How many songs can 8 gb hold?
According to Apple, the 8GB iPod can hold up to 2,000 songs, up to 7,000 photos, up to 8 hours of video. There is another thread that had more technical and link probably to different file formats. And 800 high quality audio files of 3-4 minutes each. That depends on several things.
Who invented the first alphabet?
The original alphabet was developed by a Semitic people living in or near Egypt.* They based it on the idea developed by the Egyptians, but used their own specific symbols. It was quickly adopted by their neighbors and relatives to the east and north, the Canaanites, the Hebrews, and the Phoenicians.
How long is the ball in play during a football game?
An average professional football game lasts 3 hours and 12 minutes, but if you tally up the time when the ball is actually in play, the action amounts to a mere 11 minutes.
What type of tea is good for nausea?
Without a doubt, ginger is the best stomach woe cure. Taken in any form, it will relieve nausea. Try ginger tea, gingerbread, or gingersnaps. If you're traveling, take along ginger sticks or crystallized ginger instead of travel sickness pills or patches.
Where did Vincent van Gogh paint the starry night?
The Starry Night is an oil on canvas painting by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June, 1889, it depicts the view (with the notable addition of an idealized village) from the east-facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise.
How many shots are in a fifth?
A standard American shot is 1.5 oz. A fifth of jack contains 25.6 oz. This means there are 17.07 shots in a standard fifth of Jack Daniels.
Why do they call it salt water taffy?
Candy store owner David Bradley's shop was flooded during a major storm in 1883. As a result of the flood, his entire stock of taffy was soaked with salty Atlantic Ocean water. When a young girl came into his shop and asked if he had any taffy for sale, he is said to have offered some "salt water taffy."
Are noodles a type of pasta?
Spaghetti and fettuccine are both noodles and pasta. Rice noodles like ramen are noodles but not pasta. All noodles are pasta, all pastas are not noodles.
What did Bruce Lee do to train?
Any conversation about Lee's training has to begin with his martial arts practice. Having begun his learning from the late grandmaster Yip Man in the Wing Chun style of Kung Fu, Lee kept progressing until he had formed his own method, Jeet Kune Do.
Who were the Bedouin tribes?
Bedouin, also spelled Beduin, Arabic Badawi, plural Badw, Arabic-speaking nomadic peoples of the Middle Eastern deserts, especially of North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan.
What was New York called before it was called New York?
The Dutch called the whole area of New York "Nieuw Nederland" (New Netherland) and they named a fort and town on the south end of Manhattan Island Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam), after the capital city of the Netherlands, which was to become present-day New York.
Is Yellowstone Park a volcano?
The Yellowstone Caldera is the volcanic caldera and supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano. The caldera and most of the park are located in the northwest corner of Wyoming.
Who is credited for creating the game of baseball?
You may have heard that a young man named Abner Doubleday invented the game known as baseball in Cooperstown, New York, during the summer of 1839. Doubleday then went on to become a Civil War hero, while baseball became America's beloved national pastime.
Who did Lombardi coach?
Vince Lombardi was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1913. As head coach and general manager of the Green Bay Packers, Lombardi led the team to three NFL championships and to victories in Super Bowls I and II (1967 and 1968).
What kind of bees can sting more than once?
Wasps and many bees can sting more than once because they are able to pull out their stinger without injuring themselves. Only honeybees have special hooks on their stinger that keep the stinger in the skin after a person is stung. The stinger gets torn out of the bee's body as it tries to fly away.
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
They come from the same fertilized egg and share the same genetic blueprint. To a standard DNA test, they are indistinguishable. But any forensics expert will tell you that there is at least one surefire way to tell them apart: identical twins do not have matching fingerprints.
What was the statue of liberty for?
"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924.
Do peanuts grow underground True or false?
Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as "tree nuts"). Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae. Legumes are edible seeds enclosed in pods.
Who were the original members of NATO?
At present, NATO has 28 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.
