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Point1 point = new Point1();
This line instantiates a new Point1 object named point.
The variable point holds a reference to a Point1 object.
int num = 15;
define integer "num" as 15
We define variable num to store the number that we want to find its smallest divisor.
int num = 15;
define integer "num" as 15
We could initialize it to any positive integer greater than 1.
int num = 15;
define integer "num" as 15
In this program, we initialize variable num to 15.
This line sets the variable x within the Point1 object to 7.
This statement invokes the method setX of the point to set its x-coordinate to 7.
int divisor = 2;
define integer "divisor" as 2
We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1.
int divisor = 2;
define integer "divisor" as 2
We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number.
point.translate(11, 6);
This line increments the variable x within the Point1 object by 11 and the y variable by 6.
This statement invokes the method translate of the point.
point.translate(11, 6);
This line increments the variable x within the Point1 object by 11 and the y variable by 6.
The second parameter specifies how much we want to shift the y-coordinate of the point.
point.translate(11, 6);
This line increments the variable x within the Point1 object by 11 and the y variable by 6.
The translate method receives two parameters.
point.translate(11, 6);
This line increments the variable x within the Point1 object by 11 and the y variable by 6.
The first parameter specifies how much we want to shift the x-coordinate of the point.
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ;
This prints the current value of the x and y variables within the Point1 object.
Note that we do not necessarily have to store the returned value from each of these methods in a variable.
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ;
This prints the current value of the x and y variables within the Point1 object.
We could use the returned value of them directly in the println statement.
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ;
This prints the current value of the x and y variables within the Point1 object.
This statement prints the coordinates of the point to the default standard output stream.
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ;
This prints the current value of the x and y variables within the Point1 object.
The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ;
This prints the current value of the x and y variables within the Point1 object.
To get the point's coordinates, we invoke the method getX and getY of the point.
class Point1 {
This defines the class Point1.
We define the class Point1 to represent a point in the Euclidean plane.
class Point1 {
Everything that follows after the opening bracket is part of the Point1 class (until closing bracket).
We define the class Point1 to represent a point in the Euclidean plane.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
Since we don't know ahead of time how many times the loop will be repeated, we need to use a while loop.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
We need to increment the divisor repeatedly as long as the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
Therefore, we need to use a loop structure.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
The condition in the while loop tests whether the body of the loop should be repeated, so it should test whether the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
We could check whether the divisor is not a factor of the number by computing the remainder of the division of the number by the divisor.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
Since we don't know ahead of time how many times the loop will be repeated, we need to use a while loop.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
We need to increment the divisor repeatedly as long as the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
Therefore, we need to use a loop structure.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
The condition in the while loop tests whether the body of the loop should be repeated, so it should test whether the divisor is not a factor of the number.
while (num % divisor != 0) {
run a while-loop as long as the remainder of num/divisor is not equal to 0
We could check whether the divisor is not a factor of the number by computing the remainder of the division of the number by the divisor.
private int y;
This line creates a private integer y variable to later be defined.
Therefore, we need to declare an instance variable for the class to store the y-coordinate of the point.
private int y;
This line creates a private integer y variable to later be defined.
We declare it as integer because we want to have integer coordinates for the point.
private int y;
This line creates a private integer y variable to later be defined.
Note that an instance variable is a variable defined in a class, for which each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy, or instance.
private int y;
This line creates a private integer y variable to later be defined.
Every object of the Point1 class will have its own y-coordinate.
public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
This defines the function translate and its parameters x and y.
This method shifts the coordinates by a specific delta-x and delta-y, which are passed as parameters.
public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
This defines the function translate and its parameters x and y.
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
This defines the function translate and its parameters x and y.
Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value.
public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
This defines the function translate and its parameters x and y.
Note that both of the parameters are declared as integers because the point has integer coordinates.
divisor += 1;
keep the adding 1 to newly defined "divisor" for each iteration
When the divisor is not a factor of the number, we increment the variable divisor by 1.
x += dx;
this line adds the arguments the user gives to the function, to x.
To shift the x-coordinate of the point, we need to add dx to the value of the x-coordinate of the point.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
This method sets the current value of the x-coordinate of the point to the given value (newX) that is specified as the method's parameter.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly changed from outside the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
The parameter of the method is declared as integer because the x-coordinate of the point is an integer.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
It can be changed from outside the class only through this method.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
This method sets the current value of the x-coordinate of the point to the given value (newX) that is specified as the method's parameter.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly changed from outside the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
The parameter of the method is declared as integer because the x-coordinate of the point is an integer.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
It can be changed from outside the class only through this method.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
This method sets the current value of the x-coordinate of the point to the given value (newX) that is specified as the method's parameter.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly changed from outside the class.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
The parameter of the method is declared as integer because the x-coordinate of the point is an integer.
public void setX(int newX) {
This defines the function setX and describes what parameters it should take (an int).
