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if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
If both of these tests fail, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If the integer is neither positive nor negative, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
The conditions that tests for the integer's sign are mutually exclusive (i.e., one and only one of the conditions can be true); therefore, their order does not matter.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
To determine the sign of the integer, we need to perform two tests: one for determining whether the integer is positive and one for determining whether the integer is negative.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
Also, it is better to use if-else if statements instead of sequential if statements because an integer has only one sign and once we find the sign, we don't need to perform more tests.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If both of these tests fail, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
If the integer is neither positive nor negative, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
The conditions that tests for the integer's sign are mutually exclusive (i.e., one and only one of the conditions can be true); therefore, their order does not matter.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
To determine the sign of the integer, we need to perform two tests: one for determining whether the integer is positive and one for determining whether the integer is negative.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
Also, it is better to use if-else if statements instead of sequential if statements because an integer has only one sign and once we find the sign, we don't need to perform more tests.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
If both of these tests fail, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
System.out.println("The integer is positivie.");
This prints out "The integer is positive" so that the user knows that their value is positive.
This statement prints that the integer is positive.
System.out.println("The integer is positivie.");
This prints out "The integer is positive" so that the user knows that their value is positive.
The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
} else if ( num < 0 ) {
This checks if num is negative only when num fails to be positive.
If the first test fails (i.e., when the integer is not positive), we need to test if the integer is negative.
System.out.println("The integer is negative.");
This prints that "the integer is negative" so that the user knows that the value is negative.
The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
System.out.println("The integer is negative.");
This prints that "the integer is negative" so that the user knows that the value is negative.
This statement prints that the integer is negative.
} else {
This allows for the codes within the else brackets to execute only if the num is not neg or positive.
We need to end the above if-else if statements with an else statement that its body is executed when none of the above tests are true, that is when the integer is zero.
System.out.println("The integer is zero.");
This prints that the integer was zero so that the user knows that their value was 0.
The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
System.out.println("The integer is zero.");
This prints that the integer was zero so that the user knows that their value was 0.
This statement prints that the integer is zero.
int [] arr = { 1, 2, 3};
This stores the array [1,2,3] in a variable called arr so that the elements in arr can later be incremented.
We initialize the array of type int to hold the specified numbers.
int [] arr = { 1, 2, 3};
This stores the array [1,2,3] in a variable called arr so that the elements in arr can later be incremented.
We initialize the array by separating elements with a comma and enclosing the collection in braces { }.
for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
This loop will iterate through all elements in the array so that all values can be incremented.
We want to iterate over the array and increment each element in the array by 1.
for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
This loop will iterate through all elements in the array so that all values can be incremented.
To really change the array as we march across it, we need to use indexes so we can assign an updated value to each position as we go.
for ( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
This loop will iterate through all elements in the array so that all values can be incremented.
We need the array indexes to start at 0 (array indexes start from 0) with every integer number up to but not including the array length.
arr[i] += 1;
This grabs the value stored in index i of the array and increments it by 1 and adds it back to the array.
This statement increments the element at the index i of the array by 1.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This initiates a new scanner object with a variable name of scan.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This initiates a new scanner object with a variable name of scan.
We need to read and process the value that the user enters.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can be used to get input from the user.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can be used to get input from the user.
We need to read and process the value that the user enters.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This initiates a new scanner object with a variable name of scan.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This initiates a new scanner object with a variable name of scan.
We need to read and process the value that the user enters.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can be used to get input from the user.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can be used to get input from the user.
We need to read and process the value that the user enters.
System.out.println("Enter an integer for seconds: ");
This prints out "Enter an integer for seconds:" so that the user knows what to enter.
We prompt the user to enter the seconds.
int seconds = scan.nextInt();
This gets user input and saves it in an int variable called seconds.
We need to read the seconds that the user enters and store it in a variable.
int seconds = scan.nextInt();
This gets user input and saves it in an int variable called seconds.
We read the seconds by calling the nextInt() method because this input is an integer.
This closes scan since it will not be used anymore.
We close the scanner as we do not want to process any input from the user in the rest of the program.
int minutes = seconds / 60;
This divides the integer value that the user entered by 60 and saves it in a variable called minutes.
To obtain the minutes in seconds, we divide the seconds by 60 because there are 60 seconds in a minute.
int minutes = seconds / 60;
This divides the integer value that the user entered by 60 and saves it in a variable called minutes.
Note that since both operands of division operator are integer, the fractional part of the result is truncated, if there is any.
int remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
This takes the modulus of user input and 60 and saves it into an int variable named remaining Seconds.
This is because there are 60 seconds in a minute.
int remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
This takes the modulus of user input and 60 and saves it into an int variable named remaining Seconds.
Note that the % operator returns the remainder of the division.
int remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
This takes the modulus of user input and 60 and saves it into an int variable named remaining Seconds.
To obtain the remaining seconds after taking away the minutes, we have to take the remainder of the seconds divided by 60.
System.out.println(seconds + " seconds is " + minutes + " minutes and " + remainingSeconds + " seconds.");
This prints out the previously define minutes and remainingSeconds data.
This statement prints to the default standard output stream the minutes and remaining seconds from the input amount of time in seconds.
System.out.println(seconds + " seconds is " + minutes + " minutes and " + remainingSeconds + " seconds.");
This prints out the previously define minutes and remainingSeconds data.