How many hours a day do koalas sleep?
This myth possibly arose as a way of explaining why Koalas sleep for up to 22 hours a day. They need more sleep than most animals because eucalyptus leaves contain toxins and are very low in nutrition and high in fibrous matter so they take a large amount of energy to digest.
Do you need to refrigerate soy sauce?
Even though the bottle says "refrigerate after opening," according to the Kikkoman website soy sauce will not spoil after opening as long as no other ingredients have been added to it. The high salt level is the reason for this. But you may begin to lose quality over time.
How is Sake made?
“Sake is made in a double fermentation process that has more in common with beer brewing.” Sake begins with special short-grain sake rice that has been polished to remove some of its outer layers. The rice is fermented by a fungus, and simultaneously by yeast. It is usually aged for about six months.
Why do they call it a penny?
The British pound was not divided into 100 cents like our dollar, but its smallest part was called a penny, and that's why we call our cent a "penny" today. But for more than one, the British called them "pence" while ours are called "pennies."
Which animal's eye is bigger than its brain?
Ostrich has the biggest eyes in the whole animal kingdom. Its eye is bigger than its brain. Ostriches don't hide their head in the sand. They will lay their head on the ground if they sense a danger.
How do we locate where a sound is coming from?
In the same way that people use two eyes to perceive depth, people use two ears to locate the origin of sounds. The left ear receives sound waves coming from the left slightly faster than the right ear does.
What type of cloud is a tornado formed in?
A: Most tornadoes form beneath the cumulonimbus clouds of thunderstorms, quite often the large, long-lasting thunderstorms called supercells. Cumulonimbus clouds can be very tall, having bases in the lower troposphere and strong updrafts that carry moisture into middle and upper levels of the troposphere.
Where is the Declaration of Independence Kept?
The Declaration of Independence: safe and sound and yours to see in the Rotunda of the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. Also on display are the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
Are the northern lights in the South Pole?
This results in an oval ring around each magnetic pole where auroras occur. The north pole aurora is called the aurora borealis and the aurora at the south pole is called the aurora australis. Depending on the level of recent solar activity, there may or may not be visible auroral activity all the way around the ring.
Why is it called Boxing Day?
A 'Christmas Box' in Britain is a name for a Christmas present. Boxing Day was a day off for servants and when they received a 'Christmas Box' from the master. The servants would also go home to give 'Christmas Boxes' to their families.
Why is it called the alphabet?
The English word alphabet came into Middle English from the Late Latin word alphabetum, which in turn originated in the Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphabētos), from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.
How long does a migraine usually last?
Migraines are disabling headaches that most likely stem from problems with the nerves and blood vessels in the head. Migraine headaches typically last from 4-72 hours. They may occur as often as several times a week to only once a year. People who have migraines are called migraineurs.
When was the first electric guitar made?
To counteract these problems, inventors experimented with solid-body guitars. In 1940, Les Paul created “The Log,” a guitar whose strings and pickups were mounted on a guitar body carved from a solid block of wood. The first recordings of electric guitars were made in 1933 by Hawaiian music artists such as Andy Iona.
Can you get stung by a dead jellyfish?
Jellyfish can sting with their tentacles if they brush against you when you're swimming in the ocean. You also can get stung if you step on a jellyfish, even a dead one. Usually, jellyfish stings will hurt, but are not emergencies.
How large is an oil barrel?
One barrel contains 42 gallons of crude oil from which, in the U.S., typically 19 gallons of gasoline are produced. In California, “additional other petroleum products such as alkylates” are added to the crude to create a “processing gain,” such that:
What time is on the back of the Independence Hall 100 dollar bill?
The time on the clock of Independence Hall on the reverse, according to the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, shows approximately 4:10 on the older contemporary notes and 10:30 on the series 2009A notes released in 2013.
Who made the first feature length animated film?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a 1937 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by RKO Radio Pictures. Based on the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, it is the first full-length cel animated feature film and the earliest in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series.