It can be changed from outside the class only through this method.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
This method returns the x-coordinate of the point.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly accessed from outside the class.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
Also, we define its return type as int, as it returns the x-coordinate of the point which is an integer.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
It can be accessed from outside the class only through this getter method.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
This method returns the x-coordinate of the point.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly accessed from outside the class.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
Also, we define its return type as int, as it returns the x-coordinate of the point which is an integer.
public int getX() {
defines fucntion getX
It can be accessed from outside the class only through this getter method.
System.out.println("The smallest divisor of " + num + " is " + divisor);
output the result of "divisor"'s last value to the user
This statement prints to the default standard output stream the smallest divisor of the number.
String fullName = "John Smith"
This stores the String "John Smith" into a string variable named fullName.
We define a string variable to hold the name.
String fullName = "John Smith"
fullName can later be used to get the data (initials) from it.
We define a string variable to hold the name.
String firstInitial = fullName.substring(0, 1);
This uses the fullName variable to get the first character from it and store it in a variable string called firstInitial.
We need to extract the first letter from the first name.
String firstInitial = fullName.substring(0, 1);
This uses the fullName variable to get the first character from it and store it in a variable string called firstInitial.
We do this by calling the substring(0,1) method.
String lastInitial = fullName.substring(5, 6);
This uses the fullName variable to get the 6th character from it and store it in a variable string called lastInitial.
We need to extract the first letter from the last name.
String lastInitial = fullName.substring(5, 6);
This uses the fullName variable to get the 6th character from it and store it in a variable string called lastInitial.
We do this by calling the substring(5,6) method.
String initials = firstInitial + lastInitial;
This creates a new string called initials by combining the firstInitial and lastInitial string.
This statements concatenates the extracted initials and store the result in the string initials.
This prints out the initials.
This statement prints the initials to the default standard output stream.
This prints out the initials.
The printed value is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
This prints out the initials.
This statement prints the initials to the default standard output stream.
This prints out the initials.
The printed value is followed by the end-of-line character at the end.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This creates a new scanner object called scan.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
This creates a new scanner object called scan.
We need to read and process the integer that the user enters.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can later be used to help retrieve user input.
To read the input value from the user, we need to define a Scanner object.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan can later be used to help retrieve user input.
We need to read and process the integer that the user enters.
System.out.println("Enter an integer: ");
This prints out "Enter an integer: " which tells the user what to do.
We prompt the user to enter an integer.
int num = scan.nextInt();
This saves what ever the user entered into an int variable called num/.
We read the input integer by calling the nextInt() method because this input is an integer.
int num = scan.nextInt();
This saves what ever the user entered into an int variable called num/.
We need to read the integer that the user enters and store it in a variable.
This closes / end the scanner since it will no longer be used.
We close the scanner as we do not want to process any input from the user in the rest of the program.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If the integer is neither positive nor negative, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
The conditions that tests for the integer's sign are mutually exclusive (i.e., one and only one of the conditions can be true); therefore, their order does not matter.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
To determine the sign of the integer, we need to perform two tests: one for determining whether the integer is positive and one for determining whether the integer is negative.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
Also, it is better to use if-else if statements instead of sequential if statements because an integer has only one sign and once we find the sign, we don't need to perform more tests.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If both of these tests fail, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If the integer is neither positive nor negative, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
The conditions that tests for the integer's sign are mutually exclusive (i.e., one and only one of the conditions can be true); therefore, their order does not matter.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
To determine the sign of the integer, we need to perform two tests: one for determining whether the integer is positive and one for determining whether the integer is negative.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
Also, it is better to use if-else if statements instead of sequential if statements because an integer has only one sign and once we find the sign, we don't need to perform more tests.
if ( num > 0 ) {
This checks whether the value given by the user was greater than 0.
If both of these tests fail, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
If the integer is neither positive nor negative, then we could conclude that the integer is zero.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
The conditions that tests for the integer's sign are mutually exclusive (i.e., one and only one of the conditions can be true); therefore, their order does not matter.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
To determine the sign of the integer, we need to perform two tests: one for determining whether the integer is positive and one for determining whether the integer is negative.
if ( num > 0 ) {
It can be used to check if the value is positive.
Also, it is better to use if-else if statements instead of sequential if statements because an integer has only one sign and once we find the sign, we don't need to perform more tests.