in krnl.get_blocks() if blk.subtype == "ip"]) if len(accelerators_in_parallel) == 0: continue phase_accelerator_parallelism[phase] = len(accelerators_in_parallel) if len(phase_accelerator_parallelism.keys()) == 0: avg_accel_parallelism = 0 max_accel_parallelism = 0 else: avg_accel_parallelism = sum(list(phase_accelerator_parallelism.values()))/len(list(phase_accelerator_parallelism.values())) max_accel_parallelism = max(list(phase_accelerator_parallelism.values())) phase_gpp_parallelism = {} for phase, krnls in self.dp_rep.phase_krnl_present.items(): gpps_in_parallel = [] for krnl in krnls: gpps_in_parallel.extend([blk for blk in krnl.get_blocks() if blk.subtype == "gpp"]) if len(gpps_in_parallel) == 0: continue phase_gpp_parallelism[phase] = len(gpps_in_parallel) if len(phase_gpp_parallelism.keys()) == 0: avg_gpp_parallelism = 0 max_gpp_parallelism = 0 else: avg_gpp_parallelism = sum(list(phase_gpp_parallelism.values()))/len(list(phase_gpp_parallelism.values())) max_gpp_parallelism = max(list(phase_gpp_parallelism.values())) buses = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "ic"] bus_neigh_count = [] for bus in buses: pe_neighs = [neigh for neigh in bus.get_neighs() if neigh.type == "pe"] bus_neigh_count.append(len(pe_neighs)) cluster_pe_cnt_avg = st.mean(bus_neigh_count) if len(bus_neigh_count) in [0,1]: cluster_pe_cnt_std = 0 cluster_pe_cnt_coeff_var = 0 else: cluster_pe_cnt_std = st.stdev(bus_neigh_count) cluster_pe_cnt_coeff_var = st.stdev(bus_neigh_count)/st.mean(bus_neigh_count) return { "avg_accel_parallelism": avg_accel_parallelism, "max_accel_parallelism":max_accel_parallelism, "avg_gpp_parallelism": avg_gpp_parallelism, "max_gpp_parallelism": max_gpp_parallelism, "ip_cnt":len(ips), "gpp_cnt": len(gpps), "ips_avg_freq": ips_avg_freq, "gpps_avg_freq":gpps_avg_freq, "ips_freq_std": ips_freq_std, "pes_freq_std": pes_freq_std, "ips_freq_coeff_var": ips_freq_coeff_var, "pes_freq_coeff_var": pes_freq_coeff_var, "ips_total_area": ips_total_area, "gpps_total_area":gpps_total_area, "ips_area_std": ips_area_std, "pes_area_std": pes_area_std, "ips_area_coeff_var": ips_area_coeff_var, "pes_area_coeff_var": pes_area_coeff_var, "pe_total_area":ips_total_area+gpps_total_area, "loop_itr_ratio_avg":loop_itr_ratio_avg, "loop_itr_ratio_std":loop_itr_ratio_std, "loop_itr_ratio_var":loop_itr_ratio_var, "cluster_pe_cnt_avg":cluster_pe_cnt_avg, "cluster_pe_cnt_std":cluster_pe_cnt_std, "cluster_pe_cnt_coeff_var":cluster_pe_cnt_coeff_var } def get_speedup_analysis(self,dse): # lower the design workload_speed_up = {} customization_first_speed_up_list =[] customization_second_speed_up_list = [] parallelism_first_speed_up_list = [] parallelism_second_speed_up_list = [] interference_degradation_list = [] for workload in self.database.get_workloads_last_task().keys(): # single out workload in the current best cur_best_ex_singled_out_workload,database = dse.single_out_workload(dse.so_far_best_ex_dp, self.database, workload, self.database.db_input.workload_tasks[workload]) cur_best_sim_dp_singled_out_workload = dse.eval_design(cur_best_ex_singled_out_workload, database) # lower the cur best with single out most_infer_ex_dp = dse.transform_to_most_inferior_design(dse.so_far_best_ex_dp) most_infer_ex_dp_singled_out_workload, database = dse.single_out_workload(most_infer_ex_dp, self.database, workload, self.database.db_input.workload_tasks[workload]) most_infer_sim_dp_singled_out_workload = dse.eval_design(most_infer_ex_dp_singled_out_workload,database) # speed ups customization_first_speed_up = most_infer_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp.get_serial_design_time()/cur_best_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp.get_serial_design_time() parallelism_second_speed_up = cur_best_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp.get_par_speedup() parallelism_first_speed_up = most_infer_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp.get_par_speedup() customization_second_speed_up = most_infer_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")[workload]/cur_best_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp.get_serial_design_time() interference_degradation = dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")[workload]/cur_best_sim_dp_singled_out_workload.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")[workload] workload_speed_up[workload] = {"customization_first_speed_up":customization_first_speed_up, "parallelism_second_speed_up":parallelism_second_speed_up, "customization_second_speed_up": customization_second_speed_up, "parallelism_first_speed_up": parallelism_first_speed_up, "interference_degradation":interference_degradation} customization_first_speed_up_list.append(customization_first_speed_up) customization_second_speed_up_list.append(customization_second_speed_up) parallelism_first_speed_up_list.append(parallelism_first_speed_up) parallelism_second_speed_up_list.append(parallelism_second_speed_up) interference_degradation_list.append(interference_degradation) # for the entire design most_infer_ex_dp = dse.transform_to_most_inferior_design(dse.so_far_best_ex_dp) most_infer_sim_dp = dse.eval_design(most_infer_ex_dp, self.database) most_infer_ex_before_unrolling_dp = dse.transform_to_most_inferior_design_before_loop_unrolling(dse.so_far_best_ex_dp) most_infer_sim_before_unrolling_dp = dse.eval_design(most_infer_ex_before_unrolling_dp, self.database) #customization_first_speed_up_full_system = most_infer_sim_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time()/dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time() #parallelism_second_speed_up_full_system = dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp.get_par_speedup() #parallelism_first_speed_up_full_system = most_infer_sim_dp.dp.get_par_speedup() #customization_second_speed_up_full_system = max(list((most_infer_sim_dp.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")).values()))/max(list((dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")).values())) customization_speed_up_full_system = most_infer_sim_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time()/most_infer_sim_before_unrolling_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time() loop_unrolling_parallelism_speed_up_full_system = most_infer_sim_before_unrolling_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time()/dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time() task_level_parallelism_speed_up_full_system = dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp.get_serial_design_time()/max(list((dse.so_far_best_sim_dp.dp_stats.get_system_complex_metric("latency")).values())) # speedup_avg = {"customization_first_speed_up_avg": st.mean(customization_first_speed_up_list), "parallelism_second_speed_up_avg": st.mean(parallelism_second_speed_up_list), "customization_second_speed_up_avg": st.mean(customization_second_speed_up_list), "parallelism_first_speed_up_avg": st.mean(parallelism_first_speed_up_list), "interference_degradation_avg": st.mean(interference_degradation_list), "customization_speed_up_full_system": customization_speed_up_full_system, "loop_unrolling_parallelism_speed_up_full_system": loop_unrolling_parallelism_speed_up_full_system, "task_level_parallelism_speed_up_full_system": task_level_parallelism_speed_up_full_system } return workload_speed_up,speedup_avg def get_memory_system_attr(self): memory_system_attr = {} local_memories = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "sram"] global_memories = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "dram"] buses = [el for el in self.dp_rep.get_blocks() if el.subtype == "ic"] # get frequency data local_memory_freqs = [mem.get_block_freq() for mem in local_memories] global_memory_freqs = [mem.get_block_freq() for mem in global_memories] if len(local_memory_freqs) == 0: local_memory_avg_freq = 0 else: local_memory_avg_freq= sum(local_memory_freqs)/max(len(local_memory_freqs),1) if len(local_memory_freqs) in [0, 1]: local_memory_freq_std = 0 local_memory_freq_coeff_var = 0 else: local_memory_freq_std = st.stdev(local_memory_freqs) local_memory_freq_coeff_var = st.stdev(local_memory_freqs) / st.mean(local_memory_freqs) if len(global_memory_freqs) == 0: global_memory_avg_freq = 0 else: global_memory_avg_freq= sum(global_memory_freqs)/max(len(global_memory_freqs),1) # get bus width data local_memory_bus_widths = [mem.get_block_bus_width() for mem in local_memories] global_memory_bus_widths = [mem.get_block_bus_width() for mem in global_memories] if len(local_memory_bus_widths) == 0: local_memory_avg_bus_width = 0 else: local_memory_avg_bus_width= sum(local_memory_bus_widths)/max(len(local_memory_bus_widths),1) if len(local_memory_bus_widths) in [0, 1]: local_memory_bus_width_std = 0 local_memory_bus_width_coeff_var = 0 else: local_memory_bus_width_std = st.stdev(local_memory_bus_widths) local_memory_bus_width_coeff_var = st.stdev(local_memory_bus_widths) / st.mean(local_memory_bus_widths) if len(global_memory_bus_widths) == 0: global_memory_avg_bus_width = 0 else: global_memory_avg_bus_width= sum(global_memory_bus_widths)/max(len(global_memory_bus_widths),1) #get bytes data local_memory_bytes = [] for mem in local_memories: mem_bytes = max(mem.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size local_memory_bytes.append((math.ceil(mem_bytes / config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype])) * config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype]) # modulo calculation if len(local_memory_bytes) == 0: local_memory_total_bytes = 0 local_memory_bytes_avg = 0 else: local_memory_total_bytes = sum(local_memory_bytes) local_memory_bytes_avg = st.mean(local_memory_bytes) if len(local_memory_bytes) in [0,1]: local_memory_bytes_std = 0 local_memory_bytes_coeff_var = 0 else: local_memory_bytes_std = st.stdev(local_memory_bytes) local_memory_bytes_coeff_var = st.stdev(local_memory_bytes)/max(st.mean(local_memory_bytes),.0000000001) global_memory_bytes = [] for mem in global_memories: mem_bytes = max(mem.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size global_memory_bytes.append((math.ceil(mem_bytes / config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype])) * config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype]) # modulo calculation if len(global_memory_bytes) == 0: global_memory_total_bytes = 0 else: global_memory_total_bytes = sum(global_memory_bytes) if len(global_memory_bytes) in [0,1]: global_memory_bytes_std = 0 global_memory_bytes_coeff_var = 0 else: global_memory_bytes_std = st.stdev(global_memory_bytes) global_memory_bytes_coeff_var = st.stdev(global_memory_bytes) / max(st.mean(global_memory_bytes),.00000001) # get area data local_memory_area = [mem.get_area() for mem in local_memories] global_memory_area = [mem.get_area() for mem in global_memories] if len(local_memory_area) == 0: local_memory_total_area = 0 else: local_memory_total_area = sum(local_memory_area) if len(local_memory_area) in [0,1]: local_memory_area_std = 0 local_memory_area_coeff_var = 0 else: local_memory_area_std = st.stdev(local_memory_area) local_memory_area_coeff_var = st.stdev(local_memory_area) / st.mean(local_memory_area) if len(global_memory_area) == 0: global_memory_total_area = 0 else: global_memory_total_area = sum(global_memory_area) # get traffic data local_total_traffic = 0 for mem in local_memories: block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: local_total_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) local_traffic_per_mem = {} for mem in local_memories: local_traffic_per_mem[mem] =0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: local_traffic_per_mem[mem] += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) global_total_traffic = 0 for mem in global_memories: block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: global_total_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) local_bus_traffic = {} for mem in local_memories: local_traffic = 0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: local_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) for bus in buses: if mem in bus.get_neighs(): if bus not in local_bus_traffic.keys(): local_bus_traffic[bus] = 0 local_bus_traffic[bus] += local_traffic break # get traffic reuse local_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio = [] local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = [] local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = [] local_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio= [] local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = [] local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = [] mem_local_traffic = {} for mem in local_memories: local_traffic = 0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: local_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) mem_local_traffic[mem] = local_traffic mem_bytes = max(mem.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size #mem_bytes_modulo = (math.ceil(mem_bytes/config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype]))*config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype] # modulo calculation mem_size = mem.get_area() reuse_ratio_no_read = max((local_traffic/mem_bytes)-2, 0) local_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio.append(reuse_ratio_no_read) local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes.append(reuse_ratio_no_read*mem_bytes) local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size.append(reuse_ratio_no_read*mem_size) reuse_ratio_with_read = max((local_traffic/mem_bytes)-1, 0) local_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio.append(reuse_ratio_with_read) local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes.append(reuse_ratio_with_read*mem_bytes) local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size.append(reuse_ratio_with_read*mem_size) if len(local_memories) == 0: local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = 0 local_traffic_per_mem_avg = 0 else: local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio = max((local_total_traffic/local_memory_total_bytes)-2, 0) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = sum(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = sum(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio = max((local_total_traffic/local_memory_total_bytes)-1, 0) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = sum(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = sum(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size) local_traffic_per_mem_avg = st.mean(list(local_traffic_per_mem.values())) if len(local_bus_traffic) == 0: local_bus_traffic_avg = 0 else: local_bus_traffic_avg = st.mean(list(local_bus_traffic.values())) if len(local_memories) in [0,1]: local_traffic_per_mem_std = 0 local_traffic_per_mem_coeff_var = 0 else: local_traffic_per_mem_std = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_per_mem.values())) local_traffic_per_mem_coeff_var = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_per_mem.values()))/st.mean(list(local_traffic_per_mem.values())) if len(local_bus_traffic) in [0,1]: local_bus_traffic_std = 0 local_bus_traffic_coeff_var = 0 else: local_bus_traffic_std = st.stdev(list(local_bus_traffic.values())) local_bus_traffic_coeff_var = st.stdev(list(local_bus_traffic.values()))/st.mean(list(local_bus_traffic.values())) # get traffic reuse global_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio= [] global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = [] global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = [] global_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio= [] global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = [] global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = [] for mem in global_memories: global_traffic = 0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: global_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) mem_bytes = max(mem.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size #mem_bytes_modulo = (math.ceil(mem_bytes/config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype]))*config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype] # modulo calculation mem_size = mem.get_area() reuse_ratio_no_read = max((global_traffic/mem_bytes)-2, 0) global_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio.append(reuse_ratio_no_read) global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes.append(reuse_ratio_no_read*mem_bytes) global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size.append(reuse_ratio_no_read*mem_size) reuse_ratio_with_read = max((global_traffic/mem_bytes)-1, 0) global_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio.append(reuse_ratio_with_read) global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes.append(reuse_ratio_with_read*mem_bytes) global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size.append(reuse_ratio_with_read*mem_size) if len(global_memories) == 0: global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio = 0 global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = 0 global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = 0 global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio = 0 global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = 0 global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = 0 else: global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio = max((global_total_traffic/global_memory_total_bytes)-2, 0) global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes = sum(global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes) global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size = sum(global_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size) global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio = max((global_total_traffic/global_memory_total_bytes)-1, 0) global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes = sum(global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes) global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size = sum(global_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size) # per cluster start # get traffic reuse local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster = {} local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster = {} local_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio_per_cluster = {} local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster = {} local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster = {} for bus in buses: mems = [blk for blk in bus.get_neighs() if blk.subtype == "sram"] local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster[bus] = 0 local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster[bus] = 0 local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster[bus] = 0 local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster[bus] = 0 for mem in mems: local_traffic = 0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in block_s_krnels: local_traffic += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem) mem_bytes = max(mem.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size #mem_bytes_modulo = (math.ceil(mem_bytes/config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype]))*config.min_mem_size[mem.subtype] # modulo calculation mem_size = mem.get_area() reuse_ratio_no_read_per_cluster = max((local_traffic/mem_bytes)-2, 0) local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster[bus]+= (reuse_ratio_no_read_per_cluster*mem_bytes) local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster[bus]+=(reuse_ratio_no_read_per_cluster*mem_size) reuse_ratio_with_read_per_cluster = max((local_traffic/mem_bytes)-1, 0) local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster[bus] += (reuse_ratio_with_read_per_cluster*mem_bytes) local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster[bus] += (reuse_ratio_with_read_per_cluster*mem_size) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg = st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg = st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg = st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg = st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())) if len(buses) in [0,1]: local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_std = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_std = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_var = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_var = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var = 0 local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var = 0 else: local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_std = st.stdev( list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_std = st.stdev( list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std = st.stdev( list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std = st.stdev( list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_var = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster.values()))/max(st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())),.000001) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_var = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster.values()))/max(st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster.values())),.0000001) local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values()))/max(st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())),.000000001) local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var = st.stdev(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values()))/max(st.mean(list(local_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster.values())),.00000001) # per cluseter end locality_in_bytes = 0 for krnl in self.__kernels: pe = [blk for blk in krnl.get_blocks() if blk.type == "pe"][0] mems = [blk for blk in krnl.get_blocks() if blk.type == "mem"] for mem in mems: path_length = len(self.dp_rep.get_hardware_graph().get_path_between_two_vertecies(pe, mem)) locality_in_bytes += krnl.calc_traffic_per_block(mem)/(path_length-2) """ #parallelism data for mem in local_memories: bal_traffic = 0 block_s_krnels = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in blocks_krnels: krnl.block_phase_read_dict[mem][self.phase_num] += read_work """ return {"local_total_traffic":local_total_traffic, "global_total_traffic":global_total_traffic, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio, "global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio": global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_ratio, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes, "global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes": global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size, "global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size": global_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio, "global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio": global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_ratio, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes, "global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes": global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size, "global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size": global_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_std": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_std, "local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_var": local_total_traffic_reuse_no_read_in_size_per_cluster_var, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_avg, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_std, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_bytes_per_cluster_var, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_avg, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_std": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_std, "local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_var": local_total_traffic_reuse_with_read_in_size_per_cluster_var, "global_memory_avg_freq": global_memory_avg_freq, "local_memory_avg_freq": local_memory_avg_freq, "local_memory_freq_coeff_var": local_memory_freq_coeff_var, "local_memory_freq_std": local_memory_freq_std, "global_memory_avg_bus_width": global_memory_avg_bus_width, "local_memory_avg_bus_width": local_memory_avg_bus_width, "local_memory_bus_width_coeff_var": local_memory_bus_width_coeff_var, "local_memory_bus_width_std": local_memory_bus_width_std, "global_memory_total_area": global_memory_total_area, "local_memory_total_area":local_memory_total_area, "local_memory_area_coeff_var": local_memory_area_coeff_var, "local_memory_area_std": local_memory_area_std, "global_memory_total_bytes": global_memory_total_bytes, "local_memory_total_bytes": local_memory_total_bytes, "local_memory_bytes_avg": local_memory_bytes_avg, "local_memory_bytes_coeff_var": local_memory_bytes_coeff_var, "local_memory_bytes_std": local_memory_bytes_std, "memory_total_area":global_memory_total_area+local_memory_total_area, "local_mem_cnt":len(local_memory_freqs), "local_memory_traffic_per_mem_avg": local_traffic_per_mem_avg, "local_memory_traffic_per_mem_std": local_traffic_per_mem_coeff_var, "local_memory_traffic_per_mem_coeff_var": local_traffic_per_mem_coeff_var, "local_bus_traffic_avg": local_bus_traffic_avg, "local_bus_traffic_std": local_bus_traffic_std, "local_bus_traffic_coeff_var": local_bus_traffic_coeff_var, "locality_in_bytes": locality_in_bytes } def get_krnels_of_block(self, block): block_s_tasks = block.get_tasks_of_block() block_s_krnels = [] # get krnels of block for task in block_s_tasks: for krnl in self.__kernels: if krnl.get_task_name() == task.get_name(): block_s_krnels.append(krnl) return block_s_krnels def get_krnels_of_block_clustered_by_workload(self, block): workload_kernels = {} block_s_tasks = block.get_tasks_of_block() block_s_krnels = [] # get krnels of block for task in block_s_tasks: for krnl in self.__kernels: if krnl.get_task_name() == task.get_name(): workload = self.database.db_input.task_workload[krnl.get_task_name()], if workload not in workload_kernels.keys(): workload_kernels[workload] =[] workload_kernels[workload].append(krnl) return workload_kernels def get_bus_system_attr(self): bus_system_attr = {} # in reality there is only one system bus for el, val in self.infer_system_bus_attr().items(): bus_system_attr[el] = val for el, val in self.infer_local_buses_attr().items(): bus_system_attr[el] = val return bus_system_attr def infer_system_bus_attr(self): # has to get the max, as for now, system bus is infered and not imposed highest_freq = 0 highest_width = 0 system_mems = [] for block in self.dp_rep.get_blocks(): if block.subtype == "dram": system_mems.append(block) system_mems_avg_work_rates = [] system_mems_max_work_rates = [] for mem in system_mems: block_work_phase = {} phase_write_work_rate = {} phase_read_work_rate = {} krnls_of_block = self.get_krnels_of_block(mem) for krnl in krnls_of_block: for phase, work in krnl.block_phase_write_dict[mem].items(): if phase not in phase_write_work_rate.keys(): phase_write_work_rate[phase] = 0 if krnl.stats.phase_latency_dict[phase] == 0: phase_write_work_rate[phase] += 0 else: phase_write_work_rate[phase] += (work/krnl.stats.phase_latency_dict[phase]) for krnl in krnls_of_block: for phase, work in krnl.block_phase_read_dict[mem].items(): if phase not in phase_read_work_rate.keys(): phase_read_work_rate[phase] = 0 if krnl.stats.phase_latency_dict[phase] == 0: phase_read_work_rate[phase] += 0 else: phase_read_work_rate[phase] += (work/krnl.stats.phase_latency_dict[phase]) avg_write_work_rate = sum(list(phase_write_work_rate.values()))/len(list(phase_write_work_rate.values())) avg_read_work_rate = sum(list(phase_read_work_rate.values()))/len(list(phase_read_work_rate.values())) max_write_work_rate = max(list(phase_write_work_rate.values())) max_read_work_rate = max(list(phase_read_work_rate.values())) system_mems_avg_work_rates.append(max(avg_read_work_rate, avg_write_work_rate)) system_mems_max_work_rates.append(max(max_write_work_rate, max_read_work_rate)) # there might be no system bus at the moment if len(system_mems) == 0: count = 0 system_mem_theoretical_bandwidth = 0 highest_width = 0 highest_freq= 0 system_mem_avg_work_rate = system_mem_max_work_rate = 0 else: count = 1 highest_width= max([system_mem.get_block_bus_width() for system_mem in system_mems]) highest_freq= max([system_mem.get_block_freq() for system_mem in system_mems]) system_mem_theoretical_bandwidth = highest_width*highest_freq system_mem_avg_work_rate = sum(system_mems_avg_work_rates)/len(system_mems_avg_work_rates) # averate of max system_mem_max_work_rate = sum(system_mems_max_work_rates)/len(system_mems_max_work_rates) return {"system_bus_count":count, "system_bus_avg_freq":highest_freq, "system_bus_avg_bus_width":highest_width, "system_bus_avg_theoretical_bandwidth":system_mem_theoretical_bandwidth, "system_bus_avg_actual_bandwidth": system_mem_avg_work_rate, "system_bus_max_actual_bandwidth": system_mem_max_work_rate } def infer_if_is_a_local_bus(self, block): if block.type == "ic": block_ic_mem_neighs = [el for el in block.get_neighs() if el.type == "mem"] block_ic_dram_mem_neighs = [el for el in block.get_neighs() if el.subtype == "dram"] if not len(block_ic_mem_neighs) == len(block_ic_dram_mem_neighs): return True return False # find the number buses that do not have dram connected to them. # Note that it will be better if we have already set the system bus and not infereing it. # TODO for later def infer_local_buses_attr(self): attr_val = {} # get all the local buses local_buses = [] for block in self.dp_rep.get_blocks(): if self.infer_if_is_a_local_bus(block): local_buses.append(block) # get all the frequenies freq_list = [] for bus in local_buses: freq_list.append(bus.get_block_freq()) # get all the bus widths bus_width_list = [] for bus in local_buses: bus_width_list.append(bus.get_block_bus_width()) bus_bandwidth_list = [] for bus in local_buses: bus_bandwidth_list.append(bus.get_block_bus_width()*bus.get_block_freq()) local_buses_avg_work_rate_list = [] local_buses_max_work_rate_list = [] for bus in local_buses: work_rate = [] for pipe_cluster in bus.get_pipe_clusters(): pathlet_phase_work_rate = pipe_cluster.get_pathlet_phase_work_rate() for pathlet, phase_work_rate in pathlet_phase_work_rate.items(): if not pathlet.get_out_pipe().get_slave().subtype == "dram": work_rate.extend(list(phase_work_rate.values())) local_buses_avg_work_rate_list.append(sum(work_rate)/len(work_rate)) local_buses_max_work_rate_list.append(max(work_rate)) local_channels_avg_work_rate_list = [] local_channels_max_work_rate_list = [] for bus in local_buses: for pipe_cluster in bus.get_pipe_clusters(): work_rate = [] pathlet_phase_work_rate = pipe_cluster.get_pathlet_phase_work_rate() for pathlet, phase_work_rate in pathlet_phase_work_rate.items(): if not pathlet.get_out_pipe().get_slave().subtype == "dram": work_rate.extend(list(phase_work_rate.values())) if len(work_rate) == 0: continue local_channels_avg_work_rate_list.append(sum(work_rate)/max(len(work_rate),1)) local_channels_max_work_rate_list.append(max(work_rate)) local_channels_cnt_per_bus = {} for bus in local_buses: local_channels_cnt_per_bus[bus] =0 work_rate = [] for pipe_cluster in bus.get_pipe_clusters(): pathlet_phase_work_rate = pipe_cluster.get_pathlet_phase_work_rate() for pathlet, phase_work_rate in pathlet_phase_work_rate.items(): if not pathlet.get_out_pipe().get_slave().subtype == "dram": work_rate.extend(list(phase_work_rate.values())) if len(work_rate) == 0: continue local_channels_cnt_per_bus[bus] +=1 attr_val["local_bus_count"] = len(local_buses) if len(local_buses) == 0: attr_val["avg_freq"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_avg_freq"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_avg_bus_width"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_avg_theoretical_bandwidth"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_avg_actual_bandwidth"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_max_actual_bandwidth"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_cnt"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_avg_actual_bandwidth"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_max_actual_bandwidth"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_avg"] = 0 else: attr_val["avg_freq"] = sum(freq_list) / len(freq_list) attr_val["local_bus_avg_freq"] = sum(freq_list) / len(freq_list) attr_val["local_bus_avg_bus_width"] = sum(bus_width_list)/len(freq_list) attr_val["local_bus_avg_theoretical_bandwidth"] = sum(bus_bandwidth_list)/len(bus_bandwidth_list) attr_val["local_bus_avg_actual_bandwidth"] = sum(local_buses_avg_work_rate_list)/len(local_buses_avg_work_rate_list) # getting average of max attr_val["local_bus_max_actual_bandwidth"] = sum(local_buses_max_work_rate_list)/len(local_buses_max_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_bus_cnt"] = len(bus_width_list) attr_val["local_channel_avg_actual_bandwidth"] = st.mean(local_channels_avg_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_channel_max_actual_bandwidth"] = st.mean(local_channels_max_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_avg"] = st.mean(list(local_channels_cnt_per_bus.values())) if len(local_buses) in [0,1]: attr_val["local_bus_freq_std"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_freq_coeff_var"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_bus_width_std"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_bus_width_coeff_var"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_actual_bandwidth_std"] = 0 attr_val["local_bus_actual_bandwidth_coeff_var"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_actual_bandwidth_std"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_actual_bandwidth_coeff_var"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_std"] = 0 attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_coeff_var"] = 0 else: attr_val["local_bus_freq_std"] = st.stdev(freq_list) attr_val["local_bus_freq_coeff_var"] = st.stdev(freq_list)/st.mean(freq_list) attr_val["local_bus_bus_width_std"] = st.stdev(bus_width_list) attr_val["local_bus_bus_width_coeff_var"] = st.stdev(bus_width_list)/st.mean(bus_width_list) attr_val["local_bus_actual_bandwidth_std"] = st.stdev(local_buses_avg_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_bus_actual_bandwidth_coeff_var"] = st.stdev(local_buses_avg_work_rate_list)/st.mean(local_buses_avg_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_channel_actual_bandwidth_std"] = st.stdev(local_channels_avg_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_channel_actual_bandwidth_coeff_var"] = st.stdev(local_channels_avg_work_rate_list)/st.mean(local_channels_avg_work_rate_list) attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_std"] = st.stdev(list(local_channels_cnt_per_bus.values())) attr_val["local_channel_count_per_bus_coeff_var"] = st.stdev(list(local_channels_cnt_per_bus.values()))/st.mean(list(local_channels_cnt_per_bus.values())) return attr_val # iterate through all the design points and # collect their stats def collect_stats(self): for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): # level 1 reduction for intra design questions self.intra_design_reduction(type, id) # level 2 questions for across/inter design questions self.inter_design_reduction(type, id) # level 1 reduction for intra design questions def intra_design_reduction(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): kernel_latency_dict = {} latency_list = [] kernel_metric_values = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for dp in self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list: for kernel_ in dp.get_kernels(): for metric in config.all_metrics: kernel_metric_values[kernel_.get_task_name()][metric].append\ (kernel_.stats.get_metric(metric)) for kernel in self.__kernels: for metric in config.all_metrics: kernel.stats.set_stats_directly(metric, self.reduce(kernel_metric_values[kernel.get_task_name()][metric])) def get_kernels(self): return self.__kernels # Functionality: level 2 questions for across/inter design questions def inter_design_reduction(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): for metric_name in config.all_metrics: self.set_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, SOC_type, SOC_id) self.set_system_complex_metric(metric_name) # data per System # hot = longest latency def get_hot_kernel_SOC(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): kernels_on_SOC = [kernel for kernel in self.__kernels if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id] for k in kernels_on_SOC: if (k.stats.get_metric(metric) is None): print("metric is " + metric) sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold = sorted(kernels_on_SOC, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.get_metric(metric), reverse=True) return sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold[krnel_rank] # get the hot kernels if the system. Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. # Variables: # knrle_rank: rank of the kernel to pick once we have already sorted the kernels # based on hot ness. 0, means the hottest and higher values mean colder ones. # We use this value to sometimes target less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any mot less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any more. def get_hot_kernel_system_complex(self, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): hot_krnel_list = [] for SOC_type, SOC_id in self.get_designs_SOCs(): hot_krnel_list.append(self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank)) return sorted(hot_krnel_list, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.get_metric(metric), reverse=True)[0] # sort the blocks for a kernel based how much impact they have on a metric def get_hot_block_of_krnel_sorted(self, krnl_task_name, metric="latency"): # find the hottest kernel #hot_krnel = self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank) krnel_of_interest = [krnel for krnel in self.__kernels if krnel.get_task_name() == krnl_task_name] assert(len(krnel_of_interest) == 1), "can't have no krnel with this name or more than one" krnl = krnel_of_interest[0] # find the hot block accordingly # TODO: this is not quit right since # hot kernel of different designs might have different # block bottlenecks, but here we just use the # the block bottleneck of the representative design # since self.__kernels are set to this designs kernels kernel_blck_sorted : Block = krnl.stats.get_block_sorted(metric) return kernel_blck_sorted # ------------------------------------------- # Functionality: # get the hot block among the blocks that a kernel resides in based how much impact they have on a metric. # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. # ------------------------------------------- def get_hot_block_of_krnel(self, krnl_task_name, metric="latency"): # find the hottest kernel #hot_krnel = self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank) krnel_of_interest = [krnel for krnel in self.__kernels if krnel.get_task_name() == krnl_task_name] assert(len(krnel_of_interest) == 1), "can't have no krnel with this name or more than one" krnl = krnel_of_interest[0] # find the hot block accordingly # TODO: this is not quit right since # hot kernel of different designs might have different # block bottlenecks, but here we just use the # the block bottleneck of the representative design # since self.__kernels are set to this designs kernels kernel_blck_bottleneck: Block = krnl.stats.get_block_bottleneck(metric) return kernel_blck_bottleneck # ------------------------------------------- # Functionality: # get the hot block among the blocks of the entire SOC based on the metric and kernel rank. # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. # Variables: # krnel_rank: rank of the kernel to pick once we have already sorted the kernels # based on hot ness. 0, means the hottest and higher values mean colder ones. # We use this value to sometimes target less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any mot less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any more. # ------------------------------------------- def get_hot_block_SOC(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): # find the hottest kernel hot_krnel = self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank) # find the hot block accordingly # TODO: this is not quit right since # hot kernel of different designs might have different # block bottlenecks, but here we just use the # the block bottleneck of the representative design # since self.__kernels are set to this designs kernels hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck:Block = hot_krnel.stats.get_block_bottleneck(metric) return hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck # corresponding block bottleneck. We need this since we make a copy of the the sim_dp, # and hence, sim_dp and ex_dp won't be synced any more #coress_hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck = self.find_cores_hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck(ex_dp, hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck) #return cores_hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck # ------------------------------------------- # Functionality: # get the hot block among the blocks of the entire system complex based on the metric and kernel rank. # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. # Variables: # krnel_rank: rank of the kernel to pick once we have already sorted the kernels # based on hot ness. 0, means the hottest and higher values mean colder ones. # We use this value to sometimes target less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any mot less hot kernels if the hot kernel # can not be improved any more. # ------------------------------------------- def get_hot_block_system_complex(self, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): hot_blck_list = [] for SOC_type, SOC_id in self.get_designs_SOCs(): hot_blck_list.append(self.get_hot_block_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank)) return sorted(hot_blck_list, key=lambda blck: blck.get_metric(metric), reverse=True)[0] # ------------------------------------------- # Functionality: # calculating the metric (power,performance,area) value # Variables: # metric_type: which metric to calculate for # SOC_type: type of the SOC, since we can accept multi SOC designs # SOC_id: id of the SOC to target # ------------------------------------------- def calc_SOC_metric_value(self, metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): self.unreduced_results = [] # call dp_stats of each design and then reduce for dp in self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list: self.unreduced_results.append(dp.dp_stats.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id)) return self.reduce(self.unreduced_results) # ------------------------------------------- # Functionality: # calculating the area value # Variables: # type: mem, ic, pe # SOC_type: type of the SOC, since we can accept multi SOC designs # SOC_id: id of the SOC to target # ------------------------------------------- def calc_SOC_area_base_on_type(self, type_, SOC_type, SOC_id): area_list = [] for dp in self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list: area_list.append(dp.dp_stats.get_SOC_area_base_on_type(type_, SOC_type, SOC_id)) return self.reduce(area_list) def calc_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(self, subtype_, SOC_type, SOC_id): area_list = [] for dp in self.sim_dp_container.design_point_list: area_list.append(dp.dp_stats.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(subtype_, SOC_type, SOC_id)) return self.reduce(area_list) def set_SOC_metric_value(self,metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(metric_type in config.all_metrics), metric_type + " is not supported" if metric_type == "area": for block_type in ["mem", "ic", "pe"]: self.SOC_area_dict[block_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area_base_on_type(block_type, SOC_type, SOC_id) for block_subtype in ["dram", "sram", "ic", "ip", "gpp"]: self.SOC_area_subtype_dict[block_subtype][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(block_subtype, SOC_type, SOC_id) self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id) def set_system_complex_metric(self, metric_type): type_id_list = self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs() # only corner case is for area as # we want area specific even to the blocks if (metric_type == "area"): for block_type in ["pe", "mem", "ic"]: for type_, id_ in type_id_list: self.system_complex_area_dict[block_type] = sum([self.get_SOC_area_base_on_type(block_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) self.system_complex_area_dram_non_dram["non_dram"] = 0 for block_subtype in ["sram", "ic", "gpp", "ip"]: for type_, id_ in type_id_list: self.system_complex_area_dram_non_dram["non_dram"] += sum([self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(block_subtype, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) for block_subtype in ["dram"]: for type_, id_ in type_id_list: self.system_complex_area_dram_non_dram["dram"] = sum([self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(block_subtype, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) if metric_type in ["area", "energy", "cost"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = sum([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) elif metric_type in ["latency"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = self.operate_on_dicionary_values([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list], operator.add) elif metric_type in ["power"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = max([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) else: raise Exception("metric_type:" + metric_type + " is not supported") # ------------------------ # getters # ------------------------ # sort kernels. At the moment we just sort based on latency. def get_kernels_sort(self): def get_kernels_sort(self): sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold = sorted(self.__kernels, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.latency, reverse=True) return sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold # return the metric of interest for the SOC. metric_type is the metric you are interested in def get_SOC_metric_value(self, metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] def get_SOC_area_base_on_type(self, block_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(block_type in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]), "block_type" + block_type + " is not supported" return self.SOC_area_dict[block_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] def get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(self, block_subtype, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(block_subtype in ["dram", "sram", "gpp", "ip", "ic"]), "block_subtype" + block_subtype + " is not supported" if block_subtype not in self.SOC_area_subtype_dict.keys(): # this element does not exist return 0 return self.SOC_area_subtype_dict[block_subtype][SOC_type][SOC_id] # return the metric of interest for the system complex. metric_type is the metric you are interested in. # Note that system complex can contain multiple SOCs. def get_system_complex_metric(self, metric_type): return self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] def get_system_complex_area_stacked_dram(self): return self.system_complex_area_dram_non_dram # get system_complex area. type_ is selected from ("pe", "mem", "ic") def get_system_complex_area_base_on_type(self, type_): return self.system_complex_area_type[type_] def get_designs_SOCs(self): return self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs() # check if dp_rep is meeting the budget def workload_fits_budget_for_metric(self, workload, metric_name, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): if not all(self.fits_budget_for_metric_and_workload(type, id, metric_name, workload, 1)): return False return True # check if dp_rep is meeting the budget def workload_fits_budget(self, workload, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): for metric_name in self.database.get_budgetted_metric_names(type): if not all(self.fits_budget_for_metric_and_workload(type, id, metric_name, workload, 1)): return False return True # check if dp_rep is meeting the budget def fits_budget(self, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): for metric_name in self.database.get_budgetted_metric_names(type): if not all(self.fits_budget_for_metric(type, id, metric_name, 1)): return False return True def fits_budget_for_metric_for_SOC(self, metric_name, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): if not all(self.fits_budget_for_metric(type, id, metric_name, 1)): return False return True # returns a list of values def fits_budget_for_metric_and_workload(self, type, id, metric_name, workload, budget_coeff): dist = self.normalized_distance_for_workload(type, id, metric_name, workload) if not isinstance(dist, list): dist = [dist] return [dist_el<.001 for dist_el in dist] # returns a list of values def fits_budget_for_metric(self, type, id, metric_name, budget_coeff): dist = self.normalized_distance(type, id, metric_name) if not isinstance(dist, list): dist = [dist] return [dist_el<.001 for dist_el in dist] def normalized_distance_for_workload(self, type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff=1): if config.dram_stacked: return self.normalized_distance_for_workload_for_stacked_dram(type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff) else: return self.normalized_distance_for_workload_for_non_stacked_dram(type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff) # normalized the metric to the budget def normalized_distance_for_workload_for_non_stacked_dram(self, type, id, metric_name, workload, dampening_coeff=1): metric_val = self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, type, id) if isinstance(metric_val, dict): value_list= [] for workload_, val in metric_val.items(): if not (workload == workload_): continue dict_ = self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type) value_list.append((val - dict_[workload])/(dampening_coeff*dict_[workload])) return value_list else: return [(metric_val - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))] def normalized_distance_for_workload_for_stacked_dram(self, type, id, metric_name, workload, dampening_coeff=1): metric_val = self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, type, id) if metric_name == 'latency': value_list= [] for workload_, val in metric_val.items(): if not (workload == workload_): continue dict_ = self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type) value_list.append((val - dict_[workload_])/(dampening_coeff*dict_[workload_])) return value_list elif metric_name == "area": # get area aggregation of all the SOC minus dram and normalize it subtypes_no_dram = ["gpp", "ip", "ic", "sram"] area_no_dram = 0 for el in subtypes_no_dram: area_no_dram += self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(el, type, id) area_no_dram_norm = (area_no_dram - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type)) # get dram area and normalize it area_dram = self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype("dram", type, id) area_dram_norm = [(area_dram - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))] return [area_no_dram_norm, area_dram] else: return [(metric_val - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))] def normalized_distance(self, type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff=1): if config.dram_stacked: return self.normalized_distance_for_stacked_dram(type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff) else: return self.normalized_distance_for_non_stacked_dram(type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff) # normalized the metric to the budget def normalized_distance_for_non_stacked_dram(self, type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff=1): metric_val = self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, type, id) if isinstance(metric_val, dict): value_list= [] for workload, val in metric_val.items(): dict_ = self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type) value_list.append((val - dict_[workload])/(dampening_coeff*dict_[workload])) return value_list else: return [(metric_val - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))] def normalized_distance_for_stacked_dram(self, type, id, metric_name, dampening_coeff=1): metric_val = self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, type, id) if metric_name == 'latency': value_list= [] for workload, val in metric_val.items(): dict_ = self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type) value_list.append((val - dict_[workload])/(dampening_coeff*dict_[workload])) return value_list elif metric_name == "area": # get area aggregation of all the SOC minus dram and normalize it subtypes_no_dram = ["gpp", "ip", "ic", "sram"] area_no_dram = 0 for el in subtypes_no_dram: area_no_dram += self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(el, type, id) area_no_dram_norm = (area_no_dram - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type)) # get dram area and normalize it area_dram = self.get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype("dram", type, id) area_dram_norm = (area_dram - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type)) return [area_no_dram_norm, area_dram_norm] else: return [(metric_val - self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))/ (dampening_coeff*self.database.get_ideal_metric_value(metric_name, type))] # normalized to the budget def dist_to_goal_per_metric(self, metric_name, mode): dist_list = [] for type, id in self.dp_rep.get_designs_SOCs(): meet_the_budgets = self.fits_budget_for_metric(type, id, metric_name, 1) for idx, meet_the_budget in enumerate(meet_the_budgets): if meet_the_budget: if mode == "eliminate": dist_list.append(0.000000001) elif mode == "dampen" and meet_the_budget: norm_dist = [math.fabs(el) for el in self.normalized_distance(type, id, metric_name, config.annealing_dampening_coef)] dist_list.append(math.fabs(norm_dist[idx])) elif mode == "simple": norm_dist = [math.fabs(el) for el in self.normalized_distance(type, id, metric_name, 1)] dist_list.append(math.fabs(norm_dist[idx])) else: print("mode: " + mode + " is not defined for dist_to_goal_per_metric") exit(0) else: norm_dist = [math.fabs(el) for el in self.normalized_distance(type, id, metric_name, 1)] dist_list.append(math.fabs(norm_dist[idx])) city_dist = sum(dist_list) return city_dist # check if dp_rep is meeting the budget # modes: {"simple", "eliminate", "dampen"}. # Simple: just calculates the city distance # eliminates: eliminate the metric that has already met the budget # dampen: dampens the impact of the metric that has already met the budget def dist_to_goal(self, metrics_to_look_into=["all"], mode="simple"): # mode simple, just calculate if metrics_to_look_into == ["all"]: metrics_to_look_into = self.database.get_budgetted_metric_names_all_SOCs() + self.database.get_other_metric_names_all_SOCs() # which metrics to use for distance calculation dist_list = [] for metric_name in metrics_to_look_into: dist_list.append(self.dist_to_goal_per_metric(metric_name, mode)) city_dist = sum(dist_list) # we use city distance to allow for probability prioritizing return city_dist # todo: change, right now it only uses the reduce value def __lt__(self, other): comp_list = [] for metric in config.objectives: comp_list.append(self.get_system_complex_metric(metric) < other.get_system_complex_metric(metric)) return all(comp_list) # todo: change, right now it only uses the reduce value def __gt__(self, other): comp_list = [] for metric in config.objectives: comp_list.append(self.get_system_complex_metric(metric) > other.get_system_complex_metric(metric)) return all(comp_list) # This module emulates the simulated design point. # It contains the information for the simulation of a design point class SimDesignPoint(ExDesignPoint): def __init__(self, hardware_graph, workload_to_hardware_map=[], workload_to_hardware_schedule=[]): # primitive variables self.__workload_to_hardware_map:WorkloadToHardwareMap = None self.__workload_to_hardware_schedule:WorkloadToPEBlockSchedule = None self.hardware_graph = hardware_graph # contains all the hardware blocks + their topology (how they are connected) self.__hardware, self.__workload, self.__kernels = [[]]*3 # bootstrap the design and it's stats self.reset_design(workload_to_hardware_map, workload_to_hardware_schedule) self.SOC_phase_energy_dict = defaultdict(dict) # energy associated with each phase self.phase_latency_dict = {} # duration (time) for each phase. self.dp_stats = None # design point statistics self.block_phase_work_dict = {} # work done by the block as the system goes through different phases self.block_phase_utilization_dict = {} # utilization done by the block as the system goes through different phases self.pipe_cluster_path_phase_work_rate_dict = {} self.parallel_kernels = {} self.krnl_phase_present = {} self.krnl_phase_present_operating_state = {} self.phase_krnl_present = {} self.iteration_number = 0 # the iteration which the simulation is done self.population_observed_number = 0 self.population_generated_number = 0 self.depth_number = 0 # the depth (within on iteration) which the simulation is done self.simulation_time = 0 # how long did it take to do the simulation self.serial_design_time = 0 self.par_speedup_time = 0 if config.use_cacti: self.cacti_hndlr = cact_handlr.CactiHndlr(config.cact_bin_addr, config.cacti_param_addr, config.cacti_data_log_file, config.cacti_input_col_order, config.cacti_output_col_order) for block in self.get_blocks(): self.block_phase_work_dict[block] = {} self.block_phase_utilization_dict[block] = {} def set_serial_design_time(self, serial_design_time): self.serial_design_time = serial_design_time def get_serial_design_time(self): return self.serial_design_time def set_par_speedup(self, speedup): self.par_speedup_time = speedup def get_par_speedup(self): return self.par_speedup_time def set_simulation_time(self, simulation_time): self.simulation_time= simulation_time def get_simulation_time(self): return self.simulation_time def set_population_generation_cnt(self, generation_cnt): self.population_generation_cnt = generation_cnt def set_total_iteration_cnt(self, total_iteration): self.total_iteration_cnt = total_iteration def set_population_observed_number(self, population_observed_number): self.population_observed_number = population_observed_number def set_population_generated_number(self, population_generated_number): self.population_generated_number = population_generated_number def set_depth_number(self, depth_number): self.depth_number = depth_number def get_depth_number(self): return self.depth_number def get_population_generation_cnt(self): return self.population_generation_cnt def get_total_iteration_cnt(self): return self.total_iteration_cnt def get_population_observed_number(self): return self.population_observed_number def get_population_generated_number(self): return self.population_generated_number def get_tasks_parallel_task_dynamically(self, task): if task.is_task_dummy(): return [] krnl = self.get_kernel_by_task_name(task) phases_present = self.krnl_phase_present[krnl] parallel_krnls = [] for phase_ in phases_present: parallel_krnls.extend(self.phase_krnl_present[phase_]) # get_rid_of duplicates parallel_tasks = set([el.get_task_name() for el in set(parallel_krnls) if not(task.get_name() == el.get_task_name())]) return list(parallel_tasks) def get_tasks_using_the_different_pipe_cluster(self, task, block): task_pipe_clusters = block.get_pipe_clusters_of_task(task) tasks_of_block = block.get_tasks_of_block() results = [] for task_ in tasks_of_block: if task == task_: continue task__pipe_clusters = block.get_pipe_clusters_of_task(task_) if len(list(set(task_pipe_clusters) - set(task__pipe_clusters))) == len(task_pipe_clusters): results.append(task_.get_name()) return results # Log the BW data about all the connections it the system def dump_mem_bus_connection_bw(self, result_folder): # batch means that all the blocks of similar type have similar props file_name = "bus_mem_connection_max_bw.txt" file_addr = os.path.join(result_folder, file_name) buses = self.get_blocks_by_type("ic") with open(file_addr, "a+") as output: output.write("MasterInstance" +"," + "SlaveInstance" + ","+ "bus_bandwidth" + "," + "mode" + "\n") for bus in buses: connectd_pes = [block_ for block_ in bus.get_neighs() if block_.type =="pe" ] # PEs connected to bus connectd_mems = [block_ for block_ in bus.get_neighs() if block_.type =="mem" ] # memories connected to the bus connectd_ics = [block_ for block_ in bus.get_neighs() if block_.type =="ic"] for ic in connectd_ics: for mode in ["read", "write"]: output.write(ic.instance_name + "," + bus.instance_name + "," + str(ic.peak_work_rate) + "," + mode + "\n") for pe in connectd_pes: for mode in ["read", "write"]: output.write(pe.instance_name + "," + bus.instance_name + "," + str(bus.peak_work_rate) + "," + mode + "\n") for mem in connectd_mems: for mode in ["read", "write"]: output.write(bus.instance_name + "," + mem.instance_name + ","+ str(mem.peak_work_rate) + "," + mode + "\n") # ----------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------- # CACTI handling functions # ----------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------- # Conversion of memory type (naming) from FARSI to CACTI def FARSI_to_cacti_mem_type_converter(self, mem_subtype): if mem_subtype == "dram": return "main memory" elif mem_subtype == "sram": return "ram" # Conversion of memory type (naming) from FARSI to CACTI def FARSI_to_cacti_cell_type_converter(self, mem_subtype): if mem_subtype == "dram": #return "lp-dram" return "comm-dram" elif mem_subtype == "sram": return "itrs-lop" # run cacti to get results def run_and_collect_cacti_data(self, blk, database): tech_node = {} tech_node["energy"] = 1 tech_node["area"] = 1 sw_hw_database_population = database.db_input.sw_hw_database_population if "misc_knobs" in sw_hw_database_population.keys(): misc_knobs = sw_hw_database_population["misc_knobs"] if "tech_node_SF" in misc_knobs.keys(): tech_node = misc_knobs["tech_node_SF"] if not blk.type == "mem": print("Only memory blocks supported in CACTI") exit(0) # prime cacti mem_bytes = max(blk.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) subtype = blk.subtype mem_bytes = (math.ceil(mem_bytes/config.min_mem_size[subtype]))*config.min_mem_size[subtype] # modulo calculation #subtype = "sram" # TODO: change later to sram/dram mem_subtype = self.FARSI_to_cacti_mem_type_converter(subtype) cell_type = self.FARSI_to_cacti_cell_type_converter(subtype) self.cacti_hndlr.set_cur_mem_type(mem_subtype) self.cacti_hndlr.set_cur_mem_size(mem_bytes) self.cacti_hndlr.set_cur_cell_type(cell_type) # run cacti try: cacti_area_energy_results = self.cacti_hndlr.collect_cati_data() except Exception as e: print("Using cacti, the following memory config tried and failed") print(self.cacti_hndlr.get_config()) raise e read_energy_per_byte = float(cacti_area_energy_results['Dynamic read energy (nJ)']) * (10 ** -9) / 16 write_energy_per_byte = float(cacti_area_energy_results['Dynamic write energy (nJ)']) * (10 ** -9) / 16 area = float(cacti_area_energy_results['Area (mm2)']) * (10 ** -6) read_energy_per_byte *= tech_node["energy"]["non_gpp"] write_energy_per_byte *= tech_node["energy"]["non_gpp"] area *= tech_node["area"]["mem"] # log values self.cacti_hndlr.cacti_data_container.insert(list(zip(config.cacti_input_col_order + config.cacti_output_col_order, [mem_subtype, mem_bytes, read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area]))) return read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area # either run or look into the cached data (from CACTI) to get energy/area data def collect_cacti_data(self, blk, database): if blk.type == "ic" : return 0,0,0,1 elif blk.type == "mem": mem_bytes = max(blk.get_area_in_bytes(), config.cacti_min_memory_size_in_bytes) # to make sure we don't go smaller than cacti's minimum size mem_subtype = self.FARSI_to_cacti_mem_type_converter(blk.subtype) mem_bytes = (math.ceil(mem_bytes / config.min_mem_size[blk.subtype])) * config.min_mem_size[blk.subtype] # modulo calculation #mem_subtype = "ram" #choose from ["main memory", "ram"] found_results, read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area = \ self.cacti_hndlr.cacti_data_container.find(list(zip(config.cacti_input_col_order,[mem_subtype, mem_bytes]))) if not found_results: read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area = self.run_and_collect_cacti_data(blk, database) #read_energy_per_byte *= tech_node["energy"] #write_energy_per_byte *= tech_node["energy"] #area *= tech_node["area"] area_per_byte = area/mem_bytes return read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area, area_per_byte # For each kernel, update the energy and power using cacti def cacti_update_energy_area_of_kernel(self, krnl, database): # iterate through block/phases, collect data and insert them up blk_area_dict = {} for blk, phase_metric in krnl.block_phase_energy_dict.items(): # only for memory and ic if blk.type not in ["mem", "ic"]: blk_area_dict[blk] = krnl.stats.get_block_area()[blk] continue read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area, area_per_byte = self.collect_cacti_data(blk, database) for phase, metric in phase_metric.items(): krnl.block_phase_energy_dict[blk][phase] = krnl.block_phase_read_dict[blk][ phase] * read_energy_per_byte krnl.block_phase_energy_dict[blk][phase] += krnl.block_phase_write_dict[blk][ phase] * write_energy_per_byte krnl.block_phase_area_dict[blk][phase] = area blk_area_dict[blk] = area # apply aggregates, which is iterate through every phase, scratch their values, and aggregates all the block energies # areas. krnl.stats.phase_energy_dict = krnl.aggregate_energy_of_for_every_phase() krnl.stats.phase_area_dict = krnl.aggregate_area_of_for_every_phase() """ # for debugging; delete later for el in krnl.stats.get_block_area().keys(): if el not in blk_area_dict.keys(): print(" for debugging now delete later") exit(0) """ krnl.stats.set_block_area(blk_area_dict) krnl.stats.set_stats() # do not call it on set_stats directly, as it repopoluates without cacti return "_" # For each block, get energy area # at the moment, only setting up area. TODO: check whether energy matters def cacti_update_area_of_block(self, block, database): if block.type not in ["mem", "ic"]: return read_energy_per_byte, write_energy_per_byte, area, area_per_byte = self.collect_cacti_data(block, database) block.set_area_directly(area) #block.update_area_energy_power_rate(energy_per_byte, area_per_byte) # update the design energy (after you have already updated the kernels energy) def cacti_update_energy_area_of_design(self): # resetting all first for soc, phase_value in self.SOC_phase_energy_dict.items(): for phase, value in self.SOC_phase_energy_dict[soc].items(): self.SOC_phase_energy_dict[soc][phase] = 0 # iterate through SOCs and update for soc, phase_value in self.SOC_phase_energy_dict.items(): for phase, value in self.SOC_phase_energy_dict[soc].items(): SOC_type = soc[0] SOC_id = soc[1] for kernel in self.get_kernels(): if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id: if phase in kernel.stats.phase_energy_dict.keys(): self.SOC_phase_energy_dict[(SOC_type, SOC_id)][phase] += kernel.stats.phase_energy_dict[phase] def correct_power_area_with_cacti(self, database): # bellow dictionaries used for debugging purposes. You can delete them later krnl_ratio_phase = {} # for debugging delete later # update in 3 stages # (1) fix kernel energy first for krnl in self.__kernels: krnl_ratio_phase[krnl] = self.cacti_update_energy_area_of_kernel(krnl, database) # (2) fix the block's area for block in self.get_blocks(): self.cacti_update_area_of_block(block, database) # (3) update/fix the entire design accordingly self.cacti_update_energy_area_of_design() def get_hardware_graph(self): return self.hardware_graph # collect (profile) design points stats. def collect_dp_stats(self, database): self.dp_stats = DPStats(self, database) def get_designs_SOCs(self): blocks = self.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() designs_SOCs = [] for block in blocks: if (block.SOC_type, block.SOC_id) not in designs_SOCs: designs_SOCs.append((block.SOC_type, block.SOC_id)) return designs_SOCs # This is used for idle power calculations def get_blocks(self): blocks = self.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() return blocks # It is a wrapper around reset_design that includes all the necessary work to clear the stats # and start the simulation again (used for changing power-knobs) def reset_design_wrapper(self): # We do not want to lose this information! Since it is going to be the same # and we do not have any other way to retain them self.SOC_phase_energy_dict = defaultdict(dict) self.phase_latency_dict = {} self.dp_stats = None # bootstrap the design from scratch def reset_design(self, workload_to_hardware_map=[], workload_to_hardware_schedule=[]): def update_kernels(self_): self_.__kernels = [] for task_to_blocks_map in self.__workload_to_hardware_map.tasks_to_blocks_map_list: task = task_to_blocks_map.task self_.__kernels.append(Kernel(self_.__workload_to_hardware_map.get_by_task(task)))#, # self_.__workload_to_hardware_schedule.get_by_task(task))) if workload_to_hardware_map: self.__workload_to_hardware_map = workload_to_hardware_map if workload_to_hardware_schedule: self.__workload_to_hardware_schedule = workload_to_hardware_schedule update_kernels(self) def get_workload_to_hardware_map(self): return self.__workload_to_hardware_map def get_workload_to_hardware_schedule(self): return self.__workload_to_hardware_schedule def get_kernels(self): return self.__kernels def get_kernel_by_task_name(self, task:Task): return list(filter(lambda kernel: task.name == kernel.task_name, self.get_kernels()))[0] def get_kernels(self): return self.__kernels def get_workload_to_hardware_map(self): return self.__workload_to_hardware_map # design point statistics (stats). This class contains the profiling information for a simulated design. # Note that the difference between system complex and SOC is that a system complex can contain multiple SOCs. class DPStats: def __init__(self, sim_dp: SimDesignPoint, database): self.comparison_mode = "latency" # metric to compare designs against one another self.dp = sim_dp # simulated design point object self.__kernels = self.dp.get_kernels() # design kernels self.SOC_area_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # area of pes self.SOC_area_subtype_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # area of pes self.system_complex_area_dict = defaultdict() # system complex area values (for memory, PEs, buses) self.power_duration_list = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # power and duration of the power list self.SOC_metric_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # dictionary containing various metrics for the SOC self.system_complex_metric_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) # dictionary containing the system complex metrics self.database = database self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_work_rate_dict = {} for pipe_cluster in self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_pipe_clusters(): self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_work_rate_dict[pipe_cluster] = pipe_cluster.get_pathlet_phase_work_rate() self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_latency_dict = {} for pipe_cluster in self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_pipe_clusters(): self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_latency_dict[pipe_cluster] = pipe_cluster.get_pathlet_phase_latency() use_slack_management_estimation = config.use_slack_management_estimation # collect the data self.collect_stats(use_slack_management_estimation) # write the results into a file def dump_stats(self, des_folder, mode="light_weight"): file_name = config.verification_result_file file_addr = os.path.join(des_folder, file_name) for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): ic_count = len(self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks_by_type("ic")) mem_count = len(self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks_by_type("mem")) pe_count = len(self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks_by_type("pe")) with open(file_addr, "w+") as output: routing_complexity = self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_routing_complexity() simple_topology = self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_simplified_topology_code() blk_cnt = sum([int(el) for el in simple_topology.split("_")]) bus_cnt = [int(el) for el in simple_topology.split("_")][0] mem_cnt = [int(el) for el in simple_topology.split("_")][1] pe_cnt = [int(el) for el in simple_topology.split("_")][2] task_cnt = len(list(self.dp.krnl_phase_present.keys())) channel_cnt = self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_number_of_channels() output.write("{\n") output.write("\"FARSI_predicted_latency\": "+ str(max(list(self.get_system_complex_metric("latency").values()))) +",\n") output.write("\"FARSI_predicted_energy\": "+ str(self.get_system_complex_metric("energy")) +",\n") output.write("\"FARSI_predicted_power\": "+ str(self.get_system_complex_metric("power")) +",\n") output.write("\"FARSI_predicted_area\": "+ str(self.get_system_complex_metric("area")) +",\n") #output.write("\"config_code\": "+ str(ic_count) + str(mem_count) + str(pe_count)+",\n") #output.write("\"config_code\": "+ self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_config_code() +",\n") output.write("\"simplified_topology_code\": "+ self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_simplified_topology_code() +",\n") output.write("\"blk_cnt\": "+ str(blk_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"pe_cnt\": "+ str(pe_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"mem_cnt\": "+ str(mem_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"bus_cnt\": "+ str(bus_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"task_cnt\": "+ str(task_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"routing_complexity\": "+ str(routing_complexity) +",\n") output.write("\"channel_cnt\": "+ str(channel_cnt) +",\n") output.write("\"FARSI simulation time\": " + str(self.dp.get_simulation_time()) + ",\n") # Function: profile the simulated design, collecting information about # latency, power, area, and phasal behavior # This is called within the constructor def collect_stats(self, use_slack_management_estimation=False): for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): for metric_name in config.all_metrics: self.set_SOC_metric_value(metric_name, type, id) # data per SoC self.set_system_complex_metric(metric_name) # data per System # estimate the behavior if slack management applied for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): if use_slack_management_estimation: values_changed = self.apply_slack_management_estimation_improved(type, id) if values_changed: for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): for metric_name in config.all_metrics: self.set_system_complex_metric(metric_name) # data per System # Functionality: # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. def get_hot_kernel_SOC(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): kernels_on_SOC = [kernel for kernel in self.__kernels if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id] sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold = sorted(kernels_on_SOC, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.get_metric(metric), reverse=True) return sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold[krnel_rank] # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. def get_hot_kernel_system_complex(self, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): hot_krnel_list = [] for SOC_type, SOC_id in self.get_designs_SOCs(): hot_krnel_list.append(self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank)) return sorted(hot_krnel_list, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.get_metric(metric), reverse=True)[0] # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. def get_hot_block_SOC(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): # find the hottest kernel hot_krnel = self.get_hot_kernel_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank) hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck:Block = hot_krnel.stats.get_block_bottleneck(metric) # corresponding block bottleneck. We need this since we make a copy of the the sim_dp, # and hence, sim_dp and ex_dp won't be synced any more return hot_kernel_blck_bottleneck # get hot blocks of the system # Hot means the bottleneck or rather the # most power/energy/area/performance consuming of the system. This is determined # by the input argument metric. # krnel_rank is the rank of the kernel to pick from once the kernels are sorted. 0 means the highest. # This variable is used to unstuck the heuristic when necessary (e.g., when for example the hottest kernel # modification is not helping the design, we move on to the second hottest) def get_hot_block_system_complex(self, metric="latency", krnel_rank=0): hot_blck_list = [] for SOC_type, SOC_id in self.get_designs_SOCs(): hot_blck_list.append(self.get_hot_block_SOC(SOC_type, SOC_id, metric, krnel_rank)) return sorted(hot_blck_list, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.get_metric(metric), reverse=True)[0] # get kernels sorted based on latency def get_kernels_sort(self): sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold = sorted(self.__kernels, key=lambda kernel: kernel.stats.latency, reverse=True) return sorted_kernels_hot_to_cold # ----------------------------------------- # Calculate profiling information per SOC # ----------------------------------------- def calc_SOC_latency(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): kernels_on_SOC = [kernel for kernel in self.__kernels if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id] workload_latency_dict = {} for workload, last_task in self.database.get_workloads_last_task().items(): kernel = self.dp.get_kernel_by_task_name(self.dp.get_task_by_name(last_task)) workload_latency_dict[workload] = kernel.get_completion_time() #kernel.stats.latency + kernel.starting_time return workload_latency_dict # calculate SOC energy def calc_SOC_energy(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): phase_total_energy = {} return sum(list(self.dp.SOC_phase_energy_dict[(SOC_type, SOC_id)].values())) # if estimate_slack_management_effect is set to true, # we estimate what will happen if we can introduce slacks in order to reduce power def calc_SOC_power(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, estimate_slack_management_effect=False): self.power_duration_list[SOC_type][SOC_id] = [] sorted_listified_phase_latency_dict = sorted(self.dp.phase_latency_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) sorted_latencys = [latency for phase,latency in sorted_listified_phase_latency_dict] sorted_phase_latency_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted_listified_phase_latency_dict) # get the energy first SOC_phase_energy_dict = self.dp.SOC_phase_energy_dict[(SOC_type, SOC_id)] sorted_listified_phase_energy_dict = sorted(SOC_phase_energy_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) sorted_phase_energy_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted_listified_phase_energy_dict) # convert to power by slicing the time with the smallest duration within which power should be # calculated with (PWP) phase_bounds_lists = slice_phases_with_PWP(sorted_phase_latency_dict) power_list = [] # list of power values collected based on the power collection freq power_duration_list = [] for lower_bnd, upper_bnd in phase_bounds_lists: if sum(sorted_latencys[lower_bnd:upper_bnd])>0: power_this_phase = sum(list(sorted_phase_energy_dict.values())[lower_bnd:upper_bnd])/sum(sorted_latencys[lower_bnd:upper_bnd]) power_list.append(power_this_phase) self.power_duration_list[SOC_type][SOC_id].append((power_this_phase, sum(sorted_latencys[lower_bnd:upper_bnd]))) else: power_list.append(0) power_duration_list.append((0,0)) power = max(power_list) return power # estimate what happens if we can manage slack by optimizing kernel scheduling. # note that this is just a estimation. Actually scheduling needs to be applied to get exact numbers. # note that if we apply slack, the comparison with the higher fidelity simulation # will be considerably hurt (since the higher fidelity simulation doesn't typically apply the slack # management) def apply_slack_management_estimation_improved(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): power_duration_list = self.power_duration_list[SOC_type][SOC_id] # relax power if possible total_latency = sum([duration for power, duration in power_duration_list]) slack = self.database.get_budget("latency", "glass") - total_latency power_duration_recalculated = copy.deepcopy(power_duration_list) values_changed = False # indicating whether slack was used to modify any value while slack > 0 and (self.fits_budget_per_metric(SOC_type, SOC_id, "latency", 1) and not self.fits_budget_per_metric(SOC_type, SOC_id, "power", 1)): power_duration_sorted = sorted(power_duration_recalculated, key=lambda x: x[0]) idx = power_duration_recalculated.index(power_duration_sorted[-1]) power, duration = power_duration_recalculated[idx] slack_used = min(.0005, slack) slack = slack - slack_used duration_with_slack = duration + slack_used power_duration_recalculated[idx] = ((power * duration) / duration_with_slack, duration_with_slack) values_changed = True power = max([power for power, duration in power_duration_recalculated]) self.SOC_metric_dict["power"][SOC_type][SOC_id] = power self.SOC_metric_dict["latency"][SOC_type][SOC_id] = sum([duration for power, duration in power_duration_recalculated]) return values_changed # get total area of an soc (type is not supported yet) def calc_SOC_area_base_on_type(self, type_, SOC_type, SOC_id): blocks = self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() total_area= sum([block.get_area() for block in blocks if block.SOC_type == SOC_type and block.SOC_id == SOC_id and block.type == type_]) return total_area # get total area of an soc (type is not supported yet) def calc_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(self, subtype_, SOC_type, SOC_id): blocks = self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() total_area = 0 for block in blocks: if block.SOC_type == SOC_type and block.SOC_id == SOC_id and block.subtype == subtype_: total_area += block.get_area() return total_area # get total area of an soc # Variables: # SOC_type:the type of SOC you need information for # SOC_id: id of the SOC you are interested in def calc_SOC_area(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): blocks = self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() # note: we can't use phase_area_dict for this, since: # 1. we double count the statically 2. if a memory is shared, we would be double counting it total_area= sum([block.get_area() for block in blocks if block.SOC_type == SOC_type and block.SOC_id == SOC_id]) return total_area # the cost model associated with a PE. # This will help us calculate the financial cost # of using a specific PE def PE_cost_model(self, task_normalized_work, block_type, model_type="linear"): if model_type == "linear": return task_normalized_work*self.database.db_input.porting_effort[block_type] else: print("this cost model is not defined") exit(0) # the cost model associated with a MEM. # This will help us calculate the financial cost # of using a specific MEM def MEM_cost_model(self, task_normalized_work, block, block_type, model_type="linear"): if model_type == "linear": return task_normalized_work*self.database.db_input.porting_effort[block_type]*block.get_num_of_banks() else: print("this cost model is not defined") exit(0) # the cost model associated with a IC. # This will help us calculate the financial cost # of using a specific IC. def IC_cost_model(self, task_normalized_work, block, block_type, model_type="linear"): if model_type == "linear": return task_normalized_work*self.database.db_input.porting_effort[block_type] else: print("this cost model is not defined") exit(0) # calculate the development cost of an SOC def calc_SOC_dev_cost(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): blocks = self.dp.get_workload_to_hardware_map().get_blocks() all_kernels = self.get_kernels_sort() # find the simplest task's work (simple = task with the least amount of work) krnl_work_list = [] #contains the list of works associated with different kernels (excluding dummy tasks) for krnl in all_kernels: krnl_task = krnl.get_task() if not krnl_task.is_task_dummy(): krnl_work_list.append(krnl_task.get_self_task_work()) simplest_task_work = min(krnl_work_list) num_of_tasks = len(all_kernels) dev_cost = 0 # iterate through each block and add the cost for block in blocks: if block.type == "pe" : # for IPs if block.subtype == "ip": tasks = block.get_tasks_of_block() task_work = max([task.get_self_task_work() for task in tasks]) # use max incase multiple task are mapped task_normalized_work = task_work/simplest_task_work dev_cost += self.PE_cost_model(task_normalized_work, "ip") # for GPPS elif block.subtype == "gpp": # for DSPs if "G3" in block.instance_name: for task in block.get_tasks_of_block(): task_work = task.get_self_task_work() task_normalized_work = task_work/simplest_task_work dev_cost += self.PE_cost_model(task_normalized_work, "dsp") # for ARM elif "A53" in block.instance_name or "ARM" in block.instance_name: for task in block.get_tasks_of_block(): task_work = task.get_self_task_work() task_normalized_work = task_work/simplest_task_work dev_cost += self.PE_cost_model(task_normalized_work, "arm") else: print("cost model for this GPP is not defined") exit(0) elif block.type == "mem": task_normalized_work = 1 # treat it as the simplest task work dev_cost += self.MEM_cost_model(task_normalized_work, block, "mem") elif block.type == "ic": task_normalized_work = 1 # treat it as the simplest task work dev_cost += self.IC_cost_model(task_normalized_work, block, "mem") else: print("cost model for ip" + block.instance_name + " is not defined") exit(0) pes = [blk for blk in blocks if blk.type == "pe"] mems = [blk for blk in blocks if blk.type == "mem"] for pe in pes: pe_tasks = [el.get_name() for el in pe.get_tasks_of_block()] for mem in mems: mem_tasks = [el.get_name() for el in mem.get_tasks_of_block()] task_share_cnt = len(pe_tasks) - len(list(set(pe_tasks) - set(mem_tasks))) if task_share_cnt == 0: # this condition to avoid finding paths between vertecies, which is pretty comp intensive continue path_length = len(self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_path_between_two_vertecies(pe, mem)) #path_length = len(self.dp.get_hardware_graph().get_shortest_path(pe, mem, [], [])) effort = self.database.db_input.porting_effort["ic"]/10 dev_cost += (path_length*task_share_cnt)*.1 return dev_cost # pb_type: processing block type def get_SOC_s_specific_area(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, pb_type): assert(pb_type in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]) , "block type " + pb_type + " is not supported" return self.SOC_area_dict[pb_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] # -------- # setters # -------- def set_SOC_metric_value(self,metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): if metric_type == "area": self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area(SOC_type, SOC_id) for block_type in ["pe", "mem", "ic"]: self.SOC_area_dict[block_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area_base_on_type(block_type, SOC_type, SOC_id) for block_subtype in ["sram", "dram", "ic", "gpp", "ip"]: self.SOC_area_subtype_dict[block_subtype][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(block_subtype, SOC_type, SOC_id) elif metric_type == "cost": #self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_area(SOC_type, SOC_id) self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_dev_cost(SOC_type, SOC_id) elif metric_type == "energy": self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_energy(SOC_type, SOC_id) elif metric_type == "power" : self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_power(SOC_type, SOC_id) elif metric_type == "latency": self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] = self.calc_SOC_latency(SOC_type, SOC_id) else: raise Exception("metric_type:" + metric_type + " is not supported") # helper function to apply an operator across two dictionaries def operate_on_two_dic_values(self,dict1, dict2, operator): dict_res = {} for key in list(dict2.keys()) + list(dict1.keys()): if key in dict1.keys() and dict2.keys(): dict_res[key] = operator(dict2[key], dict1[key]) else: if key in dict1.keys(): dict_res[key] = dict1[key] elif key in dict2.keys(): dict_res[key] = dict2[key] return dict_res def operate_on_dicionary_values(self, dictionaries, operator): res = {} for SOCs_latency in dictionaries: #res = copy.deepcopy(self.operate_on_two_dic_values(res, SOCs_latency, operator)) #gc.disable() res = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(self.operate_on_two_dic_values(res, SOCs_latency, operator), -1)) #gc.enable() return res # set the metric (power, area, ...) for the entire system complex def set_system_complex_metric(self, metric_type): type_id_list = self.dp.get_designs_SOCs() # the only spatial scenario is area if metric_type == "area": for block_type in ["pe", "mem", "ic"]: for type_, id_ in type_id_list: self.system_complex_area_dict[block_type] = sum([self.get_SOC_area_base_on_type(block_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) if metric_type in ["area", "energy", "cost"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = sum([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) elif metric_type in ["latency"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = self.operate_on_dicionary_values([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list], operator.add) #return res #self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = sum([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) # for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) elif metric_type in ["power"]: self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] = max([self.get_SOC_metric_value(metric_type, type_, id_) for type_, id_ in type_id_list]) else: raise Exception("metric_type:" + metric_type + " is not supported") # -------- # getters # -------- def get_SOC_metric_value(self, metric_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(metric_type in config.all_metrics), metric_type + " not supported" return self.SOC_metric_dict[metric_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] def get_SOC_area_base_on_type(self, block_type, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(block_type in ["pe", "ic", "mem"]), "block_type" + block_type + " is not supported" return self.SOC_area_dict[block_type][SOC_type][SOC_id] def get_SOC_area_base_on_subtype(self, block_subtype, SOC_type, SOC_id): assert(block_subtype in ["dram", "sram", "ic", "gpp", "ip"]), "block_subtype" + block_subtype + " is not supported" return self.SOC_area_subtype_dict[block_subtype][SOC_type][SOC_id] # get the simulation progress def get_SOC_s_latency_sim_progress(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, progress_metrics): kernels_on_SOC = [kernel for kernel in self.__kernels if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id] kernel_metric_value = {} for kernel in kernels_on_SOC: kernel_metric_value[kernel] = [] for metric in progress_metrics: for kernel in kernels_on_SOC: if metric == "latency": kernel_metric_value[kernel].append((kernel.starting_time*10**3, kernel.stats.latency*10**3, kernel.stats.latency*10**3, "ms")) return kernel_metric_value # get the simulation progress def get_SOC_s_latency_sim_progress(self, SOC_type, SOC_id, metric): kernels_on_SOC = [kernel for kernel in self.__kernels if kernel.SOC_type == SOC_type and kernel.SOC_id == SOC_id] kernel_metric_value = {} for kernel in kernels_on_SOC: kernel_metric_value[kernel] = [] for kernel in kernels_on_SOC: if metric == "latency": kernel_metric_value[kernel].append((kernel.starting_time*10**3, kernel.stats.latency*10**3, kernel.stats.latency*10**3, "ms")) elif metric == "bytes": kernel_metric_value[kernel].append((kernel.starting_time * 10 ** 3, kernel.stats.latency * 10 ** 3, kernel.stats.latency* 10 ** 3, "bytes")) return kernel_metric_value def get_sim_progress(self, metric="latency"): #for phase, krnls in self.dp.phase_krnl_present.items(): # accelerators_in_parallel = [] if metric == "latency": return [self.get_SOC_s_latency_sim_progress(type, id, metric) for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs()] if metric == "bytes": pass # returns the latency associated with the phases of the system execution def get_phase_latency(self, SOC_type=1, SOC_id=1): return self.dp.phase_latency_dict # get utilization associated with the phases of the execution def get_SOC_s_sim_utilization(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.dp.block_phase_utilization_dict def get_SOC_s_pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_work_rate(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_work_rate_dict def get_SOC_s_pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_latency(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_latency_dict def get_SOC_s_pipe_cluster_path_phase_latency(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.pipe_cluster_pathlet_phase_latency_dict # get work associated with the phases of the execution def get_SOC_s_sim_work(self, SOC_type, SOC_id): return self.dp.block_phase_work_dict # get total (consider all SoCs') system metrics def get_system_complex_metric(self, metric_type): assert(metric_type in config.all_metrics), metric_type + " not supported" assert(not (self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] == -1)), metric_type + "not calculated" return self.system_complex_metric_dict[metric_type] # check if dp_rep is meeting the budget def fits_budget(self, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): for metric_name in self.database.get_budgetted_metric_names(type): if not self.fits_budget_for_metric(type, id, metric_name): return False return True def fits_budget_per_metric(self, metric_name, budget_coeff): for type, id in self.dp.get_designs_SOCs(): if not self.fits_budget_for_metric(type, id, metric_name): return False return True # whether the design fits the budget for the metric argument specified # type, and id specify the relevant parameters of the SOC # ignore budget_coeff for now def fits_budget_for_metric(self, type, id, metric_name, budget_coeff): return self.normalized_distance(type, id, metric_name) < .001 def __lt__(self, other): comp_list = [] for metric in config.objectives: comp_list.append(self.get_system_complex_metric(metric) < other.get_system_complex_metric(metric)) return all(comp_list) def __gt__(self, other): comp_list = [] for metric in config.objectives: comp_list.append(self.get_system_complex_metric(metric) > other.get_system_complex_metric(metric)) return all(comp_list)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from habitat.core.logging import logger from habitat.core.registry import registry from habitat.datasets.eqa import _try_register_mp3d_eqa_dataset from habitat.datasets.object_nav import _try_register_objectnavdatasetv1 from habitat.datasets.pointnav import _try_register_pointnavdatasetv1 from habitat.datasets.vln import _try_register_r2r_vln_dataset from habitat.datasets.pickplace import _try_register_pickplace_dataset def make_dataset(id_dataset, **kwargs): logger.info("Initializing dataset {}".format(id_dataset)) _dataset = registry.get_dataset(id_dataset) assert _dataset is not None, "Could not find dataset {}".format(id_dataset) return _dataset(**kwargs) # type: ignore _try_register_objectnavdatasetv1() _try_register_mp3d_eqa_dataset() _try_register_pointnavdatasetv1() _try_register_r2r_vln_dataset() _try_register_pickplace_dataset()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package. # from __future__ import unicode_literals # The *_FORMAT strings use the Django date format syntax, # see http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#date DATE_FORMAT = r'j \d\e F \d\e Y' TIME_FORMAT = 'H:i' DATETIME_FORMAT = r'j \d\e F \d\e Y \a \l\a\s H:i' YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT = r'F \d\e Y' MONTH_DAY_FORMAT = r'j \d\e F' SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = 'd/m/Y' SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = 'd/m/Y H:i' FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1 # Monday # The *_INPUT_FORMATS strings use the Python strftime format syntax, # see http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = [ # '31/12/2009', '31/12/09' '%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y' ] DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS = [ '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S.%f', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M', ] DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = ',' THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = '.' NUMBER_GROUPING = 3