How many miles long is a light year?
It really is an incredibly long distance -- a lightyear is roughly 6 trillion miles or nearly 10 trillion kilometers. Here's how you calculate it. You start with the speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles per second. Then you multiply that by 3,600 seconds in an hour.
What is Julius Caesar famous for?
A politically adept and popular leader of the Roman Republic, Julius Caesar significantly transformed what became known as the Roman Empire, by greatly expanding its geographic reach and establishing its imperial system. While it has long been disputed, it's estimated that Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 or
How much does a gallon of 2 percent milk weigh?
This is because a gallon of milk weighs about 8.6 pounds, give or take, based upon whether it is whole milk (heavier) or skim (lighter). But for our purposes, the 8.6 and 11.63 are accurate enough.
What year was curling introduced to the Olympics?
Men's curling was included in the Olympic programme in 1924 at the first Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix. It was then dropped, and later re-introduced as a demonstration sport in 1932 in Lake Placid.
When was the pager invented?
The early 1990s is considered as the maturity stage of pagers. By 1994, there are 64 million pager users all over the world, which is 20 times than ten years ago. On one hand, the competition in pager industry became intense.
How much is a moment in time?
A moment is a medieval unit of time equal to 1.5 minutes or 1/40 of an hour. This reckoning is derived from the work of Bartholomeus Anglicus, writing in 1240 that each hour was divided into four points, each point into ten moments, each moment into twelve ounces, and each ounce into 47 atoms.
What is the name of the flower that smells like chocolate?
There is actually a flower that smells like chocolate. Cosmos atrosanguineus, aka chocolate cosmos, is a plant from Mexico that can grow up to about 24 inches high and has a maroon-colored flower. It's famous for it's chocolate-y scent, but don't be fooled. No part of this plant is edible.
Who was the first president of all 50 states?
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President of all 50 states. Hawaii, the 50th state, entered the union on August 21, 1959, during the Eishenhower's second term. Eisenhower was also the first President to hold a pilot's license.
Who was the last king of the Persian Empire?
Darius III. Detail of Darius III from the Alexander Mosaic. Darius III (c. 380 – July 330 BC), originally named Artashata and called Codomannus by the Greeks, was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia from 336 BC to 330 BC.
Why are prescription drug bottles orange?
Prescription bottles come in several different colors, the most common of which being orange or light brown due to its ability to prevent ultraviolet light from degrading the potentially photosensitive contents through photochemical reactions, while still letting enough visible light through for the contents to be ...
How many pairs of chromosomes are in a human body?
Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes), giving a total of 46 per cell. In addition to these, human cells have many hundreds of copies of the mitochondrial genome.
Which continent does not have an active volcano?
Active volcanoes are rare in Australia because there are no plate boundaries on this continent. However, there are two active volcanoes located 4000 kilometres south west of Perth on the Australian territories, Heard Island and the nearby McDonald Islands.
How many cups is 200 grams of flour?
The most common dry ingredients are flour (1 cup = 150g), sugar (1 cup = 200g), brown sugar (1 cup packed = 200g), rice (1 cup = 200g), raisins (1 cup = 140g). For butter 1 tablespoon is 15g, 1 stick is 110g and 1 cup is 225g. Confectioner's sugar is icing sugar (1 cup = 100g).
What does a chemical formula show?
a chemical formula that indicates the kinds of atoms and the number of each kind in a molecule of a compound. The molecular formula doesn't tell how the atoms in a compound are arranged. molecular formula. A chemical formula that shows the number and kinds of atoms in a molecule.
How many knots are there in a mile?
It is slightly more than a statute (land measured) mile (1 nautical mile = 1.1508 statute miles ). Nautical miles are used for charting and navigating. A knot is one nautical mile per hour (1 knot = 1.15 miles per hour ).
What is the dew point?
Dew point temperature is defined as the temperature to which the air would have to cool (at constant pressure and constant water vapor content) in order to reach saturation. A state of saturation exists when the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor possible at the existing temperature and pressure.
