Which pianist was deaf?
Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792 and began studying with Haydn, quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. He lived in Vienna until his death. In about 1800 his hearing began to deteriorate, and by the last decade of his life he was almost totally deaf.
What is the only crime in the constitution?
Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3, a person is guilty of treason if he or she goes to war against the United States or gives “aid or comfort” to an enemy.
Why is it called Black Friday?
Black Friday was introduced in the US on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday and was so-named because brisk business helped retailers back into profit - into the black. UK retailers are expecting their biggest day of spending this year.
When did the stegosaurus live?
They lived during the Late Jurassic period (Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian), some 155 to 150 million years ago in what is now western North America. In 2006, a specimen of Stegosaurus was announced from Portugal, showing that they were present in Europe as well.
Who was the first to fly across the Atlantic?
Eighty-six years ago this week, Charles Lindbergh did what everyone remembers him for: He completed the first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean, taking off from New York and landing in a field outside Paris, France.
Do astronauts get taller in space?
It is a commonly known fact that astronauts living aboard the International Space Station grow up to 3 percent taller while living in microgravity. They return to their normal height when back on Earth.
How old was Mozart when he wrote his first song?
By the time he was five years old, Mozart had complete mastery of keyboards and violin, and had written his first five compositions. At six, he toured Europe as a child prodigy; by 16, he'd already written three operas and 25 symphonies.
What is the percentage of nitrogen gas in the air?
It is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) with only small concentrations of other trace gases. Nearly all atmospheric water vapor or moisture is found in the troposphere, so it is the layer where most of Earth's weather takes place.
Who completed the first circumnavigation of the world?
The Spanish Magellan-Elcano expedition of August 1519 to 8 September 1522, started by Portuguese navigator Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan) and completed by Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano after Magellan's death, was the first global circumnavigation.
How many finger lakes are there in New York?
The eleven Finger Lakes from east to west are: Otisco Lake, Skaneateles Lake, Owasco Lake, Cayuga Lake, Seneca Lake, Keuka Lake, Canandaigua Lake, Honeoye Lake, Canadice Lake, Hemlock Lake, and Conesus Lake.
How many times can the sun fit into VY Canis Majoris?
Our sun is so big that 1 million earths could fit inside of it. On the other hand, the largest star known to man is called VY Canis Majoris which could house 9,261,000,000 Suns. If VY Canis Majoris were put in our sun's place it would extend past Saturn.
Is Francis Ford Coppola related to Nicolas Cage?
Through his father, Cage is also related to director Francis Ford Coppola (uncle), actress Talia Shire (aunt), director Sofia Coppola (cousin), actor Jason Schwartzman (cousin), and actor/musician Robert Schwartzman (cousin). 7.
Which Hawaiian island is only for natives?
Niihau, Hawaii's 'Forbidden Island,' is closed to outsiders. By Claudia Capos. Seen from Kauai's western shore, Niihau appears almost ethereal on the horizon. The island is privately owned, a haven for Niihau natives, who can have no contact with tourists, and a site for US military testing.
Where is the biggest tree in the world?
The General Sherman is a giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on earth.
Why do lakes freeze from the top down rather than the bottom up?
The reason why ice forms on the top of lakes and ponds is that once water cools below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, it becomes lighter and less dense the more it cools. This means that water expands as it freezes into ice. As a result, ice takes up more room than the water it was made from.
Who is the oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence?
The oldest signer of the Declaration was Benjamin Franklin, who was born in 1706 and was therefore already 70 at the time of the Declaration.
What color is between red and blue?
In between these colours may be seen secondary colours that are, perceptually, each a mixture of two of the primaries. Thus, you will see yellow between red and green, and cyan blue between green and blue-violet. The third secondary colour of light is magenta.
Can O positive blood be given to anyone?
Type A- can donate to A-, A+, AB+, AB- Type B+ can donate to B+, AB+ Type B- can donate to B-, B+, AB-, AB+ Type AB+ can donate to AB+ Type AB- can donate to AB-, AB+ Type O+ can donate to O+, A+, B+, AB+ Type O- can donate to all types.