The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
int num = 15;
This saves the integer 15 to a variable called num.
We define variable num to store the number that we want to find its smallest divisor.
int num = 15;
This saves the integer 15 to a variable called num.
We could initialize it to any positive integer greater than 1.
int num = 15;
This saves the integer 15 to a variable called num.
In this program, we initialize variable num to 15.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
While divisor is not a divisor of num, the body in the while function will execute.
Since we don't know ahead of time how many times the loop will be repeated, we need to use a while loop.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
While divisor is not a divisor of num, the body in the while function will execute.
We need to increment the divisor repeatedly as long as the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
While divisor is not a divisor of num, the body in the while function will execute.
Therefore, we need to use a loop structure.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
While divisor is not a divisor of num, the body in the while function will execute.
The condition in the while loop tests whether the body of the loop should be repeated, so it should test whether the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
While divisor is not a divisor of num, the body in the while function will execute.
We could check whether the divisor is not a factor of the number by computing the remainder of the division of the number by the divisor.
divisor += 1;
This increments divisor by one, so that in the next round, the while loop will check whether the data in divisor is a divisor of num.
When the divisor is not a factor of the number, we increment the variable divisor by 1.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This saves the integer 2 into a variable called divisor.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
This is the smallest possible divisor (greater than 1) of any number.
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
System.out.println("The smallest divisor of " + num + " is " + divisor);
This prints out what the smallest divisor of the number is.
This statement prints to the default standard output stream the smallest divisor of the number.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
int num = 1234;
We need to initialize an integer variable which will hold an arbitrary integer value, so that we can perform the necessary operation of extracting its digits from right to left.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
do {
It's the beginning of a do while loop, we need the program to loop through the length of the number, so as to extract the digits.
We need to process the digits of the integer from right to left and print them.
do {
It's the beginning of a do while loop, we need the program to loop through the length of the number, so as to extract the digits.
Therefore, we need to use a loop structure.
do {
It's the beginning of a do while loop, we need the program to loop through the length of the number, so as to extract the digits.
In this program, we do this by using a do loop.
do {
It's the beginning of a do while loop, we need the program to loop through the length of the number, so as to extract the digits.
The do loop is more appropriate than a while loop because a positive integer always has at least one digit which results in the body of the loop performing at least once.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This line of code , prints the last digit, that is the right most digit of the number.
Each printed digit is followed by the line separator (e.g. '\n') at the end.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This line of code , prints the last digit, that is the right most digit of the number.
We need to extract the last digit in the 1's position of the integer.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This line of code , prints the last digit, that is the right most digit of the number.
For example, if the integer is 1234, we want to extract the digit 4 that is in 1's position of the integer.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This line of code , prints the last digit, that is the right most digit of the number.
We do this by calculating the remainder of the division of the integer by 10.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This line of code , prints the last digit, that is the right most digit of the number.
Then, this statement prints the last digit of the integer to the standard output stream.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This works by taking its reminder when divided by 10, using the %(modulo) operator.
Each printed digit is followed by the line separator (e.g. '\n') at the end.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This works by taking its reminder when divided by 10, using the %(modulo) operator.
We need to extract the last digit in the 1's position of the integer.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This works by taking its reminder when divided by 10, using the %(modulo) operator.
For example, if the integer is 1234, we want to extract the digit 4 that is in 1's position of the integer.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This works by taking its reminder when divided by 10, using the %(modulo) operator.
We do this by calculating the remainder of the division of the integer by 10.
System.out.println(num % 10);
This works by taking its reminder when divided by 10, using the %(modulo) operator.
Then, this statement prints the last digit of the integer to the standard output stream.
int num = 1234;
This saves the integer, whose digits will be printed from left to right, in a variable called num.
We need variable num to store the integer that we want to print its digits.
num = num / 10;
After extracting the right most digit, we need to get rid of it from the number.
Therefore, this division will remove the digit that we processed (lastDigit) and we can move on to the next digit.
num = num / 10;
After extracting the right most digit, we need to get rid of it from the number.
We truncate the extracted digit that we processed from the original integer by dividing the integer by 10.
num = num / 10;
After extracting the right most digit, we need to get rid of it from the number.
Note that this statement performs an integer division because both operand of the / operator are integer.
num = num / 10;
To do that, we simply divide the integer number by 10, and the end result is a the same number without the right most digit.
Therefore, this division will remove the digit that we processed (lastDigit) and we can move on to the next digit.
num = num / 10;
To do that, we simply divide the integer number by 10, and the end result is a the same number without the right most digit.
We truncate the extracted digit that we processed from the original integer by dividing the integer by 10.
num = num / 10;
To do that, we simply divide the integer number by 10, and the end result is a the same number without the right most digit.
Note that this statement performs an integer division because both operand of the / operator are integer.
num = num / 10;
After that we replace the previous num value with this value (the one with the right most digit removed).
Therefore, this division will remove the digit that we processed (lastDigit) and we can move on to the next digit.
num = num / 10;
After that we replace the previous num value with this value (the one with the right most digit removed).
We truncate the extracted digit that we processed from the original integer by dividing the integer by 10.
num = num / 10;
After that we replace the previous num value with this value (the one with the right most digit removed).
Note that this statement performs an integer division because both operand of the / operator are integer.