What is the definition of TATTARRATTAT?
The longest palindromic word in the Oxford English Dictionary is the onomatopoeic tattarrattat, coined by James Joyce in Ulysses (1922) for a knock on the door. The Guinness Book of Records gives the title to detartrated, the preterit and past participle of detartrate, a chemical term meaning to remove tartrates.
How long does it take for a baby to walk?
She'll learn to sit, roll over, and crawl before moving on to pulling up and standing at about 9 months. From then on, it's a matter of gaining confidence and balance. Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old.
How many forever stamps do I need to send a letter to London?
These examples are some actual postage prices to send a letter to the United Kingdom. One Forever Global stamp is worth $1.15, and will send an envelope containing one ounce to an International destination, but it will take three $.49 USPS Forever stamps to send that one ounce envelope.
When were hurricanes named?
Forecasters begin using names in 1950. In that year and in 1951, names were from the international phonetic alphabet in use at the time - Able, Baker, Charlie, etc. Female, English-language names were used beginning in 1953. Alternating male and female names were first used to name Atlantic Basin hurricanes in 1979.
Is a contraction one word or two?
A. Contracted words count as the number of words they would be if they were not contracted. For example, isn't, didn't, I'm, I'll are counted as two words (replacing is not, did not, I am, I will). Where the contraction replaces one word (e.g. can't for cannot ), it is counted as one word.
Who wrote The Little Mermaid?
"The Little Mermaid" (Danish: Den lille havfrue) is a well-known fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen about a young mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince.
What is the color of the universe?
Cosmic latte: The average colour of the Universe is beige. The Universe may appear like a vast expanse of darkness but the average colour is actually beige, according to scientists. They studied the colour of light emitted by 200,000 galaxies to see what the final mix would be if the entire sky was smeared out.
Can you freeze shredded cheddar cheese?
Yes, our shredded and sliced cheeses and natural cheese snacks can be frozen for up to two months. If you've already opened the package, be sure to press out as much air as possible before reclosing the package. Freezing and thawing may change the texture of the cheese, making it more crumbly.
How are you related to your 2nd cousin?
Your child and your cousin's child are second cousins. You and the children of your parents' second cousins are third cousins and share at least one great-great-grandparent. And so on with the fourth, fifth, and sixth cousins. A relationship that is removed is one that exists in two different genealogical generations.
When did Ferdinand Magellan start his voyage?
Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. His expedition completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth.
When was the first Simpsons episode made?
The half-hour series premiered on December 17, 1989, with "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", a Christmas special. "Some Enchanted Evening" was the first full-length episode produced, but it did not broadcast until May 1990, as the last episode of the first season, because of animation problems.
Who helped us in the Revolutionary War?
In the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), France fought alongside the United States, against Britain, in 1778. French money, munitions, soldiers and naval forces proved essential to America's victory over the Crown, but France gained little except large debts.
How much does a baby blue whale weigh at birth?
After about a year inside its mother's womb, a baby blue whale emerges weighing up to 3 tons (2.7 metric tons) and stretching to 25 feet (8 meters). It gorges on nothing but mother's milk and gains about 200 pounds (91 kilograms) every day for its first year.
Can animals see colors?
To see in full colour as we know it, humans use three cones – red, blue and green. However cats and dogs only have blue and green cones. This means they have a much more muted perception of colour, which is akin to colour blindness in humans.
What is Simba's mother's name?
Sarabi is Simba's mother, Mufasa's wife and Kiara's grandmother. Her name means "mirage" in Swahili.
How was oxygen discovered?
Discovery of Oxygen. Oxygen was discovered in 1774 by Joseph Priestley in England and two years earlier, but unpublished, by Carl W. Scheele in Sweden. Scheele heated several compounds including potassium nitrate, manganese oxide, and mercury oxide and found they released a gas which enhanced combustion.
What was the city of New York originally called?