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import hashlib from torch.utils.data import IterDataPipe, functional_datapipe @functional_datapipe("check_hash") class HashCheckerIterDataPipe(IterDataPipe): r""" Iterable DataPipe that computes and checks the hash of each file, from an input DataPipe of tuples of file name and data stream. If the hashes match the given hash in the dictionary, it yields a tuple of file name and stream. Otherwise, it raises an error. Args: source_datapipe: a DataPipe with tuples of file name and data stream hash_dict: a Dict that maps file names to their corresponding hashes hash_type: the type of hash function to apply rewind: rewind the stream after using the stream to compute the hash (this does not work with non-seekable stream, e.g. HTTP) Usage: dp = dp.check_hash({'train.py':'0d8b94d9fa9fb1ad89b9e3da9e1521495dca558fc5213b0fd7fd7b71c23f9921'}) """ def __init__(self, source_datapipe, hash_dict, hash_type="sha256", rewind=True): self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe self.hash_dict = hash_dict self.hash_type = hash_type self.rewind = rewind if self.hash_type not in ["sha256", "md5"]: raise ValueError("Invalid hash_type requested, should be one of {}".format(["sha256", "md5"])) def __iter__(self): for file_name, stream in self.source_datapipe: if self.hash_type == "sha256": hash_func = hashlib.sha256() else: hash_func = hashlib.md5() while True: # Read by chunk to avoid filling memory chunk = stream.read(1024 ** 2) if not chunk: break hash_func.update(chunk) # TODO(VitalyFedyunin): this will not work (or work crappy for non-seekable steams like http) if self.rewind: stream.seek(0) if file_name not in self.hash_dict: raise RuntimeError("Unspecified hash for file {}".format(file_name)) if hash_func.hexdigest() != self.hash_dict[file_name]: raise RuntimeError( "The hash {} of {} does not match. Delete the file manually and retry.".format( hash_func.hexdigest(), file_name ) ) yield (file_name, stream) def __len__(self): return len(self.source_datapipe)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# pylint:disable=wildcard-import # pylint:disable=unused-import # pylint:disable=unused-variable # pylint:disable=unused-argument # pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name import docker import pytest import tenacity @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def docker_registry(): # run the registry outside of the stack docker_client = docker.from_env() container = docker_client.containers.run("registry:2", ports={"5000":"5000"}, restart_policy={"Name":"always"}, detach=True) host = "" port = 5000 url = "{host}:{port}".format(host=host, port=port) # Wait until we can connect assert _wait_till_registry_is_responsive(url) # test the registry docker_client = docker.from_env() # get the hello world example from docker hub hello_world_image = docker_client.images.pull("hello-world","latest") # login to private registry docker_client.login(registry=url, username="simcore") # tag the image repo = url + "/hello-world:dev" assert hello_world_image.tag(repo) == True # push the image to the private registry docker_client.images.push(repo) # wipe the images docker_client.images.remove(image="hello-world:latest") docker_client.images.remove(image=hello_world_image.id) # pull the image from the private registry private_image = docker_client.images.pull(repo) docker_client.images.remove(image=private_image.id) yield url container.stop() @tenacity.retry(wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(1), stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay(60)) def _wait_till_registry_is_responsive(url): docker_client = docker.from_env() docker_client.login(registry=url, username="simcore") return True #pull from itisfoundation/sleeper and push into local registry @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def sleeper_service(docker_registry): client = docker.from_env() image = client.images.pull("itisfoundation/sleeper", tag="1.0.0") assert not image is None repo = "{}/simcore/services/comp/itis/sleeper:1.0.0".format(docker_registry) assert image.tag(repo) == True client.images.push(repo) image = client.images.pull(repo) assert image yield repo
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from . import Skeleton __all__ = ['SkelMain', 'SkelFrame', 'SkelLabelFrame', 'SkelToplevel'] class SkelMain(Skeleton, tk.Tk): pass class SkelFrame(Skeleton, ttk.Frame): pass class SkelLabelFrame(Skeleton, ttk.Labelframe): pass class SkelToplevel(Skeleton, tk.Toplevel): pass
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from fontTools.misc.py23 import * from fontTools.misc import sstruct from fontTools.misc.textTools import binary2num, safeEval from fontTools.feaLib.error import FeatureLibError from fontTools.feaLib.parser import Parser from fontTools.feaLib.ast import FeatureFile from fontTools.otlLib import builder as otl from fontTools.otlLib.maxContextCalc import maxCtxFont from fontTools.ttLib import newTable, getTableModule from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otBase, otTables from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict import itertools import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def addOpenTypeFeatures(font, featurefile, tables=None): """Add features from a file to a font. Note that this replaces any features currently present. Args: font (feaLib.ttLib.TTFont): The font object. featurefile: Either a path or file object (in which case we parse it into an AST), or a pre-parsed AST instance. tables: If passed, restrict the set of affected tables to those in the list. """ builder = Builder(font, featurefile) builder.build(tables=tables) def addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString(font, features, filename=None, tables=None): """Add features from a string to a font. Note that this replaces any features currently present. Args: font (feaLib.ttLib.TTFont): The font object. features: A string containing feature code. filename: The directory containing ``filename`` is used as the root of relative ``include()`` paths; if ``None`` is provided, the current directory is assumed. tables: If passed, restrict the set of affected tables to those in the list. """ featurefile = UnicodeIO(tounicode(features)) if filename: featurefile.name = filename addOpenTypeFeatures(font, featurefile, tables=tables) class Builder(object): supportedTables = frozenset(Tag(tag) for tag in [ "BASE", "GDEF", "GPOS", "GSUB", "OS/2", "head", "hhea", "name", "vhea", ]) def __init__(self, font, featurefile): self.font = font # 'featurefile' can be either a path or file object (in which case we # parse it into an AST), or a pre-parsed AST instance if isinstance(featurefile, FeatureFile): self.parseTree, self.file = featurefile, None else: self.parseTree, self.file = None, featurefile self.glyphMap = font.getReverseGlyphMap() self.default_language_systems_ = set() self.script_ = None self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None self.language_systems = set() self.seen_non_DFLT_script_ = False self.named_lookups_ = {} self.cur_lookup_ = None self.cur_lookup_name_ = None self.cur_feature_name_ = None self.lookups_ = [] self.features_ = {} # ('latn', 'DEU ', 'smcp') --> [LookupBuilder*] self.required_features_ = {} # ('latn', 'DEU ') --> 'scmp' # for feature 'aalt' self.aalt_features_ = [] # [(location, featureName)*], for 'aalt' self.aalt_location_ = None self.aalt_alternates_ = {} # for 'featureNames' self.featureNames_ = set() self.featureNames_ids_ = {} # for 'cvParameters' self.cv_parameters_ = set() self.cv_parameters_ids_ = {} self.cv_num_named_params_ = {} self.cv_characters_ = defaultdict(list) # for feature 'size' self.size_parameters_ = None # for table 'head' self.fontRevision_ = None # 2.71 # for table 'name' self.names_ = [] # for table 'BASE' self.base_horiz_axis_ = None self.base_vert_axis_ = None # for table 'GDEF' self.attachPoints_ = {} # "a" --> {3, 7} self.ligCaretCoords_ = {} # "f_f_i" --> {300, 600} self.ligCaretPoints_ = {} # "f_f_i" --> {3, 7} self.glyphClassDefs_ = {} # "fi" --> (2, (file, line, column)) self.markAttach_ = {} # "acute" --> (4, (file, line, column)) self.markAttachClassID_ = {} # frozenset({"acute", "grave"}) --> 4 self.markFilterSets_ = {} # frozenset({"acute", "grave"}) --> 4 # for table 'OS/2' self.os2_ = {} # for table 'hhea' self.hhea_ = {} # for table 'vhea' self.vhea_ = {} def build(self, tables=None): if self.parseTree is None: self.parseTree = Parser(self.file, self.glyphMap).parse() self.parseTree.build(self) # by default, build all the supported tables if tables is None: tables = self.supportedTables else: tables = frozenset(tables) unsupported = tables - self.supportedTables if unsupported: unsupported_string = ", ".join(sorted(unsupported)) raise NotImplementedError( "The following tables were requested but are unsupported: " f"{unsupported_string}." ) if "GSUB" in tables: self.build_feature_aalt_() if "head" in tables: self.build_head() if "hhea" in tables: self.build_hhea() if "vhea" in tables: self.build_vhea() if "name" in tables: self.build_name() if "OS/2" in tables: self.build_OS_2() for tag in ('GPOS', 'GSUB'): if tag not in tables: continue table = self.makeTable(tag) if (table.ScriptList.ScriptCount > 0 or table.FeatureList.FeatureCount > 0 or table.LookupList.LookupCount > 0): fontTable = self.font[tag] = newTable(tag) fontTable.table = table elif tag in self.font: del self.font[tag] if (any(tag in self.font for tag in ("GPOS", "GSUB")) and "OS/2" in self.font): self.font["OS/2"].usMaxContext = maxCtxFont(self.font) if "GDEF" in tables: gdef = self.buildGDEF() if gdef: self.font["GDEF"] = gdef elif "GDEF" in self.font: del self.font["GDEF"] if "BASE" in tables: base = self.buildBASE() if base: self.font["BASE"] = base elif "BASE" in self.font: del self.font["BASE"] def get_chained_lookup_(self, location, builder_class): result = builder_class(self.font, location) result.lookupflag = self.lookupflag_ result.markFilterSet = self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ self.lookups_.append(result) return result def add_lookup_to_feature_(self, lookup, feature_name): for script, lang in self.language_systems: key = (script, lang, feature_name) self.features_.setdefault(key, []).append(lookup) def get_lookup_(self, location, builder_class): if (self.cur_lookup_ and type(self.cur_lookup_) == builder_class and self.cur_lookup_.lookupflag == self.lookupflag_ and self.cur_lookup_.markFilterSet == self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_): return self.cur_lookup_ if self.cur_lookup_name_ and self.cur_lookup_: raise FeatureLibError( "Within a named lookup block, all rules must be of " "the same lookup type and flag", location) self.cur_lookup_ = builder_class(self.font, location) self.cur_lookup_.lookupflag = self.lookupflag_ self.cur_lookup_.markFilterSet = self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ self.lookups_.append(self.cur_lookup_) if self.cur_lookup_name_: # We are starting a lookup rule inside a named lookup block. self.named_lookups_[self.cur_lookup_name_] = self.cur_lookup_ if self.cur_feature_name_: # We are starting a lookup rule inside a feature. This includes # lookup rules inside named lookups inside features. self.add_lookup_to_feature_(self.cur_lookup_, self.cur_feature_name_) return self.cur_lookup_ def build_feature_aalt_(self): if not self.aalt_features_ and not self.aalt_alternates_: return alternates = {g: set(a) for g, a in self.aalt_alternates_.items()} for location, name in self.aalt_features_ + [(None, "aalt")]: feature = [(script, lang, feature, lookups) for (script, lang, feature), lookups in self.features_.items() if feature == name] # "aalt" does not have to specify its own lookups, but it might. if not feature and name != "aalt": raise FeatureLibError("Feature %s has not been defined" % name, location) for script, lang, feature, lookups in feature: for lookuplist in lookups: if not isinstance(lookuplist, list): lookuplist = [lookuplist] for lookup in lookuplist: for glyph, alts in lookup.getAlternateGlyphs().items(): alternates.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(alts) single = {glyph: list(repl)[0] for glyph, repl in alternates.items() if len(repl) == 1} # TODO: Figure out the glyph alternate ordering used by makeotf. # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/836 multi = {glyph: sorted(repl, key=self.font.getGlyphID) for glyph, repl in alternates.items() if len(repl) > 1} if not single and not multi: return self.features_ = {(script, lang, feature): lookups for (script, lang, feature), lookups in self.features_.items() if feature != "aalt"} old_lookups = self.lookups_ self.lookups_ = [] self.start_feature(self.aalt_location_, "aalt") if single: single_lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder) single_lookup.mapping = single if multi: multi_lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder) multi_lookup.alternates = multi self.end_feature() self.lookups_.extend(old_lookups) def build_head(self): if not self.fontRevision_: return table = self.font.get("head") if not table: # this only happens for unit tests table = self.font["head"] = newTable("head") table.decompile(b"\0" * 54, self.font) table.tableVersion = 1.0 table.created = table.modified = 3406620153 # 2011-12-13 11:22:33 table.fontRevision = self.fontRevision_ def build_hhea(self): if not self.hhea_: return table = self.font.get("hhea") if not table: # this only happens for unit tests table = self.font["hhea"] = newTable("hhea") table.decompile(b"\0" * 36, self.font) table.tableVersion = 0x00010000 if "caretoffset" in self.hhea_: table.caretOffset = self.hhea_["caretoffset"] if "ascender" in self.hhea_: table.ascent = self.hhea_["ascender"] if "descender" in self.hhea_: table.descent = self.hhea_["descender"] if "linegap" in self.hhea_: table.lineGap = self.hhea_["linegap"] def build_vhea(self): if not self.vhea_: return table = self.font.get("vhea") if not table: # this only happens for unit tests table = self.font["vhea"] = newTable("vhea") table.decompile(b"\0" * 36, self.font) table.tableVersion = 0x00011000 if "verttypoascender" in self.vhea_: table.ascent = self.vhea_["verttypoascender"] if "verttypodescender" in self.vhea_: table.descent = self.vhea_["verttypodescender"] if "verttypolinegap" in self.vhea_: table.lineGap = self.vhea_["verttypolinegap"] def get_user_name_id(self, table): # Try to find first unused font-specific name id nameIDs = [name.nameID for name in table.names] for user_name_id in range(256, 32767): if user_name_id not in nameIDs: return user_name_id def buildFeatureParams(self, tag): params = None if tag == "size": params = otTables.FeatureParamsSize() params.DesignSize, params.SubfamilyID, params.RangeStart, \ params.RangeEnd = self.size_parameters_ if tag in self.featureNames_ids_: params.SubfamilyNameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag] else: params.SubfamilyNameID = 0 elif tag in self.featureNames_: if not self.featureNames_ids_: # name table wasn't selected among the tables to build; skip pass else: assert tag in self.featureNames_ids_ params = otTables.FeatureParamsStylisticSet() params.Version = 0 params.UINameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag] elif tag in self.cv_parameters_: params = otTables.FeatureParamsCharacterVariants() params.Format = 0 params.FeatUILabelNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get( (tag, 'FeatUILabelNameID'), 0) params.FeatUITooltipTextNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get( (tag, 'FeatUITooltipTextNameID'), 0) params.SampleTextNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get( (tag, 'SampleTextNameID'), 0) params.NumNamedParameters = self.cv_num_named_params_.get(tag, 0) params.FirstParamUILabelNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get( (tag, 'ParamUILabelNameID_0'), 0) params.CharCount = len(self.cv_characters_[tag]) params.Character = self.cv_characters_[tag] return params def build_name(self): if not self.names_: return table = self.font.get("name") if not table: # this only happens for unit tests table = self.font["name"] = newTable("name") table.names = [] for name in self.names_: nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID, string = name # For featureNames block, nameID is 'feature tag' # For cvParameters blocks, nameID is ('feature tag', 'block name') if not isinstance(nameID, int): tag = nameID if tag in self.featureNames_: if tag not in self.featureNames_ids_: self.featureNames_ids_[tag] = self.get_user_name_id(table) assert self.featureNames_ids_[tag] is not None nameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag] elif tag[0] in self.cv_parameters_: if tag not in self.cv_parameters_ids_: self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag] = self.get_user_name_id(table) assert self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag] is not None nameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag] table.setName(string, nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID) def build_OS_2(self): if not self.os2_: return table = self.font.get("OS/2") if not table: # this only happens for unit tests table = self.font["OS/2"] = newTable("OS/2") data = b"\0" * sstruct.calcsize(getTableModule("OS/2").OS2_format_0) table.decompile(data, self.font) version = 0 if "fstype" in self.os2_: table.fsType = self.os2_["fstype"] if "panose" in self.os2_: panose = getTableModule("OS/2").Panose() panose.bFamilyType, panose.bSerifStyle, panose.bWeight,\ panose.bProportion, panose.bContrast, panose.bStrokeVariation,\ panose.bArmStyle, panose.bLetterForm, panose.bMidline, \ panose.bXHeight = self.os2_["panose"] table.panose = panose if "typoascender" in self.os2_: table.sTypoAscender = self.os2_["typoascender"] if "typodescender" in self.os2_: table.sTypoDescender = self.os2_["typodescender"] if "typolinegap" in self.os2_: table.sTypoLineGap = self.os2_["typolinegap"] if "winascent" in self.os2_: table.usWinAscent = self.os2_["winascent"] if "windescent" in self.os2_: table.usWinDescent = self.os2_["windescent"] if "vendor" in self.os2_: table.achVendID = safeEval("'''" + self.os2_["vendor"] + "'''") if "weightclass" in self.os2_: table.usWeightClass = self.os2_["weightclass"] if "widthclass" in self.os2_: table.usWidthClass = self.os2_["widthclass"] if "unicoderange" in self.os2_: table.setUnicodeRanges(self.os2_["unicoderange"]) if "codepagerange" in self.os2_: pages = self.build_codepages_(self.os2_["codepagerange"]) table.ulCodePageRange1, table.ulCodePageRange2 = pages version = 1 if "xheight" in self.os2_: table.sxHeight = self.os2_["xheight"] version = 2 if "capheight" in self.os2_: table.sCapHeight = self.os2_["capheight"] version = 2 if "loweropsize" in self.os2_: table.usLowerOpticalPointSize = self.os2_["loweropsize"] version = 5 if "upperopsize" in self.os2_: table.usUpperOpticalPointSize = self.os2_["upperopsize"] version = 5 def checkattr(table, attrs): for attr in attrs: if not hasattr(table, attr): setattr(table, attr, 0) table.version = max(version, table.version) # this only happens for unit tests if version >= 1: checkattr(table, ("ulCodePageRange1", "ulCodePageRange2")) if version >= 2: checkattr(table, ("sxHeight", "sCapHeight", "usDefaultChar", "usBreakChar", "usMaxContext")) if version >= 5: checkattr(table, ("usLowerOpticalPointSize", "usUpperOpticalPointSize")) def build_codepages_(self, pages): pages2bits = { 1252: 0, 1250: 1, 1251: 2, 1253: 3, 1254: 4, 1255: 5, 1256: 6, 1257: 7, 1258: 8, 874: 16, 932: 17, 936: 18, 949: 19, 950: 20, 1361: 21, 869: 48, 866: 49, 865: 50, 864: 51, 863: 52, 862: 53, 861: 54, 860: 55, 857: 56, 855: 57, 852: 58, 775: 59, 737: 60, 708: 61, 850: 62, 437: 63, } bits = [pages2bits[p] for p in pages if p in pages2bits] pages = [] for i in range(2): pages.append("") for j in range(i * 32, (i + 1) * 32): if j in bits: pages[i] += "1" else: pages[i] += "0" return [binary2num(p[::-1]) for p in pages] def buildBASE(self): if not self.base_horiz_axis_ and not self.base_vert_axis_: return None base = otTables.BASE() base.Version = 0x00010000 base.HorizAxis = self.buildBASEAxis(self.base_horiz_axis_) base.VertAxis = self.buildBASEAxis(self.base_vert_axis_) result = newTable("BASE") result.table = base return result def buildBASEAxis(self, axis): if not axis: return bases, scripts = axis axis = otTables.Axis() axis.BaseTagList = otTables.BaseTagList() axis.BaseTagList.BaselineTag = bases axis.BaseTagList.BaseTagCount = len(bases) axis.BaseScriptList = otTables.BaseScriptList() axis.BaseScriptList.BaseScriptRecord = [] axis.BaseScriptList.BaseScriptCount = len(scripts) for script in sorted(scripts): record = otTables.BaseScriptRecord() record.BaseScriptTag = script[0] record.BaseScript = otTables.BaseScript() record.BaseScript.BaseLangSysCount = 0 record.BaseScript.BaseValues = otTables.BaseValues() record.BaseScript.BaseValues.DefaultIndex = bases.index(script[1]) record.BaseScript.BaseValues.BaseCoord = [] record.BaseScript.BaseValues.BaseCoordCount = len(script[2]) for c in script[2]: coord = otTables.BaseCoord() coord.Format = 1 coord.Coordinate = c record.BaseScript.BaseValues.BaseCoord.append(coord) axis.BaseScriptList.BaseScriptRecord.append(record) return axis def buildGDEF(self): gdef = otTables.GDEF() gdef.GlyphClassDef = self.buildGDEFGlyphClassDef_() gdef.AttachList = \ otl.buildAttachList(self.attachPoints_, self.glyphMap) gdef.LigCaretList = \ otl.buildLigCaretList(self.ligCaretCoords_, self.ligCaretPoints_, self.glyphMap) gdef.MarkAttachClassDef = self.buildGDEFMarkAttachClassDef_() gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef = self.buildGDEFMarkGlyphSetsDef_() gdef.Version = 0x00010002 if gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef else 0x00010000 if any((gdef.GlyphClassDef, gdef.AttachList, gdef.LigCaretList, gdef.MarkAttachClassDef, gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef)): result = newTable("GDEF") result.table = gdef return result else: return None def buildGDEFGlyphClassDef_(self): if self.glyphClassDefs_: classes = {g: c for (g, (c, _)) in self.glyphClassDefs_.items()} else: classes = {} for lookup in self.lookups_: classes.update(lookup.inferGlyphClasses()) for markClass in self.parseTree.markClasses.values(): for markClassDef in markClass.definitions: for glyph in markClassDef.glyphSet(): classes[glyph] = 3 if classes: result = otTables.GlyphClassDef() result.classDefs = classes return result else: return None def buildGDEFMarkAttachClassDef_(self): classDefs = {g: c for g, (c, _) in self.markAttach_.items()} if not classDefs: return None result = otTables.MarkAttachClassDef() result.classDefs = classDefs return result def buildGDEFMarkGlyphSetsDef_(self): sets = [] for glyphs, id_ in sorted(self.markFilterSets_.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]): sets.append(glyphs) return otl.buildMarkGlyphSetsDef(sets, self.glyphMap) def buildLookups_(self, tag): assert tag in ('GPOS', 'GSUB'), tag for lookup in self.lookups_: lookup.lookup_index = None lookups = [] for lookup in self.lookups_: if lookup.table != tag: continue lookup.lookup_index = len(lookups) lookups.append(lookup) return [l.build() for l in lookups] def makeTable(self, tag): table = getattr(otTables, tag, None)() table.Version = 0x00010000 table.ScriptList = otTables.ScriptList() table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = [] table.FeatureList = otTables.FeatureList() table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [] table.LookupList = otTables.LookupList() table.LookupList.Lookup = self.buildLookups_(tag) # Build a table for mapping (tag, lookup_indices) to feature_index. # For example, ('liga', (2,3,7)) --> 23. feature_indices = {} required_feature_indices = {} # ('latn', 'DEU') --> 23 scripts = {} # 'latn' --> {'DEU': [23, 24]} for feature #23,24 # Sort the feature table by feature tag: # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/568 sortFeatureTag = lambda f: (f[0][2], f[0][1], f[0][0], f[1]) for key, lookups in sorted(self.features_.items(), key=sortFeatureTag): script, lang, feature_tag = key # l.lookup_index will be None when a lookup is not needed # for the table under construction. For example, substitution # rules will have no lookup_index while building GPOS tables. lookup_indices = tuple([l.lookup_index for l in lookups if l.lookup_index is not None]) size_feature = (tag == "GPOS" and feature_tag == "size") if len(lookup_indices) == 0 and not size_feature: continue feature_key = (feature_tag, lookup_indices) feature_index = feature_indices.get(feature_key) if feature_index is None: feature_index = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) frec = otTables.FeatureRecord() frec.FeatureTag = feature_tag frec.Feature = otTables.Feature() frec.Feature.FeatureParams = self.buildFeatureParams( feature_tag) frec.Feature.LookupListIndex = list(lookup_indices) frec.Feature.LookupCount = len(lookup_indices) table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.append(frec) feature_indices[feature_key] = feature_index scripts.setdefault(script, {}).setdefault(lang, []).append( feature_index) if self.required_features_.get((script, lang)) == feature_tag: required_feature_indices[(script, lang)] = feature_index # Build ScriptList. for script, lang_features in sorted(scripts.items()): srec = otTables.ScriptRecord() srec.ScriptTag = script srec.Script = otTables.Script() srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = None srec.Script.LangSysRecord = [] for lang, feature_indices in sorted(lang_features.items()): langrec = otTables.LangSysRecord() langrec.LangSys = otTables.LangSys() langrec.LangSys.LookupOrder = None req_feature_index = \ required_feature_indices.get((script, lang)) if req_feature_index is None: langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF else: langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = req_feature_index langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex = [i for i in feature_indices if i != req_feature_index] langrec.LangSys.FeatureCount = \ len(langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex) if lang == "dflt": srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = langrec.LangSys else: langrec.LangSysTag = lang srec.Script.LangSysRecord.append(langrec) srec.Script.LangSysCount = len(srec.Script.LangSysRecord) table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord.append(srec) table.ScriptList.ScriptCount = len(table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord) table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord) table.LookupList.LookupCount = len(table.LookupList.Lookup) return table def add_language_system(self, location, script, language): # OpenType Feature File Specification, section 4.b.i if (script == "DFLT" and language == "dflt" and self.default_language_systems_): raise FeatureLibError( 'If "languagesystem DFLT dflt" is present, it must be ' 'the first of the languagesystem statements', location) if script == "DFLT": if self.seen_non_DFLT_script_: raise FeatureLibError( 'languagesystems using the "DFLT" script tag must ' "precede all other languagesystems", location ) else: self.seen_non_DFLT_script_ = True if (script, language) in self.default_language_systems_: raise FeatureLibError( '"languagesystem %s %s" has already been specified' % (script.strip(), language.strip()), location) self.default_language_systems_.add((script, language)) def get_default_language_systems_(self): # OpenType Feature File specification, 4.b.i. languagesystem: # If no "languagesystem" statement is present, then the # implementation must behave exactly as though the following # statement were present at the beginning of the feature file: # languagesystem DFLT dflt; if self.default_language_systems_: return frozenset(self.default_language_systems_) else: return frozenset({('DFLT', 'dflt')}) def start_feature(self, location, name): self.language_systems = self.get_default_language_systems_() self.script_ = 'DFLT' self.cur_lookup_ = None self.cur_feature_name_ = name self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None if name == "aalt": self.aalt_location_ = location def end_feature(self): assert self.cur_feature_name_ is not None self.cur_feature_name_ = None self.language_systems = None self.cur_lookup_ = None self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None def start_lookup_block(self, location, name): if name in self.named_lookups_: raise FeatureLibError( 'Lookup "%s" has already been defined' % name, location) if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt": raise FeatureLibError( "Lookup blocks cannot be placed inside 'aalt' features; " "move it out, and then refer to it with a lookup statement", location) self.cur_lookup_name_ = name self.named_lookups_[name] = None self.cur_lookup_ = None if self.cur_feature_name_ is None: self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None def end_lookup_block(self): assert self.cur_lookup_name_ is not None self.cur_lookup_name_ = None self.cur_lookup_ = None if self.cur_feature_name_ is None: self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None def add_lookup_call(self, lookup_name): assert lookup_name in self.named_lookups_, lookup_name self.cur_lookup_ = None lookup = self.named_lookups_[lookup_name] self.add_lookup_to_feature_(lookup, self.cur_feature_name_) def set_font_revision(self, location, revision): self.fontRevision_ = revision def set_language(self, location, language, include_default, required): assert(len(language) == 4) if self.cur_feature_name_ in ('aalt', 'size'): raise FeatureLibError( "Language statements are not allowed " "within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location) if self.cur_feature_name_ is None: raise FeatureLibError( "Language statements are not allowed " "within standalone lookup blocks", location) self.cur_lookup_ = None key = (self.script_, language, self.cur_feature_name_) lookups = self.features_.get((key[0], 'dflt', key[2])) if (language == 'dflt' or include_default) and lookups: self.features_[key] = lookups[:] else: self.features_[key] = [] self.language_systems = frozenset([(self.script_, language)]) if required: key = (self.script_, language) if key in self.required_features_: raise FeatureLibError( "Language %s (script %s) has already " "specified feature %s as its required feature" % ( language.strip(), self.script_.strip(), self.required_features_[key].strip()), location) self.required_features_[key] = self.cur_feature_name_ def getMarkAttachClass_(self, location, glyphs): glyphs = frozenset(glyphs) id_ = self.markAttachClassID_.get(glyphs) if id_ is not None: return id_ id_ = len(self.markAttachClassID_) + 1 self.markAttachClassID_[glyphs] = id_ for glyph in glyphs: if glyph in self.markAttach_: _, loc = self.markAttach_[glyph] raise FeatureLibError( "Glyph %s already has been assigned " "a MarkAttachmentType at %s:%d:%d" % ( glyph, loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]), location) self.markAttach_[glyph] = (id_, location) return id_ def getMarkFilterSet_(self, location, glyphs): glyphs = frozenset(glyphs) id_ = self.markFilterSets_.get(glyphs) if id_ is not None: return id_ id_ = len(self.markFilterSets_) self.markFilterSets_[glyphs] = id_ return id_ def set_lookup_flag(self, location, value, markAttach, markFilter): value = value & 0xFF if markAttach: markAttachClass = self.getMarkAttachClass_(location, markAttach) value = value | (markAttachClass << 8) if markFilter: markFilterSet = self.getMarkFilterSet_(location, markFilter) value = value | 0x10 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = markFilterSet else: self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None self.lookupflag_ = value def set_script(self, location, script): if self.cur_feature_name_ in ('aalt', 'size'): raise FeatureLibError( "Script statements are not allowed " "within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location) if self.cur_feature_name_ is None: raise FeatureLibError( "Script statements are not allowed " "within standalone lookup blocks", location) if self.language_systems == {(script, 'dflt')}: # Nothing to do. return self.cur_lookup_ = None self.script_ = script self.lookupflag_ = 0 self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None self.set_language(location, "dflt", include_default=True, required=False) def find_lookup_builders_(self, lookups): """Helper for building chain contextual substitutions Given a list of lookup names, finds the LookupBuilder for each name. If an input name is None, it gets mapped to a None LookupBuilder. """ lookup_builders = [] for lookuplist in lookups: if lookuplist is not None: lookup_builders.append([self.named_lookups_.get(l.name) for l in lookuplist]) else: lookup_builders.append(None) return lookup_builders def add_attach_points(self, location, glyphs, contourPoints): for glyph in glyphs: self.attachPoints_.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(contourPoints) def add_chain_context_pos(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder) lookup.rules.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups))) def add_chain_context_subst(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder) lookup.substitutions.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups))) def add_alternate_subst(self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacement): if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt": alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(glyph, set()) alts.update(replacement) return if prefix or suffix: chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder) lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder) chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [lookup])) else: lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder) if glyph in lookup.alternates: raise FeatureLibError( 'Already defined alternates for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location) lookup.alternates[glyph] = replacement def add_feature_reference(self, location, featureName): if self.cur_feature_name_ != "aalt": raise FeatureLibError( 'Feature references are only allowed inside "feature aalt"', location) self.aalt_features_.append((location, featureName)) def add_featureName(self, tag): self.featureNames_.add(tag) def add_cv_parameter(self, tag): self.cv_parameters_.add(tag) def add_to_cv_num_named_params(self, tag): """Adds new items to ``self.cv_num_named_params_`` or increments the count of existing items.""" if tag in self.cv_num_named_params_: self.cv_num_named_params_[tag] += 1 else: self.cv_num_named_params_[tag] = 1 def add_cv_character(self, character, tag): self.cv_characters_[tag].append(character) def set_base_axis(self, bases, scripts, vertical): if vertical: self.base_vert_axis_ = (bases, scripts) else: self.base_horiz_axis_ = (bases, scripts) def set_size_parameters(self, location, DesignSize, SubfamilyID, RangeStart, RangeEnd): if self.cur_feature_name_ != 'size': raise FeatureLibError( "Parameters statements are not allowed " "within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location) self.size_parameters_ = [DesignSize, SubfamilyID, RangeStart, RangeEnd] for script, lang in self.language_systems: key = (script, lang, self.cur_feature_name_) self.features_.setdefault(key, []) def add_ligature_subst(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement, forceChain): if prefix or suffix or forceChain: chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder) lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder) chain.substitutions.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix, [lookup])) else: lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder) # OpenType feature file syntax, section 5.d, "Ligature substitution": # "Since the OpenType specification does not allow ligature # substitutions to be specified on target sequences that contain # glyph classes, the implementation software will enumerate # all specific glyph sequences if glyph classes are detected" for g in sorted(itertools.product(*glyphs)): lookup.ligatures[g] = replacement def add_multiple_subst(self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacements, forceChain=False): if prefix or suffix or forceChain: chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder) sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder) sub.mapping[glyph] = replacements chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [sub])) return lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder) if glyph in lookup.mapping: if replacements == lookup.mapping[glyph]: log.info( 'Removing duplicate multiple substitution from glyph' ' "%s" to %s%s', glyph, replacements, ' at {}:{}:{}'.format(*location) if location else '', ) else: raise FeatureLibError( 'Already defined substitution for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location) lookup.mapping[glyph] = replacements def add_reverse_chain_single_subst(self, location, old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder) lookup.substitutions.append((old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping)) def add_single_subst(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping, forceChain): if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt": for (from_glyph, to_glyph) in mapping.items(): alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(from_glyph, set()) alts.add(to_glyph) return if prefix or suffix or forceChain: self.add_single_subst_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, mapping) return lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder) for (from_glyph, to_glyph) in mapping.items(): if from_glyph in lookup.mapping: if to_glyph == lookup.mapping[from_glyph]: log.info( 'Removing duplicate single substitution from glyph' ' "%s" to "%s" at %s:%i:%i', from_glyph, to_glyph, *location, ) else: raise FeatureLibError( 'Already defined rule for replacing glyph "%s" by "%s"' % (from_glyph, lookup.mapping[from_glyph]), location) lookup.mapping[from_glyph] = to_glyph def add_single_subst_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping): # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/512 chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder) sub = chain.find_chainable_single_subst(set(mapping.keys())) if sub is None: sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder) sub.mapping.update(mapping) chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [mapping.keys()], suffix, [sub])) def add_cursive_pos(self, location, glyphclass, entryAnchor, exitAnchor): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, CursivePosBuilder) lookup.add_attachment( location, glyphclass, makeOpenTypeAnchor(entryAnchor), makeOpenTypeAnchor(exitAnchor)) def add_marks_(self, location, lookupBuilder, marks): """Helper for add_mark_{base,liga,mark}_pos.""" for _, markClass in marks: for markClassDef in markClass.definitions: for mark in markClassDef.glyphs.glyphSet(): if mark not in lookupBuilder.marks: otMarkAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(markClassDef.anchor) lookupBuilder.marks[mark] = ( markClass.name, otMarkAnchor) else: existingMarkClass = lookupBuilder.marks[mark][0] if markClass.name != existingMarkClass: raise FeatureLibError( "Glyph %s cannot be in both @%s and @%s" % ( mark, existingMarkClass, markClass.name), location) def add_mark_base_pos(self, location, bases, marks): builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkBasePosBuilder) self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks) for baseAnchor, markClass in marks: otBaseAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(baseAnchor) for base in bases: builder.bases.setdefault(base, {})[markClass.name] = ( otBaseAnchor) def add_mark_lig_pos(self, location, ligatures, components): builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkLigPosBuilder) componentAnchors = [] for marks in components: anchors = {} self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks) for ligAnchor, markClass in marks: anchors[markClass.name] = makeOpenTypeAnchor(ligAnchor) componentAnchors.append(anchors) for glyph in ligatures: builder.ligatures[glyph] = componentAnchors def add_mark_mark_pos(self, location, baseMarks, marks): builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkMarkPosBuilder) self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks) for baseAnchor, markClass in marks: otBaseAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(baseAnchor) for baseMark in baseMarks: builder.baseMarks.setdefault(baseMark, {})[markClass.name] = ( otBaseAnchor) def add_class_pair_pos(self, location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder) lookup.addClassPair(location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2) def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.cur_lookup_.add_subtable_break(location) def add_specific_pair_pos(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2): lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder) lookup.addGlyphPair(location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2) def add_single_pos(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos, forceChain): if prefix or suffix or forceChain: self.add_single_pos_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, pos) else: lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder) for glyphs, value in pos: for glyph in glyphs: lookup.add_pos(location, glyph, value) def add_single_pos_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos): # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/514 chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder) targets = [] for _, _, _, lookups in chain.rules: targets.extend(lookups) subs = [] for glyphs, value in pos: if value is None: subs.append(None) continue otValue, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value, pairPosContext=False) sub = chain.find_chainable_single_pos(targets, glyphs, otValue) if sub is None: sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder) targets.append(sub) for glyph in glyphs: sub.add_pos(location, glyph, value) subs.append(sub) assert len(pos) == len(subs), (pos, subs) chain.rules.append( (prefix, [g for g, v in pos], suffix, subs)) def setGlyphClass_(self, location, glyph, glyphClass): oldClass, oldLocation = self.glyphClassDefs_.get(glyph, (None, None)) if oldClass and oldClass != glyphClass: raise FeatureLibError( "Glyph %s was assigned to a different class at %s:%s:%s" % (glyph, oldLocation[0], oldLocation[1], oldLocation[2]), location) self.glyphClassDefs_[glyph] = (glyphClass, location) def add_glyphClassDef(self, location, baseGlyphs, ligatureGlyphs, markGlyphs, componentGlyphs): for glyph in baseGlyphs: self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 1) for glyph in ligatureGlyphs: self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 2) for glyph in markGlyphs: self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 3) for glyph in componentGlyphs: self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 4) def add_ligatureCaretByIndex_(self, location, glyphs, carets): for glyph in glyphs: if glyph not in self.ligCaretPoints_: self.ligCaretPoints_[glyph] = carets def add_ligatureCaretByPos_(self, location, glyphs, carets): for glyph in glyphs: if glyph not in self.ligCaretCoords_: self.ligCaretCoords_[glyph] = carets def add_name_record(self, location, nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID, string): self.names_.append([nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID, string]) def add_os2_field(self, key, value): self.os2_[key] = value def add_hhea_field(self, key, value): self.hhea_[key] = value def add_vhea_field(self, key, value): self.vhea_[key] = value def makeOpenTypeAnchor(anchor): """ast.Anchor --> otTables.Anchor""" if anchor is None: return None deviceX, deviceY = None, None if anchor.xDeviceTable is not None: deviceX = otl.buildDevice(dict(anchor.xDeviceTable)) if anchor.yDeviceTable is not None: deviceY = otl.buildDevice(dict(anchor.yDeviceTable)) return otl.buildAnchor(anchor.x, anchor.y, anchor.contourpoint, deviceX, deviceY) _VALUEREC_ATTRS = { name[0].lower() + name[1:]: (name, isDevice) for _, name, isDevice, _ in otBase.valueRecordFormat if not name.startswith("Reserved") } def makeOpenTypeValueRecord(v, pairPosContext): """ast.ValueRecord --> (otBase.ValueRecord, int ValueFormat)""" if not v: return None, 0 vr = {} for astName, (otName, isDevice) in _VALUEREC_ATTRS.items(): val = getattr(v, astName, None) if val: vr[otName] = otl.buildDevice(dict(val)) if isDevice else val if pairPosContext and not vr: vr = {"YAdvance": 0} if v.vertical else {"XAdvance": 0} valRec = otl.buildValue(vr) return valRec, valRec.getFormat() class LookupBuilder(object): SUBTABLE_BREAK_ = "SUBTABLE_BREAK" def __init__(self, font, location, table, lookup_type): self.font = font self.glyphMap = font.getReverseGlyphMap() self.location = location self.table, self.lookup_type = table, lookup_type self.lookupflag = 0 self.markFilterSet = None self.lookup_index = None # assigned when making final tables assert table in ('GPOS', 'GSUB') def equals(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.table == other.table and self.lookupflag == other.lookupflag and self.markFilterSet == other.markFilterSet) def inferGlyphClasses(self): """Infers glyph glasses for the GDEF table, such as {"cedilla":3}.""" return {} def getAlternateGlyphs(self): """Helper for building 'aalt' features.""" return {} def buildLookup_(self, subtables): return otl.buildLookup(subtables, self.lookupflag, self.markFilterSet) def buildMarkClasses_(self, marks): """{"cedilla": ("BOTTOM", ast.Anchor), ...} --> {"BOTTOM":0, "TOP":1} Helper for MarkBasePostBuilder, MarkLigPosBuilder, and MarkMarkPosBuilder. Seems to return the same numeric IDs for mark classes as the AFDKO makeotf tool. """ ids = {} for mark in sorted(marks.keys(), key=self.font.getGlyphID): markClassName, _markAnchor = marks[mark] if markClassName not in ids: ids[markClassName] = len(ids) return ids def setBacktrackCoverage_(self, prefix, subtable): subtable.BacktrackGlyphCount = len(prefix) subtable.BacktrackCoverage = [] for p in reversed(prefix): coverage = otl.buildCoverage(p, self.glyphMap) subtable.BacktrackCoverage.append(coverage) def setLookAheadCoverage_(self, suffix, subtable): subtable.LookAheadGlyphCount = len(suffix) subtable.LookAheadCoverage = [] for s in suffix: coverage = otl.buildCoverage(s, self.glyphMap) subtable.LookAheadCoverage.append(coverage) def setInputCoverage_(self, glyphs, subtable): subtable.InputGlyphCount = len(glyphs) subtable.InputCoverage = [] for g in glyphs: coverage = otl.buildCoverage(g, self.glyphMap) subtable.InputCoverage.append(coverage) def build_subst_subtables(self, mapping, klass): substitutions = [{}] for key in mapping: if key[0] == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: substitutions.append({}) else: substitutions[-1][key] = mapping[key] subtables = [klass(s) for s in substitutions] return subtables def add_subtable_break(self, location): log.warning(FeatureLibError( 'unsupported "subtable" statement for lookup type', location )) class AlternateSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 3) self.alternates = OrderedDict() def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.alternates == other.alternates) def build(self): subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.alternates, otl.buildAlternateSubstSubtable) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def getAlternateGlyphs(self): return self.alternates def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.alternates[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_ class ChainContextPosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 8) self.rules = [] # (prefix, input, suffix, lookups) def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.rules == other.rules) def build(self): subtables = [] for (prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups) in self.rules: if prefix == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: continue st = otTables.ChainContextPos() subtables.append(st) st.Format = 3 self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st) self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st) self.setInputCoverage_(glyphs, st) st.PosCount = 0 st.PosLookupRecord = [] for sequenceIndex, lookupList in enumerate(lookups): if lookupList is not None: if not isinstance(lookupList, list): # Can happen with synthesised lookups lookupList = [ lookupList ] for l in lookupList: st.PosCount += 1 if l.lookup_index is None: raise FeatureLibError('Missing index of the specified ' 'lookup, might be a substitution lookup', self.location) rec = otTables.PosLookupRecord() rec.SequenceIndex = sequenceIndex rec.LookupListIndex = l.lookup_index st.PosLookupRecord.append(rec) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def find_chainable_single_pos(self, lookups, glyphs, value): """Helper for add_single_pos_chained_()""" res = None for lookup in lookups[::-1]: if lookup == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: return res if isinstance(lookup, SinglePosBuilder) and \ all(lookup.can_add(glyph, value) for glyph in glyphs): res = lookup return res def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.rules.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, [self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_])) class ChainContextSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 6) self.substitutions = [] # (prefix, input, suffix, lookups) def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.substitutions == other.substitutions) def build(self): subtables = [] for (prefix, input, suffix, lookups) in self.substitutions: if prefix == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: continue st = otTables.ChainContextSubst() subtables.append(st) st.Format = 3 self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st) self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st) self.setInputCoverage_(input, st) st.SubstCount = 0 st.SubstLookupRecord = [] for sequenceIndex, lookupList in enumerate(lookups): if lookupList is not None: if not isinstance(lookupList, list): # Can happen with synthesised lookups lookupList = [ lookupList ] for l in lookupList: st.SubstCount += 1 if l.lookup_index is None: raise FeatureLibError('Missing index of the specified ' 'lookup, might be a positioning lookup', self.location) rec = otTables.SubstLookupRecord() rec.SequenceIndex = sequenceIndex rec.LookupListIndex = l.lookup_index st.SubstLookupRecord.append(rec) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def getAlternateGlyphs(self): result = {} for (_, _, _, lookuplist) in self.substitutions: if lookuplist == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: continue for lookups in lookuplist: if not isinstance(lookups, list): lookups = [lookups] for lookup in lookups: if lookup is not None: alts = lookup.getAlternateGlyphs() for glyph, replacements in alts.items(): result.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(replacements) return result def find_chainable_single_subst(self, glyphs): """Helper for add_single_subst_chained_()""" res = None for _, _, _, substitutions in self.substitutions[::-1]: if substitutions == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: return res for sub in substitutions: if (isinstance(sub, SingleSubstBuilder) and not any(g in glyphs for g in sub.mapping.keys())): res = sub return res def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.substitutions.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_)) class LigatureSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 4) self.ligatures = OrderedDict() # {('f','f','i'): 'f_f_i'} def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.ligatures == other.ligatures) def build(self): subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.ligatures, otl.buildLigatureSubstSubtable) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.ligatures[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_ class MultipleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 2) self.mapping = OrderedDict() def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.mapping == other.mapping) def build(self): subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.mapping, otl.buildMultipleSubstSubtable) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.mapping[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_ class CursivePosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 3) self.attachments = {} def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.attachments == other.attachments) def add_attachment(self, location, glyphs, entryAnchor, exitAnchor): for glyph in glyphs: self.attachments[glyph] = (entryAnchor, exitAnchor) def build(self): st = otl.buildCursivePosSubtable(self.attachments, self.glyphMap) return self.buildLookup_([st]) class MarkBasePosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 4) self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor) self.bases = {} # glyphName -> {markClassName: anchor} def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.marks == other.marks and self.bases == other.bases) def inferGlyphClasses(self): result = {glyph: 1 for glyph in self.bases} result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks}) return result def build(self): markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks) marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor) for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()} bases = {} for glyph, anchors in self.bases.items(): bases[glyph] = {markClasses[mc]: anchor for (mc, anchor) in anchors.items()} subtables = otl.buildMarkBasePos(marks, bases, self.glyphMap) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) class MarkLigPosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 5) self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor) self.ligatures = {} # glyphName -> [{markClassName: anchor}, ...] def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.marks == other.marks and self.ligatures == other.ligatures) def inferGlyphClasses(self): result = {glyph: 2 for glyph in self.ligatures} result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks}) return result def build(self): markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks) marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor) for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()} ligs = {} for lig, components in self.ligatures.items(): ligs[lig] = [] for c in components: ligs[lig].append({markClasses[mc]: a for mc, a in c.items()}) subtables = otl.buildMarkLigPos(marks, ligs, self.glyphMap) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) class MarkMarkPosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 6) self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor) self.baseMarks = {} # glyphName -> {markClassName: anchor} def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.marks == other.marks and self.baseMarks == other.baseMarks) def inferGlyphClasses(self): result = {glyph: 3 for glyph in self.baseMarks} result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks}) return result def build(self): markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks) markClassList = sorted(markClasses.keys(), key=markClasses.get) marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor) for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()} st = otTables.MarkMarkPos() st.Format = 1 st.ClassCount = len(markClasses) st.Mark1Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(marks, self.glyphMap) st.Mark2Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(self.baseMarks, self.glyphMap) st.Mark1Array = otl.buildMarkArray(marks, self.glyphMap) st.Mark2Array = otTables.Mark2Array() st.Mark2Array.Mark2Count = len(st.Mark2Coverage.glyphs) st.Mark2Array.Mark2Record = [] for base in st.Mark2Coverage.glyphs: anchors = [self.baseMarks[base].get(mc) for mc in markClassList] st.Mark2Array.Mark2Record.append(otl.buildMark2Record(anchors)) return self.buildLookup_([st]) class ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 8) self.substitutions = [] # (prefix, suffix, mapping) def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.substitutions == other.substitutions) def build(self): subtables = [] for prefix, suffix, mapping in self.substitutions: st = otTables.ReverseChainSingleSubst() st.Format = 1 self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st) self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st) st.Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(mapping.keys(), self.glyphMap) st.GlyphCount = len(mapping) st.Substitute = [mapping[g] for g in st.Coverage.glyphs] subtables.append(st) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def add_subtable_break(self, location): # Nothing to do here, each substitution is in its own subtable. pass class SingleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 1) self.mapping = OrderedDict() def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.mapping == other.mapping) def build(self): subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.mapping, otl.buildSingleSubstSubtable) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) def getAlternateGlyphs(self): return {glyph: set([repl]) for glyph, repl in self.mapping.items()} def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.mapping[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_ class ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder(object): def __init__(self, builder, valueFormat1, valueFormat2): self.builder_ = builder self.classDef1_, self.classDef2_ = None, None self.values_ = {} # (glyphclass1, glyphclass2) --> (value1, value2) self.valueFormat1_, self.valueFormat2_ = valueFormat1, valueFormat2 self.forceSubtableBreak_ = False self.subtables_ = [] def addPair(self, gc1, value1, gc2, value2): mergeable = (not self.forceSubtableBreak_ and self.classDef1_ is not None and self.classDef1_.canAdd(gc1) and self.classDef2_ is not None and self.classDef2_.canAdd(gc2)) if not mergeable: self.flush_() self.classDef1_ = otl.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=True) self.classDef2_ = otl.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=False) self.values_ = {} self.classDef1_.add(gc1) self.classDef2_.add(gc2) self.values_[(gc1, gc2)] = (value1, value2) def addSubtableBreak(self): self.forceSubtableBreak_ = True def subtables(self): self.flush_() return self.subtables_ def flush_(self): if self.classDef1_ is None or self.classDef2_ is None: return st = otl.buildPairPosClassesSubtable(self.values_, self.builder_.glyphMap) if st.Coverage is None: return self.subtables_.append(st) self.forceSubtableBreak_ = False class PairPosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 2) self.pairs = [] # [(gc1, value1, gc2, value2)*] self.glyphPairs = {} # (glyph1, glyph2) --> (value1, value2) self.locations = {} # (gc1, gc2) --> (filepath, line, column) def addClassPair(self, location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2): self.pairs.append((glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2)) def addGlyphPair(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2): key = (glyph1, glyph2) oldValue = self.glyphPairs.get(key, None) if oldValue is not None: # the Feature File spec explicitly allows specific pairs generated # by an 'enum' rule to be overridden by preceding single pairs otherLoc = self.locations[key] log.debug( 'Already defined position for pair %s %s at %s:%d:%d; ' 'choosing the first value', glyph1, glyph2, otherLoc[0], otherLoc[1], otherLoc[2]) else: val1, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value1, pairPosContext=True) val2, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value2, pairPosContext=True) self.glyphPairs[key] = (val1, val2) self.locations[key] = location def add_subtable_break(self, location): self.pairs.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_)) def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.glyphPairs == other.glyphPairs and self.pairs == other.pairs) def build(self): builders = {} builder = None for glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2 in self.pairs: if glyphclass1 is self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_: if builder is not None: builder.addSubtableBreak() continue val1, valFormat1 = makeOpenTypeValueRecord( value1, pairPosContext=True) val2, valFormat2 = makeOpenTypeValueRecord( value2, pairPosContext=True) builder = builders.get((valFormat1, valFormat2)) if builder is None: builder = ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder( self, valFormat1, valFormat2) builders[(valFormat1, valFormat2)] = builder builder.addPair(glyphclass1, val1, glyphclass2, val2) subtables = [] if self.glyphPairs: subtables.extend( otl.buildPairPosGlyphs(self.glyphPairs, self.glyphMap)) for key in sorted(builders.keys()): subtables.extend(builders[key].subtables()) return self.buildLookup_(subtables) class SinglePosBuilder(LookupBuilder): def __init__(self, font, location): LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 1) self.locations = {} # glyph -> (filename, line, column) self.mapping = {} # glyph -> otTables.ValueRecord def add_pos(self, location, glyph, valueRecord): otValueRecord, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord( valueRecord, pairPosContext=False) if not self.can_add(glyph, otValueRecord): otherLoc = self.locations[glyph] raise FeatureLibError( 'Already defined different position for glyph "%s" at %s:%d:%d' % (glyph, otherLoc[0], otherLoc[1], otherLoc[2]), location) if otValueRecord: self.mapping[glyph] = otValueRecord self.locations[glyph] = location def can_add(self, glyph, value): assert isinstance(value, otl.ValueRecord) curValue = self.mapping.get(glyph) return curValue is None or curValue == value def equals(self, other): return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and self.mapping == other.mapping) def build(self): subtables = otl.buildSinglePos(self.mapping, self.glyphMap) return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from google.appengine.ext import ndb from gae_libs.testcase import TestCase from model import entity_util class TestModel(ndb.Model): """Ndb model to assist unit tests for this class.""" name = ndb.StringProperty() class ModelUtilTest(TestCase): def testGetEntityFromUrlsafeKey(self): self.assertEqual(None, entity_util.GetEntityFromUrlsafeKey(None)) self.assertEqual(None, entity_util.GetEntityFromUrlsafeKey('notvalid')) model = TestModel(name='name') model.put() k = model.key.urlsafe() self.assertEqual(model, entity_util.GetEntityFromUrlsafeKey(k))
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.autograd as autograd class CNNContextClassifier(nn.Module): def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, filter_size, dropout_rate, embed_mat=None, fix_embeddings=False): super(CNNContextClassifier, self).__init__() self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.word_embeds = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim) if embed_mat is not None: self.word_embeds.weight.data = embed_mat if fix_embeddings: self.word_embeds.weight.requires_grad=False self.context_conv = nn.Conv1d(self.embedding_dim, self.embedding_dim, filter_size, stride=1, padding=int((filter_size-1)/2), groups=self.embedding_dim) # else groups=1 self.ending_conv = nn.Conv1d(self.embedding_dim, self.embedding_dim, filter_size, stride=1, padding=int((filter_size-1)/2), groups=self.embedding_dim) # else groups=1 self.fc = nn.Linear(self.embedding_dim, 1) self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) def embed_seq(self, vec): vec1 = self.word_embeds(vec.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()) vec_tr = vec1.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() return vec_tr # dim [batch_size, embed_dim, length] # Input dimensions: # context: Tensor dim [seq_len, batch_size]. # endings: tuple of Tensors - # (dim [end_seq_len*, batch_size or num_endings] - endings, # dim [batch_size or num_endings] - batch lengths). # Training: num_endings = 1; decoding: batch_size = 1. def forward(self, context, endings, itos=None): ends = endings[0] ends_ls = endings[1] cont_seq_len, batch_size = context.size() end_seq_len = ends.size()[0] end = ends.view(end_seq_len, -1) end_batch_size = end.size()[1] decode_mode = (batch_size == 1 and end_batch_size > 1) if not decode_mode: assert batch_size == end_batch_size maxpool = nn.MaxPool1d(cont_seq_len) # define layer for context length context_convol = self.context_conv(self.embed_seq(context)) context_pooled = maxpool(context_convol).view(batch_size, self.embedding_dim) maxpool_end = nn.MaxPool1d(end_seq_len) end_conv = F.relu(self.ending_conv(self.embed_seq(end))) end_pooled = maxpool_end(end_conv).view(end_batch_size, self.embedding_dim) if decode_mode: context_pooled = context_pooled.expand(end_batch_size, self.embedding_dim).contiguous() pooled = context_pooled * end_pooled dropped = self.drop(pooled) final = self.fc(dropped).view(-1) return final
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
def countdown_for(start=10): for i in reversed(range(1, start + 1)): print(i) print('time is up') def countdown_recursive(start=10): if start > 0: print(start) countdown_recursive(start-1) else: print('time is up') pass
Leetcode/Majority Element I/boyer-moore-majority-vote-1.py
[ "MIT" ]
Leetcode/Majority Element I/boyer-moore-majority-vote-1.py
[ "MIT" ]
Leetcode/Majority Element I/boyer-moore-majority-vote-1.py
[ "MIT" ]
''' Given an array nums of size n, return the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊n / 2⌋ times.You may assume that the majority element always exists in the array. Example: Input - [2,2,1,1,1,2,2] Output - 2 Explanation - 2 occurs more than 3 times Constraints: Time complexity - O(n) Space complexity - O(1) n == nums.length 1 <= n <= 5 * 10^4 -2^31 <= nums[i] <= 2^31 - 1 ''' def majorityElement(nums): count = 0 m = 0 for i in nums: if count == 0: m = i count += 1 elif m == i: count += 1 else: count -= 1 return m if __name__ == "__main__": nums = input() nums = [int(i.strip()) for i in nums[1:-1].split(',')] print(majorityElement(nums))
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.renderers import JSON def main(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application. """ config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pyramid_chameleon') config.add_renderer('prettyjson', JSON(indent=4)) config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600) config.add_route('home', '/') config.add_route('api', '/api') config.add_route('machine_api', '/api/{machine}') config.add_route('task_api', '/api/tasks/{task_id}') config.add_route('machine_view', '/{machine}/{machine_name}') config.add_route('mount_do', '/{machine}/{machine_name}/{point_id}/{volume_ids}') config.add_route('dismount_do', '/{machine}/{machine_name}/dismount') config.add_view('aamm.views.notfound', renderer='aamm:templates/404.pt', context='pyramid.exceptions.NotFound') config.scan() return config.make_wsgi_app()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for backend.models.bigquery_row_model.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import datetime import mock from loaner.web_app.backend.models import bigquery_row_model from loaner.web_app.backend.models import shelf_model from loaner.web_app.backend.testing import loanertest class BigQueryRowModelTest(loanertest.TestCase): """Tests for BigQueryModel class.""" def setUp(self): super(BigQueryRowModelTest, self).setUp() test_shelf = shelf_model.Shelf( friendly_name='Test', location='Here', capacity=16) test_shelf.put() self.test_shelf = test_shelf mock_bigquery = mock.patch.object( bigquery_row_model, 'bigquery', autospec=True) self.addCleanup(mock_bigquery.stop) self.mock_bigquery = mock_bigquery.start() self.mock_bigquery_client = mock.Mock() self.mock_bigquery.BigQueryClient.return_value = self.mock_bigquery_client def test_add(self): test_row = bigquery_row_model.BigQueryRow.add( self.test_shelf, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'test@{}'.format(loanertest.USER_DOMAIN), 'test', 'This is a test') retrieved_row = test_row.key.get() self.assertEqual(retrieved_row.ndb_key, self.test_shelf.key) def test_fetch_unstreamed_rows(self): test_row = bigquery_row_model.BigQueryRow.add( self.test_shelf, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'test@{}'.format(loanertest.USER_DOMAIN), 'test', 'This is a test') self.assertLen(bigquery_row_model.BigQueryRow.fetch_unstreamed_rows(), 1) test_row.streamed = True test_row.put() self.assertLen(bigquery_row_model.BigQueryRow.fetch_unstreamed_rows(), 0) def test_stream(self): test_row = bigquery_row_model.BigQueryRow.add( self.test_shelf, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'test@{}'.format(loanertest.USER_DOMAIN), 'test', 'This is a test') test_row_dict = test_row.to_json_dict() expected_bq_row = ( test_row_dict['ndb_key'], test_row_dict['timestamp'], 'test@{}'.format(loanertest.USER_DOMAIN), 'test', 'This is a test', test_row_dict['entity']) test_row.stream() self.mock_bigquery_client.stream_row.assert_called_once_with( 'Shelf', expected_bq_row) self.assertTrue(test_row.streamed) if __name__ == '__main__': loanertest.main()
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager import re from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlparse import bonsai LDAP_DEFAULT_USER_FIELD = "sAMAccountName" LDAP_DEFAULT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE = "(&(objectClass=person)({user_field}={0}))" # Avoid bug described in https://github.com/noirello/bonsai/issues/25 bonsai.set_connect_async(False) def ldap_escape_dn(value): """Escape a value in a distinguished name to perform an LDAP bind (RFC4514).""" return re.sub(r'[,\\\0#+<>;"=]|^ | $', r"\\\g<0>", value) def ldap_escape_query(value): """Escape a value in an LDAP search query string (RFC4515).""" return re.sub(r"[*\\\0)(]", r"\\\g<0>", value) class LDAPError(Exception): pass class LDAPUserNotFound(LDAPError): pass class LDAPBindError(LDAPError): pass class LDAPInvalidCredentials(LDAPBindError): pass class LDAPInvalidAdminCredentials(LDAPBindError): pass class LDAPAuth: """LDAP connection authenticator. The DSN string should have this format:: ldaps://<DN>:<PASS>@<HOST>/<SEARCH_DN>?<QUERY>#<SEARCH_TEMPLATE> Given that query string ``<QUERY>`` is like: user_field=<USER_FIELD> Where everything else that looks like XML tags are fields to be replaced. The distinguished name ``<DN>`` and password ``<PASS>`` are the ones of an "administrator", required in order to search a user distinguished name from its "identity" filled in a ``<USER_FIELD>`` in LDAP. The ``<HOST>`` is simply the host name for the connection, which will happen in the port 636, with SSL. To avoid SSL, you can use ``ldap'' as the scheme/protocol instead of ``ldaps'', but that's not recommended. The default ``<USER_FIELD>`` is ``{LDAP_DEFAULT_USER_FIELD}``. It's used by the default ``<SEARCH_TEMPLATE>'', ``{LDAP_DEFAULT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE}''. This template, if customized, can access any data in the query string. """ def __init__(self, dsn): parsed = urlparse(dsn) self.url = f"{parsed.scheme}://{parsed.hostname}" self.search_dn = unquote(parsed.path)[1:] # Strip leading "/" self.admin_dn = unquote(parsed.username) self.admin_pass = unquote(parsed.password) qs = parse_qs(parsed.query, keep_blank_values=True) self.query_dict = { "user_field": LDAP_DEFAULT_USER_FIELD, **{k: v[0] for k, v in qs.items()}, } self.search_template = unquote(parsed.fragment) \ or LDAP_DEFAULT_SEARCH_TEMPLATE @asynccontextmanager async def bind(self, dn, password): """Asynchronous context manager for the LDAP BIND operation, yielding the open connection (``bonsai.Connection`` instance) or raising an ``LDAPInvalidCredentials``. """ client = bonsai.LDAPClient(self.url) client.set_cert_policy("allow") # TODO: Add certificate client.set_credentials("SIMPLE", user=dn, password=password) try: async with client.connect(is_async=True) as conn: yield conn except bonsai.AuthenticationError as exc: raise LDAPInvalidCredentials from exc async def get_user_data(self, user, *, attrs=("dn",)): """Get the user data in LDAP using the admin credentials. The output is a ``bonsai.LDAPEntry`` object, whose keys are ``"dn"`` and all attributes in the ``attrs`` iterable (set ``attrs=[]`` or ``None`` to get all non-empty attributes). This method might raise ``LDAPUserNotFound`` or ``LDAPInvalidAdminCredentials``. """ try: async with self.bind(self.admin_dn, self.admin_pass) as conn: search_result = await conn.search( self.search_dn, bonsai.LDAPSearchScope.ONELEVEL, self.search_template.format(ldap_escape_query(user), **self.query_dict), attrlist=None if attrs is None else list(attrs), ) except LDAPInvalidCredentials as exc: raise LDAPInvalidAdminCredentials from exc.__cause__ if not search_result: raise LDAPUserNotFound return search_result[0] async def authenticate(self, user, password, **kwargs): """Authenticate the user in LDAP returning his/her/its data as a ``bonsai.LDAPEntry`` object (which inherits from dict). See the ``get_user_data`` method for more information about the parameters. Raises ------ LDAPUserNotFound The search performed with the administrator account can't find the user. LDAPInvalidCredentials The user was found, but the password is wrong. LDAPInvalidAdminCredentials No user search was performed, as the administrator account DN and/or password is wrong. """ user_data = await self.get_user_data(user, **kwargs) dn = str(user_data["dn"]) async with self.bind(dn, password): return user_data LDAPAuth.__doc__ = LDAPAuth.__doc__.format(**globals())
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2018 # All rights reserved # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license (see LICENSE) import subprocess import stat import os import logging import pytest import time import common log = logging.getLogger(__file__) def wait_on_docker_logs(container_name, max_wait, sentences): args = [ 'docker', 'logs', container_name ] log.info("Waiting for {} to come up".format(container_name)) for _ in range(max_wait): out = subprocess.check_output(args) if any(s in out for s in sentences): log.info('{} is up!'.format(container_name)) return True time.sleep(1) log.info(out) return False def get_container_ip(container_id_or_name): """ Get a docker container's IP address from its id or name """ args = [ 'docker', 'inspect', '-f', '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}', container_id_or_name ] return subprocess.check_output(args).strip() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def cassandra_cluster(): """ Start the cassandra cluster with required configuration """ env = os.environ env['CONTAINER_PORT'] = common.PORT # We need to restrict permission on the password file os.chmod(os.path.join(common.HERE, 'compose', 'jmxremote.password'), stat.S_IRUSR) docker_compose_args = [ "docker-compose", "-f", os.path.join(common.HERE, 'compose', 'docker-compose.yaml') ] subprocess.check_call(docker_compose_args + ["up", "-d", common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME]) # wait for the cluster to be up before yielding if not wait_on_docker_logs( common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME, 20, ['Listening for thrift clients', "Created default superuser role 'cassandra'"] ): raise Exception("Cassandra cluster dd-test-cassandra boot timed out!") cassandra_seed = get_container_ip("{}".format(common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME)) env['CASSANDRA_SEEDS'] = cassandra_seed subprocess.check_call(docker_compose_args + ["up", "-d", common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME_2]) if not wait_on_docker_logs( common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME_2, 50, ['Listening for thrift clients', 'Not starting RPC server as requested'] ): raise Exception("Cassandra cluster {} boot timed out!".format(common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME_2)) subprocess.check_call([ "docker", "exec", common.CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME, "cqlsh", "-e", "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':2}" ]) yield subprocess.check_call(docker_compose_args + ["down"]) @pytest.fixture def aggregator(): from datadog_checks.stubs import aggregator aggregator.reset() return aggregator