Why do we blush when we are embarrassed?
AsapSCIENCE explains blushing as a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system and part of our “fight or flight” response. When you're embarrassed, adrenaline is released, speeding up your heart rate and dilating your blood vessels to improve your blood flow and oxygen delivery.
How do fish get oxygen out of water?
Gills are feathery organs full of blood vessels. A fish breathes by taking water into its mouth and forcing it out through the gill passages. As water passes over the thin walls of the gills, dissolved oxygen moves into the blood and travels to the fish's cells.
Can a kangaroo jump backwards?
Kangaroos hop to move around quickly, and walk on four legs while moving slowly. They can jump backwards, but only a very small distance. They can hop or jump as far as about three times their own height. They can also swim if necessary.
What was the first animated film to be nominated for an Oscar?
News media stories about the Oscars are cropping up all over and all of them are parroting the same factoid: Up is only the second time since the inception of the award that the Academy has nominated an animated film for Best Picture. (The first time was Beauty and the Beast in 1991.)
Who deposed the last emperor of the Roman West?
Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, is deposed by Odoacer, a German barbarian who proclaims himself king of Italy. Odoacer was a mercenary leader in the Roman imperial army when he launched his mutiny against the young emperor.
Can fish change their gender?
Clownfish, wrasses, moray eels, gobies and other fish species are known to change sex, including reproductive functions. A school of clownfish is always built into a hierarchy with a female fish at the top. When she dies, the most dominant male changes sex and takes her place.
What does the word Pocahontas mean?
"Pocahontas" was a nickname, meaning "the naughty one" or "spoiled child". Her real name was Matoaka. The legend is that she saved a heroic John Smith from being clubbed to death by her father in 1607 - she would have been about 10 or 11 at the time.
When was the first highway built in the US?
The Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways is dated from June 29, 1956 - the day President Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. On Aug. 2, 1956, Missouri became the first state to award a contract with the new interstate construction funding.
Which is the largest joint in the human body?
This article is about the joint. For other uses, see Knee (disambiguation). The knee joint joins the thigh with the leg and consists of two articulations: one between the femur and tibia, and one between the femur and patella. It is the largest joint in the human body.
Which bone is located in the human skull?
With that in mind, as one possible classification, the human skull could for example be said to consist of twenty two bones: Eight bones of the neurocranium (occipital bone, 2 temporal bones, 2 parietal bones, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, frontal bone), and fourteen bones of the viscerocranium (vomer, 2 conchae [ ...
How many albums did Tupac sell after he died?
Shakur has sold over 75 million records worldwide, with the bulk of that coming after his death; seven of his 11 platinum albums were released posthumously. As recently as 2007 Shakur's estate banked $9 million–more than Eminem or 50 Cent made last year.
Are genes located on chromosomes?
In genetics, a locus (plural loci) is the specific location of a gene, DNA sequence, or position on a chromosome. Each chromosome carries many genes; humans' estimated 'haploid' protein coding genes are 20,000-25,000, on the 23 different chromosomes.
When did the Rick Roll start?
The first known instance of a rickroll occurred in May 2007 on /v/, 4chan's video game board, where a link to the Rick Astley video was claimed to be a mirror of the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV (which was unavailable due to heavy traffic).
What percentage of species have been discovered?
Even after centuries of effort, some 86 percent of Earth's species have yet to be fully described, according to new study that predicts our planet is home to 8.7 million species.
Why is it called a manila envelope?
The Manila hemp is derived from a species of banana originally from the Philippines, whose fibers are tough. The hemp is then used during the paper making process, similar to how Kraft paper uses wood pulp. So the mystery is solved, the manila envelope gets its name from the hemp in which it is made from.
What year was the blue M&M introduced?
Color changes in chocolate M&M's[edit] In early 1995, Mars ran a promotion in which consumers were invited to vote on which of blue, pink, or purple would replace the tan M&M's. Blue was the winner, replacing tan in the fall of 1995.'s
What kind of fish is in imitation crab meat?