The Dutch originally called the region New Netherland. New Amsterdam, which was established on Manhattan Island, later became New York City. The state is named for the Duke of York and Albany, who later became King James II.
Who ended the pax romana?
Not all emperors were unfit to rule. In fact, a series of leaders known as the Five Good Emperors ruled in succession and presided over a prolonged period of peace and prosperity. The last of these emperors, Marcus Aurelius, was the final emperor of the Pax Romana.
How much does the average train weigh?
A freight train weighs MUCH more then 1000 tons. A loaded grain train with 112 cars on average is about 15,000 tons. Loaded coal trains can be as heavy as 20,000 tons.
Who Named Pluto and Why?
The name Pluto was suggested by Venetia Burney, an 11-year old school girl in England. She was interested in ancient mythology, and thought that Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, made a good name. She suggested Pluto, to match the Roman god names given to the other planets.
How many fingers do the simpsons have?
The Simpsons characters, like almost all animated characters, have only four fingers on each hand.Only one Simpsons character has ever had five fingers. "God" is the only character portrayed on The Simpsons to ever have five fingers.
What percent of the population is ambidextrous?
About 90 percent of people are right-handed, says Corballis. The remaining 10 percent are either left-handed or some degree of ambidextrous, though people with "true" ambidexterity—i.e., no dominant hand at all—only make up about 1 percent of the population.
How deep does a whale go in the ocean?
They have been tracked by sonar diving to depths of 3,900 feet. However, one Sperm whale caught by a whaling ship in water 10,000 feet deep had a bottom-dwelling shark in its stomach, leading researchers to believe that the Sperm whale can dive a lot deeper than seems possible.
Which planet is made of ice?
Neptune, like Uranus, is one of the two outer planets known as an "ice giant." Made up of more ices than Jupiter and Saturn, the chilly body almost seems to be in a class by itself. Different images emphasize the features on Neptune.
What was the name of the first space shuttle?
The Space Shuttle Enterprise (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-101) was the first Space Shuttle. It was built for NASA as part of the Space Shuttle program to perform test flights in the atmosphere.
How many days are there of Chinese New Year?
The festival lasts for about 23 days, ending on the 15th day of the first lunar month in the following year in the Chinese calendar. Chinese New Year decorations, including red envelopes for money. Many people clean their homes to welcome the Spring Festival.
Is Antarctica a desert and why?
Despite its thick ice, Antarctica is classified as a desert because so little moisture falls from the sky. The inner regions of the continent receive an average of 2 inches (50 millimeters) of precipitation—primarily in the form of snow—each year. More rain falls in the Sahara desert.
What was Muhammad Ali's original name?
Muhammad Ali, original name Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. (born January 17, 1942, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.), American professional boxer and social activist. Ali was the first fighter to win the world heavyweight championship on three separate occasions; he successfully defended this title 19 times.
How many shipwrecks are on the ocean floor?
The United Nations estimates that there are over three million shipwrecks on the ocean floors. Lost, destroyed, or deliberately sunk, these wrecks are of interest to divers, underwater archaeologists, and treasure hunters alike.
What does it mean to deep six something?
To dispose of, discard, or get rid of: “The board of directors deep-sixed the proposal without even reading it.” This phrase is derived from the noun “deep six,” meaning burial at sea and referring to the depth of water necessary for such a burial.
How much weight does a Nascar driver lose during a race?
Temperatures in the car often exceed 100 degrees, reaching as much as 170 degrees by the floorboards. Drivers can lose 5-10 pounds in sweat during a race. If a driver loses more than 3 percent of his body weight in sweat and doesn't replace those fluids, focus and reflexes start declining.
Which US president had a PHD?
Woodrow Wilson. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921 and leader of the Progressive Movement. To date the only U.S. President to have held a Ph.D., he served as President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910.
What is the youngest driving age in the US?