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import base64 # from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, Iterable import numpy as np # import torch.nn as nn def rle_encode(mask: np.ndarray) -> dict: """Perform Run-Length Encoding (RLE) on a binary mask. """ assert mask.dtype == bool and mask.ndim == 2, 'RLE encoding requires a binary mask (dtype=bool).' pixels = mask.flatten() pixels = np.concatenate([[0], pixels, [0]]) runs = np.where(pixels[1:] != pixels[:-1])[0] + 1 runs[1::2] -= runs[::2] return dict(data=base64.b64encode(runs.astype(np.uint32).tobytes()).decode('utf-8'), shape=mask.shape) def rle_decode(rle: dict) -> np.ndarray: """Decode a Run-Length Encoding (RLE). """ runs = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(rle['data']), np.uint32) shape = rle['shape'] starts, lengths = [np.asarray(x, dtype=int) for x in (runs[0:][::2], runs[1:][::2])] starts -= 1 ends = starts + lengths img = np.zeros(shape[0]*shape[1], dtype=np.uint8) for lo, hi in zip(starts, ends): img[lo:hi] = 1 return img.reshape(shape)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT from verta._swagger.base_type import BaseType class ModeldbUpdateExperimentNameOrDescription(BaseType): def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, description=None): required = { "id": False, "name": False, "description": False, } self.id = id self.name = name self.description = description for k, v in required.items(): if self[k] is None and v: raise ValueError('attribute {} is required'.format(k)) @staticmethod def from_json(d): tmp = d.get('id', None) if tmp is not None: d['id'] = tmp tmp = d.get('name', None) if tmp is not None: d['name'] = tmp tmp = d.get('description', None) if tmp is not None: d['description'] = tmp return ModeldbUpdateExperimentNameOrDescription(**d)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" experiment_process.py contains some post-processing functionality. Not used anymore. """ import csv import os import numpy as np import configs as cfg if not os.path.exists(cfg.reporting_dir): os.makedirs(cfg.reporting_dir) # Collisions results = [0 for i in range(cfg.seconds)] for filename in os.listdir(cfg.reporting_dir): if "collisions.csv" in filename: csvfile = open(os.path.join(cfg.reporting_dir, filename)) csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in csvreader: for value in row: if value != '': results[int(np.trunc(float(value) / cfg.framespersecond))] += 1 csvfile.close() print(results) csvfile = open(os.path.join(".", "collisions_total.csv"), 'w') csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csvwriter.writerow([(str(val) if val != 0 else "") for val in results]) csvfile.close()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
"""common utilities.""" import datetime import math from pathlib import Path import uuid import os import sys from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from onecontainer_cloud_tool.logger import logger def timestamp(): """timestamp.""" return math.floor(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()) def uuid_str(): """get a uuid string.""" str(uuid.uuid4()) def isfile(file_str): """check if file exists.""" return Path(file_str).is_file() def check_config_exists(config): """check if config file exists.""" if not isfile(config.CONFIG_FILE): raise FileNotFoundError def remove_config_if_empty(ini_conf, config): try: if(len(ini_conf.sections())==0): os.remove(config.CONFIG_FILE) return True except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("config file not removed, file not found") return False class SSHkeys: """generate ephemerial private and public keys.""" def __init__(self): self.private_key_path = Path(Path.home().resolve() / ".ssh"/ "occt_private_key.pem") self.private_key = None self.public_key = None if isfile(self.private_key_path): self.read_keys() else: self.generate_ssh_keys() def read_keys(self): """read keys from file.""" try: with open(self.private_key_path, "r") as fh: self.private_key = fh.read() self.set_public_key() except IOError as err: logger.error(err) def generate_ssh_keys(self): """generate new ssh keys.""" key_pair = RSA.generate(4096) try: # write key to current directory the user is in with open(self.private_key_path, "w") as fh: private_key = key_pair.export_key().decode() fh.write(private_key) logger.debug(f"private_key.pem written to {self.private_key_path}") self.private_key = private_key self.set_public_key() os.chmod(self.private_key_path, 0o600) except IOError as err: logger.error(err) def delete_ssh_keys(self): """delete ssh keys used to access resource.""" logger.debug(f"remove ssh keys. in path: {self.private_key_path}") os.remove(self.private_key_path) def set_public_key(self): if self.private_key is not None: key_pair = RSA.import_key(self.private_key) self.public_key = ( key_pair.public_key().export_key(format="OpenSSH").decode() ) else: logger.error("private key not found, exiting...") sys.exit(1)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""Validate a face recognizer on the "Labeled Faces in the Wild" dataset (http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/). Embeddings are calculated using the pairs from http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/pairs.txt and the ROC curve is calculated and plotted. Both the model metagraph and the model parameters need to exist in the same directory, and the metagraph should have the extension '.meta'. """ # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2016 David Sandberg # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function #import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import argparse #import facenet #import lfw import os import sys from PIL import Image import ast #from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops """ # scipy module cannot be surpported from sklearn import metrics from scipy.optimize import brentq from scipy import interpolate """ from custom.facenet_tpu import FacenetEngine from benchmark import lfw RANDOM_ROTATE = 1 RANDOM_CROP = 2 RANDOM_FLIP = 4 FIXED_STANDARDIZATION = 8 FLIP = 16 def main(args): # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing print(args) pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs)) # Get the paths for the corresponding images paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs) #image_paths_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=(None,1), name='image_paths') #labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=(None,1), name='labels') batch_size = args.lfw_batch_size #control_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,1), name='control') #phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='phase_train') nrof_preprocess_threads = 4 image_size = (args.image_size, args.image_size) # Load the model facenet = FacenetEngine(args.model, None) # Get output tensor #embedding is the list of embedding vector for training images #TODO: change the dummy vector into real embedding #embeddings = [facenet.GetEmbeddingVector(Image.open(path)) for path in paths] embeddings=None if args.generate_emb_file: emb_filename = "emb_{}.txt".format(args.lfw_dir.split("/")[-2]) print("emb_file is {}".format(emb_filename)) emb_file = open(emb_filename, "a") emb_file.write("[") for i, path in enumerate(paths): inf_time,_,emb = facenet.GetEmbeddingVector(Image.open(path)) emb_file.write("[") for j, elem in enumerate(emb): if j == len(emb) - 1: emb_file.write(str(elem)) else: emb_file.write(str(elem)+", ") if i == len(paths) - 1: emb_file.write(str(emb)+"]\n") else: emb_file.write(str(emb)+"],\n") print("time, index: ",str(inf_time)+"ms", str(i)) emb_file.write("]") emb_file.close() emb_file = open(emb_filename, "r") embeddings = ast.literal_eval(emb_file.read()) emb_file.close() else: embeddings = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): inf_time,_,emb = facenet.GetEmbeddingVector(Image.open(path)) embeddings.append(emb) print("time, index: ",str(inf_time)+"ms", str(i)) #embeddings = [np.zeros(128, ) for _ in paths] evaluate(facenet, embeddings, paths, actual_issame, batch_size, args.lfw_nrof_folds, args.distance_metric, args.subtract_mean, args.use_flipped_images, args.use_fixed_image_standardization) def evaluate(engine, embeddings, image_paths, actual_issame, batch_size, nrof_folds, distance_metric, subtract_mean, use_flipped_images, use_fixed_image_standardization): """ #TODO:cannot work Flip mode now """ # Run forward pass to calculate embeddings print('Runnning forward pass on LFW images') # Enqueue one epoch of image paths and labels nrof_embeddings = len(actual_issame)*2 # nrof_pairs * nrof_images_per_pair nrof_flips = 2 if use_flipped_images else 1 nrof_images = nrof_embeddings * nrof_flips labels_array = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0,nrof_images),1) image_paths_array = np.expand_dims(np.repeat(np.array(image_paths),nrof_flips),1) control_array = np.zeros_like(labels_array, np.int64) if use_fixed_image_standardization: control_array += np.ones_like(labels_array)*FIXED_STANDARDIZATION if use_flipped_images: # Flip every second image control_array += (labels_array % 2)*FLIP ##sess.run(enqueue_op, {image_paths_placeholder: image_paths_array, labels_placeholder: labels_array, control_placeholder: control_array}) embedding_size = int(engine.get_all_output_tensors_sizes()[0]) # 128 or 512 assert nrof_images % batch_size == 0, 'The number of LFW images must be an integer multiple of the LFW batch size' nrof_batches = nrof_images // batch_size emb_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, embedding_size)) lab_array = np.zeros((nrof_images, )) for i in range(nrof_batches): ##feed_dict = {phase_train_placeholder:False, batch_size_placeholder:batch_size} emb, lab = np.asarray(embeddings[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]), np.asarray(labels_array[i*batch_size:(i+1)*batch_size]) lab_array[lab] = lab emb_array[lab, :] = emb.reshape([emb.shape[0], 1, emb.shape[1]]) if i % 10 == 9: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() print('') embeddings = np.zeros((nrof_embeddings, embedding_size*nrof_flips)) if use_flipped_images: # Concatenate embeddings for flipped and non flipped version of the images embeddings[:,:embedding_size] = emb_array[0::2,:] embeddings[:,embedding_size:] = emb_array[1::2,:] else: embeddings = emb_array assert np.array_equal(lab_array, np.arange(nrof_images))==True, 'Wrong labels used for evaluation, possibly caused by training examples left in the input pipeline' print("embeddings shape: {}".format(embeddings.shape)) tpr, fpr, accuracy, val, val_std, far = lfw.evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=nrof_folds, distance_metric=distance_metric, subtract_mean=subtract_mean) print('Accuracy: %2.5f+-%2.5f' % (np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy))) print('Validation rate: %2.5f+-%2.5f @ FAR=%2.5f' % (val, val_std, far)) """ Using scipy: cannot be supported auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) print('Area Under Curve (AUC): %1.3f' % auc) eer = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interpolate.interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.) print('Equal Error Rate (EER): %1.3f' % eer) """ def parse_arguments(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #================== # # ==NON-DEFAULT==== # #================== parser.add_argument('--lfw_dir', type=str, help='Path to the data directory containing aligned LFW face patches.') parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Could be either a directory containing the meta_file and ckpt_file or a model protobuf (.pb) file') parser.add_argument('--lfw_batch_size', type=int, help='Number of images to process in a batch in the LFW test set.', default=100) parser.add_argument('--generate_emb_file', help='True if you want to generate embedding file. ex) If you want to validate tflite model, you use this option to dump ev files from tflite model', type=bool) #================== # # =====DEFAULT===== # #================== parser.add_argument('--image_size', type=int, help='Image size (height, width) in pixels.', default=160) parser.add_argument('--lfw_pairs', type=str, help='The file containing the pairs to use for validation.', default='pairs.txt') parser.add_argument('--lfw_nrof_folds', type=int, help='Number of folds to use for cross validation. Mainly used for testing.', default=10) parser.add_argument('--distance_metric', type=int, help='Distance metric 0:euclidian, 1:cosine similarity.', default=0) parser.add_argument('--use_flipped_images', help='Concatenates embeddings for the image and its horizontally flipped counterpart.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--subtract_mean', help='Subtract feature mean before calculating distance.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use_fixed_image_standardization', help='Performs fixed standardization of images.', action='store_true') return parser.parse_args(argv) if __name__ == '__main__': main(parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:]))
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import logging import torch import torch.nn as nn import math BN_MOMENTUM = 0.1 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def conv_3x3_bn(inp, oup, stride): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(inp, oup, 3, stride, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(oup), nn.ReLU6(inplace=True)) def conv_1x1_bn(inp, oup): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(inp, oup, 1, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(oup), nn.ReLU6(inplace=True)) class InvertedResidual(nn.Module): def __init__(self, inp, oup, stride, expand_ratio): super(InvertedResidual, self).__init__() assert stride in [1, 2] hidden_dim = round(inp * expand_ratio) self.identity = stride == 1 and inp == oup if expand_ratio == 1: self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim, hidden_dim, 3, stride, 1, groups=hidden_dim, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(hidden_dim), nn.ReLU6(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim, oup, 1, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(oup), ) else: self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(inp, hidden_dim, 1, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(hidden_dim), nn.ReLU6(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d( hidden_dim, hidden_dim, 3, stride, 1, groups=hidden_dim, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(hidden_dim), nn.ReLU6(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(hidden_dim, oup, 1, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(oup), ) def forward(self, x): if self.identity: return x + self.conv(x) else: return self.conv(x) class MobileNetV2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, width_mult=1.): super(MobileNetV2, self).__init__() # setting of inverted residual blocks self.cfgs = [ # t, c, n, s [1, 16, 1, 1], [6, 24, 2, 2], [6, 32, 3, 2], [6, 64, 4, 2], [6, 96, 3, 1], [6, 160, 3, 2], [6, 320, 1, 1], ] input_channel = int(32 * width_mult) layers = [conv_3x3_bn(3, input_channel, 2)] block = InvertedResidual for t, c, n, s in self.cfgs: output_channel = int(c * width_mult) layers.append(block(input_channel, output_channel, s, t)) input_channel = output_channel for i in range(1, n): layers.append(block(input_channel, output_channel, 1, t)) input_channel = output_channel self.features = nn.Sequential(*layers) self._initialize_weights() def forward(self, x): x = self.features(x) return x def _initialize_weights(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2. / n)) if m.bias is not None: m.bias.data.zero_() elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): m.weight.data.fill_(1) m.bias.data.zero_() elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): n = m.weight.size(1) m.weight.data.normal_(0, 0.01) m.bias.data.zero_() class PoseMobileNetV2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, **kwargs): self.inplanes = 320 self.deconv_with_bias = cfg.POSE_RESNET.DECONV_WITH_BIAS super(PoseMobileNetV2, self).__init__() self.mobilenetv2 = MobileNetV2() self.deconv_layers = self._make_deconv_layer( cfg.POSE_RESNET.NUM_DECONV_LAYERS, cfg.POSE_RESNET.NUM_DECONV_FILTERS, cfg.POSE_RESNET.NUM_DECONV_KERNELS, ) self.final_layer = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=cfg.POSE_RESNET.NUM_DECONV_FILTERS[-1], out_channels=cfg.NETWORK.NUM_JOINTS, kernel_size=cfg.POSE_RESNET.FINAL_CONV_KERNEL, stride=1, padding=1 if cfg.POSE_RESNET.FINAL_CONV_KERNEL == 3 else 0) def _get_deconv_cfg(self, deconv_kernel, index): if deconv_kernel == 4: padding = 1 output_padding = 0 elif deconv_kernel == 3: padding = 1 output_padding = 1 elif deconv_kernel == 2: padding = 0 output_padding = 0 return deconv_kernel, padding, output_padding def _make_deconv_layer(self, num_layers, num_filters, num_kernels): assert num_layers == len(num_filters), \ 'ERROR: num_deconv_layers is different len(num_deconv_filters)' assert num_layers == len(num_kernels), \ 'ERROR: num_deconv_layers is different len(num_deconv_filters)' layers = [] for i in range(num_layers): kernel, padding, output_padding = \ self._get_deconv_cfg(num_kernels[i], i) planes = num_filters[i] layers.append( nn.ConvTranspose2d( in_channels=self.inplanes, out_channels=planes, kernel_size=kernel, stride=2, padding=padding, output_padding=output_padding, bias=self.deconv_with_bias)) layers.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(planes, momentum=BN_MOMENTUM)) layers.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) self.inplanes = planes return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): x = self.mobilenetv2(x) x = self.deconv_layers(x) x_final_feature = x x = self.final_layer(x) return x, x_final_feature def init_weights(self, pretrained=''): if os.path.isfile(pretrained): pretrained_state_dict = torch.load(pretrained) logger.info('=> loading pretrained model {}'.format(pretrained)) self.load_state_dict(pretrained_state_dict, strict=False) logger.info('=> init deconv weights from normal distribution') for name, m in self.deconv_layers.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): logger.info( '=> init {}.weight as normal(0, 0.001)'.format(name)) logger.info('=> init {}.bias as 0'.format(name)) nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) if self.deconv_with_bias: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): logger.info('=> init {}.weight as 1'.format(name)) logger.info('=> init {}.bias as 0'.format(name)) nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) logger.info('=> init final conv weights from normal distribution') for m in self.final_layer.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): logger.info( '=> init {}.weight as normal(0, 0.001)'.format(name)) logger.info('=> init {}.bias as 0'.format(name)) nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) else: logger.info('=> init weights from normal distribution') for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) elif isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d): nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.001) if self.deconv_with_bias: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def get_pose_net(cfg, is_train, **kwargs): model = PoseMobileNetV2(cfg, **kwargs) if is_train: model.init_weights(cfg.NETWORK.PRETRAINED) return model
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" model_pwcnet.py PWC-Net model class. Written by Phil Ferriere Licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE for details) """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import time import datetime import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf from tqdm import trange from tensorflow.contrib.mixed_precision import LossScaleOptimizer, FixedLossScaleManager from model_base import ModelBase from optflow import flow_write, flow_write_as_png, flow_mag_stats from losses import pwcnet_loss from logger import OptFlowTBLogger from multi_gpus import assign_to_device, average_gradients from core_warp import dense_image_warp from core_costvol import cost_volume from utils import tf_where _DEBUG_USE_REF_IMPL = False # Default options _DEFAULT_PWCNET_TRAIN_OPTIONS = { 'verbose': False, 'ckpt_dir': './ckpts_trained/', # where training checkpoints are stored 'max_to_keep': 10, 'x_dtype': tf.float32, # image pairs input type 'x_shape': [2, 384, 448, 3], # image pairs input shape [2, H, W, 3] 'y_dtype': tf.float32, # u,v flows output type 'y_shape': [384, 448, 2], # u,v flows output shape [H, W, 2] 'train_mode': 'train', # in ['train', 'fine-tune'] 'adapt_info': None, # if predicted flows are padded by the model, crop them back by to this size 'sparse_gt_flow': False, # if gt flows are sparse (KITTI), only compute average EPE where gt flows aren't (0., 0.) # Logging/Snapshot params 'display_step': 100, # show progress every 100 training batches 'snapshot_step': 1000, # save trained model every 1000 training batches 'val_step': 1000, # Test trained model on validation split every 1000 training batches 'val_batch_size': -1, # Use -1 to use entire validation split, or set number of val samples (0 disables it) # None or in ['top_flow', 'pyramid'|; runs trained model on batch_size random val images, log results 'tb_val_imgs': 'pyramid', # None or in ['top_flow', 'pyramid'|; runs trained model on batch_size random test images, log results 'tb_test_imgs': None, # Multi-GPU config # list devices on which to run the model's train ops (can be more than one GPU) 'gpu_devices': ['/device:GPU:0', '/device:GPU:1'], # controller device to put the model's variables on (usually, /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 -> try both!) 'controller': '/device:CPU:0', # Training config and hyper-params 'use_tf_data': True, # Set to True to get data from tf.data.Dataset; otherwise, use feed_dict with numpy 'use_mixed_precision': False, # Set to True to use mixed precision training (fp16 inputs) 'loss_scaler': 128., # Loss scaler (only used in mixed precision training) 'batch_size': 8, 'lr_policy': 'multisteps', # choose between None, 'multisteps', and 'cyclic'; adjust the max_steps below too # Multistep lr schedule 'init_lr': 1e-04, # initial learning rate 'max_steps': 1200000, # max number of training iterations (i.e., batches to run) 'lr_boundaries': [400000, 600000, 800000, 1000000, 1200000], # step schedule boundaries 'lr_values': [0.0001, 5e-05, 2.5e-05, 1.25e-05, 6.25e-06, 3.125e-06], # step schedule values # Cyclic lr schedule 'cyclic_lr_max': 5e-04, # max bound, anything higher will generate NaNs on `FlyingChairs+FlyingThings3DHalfRes` mix 'cyclic_lr_base': 1e-05, # min bound 'cyclic_lr_stepsize': 20000, # step schedule values # 'max_steps': 200000, # max number of training iterations # Loss functions hyper-params 'loss_fn': 'loss_multiscale', # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'alphas': [0.32, 0.08, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.0025], # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'gamma': 0.0004, # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'q': 1., # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'epsilon': 0., # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF # Model hyper-params 'pyr_lvls': 6, # number of feature levels in the flow pyramid 'flow_pred_lvl': 2, # which level to upsample to generate the final optical flow prediction 'search_range': 4, # cost volume search range # if True, use model with dense connections (4705064 params w/o, 9374274 params with (no residual conn.)) 'use_dense_cx': False, # if True, use model with residual connections (4705064 params w/o, 6774064 params with (+2069000) (no dense conn.)) 'use_res_cx': False, } _DEFAULT_PWCNET_FINETUNE_OPTIONS = { 'verbose': False, 'ckpt_path': './ckpts_trained/pwcnet.ckpt', # original checkpoint to finetune 'ckpt_dir': './ckpts_finetuned/', # where finetuning checkpoints are stored 'max_to_keep': 10, 'x_dtype': tf.float32, # image pairs input type 'x_shape': [2, 384, 768, 3], # image pairs input shape [2, H, W, 3] 'y_dtype': tf.float32, # u,v flows output type 'y_shape': [384, 768, 2], # u,v flows output shape [H, W, 2] 'train_mode': 'fine-tune', # in ['train', 'fine-tune'] 'adapt_info': None, # if predicted flows are padded by the model, crop them back by to this size 'sparse_gt_flow': False, # if gt flows are sparse (KITTI), only compute average EPE where gt flows aren't (0., 0.) # Logging/Snapshot params 'display_step': 100, # show progress every 100 training batches 'snapshot_step': 1000, # save trained model every 1000 training batches 'val_step': 1000, # Test trained model on validation split every 1000 training batches 'val_batch_size': -1, # Use -1 to use entire validation split, or set number of val samples (0 disables it) 'tb_val_imgs': 'top_flow', # None, 'top_flow', or 'pyramid'; runs model on batch_size val images, log results 'tb_test_imgs': None, # None, 'top_flow', or 'pyramid'; runs trained model on batch_size test images, log results # Multi-GPU config # list devices on which to run the model's train ops (can be more than one GPU) 'gpu_devices': ['/device:GPU:0', '/device:GPU:1'], # controller device to put the model's variables on (usually, /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 -> try both!) 'controller': '/device:CPU:0', # Training config and hyper-params 'use_tf_data': True, # Set to True to get data from tf.data.Dataset; otherwise, use feed_dict with numpy 'use_mixed_precision': False, # Set to True to use mixed precision training (fp16 inputs) 'loss_scaler': 128., # Loss scaler (only used in mixed precision training) 'batch_size': 4, 'lr_policy': 'multisteps', # choose between None, 'multisteps', and 'cyclic'; adjust the max_steps below too # Multistep lr schedule 'init_lr': 1e-05, # initial learning rate 'max_steps': 500000, # max number of training iterations (i.e., batches to run) 'lr_boundaries': [200000, 300000, 400000, 500000], # step schedule boundaries 'lr_values': [1e-05, 5e-06, 2.5e-06, 1.25e-06, 6.25e-07], # step schedule values # Cyclic lr schedule 'cyclic_lr_max': 2e-05, # maximum bound 'cyclic_lr_base': 1e-06, # min bound 'cyclic_lr_stepsize': 20000, # step schedule values # 'max_steps': 200000, # max number of training iterations # Loss functions hyper-params 'loss_fn': 'loss_robust', # 'loss_robust' doesn't really work; the loss goes down but the EPE doesn't 'alphas': [0.32, 0.08, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005], # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'gamma': 0.0004, # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'q': 0.4, # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF 'epsilon': 0.01, # See 'Implementation details" on page 5 of ref PDF # Model hyper-params 'pyr_lvls': 6, # number of feature levels in the flow pyramid 'flow_pred_lvl': 2, # which level to upsample to generate the final optical flow prediction 'search_range': 4, # cost volume search range # if True, use model with dense connections (4705064 params w/o, 9374274 params with (no residual conn.)) 'use_dense_cx': False, # if True, use model with residual connections (4705064 params w/o, 6774064 params with (+2069000) (no dense conn.)) 'use_res_cx': False, } _DEFAULT_PWCNET_VAL_OPTIONS = { 'verbose': False, 'ckpt_path': './ckpts_trained/pwcnet.ckpt', 'x_dtype': tf.float32, # image pairs input type 'x_shape': [2, None, None, 3], # image pairs input shape [2, H, W, 3] 'y_dtype': tf.float32, # u,v flows output type 'y_shape': [None, None, 2], # u,v flows output shape [H, W, 2] 'adapt_info': None, # if predicted flows are padded by the model, crop them back by to this size 'sparse_gt_flow': False, # if gt flows are sparse (KITTI), only compute average EPE where gt flows aren't (0., 0.) # Multi-GPU config # list devices on which to run the model's train ops (can be more than one GPU) 'gpu_devices': ['/device:GPU:0', '/device:GPU:1'], # controller device to put the model's variables on (usually, /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 -> try both!) 'controller': '/device:CPU:0', # Eval config and hyper-params 'batch_size': 1, 'use_tf_data': True, # Set to True to get data from tf.data.Dataset; otherwise, use feed_dict with numpy 'use_mixed_precision': False, # Set to True to use fp16 inputs # Model hyper-params 'pyr_lvls': 6, # number of feature levels in the flow pyramid 'flow_pred_lvl': 2, # which level to upsample to generate the final optical flow prediction 'search_range': 4, # cost volume search range # if True, use model with dense connections (4705064 params w/o, 9374274 params with (no residual conn.)) 'use_dense_cx': False, # if True, use model with residual connections (4705064 params w/o, 6774064 params with (+2069000) (no dense conn.)) 'use_res_cx': False, } _DEFAULT_PWCNET_TEST_OPTIONS = { 'verbose': False, 'ckpt_path': './ckpts_trained/pwcnet.ckpt', 'x_dtype': tf.float32, # image pairs input type 'x_shape': [2, None, None, 3], # image pairs input shape 'y_dtype': tf.float32, # u,v flows output type 'y_shape': [None, None, 2], # u,v flows output shape # Multi-GPU config # list devices on which to run the model's train ops (can be more than one GPU) 'gpu_devices': ['/device:GPU:0', '/device:GPU:1'], # controller device to put the model's variables on (usually, /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 -> try both!) 'controller': '/device:CPU:0', # Eval config and hyper-params 'batch_size': 1, 'use_tf_data': True, # Set to True to get data from tf.data.Dataset; otherwise, use feed_dict with numpy 'use_mixed_precision': False, # Set to True to use fp16 inputs # Model hyper-params 'pyr_lvls': 6, # number of feature levels in the flow pyramid 'flow_pred_lvl': 2, # which level to upsample to generate the final optical flow prediction 'search_range': 4, # cost volume search range # if True, use model with dense connections (4705064 params w/o, 9374274 params with (no residual conn.)) 'use_dense_cx': False, # if True, use model with residual connections (4705064 params w/o, 6774064 params with (+2069000) (no dense conn.)) 'use_res_cx': False, } # from ref_model import PWCNet class ModelPWCNet(ModelBase): def __init__(self, name='pwcnet', mode='train', session=None, options=_DEFAULT_PWCNET_TEST_OPTIONS, dataset=None): """Initialize the ModelPWCNet object Args: name: Model name mode: Possible values: 'train', 'val', 'test' session: optional TF session options: see _DEFAULT_PWCNET_TRAIN_OPTIONS comments dataset: Dataset loader Training Ref: Per page 4 of paper, section "Training loss," the loss function used in regular training mode is the same as the one used in Dosovitskiy et al's "FlowNet: Learning optical flow with convolutional networks" paper (multiscale training loss). For fine-tuning, the loss function used is described at the top of page 5 (robust training loss). Per page 5 of paper, section "Implementation details," the trade-off weight gamma in the regularization term is usually set to 0.0004. Per page 5 of paper, section "Implementation details," we first train the models using the FlyingChairs dataset using the S<sub>long</sub> learning rate schedule introduced in E. Ilg et al.'s "FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of optical flow estimation with deep networks", starting from 0.0001 and reducing the learning rate by half at 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M, and 1M iterations. The data augmentation scheme is the same as in that paper. We crop 448 × 384 patches during data augmentation and use a batch size of 8. We then fine-tune the models on the FlyingThings3D dataset using the S<sub>fine</sub> schedule while excluding image pairs with extreme motion (magnitude larger than 1000 pixels). The cropped image size is 768 × 384 and the batch size is 4. Finally, we finetune the models using the Sintel and KITTI training set as detailed in section "4.1. Main results". """ super().__init__(name, mode, session, options) self.ds = dataset # self.adapt_infos = [] # self.unique_y_shapes = [] ### # Model mgmt ### def build_model(self): """Build model Called by the base class when building the TF graph to setup the list of output tensors """ if self.opts['verbose']: print("Building model...") assert(self.num_gpus <= 1) # Build the backbone neural nets and collect the output tensors with tf.device(self.opts['controller']): self.flow_pred_tnsr, self.flow_pyr_tnsr = self.nn(self.x_tnsr) if self.opts['verbose']: print("... model built.") def build_model_towers(self): """Build model towers. A tower is the name used to describe a copy of the model on a device. Called by the base class when building the TF graph to setup the list of output tensors """ if self.opts['verbose']: print("Building model towers...") # Setup a learning rate training schedule self.setup_lr_sched() # Instantiate an optimizer # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42064941/tensorflow-float16-support-is-broken # for float32 epsilon=1e-08, for float16 use epsilon=1e-4 epsilon = 1e-08 if self.opts['use_mixed_precision'] is False else 1e-4 assert (self.opts['train_mode'] in ['train', 'fine-tune']) if self.opts['loss_fn'] == 'loss_multiscale': self.optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr, epsilon=epsilon) else: self.optim = tf.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer(self.lr) # Keep track of the gradients and losses per tower tower_grads, losses, metrics = [], [], [] # Get the current variable scope so we can reuse all variables we need once we get # to the next iteration of the for loop below with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()) as outer_scope: for n, ops_device in enumerate(self.opts['gpu_devices']): print(f" Building tower_{n}...") # Use the assign_to_device function to ensure that variables are created on the controller. with tf.device(assign_to_device(ops_device, self.opts['controller'])), tf.name_scope(f'tower_{n}'): # Get a slice of the input batch and groundtruth label x_tnsr = self.x_tnsr[n * self.opts['batch_size']:(n + 1) * self.opts['batch_size'], :] y_tnsr = self.y_tnsr[n * self.opts['batch_size']:(n + 1) * self.opts['batch_size'], :] # Build the model for that slice flow_pred_tnsr, flow_pyr_tnsr = self.nn(x_tnsr) # The first tower is also the model we will use to perform online evaluation if n == 0: self.flow_pred_tnsr, self.flow_pyr_tnsr = flow_pred_tnsr, flow_pyr_tnsr # Compute the loss for this tower, with regularization term if requested loss_unreg = pwcnet_loss(y_tnsr, flow_pyr_tnsr, self.opts) if self.opts['gamma'] == 0.: loss = loss_unreg else: loss_reg = self.opts['gamma'] * \ tf.reduce_sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()]) loss = loss_unreg + loss_reg # Evaluate model performance on this tower metrics.append(tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(y_tnsr - flow_pred_tnsr, ord=2, axis=3))) # Compute the gradients for this tower, but don't apply them yet with tf.name_scope("compute_gradients"): # The function compute_gradients() returns a list of (gradient, variable) pairs if self.opts['use_mixed_precision'] is True: grads, vars = zip(*self.optim.compute_gradients(loss * self.opts['loss_scaler'])) # Return the gradients (now float32) to the correct exponent and keep them in check grads = [grad / self.opts['loss_scaler'] for grad in grads] grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, 5.0) tower_grads.append(zip(grads, vars)) else: grad_and_vars = self.optim.compute_gradients(loss) tower_grads.append(grad_and_vars) losses.append(loss) # After the first iteration, we want to reuse the variables. outer_scope.reuse_variables() print(f" ...tower_{n} built.") # Apply the gradients on the controlling device with tf.name_scope("apply_gradients"), tf.device(self.opts['controller']): # Note that what we are doing here mathematically is equivalent to returning the average loss over the # towers and compute the gradients relative to that. Unfortunately, this would place all gradient # computations on one device, which is why we had to compute the gradients above per tower and need to # average them here. The function average_gradients() takes the list of (gradient, variable) lists # and turns it into a single (gradient, variables) list. avg_grads_op = average_gradients(tower_grads) self.optim_op = self.optim.apply_gradients(avg_grads_op, self.g_step_op) self.loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(losses) self.metric_op = tf.reduce_mean(metrics) if self.opts['verbose']: print("... model towers built.") def set_output_tnsrs(self): """Initialize output tensors """ if self.mode in ['train_noval', 'train_with_val']: # self.y_hat_train_tnsr = [self.loss_op, self.metric_op, self.optim_op, self.g_step_inc_op] self.y_hat_train_tnsr = [self.loss_op, self.metric_op, self.optim_op] if self.mode == 'train_with_val': # In online evaluation mode, we only care about the average loss and metric for the batch: self.y_hat_val_tnsr = [self.loss_op, self.metric_op] if self.mode in ['val', 'val_notrain']: # In offline evaluation mode, we only care about the individual predictions and metrics: self.y_hat_val_tnsr = [self.flow_pred_tnsr, self.metric_op] # if self.opts['sparse_gt_flow'] is True: # # Find the location of the zerod-out flows in the gt # zeros_loc = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(self.y_tnsr[:, :, :, 0], 0.0), tf.equal(self.y_tnsr[:, :, :, 1], 0.0)) # zeros_loc = tf.expand_dims(zeros_loc, -1) # # # Zero out flow predictions at the same location so we only compute the EPE at the sparse flow points # sparse_flow_pred_tnsr = tf_where(zeros_loc, tf.zeros_like(self.flow_pred_tnsr), self.flow_pred_tnsr) # # self.y_hat_val_tnsr = [sparse_flow_pred_tnsr, self.metric_op] self.y_hat_test_tnsr = [self.flow_pred_tnsr, self.flow_pyr_tnsr] ### # Sample mgmt ### def adapt_x(self, x): """Preprocess the input samples to adapt them to the network's requirements Here, x, is the actual data, not the x TF tensor. Args: x: input samples in list[(2,H,W,3)] or (N,2,H,W,3) np array form Returns: Samples ready to be given to the network (w. same shape as x) Also, return adaptation info in (N,2,H,W,3) format """ # Ensure we're dealing with RGB image pairs assert (isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or isinstance(x, list)) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): assert (len(x.shape) == 5) assert (x.shape[1] == 2 and x.shape[4] == 3) else: assert (len(x[0].shape) == 4) assert (x[0].shape[0] == 2 or x[0].shape[3] == 3) # Bring image range from 0..255 to 0..1 and use floats (also, list[(2,H,W,3)] -> (batch_size,2,H,W,3)) if self.opts['use_mixed_precision'] is True: x_adapt = np.array(x, dtype=np.float16) if isinstance(x, list) else x.astype(np.float16) else: x_adapt = np.array(x, dtype=np.float32) if isinstance(x, list) else x.astype(np.float32) x_adapt /= 255. # Make sure the image dimensions are multiples of 2**pyramid_levels, pad them if they're not _, pad_h = divmod(x_adapt.shape[2], 2**self.opts['pyr_lvls']) if pad_h != 0: pad_h = 2 ** self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - pad_h _, pad_w = divmod(x_adapt.shape[3], 2**self.opts['pyr_lvls']) if pad_w != 0: pad_w = 2 ** self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - pad_w x_adapt_info = None if pad_h != 0 or pad_w != 0: padding = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, pad_h), (0, pad_w), (0, 0)] x_adapt_info = x_adapt.shape # Save original shape x_adapt = np.pad(x_adapt, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) return x_adapt, x_adapt_info def adapt_y(self, y): """Preprocess the labels to adapt them to the loss computation requirements of the network Here, y, is the actual data, not the y TF tensor. Args: y: labels in list[(H,W,2)] or (N,H,W,2) np array form Returns: Labels ready to be used by the network's loss function (w. same shape as y) Also, return adaptation info in (N,H,W,2) format """ # Ensure we're dealing with u,v flows assert (isinstance(y, np.ndarray) or isinstance(y, list)) if isinstance(y, np.ndarray): assert (len(y.shape) == 4) assert (y.shape[3] == 2) else: assert (len(y[0].shape) == 3) assert (y[0].shape[2] == 2) y_adapt = np.array(y, dtype=np.float32) if isinstance(y, list) else y # list[(H,W,2)] -> (batch_size,H,W,2) # Make sure the flow dimensions are multiples of 2**pyramid_levels, pad them if they're not _, pad_h = divmod(y.shape[1], 2**self.opts['pyr_lvls']) if pad_h != 0: pad_h = 2 ** self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - pad_h _, pad_w = divmod(y.shape[2], 2**self.opts['pyr_lvls']) if pad_w != 0: pad_w = 2 ** self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - pad_w y_adapt_info = None if pad_h != 0 or pad_w != 0: padding = [(0, 0), (0, pad_h), (0, pad_w), (0, 0)] y_adapt_info = y_adapt.shape # Save original shape y_adapt = np.pad(y_adapt, padding, mode='constant', constant_values=0.) # if y_adapt_info is not None and not y_adapt_info in self.adapt_infos: self.adapt_infos.append(y_adapt_info) # if not y.shape in self.unique_y_shapes: self.unique_y_shapes.append(y.shape) return y_adapt, y_adapt_info def postproc_y_hat_test(self, y_hat, adapt_info=None): """Postprocess the results coming from the network during the test mode. Here, y_hat, is the actual data, not the y_hat TF tensor. Override as necessary. Args: y_hat: predictions, see set_output_tnsrs() for details adapt_info: adaptation information in (N,H,W,2) format Returns: Postprocessed labels """ assert (isinstance(y_hat, list) and len(y_hat) == 2) # Have the samples been padded to fit the network's requirements? If so, crop flows back to original size. pred_flows = y_hat[0] if adapt_info is not None: pred_flows = pred_flows[:, 0:adapt_info[1], 0:adapt_info[2], :] # Individuate flows of the flow pyramid (at this point, they are still batched) pyramids = y_hat[1] pred_flows_pyramid = [] for idx in range(len(pred_flows)): pyramid = [] for lvl in range(self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - self.opts['flow_pred_lvl'] + 1): pyramid.append(pyramids[lvl][idx]) pred_flows_pyramid.append(pyramid) return pred_flows, pred_flows_pyramid def postproc_y_hat_train(self, y_hat, adapt_info=None): """Postprocess the results coming from the network during training. Here, y_hat, is the actual data, not the y_hat TF tensor. Override as necessary. Args: y_hat: losses and metrics, see set_output_tnsrs() for details adapt_info: adaptation information in (N,H,W,2) format Returns: Batch loss and metric """ assert (isinstance(y_hat, list) and len(y_hat) == 3) return y_hat[0], y_hat[1] def postproc_y_hat_val(self, y_hat, adapt_info=None): """Postprocess the results coming from the network during validation. Here, y_hat, is the actual data, not the y_hat TF tensor. Override as necessary. Args: y_hat: batch loss and metric, or predicted flows and metrics, see set_output_tnsrs() for details adapt_info: adaptation information in (N,H,W,2) format Returns: Either, batch loss and metric Or, predicted flows and metrics """ if self.mode in ['train_noval', 'train_with_val']: # In online evaluation mode, we only care about the average loss and metric for the batch: assert (isinstance(y_hat, list) and len(y_hat) == 2) return y_hat[0], y_hat[1] if self.mode in ['val', 'val_notrain']: # Have the samples been padded to fit the network's requirements? If so, crop flows back to original size. pred_flows = y_hat[0] if adapt_info is not None: pred_flows = pred_flows[:, 0:adapt_info[1], 0:adapt_info[2], :] return pred_flows, y_hat[1] ### # Training helpers ### def setup_loss_ops(self): """Setup loss computations. See pwcnet_loss() function for unregularized loss implementation details. """ # Setup unregularized loss loss_unreg = pwcnet_loss(self.y_tnsr, self.flow_pyr_tnsr, self.opts) # Add regularization term if self.opts['gamma'] == 0.: self.loss_op = loss_unreg else: loss_reg = self.opts['gamma'] * tf.reduce_sum([tf.nn.l2_loss(var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()]) self.loss_op = loss_unreg + loss_reg def setup_optim_op(self): """Select the Adam optimizer, define the optimization process. """ # Instantiate optimizer # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42064941/tensorflow-float16-support-is-broken # for float32 epsilon=1e-08, for float16 use epsilon=1e-4 epsilon = 1e-08 if self.opts['use_mixed_precision'] is False else 1e-4 if self.opts['loss_fn'] == 'loss_multiscale': self.optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr, epsilon=epsilon) else: self.optim = tf.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer(self.lr) if self.opts['use_mixed_precision'] is True: # Choose a loss scale manager which decides how to pick the right loss scale throughout the training process. loss_scale_mgr = FixedLossScaleManager(self.opts['loss_scaler']) # Wrap the original optimizer in a LossScaleOptimizer self.optim = LossScaleOptimizer(self.optim, loss_scale_mgr) # zmf: deal with NaN # Let minimize() take care of both computing the gradients and applying them to the model variables # self.optim_op = self.optim.minimize(self.loss_op, self.g_step_op, tf.trainable_variables()) grads_and_vars = self.optim.compute_gradients(self.loss_op, var_list=tf.trainable_variables()) if tf.is_nan(grads_and_vars[0]) == True: grads_and_vars_ = [(tf.where(tf.is_nan(grad), tf.zeros_like(grad), grad), val) for grad, val in grads_and_vars] elif tf.is_nan(grads_and_vars[1]) == True: grads_and_vars_ = [(tf.where(tf.is_nan(grad), tf.zeros_like(grad), grad), val) for grad, val in grads_and_vars] else: grads_and_vars_ = grads_and_vars self.optim_op = self.optim.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars_, global_step=self.g_step_op, name=None) else: # Let minimize() take care of both computing the gradients and applying them to the model variables # self.optim_op = self.optim.minimize(self.loss_op, self.g_step_op, tf.trainable_variables()) grads_and_vars = self.optim.compute_gradients(self.loss_op, var_list=tf.trainable_variables()) if tf.is_nan(grads_and_vars[0]) == True: grads_and_vars_ = [(tf.where(tf.is_nan(grad), tf.zeros_like(grad), grad), val) for grad, val in grads_and_vars] elif tf.is_nan(grads_and_vars[1]) == True: grads_and_vars_ = [(tf.where(tf.is_nan(grad), tf.zeros_like(grad), grad), val) for grad, val in grads_and_vars] else: grads_and_vars_ = grads_and_vars # fmz self.optim_op = self.optim.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars_, global_step=self.g_step_op, name=None) def config_train_ops(self): """Configure training ops. Called by the base class when building the TF graph to setup all the training ops, including: - setting up loss computations, - setting up metrics computations, - creating a learning rate training schedule, - selecting an optimizer, - creating lists of output tensors. """ assert (self.opts['train_mode'] in ['train', 'fine-tune']) if self.opts['verbose']: print("Configuring training ops...") # Setup loss computations self.setup_loss_ops() # Setup metrics computations self.setup_metrics_ops() # Setup a learning rate training schedule self.setup_lr_sched() # Setup optimizer computations self.setup_optim_op() if self.opts['verbose']: print("... training ops configured.") def config_loggers(self): """Configure train logger and, optionally, val logger. Here add a logger for test images, if requested. """ super().config_loggers() if self.opts['tb_test_imgs'] is True: self.tb_test = OptFlowTBLogger(self.opts['ckpt_dir'], 'test') def train(self): """Training loop """ with self.graph.as_default(): # Reset step counter if self.opts['train_mode'] == 'fine-tune': step = 1 self.sess.run(self.g_step_op.assign(0)) if self.opts['verbose']: print("Start finetuning...") else: if self.last_ckpt is not None: step = self.g_step_op.eval(session=self.sess) + 1 if self.opts['verbose']: print(f"Resume training from step {step}...") else: step = 1 if self.opts['verbose']: print("Start training from scratch...") # Get batch sizes batch_size = self.opts['batch_size'] val_batch_size = self.opts['val_batch_size'] if self.mode == 'train_noval': warnings.warn("Setting val_batch_size=0 because dataset is in 'train_noval' mode") val_batch_size = 0 if val_batch_size == -1: val_batch_size = self.ds.val_size # Init batch progress trackers train_loss, train_epe, duration = [], [], [] ranking_value = 0 # Only load Tensorboard validation/test images once if self.opts['tb_val_imgs'] is not None: tb_val_loaded = False if self.opts['tb_test_imgs'] is not None: tb_test_loaded = False # Use feed_dict from np or with tf.data.Dataset? if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: # Create tf.data.Dataset managers train_tf_ds = self.ds.get_tf_ds(batch_size, self.num_gpus, split='train', sess=self.sess) val_tf_ds = self.ds.get_tf_ds(batch_size, self.num_gpus, split='val', sess=self.sess) # Ops for initializing the two different iterators train_next_batch = train_tf_ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() val_next_batch = val_tf_ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() while step < self.opts['max_steps'] + 1: # Get a batch of samples and make them conform to the network's requirements # x: [batch_size*num_gpus,2,H,W,3] uint8 y: [batch_size*num_gpus,H,W,2] float32 # x_adapt: [batch_size,2,H,W,3] float32 y_adapt: [batch_size,H,W,2] float32 if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: x, y, _ = self.sess.run(train_next_batch) # print(x.shape,y.shape,x.mean()) # (8, 2, 256, 448, 3) (8, 256, 448, 2) 135.9569324311756 else: x, y, _ = self.ds.next_batch(batch_size * self.num_gpus, split='train') x_adapt, _ = self.adapt_x(x) y_adapt, _ = self.adapt_y(y) # print(x_adapt.shape,y_adapt.shape,x_adapt.mean()) # (8, 2, 256, 448, 3) (8, 256, 448, 2) 0.5331643 # Run the samples through the network (loss, error rate, and optim ops (backprop)) feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_adapt, self.y_tnsr: y_adapt} start_time = time.time() y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_train_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) duration.append(time.time() - start_time) loss, epe = self.postproc_y_hat_train(y_hat) # y_hat: [107.0802, 5.8556495, None] # if self.num_gpus == 1: # Single-GPU case # else: # Multi-CPU case train_loss.append(loss), train_epe.append(epe) # Show training progress if step % self.opts['display_step'] == 0: # Send results to tensorboard loss, epe = np.mean(train_loss), np.mean(train_epe) ranking_value = epe self.tb_train.log_scalar("losses/loss", loss, step) self.tb_train.log_scalar("metrics/epe", epe, step) lr = self.lr.eval(session=self.sess) self.tb_train.log_scalar("optim/lr", lr, step) # Print results, if requested if self.opts['verbose']: sec_per_step = np.mean(duration) samples_per_step = batch_size * self.num_gpus samples_per_sec = samples_per_step / sec_per_step eta = round((self.opts['max_steps'] - step) * sec_per_step) ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") status = f"{ts} Iter {self.g_step_op.eval(session=self.sess)}" \ f" [Train]: loss={loss:.2f}, epe={epe:.2f}, lr={lr:.6f}," \ f" samples/sec={samples_per_sec:.1f}, sec/step={sec_per_step:.3f}," \ f" eta={datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta)}" print(status) # Reset batch progress trackers train_loss, train_epe, duration = [], [], [] # Show progress on validation ds, if requested if val_batch_size > 0 and step % self.opts['val_step'] == 0: val_loss, val_epe = [], [] rounds, _ = divmod(val_batch_size, batch_size * self.num_gpus) for _round in range(rounds): if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: x, y, _, _ = self.sess.run(val_next_batch) else: # Get a batch of val samples and make them conform to the network's requirements x, y, _ = self.ds.next_batch(batch_size * self.num_gpus, split='val') # x: [batch_size * self.num_gpus,2,H,W,3] uint8 y: [batch_size,H,W,2] float32 x_adapt, _ = self.adapt_x(x) y_adapt, _ = self.adapt_y(y) # x_adapt: [batch_size * self.num_gpus,2,H,W,3] float32 y_adapt: [batch_size,H,W,2] float32 # Run the val samples through the network (loss and error rate ops) feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_adapt, self.y_tnsr: y_adapt} y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_val_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) loss, epe = self.postproc_y_hat_val(y_hat) val_loss.append(loss), val_epe.append(epe) # Send the results to tensorboard loss, epe = np.mean(val_loss), np.mean(val_epe) ranking_value = epe self.tb_val.log_scalar("losses/loss", loss, step) self.tb_val.log_scalar("metrics/epe", epe, step) # Print results, if requested if self.opts['verbose']: ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") status = f"{ts} Iter {self.g_step_op.eval(session=self.sess)} [Val]: loss={loss:.2f}, epe={epe:.2f}" print(status) # Save a checkpoint every snapshot_step if step % self.opts['snapshot_step'] == 0 or step == self.opts['max_steps']: # Log evolution of test images to Tensorboard, if requested if self.opts['tb_test_imgs'] is not None: # Get a batch of test samples and make them conform to the network's requirements if tb_test_loaded is False: x_tb_test, IDs_tb_test = self.ds.get_samples( batch_size * self.num_gpus, split='test', simple_IDs=True) x_tb_test_adapt, _ = self.adapt_x(x_tb_test) # IDs_tb_test = self.ds.simplify_IDs(x_IDs) tb_test_loaded = True # Run the test samples through the network feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_tb_test_adapt} y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_test_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) pred_flows, pred_flows_pyr = self.postproc_y_hat_test(y_hat) # Only show batch_size results, no matter what the GPU count is pred_flows, pred_flows_pyr = pred_flows[0:batch_size], pred_flows_pyr[0:batch_size] # Send the results to tensorboard if self.opts['tb_test_imgs'] == 'top_flow': self.tb_test.log_imgs_w_flows('test/{}_flows', x_tb_test, None, 0, pred_flows, None, step, IDs_tb_test) else: self.tb_test.log_imgs_w_flows('test/{}_flows_pyr', x_tb_test, pred_flows_pyr, self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - self.opts['flow_pred_lvl'], pred_flows, None, step, IDs_tb_test) # Log evolution of val images, if requested if self.opts['tb_val_imgs'] is not None: # Get a batch of val samples and make them conform to the network's requirements if tb_val_loaded is False: x_tb_val, y_tb_val, IDs_tb_val = self.ds.get_samples( batch_size * self.num_gpus, split='val', simple_IDs=True) x_tb_val_adapt, _ = self.adapt_x(x_tb_val) # IDs_tb_val = self.ds.simplify_IDs(x_IDs) tb_val_loaded = True # Run the val samples through the network (top flow and pyramid) feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_tb_val_adapt} y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_test_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) pred_flows, pred_flows_pyr = self.postproc_y_hat_test(y_hat) # Only show batch_size results, no matter what the GPU count is x_tb_val, y_tb_val = x_tb_val[0:batch_size], y_tb_val[0:batch_size] IDs_tb_val = IDs_tb_val[0:batch_size] pred_flows, pred_flows_pyr = pred_flows[0:batch_size], pred_flows_pyr[0:batch_size] # Send the results to tensorboard if self.opts['tb_val_imgs'] == 'top_flow': self.tb_val.log_imgs_w_flows('val/{}_flows', x_tb_val, None, 0, pred_flows, y_tb_val, step, IDs_tb_val) else: self.tb_val.log_imgs_w_flows('val/{}_flows_pyr', x_tb_val[0:batch_size], pred_flows_pyr, self.opts['pyr_lvls'] - self.opts['flow_pred_lvl'], pred_flows, y_tb_val, step, IDs_tb_val) # Save model self.save_ckpt(ranking_value) step += 1 if self.opts['verbose']: print("... done training.") ### # Evaluation helpers ### def setup_metrics_ops(self): """Setup metrics computations. Use the endpoint error metric to track progress. Note that, if the label flows come back from the network padded, it isn't a fair assessment of the performance of the model if we also measure the EPE in the padded area. This area is to be cropped out before returning the predicted flows to the caller, so exclude that area when computing the performance metric. """ # Have the samples been padded to the nn's requirements? If so, crop flows back to original size. y_tnsr, flow_pred_tnsr = self.y_tnsr, self.flow_pred_tnsr if self.opts['adapt_info'] is not None: # (1,436,1024,2) y_tnsr = y_tnsr[:, 0:self.opts['adapt_info'][1], 0:self.opts['adapt_info'][2], :] flow_pred_tnsr = flow_pred_tnsr[:, 0:self.opts['adapt_info'][1], 0:self.opts['adapt_info'][2], :] if self.opts['sparse_gt_flow'] is True: # Find the location of the zerod-out flows in the gt zeros_loc = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(y_tnsr[:, :, :, 0], 0.0), tf.equal(y_tnsr[:, :, :, 1], 0.0)) zeros_loc = tf.expand_dims(zeros_loc, -1) # Zero out flow predictions at the same location so we only compute the EPE at the sparse flow points flow_pred_tnsr = tf_where(zeros_loc, tf.zeros_like(flow_pred_tnsr), flow_pred_tnsr) if self.mode in ['train_noval', 'train_with_val']: # In online evaluation mode, we only care about the average loss and metric for the batch: self.metric_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(y_tnsr - flow_pred_tnsr, ord=2, axis=3)) if self.mode in ['val', 'val_notrain']: # In offline evaluation mode, we actually care about each individual prediction and metric -> axis=(1, 2) self.metric_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(y_tnsr - flow_pred_tnsr, ord=2, axis=3), axis=(1, 2)) def eval(self, metric_name=None, save_preds=False): """Evaluation loop. Test the trained model on the validation split of the dataset. Args: save_preds: if True, the predictions are saved to disk Returns: Aaverage score for the entire dataset, a panda df with individual scores for further error analysis """ with self.graph.as_default(): # Use feed_dict from np or with tf.data.Dataset? batch_size = self.opts['batch_size'] if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: # Create tf.data.Dataset manager tf_ds = self.ds.get_tf_ds(batch_size=batch_size, split='val', sess=self.sess) # Ops for initializing the iterator next_batch = tf_ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # Store results in a dataframe if metric_name is None: metric_name = 'Score' df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ID', metric_name, 'Duration', 'Avg_Flow_Mag', 'Max_Flow_Mag']) # Chunk dataset rounds, rounds_left = divmod(self.ds.val_size, batch_size) if rounds_left: rounds += 1 # Loop through samples and track their model performance desc = f'Measuring {metric_name} and saving preds' if save_preds else f'Measuring {metric_name}' idx = 0 for _round in trange(rounds, ascii=True, ncols=100, desc=desc): # Fetch and adapt sample if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: x, y, y_hat_paths, IDs = self.sess.run(next_batch) y_hat_paths = [y_hat_path.decode() for y_hat_path in y_hat_paths] IDs = [ID.decode() for ID in IDs] else: # Get a batch of samples and make them conform to the network's requirements x, y, y_hat_paths, IDs = self.ds.next_batch(batch_size, split='val_with_pred_paths') # x: [batch_size * self.num_gpus,2,H,W,3] uint8 y: [batch_size,H,W,2] float32 x_adapt, _ = self.adapt_x(x) y_adapt, y_adapt_info = self.adapt_y(y) # x_adapt: [batch_size * self.num_gpus,2,H,W,3] float32 y_adapt: [batch_size,H,W,2] float32 # Run the sample through the network (metric op) feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_adapt, self.y_tnsr: y_adapt} start_time = time.time() y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_val_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) duration = time.time() - start_time y_hats, metrics = self.postproc_y_hat_val(y_hat, y_adapt_info) # Save the individual results in df duration /= batch_size for y_hat, metric, y_hat_path, ID in zip(y_hats, metrics, y_hat_paths, IDs): _, flow_mag_avg, flow_mag_max = flow_mag_stats(y_hat) df.loc[idx] = (ID, metric, duration, flow_mag_avg, flow_mag_max) if save_preds: flow_write(y_hat, y_hat_path) info=f"{metric_name}={metric:.2f}" flow_write_as_png(y_hat, y_hat_path.replace('.flo', '.png'), info=info) idx += 1 # Compute stats avg_metric, avg_duration = df.loc[:, metric_name].mean(), df.loc[:, 'Duration'].mean() # print(self.unique_y_shapes) return avg_metric, avg_duration, df ### # Inference helpers ### def predict(self, return_preds=False, save_preds=True): """Inference loop. Run the trained model on the test split of the dataset. The data samples are provided by the OpticalFlowDataset object associated with this ModelPWCNet instance. To predict flows for image pairs not provided by such object, use predict_from_img_pairs() instead. Args: return_preds: if True, the predictions are returned to the caller in list([2, H, W, 3]) format. save_preds: if True, the predictions are saved to disk in .flo and .png format Returns: if return_preds is True, the predictions and their IDs are returned (might require a lot of RAM...) if return_preds is False, return None """ with self.graph.as_default(): # Use feed_dict from np or with tf.data.Dataset? batch_size = self.opts['batch_size'] if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: # Create tf.data.Dataset manager tf_ds = self.ds.get_tf_ds(batch_size=batch_size, split='test', sess=self.sess) # Ops for initializing the iterator next_batch = tf_ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() # Chunk dataset rounds, rounds_left = divmod(self.ds.tst_size, batch_size) if rounds_left: rounds += 1 # Loop through input samples and run inference on them if return_preds is True: preds, ids = [], [] desc = f'Predicting flows and saving preds' if save_preds else f'Predicting flows' for _round in trange(rounds, ascii=True, ncols=100, desc=desc): # Fetch and adapt sample if self.opts['use_tf_data'] is True: x, y_hat_paths, IDs = self.sess.run(next_batch) y_hat_paths = [y_hat_path.decode() for y_hat_path in y_hat_paths] IDs = [ID.decode() for ID in IDs] else: # Get a batch of samples and make them conform to the network's requirements x, y_hat_paths, IDs = self.ds.next_batch(batch_size, split='test_with_pred_paths') # x: [batch_size,2,H,W,3] uint8; x_adapt: [batch_size,2,H,W,3] float32 x_adapt, x_adapt_info = self.adapt_x(x) if x_adapt_info is not None: y_adapt_info = (x_adapt_info[0], x_adapt_info[2], x_adapt_info[3], 2) else: y_adapt_info = None # Run the sample through the network feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_adapt} y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_test_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) y_hats, _ = self.postproc_y_hat_test(y_hat, y_adapt_info) # Save the predicted flows to disk, if requested for y_hat, y_hat_path, ID in zip(y_hats, y_hat_paths, IDs): if return_preds is True: preds.append(y_hat) ids.append(ID) if save_preds is True: flow_write(y_hat, y_hat_path) flow_write_as_png(y_hat, y_hat_path.replace('.flo', '.png')) if return_preds is True: return preds[0:self.ds.tst_size], ids[0:self.ds.tst_size] else: return None def predict_from_img_pairs(self, img_pairs, batch_size=1, verbose=False): """Inference loop. Run inference on a list of image pairs. Args: img_pairs: list of image pairs/tuples in list((img_1, img_2),...,(img_n, img_nplusone)) format. batch_size: size of the batch to process (all images must have the same dimension, if batch_size>1) verbose: if True, show progress bar Returns: Predicted flows in list format """ with self.graph.as_default(): # Chunk image pair list batch_size = self.opts['batch_size'] test_size = len(img_pairs) rounds, rounds_left = divmod(test_size, batch_size) if rounds_left: rounds += 1 # Loop through input samples and run inference on them preds, test_ptr = [], 0 rng = trange(rounds, ascii=True, ncols=100, desc='Predicting flows') if verbose else range(rounds) for _round in rng: # In batch mode, make sure to wrap around if there aren't enough input samples to process if test_ptr + batch_size < test_size: new_ptr = test_ptr + batch_size indices = list(range(test_ptr, test_ptr + batch_size)) else: new_ptr = (test_ptr + batch_size) % test_size indices = list(range(test_ptr, test_size)) + list(range(0, new_ptr)) test_ptr = new_ptr # Repackage input image pairs as np.ndarray x = np.array([img_pairs[idx] for idx in indices]) # Make input samples conform to the network's requirements # x: [batch_size,2,H,W,3] uint8; x_adapt: [batch_size,2,H,W,3] float32 x_adapt, x_adapt_info = self.adapt_x(x) if x_adapt_info is not None: y_adapt_info = (x_adapt_info[0], x_adapt_info[2], x_adapt_info[3], 2) else: y_adapt_info = None # Run the adapted samples through the network feed_dict = {self.x_tnsr: x_adapt} y_hat = self.sess.run(self.y_hat_test_tnsr, feed_dict=feed_dict) y_hats, _ = self.postproc_y_hat_test(y_hat, y_adapt_info) # Return flat list of predicted labels for y_hat in y_hats: preds.append(y_hat) return preds[0:test_size] ### # PWC-Net pyramid helpers ### def extract_features(self, x_tnsr, name='featpyr'): """Extract pyramid of features Args: x_tnsr: Input tensor (input pair of images in [batch_size, 2, H, W, 3] format) name: Variable scope name Returns: c1, c2: Feature pyramids Ref: Per page 3 of paper, section "Feature pyramid extractor," given two input images I1 and I2, we generate L-level pyramids of feature representations, with the bottom (zeroth) level being the input images, i.e., Ct<sup>0</sup> = It. To generate feature representation at the l-th layer, Ct<sup>l</sup>, we use layers of convolutional filters to downsample the features at the (l−1)th pyramid level, Ct<sup>l-1</sup>, by a factor of 2. From the first to the sixth levels, the number of feature channels are respectively 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, and 196. Also see page 15 of paper for a rendering of the network architecture. Per page 15, individual images of the image pair are encoded using the same Siamese network. Each convolution is followed by a leaky ReLU unit. The convolutional layer and the x2 downsampling layer at each level is implemented using a single convolutional layer with a stride of 2. Note that Figure 4 on page 15 differs from the PyTorch implementation in two ways: - It's missing a convolution layer at the end of each conv block - It shows a number of filters of 192 (instead of 196) at the end of the last conv block Ref PyTorch code: def conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, bias=True), nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)) [...] self.conv1a = conv(3, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv1aa = conv(16, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv1b = conv(16, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2a = conv(16, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv2aa = conv(32, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2b = conv(32, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3a = conv(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv3aa = conv(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3b = conv(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4a = conv(64, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv4aa = conv(96, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4b = conv(96, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5a = conv(96, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv5aa = conv(128,128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5b = conv(128,128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6aa = conv(128,196, kernel_size=3, stride=2) self.conv6a = conv(196,196, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6b = conv(196,196, kernel_size=3, stride=1) [...] c11 = self.conv1b(self.conv1aa(self.conv1a(im1))) # Higher-res c21 = self.conv1b(self.conv1aa(self.conv1a(im2))) c12 = self.conv2b(self.conv2aa(self.conv2a(c11))) c22 = self.conv2b(self.conv2aa(self.conv2a(c21))) c13 = self.conv3b(self.conv3aa(self.conv3a(c12))) c23 = self.conv3b(self.conv3aa(self.conv3a(c22))) c14 = self.conv4b(self.conv4aa(self.conv4a(c13))) c24 = self.conv4b(self.conv4aa(self.conv4a(c23))) c15 = self.conv5b(self.conv5aa(self.conv5a(c14))) c25 = self.conv5b(self.conv5aa(self.conv5a(c24))) c16 = self.conv6b(self.conv6a(self.conv6aa(c15))) c26 = self.conv6b(self.conv6a(self.conv6aa(c25))) # Lower-res Ref Caffee code: https://github.com/NVlabs/PWC-Net/blob/438ca897ae77e08f419ddce5f0d7fa63b0a27a77/Caffe/model/train.prototxt#L314-L1141 """ assert(1 <= self.opts['pyr_lvls'] <= 6) if self.dbg: print(f"Building feature pyramids (c11,c21) ... (c1{self.opts['pyr_lvls']},c2{self.opts['pyr_lvls']})") # Make the feature pyramids 1-based for better readability down the line num_chann = [None, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 196] c1, c2 = [None], [None] init = tf.keras.initializers.he_normal() with tf.variable_scope(name): for pyr, x, reuse, name in zip([c1, c2], [x_tnsr[:, 0], x_tnsr[:, 1]], [None, True], ['c1', 'c2']): # pyr = c1 == [None], x = x_tnsr[:, 0] 1st frame [batch_size,H,W,3], reuse = None, name = 'c1' # pyr = c2 == [None], x = x_tnsr[:, 1] 2nd frame [batch_size,H,W,3], reuse = True, name = 'c2' for lvl in range(1, self.opts['pyr_lvls'] + 1): # 123456 # tf.layers.conv2d(inputs, filters, kernel_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', ... , name, reuse) # reuse is set to True because we want to learn a single set of weights for the pyramid # reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse the weights of a previous layer by the same name. # kernel_initializer = 'he_normal' or tf.keras.initializers.he_normal(seed=None) f = num_chann[lvl] x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=x, filters=f, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding='same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}a', reuse=reuse) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(features=x, alpha=0.1) # , name=f'relu{lvl+1}a') # default alpha is 0.2 for TF x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=x, filters=f, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}aa', reuse=reuse) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(features=x, alpha=0.1) # , name=f'relu{lvl+1}aa') x = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=x, filters=f, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}b', reuse=reuse) x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(features=x, alpha=0.1, name=f'{name}{lvl}') pyr.append(x) return c1, c2 ### # PWC-Net warping helpers ### def warp(self, c2, sc_up_flow, lvl, name='warp'): """Warp a level of Image1's feature pyramid using the upsampled flow at level+1 of Image2's pyramid. Args: c2: The level of the feature pyramid of Image2 to warp sc_up_flow: Scaled and upsampled estimated optical flow (from Image1 to Image2) used for warping lvl: Index of that level name: Op scope name Ref: Per page 4 of paper, section "Warping layer," at the l-th level, we warp features of the second image toward the first image using the x2 upsampled flow from the l+1th level: C1w<sup>l</sup>(x) = C2<sup>l</sup>(x + Up2(w<sup>l+1</sup>)(x)) where x is the pixel index and the upsampled flow Up2(w<sup>l+1</sup>) is set to be zero at the top level. We use bilinear interpolation to implement the warping operation and compute the gradients to the input CNN features and flow for backpropagation according to E. Ilg's FlowNet 2.0 paper. For non-translational motion, warping can compensate for some geometric distortions and put image patches at the right scale. Per page 3 of paper, section "3. Approach," the warping and cost volume layers have no learnable parameters and, hence, reduce the model size. Ref PyTorch code: # warp an image/tensor (im2) back to im1, according to the optical flow # x: [B, C, H, W] (im2) # flo: [B, 2, H, W] flow def warp(self, x, flo): B, C, H, W = x.size() # mesh grid xx = torch.arange(0, W).view(1,-1).repeat(H,1) yy = torch.arange(0, H).view(-1,1).repeat(1,W) xx = xx.view(1,1,H,W).repeat(B,1,1,1) yy = yy.view(1,1,H,W).repeat(B,1,1,1) grid = torch.cat((xx,yy),1).float() if x.is_cuda: grid = grid.cuda() vgrid = Variable(grid) + flo # scale grid to [-1,1] vgrid[:,0,:,:] = 2.0*vgrid[:,0,:,:]/max(W-1,1)-1.0 vgrid[:,1,:,:] = 2.0*vgrid[:,1,:,:]/max(H-1,1)-1.0 vgrid = vgrid.permute(0,2,3,1) output = nn.functional.grid_sample(x, vgrid) mask = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.ones(x.size())).cuda() mask = nn.functional.grid_sample(mask, vgrid) mask[mask<0.9999] = 0 mask[mask>0] = 1 return output*mask [...] warp5 = self.warp(c25, up_flow6*0.625) warp4 = self.warp(c24, up_flow5*1.25) warp3 = self.warp(c23, up_flow4*2.5) warp2 = self.warp(c22, up_flow3*5.0) Ref TF documentation: tf.contrib.image.dense_image_warp(image, flow, name='dense_image_warp') https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/image/dense_image_warp https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/contrib/image/python/kernel_tests/dense_image_warp_test.py Other implementations: https://github.com/bryanyzhu/deepOF/blob/master/flyingChairsWrapFlow.py https://github.com/bryanyzhu/deepOF/blob/master/ucf101wrapFlow.py https://github.com/rajat95/Optical-Flow-Warping-Tensorflow/blob/master/warp.py """ op_name = f'{name}{lvl}' if self.dbg: msg = f'Adding {op_name} with inputs {c2.op.name} and {sc_up_flow.op.name}' print(msg) with tf.name_scope(name): return dense_image_warp(c2, sc_up_flow, name=op_name) def deconv(self, x, lvl, name='up_flow'): """Upsample, not using a bilinear filter, but rather learn the weights of a conv2d_transpose op filters. Args: x: Level features or flow to upsample lvl: Index of that level name: Op scope name Ref PyTorch code: def deconv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1): return nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias=True) [...] self.deconv6 = deconv(2, 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) self.upfeat6 = deconv(od+dd[4], 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) ... self.deconv5 = deconv(2, 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) self.upfeat5 = deconv(od+dd[4], 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) ... self.deconv4 = deconv(2, 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) self.upfeat4 = deconv(od+dd[4], 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) ... self.deconv3 = deconv(2, 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) self.upfeat3 = deconv(od+dd[4], 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) ... self.deconv2 = deconv(2, 2, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1) [...] up_flow6 = self.deconv6(flow6) up_feat6 = self.upfeat6(x) ... up_flow5 = self.deconv5(flow5) up_feat5 = self.upfeat5(x) ... up_flow4 = self.deconv4(flow4) up_feat4 = self.upfeat4(x) ... up_flow3 = self.deconv3(flow3) up_feat3 = self.upfeat3(x) """ op_name = f'{name}{lvl}' if self.dbg: print(f'Adding {op_name} with input {x.op.name}') with tf.variable_scope('upsample'): # tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(inputs, filters, kernel_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='valid', ... , name) return tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(x, 2, 4, 2, 'same', name=op_name) ### # Cost Volume helpers ### def corr(self, c1, warp, lvl, name='corr'): """Build cost volume for associating a pixel from Image1 with its corresponding pixels in Image2. Args: c1: The level of the feature pyramid of Image1 warp: The warped level of the feature pyramid of image22 lvl: Index of that level name: Op scope name Ref: Per page 3 of paper, section "Cost Volume," a cost volume stores the data matching costs for associating a pixel from Image1 with its corresponding pixels in Image2. Most traditional optical flow techniques build the full cost volume at a single scale, which is both computationally expensive and memory intensive. By contrast, PWC-Net constructs a partial cost volume at multiple pyramid levels. The matching cost is implemented as the correlation between features of the first image and warped features of the second image: CV<sup>l</sup>(x1,x2) = (C1<sup>l</sup>(x1))<sup>T</sup> . Cw<sup>l</sup>(x2) / N where where T is the transpose operator and N is the length of the column vector C1<sup>l</sup>(x1). For an L-level pyramid, we only need to compute a partial cost volume with a limited search range of d pixels. A one-pixel motion at the top level corresponds to 2**(L−1) pixels at the full resolution images. Thus we can set d to be small, e.g. d=4. The dimension of the 3D cost volume is d**2 × Hl × Wl, where Hl and Wl denote the height and width of the L-th pyramid level, respectively. Per page 3 of paper, section "3. Approach," the warping and cost volume layers have no learnable parameters and, hence, reduce the model size. Per page 5 of paper, section "Implementation details," we use a search range of 4 pixels to compute the cost volume at each level. Ref PyTorch code: from correlation_package.modules.corr import Correlation self.corr = Correlation(pad_size=md, kernel_size=1, max_displacement=4, stride1=1, stride2=1, corr_multiply=1) [...] corr6 = self.corr(c16, c26) corr6 = self.leakyRELU(corr6) ... corr5 = self.corr(c15, warp5) corr5 = self.leakyRELU(corr5) ... corr4 = self.corr(c14, warp4) corr4 = self.leakyRELU(corr4) ... corr3 = self.corr(c13, warp3) corr3 = self.leakyRELU(corr3) ... corr2 = self.corr(c12, warp2) corr2 = self.leakyRELU(corr2) """ op_name = f'corr{lvl}' if self.dbg: print(f'Adding {op_name} with inputs {c1.op.name} and {warp.op.name}') with tf.name_scope(name): return cost_volume(c1, warp, self.opts['search_range'], op_name) ### # Optical flow estimator helpers ### def predict_flow(self, corr, c1, up_flow, up_feat, lvl, name='predict_flow'): """Estimate optical flow. Args: corr: The cost volume at level lvl c1: The level of the feature pyramid of Image1 up_flow: An upsampled version of the predicted flow from the previous level up_feat: An upsampled version of the features that were used to generate the flow prediction lvl: Index of the level name: Op scope name Args: upfeat: The features used to generate the predicted flow flow: The predicted flow Ref: Per page 4 of paper, section "Optical flow estimator," the optical flow estimator is a multi-layer CNN. Its input are the cost volume, features of the first image, and upsampled optical flow and its output is the flow w<sup>l</sup> at the l-th level. The numbers of feature channels at each convolutional layers are respectively 128, 128, 96, 64, and 32, which are kept fixed at all pyramid levels. The estimators at different levels have their own parameters instead of sharing the same parameters. This estimation process is repeated until the desired level, l0. Per page 5 of paper, section "Implementation details," we use a 7-level pyramid and set l0 to be 2, i.e., our model outputs a quarter resolution optical flow and uses bilinear interpolation to obtain the full-resolution optical flow. The estimator architecture can be enhanced with DenseNet connections. The inputs to every convolutional layer are the output of and the input to its previous layer. DenseNet has more direct connections than traditional layers and leads to significant improvement in image classification. Note that we do not use DenseNet connections in this implementation because a) they increase the size of the model, and, b) per page 7 of paper, section "Optical flow estimator," removing the DenseNet connections results in higher training error but lower validation errors when the model is trained on FlyingChairs (that being said, after the model is fine-tuned on FlyingThings3D, DenseNet leads to lower errors). Ref PyTorch code: def conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, bias=True), nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)) def predict_flow(in_planes): return nn.Conv2d(in_planes,2,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1,bias=True) [...] nd = (2*md+1)**2 dd = np.cumsum([128,128,96,64,32]) od = nd self.conv6_0 = conv(od, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6_1 = conv(od+dd[0],128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6_2 = conv(od+dd[1],96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6_3 = conv(od+dd[2],64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv6_4 = conv(od+dd[3],32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.predict_flow6 = predict_flow(od+dd[4]) [...] od = nd+128+4 self.conv5_0 = conv(od, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5_1 = conv(od+dd[0],128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5_2 = conv(od+dd[1],96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5_3 = conv(od+dd[2],64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv5_4 = conv(od+dd[3],32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.predict_flow5 = predict_flow(od+dd[4]) [...] od = nd+96+4 self.conv4_0 = conv(od, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4_1 = conv(od+dd[0],128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4_2 = conv(od+dd[1],96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4_3 = conv(od+dd[2],64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv4_4 = conv(od+dd[3],32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.predict_flow4 = predict_flow(od+dd[4]) [...] od = nd+64+4 self.conv3_0 = conv(od, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3_1 = conv(od+dd[0],128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3_2 = conv(od+dd[1],96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3_3 = conv(od+dd[2],64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv3_4 = conv(od+dd[3],32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.predict_flow3 = predict_flow(od+dd[4]) [...] od = nd+32+4 self.conv2_0 = conv(od, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2_1 = conv(od+dd[0],128, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2_2 = conv(od+dd[1],96, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2_3 = conv(od+dd[2],64, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.conv2_4 = conv(od+dd[3],32, kernel_size=3, stride=1) self.predict_flow2 = predict_flow(od+dd[4]) [...] self.dc_conv1 = conv(od+dd[4], 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1) self.dc_conv2 = conv(128, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=2, dilation=2) self.dc_conv3 = conv(128, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=4, dilation=4) self.dc_conv4 = conv(128, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=8, dilation=8) self.dc_conv5 = conv(96, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=16, dilation=16) self.dc_conv6 = conv(64, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1) self.dc_conv7 = predict_flow(32) [...] x = torch.cat((self.conv6_0(corr6), corr6),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv6_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv6_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv6_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv6_4(x), x),1) flow6 = self.predict_flow6(x) ... x = torch.cat((corr5, c15, up_flow6, up_feat6), 1) x = torch.cat((self.conv5_0(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv5_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv5_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv5_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv5_4(x), x),1) flow5 = self.predict_flow5(x) ... x = torch.cat((corr4, c14, up_flow5, up_feat5), 1) x = torch.cat((self.conv4_0(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv4_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv4_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv4_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv4_4(x), x),1) flow4 = self.predict_flow4(x) ... x = torch.cat((corr3, c13, up_flow4, up_feat4), 1) x = torch.cat((self.conv3_0(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv3_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv3_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv3_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv3_4(x), x),1) flow3 = self.predict_flow3(x) ... x = torch.cat((corr2, c12, up_flow3, up_feat3), 1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_0(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_4(x), x),1) flow2 = self.predict_flow2(x) """ op_name = f'flow{lvl}' init = tf.keras.initializers.he_normal() with tf.variable_scope(name): if c1 is None and up_flow is None and up_feat is None: if self.dbg: print(f'Adding {op_name} with input {corr.op.name}') x = corr else: if self.dbg: msg = f'Adding {op_name} with inputs {corr.op.name}, {c1.op.name}, {up_flow.op.name}, {up_feat.op.name}' print(msg) x = tf.concat([corr, c1, up_flow, up_feat], axis=3) conv = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 128, 3, 1, 'same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}_0') act = tf.nn.leaky_relu(conv, alpha=0.1) # default alpha is 0.2 for TF x = tf.concat([act, x], axis=3) if self.opts['use_dense_cx'] else act conv = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 128, 3, 1, 'same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}_1') act = tf.nn.leaky_relu(conv, alpha=0.1) x = tf.concat([act, x], axis=3) if self.opts['use_dense_cx'] else act conv = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 96, 3, 1, 'same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}_2') act = tf.nn.leaky_relu(conv, alpha=0.1) x = tf.concat([act, x], axis=3) if self.opts['use_dense_cx'] else act conv = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 64, 3, 1, 'same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}_3') act = tf.nn.leaky_relu(conv, alpha=0.1) x = tf.concat([act, x], axis=3) if self.opts['use_dense_cx'] else act conv = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 3, 1, 'same', kernel_initializer=init, name=f'conv{lvl}_4') act = tf.nn.leaky_relu(conv, alpha=0.1) # will also be used as an input by the context network upfeat = tf.concat([act, x], axis=3, name=f'upfeat{lvl}') if self.opts['use_dense_cx'] else act flow = tf.layers.conv2d(upfeat, 2, 3, 1, 'same', name=op_name) return upfeat, flow ### # PWC-Net context network helpers ### def refine_flow(self, feat, flow, lvl, name='ctxt'): """Post-ptrocess the estimated optical flow using a "context" nn. Args: feat: Features of the second-to-last layer from the optical flow estimator flow: Estimated flow to refine lvl: Index of the level name: Op scope name Ref: Per page 4 of paper, section "Context network," traditional flow methods often use contextual information to post-process the flow. Thus we employ a sub-network, called the context network, to effectively enlarge the receptive field size of each output unit at the desired pyramid level. It takes the estimated flow and features of the second last layer from the optical flow estimator and outputs a refined flow. The context network is a feed-forward CNN and its design is based on dilated convolutions. It consists of 7 convolutional layers. The spatial kernel for each convolutional layer is 3×3. These layers have different dilation constants. A convolutional layer with a dilation constant k means that an input unit to a filter in the layer are k-unit apart from the other input units to the filter in the layer, both in vertical and horizontal directions. Convolutional layers with large dilation constants enlarge the receptive field of each output unit without incurring a large computational burden. From bottom to top, the dilation constants are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 1, and 1. Ref PyTorch code: def conv(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, bias=True), nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)) def predict_flow(in_planes): return nn.Conv2d(in_planes,2,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1,bias=True) [...] self.dc_conv1 = conv(od+dd[4], 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1) self.dc_conv2 = conv(128, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=2, dilation=2) self.dc_conv3 = conv(128, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=4, dilation=4) self.dc_conv4 = conv(128, 96, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=8, dilation=8) self.dc_conv5 = conv(96, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=16, dilation=16) self.dc_conv6 = conv(64, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1) self.dc_conv7 = predict_flow(32) [...] x = torch.cat((corr2, c12, up_flow3, up_feat3), 1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_0(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_1(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_2(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_3(x), x),1) x = torch.cat((self.conv2_4(x), x),1) flow2 = self.predict_flow2(x) x = self.dc_conv4(self.dc_conv3(self.dc_conv2(self.dc_conv1(x)))) flow2 += self.dc_conv7(self.dc_conv6(self.dc_conv5(x))) """ op_name = f'refined_flow{lvl}' if self.dbg: print(f'Adding {op_name} sum of dc_convs_chain({feat.op.name}) with {flow.op.name}') init = tf.keras.initializers.he_normal() with tf.variable_scope(name): x = tf.layers.conv2d(feat, 128, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=1, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}1') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) # default alpha is 0.2 for TF x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 128, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=2, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}2') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 128, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=4, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}3') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 96, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=8, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}4') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 64, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=16, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}5') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=1, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}6') x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.1) x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 2, 3, 1, 'same', dilation_rate=1, kernel_initializer=init, name=f'dc_conv{lvl}7') return tf.add(flow, x, name=op_name) ### # PWC-Net nn builder ### def nn(self, x_tnsr, name='pwcnet'): """Defines and connects the backbone neural nets Args: inputs: TF placeholder that contains the input frame pairs in [batch_size, 2, H, W, 3] format name: Name of the nn Returns: net: Output tensors of the backbone network Ref: RE: the scaling of the upsampled estimated optical flow, per page 5, section "Implementation details," we do not further scale the supervision signal at each level, the same as the FlowNet paper. As a result, we need to scale the upsampled flow at each pyramid level for the warping layer. For example, at the second level, we scale the upsampled flow from the third level by a factor of 5 (=20/4) before warping features of the second image. Based on: - https://github.com/daigo0927/PWC-Net_tf/blob/master/model.py Written by Daigo Hirooka, Copyright (c) 2018 Daigo Hirooka MIT License """ with tf.variable_scope(name): # Extract pyramids of CNN features from both input images (1-based lists)) c1, c2 = self.extract_features(x_tnsr) # print(c1) # [None, (bs, 128, 224, 16), (bs, 64, 112, 32), (bs, 32, 56, 64), (bs, 16, 28, 96), (bs, 8, 14, 128), (bs, 4, 7, 196)] flow_pyr = [] for lvl in range(self.opts['pyr_lvls'], self.opts['flow_pred_lvl'] - 1, -1): # 6,2-1,-1: 6,5,4,3,2 if lvl == self.opts['pyr_lvls']: # 6, first time in loop # Compute the cost volume corr = self.corr(c1[lvl], c2[lvl], lvl) # Estimate the optical flow upfeat, flow = self.predict_flow(corr, None, None, None, lvl) else: # Warp level of Image1's using the upsampled flow scaler = 20. / 2**lvl # scaler values are 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 warp = self.warp(c2[lvl], up_flow * scaler, lvl) # Compute the cost volume corr = self.corr(c1[lvl], warp, lvl) # Estimate the optical flow upfeat, flow = self.predict_flow(corr, c1[lvl], up_flow, up_feat, lvl) _, lvl_height, lvl_width, _ = tf.unstack(tf.shape(c1[lvl])) if lvl != self.opts['flow_pred_lvl']: # not final iteration if self.opts['use_res_cx']: flow = self.refine_flow(upfeat, flow, lvl) # Upsample predicted flow and the features used to compute predicted flow flow_pyr.append(flow) up_flow = self.deconv(flow, lvl, 'up_flow') up_feat = self.deconv(upfeat, lvl, 'up_feat') else: # Refine the final predicted flow flow = self.refine_flow(upfeat, flow, lvl) flow_pyr.append(flow) # Upsample the predicted flow (final output) to match the size of the images scaler = 2**self.opts['flow_pred_lvl'] if self.dbg: print(f'Upsampling {flow.op.name} by {scaler} in each dimension.') size = (lvl_height * scaler, lvl_width * scaler) flow_pred = tf.image.resize_bilinear(flow, size, name="flow_pred") * scaler break return flow_pred, flow_pyr