Imitation crab or surimi (its Japanese name) means minced fish. The mincing process was developed in Japan almost 1,000 years ago. Imitation crab is made from mild-flavored, white-fleshed fish, usually pollack and/or whiting. The fish is deboned, minced and formed into a paste.
What does it mean when cows lay down?
For researchers have discovered that cows stand up for longer periods when it is hot — proving there is a definite link between their behaviour and the weather — because it also suggests they lie down when it is colder, which is often what happens to the weather just before it rains.
What does the A stand for in am radio?
Note on the left that when the carrier wave of FM radio is modulated with sound that the distance between the waves, or the frequency of the carrier wave, changes. Thus, AM radio works by changing the amplitude of the carrier wave and FM radio works by changing the frequency of the carrier wave. Frequency Response.
Who played Mary in It's a Wonderful Life?
Mary Hatch Bailey is a fictional character in Frank Capra's 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life. She is the high school sweetheart and later wife of protagonist George Bailey (played by James Stewart as an adult and Bobby Anderson as a child). Mary is played by Donna Reed as an adult and Jean Gale as a child.
What organs can regenerate themselves?
The liver is the only human internal organ capable of natural regeneration of lost tissue; as little as 25% of a liver can regenerate into a whole liver. Regeneration is very rapid. The liver will return to a normal size in one to two weeks following the removal of greater than 50% of the liver by mass.
What state is the source of the Mississippi River?
The source of the Upper Mississippi branch is traditionally accepted as Lake Itasca, 1,475 feet (450 m) above sea level in Itasca State Park in Clearwater County, Minnesota.
What does the G on the Green Bay Packers helmet stand for?
While everyone assumes the "G" stands for "Green Bay," the oval logo actually stands for "Greatness." The Packers hold a trademark on the logo which was created by equipment manager George Braisher back in 1961.
What year did they stop making nickels out of silver?
The United States changed the composition of its coins in 1965 from 90% silver and 10% copper to an all copper-nickel alloy. Dimes and quarters were 90% silver through 1964 and Kennedy half dollars were 90% silver in 1964 and then 40% silver from 1965–1970.
When were marshmallows invented?
During those times, Egyptians made individual marshmallows by hand by extracting sap from a mallow plant and mixing it with nuts and honey. This delicious sweet developed a new form when, in the 1800s, candy makers in France took the sap from marshmallow plants and combined it with egg whites and sugar.
Who wrote and sang Ruby Tuesday?
"Ruby Tuesday" is a song recorded by The Rolling Stones in 1966, released in January 1967. The song, coupled with "Let's Spend the Night Together", was a number-one hit in the United States and reached number three in the United Kingdom.
What makes something acidic or basic?
When a hydrogen ion is released, the solution becomes acidic. When a hydroxide ion is released, the solution becomes basic. Those two special ions determine whether you are looking at an acid or a base. For example, vinegar is also called acetic acid.
How many states are on the back of a five dollar bill?
When the Lincoln Memorial was constructed the names of 48 states were engraved on it. The picture of the Lincoln Memorial on the $5 bill only contains the names of 26 states. These are the 26 states that can be seen on the front side of the Lincoln memorial which is what is pictured on the $5 bill..
What does Big Ben refer to?
Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and often extended to refer to the clock and the clock tower.
When was grape juice invented?
Then in 1869, Welch invented a method of pasteurizing grape juice so that fermentation was stopped, and the drink was non-alcoholic. He persuaded local churches to adopt this non-alcoholic "wine" for communion services, calling it "Dr. Welch's Unfermented Wine."
What are the seas around Greece?
Greece is a country located in Southern Europe, its mainland located at the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula. Greece is surrounded on the north by Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia and Albania; to the west by the Ionian Sea; to the south by the Mediterranean Sea and to the east by the Aegean Sea and Turkey.
What colors make you feel hungry?