In the vast majority of states, the minimum age for unsupervised driving is 16. The youngest legal drivers are in South Dakota at 14 years, 6 months. The oldest minimum age for driving is inNew Jersey at 17 years old.
Who is older Ross or Monica?
Monica is the younger sister of Ross Geller (David Schwimmer). She is best friends with Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc), and Ross's college roommate and best friend, Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry).
How much is the Nike logo worth?
For example, in 1971, Phil Knight paid Carolyn Davidson $35 to create the Nike "Swoosh" logo. Today, global brand consultancy Interbrand ranks Nike No. 25 on its list of the top 100 most valuable brands in the world, with an estimated value of more than $13 billion.
What came first ice ice baby or under pressure?
The song is a medley of "Under Pressure", originally recorded in 1981 by Queen and David Bowie, and "Ice Ice Baby", recorded by Vanilla Ice in 1989.
Which president is on the 500 dollar bill?
The $500 bank note depicts President William McKinley, while the $1,000 denomination features a portrait of President Grover Cleveland. To put the scarcity of these notes into perspective, the total number of $500 & $1,000 bills printed in all three series (1928, 1934, 1934-A) is just over 6.5 million.
What does the x in x ray stand for?
The answer is that a German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered a new form of radiation in 1895. He called it X-radiation because he didn’t know what it was. Yes, it’s as simple as that. This mysterious radiation had the ability to pass through many materials that absorb visible light.
Who signed the Declaration of Independence and later became president?
John Adams (1735-1826)—John Adams was the first Vice-President of the United States and the second President. He was a member (along with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman) chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence.
What was Muhammad Ali's name?
Muhammad Ali's Early Years and Amateur Career. Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., the elder son of Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr. (1912-1990) and Odessa Grady Clay (1917-1994), was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky. It was a red-and-white Schwinn that steered the future heavyweight champion to the sport of boxing.
How much does a cat sleep a day?
Anywhere from 16 to 20 hours a day, typically. For very young and very old cats, it's near the upper end of the range, and newborns sleep almost 24/7. While cats do spend at least two-thirds of their lives asleep, they're not “asleep” in quite the same way humans are.
Which island includes a bunch of bananas on its national flag?
The flag is blue with the Fijian arms drawn in gold and a carved whale tooth on a rope. Coat-of-Arms. According to Smith 1985, the specimens depicted in the Fijian coat-of-arms are three sugar canes, a coconut palm, a dove with olive branch and a bunch of bananas. The lion in the chief is holding a peeled coconut.
What do you call a group of sea turtles?
Although people who keep pet turtles tend to use the collective term "herd" to refer to a group of turtles, the classic collective term is a "bale of turtles."
Where did the word colonel come from?
Colonel came into English, according to The Oxford English Dictionary, in the mid-16th century from Middle French, and there were two forms of the word then, coronel (or coronelle, akin to Spanish coronel) and colonel, the latter form more clearly reflecting its Old Italian antecedent, colonello ("column of soldiers," ...
Who said if you love your job you never work a day in your life?
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” Confucius once said. If this is true, one of America's giants of jazz, trumpeter/scat singer Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong never worked a day in his 40-year musical career.
What is the difference between salary and hourly?
Generally, the hourly-paid employees will earn wages at the rate of time and one-half for the hours in excess of 40 per week. The salaried employees in high pay positions are not likely to receive additional pay for the hours in excess of 40 per week. However, employees with low salaries are entitled to overtime pay.
How old is the oldest tree?
The world's 10 oldest living trees. At 4,841 years old, this ancient bristlecone pine is the oldest known non-clonal organism on Earth. Located in the White Mountains of California, in Inyo National Forest, Methuselah's exact location is kept a close secret in order to protect it from the public.
How much paper can one tree make?
Since trees are different sizes, it would be difficult to say how much paper comes from one tree. According to one paper manufacturer, however, a cord of wood measuring 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet—or 128 cubic feet—produces nearly 90,000 sheets of bond-quality paper or 2,700 copies of a 35-page newspaper.