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from src.typeDefs.element import IElement class IBay(IElement): bayNumber: str stationName: str bayType: str voltage: str
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2015 Pants project contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS.md). # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import os from contextlib import contextmanager from textwrap import dedent from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_dir from pants_test.pants_run_integration_test import PantsRunIntegrationTest class JvmPlatformAnalysisIntegrationTest(PantsRunIntegrationTest): """Make sure jvm-platform-analysis runs properly, especially with respect to caching behavior.""" class JavaSandbox(object): """Testing sandbox for making temporary java_library targets.""" def __init__(self, test, workdir, javadir): self.javadir = javadir self.workdir = workdir self.test = test if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) @property def build_file_path(self): return os.path.join(self.javadir, 'BUILD') def write_build_file(self, contents): with open(self.build_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(contents) def spec(self, name): return '{}:{}'.format(self.javadir, name) def clean_all(self): return self.test.run_pants_with_workdir(['clean-all'], workdir=self.workdir) def jvm_platform_validate(self, *targets): return self.test.run_pants_with_workdir(['jvm-platform-validate', '--check=fatal'] + map(self.spec, targets), workdir=self.workdir) @contextmanager def setup_sandbox(self): with temporary_dir('.') as sourcedir: with self.temporary_workdir() as workdir: javadir = os.path.join(sourcedir, 'src', 'java') os.makedirs(javadir) yield self.JavaSandbox(self, workdir, javadir) @property def _good_one_two(self): return dedent(""" java_library(name='one', platform='1.7', ) java_library(name='two', platform='1.8', ) """) @property def _bad_one_two(self): return dedent(""" java_library(name='one', platform='1.7', dependencies=[':two'], ) java_library(name='two', platform='1.8', ) """) def test_good_targets_works_fresh(self): with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._good_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) self.assert_success(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) def test_bad_targets_fails_fresh(self): with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._bad_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) self.assert_failure(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) def test_good_then_bad(self): with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._good_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) self.assert_success(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) sandbox.write_build_file(self._bad_one_two) self.assert_failure(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) def test_bad_then_good(self): with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._bad_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) self.assert_failure(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) sandbox.write_build_file(self._good_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two')) def test_good_caching(self): # Make sure targets are cached after a good run. with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._good_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) first_run = sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two') self.assert_success(first_run) self.assertIn('Invalidated 2 targets', first_run.stdout_data) second_run = sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two') self.assert_success(second_run) self.assertNotIn('Invalidated 2 targets', second_run.stdout_data) def test_bad_caching(self): # Make sure targets aren't cached after a bad run. with self.setup_sandbox() as sandbox: sandbox.write_build_file(self._bad_one_two) self.assert_success(sandbox.clean_all()) first_run = sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two') self.assert_failure(first_run) self.assertIn('Invalidated 2 targets', first_run.stdout_data) second_run = sandbox.jvm_platform_validate('one', 'two') self.assert_failure(second_run) self.assertIn('Invalidated 2 targets', second_run.stdout_data)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# This code is part of Qiskit. # # (C) Copyright IBM 2017. # # This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may # obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this # copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating # that they have been altered from the originals. """Quantum circuit object.""" import copy import itertools import sys import warnings import numbers import multiprocessing as mp from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict import numpy as np from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError from qiskit.util import is_main_process from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction from qiskit.circuit.gate import Gate from qiskit.qasm.qasm import Qasm from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError from .parameterexpression import ParameterExpression from .quantumregister import QuantumRegister, Qubit, AncillaRegister from .classicalregister import ClassicalRegister, Clbit from .parametertable import ParameterTable from .parametervector import ParameterVector from .instructionset import InstructionSet from .register import Register from .bit import Bit from .quantumcircuitdata import QuantumCircuitData try: import pygments from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from qiskit.qasm.pygments import OpenQASMLexer # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports from qiskit.qasm.pygments import QasmTerminalStyle # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports HAS_PYGMENTS = True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except HAS_PYGMENTS = False class QuantumCircuit: """Create a new circuit. A circuit is a list of instructions bound to some registers. Args: regs: list(:class:`Register`) or list(``int``) The registers to be included in the circuit. * If a list of :class:`Register` objects, represents the :class:`QuantumRegister` and/or :class:`ClassicalRegister` objects to include in the circuit. For example: * ``QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(4))`` * ``QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(4), ClassicalRegister(3))`` * ``QuantumCircuit(QuantumRegister(4, 'qr0'), QuantumRegister(2, 'qr1'))`` * If a list of ``int``, the amount of qubits and/or classical bits to include in the circuit. It can either be a single int for just the number of quantum bits, or 2 ints for the number of quantum bits and classical bits, respectively. For example: * ``QuantumCircuit(4) # A QuantumCircuit with 4 qubits`` * ``QuantumCircuit(4, 3) # A QuantumCircuit with 4 qubits and 3 classical bits`` name (str): the name of the quantum circuit. If not set, an automatically generated string will be assigned. global_phase (float): The global phase of the circuit in radians. Raises: CircuitError: if the circuit name, if given, is not valid. Examples: Construct a simple Bell state circuit. .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit import QuantumCircuit qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0, 1) qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1]) qc.draw() Construct a 5-qubit GHZ circuit. .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit import QuantumCircuit qc = QuantumCircuit(5) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0, range(1, 5)) qc.measure_all() Construct a 4-qubit Berstein-Vazirani circuit using registers. .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit qr = QuantumRegister(3, 'q') anc = QuantumRegister(1, 'ancilla') cr = ClassicalRegister(3, 'c') qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, anc, cr) qc.x(anc[0]) qc.h(anc[0]) qc.h(qr[0:3]) qc.cx(qr[0:3], anc[0]) qc.h(qr[0:3]) qc.barrier(qr) qc.measure(qr, cr) qc.draw() """ instances = 0 prefix = 'circuit' # Class variable OPENQASM header header = "OPENQASM 2.0;" extension_lib = "include \"qelib1.inc\";" def __init__(self, *regs, name=None, global_phase=0): if any([not isinstance(reg, (QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister)) for reg in regs]): try: regs = tuple(int(reg) for reg in regs) except Exception: raise CircuitError("Circuit args must be Registers or be castable to an int" + "(%s '%s' was provided)" % ([type(reg).__name__ for reg in regs], regs)) if name is None: name = self.cls_prefix() + str(self.cls_instances()) if sys.platform != "win32" and not is_main_process(): name += '-{}'.format(mp.current_process().pid) self._increment_instances() if not isinstance(name, str): raise CircuitError("The circuit name should be a string " "(or None to auto-generate a name).") self.name = name # Data contains a list of instructions and their contexts, # in the order they were applied. self._data = [] # This is a map of registers bound to this circuit, by name. self.qregs = [] self.cregs = [] self._qubits = [] self._clbits = [] self._ancillas = [] self._calibrations = defaultdict(dict) self.add_register(*regs) # Parameter table tracks instructions with variable parameters. self._parameter_table = ParameterTable() self._layout = None self._global_phase = 0 self.global_phase = global_phase @property def data(self): """Return the circuit data (instructions and context). Returns: QuantumCircuitData: a list-like object containing the tuples for the circuit's data. Each tuple is in the format ``(instruction, qargs, cargs)``, where instruction is an Instruction (or subclass) object, qargs is a list of Qubit objects, and cargs is a list of Clbit objects. """ return QuantumCircuitData(self) @property def calibrations(self): """Return calibration dictionary. The custom pulse definition of a given gate is of the form {'gate_name': {(qubits, params): schedule}} """ return dict(self._calibrations) @data.setter def data(self, data_input): """Sets the circuit data from a list of instructions and context. Args: data_input (list): A list of instructions with context in the format (instruction, qargs, cargs), where Instruction is an Instruction (or subclass) object, qargs is a list of Qubit objects, and cargs is a list of Clbit objects. """ # If data_input is QuantumCircuitData(self), clearing self._data # below will also empty data_input, so make a shallow copy first. data_input = data_input.copy() self._data = [] self._parameter_table = ParameterTable() for inst, qargs, cargs in data_input: self.append(inst, qargs, cargs) def __str__(self): return str(self.draw(output='text')) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, QuantumCircuit): return False # TODO: remove the DAG from this function from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag return circuit_to_dag(self) == circuit_to_dag(other) @classmethod def _increment_instances(cls): cls.instances += 1 @classmethod def cls_instances(cls): """Return the current number of instances of this class, useful for auto naming.""" return cls.instances @classmethod def cls_prefix(cls): """Return the prefix to use for auto naming.""" return cls.prefix def has_register(self, register): """ Test if this circuit has the register r. Args: register (Register): a quantum or classical register. Returns: bool: True if the register is contained in this circuit. """ has_reg = False if (isinstance(register, QuantumRegister) and register in self.qregs): has_reg = True elif (isinstance(register, ClassicalRegister) and register in self.cregs): has_reg = True return has_reg def mirror(self): """DEPRECATED: use circuit.reverse_ops(). Returns: QuantumCircuit: the reversed circuit. """ warnings.warn('circuit.mirror() is deprecated. Use circuit.reverse_ops() to ' 'reverse the order of gates.', DeprecationWarning) return self.reverse_ops() def reverse_ops(self): """Reverse the circuit by reversing the order of instructions. This is done by recursively reversing all instructions. It does not invert (adjoint) any gate. Returns: QuantumCircuit: the reversed circuit. Examples: input: ┌───┐ q_0: ┤ H ├─────■────── └───┘┌────┴─────┐ q_1: ─────┤ RX(1.57) ├ └──────────┘ output: ┌───┐ q_0: ─────■──────┤ H ├ ┌────┴─────┐└───┘ q_1: ┤ RX(1.57) ├───── └──────────┘ """ reverse_circ = QuantumCircuit(*self.qregs, *self.cregs, name=self.name + '_reverse') for inst, qargs, cargs in reversed(self.data): reverse_circ._append(inst.reverse_ops(), qargs, cargs) return reverse_circ def reverse_bits(self): """Return a circuit with the opposite order of wires. The circuit is "vertically" flipped. If a circuit is defined over multiple registers, the resulting circuit will have the same registers but with their order flipped. This method is useful for converting a circuit written in little-endian convention to the big-endian equivalent, and vice versa. Returns: QuantumCircuit: the circuit with reversed bit order. Examples: input: ┌───┐ q_0: ┤ H ├─────■────── └───┘┌────┴─────┐ q_1: ─────┤ RX(1.57) ├ └──────────┘ output: ┌──────────┐ q_0: ─────┤ RX(1.57) ├ ┌───┐└────┬─────┘ q_1: ┤ H ├─────■────── └───┘ """ circ = QuantumCircuit(*reversed(self.qregs), *reversed(self.cregs), name=self.name) num_qubits = self.num_qubits num_clbits = self.num_clbits old_qubits = self.qubits old_clbits = self.clbits new_qubits = circ.qubits new_clbits = circ.clbits for inst, qargs, cargs in self.data: new_qargs = [new_qubits[num_qubits - old_qubits.index(q) - 1] for q in qargs] new_cargs = [new_clbits[num_clbits - old_clbits.index(c) - 1] for c in cargs] circ._append(inst, new_qargs, new_cargs) return circ def inverse(self): """Invert (take adjoint of) this circuit. This is done by recursively inverting all gates. Returns: QuantumCircuit: the inverted circuit Raises: CircuitError: if the circuit cannot be inverted. Examples: input: ┌───┐ q_0: ┤ H ├─────■────── └───┘┌────┴─────┐ q_1: ─────┤ RX(1.57) ├ └──────────┘ output: ┌───┐ q_0: ──────■──────┤ H ├ ┌─────┴─────┐└───┘ q_1: ┤ RX(-1.57) ├───── └───────────┘ """ inverse_circ = QuantumCircuit(*self.qregs, *self.cregs, name=self.name + '_dg', global_phase=-self.global_phase) for inst, qargs, cargs in reversed(self._data): inverse_circ._append(inst.inverse(), qargs, cargs) return inverse_circ def repeat(self, reps): """Repeat this circuit ``reps`` times. Args: reps (int): How often this circuit should be repeated. Returns: QuantumCircuit: A circuit containing ``reps`` repetitions of this circuit. """ repeated_circ = QuantumCircuit(*self.qregs, *self.cregs, name=self.name + '**{}'.format(reps), global_phase=reps * self.global_phase) # benefit of appending instructions: decomposing shows the subparts, i.e. the power # is actually `reps` times this circuit, and it is currently much faster than `compose`. if reps > 0: try: # try to append as gate if possible to not disallow to_gate inst = self.to_gate() except QiskitError: inst = self.to_instruction() for _ in range(reps): repeated_circ._append(inst, self.qubits, self.clbits) return repeated_circ def power(self, power, matrix_power=False): """Raise this circuit to the power of ``power``. If ``power`` is a positive integer and ``matrix_power`` is ``False``, this implementation defaults to calling ``repeat``. Otherwise, if the circuit is unitary, the matrix is computed to calculate the matrix power. Args: power (int): The power to raise this circuit to. matrix_power (bool): If True, the circuit is converted to a matrix and then the matrix power is computed. If False, and ``power`` is a positive integer, the implementation defaults to ``repeat``. Raises: CircuitError: If the circuit needs to be converted to a gate but it is not unitary. Returns: QuantumCircuit: A circuit implementing this circuit raised to the power of ``power``. """ if power >= 0 and isinstance(power, numbers.Integral) and not matrix_power: return self.repeat(power) # attempt conversion to gate if len(self.parameters) > 0: raise CircuitError('Cannot raise a parameterized circuit to a non-positive power ' 'or matrix-power, please bind the free parameters: ' '{}'.format(self.parameters)) try: gate = self.to_gate() except QiskitError: raise CircuitError('The circuit contains non-unitary operations and cannot be ' 'controlled. Note that no qiskit.circuit.Instruction objects may ' 'be in the circuit for this operation.') power_circuit = QuantumCircuit(*self.qregs, *self.cregs) power_circuit.append(gate.power(power), list(range(gate.num_qubits))) return power_circuit def control(self, num_ctrl_qubits=1, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Control this circuit on ``num_ctrl_qubits`` qubits. Args: num_ctrl_qubits (int): The number of control qubits. label (str): An optional label to give the controlled operation for visualization. ctrl_state (str or int): The control state in decimal or as a bitstring (e.g. '111'). If None, use ``2**num_ctrl_qubits - 1``. Returns: QuantumCircuit: The controlled version of this circuit. Raises: CircuitError: If the circuit contains a non-unitary operation and cannot be controlled. """ try: gate = self.to_gate() except QiskitError: raise CircuitError('The circuit contains non-unitary operations and cannot be ' 'controlled. Note that no qiskit.circuit.Instruction objects may ' 'be in the circuit for this operation.') controlled_gate = gate.control(num_ctrl_qubits, label, ctrl_state) control_qreg = QuantumRegister(num_ctrl_qubits) controlled_circ = QuantumCircuit(control_qreg, *self.qregs, name='c_{}'.format(self.name)) controlled_circ.append(controlled_gate, controlled_circ.qubits) return controlled_circ def combine(self, rhs): """Append rhs to self if self contains compatible registers. Two circuits are compatible if they contain the same registers or if they contain different registers with unique names. The returned circuit will contain all unique registers between both circuits. Return self + rhs as a new object. Args: rhs (QuantumCircuit): The quantum circuit to append to the right hand side. Returns: QuantumCircuit: Returns a new QuantumCircuit object Raises: QiskitError: if the rhs circuit is not compatible """ # Check registers in LHS are compatible with RHS self._check_compatible_regs(rhs) # Make new circuit with combined registers combined_qregs = copy.deepcopy(self.qregs) combined_cregs = copy.deepcopy(self.cregs) for element in rhs.qregs: if element not in self.qregs: combined_qregs.append(element) for element in rhs.cregs: if element not in self.cregs: combined_cregs.append(element) circuit = QuantumCircuit(*combined_qregs, *combined_cregs) for instruction_context in itertools.chain(self.data, rhs.data): circuit._append(*instruction_context) circuit.global_phase = self.global_phase + rhs.global_phase return circuit def extend(self, rhs): """Append QuantumCircuit to the right hand side if it contains compatible registers. Two circuits are compatible if they contain the same registers or if they contain different registers with unique names. The returned circuit will contain all unique registers between both circuits. Modify and return self. Args: rhs (QuantumCircuit): The quantum circuit to append to the right hand side. Returns: QuantumCircuit: Returns this QuantumCircuit object (which has been modified) Raises: QiskitError: if the rhs circuit is not compatible """ # Check registers in LHS are compatible with RHS self._check_compatible_regs(rhs) # Add new registers for element in rhs.qregs: if element not in self.qregs: self.qregs.append(element) for element in rhs.cregs: if element not in self.cregs: self.cregs.append(element) # Copy the circuit data if rhs and self are the same, otherwise the data of rhs is # appended to both self and rhs resulting in an infinite loop data = rhs.data.copy() if rhs is self else rhs.data # Add new gates for instruction_context in data: self._append(*instruction_context) self.global_phase += rhs.global_phase return self def compose(self, other, qubits=None, clbits=None, front=False, inplace=False): """Compose circuit with ``other`` circuit or instruction, optionally permuting wires. ``other`` can be narrower or of equal width to ``self``. Args: other (qiskit.circuit.Instruction or QuantumCircuit or BaseOperator): (sub)circuit to compose onto self. qubits (list[Qubit|int]): qubits of self to compose onto. clbits (list[Clbit|int]): clbits of self to compose onto. front (bool): If True, front composition will be performed (not implemented yet). inplace (bool): If True, modify the object. Otherwise return composed circuit. Returns: QuantumCircuit: the composed circuit (returns None if inplace==True). Raises: CircuitError: if composing on the front. QiskitError: if ``other`` is wider or there are duplicate edge mappings. Examples: >>> lhs.compose(rhs, qubits=[3, 2], inplace=True) .. parsed-literal:: ┌───┐ ┌─────┐ ┌───┐ lqr_1_0: ───┤ H ├─── rqr_0: ──■──┤ Tdg ├ lqr_1_0: ───┤ H ├─────────────── ├───┤ ┌─┴─┐└─────┘ ├───┤ lqr_1_1: ───┤ X ├─── rqr_1: ┤ X ├─────── lqr_1_1: ───┤ X ├─────────────── ┌──┴───┴──┐ └───┘ ┌──┴───┴──┐┌───┐ lqr_1_2: ┤ U1(0.1) ├ + = lqr_1_2: ┤ U1(0.1) ├┤ X ├─────── └─────────┘ └─────────┘└─┬─┘┌─────┐ lqr_2_0: ─────■───── lqr_2_0: ─────■───────■──┤ Tdg ├ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ └─────┘ lqr_2_1: ───┤ X ├─── lqr_2_1: ───┤ X ├─────────────── └───┘ └───┘ lcr_0: 0 ═══════════ lcr_0: 0 ═══════════════════════ lcr_1: 0 ═══════════ lcr_1: 0 ═══════════════════════ """ if inplace: dest = self else: dest = self.copy() if not isinstance(other, QuantumCircuit): if front: dest.data.insert(0, (other, qubits, clbits)) else: dest.append(other, qargs=qubits, cargs=clbits) if inplace: return None return dest instrs = other.data if other.num_qubits > self.num_qubits or \ other.num_clbits > self.num_clbits: raise CircuitError("Trying to compose with another QuantumCircuit " "which has more 'in' edges.") # number of qubits and clbits must match number in circuit or None identity_qubit_map = dict(zip(other.qubits, self.qubits)) identity_clbit_map = dict(zip(other.clbits, self.clbits)) if qubits is None: qubit_map = identity_qubit_map elif len(qubits) != len(other.qubits): raise CircuitError("Number of items in qubits parameter does not" " match number of qubits in the circuit.") else: qubit_map = {other.qubits[i]: (self.qubits[q] if isinstance(q, int) else q) for i, q in enumerate(qubits)} if clbits is None: clbit_map = identity_clbit_map elif len(clbits) != len(other.clbits): raise CircuitError("Number of items in clbits parameter does not" " match number of clbits in the circuit.") else: clbit_map = {other.clbits[i]: (self.clbits[c] if isinstance(c, int) else c) for i, c in enumerate(clbits)} edge_map = {**qubit_map, **clbit_map} or {**identity_qubit_map, **identity_clbit_map} mapped_instrs = [] for instr, qargs, cargs in instrs: n_qargs = [edge_map[qarg] for qarg in qargs] n_cargs = [edge_map[carg] for carg in cargs] n_instr = instr.copy() if instr.condition is not None: from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit # pylint: disable=cyclic-import n_instr.condition = DAGCircuit._map_condition(edge_map, instr.condition) mapped_instrs.append((n_instr, n_qargs, n_cargs)) if front: dest._data = mapped_instrs + dest._data else: dest._data += mapped_instrs for instr, _, _ in mapped_instrs: dest._update_parameter_table(instr) dest.global_phase += other.global_phase if inplace: return None return dest @property def qubits(self): """ Returns a list of quantum bits in the order that the registers were added. """ return self._qubits @property def clbits(self): """ Returns a list of classical bits in the order that the registers were added. """ return self._clbits @property def ancillas(self): """ Returns a list of ancilla bits in the order that the registers were added. """ return self._ancillas def __add__(self, rhs): """Overload + to implement self.combine.""" return self.combine(rhs) def __iadd__(self, rhs): """Overload += to implement self.extend.""" return self.extend(rhs) def __len__(self): """Return number of operations in circuit.""" return len(self._data) def __getitem__(self, item): """Return indexed operation.""" return self._data[item] @staticmethod def cast(value, _type): """Best effort to cast value to type. Otherwise, returns the value.""" try: return _type(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value @staticmethod def _bit_argument_conversion(bit_representation, in_array): ret = None try: if isinstance(bit_representation, Bit): # circuit.h(qr[0]) -> circuit.h([qr[0]]) ret = [bit_representation] elif isinstance(bit_representation, Register): # circuit.h(qr) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) ret = bit_representation[:] elif isinstance(QuantumCircuit.cast(bit_representation, int), int): # circuit.h(0) -> circuit.h([qr[0]]) ret = [in_array[bit_representation]] elif isinstance(bit_representation, slice): # circuit.h(slice(0,2)) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) ret = in_array[bit_representation] elif isinstance(bit_representation, list) and \ all(isinstance(bit, Bit) for bit in bit_representation): # circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) ret = bit_representation elif isinstance(QuantumCircuit.cast(bit_representation, list), (range, list)): # circuit.h([0, 1]) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) # circuit.h(range(0,2)) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) # circuit.h([qr[0],1]) -> circuit.h([qr[0], qr[1]]) ret = [index if isinstance(index, Bit) else in_array[ index] for index in bit_representation] else: raise CircuitError('Not able to expand a %s (%s)' % (bit_representation, type(bit_representation))) except IndexError: raise CircuitError('Index out of range.') except TypeError: raise CircuitError('Type error handling %s (%s)' % (bit_representation, type(bit_representation))) return ret def qbit_argument_conversion(self, qubit_representation): """ Converts several qubit representations (such as indexes, range, etc.) into a list of qubits. Args: qubit_representation (Object): representation to expand Returns: List(tuple): Where each tuple is a qubit. """ return QuantumCircuit._bit_argument_conversion(qubit_representation, self.qubits) def cbit_argument_conversion(self, clbit_representation): """ Converts several classical bit representations (such as indexes, range, etc.) into a list of classical bits. Args: clbit_representation (Object): representation to expand Returns: List(tuple): Where each tuple is a classical bit. """ return QuantumCircuit._bit_argument_conversion(clbit_representation, self.clbits) def append(self, instruction, qargs=None, cargs=None): """Append one or more instructions to the end of the circuit, modifying the circuit in place. Expands qargs and cargs. Args: instruction (qiskit.circuit.Instruction): Instruction instance to append qargs (list(argument)): qubits to attach instruction to cargs (list(argument)): clbits to attach instruction to Returns: qiskit.circuit.Instruction: a handle to the instruction that was just added Raises: CircuitError: if object passed is a subclass of Instruction CircuitError: if object passed is neither subclass nor an instance of Instruction """ # Convert input to instruction if not isinstance(instruction, Instruction) and not hasattr(instruction, 'to_instruction'): if issubclass(instruction, Instruction): raise CircuitError('Object is a subclass of Instruction, please add () to ' 'pass an instance of this object.') raise CircuitError('Object to append must be an Instruction or ' 'have a to_instruction() method.') if not isinstance(instruction, Instruction) and hasattr(instruction, "to_instruction"): instruction = instruction.to_instruction() expanded_qargs = [self.qbit_argument_conversion(qarg) for qarg in qargs or []] expanded_cargs = [self.cbit_argument_conversion(carg) for carg in cargs or []] instructions = InstructionSet() for (qarg, carg) in instruction.broadcast_arguments(expanded_qargs, expanded_cargs): instructions.add(self._append(instruction, qarg, carg), qarg, carg) return instructions def _append(self, instruction, qargs, cargs): """Append an instruction to the end of the circuit, modifying the circuit in place. Args: instruction (Instruction or Operator): Instruction instance to append qargs (list(tuple)): qubits to attach instruction to cargs (list(tuple)): clbits to attach instruction to Returns: Instruction: a handle to the instruction that was just added Raises: CircuitError: if the gate is of a different shape than the wires it is being attached to. """ if not isinstance(instruction, Instruction): raise CircuitError('object is not an Instruction.') # do some compatibility checks self._check_dups(qargs) self._check_qargs(qargs) self._check_cargs(cargs) # add the instruction onto the given wires instruction_context = instruction, qargs, cargs self._data.append(instruction_context) self._update_parameter_table(instruction) return instruction def _update_parameter_table(self, instruction): for param_index, param in enumerate(instruction.params): if isinstance(param, ParameterExpression): current_parameters = self._parameter_table for parameter in param.parameters: if parameter in current_parameters: if not self._check_dup_param_spec(self._parameter_table[parameter], instruction, param_index): self._parameter_table[parameter].append((instruction, param_index)) else: if parameter.name in self._parameter_table.get_names(): raise CircuitError( 'Name conflict on adding parameter: {}'.format(parameter.name)) self._parameter_table[parameter] = [(instruction, param_index)] return instruction def _check_dup_param_spec(self, parameter_spec_list, instruction, param_index): for spec in parameter_spec_list: if spec[0] is instruction and spec[1] == param_index: return True return False def add_register(self, *regs): """Add registers.""" if not regs: return if any([isinstance(reg, int) for reg in regs]): # QuantumCircuit defined without registers if len(regs) == 1 and isinstance(regs[0], int): # QuantumCircuit with anonymous quantum wires e.g. QuantumCircuit(2) regs = (QuantumRegister(regs[0], 'q'),) elif len(regs) == 2 and all([isinstance(reg, int) for reg in regs]): # QuantumCircuit with anonymous wires e.g. QuantumCircuit(2, 3) regs = (QuantumRegister(regs[0], 'q'), ClassicalRegister(regs[1], 'c')) else: raise CircuitError("QuantumCircuit parameters can be Registers or Integers." " If Integers, up to 2 arguments. QuantumCircuit was called" " with %s." % (regs,)) for register in regs: if register.name in [reg.name for reg in self.qregs + self.cregs]: raise CircuitError("register name \"%s\" already exists" % register.name) if isinstance(register, AncillaRegister): self._ancillas.extend(register) if isinstance(register, QuantumRegister): self.qregs.append(register) self._qubits.extend(register) elif isinstance(register, ClassicalRegister): self.cregs.append(register) self._clbits.extend(register) else: raise CircuitError("expected a register") def _check_dups(self, qubits): """Raise exception if list of qubits contains duplicates.""" squbits = set(qubits) if len(squbits) != len(qubits): raise CircuitError("duplicate qubit arguments") def _check_qargs(self, qargs): """Raise exception if a qarg is not in this circuit or bad format.""" if not all(isinstance(i, Qubit) for i in qargs): raise CircuitError("qarg is not a Qubit") if not all(self.has_register(i.register) for i in qargs): raise CircuitError("register not in this circuit") def _check_cargs(self, cargs): """Raise exception if clbit is not in this circuit or bad format.""" if not all(isinstance(i, Clbit) for i in cargs): raise CircuitError("carg is not a Clbit") if not all(self.has_register(i.register) for i in cargs): raise CircuitError("register not in this circuit") def to_instruction(self, parameter_map=None): """Create an Instruction out of this circuit. Args: parameter_map(dict): For parameterized circuits, a mapping from parameters in the circuit to parameters to be used in the instruction. If None, existing circuit parameters will also parameterize the instruction. Returns: qiskit.circuit.Instruction: a composite instruction encapsulating this circuit (can be decomposed back) """ from qiskit.converters.circuit_to_instruction import circuit_to_instruction return circuit_to_instruction(self, parameter_map) def to_gate(self, parameter_map=None, label=None): """Create a Gate out of this circuit. Args: parameter_map(dict): For parameterized circuits, a mapping from parameters in the circuit to parameters to be used in the gate. If None, existing circuit parameters will also parameterize the gate. label (str): Optional gate label. Returns: Gate: a composite gate encapsulating this circuit (can be decomposed back) """ from qiskit.converters.circuit_to_gate import circuit_to_gate return circuit_to_gate(self, parameter_map, label=label) def decompose(self): """Call a decomposition pass on this circuit, to decompose one level (shallow decompose). Returns: QuantumCircuit: a circuit one level decomposed """ from qiskit.transpiler.passes.basis.decompose import Decompose from qiskit.converters.circuit_to_dag import circuit_to_dag from qiskit.converters.dag_to_circuit import dag_to_circuit pass_ = Decompose() decomposed_dag = pass_.run(circuit_to_dag(self)) return dag_to_circuit(decomposed_dag) def _check_compatible_regs(self, rhs): """Raise exception if the circuits are defined on incompatible registers""" list1 = self.qregs + self.cregs list2 = rhs.qregs + rhs.cregs for element1 in list1: for element2 in list2: if element2.name == element1.name: if element1 != element2: raise CircuitError("circuits are not compatible") @staticmethod def _get_composite_circuit_qasm_from_instruction(instruction): """Returns OpenQASM string composite circuit given an instruction. The given instruction should be the result of composite_circuit.to_instruction().""" qubit_parameters = ",".join(["q%i" % num for num in range(instruction.num_qubits)]) composite_circuit_gates = "" for data, qargs, _ in instruction.definition: gate_qargs = ",".join(["q%i" % index for index in [qubit.index for qubit in qargs]]) composite_circuit_gates += "%s %s; " % (data.qasm(), gate_qargs) qasm_string = "gate %s %s {%s}" % (instruction.name, qubit_parameters, composite_circuit_gates) return qasm_string def qasm(self, formatted=False, filename=None): """Return OpenQASM string. Parameters: formatted (bool): Return formatted Qasm string. filename (str): Save Qasm to file with name 'filename'. Returns: str: If formatted=False. Raises: ImportError: If pygments is not installed and ``formatted`` is ``True``. """ existing_gate_names = ['ch', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'crx', 'cry', 'crz', 'ccx', 'cswap', 'cu1', 'cu3', 'dcx', 'h', 'i', 'id', 'iden', 'iswap', 'ms', 'r', 'rx', 'rxx', 'ry', 'ryy', 'rz', 'rzx', 'rzz', 's', 'sdg', 'swap', 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'tdg', 'u1', 'u2', 'u3'] existing_composite_circuits = [] string_temp = self.header + "\n" string_temp += self.extension_lib + "\n" for register in self.qregs: string_temp += register.qasm() + "\n" for register in self.cregs: string_temp += register.qasm() + "\n" unitary_gates = [] for instruction, qargs, cargs in self._data: if instruction.name == 'measure': qubit = qargs[0] clbit = cargs[0] string_temp += "%s %s[%d] -> %s[%d];\n" % (instruction.qasm(), qubit.register.name, qubit.index, clbit.register.name, clbit.index) # If instruction is a composite circuit elif not isinstance(instruction, Gate) and (instruction.name not in ['barrier', 'reset']): if instruction not in existing_composite_circuits: if instruction.name in existing_gate_names: old_name = instruction.name instruction.name += "_" + str(id(instruction)) warnings.warn("A gate named {} already exists. " "We have renamed " "your gate to {}".format(old_name, instruction.name)) # Get qasm of composite circuit qasm_string = self._get_composite_circuit_qasm_from_instruction(instruction) # Insert composite circuit qasm definition right after header and extension lib string_temp = string_temp.replace(self.extension_lib, "%s\n%s" % (self.extension_lib, qasm_string)) existing_composite_circuits.append(instruction) existing_gate_names.append(instruction.name) # Insert qasm representation of the original instruction string_temp += "%s %s;\n" % (instruction.qasm(), ",".join(["%s[%d]" % (j.register.name, j.index) for j in qargs + cargs])) else: string_temp += "%s %s;\n" % (instruction.qasm(), ",".join(["%s[%d]" % (j.register.name, j.index) for j in qargs + cargs])) if instruction.name == 'unitary': unitary_gates.append(instruction) # this resets them, so if another call to qasm() is made the gate def is added again for gate in unitary_gates: gate._qasm_def_written = False if filename: with open(filename, 'w+') as file: file.write(string_temp) file.close() if formatted: if not HAS_PYGMENTS: raise ImportError("To use the formatted output pygments>2.4 " "must be installed. To install pygments run " '"pip install pygments".') code = pygments.highlight(string_temp, OpenQASMLexer(), Terminal256Formatter(style=QasmTerminalStyle)) print(code) return None else: return string_temp def draw(self, output=None, scale=None, filename=None, style=None, interactive=False, plot_barriers=True, reverse_bits=False, justify=None, vertical_compression='medium', idle_wires=True, with_layout=True, fold=None, ax=None, initial_state=False, cregbundle=True): """Draw the quantum circuit. **text**: ASCII art TextDrawing that can be printed in the console. **latex**: high-quality images compiled via LaTeX. **latex_source**: raw uncompiled LaTeX output. **matplotlib**: images with color rendered purely in Python. Args: output (str): Select the output method to use for drawing the circuit. Valid choices are ``text``, ``latex``, ``latex_source``, or ``mpl``. By default the `'text`' drawer is used unless a user config file has an alternative backend set as the default. If the output kwarg is set, that backend will always be used over the default in a user config file. scale (float): scale of image to draw (shrink if < 1) filename (str): file path to save image to style (dict or str): dictionary of style or file name of style file. This option is only used by the ``mpl`` output type. If a str is passed in that is the path to a json file which contains a dictionary of style, then that will be opened, parsed, and used as the input dict. See: :ref:`Style Dict Doc <style-dict-circ-doc>` for more information on the contents. interactive (bool): when set true show the circuit in a new window (for `mpl` this depends on the matplotlib backend being used supporting this). Note when used with either the `text` or the `latex_source` output type this has no effect and will be silently ignored. reverse_bits (bool): When set to True, reverse the bit order inside registers for the output visualization. plot_barriers (bool): Enable/disable drawing barriers in the output circuit. Defaults to True. justify (string): Options are ``left``, ``right`` or ``none``. If anything else is supplied it defaults to left justified. It refers to where gates should be placed in the output circuit if there is an option. ``none`` results in each gate being placed in its own column. vertical_compression (string): ``high``, ``medium`` or ``low``. It merges the lines generated by the ``text`` output so the drawing will take less vertical room. Default is ``medium``. Only used by the ``text`` output, will be silently ignored otherwise. idle_wires (bool): Include idle wires (wires with no circuit elements) in output visualization. Default is True. with_layout (bool): Include layout information, with labels on the physical layout. Default is True. fold (int): Sets pagination. It can be disabled using -1. In `text`, sets the length of the lines. This is useful when the drawing does not fit in the console. If None (default), it will try to guess the console width using ``shutil. get_terminal_size()``. However, if running in jupyter, the default line length is set to 80 characters. In ``mpl`` is the number of (visual) layers before folding. Default is 25. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): An optional Axes object to be used for the visualization output. If none is specified, a new matplotlib Figure will be created and used. Additionally, if specified, there will be no returned Figure since it is redundant. This is only used when the ``output`` kwarg is set to use the ``mpl`` backend. It will be silently ignored with all other outputs. initial_state (bool): Optional. Adds ``|0>`` in the beginning of the wire. Only used by the ``text``, ``latex`` and ``latex_source`` outputs. Default: ``False``. cregbundle (bool): Optional. If set True bundle classical registers. Not used by the ``matplotlib`` output. Default: ``True``. Returns: :class:`PIL.Image` or :class:`matplotlib.figure` or :class:`str` or :class:`TextDrawing`: * `PIL.Image` (output='latex') an in-memory representation of the image of the circuit diagram. * `matplotlib.figure.Figure` (output='mpl') a matplotlib figure object for the circuit diagram. * `str` (output='latex_source') The LaTeX source code for visualizing the circuit diagram. * `TextDrawing` (output='text') A drawing that can be printed as ASCII art. Raises: VisualizationError: when an invalid output method is selected ImportError: when the output methods require non-installed libraries .. _style-dict-circ-doc: **Style Dict Details** The style dict kwarg contains numerous options that define the style of the output circuit visualization. The style dict is only used by the ``mpl`` output. The options available in the style dict are defined below: Args: textcolor (str): The color code to use for text. Defaults to `'#000000'` subtextcolor (str): The color code to use for subtext. Defaults to `'#000000'` linecolor (str): The color code to use for lines. Defaults to `'#000000'` creglinecolor (str): The color code to use for classical register lines. Defaults to `'#778899'` gatetextcolor (str): The color code to use for gate text. Defaults to `'#000000'` gatefacecolor (str): The color code to use for gates. Defaults to `'#ffffff'` barrierfacecolor (str): The color code to use for barriers. Defaults to `'#bdbdbd'` backgroundcolor (str): The color code to use for the background. Defaults to `'#ffffff'` fontsize (int): The font size to use for text. Defaults to 13. subfontsize (int): The font size to use for subtext. Defaults to 8. displaytext (dict): A dictionary of the text to use for each element type in the output visualization. The default values are:: { 'id': 'id', 'u0': 'U_0', 'u1': 'U_1', 'u2': 'U_2', 'u3': 'U_3', 'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y', 'z': 'Z', 'h': 'H', 's': 'S', 'sdg': 'S^\\dagger', 't': 'T', 'tdg': 'T^\\dagger', 'rx': 'R_x', 'ry': 'R_y', 'rz': 'R_z', 'reset': '\\left|0\\right\\rangle' } You must specify all the necessary values if using this. There is no provision for passing an incomplete dict in. displaycolor (dict): The color codes to use for each circuit element. The default values are:: { 'id': '#F0E442', 'u0': '#E7AB3B', 'u1': '#E7AB3B', 'u2': '#E7AB3B', 'u3': '#E7AB3B', 'x': '#58C698', 'y': '#58C698', 'z': '#58C698', 'h': '#70B7EB', 's': '#E0722D', 'sdg': '#E0722D', 't': '#E0722D', 'tdg': '#E0722D', 'rx': '#ffffff', 'ry': '#ffffff', 'rz': '#ffffff', 'reset': '#D188B4', 'target': '#70B7EB', 'meas': '#D188B4' } Also, just like `displaytext` there is no provision for an incomplete dict passed in. latexdrawerstyle (bool): When set to True, enable LaTeX mode, which will draw gates like the `latex` output modes. usepiformat (bool): When set to True, use radians for output. fold (int): The number of circuit elements to fold the circuit at. Defaults to 20. cregbundle (bool): If set True, bundle classical registers showindex (bool): If set True, draw an index. compress (bool): If set True, draw a compressed circuit. figwidth (int): The maximum width (in inches) for the output figure. dpi (int): The DPI to use for the output image. Defaults to 150. margin (list): A list of margin values to adjust spacing around output image. Takes a list of 4 ints: [x left, x right, y bottom, y top]. creglinestyle (str): The style of line to use for classical registers. Choices are `'solid'`, `'doublet'`, or any valid matplotlib `linestyle` kwarg value. Defaults to `doublet` """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from qiskit.visualization import circuit_drawer if isinstance(output, (int, float, np.number)): warnings.warn("Setting 'scale' as the first argument is deprecated. " "Use scale=%s instead." % output, DeprecationWarning) scale = output output = None return circuit_drawer(self, scale=scale, filename=filename, style=style, output=output, interactive=interactive, plot_barriers=plot_barriers, reverse_bits=reverse_bits, justify=justify, vertical_compression=vertical_compression, idle_wires=idle_wires, with_layout=with_layout, fold=fold, ax=ax, initial_state=initial_state, cregbundle=cregbundle) def size(self): """Returns total number of gate operations in circuit. Returns: int: Total number of gate operations. """ gate_ops = 0 for instr, _, _ in self._data: if instr.name not in ['barrier', 'snapshot']: gate_ops += 1 return gate_ops def depth(self): """Return circuit depth (i.e., length of critical path). This does not include compiler or simulator directives such as 'barrier' or 'snapshot'. Returns: int: Depth of circuit. Notes: The circuit depth and the DAG depth need not be the same. """ # Labels the registers by ints # and then the qubit position in # a register is given by reg_int+qubit_num reg_offset = 0 reg_map = {} for reg in self.qregs + self.cregs: reg_map[reg.name] = reg_offset reg_offset += reg.size # If no registers return 0 if reg_offset == 0: return 0 # A list that holds the height of each qubit # and classical bit. op_stack = [0] * reg_offset # Here we are playing a modified version of # Tetris where we stack gates, but multi-qubit # gates, or measurements have a block for each # qubit or cbit that are connected by a virtual # line so that they all stacked at the same depth. # Conditional gates act on all cbits in the register # they are conditioned on. # We treat barriers or snapshots different as # They are transpiler and simulator directives. # The max stack height is the circuit depth. for instr, qargs, cargs in self._data: levels = [] reg_ints = [] # If count then add one to stack heights count = True if instr.name in ['barrier', 'snapshot']: count = False for ind, reg in enumerate(qargs + cargs): # Add to the stacks of the qubits and # cbits used in the gate. reg_ints.append(reg_map[reg.register.name] + reg.index) if count: levels.append(op_stack[reg_ints[ind]] + 1) else: levels.append(op_stack[reg_ints[ind]]) # Assuming here that there is no conditional # snapshots or barriers ever. if instr.condition: # Controls operate over all bits in the # classical register they use. cint = reg_map[instr.condition[0].name] for off in range(instr.condition[0].size): if cint + off not in reg_ints: reg_ints.append(cint + off) levels.append(op_stack[cint + off] + 1) max_level = max(levels) for ind in reg_ints: op_stack[ind] = max_level return max(op_stack) def width(self): """Return number of qubits plus clbits in circuit. Returns: int: Width of circuit. """ return sum(reg.size for reg in self.qregs + self.cregs) @property def num_qubits(self): """Return number of qubits.""" qubits = 0 for reg in self.qregs: qubits += reg.size return qubits @property def num_ancillas(self): """Return the number of ancilla qubits.""" return len(self.ancillas) @property def n_qubits(self): """Deprecated, use ``num_qubits`` instead. Return number of qubits.""" warnings.warn('The QuantumCircuit.n_qubits method is deprecated as of 0.13.0, and ' 'will be removed no earlier than 3 months after that release date. ' 'You should use the QuantumCircuit.num_qubits method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.num_qubits @property def num_clbits(self): """Return number of classical bits.""" return sum(len(reg) for reg in self.cregs) def count_ops(self): """Count each operation kind in the circuit. Returns: OrderedDict: a breakdown of how many operations of each kind, sorted by amount. """ count_ops = {} for instr, _, _ in self._data: count_ops[instr.name] = count_ops.get(instr.name, 0) + 1 return OrderedDict(sorted(count_ops.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)) def num_nonlocal_gates(self): """Return number of non-local gates (i.e. involving 2+ qubits). Conditional nonlocal gates are also included. """ multi_qubit_gates = 0 for instr, _, _ in self._data: if instr.num_qubits > 1 and instr.name not in ['barrier', 'snapshot']: multi_qubit_gates += 1 return multi_qubit_gates def num_connected_components(self, unitary_only=False): """How many non-entangled subcircuits can the circuit be factored to. Args: unitary_only (bool): Compute only unitary part of graph. Returns: int: Number of connected components in circuit. """ # Convert registers to ints (as done in depth). reg_offset = 0 reg_map = {} if unitary_only: regs = self.qregs else: regs = self.qregs + self.cregs for reg in regs: reg_map[reg.name] = reg_offset reg_offset += reg.size # Start with each qubit or cbit being its own subgraph. sub_graphs = [[bit] for bit in range(reg_offset)] num_sub_graphs = len(sub_graphs) # Here we are traversing the gates and looking to see # which of the sub_graphs the gate joins together. for instr, qargs, cargs in self._data: if unitary_only: args = qargs num_qargs = len(args) else: args = qargs + cargs num_qargs = len(args) + (1 if instr.condition else 0) if num_qargs >= 2 and instr.name not in ['barrier', 'snapshot']: graphs_touched = [] num_touched = 0 # Controls necessarily join all the cbits in the # register that they use. if instr.condition and not unitary_only: creg = instr.condition[0] creg_int = reg_map[creg.name] for coff in range(creg.size): temp_int = creg_int + coff for k in range(num_sub_graphs): if temp_int in sub_graphs[k]: graphs_touched.append(k) num_touched += 1 break for item in args: reg_int = reg_map[item.register.name] + item.index for k in range(num_sub_graphs): if reg_int in sub_graphs[k]: if k not in graphs_touched: graphs_touched.append(k) num_touched += 1 break # If the gate touches more than one subgraph # join those graphs together and return # reduced number of subgraphs if num_touched > 1: connections = [] for idx in graphs_touched: connections.extend(sub_graphs[idx]) _sub_graphs = [] for idx in range(num_sub_graphs): if idx not in graphs_touched: _sub_graphs.append(sub_graphs[idx]) _sub_graphs.append(connections) sub_graphs = _sub_graphs num_sub_graphs -= (num_touched - 1) # Cannot go lower than one so break if num_sub_graphs == 1: break return num_sub_graphs def num_unitary_factors(self): """Computes the number of tensor factors in the unitary (quantum) part of the circuit only. """ return self.num_connected_components(unitary_only=True) def num_tensor_factors(self): """Computes the number of tensor factors in the unitary (quantum) part of the circuit only. Notes: This is here for backwards compatibility, and will be removed in a future release of Qiskit. You should call `num_unitary_factors` instead. """ return self.num_unitary_factors() def copy(self, name=None): """Copy the circuit. Args: name (str): name to be given to the copied circuit. If None, then the name stays the same Returns: QuantumCircuit: a deepcopy of the current circuit, with the specified name """ cpy = copy.copy(self) # copy registers correctly, in copy.copy they are only copied via reference cpy.qregs = self.qregs.copy() cpy.cregs = self.cregs.copy() cpy._qubits = self._qubits.copy() cpy._clbits = self._clbits.copy() instr_instances = {id(instr): instr for instr, _, __ in self._data} instr_copies = {id_: instr.copy() for id_, instr in instr_instances.items()} cpy._parameter_table = ParameterTable({ param: [(instr_copies[id(instr)], param_index) for instr, param_index in self._parameter_table[param]] for param in self._parameter_table }) cpy._data = [(instr_copies[id(inst)], qargs.copy(), cargs.copy()) for inst, qargs, cargs in self._data] if name: cpy.name = name return cpy def _create_creg(self, length, name): """ Creates a creg, checking if ClassicalRegister with same name exists """ if name in [creg.name for creg in self.cregs]: save_prefix = ClassicalRegister.prefix ClassicalRegister.prefix = name new_creg = ClassicalRegister(length) ClassicalRegister.prefix = save_prefix else: new_creg = ClassicalRegister(length, name) return new_creg def _create_qreg(self, length, name): """ Creates a qreg, checking if QuantumRegister with same name exists """ if name in [qreg.name for qreg in self.qregs]: save_prefix = QuantumRegister.prefix QuantumRegister.prefix = name new_qreg = QuantumRegister(length) QuantumRegister.prefix = save_prefix else: new_qreg = QuantumRegister(length, name) return new_qreg def measure_active(self, inplace=True): """Adds measurement to all non-idle qubits. Creates a new ClassicalRegister with a size equal to the number of non-idle qubits being measured. Returns a new circuit with measurements if `inplace=False`. Parameters: inplace (bool): All measurements inplace or return new circuit. Returns: QuantumCircuit: Returns circuit with measurements when `inplace = False`. """ from qiskit.converters.circuit_to_dag import circuit_to_dag if inplace: circ = self else: circ = self.copy() dag = circuit_to_dag(circ) qubits_to_measure = [qubit for qubit in circ.qubits if qubit not in dag.idle_wires()] new_creg = circ._create_creg(len(qubits_to_measure), 'measure') circ.add_register(new_creg) circ.barrier() circ.measure(qubits_to_measure, new_creg) if not inplace: return circ else: return None def measure_all(self, inplace=True): """Adds measurement to all qubits. Creates a new ClassicalRegister with a size equal to the number of qubits being measured. Returns a new circuit with measurements if `inplace=False`. Parameters: inplace (bool): All measurements inplace or return new circuit. Returns: QuantumCircuit: Returns circuit with measurements when `inplace = False`. """ if inplace: circ = self else: circ = self.copy() new_creg = circ._create_creg(len(circ.qubits), 'meas') circ.add_register(new_creg) circ.barrier() circ.measure(circ.qubits, new_creg) if not inplace: return circ else: return None def remove_final_measurements(self, inplace=True): """Removes final measurement on all qubits if they are present. Deletes the ClassicalRegister that was used to store the values from these measurements if it is idle. Returns a new circuit without measurements if `inplace=False`. Parameters: inplace (bool): All measurements removed inplace or return new circuit. Returns: QuantumCircuit: Returns circuit with measurements removed when `inplace = False`. """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RemoveFinalMeasurements from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag if inplace: circ = self else: circ = self.copy() dag = circuit_to_dag(circ) remove_final_meas = RemoveFinalMeasurements() new_dag = remove_final_meas.run(dag) # Set circ cregs and instructions to match the new DAGCircuit's circ.data.clear() circ.cregs = list(new_dag.cregs.values()) for node in new_dag.topological_op_nodes(): qubits = [] for qubit in node.qargs: qubits.append(new_dag.qregs[qubit.register.name][qubit.index]) clbits = [] for clbit in node.cargs: clbits.append(new_dag.cregs[clbit.register.name][clbit.index]) # Get arguments for classical condition (if any) inst = node.op.copy() inst.condition = node.condition circ.append(inst, qubits, clbits) if not inplace: return circ else: return None @staticmethod def from_qasm_file(path): """Take in a QASM file and generate a QuantumCircuit object. Args: path (str): Path to the file for a QASM program Return: QuantumCircuit: The QuantumCircuit object for the input QASM """ qasm = Qasm(filename=path) return _circuit_from_qasm(qasm) @staticmethod def from_qasm_str(qasm_str): """Take in a QASM string and generate a QuantumCircuit object. Args: qasm_str (str): A QASM program string Return: QuantumCircuit: The QuantumCircuit object for the input QASM """ qasm = Qasm(data=qasm_str) return _circuit_from_qasm(qasm) @property def global_phase(self): """Return the global phase of the circuit in radians.""" return self._global_phase @global_phase.setter def global_phase(self, angle): """Set the phase of the circuit. Args: angle (float, ParameterExpression): radians """ if isinstance(angle, ParameterExpression): self._global_phase = angle else: # Set the phase to the [-2 * pi, 2 * pi] interval angle = float(angle) if not angle: self._global_phase = 0 elif angle < 0: self._global_phase = angle % (-2 * np.pi) else: self._global_phase = angle % (2 * np.pi) @property def parameters(self): """Convenience function to get the parameters defined in the parameter table.""" return self._parameter_table.get_keys() @property def num_parameters(self): """Convenience function to get the number of parameter objects in the circuit.""" return len(self.parameters) def assign_parameters(self, param_dict, inplace=False): """Assign parameters to new parameters or values. The keys of the parameter dictionary must be Parameter instances in the current circuit. The values of the dictionary can either be numeric values or new parameter objects. The values can be assigned to the current circuit object or to a copy of it. Args: param_dict (dict): A dictionary specifying the mapping from ``current_parameter`` to ``new_parameter``, where ``new_parameter`` can be a new parameter object or a numeric value. inplace (bool): If False, a copy of the circuit with the bound parameters is returned. If True the circuit instance itself is modified. Raises: CircuitError: If param_dict contains parameters not present in the circuit Returns: optional(QuantumCircuit): A copy of the circuit with bound parameters, if ``inplace`` is True, otherwise None. Examples: >>> from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Parameter >>> circuit = QuantumCircuit(2) >>> params = [Parameter('A'), Parameter('B'), Parameter('C')] >>> circuit.ry(params[0], 0) >>> circuit.crx(params[1], 0, 1) >>> circuit.draw() ┌───────┐ q_0: |0>┤ Ry(A) ├────■──── └───────┘┌───┴───┐ q_1: |0>─────────┤ Rx(B) ├ └───────┘ >>> circuit.assign_parameters({params[0]: params[2]}, inplace=True) >>> circuit.draw() ┌───────┐ q_0: |0>┤ Ry(C) ├────■──── └───────┘┌───┴───┐ q_1: |0>─────────┤ Rx(B) ├ └───────┘ >>> bound_circuit = circuit.assign_parameters({params[1]: 1, params[2]: 2}) >>> bound_circuit.draw() ┌───────┐ q_0: |0>┤ Ry(2) ├────■──── └───────┘┌───┴───┐ q_1: |0>─────────┤ Rx(1) ├ └───────┘ >>> bound_circuit.parameters # this one has no free parameters anymore set() >>> circuit.parameters # the original one is still parameterized {Parameter(A), Parameter(C)} """ # replace in self or in a copy depending on the value of in_place bound_circuit = self if inplace else self.copy() # unroll the parameter dictionary (needed if e.g. it contains a ParameterVector) unrolled_param_dict = self._unroll_param_dict(param_dict) # check that only existing parameters are in the parameter dictionary if unrolled_param_dict.keys() > self._parameter_table.keys(): raise CircuitError('Cannot bind parameters ({}) not present in the circuit.'.format( [str(p) for p in param_dict.keys() - self._parameter_table])) # replace the parameters with a new Parameter ("substitute") or numeric value ("bind") for parameter, value in unrolled_param_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, ParameterExpression): bound_circuit._substitute_parameter(parameter, value) else: bound_circuit._bind_parameter(parameter, value) del bound_circuit._parameter_table[parameter] # clear evaluated expressions return None if inplace else bound_circuit def bind_parameters(self, value_dict): """Assign numeric parameters to values yielding a new circuit. To assign new Parameter objects or bind the values in-place, without yielding a new circuit, use the assign_parameters method. Args: value_dict (dict): {parameter: value, ...} Raises: CircuitError: If value_dict contains parameters not present in the circuit TypeError: If value_dict contains a ParameterExpression in the values. Returns: QuantumCircuit: copy of self with assignment substitution. """ bound_circuit = self.copy() # unroll the parameter dictionary (needed if e.g. it contains a ParameterVector) unrolled_value_dict = self._unroll_param_dict(value_dict) # check that only existing parameters are in the parameter dictionary if len(unrolled_value_dict) > len(self._parameter_table): raise CircuitError('Cannot bind parameters ({}) not present in the circuit.'.format( [str(p) for p in value_dict.keys() - self._parameter_table.keys()])) # replace the parameters with a new Parameter ("substitute") or numeric value ("bind") for parameter, value in unrolled_value_dict.items(): bound_circuit._bind_parameter(parameter, value) del bound_circuit._parameter_table[parameter] # clear evaluated expressions return bound_circuit def _unroll_param_dict(self, value_dict): unrolled_value_dict = {} for (param, value) in value_dict.items(): if isinstance(param, ParameterExpression): unrolled_value_dict[param] = value if isinstance(param, ParameterVector): if not len(param) == len(value): raise CircuitError('ParameterVector {} has length {}, which ' 'differs from value list {} of ' 'len {}'.format(param, len(param), value, len(value))) unrolled_value_dict.update(zip(param, value)) return unrolled_value_dict def _bind_parameter(self, parameter, value): """Assigns a parameter value to matching instructions in-place.""" for (instr, param_index) in self._parameter_table[parameter]: instr.params[param_index] = instr.params[param_index].bind({parameter: value}) # For instructions which have already been defined (e.g. composite # instructions), search the definition for instances of the # parameter which also need to be bound. self._rebind_definition(instr, parameter, value) # bind circuit's phase if (isinstance(self.global_phase, ParameterExpression) and parameter in self.global_phase.parameters): self.global_phase = self.global_phase.bind({parameter: value}) def _substitute_parameter(self, old_parameter, new_parameter_expr): """Substitute an existing parameter in all circuit instructions and the parameter table.""" for instr, param_index in self._parameter_table[old_parameter]: new_param = instr.params[param_index].subs({old_parameter: new_parameter_expr}) instr.params[param_index] = new_param self._rebind_definition(instr, old_parameter, new_parameter_expr) entry = self._parameter_table.pop(old_parameter) for new_parameter in new_parameter_expr.parameters: self._parameter_table[new_parameter] = entry if (isinstance(self.global_phase, ParameterExpression) and old_parameter in self.global_phase.parameters): self.global_phase = self.global_phase.subs({old_parameter: new_parameter_expr}) def _rebind_definition(self, instruction, parameter, value): if instruction._definition: for op, _, _ in instruction._definition: for idx, param in enumerate(op.params): if isinstance(param, ParameterExpression) and parameter in param.parameters: if isinstance(value, ParameterExpression): op.params[idx] = param.subs({parameter: value}) else: op.params[idx] = param.bind({parameter: value}) self._rebind_definition(op, parameter, value) def barrier(self, *qargs): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.Barrier`. If qargs is None, applies to all.""" from .barrier import Barrier qubits = [] if not qargs: # None for qreg in self.qregs: for j in range(qreg.size): qubits.append(qreg[j]) for qarg in qargs: if isinstance(qarg, QuantumRegister): qubits.extend([qarg[j] for j in range(qarg.size)]) elif isinstance(qarg, list): qubits.extend(qarg) elif isinstance(qarg, range): qubits.extend(list(qarg)) elif isinstance(qarg, slice): qubits.extend(self.qubits[qarg]) else: qubits.append(qarg) return self.append(Barrier(len(qubits)), qubits, []) def h(self, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.HGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.h import HGate return self.append(HGate(), [qubit], []) def ch(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, # pylint: disable=invalid-name label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CHGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.h import CHGate return self.append(CHGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def i(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.IGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.i import IGate return self.append(IGate(), [qubit], []) def id(self, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.IGate`.""" return self.i(qubit) def ms(self, theta, qubits): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.MSGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.ms import MSGate return self.append(MSGate(len(qubits), theta), qubits) def p(self, theta, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.PhaseGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.p import PhaseGate return self.append(PhaseGate(theta), [qubit], []) def cp(self, theta, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CPhaseGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.p import CPhaseGate return self.append(CPhaseGate(theta, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def r(self, theta, phi, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.r import RGate return self.append(RGate(theta, phi), [qubit], []) def rccx(self, control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RCCXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.x import RCCXGate return self.append(RCCXGate(), [control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit], []) def rcccx(self, control_qubit1, control_qubit2, control_qubit3, target_qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RC3XGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.x import RC3XGate return self.append(RC3XGate(), [control_qubit1, control_qubit2, control_qubit3, target_qubit], []) def rx(self, theta, qubit, label=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rx import RXGate return self.append(RXGate(theta, label=label), [qubit], []) def crx(self, theta, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CRXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rx import CRXGate return self.append(CRXGate(theta, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def rxx(self, theta, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RXXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rxx import RXXGate return self.append(RXXGate(theta), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def ry(self, theta, qubit, label=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RYGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.ry import RYGate return self.append(RYGate(theta, label=label), [qubit], []) def cry(self, theta, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CRYGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.ry import CRYGate return self.append(CRYGate(theta, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def ryy(self, theta, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RYYGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.ryy import RYYGate return self.append(RYYGate(theta), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def rz(self, phi, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RZGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rz import RZGate return self.append(RZGate(phi), [qubit], []) def crz(self, theta, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CRZGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rz import CRZGate return self.append(CRZGate(theta, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def rzx(self, theta, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RZXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rzx import RZXGate return self.append(RZXGate(theta), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def rzz(self, theta, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.RZZGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.rzz import RZZGate return self.append(RZZGate(theta), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def s(self, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.SGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.s import SGate return self.append(SGate(), [qubit], []) def sdg(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.SdgGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.s import SdgGate return self.append(SdgGate(), [qubit], []) def swap(self, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.SwapGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.swap import SwapGate return self.append(SwapGate(), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def iswap(self, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.iSwapGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.iswap import iSwapGate return self.append(iSwapGate(), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def cswap(self, control_qubit, target_qubit1, target_qubit2, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CSwapGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.swap import CSwapGate return self.append(CSwapGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit1, target_qubit2], []) def fredkin(self, control_qubit, target_qubit1, target_qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CSwapGate`.""" return self.cswap(control_qubit, target_qubit1, target_qubit2) def sx(self, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.SXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.sx import SXGate return self.append(SXGate(), [qubit], []) def sxdg(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.SXdgGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.sx import SXdgGate return self.append(SXdgGate(), [qubit], []) def csx(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CSXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.sx import CSXGate return self.append(CSXGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def t(self, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.TGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.t import TGate return self.append(TGate(), [qubit], []) def tdg(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.TdgGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.t import TdgGate return self.append(TdgGate(), [qubit], []) def u(self, theta, phi, lam, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.UGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u import UGate return self.append(UGate(theta, phi, lam), [qubit], []) def cu(self, theta, phi, lam, gamma, # pylint: disable=invalid-name control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CUGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u import CUGate return self.append(CUGate(theta, phi, lam, gamma, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def u1(self, theta, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.U1Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u1 import U1Gate return self.append(U1Gate(theta), [qubit], []) def cu1(self, theta, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CU1Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u1 import CU1Gate return self.append(CU1Gate(theta, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def mcu1(self, lam, control_qubits, target_qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.MCU1Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u1 import MCU1Gate num_ctrl_qubits = len(control_qubits) return self.append(MCU1Gate(lam, num_ctrl_qubits), control_qubits[:] + [target_qubit], []) def u2(self, phi, lam, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.U2Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u2 import U2Gate return self.append(U2Gate(phi, lam), [qubit], []) def u3(self, theta, phi, lam, qubit): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.U3Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u3 import U3Gate return self.append(U3Gate(theta, phi, lam), [qubit], []) def cu3(self, theta, phi, lam, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CU3Gate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.u3 import CU3Gate return self.append(CU3Gate(theta, phi, lam, label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def x(self, qubit, label=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.XGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.x import XGate return self.append(XGate(label=label), [qubit], []) def cx(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, # pylint:disable=invalid-name label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.x import CXGate return self.append(CXGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def cnot(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CXGate`.""" self.cx(control_qubit, target_qubit, label, ctrl_state) def dcx(self, qubit1, qubit2): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.DCXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.dcx import DCXGate return self.append(DCXGate(), [qubit1, qubit2], []) def ccx(self, control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CCXGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.x import CCXGate return self.append(CCXGate(), [control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit], []) def toffoli(self, control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CCXGate`.""" self.ccx(control_qubit1, control_qubit2, target_qubit) def mcx(self, control_qubits, target_qubit, ancilla_qubits=None, mode='noancilla'): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.MCXGate`. The multi-cX gate can be implemented using different techniques, which use different numbers of ancilla qubits and have varying circuit depth. These modes are: - 'no-ancilla': Requires 0 ancilla qubits. - 'recursion': Requires 1 ancilla qubit if more than 4 controls are used, otherwise 0. - 'v-chain': Requires 2 less ancillas than the number of control qubits. - 'v-chain-dirty': Same as for the clean ancillas (but the circuit will be longer). """ from .library.standard_gates.x import MCXGrayCode, MCXRecursive, MCXVChain num_ctrl_qubits = len(control_qubits) available_implementations = { 'noancilla': MCXGrayCode(num_ctrl_qubits), 'recursion': MCXRecursive(num_ctrl_qubits), 'v-chain': MCXVChain(num_ctrl_qubits, False), 'v-chain-dirty': MCXVChain(num_ctrl_qubits, dirty_ancillas=True), # outdated, previous names 'advanced': MCXRecursive(num_ctrl_qubits), 'basic': MCXVChain(num_ctrl_qubits, dirty_ancillas=False), 'basic-dirty-ancilla': MCXVChain(num_ctrl_qubits, dirty_ancillas=True) } # check ancilla input if ancilla_qubits: _ = self.qbit_argument_conversion(ancilla_qubits) try: gate = available_implementations[mode] except KeyError: all_modes = list(available_implementations.keys()) raise ValueError('Unsupported mode ({}) selected, choose one of {}'.format(mode, all_modes)) if hasattr(gate, 'num_ancilla_qubits') and gate.num_ancilla_qubits > 0: required = gate.num_ancilla_qubits if ancilla_qubits is None: raise AttributeError('No ancillas provided, but {} are needed!'.format(required)) # convert ancilla qubits to a list if they were passed as int or qubit if not hasattr(ancilla_qubits, '__len__'): ancilla_qubits = [ancilla_qubits] if len(ancilla_qubits) < required: actually = len(ancilla_qubits) raise ValueError('At least {} ancillas required, but {} given.'.format(required, actually)) # size down if too many ancillas were provided ancilla_qubits = ancilla_qubits[:required] else: ancilla_qubits = [] return self.append(gate, control_qubits[:] + [target_qubit] + ancilla_qubits[:], []) def mct(self, control_qubits, target_qubit, ancilla_qubits=None, mode='noancilla'): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.MCXGate`.""" return self.mcx(control_qubits, target_qubit, ancilla_qubits, mode) def y(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.YGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.y import YGate return self.append(YGate(), [qubit], []) def cy(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, # pylint: disable=invalid-name label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CYGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.y import CYGate return self.append(CYGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def z(self, qubit): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.ZGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.z import ZGate return self.append(ZGate(), [qubit], []) def cz(self, control_qubit, target_qubit, # pylint: disable=invalid-name label=None, ctrl_state=None): """Apply :class:`~qiskit.circuit.library.CZGate`.""" from .library.standard_gates.z import CZGate return self.append(CZGate(label=label, ctrl_state=ctrl_state), [control_qubit, target_qubit], []) def add_calibration(self, gate, qubits, schedule, params=None): """Register a low-level, custom pulse definition for the given gate. Args: gate (Union[Gate, str]): Gate information. qubits (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): List of qubits to be measured. schedule (Schedule): Schedule information. params (Optional[List[Union[float, Parameter]]]): A list of parameters. Raises: Exception: if the gate is of type string and params is None. """ if isinstance(gate, Gate): self._calibrations[gate.name][(tuple(qubits), tuple(gate.params))] = schedule else: self._calibrations[gate][(tuple(qubits), tuple(params or []))] = schedule def _circuit_from_qasm(qasm): # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from qiskit.converters import ast_to_dag from qiskit.converters import dag_to_circuit ast = qasm.parse() dag = ast_to_dag(ast) return dag_to_circuit(dag)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import numpy as np import os from astronomaly.base.base_pipeline import PipelineStage try: from keras.models import load_model from keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, UpSampling2D from keras.models import Model except ImportError: print("Failed to import Keras. Deep learning will be unavailable.") class Autoencoder: def __init__(self, model_file=''): """ Class containing autoencoder training methods. Parameters ---------- model_file : string, optional Allows for loading of previously trained Keras model in HDF5 format. Note these models are very sensitive, the exact same preprocessing steps must be used to reproduce results. """ if len(model_file) != 0: try: self.autoencoder = load_model(model_file) inputs = self.autoencoder.input outputs = self.autoencoder.get_layer('encoder').output self.encoder = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) except OSError: print('Model file ', model_file, 'is invalid. Weights not loaded. New model created.') self.autoencoder = None else: self.autoencoder = None def shape_check(self, images): """ Convenience function to reshape images appropriate for deep learning. Parameters ---------- images : np.ndarray, list Array of list of images Returns ------- np.ndarray Converted array compliant with CNN """ images = np.array(images) if len(images.shape) == 2: images = images.reshape([-1, images.shape[0], images.shape[1], 1]) if len(images.shape) == 3: images = images.reshape([-1, images.shape[0], images.shape[1], images.shape[2]]) return images def compile_autoencoder_model(self, input_image_shape): """ Compiles the default autoencoder model. Note this model is designed to operate on 128x128 images. While it can run on different size images this can dramatically change the size of the final feature space. Parameters ---------- input_image_shape : tuple The expected shape of the input images. Can either be length 2 or 3 (to include number of channels). """ if len(input_image_shape) == 2: input_image_shape = (input_image_shape[0], input_image_shape[1], 1) # Assumes "channels last" format input_img = Input(shape=input_image_shape) # x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(input_img) # x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')(x) # x = Conv2D(8, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) # x = MaxPooling2D((4, 4), padding='same')(x) # x = Conv2D(8, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) # encoder = MaxPooling2D((4, 4), padding='same', name='encoder')(x) # # at this point the representation is (4, 4, 8) i.e. 128-dimensional # x = Conv2D(8, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder) # x = UpSampling2D((4, 4))(x) # x = Conv2D(8, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) # x = UpSampling2D((4, 4))(x) # x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) # x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(input_img) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')(x) x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')(x) x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same')(x) x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) encoder = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), padding='same', name='encoder')(x) # at this point the representation is (4, 4, 8) i.e. 128-dimensional x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(encoder) x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same')(x) x = UpSampling2D((2, 2))(x) decoder = Conv2D(input_image_shape[-1], (3, 3), activation='sigmoid', padding='same')(x) autoencoder = Model(input_img, decoder) autoencoder.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam') self.autoencoder = autoencoder self.encoder = Model(inputs=autoencoder.input, outputs=autoencoder.get_layer('encoder').output) def fit(self, training_data, batch_size=32, epochs=10): """ Actually train the autoencoder. Parameters ---------- training_data : np.ndarray, list Either array or list of images. It's recommended that this data be augmented with translation or rotation (or both). batch_size : int, optional Number of samples used to update weights in each iteration. A larger batch size can be more accurate but requires more memory and is slower to train. epochs : int, optional Number of full passes through the entire training set. """ X = self.shape_check(training_data) self.autoencoder.fit(X, X, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, shuffle=True) def encode(self, images): """ Returns the deep encoded features for an array of images. Parameters ---------- images : np.ndarray Input images (nobjects x image_shape). For a single image, provide [image] as an array is expected. Returns ------- np.ndarray Deep features (nobjects x nfeatures) """ return self.encoder.predict(self.shape_check(images)) def save(self, filename): """ Saves Keras model in HDF5 format Parameters ---------- filename : string Location for saved model """ self.autoencoder.save(filename) class AutoencoderFeatures(PipelineStage): def __init__(self, training_dataset=None, retrain=False, **kwargs): """ Runs a very simple autoencoder to produce lower dimensional features. This function is currently not very flexible in terms of changing parameters, network architecture etc. Parameters ---------- training_dataset : Dataset, optional A Dataset-type object containing data to train the autoencoder on. Note that since Astronomaly runs in an unsupervised setting, this can be the same data that the final anomaly detection algorithm is run on. However you may wish to augment the training data, for example by applying translation to the cutouts. retrain : bool, optional Whether or not to train the algorithm again or load from a model file. This is useful because the automated checks in whether or not to rerun a function only operate when "run_on_dataset" is called whereas the training is performed in __init__. Raises ------ ValueError If training data is not provided. """ super().__init__(training_dataset=training_dataset, **kwargs) if training_dataset is None: raise ValueError('A training dataset object must be provided.') model_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'autoencoder.h5') if retrain or ('force_rerun' in kwargs and kwargs['force_rerun']): self.autoenc = Autoencoder() else: self.autoenc = Autoencoder(model_file=model_file) if self.autoenc.autoencoder is None: cutouts = [] # Here I'm explicitly assuming the entire training set can be read # into memory print("Loading training data...") for i in training_dataset.index: cutouts.append(training_dataset.get_sample(i)) print("%d objects loaded." % len(cutouts)) img_shape = cutouts[0].shape print('Compiling autoencoder model...') self.autoenc.compile_autoencoder_model(img_shape) print('Done!') print('Training autoencoder...') self.autoenc.fit(cutouts, epochs=10) print('Done!') if self.save_output: print('Autoencoder model saved to', model_file) self.autoenc.save(model_file) else: print('Trained autoencoder read from file', model_file) def _execute_function(self, image): """ Runs the trained autoencoder to get the encoded features of the input image. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray Cutout to run autoencoder on Returns ------- np.ndarray Encoded features """ feats = self.autoenc.encode(image) feats = np.reshape(feats, [np.prod(feats.shape[1:])]) if len(self.labels) == 0: self.labels = ['enc_%d' % i for i in range(len(feats))] return feats