It's one of the reasons why most fast food colors are orange and red and why the color yellow makes babies cry. We know through many scientific tests that red causes us to feel hungry and we know that yellow makes babies think they are in the sunlight so thy cry to tell their moms that they don't like it.
What color is a crab?
While they might be bright red when they hit your dinner plate, crabs and lobsters are usually brown, olive-green or gray when alive and in the wild (at least in the mid-Atlantic U.S.; crustaceans farther south come in a variety of vibrant colors).
Which color of light is higher in energy?
The visible colors from shortest to longest wavelength are: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Ultraviolet radiation has a shorter wavelength than the visible violet light. Infrared radiation has a longer wavelength than visible red light.
Who wrote the wedding march?
Felix Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" in C major, written in 1842, is one of the best known of the pieces from his suite of incidental music (Op. 61) to Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream.
How much bigger is the sun than the earth?
Even though Jupiter is an enormous, massive planet, it's much smaller than the Sun. The Sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass of the Solar System. You could fit 109 Earths side by side to match the diameter of the Sun, and it would take 1.3 million planets the size of the Earth to fill it up.
How many islands are there in the Maldives?
The Maldives lies in two rows of atolls in the Indian Ocean, just across the equator. The country is made up of 1,190 coral islands formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls, spread over 90,000 square kilometers.
How fast is light in miles per second?
The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second), and in theory nothing can travel faster than light. In miles per hour, light speed is, well, a lot: about 670,616,629 mph. If you could travel at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second.
What does HALO stand for in the military?
High-altitude military parachuting (or military free fall (MFF)) is a method of delivering personnel, equipment, and supplies from a transport aircraft at a high altitude via free-fall parachute insertion. Two techniques are used: HALO (high altitude - low opening) and HAHO (high altitude - high opening).
Who invented the Slurpee?
Slurpee history[edit] Machines to make frozen beverages were invented by Omar Knedlik in the late 1950s. The idea for a slushed ice drink came when Knedlik's soda fountain broke down, forcing him to put his sodas in a freezer to stay cool, which caused them to become slushy.
What does CT stand for in medical terms?
CT, or CAT as they're pronounced, stands for "computerized axial tomography." In a CT scan, the patient lies on a table that slides into a scanning machine. Inside, an x-ray beam rotates around the body while detectors measure how much of the x-rays pass through the tissues and organs, indicating density.
How many federal prisons are there in the United States?
This briefing presents the first graphic we're aware of that aggregates the disparate systems of confinement in this country, which hold more than 2.4 million people in 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 2,259 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 Indian Country jails as well as in military ...
PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS. At 45 letters, this is the longest word you'll find in a major dictionary. An inflated version of silicosis, this is the full scientific name for a disease that causes inflammation in the lungs owing to the inhalation of very fine silica dust.
How heavy is a space shuttle?
The Space Shuttle weighed 165,000 pounds empty. Its external tank weighed 78,100 pounds empty and its two solid rocket boosters weighed 185,000 pounds empty each. Each solid rocket booster held 1.1 million pounds of fuel.
When was Homer Simpson born?
Homer was born on May 12, 1955. He was raised on a farm by his parents, Mona and Abraham Simpson. In the mid-1960s, while Homer was between nine and twelve years old, Mona went into hiding following a run-in with the law. Homer attended Springfield High School and fell in love with Marge Bouvier in 1974.
When did they put Abraham Lincoln on the penny?
The Lincoln cent or Lincoln penny is a cent coin (or penny) (1/100 of a dollar) that has been struck by the United States Mint since 1909. The obverse or heads side was designed by Victor David Brenner, as was the original reverse.
Do dolphins have a good sense of smell?
The dolphin's sense of touch is also well-developed, with free nerve endings densely packed in the skin, especially around the snout, pectoral fins and genital area. However, dolphins lack an olfactory nerve and lobes, and thus are believed to have no sense of smell.
Who was the god of love?