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
""" Test filtering backend. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest from django.core.management import call_command from nine.versions import DJANGO_GTE_1_10 import pytest from rest_framework import status from books import constants import factories from search_indexes.viewsets import BookDocumentViewSet from ..constants import ( SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_MULTIPLE_VALUE, SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE, SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_FILTER, SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_NAME, ) from ..filter_backends import FilteringFilterBackend from .base import ( BaseRestFrameworkTestCase, CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_ARE_INSTALLED, CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_MISSING_MSG, ) from .data_mixins import AddressesMixin, BooksMixin if DJANGO_GTE_1_10: from django.urls import reverse else: from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse __title__ = 'django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.tests.test_filtering_common' __author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <artur.barseghyan@gmail.com>' __copyright__ = '2017-2019 Artur Barseghyan' __license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1' __all__ = ( 'TestFilteringCommon', ) @pytest.mark.django_db class TestFilteringCommon(BaseRestFrameworkTestCase, AddressesMixin, BooksMixin): """Test filtering common.""" pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set up.""" # Testing simple documents: Publisher index. cls.create_books() # Testing nested objects: Addresses, cities and countries cls.created_addresses() # Update the Elasticsearch index call_command('search_index', '--rebuild', '-f') # Testing coreapi and coreschema cls.backend = FilteringFilterBackend() cls.view = BookDocumentViewSet() cls.books_default_filter_lookup_url = reverse( 'bookdocument_default_filter_lookup-list', kwargs={} ) # *********************************************************************** # ************************ Simple fields ******************************** # *********************************************************************** def _field_filter_value(self, field_name, value, count): """Field filter value. Usage example: >>> self._field_filter_value( >>> 'title__wildcard', >>> self.prefix[3:-3], >>> self.prefix_count >>> ) """ url = self.base_url[:] data = {} response = self.client.get( url + '?{}={}'.format(field_name, value), data ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(response.data['results']), count ) def _field_filter_multiple_values(self, url, field_name, values, count): """Field filter multiple values. Usage example: >>> self._field_filter_multiple_values( >>> self.books_default_filter_lookup_url, >>> 'authors', >>> ['Author 1', 'Author 2'], >>> 3 >>> ) """ # url = self.base_url[:] data = {} params = '&'.join(['{}={}'.format(field_name, __v) for __v in values]) response = self.client.get( url + '?{}'.format(params), data ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(response.data['results']), count ) def _field_filter_term(self, field_name, filter_value): """Field filter term. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags=children """ self.authenticate() url = self.base_url[:] data = {} # Should contain 22 results response = self.client.get(url, data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data['results']), self.all_count) # Should contain only 10 results filtered_response = self.client.get( url + '?{}={}'.format(field_name, filter_value), data ) self.assertEqual(filtered_response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(filtered_response.data['results']), self.published_count ) def test_field_filter_term(self): """Field filter term.""" return self._field_filter_term( 'state', constants.BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_PUBLISHED ) def test_field_filter_term_explicit(self): """Field filter term.""" return self._field_filter_term( 'state__term', constants.BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_PUBLISHED ) def test_field_filter_range(self): """Field filter range. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?age__range=16__67 """ lower_id = self.published[0].id upper_id = self.published[-1].id value = '{lower_id}{separator}{upper_id}'.format( lower_id=lower_id, separator=SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE, upper_id=upper_id ) return self._field_filter_value( 'id__range', value, self.published_count ) def test_field_filter_range_with_boost(self): """Field filter range. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?age__range=16__67__2.0 """ lower_id = self.published[0].id upper_id = self.published[-1].id value = '{lower_id}{separator}{upper_id}{separator}{boost}'.format( lower_id=lower_id, upper_id=upper_id, boost='2.0', separator=SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE ) return self._field_filter_value( 'id__range', value, self.published_count ) def test_field_filter_prefix(self): """Test filter prefix. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags__prefix=bio """ return self._field_filter_value( 'title__prefix', self.prefix, self.prefix_count ) def test_field_filter_in(self): """Test filter in. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?id__in=1__2__3 """ return self._field_filter_value( 'id__in', SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE.join( [str(__b.id) for __b in self.prefixed] ), self.prefix_count ) def _field_filter_terms_list(self, field_name, in_values, count): """Field filter terms. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?id=1&id=2&id=3 """ url = self.base_url[:] data = {} url_parts = ['{}={}'.format(field_name, val) for val in in_values] response = self.client.get( url + '?{}'.format('&'.join(url_parts)), data ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(response.data['results']), count ) def test_field_filter_terms_list(self): """Test filter terms.""" return self._field_filter_terms_list( 'id', [str(__b.id) for __b in self.prefixed], self.prefix_count ) def test_field_filter_terms_string(self): """Test filter terms. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?id__terms=1__2__3 """ return self._field_filter_value( 'id__terms', SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE.join( [str(__b.id) for __b in self.prefixed] ), self.prefix_count ) def test_field_filter_exists_true(self): """Test filter exists true. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags__exists=true """ return self._field_filter_value( 'tags__exists', 'true', self.all_count ) def test_field_filter_exists_false(self): """Test filter exists. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?non_existent__exists=false """ return self._field_filter_value( 'non_existent_field__exists', 'false', self.all_count ) def test_field_filter_wildcard(self): """Test filter wildcard. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?title__wildcard=*elusional* """ return self._field_filter_value( 'title__wildcard', '*{}*'.format(self.prefix[1:6]), self.prefix_count ) def test_field_filter_exclude(self): """Test filter exclude. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags__exclude=children """ return self._field_filter_value( 'state__exclude', constants.BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_PUBLISHED, self.all_count - self.published_count ) def test_field_filter_isnull_true(self): """Test filter isnull true. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?null_field__isnull=true """ self._field_filter_value( 'null_field__isnull', 'true', self.all_count ) self._field_filter_value( 'tags__isnull', 'true', self.no_tags_count ) def test_field_filter_isnull_false(self): """Test filter isnull true. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags__isnull=false """ self._field_filter_value( 'null_field__isnull', 'false', 0 ) self._field_filter_value( 'tags__isnull', 'false', self.all_count - self.no_tags_count ) def test_field_filter_endswith(self): """Test filter endswith. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?state__endswith=lished """ return self._field_filter_value( 'state__endswith', constants.BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_PUBLISHED[4:], self.published_count ) def test_field_filter_contains(self): """Test filter contains. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?state__contains=lishe """ return self._field_filter_value( 'state__contains', constants.BOOK_PUBLISHING_STATUS_PUBLISHED[4:-2], self.published_count ) def _field_filter_gte_lte(self, field_name, value, lookup, boost=None): """Field filter gt/gte/lt/lte. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__gt=10 http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__gte=10 http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__lt=10 http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__lte=10 """ url = self.base_url[:] data = {} if boost is not None: url += '?{field_name}__{lookup}={value}{separator}{boost}'.format( field_name=field_name, lookup=lookup, value=value, boost=boost, separator=SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE ) else: url += '?{field_name}__{lookup}={value}'.format( field_name=field_name, lookup=lookup, value=value ) response = self.client.get( url, data ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) __mapping = { 'gt': self.assertGreater, 'gte': self.assertGreaterEqual, 'lt': self.assertLess, 'lte': self.assertLessEqual, } __func = __mapping.get(lookup) if callable(__func): for obj in response.data['results']: __func( obj['id'], value ) def test_field_filter_gt(self): """Field filter gt. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__gt=10 :return: """ return self._field_filter_gte_lte('id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'gt') def test_field_filter_gt_with_boost(self): """Field filter gt with boost. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__gt=10__2.0 :return: """ # TODO: check boost value return self._field_filter_gte_lte( 'id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'gt', '2.0' ) def test_field_filter_gte(self): """Field filter gte. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__gte=10 :return: """ return self._field_filter_gte_lte('id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'gte') def test_field_filter_lt(self): """Field filter lt. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__lt=10 :return: """ return self._field_filter_gte_lte('id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'lt') def test_field_filter_lt_with_boost(self): """Field filter lt with boost. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__lt=10__2.0 :return: """ # TODO: check boost value return self._field_filter_gte_lte( 'id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'lt', '2.0' ) def test_field_filter_lte(self): """Field filter lte. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/users/?id__lte=10 :return: """ return self._field_filter_gte_lte('id', self.in_progress[0].id, 'lte') def test_ids_filter(self): """Test ids filter. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?ids=68__64__58 http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?ids=68&ids=64&ids=58 """ __ids = [str(__obj.id) for __obj in self.published] return self._field_filter_value( 'ids', SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE.join(__ids), self.published_count ) def test_ids_empty_filter(self): """Test ids filter with empty value. This should not fail. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?ids= """ __ids = [] return self._field_filter_value( 'ids', SEPARATOR_LOOKUP_COMPLEX_VALUE.join(__ids), 0 ) def test_default_filter_lookup(self): """Test default filter lookup. Example: http://localhost:8000/search/books-default-filter-lookup/ ?authors=Robin&authors=Luc """ # Create two authors author_1 = factories.AuthorFactory(name='Author1') author_2 = factories.AuthorFactory(name='Author2') authors = [author_1, author_2] # Add them to 3 books self.published[0].authors.add(*authors) self.published[1].authors.add(*authors) self.published[2].authors.add(*authors) # Update the Elasticsearch index call_command('search_index', '--rebuild', '-f') # Test self._field_filter_multiple_values( self.books_default_filter_lookup_url, 'authors', authors, 3 ) # *********************************************************************** # ************************ Nested fields ******************************** # *********************************************************************** def _nested_field_filter_term(self, field_name, filter_value, count): """Nested field filter term. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/articles/?tags=children """ self.authenticate() url = self.addresses_url[:] data = {} # Should contain only 32 results response = self.client.get(url, data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(response.data['results']), self.all_addresses_count ) # Should contain only 10 results filtered_response = self.client.get( url + '?{}={}'.format(field_name, filter_value), data ) self.assertEqual(filtered_response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual( len(filtered_response.data['results']), count ) def test_nested_field_filter_term(self): """Nested field filter term.""" self._nested_field_filter_term( 'city', 'Yerevan', self.addresses_in_yerevan_count ) self._nested_field_filter_term( 'country', 'Armenia', self.addresses_in_yerevan_count ) self._nested_field_filter_term( 'city', 'Dublin', self.addresses_in_dublin_count ) # *********************************************************************** # ************************* Other fields ******************************** # *********************************************************************** def test_various_complex_fields(self): """Test various complex fields. :return: """ data = {} response = self.client.get(self.cities_url, data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) response = self.client.get(self.city_detail_url, data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) # *********************************************************************** # ******************** Core api and core schema ************************* # *********************************************************************** @unittest.skipIf(not CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_ARE_INSTALLED, CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_MISSING_MSG) def test_schema_fields_with_filter_fields_list(self): """Test schema field generator""" fields = self.backend.get_schema_fields(self.view) fields = [f.name for f in fields] self.assertEqual(fields, list(self.view.filter_fields.keys())) @unittest.skipIf(not CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_ARE_INSTALLED, CORE_API_AND_CORE_SCHEMA_MISSING_MSG) def test_schema_field_not_required(self): """Test schema fields always not required""" fields = self.backend.get_schema_fields(self.view) fields = [f.required for f in fields] for field in fields: self.assertFalse(field) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from io import StringIO import pandas as pd import pandas.testing as tm import pytest import ibis import ibis.config as config import ibis.expr.types as ir from ibis import literal as L pytest.importorskip('clickhouse_driver') pytestmark = pytest.mark.clickhouse def test_get_table_ref(db): table = db.functional_alltypes assert isinstance(table, ir.TableExpr) table = db['functional_alltypes'] assert isinstance(table, ir.TableExpr) def test_run_sql(con, db): query = 'SELECT * FROM {0}.`functional_alltypes`'.format(db.name) table = con.sql(query) fa = con.table('functional_alltypes') assert isinstance(table, ir.TableExpr) assert table.schema() == fa.schema() expr = table.limit(10) result = expr.execute() assert len(result) == 10 def test_get_schema(con, db): t = con.table('functional_alltypes') schema = con.get_schema('functional_alltypes', database=db.name) assert t.schema() == schema def test_result_as_dataframe(con, alltypes): expr = alltypes.limit(10) ex_names = expr.schema().names result = con.execute(expr) assert isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame) assert result.columns.tolist() == ex_names assert len(result) == 10 def test_array_default_limit(con, alltypes): result = con.execute(alltypes.float_col, limit=100) assert len(result) == 100 def test_limit_overrides_expr(con, alltypes): result = con.execute(alltypes.limit(10), limit=5) assert len(result) == 5 def test_limit_equals_none_no_limit(alltypes): with config.option_context('sql.default_limit', 10): result = alltypes.execute(limit=None) assert len(result) > 10 def test_verbose_log_queries(con, db): queries = [] def logger(x): queries.append(x) with config.option_context('verbose', True): with config.option_context('verbose_log', logger): con.table('functional_alltypes', database=db.name) expected = 'DESC {0}.`functional_alltypes`'.format(db.name) assert len(queries) == 1 assert queries[0] == expected def test_sql_query_limits(alltypes): table = alltypes with config.option_context('sql.default_limit', 100000): # table has 25 rows assert len(table.execute()) == 7300 # comply with limit arg for TableExpr assert len(table.execute(limit=10)) == 10 # state hasn't changed assert len(table.execute()) == 7300 # non-TableExpr ignores default_limit assert table.count().execute() == 7300 # non-TableExpr doesn't observe limit arg assert table.count().execute(limit=10) == 7300 with config.option_context('sql.default_limit', 20): # TableExpr observes default limit setting assert len(table.execute()) == 20 # explicit limit= overrides default assert len(table.execute(limit=15)) == 15 assert len(table.execute(limit=23)) == 23 # non-TableExpr ignores default_limit assert table.count().execute() == 7300 # non-TableExpr doesn't observe limit arg assert table.count().execute(limit=10) == 7300 # eliminating default_limit doesn't break anything with config.option_context('sql.default_limit', None): assert len(table.execute()) == 7300 assert len(table.execute(limit=15)) == 15 assert len(table.execute(limit=10000)) == 7300 assert table.count().execute() == 7300 assert table.count().execute(limit=10) == 7300 def test_expr_compile_verify(alltypes): expr = alltypes.double_col.sum() assert isinstance(expr.compile(), str) assert expr.verify() def test_api_compile_verify(alltypes): t = alltypes.timestamp_col supported = t.year() unsupported = t.rank() assert ibis.clickhouse.verify(supported) assert not ibis.clickhouse.verify(unsupported) def test_database_repr(db): assert db.name in repr(db) def test_database_default_current_database(con): db = con.database() assert db.name == con.current_database def test_embedded_identifier_quoting(alltypes): t = alltypes expr = t[[(t.double_col * 2).name('double(fun)')]]['double(fun)'].sum() expr.execute() def test_table_info(alltypes): buf = StringIO() alltypes.info(buf=buf) assert buf.getvalue() is not None def test_execute_exprs_no_table_ref(con): cases = [(L(1) + L(2), 3)] for expr, expected in cases: result = con.execute(expr) assert result == expected # ExprList exlist = ibis.api.expr_list( [L(1).name('a'), ibis.now().name('b'), L(2).log().name('c')] ) con.execute(exlist) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="FIXME: it is raising KeyError: 'Unnamed: 0'") def test_insert(con, alltypes, df): drop = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temporary_alltypes' create = ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' 'temporary_alltypes AS functional_alltypes' ) con.raw_sql(drop) con.raw_sql(create) temporary = con.table('temporary_alltypes') records = df[:10] assert len(temporary.execute()) == 0 temporary.insert(records) tm.assert_frame_equal(temporary.execute(), records) def test_insert_with_less_columns(con, alltypes, df): drop = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temporary_alltypes' create = ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' 'temporary_alltypes AS functional_alltypes' ) con.raw_sql(drop) con.raw_sql(create) temporary = con.table('temporary_alltypes') records = df.loc[:10, ['string_col']].copy() records['date_col'] = None with pytest.raises(AssertionError): temporary.insert(records) def test_insert_with_more_columns(con, alltypes, df): drop = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temporary_alltypes' create = ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' 'temporary_alltypes AS functional_alltypes' ) con.raw_sql(drop) con.raw_sql(create) temporary = con.table('temporary_alltypes') records = df[:10].copy() records['non_existing_column'] = 'raise on me' with pytest.raises(AssertionError): temporary.insert(records)
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class RLeaps(RPackage): """leaps: Regression Subset Selection""" homepage = "https://cloud.r-project.org/package=leaps" url = "https://cloud.r-project.org/src/contrib/leaps_3.0.tar.gz" list_url = "https://cloud.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/leaps" version('3.0', sha256='55a879cdad5a4c9bc3b5697dd4d364b3a094a49d8facb6692f5ce6af82adf285')
[ "RSA-MD" ]
[ "RSA-MD" ]
[ "RSA-MD" ]
# coding: utf-8 """ pollination-server Pollination Server OpenAPI Definition # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.16.0 Contact: info@pollination.cloud Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import datetime import pollination_sdk from pollination_sdk.models.user_permission import UserPermission # noqa: E501 from pollination_sdk.rest import ApiException class TestUserPermission(unittest.TestCase): """UserPermission unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def make_instance(self, include_optional): """Test UserPermission include_option is a boolean, when False only required params are included, when True both required and optional params are included """ # model = pollination_sdk.models.user_permission.UserPermission() # noqa: E501 if include_optional : return UserPermission( admin = False, read = True, write = False ) else : return UserPermission( ) def testUserPermission(self): """Test UserPermission""" inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False) inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import json import copy from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm, SetPasswordForm from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.contrib.gis.gdal import GDALException from django.contrib.gis.geos import Polygon, GEOSException, GEOSGeometry from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_decode from djmoney.contrib.django_rest_framework import MoneyField from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError from allauth.account.adapter import get_adapter from .helpers import zip_all_orderitems from .models import ( Copyright, Contact, Document, DataFormat, Identity, Metadata, MetadataContact, Order, OrderItem, OrderType, Pricing, Product, ProductFormat, UserChange) # Get the UserModel UserModel = get_user_model() class WKTPolygonField(serializers.Field): """ Polygons are serialized to POLYGON((Long, Lat)) notation """ def to_representation(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict) or value is None: return value new_value = copy.copy(value) new_value.transform(4326) new_geom = [] return new_value.wkt or 'POLYGON EMPTY' def to_internal_value(self, value): if value == '' or value is None: return value if isinstance(value, GEOSGeometry): # value already has the correct representation return value if isinstance(value, dict): value = json.dumps(value) try: return GEOSGeometry(value) except (GEOSException): raise ValidationError( _( 'Invalid format: string or unicode input unrecognized as GeoJSON, WKT EWKT or HEXEWKB.' ) ) except (ValueError, TypeError, GDALException) as error: raise ValidationError( _('Unable to convert to python object: {}'.format(str(error))) ) class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = UserModel exclude = [ 'password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser', 'is_active', 'groups', 'user_permissions'] class IdentitySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Identity exclude = ['sap_id', 'contract_accepted', 'is_public', 'user'] class CopyrightSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Copyright fields = '__all__' class ContactSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): belongs_to = serializers.HiddenField( default=serializers.CurrentUserDefault(), ) class Meta: model = Contact fields = '__all__' class DocumentSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Document fields = '__all__' class DataFormatSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = DataFormat fields = '__all__' class OrderTypeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = OrderType fields = '__all__' class UserIdentitySerializer(UserSerializer): """ Flattens User and Identity. """ identity = IdentitySerializer(many=False) def to_representation(self, instance): """Move fields from user to identity representation.""" representation = super().to_representation(instance) identity_representation = representation.pop('identity') for identity_key in identity_representation: new_key = identity_key if new_key in representation: new_key = 'identity_' + identity_key representation[new_key] = identity_representation[identity_key] return representation class MetadataIdentitySerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Identity fields = [ 'url', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone', 'street', 'street2', 'company_name', 'postcode', 'city', 'country'] class MetadataContactSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): contact_person = MetadataIdentitySerializer(read_only=True) class Meta: model = MetadataContact fields = [ 'contact_person', 'metadata_role'] # TODO: Test this, check for passing contexts ! Check public identities class MetadataSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): contact_persons = serializers.SerializerMethodField() modified_user = serializers.StringRelatedField(read_only=True) documents = DocumentSerializer(many=True) copyright = CopyrightSerializer(many=False) legend_tag = serializers.StringRelatedField() image_tag = serializers.StringRelatedField() legend_link = serializers.SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = Metadata fields = '__all__' lookup_field = 'id_name' extra_kwargs = { 'url': {'lookup_field': 'id_name'} } def get_contact_persons(self, obj): """obj is a Metadata instance. Returns list of dicts""" qset = MetadataContact.objects.filter(metadata=obj) return [ MetadataContactSerializer(m, context={ 'request': self.context['request'] }).data for m in qset] def get_legend_link(self, obj): return obj.get_legend_link() class OrderDigestSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): """ Serializer showing a summary of an Order. Always exclude geom here as it is used in lists of orders and performance can be impacted. """ order_type = serializers.StringRelatedField() class Meta: model = Order exclude = [ 'geom', 'date_downloaded', 'client', 'processing_fee_currency', 'processing_fee', 'part_vat_currency', 'part_vat', 'extract_result', 'invoice_contact'] class OrderItemSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ A Basic serializer for order items """ price = MoneyField(max_digits=14, decimal_places=2, required=False, allow_null=True, read_only=True) data_format = serializers.SlugRelatedField( required=False, queryset=DataFormat.objects.all(), slug_field='name' ) product = serializers.SlugRelatedField( queryset=Product.objects.all(), slug_field='label') product_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(read_only=True) available_formats = serializers.ListField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = OrderItem exclude = ['_price_currency', '_price', '_base_fee_currency', '_base_fee', 'last_download', 'extract_result'] read_only_fields = ['price_status', 'order'] class OrderItemTextualSerializer(OrderItemSerializer): """ Same as OrderItem, without Order """ class Meta(OrderItemSerializer.Meta): exclude = OrderItemSerializer.Meta.exclude + ['order'] class OrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ A complete Order serializer. """ order_type = serializers.SlugRelatedField( queryset=OrderType.objects.all(), slug_field='name', help_text='Input the translated string value, for example "Privé"') items = OrderItemTextualSerializer(many=True) client = serializers.HiddenField( default=serializers.CurrentUserDefault(), ) class Meta: model = Order exclude = ['date_downloaded', 'extract_result'] read_only_fields = [ 'date_ordered', 'date_processed', 'processing_fee_currency', 'processing_fee', 'total_cost_currency', 'total_cost', 'part_vat_currency', 'part_vat', 'status'] def create(self, validated_data): items_data = validated_data.pop('items', None) geom = validated_data.pop('geom', None) order = Order(**validated_data) order.geom = Polygon(geom.coords[0], srid=settings.DEFAULT_SRID) order.save() for item_data in items_data: item = OrderItem.objects.create(order=order, **item_data) item.set_price() item.save() if order.order_type and items_data: order.set_price() order.save() return order def update(self, instance, validated_data): if instance.status != Order.OrderStatus.DRAFT: raise serializers.ValidationError() items_data = validated_data.pop('items', None) geom = validated_data.pop('geom', None) if geom is not None: instance.geom = Polygon(geom.coords[0], srid=settings.DEFAULT_SRID) instance.title = validated_data.get('title', instance.title) instance.description = validated_data.get( 'description', instance.description) instance.invoice_contact = validated_data.get( 'invoice_contact', instance.invoice_contact) instance.save() update_products = [] if items_data is not None: for item in items_data: update_products.append(item.get('product').label) # create / update / delete order_items on PUT (self.partial=False) # update order_items on PATCH (self.partial=True) order_items = list((instance.items).all()) if not self.partial: for existing_item in order_items: if existing_item.product.label not in update_products: existing_item.delete() if items_data: for item_data in items_data: oi_instance, created = OrderItem.objects.get_or_create( order=instance, product=item_data.get('product') ) oi_instance.data_format = item_data.get('data_format', oi_instance.data_format) oi_instance.product = item_data.get('product', oi_instance.product) oi_instance.set_price() oi_instance.save() instance.set_price() instance.save() if instance.order_type: if items_data or geom or 'order_type' in validated_data: instance.set_price() instance.save() return instance class ProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Product serializer """ pricing = serializers.StringRelatedField( read_only=True) class Meta: model = Product read_only_fields = ['pricing', 'label', 'provider', 'group'] exclude = ['order', 'thumbnail_link', 'ts', 'metadata'] class ExtractOrderItemSerializer(OrderItemSerializer): """ Orderitem serializer for extract. Allows to upload file of orderitem. """ extract_result = serializers.FileField(required=False) product = ProductSerializer(read_only=True) data_format = serializers.StringRelatedField(read_only=True) is_rejected = serializers.BooleanField(required=False) class Meta(OrderItemSerializer.Meta): exclude = ['_price_currency', '_base_fee_currency', '_price', '_base_fee', 'order', 'status'] read_only_fields = [ 'id', 'price', 'data_format', 'product', 'srid', 'last_download', 'price_status'] def update(self, instance, validated_data): if instance.extract_result: # deletes previous file in filesystem instance.extract_result.delete() instance.comment = validated_data.pop('comment', None) is_rejected = validated_data.pop('is_rejected') instance.extract_result = validated_data.pop('extract_result', '') if is_rejected: instance.status = OrderItem.OrderItemStatus.REJECTED if instance.extract_result.name != '': instance.status = OrderItem.OrderItemStatus.PROCESSED instance.save() status = instance.order.next_status_on_extract_input() if status == Order.OrderStatus.PROCESSED: zip_all_orderitems(instance.order) instance.order.save() return instance class ExtractOrderSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Order serializer for extract. """ order_type = serializers.SlugRelatedField( queryset=OrderType.objects.all(), slug_field='name', help_text='Input the translated string value, for example "Privé"') items = ExtractOrderItemSerializer(many=True) client = UserIdentitySerializer() invoice_contact = IdentitySerializer() geom = WKTPolygonField() geom_srid = serializers.IntegerField() geom_area = serializers.FloatField() class Meta: model = Order exclude = [ 'date_downloaded', 'processing_fee_currency', 'total_without_vat_currency', 'part_vat_currency', 'total_with_vat_currency'] read_only_fields = [ 'date_ordered', 'date_processed', 'processing_fee_currency', 'processing_fee', 'total_cost_currency', 'total_cost', 'part_vat_currency', 'part_vat', 'status', 'geom_area'] class PasswordResetSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """ Serializer for requesting a password reset e-mail. """ email = serializers.EmailField() password_reset_form_class = PasswordResetForm def validate_email(self, value): # Create PasswordResetForm with the serializer self.reset_form = self.password_reset_form_class( data=self.initial_data) if not self.reset_form.is_valid(): raise serializers.ValidationError(self.reset_form.errors) return value def save(self): request = self.context.get('request') # Set some values to trigger the send_email method. opts = { 'domain_override': getattr(settings, 'FRONT_URL') + getattr(settings, 'FRONT_HREF'), 'use_https': request.is_secure(), 'from_email': getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'), 'request': request, 'email_template_name': 'email_password_reset.html', 'html_email_template_name': 'email_password_reset.html' } self.reset_form.save(**opts) class PasswordResetConfirmSerializer(serializers.Serializer): """ Serializer for setting a new user password. """ new_password1 = serializers.CharField(max_length=128) new_password2 = serializers.CharField(max_length=128) uid = serializers.CharField() token = serializers.CharField() set_password_form_class = SetPasswordForm def validate(self, attrs): self._errors = {} # Decode the uidb64 to uid to get User object try: uid = force_text(urlsafe_base64_decode(attrs['uid'])) self.user = UserModel._default_manager.get(pk=uid) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError, UserModel.DoesNotExist): raise ValidationError({'uid': ['Invalid value']}) # Construct SetPasswordForm instance self.set_password_form = self.set_password_form_class( user=self.user, data=attrs ) if not self.set_password_form.is_valid(): raise serializers.ValidationError(self.set_password_form.errors) if not default_token_generator.check_token(self.user, attrs['token']): raise ValidationError({'token': ['Invalid value']}) return attrs def save(self): return self.set_password_form.save() class PricingSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Pricing fields = '__all__' class ProductFormatSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): product = serializers.SlugRelatedField( queryset=Product.objects.all(), slug_field='label') data_format = serializers.SlugRelatedField( required=False, queryset=DataFormat.objects.all(), slug_field='name', label='format') class Meta: model = ProductFormat fields = '__all__' class DataFormatListSerializer(ProductFormatSerializer): product = None class Meta: model = ProductFormat exclude = ['product'] class ProductDigestSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): metadata = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField( many=False, read_only=True, view_name='metadata-detail', lookup_field='id_name' ) class Meta: model = Product exclude = ['ts'] class RegisterSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for user registration """ password1 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) password2 = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) def validate_username(self, username): username = get_adapter().clean_username(username) return username def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) return email def validate_password1(self, password): return get_adapter().clean_password(password) def validate(self, data): if data['password1'] != data['password2']: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("The two password fields didn't match.")) return data def create(self, validated_data): password = validated_data.pop('password1') validated_data.pop('password2') user = UserModel(username=validated_data.pop('username')) user.set_password(password) identity_data = self.initial_data.copy() for key in ['password1', 'password2', 'username']: identity_data.pop(key) identity_serializer = IdentitySerializer(data=identity_data) identity_serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) user.save() identity_serializer.instance = user.identity identity_serializer.save() return user class Meta: model = UserModel exclude = [ 'password', 'last_login', 'date_joined', 'groups', 'user_permissions', 'is_staff', 'is_active', 'is_superuser'] class UserChangeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = UserChange fields = '__all__' class VerifyEmailSerializer(serializers.Serializer): key = serializers.CharField()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 The TF-Agents Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Test for tf_agents.utils.eager_utils.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import functools import itertools from absl.testing import parameterized import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tf_agents.utils import eager_utils from tensorflow.python.eager import context # TF internal from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util # TF internal from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import network as keras_network # TF internal def input_fn(): tf.set_random_seed(1) inputs = tf.constant([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]], dtype=tf.float32) labels = tf.constant([[0], [1], [2]]) return inputs, labels class Network(keras_network.Network): def __init__(self, name=None): super(Network, self).__init__(name=name) self._layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense( 3, kernel_initializer=tf.ones_initializer(), name='logits') def call(self, inputs): return self._layer(inputs) class Model(object): def __init__(self, name, network): self._name = name self._network = network def __call__(self, inputs): return self._network(inputs) @property def variables(self): return self._network.variables @property def trainable_variables(self): return self._network.trainable_variables @eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode def loss_fn(self, inputs, labels): logits = self._network(inputs) return tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels, logits) @eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode def minimize_loss(loss, optimizer): return optimizer.minimize(loss) class Aux(object): def __init__(self): pass def method(self, inputs, labels, param=0): assert isinstance(self, Aux), self return inputs, labels, tf.convert_to_tensor(param) def aux_function(inputs, labels, param=0): return inputs, labels, tf.convert_to_tensor(param) @parameterized.named_parameters( ('.func_eager', aux_function, context.eager_mode), ('.func_graph', aux_function, context.graph_mode), ('.method_eager', Aux().method, context.eager_mode), ('.method_graph', Aux().method, context.graph_mode), ) class FutureTest(tf.test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase): def testCreate(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): future = eager_utils.Future(input_fn) self.assertTrue(callable(future)) self.assertIsInstance(future, eager_utils.Future) inputs, labels = future() self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) def testArgsAtInit(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, inputs, labels) inputs, labels, param = future() self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs, labels) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testArgsAtCallOverwriteKwargsInit(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, param=1) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs, labels, 0) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testKWArgsAtInit(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future( func_or_method, inputs=inputs, labels=labels, param=1) inputs, labels, param = future() self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 1) def testKWArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs=inputs, labels=labels, param=1) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 1) def testArgsAtInitKWArgsAtInit(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, inputs, labels=labels) inputs, labels, param = future() self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testArgsAtInitKWArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, inputs, param=1) inputs, labels, param = future(labels=labels) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 1) def testOverwriteKWArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, param=-1) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs, labels, param=1) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 1) def testArgsatInitOverwritedKWArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, inputs, param=-1) inputs, labels, param = future(labels=labels, param=1) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 1) def testPartialArgsAtCallRaisesError(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, inputs) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'argument'): future(labels) def testArgsAtInitArgsReplacedAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, labels, inputs) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs, labels) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testArgsAtCallKWArgsAtInit(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method, labels=labels) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) def testArgsAtCallKWArgsAtCall(self, func_or_method, run_mode): with run_mode(): inputs, labels = input_fn() future = eager_utils.Future(func_or_method) inputs, labels, param = future(inputs, labels=labels) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(param), 0) class FutureInEagerModeTest(tf.test.TestCase): @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testCreate(self): decorator = eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode(input_fn) self.assertTrue(callable(decorator)) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(decorator(), eager_utils.Future)) inputs, labels = decorator()() else: inputs, labels = decorator() self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) def testDecorator(self): @eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode def aux_fn(inputs, labels): return inputs, labels self.assertTrue(callable(aux_fn)) inputs, labels = input_fn() outputs = aux_fn(inputs, labels) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(outputs, eager_utils.Future)) inputs, labels = outputs.__call__() else: inputs, labels = outputs self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) def testDelayedArgs(self): @eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode def aux_fn(inputs, labels): return inputs, labels self.assertTrue(callable(aux_fn)) inputs, labels = input_fn() outputs = aux_fn(inputs, labels) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertTrue(isinstance(outputs, eager_utils.Future)) inputs, labels = outputs.__call__() else: inputs, labels = outputs self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(inputs), [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(labels), [[0], [1], [2]]) class EagerUtilsTest(tf.test.TestCase): @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testModel(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) expected_loss = 1.098612 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(loss), expected_loss) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testLossDecreasesAfterTrainStep(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1) train_step = minimize_loss(loss, optimizer) initial_loss = 1.098612 final_loss = 1.064379 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(loss), initial_loss) self.evaluate(train_step) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(loss), final_loss) class CreateTrainOpTest(tf.test.TestCase): @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testLossDecreasesAfterTrainOp(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1) train_step = eager_utils.create_train_step(loss, optimizer) initial_loss = 1.098612 final_loss = 1.064379 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), initial_loss) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), final_loss) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testCreateTrainOpWithTotalLossFn(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) model_2 = Model('model_2', Network()) loss_2 = model_2.loss_fn(inputs, labels) @eager_utils.future_in_eager_mode def tuple_loss(loss, loss_2): return (loss() if callable(loss) else loss, loss_2() if callable(loss_2) else loss_2) tuple_loss_value = tuple_loss(loss, loss_2) def first_element(tuple_value): return tuple_value[0] optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1) loss = eager_utils.create_train_step( tuple_loss_value, optimizer, total_loss_fn=first_element) initial_loss = 1.098612 final_loss = 1.064379 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) train_step_model_0, train_step_model_1 = self.evaluate(loss) self.assertAllClose(train_step_model_0, initial_loss) self.assertAllClose(train_step_model_1, initial_loss) train_step_model_0, train_step_model_1 = self.evaluate(loss) self.assertAllClose(train_step_model_0, final_loss) # model_1 was not updated since its loss is not being optimized: only # the first element output was optimized. self.assertAllClose(train_step_model_1, initial_loss) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testMultipleCallsTrainStep(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1) train_step = eager_utils.create_train_step(loss, optimizer) initial_loss = 1.098612 final_loss = 1.033917 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), initial_loss) if context.executing_eagerly(): for _ in range(5): self.evaluate(train_step(inputs, labels)) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step(inputs, labels)), final_loss) else: for _ in range(5): self.evaluate(train_step) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), final_loss) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testVariablesToTrain(self): inputs, labels = input_fn() model = Model('model', Network()) if context.executing_eagerly(): variables_to_train = lambda: model.trainable_variables else: model(inputs) variables_to_train = model.trainable_variables self.assertEqual(len(variables_to_train), 2) loss = model.loss_fn(inputs, labels) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1) train_step = eager_utils.create_train_step( loss, optimizer, variables_to_train=variables_to_train) initial_loss = 1.098612 final_loss = 1.064379 self.evaluate(tf.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), initial_loss) self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(train_step), final_loss) self.assertEqual(len(model.trainable_variables), 2) class HasSelfClsArgTest(tf.test.TestCase): def testDirect(self): def func(): pass func2 = lambda: 0 class A(object): def method(self): pass @classmethod def class_method(cls): pass @staticmethod def static_method(): pass self.assertFalse(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(func)) self.assertFalse(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(func2)) self.assertFalse(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.static_method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A().method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.class_method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A().class_method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.__dict__['method'])) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.__dict__['class_method'])) self.assertFalse(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.__dict__['static_method'])) def testDecorator(self): def decorator(method): @functools.wraps(method) def _decorator(*args, **kwargs): method(*args, **kwargs) return _decorator class A(object): @decorator def method(self): pass @staticmethod @decorator def static_method(): pass @classmethod @decorator def class_method(cls): pass self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.method)) self.assertTrue(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.class_method)) self.assertFalse(eager_utils.has_self_cls_arg(A.static_method)) @eager_utils.np_function def meshgrid(low, high, nx=2, ny=3): x = np.linspace(low, high, nx) y = np.linspace(low, high, ny) return np.meshgrid(x, y) @eager_utils.np_function(get_output_dtypes=lambda _: np.float32) def mean(x): return np.mean(x) class NpFunctionTest(tf.test.TestCase): @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testMeshGrid(self): xv, yv = meshgrid(tf.constant(0), tf.constant(1)) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(xv), [[0., 1.], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(yv), [[0., 0.], [.5, .5], [1., 1.]]) xv, yv = meshgrid(tf.constant(0.), tf.constant(1.)) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(xv), [[0., 1.], [0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(yv), [[0., 0.], [.5, .5], [1., 1.]]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testMeshGridKwargs(self): xv, yv = meshgrid(tf.constant(0), tf.constant(1), nx=2, ny=2) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(xv), [[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(yv), [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testVariables(self): a, b = tf.Variable(0), tf.Variable(1) xv, yv = meshgrid(a, b, nx=2, ny=2) self.evaluate(tf.initializers.global_variables()) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(xv), [[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(yv), [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]]) def testPlaceHolder(self): a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=()) b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=()) xv, yv = meshgrid(a, b, nx=2, ny=2) self.evaluate(tf.initializers.global_variables()) with self.session() as sess: xv, yv = sess.run([xv, yv], {a: 0, b: 1}) self.assertAllEqual(xv, [[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(yv, [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]]) def testPlaceHolderWithDefault(self): a = tf.placeholder_with_default(0, ()) b = tf.placeholder_with_default(1, ()) xv, yv = meshgrid(a, b, nx=2, ny=2) self.evaluate(tf.initializers.global_variables()) with self.session() as sess: xv_np, yv_np = sess.run([xv, yv]) self.assertAllEqual(xv_np, [[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) self.assertAllEqual(yv_np, [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]]) with self.session() as sess: xv_np, yv_np = sess.run([xv, yv], {a: 0., b: 2.}) self.assertAllEqual(xv_np, [[0., 2.], [0., 2.]]) self.assertAllEqual(yv_np, [[0., 0.], [2., 2.]]) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testGetOutputDtypesInts2Floats(self): x = tf.constant([1, 2, 3]) mean_x = mean(x) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(mean_x), 2.) def testGetOutputDtypesFloats2Floats(self): x = tf.constant([1., 2., 3.]) mean_x = mean(x) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(mean_x), 2.) @eager_utils.np_function(get_output_dtypes=lambda *args: np.float32) def np_descent(x, d, mu, n_epochs): n = len(x) f = 2 / n y = np.zeros(n) err = np.zeros(n) w = np.zeros(2) grad = np.zeros(2) for _ in itertools.repeat(None, n_epochs): np.subtract(d, y, out=err) grad[:] = [f * np.sum(err), f * np.dot(err, x)] w = w + mu * grad y = w[0] + w[1] * x return w class NpDescentTest(tf.test.TestCase): def setUp(self): np.random.seed(444) n = 10000 sigma = 0.1 noise = sigma * np.random.randn(n) self._x = np.linspace(0, 2, n) self._d = 3 + 2 * self._x + noise @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testSolve(self): x, d = tf.constant(self._x), tf.constant(self._d) w = np_descent(x, d, mu=0.001, n_epochs=10000) self.assertAllClose([2.96, 2.03], self.evaluate(w), atol=0.01, rtol=0.01) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.test.main()
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[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import http.server import socketserver from shutil import copyfile from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse from logya.core import Logya from logya.content import read, write_collection, write_page from logya.template import env class HTTPRequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): """SimpleHTTPRequestHandler based class to return resources.""" L: Logya def __init__(self, *args): super(HTTPRequestHandler, self).__init__(*args, directory=self.L.paths.public.as_posix()) def do_GET(self): update_resource(self.path, self.L) super(HTTPRequestHandler, self).do_GET() def update_page(url: str, L: Logya): """Update content or collection page.""" if content := L.doc_index.get(url): path_rel = content['path'].relative_to(L.paths.content) content['doc'] = read(content['path'], path_rel, L.markdown_extensions) if L.collections: L.update_collections(content['doc']) # Always write doc because of possible template changes. write_page(L.paths.public, content['doc']) L.info(f'Refreshed doc: {url}') return True if content := L.collection_index.get(url): write_collection(L.paths.public, content) L.info(f'Refreshed collection: {url}') return True def update_resource(path: str, L: Logya) -> None: """Update resource corresponding to given url. Resources that exist in the `static` directory are updated if they are newer than the destination file. For other HTML resources the whole `L.doc_index` is updated and the destination is newly written.""" # Use only the actual path and ignore possible query params (see issue #3). url = unquote(urlparse(path).path) url_rel = url.lstrip('/') # If a static file is requested update it and return. src_static = L.paths.static.joinpath(url_rel) if src_static.is_file(): dst_static = L.paths.public.joinpath(url_rel) dst_static.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not dst_static.exists() or src_static.stat().st_mtime > dst_static.stat().st_mtime: L.info(f'Update static resource: {dst_static}') copyfile(src_static, dst_static) return # Update content or collection existing in respective index. if update_page(url, L): return # Rebuild indexes for other HTML file requests and try again to update page in case of new content. if url.endswith(('/', '.html', '.htm')): L.info(f'Rebuild site for request URL: {url}') L.build() if not update_page(url, L): L.info(f'URL not found: {url}') def serve(dir_site: str, verbose: bool, host: str, port: int, **kwargs) -> None: L = Logya(dir_site=dir_site, verbose=verbose) L.build() # Make Logya object accessible to server. HTTPRequestHandler.L = L # Make sure absolute links work. base_url = f'http://{host}:{port}' env.globals['base_url'] = base_url # Avoid "OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use" socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True with socketserver.TCPServer((host, port), HTTPRequestHandler) as httpd: print(f'Serving on {base_url}') httpd.serve_forever()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto import Random import base64 class MightyCrypto: block_size = AES.block_size cipher_method = AES __pad = lambda self,s: s + (self.block_size - len(s) % self.block_size) * chr(self.block_size - len(s) % self.block_size) __unpad = lambda self,s: s[:-ord(s[len(s) - 1:])] def cipher(self, key, *args, **kwargs): return self.ciper_method.new(kwargs.get("key")[:32], AES.MODE_CBC, kwargs.get("iv")) def encrypt_data(self, *args, **kwargs): raw = self.__pad(kwargs.get("data")) return base64.b64encode(self.cipher(**kwargs).encrypt(raw)) def decrypt_data(self, *args, **kwargs): raw = base64.b64decode(kwargs.get("data")) return self.__unpad(self.cipher(**kwargs).decrypt(raw))
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from restfulie.restfulie import Restfulie from threading import Semaphore class integration_test: def should_perform_ordinary_requests(self): body = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144/hello").get().body assert "Response for" in body assert "/hello" in body def should_perform_requests_with_parameters_as_kwargs(self): response = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144").post(action="test") print response.body body = response.body assert "This is a test" in body def should_perform_requests_with_parameters_as_dict(self): d = {"action": "test"} response = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144").post(**d) print response.body body = response.body assert "This is a test" in body def should_perform_ordinary_requests_with_simple_auth(self): r = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144/auth").auth('test', 'test') response = r.get() body = response.body assert "worked" in body def should_perform_async_requests(self): barrier = Semaphore(0) def callback(response): body = response.body assert "Response for" in body assert "/hello" in body barrier.release() r = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144/hello").async(callback).get() barrier.acquire() assert "Response for" in r.body assert "/hello" in r.body def should_perform_async_requests_with_arguments_to_the_callback(self): barrier = Semaphore(0) def callback(response, extra1, extra2): body = response.body assert "Response for" in body assert "/hello" in body assert extra1 == "first" assert extra2 == "second" barrier.release() r = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144/hello") r = r.async(callback, args=("first", "second")).get() barrier.acquire() assert "Response for" in r.body assert "/hello" in r.body def should_perform_async_requests_without_callback(self): r = Restfulie.at("http://localhost:20144/hello").async().get() assert "Response for" in r.body assert "/hello" in r.body
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import android app = android.Android() msg = "Hello from Head First Python on Android" app.makeToast(msg)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" This problem was asked by Facebook. Given three 32-bit integers x, y, and b, return x if b is 1 and y if b is 0, using only mathematical or bit operations. You can assume b can only be 1 or 0. """ import numpy as np def conditional_op(x, y, b): condition_1 = (b ^ np.uint32(0)) condition_2 = (b ^ np.uint32(1)) return (x*condition_1) | (y*condition_2) if __name__ == '__main__': x = np.uint32(44) y = np.uint32(5) print(conditional_op(x,y, b = np.uint32(1))) # 44 print(conditional_op(x, y, b=np.uint32(0))) # 5
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import os import secrets import tarfile import docker import pytest from .docker_utils import INFINITY_PROCESS, CONTAINERS_OPTS, ENV def pytest_addoption(parser): """Реализация дополнительных опций. Добавляет опции для выбора тестируемых версий python3, подверсия передаётся цифрой: -2 (3.2), -5 (3.5), -25 (3.2 и 3.5) Добавляет опцию для проверки сжатой версии: --wrapped (по-умолчанию false) """ for os_name in CONTAINERS_OPTS.keys(): parser.addoption( '-{0}'.format(os_name), action='store_true', help='run tests in {0}.'.format(os_name), ) parser.addoption( '--all', action='store_true', help='run test in all versions.', ) parser.addoption( '--wrapped', action='store_true', help='use wrapped form.', ) def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): """Изменяет порядок генерации тестов. Генерирует тесты для необходимых ОС и подставляет соответствующую через фикстуру container. Также подставляет конфигурацию для сжатой версии, если был тест выполняется с аргументом --wrapped. """ if 'container' in metafunc.fixturenames: testing_os = set() if metafunc.config.getoption('all'): chosen_versions = list(CONTAINERS_OPTS.keys()) else: for os_name in CONTAINERS_OPTS.keys(): if metafunc.config.getoption(os_name): testing_os.add(os_name) if metafunc.config.getoption('5') or not testing_os: # добавлять python3.5, если версия не выбрана testing_os.add('5') chosen_versions = list(testing_os & set(CONTAINERS_OPTS.keys())) metafunc.parametrize( 'container', chosen_versions, indirect=['container'], ids=['python3.{v}'.format(v=ver) for ver in chosen_versions], ) if 'kristabackup_tar' in metafunc.fixturenames: if metafunc.config.getoption('wrapped'): params = [('../out', 'KristaBackup')] ids = ['wrapped'] else: params = [('../KristaBackup', 'KristaBackup.py')] ids = ['unwrapped'] metafunc.parametrize( 'kristabackup_tar', params, indirect=['kristabackup_tar'], ids=ids, ) def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): # noqa: ignore=W0613 """Чистит мусор после тестов. Запускается в конце сессии. """ docker_client = docker.from_env() for os_entry in CONTAINERS_OPTS.values(): if os_entry.get('prepared'): docker_client.images.remove(os_entry.get('prepared').short_id) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def kristabackup_tar(request): """Фикстура для создания архива с приложением. Уже содержит в себе config.yaml. Архив удаляется после завершения всех тестов. Args: request: содержит параметр param (tuple), включающий путь к исходникам и имя исполняемого файла Yields: (tar_archive_stream, executable): архивированные данные приложения и имя исполняемого файла """ path, executable = request.param arch_src = 'kristabackup_{0}.tar'.format(secrets.token_hex(4)) with tarfile.open(arch_src, mode='w') as tar: tar.add(path, arcname='KristaBackup') tar.add( 'test_config.yaml', arcname='KristaBackup/config.yaml', ) with open(arch_src, 'rb') as tar_archive: yield (tar_archive.read(), executable) os.remove(arch_src) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def container(request, kristabackup_tar): # noqa: ignore=W0621, WPS442 """Фикстура для создания докер контейнера. Название требуемой версии берётся из request.params, а соответствующая конфигурация хранится в docker_utils.CONTAINERS_OPTS. После выполнения теста контейнер уничтожается. Args: request: содержит параметр param имеющий значение требуемого окружения kristabackup_tar: результат фикстуры kristabackup_tar Yields: container: докер контейнер """ py3version = request.param created_containers = [] yield lambda: _container( py3version, kristabackup_tar, created_containers, ) for xcontainer in created_containers: xcontainer.stop() xcontainer.remove() def _container( py3version, kristabackup_tar, # noqa: W0621, WPS442 created_containers=None, ): config = CONTAINERS_OPTS[py3version] docker_client = docker.from_env() if config.get('prepared', None): # если образ контейнера был использован ранее и сохранён, # то он переиспользуется xcontainer = docker_client.containers.run( config.get('prepared'), INFINITY_PROCESS, detach=True, environment=ENV, ) else: image = docker_client.images.get(config['docker_image']) if image is None: image = docker_client.images.pull(config['docker_image']) xcontainer = docker_client.containers.run( image, INFINITY_PROCESS, detach=True, environment=ENV, ) xcontainer.put_archive('/opt/', kristabackup_tar[0]) xcontainer.exec_run( 'ln -s /opt/KristaBackup/{0} {1}'.format( kristabackup_tar[1], config['link'], ), ) xcontainer.exec_run( 'ln -fs /usr/bin/python3.{0} /usr/bin/python3'.format( py3version, ), ) config['prepared'] = xcontainer.commit() if created_containers is not None: created_containers.append(xcontainer) return xcontainer def pytest_configure(): pytest.shared = {}
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Good kraken and python resource: # https://github.com/zertrin/clikraken/tree/master/clikraken import hmac import hashlib import base64 import time from urllib.parse import urlencode from requests import Response from rotkehlchen.utils import ( query_fiat_pair, retry_calls, rlk_jsonloads, convert_to_int, cache_response_timewise, ) from rotkehlchen.order_formatting import AssetMovement from rotkehlchen.exchange import Exchange from rotkehlchen.errors import RecoverableRequestError, RemoteError from rotkehlchen.fval import FVal from rotkehlchen import typing from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict, List, Union, cast import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) KRAKEN_TO_WORLD = { 'XDAO': 'DAO', 'XETC': 'ETC', 'XETH': 'ETH', 'XLTC': 'LTC', 'XREP': 'REP', 'XXBT': 'BTC', 'XXMR': 'XMR', 'XXRP': 'XRP', 'XZEC': 'ZEC', 'ZEUR': 'EUR', 'ZUSD': 'USD', 'ZGBP': 'GBP', 'ZCAD': 'CAD', 'ZJPY': 'JPY', 'XMLN': 'MLN', 'XICN': 'ICN', 'GNO': 'GNO', 'BCH': 'BCH', 'XXLM': 'XLM', 'DASH': 'DASH', 'EOS': 'EOS', 'USDT': 'USDT', 'KFEE': 'KFEE', } WORLD_TO_KRAKEN = { 'ETC': 'XETC', 'ETH': 'XETH', 'LTC': 'XLTC', 'REP': 'XREP', 'BTC': 'XXBT', 'XMR': 'XXMR', 'XRP': 'XXRP', 'ZEC': 'XZEC', 'EUR': 'ZEUR', 'USD': 'ZUSD', 'GBP': 'ZGBP', 'CAD': 'ZCAD', 'JPY': 'ZJPY', 'DAO': 'XDAO', 'MLN': 'XMLN', 'ICN': 'XICN', 'GNO': 'GNO', 'BCH': 'BCH', 'XLM': 'XXLM', 'DASH': 'DASH', 'EOS': 'EOS', 'USDT': 'USDT', 'KFEE': 'KFEE', } def kraken_to_world_pair(pair): if len(pair) == 6: p1 = pair[:3] p2 = pair[3:] return p1 + '_' + p2 else: p1 = pair[:4] p2 = pair[4:] world_p1 = KRAKEN_TO_WORLD[p1] world_p2 = KRAKEN_TO_WORLD[p2] return world_p1 + '_' + world_p2 class Kraken(Exchange): def __init__( self, api_key: typing.ApiKey, secret: typing.ApiSecret, data_dir: typing.FilePath, ): super(Kraken, self).__init__('kraken', api_key, secret, data_dir) self.apiversion = '0' self.uri = 'https://api.kraken.com/{}/'.format(self.apiversion) # typing TODO: Without a union of str and Asset we get lots of warning # How can this be avoided without too much pain? self.usdprice: Dict[Union[typing.Asset, str], FVal] = {} self.eurprice: Dict[Union[typing.Asset, str], FVal] = {} self.session.headers.update({ 'API-Key': self.api_key, }) def first_connection(self): if self.first_connection_made: return resp = self.query_private( 'TradeVolume', req={'pair': 'XETHXXBT', 'fee-info': True} ) with self.lock: # Assuming all fees are the same for all pairs that we trade here, # as long as they are normal orders on normal pairs. self.taker_fee = FVal(resp['fees']['XETHXXBT']['fee']) # Note from kraken api: If an asset pair is on a maker/taker fee # schedule, the taker side is given in "fees" and maker side in # "fees_maker". For pairs not on maker/taker, they will only be # given in "fees". if 'fees_maker' in resp: self.maker_fee = FVal(resp['fees_maker']['XETHXXBT']['fee']) else: self.maker_fee = self.taker_fee self.tradeable_pairs = self.query_public('AssetPairs') self.first_connection_made = True # Also need to do at least a single pass of the main logic for the ticker self.main_logic() def validate_api_key(self) -> Tuple[bool, str]: try: self.query_private('Balance', req={}) except (RemoteError, ValueError) as e: error = str(e) if 'Error: Incorrect padding' in error: return False, 'Provided API Key or secret is in invalid Format' elif 'EAPI:Invalid key' in error: return False, 'Provided API Key is invalid' else: raise return True, '' def check_and_get_response(self, response: Response, method: str) -> dict: if response.status_code in (520, 525, 504): raise RecoverableRequestError('kraken', 'Usual kraken 5xx shenanigans') elif response.status_code != 200: raise RemoteError( 'Kraken API request {} for {} failed with HTTP status ' 'code: {}'.format( response.url, method, response.status_code, )) result = rlk_jsonloads(response.text) if result['error']: if isinstance(result['error'], list): error = result['error'][0] else: error = result['error'] if 'Rate limit exceeded' in error: raise RecoverableRequestError('kraken', 'Rate limited exceeded') else: raise RemoteError(error) return result['result'] def _query_public(self, method: str, req: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """API queries that do not require a valid key/secret pair. Arguments: method -- API method name (string, no default) req -- additional API request parameters (default: {}) """ if req is None: req = {} urlpath = self.uri + 'public/' + method response = self.session.post(urlpath, data=req) return self.check_and_get_response(response, method) def query_public(self, method: str, req: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: return retry_calls(5, 'kraken', method, self._query_public, method, req) def query_private(self, method: str, req: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: return retry_calls(5, 'kraken', method, self._query_private, method, req) def _query_private(self, method: str, req: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: """API queries that require a valid key/secret pair. Arguments: method -- API method name (string, no default) req -- additional API request parameters (default: {}) """ if req is None: req = {} urlpath = '/' + self.apiversion + '/private/' + method with self.lock: # Protect this section, or else req['nonce'] = int(1000 * time.time()) post_data = urlencode(req) # any unicode strings must be turned to bytes hashable = (str(req['nonce']) + post_data).encode() message = urlpath.encode() + hashlib.sha256(hashable).digest() signature = hmac.new( base64.b64decode(self.secret), message, hashlib.sha512 ) self.session.headers.update({ 'API-Sign': base64.b64encode(signature.digest()) }) response = self.session.post( 'https://api.kraken.com' + urlpath, data=post_data.encode() ) return self.check_and_get_response(response, method) def world_to_kraken_pair(self, pair: str) -> str: p1, p2 = pair.split('_') kraken_p1 = WORLD_TO_KRAKEN[p1] kraken_p2 = WORLD_TO_KRAKEN[p2] if kraken_p1 + kraken_p2 in self.tradeable_pairs: pair = kraken_p1 + kraken_p2 elif kraken_p2 + kraken_p1 in self.tradeable_pairs: pair = kraken_p2 + kraken_p1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown pair "{}" provided'.format(pair)) return pair # ---- General exchanges interface ---- def main_logic(self): if not self.first_connection_made: return self.ticker = self.query_public( 'Ticker', req={'pair': ','.join(self.tradeable_pairs.keys())} ) self.eurprice['BTC'] = FVal(self.ticker['XXBTZEUR']['c'][0]) self.usdprice['BTC'] = FVal(self.ticker['XXBTZUSD']['c'][0]) self.eurprice['ETH'] = FVal(self.ticker['XETHZEUR']['c'][0]) self.usdprice['ETH'] = FVal(self.ticker['XETHZUSD']['c'][0]) self.eurprice['REP'] = FVal(self.ticker['XREPZEUR']['c'][0]) self.eurprice['XMR'] = FVal(self.ticker['XXMRZEUR']['c'][0]) self.usdprice['XMR'] = FVal(self.ticker['XXMRZUSD']['c'][0]) self.eurprice['ETC'] = FVal(self.ticker['XETCZEUR']['c'][0]) self.usdprice['ETC'] = FVal(self.ticker['XETCZUSD']['c'][0]) def find_fiat_price(self, asset: typing.Asset) -> FVal: """Find USD/EUR price of asset. The asset should be in the kraken style. e.g.: XICN. Save both prices in the kraken object and then return the USD price. """ if asset == 'KFEE': # Kraken fees have no value return FVal(0) if asset == 'XXBT': return self.usdprice['BTC'] # TODO: This is pretty ugly. Find a better way to check out kraken pairs # without this ugliness. pair = asset + 'XXBT' pair2 = asset + 'XBT' if pair2 in self.tradeable_pairs: pair = pair2 if pair not in self.tradeable_pairs: raise ValueError( 'Could not find a BTC tradeable pair in kraken for "{}"'.format(asset) ) btc_price = FVal(self.ticker[pair]['c'][0]) common_name = KRAKEN_TO_WORLD[asset] with self.lock: self.usdprice[common_name] = btc_price * self.usdprice['BTC'] self.eurprice[common_name] = btc_price * self.eurprice['BTC'] return self.usdprice[common_name] @cache_response_timewise() def query_balances(self) -> Tuple[Optional[dict], str]: try: self.first_connection() old_balances = self.query_private('Balance', req={}) # find USD price of EUR with self.lock: self.usdprice['EUR'] = query_fiat_pair('EUR', 'USD') except RemoteError as e: msg = ( 'Kraken API request failed. Could not reach kraken due ' 'to {}'.format(e) ) logger.error(msg) return None, msg balances = dict() for k, v in old_balances.items(): v = FVal(v) if v == FVal(0): continue common_name = KRAKEN_TO_WORLD[k] entry = {} entry['amount'] = v if common_name in self.usdprice: entry['usd_value'] = v * self.usdprice[common_name] else: entry['usd_value'] = v * self.find_fiat_price(k) balances[common_name] = entry return balances, '' def query_until_finished( self, endpoint: str, keyname: str, start_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_ts: typing.Timestamp, extra_dict: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> List: """ Abstracting away the functionality of querying a kraken endpoint where you need to check the 'count' of the returned results and provide sufficient calls with enough offset to gather all the data of your query. """ result: List = list() logger.debug( f'Querying Kraken {endpoint} from {start_ts} to ' f'{end_ts} with extra_dict {extra_dict}', ) response = self._query_endpoint_for_period( endpoint=endpoint, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, extra_dict=extra_dict ) count = response['count'] offset = len(response[keyname]) result.extend(response[keyname].values()) logger.debug(f'Kraken {endpoint} Query Response with count:{count}') while offset < count: logger.debug( f'Querying Kraken {endpoint} from {start_ts} to {end_ts} ' f'with offset {offset} and extra_dict {extra_dict}', ) response = self._query_endpoint_for_period( endpoint=endpoint, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, offset=offset, extra_dict=extra_dict ) assert count == response['count'] response_length = len(response[keyname]) offset += response_length if response_length == 0 and offset != count: # If we have provided specific filtering then this is a known # issue documented below, so skip the warning logging # https://github.com/rotkehlchenio/rotkehlchen/issues/116 if extra_dict: break # it is possible that kraken misbehaves and either does not # send us enough results or thinks it has more than it really does logger.warning( 'Missing {} results when querying kraken endpoint {}'.format( count - offset, endpoint) ) break result.extend(response[keyname].values()) return result def query_trade_history( self, start_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_at_least_ts: typing.Timestamp, ) -> List: with self.lock: cache = self.check_trades_cache(start_ts, end_at_least_ts) cache = cast(List, cache) if cache is not None: return cache result = self.query_until_finished('TradesHistory', 'trades', start_ts, end_ts) with self.lock: # before returning save it in the disk for future reference self.update_trades_cache(result, start_ts, end_ts) return result def _query_endpoint_for_period( self, endpoint: str, start_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_ts: typing.Timestamp, offset: Optional[int] = None, extra_dict: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> dict: request: Dict[str, Union[typing.Timestamp, int]] = dict() request['start'] = start_ts request['end'] = end_ts if offset is not None: request['ofs'] = offset if extra_dict is not None: request.update(extra_dict) result = self.query_private(endpoint, request) return result def query_deposits_withdrawals( self, start_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_ts: typing.Timestamp, end_at_least_ts: typing.Timestamp, ) -> List: with self.lock: cache = self.check_trades_cache( start_ts, end_at_least_ts, special_name='deposits_withdrawals' ) if cache is not None: result = cache else: result = self.query_until_finished( endpoint='Ledgers', keyname='ledger', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, extra_dict=dict(type='deposit'), ) result.extend(self.query_until_finished( endpoint='Ledgers', keyname='ledger', start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, extra_dict=dict(type='withdrawal'), )) with self.lock: self.update_trades_cache( result, start_ts, end_ts, special_name='deposits_withdrawals' ) movements = list() for movement in result: movements.append(AssetMovement( exchange='kraken', category=movement['type'], # Kraken timestamps have floating point timestamp=convert_to_int(movement['time'], accept_only_exact=False), asset=KRAKEN_TO_WORLD[movement['asset']], amount=FVal(movement['amount']), fee=FVal(movement['fee']) )) return movements
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import torch import random import math import torch.nn as nn import torch.distributions as dist from adv_exp.attack_class import Attack_Class default_params = { 'iters': 40, 'optimizer': None, 'num_adv_ex': 5, 'lr': 1e-4, 'check_adv': 100, 'mu': 0.1, 'decay_alpha': False, 'original_alpha': True, } class MI_FGSM_Attack(Attack_Class): def __init__(self, params=None, cpu=False, store_loss_progress=False, model=None, data=None): self.__name__ = 'MI_FGSM__attack' self.params = dict(default_params, **params) if params is not None else default_params self.cpu = cpu self.store_loss_progress = store_loss_progress self.model = model self.data = data def create_adv_examples(self, data=None, model=None, return_criterion="all", init_tensor=None, target=None, gpu=False, return_iters=False, multi_targets=False): with torch.enable_grad(): assert return_criterion in ["one", "half", "all", "not_early"] # self.targeted_attack = type(target) != type(None) self.targeted_attack = not isinstance(target, type(None)) if model is None: model = self.model if data is None: data = self.data x, y, x_lbs, x_ubs = data if gpu and torch.cuda.is_available(): x = x.cuda() x_lbs = x_lbs.cuda() x_ubs = x_ubs.cuda() model.cuda() device = x.device iters = self.params['iters'] num_adv = self.params['num_adv_ex'] if device.type == 'cpu': labels = torch.LongTensor([y]*num_adv, device=device) else: labels = torch.cuda.LongTensor([y]*num_adv, device=device) if multi_targets: num_classes = model[-1].out_features num_per_class = math.ceil(self.params['num_adv_ex'] / (num_classes - 1)) target_list = [[k]*num_per_class for k in range(num_classes) if k != y] target_list = [item for sublist in target_list for item in sublist] random.shuffle(target_list) target_list = target_list[:self.params['num_adv_ex']] target = torch.LongTensor(target_list).unsqueeze(1) if gpu: target = target.cuda() # Calculate the mean of the normal distribution in logit space prior = dist.Uniform(low=x_lbs, high=x_ubs) images = prior.sample(torch.Size([num_adv])) # Alg1 line 2 if not isinstance(init_tensor, type(None)): if images[0].size() == init_tensor.size(): images[0] = init_tensor elif images[0].size() == init_tensor[0].size(): images[:init_tensor.size()[0]] = init_tensor else: print("image size", images.size(), images[0].size()) print("init tensor size", init_tensor.size(), init_tensor[0].size()) input("images and init tensor not compatible") if self.params['optimizer']: if self.params['optimizer'] == 'default': alpha = self.params['lr'] images.requires_grad = True else: print("optimizer", self.params['optimizer']) raise NotImplementedError if not isinstance(target, type(None)): self.loss_type = 'targeted_loss' else: self.loss_type = 'CE_loss' self.CE_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.loss_progress = [] g_vec = torch.zeros_like(images) mu = self.params['mu'] if self.params['original_alpha']: alpha = ((x_ubs[-1] - x_lbs[-1])/2) / iters eps = float(((x_ubs[-1] - x_lbs[-1]).view(-1)[0])/2) alpha = eps/iters else: alpha = self.params['lr'] for i in range(iters): images.requires_grad = True outputs = model(images) model.zero_grad() cost = self._loss(outputs, labels, target).to(device) cost.backward() g_vec = mu * g_vec + images.grad/torch.norm(images.grad, p=1) adv_images = images + alpha*g_vec.sign() images = torch.max(torch.min(adv_images, x_ubs), x_lbs).detach_() if self.params['decay_alpha']: alpha = alpha * (float(i+1)/float(i+2)) if self.store_loss_progress: self.loss_progress.append(cost.detach()) if i % self.params['check_adv'] == 0: outputs = model(images) succ, sum_, mean_ = self.success_tensor(outputs, y, target) if return_criterion == "all" and mean_ == 1: break elif return_criterion == "one" and mean_ > 0: print("return early, iter ", i) break elif return_criterion == "half" and mean_ >= 0.5: break succ, sum_, mean_ = self.success_tensor(outputs, y, target) output = model(images) _, loss = self._loss(outputs, labels, target, return_vector=True) loss = -loss.to(device) if return_iters: return images, succ, i else: return images, succ, loss
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Synchronization Controllers """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index(): """ Module's Home Page """ module_name = T("Synchronization") response.title = module_name return dict(module_name=module_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def config(): """ Synchronization Settings Controller """ # Get the record ID of the first and only record table = s3db.sync_config record = db().select(table.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if not record: record_id = table.insert() else: record_id = record.id # Can't do anything else than update here r = s3_request(args=[str(record_id), "update"], extension="html") return r(list_btn=None) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def repository(): """ Repository Management Controller """ tabs = [(T("Configuration"), None), (T("Resources"), "task"), (T("Schedule"), "job"), (T("Log"), "log") ] s3db.set_method("sync", "repository", method="register", action=current.sync) crud_form = s3base.S3SQLCustomForm("resource_name", "last_pull", "last_push", "mode", "strategy", "update_method", "update_policy", "conflict_policy", s3base.S3SQLInlineComponent( "resource_filter", label = T("Filters"), fields = ["tablename", "filter_string", ] ), ) s3db.configure("sync_task", crud_form=crud_form) def prep(r): if r.interactive: if r.component and r.id: if r.component.alias == "job": s3task.configure_tasktable_crud( function="sync_synchronize", args = [r.id], vars = dict(user_id = auth.user is not None and auth.user.id or 0), period = 600, # seconds, so 10 mins ) s3.cancel = URL(c="sync", f="repository", args=[str(r.id), r.component.alias]) return True s3.prep = prep def postp(r, output): if r.interactive and r.id: if r.component and r.component.alias == "job": s3.actions = [ dict(label=str(T("Reset")), _class="action-btn", url=URL(c="sync", f="repository", args=[str(r.id), "job", "[id]", "reset"])) ] s3_action_buttons(r) return output s3.postp = postp rheader = lambda r: s3db.sync_rheader(r, tabs=tabs) return s3_rest_controller("sync", "repository", rheader=rheader) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sync(): """ Synchronization """ if "resource" in request.get_vars: tablename = request.get_vars["resource"] if "_" in tablename: # URL variables from peer: # repository ID, msince and sync filters get_vars = Storage(include_deleted=True) _vars = request.get_vars for k, v in _vars.items(): if k in ("repository", "msince") or \ k[0] == "[" and "]" in k: get_vars[k] = v # Request prefix, name = tablename.split("_", 1) r = s3_request(prefix=prefix, name=name, args=["sync"], get_vars=get_vars) # Response output = r() return output raise HTTP(400, body=s3mgr.ERROR.BAD_REQUEST) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def log(): """ Log Reader """ if "return" in request.get_vars: c, f = request.get_vars["return"].split(".", 1) list_btn = URL(c=c, f=f, args="sync_log") else: list_btn = URL(c="sync", f="log", vars=request.get_vars) list_btn = A(T("List all Entries"), _href=list_btn, _class="action-btn") output = s3_rest_controller("sync", "log", subtitle=None, rheader=s3base.S3SyncLog.rheader, list_btn=list_btn) return output # END =========================================================================
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (C) DATADVANCE, 2010-2021 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """Websocket GraphQL server with subscriptions. Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions. """ from .client import GraphqlWsClient, GraphqlWsResponseError from .graphql_ws_consumer import GraphqlWsConsumer from .subscription import Subscription from .transport import GraphqlWsTransportAiohttp
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # Copyright Kitware Inc. and Contributors # Distributed under the Apache License, 2.0 (apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # See accompanying Copyright.txt and LICENSE files for details ############################################################################### from ..algorithms import runMetrics from ..constants import DanesfieldStep from ..settings import PluginSettings from ..workflow_step import DanesfieldWorkflowStep from ..workflow_utilities import ( getOptions, getWorkingSet, isClsImage, isDsmImage, isMtlImage, ) class RunMetricsStep(DanesfieldWorkflowStep): """ Step that runs the pubgeo core3d metrics. """ def __init__(self): super(RunMetricsStep, self).__init__(DanesfieldStep.RUN_METRICS) self.addDependency(DanesfieldStep.CLASSIFY_MATERIALS) self.addDependency(DanesfieldStep.BUILDINGS_TO_DSM) self.addDependency(DanesfieldStep.FIT_DTM) def run(self, jobInfo, outputFolder): # Get working sets initWorkingSet = getWorkingSet(DanesfieldStep.INIT, jobInfo) classifyMaterialsWorkingSet = getWorkingSet( DanesfieldStep.CLASSIFY_MATERIALS, jobInfo ) buildingsToDsmWorkingSet = getWorkingSet( DanesfieldStep.BUILDINGS_TO_DSM, jobInfo ) dtmWorkingSet = getWorkingSet(DanesfieldStep.FIT_DTM, jobInfo) runMetricsOptions = getOptions(self.name, jobInfo) classifyMaterialsOptions = getOptions( DanesfieldStep.CLASSIFY_MATERIALS, jobInfo ) # Using the "model" passed through the classify materials # options as the reference file prefix for now referencePrefix = classifyMaterialsOptions.get("model") referenceFolder = self.getFolderFromSetting( PluginSettings.REFERENCE_DATA_FOLDER_ID ) # Get DTM dtmFile = self.getSingleFile(dtmWorkingSet) # Get CLS clsFile = self.getSingleFile(buildingsToDsmWorkingSet, isClsImage) # Get DSM dsmFile = self.getSingleFile(buildingsToDsmWorkingSet, isDsmImage) # Get MTL mtlFile = self.getSingleFile(classifyMaterialsWorkingSet, isMtlImage) # Run algorithm runMetrics( initWorkingSetName=initWorkingSet["name"], stepName=self.name, requestInfo=jobInfo.requestInfo, jobId=jobInfo.jobId, outputFolder=outputFolder, referenceFolder=referenceFolder, referencePrefix=referencePrefix, dtmFile=dtmFile, dsmFile=dsmFile, clsFile=clsFile, mtlFile=mtlFile, **runMetricsOptions )
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import pytest from laserembeddings import Laser from laserembeddings.preprocessing import Tokenizer, BPE def test_tokenizer(): assert Tokenizer('en').tokenize("Let's do it!") == "let 's do it !" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): Tokenizer(romanize=True) assert Tokenizer( 'en', descape=True).tokenize("Let's do it &amp; pass that test!" ) == "let 's do it & pass that test !" with pytest.raises(AssertionError): Tokenizer(lower_case=False) def test_bpe(): with open(Laser.DEFAULT_BPE_VOCAB_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_vocab: bpe = BPE(Laser.DEFAULT_BPE_CODES_FILE, f_vocab) assert bpe.encode_tokens( "the tests are passing") == 'the test@@ s are passing'
Gamle scripts/old tests/systematic_L2.py
[ "MIT" ]
Gamle scripts/old tests/systematic_L2.py
[ "MIT" ]
Gamle scripts/old tests/systematic_L2.py
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Nov 9 09:57:18 2018 @author: Simon """ import os from createLargerFeatureMatrix import simpleLargeMatrix import pickle from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras import regularizers import numpy as np path = "Saved matrices/11-10-2018 11.36/sorted_Cutoff25_noSingleElementKrystals/" featureMatrixFile = "train_featureMatrix.npy" atomicSymbolsListFile = "train_pickledAtomicSymbolsList.txt" energiesFile = "train_pickledEnergies.txt" largeFeatureMatrix, mappedAtomicNumber = simpleLargeMatrix(path,featureMatrixFile, atomicSymbolsListFile) with open(path+energiesFile, "rb") as pickleFile: energies = pickle.load(pickleFile) largeFeatureMatrix.shape = (largeFeatureMatrix.shape[0], -1) X = largeFeatureMatrix Y = np.array(energies) #Load validation set featureMatrixFileValidate = "validate_featureMatrix.npy" atomicSymbolsListFileValidate = "validate_pickledAtomicSymbolsList.txt" energiesFileValidate = "validate_pickledEnergies.txt" largeFeatureMatrixValidate, mappedAtomicNumberValidate = simpleLargeMatrix(path,featureMatrixFileValidate, atomicSymbolsListFileValidate) with open(path+energiesFileValidate, "rb") as pickleFile: energiesValidate = pickle.load(pickleFile) largeFeatureMatrixValidate.shape = (largeFeatureMatrixValidate.shape[0], -1) X_v = largeFeatureMatrixValidate Y_v = np.array(energiesValidate) def f(lam): #Create model model = Sequential() inputShape = np.shape(X)[1:] model.add(Dense(800, input_shape=inputShape, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(lam))) model.add(Dense(400, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(lam))) model.add(Dense(1, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(lam))) #Compile model model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam', metrics=["mse"]) print(model.summary()) #Fit the model. This is where the hard computing happens. #Number of epochs is number of iterations through dataset #Batch size is number of iterations before weights are changed. model.fit(X, Y, epochs=40, batch_size=50) #Evaluate model efficiency scores = model.evaluate(X, Y) print("\n%s: %.2f eV" % (model.metrics_names[1], scores[1])) #Make predictions predictions = model.predict(X) predictionsValidate = model.predict(X_v) return predictions, predictionsValidate outs = [] lam_list = [5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001] for lam in lam_list: predictions, predictionsValidate =f(lam) print("Lambda = " + str(lam)) a=0 for i in range(len(predictions)): a+=(energies[i]-predictions[i])**2 rmse=np.sqrt(a/len(energies)) print("RMSE on training data "+str(rmse)) #Make predictions on validation set a=0 for i in range(len(predictionsValidate)): a+=(energiesValidate[i]-predictionsValidate[i])**2 rmseValidate=np.sqrt(a/len(energiesValidate)) print("RMSE on validation data "+str(rmseValidate)) outs.append(["Lambda = " + str(lam),"RMSE on training data "+str(rmse),"RMSE on validation data "+str(rmseValidate)]) for i in outs: print("") for j in i: print(j) print("DONE")
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""AFK Plugin for IndianBot Syntax: .afk REASON""" import asyncio import datetime from telethon import events from telethon.tl import functions, types from userbot.utils import admin_cmd global USER_AFK # pylint:disable=E0602 global afk_time # pylint:disable=E0602 global last_afk_message # pylint:disable=E0602 USER_AFK = {} afk_time = None last_afk_message = {} @borg.on(events.NewMessage(outgoing=True)) # pylint:disable=E0602 async def set_not_afk(event): global USER_AFK # pylint:disable=E0602 global afk_time # pylint:disable=E0602 global last_afk_message # pylint:disable=E0602 current_message = event.message.message if ".afk" not in current_message and "yes" in USER_AFK: # pylint:disable=E0602 try: await borg.send_message( # pylint:disable=E0602 Config.PLUGIN_CHANNEL, # pylint:disable=E0602 "Mine Owner has gone for some Important work he is very busy🥳🥳🥳" ) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=C0103,W0703 await borg.send_message( # pylint:disable=E0602 event.chat_id, "Please set `PLUGIN_CHANNEL` " + \ "for the proper functioning of afk functionality " + \ "in @IndianArMyGiveaway\n\n `{}`".format(str(e)), reply_to=event.message.id, silent=True ) USER_AFK = {} # pylint:disable=E0602 afk_time = None # pylint:disable=E0602 @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern=r"afk ?(.*)")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return global USER_AFK # pylint:disable=E0602 global afk_time # pylint:disable=E0602 global last_afk_message # pylint:disable=E0602 global reason USER_AFK = {} afk_time = None last_afk_message = {} reason = event.pattern_match.group(1) if not USER_AFK: # pylint:disable=E0602 last_seen_status = await borg( # pylint:disable=E0602 functions.account.GetPrivacyRequest( types.InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp() ) ) if isinstance(last_seen_status.rules, types.PrivacyValueAllowAll): afk_time = datetime.datetime.now() # pylint:disable=E0602 USER_AFK = f"yes: {reason}" # pylint:disable=E0602 if reason: await event.edit(f"My Master is Away, and Reason is {reason}") else: await event.edit(f"My Master is Away") await asyncio.sleep(5) await event.delete() try: await borg.send_message( # pylint:disable=E0602 Config.PLUGIN_CHANNEL, # pylint:disable=E0602 f"My Master is Away, and Reason is {reason}" ) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=C0103,W0703 logger.warn(str(e)) # pylint:disable=E0602 @borg.on(events.NewMessage( # pylint:disable=E0602 incoming=True, func=lambda e: bool(e.mentioned or e.is_private) )) async def on_afk(event): if event.fwd_from: return global USER_AFK # pylint:disable=E0602 global afk_time # pylint:disable=E0602 global last_afk_message # pylint:disable=E0602 afk_since = "**a while ago**" current_message_text = event.message.message.lower() if "afk" in current_message_text: # userbot's should not reply to other userbot's # https://core.telegram.org/bots/faq#why-doesn-39t-my-bot-see-messages-from-other-bots return False if USER_AFK and not (await event.get_sender()).bot: # pylint:disable=E0602 if afk_time: # pylint:disable=E0602 now = datetime.datetime.now() datime_since_afk = now - afk_time # pylint:disable=E0602 time = float(datime_since_afk.seconds) days = time // (24 * 3600) time = time % (24 * 3600) hours = time // 3600 time %= 3600 minutes = time // 60 time %= 60 seconds = time if days == 1: afk_since = "**Yesterday**" elif days > 1: if days > 6: date = now + \ datetime.timedelta( days=-days, hours=-hours, minutes=-minutes) afk_since = date.strftime("%A, %Y %B %m, %H:%I") else: wday = now + datetime.timedelta(days=-days) afk_since = wday.strftime('%A') elif hours > 1: afk_since = f"`{int(hours)}h{int(minutes)}m` **ago**" elif minutes > 0: afk_since = f"`{int(minutes)}m{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" else: afk_since = f"`{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" msg = None message_to_reply = f"My Master Has Been Gone For {afk_since}\nWhere He Is: Probably Alone in his Dreams " + \ f"\n\n__ I'll back in a few hours__\n**REASON**: {reason}" \ if reason \ else f"**Important Notice**\n\n[This User Is Ded Forever...](https://telegra.ph//file/a53fa950ff31781d5930a.jpg) " msg = await event.reply(message_to_reply) await asyncio.sleep(5) if event.chat_id in last_afk_message: # pylint:disable=E0602 await last_afk_message[event.chat_id].delete() # pylint:disable=E0602 last_afk_message[event.chat_id] = msg # pylint:disable=E0602
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import torch from torch.nn import functional from audio_zen.acoustics.feature import drop_band from audio_zen.model.base_model import BaseModel from audio_zen.model.module.sequence_model import SequenceModel class Model(BaseModel): def __init__(self, num_freqs, look_ahead, sequence_model, sb_num_neighbors, sb_output_activate_function, sb_model_hidden_size, norm_type="offline_laplace_norm", num_groups_in_drop_band=2, weight_init=True, variation=None, ): """ FullSubNet model (cIRM mask) Args: num_freqs: Frequency dim of the input sb_num_neighbors: Number of the neighbor frequencies in each side look_ahead: Number of use of the future frames sequence_model: Chose one sequence model as the basic model (GRU, LSTM) """ super().__init__() assert sequence_model in ("GRU", "LSTM"), f"{self.__class__.__name__} only support GRU and LSTM." self.sb_model = SequenceModel( input_size= (sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1) + (sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1), output_size=2, hidden_size=sb_model_hidden_size, num_layers=2, bidirectional=False, sequence_model=sequence_model, output_activate_function=sb_output_activate_function ) self.sb_num_neighbors = sb_num_neighbors self.look_ahead = look_ahead self.norm = self.norm_wrapper(norm_type) self.num_groups_in_drop_band = num_groups_in_drop_band self.variation=variation if weight_init: self.apply(self.weight_init) def forward(self, noisy_mag, bgm_mag): """ Args: noisy_mag: noisy magnitude spectrogram Returns: The real part and imag part of the enhanced spectrogram Shapes: noisy_mag: [B, 1, F, T] return: [B, 2, F, T] """ assert noisy_mag.shape == bgm_mag.shape #when this is assured, we can check derive the below info just from noisy_mag assert noisy_mag.dim() == 4 bgm_mag = functional.pad(bgm_mag, [0, self.look_ahead]) # Pad the look ahead noisy_mag = functional.pad(noisy_mag, [0, self.look_ahead]) # Pad the look ahead batch_size, num_channels, num_freqs, num_frames = noisy_mag.size() assert num_channels == 1, f"{self.__class__.__name__} takes the mag feature as inputs." # Unfold noisy input, [B, N=F, C, F_s, T] noisy_mag_unfolded = self.unfold(noisy_mag, num_neighbor=self.sb_num_neighbors) noisy_mag_unfolded = noisy_mag_unfolded.reshape(batch_size, num_freqs, self.sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1, num_frames) noisy_mag_unfolded = self.norm(noisy_mag_unfolded) # Unfold bgm input, [B, N=F, C, F_s, T] bgm_mag_unfolded = self.unfold(bgm_mag, num_neighbor=self.sb_num_neighbors) bgm_mag_unfolded = bgm_mag_unfolded.reshape(batch_size, num_freqs, self.sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1, num_frames) bgm_mag_unfolded = self.norm(bgm_mag_unfolded) # Concatenation, [B, F, (F_s + F_s), T] sb_input = torch.cat([noisy_mag_unfolded, bgm_mag_unfolded], dim=2) #sb_input = self.norm(sb_input) #TODO maybe this helps # Speeding up training without significant performance degradation. These will be updated to the paper later. if batch_size > 1: sb_input = drop_band(sb_input.permute(0, 2, 1, 3), num_groups=self.num_groups_in_drop_band) # [B, (F_s + F_s), F//num_groups, T] num_freqs = sb_input.shape[2] sb_input = sb_input.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # [B, F//num_groups, (F_s + F_s), T] sb_input = sb_input.reshape( batch_size * num_freqs, (self.sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1) + (self.sb_num_neighbors * 2 + 1), num_frames ) # [B * F, (F_s + F_s), T] => [B * F, 2, T] => [B, F, 2, T] sb_mask = self.sb_model(sb_input) sb_mask = sb_mask.reshape(batch_size, num_freqs, 2, num_frames).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous() output = sb_mask[:, :, :, self.look_ahead:] return output if __name__ == "__main__": import datetime with torch.no_grad(): model = Model( sb_num_neighbors=15, fb_num_neighbors=0, num_freqs=257, look_ahead=2, sequence_model="LSTM", fb_output_activate_function="ReLU", sb_output_activate_function=None, fb_model_hidden_size=512, sb_model_hidden_size=384, weight_init=False, norm_type="offline_laplace_norm", num_groups_in_drop_band=2, ) # ipt = torch.rand(3, 800) # 1.6s # ipt_len = ipt.shape[-1] # # 1000 frames (16s) - 5.65s (35.31%,纯模型) - 5.78s # # 500 frames (8s) - 3.05s (38.12%,纯模型) - 3.04s # # 200 frames (3.2s) - 1.19s (37.19%,纯模型) - 1.20s # # 100 frames (1.6s) - 0.62s (38.75%,纯模型) - 0.65s # start = datetime.datetime.now() # # complex_tensor = torch.stft(ipt, n_fft=512, hop_length=256) # mag = (complex_tensor.pow(2.).sum(-1) + 1e-8).pow(0.5 * 1.0).unsqueeze(1) # print(f"STFT: {datetime.datetime.now() - start}, {mag.shape}") # # enhanced_complex_tensor = model(mag).detach().permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # print(enhanced_complex_tensor.shape) # print(f"Model Inference: {datetime.datetime.now() - start}") # # enhanced = torch.istft(enhanced_complex_tensor, 512, 256, length=ipt_len) # print(f"iSTFT: {datetime.datetime.now() - start}") # # print(f"{datetime.datetime.now() - start}") ipt = torch.rand(3, 1, 257, 200) print(model(ipt).shape)
[ "PSF-2.0" ]
[ "PSF-2.0" ]
[ "PSF-2.0" ]
# Python MSI Generator # (C) 2003 Martin v. Loewis # See "FOO" in comments refers to MSDN sections with the title FOO. import msilib, schema, sequence, os, glob, time, re, shutil, zipfile import subprocess, tempfile from msilib import Feature, CAB, Directory, Dialog, Binary, add_data import uisample from win32com.client import constants from distutils.spawn import find_executable # Settings can be overridden in config.py below # 0 for official python.org releases # 1 for intermediate releases by anybody, with # a new product code for every package. snapshot = 1 # 1 means that file extension is px, not py, # and binaries start with x testpackage = 0 # Location of build tree srcdir = os.path.abspath("../..") # Text to be displayed as the version in dialogs etc. # goes into file name and ProductCode. Defaults to # current_version.day for Snapshot, current_version otherwise full_current_version = None # Is Tcl available at all? have_tcl = True # path to PCbuild directory PCBUILD="PCbuild" # msvcrt version MSVCR = "100" # Name of certificate in default store to sign MSI with certname = None # Make a zip file containing the PDB files for this build? pdbzip = True try: from config import * except ImportError: pass # Extract current version from Include/patchlevel.h lines = open(srcdir + "/Include/patchlevel.h").readlines() major = minor = micro = level = serial = None levels = { 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_ALPHA':0xA, 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_BETA': 0xB, 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_GAMMA':0xC, 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_FINAL':0xF } for l in lines: if not l.startswith("#define"): continue l = l.split() if len(l) != 3: continue _, name, value = l if name == 'PY_MAJOR_VERSION': major = value if name == 'PY_MINOR_VERSION': minor = value if name == 'PY_MICRO_VERSION': micro = value if name == 'PY_RELEASE_LEVEL': level = levels[value] if name == 'PY_RELEASE_SERIAL': serial = value short_version = major+"."+minor # See PC/make_versioninfo.c FIELD3 = 1000*int(micro) + 10*level + int(serial) current_version = "%s.%d" % (short_version, FIELD3) # This should never change. The UpgradeCode of this package can be # used in the Upgrade table of future packages to make the future # package replace this one. See "UpgradeCode Property". # upgrade_code gets set to upgrade_code_64 when we have determined # that the target is Win64. upgrade_code_snapshot='{92A24481-3ECB-40FC-8836-04B7966EC0D5}' upgrade_code='{65E6DE48-A358-434D-AA4F-4AF72DB4718F}' upgrade_code_64='{6A965A0C-6EE6-4E3A-9983-3263F56311EC}' if snapshot: current_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (major, minor, int(time.time()/3600/24)) if full_current_version is None: full_current_version = current_version extensions = [ 'pyexpat.pyd', 'select.pyd', 'unicodedata.pyd', 'winsound.pyd', '_bz2.pyd', '_elementtree.pyd', '_socket.pyd', '_ssl.pyd', '_testcapi.pyd', '_tkinter.pyd', '_msi.pyd', '_ctypes.pyd', '_ctypes_test.pyd', '_sqlite3.pyd', '_hashlib.pyd', '_multiprocessing.pyd', '_lzma.pyd', '_decimal.pyd', '_testbuffer.pyd', '_sha3.pyd', '_testimportmultiple.pyd', ] # Well-known component UUIDs # These are needed for SharedDLLs reference counter; if # a different UUID was used for each incarnation of, say, # python24.dll, an upgrade would set the reference counter # from 1 to 2 (due to what I consider a bug in MSI) # Using the same UUID is fine since these files are versioned, # so Installer will always keep the newest version. # NOTE: All uuids are self generated. pythondll_uuid = { "24":"{9B81E618-2301-4035-AC77-75D9ABEB7301}", "25":"{2e41b118-38bd-4c1b-a840-6977efd1b911}", "26":"{34ebecac-f046-4e1c-b0e3-9bac3cdaacfa}", "27":"{4fe21c76-1760-437b-a2f2-99909130a175}", "30":"{6953bc3b-6768-4291-8410-7914ce6e2ca8}", "31":"{4afcba0b-13e4-47c3-bebe-477428b46913}", "32":"{3ff95315-1096-4d31-bd86-601d5438ad5e}", "33":"{f7581ca4-d368-4eea-8f82-d48c64c4f047}", "34":"{7A0C5812-2583-40D9-BCBB-CD7485F11377}", } [major+minor] # Compute the name that Sphinx gives to the docfile docfile = micro if level < 0xf: if level == 0xC: docfile += "rc%s" % (serial,) else: docfile += '%x%s' % (level, serial) docfile = 'python%s%s%s.chm' % (major, minor, docfile) # Build the mingw import library, libpythonXY.a # This requires 'nm' and 'dlltool' executables on your PATH def build_mingw_lib(lib_file, def_file, dll_file, mingw_lib): warning = "WARNING: %s - libpythonXX.a not built" nm = find_executable('nm') dlltool = find_executable('dlltool') if not nm or not dlltool: print(warning % "nm and/or dlltool were not found") return False nm_command = '%s -Cs %s' % (nm, lib_file) dlltool_command = "%s --dllname %s --def %s --output-lib %s" % \ (dlltool, dll_file, def_file, mingw_lib) export_match = re.compile(r"^_imp__(.*) in python\d+\.dll").match f = open(def_file,'w') f.write("LIBRARY %s\n" % dll_file) f.write("EXPORTS\n") nm_pipe = os.popen(nm_command) for line in nm_pipe.readlines(): m = export_match(line) if m: f.write(m.group(1)+"\n") f.close() exit = nm_pipe.close() if exit: print(warning % "nm did not run successfully") return False if os.system(dlltool_command) != 0: print(warning % "dlltool did not run successfully") return False return True # Target files (.def and .a) go in PCBuild directory lib_file = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "python%s%s.lib" % (major, minor)) def_file = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "python%s%s.def" % (major, minor)) dll_file = "python%s%s.dll" % (major, minor) mingw_lib = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, "libpython%s%s.a" % (major, minor)) have_mingw = build_mingw_lib(lib_file, def_file, dll_file, mingw_lib) # Determine the target architecture if os.system("nmake /nologo /c /f msisupport.mak") != 0: raise RuntimeError("'nmake /f msisupport.mak' failed") dll_path = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, dll_file) msilib.set_arch_from_file(dll_path) if msilib.pe_type(dll_path) != msilib.pe_type("msisupport.dll"): raise SystemError("msisupport.dll for incorrect architecture") if msilib.Win64: upgrade_code = upgrade_code_64 if snapshot: product_code = msilib.gen_uuid() else: # official release: generate UUID from the download link that the file will have import uuid product_code = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, 'http://www.python.org/ftp/python/%s.%s.%s/python-%s%s.msi' % (major, minor, micro, full_current_version, msilib.arch_ext)) product_code = '{%s}' % product_code if testpackage: ext = 'px' testprefix = 'x' else: ext = 'py' testprefix = '' if msilib.Win64: SystemFolderName = "[System64Folder]" registry_component = 4|256 else: SystemFolderName = "[SystemFolder]" registry_component = 4 msilib.reset() # condition in which to install pythonxy.dll in system32: # a) it is Windows 9x or # b) it is NT, the user is privileged, and has chosen per-machine installation sys32cond = "(Windows9x or (Privileged and ALLUSERS))" def build_database(): """Generate an empty database, with just the schema and the Summary information stream.""" if snapshot: uc = upgrade_code_snapshot else: uc = upgrade_code if msilib.Win64: productsuffix = " (64-bit)" else: productsuffix = "" # schema represents the installer 2.0 database schema. # sequence is the set of standard sequences # (ui/execute, admin/advt/install) msiname = "python-%s%s.msi" % (full_current_version, msilib.arch_ext) db = msilib.init_database(msiname, schema, ProductName="Python "+full_current_version+productsuffix, ProductCode=product_code, ProductVersion=current_version, Manufacturer=u"Python Software Foundation", request_uac = True) # The default sequencing of the RemoveExistingProducts action causes # removal of files that got just installed. Place it after # InstallInitialize, so we first uninstall everything, but still roll # back in case the installation is interrupted msilib.change_sequence(sequence.InstallExecuteSequence, "RemoveExistingProducts", 1510) msilib.add_tables(db, sequence) # We cannot set ALLUSERS in the property table, as this cannot be # reset if the user choses a per-user installation. Instead, we # maintain WhichUsers, which can be "ALL" or "JUSTME". The UI manages # this property, and when the execution starts, ALLUSERS is set # accordingly. add_data(db, "Property", [("UpgradeCode", uc), ("WhichUsers", "ALL"), ("ProductLine", "Python%s%s" % (major, minor)), ]) db.Commit() return db, msiname def remove_old_versions(db): "Fill the upgrade table." start = "%s.%s.0" % (major, minor) # This requests that feature selection states of an older # installation should be forwarded into this one. Upgrading # requires that both the old and the new installation are # either both per-machine or per-user. migrate_features = 1 # See "Upgrade Table". We remove releases with the same major and # minor version. For an snapshot, we remove all earlier snapshots. For # a release, we remove all snapshots, and all earlier releases. if snapshot: add_data(db, "Upgrade", [(upgrade_code_snapshot, start, current_version, None, # Ignore language migrate_features, None, # Migrate ALL features "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT")]) props = "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT" else: add_data(db, "Upgrade", [(upgrade_code, start, current_version, None, migrate_features, None, "REMOVEOLDVERSION"), (upgrade_code_snapshot, start, "%s.%d.0" % (major, int(minor)+1), None, migrate_features, None, "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT")]) props = "REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT;REMOVEOLDVERSION" props += ";TARGETDIR;DLLDIR;LAUNCHERDIR" # Installer collects the product codes of the earlier releases in # these properties. In order to allow modification of the properties, # they must be declared as secure. See "SecureCustomProperties Property" add_data(db, "Property", [("SecureCustomProperties", props)]) class PyDialog(Dialog): """Dialog class with a fixed layout: controls at the top, then a ruler, then a list of buttons: back, next, cancel. Optionally a bitmap at the left.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """Dialog(database, name, x, y, w, h, attributes, title, first, default, cancel, bitmap=true)""" Dialog.__init__(self, *args) ruler = self.h - 36 bmwidth = 152*ruler/328 if kw.get("bitmap", True): self.bitmap("Bitmap", 0, 0, bmwidth, ruler, "PythonWin") self.line("BottomLine", 0, ruler, self.w, 0) def title(self, title): "Set the title text of the dialog at the top." # name, x, y, w, h, flags=Visible|Enabled|Transparent|NoPrefix, # text, in VerdanaBold10 self.text("Title", 135, 10, 220, 60, 0x30003, r"{\VerdanaBold10}%s" % title) def back(self, title, next, name = "Back", active = 1): """Add a back button with a given title, the tab-next button, its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. Return the button, so that events can be associated""" if active: flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled else: flags = 1 # Visible return self.pushbutton(name, 180, self.h-27 , 56, 17, flags, title, next) def cancel(self, title, next, name = "Cancel", active = 1): """Add a cancel button with a given title, the tab-next button, its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. Return the button, so that events can be associated""" if active: flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled else: flags = 1 # Visible return self.pushbutton(name, 304, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next) def next(self, title, next, name = "Next", active = 1): """Add a Next button with a given title, the tab-next button, its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. Return the button, so that events can be associated""" if active: flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled else: flags = 1 # Visible return self.pushbutton(name, 236, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next) def xbutton(self, name, title, next, xpos): """Add a button with a given title, the tab-next button, its name in the Control table, giving its x position; the y-position is aligned with the other buttons. Return the button, so that events can be associated""" return self.pushbutton(name, int(self.w*xpos - 28), self.h-27, 56, 17, 3, title, next) def add_ui(db): x = y = 50 w = 370 h = 300 title = "[ProductName] Setup" # see "Dialog Style Bits" modal = 3 # visible | modal modeless = 1 # visible track_disk_space = 32 add_data(db, 'ActionText', uisample.ActionText) add_data(db, 'UIText', uisample.UIText) # Bitmaps if not os.path.exists(srcdir+r"\PC\python_icon.exe"): raise RuntimeError("Run icons.mak in PC directory") add_data(db, "Binary", [("PythonWin", msilib.Binary(r"%s\PCbuild\installer.bmp" % srcdir)), # 152x328 pixels ("py.ico",msilib.Binary(srcdir+r"\PC\py.ico")), ]) add_data(db, "Icon", [("python_icon.exe", msilib.Binary(srcdir+r"\PC\python_icon.exe"))]) # Scripts # CheckDir sets TargetExists if TARGETDIR exists. # UpdateEditIDLE sets the REGISTRY.tcl component into # the installed/uninstalled state according to both the # Extensions and TclTk features. add_data(db, "Binary", [("Script", msilib.Binary("msisupport.dll"))]) # See "Custom Action Type 1" if msilib.Win64: CheckDir = "CheckDir" UpdateEditIDLE = "UpdateEditIDLE" else: CheckDir = "_CheckDir@4" UpdateEditIDLE = "_UpdateEditIDLE@4" add_data(db, "CustomAction", [("CheckDir", 1, "Script", CheckDir)]) if have_tcl: add_data(db, "CustomAction", [("UpdateEditIDLE", 1, "Script", UpdateEditIDLE)]) # UI customization properties add_data(db, "Property", # See "DefaultUIFont Property" [("DefaultUIFont", "DlgFont8"), # See "ErrorDialog Style Bit" ("ErrorDialog", "ErrorDlg"), ("Progress1", "Install"), # modified in maintenance type dlg ("Progress2", "installs"), ("MaintenanceForm_Action", "Repair")]) # Fonts, see "TextStyle Table" add_data(db, "TextStyle", [("DlgFont8", "Tahoma", 9, None, 0), ("DlgFontBold8", "Tahoma", 8, None, 1), #bold ("VerdanaBold10", "Verdana", 10, None, 1), ("VerdanaRed9", "Verdana", 9, 255, 0), ]) compileargs = r'-Wi "[TARGETDIR]Lib\compileall.py" -f -x "bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|py2_|lib2to3\\tests|venv\\scripts" "[TARGETDIR]Lib"' lib2to3args = r'-c "import lib2to3.pygram, lib2to3.patcomp;lib2to3.patcomp.PatternCompiler()"' # See "CustomAction Table" add_data(db, "CustomAction", [ # msidbCustomActionTypeFirstSequence + msidbCustomActionTypeTextData + msidbCustomActionTypeProperty # See "Custom Action Type 51", # "Custom Action Execution Scheduling Options" ("InitialTargetDir", 307, "TARGETDIR", "[WindowsVolume]Python%s%s" % (major, minor)), ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 307, "DLLDIR", "[TARGETDIR]"), ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 307, "DLLDIR", SystemFolderName), ("SetLauncherDirToTarget", 307, "LAUNCHERDIR", "[TARGETDIR]"), ("SetLauncherDirToWindows", 307, "LAUNCHERDIR", "[WindowsFolder]"), # msidbCustomActionTypeExe + msidbCustomActionTypeSourceFile # See "Custom Action Type 18" ("CompilePyc", 18, "python.exe", compileargs), ("CompilePyo", 18, "python.exe", "-O "+compileargs), ("CompileGrammar", 18, "python.exe", lib2to3args), ]) # UI Sequences, see "InstallUISequence Table", "Using a Sequence Table" # Numbers indicate sequence; see sequence.py for how these action integrate add_data(db, "InstallUISequence", [("PrepareDlg", "Not Privileged or Windows9x or Installed", 140), ("WhichUsersDlg", "Privileged and not Windows9x and not Installed", 141), ("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750), # In the user interface, assume all-users installation if privileged. ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 'DLLDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 751), ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 752), ("SetLauncherDirToWindows", 'LAUNCHERDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 753), ("SetLauncherDirToTarget", 'LAUNCHERDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 754), ("SelectDirectoryDlg", "Not Installed", 1230), # XXX no support for resume installations yet #("ResumeDlg", "Installed AND (RESUME OR Preselected)", 1240), ("MaintenanceTypeDlg", "Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected", 1250), ("ProgressDlg", None, 1280)]) add_data(db, "AdminUISequence", [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750), ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR=""', 751), ("SetLauncherDirToTarget", 'LAUNCHERDIR=""', 752), ]) # Prepend TARGETDIR to the system path, and remove it on uninstall. add_data(db, "Environment", [("PathAddition", "=-*Path", "[TARGETDIR];[~]", "REGISTRY.path")]) # Execute Sequences add_data(db, "InstallExecuteSequence", [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750), ("SetDLLDirToSystem32", 'DLLDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 751), ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 752), ("SetLauncherDirToWindows", 'LAUNCHERDIR="" and ' + sys32cond, 753), ("SetLauncherDirToTarget", 'LAUNCHERDIR="" and not ' + sys32cond, 754), ("UpdateEditIDLE", None, 1050), ("CompilePyc", "COMPILEALL", 6800), ("CompilePyo", "COMPILEALL", 6801), ("CompileGrammar", "COMPILEALL", 6802), ]) add_data(db, "AdminExecuteSequence", [("InitialTargetDir", 'TARGETDIR=""', 750), ("SetDLLDirToTarget", 'DLLDIR=""', 751), ("SetLauncherDirToTarget", 'LAUNCHERDIR=""', 752), ("CompilePyc", "COMPILEALL", 6800), ("CompilePyo", "COMPILEALL", 6801), ("CompileGrammar", "COMPILEALL", 6802), ]) ##################################################################### # Standard dialogs: FatalError, UserExit, ExitDialog fatal=PyDialog(db, "FatalError", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") fatal.title("[ProductName] Installer ended prematurely") fatal.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) fatal.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) fatal.text("Description1", 135, 70, 220, 80, 0x30003, "[ProductName] setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.") fatal.text("Description2", 135, 155, 220, 20, 0x30003, "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") c=fatal.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") # See "ControlEvent Table". Parameters are the event, the parameter # to the action, and optionally the condition for the event, and the order # of events. c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") user_exit=PyDialog(db, "UserExit", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") user_exit.title("[ProductName] Installer was interrupted") user_exit.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) user_exit.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) user_exit.text("Description1", 135, 70, 220, 80, 0x30003, "[ProductName] setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. " "To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.") user_exit.text("Description2", 135, 155, 220, 20, 0x30003, "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") c = user_exit.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") exit_dialog = PyDialog(db, "ExitDialog", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") exit_dialog.title("Complete the [ProductName] Installer") exit_dialog.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) exit_dialog.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) exit_dialog.text("Acknowledgements", 135, 95, 220, 120, 0x30003, "Special Windows thanks to:\n" " Mark Hammond, without whose years of freely \n" " shared Windows expertise, Python for Windows \n" " would still be Python for DOS.") c = exit_dialog.text("warning", 135, 200, 220, 40, 0x30003, "{\\VerdanaRed9}Warning: Python 2.5.x is the last " "Python release for Windows 9x.") c.condition("Hide", "NOT Version9X") exit_dialog.text("Description", 135, 235, 220, 20, 0x30003, "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") c = exit_dialog.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") c.event("EndDialog", "Return") ##################################################################### # Required dialog: FilesInUse, ErrorDlg inuse = PyDialog(db, "FilesInUse", x, y, w, h, 19, # KeepModeless|Modal|Visible title, "Retry", "Retry", "Retry", bitmap=False) inuse.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003, r"{\DlgFontBold8}Files in Use") inuse.text("Description", 20, 23, 280, 20, 0x30003, "Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.") inuse.text("Text", 20, 55, 330, 50, 3, "The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.") inuse.control("List", "ListBox", 20, 107, 330, 130, 7, "FileInUseProcess", None, None, None) c=inuse.back("Exit", "Ignore", name="Exit") c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") c=inuse.next("Ignore", "Retry", name="Ignore") c.event("EndDialog", "Ignore") c=inuse.cancel("Retry", "Exit", name="Retry") c.event("EndDialog","Retry") # See "Error Dialog". See "ICE20" for the required names of the controls. error = Dialog(db, "ErrorDlg", 50, 10, 330, 101, 65543, # Error|Minimize|Modal|Visible title, "ErrorText", None, None) error.text("ErrorText", 50,9,280,48,3, "") error.control("ErrorIcon", "Icon", 15, 9, 24, 24, 5242881, None, "py.ico", None, None) error.pushbutton("N",120,72,81,21,3,"No",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorNo") error.pushbutton("Y",240,72,81,21,3,"Yes",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorYes") error.pushbutton("A",0,72,81,21,3,"Abort",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorAbort") error.pushbutton("C",42,72,81,21,3,"Cancel",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorCancel") error.pushbutton("I",81,72,81,21,3,"Ignore",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorIgnore") error.pushbutton("O",159,72,81,21,3,"Ok",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorOk") error.pushbutton("R",198,72,81,21,3,"Retry",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorRetry") ##################################################################### # Global "Query Cancel" dialog cancel = Dialog(db, "CancelDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, 3, title, "No", "No", "No") cancel.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3, "Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] installation?") cancel.control("Icon", "Icon", 15, 15, 24, 24, 5242881, None, "py.ico", None, None) c=cancel.pushbutton("Yes", 72, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Yes", "No") c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") c=cancel.pushbutton("No", 132, 57, 56, 17, 3, "No", "Yes") c.event("EndDialog", "Return") ##################################################################### # Global "Wait for costing" dialog costing = Dialog(db, "WaitForCostingDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, modal, title, "Return", "Return", "Return") costing.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3, "Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.") costing.control("Icon", "Icon", 15, 15, 24, 24, 5242881, None, "py.ico", None, None) c = costing.pushbutton("Return", 102, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Return", None) c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") ##################################################################### # Preparation dialog: no user input except cancellation prep = PyDialog(db, "PrepareDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title, "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel") prep.text("Description", 135, 70, 220, 40, 0x30003, "Please wait while the Installer prepares to guide you through the installation.") prep.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Installer") c=prep.text("ActionText", 135, 110, 220, 20, 0x30003, "Pondering...") c.mapping("ActionText", "Text") c=prep.text("ActionData", 135, 135, 220, 30, 0x30003, None) c.mapping("ActionData", "Text") prep.back("Back", None, active=0) prep.next("Next", None, active=0) c=prep.cancel("Cancel", None) c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") ##################################################################### # Target directory selection seldlg = PyDialog(db, "SelectDirectoryDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "Next", "Next", "Cancel") seldlg.title("Select Destination Directory") c = seldlg.text("Existing", 135, 25, 235, 30, 0x30003, "{\VerdanaRed9}This update will replace your existing [ProductLine] installation.") c.condition("Hide", 'REMOVEOLDVERSION="" and REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT=""') seldlg.text("Description", 135, 50, 220, 40, 0x30003, "Please select a directory for the [ProductName] files.") seldlg.back("< Back", None, active=0) c = seldlg.next("Next >", "Cancel") c.event("DoAction", "CheckDir", "TargetExistsOk<>1", order=1) # If the target exists, but we found that we are going to remove old versions, don't bother # confirming that the target directory exists. Strictly speaking, we should determine that # the target directory is indeed the target of the product that we are going to remove, but # I don't know how to do that. c.event("SpawnDialog", "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 'TargetExists=1 and REMOVEOLDVERSION="" and REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT=""', 2) c.event("SetTargetPath", "TARGETDIR", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 3) c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", "CostingComplete=1", 4) c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'TargetExists=0 or REMOVEOLDVERSION<>"" or REMOVEOLDSNAPSHOT<>""', 5) c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "DirectoryCombo") c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") seldlg.control("DirectoryCombo", "DirectoryCombo", 135, 70, 172, 80, 393219, "TARGETDIR", None, "DirectoryList", None) seldlg.control("DirectoryList", "DirectoryList", 135, 90, 208, 136, 3, "TARGETDIR", None, "PathEdit", None) seldlg.control("PathEdit", "PathEdit", 135, 230, 206, 16, 3, "TARGETDIR", None, "Next", None) c = seldlg.pushbutton("Up", 306, 70, 18, 18, 3, "Up", None) c.event("DirectoryListUp", "0") c = seldlg.pushbutton("NewDir", 324, 70, 30, 18, 3, "New", None) c.event("DirectoryListNew", "0") ##################################################################### # SelectFeaturesDlg features = PyDialog(db, "SelectFeaturesDlg", x, y, w, h, modal|track_disk_space, title, "Tree", "Next", "Cancel") features.title("Customize [ProductName]") features.text("Description", 135, 35, 220, 15, 0x30003, "Select the way you want features to be installed.") features.text("Text", 135,45,220,30, 3, "Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.") c=features.back("< Back", "Next") c.event("NewDialog", "SelectDirectoryDlg") c=features.next("Next >", "Cancel") c.mapping("SelectionNoItems", "Enabled") c.event("SpawnDialog", "DiskCostDlg", "OutOfDiskSpace=1", order=1) c.event("EndDialog", "Return", "OutOfDiskSpace<>1", order=2) c=features.cancel("Cancel", "Tree") c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") # The browse property is not used, since we have only a single target path (selected already) features.control("Tree", "SelectionTree", 135, 75, 220, 95, 7, "_BrowseProperty", "Tree of selections", "Back", None) #c=features.pushbutton("Reset", 42, 243, 56, 17, 3, "Reset", "DiskCost") #c.mapping("SelectionNoItems", "Enabled") #c.event("Reset", "0") features.control("Box", "GroupBox", 135, 170, 225, 90, 1, None, None, None, None) c=features.xbutton("DiskCost", "Disk &Usage", None, 0.10) c.mapping("SelectionNoItems","Enabled") c.event("SpawnDialog", "DiskCostDlg") c=features.xbutton("Advanced", "Advanced", None, 0.30) c.event("SpawnDialog", "AdvancedDlg") c=features.text("ItemDescription", 140, 180, 210, 40, 3, "Multiline description of the currently selected item.") c.mapping("SelectionDescription","Text") c=features.text("ItemSize", 140, 225, 210, 33, 3, "The size of the currently selected item.") c.mapping("SelectionSize", "Text") ##################################################################### # Disk cost cost = PyDialog(db, "DiskCostDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "OK", "OK", "OK", bitmap=False) cost.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003, "{\DlgFontBold8}Disk Space Requirements") cost.text("Description", 20, 20, 280, 20, 0x30003, "The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.") cost.text("Text", 20, 53, 330, 60, 3, "The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space " "available for the currently selected features. You can either " "remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to " "install less features onto local drive(s), or select different " "destination drive(s).") cost.control("VolumeList", "VolumeCostList", 20, 100, 330, 150, 393223, None, "{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}", None, None) cost.xbutton("OK", "Ok", None, 0.5).event("EndDialog", "Return") ##################################################################### # WhichUsers Dialog. Only available on NT, and for privileged users. # This must be run before FindRelatedProducts, because that will # take into account whether the previous installation was per-user # or per-machine. We currently don't support going back to this # dialog after "Next" was selected; to support this, we would need to # find how to reset the ALLUSERS property, and how to re-run # FindRelatedProducts. # On Windows9x, the ALLUSERS property is ignored on the command line # and in the Property table, but installer fails according to the documentation # if a dialog attempts to set ALLUSERS. whichusers = PyDialog(db, "WhichUsersDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "AdminInstall", "Next", "Cancel") whichusers.title("Select whether to install [ProductName] for all users of this computer.") # A radio group with two options: allusers, justme g = whichusers.radiogroup("AdminInstall", 135, 60, 235, 80, 3, "WhichUsers", "", "Next") g.condition("Disable", "VersionNT=600") # Not available on Vista and Windows 2008 g.add("ALL", 0, 5, 150, 20, "Install for all users") g.add("JUSTME", 0, 25, 235, 20, "Install just for me (not available on Windows Vista)") whichusers.back("Back", None, active=0) c = whichusers.next("Next >", "Cancel") c.event("[ALLUSERS]", "1", 'WhichUsers="ALL"', 1) c.event("EndDialog", "Return", order = 2) c = whichusers.cancel("Cancel", "AdminInstall") c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") ##################################################################### # Advanced Dialog. advanced = PyDialog(db, "AdvancedDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "CompilePyc", "Ok", "Ok") advanced.title("Advanced Options for [ProductName]") # A radio group with two options: allusers, justme advanced.checkbox("CompilePyc", 135, 60, 230, 50, 3, "COMPILEALL", "Compile .py files to byte code after installation", "Ok") c = advanced.cancel("Ok", "CompilePyc", name="Ok") # Button just has location of cancel button. c.event("EndDialog", "Return") ##################################################################### # Existing Directory dialog dlg = Dialog(db, "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 50, 30, 200, 80, modal, title, "No", "No", "No") dlg.text("Title", 10, 20, 180, 40, 3, "[TARGETDIR] exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite existing files?") c=dlg.pushbutton("Yes", 30, 60, 55, 17, 3, "Yes", "No") c.event("[TargetExists]", "0", order=1) c.event("[TargetExistsOk]", "1", order=2) c.event("EndDialog", "Return", order=3) c=dlg.pushbutton("No", 115, 60, 55, 17, 3, "No", "Yes") c.event("EndDialog", "Return") ##################################################################### # Installation Progress dialog (modeless) progress = PyDialog(db, "ProgressDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title, "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel", bitmap=False) progress.text("Title", 20, 15, 200, 15, 0x30003, "{\DlgFontBold8}[Progress1] [ProductName]") progress.text("Text", 35, 65, 300, 30, 3, "Please wait while the Installer [Progress2] [ProductName]. " "This may take several minutes.") progress.text("StatusLabel", 35, 100, 35, 20, 3, "Status:") c=progress.text("ActionText", 70, 100, w-70, 20, 3, "Pondering...") c.mapping("ActionText", "Text") #c=progress.text("ActionData", 35, 140, 300, 20, 3, None) #c.mapping("ActionData", "Text") c=progress.control("ProgressBar", "ProgressBar", 35, 120, 300, 10, 65537, None, "Progress done", None, None) c.mapping("SetProgress", "Progress") progress.back("< Back", "Next", active=False) progress.next("Next >", "Cancel", active=False) progress.cancel("Cancel", "Back").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") # Maintenance type: repair/uninstall maint = PyDialog(db, "MaintenanceTypeDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, "Next", "Next", "Cancel") maint.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Setup Wizard") maint.text("BodyText", 135, 63, 230, 42, 3, "Select whether you want to repair or remove [ProductName].") g=maint.radiogroup("RepairRadioGroup", 135, 108, 230, 60, 3, "MaintenanceForm_Action", "", "Next") g.add("Change", 0, 0, 200, 17, "&Change [ProductName]") g.add("Repair", 0, 18, 200, 17, "&Repair [ProductName]") g.add("Remove", 0, 36, 200, 17, "Re&move [ProductName]") maint.back("< Back", None, active=False) c=maint.next("Finish", "Cancel") # Change installation: Change progress dialog to "Change", then ask # for feature selection c.event("[Progress1]", "Change", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 1) c.event("[Progress2]", "changes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 2) # Reinstall: Change progress dialog to "Repair", then invoke reinstall # Also set list of reinstalled features to "ALL" c.event("[REINSTALL]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 5) c.event("[Progress1]", "Repairing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 6) c.event("[Progress2]", "repairs", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 7) c.event("Reinstall", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 8) # Uninstall: Change progress to "Remove", then invoke uninstall # Also set list of removed features to "ALL" c.event("[REMOVE]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 11) c.event("[Progress1]", "Removing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 12) c.event("[Progress2]", "removes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 13) c.event("Remove", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 14) # Close dialog when maintenance action scheduled c.event("EndDialog", "Return", 'MaintenanceForm_Action<>"Change"', 20) c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 21) maint.cancel("Cancel", "RepairRadioGroup").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") # See "Feature Table". The feature level is 1 for all features, # and the feature attributes are 0 for the DefaultFeature, and # FollowParent for all other features. The numbers are the Display # column. def add_features(db): # feature attributes: # msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent == 2 # msidbFeatureAttributesDisallowAdvertise == 8 # Features that need to be installed with together with the main feature # (i.e. additional Python libraries) need to follow the parent feature. # Features that have no advertisement trigger (e.g. the test suite) # must not support advertisement global default_feature, tcltk, htmlfiles, tools, testsuite, ext_feature, private_crt, prepend_path default_feature = Feature(db, "DefaultFeature", "Python", "Python Interpreter and Libraries", 1, directory = "TARGETDIR") shared_crt = Feature(db, "SharedCRT", "MSVCRT", "C Run-Time (system-wide)", 0, level=0) private_crt = Feature(db, "PrivateCRT", "MSVCRT", "C Run-Time (private)", 0, level=0) add_data(db, "Condition", [("SharedCRT", 1, sys32cond), ("PrivateCRT", 1, "not "+sys32cond)]) # We don't support advertisement of extensions ext_feature = Feature(db, "Extensions", "Register Extensions", "Make this Python installation the default Python installation", 3, parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8) if have_tcl: tcltk = Feature(db, "TclTk", "Tcl/Tk", "Tkinter, IDLE, pydoc", 5, parent = default_feature, attributes=2) htmlfiles = Feature(db, "Documentation", "Documentation", "Python HTMLHelp File", 7, parent = default_feature) tools = Feature(db, "Tools", "Utility Scripts", "Python utility scripts (Tools/)", 9, parent = default_feature, attributes=2) testsuite = Feature(db, "Testsuite", "Test suite", "Python test suite (Lib/test/)", 11, parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8) # prepend_path is an additional feature which is to be off by default. # Since the default level for the above features is 1, this needs to be # at least level higher. prepend_path = Feature(db, "PrependPath", "Add python.exe to Path", "Prepend [TARGETDIR] to the system Path variable. " "This allows you to type 'python' into a command " "prompt without needing the full path.", 13, parent = default_feature, attributes=2|8, level=2) def extract_msvcr100(): # Find the redistributable files if msilib.Win64: arch = "x64" else: arch = "x86" dir = os.path.join(os.environ['VS100COMNTOOLS'], r"..\..\VC\redist\%s\Microsoft.VC100.CRT" % arch) result = [] installer = msilib.MakeInstaller() # At least for VS2010, manifests are no longer provided name = "msvcr100.dll" path = os.path.join(dir, name) kw = {'src':path} kw['version'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 0) kw['language'] = installer.FileVersion(path, 1) return name, kw def generate_license(): import shutil, glob out = open("LICENSE.txt", "w") shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(srcdir, "LICENSE")), out) shutil.copyfileobj(open("crtlicense.txt"), out) for name, pat, file in (("bzip2","bzip2-*", "LICENSE"), ("openssl", "openssl-*", "LICENSE"), ("Tcl", "tcl8*", "license.terms"), ("Tk", "tk8*", "license.terms"), ("Tix", "tix-*", "license.terms")): out.write("\nThis copy of Python includes a copy of %s, which is licensed under the following terms:\n\n" % name) dirs = glob.glob(srcdir+"/../"+pat) if not dirs: raise ValueError, "Could not find "+srcdir+"/../"+pat if len(dirs) > 2 and not snapshot: raise ValueError, "Multiple copies of "+pat dir = dirs[0] shutil.copyfileobj(open(os.path.join(dir, file)), out) out.close() class PyDirectory(Directory): """By default, all components in the Python installer can run from source.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): if "componentflags" not in kw: kw['componentflags'] = 2 #msidbComponentAttributesOptional Directory.__init__(self, *args, **kw) def hgmanifest(): # Fetch file list from Mercurial process = subprocess.Popen(['hg', 'manifest'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # Create nested directories for file tree result = {} for line in stdout.splitlines(): components = line.split('/') d = result while len(components) > 1: d1 = d.setdefault(components[0], {}) d = d1 del components[0] d[components[0]] = None return result # See "File Table", "Component Table", "Directory Table", # "FeatureComponents Table" def add_files(db): installer = msilib.MakeInstaller() hgfiles = hgmanifest() cab = CAB("python") tmpfiles = [] # Add all executables, icons, text files into the TARGETDIR component root = PyDirectory(db, cab, None, srcdir, "TARGETDIR", "SourceDir") default_feature.set_current() root.add_file("README.txt", src="README") root.add_file("NEWS.txt", src="Misc/NEWS") generate_license() root.add_file("LICENSE.txt", src=os.path.abspath("LICENSE.txt")) root.start_component("python.exe", keyfile="python.exe") root.add_file("%s/python.exe" % PCBUILD) root.start_component("pythonw.exe", keyfile="pythonw.exe") root.add_file("%s/pythonw.exe" % PCBUILD) # msidbComponentAttributesSharedDllRefCount = 8, see "Component Table" dlldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir, "DLLDIR", ".") launcherdir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir, "LAUNCHERDIR", ".") # msidbComponentAttributes64bit = 256; this disables registry redirection # to allow setting the SharedDLLs key in the 64-bit portion even for a # 32-bit installer. # XXX does this still allow to install the component on a 32-bit system? # Pick up 32-bit binary always launchersrc = PCBUILD if launchersrc.lower() == 'pcbuild\\x64-pgo': launchersrc = 'PCBuild\\win32-pgo' if launchersrc.lower() == 'pcbuild\\amd64': launchersrc = 'PCBuild' launcher = os.path.join(srcdir, launchersrc, "py.exe") launcherdir.start_component("launcher", flags = 8+256, keyfile="py.exe") launcherdir.add_file(launcher, version=installer.FileVersion(launcher, 0), language=installer.FileVersion(launcher, 1)) launcherw = os.path.join(srcdir, launchersrc, "pyw.exe") launcherdir.start_component("launcherw", flags = 8+256, keyfile="pyw.exe") launcherdir.add_file(launcherw, version=installer.FileVersion(launcherw, 0), language=installer.FileVersion(launcherw, 1)) pydll = "python%s%s.dll" % (major, minor) pydllsrc = os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, pydll) dlldir.start_component("DLLDIR", flags = 8, keyfile = pydll, uuid = pythondll_uuid) pyversion = installer.FileVersion(pydllsrc, 0) if not snapshot: # For releases, the Python DLL has the same version as the # installer package. assert pyversion.split(".")[:3] == current_version.split(".") dlldir.add_file("%s/python%s%s.dll" % (PCBUILD, major, minor), version=pyversion, language=installer.FileVersion(pydllsrc, 1)) DLLs = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD, "DLLs", "DLLS|DLLs") # msvcr90.dll: Need to place the DLL and the manifest into the root directory, # plus another copy of the manifest in the DLLs directory, with the manifest # pointing to the root directory root.start_component("msvcr90", feature=private_crt) # Results are ID,keyword pairs crtdll, kwds = extract_msvcr100() root.add_file(crtdll, **kwds) # Copy the manifest # Actually, don't do that anymore - no DLL in DLLs should have a manifest # dependency on msvcr90.dll anymore, so this should not be necessary #manifest_dlls = manifest[0]+".root" #open(manifest_dlls, "w").write(open(manifest[1]['src']).read().replace("msvcr","../msvcr")) #DLLs.start_component("msvcr90_dlls", feature=private_crt) #DLLs.add_file(manifest[0], src=os.path.abspath(manifest_dlls)) # Now start the main component for the DLLs directory; # no regular files have been added to the directory yet. DLLs.start_component() # Check if _ctypes.pyd exists have_ctypes = os.path.exists(srcdir+"/%s/_ctypes.pyd" % PCBUILD) if not have_ctypes: print("WARNING: _ctypes.pyd not found, ctypes will not be included") extensions.remove("_ctypes.pyd") # Add all .py files in Lib, except tkinter, test dirs = [] pydirs = [(root, "Lib", hgfiles["Lib"], default_feature)] while pydirs: # Commit every now and then, or else installer will complain db.Commit() parent, dir, files, feature = pydirs.pop() if dir.startswith("plat-"): continue if dir in ["tkinter", "idlelib", "turtledemo"]: if not have_tcl: continue feature = tcltk tcltk.set_current() elif dir in ('test', 'tests'): feature = testsuite elif not have_ctypes and dir == "ctypes": continue feature.set_current() lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, parent, dir, dir, "%s|%s" % (parent.make_short(dir), dir)) dirs.append(lib) has_py = False for name, subdir in files.items(): if subdir is None: assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lib.absolute, name)) if name == 'README': lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README") else: lib.add_file(name) has_py = has_py or name.endswith(".py") or name.endswith(".pyw") else: assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, name)) pydirs.append((lib, name, subdir, feature)) if has_py: lib.remove_pyc() # Add DLLs default_feature.set_current() lib = DLLs lib.add_file("py.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/py.ico") lib.add_file("pyc.ico", src=srcdir+"/PC/pyc.ico") dlls = [] tclfiles = [] for f in extensions: if f=="_tkinter.pyd": continue if not os.path.exists(srcdir + "/" + PCBUILD + "/" + f): print("WARNING: Missing extension", f) continue dlls.append(f) lib.add_file(f) lib.add_file('python3.dll') # Add sqlite if msilib.msi_type=="Intel64;1033": sqlite_arch = "/ia64" elif msilib.msi_type=="x64;1033": sqlite_arch = "/amd64" tclsuffix = "64" else: sqlite_arch = "" tclsuffix = "" lib.add_file("sqlite3.dll") if have_tcl: if not os.path.exists("%s/%s/_tkinter.pyd" % (srcdir, PCBUILD)): print("WARNING: Missing _tkinter.pyd") else: lib.start_component("TkDLLs", tcltk) lib.add_file("_tkinter.pyd") dlls.append("_tkinter.pyd") tcldir = os.path.normpath(srcdir+("/../tcltk%s/bin" % tclsuffix)) for f in glob.glob1(tcldir, "*.dll"): lib.add_file(f, src=os.path.join(tcldir, f)) # check whether there are any unknown extensions for f in glob.glob1(srcdir+"/"+PCBUILD, "*.pyd"): if f.endswith("_d.pyd"): continue # debug version if f in dlls: continue print("WARNING: Unknown extension", f) # Add headers default_feature.set_current() lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "include", "include", "INCLUDE|include") lib.glob("*.h") lib.add_file("pyconfig.h", src="../PC/pyconfig.h") # Add import libraries lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, PCBUILD, "libs", "LIBS|libs") for f in dlls: lib.add_file(f.replace('pyd','lib')) lib.add_file('python%s%s.lib' % (major, minor)) lib.add_file('python3.lib') # Add the mingw-format library if have_mingw: lib.add_file('libpython%s%s.a' % (major, minor)) if have_tcl: # Add Tcl/Tk tcldirs = [(root, '../tcltk%s/lib' % tclsuffix, 'tcl')] tcltk.set_current() while tcldirs: parent, phys, dir = tcldirs.pop() lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, parent, phys, dir, "%s|%s" % (parent.make_short(dir), dir)) if not os.path.exists(lib.absolute): continue for f in os.listdir(lib.absolute): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lib.absolute, f)): tcldirs.append((lib, f, f)) else: lib.add_file(f) # Add tools tools.set_current() tooldir = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "Tools", "Tools", "TOOLS|Tools") for f in ['i18n', 'pynche', 'Scripts']: lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, tooldir, f, f, "%s|%s" % (tooldir.make_short(f), f)) lib.glob("*.py") lib.glob("*.pyw", exclude=['pydocgui.pyw']) lib.remove_pyc() lib.glob("*.txt") if f == "pynche": x = PyDirectory(db, cab, lib, "X", "X", "X|X") x.glob("*.txt") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib.absolute, "README")): lib.add_file("README.txt", src="README") if f == 'Scripts': lib.add_file("2to3.py", src="2to3") lib.add_file("pydoc3.py", src="pydoc3") lib.add_file("pyvenv.py", src="pyvenv") if have_tcl: lib.start_component("pydocgui.pyw", tcltk, keyfile="pydocgui.pyw") lib.add_file("pydocgui.pyw") # Add documentation htmlfiles.set_current() lib = PyDirectory(db, cab, root, "Doc", "Doc", "DOC|Doc") lib.start_component("documentation", keyfile=docfile) lib.add_file(docfile, src="build/htmlhelp/"+docfile) cab.commit(db) for f in tmpfiles: os.unlink(f) # See "Registry Table", "Component Table" def add_registry(db): # File extensions, associated with the REGISTRY.def component # IDLE verbs depend on the tcltk feature. # msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath = 4 # -1 for Root specifies "dependent on ALLUSERS property" tcldata = [] if have_tcl: tcldata = [ ("REGISTRY.tcl", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None, "py.IDLE")] add_data(db, "Component", # msidbComponentAttributesRegistryKeyPath = 4 [("REGISTRY", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None, "InstallPath"), ("REGISTRY.doc", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None, "Documentation"), ("REGISTRY.path", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None, None), ("REGISTRY.def", msilib.gen_uuid(), "TARGETDIR", registry_component, None, None)] + tcldata) # See "FeatureComponents Table". # The association between TclTk and pythonw.exe is necessary to make ICE59 # happy, because the installer otherwise believes that the IDLE and PyDoc # shortcuts might get installed without pythonw.exe being install. This # is not true, since installing TclTk will install the default feature, which # will cause pythonw.exe to be installed. # REGISTRY.tcl is not associated with any feature, as it will be requested # through a custom action tcldata = [] if have_tcl: tcldata = [(tcltk.id, "pythonw.exe")] add_data(db, "FeatureComponents", [(default_feature.id, "REGISTRY"), (htmlfiles.id, "REGISTRY.doc"), (prepend_path.id, "REGISTRY.path"), (ext_feature.id, "REGISTRY.def")] + tcldata ) # Extensions are not advertised. For advertised extensions, # we would need separate binaries that install along with the # extension. pat = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\shell\%s\command" ewi = "Edit with IDLE" pat2 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\DefaultIcon" pat3 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile" pat4 = r"Software\Classes\%sPython.%sFile\shellex\DropHandler" tcl_verbs = [] if have_tcl: tcl_verbs=[ ("py.IDLE", -1, pat % (testprefix, "", ewi), "", r'"[TARGETDIR]pythonw.exe" "[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" -e "%1"', "REGISTRY.tcl"), ("pyw.IDLE", -1, pat % (testprefix, "NoCon", ewi), "", r'"[TARGETDIR]pythonw.exe" "[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" -e "%1"', "REGISTRY.tcl"), ] add_data(db, "Registry", [# Extensions ("py.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext, "", "Python.File", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'w', "", "Python.NoConFile", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyc.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'c', "", "Python.CompiledFile", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyo.ext", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'o', "", "Python.CompiledFile", "REGISTRY.def"), # MIME types ("py.mime", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext, "Content Type", "text/plain", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.mime", -1, r"Software\Classes\."+ext+'w', "Content Type", "text/plain", "REGISTRY.def"), #Verbs ("py.open", -1, pat % (testprefix, "", "open"), "", r'"[LAUNCHERDIR]py.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.open", -1, pat % (testprefix, "NoCon", "open"), "", r'"[LAUNCHERDIR]pyw.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyc.open", -1, pat % (testprefix, "Compiled", "open"), "", r'"[LAUNCHERDIR]py.exe" "%1" %*', "REGISTRY.def"), ] + tcl_verbs + [ #Icons ("py.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, ""), "", r'[DLLs]py.ico', "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "", r'[DLLs]py.ico', "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyc.icon", -1, pat2 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "", r'[DLLs]pyc.ico', "REGISTRY.def"), # Descriptions ("py.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, ""), "", "Python File", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "", "Python File (no console)", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyc.txt", -1, pat3 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "", "Compiled Python File", "REGISTRY.def"), # Drop Handler ("py.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, ""), "", "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyw.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, "NoCon"), "", "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"), ("pyc.drop", -1, pat4 % (testprefix, "Compiled"), "", "{60254CA5-953B-11CF-8C96-00AA00B8708C}", "REGISTRY.def"), ]) # PATHEXT add_data(db, "Environment", [("PathExtAddition", "=-*PathExt", "[~];.PY", "REGISTRY.def")]) # Registry keys prefix = r"Software\%sPython\PythonCore\%s" % (testprefix, short_version) add_data(db, "Registry", [("InstallPath", -1, prefix+r"\InstallPath", "", "[TARGETDIR]", "REGISTRY"), ("InstallGroup", -1, prefix+r"\InstallPath\InstallGroup", "", "Python %s" % short_version, "REGISTRY"), ("PythonPath", -1, prefix+r"\PythonPath", "", r"[TARGETDIR]Lib;[TARGETDIR]DLLs", "REGISTRY"), ("Documentation", -1, prefix+r"\Help\Main Python Documentation", "", "[TARGETDIR]Doc\\"+docfile , "REGISTRY.doc"), ("Modules", -1, prefix+r"\Modules", "+", None, "REGISTRY"), ("AppPaths", -1, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Python.exe", "", r"[TARGETDIR]Python.exe", "REGISTRY.def"), ("DisplayIcon", -1, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%s" % product_code, "DisplayIcon", "[TARGETDIR]python.exe", "REGISTRY") ]) # Shortcuts, see "Shortcut Table" add_data(db, "Directory", [("ProgramMenuFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."), ("MenuDir", "ProgramMenuFolder", "PY%s%s|%sPython %s.%s" % (major,minor,testprefix,major,minor))]) add_data(db, "RemoveFile", [("MenuDir", "TARGETDIR", None, "MenuDir", 2)]) tcltkshortcuts = [] if have_tcl: tcltkshortcuts = [ ("IDLE", "MenuDir", "IDLE|IDLE (Python GUI)", "pythonw.exe", tcltk.id, r'"[TARGETDIR]Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw"', None, None, "python_icon.exe", 0, None, "TARGETDIR"), ("PyDoc", "MenuDir", "MODDOCS|Module Docs", "pythonw.exe", tcltk.id, r'"[TARGETDIR]Tools\scripts\pydocgui.pyw"', None, None, "python_icon.exe", 0, None, "TARGETDIR"), ] add_data(db, "Shortcut", tcltkshortcuts + [# Advertised shortcuts: targets are features, not files ("Python", "MenuDir", "PYTHON|Python (command line)", "python.exe", default_feature.id, None, None, None, "python_icon.exe", 2, None, "TARGETDIR"), # Advertising the Manual breaks on (some?) Win98, and the shortcut lacks an # icon first. #("Manual", "MenuDir", "MANUAL|Python Manuals", "documentation", # htmlfiles.id, None, None, None, None, None, None, None), ## Non-advertised shortcuts: must be associated with a registry component ("Manual", "MenuDir", "MANUAL|Python Manuals", "REGISTRY.doc", "[#%s]" % docfile, None, None, None, None, None, None, None), ("Uninstall", "MenuDir", "UNINST|Uninstall Python", "REGISTRY", SystemFolderName+"msiexec", "/x%s" % product_code, None, None, None, None, None, None), ]) db.Commit() def build_pdbzip(): pdbexclude = ['kill_python.pdb', 'make_buildinfo.pdb', 'make_versioninfo.pdb'] path = "python-%s%s-pdb.zip" % (full_current_version, msilib.arch_ext) pdbzip = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w') for f in glob.glob1(os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD), "*.pdb"): if f not in pdbexclude and not f.endswith('_d.pdb'): pdbzip.write(os.path.join(srcdir, PCBUILD, f), f) pdbzip.close() db,msiname = build_database() try: add_features(db) add_ui(db) add_files(db) add_registry(db) remove_old_versions(db) db.Commit() finally: del db # Merge CRT into MSI file. This requires the database to be closed. mod_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["ProgramFiles"], "Common Files", "Merge Modules") if msilib.Win64: modules = ["Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x64.msm"] else: modules = ["Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x86.msm"] for i, n in enumerate(modules): modules[i] = os.path.join(mod_dir, n) def merge(msi, feature, rootdir, modules): cab_and_filecount = [] # Step 1: Merge databases, extract cabfiles m = msilib.MakeMerge2() m.OpenLog("merge.log") m.OpenDatabase(msi) for module in modules: print module m.OpenModule(module,0) m.Merge(feature, rootdir) print "Errors:" for e in m.Errors: print e.Type, e.ModuleTable, e.DatabaseTable print " Modkeys:", for s in e.ModuleKeys: print s, print print " DBKeys:", for s in e.DatabaseKeys: print s, print cabname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".cab") m.ExtractCAB(cabname) cab_and_filecount.append((cabname, len(m.ModuleFiles))) m.CloseModule() m.CloseDatabase(True) m.CloseLog() # Step 2: Add CAB files i = msilib.MakeInstaller() db = i.OpenDatabase(msi, constants.msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact) v = db.OpenView("SELECT LastSequence FROM Media") v.Execute(None) maxmedia = -1 while 1: r = v.Fetch() if not r: break seq = r.IntegerData(1) if seq > maxmedia: maxmedia = seq print "Start of Media", maxmedia for cabname, count in cab_and_filecount: stream = "merged%d" % maxmedia msilib.add_data(db, "Media", [(maxmedia+1, maxmedia+count, None, "#"+stream, None, None)]) msilib.add_stream(db, stream, cabname) os.unlink(cabname) maxmedia += count # The merge module sets ALLUSERS to 1 in the property table. # This is undesired; delete that v = db.OpenView("DELETE FROM Property WHERE Property='ALLUSERS'") v.Execute(None) v.Close() db.Commit() merge(msiname, "SharedCRT", "TARGETDIR", modules) # certname (from config.py) should be (a substring of) # the certificate subject, e.g. "Python Software Foundation" if certname: os.system('signtool sign /n "%s" ' '/t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll ' '/d "Python %s" ' '%s' % (certname, full_current_version, msiname)) if pdbzip: build_pdbzip()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file holds the constants used in the scraper object import random user_agents = [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)", ] visitvsco = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "vsco.co", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": random.choice(user_agents), } visituserinfo = { "Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "vsco.co", "Referer": "http://vsco.co/bob/images/1", "User-Agent": random.choice(user_agents), } media = { "Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "vsco.co", "Referer": "http://vsco.co/bob/images/1", "User-Agent": random.choice(user_agents), "X-Client-Build": "1", "X-Client-Platform": "web", }
[ "MIT" ]
[ "Beerware" ]
[ "Beerware" ]
#Nothing here
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" Admin objects declaration for Nine CMS """ __author__ = 'George Karakostas' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015, George Karakostas' __licence__ = 'BSD-3' __email__ = 'gkarak@9-dev.com' from django.contrib import admin, messages from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from mptt.admin import MPTTModelAdmin # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user from ninecms import models, forms, views # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic @admin.register(models.PageType) class PageTypeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Get a list of Page Types """ list_display = ('name', 'description', 'url_pattern', 'elements', 'operations') list_editable = ('description', 'url_pattern') search_fields = ['name'] form = forms.PageTypeForm save_as = True def elements(self, obj): """ Return a custom column with blocks in the page type :param obj: a page type object :return: column output """ return obj.pagelayoutelement_set.count() elements.short_description = "Blocks" def operations(self, obj): """ Return a custom column with operations edit, perms :param obj: a node object :return: column output """ return ' | '.join(( '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (reverse('admin:ninecms_pagetype_change', args=(obj.id,)), _("edit")), '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (reverse('admin:ninecms_pagetype_perms', args=(obj.id,)), _("permissions")), )) operations.allow_tags = True def get_urls(self): """ Override urls to add permissions view :return: urls list """ urls = [ url(r'^(?P<type_id>\d+)/perms/$', self.admin_site.admin_view(views.ContentTypePermsView.as_view()), name='ninecms_pagetype_perms') ] return urls + super(PageTypeAdmin, self).get_urls() class NodeRevisionInline(admin.StackedInline): """ Node Revision stacked inline to be displayed in Nodes (NodeAdmin) """ model = models.NodeRevision extra = 0 class ImageInline(admin.StackedInline): """ Images inline to be displayed in Nodes (NodeAdmin) """ model = models.Image form = forms.ImageForm extra = 0 template = 'admin/ninecms/image/stacked.html' class FileInline(admin.StackedInline): """ Files inline to be displayed in Nodes (NodeAdmin) """ model = models.File form = forms.FileForm extra = 0 class VideoInline(admin.StackedInline): """ Videos inline to be displayed in Nodes (NodeAdmin) """ model = models.Video form = forms.VideoForm extra = 0 # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @admin.register(models.Node) class NodeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Get a list of Nodes, also use inlines in Node form """ list_display = ('title', 'page_type', 'language', 'alias', 'user', 'status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'created', 'changed', 'original_translation', 'redirect', 'operations') list_editable = ('status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'redirect') list_filter = ['page_type', 'created', 'changed'] search_fields = ['title', 'summary', 'body', 'highlight'] actions = ['node_publish', 'node_unpublish', 'node_promote', 'node_demote', 'node_sticky', 'node_unsticky', 'node_reset_alias'] date_hierarchy = 'created' form = forms.ContentNodeEditForm # fieldsets returned from overridden get_fieldsets method below inlines = [ImageInline, FileInline, VideoInline, NodeRevisionInline] def operations(self, obj): """ Return a custom column with 9cms operations view, edit :param obj: a node object :return: column output """ return ' | '.join(( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % (obj.get_absolute_url(), _("view")), '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (reverse('admin:ninecms_node_change', args=(obj.id,)), _("edit")), )) operations.allow_tags = True def node_publish(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as published setting status True :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(status=True) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as published.") % r) node_publish.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes status as published") def node_unpublish(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as unpublished setting status False :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(status=False) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as not published.") % r) node_unpublish.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes status as not published") def node_promote(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as promoted setting promote True :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(promote=True) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as promoted.") % r) node_promote.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes as promoted") def node_demote(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as not promoted setting promote False :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(promote=False) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as not promoted.") % r) node_demote.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes as not promoted") def node_sticky(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as sticky setting True :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(sticky=True) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as sticky.") % r) node_sticky.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes as sticky") def node_unsticky(self, request, queryset): """ Mark all selected nodes as not sticky setting False :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ r = queryset.update(sticky=False) messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated as not sticky.") % r) node_unsticky.short_description = _("Mark selected nodes as not sticky") def node_reset_alias(self, request, queryset): """ Reset url alias for all selected nodes :param request: the request object :param queryset: the Node queryset :return: None """ for node in queryset: node.alias = '' node.save() messages.success(request, _("%d nodes successfully updated.") % len(queryset)) node_reset_alias.short_description = _("Reset url alias for all selected nodes") def check_perm(self, request, obj, perm): """ Check if a user has permission on the Node :param request: the request object :param obj: the Node object, if any :param perm: the permission to check: has meaning for values 'change', 'delete' :return: bool """ if not obj: return request.user.has_perm('ninecms.%s_node' % perm) types = get_objects_for_user(request.user, 'ninecms.%s_node_pagetype' % perm, klass=models.PageType) return obj.page_type in types def has_change_permission(self, request, obj=None): """ Check user permission on Node change :param request: the request object :param obj: the Node object :return: bool """ return self.check_perm(request, obj, 'change') def has_delete_permission(self, request, obj=None): """ Check user permission on Node delete :param request: the request object :param obj: the Node object :return: bool """ return self.check_perm(request, obj, 'delete') def get_actions(self, request): """ Override actions list to check for perms If the user sees the actions, then he sees the list, so he already has the change perm :param request: the request object :return: actions list """ actions = super(NodeAdmin, self).get_actions(request) if not request.user.has_perm('ninecms.delete_node') and 'delete_selected' in actions: del actions['delete_selected'] return actions def get_queryset(self, request): """ Return only objects on which user has permission :param request: the request object :return: Node queryset """ qs = super(NodeAdmin, self).get_queryset(request) types = get_objects_for_user(request.user, 'ninecms.change_node_pagetype', klass=models.PageType) return qs.filter(page_type__id__in=types.values_list('id')) def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs): """ Override form to pass the current user :param request: the request object :param obj: the current node if any :param kwargs: keyword arguments :return: overridden form """ form = super(NodeAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs) form.current_user = request.user return form def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None): """ Provide different fieldsets depending on user level :param request: the request object :param obj: the current node if any :return: a dictionary of fieldsets """ if request.user.is_superuser: return ( ("Node", {'fields': ('page_type', 'language', 'alias', 'title')}), ("Body", {'fields': ('highlight', 'summary', 'body', 'link')}), ("Node management", {'fields': ('status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'redirect', 'user', 'created', 'original_translation', 'weight')}), ("Terms", {'fields': ('terms',)}), ) else: return ( ("Node", {'fields': ('page_type', 'language', 'title')}), ("Body", {'fields': ('highlight', 'summary', 'body', 'link')}), ("Node management", {'fields': ('status', 'promote', 'sticky', 'user', 'created', 'original_translation', 'weight')}), ("Terms", {'fields': ('terms',)}), ) def get_changeform_initial_data(self, request): """ Set initial values :param request: the request object :return: a dictionary with initial values """ return {'user': request.user, 'promote': False, 'sticky': False, 'redirect': False} def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request=None, **kwargs): """ Override queryset of page types field to respect permissions Restrict users field for non-superusers to same user :param db_field: the database field name :param request: the request object :param kwargs: keyword arguments such as the queryset :return: parent method return """ if db_field.name == 'page_type': page_types = get_objects_for_user(request.user, 'ninecms.add_node_pagetype', klass=models.PageType) if len(page_types) < 1 and not request.user.is_superuser: raise PermissionDenied kwargs['queryset'] = page_types elif db_field.name == 'user' and not request.user.is_superuser: kwargs['queryset'] = User.objects.filter(pk=request.user.pk) return super(NodeAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs) def formfield_for_choice_field(self, db_field, request=None, **kwargs): """ Override choices of languages field to respect settings :param db_field: the database field name :param request: the request object :param kwargs: keyword arguments such as the queryset :return: parent method return """ if db_field.name == 'language': kwargs['choices'] = (('', '---------'),) + settings.LANGUAGES return super(NodeAdmin, self).formfield_for_choice_field(db_field, request, **kwargs) @admin.register(models.MenuItem) class MenuItemAdmin(MPTTModelAdmin): """ Get a list of Menu Items """ list_display = ('title', 'language', 'path', 'disabled', 'weight') search_fields = ['path', 'title'] def formfield_for_choice_field(self, db_field, request=None, **kwargs): """ Override choices of languages field to respect settings :param db_field: the database field name :param request: the request object :param kwargs: keyword arguments such as the queryset :return: parent method return """ if db_field.name == 'language': kwargs['choices'] = (('', '---------'),) + settings.LANGUAGES return super(MenuItemAdmin, self).formfield_for_choice_field(db_field, request, **kwargs) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic @admin.register(models.ContentBlock) class ContentBlockAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Get a list of blocks """ list_display = ('name', 'type', 'node', 'menu_item', 'signal', 'page_types_list') list_filter = ['type'] filter_vertical = ('page_types', ) def page_types_list(self, obj): """ Return a custom column with page types in which each block is an element :param obj: a block object :return: column output """ r = [] for page_type in obj.page_types.all(): r.append( '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (reverse('admin:ninecms_pagetype_change', args=(page_type.id,)), page_type)) return ', '.join(r) page_types_list.allow_tags = True page_types_list.short_description = _("Page types") @admin.register(models.TaxonomyTerm) class TaxonomyTermAdmin(MPTTModelAdmin): """ Get a list of Taxonomy Terms """ list_display = ('name', 'description_node', 'weight') filter_vertical = ('nodes', ) admin.site.site_header = _("9cms administration") admin.site.site_title = "9cms" admin.site.index_template = 'admin/ninecms/index.html'