Eros (/ˈɪərɒs/ or US /ˈɛrɒs/; Greek: Ἔρως, "Desire"), in Greek mythology, was the Greek god of love. His Roman counterpart was Cupid ("desire"). Some myths make him a primordial god, while in other myths, he is the son of Aphrodite.
Is a fox a canid?
Foxes are part of a large family called Canidae, which includes wolves, coyotes, and domestic dogs. They all have long snouts, but unlike most other canines, you'll find a little cat in every fox.
How much money is there in the world?
All told, anyone looking for all of the U.S. dollars in the world in July 2013 could expect to find approximately $10.5 trillion in existence, using the M2 money supply definition. If you just want to count actual notes and coins, there are about U.S. $1.2 trillion floating around the globe.
How long did it take the Apollo missions to reach the moon?
Apollo missions took about three days to reach the moon. But the quickest trip to the moon was the New Horizons probe, which zipped past the moon in just 8 hours 35 minutes on its way to Pluto. However, the spacecraft didn't even slow down or approach lunar orbit.
What president served three consecutive terms?
On this day in 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented fourth term in office. FDR remains the only president to have served more than two terms.
How much does a NFL referee make?
For the 2013-2014 season, NFL referees got paid on average $173,000 (an increase from $149,000 the preceding year). Of course, rookie (first year) referees make much less, and verteran referees can make up to $200,000 per season.
How fast was the Concorde airplane?
With a take off speed of 220 knots (250mph) and a cruising speed of 1350mph – more than twice the speed of sound - a typical London to New York crossing would take a little less than three and a half hours as opposed to about eight hours for a subsonic flight.
When was the cigarette lighter invented?
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. The first lighter was produced in 1816 by a German chemist named Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner. "Döbereiner's lamp," as it was called, was a (highly dangerous) cartridge filled with hydrogen and triggered by a platinum catalyst.
Why do mosquito bites itch?
While bees and wasps inject venom when they sting, mosquitoes simply bite to feed on your blood. The bumps and itchiness that follow come from an anticoagulant that the mosquito injects to prevent your blood from clotting, which triggers a mild allergic reaction that includes the typical round, red bumps.
How did the word Cajun originate?
The French colonized Canada beginning in 1604, with many settling in what is now Nova Scotia but was then called Acadie. The word Cajun comes from the word Acadian.
How many ridges are on a quarter?
There are 118 ridges around the edge of a Roosevelt dime, 119 ridges around the edge of a quarter, and 150 ridges around the edge of a Kennedy half dollar.
Do fortune cookies come from China?
Like chop suey, fortune cookies are an American invention. They originated in California, but who the actual inventor was, and which city in California is the true home of the fortune cookie, has continued to be a matter of debate. Unequivocally not Chinese, the fortune cookie may in fact not even be Chinese American.
What exactly is evaporated milk?
Evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60% of the water removed from fresh milk. It differs from sweetened condensed milk, which contains added sugar. Sweetened condensed milk requires less processing since the added sugar inhibits bacterial growth.
Who is the legendary founder of the city of Rome?
According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, and demi-gods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753. The legend claims that, in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where the city would be located) Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
How many times was Harry Potter rejected by publishers?
J.K Rowling was famously rejected by a mighty 12 publishers before Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone was accepted by Bloomsbury - and even then only at the insistence of the chairman's eight-year-old daughter.
What are hieroglyphics?
Hieroglyphics was the written language of the ancient Egyptians. It was composed of sacred characters called hieroglyphs that were used for religious and governmental purposes. These characters can be seen today on temples, tombs and other sites of importance.
Where were the 2012 Olympics held?
The 2012 Olympics is the third summer Games to be held in the city of London. London has hosted summer Olympics twice before in 1908 and 1948 and with this year's Games the city will become the first to host the modern Games thrice.
Who was the first American president to actually live in the White House?
The Presidents and the White House: The first US President to live in the White House was John Adams ( the second President of the USA). Adams and his family moved to the White House in 1800.
Do snails have eyes?