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""sparql SERVICE <https://api.druid.datalegend.net/datasets/iisg/HISCO/services/HISCO/sparql> { ?hiscoOccupation a schema:Occupation ; schema:name ?occName ; # NB Dit matcht op hoofdletters + taal. schema:occupationalCategory ?hiscoCategory . ?hiscoCategory schema:codeValue ?hiscoCode ; schema:name ?hiscoCategoryName . } """ occupations = ["occupation", "oppasster", "conducteur en tapper", "houtfactor", "naaimoeder", "groentewinkelier", "verenzoekster", "nachtwacht", "sjouwer aan de stad", "kookster", "secretaris Portugees-Israëlietische Gemeente", "boekhouder", "chirurgijnsleerling", "sledewerker", "handschoenwaster", "scheepssmid", "korsettennaaister", "klerk bij de spoorwegen", "mattenventer", "koopman in bloemen", "kermisreiziger", "siroopsuikerbakker", "bewaarster tweede klasse", "onderwijzer", "kunstbloemenfabrikant", "huidenvetter", "kantoorloopster", "pachter tapper en biljart", "commissionair in veren", "minnekind", "diamantsnijdersleerling", "gepensioneerd eerste luitenant", "gepensioneerd kok bij de Marine", "loopknecht", "logement en koffiehuis", "wasman", "adjunct-commies", "leerling Marine", "pandjeshoudster", "fabrikant in witte zeep", "smid en kleermaker", "kruier en schoorsteenveger", "ezellinnenbaas", "aardappelwinkelier", "dekenstikster", "arbeider spoorwegen", "baardscheerdersknecht", "koopman in vee", "in effecten", "geldophaler", "kantenwasvrouw", "student te Utrecht", "commissionair in manufacturen", "aanspreker en bode", "brouwersknecht", "boekwinkelierster", "bediende-pupil", "scheepsbouwmeester", "winkelierster in komenij", "oudroestman", "spoorbediende", "handelsleerling", "doctor in de genees- heel- en verloskunde", "oud-ijzerverkoper", "kruier en huisbewaarder", "pandhuishoudster", "olieslijter", "kalkmeester", "postbeambte", "kousenwever", "commies-ontvanger", "geëmployeerde bij de Rhijnspoorweg (Rijnwaag)", "besteller bij de Hollandsche Spoorweg", "papierdozenmaker", "lakenkoper", "in bokking", "bestuurder van het Gesticht", "koopman in drogerijen", "derde stuurman", "bierbrouwersknecht", "groenwinkel", "secretaris O.I. Mij. van Admin. in lijfrenten", "negotieur", "bagagemeester", "bakkersleerling", "diamantslijper en tapper", "pluimenfabriek", "boekhouder van een rederij", "brieventassenmaker", "militair gepensioneerd", "wijnkoper en tapper", "gasblusser", "aardappelverkoopster", "oppasser van de kaas", "winkelierster en baker", "roosjesslijper", "blokwerker", "sigarenwinkelier", "sergeant-majoor", "beddenkoper", "mangelhoudster", "smid bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "ziekenknecht", "tapper en molenaar", "pleistergieter", "gouvernante", "schoenwinkelier", "assistent-commies", "muzikant", "gepensioneerd brievenbesteller", "vrachtrijder Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatschappij", "turf- en houtverkoopster", "architect en makelaar", "waagmaker", "portier bij een suikerfabriek", "verzorgster", "meubelstoffeerder", "militair", "muzikante", "turfloodsknecht", "hoofdcommies bij de rijksbelastingen", "wolwerker", "professor", "magazijnbewaarder", "commissionair en reiziger", "directeur stadsdrukkerij", "winkelier in mosterd", "glanzer", "pottenbakkersknecht", "dokterskoetsier", "plaatzager", "secretaris Amstelland", "bode bij de burgerlijke stand", "schoenpoetser", "winkelier in lakens", "spiegelmakersknecht", "schoenmakersgezel", "bordenverkoper", "aan de korenmarkt", "vroeger zeeman", "kerkelijk geëmployeerde", "kinderjuffrouw", "goudsmidsleerling", "rijksschatter en conciërge", "controleur bij de Bank van Lening", "gegageerd turfdrager", "turfstekersknecht", "apotheker en koopman", "timmermans- en molenknecht", "supercarga", "oppasser", "werkman", "baanwerker", "draagbandenmaker", "koopman en kantoorbediende", "rookverdrijver", "pontpachter Westerdok", "krantenbrenger", "marinier", "interne geneesheer", "marktknecht", "muziekonderwijzer", "glasfabrikant", "bode bij Artis", "zagerij en houtkoperij", "meubelhandelaar", "kurkensnijdster", "leerling in de bouwkunst", "knecht bij de Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatschappij", "slijter", "brouwersmolenaar", "logementhouder en tapper", "gasfabriek", "blekerij", "in goud en zilver", "huisonderwijzeres", "oudroestkoper en verkoper", "slijter in drank", "trompetter bij de dragonders", "vergulder en winkelier", "winkelbediende en schoenmaker", "haringventer", "metselaar en makelaar", "kruierij", "hout- en turfkoopman", "waterschepperij", "instructeur zwemschool", "handwerkster", "slepersbaas", "geweermakersleerling", "verschieter", "vleeshouwer", "mr. scheepssloper", "melkverkoper", "opzichter van de landsgebouwen", "huisbaas", "behanger", "landmeter", "tapijtfabrikant", "opzichter waterleiding", "secretaris van het Grootboek", "binnenvaarder", "schoenbewerkster", "spijsmoeder", "officier der infanterie", "broodweger", "kleermaker en scheerder", "assuradeur en koopman", "koopman in eau de Cologne", "laarzenmaker en herenknecht", "ambtenaar bij de Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "vleesinkoper", "commissionair spiegelfabriek", "aardappelschillenloopster", "steendraagster", "parser", "wasserij", "bouwopzichter", "stijfmoeder", "mangelstrijkster", "stovenmaker", "waarnemend rijksontvanger", "sjouwerman en zeeman", "redacteur", "verfkopersbediende", "kapitein en plaatsvervangend majoor", "stadsbaggerman", "opzichter fabriek Van Gend & Loos", "winkelier en fabrikant", "uitgediende knecht", "naaistersleerlinge", "weefster", "koopman in tingoed", "verificateur", "zaagselkoopman", "turf- en houtwinkeltje", "aandraagster", "machinist rookverdrijver", "catechismuslerares", "employé bij het loodswezen", "gezondheidsbakker", "courantenverkoper", "besteller bij de Rhjnspoorweg", "leerling timmerman", "weeskind", "sjouwer landswerf", "hondenkoopster", "bieraffaire", "spijkersmid", "scheepsagent", "raffinadeursknecht", "eerste luitenant", "pakhuisbediende", "procuratie", "turf en hout potten en pannen", "groenteventer", "waterschepper", "verkopersknecht", "bediende in Artis", "scheepsbeschieter", "boekopruimer", "confituur", "waarneemster", "groentemansknecht", "logementknecht", "boekbindersmaat", "slaapstee- en sjouwerman", "smederij", "strohandelaar", "hoedenfabrikeur", "geelgieter", "stokviskoper", "handelsessayeur", "gruttersleerling", "verlakkersknecht", "beambte bij het Ministerie van Financiën Wenen", "in water en vuur", "tweede luitenant der infanterie Oostindisch leger", "korenmeester", "kunstkoper", "suikermaler", "uitdrager en barbier", "banketbakkersknecht", "gaarkeukenhoudster", "tuinman", "onderwijzer aan het gymnasium", "toezichthouder Nederlands Hervormde Gemeente", "kledenmaker", "lakei", "scheepsheelmeester", "kamferstoker", "koopman in stokken", "kleerkoopster", "bediende van de handel", "kuiper", "stroopbrander", "stoomwerkersknecht", "azijnmaker", "onderwijzeres in talen", "kantoorloper", "knecht bij een aardappelwinkel", "ziekenvader", "pakhuiskistenmaker", "laarzenwinkel", "directeur asssurantie", "Rhijnspoorweg", "waagknecht op de varkenmarkt", "roeier van het Zeerecht", "puinwerker", "zilversmid en kashouder", "visventster", "baardscheerster", "gistkoopster", "kapitein bij de generale staf", "visvrouw", "slachtersknecht", "krankbezoeker", "metselaarsleerling", "koopman in tabak", "leesbibliotheekhoudster", "visman", "goudslagersknecht", "proponent", "binnenvader", "schuitenmakersknecht", "in manufacturen", "banketbakker", "steenkolenknecht", "tabaksmaker", "dampbadhouder", "kastelein in een sociëteit", "koffieverlezer", "koekjesbakker", "directrice", "in appelen", "waagdrager en tabakswinkelier", "reizend kleermaker", "mr. stukadoor", "landbouwersleerling", "zaakwaarnemer en boekhouder", "beerman", "pianostemmer", "lid Ged.Staten Noord-Holland", "winkelier in papier", "baakster", "olie en traan", "tappersbediende", "ondernemer van publieke verkopingen", "stovenman", "administrateur van een plantage", "voorzanger", "gruttenkoopman", "koopman en reiziger", "in loterij", "tinnegieter", "winkelier en postbeambte", "oudroest", "behangseldrukker", "voddenverkoopster", "in aardappelen", "kamenier", "koopman in garens", "lopend koopman", "winkelier in hoeden", "aardappels", "intendant bij de quarantaine", "viltbereider", "veerman", "stoombootbediende", "ijzerwerker", "ijker der zandschepen", "groenmansknecht", "diamantzetter", "huismeester", "fabriek van brandstof", "assurantiën", "koffiemolenmaker", "rijkscommies", "gagement", "vleesdrager", "ambtenaar bij het postkantoor", "pensioen van de stad", "venter in kunstbloemen", "soldaat", "kandidaat-notaris", "cantante", "reizend op de kermis", "koopman in gist", "officier van administratie bij de Marine", "politieambtenaar", "danseuse", "pettenwinkelierster", "in zoute vis", "gepensioneerd ritmeester", "leerkoper en schachtenmaker", "in turf en hout", "muilenmaker", "kantenwasser", "zout- en zeepgrossier", "tabaksfabriek", "goud- en zilverkashoudster", "vlotter en tapper", "kuipster", "bestedeling", "dienstbaar", "lavementzetter", "spekslagersknecht", "sloeproeier", "muziekinstrumentmaker", "stoker op 's rijks boot", "leermeester diaconieschool", "mutsenmaker", "kruier en aanspreker", "koopman in boter en turf", "winkelierster in aardewerk", "spoorwegknecht", "magazijnbediende", "geëmployeerde bij de posterijen", "touwverkoper", "vismarkt", "fastkopersknecht", "ambtenaar en gedelegeerde loterij", "theologant", "rooms-katholiek pastoor", "kopergraveur", "rijstkoper", "stuurman Zaanse stoomboot", "volmolenaar", "paardenhaarspinner", "hoedenmakersknecht", "zangmeester", "militaire dienst als zeeman", "commies bij het bureau Waarborg", "leerling bouwkunde", "sjouwer", "kleine-kinderschoolhoudster", "borduurwerk", "kledingwinkelierster", "courantenvrouw", "directeur raffinaderij", "koopman in oude kleren", "gepensioneerd smidsbaas", "winkelier in matten en schuiers", "boek-inbinder", "winkelierster en dienstbode", "kunsthandelaar", "kapelmeester", "stukadoorsknecht", "naaister en dienstbaar", "commissaris der stoomboot", "kapitein der mariniers", "directeur van een paardenpret", "schoenmakersleerling", "turf en hout", "molenaarster", "gaarster", "oud-ijzerkoper", "bontwerker en winkelier", "stoombootwerker", "bokkenhouder", "schoolhoudster", "waker", "agent bij de Javasche Bank", "leerling tabaksaffaire", "rooimeester", "rector", "kastdraaideurmaker", "rijkswijnroeier", "mattenmaker", "koekbakker", "rustend turfdrager", "soldaat Oostindisch leger", "rooms-katholiek geestelijke", "scheepspomp- en blokkenmaker", "vleesslager", "lijkendrager", "verschietster", "wijnkoper (wijnkuiper)", "kunstkoper en schilder", "mechanist", "schoenmaker en grondeigenaar", "aan de turfmarkt", "fabrikant in lakwerken", "zuster van liefde", "knecht bij een loodgieterij", "commissionair in effecten", "directeur rijksbelastingen", "onderwijzeres", "eerste stuurman", "winkelier en kantoorbediende", "postmeester", "wisselaar", "leerlinge", "wiskunde-onderwijzer", "tapper en hovenier", "kok in de kweekschool", "inbrenger", "zilverkashouder", "diamantsnijder en sjouwer", "rijkstelegrafist", "bakster", "eigenaar van percelen", "behangseldrukster", "zakkennaaier", "voerman", "vogelkoper", "groenteman", "tafelbediende", "stoker bij de Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatschappij", "winkelier in manufacturen", "stoelenmaker", "diamantwerker", "glaskoper", "gasfabrieksbediende", "broodbakker", "adjudant", "geëmployeerde bij het kadaster", "notarisleerling", "schuurgoed", "portier aan de stoomfabriek", "gealimenteerd in Brentano", "politiedienaar", "courantenloper", "suppoost", "hovenier", "begrafenisfondsbode", "aardwerker", "kwekeling", "straatreiniger", "stukadoor en winkelier", "bode bij de rechtbank", "paardenhaarbereider", "filtreermaker", "zandschipper", "boterkopersknecht", "koopman in aardewerk", "waagdragersknecht", "commandeur op het Matrozen-Instituut", "pantoffelvlechtster", "chirurgijn en dentist", "opperman en nachtwaker", "kantoorboekwinkel en -verkoper", "ordinaris", "verhuurder", "kurkenstekersknecht", "zeepmaker", "emeritus predikant", "leerling", "diamantsnijder", "adelborst eerste klasse", "verkoopster", "bezoekmoeder der bestedelingen", "vuilniswerker", "majoor der rijkspolitie", "mangelvrouw", "jollenvaarder", "dentist", "bibliotheekhouder en winkelier", "in komenijswaren", "meesterknecht sigaren en tabak[...]", "professor in talen", "hondendokter", "commies bij de Marine", "klederwasser", "koek- en banketbakker", "waakster", "gepasporteerd", "muziekgraveur", "landbouwarbeider", "bakker", "strohoedenfabrikant", "in juwelen", "sluiswachter", "houtzaagmolenaarsknecht", "directeur der W.I. Mij.", "stoker", "bakkersbehulp", "pettenverkoper", "kleermakersjongen", "geëmployeerde bij het Ministerie van Financiën", "jolleman", "aan de academie", "helpster", "koorddraaier", "huisopzichter", "knecht in een slagerij", "boekwinkel", "gemeente-oppasser", "stedelijk geëmployeerd", "vleesrookster", "werkman in tabak", "hoefsmid", "schepersknecht", "commissaris veer", "conducteur bij de posterijen", "werkman bij de stoombootmaatschappij", "letterkundige en predikant", "tractaatrondbrenger", "zeegezel", "knopenmaker", "knecht bij een steenhouwer", "kandidaat", "houtbewerker", "platenkleurder", "loodwitwerker", "nagelmaker", "verfhoutmaler", "inspecteur bij de Marine", "turf- en houtaffaire", "opperstuurman", "werkzaam bij de gasfabriek", "directeur Onderlinge.Brand Waarborg Maatschappij", "horlogier", "turfvulster", "boekkopersknecht", "winkelier in schuiers", "commissionair in drogerijen", "luitenant der mariniers", "tabakswerkster", "kuiper en kistenmaker", "arbeider Hollandsche IJzeren Spoorwegmaatschappij", "opzichter stadsbestrating", "aanspreker en tapper", "ambtenaar bij de stedelijke belastingen", "vuurwerkmaker", "bakkersnoodhulp", "werkster", "koetsier", "stedelijk heelmeester", "winkelier in scheepsbehoeften", "paardrijder", "barbiersbediende", "pantoffelvlechter", "kruideniersbediende", "vleeshouwster", "klerk bij de Houtvesterij", "timmermansjongen", "tweede luitenant der artillerie", "assistent-ziekenvader", "veehandelaar", "scheepsjager", "fruitverkoopster", "kleermakersgezel", "hout- en turfverkoper", "secretaris der Nederlandsche Bank", "mr. metselaar", "plaatslijper", "ambtenaarster", "pettenwinkel", "snoepkelder", "spekslagersgezel", "lid van het gerechtshof", "scholiere", "bladschrijver", "slachtersleerling", "kleine negotiatie", "muziekhandelaar", "tapper en stalhouder", "inlands kraamster", "winkelier in linnengoed", "manufactuurverver", "groenknecht", "makelaar cargadoor enz.", "koopman in aardappelen", "landeigenaar", "werktuigkundige", "handschoenmaker", "scheepsgezagvoerder", "korenwerkster", "surnumerair Handelmaatschappij", "oppasser in een bakkerij", "turf- en houtnering", "geëmployeerde bij 's Rijks Schatkist", "ambtenaar en makelaar", "kelderknecht", "tuinleerling", "secondant", "tegelaar", "polderwerker", "artsenijmenger", "kok", "snarenmaker", "bode bij een tractaatgenoodschap", "pottenwinkel", "kuipersaffaire", "papierverkoper", "broekenmaker", "boekverkoper", "stedelijk opzichter", "klein-pandhuishoudster", "courantier", "snijder", "koekjeswerker", "stadsbestedeling", "naaischool", "timmerman en slotenmaker", "gasfitter", "gepensioneerd officier", "modelleur", "ellenmaker (n. ellenmaker)", "gepensioneerd opzichter", "gepensioneerd majoor der artillerie", "goudsmidsgezel", "kolenwerker", "jongensmoeder", "substituut-griffier rechtbank", "gepensioneerd visser", "kleermaker en aanspreker", "aardappelschilster", "ziekenmeester", "schuurder van diamantschijven", "kosthoudster van meisjes", "sigarennering", "schavenmaker", "wijnkopersbediende", "orgelist", "koophandel", "rijksveearts", "bierhuishoudster", "schoolleerling", "brigadier", "hoofdcommies bij het Entrepot", "reiziger in straatnegotie", "assuradeur en wethouder", "op het matrozeninstituut", "ophaler van ziekenbussen", "zeevaartkwekeling", "grutterijhoudster en winkel", "cipiersknecht", "water- en vuuraffaire", "kunstdraaier", "toetuiger", "beddenverhuurder", "logementbeheerder", "pottenventer", "directeur Hollandsche Schouwburg", "loodgieter en militair", "rijder", "luitenant", "gevangenisbewaarder", "dagbladuitgever", "stalhouder", "schildersbaas", "sigarenpakker", "zaalmoeder meisjes", "pottenbakster", "aan de posterij", "fabrikant van stoomwerktuigen", "lappenkramer", "slaapbaas", "kantoorbediende", "schoenmakersjongen", "bij de Bank van Lening", "dienstmeisje", "repareerder van uurwerken", "in manufacturen garen enz.", "leerverwerker", "melkslijter en winkelier", "dienstbaar bewaarschool", "schavenslijper", "passementmaker", "boterverkopersbediende", "vijlenkapper", "stadsmodderman", "koopman en sigarenmaker", "spanen-tabaksdozenmaker", "kwekeling bij het onderwijs", "ordinaris tafelhouder", "naaister voor gezelschap", "boekverkoopster", "logementbediende", "arts-assistent", "turfkopersknecht", "commies bij de stad", "verbandvader Binnengasthuis", "rustend geneesheer", "voermansknecht (voormansknecht)", "turfsjouwer", "tabaksverkopersbediende", "binnenmoeder van het weeshuis", "fabrikant in lampenkousen", "instrumentmakersleerling", "blikslagersknecht", "courantenbrenger", "opporder", "schouwerman", "wagenmaker", "kuikenmester", "rijkscommies in- en uitgaande rechten", "katoenwerkster", "instrumentmaker", "rentenier", "boekhouder en commissionair", "directeur van het armkantoor", "bleekster", "binnenlands commissionair", "kruier en nachtwaker", "adelborst", "oliekoekbakster", "kantoorboekbinder", "banketwerker", "werkman bij het Rhijnspoor", "student en militair", "stoommolenaar", "looiersknecht", "scheepskok", "glanster", "chirurg", "gasfabriek De Bruin & zoon", "directeur Nederlandsche Rhijnspoorweg", "puinvaarder", "logement", "militiecommissaris", "tekenmeester", "winkelierster in hout en turf", "ijzergieter", "hovenierster en kroeghoudster", "kantoorwerker", "kastelein in het militaire logement", "portier Buitengasthuis", "tabakskoopster", "eigenaar", "schoenmakersbediende", "schuitenvoerder en tapper", "rentmeester", "directeur der zwemschool", "koopman in manufacturen", "zetter", "verse-waarverkoopster", "schildersleerling", "broekdraagbandenmaakster", "ritmeester tweede regiment dragonders", "in melk en boter", "gepensioneerd tamboer", "zadelmakersjongen", "bilder", "wattenfabriek", "leerling in de koophandel", "inspecteur gasfabriek", "fabrikant van sigaren", "hoer", "stoomstoker", "ambtenaar Publieke Werken", "likdoornsnijder", "stadstimmertuinwerker", "uitdragerij", "besloten winkel", "chirurgijn-majoor", "officier", "gasfabriekwerker", "gepensioneerd commies stedelijke belastingen", "wattenfabrikant", "zeilenmaker en korendrager", "werkman bij de Marine", "wattenwerkster", "oppasser van heren", "kostschoolhouderes", "grenadier", "besteedster", "geëmployeerde bij de politie", "stadswerker", "in Z.M. zeedienst", "steenhouwer", "grafdelver", "snoeptafel", "lapideurgezel", "goud- en zilverwinkelierster", "goud- en zilversmid", "filiaalhoudster", "hulp- en godsdienstonderwijzer", "catechiseermeester", "binnenvader weeshuis", "chemisch leerling", "bij de Genie", "tapper en slijter", "commissaris bij een veer", "jagersknecht", "wegarbeider", "koopman in parfumerieën", "zadelmakerij", "schildersaffaire", "Rijnschipper", "kapelaan", "koopman en winkelier in olie", "boerin", "schippersmatroos", "stotteraar-geneesheer", "besloten winkelierster in manufacturen", "werkster molen De Nachtegaal", "mr. smid", "open-tafelhouder", "keukenmoeder", "kolonel", "melkboer", "zeeschout", "lepelgieter", "scheepsmakelaar", "bruidsmutsmaker", "oliefabriek", "cargadoor en makelaar", "gasthouder", "wagenverhuurster", "kleermaker", "controleur der belastingen", "koopman en assuradeur", "venter en diamantslijper", "winkelierster", "in negotie", "onderwijzer stadsarmenschool", "bierstekerij", "stadsmetselaarbaas", "broodverkoper", "kruidenman", "leemvormer", "besteller van dienstboden", "dienstbode bij Moldsen", "fabrieksknecht", "kapitein", "eigen middelen", "reizend kunstenaar", "kwartiermaker bij de Marine", "zevenmaker", "groentewerker", "kleermaker bij de Marine", "tweede luitenant-paardenarts", "opzichter bij de stadswerken", "assistent-scherprechter", "kapitein zeevarend", "oud-zeeofficier", "hulponderwijzeres bewaarschool", "turf- en houtwinkel", "lampenmaker", "fruitwinkel", "kunsttandinzetter", "komenijswaren", "klerenwasvrouw", "milicien", "machinist tweede klasse", "kamerbehangersknecht", "portretmaker en koopman", "huisleerling", "garen lint en houtwaren", "schoenenbaas", "nachtwacht en arbeider", "schilderswinkel", "viltmaker", "aan het hospitaal", "hoofdcommies", "tabakshandelaar en winkelier", "koopman in parapluies", "costumière", "suikerbakker", "zadelmaker en winkelier", "loonzager", "griffier van het kantongerecht", "voddenkoper", "in garen en band", "fabriek in olie", "hovenier en bloemist", "koopman in olie", "scholier", "huisbewaardersknecht", "winkelierster in fruit", "boekhoudersbediende", "gasthuismin", "haarwever", "koopman in beestenvoer", "toneelzanger", "koopman in goederen", "assistent bij stadsagent", "steendrukkersknecht", "boekbindersbediende", "scheepsarbeider", "sigarenzaak", "schoenboorster", "scheepslakker", "expert", "kolonel en rentenier", "bureau Handelmaatschappij", "taalschoolmeester", "kistenmakersknecht", "beeldsnijder", "directeur der hoedenfabriek", "kolonel in het Oostindisch leger", "bakkerin", "schafthuishoudster", "in tabak", "schoenmaker en koopman", "stadsloodgieter", "mouter", "tuinknecht", "meubelbekleder", "fabrikant van eau de Cologne", "linnenhandelaar", "mattenmaakster", "kippen", "Schermmeester", "onderwijzersassistent", "negotie in allerlei", "heelkundige", "militaire dienst", "graveur en directeur Kunstacademie", "bewaarschoolhoudster", "ventster met haring", "assistent-onderwijzer", "taalmeester en translateur", "tekenaar", "turfwerker", "rechtsgeleerde", "notaris", "turfhever en koopman", "landbouwersknecht", "naaister en werkster", "werker op vlotten", "venter in groenten", "koopmanswinkel", "schoolonderwijzeres", "koningsdienst", "verfkopersknecht", "sjouwer en opperman", "cachetsnijder", "koopman in ijzer", "stoker in de diamantslijpfabriek", "korsettenmaker", "smid en kachelmaker", "pijpenmaakster", "boerenmeid", "aardappelhandel", "suikermaler en kandijstoker", "tweede luitenant-kwartiermeester", "koopman in schoenen", "generale regisseur", "mr. bakker", "koekjeskelder", "graveur en lithograaf", "winkelier in drogerijen en verfwaren", "stadshorlogemaker", "tapper en likeurstoker", "blokkenmakersbaas bij de Marine", "in steenkolen", "gepensioneerd grensdouanier", "gepensioneerd griffier", "entrepotdok", "bontwerknaaister", "mandenmakersknecht", "bank van lening", "koffiewinkelierster", "opperbesteller aan de stoomboot", "officier der administratie eerste klas bij Marine", "korendraagster", "kammoeder voor de jongens", "kamerknecht", "pleegmoeder", "koopvrouw in hooi en stro", "fruitnering", "kunstplaatdrukker", "wachter spoorweg", "houtgraveur", "oliekoopman", "doodgraver der gemeente", "kroeghouder", "klein beleenhuis", "nachtronder Rhijnspoorweg", "tabakswinkelierster", "huishouder", "gepensioneerd marktmeester", "in haring en zoute vis", "beestenkoopman", "schatter", "woont op schip", "vertinner", "surnumerair", "schildersknecht", "geattacheerd aan de redactie van het Handelsblad", "in koffie en thee", "handwerksman", "kamerbehanger", "scheepstuier", "zeevaartscholier", "substituut-griffier van justitie", "in behangselpapieren", "schaatsenmaker", "deegkneder", "bibliotheek", "markeur", "goudsmid en winkelier", "winkel lederwaren", "antiekwerker", "juwelier", "planter op Java", "rijstpelmolenaar", "lichtmatroos", "rijkscommissaris", "slagersgezel", "directeur blindeninstituut", "draadwerker", "weger", "dienstmaagd", "loopjongen", "hoveniersknecht", "touwpluister", "vaste middelen", "koffiekelder", "schoftkelder", "huidenwerker", "gravenmaker", "vrouwenmoeder", "oud-luitenant der genie", "aspirant-notaris", "kalkmeter", "zeekapitein", "spekslagersbediende", "holdraaier", "waagwerker", "klerk bij Publieke Werken", "witwerkersknecht", "broodslijterij", "krantenbezorgster", "zwavelstokkenverkoopster", "rustend zeeman", "negotiant", "stempelmaker", "graankoper", "lettergieter", "groentekopersknecht", "schilder en glazenwasser", "portretteur", "stoelenmaker en zeevarend", "mangelhouder", "winkel en fabrikant", "groenboersknecht", "boekverkopersleerling", "koopvrouw in afval", "botenmaker", "lantaarnvulder", "makelaar en convooiloper", "vatter", "directeur begrafenisonderneming", "gegageerd van de stad Amsterdam", "veenwerker", "varkensslachtersknecht", "onderbaas Publieke Werken", "facteur", "bij het gymnasium", "in tabak en manufacturen", "pakhuisbaas", "sluiswachtersknecht", "koopman en sjouwerman (snippermaker)", "bibliothecaris", "schouwer", "marineofficier", "gepensioneerd smid", "zetbaas komenijswinkel", "aan de stadsschouwburg", "buitenlands commissionair", "oesterkoper", "lantaarnmaker", "biljartmaker", "kantoor- en reisbediende", "koopman en platenzager", "ambtenaresse", "aanspreker en rouwwinkelier", "fabrieksvader", "reiziger en winkelier", "baleinfabriek", "kistenmaker", "turfkruier", "loodshulp", "overhalersknecht", "marktkruier", "matrassenmaakster", "student godgeleerdheid", "kaarsenmaker en winkelier", "lijfbediende", "tegelbakker", "lithograaf", "translateur", "zijdewindster", "expediteur in zeezaken", "galanteriekoopman", "eierenkoopman", "korenknecht", "buffethoudster", "artsenijmengersbediende", "commies bij het Rijk", "in fortepiano's", "verlakker", "viskoper en tapper", "groenteboer", "kruiwagenmaker", "negotie in garen en band", "gepensioneerd korendrager", "werker bij de Handelmaatschappij", "kunstlakkersknecht", "slijtster van roggebrood", "doekenwaster", "augurkjesman", "stroopbereider", "gymnastiekonderwijzer", "winkel in goud en zilver", "zeejongen", "plooier", "stroopmakersknecht", "wijnkeldersknecht", "opperman en metselaar", "boekbinder en aanspreker", "commies bij de posterijen", "ronder der verlichting", "waterboerin", "leerling tabak", "bokkenslachter", "schoenmaakster", "courantenrondbrenger", "koffiewerker", "Nederlands consul te Marseille", "horlogereparateur", "fabrikant en winkelier van borstelwerk", "koekbakster", "suikerwerker", "motboer", "winkel in groenten", "winkelierster in water en vuur", "gebakverkoopster", "koperslagersknecht", "provenier", "vrachtschipper", "kastenmaker en aanspreker", "bijouteriefabrikant", "winkelier in tabak", "eerste sluisman", "metselaar en klompenmaker", "logement reisbediende", "stoombootmachinist", "slachtster", "suppoost bij de Huiszittende Armen", "zeevarend", "lichtmatroos Nieuwe Diep", "stadsdrukkerij", "horlogemaker", "blikmaker", "directrice verpleegzuster", "tagrijn", "belasting", "gravenmakersknecht", "blikslagersleerling", "heelmeester", "hellebaardier bij het Entrepot", "klinisch student", "sluisknecht", "adjunct-commissaris", "geneeskundige", "karremansknecht", "zeilenmakersleerling", "omloper met klein gebak", "pianist", "zeilenmaker en commissionair", "molenaar en houtkoper", "restauratiehouder", "in een fruitwinkel", "collegehouder", "kanaalloods", "melkaffaire", "goudkashouder", "schrijnwerkersleerling", "redemptorist priester", "behangersleerling", "koopman in schuurgoed", "venter in zuurwaren", "in petten", "beeldhouwer en timmerman", "gepensioneerd kapitein", "voddeninkoper", "koopman in wol", "reiziger in manufacturen", "korenfactor en makelaar", "schermmeester", "horlogemakersknecht", "mandenmaker", "barbierster", "koekvrouw", "turfsteker", "koopman en koffiehuis", "boer", "vormmaker", "werkmeisje", "courantenbezorgster", "matrozeninstituut", "rijksroeier", "leraar", "directeur", "koopman in hout en turf", "knecht bij de verkopingen", "bediende in het gasthuis", "makelaar in steenkolen", "boekhoudersgezel", "eerste geneesheer", "sigarenmaker en tapper", "spinster", "koopman en fabrikant", "werkman in parapluies", "hoedenschoonmaker", "aan het nachtwezen", "werktuigbediener", "commissaris van politie", "koopman in kaas", "handelsagent", "vleesjongen", "papierhandelaar", "melkslijter", "militair op zee", "koopman en schipper", "zandkramer", "muziekspeelster", "rondbrenger van nieuwsbode", "tabakspakker", "decorateur", "haarplukster", "rustbewaarder", "kistjesmaker", "ontvanger van het geslacht", "deurwaarder en aanspreker", "straatwerker", "strohoedenmaker", "boerenleerling", "zetschipper", "tuigmaker", "clown", "nachtwacht en sjouwerman", "gepensioneerd landswacht", "koopman en stalhouder", "houtsnijder", "mastenmakersknecht", "zerkenmaker", "koffiebrander", "groennering", "in tuinzaden", "kostgangster", "reiziger in kramerijen", "conciërge Handelmaatschappij", "pantoffelmaker en aanspreker", "arbeider Hollandsche Spoorweg", "danser", "schrijfmeester", "warmoezierster", "zeepziedersknecht", "tamboer", "lettergietersknecht", "huisdoctor", "directeur meelfabriek", "gepensioneerd kapitein der infanterie", "moddermolen", "werker", "dienstbode bij Kruse", "manegeknecht", "kappersknecht", "pelterijwerker", "beschuitwinkelierster", "agent bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "waterboer", "oude-klerenkoopman", "landswerf", "lijnslager", "restaurateur", "boekbindersjongen", "viskoopman", "bijoutier", "taalmeesteres", "gistverkoopster", "korenmeter en dansmeester", "biertapster", "diamantsnijder en koopman", "meisje van plezier", "kettingzager", "viskoper", "commandeur op het droogdok", "melkhandelaar", "bediende bij de Marine", "stedelijk commies", "kantoorbediende en voorzanger", "gepensioneerd soldaat", "kettingscheerder", "roggebroodverkoper", "kassier bij de Rhijnspoorwegmaatschappij", "bestellersknecht", "moeder van het Bestedelingenhuis", "winkelier in tabak enz.", "wattenfabriekswerkster", "marmerwerker", "student chirurgie", "directeur droogbakken", "gepensioneerd sergeant-majoor", "askarrenmaker", "stokkenmaker", "catechiseermeesteres", "Rhijnspoorwegklerk", "katoendrukker", "scheepsdokter", "bierhandel", "brandspuitmakersknecht", "tolk", "pianofabrikant", "modelwerker landswerf", "kweekschoolonderwijzer", "spoorweg", "leesbibliotheekhouderes", "graver", "dienaar van politie", "bouwman", "houtkoper", "aardewerkverkoper (aardeverkoper)", "looier en huidenzouter", "timmerman en baardscheerder", "schoftenaffaire", "fabrikant van kartonwerken", "conducteur bij de spoorweg", "loodsmatroos", "polkadanser", "president Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "assistent-klerk", "manufactuurster", "magazijnhouder", "kruideniersvrouw", "wachter", "tapper en kuiper", "publieke vrouw", "veehouder en melkslijter", "mastenmakersleerling", "lantaarnaansteker", "vleesverkoper", "winkelierster in mutsen", "secondante", "beurtschipper op Zutphen", "varensgezel", "leerbewerker", "soldaat te Harderwijk", "gedelegeerde", "winkelier in lappen", "commissionair", "aan de spoorwegen", "kasbediende", "scheepsboorder", "gepensioneerd provoost", "lakenfabrikant", "winkelier en broodslijter", "werkmeester", "president van de rechtbank", "koopman en winkelier", "boekhoudersleerling", "sloper", "harder", "kaasmaker", "godsdienstonderwijzeres", "koopman in bezems", "perserij", "postleerling", "vormsnijder", "koperwerker", "figurant", "nachtwerker", "koekbakkersleerling", "plaatkoekbakker", "reizend koopman", "inbrenger in de Bank", "groenteventster", "chanteuse", "zilverkas", "gepensioneerd kolonel", "aspirant-ingenieur", "boekhouder en kapper", "officier bij het achtste regiment infanterie", "commissaris bij het Utrechtse Veer", "schooldienster", "groenteboerknecht", "gegageerd sergeant", "tabakshandelsknecht", "stoelenmatster", "kapitein der stoomboot", "mutsenmaakster", "colporteur in de boekhandel", "verfkoper", "genootschapbode", "suikersteker", "geneesheer", "koopman", "bontwerkersknecht", "winkelierster en mangelkelder", "zeehandelaar", "zilversmid", "koffievrouw", "venter in turf en hout", "breister", "vioolmaker", "regisseur theater", "smid en slotenmaker", "boekwinkelbediende", "hoofdinspecteur van politie", "sigarenkistenmaker", "koper in turf en hout", "arlequin", "stadswerker en huisbewaarder", "architect makelaar en timmerman", "souffleur", "rijksschatter", "horlogemaker en smid", "kleine nering", "beunhaas", "kinderschoenmaker", "Westindisch ambtenaar", "bureau-oppasser", "lid der Tweede Kamer en directeur van politie", "fruitkelder", "slijterij", "ondernemer van vermakelijkheden", "koopman in papier", "procureurklerk", "diamantmolendraaier", "reparateur", "koetsiersknecht", "stadsdrukker", "pettenfabriek", "assistent-loods", "tabaksverkopersleerling", "kwekeling stadsscholen", "kostleerling", "korenmeter", "roosjesversteller", "verhuurster van boeken", "liedjeszanger", "graanhandelaar", "tabakskeurder", "koopman en consul", "in tabak en sigaren", "koopman in kramerijen", "schoenmakersknecht", "hoofdonderwijzeres", "marktverkoper", "orgelmakersknecht", "administrateur der stadsbestedingen", "fitter gasfabriek", "winkelierster in turf en hout", "koopman in agaatsteen", "ganzenkoper", "affaire in sterke dranken", "knecht", "draadvlechter", "bediende in tabak", "bankhouder en koopman", "bierstekersknecht", "tabakskoopman", "stadsrooimeester", "sociëteitshoudster", "spijkerman", "wijnkoper", "veekoopman", "verse-waarverkoper", "kopergieter", "breukbandenbekleder", "kousenmaker", "tabakskopersleerling", "handelsreiziger", "ambtenaar van het Grootboek", "winkelier in modes", "blekersknecht", "schouwermansknecht", "lector gymnasium", "kassier", "bouwknecht", "depothouder broodfabriek", "krijgsdienst", "kleermakersbaas", "marine", "schipper op de Oost", "lakstoker", "neringdoenster", "uitroeier van wandluizen", "lakenwinkelier", "catechismusleermeester", "nachtwacht bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "kantoorloper en koopman", "koopman in galanterieën", "dienstbaar bij dag", "filt(reermaker)", "hulponderwijzeres", "luitenant bij het korps mariniers", "speelkaartenmaker", "conrector Stads-Gymnasium", "kunstschrijver", "voddenkoopster", "stoomketelmaker", "koopvrouw in turf en hout", "winkelier en koopman", "raseerder", "groenvrouw", "verhuurster", "steenkolenweger", "melkventster", "vrachtrijder", "balansenmaker", "zeevarend als stuurman", "kasteleines", "stroopmaker", "aanspreker en barbier", "garen en lint", "drogerijen", "bode Rhijnvaart", "likeurstoker", "smid en koperwerker", "pettenmaakster", "groentekelder", "agent in assurantiën", "jager", "geëmployeerde derde klas in het hospitaal", "bediende bij het veer", "jalouzieënmaker", "koopman in vaatwerk", "paraplufabrikant", "mangelster", "ijzerkoper", "tapper en metselaar", "pijpenbrander", "varende", "mechanicus", "werkman en militair", "agent bij de Rhijnspoorweg (RSMSp)", "opzichter bij de bestrating", "huisgouverneur", "bierhuis", "dienster", "substituut-officier van Justitie", "koopman in matten", "spekslagersleerling", "in de muziek", "koopman en kuiper", "biersteker", "in aardappelen en groenten", "winkelierster in thee", "zeeman", "goochelaar", "steenkoper", "timmerbedrijf", "drogist", "droge-gistverkoopster", "besteller en boekbinder", "huisbewaarder", "kosthuis", "metselaar", "kinderschilder", "venter in bloemen", "opwinder van uurwerken", "catechiseermeesteres (kattige leermetres)", "tehuis", "schachtenmakersknecht", "boekverkoper en boekbinder", "in wissel", "horlogeversteller en barbier", "groentewagen", "bank van leninghoudster", "melkvrouw", "opkorter", "bokkingroker", "spoorwegwerker", "inlegster", "assuradeur en commissionair", "messenmakersknecht", "water- en vuurnering", "apotheekloopjongen", "pantoffelmaker en metselaar", "koksmaat", "consul-generaal van Portugal", "glazenmaker", "korenlader", "referendaris financiën", "hofmeester", "schoenenschoonmaker", "pakhuis", "turfdraagster", "kleermaker en nachtwacht", "geldontvanger", "stroopbrandersknecht", "venter", "in muziek", "broodslijtster", "smeersmelter", "visserman", "oude-vrouwenmoeder", "koopman in goud", "koopman in zemelen", "stoker op de grote vaart", "stoker op een stoomboot", "modewinkelierster", "pantoffelmaakster", "stoelenzetster", "in dienst bij de Marine", "kastenmakersleerling", "loterijkoopman", "asbaas", "kinderwinkel", "tapper en loterijkoopman", "rijschoolhouder", "koopman in antiek", "handelaar in drogerijen", "op een wolfabriek", "mestboerknecht", "katoenpluizer", "architect en gepensioneerd officier", "oliekopersknecht en aardappelen", "keurmeester van het brood", "geëmployeerde bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "drogistknecht", "koopman in oudroest", "koekslijtster", "buitenvaart", "postbode", "sluisdichter", "knecht bij een chocoladefabriek", "scheepsknecht", "fabriek in tabak", "commissionair in wijnen", "godsdienstonderwijzer", "mazer", "horlogekastenmaker", "schilder vergulder en verfwinkel", "student rechten", "besloten winkelier", "wollennaaister", "kastenmaker en houtzaagmolenaar", "sigarenmaker", "docent aan het gymnasium", "kaartenmakersleerling", "zeemansfonds", "venter en winkelier", "landhuishoudkundige", "predikant", "meelverkoper", "kleingebakbakker", "matrassenmakersknecht", "loper van het tractaatgenootschap", "leerling loodgieter", "zilversmelter", "bediende gasfabriek", "werkman bij de gasfabriek", "franjemaker", "plantsoenwachter", "winkelmeisje", "aardappelkoopvrouw", "luitenant-adjudant", "assistent-moeder", "bouwmeester", "touwbaasknecht", "kunsthandelaar en schilder", "winkelier in galanterieën", "meubelstoffeerder en behanger", "eerste luitenant der dragonders", "steenhouwersknecht", "mangelaarster", "glasslijper", "kooinering", "tonster", "bewaarschoolhulp", "kaartenmaker", "essayeursbediende", "filoloog", "broodslijter", "schoenverkoopster", "linnenjuffrouw", "bleker", "oliekoekenkraam", "stoker bij de spoorwegen", "oppasser der paarden", "bewaarschool", "drogistleerling", "snuifwerker", "koekbakkersknecht", "commandeur bij de Marine", "rustend kapitein", "reiziger in sigaren", "specerij- en korenmolenaar", "kwekeling aan de stadarmenschool", "gepensioneerd majoor bij het Oostindisch leger", "knecht bij het Goudse Veer", "bediende bij de IJk", "garen en band", "geëmployeerde bij het stadhuis", "commissionair in effecten en wijnkoper", "winkeliersknecht", "koopman binnenland", "brigadier rijksveldwacht", "paraplufabriek", "tabaksfabrikant", "grutterswinkelier", "opzichtster in het Oudemanhuis", "winkelknecht", "zeeman en tapper", "preparateur", "danseres", "overhaler", "gasstoker", "controleur der rijksbelasting", "kaslopersknecht", "onderhofmeester Kamperboot", "notarisbediende", "schoenmaker en kruier", "stadsgepensioneerd", "moutersknecht", "kraanknecht", "werkzaam bij zijn vader", "kandidaat in de geneeskunde", "machinemaker", "gaswerker", "koopvrouw in schoenen", "kapitein zeeman", "mr. spekslager", "belastingcontroleur", "huistimmmerman", "behangseldrukkerij", "blind speelman", "koopman in effecten", "portionstafel", "boerenarbeider", "griffier bij de arrondissementsrechtbank", "aanspreker en schuurgoedverkoper", "oud-ijzer- en voddenverkoper", "gepensioneerd blinde militair", "waarnemend griffier", "winkel", "groentewinkel", "bode", "fabrikant in matten", "korenmolaarsknecht", "houtzagersknecht", "stationschef", "werker aan de pelmolen", "werkt bij de gasfabriek", "sjouwerman", "drogerijen en verfwaren", "horlogemakersgezel", "bureaulist", "werkman zilverfabriek", "pandjeshuishoudster", "liedjeszangster", "kantoorschrijver", "voddenventersbediende", "bakkersgezel", "kerkbediende", "eerste luitenant-ingenieur", "koperplaatdrukker", "boekhouder Bank van Lening", "tafelmaker", "bleekvrouw", "suikerfabriek", "zandvaarder", "directeur Associatie Cassa", "mutsenwasster", "lijfknecht", "kleermaker en dienstbaar", "in potten", "officier der dragonders", "oud-kapitein bij het Oostindisch leger", "koopman in paardenhaar", "plantagewerker", "stadsopperman", "pakkettenknecht", "kleerbleker", "rechterlijk ambtenaar", "machinestoker", "koopman in hoeden", "tapper en winkelier", "houderes van een bewaarschool", "korenloper", "grutter koopman en winkelier", "scheepstimmermansknecht", "letterzetter en winkelier", "makelaar en metselaar", "azijnmakersknecht", "beddenwinkelier", "redacteur Handelsblad", "ambtenaar bij de stedelijke accijnzen", "visbakster", "zandvaarster", "muziekmeester", "groentekoper", "rijtuigschildersknecht", "geëmployeerde bij het militair hospitaal", "bleker en winkelier", "commies bij het waterkantoor (commandeur -)", "rabbinaal assessor", "pleisterwerker", "versteller", "provoost", "ijzerkoper en ijzerdraaier", "stukadoor en havenmeester", "suikerraffinadeursknecht", "negotiehoudster", "makelaar en assuradeur", "stovenzetster", "veteraan", "loodwitfabrikant", "justitie", "handschoenwasser", "fruitventster", "stadsambtenaar", "gemaintineerde", "schouwburgbedienster", "pomp- en blokkenmaker", "meesterknecht in de stokviskoperij", "onderwijzer en leraar", "oud-raadsheer", "siroopmaker", "spoorwegbediende", "assistent-vader", "rafactiemeester van de tabak", "aan de Nederlandsche Bank", "in sigaren", "resident op Java", "suikermonstersteker", "turfraapster", "steenpolijster", "smidsleerling", "taalmeester", "stadswerkman", "waterstaatsopzichter", "logé", "ordinarishouder", "verbandmoeder", "leerling boekverkoper", "vuilnisvaarder", "danseresje", "knecht in een wattenfabriek", "beambte bij de spoorwegen", "op de haarfabriek", "zakkenplakster", "kantoorbediende en reiziger", "kapitein bij de troepen", "med. ambtenaar", "rijksdeurwaarder", "werkman aan de schouwburg", "nettenmaker", "helpster Sophiaschool", "huisbediende", "rijksveldwachter", "gepensioneerd korporaal", "korenmolenknecht", "scheerdersbediende", "boekbinder en behanger", "kost- en dagschoolhouder", "kunstenmaker", "officier ter zee", "goudsmidsknecht", "employé bij de genie", "smidsaffaire", "goud- en zilverfabrikant", "boodschapper", "tekenmeester en kunstschilder", "knecht bij een commissionair", "steenkoper en metselaar", "chocolademaker", "loodsman", "tapper en verhuurder van matrozen", "brouwerskuiper", "groenteverkoop", "deurwaarder bij de directe belastingen", "kuiper en tapper", "reder en assuradeur", "gepensioneerd koopman", "diamantsnijdersknecht", "knecht bij het Algemeen Ziekenfonds", "groentekoopman", "boommaker", "oude-kindermeid", "diender", "veekoper", "stoker bij de gasfabriek", "koorddanser", "logementwaarnemer", "buitenvaarder", "koffermaker", "timmermansaffaire", "kolfballenfabrikant", "beeldhouwer commensaal", "klerk bij de rijksbelastingen", "fabrikant in olie", "onderwijzer in de godsdienst", "goudstikker", "beambte bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "loopmeisje", "waskaarsenmaker en aanspreker", "oud-ijzer", "korenverkoper", "zanger", "glasverkoper", "lopend arbeider", "werkend in de fabriek", "hoofdcommies militaire zaken", "linnenwever", "bewaarder op 's Lands werf", "ondermeester bij de diaconie", "koffiekleurder", "sluitersknecht", "beurtschipper", "klerk ter stedelijke secretarie", "conducteur", "keursmaker", "ondernemer van publieke vermakelijkheden", "vuurstoker", "bierverkoper", "med. doctor en professor", "timmerman en militair", "ambulant muzikant", "rietvlechter", "genees- en heelmeester", "touwloper", "secretaris Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "tabakswerksman", "beeldenmaker", "stratenmaker", "orgelvrouw", "ontvanger der directe belastingen", "winkelier in sigaren", "geldwisselaar", "kashoudster", "dentiste", "diamantbewerker", "controleur bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "groentenering", "koekmaker", "plaatzaagster", "zemelenkoper", "zijdewaster", "fruitkoopster", "kaarsenmakersleerling", "meubelmaker", "punchschenkster", "directrice pleegzuster", "melkslijtersknecht", "geëmployeerde tweede klas garnizoenshospitaal", "equipagemeester", "commissaris van het veer op 's-Hertogenbosch", "winkel en kleermaker", "schaftkelderhoudster", "winkel in tabak en kruidenier", "weger aaan de Keulse waag", "schuierverkoper", "leerkoper en winkelier", "houtwerker", "letterzetter", "kolenweger", "élève", "beddenkoopman", "onderbaas", "pandjeshuishouder", "bloemist", "koppenzetster", "roosjesslijpersknecht", "metselaarsbaas bij de Marine", "haarspinner", "koopman kaarsenmaker en winkelier", "koopman in ijzerwaren", "etuikartonmaker", "stadsmolenaar", "blokkenmaker", "slaapsteehouder", "entrepotwerker", "koopman in vlees", "lapster", "veerknecht", "fabrieksarbeider", "zilversmidsleerling", "winkelier in bedden", "wattenmaker", "winkelier in brandstoffen", "winkel en schuitenvoerder", "kapitein der infanterie", "winkelmeid", "groenteverkoper", "strohoedenfabriek", "geëmployeerde bij de artillerie", "schouwknecht", "balletmeester", "papierkoopman", "sjouwer en zeeman", "turfhandel", "drukkersknecht", "controleur der in- en uitgaande rechten", "agent", "looier", "goudsmid", "in Neurenberger kramerijen", "bruggeman", "steenbakster", "tweede meid", "assuradeur", "schipper op de West", "kwekeling zeevaartschool", "besloten winkel in theeën", "keukenmeid", "olieknecht", "korsettenwever", "in Utrechts water", "eerste luitenant-kwartiermeester", "winkel in garen en band", "schipper op Groningen", "olieverkoper", "lithografiedrukker", "stokviskopersknecht", "knoppendraaier", "tabaksnijder", "beenzwartbrander", "koffiehuisknecht", "kleintapper", "aan de appelmarkt", "pettenkoopman", "timmermansleerling", "fruitverkopersknecht", "theekopersknecht", "priester", "tuinmansknecht", "bediende in een steenkoperij", "tandmeester", "schepenaftekenaar", "schoensmeerder", "knecht in kramerijen", "grootmajoor", "visventer", "vlotter", "weesvader", "knecht bij een aardappelnering", "kindermeid", "plaatwerker", "stokkendraaier", "portionshouder", "gedelegeerde loterij", "steenkolenkoper", "lector", "koopvaardij", "steenkolenmeter en stucadoor", "noodhulp korenmeter", "ziekenmoeder", "karnemelkboer (kernmaker)", "officier derde klas", "water- en vuurverkoopster", "fabriek sigaren", "directeur brandmaatschappij", "koperslagersjongen", "sociëteitshouder", "beeldhouwersjongen", "commissionair en assuradeur", "kurkwerker", "sleperijhoudster", "consulaat-secretaris", "tafelhoudster", "kapitein-kwartiermeester", "verhuurkantoor", "bottelier", "pakhuisknecht", "botenbouwersknecht", "kinderschoolhoudster", "bode bij de Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "zuster", "water en vuur", "tabakswinkelbediende", "stadsgraver", "belastingontvanger", "aan de schouwburg", "zwavelstokkenmaker", "opzichter te Meerenberg", "winkelier en behanger", "visschoonmakersknecht", "sociëteitsknecht", "boekbindersgezel", "werkzaam bij de Nederlandsche Bank", "letterzettersknecht", "machinist en stoker", "kunstenaar", "kadet", "smelter", "noodhulp", "werkman bij de Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "koopman fabrikant en apotheker", "zeevarend chirurgijn", "reisbediende", "kantoorbediende en commissionair", "stopster", "parapluventer", "eierenkoper", "vuilnisknecht", "portier aan de werf", "stedelijk ambtenaar", "scheepsoptuiger", "in bieren", "hulploods", "tweede geneesheer", "gasthuishoudster", "beestenkoper", "watersleper", "uit naaien", "timmerknecht", "kapitein ter koopvaardij", "goudsmidse", "koperpletter", "redacteur courant", "touwpluizer", "oppasser te Haarlem", "directeur van een maatschappij", "vleeshouwersknecht", "commandant", "ordinarishoudster", "boekhouder en varkensmester", "zandschippersknecht", "priester buiten bediening", "winkelier in garen en band", "fijnschilder", "knecht in een koffiehuis", "op een handelskantoor", "reisgezellin", "mastenmaker", "leerling landbouw", "karwerker", "zetbaas", "steendraagster (steendraaister)", "lampenwinkelier", "directeur wasinrichting", "courantenombrenger en aanspreker", "mannenvader", "kok op de Lemmerboot", "wijnkopersleerling", "knecht in Artis", "dienstbaar en huishoudster", "kaarsenmaker bij Brandon", "groentehandel", "slijter in klompen", "noodhulp loods", "aardappelverkoper", "militair kapitein", "dienstknecht", "lid der Tweede Kamer", "leersnijder", "suikerstamper", "president van een bank", "matrassenmaker", "kleermakersaffaire", "kweekschool", "verswaterschipper", "graveerder", "kantoorboekverkoper", "kapitein plaatsvervangend majoor", "onbekwaam", "oudskoop", "student", "directeur der Marine", "dienaar", "melkverkoopster", "ijzerkopersknecht", "paraplukoopman", "askarman", "geëmployeerde bij de Nederlandsche Rhijnspoorweg", "schilderijmaker", "koopman in mest", "tapijtweefster", "visiteur bij het rijk", "koopman in oudroest en metselknecht", "gepensioneerd militair", "pontman in Natura", "costumeur", "visiteur", "muziekwerker", "kapitein luitenant-ter-zee", "weversknecht", "tulenaaister", "toonkunstenaar", "wolkammer", "handelt in kinderspeelgoed", "in verfwaren", "diamantslijpersleerling", "geëmployeerde bij de groenmarkt", "knechtje", "redemptorist broeder", "sieraadschilder", "tabaksverkoper", "apothekersgezel", "pianomeester", "volontair handelskantoor", "oliestoker", "boekbindster", "koopman in meubelen", "ambtenaar derde klasse", "conciërge", "slijter in sterke drank", "visiteur bij 's Rijks middelen", "pakker", "notarisklerk", "vellenbewerker", "schoenmaker en nachtwacht", "heelmeester en verloskundige", "mosselvrouw", "groenboer", "leerling in de schilderkunst", "courantenrondbrengster", "in blaasbalgen", "schoorsteenvegersleerling", "politieagent", "Grieks priester", "zilversmidsgezel", "baker", "plaatsbewaarder", "klerk bij de thesaurie", "brander", "balletjes- en stroopmaker", "landbouwer", "gietersknecht", "beambte", "agent van handel", "zeeofficier", "plaatsbewaarster", "gepensioneerd sergeant", "korenschieter", "pettenventer", "eerste luitenant-adjudant", "procuratehouder fa. Westerman", "zeemansknecht", "schoenmaker en muzikant", "fabrikant van strohoeden", "waarnemend besteller", "directeur van een assurantiemaatschappij", "boekhoudersknecht", "chirurgijn", "directeur du Theatre Automat.", "scharenslijper", "sigarenmakersknecht", "koopman (schuimer)", "rijtuigknecht", "groenwagen", "blind zonder beroep", "modewerkster student", "verhuurder van diensboden", "brievenbesteller en loterij", "groentehandelaar", "handelaar en siroopmaker", "assuradeur en buitenlands commissionair", "winkelier in eieren", "stokkendraaiersknecht", "reizend met een wafelkraam", "kostschoolhouder", "rector gymnasium", "makelaar en steenhouwer", "landsambtenaar", "waterslijter", "haven- en dokmeester", "korist", "tabaksslijter", "rijksbelasting", "commissionair in verfwaren", "lector op wachtgeld Marine", "pikkok", "student letteren", "officier van gezondheid tweede klasse", "huurkoetsier", "koopman in pianofortes", "kassier bij de Nationale Schuld", "houtkoper en houtzaagmolenaar", "kleerkoper", "officier van justitie", "vader in het Oud-Roomse Weeshuis", "kassiersbediende", "majoor bij het derde regiment dragonders", "bewaarster eerste klasse", "korporaal-tamboer", "lodenhagelgieterij", "broodbakkersgezel", "lakker", "houtvlotter", "politiebeambte", "leerbereider", "kaarsenmakersknecht", "kunstdrijver", "juweliersgezel", "gaarkeukenhouder", "rustend predikant", "huishoudster", "boekenkoper", "juffrouw van gezelschap", "besteller van het Rotterdammerveer", "stadsbode", "directeur levensverzekeringsmaatschappij", "schoenmaker en winkelier", "koopman in metalen", "kolendrager", "landwerker", "ijzervormer", "geëmployeerde", "rijtuigsloper", "ondermeester stadsarmenschool", "pandjeshuis", "roggebroodbakker", "builenmaakster", "makelaar en commissionair", "ambachtsman", "klompenmaker", "koopvrouw in vodden", "koopvrouw in fruit", "boek- en plaatdrukker", "garenwinder", "schilder en korendrager", "bierleverancier", "heel- en verloskundige", "koperslaagster", "secretaris van de schouwburg", "koffieneringhoudster", "poelierster", "kruidenzoekster", "vleeskoper", "leerfabrikant", "eigenaar van vaartuigen", "geelgietersknecht", "groenventster", "zeemtouwer", "apothekersknecht", "burgemeester", "koopman in boeken", "lid van de arrondissementsrechtbank", "meubelmakersknecht", "geweermakersknecht", "catechiseermeester en aanspreker", "staalgraveur", "provisor", "naaileerling", "korenwerker", "viskaker", "bestelster in boter", "krammer", "roggebroodbakkerij", "hoofdcontroleur", "leermeester", "koekslijter", "optuiger", "oplager stadsbank", "makelaar en steenkoper", "bottelier bij de Marine", "beeldhouwer", "stoker bij de heer De Bruin", "werkman Entrepotdok", "leerinkoper", "directeur in assurantie", "diamantkloversknecht", "groenteverkoopster", "droogschuurder", "directeur van een stoomsleepbootmaatschappij", "zijdewerkster", "gepensioneerd turfdrager", "gasstoker en -blusser", "verfster", "glaswerker", "kramer en turfdrager", "knopenmaakster", "geëmployeerde bij het grootboek", "huisvrouw", "koopvrouw in groenten", "water- en vuurverkoper", "machinist op de stoomboot", "kunstlakker", "koopman in teer", "dienstbaar in huis", "ijzerwinkelier", "suppoost Armhuis", "ingenieur", "spijkermaker", "waterverkoper", "lakenkoopman", "barbier en aanspreker", "staatsloterij", "behangselpapierdrukker", "steenzetter", "winkelier in lakens en kleermaker", "baker en huisbewaarster", "aardappelmarktknecht", "leerkopersknecht", "schoenenkoopvrouw", "boekverkopersknecht", "keurmeester aan de turfmarkt", "optisch glasslijper", "waagdrager", "slijter en tapper", "spoorwegwachter", "rijksarts", "zangeres", "controleur en koopman", "loods", "visbakker", "wolwerkster", "wagenverhuurder", "instrumentdraaier", "kapper en barbier", "cementmolenaar", "koffiehuishouder en tapper", "letterzetter en boekdrukker", "macadam-steenklopper", "knecht in een slijterij", "commies bij de stedelijke belastingen", "timmerman en kastenmaker", "zwepenmaker", "broodventster", "handelsknecht", "balletjesmaker", "korenfactor en koopman", "postiljon", "scheepvaarder", "tapperij", "kurkensnijder", "baardscheerder", "glasschilder", "gepensioneerd officier van gezondheid", "leerling sigarenmaker", "waagmeester", "tuinman en nachtwacht", "handel in sigaren", "oppasser diergaarde", "kruidenierswinkel", "koffie- en theenering", "schuierwerkster", "privaatdocent", "pottenbakker", "parfumier", "korenfactor", "schildersjongen", "pepermuntwerkster", "rustend turfwerkster", "muziekmeester en tapper", "mattenverkoper", "tapper", "foktuiger", "ziekenoppasser", "hoedenmakersleerling", "rouwwinkelier en aanspreker", "turfhever", "smid", "lampenist", "gepensioneerd postiljon", "gepensioneerd artilleriemagazijn", "architect", "krantenmaker", "regisseur-generaal", "straatmuzikant", "opzichter landontginning", "zaagselvoerder", "leerjongen", "hofmechanicus", "schilder en koopman", "koffiehandel", "korporaal bij het nachtwezen", "behanger en beddenwinkel", "korenmolenaarsknecht", "fruitknecht", "assistent-karman", "assistent-linnenvrouw", "schuitenvoerder en korendrager", "koperwarenkoopman", "gepensioneerd Oostindisch ambtenaar", "klokkenmaker", "dienstbaar en min", "commissionair in suiker", "tijdelijk zonder", "vetermaker", "brooddepot", "steendrager", "bladkeerder", "boekhandelaar en boekdrukker", "toneelspeler", "lettersnijder", "bouwmansknecht", "conducteur bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "boekhandelsleerling", "commissaris (veer op) Amersfoort", "speelgoedmaker", "verguldersleerling", "touwwinkelierster", "kurkenmakersknecht", "schilder en glazenmaker", "waakvrouw", "melkzaak", "winkelier in glaswerk", "schoppenmaker", "knecht van de vitrioolfabriek", "commies derde klas", "roggebroodbakkersknecht", "kapitein-ter-zee", "agent der Zwolse Stoombootmaatschappij", "tabaksbediende", "hout en turf", "kuiperswinkel", "dassenmaker", "stellenmaker", "assistent bij het gerechtshof", "bloemen", "commies bij de rijksbelastingen", "hoefsmid en kachelmaker", "kramer", "handelaar", "koksaffaire", "brillenslijper", "schoftkelderhoudster", "in fruit", "militair in Oost-Indië", "lid Prov.St. Gelderland en gemeenteraad Nijkerk", "pakkistenmaker", "modemaakster", "sluisdieper", "sjouwer van de vismanden", "zaagmolenaarsknecht", "veehouder", "modelwerker", "koffiehuishouder", "dienstbode bij dag", "winkelhoudster", "kleerlapper", "vleesroker", "inspecteur van politie", "literateur", "ventster in groenten", "paardenkoper", "conducteur bij de Hollandsche IJzeren Spoorwegm.", "ketelmaker", "oud-ijzerverkoopster", "leerling in tabak", "biljart- en meubelmaker", "koopman in brandstof", "houtzager", "koopman en houtzager", "consul van Noorwegen", "schoenboorder", "commies van aanneming bij de Marine", "koopman en apotheek", "leestenmaker", "biersteker (bierstoker)", "spekslager", "melknering", "goudborduurder", "kunstdraaiersknecht", "zeilenmakersknecht", "in krijgsdienst", "bretelmaker", "commissionair in garen en band", "pikeur", "logement koopman en rijksschatter", "kruister in appels", "joods onderwijzer", "Rhijnspoorwegarbeider", "kaaskopersknecht", "huisknecht en timmerman", "kleppermaker", "roeier van natte waren", "melkboerin", "schrijnwerker", "kassierhouder", "kamerdienaar", "werkman in steenkolen", "confiturier", "geneesheer en verloskundige", "brigadier-veldwachter", "schavenmakersknecht", "bierbrouwer", "houtvestersknecht", "stoelenmaker en aanspreker", "collecteur", "bij de stadsbestrating", "vroedvrouw", "eigenaresse", "kuipersknecht", "negotiante", "controleur der directe belastingen", "apprenti-mecanicien", "mangel", "visiteur rijksbelastingen", "tailleur", "gepensioneerd commies", "directeur stoombootonderneming", "zwemmeester", "geëmployeerde bij de Bank van Lening", "modegoedmaakster", "fabrikant", "godgeleerde", "visiteur der in- en uitgaande rechten", "sloepenmaker", "gepensioneerd majoor der cavalerie", "winkeldochter", "boomwachter", "magazijnmeester", "kapitein van het zesde regiment infanterie", "op 's Rijks lijnbaan", "knecht in het gasthuis", "fabriekswerker", "straatnegotiante", "scheerdersaffaire", "zilversmidsknecht", "gistkoper", "pakhuismeester", "doctor in de letteren", "water- en vuurwinkelier", "vlottersaffaire", "koopvrouw in kant", "opzichter in Artis", "kastenwerker", "boterkoper", "grofsmid", "steenzager", "majoor bij het derde regiment infanterie", "vader in het Leprozenhuis", "hoornblazer", "lampen", "op de fabriek bij de haven", "gistslijter", "boekhoudster", "visbereider", "veerschipper op Naarden", "broodhaalster", "winkelier in goud en zilver", "commies", "boorder", "drukker", "stadsvroedvrouw", "handelaar in sigaren", "toneelschilder", "kraambewaarster", "schuitenjager", "steenkolendrager", "gepensioneerd luitenant", "drogistbediende", "verkoper", "beddenverkoper", "schilder en sergeant", "in landsdienst", "gardenier", "dijkwerker", "houtkoper en kastenmaker", "bediende in een apotheek", "werktuigfabrikant", "wijnkopersknecht (wijnkuipersknecht)", "advocaat en pakhuismeester", "fruitverkoper", "raffineerder", "winkelierster in tabak", "timmerman en tapper", "stoffenperser", "vruchtverkoopster", "werkman bij de Handelmaatschappij (H.M.S.)", "beddenmakerswinkel", "gegageerd", "leerling kweekschool", "suikermonstertrekker", "steenkolenfactor", "tafelhouder", "scheepstuigmaker", "wijnhandelaar", "bakkerij", "controleur", "pleegzuster", "schoonschrijver", "kwekeling diaconieschool", "wasverwerker en bloemenkweker", "aspirant-telegrafist", "negotievrouw", "kapitein-directeur van het hospitaal", "portionstafelhoudster", "winkelier in spiegels", "galanterie", "vervaardiger van gastoestellen", "in turf", "schout-bij-nacht", "molenaresse", "stedelijk ontvanger", "tijdelijk commissaris", "koopmansbediende", "baleinfabrikant", "helpster in de bewaarschool", "assistent-bode", "gezagvoerder", "poorter", "beddenmakersknecht", "kantoorknecht", "behangselgronder", "blekersmeid", "koopvrouw in poppengoed", "kostuumnaaister", "haarwerkster", "muilenverkoopster", "steenkolenmeter", "metselaar en winkelier", "galonwerker", "stadskorendrager", "kolfballenmakersknecht", "directeur van een theater", "gouddraadwerker", "zeekapitein Californië", "fruit- en visverkoper", "koopman confiturier en winkelier", "kleermaakster", "linnenwinkelierster", "kanselier consulaat", "broodventer", "nachtronder der straatverlichting", "courantenombrengster", "oliekoper", "kapitein om de Oost", "bediende in een boekhandel", "diamantslijper", "tinnegieter en turfdrager", "gepensioneerd matroos", "turf", "stedelijk pensioen", "boedelschatter", "schofthuishoudster", "touwslagersknecht", "baas timmerman op zee", "zaagmolenaar", "draagbaarmaker", "ontvanger", "chocoladefabriek", "werker in tabak", "rooms-katholiek priester", "wieldraaier", "bloemenventer", "boekdrukker -verhuurder en -verkoper", "winkelier in ijzerwaren", "fruitventer", "aanspreker en schilder", "ezelinnenhouder", "kleinhandelaar", "gistverkoper", "kleermaker en lakenkoper", "lijnbaander", "handelsman in fruit", "schuitknecht", "onderwijzeres in de godsdienst", "in schuurgoed", "in het malehuis (N.Isr. Krankzinnigengesticht)", "blauwselfabrikant", "bestuurder onderwijsinrichting", "zinkwerker", "schuitenvoerder", "stadswaldieper", "commissaris der Keulse Vaart", "officier in Nederlandse dienst", "beambte bij het hospitaal", "water- en vuurnegotie", "kuiperij", "in houtwaren", "bode bij de kweekschool", "koster van de Oude Kerk", "pettenmaker", "schooltje", "lopend koopvrouw", "reizend koopvrouw", "aan de Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "balletjesmakersknecht", "landbouwster", "ambtenaar bij de accijnzen", "wattenfabrieksarbeider", "schoenmaker en aanspreker", "werkman in de handel", "winkel in drogisterijen", "met lappen katoen en kanten", "schoorsteenvegersknecht", "suikerbakker en werkman", "zeeman en zeilenmaker", "scheepstimmerman", "hout- en turfaffaire", "wijnkoopman", "bewaarster", "werkbode", "aan het toneel", "liefdezuster", "vismarktvrouw", "lampenmaker en blikslager", "leerling in de fabriek van Van Vlissingen", "paardenhaarvlechter", "doctor in de rechten", "jager aan het Haarlemmerveer", "zilverdrijver", "dekenwerkster", "stuurman", "broodbakkersknecht", "sigarenwerker", "mattenkoper", "ijzerwaren", "waterslijtster", "pakhuizen", "gepensioneerd zeeman", "vleeskoopster", "ketellapper", "bankbewaarder", "turfventster", "kindermoeder", "slagersjongen", "kleine-kindermeid", "artist", "meesterknecht in het dok", "bloemistknecht", "vogelkooitjesmaker", "tapper en muzikant", "kantensnijder", "bijbeldrukker", "veearts eerste klasse", "meid", "agent in manufacturen", "brouwmeester", "officier der cavalerie", "teerkopersknecht", "palingroker", "kerver", "broodbakkershulp", "geëmployeerde bij de stadsdrukkerij", "geëmployeerde bij de Nederlandsche Bank", "pasteibakker", "dragonder", "zetkasteleinse", "gegageerd nachtwaker", "goud- en zilverhandelaar", "glasblazer", "bierslijter", "zilverwerker", "gepensioneerd commissaris", "blokkenmaker bij de Marine", "winkelier in fruit", "metselaarsknecht", "weesmoeder", "reizend", "groente- en aardappelenkoopman", "élève volontair bij Van Vlissingen", "opzichter van ziekenhuizen", "vensterglaskoopman", "veehoudersknecht", "zijdeverver", "borduurster", "koopman in vensterglas", "schilder (peintre)", "modiste", "groenwinkelier", "kachelmaker", "baggerman", "vruchtennatfabrikant", "eerste luitenant der infanterie", "hovenier en bloemkweker", "procureur", "apotheekloper", "loodgieter", "kleermaker en tapper", "kolenfactor", "suppoost R.C. Armkantoor", "in oud ijzer", "karnemelkboer", "leerling horlogerie", "kolonel plaatsvervangend commandant", "fruitkoper", "kuipersjongen", "rijksadvocaat", "kaashandelaar", "brandspuiter", "pijpenuitbrander", "oliekopersknecht", "directeur Ned. Handelmaatschappij (de N.Holl.)", "kunstwerker", "nering in allerlei", "collecteur staatsloterij", "deurwaarder bij de rechtbank", "gomelastiekwerker", "catechist en aanspreker", "bibliotheekhouder", "huisschilder", "officier in het Oostindisch leger", "asophaler", "wagenmakersbaas", "winkelier in thee", "brievenbesteller", "pastoor", "chocoladefabrikant", "pianomaker", "schoenenventster", "opzichter", "assuradeur-directeur", "dienstbodehulp", "wijnkoopmansknecht", "zadelmaker", "ballastschipper", "handschoenmakersknecht", "tabakswinkelier", "kramster", "bij de Marine", "postambtenaar", "horlogemakersleerling", "toneelzangster", "naaldewerker", "suikercontractant", "plooister", "chirurg en vroedmeester", "wagendrijver", "in schuurgerei", "advocaat en secretaris Rhijnvaart", "bediende bij de Nederlandsche Bank", "beltslechter", "passementwerker", "strijkijzermaker", "oud-officier van justitie", "gerechtsdienaar", "plaatkleurder", "kapitein der artillerie", "oudroestverkoopster", "schrijfster aan de markt", "huisbewaker", "oliekopersknecht (oliekuipersknecht)", "rijtuigmaker", "kantwerker", "pandhoudster", "klerk bij het gerechtshof", "likeurstoker en tapper", "luitenant-ter-zee tweede klasse", "tapper en schilder", "turf- en houtkoper", "stadsdieper", "organist", "wijnkoper en kuiper", "cargadoorsbediende", "employé Rijksschatkist", "schoorsteenveger", "eerste leraar diaconieschool", "borstelfabrikant", "schildknaap", "kinderschooljuffrouw", "mangelhuis", "vlotter en commissionair", "strijkster", "machinist stoommolen", "geëmployeerde bij de heer ontvanger", "koksknecht", "bij de Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "inlands reiziger", "employé Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "pensionaris", "stoker bij de Engelse Gasfabriek", "linieerder", "grafdelfster", "ketelsmid", "scheepsjongen", "koopman in bedden", "courantenwijk", "gepensioneerd magazijnmeester bij de Marine", "ivoorwerker", "commies bij het Entrepotdok", "koopmansleerling", "wolspinster", "ijzerfabriek", "assurantie-commissionair", "dozenmaakster", "wijnknecht", "leerling handel en industrie", "groentevrouw", "fabrikant in lampen", "directeur der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "zaakwaarnemer", "leerling telegrafist", "gepensioneerd", "lakmaker", "perkwachter", "korenopzichter", "stukadoor en instrumentmaker", "leerling letterzetter", "pikschraper", "apothekersjongen", "slager en koopman", "vormschilder", "winkelier horlogeglazen", "wijnkoopster", "negotiekraam", "lid Tweede Kamer Staten-Generaal", "actrice", "scheepstimmerm.aff. verhuurster van waterleggers", "koekjeswinkel", "spoorwachter", "knecht op de varkenmarkt", "koopman in verfwaren", "winkeljuffrouw", "commandant van de stadswacht", "schrijfpennenbereider", "bloemenmaakster", "kanselier", "vlottersknecht", "breionderwijzeres", "orgelspeler", "waagknecht", "gezelschapsjuffrouw", "graveur", "koopman in petten", "koffiepakhuisknecht", "koopman in kalk en steen", "schoenschoonmaakster", "turf- en houtnegotie", "broodbakkersaffaire", "opziender", "machineknecht", "kaasdrager", "timmerman en kistenmaker", "olieslager", "instituut", "lampenmeester", "koopman in zand", "olieslagersknecht", "doodgraver", "trompetter", "kapitein bij de Rijn-IJssel Stoomboot Mij", "orgeldraaier", "koralenslijper", "commies bij het postkantoor", "op de Landswerf", "tabakskoper", "controleur der stadsbelastingen", "kunstenares", "kwastenmaker", "tabaksaffaire", "stadskalkmeester", "binnenvaartsknecht", "kosthuishouder", "raadslid te Semarang", "cargadoor en convooiloper", "rustend", "luitenant der infanterie", "waagdrager en schuitenvoerder", "kapitein bij een regiment infanterie", "meesterknecht", "turfschipper", "commissionair en koopman", "zuurverkoper", "verbandvader", "wetschrijver", "kartonwerker", "kraanzager", "groentenaffaire", "tariefzager", "huurknecht", "schoen- en laarzenmaker", "zakjesplakster", "Clinische School", "koriste", "bottier", "ontvanger der accijnzen", "wagenexpeditieknecht", "bankwerker", "molenmaker en molenaar", "balletspeler", "mattenwinkelierster", "katoenmeter", "klerk", "sigarenmaker en militair", "chef de Bureau Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappij", "vlaggennaaister", "vormer", "winkelier en melkslijter", "bloemenkoopman", "tabaksnering", "strohoedenmakersknecht", "steendrukker", "baleinsnijdersknecht", "bediende", "in vensterglas", "stadsvisiteur", "tolgaarder", "chocolademolenaar", "speelman", "bestelster", "kroegbaas", "waardin", "handelaar in papier", "scheepsinstrumentmaker", "handelaarster", "kabinetwerker", "gepensioneerd modderman", "beddenwinkel", "timmerman", "koopmansknecht", "in muziekinstrumenten", "aardewerkverkoper", "bediende in manufacturen", "metselaar en steenkoper", "foerier", "schofthuis", "hoofdonderwijzer rooms-katholieke armenschool", "drukkersgezel", "diamantleerling", "beddenmaker", "boterverkopersknecht", "venter in zwavelstokken", "boterwinkelier", "hortulanus", "legger", "medailleur", "grutter", "ontvanger der successie", "huisschildersleerling", "depothouder", "arbeider", "colporteur", "polderknecht", "woont in keet", "veercommissaris", "smid bij de Marine", "lijstenmakersknecht", "aan de Marine", "behangseldrukkersknecht", "pottenwinkelierster", "kastenmakersbediende", "turfverkoopster", "kraamster", "Engels taalmeester", "kunstvuurwerker", "werker bij de Hollandsche Spoorweg", "zettapster", "korenmolenaar", "huistimmerman en tapper", "omroepster", "politieinspecteur", "gruttersknecht", "sigarenkokermaker", "stukadoor", "handschoenreiziger", "porseleinschilder", "kolenmeter", "gedelegeerde eerste klas", "broodbakster", "scharenmaker", "varkensslager", "stadsviskeurder", "omroeper", "commies bij het loodswezen", "leerling in stoomfabriek", "machinist ter zee", "boekverkopersbediende", "mangelkelder", "ambtenaar bij de Bank van Lening", "courantenman", "muziekdraaier", "leerkoopman", "fabrikant van kachels", "bierhuisknecht", "kousenaffaire", "kunsthaarverkoper", "kleinschoolhouder", "koffiestand", "schouwburgmedewerker", "schoolonderwijzer", "vader", "turfleverancier", "veeman", "porster", "wasmoeder", "mangelwinkel", "in hout en turf", "wagenmakersleerling", "leerling seminarium", "beddenverhuurster", "blikslager", "boekbindersknecht", "hoofdboekhouder stedelijk [...]", "vogelkoopman", "aardappel- en gistverkoper", "aardappelslijter", "handelaar in vogels", "oude-klerenkoper", "beurtschipper op Rotterdam", "boekdrukker", "gepensioneerd landwacht", "koper- en blikslager", "venter in manufacturen", "koopman commissionair en assuradeur", "laarzenmaker", "boekwinkelier", "werker van den kansel", "brandmeester", "papierdrukker", "werkmoeder", "karrenmaker", "winkelaffaire", "eigenaar van waterschepen", "watervrouw", "horlogerepareerder", "ijzerkramer", "in zwavelstokken", "winkelier in prenten", "diamantklover", "vetverkoper", "poeliersbediende", "bewaarder tweede klasse", "stukadoor en steenkolenweger", "eerste onderwijzer stadsscholen", "poelier en f[...]", "houtdraaier", "bootsmansmaat", "in lompen", "student heelkunde", "orgelmakersleerling", "zijdeverversknecht", "ingenieur bij de Marine", "opperman", "rentenier en grondeigenaar", "postrijder", "familjevader op Nederlands Mettray te Bijsselt", "hoedenwinkelier", "makelaar commissionair en kantoorbediende", "blokken- en pompenmaker", "winkel in behangselpapier", "pleisterbeeldenmaker", "negotiant in lappen", "palingverkoper", "koedrijfster", "toneelmeester", "winkel in petten", "garen- en lintwinkel", "chirurgisch student", "commissaris bij het Hoornse Veer", "kartonmaker", "kaartenwasser", "dokter ter zee", "korenwachter", "buidelmaker", "nachtwaker bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "geëmployeerde bij het hospitaal", "huisonderwijzer", "heropvoeding", "koffiehuishoudster", "korenverschietster", "opzichter bij de stads Publieke Werken", "aan de vismarkt", "huurster", "zoutevisverkoper", "winkelier in speelgoed", "poeliersknecht", "barbier", "nachtportier", "graandroger", "entrepot", "leerling schoenmaker", "knecht in aardewerk", "geheimschrijver", "marktmeester", "schotelmaker", "papierwinkel", "pensioen", "winkeliersdochter", "publiek huis", "geëmployeerde bij de gasfabriek", "courantenombrenger", "beeldhouwersknecht", "houthakker", "moeder van het Leprozenhuis", "stalhouder en koopman", "matroos", "boswachter", "winkelleerling", "koekverkoopster", "tabak en sigaren", "officier der administratie", "kleermakersleerling", "witter", "grondbezitter", "kuiper en kastenmaker", "kostvrouw", "timmerman en makelaar", "commissiereiziger", "pakknecht", "lid van de rechtbank", "pedel bij het Geneeskundig Toevoorzicht", "ambtenaar Rijks Entrepot", "bediende bij de koster", "bankbediende", "epaulettenmaker", "kluwtjeswinkeljuffrouw", "katoendrukkersknecht", "tuinarbeider", "melkkoopster", "voermansknecht", "hout- en turfnering", "nachtwaker", "aardappelvrouw", "groentekruier", "kranenmaker", "glasgraveur", "goud en zilver", "klerenhandelaar", "bloemenmaker", "student aan het seminarium", "grutter en winkelier", "aardappelknecht", "majoor der infanterie", "pakkersknecht", "schuiter", "kleermaker en winkelier", "cargadoor", "suikerfabrikant", "handelaar in tabak", "doolhofhouder", "koopman in oud ijzer", "landmeter eerste klas bij het kadaster", "koopman in winkelier", "factor", "aardappelwinkel", "slijterijbediende", "kapitein van het achtste regiment", "directeur van een assurantiefirma", "bouwkundige", "loodwitmaker", "lid der zetters der stad Amsterdam", "stijfster", "agent bij de stoombootmaatschappij", "tweede luitenant", "school", "melkslijter en modderman", "doctor", "élève onderwijs", "koperplaatsnijder", "in haring", "stratenmaker en sjouwer", "timmerman op zee", "aanspreker en kruier", "tabakskerver", "arrondissementsijker", "groentehandelaresse", "in dienst", "koopman in komenijswaren", "catechisante", "handelskantoorbediende", "varende op de stoomboot", "molenaarsknecht", "fruithandelaar", "azijnbrouwersknecht", "pastoor rooms-katholieke kerk", "slijter in gist", "rijksconducteur", "vader in gesticht Brentano", "lid van het gymnasium", "hoedenhandelaar", "commissionair en winkelier", "timmerman en korendrager", "oud-commissionair", "ballastvaarder", "agent van brandassuranties", "blokkenmakersknecht", "stoker bij de Rhijnspoormaatschappij", "zijdewerker", "kunstschilder", "slachter", "houtzaagmolenknecht", "schoenmaker en matroos", "ambtenaar bij de Marine te Medemblik", "stadstimmerman", "beheerster", "eerste luitenant der artillerie", "baander", "belastingdeurwaarder", "draagbandenmaakster", "waakster en baker", "telegrafist", "hoedenwinkel", "kartonier", "koperslager", "leger Oost-Indië", "puinhaler", "krantenombrenger", "knecht bij het Huiszittenhuis", "slagersleerling", "wijnverkoper", "kruisenmaker", "pottenslijper", "buikspreker", "gepensioneerd majoor", "mattenmaker en mattenverkoper", "koopman in hooi en stro", "trekt van de armen", "militair koloniste", "koffieverkoper", "aannemer", "debitant (debutant)", "portefeuillemaker", "stadsschildersbaas", "ellenmaker", "commies bij de stedelijke accijnzen", "in onroerend goed", "azijnverkoopster", "ritmeester", "ijzerverkoper", "turfkoopman", "antiek-meubelmaker", "buitenlands zeevarend", "blaasbalgmaker", "pachter", "doodgraversknecht", "gipswerker", "rustend loodsman", "dragersknecht", "leerling smid", "tabakshandelaar", "papierhandel", "hoedenfabrikant", "kantonrechter", "inbrenger Bank van Lening", "machinist", "lijstentrekker", "curator Clinische School", "looiersleerling", "gepensioneerd onderwijzer", "reizend kramer", "in bedden", "koopman in hout", "uitdrager", "pandjesbaas", "tapijtwever", "kunsthaarwerker", "schoenmaker en laarzenmaker", "diamantmolendraaister", "tweede luitenant der infanterie", "steentekenaar", "lijfrenten", "koopman in gevogelte", "pruikenmaker", "reizend visvrouw", "handel in groente", "portier der Nederlandsche Bank", "sigarenfabrikant", "zandkoper", "buitengewoon ambtenaar", "apotheker en drogist", "werktuigmaker", "kofschipper", "kok op de stoomboot", "ambtenaar spoorwegadministratie", "havenmeester", "scheepsdiepgangmeter", "directeur van een assurantiecompagnie", "kruier", "waterbode", "regisseur", "besteller van het Waalwijker Veer", "machinedrijver", "vleesknecht", "president van het gerechtshof", "scheepsprovisie", "eerste leermeester stadsarmenscholen", "luitenant-kolonel in het Oostindisch leger", "zaalmoeder jongens", "klein-pandjeshuis", "inbrenger van de lommerd", "kistenlakker", "inspecteur van administratie bij de Marine", "politoerwerker", "beheerder", "makelaar en timmerman", "kleine-kinderschool", "landschapsschilder", "molenmaker", "employé Nederlandsche Bank", "baardknipper", "vurenmaker", "pennenbereider", "winkeljongen", "zwartselbrander", "stuurman ter zee", "dokter en chirurgijn", "scheerder", "koopman in lompen", "poorder", "festonier", "houder van een museum", "voddenzoeker", "stoker op de spoorweg", "gepensioneerd predikant", "gruttersbediende", "meisjesmoeder", "koopman in granen", "linnenmoeder", "linieerder en boekbinder", "mangelwerkster", "toneelbediende", "bediende en tabakswinkelier", "waterverkoopster", "zandwerker", "publieke verkoper", "steenwerker", "aanspreker en winkelier", "wolspinner", "handel in horloges", "melkman", "wolkamster", "loper aan het telegraafkantoor", "hoofdcommies bij de posterijen", "visiteur der accijnzen", "sloepenveger", "schilder en kunstlakker", "roeier", "aanspreker en kerkdienaar", "koopman fabrikant en winkelier", "winkelier en kleermaker", "Buitengasthuis", "sociëteitskastelein", "volwerker", "raffinadeur", "koek", "kleermakersknecht", "schoenmaker en militair", "graveur en winkelier", "industrieel", "oudroestkramer", "spoorwegbeambte en portier", "schuitenverhuurder", "surnumerair bij de Registratie", "stadssmid", "boekhandelaar", "verificateur in- en uitgaande rechten", "commandeur en scheepstimmerman", "commissionair in handschoenen", "ebonist", "keurmeester van de haring", "portier Oudemannenhuis", "klerk bij de Marine", "scheepstoetuiger", "koperdraadtrekker", "acrobatisch kunstenaar", "rijknecht", "expediteur", "diamantversteller", "stalloper", "directeur der Koninklijke Academie", "visverkopersknecht", "schoenverkoper", "fruitman", "huisknecht", "polderarbeider", "zetter der belasting", "timmermansknecht", "grutmolenaar", "turf- en houtkoopman", "brillenmaker", "aanspreker en schoenmaker", "zeevarend bij de Marine", "directeur der Domeinen", "drogerijenmolenaar", "metaaldraaier", "draaier", "bode van de Waalse Kerk", "kerkknecht", "bediende in een fabriek", "confiseur", "mestspecie", "kosteres", "plaatdrukker", "naaister", "poldermeester", "bediende in een tabaksfabriek", "fabrikant en koopman", "bode tot het Nut iedereen", "modewerkster", "student medicijnen", "houtplaatzager", "militair hoefsmid", "kassier bij de Nederlandsche Bank", "commissaris van het Zaandammer Veer", "hoedenwinkelierster", "koekverkoper", "pellersknecht", "hoofdsuppoost Huiszittenhuizen", "negotiante in groente", "fabrieksleerling", "geëmployeerde bij de schouwburg", "geelgietersleerling", "mosterdfabriek", "horlogeleerling", "brandspuitslangenmaker", "slaapsteehoudster", "mineur", "koopman in koekgoed", "kistenmakersaffaire", "koopman in juwelen", "gepensioneerd schout-bij-nacht", "pettenverkoopster", "warmoeziersknecht", "pakker voor de handel", "Oostindisch ambtenaar met verlof", "scheepmaker", "reder", "spoorwegman", "graanboersknecht", "bij de belastingen", "deurwaarder bij de belastingen", "onderwijzer en organist", "inleghuis", "waterschippersknecht", "inktfabrikant", "opzichter rijksweg", "oubliebakster", "gepensioneerd luitenant kapitein-ter-zee", "koopman en commissionair in effecten", "gealimenteerd", "verlakschilder", "stangenmaker", "sergeant", "sigarenmaakster", "handelsman", "modenaaister", "in bloemen", "winkelierster in aardappelen", "mr. broodbakker", "rijksboekhouder", "aan boord Z.M. fregat Prins Hendrik", "afvalverkoper", "koperslager en stadskorendrager", "agent van politie", "suikerbakkersknecht", "advocaat-generaal", "zwartster", "koorzanger", "paraplumaker", "hooiwerker", "orgelstemmer", "grutterij", "groenteknecht", "scheerder en aanspreker", "bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "bediende derde klasse in het hospitaal", "in kant", "kastenmaker", "commissionair in assurantiën", "verswaterslijtster", "vijlenkapster", "zakkenplakker", "schipper", "zittende onder de brug", "kolfbaanmatmaker", "winkelierster in garen en band", "koetsier en turfdrager", "speelgoedmaakster", "winkeldienster", "fruitvrouw", "klein commissionair", "juwelier en diamantslijper", "arts", "leerling stuurman", "mr. schilder", "pettenwinkelier", "handelaar in aardappelen", "bediende bij de Bank van Lening", "kunstrijder", "kleinschooltje", "pluimenwasser", "krantenvrouw", "daghuurder", "bakkersjongen", "metaalgieter", "werker in de handel", "in groente", "med. student", "koffienering", "luitenant-ter-zee", "koopman in specerijen", "danskunstmeester", "boekdrukkersbediende", "houtzaagmolenaar", "kantoorhouder", "kantenwaster", "violenreparateur", "procuratiehouder", "geëmployeerde bij een kruidenier", "lakstokersknecht", "koopvrouw in aardappelen", "controleur bij het kadaster", "rijtuigarbeider", "geëmployeerde bij de Hollandsche Gasfabriek", "bezemmaker", "kartonwerkster", "muziekleraar", "op de vismarkt", "schoenmaker en turfdrager", "kleermaker en aardappelen", "biljartmakersknecht", "breimoeder", "deurwaarder Rijksbelastingdienst", "karreman", "bontwerker", "sergeant-majoor hoornblazer", "glasbuiger", "rentenierster", "kaartenschilder", "assistente-ziekenmoeder", "huis- en scheepssmid", "visiteur belasting", "kantoorknaap", "lithograficus", "ventster", "manufacturen", "bankopsluiter", "tapijtwerker", "gepensioneerd loodsman", "postiljon en tapper", "suikerraffinadeur", "wachter Rhijnspoorweg", "koopman in ganzen", "binder", "beestenslachter", "ankersmid", "fabrikant in borstels", "oliefabrikant", "schipper bij de Marine", "farmaceut", "scheepskapitein", "koopman in steenkool", "hofbeambte", "directeur van paardrijders", "koffiehandelaar", "scheepssloper", "assistent", "touwspinner", "scheepsbouwer", "schijvenschuurder", "commissionair in granen", "fabrikante van patentolie", "stoomfabriek", "papierdrukkersknecht", "boekdrukkersgezel", "commissionairsdienaar", "winkelier in tabaksartikelen", "onderwijzersleerling", "loodgietersjongen", "hoogleraar", "theewerker", "boedelschikkersknecht", "werkzaam tractaatgenootschap", "koster van de Engelse kerk", "theoloog", "verguldersknecht", "koopman in eieren", "zeepzieder", "winkeldame", "makelaar", "wagendrager", "zadel- en rijtuigmaker", "gezelschapsdame", "rietwerker", "zijden-koordmaker", "surnumerair bij de Registratie en Domeinen", "papierkoper", "kastenmakersjongen", "verver", "drager", "collecteur loterij", "goudwerker", "koloniaal", "onderwijzer en binnenvader", "gezel", "kuiper bij de koopvaardij", "passementerie", "verstelster", "timmerman en molenmaker", "luitenant der artillerie", "commissaris", "pachter van het veer Blauwhoofd", "koopman en makelaar", "leerlooister", "kaartenfabrikant", "lappenkoper", "hellebaardier", "steenbikster", "timmerman en houtkoper", "buksjager", "dekenwasvrouw", "sjouwersknecht", "fijnsmid", "gepensioneerd kapitein luitenant-ter-zee", "instrumentmakersknecht", "mutsenwinkel", "kalkwerker", "mandenmaakster", "dienstbode en naaister", "leesbibliotheekhouder", "tuinier", "stoker op een boot", "assistent-stadsarchitect", "griffier", "rijksvisiteur", "hoeden- en pettenwinkel", "vrijman", "beeldhouwersleerling", "dagloner", "koffermakersknecht", "komediant", "katoenventster", "eerste luitenant bij de mariniers", "draaister", "varkensslachter", "winkelier en leestenmaker", "winkelier in turf en hout", "in ijzerwaren", "gepensioneerd assistent", "pompenmaker", "leerlooier", "oud-Oostindisch ambtenaar", "sigaren", "wattenwerker", "rafactiemeester", "beurtschipper op Arnhem", "zeevarend timmerman", "studieus", "kruideniersknecht", "debitant", "juweliersknecht", "werkmeid", "marmerpolitoerder", "wasvrouw", "winkelier in blaasbalgen", "fabrikant in paardenhaar", "koopman in sigaren", "fungerend onderbaas", "koopman in poppengoed", "koopman in fruit", "scheepsreder", "wasser", "koffiemaker", "steen- en beeldhouwer", "koorddanseres", "mr. mouter", "houtverkoper", "koopvrouw in brandstof", "commissionair en besteller", "bloemenfabrikant", "ambtenaar bij de belastingen", "reizend commissionair", "winkelierster in lint", "aan de askar", "varkensslagersleerling", "goudsmederes", "stoelenbekleder", "steenkopersknecht", "kastenmakersknecht", "klerk ter griffie", "fabrikant van filtreermachines", "bosjesmaker", "krijgsman", "voorlezer en voorzanger Zuiderkerk", "doctor in de natuurkunde", "kruiersaffaire", "stadsopkorter", "stadsgagement", "groenman", "mechanicus en horlogemaker", "beendraaier", "glasdecorateur", "ijker", "kindje in huis (doorgehaald: dienstmeid)", "loodgietersleerling", "loterij", "glasblazersknecht", "smidsknecht en Oost-Indisch militair", "doekenwasser", "huidenzouter", "schoolmeester", "in kousen", "vader van het Diaconessenhofje", "winkelier in glas", "kapper en aanspreker", "hoenderkoper", "luitenant-kolonel", "behangster", "diamantslijper en koopman", "leidekker", "esseyeursknecht", "zeesjouwer", "winkelierster in groenten", "assurantiebezorger", "tabakszaken", "pleetwerker", "kantoorbediende en winkelier", "bonne", "melkventer", "acteur", "mastenmaakster", "boter- en kaasbediende", "koopman en tapper", "medicus", "commies bij het Ministerie van Financiën", "kantoor Bank van Lening", "korsettenmaakster", "modewinkel", "koopman in brandhout en turf", "patentoliefabriek", "zaagselkoper", "voerman in turf en hout", "mr. loodgieter", "winkelier en aanspreker", "schoonmaakknecht", "gebrande-stroopmakersknecht", "draaier en winkelier", "opzichter bij de Marine", "koopman en reder", "staatsraad", "wekster", "klavierstemmer", "geëmployeerde bij het ziekenhuis", "koopman in turf en hout", "oliewerker", "pianomakersknecht", "koffiebrandster", "schoorsteenvegersbaas", "rechter arrondissementsrechtbank", "leermeester in school", "keurmeester", "Franse-kerkbode", "Rijnkapitein", "brugwachter", "koopman in poppen", "schoonmaker", "schoenmaker bij de Marine", "opticus", "ingenieur van 's rijks stoommachine", "touwslager", "garnizoen Den Haag", "eerste luitenant deljud't (?)", "blind", "besteller", "waldieper", "galanteriewerker", "kuipersgezel", "mr. zadelmaker", "kroeghoudster", "fabrikant in koper", "scheepstuiger", "beurtschipper op Amersfoort", "melkkoper", "oudroestverkoper", "diamantjongen", "kantoorbediende en tapper", "expert in zeezaken", "bakkersgereedschapmaker", "stoffeerder", "zeeman aan boord Prins Frederik der Nederlanden", "galanteriekramer", "leerkoopster", "winkelier in schoenen", "stoker in chemicaliën", "in kurken enz.", "kindermeisje", "leerling spekslager", "tabakswerkersbediende", "verguldersjongen", "mr. goud- en zilversmid", "berger aan het Zeerecht", "behanger en matrassenmaker", "winkelier in verfwaren", "kapper", "schilder en sergeant nachtwacht", "zeelader", "pottendraaier", "hospitaalknecht", "ossenslager", "stadsschuitbaas", "goederenverhuurder", "machinewerker", "brugophaalster", "koffiesiroopbrander", "loterijdebitant", "stadsarmenschool kwekeling", "toneelspeelster", "augurkjeskoper", "tabaksknecht", "slijter in wijnen", "rijtuigschildersaffaire", "brandersknecht", "gepensioneerd visiteur", "snuiffabriek", "portier", "winkelier in pijpen", "wagendraaier", "kandidaat-procureur", "rijksbeambte", "professor in de geneeskunde", "essayeursknecht", "waarzegster", "winkelier in hout en turf", "winkelier in linnen", "Brits consul", "graanboer", "korendrager", "schippersknecht", "Weidenthal", "paasbroodbakker", "kunsthaarwerkster", "onderwijzer in de zeevaartkunde", "varkenmarkt", "stalknecht", "directeur der Posterijen", "chef de bureau", "bijbelbinder", "glaskopersknecht", "verpleegzuster", "draaier en drogist", "directeur Brandwaarborg", "hypotheekbewaarder", "voorlezer", "kruideniersleerling", "ambtenaar gevangenissen", "koopman in turf", "geëmployeerde bij Natura Artis Magistra", "mr. schilder en winkelier", "oud-ijzer- en voddenkoper", "kunstschildersleerling", "meubelmakersgezel", "veehoudersleerling", "fabrieksarbeidster", "winkelier in komenij", "tweede stuurman", "steenbakker", "schilderes", "in marinedienst", "werkman en dagloner", "hoogleraar aan het Atheneum Illustre", "employé", "entrepotknecht", "kunsthandelbediende", "karknecht", "aan de stadsverlichting", "luitenant-kwartiermeester", "arbeider Rhijnspoorweg", "krameres", "timmerman en huisbewaarder", "koopman in vogels", "stalhoudster", "tapper en suikerbakker", "melkknecht", "ijzerdraaier", "slepersknecht", "koster van de Sionskapel", "reizend kantoorbediende", "baangr't (?)", "koffiezoekster", "in augurken", "pantoffelmaker", "fruitwinkelier", "leerling metselaar", "landman", "toneliste", "bloemenverkoper", "uitdraagster", "naaldenmaker", "employé gasfabriek", "directeur sociëteit", "voorman", "korenwacht", "roestkoopman", "rijstpellersknecht", "directeur paardenspel", "koopman in vodden", "korporaal", "inbrenger stadsbank", "begrafenisbode", "gouddraadtrekker", "tabakswinkel", "tappersknecht", "suikerbakster", "kastenmaker en mandenmaker", "buffetjuffrouw", "kielenmaker", "vroedmeester", "metselaar en nachtwacht", "azijnstokersknecht", "orkestmeester", "burgerlijk ingenieur", "kastelein", "restauratiebediende", "scheepmakersleerling", "koopman in brandhout", "koek- en banketbakkersbediende", "fruitkopersknecht", "fabrikant in inkt", "hervormd krankbezoeker", "knecht bij een zolderbaas", "buitengewoon commies", "kramerijen", "boomkweker", "heibaas", "chemist", "moeder Ned. Port. Isr. Weeshuis", "doofstom", "restauratie in de Hollandsche Schouwburg", "leerling telegrafie", "scheepsbouwer en werktuigkundige", "klerk bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "kelner", "officier bij de Marine", "melkslijtster", "kruidenier", "consul van Portugal", "krantenbezorger", "loodgietersknecht", "huisbesteedster", "advocaat en secretaris", "houthandelaar", "geëmployeerde tweede klas bij het garnizoen", "molenaar", "gerechtsdeurwaarder", "nachtwaakster", "politiediender", "timmermansgezel", "ossendrijver", "marokijnwerker", "azijnbrouwer", "preceptor gymnasium", "dagwerker", "witwerker", "leerling varkensslager", "gepensioneerd majoor-apotheker", "koopman en huisbewaarder", "kapitein van het derde regiment", "haarsnijder", "aannemer van Publieke Werken", "groot zilverwerker", "schuitensloper", "planter", "kammenmaker", "turfknecht", "boerenknecht", "inspecteur der registratie", "bakker en aanspreker", "turfkoper", "waterschipper", "telegrafie élève Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatschappij", "commissaris van een veer", "schuitenvoerster", "prentmaker", "poppenmaker", "roeier bij de Havendienst", "instrumentmaker en chirurg", "kleerkoopman", "convooiloper", "aswerkster", "poffertjesbakker", "haringpakker", "smidsknecht en noodhulp nachtwacht", "directeur Nederlandsche Bank", "zalenverhuurder", "gepensioneerd dienaar politie", "scheerdersleerling", "zeeman en timmerman", "winkelier in grutterswaren", "brouwerssleper", "cichoreifabrikant", "schoen- en mandenmaker", "kok bij de cellulaire gevangenis", "beschuitwinkel", "kleinschoolhoudster", "opzichter bij de gasfabriek", "eerste luitenant derde regiment dragonders", "winkelier en touwslager", "metselaar enz.", "geagreëerde bij de rijksaccijnzen", "steenkolenwerker", "Oostindisch ambtenaar", "slopersknecht", "wachtmeester dragonders", "koekenkoopvrouw", "schipper en koopman", "roosjessnijdersknecht", "brandwacht op het stadhuis", "melkkoopman", "zeilenmaker", "water- en vuurvrouw", "winkelier in aardewerk", "suppooste", "klokkenmakersknecht", "hoedenmaakster", "schoenenverkoopster", "theaterdirecteur", "modestikster", "azijnfabrikant", "zeevaarder", "agent der stoomboot en commissionair", "onderwijzer in de muziek", "huiswachter", "heelsvrouwe", "verkoper van potten", "genees- en heelkundige", "depothouder van bijbels", "klerk bij de in- en uitgaande rechten", "viskopersknecht", "handel", "houtvlottersknecht", "tuinierster", "werkjongen", "in lakens en manufacturen", "omloper met gebak", "huidenzoutersknecht", "bediende in een magazijn", "maakt papieren dozen", "geëmployeerde bij de Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatsch.", "dresseur", "reizend met een koekkraam", "betaalmeester Nederlandse schuld", "strohoedenmaker en barbiersknecht", "kinderspeelgoedmaker", "diamantmolen", "fabrikant en winkelier", "gezelschapsjuffer", "magazijnmeester bij de spoorwegen", "handelsvolontair", "apotheker", "loodasgieter", "ontvanger der belastingen", "aardappelhandelaar", "in turf en hout (doorgehaald: boekhandelaar)", "manufacturenzaak", "opzichter bij het Paleis voor Volksvlijt", "koordmaker", "stadskarreman", "besloten winkel in thee", "tuinder en koopman", "lijstenmaker en letterzetter", "portionstafelhouder", "poffertjesbakster", "wagenmakersknecht", "knecht in Natura", "geëmployeerde bij het dok", "komenijs", "zemelenkoper en pandjeshuishouder", "secretaris Hollandsche Spoorwegmaatschappij", "negotieman", "zeevarend in landsdienst", "dame van gezelschap", "boekverkopersjongeling", "agent bij de Maatschappij van Landbouw", "lijstenmaker", "scheepslegger", "lombardhoudster", "kapitein-adjudant", "meisje", "winkelier in turf", "jollenvoerder", "assurantie", "filtreermaker (filter)", "gepensioneerd luitenant-kolonel", "stadsarbeider", "bouwmachinist", "viskruier", "zadelmakersknecht", "scheepsleerling", "gegageerd militair", "tapper en kleermaker", "adjunct-kamerbewaarder stadhuis", "orgelman", "kosthouder", "vertaler", "prentenkleurder", "raadsheer", "parfumeur", "poelier", "kermisreizigster", "onderwijzer in de wiskunde", "Walenkerkbode", "gepensioneerd 's Lands werf", "instrumentslijper", "schuitenvoermansknecht", "poldergast", "student theologie", "commies bij de directe belastingen", "moeder", "naaister en breister", "inlegger", "schuiermaker", "vervaardiger van [...]", "korenkopersknecht", "brouwersleerling", "boekenverhuurster", "kleinhandel in snoepgoed", "commies-opziener", "tabaksmeester", "augurkjesinleggerij", "chirurg en dentist", "conducteur bij het Hollandsche Spoor", "oogheelkundige", "koster", "handel in drogerijen", "timmerman en winkelier", "onderwijzer in de wis- en zeevaartkunde", "registratieontvanger", "leerlooiersknecht", "directeur Algemene Expeditie Maatschappij", "spoorwegarbeider", "korenverscheper", "orgelmaker", "belastingambtenaar", "metselaar en muzikant", "azijnmakersbediende", "werkman bij de Keulse Waag", "gegageerd stedelijke dienst", "inspecteur", "schrijnwerkersknecht", "koper- blik- en zinkwerker", "justitiedienaar", "leerkoper schoenen- en laarzenmaker", "sergeant der infanterie", "keurder van brood en meel", "in aardewerk", "stadsaanplakker", "ambtenaar bij de Stads Bank van Lening", "zagenvijler", "schilder en aanspreker", "koffiebereider", "huisnaaister", "besteller bij de spoorwegen", "schoolhouder", "wasster", "badmeester", "tegelklopper", "chirurgijn en vroedmeester", "houtdrager", "herenoppasser", "bureaucommies bij de Waarborg", "geëmployeerde bij het stedelijk loodswezen", "petjesmaakster", "bode en aanspreker", "tuiger", "hoofdonderwijzer", "suppoost in Artis", "linnennaaister", "schilder en tabaksverkoper", "stalbaas", "haarbereider en wolkamster", "keukenvader", "molenaarsleerling", "tabaksgrossier", "klerk bij de belastingen", "geëmployeerde bij de waterleiding", "gouverneur", "schoenlapper", "strijkijzermakersknecht", "siroopfabrikant", "aan de gasfabriek", "dienaar sloeproeier", "in brandstoffen", "leerling koopmansknecht", "tabaksbereider", "koopman en venter", "stoker aan boord", "machinesteller", "houtkopersknecht", "buitengewoon opziener", "komenijswinkel", "bij de posterijen", "spiegelkoper", "negotie in aardappelen", "peltenbereider", "eerste klerk van hypotheken", "gepensioneerd controleur der belastingen", "geweermaker", "stadsdrukkerijbediende", "kantoor van administratie", "smidsgezel", "bewaarder", "gordijnenwaster", "gistventer", "lithograaf en tekenmeester", "was op doen", "zeedienst", "aardappelaffaire", "directeur ambachtsschool", "venter in vruchten", "straatveegster", "employé bij de Marine", "ondernemer postwagendiensten wagenmaker enz.", "doodkistenmaker", "dienstmeid", "schipper in aardappels", "koopman in zakken en pakmatten", "dagbladschrijver", "sociëteitsbediende", "loterijgedelegeerde", "ambtenaar bij de Marine", "slepersjongen", "reder en cargadoor", "museum anatomische voorwerpen", "broodverkoopster", "ambtenaar rijksmiddelen", "in wijnen", "klokkenschilder", "linieerder en boekdrukker", "koffiehuisbediende", "kassier en commissionair", "schilder", "stalhouder en tapper", "vuurwerker", "stadsschermmeester", "apothekersbediende", "klerk van een begrafenisonderneming", "consul", "knecht bij de publieke verkopingen", "korenverschieter", "sleepbootkapitein", "adjunct-landmeter", "venter in sigaren", "werkvrouw", "bode bij een doodgraverscollege", "schilder en spekslager", "redemptorist", "borstelmaker", "onderwijzeres aan het Blindeninstuut", "griffier bij het provinciaal gerechtshof", "inspecteur stadsasbelt", "goud- en zilverwinkelier", "tafelbereider", "bediende in kaas", "portretmaker", "tapper en gistverkoper", "mr. in de rechten", "dekennaaister", "vergulder op zijde", "agent der Spaanse schatkamer", "winkelhouder", "vetsmelter", "modelmaker", "beambte bij de Rhijnspoorweg (R.S.S.)", "dozenmaker", "nering in water en vuur", "kantoorbewaarder", "portretschilderes", "negotie", "mandenmakersaffaire", "advocaat", "apotheekhouder", "huiswerker", "ontvanger der registratie", "huisbewaarster", "scheppenmaker", "likeurstokersknecht", "timmerman bij de Marine", "aanplakker", "assistent-broodweger", "marskramer", "bankhouder", "kruidenierster", "foedraalmaker", "apotheek", "mangelaffaire", "architectleerling", "in modeartikelen", "muziekmaker", "zwavelstokkenmaakster", "scharensliep", "secretaris Kamer van Koophandel", "kruister", "matroos op het schip Sambre", "asfaltwerker", "organist en onderwijzer", "op 's Rijkswerf", "kooienmaker", "magazijnknecht", "bestuurster", "rechter", "dagueriticus", "in hoeden", "noodhulp besteller", "aardappelnegotie", "deurwaarder", "beambte bij de Rhijnspoorweg (R.C.S.)", "steenkolenmeter en -weger", "boorster", "steenkolenverkoper", "plaatzagersknecht", "hoedenmaker", "verfwaren", "kraamwaakster", "kapitein in het Oostindisch leger", "aanspreker en courantombrenger", "bewaringhoudster", "koopman in zaagsel", "zemelenkopersknecht", "kapster", "redacteur der Amsterdamsche Courant", "geëmployeerde bij het postkantoor", "schoolbovenmeester", "schaftkelder", "minister financiën Oostenrijk", "nachtwacht en werkman", "hoedjesmaakster", "deurwaarder bij de arrondissementsrechtbank", "bediende in een drukkerij", "tabaksbinder", "hooiweger", "siroopbrander", "turffactor", "gepensioneerd luitenant-kolonel der artillerie", "bierhandelaar", "suikerbakkersjongen", "diamantslijpersknecht", "visiteur uit- en invoerrechten", "commissionair in tabak", "kantoor- en boekbindersbediende", "boodschaploper", "apotheker en chemist", "warmoezier", "spinner", "knecht bij een bakker", "koopman in honden", "brandspuitmaker", "leerknecht", "sleperij", "belast met het onderwijs", "in galanterieën", "kantoorboekwinkel", "vleeshuis", "groentewinkelierster", "bode van het werkhuis", "geëmployeerde bij het garnizoenshospitaal", "schuitenknecht", "scheepstouwer", "boterkopersbediende", "mr. kleermaker", "scheepsjagersknecht", "directeur Assurantie Comp.", "dokter in de medicijnen", "violist van Z.M. de Koning", "winkelier in kramerijen", "rustend wagenmaker", "foerier regiment Jagers", "pottenkoopman", "boekhandelsknecht", "draaiersleerling", "agent van Van Gend en Loos", "kruiwagenverhuurder", "klein-pandjeshuishoudster", "plafonneur", "ijzersmelter", "winkelier in groenten", "lampenmakersknecht", "venter in turf en hooi", "handwerkonderwijzeres", "bediende bij de Israëlitische gemeente", "senator", "verversglazenmaker", "intern", "sigarenmakersleerling", "kashouder", "haarwerker", "gasthuis", "daggelder", "veerschipper", "leerkoper", "dagbladredacteur", "schuiermakersknecht", "duimstokkenmaker", "luitenant bij de Marine", "commies bij de Nederlandsche Bank", "commandeur", "handelsbediende", "opziener van orgels", "oppasser bij de kerk", "in mode", "kleerkamer", "schuiermaakster", "aanspreker", "aanspreker en kleermaker", "oud-chirurgijn", "directeur salon varieté", "gepensioneerd Westindisch hoofdambtenaar", "pachter der tolbrug", "koopman in schoensmeer", "directrice blindeninstituut", "officier van gezondheid", "stokvisbeuker", "koopman in verse waar", "behangersknecht", "slijtster", "kaasventer", "opzichter van pakhuizen", "kunstschilder en graveur", "machine-katoenspinner", "geweermaker bij de Marine", "boomsluiter", "beëdigd landmeter", "schuitenjagersknecht", "knecht in een turfloods", "slotenmaker", "slijkster", "boedelschikker", "broodbakkerijhoudster", "ordonnans", "ijzersmid", "bezemmaakster", "geëmployeerd ambtenaar", "pandhuishouder", "directeur Franse opera", "draaiersknecht", "fruitkoopvrouw", "opzichter bij de Rhijnspoorweg", "winkelier in pillen", "schachtenfabrikant", "brouwer", "muziekoplegger", "Rhijnspoorwegpoetser", "klerk bij de griffie", "tabakswerker", "houtmolen", "beurtschipper op Middelburg", "directeur der Registratie van Noord-Holland en Utr", "genees- heel- en verloskundige", "in balcostumes", "koksbediende", "artsenijbereider", "dokter", "gasfabriekstoker", "consul van Pruisen", "employé der telegraaf", "kolonel der schutterij", "winkelbediende", "herborist", "onderwijzer Blindeninstituut", "baleinmaker", "klerk bij de rechtbank", "aspirant-ingenieur bij de Marine", "kaarsenmaker", "pepermuntmaker", "tweede schipper op de stoomboot", "corrector", "tabaksspinner", "behanger en tapper", "buitenbezorger", "werker in de gasfabriek", "machinist-leerling", "kalkdrager", "commissionair koopman", "praktizijn", "commissaris bij het Delftse en Haagse Veer", "zwepenmakersknecht", "koopvrouw in lompen", "marinepensioen", "koopvrouw", "porder", "politie", "marinedienst", "dienstbode", "borduurwerker", "wever", "grootwerker", "ambtenaar op wachtgeld", "pianohandelaar", "voetbode", "secretaris", "logementbediende en bode", "koopvaardijkapitein", "advocaat en assuradeur", "muziekmeesteres", "pettennaaister", "wafelbakster", "dessertwerker", "artiste", "sergeant der mariniers", "instructeur", "spoorwegexpediteur", "courantenbezorger", "surnumerair bij de belastingen", "dansmeester", "kuiper en koopman", "smidsknecht", "groentenopkoper", "mutsenwasvrouw", "gepensioneerd ambtenaar", "zetkastelein", "portretschilder", "in gouvernementsbetrekking", "kurkenmaker", "besteder", "courant", "visverkoopster", "auteur", "winkelierster in modes", "schippersvrouw", "zuurverkoopster", "viltwerker", "varkensslagersknecht", "commensalenhouder", "ondermeester", "verfwarenkoopman", "ambtenaar Rhijnspoorweg", "kantoor", "directrice werkhuis", "dienstbaar stoombootmij.", "knecht in het scheikundig laboratorium", "winkelier in matten", "fruit", "visverkoper", "knecht in turf", "loodasbrander", "vader Ned. Port. Isr. Weeshuis", "opkoopster", "kruiersknecht", "glanzer en aanspreker", "kosthuishoudster", "heel- en vroedmeester", "diamantdraaier", "hulponderwijzer", "glanzersknecht", "banketbakkersbediende", "messenmaker", "timmerman en metselaar", "geëmployeerde bij het Gesticht", "horlogemakersbediende", "geëmployeerde bij het Rijksarchief", "koper", "varensman", "fitter", "straatveger", "bewaarder bij de Marine", "geëmployeerde bij de Nederlandsche Handelmaatsch.", "pachter der stadsstallen", "modeleerling", "komenijsaffaire", "krijgsdienst West-Indië", "koopman en kruier", "bierkoper", "wasvrouw en tapster", "makelaarster", "vernisser", "zwaardveger", "polderman", "zanddrager", "winkelierster in manufacturen", "koopman en schilder", "steenkopersbediende", "staljongen", "boekverkoper en pianohandelaar", "matroos derde klas", "oud-ijzerhandelaar", "mr. ijzergieter", "visschoonmaker", "koopman in kleren", "geëmployeerde op een kantoor", "min", "venter in katoenen", "kruier en schoenmaker", "glasverkoopster", "chocoladewinkelier", "brandspuit en winkelknecht", "ornamentmaker", "schepenloper", "afslager", "tentenverhuurder", "scheepstimmeman", "ziekenfondsknecht", "dienstbaar Nederlandsche Bank", "scheepvaartkapitein", "spiegelverfoeliër", "koopvrouw in aardewerk", "spuiter", "gepensioneerd schipper", "koekbakkersbediende", "linnenkopersknecht", "muzikant en kleermaker", "in dienst van de diaconie", "kanonnier", "scheepsmatroos", "havenknecht", "handelscommies", "winkelier en goudsmid", "in hengelstokken", "boekbinder", "geëmployeerde bij de spoorwegen", "in zeedienst", "opperman en nachtwacht", "zoutwerker", "wapenfabrikant", "spoorwegwerkman", "scheepsbevrachter", "cipier der gijzeling", "molmvervoerder", "pottenmaker", "in parfumerie", "ambtenaar-leerlingbediende", "turfnering", "koopman en drogist", "confituurwerker", "kammoeder voor de meisjes", "slijtersknecht", "muziekonderwijzeres", "deurwaarder bij de rijksbelastingen", "directeur der Amsterdamsche Courant", "wasserij van zijden stoffen", "commandeur op 's Rijks werf", "huisbewaarder en aanspreker", "aan de politie", "apothekersleerling", "commissionair en expediteur", "groenboerman", "inbrenger Stads Bank van Lening", "makelaarsbediende", "majoorsweduwe", "verversknecht", "magazijnbeheerder", "manufacturier", "grondeigenaar", "werkt bij de Handelmaatschappij", "slepersaffaire", "ornamentsnijder", "zeemansleerling", "nering in vodden", "pantoffelwerkster", "vice-consul van Rusland", "diamantslijpster", "adjunct-boekhouder Nederlandsche Bank", "boekhandel", "kurkenmonteerder", "kazerneknecht", "oliekoekbakker", "dienstbaar als min", "neringdoende", "plaatsnijder", "horlogemaker en koopman", "inlands kramer", "biksteenklopper", "lompen- en oudijzerkoopster", "hoenderplukker", "schoenmaker", "koopvrouw in manufacturen", "koloniale dienst", "loper", "touwbaander", "suikerraffineerder", "peller", "tweede luitenant bij de mariniers", "verhuurder van boeken", "assuradeur en reder", "opzichter bij het Rijksmuseum", "behanger en aanspreker", "kruiersvrouw", "haarfabriek", "vuilniskarreman", "assistent bij de stadsaccijnzen", "majoor", "beëdigd vertaler", "apotheker bij het Oostindisch leger", "slachtwezen", "diamant", "steenkolenman", "landswerfopzichter", "blikschilder", "wijnkopersbaas", "commissionair gebakken steen in minerale wateren", "marktschrijfster", "volontair bij regiment", "koperdraaier", "water- en vuurwinkel", "wielmaker", "in gebak", "diamantsnijdster", "koperslagersgezel", "administrateur", "blank officier", "arbeidster", "vuilnisman", "zwavelstokken", "besteedster en winkelierster", "in augurken en eieren", "telegrafieseiner spoormaatschappij", "kappersbediende", "gildeknecht", "volontair", "kolenman", "vogelkoopster", "klerk bij de burgerlijke stand", "kopergietersknecht", "potter", "oppasman", "kopersmid", "kachelsmid", "aardappelkoper", "houtkoopman", "wattenkaardster", "ondernaaimoeder", "mangelwinkeltje", "kalkmaker", "machinist bij Kooij", "brievenbesteller en debitant", "student bouwkunde", "slepersschipper", "kassiersknecht", "commissionairsknecht", "baandersknecht", "reizend voor handelszaken", "inlands omloper", "heiwerker", "stoker bij de Haarlemmer spoorweg", "palfrenier", "broodfabrikant", "mutsennaaister", "toneeldirecteur", "bomenmaker", "binnenmoeder", "besteller van goederen", "aanlegster", "commissionair en kantoorbediende", "stadsopzichter", "gepensioneerd bij de Marine", "wachtmeester", "slepersknecht en tapper", "schippersknecht en korendrager", "herenknecht", "commissionair wisselzaken", "banketbakkersleerling", "fabrikant in parapluies", "boekbinder en boekverkoper", "diamantschijvenmaker", "officier van gezondheid derde klasse", "aanspreker en rouwwinkel", "fabrikant in bessenwijn", "ambtenaar hospitaal", "bankhoudster", "boomplanter", "winkel in hout", "diamantdraaister", "nering", "schouwman", "rijtuigschilder", "zoogster", "perster", "hoedenmakersbediende", "houtzaagmolenaar en houtkoper", "geoctroyeerde", "verversgezel", "boom- en mastenmaker", "zager", "tonelist", "werkman op de ossenmarkt", "sigarenhandelaar", "goudwerkgezel", "geëmployeerde ter directie politie", "employé bij de spoorweg", "wafelbakker", "porseleinkraamster", "spiegelmaker", "binnendienst", "breukbandenmaker", "tabak", "grutterswaren", "reiziger en kantoorbediende", "ondernemer", "schrijver", "kaaskoper", "spoorbeambte", "op een magazijn", "kleurder", "pottenventster", "kleine-schoolhouderesse", "portierster", "oliekoekvrouw", "schilder en huisbewaarder", "commies bij het Rijks Entrepot", "rijswerker", "schilder en winkelier", "palingvisser", "zaalmoeder", "aardappelkoopman", "kandidaat tot de Heilige Dienst", "spoorwegemployé", "schoonmaakster", "slagersknecht", "linnenmeid", "rijksontvanger", "cipier", "jongen", "distillateur", "geëmployeerde bij de Handelmaatschappij", "koffermakersgezel", "koopman in wandelstokken", "voedster", "geestelijke liefdezuster", "logementhouder", "bediende in een koffiehuis", "opzichter Publieke Werken", "zoutevisverkoopster", "stadsboomplanter", "assistent-bode der Nederlandsche Handelmaatsch.", "koksleerling", "bode bij de drenkeling-maatschappij", "pakhuiswerker", "gepasporteerd militair en kruier", "violiste", "reiziger", "op de gasfabriek", "kerkelijke bediening", "winkelier in oud ijzer", "haarkunstwerkster", "in grof aardewerk", "laarzenmaakster", "wachtmeester tweede regiment dragonders", "kappersleerling", "strosnijder", "musicus", "papierfabrikant", "apotheker en kuiper", "groentekoopvrouw", "kachelkoper", "strofabrikant", "sjouwer en nachtwaker", "ijzergietersknecht", "geëmployeerde bij de bank", "claviger ? (clarigu)", "metselwarenwinkelier", "tapper en timmerman", "koopman in kinderspeelgoed", "kleermaker en zaakwaarnemer", "boekverkoper en leesbibiliotheek", "palfrenier en huisbediende", "winkelier in koek", "bakkersknecht", "med. doctorandus", "seinwachter", "gepensioneerd hoofdambtenaar", "luitenant-ter-zee eerste klasse", "herenbediende", "stedelijk boekhouder", "koopvrouw in vogels", "kandidaat tot de Heilige Kerk", "koopman in glas", "mr. koperslager", "opzichter stadslantaarnverlichting", "tapper en diamantsnijder", "koopman en scheepsreder", "stalmeester", "commissionair en boekhouder", "mr. kuiper", "logementhoudster", "taalonderwijzer", "rouwwinkel", "aan de stoombootmaatschappij", "pottenmaakster", "handelwerker", "in goud- en zilverwerken", "aswerker", "koopvrouw in turf", "bode bij een begrafenisfonds", "waterbrenger", "ambtenaar", "geëmployeerde bij de havenmeester", "stedelijke betrekking", "in vaders affaire werkzaam", "schatster", "ter zee", "melkster", "goud- en zilverkashouder", "turfdrager", "redemptorist kwekeling", "balletjesmaakster", "tandarts", "sigarenkistjesmaker", "slijper", "bij de Holl. Gasfabriek (onderingen bij de - ?)", "ambtenaar bij de posterijen", "tekenmeester en timmerman", "zakkenmaker", "lompenkoopster", "geneeskundige en kaarsenmaker", "zwakkenmoeder", "schaftkantoorhoudster", "werkman bij de pelmolen", "duivenpost", "in flessen", "oudroestkoopster", "kandidaat in de rechten", "vissersknecht", "stoelenmatter", "in garen en lint", "lantaarnopsteker", "marktmeester korenmarkt", "decoratieschilder", "opzichter aan de Korenbeurs", "mr. suikerbakker", "winkelier in leer", "directeur van het administratiekantoor", "directeur stadswaterwerken", "kastrandmaker", "sjouwster", "kerkdienaar", "molenaarsbaas", "schuitenmaker", "lakenwinkel en winkelier", "koopman in leder", "bekleder", "wagenknecht", "werkman bij de Handelmaatschappij", "manufacturist", "marktbewaarder", "geëmployeerde bij de Hollandsche IJzeren Spoorwegm", "oud-ambtenaar", "besloten winkelierster", "in stokvis", "leerling zeevaartschool", "scheepmakersknecht", "gaslantaarnopsteker", "boekdrukkersknecht", "bediende in het hospitaal", "zaakgelastigde", "kastenmaker en behanger", "drogist en verfwinkel", "koopman in stokvis", "koffie-affaire", "koopman in zuurwaren", "kookvrouw", "spoorwegbeambte", "winkelier in ijzerwaren en scheepsbehoeften", "konstapelsmaat", "koopman en commissionair", "stationwerker", "stoelenmakersknecht", "oud-officier", "beëdigd translateur", "neringwinkel", "scheerdersknecht", "mr. moutersknecht", "machinist bij de Marine", "grasmaaier", "koopvrouw in haring", "brandstofkoopman", "koopman en ondernemer", "plaatsvervangend rechter", "meesterknecht bij de stadsdrukkerij", "student botanie", "kunstgraveur", "tapisserie", "koopman in beesten", "steenhouwersleerling", "pennenfabriek", "aan de spoorwegexpeditie", "bewaarder eerste klasse", "magnetiseur", "bierhuishouder", "blikslager en aanspreker", "adjunct-intendant", "velkoper", "waterdrager", "bloemenkweekster", "schuitenvoerdersknecht", "lampenpittenmaker", "reizend kantwerker", "priester rooms-katholieke kerk", "bediende tabakkoopnering", "smidsjongen", "winkelier", "geëmployeerde bij de stoomvaartmaatschappij", "koopman in rottingen", "rijksambtenaar", "knecht bij het Grootboek", "kistenmaakster", "zandvormer", "magazijnloper", "tegelbewerker", "opperwachtmeester", "commies bij de belastingen", "plaatdrukkersknecht", "werker bij de spoorwegen", "scheepsarts", "waternering", "baggeraar", "mr. timmerman", "kinderschool", "zwartbrander", "opticien", "bronzer", "schaver", "civiel ingenieur", "beestensnijder", "leerling stoombootwerf", "papierwerker", "brugophaler", "winkelnering", "winkel in pleisterbeeld", "archivaris", "letterzetter en aanspreker", "werkman bij de handel", "stalhoudersknecht", "oud-korendrager", "mutsenwasser", "med. doctor", "barbiersleerling", "slijpster", "stikster", "winkel in manufacturen", "afslager der Bank van Lening", "passementwerkster", "visser", "commissionair in sigaren", "ivoorzandverkoper", "handelmeester", "vergulder", "broodbakkersleerling", "behanger en koopman", "politoerder", "stadsbaas", "gepensioneerd hoofdofficier", "knecht in een fabriek", "effectenhandelaar", "chemisch student", "commissionair boekhouder en grondeigenaar", "gereedschapmaker", "porseleinkramer", "barometer- en thermometermaker", "groenventer", "baleinwerker", "schoenpoetsster", "koffieknecht", "goudslager", "muziekleerling", "directeur stadswerken", "koopman en kapitein", "bank van leninghouder", "bode bij de gemeente", "winkelierster in bezems", "oudroestkoper", "suikerwaterstoker", "strohoedenmaakster", "venter en koopman", "sigarenverkoper", "zaagselboer", "molenmakersknecht", "koopvrouw in verf", "directeur ziekenfonds", "in valhoeden", "stuurman ter koopvaardij", "knecht bij de gasfabriek", "vellenbereider", "fabrikant in tabak", "leesbibliotheek", "veenknecht", "zilversmeder", "werkman molen De Nagtegaal", "gootschepster", "journalist", "steenkoper en makelaar", "tabaksleerling", "prentschilder", "gepasporteerd militair", "chef in een verkoophuis", "in vodden", "kantoorleerling", "roommaker", "kantoorbediende en boekverkoper", "fabrikant in brons", "tinnegietersknecht", "commissaris op Haarlem", "winkelier in ijzer", "raffinadeursmeesterknecht", "boekbindersleerling", "steenbilder", "geëmployeerde bij de Maatschappij van Landbouw", "debitant loterij", "gepensioneerd onderofficier", "boekhandelsbediende", "sjouwer en schoenmaker", "hoofdsuppoost", "broodsnijder", "visschoonmaakster", "politieman", "winkelier in aardappelen", "bankier", "gepensioneerd wachtmeester", "commissaris van het Harlinger Veer", "boomsnoeier", "scheepssjouwer", "subtituut-griffier Provinciale Hof Noord-Holland", "stamper", "penningmeester Entrepot", "kruidenuitzoeker", "scheepstimmerman op zee", "kapitein der infanterie in het Ooostindisch leger", "bloemenman", "in papier en kantoorbehoeften", "slijtersbaas", "rietdekker", "boekettenmaker", "consul van het koninkrijk Württemberg", "letterkundige", "controleur van de Waarborg", "controleur der accijnzen", "begeleider", "bootsman", "zegelklopper", "minnemoeder", "siroopmakersknecht", "sleper", "sigarenmakersjongen", "schachtenmaker", "gepensioneerd bij het Oostindisch leger", "koster in de zeemanskerk", "barbiersknecht", "kapitein van het achtste regiment infanterie", "apotheker en commissionair", "veearts", "literator", "kruier en doodgraver", "bij de ijzerbaan", "timmeraffaire", "geestelijke", "leverancier in bier", "kandidaat in de theologie", "tuinbaas", "chocoladewerker", "houtkoper en kistenmaker", "suikerbakker en sigarenmaker", "essayeur", "slager", "tapper en koopman", "boekdrukkersleerling", "melkhaalster", "scheepsmastenmaker", "kolonist", "op de wattenfabriek", "kunstschilder en tekenmeester", "tapster", "kantoorklerk", "commies de comptoir", "koopvrouw in stro", "gepensioneerd kapitein bij het Oostindisch leger", "waker op de schepen", "veedrijver", "schoenenboenster", "onderneemster van verkopingen", "gaswerksmid", "koopman in groenten", "grondeigenaresse", "betaalmeester en fabrikant", "mestboer", "slapershuis", "beurtschipper op Franeker", "kastenmaker en timmerman", "institutrice", "vleeskopersknecht", "directeur brouwerij", "wijnkopersknecht", "gepensioneerd rijksambtenaar", "mandenmakersleerling", "gieter", "gepensioneerd ontvanger", "werkknecht", "godsdienstleraar", "particulier", "timmerman en beeldhouwer", "teerwerker", "evangelisch-luthers krankenbezoeker", "in gist", "winkelier in kruidenierswaren", "eerste luitenant achtste regiment infanterie", "remplaçant", "koekjesverkoper", "lombardhouder", "opzichtster", "grimeur", "kanselier van het Franse consulaat", "huistimmerman", "kalfsslachter", "tabakskopersbediende", "blikslager en lampenier", "majoor der mariniers", "chirurgijnsbediende", "ingenieur Oost-Indië", "aardappelnering", "commies bij het Entrepot", "modderman", "instituteur", "voddenhuis", "makelaar en boekhouder", "historieschilder", "turfvuller", "ivoordraaier", "buitengewoon commies bij de stedelijke accijnzen", "lithografist", "mattenkoopman", "behangersaffaire", "was op doeker", "directiesecretaris"] import json from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, TURTLE, JSON from rdflib import Graph def getHisco(occupation): print(f"Querying {occupation}") q = f""" PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> SELECT * WHERE {{ ?hiscoOccupation a schema:Occupation ; schema:name ?occName ; schema:occupationalCategory ?hiscoCategory . ?hiscoCategory schema:codeValue ?hiscoCode ; schema:name ?hiscoCategoryName . FILTER ( LCASE(STR(?occName)) = "{occupation}" ) FILTER ( LANG(?occName) = 'nl') }} """ sparql = SPARQLWrapper( "https://api.druid.datalegend.net/datasets/iisg/HISCO/services/HISCO/sparql" ) sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results['results']['bindings'] if __name__ == "__main__": d = dict() for occupation in occupations: occupation = occupation.lower() results = getHisco(occupation) d[occupation] = results with open('occupations2hisco.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(d, outfile)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # File Name : bleu.py # # Description : Wrapper for BLEU scorer. # # Creation Date : 06-01-2015 # Last Modified : Thu 19 Mar 2015 09:13:28 PM PDT # Authors : Hao Fang <hfang@uw.edu> and Tsung-Yi Lin <tl483@cornell.edu> from bleu_scorer import BleuScorer class Bleu: def __init__(self, n=4): # default compute Blue score up to 4 self._n = n self._hypo_for_image = {} self.ref_for_image = {} def compute_score(self, gts, res): assert(gts.keys() == res.keys()) imgIds = gts.keys() bleu_scorer = BleuScorer(n=self._n) for id in imgIds: hypo = res[id] ref = gts[id] # Sanity check. assert(type(hypo) is list) assert(len(hypo) == 1) assert(type(ref) is list) #assert(len(ref) > 1) bleu_scorer += (hypo[0], ref) #score, scores = bleu_scorer.compute_score(option='shortest') score, scores = bleu_scorer.compute_score(option='closest', verbose=0) #score, scores = bleu_scorer.compute_score(option='average', verbose=1) # return (bleu, bleu_info) return score, scores def method(self): return "Bleu"
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import json from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ugettext from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from datawinners import settings from datawinners.accountmanagement.decorators import session_not_expired, is_not_expired from datawinners.accountmanagement.models import NGOUserProfile from datawinners.activitylog.models import UserActivityLog from datawinners.common.constant import CREATED_QUESTIONNAIRE from datawinners.main.database import get_database_manager from datawinners.project import helper from datawinners.project.helper import associate_account_users_to_project from datawinners.project.wizard_view import get_preview_and_instruction_links, create_questionnaire, \ update_questionnaire from datawinners.utils import get_organization from mangrove.datastore.entity_type import get_unique_id_types from mangrove.errors.MangroveException import QuestionCodeAlreadyExistsException, QuestionAlreadyExistsException, EntityQuestionAlreadyExistsException from mangrove.transport.xforms.xform import xform_for @login_required @session_not_expired @csrf_exempt @is_not_expired def create_project(request): manager = get_database_manager(request.user) if request.method == 'GET': cancel_link = reverse('dashboard') if request.GET.get('prev', None) == 'dash' else reverse('alldata_index') return render_to_response('project/create_project.html', {'preview_links': get_preview_and_instruction_links(), 'questionnaire_code': helper.generate_questionnaire_code(manager), 'is_edit': 'false', 'active_language': request.LANGUAGE_CODE, 'post_url': reverse(create_project), 'unique_id_types': json.dumps([unique_id_type.capitalize() for unique_id_type in get_unique_id_types(manager)]), 'cancel_link': cancel_link}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) if request.method == 'POST': response_dict = _create_project_post_response(request, manager) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict)) def _validate_questionnaire_name_and_code(questionnaire): code_has_errors, name_has_errors = False, False error_message = {} if not questionnaire.is_form_code_unique(): code_has_errors = True error_message["code"] = _("Form with same code already exists.") if not questionnaire.is_project_name_unique(): name_has_errors = True error_message["name"] = _("Form with same name already exists.") return code_has_errors, error_message, name_has_errors def _is_open_survey_allowed(request, is_open_survey): return get_organization(request).is_pro_sms and is_open_survey def _create_project_post_response(request, manager): project_info = json.loads(request.POST['profile_form']) try: ngo_admin = NGOUserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user) is_open_survey_allowed = _is_open_survey_allowed(request, request.POST.get('is_open_survey')) questionnaire = create_questionnaire(post=request.POST, manager=manager, name=project_info.get('name'), language=project_info.get('language', request.LANGUAGE_CODE), reporter_id=ngo_admin.reporter_id, is_open_survey=is_open_survey_allowed) except (QuestionCodeAlreadyExistsException, QuestionAlreadyExistsException, EntityQuestionAlreadyExistsException) as ex: return {'success': False, 'error_message': _(ex.message), 'error_in_project_section': False} code_has_errors, error_message, name_has_errors = _validate_questionnaire_name_and_code(questionnaire) if not code_has_errors and not name_has_errors: associate_account_users_to_project(manager, questionnaire) questionnaire.update_doc_and_save() if settings.BRAND_FEATURES.get('DW_BUILDER_PROJECT_TO_XLSFORMS', False): questionnaire.xform = xform_for(get_database_manager(request.user), questionnaire.id, request.user.get_profile().reporter_id) questionnaire.update_doc_and_save() UserActivityLog().log(request, action=CREATED_QUESTIONNAIRE, project=questionnaire.name, detail=questionnaire.name) return {'success': True, 'project_id': questionnaire.id} return {'success': False, 'error_message': error_message, 'error_in_project_section': False, 'code_has_errors': code_has_errors, 'name_has_errors': name_has_errors}
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
""" Common definitions for the samples. This includes the defining the path to the configuration file used to initialize the DXL client in addition to setting up the logger appropriately. """ import os import logging # Config file name. CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "dxlclient.config" CONFIG_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/" + CONFIG_FILE_NAME # Enable logging, this will also direct built-in DXL log messages. # See - https://docs.python.org/2/howto/logging-cookbook.html log_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(console_handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 Nitor Creations Oy # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str import time import boto3 def distributions(): pages = boto3.client("cloudfront").get_paginator('list_distributions') print(pages.paginate()) for page in pages.paginate(): print(page) distribution_list = page.get('DistributionList') for distribution in distribution_list['Items']: yield distribution['Id'] def distribution_comments(): pages = boto3.client("cloudfront").get_paginator('list_distributions') for page in pages.paginate(): distribution_list = page.get('DistributionList') for distribution in distribution_list['Items']: yield distribution['Comment'] def get_distribution_by_id(distribution_id): cloudfront = boto3.client("cloudfront") ret = cloudfront.get_distribution(Id=distribution_id)['Distribution'] ret['DistributionConfig']['Id'] = distribution_id ret['DistributionConfig']['DomainName'] = ret['DomainName'] return [ret['DistributionConfig']] def get_distribution_by_comment(comment): pages = boto3.client("cloudfront").get_paginator('list_distributions') ret = [] for page in pages.paginate(): distribution_list = page.get('DistributionList') for distribution in distribution_list['Items']: if comment == distribution['Comment']: ret.append(distribution) if not ret: raise Exception("Failed to find distribution with comment " + comment) else: return ret def hosted_zones(): pages = boto3.client('route53').get_paginator('list_hosted_zones') for page in pages.paginate(): for hosted_zone in page.get('HostedZones', []): yield hosted_zone def upsert_cloudfront_records(args): distributions = None if args.distribution_id: distributions = get_distribution_by_id(args.distribution_id) else: distributions = get_distribution_by_comment(args.distribution_comment) zones = list(hosted_zones()) changes = {} for distribution in distributions: if 'Aliases' in distribution: print("Upserting records for " + distribution['Id'] + " (" + distribution['Comment'] + ")") for alias in distribution['Aliases']['Items']: change = get_record_change(alias, distribution['DomainName'], distribution['Id'], zones) if not change['HostedZoneId'] in changes: changes[change['HostedZoneId']] = [] changes[change['HostedZoneId']].append(change['Change']) route53 = boto3.client('route53') requests = [] for req in changes: requests.append(route53.change_resource_record_sets(HostedZoneId=req, ChangeBatch={ 'Changes': changes[req] })['ChangeInfo']) if args.wait: not_synced_count = 1 while not_synced_count > 0: not_synced_count = 0 for req in requests: if not route53.get_change(Id=req['Id'])['ChangeInfo']['Status'] == 'INSYNC': not_synced_count = not_synced_count + 1 if not_synced_count > 0: print("Waiting for requests to sync - " + str(not_synced_count) + " not synced") time.sleep(2) else: print(str(len(requests)) + " requests INSYNC") def longest_matching_zone(alias, hosted_zones): ret = {'Name': ''} for zone in hosted_zones: if (alias + ".").endswith(zone['Name']) and len(zone['Name']) > len(ret['Name']): ret = zone return ret def get_record_change(alias, dns_name, distribution_id, hosted_zones): zone = longest_matching_zone(alias, hosted_zones) if zone: print(alias + " => " + dns_name + "(" + distribution_id + ") in " + zone['Name']) if alias + "." == zone['Name']: type = "A" else: type = "CNAME" change = { 'Action': 'UPSERT', 'ResourceRecordSet': { 'Name': alias, 'Type': type} } if type == "A": change['ResourceRecordSet']['AliasTarget'] = { 'HostedZoneId': 'Z2FDTNDATAQYW2', 'DNSName': dns_name, 'EvaluateTargetHealth': False } else: change['ResourceRecordSet']['ResourceRecords'] = [{ 'Value': dns_name }] change['ResourceRecordSet']['TTL'] = 300 return {'HostedZoneId': zone['Id'], 'Change': change}
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import os import numpy as np from knlc import kn_brightness_estimate def run_ap_mag_for_kasen_models (filter, distance, dist_err, days_since_burst, kasen_fraction, data_dir="./", fast=False, doPlots=True) : report_file = data_dir + "/kn_report" if not fast : knlc_dir = os.getenv("DESGW_DIR", "./")+ "/knlc/" code = knlc_dir+"kn_brightness_estimate.py" cmd = "python {} --distance {} --distance_err {} --time_delay {} ".format( code, distance, dist_err, days_since_burst) cmd = cmd + "--fraction {} ".format(kasen_fraction) if doPlots : cmd = cmd + "--magplot_file kn_mag_plot.png " cmd = cmd + "--expplot_file kn_exp_plot.png " cmd = cmd + "--report_file {} ".format(report_file) os.system(cmd) file = report_file + ".txt" fd = open(file,"r") for i in range(0,16): fd.readline() line = fd.readline().split() apparent_mag = dict() apparent_mag["g"] = np.float(line[0]) apparent_mag["r"] = np.float(line[3]) apparent_mag["i"] = np.float(line[6]) apparent_mag["z"] = np.float(line[9]) ap_mag = apparent_mag[filter] else : kn_calc = kn_brightness_estimate.KNCalc(distance, dist_err, days_since_burst) percentile_dict = kn_brightness_estimate.calc_mag_fractions(kn_calc.template_df_full) cutoffs = kn_brightness_estimate.mags_of_percentile( kasen_fraction, percentile_dict) kn_brightness_estimate.make_output_csv( np.linspace(0., 100., 101), percentile_dict, write_answer=True, flt=filter, fraction=kasen_fraction) file = data_dir+"/answer_{}.txt".format(filter) ap_mag = np.genfromtxt(file) return ap_mag
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import logging import yaml from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.exception import ConnectError # Logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConnDevice(object): def __init__(self, config_path='config/devices.yaml'): """Common interface for connecting to Junos network devices. :param config_path: Location of the credentials for each network device :type config_path: str """ self.network_devices = {} self.connected_devices = {} self._import_network_devices(config_path) def _import_network_devices(self, network_device_file): """Import the hostnames, username and password for each network device :param config_path: Location of the credentials for each network device :type config_path: str """ logger.debug('Loading network devices into JunosCollector') with open(network_device_file, 'r') as f: import_devices = yaml.load(f.read()) for device in import_devices['devices']: self.network_devices[device['name']] = device logger.debug('Imported credentials for %s', device['name']) for _, device in self.network_devices.items(): self._connect_to_device(device) def _connect_to_device(self, device): """Connects to the network device via Netconf :param device: Contains the necessary information to connect to the device :type device: dict """ try: logger.debug('Connecting to %s', device['ip']) dev = Device(host=device['ip'], user=device['user'], password=device['password']) dev.open() logger.info('Successfully connected to %s', device['ip']) except ConnectError as e: logger.error('%s', str(e)) self.connected_devices[device['name']] = dev
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk from base_player import BasePlayer from commons import * class NullPlayer(BasePlayer): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.start_all_monitors() self.menu = self._build_context_menu() for child in self.menu.get_children(): # Remove unsupported action if child.get_label() not in ["Show Hidamari", "Quit Hidamari", "GNOME Settings"]: self.menu.remove(child) self.menu.show_all() # Welcome dialog dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(text="Welcome to Hidamari 🤗", message_type=Gtk.MessageType.INFO, secondary_text="<b>Right click</b> on the desktop to access the Main Menu", secondary_use_markup=True, buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.OK) dialog.run() dialog.destroy() @property def mode(self): return self.config[CONFIG_KEY_MODE] @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): self.config[CONFIG_KEY_MODE] = mode @property def data_source(self): return self.config[CONFIG_KEY_DATA_SOURCE] @data_source.setter def data_source(self, data_source: str): self.config[CONFIG_KEY_DATA_SOURCE] = data_source @property def volume(self): return self.config[CONFIG_KEY_VOLUME] @volume.setter def volume(self, volume): self.config[CONFIG_KEY_VOLUME] = volume @property def is_mute(self): return self.config[CONFIG_KEY_MUTE] @property def is_playing(self): return False def pause_playback(self): pass def start_playback(self): pass def start_all_monitors(self): for monitor in self.monitors: if monitor.is_initialized: continue # Window settings window = Gtk.Window() window.set_type_hint(Gdk.WindowTypeHint.DESKTOP) window.set_size_request(monitor.width, monitor.height) window.move(monitor.x, monitor.y) # Button event window.connect("button-press-event", self._on_button_press_event) window.show_all() window.set_opacity(0.0) monitor.initialize(window) def _on_monitor_added(self, _, gdk_monitor, *args): super(NullPlayer, self)._on_monitor_added(_, gdk_monitor, *args) self.start_all_monitors()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from __future__ import annotations import argparse import codecs import grp import itertools import logging import os import pwd from contextlib import closing from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Sequence, TextIO, \ Mapping import netaddr from sqlalchemy import text from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection, Engine from sqlalchemy.engine.result import RowProxy from hades import constants from hades.common.cli import ( ArgumentParser, parser as parent_parser, setup_cli_logging, ) from hades.common.db import ( auth_dhcp_lease, create_engine, get_all_auth_dhcp_leases, ) from hades.common.privileges import drop_privileges from hades.config.loader import load_config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def engine_from_config(filename: str) -> Engine: config = load_config(filename) engine = create_engine(config, isolation_level="SERIALIZABLE") return engine def generate_leasefile_lines( leases: Iterable[ Tuple[ datetime, netaddr.EUI, netaddr.IPAddress, Optional[str], Optional[bytes], ] ] ) -> str: """ Generate lines in dnsmasq leasefile format from an iterable. :param leases: An iterable that yields (ExpiresAt, MAC, IPAddress, Hostname, ClientID)-tuples :return: An iterable of strings """ for expires_at, mac, ip, hostname, client_id in leases: mac = netaddr.EUI(mac) mac.dialect = netaddr.mac_unix_expanded if client_id is None: client_id = "*" else: it = iter(client_id.hex()) client_id = ":".join(a + b for a, b in zip(it, it)) yield "{expires_at:d} {mac} {ip} {hostname} {client_id}\n".format( expires_at=int(expires_at.timestamp()), mac=mac, ip=ip, hostname=hostname if hostname is not None else "*", client_id=client_id, ) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def print_leases( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: """Print all leases in dnsmasq leasefile format""" connection = engine.connect() with connection.begin(): leases = get_all_auth_dhcp_leases(connection) context.stdout.writelines(generate_leasefile_lines(leases)) return os.EX_OK def get_env_safe(environ: Mapping[str, str], name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Try to get a string value from the environment and replace illegal characters using backslashreplace. See `here http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2013/7/2/the-updated-guide-to-unicode/`_ for details. :param environ: :param name: :return: """ value = environ.get(name, None) if value is not None: value = value.encode("utf-8", "backslashreplace").decode("utf-8") return value T = TypeVar("T") def obtain_and_convert( environ: Mapping[str, str], name: str, func: Callable[[Any], T], ) -> Optional[T]: """ Obtain a value from the environment and try to convert it using a given function. """ value = get_env_safe(environ, name) if value is None: return value try: return func(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Environment variable {} contains an illegal value {}".format( name, value ) ) from e def obtain_user_classes(environ: Mapping[str, str]) -> str: """Gather all user classes from environment variables.""" for number in itertools.count(): user_class = get_env_safe(environ, "DNSMASQ_USER_CLASS" + str(number)) if user_class is None: return yield user_class def obtain_tuple( environ: Mapping[str, str], name: str, sep: str, func: Callable[[Any], T] = lambda x: x, ) -> Optional[Tuple[T]]: """Obtain a tuple of values from the environment""" value = get_env_safe(environ, name) if value is not None: try: value = tuple(func(v) for v in value.split(sep) if v) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Environment variable {} contains illegal value {}".format( name, value ) ) from e return value @dataclass class LeaseArguments: mac: netaddr.EUI ip: netaddr.IPAddress hostname: Optional[str] @classmethod def from_anonymous_args(cls, args): return cls( mac=args.mac, ip=args.ip, hostname=args.hostname, ) def obtain_lease_info( args: LeaseArguments, context: Context, *, missing_as_none: bool, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Obtain lease information from the CLI arguments and the environment. The IPAddress, MAC, Tags, Client-ID and ExpiresAt keys are always present in the returned dictionary, because these values should be known by the the DHCP Server during every client interaction. The Hostname key is present if the ``DNSMASQ_OLD_HOSTNAME`` environment variable is available. For other values, the ``missing_as_none`` parameter specifies if a missing environment variable should result in the corresponding key being present with value of None in the resulting dict or if the key should be absent. """ expires_at = obtain_and_convert(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_LEASE_EXPIRES", int) time_remaining = obtain_and_convert(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_TIME_REMAINING", int) if time_remaining is None: time_remaining = 0 if expires_at is None: now = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) expires_at = now + timedelta(seconds=time_remaining) else: expires_at = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expires_at).replace( tzinfo=timezone.utc ) client_id = context.environb.get(b"DNSMASQ_CLIENT_ID") if client_id is not None: try: client_id = codecs.decode(client_id.replace(b":", b""), "hex") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Environment variable DNSMASQ_CLIENT_ID contains " f"illegal value {context.environ.get('DNSMASQ_CLIENT_ID')}" ) from e values = { "IPAddress": args.ip, "MAC": args.mac, "ClientID": client_id, "ExpiresAt": expires_at, } def set_value(key, value): if value is not None or missing_as_none: values[key] = value hostname = args.hostname if hostname is not None or "DNSMASQ_OLD_HOSTNAME" in context.environ: values["Hostname"] = hostname set_value( "SuppliedHostname", get_env_safe(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_SUPPLIED_HOSTNAME") ) set_value("Tags", obtain_tuple(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_TAGS", " ")) set_value("Domain", get_env_safe(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_DOMAIN")) set_value("CircuitID", context.environb.get(b"DNSMASQ_CIRCUIT_ID")) set_value("SubscriberID", context.environb.get(b"DNSMASQ_SUBSCRIBER_ID")) set_value("RemoteID", context.environb.get(b"DNSMASQ_REMOTE_ID")) set_value("VendorClass", get_env_safe(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_VENDOR_CLASS")) user_classes = tuple(obtain_user_classes(context.environ)) user_classes = user_classes if user_classes != () else None set_value("UserClasses", user_classes) set_value( "RelayIPAddress", obtain_and_convert(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_RELAY_ADDRESS", netaddr.IPAddress), ) set_value( "RequestedOptions", obtain_tuple(context.environ, "DNSMASQ_REQUESTED_OPTIONS", ",", int), ) return values def query_lease_for_update( connection: Connection, ip: netaddr.IPAddress, ) -> Optional[RowProxy]: query = auth_dhcp_lease.select( auth_dhcp_lease.c.IPAddress == ip ).with_for_update() with closing(connection.execute(query)) as result: row = result.fetchone() if result.fetchone() is not None: logger.warning( "Querying database for lease with IP %s " "returned more than one row", ip, ) return row def perform_lease_update( connection: Connection, ip: netaddr.IPAddress, mac: netaddr.EUI, old: RowProxy, new: Dict[str, Any], ): changes = {k: v for k, v in new.items() if old[k] != v} if not changes: return query = auth_dhcp_lease.update(values=changes).where( auth_dhcp_lease.c.IPAddress == ip ) result = connection.execute(query) if result.rowcount != 1: logger.warning( "Unexpected row count %d while updating lease for IP %s " "and MAC %s", result.rowcount, ip, mac, ) return result def add_lease( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: connection = engine.connect() values = obtain_lease_info( LeaseArguments.from_anonymous_args(args), context, missing_as_none=True ) values = {k: (v if v is not None else text('DEFAULT')) for k, v in values.items()} ip, mac = values["IPAddress"], values["MAC"] logger.debug( "Inserting new lease for IP %s and MAC %s", ip, mac, ) with connection.begin(): # TODO: Use INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE on newer SQLAlchemy (>= 1.1) old_values = query_lease_for_update(connection, ip) if old_values is None: connection.execute(auth_dhcp_lease.insert(values=values)) else: logger.warning("Lease for IP %s and MAC %s already exists", ip, mac) perform_lease_update(connection, ip, mac, old_values, values) return os.EX_OK def delete_lease( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: connection = engine.connect() values = obtain_lease_info( LeaseArguments.from_anonymous_args(args), context, missing_as_none=False ) ip, mac = values["IPAddress"], values["MAC"] logger.debug("Deleting lease for IP %s and MAC %s", ip, mac) query = auth_dhcp_lease.delete().where(auth_dhcp_lease.c.IPAddress == ip) with connection.begin(): result = connection.execute(query) if result.rowcount != 1: logger.warning( "Unexpected row count %d while deleting lease for IP %s and MAC %s", result.rowcount, ip, mac, ) return os.EX_OK def update_lease( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: connection = engine.connect() values = obtain_lease_info( LeaseArguments.from_anonymous_args(args), context, missing_as_none=False ) values.setdefault('UpdatedAt', text('DEFAULT')) ip, mac = values["IPAddress"], values["MAC"] logger.debug("Updating lease for IP %s and MAC %s", ip, mac) with connection.begin(): # TODO: Use INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE on newer SQLAlchemy (>= 1.1) old_values = query_lease_for_update(connection, ip) if old_values is None: connection.execute(auth_dhcp_lease.insert(values=values)) else: perform_lease_update(connection, ip, mac, old_values, values) return os.EX_OK # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def do_nothing( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: logger.warning("Unknown command %s", args.original_command) return os.EX_OK def add_lease_command(sub_parsers, action, action_help): sub_parser = sub_parsers.add_parser(action, help=action_help) sub_parser.add_argument("mac", type=netaddr.EUI, help="MAC address") sub_parser.add_argument("ip", type=netaddr.IPAddress, help="IP address") sub_parser.add_argument("hostname", nargs="?", help="Hostname") return sub_parser def create_parser(standalone: bool = True) -> ArgumentParser: class Parser(ArgumentParser): def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): if namespace is None: namespace = argparse.Namespace() # The dnsmasq man page states, that the dhcp-script should handle # unknown commands, we therefore have to convert unknown commands # into the no-op command, for argparse to parse it properly. # argparse uses the type parameter of actions to convert values # before parsing it, but in the case of sub-parsers it parses all # positional arguments. def type_func(x): commands.type = None namespace.original_command = x return x if x in commands.choices else "no-op" commands.type = type_func return super().parse_known_args(args, namespace) def exit(self, *a, **kw): if standalone: return super().exit(*a, **kw) logger.warning("Unexpected call to argparsers exit(args=%r, kwargs=%r)", a, kw) parser = Parser( description="dnsmasq leasefile dhcp-script to store leases in the " "Hades database", parents=[parent_parser] if standalone else [], exit_on_error=standalone, ) commands = parser.add_subparsers(metavar="COMMAND", dest="command") commands.required = True commands.add_parser( "init", help="Print all leases in dnsmasq leasefile format" ) commands.add_parser("no-op", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_lease_command(commands, "add", "Add a lease") add_lease_command(commands, "del", "Delete a lease") add_lease_command(commands, "old", "Update a lease") return parser @dataclass class Context: """Information relevant to the communication of the program""" stdin: TextIO stdout: TextIO stderr: TextIO environ: Mapping[str, str] environb: Mapping[bytes, bytes] def main(): import sys logger.warning("Running in standalone mode. This is meant for development purposes only.") # When dnsmasq starts, it calls init before dropping privileges if os.geteuid() == 0: try: passwd = pwd.getpwnam(constants.AUTH_DHCP_USER) except KeyError: logger.critical("No such user: {}".format(constants.AUTH_DHCP_USER)) return os.EX_NOUSER try: group = grp.getgrgid(passwd.pw_gid) except KeyError: logger.critical("No such group: {:d}".format(passwd.pw_gid)) return os.EX_NOUSER drop_privileges(passwd, group) parser = create_parser(standalone=True) args = parser.parse_args() setup_cli_logging(parser.prog, args) engine = engine_from_config(args.config) return dispatch_commands( args, Context( stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, environ=os.environ, environb=os.environb, ), engine, ) def dispatch_commands( args, context: Context, engine: Engine, ) -> int: """""" # type: Dict[str, Callable[[Any, Context, Engine], int]] funcs = { "init": print_leases, "add": add_lease, "del": delete_lease, "old": update_lease, "no-op": do_nothing, } try: return funcs[args.command](args, context, engine) except ValueError as e: logger.fatal(str(e), exc_info=e) return os.EX_USAGE if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit(main())
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from keras.models import Sequential, load_model from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten, Conv1D, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Embedding, LSTM, TimeDistributed, Masking, Lambda, GRU, Bidirectional, LeakyReLU from keras.optimizers import Adam def createModel(modelName='ModelN'): opt = Adam(lr=0.005) model = Sequential() model.add(Masking(mask_value=-1, input_shape=(None, 400))) model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, input_shape= (None, 400), return_sequences = True))) model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(128, return_sequences = True))) model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(48, activation='softmax'))) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) return model, modelName
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import os import sys import time import functools import logging import pymongo import ctypes from uuid import uuid4 from avalon import schema def extract_port_from_url(url): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: from urlparse import urlparse else: from urllib.parse import urlparse parsed_url = urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme is None: _url = "mongodb://{}".format(url) parsed_url = urlparse(_url) return parsed_url.port def requires_install(func): func_obj = getattr(func, "__self__", None) @functools.wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if func_obj is not None: _obj = func_obj else: _obj = args[0] if not _obj.is_installed(): if _obj.auto_install: _obj.install() else: raise IOError( "'{}.{}()' requires to run install() first".format( _obj.__class__.__name__, func.__name__ ) ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated def auto_reconnect(func): """Handling auto reconnect in 3 retry times""" retry_times = 3 reconnect_msg = "Reconnecting..." func_obj = getattr(func, "__self__", None) @functools.wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if func_obj is not None: _obj = func_obj else: _obj = args[0] for retry in range(1, retry_times + 1): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect: if hasattr(_obj, "log"): _obj.log.warning(reconnect_msg) else: print(reconnect_msg) if retry >= retry_times: raise time.sleep(0.1) return decorated SESSION_CONTEXT_KEYS = ( # Root directory of projects on disk "AVALON_PROJECTS", # Name of current Project "AVALON_PROJECT", # Name of current Asset "AVALON_ASSET", # Name of current silo "AVALON_SILO", # Name of current task "AVALON_TASK", # Name of current app "AVALON_APP", # Path to working directory "AVALON_WORKDIR", # Optional path to scenes directory (see Work Files API) "AVALON_SCENEDIR" ) def session_data_from_environment(context_keys=False): session_data = {} if context_keys: for key in SESSION_CONTEXT_KEYS: value = os.environ.get(key) session_data[key] = value or "" else: for key in SESSION_CONTEXT_KEYS: session_data[key] = None for key, default_value in ( # Name of current Config # TODO(marcus): Establish a suitable default config ("AVALON_CONFIG", "no_config"), # Name of Avalon in graphical user interfaces # Use this to customise the visual appearance of Avalon # to better integrate with your surrounding pipeline ("AVALON_LABEL", "Avalon"), # Used during any connections to the outside world ("AVALON_TIMEOUT", "1000"), # Address to Asset Database ("AVALON_MONGO", "mongodb://localhost:27017"), # Name of database used in MongoDB ("AVALON_DB", "avalon"), # Address to Sentry ("AVALON_SENTRY", None), # Address to Deadline Web Service # E.g. ("AVALON_DEADLINE", None), # Enable features not necessarily stable, at the user's own risk ("AVALON_EARLY_ADOPTER", None), # Address of central asset repository, contains # the following interface: # /upload # /download # /manager (optional) ("AVALON_LOCATION", ""), # Boolean of whether to upload published material # to central asset repository ("AVALON_UPLOAD", None), # Generic username and password ("AVALON_USERNAME", "avalon"), ("AVALON_PASSWORD", "secret"), # Unique identifier for instances in working files ("AVALON_INSTANCE_ID", "avalon.instance"), ("AVALON_CONTAINER_ID", "avalon.container"), # Enable debugging ("AVALON_DEBUG", None) ): value = os.environ.get(key) or default_value if value is not None: session_data[key] = value return session_data class AvalonMongoConnection: _mongo_client = None _is_installed = False _databases = {} log = logging.getLogger("AvalonMongoConnection") @classmethod def register_database(cls, dbcon): if dbcon.id in cls._databases: return cls._databases[dbcon.id] = { "object": dbcon, "installed": False } @classmethod def database(cls): return cls._mongo_client[os.environ["AVALON_DB"]] @classmethod def mongo_client(cls): return cls._mongo_client @classmethod def install(cls, dbcon): if not cls._is_installed or cls._mongo_client is None: cls._mongo_client = cls.create_connection() cls._is_installed = True cls.register_database(dbcon) cls._databases[dbcon.id]["installed"] = True cls.check_db_existence() @classmethod def is_installed(cls, dbcon): info = cls._databases.get(dbcon.id) if not info: return False return cls._databases[dbcon.id]["installed"] @classmethod def _uninstall(cls): try: cls._mongo_client.close() except AttributeError: pass cls._is_installed = False cls._mongo_client = None @classmethod def uninstall(cls, dbcon, force=False): if force: for key in cls._databases: cls._databases[key]["object"].uninstall() cls._uninstall() return cls._databases[dbcon.id]["installed"] = False cls.check_db_existence() any_is_installed = False for key in cls._databases: if cls._databases[key]["installed"]: any_is_installed = True break if not any_is_installed: cls._uninstall() @classmethod def check_db_existence(cls): items_to_pop = set() for db_id, info in cls._databases.items(): obj = info["object"] # TODO check if should check for 1 or more cls.log.info(ctypes.c_long.from_address(id(obj)).value) if ctypes.c_long.from_address(id(obj)).value == 1: items_to_pop.add(db_id) for db_id in items_to_pop: cls._databases.pop(db_id, None) @classmethod def create_connection(cls): timeout = int(os.environ["AVALON_TIMEOUT"]) mongo_url = os.environ["AVALON_MONGO"] kwargs = { "host": mongo_url, "serverSelectionTimeoutMS": timeout } port = extract_port_from_url(mongo_url) if port is not None: kwargs["port"] = int(port) mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(**kwargs) for _retry in range(3): try: t1 = time.time() mongo_client.server_info() except Exception: cls.log.warning("Retrying...") time.sleep(1) timeout *= 1.5 else: break else: raise IOError(( "ERROR: Couldn't connect to {} in less than {:.3f}ms" ).format(mongo_url, timeout)) cls.log.info("Connected to {}, delay {:.3f}s".format( mongo_url, time.time() - t1 )) return mongo_client class AvalonMongoDB: def __init__(self, session=None, auto_install=True): self._id = uuid4() self._database = None self.auto_install = auto_install if session is None: session = session_data_from_environment(context_keys=False) self.Session = session self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def __getattr__(self, attr_name): attr = None if self.is_installed() and self.auto_install: self.install() if self.is_installed(): attr = getattr( self._database[self.active_project()], attr_name, None ) if attr is None: # Reraise attribute error return self.__getattribute__(attr_name) # Decorate function if callable(attr): attr = auto_reconnect(attr) return attr @property def mongo_client(self): AvalonMongoConnection.mongo_client() @property def id(self): return self._id @property def database(self): if not self.is_installed() and self.auto_install: self.install() if self.is_installed(): return self._database raise IOError( "'{}.database' requires to run install() first".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) def is_installed(self): return AvalonMongoConnection.is_installed(self) def install(self): """Establish a persistent connection to the database""" if self.is_installed(): return AvalonMongoConnection.install(self) self._database = AvalonMongoConnection.database() def uninstall(self): """Close any connection to the database""" AvalonMongoConnection.uninstall(self) self._database = None @requires_install def active_project(self): """Return the name of the active project""" return self.Session["AVALON_PROJECT"] @requires_install @auto_reconnect def projects(self): """List available projects Returns: list of project documents """ for project_name in self._database.collection_names(): if project_name in ("system.indexes",): continue # Each collection will have exactly one project document document = self._database[project_name].find_one({ "type": "project" }) if document is not None: yield document @auto_reconnect def insert_one(self, item, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(item, dict), "item must be of type <dict>" schema.validate(item) return self._database[self.active_project()].insert_one( item, *args, **kwargs ) @auto_reconnect def insert_many(self, items, *args, **kwargs): # check if all items are valid assert isinstance(items, list), "`items` must be of type <list>" for item in items: assert isinstance(item, dict), "`item` must be of type <dict>" schema.validate(item) return self._database[self.active_project()].insert_many( items, *args, **kwargs ) def parenthood(self, document): assert document is not None, "This is a bug" parents = list() while document.get("parent") is not None: document = self.find_one({"_id": document["parent"]}) if document is None: break if document.get("type") == "hero_version": _document = self.find_one({"_id": document["version_id"]}) document["data"] = _document["data"] parents.append(document) return parents
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
################################################################################ # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ################################################################################ # igemm module import sys from .codegen import * from .igemm import * from .operations import * from .codegen_driver import * from .sequence_driver import * from .host_driver import * if sys.hexversion < 0x30600f0: print("must use python 3.6+. current is {}".format(sys.version)) sys.exit(-1)
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
"""Make morphtable for Swedish historical resources.""" import re import sparv.util as util from sparv import Model, ModelOutput, modelbuilder # Constants SALDO_TO_SUC = util.tagsets.mappings["saldo_to_suc"] SALDO_TO_SUC["pm"] = {"PM.NOM"} SALDO_TO_SUC["nl invar"] = {"NL.NOM"} @modelbuilder("Hunpos morphtable for Swedish historical resources", language=["swe"]) def hist_morphtable(out: ModelOutput = ModelOutput("hunpos/hist/dalinm-swedberg_saldo_suc-tags.morphtable"), swedberg: Model = Model("hunpos/hist/swedberg-gender.hunpos"), dalin: Model = Model("hunpos/hist/dalinm.hunpos"), saldosuc_morphtable: Model = Model("hunpos/saldo_suc-tags.morphtable")): """Read files and make a morphtable together with the information from SALDO (saldosuc_morphtable). Args: out (str, optional): Resulting morphtable file to be written. Defaults to ModelOutput("hunpos/hist/dalinm-swedberg_saldo_suc-tags.morphtable"). swedberg (str, optional): Wordlist from Swedberg and corresponding SALDO MSD-tags. Defaults to Model("hunpos/hist/swedberg-gender.hunpos"). dalin (str, optional): Wordlist from Dalin and corresponding SALDO MSD-tags. Defaults to Model("hunpos/hist/dalinm.hunpos"). saldosuc_morphtable (str, optional): SALDO Hunpos morphtable. Defaults to Model("hunpos/saldo_suc-tags.morphtable"). """ words = {} _read_saldosuc(words, saldosuc_morphtable.path) for fil in [dalin, swedberg]: for line in open(fil.path, encoding="utf-8").readlines(): if not line.strip(): continue xs = line.split("\t") word, msd = xs[0].strip(), xs[1].strip() if " " in word: if msd.startswith("nn"): # We assume that the head of a noun mwe is the last word word = word.split()[-1] if msd.startswith("vb"): # We assume that the head of a verbal mwe is the first word word = word.split()[0] # If the tag is not present, we try to translate it anyway suc = SALDO_TO_SUC.get(msd, "") if not suc: suc = _force_parse(msd) if suc: words.setdefault(word.lower(), set()).update(suc) words.setdefault(word.title(), set()).update(suc) with open(out.path, encoding="UTF-8", mode="w") as out: for w, ts in list(words.items()): line = ("\t".join([w] + list(ts)) + "\n") out.write(line) def _read_saldosuc(words, saldosuc_morphtable): for line in open(saldosuc_morphtable, encoding="utf-8").readlines(): xs = line.strip().split("\t") words.setdefault(xs[0], set()).update(set(xs[1:])) def _force_parse(msd): # This is a modification of _make_saldo_to_suc in utils.tagsets.py params = msd.split() # try ignoring gender, m/f => u for i, param in enumerate(params): if param.strip() in ["m", "f"]: params[i] = "u" new_suc = SALDO_TO_SUC.get(" ".join(params), "") if new_suc: # print "Add translation", msd,new_suc SALDO_TO_SUC[msd] = new_suc return new_suc # try changing place: nn sg n indef nom => nn n sg indef nom if params[0] == "nn": new_suc = SALDO_TO_SUC.get(" ".join([params[0], params[2], params[1], params[3], params[4]]), "") if new_suc: # print "Add translation", msd,new_suc SALDO_TO_SUC[msd] = new_suc return new_suc # try adding case info: av pos def pl => av pos def pl nom/gen if params[0] == "av": new_suc = SALDO_TO_SUC.get(" ".join(params + ["nom"]), set()) new_suc.update(SALDO_TO_SUC.get(" ".join(params + ["gen"]), set())) if new_suc: # print "Add translation", msd,new_suc SALDO_TO_SUC[msd] = new_suc return new_suc paramstr = " ".join(util.tagsets.mappings["saldo_params_to_suc"].get(prm, prm.upper()) for prm in params) for (pre, post) in util.tagsets.tagmappings._suc_tag_replacements: m = re.match(pre, paramstr) if m: break if m is None: return set() sucfilter = m.expand(post).replace(" ", r"\.").replace("+", r"\+") new_suc = set(suctag for suctag in util.tagsets.tags["suc_tags"] if re.match(sucfilter, suctag)) SALDO_TO_SUC[msd] = new_suc return new_suc @modelbuilder("Swedberg wordlist", language=["swe"]) def download_swedberg_wordlist(out: ModelOutput = ModelOutput("hunpos/hist/swedberg-gender.hunpos")): """Download Swedberg wordlist.""" out.download("https://github.com/spraakbanken/sparv-models/raw/master/hunpos/hist/swedberg-gender.hunpos") @modelbuilder("Dalin wordlist", language=["swe"]) def download_dalin_wordlist(out: ModelOutput = ModelOutput("hunpos/hist/dalinm.hunpos")): """Download Dalin wordlist.""" out.download("https://github.com/spraakbanken/sparv-models/raw/master/hunpos/hist/dalinm.hunpos")
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
""" Shelly platform for the switch component. For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation https://home-assistant.io/components/shelly/ """ import logging from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchDevice from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity # from .sensor import ShellySensor from . import (ShellyDevice, get_device_from_hass, ShellyBlock, get_block_from_hass) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_platform(hass, _config, add_devices, discovery_info=None): """Setup the Shelly Switch platform.""" if 'firmware' in discovery_info: block = get_block_from_hass(hass, discovery_info) add_devices([ShellyFirmwareUpdate(block, hass)]) return dev = get_device_from_hass(hass, discovery_info) add_devices([ShellySwitch(dev, hass)]) class ShellySwitch(ShellyDevice, SwitchDevice): """Representation of an Shelly Switch.""" def __init__(self, dev, hass): """Initialize an ShellySwitch.""" ShellyDevice.__init__(self, dev, hass) self._state = None self.update() @property def current_power_w(self): """Return the current power usage in W.""" if hasattr(self._dev, 'sensorValues'): return self._dev.sensorValues['watt'] return None @property def today_energy_kwh(self): """Return the today total energy usage in kWh.""" return None @property def is_on(self): """Get device state""" return self._state def turn_on(self, **_kwargs): """Turn on device""" self._dev.turn_on() def turn_off(self, **_kwargs): """Turn off device""" self._dev.turn_off() def update(self): """Fetch new state data for this switch.""" self._state = self._dev.state class ShellyFirmwareUpdate(ShellyBlock, SwitchDevice): """Representation of a script entity.""" def __init__(self, block, hass): ShellyBlock.__init__(self, block, hass, "_firmware_update") self.entity_id = "switch" + self.entity_id self._name = "Upgrade firmware " + self._name self._updating = False block.firmware_switch = self @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def is_on(self): """Return true if is on.""" return self._updating async def async_turn_on(self, **_kwargs): """Trig the firmware update""" self._updating = True self.schedule_update_ha_state(False) self._block.update_firmware() async def async_turn_off(self, **_kwargs): """Do nothing""" self.schedule_update_ha_state(False) def remove(self): self._block.firmware_switch = None ShellyBlock.remove(self)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import argparse import os.path import encodedcc import sys EPILOG = ''' Script to fix the controlled_by backfill problems This is a dryrun default script, run with '--update' to PATCH data Useage: %(prog)s --infile MyFile.txt %(prog)s --infile ENCSR000AAA %(prog)s --infile ENCSR000AAA,ENCSR000AAB,ENCSR000AAC %(prog)s --query "/search/?type=Experiment" Script will take a file with single column list of accessions Can also take a single accession or comma separated list of accessions A query from which to gather accessions %(prog)s --method single %(prog)s --method multi %(prog)s --method biosample There are three methods to pick from "single" assumes one replicate in the control "multi" assumes one control with number of replicates equal to number of replicates in experiment "biosample" assumes multiple controls that should be matched on biosample ***By NOT selecting the '--method' option the script will try to guess at what the correct method is*** %(prog)s --ignore_runtype This makes the script ignore the value of the paired ends, default is off %(prog)s --missing Script will print out only the names of files missing controlled_by For more details: %(prog)s --help ''' def getArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--method', help="'single' = there is only one replicate in the control, \ 'multi' = one control with same number of replicates as experiment has replicates, \ 'biosample' = multiple controls should be matched on the biosample", choices=["single", "multi", "biosample"]) parser.add_argument('--ignore_runtype', help="Ignores value of paired-end. Default is off", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--infile', help="file containing single column list of object accessions,\ single accession, or comma separated list of accessions") parser.add_argument('--query', help="query of objects you want to process") parser.add_argument('--key', default='default', help="The keypair identifier from the keyfile. \ Default is --key=default") parser.add_argument('--keyfile', default=os.path.expanduser("~/keypairs.json"), help="The keypair file. Default is --keyfile=%s" % (os.path.expanduser("~/keypairs.json"))) parser.add_argument('--debug', default=False, action='store_true', help="Print debug messages. Default is off.") parser.add_argument('--update', default=False, action='store_true', help="Let the script PATCH the data. Default is off") parser.add_argument('--missing', default=False, action='store_true', help="Only print files that are missing controlled_by.\ Default is off") args = parser.parse_args() return args class BackFill: def __init__(self, connection, debug=False, missing=False, update=False, ignore_runtype=False): self.connection = connection self.DEBUG = debug self.MISSING = missing self.update = update self.ignore_runtype = ignore_runtype self.dataList = [] def updater(self, exp, con): ''' helper function runs the update step''' temp = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(exp, self.connection).get("controlled_by", []) if con not in temp: control = temp + [con] patch_dict = {"controlled_by": control} print("patching experiment file {} with controlled_by {}".format(exp, con)) encodedcc.patch_ENCODE(exp, self.connection, patch_dict) else: print("ERROR: controlled_by for experiment file {} already contains {}".format(exp, con)) def single_rep(self, obj): '''one control with one replicate in control, multiple replicates in experiment''' control_files = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(obj["possible_controls"][0]["accession"], self.connection, frame="embedded").get("files", []) if len(control_files) == 0: if self.DEBUG: print("Control object {} has no files".format(obj["possible_controls"][0]["accession"]), file=sys.stderr) return for c in control_files: if c.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": exp_list = [] for e in obj["files"]: if e.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": if not self.MISSING or (self.MISSING and not e.get("controlled_by")): exp_list.append(e["accession"]) for exp in exp_list: temp = {"ExpAcc": obj["accession"], "Method": "Single", "ExpFile": exp, "ConFile": c["accession"]} self.dataList.append(temp) if self.update: self.updater(exp, c["accession"]) if self.DEBUG: print("ExpFile: {}, ConFile: {}".format(temp["ExpFile"], temp["ConFile"])) def pair_dict_maker(self, x_data, x): ''' helper function makes the exp_data and con_data dictionaries''' x_file_bio_num = x.get("biological_replicates") x_file_paired = x.get("paired_end") x_file_acc = x["accession"] if self.ignore_runtype: x_file_paired = None x_pair = str(x_file_bio_num[0]) + "-" + str(x_file_paired) x_data[x_file_acc] = x_pair def multi_rep(self, obj): '''one control, with one replicate in control per replicate in experiment''' control_files = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(obj["possible_controls"][0]["accession"], self.connection, frame="embedded").get("files", []) control_replicates = obj["possible_controls"][0].get("replicates", []) exp_data = {} con_data = {} if len(control_replicates) != len(obj["replicates"]): if self.DEBUG: print("Control has {} replicates and experiment has {} replicates".format(len(control_replicates), len(obj["replicates"])), file=sys.stderr) return if len(control_files) == 0: if self.DEBUG: print("Control {} has no files".format(obj["possible_controls"][0]["accession"]), file=sys.stderr) return for e in obj["files"]: if e.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": if not self.MISSING or (self.MISSING and not e.get("controlled_by")): self.pair_dict_maker(exp_data, e) for c in control_files: if c.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": self.pair_dict_maker(con_data, c) if self.ignore_runtype: self.mini(exp_data, con_data, obj) else: self.mini(con_data, exp_data, obj) def mini(self, x_data, y_data, obj): ''' just a helper function does all the fancy sorting for multi rep ''' for x_key in x_data.keys(): temp_list = [] for y_key in y_data.keys(): if x_data[x_key] == y_data[y_key]: temp_list.append(y_key) if self.ignore_runtype: for t in temp_list: temp = {"ExpAcc": obj["accession"], "Method": "Multi-runtype ignored", "ExpFile": x_key, "ConFile": t} self.dataList.append(temp) if self.update: self.updater(x_key, t) if self.DEBUG: print("ExpFile: {}, ConFile: {}".format(temp["ExpFile"], temp["ConFile"])) else: for t in temp_list: temp = {"ExpAcc": obj["accession"], "Method": "Multi", "ExpFile": t, "ConFile": x_key} self.dataList.append(temp) if self.update: self.updater(t, x_key) if self.DEBUG: print("ExpFile: {}, ConFile: {}".format(temp["ExpFile"], temp["ConFile"])) def multi_control(self, obj): '''multiple controls, match on biosample''' con_data = {} val = True for con in obj["possible_controls"]: c = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(con["accession"], self.connection, frame="embedded") if c.get("replicates"): for rep in c["replicates"]: if c.get("files"): con_bio_acc = rep["library"]["biosample"]["accession"] con_bio_num = rep["biological_replicate_number"] for f in c["files"]: if f.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": con_file_bio_num = f["biological_replicates"] if con_bio_num in con_file_bio_num: con_file_acc = f["accession"] con_data[con_bio_acc] = con_file_acc else: if self.DEBUG: print("No files found for control {}".format(con["accession"]), file=sys.stderr) val = False else: if self.DEBUG: print("No replicates found in control {}".format(con["accession"]), file=sys.stderr) val = False if val: exp_data = {} for e in obj["replicates"]: exp_bio_acc = e["library"]["biosample"]["accession"] exp_bio_num = e["biological_replicate_number"] for f in obj["files"]: if f.get("file_type", "") == "fastq": if not self.MISSING or (self.MISSING and not f.get("controlled_by")): exp_file_bio_num = f["biological_replicates"] if exp_bio_num in exp_file_bio_num: exp_file_acc = f["accession"] exp_data[exp_bio_acc] = exp_file_acc for key in exp_data.keys(): if con_data.get(key): temp = {"ExpAcc": obj["accession"], "Method": "Biosample", "ExpFile": exp_data[key], "ConFile": con_data[key]} self.dataList.append(temp) if self.update: self.updater(exp_data[key], con_data[key]) if self.DEBUG: print("Biosample: {}, ExpFile: {}, ConFile: {}".format(key, temp["ExpFile"], temp["ConFile"])) def main(): args = getArgs() key = encodedcc.ENC_Key(args.keyfile, args.key) connection = encodedcc.ENC_Connection(key) accessions = [] if args.update: print("This is an UPDATE run data will be PATCHed") else: print("This is a dryrun, no data will be changed") if args.infile: if os.path.isfile(args.infile): accessions = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(args.infile)] else: accessions = args.infile.split(",") elif args.query: if "search" in args.query: temp = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(args.query, connection).get("@graph", []) else: temp = [encodedcc.get_ENCODE(args.query, connection)] if any(temp): for obj in temp: if obj.get("accession"): accessions.append(obj["accession"]) elif obj.get("uuid"): accessions.append(obj["uuid"]) elif obj.get("@id"): accessions.append(obj["@id"]) elif obj.get("aliases"): accessions.append(obj["aliases"][0]) if len(accessions) == 0: # if something happens and we end up with no accessions stop print("ERROR: object has no identifier", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: for acc in accessions: obj = encodedcc.get_ENCODE(acc, connection, frame="embedded") isValid = True check = ["replicates", "files"] for c in check: if not obj.get(c): if args.debug: print("Missing {} for {}".format(c, acc), file=sys.stderr) isValid = False if obj.get("possible_controls"): for p in obj["possible_controls"]: for c in check: if not obj.get(c): if args.debug: print("Missing {} for {}".format(c, p["accession"]), file=sys.stderr) isValid = False else: isValid = False if args.debug: print("Missing possible_controls for {}".format(acc), file=sys.stderr) if isValid: backfill = BackFill(connection, debug=args.debug, missing=args.missing, update=args.update, ignore_runtype=args.ignore_runtype) if args.method == "single": if args.debug: print("SINGLE REP {}".format(acc)) backfill.single_rep(obj) elif args.method == "multi": if args.debug: print("MULTI REP {}".format(acc)) backfill.multi_rep(obj) elif args.method == "biosample": if args.debug: print("BIOSAMPLE {}".format(acc)) backfill.multi_control(obj) else: exp_rep = len(obj["replicates"]) exp_con = len(obj["possible_controls"]) if exp_con == 1: # one possible control con_rep = len(obj["possible_controls"][0]["replicates"]) if con_rep == exp_rep: # same number experiment replicates as control replicates # method is multi if args.debug: print("MULTI REP {}".format(acc)) backfill.multi_rep(obj) elif con_rep == 1: # one control replicate and multiple experiment replicates # method is single if args.debug: print("SINGLE REP {}".format(acc)) backfill.single_rep(obj) else: if args.debug: print("Experiment {} contains {} experiment replicates and {} control replicates and so does not fit the current pattern!".format(acc, exp_rep, con_rep)) elif exp_con > 1: # more than one possible control con_reps = 0 for con in obj["possible_controls"]: if len(con["replicates"]) == 1: con_reps += 1 if con_reps == exp_rep: # same number of controls with one replicate as number of experiment replicates # method is biosample if args.debug: print("BIOSAMPLE {}".format(acc)) backfill.multi_control(obj) else: if args.debug: print("Experiment {} contains {} experiment replicates and {} control replicates between {} total controls and so does not fit the current pattern!".format(acc, exp_rep, con_rep, exp_con)) else: if args.debug: print("Experiment {} does not fit any of the current patterns!".format(acc)) if len(backfill.dataList) > 0: print("Experiment\tMethod\tExperimentFile\tControlFile") for data in backfill.dataList: print("{ExpAcc}\t{Method}\t{ExpFile}\t{ConFile}".format(ExpAcc=data["ExpAcc"], Method=data["Method"], ExpFile=data["ExpFile"], ConFile=data["ConFile"])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" `spectrumdevice` is a high-level, object-oriented Python library for controlling Spectrum Instrumentation digitisers. It can connect to individual digitisers or [StarHubs](https://spectrum-instrumentation.com/en/m4i-star-hub) (e.g. the [NetBox](https://spectrum-instrumentation.com/en/digitizernetbox)). The main module `spectrumdevice` provides two classes `SpectrumCard` and `SpectrumStarHub` for controlling and receiving data from individual digitisers and StarHubs respectively. Mock classes are also provided for testing software without drivers installed or hardware connected. The submodule `spectrumdevice.settings` provides Enums and Dataclasses wrapping the register values provided by the Spectrum API, to be used for configuring hardware and interpreting responses received from hardware. * [Source on GitHub](https://github.com/KCL-BMEIS/spectrumdevice) * [README including quickstart](https://github.com/KCL-BMEIS/spectrumdevice/blob/main/README.md) * [Examples](https://github.com/KCL-BMEIS/spectrumdevice/tree/main/example_scripts) * [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/spectrumdevice/) * [API reference documentation](https://kcl-bmeis.github.io/spectrumdevice/) """ # Christian Baker, King's College London # Copyright (c) 2021 School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London # Licensed under the MIT. You may obtain a copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. from .devices.measurement import Measurement from .devices.spectrum_device import SpectrumDevice from .devices.spectrum_card import SpectrumCard from .devices.spectrum_channel import SpectrumChannel from .devices.spectrum_star_hub import SpectrumStarHub from spectrumdevice.devices.mocks import MockSpectrumCard, MockSpectrumStarHub __all__ = [ "SpectrumDevice", "SpectrumCard", "SpectrumStarHub", "SpectrumChannel", "MockSpectrumCard", "MockSpectrumStarHub", "settings", "Measurement", ] from . import _version __version__ = _version.get_versions()["version"] # type: ignore