Land snails have two sets of tentacles that stick out, the longer set of tentacles are the ones that have the snail's eyes. This way they can move their tentacles around to get the best view. Water snails, on the other hand, have eyes at the tentacles' base and they have only one pair of tentacles.
How many cervical vertebrae does a giraffe have?
Surprisingly, even with its long neck, the giraffe has the same number of vertebrae in its neck as humans do. Giraffe have seven cervical vertebrae, but each one can be about 10 inches long.
Is sodium chloride salt?
Sodium chloride, also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl, representing equal proportions of sodium and chlorine. Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of the ocean and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organisms.
When was the slogan Just Do It Created?
It was agency co-founder Dan Wieden who coined the now-famous slogan "Just Do It" for a 1988 Nike ad campaign, which was chosen by Advertising Age as one of the top five ad slogans of the 20th century and enshrined in the Smithsonian Institution.,_Inc.
Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise?
If you were to look down at the plane of the solar system from its 'north pole' you would see the planets orbiting the Sun counter clockwise, and rotating on their axis counterclockwise. Except for Venus. Venus would be rotating clockwise as it orbited the Sun counterclockwise. Venus is not alone.
Why do they call it the Lone Star State?
Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State to signify Texas as a former independent republic and as a reminder of the state's struggle for independence from Mexico. The "Lone Star" can be found on the Texas state flag and on the Texas state seal today.
What oceans border the United States?
The United States is located on the North American Continent. The United States of America is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, Canada to the north, and Mexico to the south.
What year was the ballpoint pen invented?
It was a familiar frustration that led to the invention of the modern ball-point pen - leaky ink. In 1938, Hungarian newspaper journalist Laszlo Biro noticed the ink used on the printing presses dried quickly and so tried using it in a fountain pen to avoid the problem of leaks, blots and smudges.
Where did the name Manhattan come from?
The name Manhattan derives from the word Manna-hata, as written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet, an officer on Henry Hudson's yacht Halve Maen (Half Moon). A 1610 map depicts the name as Manna-hata, twice, on both the west and east sides of the Mauritius River (later named the Hudson River).
Where is the thinker statue located?
The Thinker Locations Through Time - Notable Sales. The original marble copy of The Thinker currently resides in the Musee Rodin in Paris, France. The piece was moved to the museum after Rodin's death when his whole estate was given to the French Government.
Is sushi chinese or japanese food?
The original type of sushi(すし), known today as narezushi (馴れ寿司, 熟, fermented sushi), was first developed in Southeast Asia and spread to south China before introduced to Japan sometime around the 8th century. Fish was salted and wrapped in fermented rice, a traditional lacto-fermented rice dish.
Who wrote the first computer program?
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine.
How does salt help preserve meat?
Salting, especially of meat, is an ancient preservation technique. The salt draws out moisture and creates an environment inhospitable to bacteria. If salted in cold weather (so that the meat does not spoil while the salt has time to take effect), salted meat can last for years.
What kind of bird is Kazooie?
Kazooie is a red crested breegull who has appeared in all of the Banjo-Kazooie games up to date. Breegulls are fictional animals that resemble bird-like characters. Kazooie resides with Banjo most of the time. She lives with Banjo inside his blue backpack, yet has no deeper relationship with him.
Is the Big Dipper an asterism?
The Big Dipper is one of the most well-known and easily spotted collection of stars in the Northern Hemisphere, and although it is often mistaken to be a constellation, it is merely an asterism. It consists of seven bright stars and is part of the constellation Ursa Major or Great Bear.
How long does it take for nails to grow?
Thus, in humans, the nail of the index finger grows faster than that of the little finger; and fingernails grow up to four times faster than toenails. In humans, nails grow at an average rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month. Fingernails require three to six months to regrow completely, and toenails require 12 to 18 months.
Is there still a $1000 bill?
The Treasury insists that there's no need for bills larger than $100. Canada has halted the printing of $500 and $1,000 bills. The $500 bill is in circulation, while the $1,000 has been withdrawn. However, the $500 note has been around since that currency's inception.